#Allura’s and Romelle’s hair are similar enough
heynhay · 3 months
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redrew my old Romellura art that KD unearthed lolll
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corvus--rex · 2 years
So, I started this back in December, wrote about 25 words for it, and then it just sat there doing absolutely the fuck nothing. Until tonight apparently when I added 1k+ to it out of nowhere. To be totally clear, I have no idea where this is going, but figuring out cis swapped versions of everyone is interesting.
It happened gradually.  One by one they just disappeared.  All five Paladins, gone from the castle.  The Lions were still in their hangars, but neither Allura nor Coran could find any trace of their pilots.
Keith woke with a groan, uncomfortable on the hard floor.  Maybe that gladiator drone hit him harder than he thought.  He was immediately aware of a toe nudging him in the ribs.  Reflexes kicked in before rational thought and he grabbed the leg attached to the toe, throwing its owner to the floor.  His attempt to pin them was thwarted, their positions flipped, and he once again found himself on his back on the floor.  Keith felt like he was looking into a mirror, or more accurately, some hologram simulation Pidge might have come up with.  The French braid hanging over one shoulder didn’t particularly surprise him, he knew his own hair was getting long, it was the narrower jaw, softer lines, slimmer frame.  While the person pinning him to the floor looked like his clone, he knew that unless Zarkon’s witch had upped her genetic experiment game, she couldn’t be.  He also knew he didn’t have a sister, he’d had enough visions in the Quantum Abyss to tell him that.  So who the actual fuck was this girl that looked like his copy?
She released him without warning, getting up and extending a hand.  “Come on, I don’t bite.  Much.  I’m Keira.  And who the fuck are you, besides being my not-clone?”
Keith accepted the assistance cautiously.  “Keith.  And who the fuck are you?”
Keira rolled her eyes at him, the expression familiar even on a feminine face.  “I already told you.  Keira?  Let’s go, I know Lea’s going to want to meet you.”
“Who?” he asked, following her out of what looked exactly like the castle’s training deck.
“Lea.  Sorry.  Leandra.  My girlfriend.  What about you?”
“What?  Oh, right.  I have a boyfriend.  Lance.”
“Huh.  Even alt-me is gay.”
“Yeah.  Very much so.  Where the fuck are we?”
Keira turned around, gesturing to the walls as she walked backwards.  “This is the Castle of Lions.”
Keith stopped.  “And next you’re gonna tell me you're a Paladin of Voltron.”
Keira stopped as well.  “What else would I be.  But that means that you're one too.  Holy shit, I think you're from an alternate reality.  One where it’s very similar but slightly different.  I wanna know how similar.  How’s your dad?”
“He…died.  When I was-”
“Six?  That’s when my mom died.”
“And yours?  Your dad, I mean.”
“Blade of Marmora.”
“So’s my mom.  I think literally everything is flipped.  I think your girlfriend is the other version of my boyfriend.  Our parents are flipped.  Next you’re going to tell me that Allura and Coran are flipped too.”
“I need to find Lea,” Keira said as she turned around again, leading the way faster than before, “And who the fuck are Allura and Coran?”
Keith broke into a jog to catch up.  “Princess Allura, and Coran.  When we found them in cryosleep we thought they were the last Alteans.  Turned out we were wrong about that, but that’s an entirely separate story.”
“Oh, you mean Prince Allurant and Corranore.  Yeah, we thought they were the last Alteans too.  But then I took an accidental road trip with my dad and we found a secret Altean colony.  Met Romellus there.  He’s a little scatterbrained, but I like him.  Dad kind of adopted him.”
“Yeah, Mom basically adopted Romelle when we found her.  It sounds like all our events are the same.  Like, nothing is different except for this,” Keith said, waving a hand between himself and Keira.
“I think we should be able to figure this out with Pidge’s help.  He’s our tech genius, and probably yours too.”
“She is.”  He stopped again before following Keira.  “Goddammit, that means that Matt’s a girl here.  I don’t want to know what that looks like.”
Keira turned to walk backward again.  “Maddie’s a guy?  That dork?  But hold on, you didn’t call Pidge anything different.”
“No, she goes by Pidge and threatens to stab anyone who calls her Katie.”
“Yeah, that sounds like Pidge.  Ok, this was the last place I saw Lea.  She’s usually with Hana now.”
They were in front of the kitchen, and Keith could only assume that Hana was their Hunk.  Keith stopped short, suddenly realizing that Shiro had to have a female counterpart in this reality as well.  As much as Pidge liked to tease him about being the emo loner, he really didn’t know how to hide his emotions other than literally running, and he knew that this realization was written all over his face.
“What?” Keira asked.
“Your Shiro…”
“What?” she asked again, but the confused crease between her dark brows smoothed when she realized, “Oh…Shiro, Shirogane…yeah.  That might be…interesting…I’m assuming your Shirogane adopted sibling is a guy too?”
“Yeah.  Shirogane Takashi.  Six-three, built like a brick shithouse but is actually a massive dork, metal arm…”
Keira nodded.  “Shirogane Yukiko.  Or just Yuki.  Adalie, her fiancée back on Earth, used to call her ‘The Amazon’.  But that was before Kerberos.  Before Yuki, Maddie and Sam – Samantha Holt, Pidge’s mom – got captured by the Galra.”  She shook her head, clearing the memories of her last days at the Garrison.  “Anyway, we’re here to find Lea.  And probably Hana.”
Keira turned on her heel, soundlessly stomping into the kitchen.  Keith had met Lance’s sister Rachel before, and if he hadn’t known better, he would have thought it was her sitting on the counter, nearly knocking a bowl over with her storytelling.  Keith noticed the other girl moving around the space, Hunk’s twin sister if he’d had one.  He was distracted enough that he didn’t see the other two people at first.  Not until a familiar high-pitched shout of his name came through.
“Keith!” Lance yelled, leaping over the counter.  He stopped when he got closer, cautious.  “You are my Keith, aren’t you?”
“Probably?  As long as we’re still together and you still leave dirty clothes all over the floor.”
Lance made a shrill indignant sound.  “…Yeah, that’s fair.  Ok, you are my Keith.”
“Well, fuck, Lea, you’re the same in every reality,” Keira said, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend.
“Rude.  Laundry is not as important as good skin care.  Not that you’d know anything about that,” Leandra shot back, muttering something about shower soap not being anywhere near the same thing.
“What?  Soap is soap,” both Keith and Keira said at the same time.
Hunk and Hana just shared a look and sighed.
Links to the rest of the series:
1 | 2 | 3* | 4 | 5* | 6* | 7 | 8 | 9* | 10 | 11 | 12* | 13 | 14 | 15* | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19* | 20* | 21* | 22* | 23* | 24* | 25
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how would Lotor Dalir make the marriage proposal to Allura ?
Hi, anon! Thanks for your note! I’ve received a similar question previously about what would their wedding look like, and I feel in that similar vein, there are two answers to the marriage proposal.
1.) It’s excessively opulent. He breaks out all the sparklies on a very expensive date to an opulent Indian restaurant. Then it’s an expensive night on the town, racing expensive sports cars on the streets, and then perhaps a romantic walk among the fountains in a park he’s rented all to themselves. And it’s in the park that he proposes to her. He believes Allura Singh deserves the best, and he would absolutely give her that with the full extent that his privileged billionaire life would let him.
Some side notes about cultural traditions and engagements:
As a half-Iranian, Lotor would likely know Iranian proposal traditions. The Khaseghari is a step in the proposal process where the potential groom goes to meet the family and potential bride to discuss a marriage. But Allura Singh has no family (besides Romelle) and is of a modern mindset, so if I understand correctly, him courting her in general with his father’s approval would be considered the Khaseghari. During that date where he proposes, he would try to showcase his merits, hers, and how well they they are together to encourage her to accept.
The next step would be the Baleh Borān, which is the ceremony of the groom’s parents offering a ring to the bride, to encourage her to accept the proposal. (Someone please imagine with me Zarkon and Honerva doing this, lol.)
There’s several other steps in traditional Iranian proposals, including the Namzadi (bride and groom exchanging engagement rings), the Shirini Khorān (eating sweets together), the Jahāz Barān (exchanging of gifts), and Hanā Bandān (Henna Night, in which the bride and also sometimes the groom receive henna body art).
But as a half-Punjabi, Lotor would also know Punjabi proposal traditions. If I understand it correctly, he would first ask for Allura’s hand in marriage (Roka), and they would pursue the Thaka together, which is a formal declaration of intent to marry. Then would come the Kurmai/Chunni Chadai, the giving of engagement rings and gifts and sweets (shagun).
From there would be the Mehendi and Sangeet, which takes place the day before the wedding, in which both Lotor and Allura would get Mehendi (henna body art), and be adorned with eucalyptus oil, clove oil and lemon juice water.
(I’ve based this information off what I discovered online. Please someone correct me if I am misrepresenting or misspelling anything. I want to really respect these cultures!)
There’s a lot of similarities between the two cultures’ traditions, so I think Lotor and Allura would try to combine them as best as possible for their engagement ceremonies.
In an opulent proposal, this whole proposal/engagement process could span over quite a lot of time.
2.) But also please consider an alternative that I feel Lotor and Allura are both just spastic enough to do. The proposal and resulting engagement and wedding could be entirely an impromptu thing after some very successful dating and a great day at the race tracks.
By that, I mean, Lotor picking up Allura, the both of them in dirty motor suits from their recent runs, and him begging for her to marry him that night. And she accepts in a giggle. Lotor goes running by his father, declaring loudly that he and Allura are to be married that evening. Zarkon squawks in the background because this is against tradition, how can they possibly engage and marry in one day —
Honerva Dalir magically drops in from a helicopter to drum up all that’s needed for the makeshift engagement rituals, gathering team Voltron to be Allura’s family for the ceremonies. Lotor is racing to buy ring-pops. Ezor naturally has a henna tattoo kit. Zethrid cries for the first time in her life as she runs to get funnel cake for the traditional bride/groom eating of sweets together.
Lotor and Allura are sweaty messes with windblown hair and struggling not to munch on their ring pops, and some of their henna smudges because they didn’t wait long enough for it to dry, but they’re the happiest babs getting married right there at the raceway during a sunset.
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Give Me Somebody to Dance With
Written for @gentronlegendaryfriendships Day 4 Prompt: Mistaken for Couple | Dancing Word Count: 2,325 Characters: Romelle & Keith
Read on AO3
“Ah, this is where you ran off to!”
Keith looked up toward the door of the break room to see that the owner of the voice that had spoken was Romelle, who stood in the entryway, giving him a little wave. At his feet, Kosmo peered up from his own nap and thumped his tail at the sight of their visitor. “I didn’t run off,” Keith said. “I politely excused myself.” He doubted it was really a big deal. The party that the MFE pilots had decided to throw in the Atlas’s cafeteria to celebrate the end of a long week of missions was hardly the same thing as one of Voltron’s diplomatic gatherings that required Keith to be there and on his best behavior. He didn’t need to stick around if he had better things to do.
“Still, I couldn’t help but be curious, you know?” said Romelle. “Why did you leave?”
Keith shrugged. “Too noisy for me. Not really big on parties in general. What about you?”
“Oh, I was growing tired, that’s all,” Romelle replied. “Needed a break. Do you mind terribly if I join you?” She gestured toward the couch.
Keith scooted to the side. “Be my guest.”
With a smile, Romelle crossed the room and took a seat, careful to keep her feet off of the sleeping Kosmo. “You know,” she said once she was settled, “Tiring though the party was, you did rather miss out. It’s quite fun down there.”
“Eh, not really my kind of fun,” Keith said.
“Hunk made most of the sweets that were being served. You like those, don’t you?”
“He always saves me leftovers.”
“And Coran and Allura were giving people a lesson on Altean culture. Coran was telling stories, and Allura was teaching people some traditional dances. Of course, Lance taught her a couple of traditional Earth dances in return.” She twirled a strand of hair thoughtfully around her finger. “Do you happen to know much about the cultural significance of ‘Fortnite Dances’?”
Keith shook his head. “Wouldn’t know. I, uh, don’t know much about dancing in general.”
“Hmm. I’ll have to ask him about the history later then, I suppose.” Romelle cocked her head toward Keith with a smile. “It certainly wouldn’t hurt, you know, to learn a little about dancing. It’s a beautiful art form, really. Can be quite freeing. And when done in company, dancing with others, there’s a bond that forms, I feel. Both between the people and the dance’s history. A lot of the ones that hold the test of time have stories behind them. For example, The Two Yonwood Tree Dance was actually - ” Her smile suddenly faltered. “Well, ah, I suppose you’d want to ask Allura about it, not me.”
“Hm? Why?” Keith asked with a frown.
“That’s one of the dances she was showing the others at the party. And it’s - it’s different, from the way I learned it.” She sighed, releasing the hair that she had been twirling and letting it spring back into shape beside her ear. “It certainly makes sense, I admit. The Altea she knows and the colony I know existed thousands of years apart. Of course there would be differences. Still, it would have been nice…”
“... You miss it, don’t you?” Keith said slowly.
Romelle chewed her lip for a long moment before answering, “At times. On the one hand, it turns out that the place I called home was really a front for a mad prince to kill off our people by harvesting their quintessence, so, admittedly that does sour the memories somewhat.”
“Uh - ” Keith said, unsure how else he could possibly respond to that.
“But,” Romelle continued. “For the longest time… it was still home. Where I had grown up, where my family and friends were. It was a comfort. And for it to all come crashing down upon me so rapidly, well…” She sighed. “It would have been nice to get another piece of it back. You know what that’s like, Keith? Were you that way with Earth, when you left?”
Keith hesitated. An empathetic ear would be nice for Romelle right now, a chance for her to talk about homesickness to someone who understood the feeling and who’d been through something similar, but truth be told, he hadn’t felt the same way. He hadn’t been homesick, at least not the way his teammates had. Sure, there were things he missed about Earth, like fast food and his favorite radio stations and the desert hares that lived close to his shack.
