#And I think that’s beautiful
braxiatel · 10 months
Sometimes minecraft roleplay youtube shines as a medium because you get to see the same stories played out from different characters’ perspectives, giving you a more thorough understanding of their motives and thought processes, how narrative style can alter how a story is told, and how conflict can arise and be resolved in a domino esque fashion through seemingly innocuous and unconnected actions taken by multiple characters
Other times it shines because a group of youtubers will get together in a business meeting and one of them will go “hey I am going to place 250k blocks of dirt on top of our colleague’s base as a prank” and the others will have to offer to help because that is so wild none of them want to miss out on the content opportunity, and in doing so they will imply that their character is 100% down to spend an estimated 14 hours - 42 in universe minecraft days - shovelling dirt just to mess with one of their neighbours
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cubbyyyy · 2 months
Neil is there to protect the one who protects them all.
Andrew always knew how to protect. He sure has his own ways that many fail to understand but the bottom line stays the same.
With Neil coming into his life he gets to be something else than just the protector - which I want to talk about here.
The exy obsessed junkie who claims to only care about his own survival is the first one who sees beyond Andrews play - who sees that Andrew doesn’t take care of himself at all. Too busy keeping an eye on everyone to care about what happens to his own self. And Neil hates it furiously.
So Neil puts Andrew first.
Starting with his health. Exy is important to Neil but he knows Andrew needs to get off the drugs first. The foxes found it easier to deal with Andrew while he’s on drugs, so they didn’t put much effort into changing that - Neil though. Neil saw what the drugs did to Andrew. So they had to get rid off it as fast as possible.
So he makes a deal. He gives up a piece of a truth, gives a promise and makes him go take care of himself.
He punches Riko because he couldn’t stop himself.
He agrees to go to Evermore - he agrees to torture just to keep Andrew save.
Afterwards he refuses to back down his care after being explicitly told to. “If it means loosing you then no”.
After being brutally tortured, one of the first things he does is inspecting Andrews bruises. Inspecting Andrews bruises the same way Andrew inspects his. “All that time fighting and you never learned how to duck?”
He told the cops off when they indicated getting Andrew off him “you’ll what, asshole?”
He was there in a heartbeat the second Andrew got pushed in the final game. And only backed off after checking Andrew was really alright.
For the first time Andrew has someone who has his back the same way he had the backs of everyone else for years. Andrew is fiercely protective and for the first time he is fiercely protected too.
“You are a pipe dream.”
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i-suggest-weed · 8 months
it’s nice to see that in 30 years matthew lillard has not expanded his acting repertoire at all, it’s still just freaks, stoners, gays and murderers
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gothic-soda · 1 year
Sometimes self care is playing Age of Calamity and reminding yourself that there is a world where the Champions, Link and Zelda are all happy and alive. Age of Calamity is just a 100k “Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies” ao3 fic come to life and I fully support that.
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beabnormal24 · 25 days
People be like: omg they must hate each other so fiercely, they must wish the worst misfortunes over one another, they must meet as the sun starts to set and fight each other until the last drop of blood hits the ground.
And then it’s literally a coquette babygirl reincarnated into a grown up man with broad shoulders and a cunty sexually confused man with a pair of big brown cow eyes.
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
the qsmp is like if those stories about family and community and love were also about insane amounts of explicit gay sex and the messiest polycule known to man
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sunlightmurdock · 1 month
personally if I were around Bradley Bradshaw or Jake Seresin, I would fuel their already thriving frenemy situation by asking if they’re going to “wear their matching outfits again today” any time that they’re required to be in uniform
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squishsquashsmosh · 2 months
sometimes a family is you, your husband, his boyfriend, your wife, and your husband’s son who is also him and also the protector of the realm
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trashendence · 1 year
i really think eddie instinctively taking his distance from the suffering of those he loves - by enlisting a second time, by not entering buck’s hospital room - should be taken as the character flaw that it is. because it’s only human to take a step back in front of a fire that promises to burn you to the ground. it’s only human to try and find shelter where everything hurts a little less. that’s exactly what buck’s coma dream was about; escaping pain. and eddie is the bravest soul, he’d give his life for the people he loves without a second thought but when even that wouldn’t help? he has to go - just for a while, just until he understands what his role in this new, awful reality is.
and the really astounding thing about this specific characteristic of eddie’s psyche is that buck has him figured out so well he imagines a version of eddie who lives in LA while his kid is in texas even if it kills him - even if he keeps fighting for him every day.
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phatcatphergus · 3 months
Also, tubbo is destined to be itty bitty and friends with a giant buff ass bekyamon in every universe
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insiemes · 2 years
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how can anyone (mainly charlie spring) not see that nick nelson is head over heels in love with this boy
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andro-dino · 2 months
tag team
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streatfeild · 23 days
btw if i were a starfleet captain my catchphrase would either be "gib ihm" or "gönn uns"
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goofsoda · 30 days
I remember that MONTHS ago on ninjago twt someone came up with a crackship between jay and sub-agent prentis but then nobody talked about it ever again🙂‍↕️
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ship so underrated it lasted like two days and it doesn’t even have a name
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sunderingstars · 2 months
boothill is vash if vash was completely deranged and vulgar and not at all committed to pacifism
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mabsart · 2 years
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[Star Wars Rebels: Kalluzeb]
“I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want”
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