But you couldn’t be homesick for a place that had never really been home. He had learned that in his time in foster care, bouncing from one house to another, some nice enough, some not so much, but never with families who were truly sad to see him go. There was always the sense that he wasn’t supposed to be there, that he wasn’t truly welcome, that he was the square peg someone had tried to force into a round hole. He felt like that at the Garrison, too, and when he’d lived in his desert shack, the place had been too empty, too unfeeling to be home.
Maybe that place had felt like home once before, back when he and his dad had lived out in the desert together, but that was too long ago. He couldn’t remember the feeling of home, so he may as well have never felt it at all. And he didn’t quite feel at home in the castle, and certainly not with the Blade, or on that whale.
“Not really,” he finally answered. “I just never really had a home to miss.”
Romelle blinked at him as if needing a moment to comprehend what he said, then took in a sharp breath and moved her gaze to her feet. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I hadn’t realized.”
Again Keith shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. Not like I was starving in the streets or anything. I had houses, roofs over my head, just… not homes, I guess.”
“Mmm. I think I can get that,” Romelle said slowly. “I believe that was a bit of the concept behind the Altean colony, that home’s not about where it is, it’s about what’s in it. Everyone deserves to have a piece of home. People and pastimes that are comforting and welcoming. You… you really don’t…?”
“I mean, I’ve got Shiro,” Keith amended. “So if we’re talking making people our homes, then that’s - I guess that’s close. Although, of course, things have been turbulent ever since Kerberos, but - ” He shook his head. “Anyway, ah - we weren’t talking about - I mean, I’m not the one who’s feeling homesick here.”
“Ah, what an elegant deflection,” Romelle said with a little smile. “But, well, yes. I like to think I’ve held my composure quite splendidly ever since - since everything that happened. But, oh, I don’t know, at times little reminders start to pick away at me. Like that dance I mentioned. My father taught me the Two Yonwood Tree Dance when I was younger, and I always would dance it with Bandor. So I suppose, seeing Allura perform it so differently, well, it was a little reminder that - that things have changed. That home as I knew it is gone now.”
The two sat in thoughtful silence for a moment after she finished, Romelle with a faraway look in her eyes. Keith interrupted the quiet by clearing his throat. “Hey, uh,” he said. “How would you do the dance differently?”
“Well, the basic movements are more or less the same still, although Allura’s added some twirls that weren’t there before. And the way she was showing how to grip your partner and the way your feet move, there was a - a flowiness, of sorts, I suppose you could say, and that - well, it’s a bit difficult to explain in words.”
“... All right,” Keith said, setting his tablet aside and getting to his feet. “So show me.”
Romelle’s eyes lit up in delight. “Really? You mean, right here and now?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“I thought you didn’t like to dance.”
“Well, maybe it’ll grow on me.” He bent down to push the low table that was in front of the couch out of the way, and Kosmo opened his eyes and lifted his nose an inch to observe the proceedings. “So,” Keith continued, moving back to the couch, “What sort of music is this dance supposed to go with? Is it a slow dance, a fast one?”
“I believe you can dance it to most any tempo,” Romelle answered. “But it has to be fairly high and light. That represents the wind that the trees are dancing in.”
Keith thought a moment, then turned on his tablet, pulled up a search bar, and typed in ‘flute music’. He tapped the first video that came up and turned back to Romelle as the music started. “This work?” he asked.
Romelle nodded eagerly. “Oh, definitely!” She hopped up from the couch, moving deftly around Kosmo to join Keith in the little makeshift dance floor. “All right, so we start facing each other, with our hands locked, like so.” She positioned Keith and took his hands in her own, spreading their arms to the side. “Now, traditionally for most Altean dances with partners, the taller of the pair is supposed to lead.”
“Ah…” Keith said.
“Fortunately I learned it with Bandor, so I’m used to playing the part of the taller partner. No need for you to fret.” She tilted her head at Keith with a slight frown. “Although, really, you aren’t that much taller than me. You’re quite sure you’re a Galra?”
“What? Yes, I’m sure.”
“It’s just, well, you’re certainly the smallest Galra I’ve encountered thus far, and I wasn’t sure if – ”
“Let’s just dance,” Keith grunted.
Romelle nodded hastily and returned her attention to her posture. “Right, of course. Go ahead and start by following my feet, like this.”
She started to lead, and Keith followed her feet in a slow box-step pattern, each step moving them only a few inches. “This is the easy part,” Romelle explained. “Your feet keep in more or less the same pattern for the whole dance, and only move slightly. The majority of the movement in the dance comes from the waist and the arms. Here.” She guided his upper body as they swayed from side to side. “You’ll need to loosen up a little, Keith,” she continued after a moment. “Relax your shoulders and wrists.”
“Sorry,” Keith said. He let out a slow breath, trying to oblige and release the tension in his torso. “Never did a dance like this before.”
“Do you have much dancing experience?” Romelle asked.
“Well, in fourth grade they made us all learn to square dance…” He fought down a shudder at that memory. “But other than that, no.”
“It should come fairly naturally to you. I’ve seen you swordfight plenty by now, and you can be astoundingly graceful with your body.”
Keith let out a little snort. “I’m pretty sure the two skills are more different than alike.”
“How so?”
“For one thing, it’s my understanding that stabbing your dancing partner is, uh, frowned upon.”
Romelle laughed lightly. “All right, fair point. Speaking of not hurting your partner, do try not to step on my toes.”
Hastily Keith moved his gaze back to his feet to get them off of Romelle’s. “Sorry,” he said again.
“You’re starting to take steps that are too large, see,” said Romelle. “The movement of the dance is based on the yonwood trees, so the lower half of your body is the trunk, and it has to be grounded and firm. The upper half is the branches, and those move and sway. Here, I’m going to lift the arms, spread your fingers once they’re over your head.”
Keith watched Romelle’s finger for his cue as to when to move his own, and leaned with her motions as she swept their bodies in a circle. “There you go,” she said. “Stay relaxed, it makes it easier.”
“I’m trying,” Keith grunted. “So, you said that this dance has some sort of history behind it?”
“Mm-hm,” said Romelle. “If I recall correctly, one of the early kings of Altea had yonwood trees planted in the ceremonial courtyard where the royal family would greet visitors. So yonwood trees came to represent a greeting of sorts. The dance is based on the image of two people meeting and uniting for the first time, and the juxtaposition of firmness and flexibility as keys to partnership. Like… like me joining your team.”
“I – I see.”
“Lean back now, stretch your arms out.” She demonstrated, and Keith mirrored her. “I don’t know if I ever thanked you for that, by the way.”
“Thanked me for what?” Keith asked.
“For welcoming me onto your team. Into your family. It is… it’s certainly something that I needed. Gives me a purpose of sorts. Gave me back, well, something that I was missing.”
“Hey, don’t act like it was us doing you a favor,” Keith said. “You’ve been just as much a help to Voltron as Voltron’s been to you. Besides – ” He gave her a soft smile as they straightened again, bringing their hands to the center. “Kosmo likes you too much to let you go.” The wolf in question wagged his tail at the mention of his name.
Romelle laughed. “I suppose there’s no arguing with that last point.”
The music from the tablet began to wind down, and Romelle brought her feet back together, releasing Keith’s hands and stepping back with a little curtsy. “Thank you for indulging me, Keith,” she said.
“No problem. Uh, thanks for teaching me your – your dance thing.”
“Perhaps at some point you could return the favor and teach me this ‘square dance’ you mentioned.”
“Not if our lives depended on it.”
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curiosity-killed · 5 years
almost like memory
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@bbtree first off: thank you so much <3 and also thank you for accidentally giving me an excuse to wander off into a Shallura genre I don’t normally touch (ngl I had to make myself stop bc otherwise I was never going to get it posted - so fingers crossed, there may be more to come!)
His colors are wrong. Under the fluorescent lights, everyone becomes washed out and green-tinged, like they're half-human, half-hologram. The group leader had apologized for it at their first session, explaining that the church didn't have the money to upgrade to the new system that illuminates most the city. Attendance has dropped off over the years, and now more people enter for these support groups than for Sunday services. If she had to guess, it's only the state funding for these groups that's even keeping the flickering lights on.
The lights aren't the problem with him. It's something deeper, bigger: his hair's too dark or there's something missing in his face or his green t-shirt is the wrong shade. He should be in black. She brushes the thoughts away with a shake of her head. This is the first time she's ever seen the man, and they haven't even met yet. Just another delusion, mixing streams. The doctors have assured her that it’s normal, that though she can’t remember it, she still has a past locked away inside her, and occasionally her subconscious might let a little slip through and muddle her new reality. He introduces himself as Ryou Kurogane, and it’s wrong wrong wrong. The intensity of her conviction is stomach-churning, nearly nauseating. She can’t get it to shut up. He smiles at her when it’s her turn to introduce herself, and she smiles back reflexively before she remembers to duck her head, let her hair fall in a dark curtain between them.
Words don’t come easily to her. She doesn’t know if that’s new or if it’s always been that way. The doctors weren’t much help; they don’t like to talk about her past at all, even if they know it. They say it isn’t conducive to healthy recovery, to establishing her new identity. 
After the session, Ryou – not Ryou, wrong wrong wr— stays to help the group leader fold up and stack the chairs along the side. She finds herself lingering, reluctant to leave. She doesn’t know why, exactly, just that there’s something drawing her to stay. To keep close to him. She’s fussing with the water cups, flimsy little biodegradable things, when she hears him step up close. “Hi,” he says. She startles at how close his voice is, and when she turns, he raises his hands in apology. There’s something not quite right about them. They’re too similar, identical creases in his palms. She shakes it off. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he says. “You’re Romelle, right?” Somehow, the name the doctors gave her sounds even more wrong in his voice. Her lips twitch up in what’s meant to be a smile but comes out closer to a grimace. “And you’re Ryou,” she says. It doesn’t sound better in her voice either. “That’s me,” he says, pushing his hands back into his pockets. His shoulders curve in with the motion, as if he’s trying to narrow himself, bend himself into a smaller space. He’s taller than her. She’s not sure why it surprises her, except that she thinks he wasn’t always. Isn’t always. That makes no sense at all. It’s not like their heights could change. “Sorry, you just – you seem really familiar,” Ryou-not-Ryou says. “I – uh wanted to say hi.” “Oh,” she says. Surprise ripples through her – and relief. It’s a foreign thing, distant, as if from someone else. “I uh – I’m – I’m sorry, I was in an accident a few months ago and don’t remember – much.” The words stumble out of her mouth, tripping and falling over each other all out of order. She winces when they land, regret rushing through her before she can shut herself up. “Oh!” Ryou says. “I – I know how you feel.” She stares, waiting for the second half of whatever joke this must be. “I was in an accident, too. Amnesia, everything before is just – blank,” he explains. It seems almost too perfect to be true. How could they wind up with the same story? But there’s nothing but sincerity in his voice and gaze, and something deep in her chest says he wouldn’t lie. Not about this. Not to her. “Oh. That’s – I’m sorry,” she says. He gives a little shrug with his left shoulder as if to brush off the apology. The smile he offers her doesn’t reach his eyes, just pulls up one side of his lips. “Sounds like we’re in the same ship anyway,” he says. A funny way of saying it, but she manages a smile in response. There’s something worming up her chest, words half-formed in her throat. “Do you wanna get a bite?” He looks almost surprised by his own words, as if he hadn’t meant to let them escape. She feels the same when she answers without a conscious decision. “Yes.” They wind up in a little diner half a block down from the church, a quiet little Akubari place that uses an outdated waitstaff model, the kind that would have been popular when Allura was young. It’s all blank, but she spent hours researching them one night, watching videos of their jerky movement and listening to recordings of their little trills and beeps, in case someone brought up nostalgia for them around her. They haven’t yet, but when they do, she’s ready. She’s prepared with a whole set of pretend memories so she’ll have a chance to connect with this future stranger, a chance to imagine a shared experience. He orders tea and grilbeck with mango and she settles on water and a thick yellow soup. Learning – relearning – her own tastes over the last few months has largely been too daunting a task to expend much effort towards; she's grown used to the food that's cheap and easy, sandwiches and pre-packaged dinners. She's not sure she likes them exactly, but figuring out how to live without a past, without an identity or network or any kind of supporting structure, is exhausting enough that sometimes she just wants something to be easy. Food is a simple enough opportunity for that. “I don’t think I’ve ever tried Akubari,” she remarks. At least not in the last three months. Maybe the other her, the past her, had. “One of my neighbors is from Akubara, actually,” he says. “They kinda got me hooked on it.” There’s a sheepish tone to his voice, as if he’s almost embarrassed by the admission. It makes her smile, her nerves inanely assuaged by the description. She doesn’t really have neighbors – or, well, there are people who live in the apartments beside and above and below hers, but they don’t talk. She’s seen maybe two of them out and about in the building all told. “I’ve heard their food culture incorporates a great deal of sharing,” she says. “Yeah! Drufbila just showed up at my door one day and ushered me in to the dinner table like I was their cousin or something,” he laughs. “Their mom kept fussing over whether I was eating enough, of course.” She breathes out a laugh at that, struck by the image of the great tentacled Akubari prodding him to take just a little more of each dish. Next to their towering, amorphous forms, his lean frame probably would seem underfed. It warms her to know someone, at least, is looking out for him. Weird. She shakes the thought away, disguises it as amusement. “What about your neighbors? Any nosey grandmas there?” he asks, leaning his cheek on his hand. The motion curves his body towards her, shoulders and waist twisted as if to block out the few diners sitting in the rest of the restaurant. His attention is a gentle thing, like sunlight or — Ridiculous. The sun hasn’t been seen through the smog here in decades. She’d have to have been off-planet to have an idea of what sunlight felt like, and surely, then, someone would have been there after her accident. No one traveled alone, not that far. If she ever had, there would have been someone to notice her missing, someone to seek her out. “Oh, no,” she says. “I’m afraid my building mostly keeps to ourselves.” “That’s a shame,” he says, a sympathetic twist to his lips. “Can’t help with–” He flicks his hand up in a little gesture towards his head, and she shrugs. “It can be a little lonely,” she concedes. Before he can ask more, their food arrives on the creaking arm of their servant and is slid onto their table in three jerky pushes. Her soup nearly slops over the lip of the blue bowl with the motion, and she has to steady it with her hands. Finished, the robot gives a happy little beep, and he reaches out to pat its head. “Thanks, bud,” he says. The robot rolls away with a contented little three-note trill. He turns back to her with a little smile and lifts his fork. “Bon appetite,” he says. “Buen provecho,” she answers, from somewhere she doesn’t quite recognize. He grins, still, and she can’t bring herself to question it when that smile is so unmuddied, so clear and easy. “You wanna try some?” he offers, gesturing to his plate with the fork. Orange glaze covers the blue of the grilbeck meat, turning it almost green, and mango slivers stick out of the flesh like oddly colored spines. It’s pretty, in its own way, even in the yellowish light of the diner. “Sure,” she agrees. “Want some of mine?” They wind up with the dishes in the middle of the table, snagging a bite from each plate with equal frequency. It feels…familiar. Comfortable. Like this isn’t the first time they’ve done this. She recognizes something in his expression when he takes the first spoonful from her soup and cants his head, considering. She’s seen that look before, seen the thoughtful way he savors the bite before swallowing and giving a thumbs up. Partway into their meal, conversation resumes once more, and comes back to them as easily as sharing. “Yeah, I have Doctor Honerva, too! That’s so weird,” he says. “How have we not bumped into each other at her office?” She shakes her head and licks a bit of mango glaze off her bottom lip. His gaze drops to follow the motion, just briefly, before flitting back to meet hers. A flush starts, warm pleasure rising in her cheeks. “It’s quite a coincidence,” she agrees. Maybe that’s where she remembers him from – maybe she’s seen him in passing and those memories have become conflated with those locked away from her. “Maybe we’ll see each other now that we’ve met.” “I’d like that,” he says. There’s a warmth to his gaze, a steady sincerity in his tone, that makes her duck her head. This is the longest she’s spent with anyone aside from her doctors since waking to a cold white room three months ago. It’s getting to her head, surely. She’s not sure she minds. “Me, too,” she agrees, meeting his gaze. The moment stretches between them, soft and welcome. She could make a home in this moment, in the gentle way he looks at her, in the pleasure in the soft curve of his lips. For the first time in months, she feels warm. Safe. A four-note beep announces the robot’s return, breaking apart their quiet. They split the check and head to the door. It’s started raining, the drizzly kind that leaves the whole city stinking of wet concrete. For once, it doesn’t bother her. It’s barely a footnote next to the chapter that this evening has become. He pauses outside the door, hands back in his pockets, shoulders bowed inward. “I’m down that way,” he says, nodding in the opposite direction of her apartment. “I’m afraid I’m the opposite way,” she says. Do his shoulders slump? Maybe she’s just looking for signs now. “I – I’d really like to see you again. If you want,” he says. He bites down on the inside of his bottom lip, watching her intently. Warmth flushes through her, up to the tips of her ears. She smiles and only barely keeps it from beaming. “I’d quite like that, too,” she admits. “Here, why don’t we trade numbers?” At that, he seems to light up from within. He straightens out, broad shoulders squaring back into their full breadth, and he pulls his phone from his pocket immediately. Surprised delight radiates through his entire being as he unlocks it and flips through to the right screen. Watching him through her lashes as she does the same, she can’t suppress the feeling that this, for once, is right. This is what is meant to be. Somehow, impossibly. They trade numbers and say farewell with smiles, and when she glances back over her shoulder as she walks away, she catches him looking back as well. They both laugh, as if at themselves, and give a little wave before continuing on their way. When she gets home, she’s greeted by a grave-like apartment and her treatment unit sitting ready on her end table. She stands in her doorway, considering the machine. It’s simple, easy to use. Back at the hospital, there’s a much larger version, but this one was specifically designed for home treatment. She’s supposed to use it every night, to help her brain heal. It always leaves her feeling numb, grey. Like it strips the color from her day and replaces it with a fresh coat of waiting-room-off-white. Normally, that isn’t much of a problem. Her routine is simple and largely emotionless. Painting over it is like laying a layer of grey over ninety other layers of nearly the same shade. Today, though – she wants to keep today. She wants the gentle gold of his attention, the soft grey of his eyes. The colors aren’t quite right – but at least there are colors this time. There are shades and hues she doesn’t know she’s ever seen or felt. It’s not what the doctors told her to do, but she doesn’t want to sacrifice them this time. She doesn’t want to cover up the silver flecks in his eyes with matte. The unit is tucked neatly in her bathroom cabinet, and she settles into her blankets with a strange feeling of satisfaction. That night, she dreams impossible things. She dreams of space, unfurling in feathery nebulae with tendrils curling purple and red around newborn stars. She dreams of machines, great ships and weapons that soar through the edges of the universe. She dreams — of him. His warm eyes, his fierce dedication. His hands, one flesh and one metal, cradling her jaw like something precious, like something to be adored. His lips are soft when they press against hers, his heart beats steady and strong against her palm. His voice aches when he speaks, a single word that is a prayer, a plea, a promise – “Allura,” he says. “Allura, Allura, Allura.”
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ceryanie · 4 years
I guess I'll need to express this. I'm sorry, but I don't see nothing wrong with people believing Pidge is a Tomboy. They have their reasons.
Um... Hello. It's been a long time since VLD ended, and I'm like two years late, that's for sure and I'm conscious of it.
However, I guess I needed to express something since I didn't see anyone having the same opinion or talking about this the same way I do. I didn't have many people in this topic to agree with, I guess there are some, but I don't blame them if they didn't want to share that here.
I want to say this before I start. The first: Maybe this is going to be a very long post, I don't know how much I'm going to write or how long it takes, so, sorry if it takes a lot of time to read. Second: Maybe I'm going to reply to some points or arguments that I've heard and I feel the need to answer them; however, I'm going to be as respectful and kind as possible, because my main purpose is not ofending anyone or their feelings. Third: please, don't feel harassed, attacked or offended. This post is not made to attack personally someone. It's made basically in order to express my opinions, you have the right to answer to it, I support freedom of expression, and as much as that means your can even insult me, I also have the rights to read your notes and answer to them properly.
So, now that I made this visible, let's start.
I've seen arguments, I've seen opinions and I've seen personal identification. Being a person who has also seen lots and lots of opinions about the show in general, specific treatment of the characters, critical opinions about how and why the show went down, ships analysis and theories and... Like, more. Looking for a lot of information in this fandom like I never imagined I could be able to do because of all the polemic situation behind, I evidently found opinions which I have a very solid disagreement with. Opinions that I thought didn't had answers or nobody answered them, and sadly I guess this is one of these.
I don't have any single problem with people seen Pidge as a girly girl, inf fact, I don't blame any of them, any. It's not even their fault, they'll have their complaints and even myself have some of how this came out. So, please, If you want to keep seeing her this way without any problem, please, do it! Keep what you're doing! This is a fandom, that's what fandom's are for, for expressing ideas, theories, points if view, headcanons, whatever! I also don't have any problem with girly girls in the show, its completely fine that there are, I even love minor characters that just appear in comics, like Princess Malocoti, so... Yeah, and underrated comic female character is one of my favorites.
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I don't think its bad being girly, I don't anything bad with it. I'm also a girl myself. They can be girly, cute and be even more than that! Not only that, but I don't have any problem with other Pidge's headcanons.
My personal complaint it's because of some people whose form of public expression shows the necessity of others seeing the things the same way they do. Saying “its Canon, true facts” while I guess they are (maybe not intentionally) omitting some details that also can be easily considered as Canon and can explain why people see Pidge this way. I felt the necessity of doing this because It wasn't said enough, maybe it's not the popular opinion. I found not discussions, not answers... And I think it needed to be said. You don't need to agree with me, in fact I don't have faith for people publicly say the same as me. So, feel free to express yourself in the notes and reblogs.
So, while I do understand where the arguments come from or why, I have some stuff that I think can answer them. After this first section, of course I have even more to say.
1. Pidge dressed like a boy to enter to the Garrison, being this the only alternative she had.
Sorry but... That's very accurate! That's true. But, what happened to it? Was that exactly the only option she had? No. In fact, dressing like a boy wasn't a necessity. As someone whose name I reserve the mention (its out of Tumblr) “There were already girls at the Garrison”.
She was not obligated to dress like a boy and the show already showed how women in the Garrison (and out) were appreciated and recognized as strong as men there. Ina Leifsdottir, Rizavi, Veronica, Sanda, Colleen... These women already showed having great qualities that make them deserving of their charges. And not to mention the girl students in the first chapter.
And more appart?! Allura, who was incredibly important for Voltron. Axca, Ezor, Zethrid, Romelle... I don't think women were treated so bad in the show that could make Pidge feel bad for herself in order to see herself “obligated” to dress like a boy just to have others respect and be in the same group as men. Instead of existing discrimination, the teamwork and the cooperation of both genders existed in the show. Not to mention that in this, women are the most intelligent, capable and strong characters.
I'm sure Pidge knew she was a girl, I don't find a way about how dressing like a boy is going to easily tell her otherwise. There are women in the Garrison already capable enough, so there wasn't a reason for Pidge feeling bad because she was a girl, the Garrison accepted girls since the first chapter.
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Apart, as I mentioned before, it wasn't the only option she had. If Pidge dressed like a boy, was because she preferred it for some reason, (a reason, by the way, that wasn’t shown), if not, I guess that was a writing or animation mistake. She easily could've changed her identity, not exactly her gender. It would have been better in order to preserve her feminity if they wanted so. It didn't seem to me like she forcedly had to cut her hair and abandon her feminity if she was that worried for that or if that was so important for her. Yes, it sounds like an argument in favor of trans Pidge, and while I do not share the same pint of view as the pople who think she is, I guess this point is a good one, there’s not even a reason for Pidge to dress like a boy in first place.
I had a suggestion.
Instead of the flashbacks we received, I would have preferred an episode of Pidge using her intelligence and spy capacities to steal different girls clothes in a clothing store, trick the employees and making sure her mom didn't suspect anything; after, questioning her most important decision: Go to the Garrison to save her family, which was so important to her that didn't even mind cutting her hair. Also, It would've been good to explain why she preferred to dress like a boy instead of using other options.
I personally didn't like how this happened because of how simple and lacked of effort her change was. Apart from her hair and glasses, she looked exactly the same, as similar as the girl who already hacked a very confidential information at the Garrison. Since that moment, they should've been more suspicious about Pidge Gunderson, even if he was a boy. It only made this seem like the security at the Garrison was low and people was not able to have common sense (that or being really bad at watching or identifying faces). Not only that, but, is Iverson ignoring the fact that “Pidge Gunderson” has exactly the same voice as Katie Holt?! And he even didn’t suspect?! It just felt like... they needed something to explain why the character has the design she has and being a girl, and if it is, it... it just didn’t need it anyway. It would've been funny seeing Pidge getting in trouble in the previous suggestion or at least disguise as a boy, but deal with Iverson. He could have known it earlier and have the dynamic of trying to catch Pidge while she's in the space, for example. Being suspicious but trying to catch her slowly while she notices he knew who she really was and start to take action passive and cleverly. I don't know, anything that could let Pidge know she's not dealing with any person. That would have made more sense, letting know how new Pidge was at trying this kind of stuff because she never had to do something like this before. Intelligent move between Pidge and Iverson every time in the academy with daring, sassiness and blackmail on the way and end being who she was before again with no problem. Other options are still the blackmail or dressing as another different girl and make an effort to look completely unlike, which would make Iverson and the rest of the members, more to identify her than just cutting her hair and pretend that nobody will notice her. And they didn’t for a while! LOL WHAAAT?! I mean, I know is a show dedicated to a general audience and everything doesn’t need to be that complex, but reinforcing the reason of why her decisions were this way and make that more than just the paladins could notice her, could’ve made her change have sense and still being simple. Wait, now that I think about it a little more, it seems like the Paladins have a better eye than military forces at this point.
2. Pidge felt awful because she loved her long hair and cut it.
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 I can’t deny that Pidge didn’t even seemed comfortable taking a big and risky desition like this. This also brings my comprehension of people thinking that this is the only option she had. Because it seemed like that, and they have their reasons. She looked like she didn’t want to do this and it’s sad to not see why she taked this decision specifically.
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I think, however, this argument is actually omitting other reasons completely justifyable to Pidge's feelings that are also according to her story and the flashbacks. 
The situation implies even more than this point. It implies her identity. Along with how she dressed, it also includes every part of herselft, all she was, her whole life was going to change for who knew how long. Her life at school, her hobbies on Earth, and even her interactions with her mom which also were going to cease.
A teenager took the decision to go to an academy alone just to then travel to the space to find her family and not telling her mom anything about it. She also had the probability to die out there without finding anything.
Another reason to be worried like Pidge, it’s the fear of being recognized one way or another. If that happens, possibilities of finding Matt or her father could decrease due to the time they could’ve been out. They were supposed to be “missing”, how long could they survive if they were alive? If Iverson catches, it would’ve been more difficult for her to enter again, even if she could have. They were going to increase the security and make sure more than usual to prevent her from getting into the Garrison so easily.  The more difficult it becomes to find her family, the more time it takes in order to succeed and find it alive.
It can be more okay to me if they mentioned.
Please, remember that Pidge also has more important objective behind and also has to do with this.
3. The comparison with Mulan.
I... I guess I understand how people felt bad because of how Pidge "left behind her feminity of her gender" just two enter to it, imaginating how hurt she had while cutting her hair. Also, the comparison is viable if we think about the disguise, which is the strongest connection I could find, however, some factors like the personal reasons and the ambientations were omitted again. 
Other kinds of people can also see the purpose in both characters:  «Articulate a new vision of the female hero, question and scoff at social conventions and interrogate, through the deconstruction of gender binarisms, the precepts by which we build and order our reality», or at least, it seems so. Both characters are shown like female role models in positions where men are usually placed.
However, the characters have specific differences one from another. Specially if we talk about the personal experiences they have.
For Mulan, it was a higher necesity, and It had to do with her gender, because of historical and cultural instances. A man of every family had to be recluted and her father had to go even though he was sick. It was a crucial obligation serving the army. Mulan was in disagreement and decided to serve in the military, but her only way she could do this is not only changing her identity, but also her gender, trying to keep herself undercover. It’s  also important to point out the way she couldn’t fit with the norms of her gender at that time. If we take the point of Pidge being comfortable with who she was and avoid mentioning her current changes as time passed in the show, we could see a difference between them. 
In other comparison, Pidge had to disguise herself in order to be unrecognizable; it wasn’t exactly a gender problem, because her main  purpose was to hide her identity, and her ambientation, unlike Mulan, was stable enough to disguise as any person of any gender in order to enter to the Garrison. The main objective was remaining long enough to find Matt. In this case we see Pidge cutting her hair and using Matt’s glasses instead of using a more elaborated disguise that can succesfully pass undercover, which is less convincent, taking into consideration, aspects like her face and eyes, enough to make her look suspitious.
The differences are in the ways each character reach a reason to disguise and the resources that let them to it; the way they act over the circumstances. Maybe it’s something that you know, this point seems irrelevant if we talk about the common factor that makes people compare them, however, this is used not just to make a simple and compelling comparison, but as a strong argument in order to make people who desagree look like they don’t have any other option. They can’t see Pidge as a Tomboy even if the show already has some hints to it (and let’s not talk about her at the end of season 8 ). 4. Clothes and gestures
Some people bring the argument to the table that Pidge is girly because she wore a dress. I don’t know about you, but I guess there’s more muliebrity than just wearing a dress. Many of Pidge’s  gestures seemed to be from neutral to male (of course, with some exceptions already seen to enfazise the fact that she’s a girl after all). If we consider the “gender roles” again, Pidge is not much of a character atached to them. In fact, after the flashbacks, going back to who she was didn’t even seem as important as it should be. The character never mention anything about it again, letting me know how low her interest was; her clothes changes aren’t so femenine and is focused of things  men are usually interested while being a girl, not to mention the typical “smart anime boy gesture”, and the different tones of her voice and their variants sound noticely more agressive  compared to characters like Ezor or Allura.
5. (And last one, I hope) Sexual orientation?
It’s been days and months since I started to write this post, so, I really wanted to cover some things and not post things like this in a while. 
I’m not in favor of headcanons forcely being above the facts in the show. I don’t have any problem with people’s imagination or creating a personal sexual orientation to their favorite character, It can hapen and I guess I’ve done that myself; however, Pidges sexual orientation is not confirmed. This can go for both:
a) People who believe Pidge is lesbian/asexual/pansexual/bisexual...
b) People who believe Pidge is straight until otherwise is shown.
For both kinds of people, the character simply doesn’t have almost anything related to it confirmed, specially because the writers gave her character another focus. In this case, literaly every suspition is posible or imposible, depending of how good the writing is, because there’s no negativity or confirmation behind it. The character could be as lesbian, asexual or others, as completely straight. There’s no limitation in this section. It all depends of the ideas, the writing and execution you want to give it. I’ve been reading the nonconformity of the people in this subject. I think both sides have veru extreme solutions, even though there’s no actually a “truth” in there. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
People always are going to have different perceptions and are allowed to create new ones and let their imagination go, and that’s one of the greatest thing in fandoms, however, things can go a little bit extreme when people become angry and not tolerate other persons opinion. That’s why I’m writing this. I’ve read some comments telling others what to think and how to think, or what kind of headcanons they should have, and even though English is not my first language, I guess there are some things that needed to be said. There are people like that in fandoms in general, but this thing about Pidge has called my atention long time ago.
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Twenty-Nine.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Elegance. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Victorian!AU. Status: Part 4/4
She tightened his tie more tightly so that the knot was perfect enough and the collar of his shirt didn't get messy, earning a small claim from her son for pulling him while ordering the last details of his outfit made for that afternoon, where important figures and renowned people would visit the estate of her dear friend Allura that afternoon. Katie gave him a brief warning look to keep his still for a few more seconds as soon as she heard a refusal about the outfit that Katie chose so carefully while removing wrinkles from his suit with her hands to finish her job.
''Daddy, mom is squeezing a lot.'' The boy complained as soon as he saw his father enter the room looking for something in the furniture that decorated it. Katie raised an inquiring eyebrow.
''You are very wrong if you think that your dear father will help you escape, I still have to brush your hair.''
''Pope!'' The fearful boy groaned at his mother's words, but Keith just shrugged with a funny laugh as he continued searching through the drawers of the room.
''I'm sorry buddy, mom is ordering you properly so that all of our friends see how big you've grown since last summer.'' Keith said approaching his wife, drawing her attention with one hand on her shoulder. ''Pidge, do you know where I left the silver shirt cufflinks?''
''They broke up at Lance's house during your last friendly competition.'' Answered sardonic Pidge, hitting both hands in allusion to the fight they had months ago for drinking too much. Keith walked away ashamed of his wife. ''You can use the wolf shirt cufflinks, they will look good with your jacket.''
''Yes, I think you are right.''
She snorted in response listening to her husband head towards the bathroom with the ornaments on his hands while doing her best to battle with the hair of her beloved son. The knots that were created while sleeping could only be thanks to the genetic inheritance of the Holt family. So she would be lucky if she made Steven look presentable after playing around her dear friend's farm. Her son had the bad habit of jumping and jumping into the grass as soon as she lost sight of him for a few minutes, something he had categorically not inherited from her at all.
Katie had to make sure that her image looked impeccable at least until they arrived at Allura's house in a few more hours, or all her work during the morning would have been useless. Usually, they were the employees who had to take care of her son's attire, but Katie couldn't allow anyone to take care of Steven from birth, just as her mother did with her and her older brother, even giving him of breastfeeding during the first months. Something unthinkable for a woman in her class and strongly criticizing her social circle, but when Katie had given her son to a nurse the first days of his birth reluctantly, something inside her heart was removed from possession and jealousy.
She wanted to be the one to feed her son, take care of him, dress him and educate him in the sciences that her family loved so much. Having it only for her and that nobody dared to interfere in her upbringing. Keith on the other way, didn't turn mostly against when he learned that Katie dismissed the nurses he hired for the care of his firstborn, even thinking that it was much better for someone close to be in the care of his beloved son.
But Katie would never have thought that raising a child was such an exhausting task. Even at just four years old, Steven seemed to have a personal record of making his parents lose their temper before they could send him to military school. Keith used to have a little more patience with him, letting Katie know that during his childhood he also mediates his parents' patience with almost vandalism. Katie almost admired her mother daily when she had to deal with her son's attitudes in which she often saw her attitude and temper reflected in him.
In spite of everything, she loved her firstborn deeply.
''Keith, did you remember to lock the wolves before leaving?'' Katie asked when she saw her husband get in the car. He nodded securely indicating to leave.
''Yeah, Beezer will release them during the afternoon.''
''Mom, let's stay at home, Kosmo will miss us.'' Steven asked with a hint of affliction in his eyes. Katie stroked his head affectionately.
''Don't worry about him, you heard dad, they will be fine without us. Don't you want to see Uncle Matt and Uncle Shiro, honey? They have missed you all this time.''
''... Yes?'' Katie gave him a big hug at her innocent tone.
''Speaking of uncles...'' Keith said with a serious countenance. ''How long do you think it takes for Lance and Allura to get out of the shadows?''
''Who knows, sometimes I asked me which of the two is blinder to the interests of the other.'' Katie smiled wistfully. ''I remember that when I was waiting for Steven, they behaved quite collaboratively with each other... I thought they would finally realize their feelings, but I guess it wasn't enough.''
''This is ridiculous, at this rate they will die ignorant about what they feel for the other. Those cowards''
''Since when are you so engaged in the interests of others, dear?'' Katie asked somewhat surprised about Keith's recent interest, he removed himself uncomfortably from his seat, without connecting his gaze to her.
''How strange is my concern for a dear friend?''
''Yes, especially if it's Lance. You usually enjoy his misfortune.''
''... Okay.'' He answered resigned, he knew that lying to Katie was a useless task. ''I may have benefited economically from his indecision.''
''Have you been betting with Hunk again?''
-''With Shiro. And honestly, the game lost the fun for years.''
''Oh my god, you are terrible people.''
''That's what Matt said when he found out and started betting on Allura's favor three months ago.''
Katie was perplexed to learn that her brother had also lent himself to entertain the situation of her friends, preferring to change the topic of conversation before the new projects that her husband's company was starting and prevent her son from knowing the bad practices of his father. It was impressive how much Keith had changed since he began spending time with Hunk and Lance, but even for her to bet on her friends' private life was to cross the boundaries, she didn't want to deal with Allura's wrath as soon as she found out.
Steven just watched with disinterest through the window as if nothing they talked about had to do with him, which Katie thanked.
So neither of them realized that on their son's face there was a countenance highly concerned about the situation of his dear uncles, seriously thinking that that afternoon he had to prevent his uncle Lance from continuing to be ''sad''.
 ''Pidge, nice to see you again!''
''Hi Allura.'' She was greeted by a big hug from her dear friend who almost made her lose her breath. ''I see that my mother's plants have grown quite a lot in your garden.''
''Colleen was very kind in giving me the juneberries that remind me so much of my childhood, I couldn't help planting them as fast as I got home.'' She said looking towards the area where flowers were seen through the crowd. ''Romelle and Coran say they are the most beautiful and well-groomed flowers they have been fortunate to know.''
''That wasn't because of my mother, you have taken care of them with great care.''
Katie answered with fun; it was nice to see Allura smile when she talked about her past. After a terrible illness that took her father's life a few years ago, Allura's smile was difficult to appreciate for several months. But her mother's gift was certainly right.
Now her friend looked much livelier. As she remembered the first years.
''Steven, don't run around people!'' They heard Keith from the other side of the garden. Katie hoped her son wouldn't get in trouble just when they arrived.
''It seems that your son is still as energetic as I remember.'' Allura smiled, Katie growled slightly.
''Yes, I just hope that energy doesn't end by breaking a leg.''
''Come on Pidge, I remember that one of your biggest fears was to become a copy of your own mother. Let your child make his own mistakes while enjoying a good afternoon. I asked my pastry chefs to prepare peanut butter cookies.''
Katie nodded after a few seconds and wanted to taste the cookies that Allura ordered for her delight. She could enjoy a quiet afternoon at a party of great elegance without thinking that her child would get into trouble for a couple of hours, isn't it?
 He took his son's neck before he dared to get away more than allowed and escaped again as he did fifteen minutes ago while talking with Hunk about his new recipes at his restaurant.
''You know you shouldn't walk away, Steven.'' He scolded him severely by approaching him, but his son just writhed on his grip trying to break free.
''I need to find uncle Lance.''
''Well, you found uncle Lance just the way you wanted!'' A jovial voice called the attention of both as soon as they saw Lance approaching his direction. ''I didn't know your son preferred me over you, mullet. I must tell you that it feels like a small triumph.''
''I don't think that's the case.'' Keith said irritably. ''He has been obsessed with you all day.''
''Oh yeah?'' He approached Steven to stroke his partially messy hair. His appearance was a vivid image of his father, with a malicious look very similar to his mother.
''Uncle Lance, I want you to stop being sad!''
''Ohh! Seriously?'' Asked surprised, Keith didn't seem to understand very well what his son was saying. But he preferred to follow the game. ''Very well, I listen to you.''
''Let's go to the garden.'' Steven answered determinedly while taking the sleeve of his suit with one of his hands.
''Do you know what he plans?'' Keith shrugged as he followed.
''My experience has concluded that it is better to follow the game. He won't tell you even if you ask him.''
Once they reached the garden where the meeting was on course, they saw how Allura was surrounded by many of her closest friends who enjoyed a pleasant chat under an awning, including his wife who was holding a tray full of peanut butter cookies just for her.
Steven started running towards Allura as soon as he located her among so many people around, taking him in her arms. Keith knew she was his favorite aunt and had a childhood crush on her since last winter.
''Aunt Allura, can you pass me your hand?'' Steven asked as soon as Allura left him on the floor. She nodded interestedly.
''Do you want to hold my hand during the afternoon?''
Allura said amused, Steven nevertheless effusively shook his head, placing it on top of Lance's hand without warning. A loud gasp came out of the mouth of everyone present who surrounded him. Allura, who kept her face from blushing when she felt Lance's warmth on her palm, watched her nephew confused.
''Do you want me to take Uncle Lance's hand?''
''Yes! Uncle Lance is sad, so if you take his hand as mom and dad do it when they are sad, Uncle Lance will stop being.'' Everyone's heart was tender at the innocent request of the child.
''But buddy, I'm not sad.'' Lance tried to talk with some fun in his eyes.
''No, you are. Mama said in the car that dad and the others were having fun with your misfortune because you like Aunt Allura and you are too coward to confess.''
A sepulchral silence traveled all over the place as soon as Steven's words came out without any bad intentions, causing both Lance and Allura's countenance to change from happiness to a stoic, almost contemplative face.
The next thing Steven saw was both his uncle Hunk and his father fleeing from his uncle Lance, and he didn't see Matt or Shiro again for the rest of the afternoon, listening to his mother who probably ran away from the party for fear of his aunt Allura. What seemed funny, since his mother didn't stop laughing for the rest of the day.
Steven remembered returning home early that day, his father seemed to have been irritated as his eye looked extremely swollen and his face bruised. His mother told him that he had fallen off a horse and didn't have to worry because he had earned it, nor the sadness of his uncle Lance.
A few months later, he learned that they were preparing for a long-awaited marriage. Steven was depressed for a moment knowing that his aunt Allura would marry a man other than him, but he knew that his uncle Lance would make her very happy.
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hybridfanfiction · 5 years
Lost In The Echo - 2
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Pairing: Keith x Labrador hybrid Lance
Summary: After his brother went MIA, Keith’s life began to fall apart. He dropped out of high school and got a job, barely doing enough for himself to survive. He’s reached the point where even he is worried about how far he’s fallen into the depths of his depression. After learning about emotional support hybrids, he takes a chance and adopts a Lab hybrid named Lance.
Word Count: 3033
It was nearly closing time when Keith finally stood outside of the hybrid shelter, fidgeting with his hood so it covered as much of his face as possible. It had been a long time since he’d left his apartment for the sole reason of interacting with other people. That alone makes him nervous enough, but he knew what was causing his feet to act like they were glued to the pavement was the particular person he had to interact with. 
Katie Holt was a spitfire on a good day and terrifying on the bad ones. She had once held the title of Keith’s best friend (rather loosely, he’d never said it but he’d never stopped her when she claimed it) and more than likely had felt betrayed when Keith just took off without a word. He knew when he managed to grow enough balls to walk inside he’d meet with the face he’d pictured a million times the past couple years - Eyes bright was anger and hurt, hissing at him like an angry kitten. He knew he deserved it. 
He squared his shoulders and willed his feet to move, wanting to get the inevitable over with. Once inside, he paused to take in the atmosphere with a bit of surprise. The decor was light and cheery, with hybrids and families openly meeting in a floor to ceiling windowed playroom. The hybrids themselves all looked happy and well cared for, playing games or watching TV. Keith had always figured a shelter would look more like...well, an animal shelter. With cages and crying animals, workers giving you the stinkeye and demanding a donation to even look at the animals. This place looked more like a high-class resort inside. 
Keith pulled the hood from his head and ruffled his hair a bit, suddenly feeling way too underdressed with the ancient hoodie that he’d stolen from Takashi years ago and his ripped jeans that were less a product of fashion and more him not caring enough to buy new ones. He awkwardly walked towards the unmanned front desk and just stood there waiting, no sign of a bell or any way to call for help. 
Just as he was contemplating making a run for it, he heard a familiar voice coming closer from a nearby closed door. He watched it open in slow motion, knowing he probably looked like a scared rabbit about to bolt. 
Their eyes met, and instead of the scorn and vicious anger he’d anticipated, they were soft and glistening with growing tears. 
“Keith...” she uttered with a faint almost reverent voice, rushing towards him and pulling him into a tight hug. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders to hold her close, offering a little half smile to the top of her head. 
“Hey, Katie Kat.”
They stood there for what seemed like hours, though it was mere moments. Keith couldn’t even remember the last time he’d hugged someone. Katie was probably the last one, honestly. 
“You’re not stabbing me. Aren’t you mad at me?” 
She didn’t move her face out of his chest, but he felt her grip on him tighten. 
“I was. For a while. Then...I was just sad. I missed you and I was so worried. I was upset that you didn’t trust me or want my help. And Matt kept asking about you, checking to see I’d heard from you yet, and it hurt always having to tell him no.” 
Keith felt guiltier than ever. “It wasn’t like that, Pidge. I was just so angry and - well, you know what happens when I get angry.” 
“You do stupid shit.” 
Keith chuckled and pulled her away from him so he could take a good look at her.  She still kept up with the short hair that suited her so well and the glasses he knew that she didn’t even need; she just liked the look of them. She’d grown a bit taller and her face was sharper. He couldn’t believe how much she’d changed in just a few years. She looked every bit a grown ass adult that had her shit together. He felt proud knowing that even if he was a dud, his friends were doing damn good. 
His musings were interrupted when her foot suddenly slammed into his shin, making him cry out and hop a couple times in pain. He glared at the smirking woman as he reached down to rub the ache. 
“What the hell, Pidge. That hurt.” 
“Good, now we’re even,” she sniffed, then turned and grabbed a clipboard from the front desk. 
“When Hunk told me he’d run into you, I thought I was shocked enough. Then he told me he thought he might have talked you into getting one of our support hybrids, and Lance at that. I felt like I’d entered the Twilight Zone.” 
Keith felt a twinge of unease when he realized both Hunk and Pidge talked about this hybrid like he would be crazy to get him, yet they still kept mentioning only his name. 
“Is he that bad of a match then?” 
“No, actually. At first glance he probably is. On the surface, the two of you are complete opposites. He’s loud where you’re quiet, he’s obnoxiously outgoing where you’re introverted. He’s an unapologetic flirt, you run to the bathroom when Stacy Cobb tries to ask you to prom,” she adds that last bit with a teasing grin as Keith groans. 
“You guys will never let that die, will you?” 
“Nope,” Pidge smirks mischievously and pulls him with her towards the windowed playroom. 
They stand there for a moment in silence as Keith tries to guess which of the hybrids is Lance. There are probably at least forty people in the massive room, so he had no way of picking him out. 
Pidge sighs and reaches out to squeeze his hand comfortingly before continuing. 
“Like I said, at first glance you guys seem like an impossible match. But I have the advantage of knowing what you both have under your armor. You’re both loyal, intelligent, and passionate. Courageous.” 
Keith snorts at that one but she smacks him lightly with the back of her hand on his chest. 
“I’m serious. It may not seem like it from your end, but you’ve always been the brave one. There’s a difference between being heartbroken and being a coward, Keith. Not to mention just coming here today for a support animal is incredibly brave of you. It means you recognize you have a problem and you’re going out of your way to solve it when you could just have easily ignored Hunk and kept to yourself.” 
She sighs dramatically. “Unfortunately, you and Lance are also both stubborn and competitive, so I anticipate some clashing heads no matter what,” she snorts, bumping Keith’s shoulder. 
“However, the trait that you both share that won me over is how you both go all in, and when you care about someone you give them everything. I think that’s what both of you need. You need who will make you a priority and not let you get away with your crap. He needs someone that wants him - that will accept and need him. He’s got a huge heart just waiting for the right person.” 
Keith swallows nervously. “I don’t know. This is starting to sound super serious.” 
Pidge glances up with a quirked brow. “It is super serious. You’re not just renting him until you feel better, Keith. You’d be taking him into your home and making him your family. He’s trained to focus on you and your needs, true, but he’s still a person with thoughts and feelings and needs of his own. He’s not there to replace Shiro - no one can. But it’s okay to live and love and have a family that cares about you even though he’s gone. He would want that for you.” 
He nods silently, because logically he knows she’s right. Doesn’t make it any easier. 
“Do you...do you think he’s still alive out there?” he asks softly, and the hand gripping his squeezes gently. 
“I think if anyone has a chance of surviving the impossible, it’s him.” 
“Yeah,” he sighs wistfully as they lapse into silence again, watching the activity in the room. 
He finds himself suddenly wrenched away from Pidge and into the perfumed embrace of yet another of his old friends, Allura. She was as beautiful as ever, with her long flowing hair and sophisticated manner. Behind her stood a woman that looked ridiculously similar in style to Allura, except her long hair was blond. She was watching the two hug with a fond smile as she observed Allura happily gushing over Keith. 
“Oh, Keith. I missed you! We all did. I am so happy you’re here,” Allura exclaimed, pulling back to observe him. 
“You’re far too thin, however. I’m surprised Hunk let you get away from him looking like that.” 
“He didn’t. He stuffed me until I fell asleep.” 
The girls snicker, then Allura brings forward the blonde woman, looping her arm with hers. 
“Keith, this is our girlfriend Romelle.” 
Keith tried to hide his shock as best as he could, reaching out to shake the blushing woman’s hand. 
“It’s uh...nice to meet you.” 
He glanced over at Pidge when the coast was clear, mouthing ‘Our?’ She winks and holds a hand up, silently telling him she’d explain in a bit. 
“I’m going to demand an old fashioned dinner at Uncle Coran’s soon because we all need to catch up, but you’re probably anxious to meet Lance. I’ll go get him for you!” Allura smiled brightly and hugged him once more before dragging Romelle off with her towards the back. 
“So ‘Our’, huh?” Keith turned to a smirking Pidge with a raised eyebrow. 
She shrugged, trying to act like there wasn’t a smug cloud circling the air above her. 
“Yeah, you know. The whole not being into sex thing never went away, and the more serious things got with Allura and me, the more I worried about it. I mean, we’ve been together since high school so she’d never even gotten the chance to do anything but kiss because I actually enjoy that, but I knew she wasn’t like me. She kept saying she was fine with it and that she loved me no matter what. I believed her and we weren’t actively looking to add another, but then Romelle started working here.” Pidge shakes her head with a smile, sighing wistfully.
“She fit in with us so well that it took us a while to realize she was basically already a part of us, just without, you know, titles and stuff. So we asked her out and here we are. Allura gets to do all the gross bedroom aerobics she wants, I still get all the cuddles and kisses I want times two. At first, I thought she was only in it for Allura, which would have been fine with me too, but then we kinda fell in love too. It’s been a whole...thing.” 
Keith chuckles quietly, bumping fondly against her. 
“Leave it to you to end up with the hot harem.” 
She groans dramatically, sporting a shy smile. “Oh my god, shut up.” 
Loud chattering echos down the hallway and they both turn to watch as Allura and Romelle return to them. 
Keith inhales sharply as the person in the middle of the two women smiles at him. The smile alone is stunning, wide and beaming. But the whole package...Jesus. He was beautiful. Slender but lightly muscled bronze-toned skin that he wondered if it was as soft as it looked. Gorgeous eyes and an ass that wouldn’t quit. Golden brown hair - topped with floppy chocolate-colored ears. Because, oh yeah, he’s a hybrid. 
Keith cringed at in inner thoughts, trying to drag them out of the gutter. He wasn’t sure, of course, but he assumed hybrids stuck to their own kind and didn’t like humans in that way. Keith observed the happy sway of the other’s dark brown tail and thought it was more likely the poor thing would run away screaming if he’d just heard Keith’s thoughts about him. 
“Hi! I’m Lance!” the hybrid grins and sticks out his free hand; his other one holding a duffle bag so stuffed he wondered how he’d gotten the zipper closed. 
“Uh, hi. I’m Keith,” he mutters shyly, shaking Lance’s hand. Lance’s large warm hand that was oh so soft. 
No! Stop it, Keith. 
“So,” Pidge started as she ruffled through some papers, handing a couple to Keith. “The paperwork is already finished. I did it all as soon as I heard. The fee is waived, as I’m sure Hunk told you I’d do already. His official adoption certificate will be ready in a couple days because I like to get them notarized, but I won’t give it to you until after the probational period.” 
“Probation?” Keith repeated, crinkling his nose in confusion. 
“Yeah. Our support hybrids generally work with individuals with like, PTSD or other trauma. Sometimes it turns out that they need more than a hybrid can give or they just aren’t a good fit. So probation. A month to see if you think it’s a good fit. If at the end of the month it’s not working, no hard feelings. We’ll pair you up with someone else, or help you figure out something else that might help you. I have a really good feeling about the two of you though.” 
Keith hums as he looks over Lance’s information, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Same age as him, has been in the shelter for about a year, high marks in all of his training classes. 
“What about you, Lance? Are you okay coming home with me? They told you about me, right? And I’m way more messed up than they even know.” Keith asks, finally meeting the hybrid’s warm gaze straight on. Pidge clicks her tongue with disapproval as he basically talks himself down. 
“Oh yeah. I’ve totally trained for this, man. Plus, you smell great. And you’re pretty, even if you have a mullet.” 
Keith blushes and sighs as Pidge falls into unrestrained laughter. 
“It just grows that way,” she giggled, using air quotations to mock him. 
“Anyway...is that all of your things?” he asks the hybrid, gesturing towards the duffle bag. 
Lance nods and wiggles it a bit. “Didn’t want to collect too much and have to move everything whenever I got my assignment.” 
“We’re including vouchers for buying Lance more clothing and supplies since he’s a support hybrid, so you don’t have to worry about that,” Pidge adds. 
“Okay. Uh, should we go home now? It’s getting late and you guys are closing soon, right?” 
“Yup. You two are free to go. Just keep your phone handy, because we’ll be calling and texting you like crazy now that we have you back in our grasp, asshole,” Pidge grumbled even as she squeezed Keith into a quick hug. “Also, we’ll be staying away from the apartment for only one week. Take the time to get to know Lance and get settled, then we’ll be on you like fleas. And expect a phone call from Coran demanding your attendance to Sunday dinners.” 
“Thanks, Katie Kat. For everything,” he said softly, trying to convey everything he felt into those few words. Her eyes softened as she nodded, automatically knowing what he was trying to get across like no time had passed. Damn, he really had missed his friends. 
“Bye, Lance. Take care of Keith, okay. And don’t let him get away with being a brat,” she turned to hug the hybrid who happily accepted her embrace before turning to the other two women, hugging them as well. 
“See ya, Princess,” he added towards Allura, shooting her finger guns that she rolled her eyes at, though she was grinning. 
“Have a good time, Lance. Be sure to call if you or Keith need our assistance. Keith, it was so very good to see you again. I look forward to Sunday dinner,” Allura winked and walked them towards the front door and watched them walk to the car, waving until it was out of sight. 
Keith ushered the hybrid into the apartment, extremely relieved that Hunk had helped him the previous night with cleaning. It was still an unimpressive place, but at least it didn’t look like a hoarder’s home anymore. 
The hybrid set his bag on the floor and glanced around, his nose wiggling as he scented the place. Keith hoped it didn’t smell like the trash that had built up still. 
“So, uh, it’s just me here and I’ve basically been using the couch. I can keep doing that because I only have one room. You’re free to take it.” 
Lance looks at him sharply, assessing him in a way that nearly made him feel uncomfortable. Like he was just an open book to the hybrid. 
Finally, Lance shakes his head. “Nope. We start out how we mean to go on. Part of healing is routine, as boring as that sounds. Same bed, same time. No couches or mats on the floor. Bed, 10:00pm bedtime.” 
“Bedtime? I have a bedtime?” Keith scoffs. 
“Uh huh. Ten to six is your sleeping schedule. Learn it, live it, love it.”
Keith almost wanted to laugh, like really laugh, at the ridiculous hybrid. 
“Yeah, okay.” 
Lance perked up and directed Keith towards the bathroom. 
“Great! I’m so happy you agree because it’s bedtime right now. Let’s brush our teeth and hit the sack.” 
Keith huffed but let Lance direct him through preparing for bed, deciding it was easier to do so. Besides, he’d already used up more energy today than he had in...he didn’t know. Years maybe. He was actually pretty freaking tired. 
Eventually, he found himself laying on his back in his little used bed, the warmth of the hybrid snuggled in next to him seeping into his bones. It was crazy how comfortable Lance seemed to be with him already, but instead of questioning it, he simply closed his eyes and followed him into sleep. 
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romellura-juniberry · 5 years
Fall for the Leaves (A continuation of “Flower Fields”)
[Allura’s pov]
The leaves the crunch under us as we walk send a satisfying feeling down my spine. I watched out for different ones, being sure to step on one when I see it. I can feel Romelle being pulled along with me, following my lead. Her hand is placed comfortably in mine and we’re laughing as we end up in a sort of dance with the leaves.
      The paladins are talking with the others. I hadn’t remembered all of their names yet but i knew Veronica and Rachel since they were Lance’s sisters. I swung Romelle around, catching sight of them. The people around the marketplace had watched us with interest. I wondered if they were staring at our altean marks or if they just thought we seemed happy….
    Romelle slowed our swinging to a stop and took deep breaths. She always seemed to lose it easily. I wondered why, but I also didn’t think it was too serious. I smiled at her as she smiled at me. My scarf was around her neck, covering most of her chin. Her cheeks were stained red from the chill.
    “Deep breaths,” I say, keeping both her hands in mine. We breath together until hers regulates. She nodded, signifying that she was okay.
    “Sorry, I think I need to work on breathing more,” she said laughing lightly. I could see that she was having concerns for herself, but for the moment I let it go. I pulled her over to the others. I walked over to them to see Matt and Sam talking to Pidge about something. They all seemed excited about something. They probably had something they wanted to build. I smiled at them before moving on to look over at Keith and Lance. They’re bickering about their earnings.
    “I just think we should combine our money and find something together!” Lance insists. I watch as Keith sighs. He probably would do it if it weren’t for the things the Lance usually invests his earnings  in.
    “I’m sorry Lance but I don’t want to spend over half of my savings on your skin products,” Keith says. He’s leaning against one of the stands where an olkari had different kinds of tech.
    I shake my head at them when someone touches my shoulder lightly, I look over to see Shiro. A man stands next to him and I look him over. He has light brown hair. He wears a thick jacket that is similar to Lances, only the color is black. I smile at them and turn to face them fully. Romelle is pulled along with me, suddenly noticing the two of them.
    I’m about to say something when I realize that they’re holding hands. The man that stands with Shiro sticks his hand out.
    “I’m Adam. I’m pleased to make your acquaintance,” he says. He stands there awkwardly before I take my hand and grab ahold of his elbow which surprises him.
    “Hello, I’m Allura, Princess of Altea and the Legacy of Voltron,” I let go of his elbow but he leaves his out for another second, still confused.
    “Babe, put your arm down,” Shiro whispers, slightly nudging Adam. He complies and looks between Shiro, Romelle and then back to me.
    “You didn’t tell me she was a princess!” Adam says turning away from me. I hear Romelle laugh next to me and I grin. Shiro is attempting to console Adam, telling him it’s okay and that his introduction was fine.
    “How long do you think they’ve been together?” Romelle asks as she leans towards me to make sure I here her.  I chuckle and glance at them.
    “I’m not sure… They could have been together before Shiro got captured and if that’s the case then it’s been for quite some time,” I whispered back. Shiro and Adam were speaking to each other for a couple seconds longer before turning back to us.
    “Sorry about that Princess.” Shiro says nodding towards me, “it appears my fiance wasn’t fully prepared to meet you.” He grins, showing me his teeth, I chuckle and nod.
    “It’s quite alright. Adam, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend,” I say gesturing over to Romelle. She lifts a hand next to her head and waves it in greeting.
    “I’m Romelle! It’s nice to meet you,” She says sticking out her arm. Adam goes to take her hand but hesitates and moves it towards her elbow.
    “You too. I hope to hear about all of your adventures with Takashi!” He excitedly chuckles. I smile softly at them.
    “Only if you tell us more about Shiro. He insists on focusing on the mission so we never see much of what he’s like,” I mumble that last part but I’m certain all of them were listening. I see Keith walk away from Lance and towards the Holt’s.
    “Excuse me, I need to talk to Lance. Please talk to Romelle in my absence,” I smile at them brightly, moving around them, patting Adam’s arm as I passed. He turned to watch me walk away. I wondered what he thought of me… I wasn’t like the other people he’s met before. I knew that much.
    I walk towards Lance as he stands alone. He looks around himself before catching my eye and smiling. I threw my arm up and waved as I came closer. He began to walk towards me and we met between on of the vendors.
    “So how did convincing Keith to share his earnings go?” I asked, chuckling as his face turned sour.
    “Awful! He won’t even considerate. He says it’s not important,” Lance pouts and leans his head against my shoulder as he wines. I shake my head and rub his back, “He simply doesn’t understand the effort it takes for my skin to be this beautiful!”
    “Lance… If you wanted him to walk around with you, you should have asked.” I say and he pulls away from me, still frowning.
    “That’s not why I want him to come! I just want him to contribute to what’s important to me!” He continues to pout. His slouch seems to get worse and I roll my eyes.
    “What are your sister’s going to say when they see you like this!” I sigh as he glances at me before fixing his posture. He looked around us for a couple seconds before looking back at me.
    “Are they here? Did you see them? Oh no! Are you guys planning to do something?” He’s staring at me and I laugh at him as he stares at me intently.
    “That’s ridiculous! Of course not. If I wanted to do something to you, I’d team up with Keith or the Mice.” I say as I pull him over towards the booths.
    A Puigian is sitting there looking through all of their stuff. I look at individual objects when I see something…
    “Well, I’ll have you know that anything you could plan, I can get out of in a synch!” Lance exclaimed. I looked at him then over towards where Keith was looking at a booth. He had a… skin care collection in his hands. I grinned.
    “Hey Lance, maybe you should get something for Keith. You know, to convince him to help you buy your skin care products. Not because you like him.” I said. Lance stops blabbering about getting out of my evil plans and thinks about what I said. He glances over to where Keith is and I feel a smirk come to my lips.
    “You know what? You’re right! I’ll find him the best present ever!” Lance looked around frantically before his posture deflated once more, “One problem,” he looked at me cautiously, “I don’t know what he’d like…”
    I picked up the object I had spotted before and presented it to Lance. His eyes widened. The pocket knife was absolutely stunning. The small set that came with the knives all had rainbow blades and black handles. I placed them in Lance’s hand.
    “Buy them and give them to Keith. I’m sure he’ll love them,” I stand and dust my skirt off, “I should get back to Romelle before Shiro and Adam bombard her. I’ll see you in a bit!”
    “Okay! Thank you Allura…” Lance smiles down at the knives, “this means so much to me.” I shake my head, already making my way away from him.
    Romelle is already on her way towards me, rushing to get away from everyone. She has a huge grin on her face and I can’t help but smile softly at her. She has something in her hand and I realise she’s actually running towards me. She lunges at me and I attempt to keep my balance but fail, tumbling over. We laugh and she sits up on my lap.
    “Sorry! I just got so excited. Adam was telling me about these plants that they call fruit. I wanted to try it with you!” Romelle shows me a fuzzy brown ‘fruit’ that looks like it could use a razor. I inspect it and glance at Romelle.
    “Is it safe to eat?”
    “Coran said it was fine. Adam said we should cut it open and eat the inside though. So I assume that means the fuzzy part isn’t meant to be consumed.” She says as she places it in my hand. I feel it for a couple moments before handing it back to her.
    “Do you have something to cut it open?” I asked as she rubs her hand over it. I look at it, thinking about what it must taste like.
    “Yeah!” she says as she pulls her bag in front of her. She rummages through it before pulling out a knife that looks awfully familiar.
    “Is that one of Keith’s knives?”
    “Oh! Yeah. He told me that if anyone was bothering me and I didn’t want them to, to just pull it out and point it at them.” Romelle says and she places the knife and the fruit back into my hand.
    I open up the knife and use it to cut into the mysterious brown fruit. As it split open juice spills into my hand. I frown at the wet stickiness and close the knife. The inside is a green color with black seeds in it.
    I hand her one of the halves and close the knife. I placed it in my pocket for the time being and bring the fruit close to my face. I sniff it for a second before moving it away looking down at it a little confused. It smelled… sweet?
    I watched as Romelle used her hands to pull the brown away from the green pulp of the fruit. When enough of it was removed she took a small nibble of it. Her eyes widened and she turned to me.
    “It’s really good! Taste it!” She exclaimed. I chuckled and took a bite of it, skin and all.
    At first I cringe. I guess Romelle was right about not eating the skin of it. But the fruit was good. It was sweet but also had a slight tang to it. The texture was a little off for me but I could overlook it.
    “You’re right! It does taste good!” I say excitedly. I took another bite of the fruit and smiled.
    I turned to face Romelle but saw him. instead. I blinked and he was still there. I backed up slightly, all my happiness starting to drift away as he stared at me steadily. Romelle was staring at me, concerned.
    “Allura? Are you okay?” She asked. I’m about to run away but I can’t seem to move. I thought I was better. I thought he was an illusion. I thought he was dead…
    “Romelle, we have to leave.” I take her hand and walk away. She tries to stop me, tries to get answers but I’m pulling so hard. We’re equal in strength and for once I feel like I’m weak because hes still there, “Romelle, please. Please, lets just go.”
    She stops fighting me and stops, nodding. “Okay…” She starts to follow me as we walk away from the market, away from the people. I'm taking deep breaths, trying desperately to escape.
    I look back to see if he's there, but I realise it's not him. It's a cardboard cutout. I stop and stare at it. He's not here…. He's not here.
    Romelle is looking at me, shes trying to fugure me out but I cant hold it in anymore. Tears stream down my face, my marks glow and I feel my energy surge out of me. The tears that fall to the ground instantly grow into flowers and I smile down at them, calming down. My marks stop glowing and I look at Romelle.
    She's concerned about me. I know that. I squeeze her hand and take deep breaths. “Can we go home? Please?” I ask. She nods slowly.
    “When we get there,” she stops for a moment, “I think we should talk about it. You really scared me.” I nodded.
    “That's probably for the best.”
She moves me over towards a bench on the sidewalk away from people and has me sit down. She crouches in front of me and I look at her, feeling sad that she had to deal with this. Her hands squeeze mine and I know it’s better to tell her once we’re home, but I want to tell her now. I want to tell her what’s bothering me and why it hurts.
“Romelle… You know how the paladins and I fought in the quintessence abyss? How the paladins and I had trusted him?” I look at her and smile sadly as she nods, “Well when we thought he was good, when we believed that he had good intentions and wanted to help us defeat his father I had gotten close to him,” I squeezed her hands tightly. I hoped I wasn’t hurting her with my grip but they wouldn’t loosen. A tear slid down my cheek and onto our hands.
“Lura, you don’t have to tell me if its too painful” She’s got a look in her eyes that tells me she knows. She hates Lotor as much as I do, but she still cares about my feelings about him. She still wants me to understand…
“I have to tell you,” I say and she nods, “Before Keith came back with you, I was with Lotor. He had guided me to this place where I learned alchemy. Lotor had tried to learn also but… he wasn’t worthy of the information.” I feel my throat tighten and my voice crack as I continue, “When we got back…” I sucked in a deep breath, “he kissed me. I kissed him back. I thought that because we had been through all of that together then it must have meant he truly cared for me.”
I turn away from Romelle when I feel her aura change. I grip tighter. I know now that it’s hurting her. I can’t look at her. I choke as I speak up again, “And when you came with Keith, telling us what he did, I just felt so betrayed.” I close my eyes shut tightly, “when we went to attack him, and we told him that we knew, he flipped around. He was so consumed with power,” I cry harder as I gasp for breath, “Romelle, I keep seeing him. He’s dead but he’s everywhere.”
“Allura,” I feel Romelle lift my head to look at her. I open my eyes and stare at her through my blurred vision. She uses her thumb to wipe my tears away. I bring my hand up to cover her hand and take in deep breaths, “You deserve someone who will love you and wish for your happiness. I love you no matter what happened,” She pulled my head down to place our foreheads together.
“Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“Come on, let’s go for a walk.” she says as She stands and pulls me off the bench. I nod and rub at my face vigorously.
We walk aimlessly around the market. We pass Lance as he shows Keith the knives he got him, stuttering over his words. I had smiled at them as Keith had gotten excited. We walked along the cobblestone, the horse drawn carriages going around us.
Romelle pulled me over to one of the horses and we pet its snout. They made a noise that sounded like rolling air. I tried to mimic the noise and Romelle joined in. The horse made more noises.
“I think we’re starting to get it!” Romelle exclaimed as she tried again. I laughed and shook my head.
“Just about!”
Once we were done messing around with the horse we started to head farther from the market and towards the forest. We walked slowly, holding hands and admiring the plants. Romelle stopped once it seemed like it was pretty deep into it. She looked out through the trees over to the horizon. The sky was beginning to change as the sun began to sink. The pink and peach color clashing and mixing with the darkened part of the sky made me smile.
Romelle was looking at me when I turned to face her. She had a gentle smile on her face. Before she could look away I pulled her close to me. I stared into her eyes and took deep breaths.
“Allura… we should head back to the lions soon,” She sounded breathless. Her cheeks turned red and mine began to glow. I leaned in to kiss her. As our lips met, I could feel the magic flowing out of me and into her.
When I pulled away I realised her markings glowed also. We stared at each other for a few moments. They slowly dimmed and she grinned. Her hands moved away from mine and she cupped her cheeks. Her eyes were wide and her smile was full of confusion but excitement.
“What was that?” She seemed to yell quietly, “It felt like- Like magic!” She looked at her hands and moved them slowly. She looked back at me and had this look of serenity on her face.
“That is magic.” I say as I take her hands back into mine, “love is magic!”
“Magic…” She laughed, “We are each other’s magic.”
“Yes… we are.”
(Yes I realise that there are indents in the beginning Im too lazy to erase them ahh)
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kallura-icedcoffee · 5 years
New years prompt where Keith and allura confess this feeling dor each other same with plance ?
A/N: I hope you don’t mind but I decided to keep this Kallura centric, though I did sneak a tiny bit of Plance in there.
“Can I talk to you?” Keith asked as he gently grabbed Alluraby her arm.
“Now? Can it wait?” Allura yelled over the cacophony ofvoices and laughter.
They stood in a crowded living room minutes before midnight,bodies packed together like sardines. Someone bumped her forcing her glitterygold mini dress clad body into his. He moved his hand on her arm to her waistusing the cramped conditions as an excuse to hold her close.
“Not really” he answered in her ear taking immediate note ofhow good her confetti covered hair smelled.
The crowd began counting down, and Keith, timing as bad asever began confessing.
“It’s just we’ve been friends for a long time and thatfriendship, it’s meant a lot” he babbled. He’d never been this open with hisfeelings before, but he’d also never downed that many cocktails before in asingle evening which he did in abundance in order to get out everything heneeded to say.
“Your friendship means a lot to me too!” she beamed, feelingequally tipsy and sentimental.
“And I think there’s a lot of ways we’re similar and we justclick but still complement each other in the ways that we’re different” he wenton.
Allura smiled and nodded in agreement.
“And you’re beautiful and smart and funny in your own sillyway and I just…”
“Keith why are you telling me all this?” She looked into hiseyes wondering why her normally stoic pal had suddenly become so sappy.
The room filled with screams and cheers in the exact momentKeith mouthed “I’m in love with you”, the latter of which was completelydrowned out by singing of Auld Lang Syne and noise makers.
“What did you say?” Allura’s forehead creased as shestruggled to hear.
Keith tried to repeat himself but was cut off as they wereinterrupted with hugs and well wishes for the new year by those around them.
“I said-” He stopped himself in a huff of frustration beforetaking her by the wrist and dragging her off.
He started with the kitchen. Too crowded.
He then tried to take her upstairs to a bedroom, veryoccupied by a very tangled and disheveled Lance and Pidge. Keith apologizedprofusely and exited.
The bathroom was locked.
Finally, having exhausted all options and not wanting to takeher outside into the cold night, they ended up in a large hallway closet.
“Uh, Keith what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry I know this is all weird, but I just needed aquiet place to tell you that I…that I’m…I lo-”
The liquid courage from the alcohol was wearing off and hisheart began to race faster with every moment that she stared at himexpectantly. As if she could sense it, she placed a hand on his chest in orderto calm him.
“Keith we’ve always been able to confide in each other.Whatever it is you can tell me.”
He nodded and took a deep breath.
“I’m in love with you.”
Allura was a bit taken a back, her expression confused andperhaps startled. Keith tried desperately to read her face, interpret it. Thesilence wasn’t helping.
“Can you wait here a moment?”
That wasn’t really the reaction he had hoped for.
“E-Excuse me?”
“Just, just wait here a moment.” And next thing he knew shehad slipped out of the closet.
A short time passed when she finally returned, bottle ofopen champagne in hand. Before he could even ask what she was doing the bottlewas at her lips chugging the bubbly beverage down her throat. She pulled itaway from her mouth with a loud gasp before looking at Keith with a newfounddetermination.
“I love you too!” she blurted out.
Keith blinked.
“You needed to do all that just to tell me you love meback?”
Her glossy lips curled into a scowl before she slapped hisarm.
“Of course! I’ve never told someone I loved them before!It’s difficult and I’ve liked you for a long time but I just assumed you didn’tfeel the same way cause you’re all ‘I’m Keith I’m cranky and I don’t share myemotions making it impossible for someone to know if I like them’ and mmphf!”Allura squeaked as her mini tirade was cut off with a kiss.
She fought it for two whole seconds before giving in andallowing him to commandeer her mouth.
“And I don’t sound like that” he corrected the second hepulled back.
“You sound exactly like that. My impressions are phenomenal.”
“They are pretty good.” He smiled and kissed her again.
“Tell me you’re in love with me again” she requested softly.
“I’m in love with you” he murmured against her lips.
“I love you too” she whispered back before they resumedtheir non-verbal communication.
Moments later the closet door swung open revealing a veryshocked Romelle who grinned at the surprised couple, blushed, and quickly shutthe door again.
“Did you get your coat babe?” Hunk could be heard yelling.
“I can’t, Keith and Allura are making out on top of it!”
“Took them long enough, sheesh!”
“Are they doing it in my closet?!” Shiro groaned.
“We’ll get the items dry cleaned honey.” Adam reassured him.
Keith winced and buried his face in Allura’s neck inembarrassment, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging tight.
“Perhaps we could give it a few minutes before coming out.”Allura suggested while patting his back.
“Or a few years.”
“Well we can always pass the time by kissing again. I ratherenjoyed that.” Allura smiled.
“Yeah?” Keith lifted his head with a smirk.
“I think we can manage that.”
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sparklebitch · 6 years
Kuron spends large amounts of time screaming at Lance and calling him names and maybe even physically hitting him when no one else is around. Lance doesn't tell anyone because kuron says they won't believe him. When shiro comes back he notices Lance is a lot more quiet and flinches when he moves too fast around him. Shiro has to ask why and then has to deal with the guilt. He tries to talk to Lance about it but Lance ends up being an emotional mess
I’m actually really proud of how this one turned out aksldjlasd. 
Trigger warnings are posted in the tags.
“It’s good to see you” Shiro said with a small smile.He had been out of his healing pod for a few hours at this point, but this wasthe first time Keith had left his side, giving Shiro a moment to breathe. “Howhave you been since I’ve been… dead” Lance laughed uneasily.
“Uh, pretty… uneventful” Lance shrugged. “Nothingreally important” he subtly scooted away from Shiro, crossing his arms. Shiroquirked his eyebrow.
“Really?” he said dubiously. “Nothing eventfulhappened since I’ve been gone? While in space. Defending the universe. In giantmetal lions?” Shiro’s voice sent a chill down Lance’s spine. ‘He’s not the same. He’s not the same’he reminded himself. It didn’t matter that he was the same Shiro from before.He looked like him. He sounded like him.
‘What if heacted like him?’
“Hey, Shiro, do you have the memories that clone-youhad? Like do you remember anything from the past few months?” Pidge asked, wideeyed. She was so fascinated by the whole thing. Her and Hunk crowded aroundShiro, while Lance continued to slowly scoot away from them. Keith was outsidetalking to Allura and Coran.
“Are you alright?” Romelle asked loudly. Lance jumpedand cursed under his breath. Hunk glanced at him curiously, but then turnedback to his conversation.
“Ah, I’m fine” Lance said, now standing next to her. Romellefrowned when she noticed Lance nervously glancing at Shiro every time he moved.
“Are you… sure about that?” she asked pointedly. Lancelet out a breath and turned toward her to convince her that he was alright whenShiro suddenly laughed loudly. Lance jump and spun around, his entire bodygoing numb. Romelle watched as all the color drained out of Lance’s face. “Alright,come with me” she stood in front of Lance, blocking his view of Shiro. She heldher hand up, hovering over Lance’s arm. She waited until Lance blinked his eyesand looked up at her before she gently touched his arm and guided him out ofthe ship.
“I don’t know any of you that well” Romelle began,once they were a ways away from the ship. “But that was not normal for you,yes?” Lance stared down at his hands blankly. He hadn’t meant to react thatway. He knew it wasn’t ‘him’. It wasShiro. The real Shiro. He would never hurt Lance.
“That was…” Lance trailed off, unsure of what to say. Hehad been having reactions similar to these around ‘Shiro’ for a while now, butno one had noticed. Romelle was the first person to pick up on it. “It wasnothing” Lance shrugged. Romelle pursed her lips as she watched Lance.
“No” she said simply. “That wasn’t nothing” Lanceshifted nervously as he twisted his fingers. “Does this have something to dowith the white haired one being back?” she asked. Lance pinched his lips together.“Or… maybe the one who is gone now?” Lance flinched. “Yes? The… the ‘clone’ of…what’s his name again?” Lance swallowed thickly.
“Shiro” he said hoarsely. Romelle nodded.
“You can tell me” she said gently, sitting down atLance’s feet. He was perched on a rock, his knees drawn up to his chin.
“I don’t- It’s not…” Lance grit his teeth. He was conflicted.He didn’t want to tell her, but he couldn’t tell anyone else. ‘Shiro’ had toldhim that no one would believe him, even now that he was gone. But, Romelle wasn’tclose to them. She was new. Maybe it would be okay to tell her… “The old ‘Shiro’…The clone- he- He wasn’t an exact replica of Shiro” Lance began.
“What do you mean?” Romelle prompted when Lancepaused.
“He would… say things. When no one else was around.And sometimes he would- he- he hit—” Lance broke off suddenly and buried his facein his knees.
“Lance…” Romelle whispered. Lance shook his head andstood up suddenly.
“It doesn’t matter” he said flatly. “He’s gone now” Withthat, he turned and headed back to the ship.
~   ~
Lance was jumpy around Shiro for the next few weeks.As much as he tried to suppress it, reminding himself that nothing was going tohappen, his body continually betrayed him. He sweat anytime Shiro was near him.He made himself leave the room anytime he thought there was a chance he wouldhave to be alone with him. Whenever Shiro tried to talk to Lance, Lance made anexcuse to leave.
Things continued like this until the first night they wereall aboard their new ship. After a few days of getting everything settled, theyfinally set off into space in search of the remaining members of the Coalition.It was that night that Shiro finally confronted Lance.
“Hey,” His voice scared Lance so much that he audiblyyelped. He spun around and threw up his hands to cover his face as he did.Shiro frowned and smiled weakly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you” Lanceglanced over his shoulder and cleared his throat.
“Y- you didn’t scare me” he lied. Shiro laughed. Lancechewed on his lip.
“I just wanted to talk to you—” Shiro said at the sametime Lance said—
“—I was just heading to bed—” They both cut off abruptly.
“Oh” Shiro said, his smile slipping off his face.Lance shuffled his feet.
“Yeah, I’m really tired” he said. He hesitated a momentand then began to turn around. “So…” he half waved and then began to walk away.
“Did I do something to make you mad?” Shiro askedloudly before Lance had a chance to get away. Lance slowed his steps butcontinued to inch his way out of the hall. “Cause… I feel like you’ve beenavoiding me. And- and you’ve been quiet” Shiro said, slowly following afterLance. “I just want to make sure that I didn’t do something wrong” Lance winced.It wasn’t Shiro’s fault. It wasn’t his fault that he looked like ‘him’. “The fact that you’re stillwalking away from me makes me think that I’m right…” Lance crossed his arms andgrit his teeth.
“I’m tired”Lance said without turning around, though he did stop walking. “And- and you’vebeen gone for a long time. Things have changed. I- We- have changed” he said defensively. Shiro lowered his head andscratched the back of his neck.
“I get that…” he said slowly. “But… but you’ve barelyspoken a word to me since I- got… back” Shiro said. They were all trying not tosay ‘came back from the dead’ because it still freaked them all out.
“Yeah, well, Keith’s talked to you enough for all ofus” Lance said bitterly. He wasn’t mad at Keith, he was just trying to avoidanswering his question.
“What’s your deal?”Shiro said, furrowing his eyebrows. “Seriously? You’re acting like I chose to leave. I died Lance! I had no choice in the matter!”
“I died too! You’re not original!” Lance shouted,finally turning around. Shiro recoiled.
“You what!?”Lance shook his head and dropped his arms. They were still at least ten feetaway from each other. Shiro opened and closed his mouth a few times. “O- okay,um, we’ll get back to that” he said, clearly still trying to process Lance’soutburst. “Just, please, tell me whatI did, so I can make it up to you” he pleaded. Lance clenched his fists at hissides. When he closed his eyes, he could still see ‘him’ perched over him, smiling. Lance still had lingering bruises onhis skin from the last time.
“Make it up to me?” Lance said quietly. Shiro could barelyhear him. He took a few steps toward Lance. “You think you can fix this?” Lanceasked. “That you can just say ‘sorry’ and everything will just be magicallybetter? That the memories will be erased?” Shiro shook his head. He didn’t understandit. He didn’t know what was wrong with Lance. “You can’t erase these!” Lancespat, pulling up the hem of his shirt, revealing a large patch of bruises scatteredacross his chest and stomach. “Or these” he pulled up the sleeves of his jacketand showed the outline of hand prints all over his forearms. ���And the worstpart is, I can’t even blame you! Cause it wasn’t you! I have no one to blameanymore, no one to hate. But when I see you- when I look at you I—” Lance brokeoff and covered his mouth and choked back a sob.
“Lance…” Shiro was speechless. He had no idea. How wouldhe have known? “I’m so…” Lance turned his back to Shiro and tried to composehimself. “Why didn’t- why didn’t anyone say anything…?”
“No one knows” Lance said hoarsely.
“You- ‘He’told me that no one would believe me over him. It was my word against his. And who were they going to believe?The leader of Voltron or… or the ‘dumb one’?”
“It’s fine. You all think I’m a joke anyway” he laughedweakly.
“Lance, I don’t think that—" Shiro said, movingto catch up with Lance again. “I had no idea that he- that that thing—”
“He wasn’t a thing” Lance said flatly. He turned backand met Shiro’s eyes for the first time since Shiro had come back. “He was you”
Shiro didn’t know how to respond to that.
“Or, at least, he was a version of you” Lance saidcoldly. He began to back out of the hallway slowly. “There’s nothing you can doto change it. You didn’t even- It wasn’t you, okay. I understand that. I knowyou didn’t do this”
“I am so sosorry. Please, let me… apologize. Or- or something! Let me do something tomake it up to you” Shiro put his hand on Lance’s shoulder. Lance jerked his armaway from him, his eyes wide and his heart thudding in his chest.
“Don’t- touch me!” Lance shouted, the panic evident inhis voice. It was written all over his face. He was terrified of Shiro. Shiro’sface fell.
“Lance…” Shiro pleaded. Lance hugged his arms to hischest.
“Don’t… just don’t” Every time he looked at Shiro, allhe saw was him. The man who screamedin his face until Lance was shaking and in tears. The man who made off handcomments about every aspect of both his personality and physical appearance,even when the others were around, playing it off as a joke. The man who beathim in places that the others wouldn’t see, and even occasionally in placesthey did see. im
Lance reminded himself over and over. ‘He’s not the same person. He’s not the same.He’s not the same’
But still, a small part of him wondered…
What if they were the same?
~   ~   ~
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crimson-mage-02 · 5 years
True Feelings
A/N: I wanted to do this for so long but i didnt get the courage to do. You all can consider this as a Fit It fanfic. I really did want Honerva to reveal who Allura really truly loves when they were on Oriande. So i did this... Hope you all like this one. @kalluralove i made a fit it fanfic for S8. 😀
Allura saw Honerva using Lotor's Sincline to fight off Keith with brute strength and force from her lion. She gripped onto her controls as she had tears forming up in her tears and then got out of her lion.
Keith shouted in pain as he was being tossed around by Lotor's Sincline. He was pinned down by him and had no power to fight back.
Allura saw that Honerva was controlling him and she let out a battle cry as her bayard changed into a blade similar to Keith's luxite blade. She swung her blade at her as Honerva looked into her eyes then the two were in a black void.
"You want him to live?" Honerva asked. Allura turned around as she tried to find her.
"I'll let him live if you work with me, Princess Allura." Honerva says as she whispers in her ear.
"No! I won't allow myself to work with you!" Allura shouted. She looked around to find her.
"I may know you are with the Blue Paladin but your heart yearns for the Red Paladin." Honerva cackled as she had shown the image of Keith in his lion pinned down by Lotor's Sincline.
Allura gasped with her heart racing with fear and conflict.
Back in Oriande, Allura saw Honerva smiling evilly at her as Allura took back her bayard. Allura landed on the ground, breaking down with tears rolling down.
"Kill him! Kill him now!" Honerva ordered. "No! Please don't! Please leave him alone!" Allura begged as Honerva stared down at the weeping princess.
"Still." Honerva says as Allura let out a sigh of relief and Oriande was collapsing as she went to her lion and Keith all went out of Oriande.
As they retreated back to the Atlas, Allira got out of her lion and saw Keith all banged up, injured and was hiding his arm. Hunk was helping him up to his feet.
Lance saw Allura out of her lion with tears down her cheeks and he thought she was running into his arms but then he saw that she was running to hug Keith.
Keith felt the princess hugging him, making him to lose balance and fell on the ground. "Whoa! Allura!"
He could feel that the Altean Princess was trembling and heard sobs coming out of her.
Lance stood frozen along with Pidge and Hunk.
Keith held the princess gently as he sat right up, rubbing her back. "She.... She was about to kill you! I-I didnt know what to do! I'm so sorry Keith." Allura cried into his shoulder.
"Shh, shh. I'm here. I am here." Keith smiled as he rubbed her back trying to calm her.
He saw Lance standing there and Keith immediately thought he was mad until he saw a smile. Keith smiled back as he continued to rub Allura's back.
Allura sniffed and looked into Keith's eyes. "Lets get you into the med bay." Allura says as she let Keith lean in her support. "Thanks Allura." Keith thanked her as she smiled.
Allura saw Lance looking at the two of them with a smile and let them have a moment. Hunk and Pidge were proud that Lance learnt to let go.
Allura stayed in Keith's med bag room and helped to wrapped his injured arm. They stayed in the room in a long silence.
Keith looked at the princess who hugged her legs to her chest. He doesn't know what to say until she spoke.
"She knew all this time. She knew that i... That i have feelings for you." Allura said.
"She's probably said that to play with your feelings." Keith says as Allura shook her head. "No! My feelings for you are real! I may care for Lance but i care for you deeply, Keith. I was such a fool for not realizing that i am in love with you."
Keith's heart fluttered with happiness and held her hand tightly. "Allura. I always have loved you. Always. But i loved you enough to be with Lance."
Allura looked at Keith who was looking away. She cupped his cheeks and kissed him deeply. Keith slowly kisses her back as he held her gently.
Allura wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his hair. The kiss was getting heated up until Keith felt something that was painful. He pulled back from the kiss. "Allura, sorry but my back still hurts."
"Oh sorry, darling! I mean Keith." Allura blushed as Keith smiled and kisses her. "Its ok."
They put their foreheads together and leaned in for a kiss again and they heard whistles coming from the door. Seeing that Lance, Hunk and Pidge smirking.
"About time!" Hunk said as Pidge smirked. Romelle was grinning at the sight as Lance smiled. "Look after her Keith."
"I will." Keith promised. Allura giggled as she kisses his cheek cheerfully as Shiro shooed them away to let them have their moments alone. Keith leaned back on the bed. "It has been a long day. You should get some sleep." Allura said.
"Yeah but um, could you uh, please stay with me?" Keith asks as Allura smiled and hopped on to the bed and slept beside him.
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leakinghate · 6 years
The Depths to which We Sink
Disclaimer: This theory and analysis contradicts some points made in my previous metas, but what’s the fun of speculation if we limit ourselves to having it all gel together?
Nothing in animation is wasted: every action and expression seen on screen is something someone had to draw and something someone had to pay for. Everything is deliberate, from changes in expression to major plot events, and things which do not contribute to the overarching vision of the show will rarely, if ever, be included. Voltron Legendary Defender in particular moves so fast that they don’t have the space to include anything extraneous even when they want to. The showrunners have said in interviews that they’ve had to cut several of their comedy ideas for lack of space.
The exception to this that has always stood out to me as not fitting into the meta narrative is s2e2 'The Depths'. It's mostly plot irrelevant on the whole, with it being notable only for introducing the Blue Lion’s sonic canon. Sure it has some nice character moments for Lance, and the animation is beautiful, but it’s basically filler. It’s almost completely forgotten by the story, only brought up again once, when Lance references the mermaids in s3e2, ‘Red Paladin’.
In preparation for the fast approaching season 7 on August 10th I was attempting to re-watch the entire show up to the end of s6. Most re-watches I do I skip less plot relevant episodes like ‘The Depths’, but I wanted to go through the whole show this time.
But as I was watching this particular episode, post season six. I was struck by an uncomfortable feeling of déjà vu. So what do you do when you think you’ve stumbled upon some heretofore unnoticed foreshadowing? Why, bring it to the Lotura Discord of course! We put our heads together and came up with some fascinating observations, as well as some intriguing possibilities for where the plot might be headed in the future.
On re-watching it again, post season six, 'The Depths’ contains an uncanny amount of foreshadowing to the entire colony plot.
Two of our protagonists unexpectedly stumble upon a completely isolated and hidden settlement after traveling through a strange space anomaly. They are initially greeted by a single member of a race they previously believed did not exist (anymore).
The mermaid civilization is beneath a thick layer of ice, and the Altean colony is inside a dome.
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Information received from an erstwhile ally reveals an apparently sinister truth about the actions and motivations of someone in power who had previously acted as a friend. To wit: the authority figure has deceived their loyal subjects for the purpose of killing them.
The ally that provides this information readily admits that they do not know all the facts and that their conclusion is only a theory based on the facts that they do have.
Dialogue from The Depths:
Lance: But what’s the point? Why mind-control the mermaids? Blumfump: To kill them! Lance: Really? Blumfump: Well, we don’t know that for sure, but hundreds of mermaids have disappeared and never come back.
Dialogue from The Colony:
Romelle: My brother was dead. I knew the truth, or at least part of it, but I also knew that no one would believe me without proof. When Keith and Krolia arrived they were my last chance at finding it. I told them what had happened to my brother, and as it turned out, so many Alteans that had been taken before him. As they explained their mission to me, we knew there must have been a connection between the missing Alteans and the pure strain of quintessence.
One of our protagonists is compromised by an antagonist’s mind control and is used to attack and subdue his fellows. The shadows on Hunk’s face when he is under mind control even look like Shiro’s scar.
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The physical appearances of several characters are also intriguing. The one character we see fall victim to the Baku, Florona, is the only red-headed mermaid in the episode. A shade of red very similar to Bandor’s hair color.
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Plaxum, the most prominent of the ‘cave dwellers’ and the one who eventually directly confronts the queen, has two ponytail-like projections on her head very reminiscent of Romelle’s hairstyle. They also share very similar body language. And Plaxum’s eyes while wearing her jellyfish are the same color as Romelle’s.
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In fact, both of these pairs of characters share very similar color schemes; Plaxum and Romelle are teal, pink, and yellow, while Florona and Bandor are red, golden-yellow, and green.
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These are all things which have already happened; there is no speculation here, only observation.
Hilariously, this means Bandor has been metaphorically represented by a red fish.
In other words, a Red Herring.
From Wikipedia:
"A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences towards a false conclusion."
This is exactly what we've been saying since season 6 aired. Specifically referring to Bandor’s line after his ship crashed through the dome. The one thing he manages to tell Romelle is: “Lotor... the other colony... It’s all a lie.” Which tells us exactly nothing, but is the evidence that convinces Romelle she is correct to distrust Lotor, and what sets off the chain of events that ultimately led to the s6 finale. It’s also the strongest evidence we as the audience have that Lotor has done something truly monstrous. The scene with Bandor irrefutably connects Lotor to the emaciated Alteans, even if we don’t know precisely what that connection is. It’s easy to assume the worst both in and out of universe.
In cinema characters with red hair are often made to be the red herrings. A red herring may be intentionally used by the writer to plant a false clue that leads readers or audiences towards a false conclusion. Bandor led Romelle to a false conclusion.
Both in and out of the show. Romelle concluded wrong. The paladins concluded wrong. The AUDIENCE concluded wrong.
What’s next? Well, the plot of ‘The Depths’ isn’t a 1-to-1 relation to the Altean Colony storyline, so it’s difficult to say exactly what aspects of the episode’s climactic fight and conclusion will turn out to be relevant. But, we can be fairly certain that the overall narrative is the same.
The apparent villain was actually being manipulated into taking the actions they took by a greater, silent threat. The few rebels our protagonists met were wrong about who was the real enemy. They were right about the issue, but wrong about the ‘why.’ The leader was not at fault because the leader had fallen prey to the creature first and was subsequently rendered powerless to stop it.
Perhaps even, and here we get into more speculation...
The real threat was something that loomed large in the background the whole time, assumed to be providing safety. Fallen from space.
The Baku is referred to as ‘the giver of life’.
That phrase is disconcertingly ominous, considering the only other time we've heard a similar phrase was in reference to Oriande. The Sages, or ‘Life Givers’, specifically.
And what is quintessence, but ‘life itself’.
JDS has previously compared Lotor to Magus from Chrono Trigger, a game I have no personal experience with, but @blackmoonbabe​ provides the relevant info​ here.
What if there's some kind of cosmic horror that Lotor's been fending off with Altean quintessence? Possibly, the only kind strong enough - apart from the rift sourced variety. Extracting it and storing the people in the hopes of eventually restoring them. Only, now that he's gone. There's nothing stopping whatever this thing is. Who knows. It might even be related to the rift creatures.
We still don't know what the Baku was or where it came from, just that it 'fell from space.' The new trailer for season 7 features a similar looking and very toothy one-eyed beastie.
When Lotor is pleading with Allura he says:
"Allura, you must understand I’ve given everything I have to plumb the depth of King Alfor’s knowledge, to unlock the mysteries of Oriande."
It might be that he found something bad while trying to unlock those mysteries.
All of this really makes you wonder why exactly Alfor kept Oriande's existence a secret.
Post season 1, there was an interview where the showrunners said that they had to kill off Alfor's AI because he knew spoilers. Which, okay, that’s fair.
Except... what exactly have we come to know now that only Alfor’s AI could have told us ahead of time?
Everything we eventually learn about Zarkon we find out through Allura and Coran. And everything surrounding Lotor and Haggar  are things that Alfor’s AI wouldn’t have known about because they happened after Alfor’s death. The only outstanding piece of information that Alfor could have know was the location of and the information about Oriande. But, Allura doesn't even think to look for Oriande until mere moments before she and Lotor unlock the map to it. Certainly, the AI could have provided information of the proper way to get past the trials, but that was resolved easily enough in-episode and it was never truly portrayed as a risk that Allura and Lotor wouldn’t return before the castle ran out of oxygen.
If it was true that Alfor knew spoilers... there is something BIG concerning Altean Alchemy that we don't yet know. Not something little. Something potentially game changing.
Even knowing there was a good chance he was going to his death, and Coran and Allura would be on their own, Alfor never told Coran about Oriande. Coran and Alfor have been shown to have a particularly close, lifelong friendship - strong enough that Coran keeps at least two portraits of Alfor in his room above his bed. Alfor trusted Coran to the extent that he entrusted his beloved daughter, the Black Lion, and the future of the universe into Coran’s hands.
And yet.
Alfor didn’t tell Coran about Oriande. The one place Allura might go to strengthen her alchemic abilities and reach her potential. Alfor was faced with the possibility of letting the knowledge of Oriande and Altean Alchemy die, and he chose to risk it.
There had to be a damn good reason he didn't tell Coran about it. He might have known about something bad. It seems like he wanted Oriande forgotten; for Allura to never go there. Or at least, not until she was ready to make some tough decisions. Decisions he would rather spare her.
I’ve been feeling since around season 3 that VLD’s ultimate conclusion will be to show us that there is no true good and evil, that neither violence or pacifism is always the answer, that the world - the universe - is all shades of grey. Allura is our vehicle for that. It’s through her assumed prejudices that the show is shifting our viewpoints. She began the series believing that the Galra were all evil, the Alteans good. As time has gone on she’s improved impressively on her initial bias against the Galra, but has steadfastly refused to acknowledge her own people as capable of similar actions - her response to the alternate reality Alteans was to declare them not true Alteans instead of accepting that they’d become akin to the Galra Empire from her own reality.
It’s clear that Allura will have to face Honerva eventually, and will be forced to confront what the former greatest Altean Alchemist has become. But it’s too easy to dismiss Honerva’s corruption into Haggar as a side effect of the rift - not the willing actions of someone more concerned with knowledge than morality.
For six seasons we’ve seen Alfor as a paragon of good. His one fatal flaw being perhaps too good, too trusting, that he believed his friend’s words over his own judgement. Ultimately damning the universe to ten thousand years of being ground under the heel of a brutal dictator.
Alfor paid for that mistake with his life, with the destruction of his planet and the near extinction of his people. And so, he remains what all good in VLD is measured against, both in our - the audience’s - minds, and in Allura’s.
But just as our ultimate evil, Zarkon, was revealed to be more than just a monster, so too will our ultimate good be made more complex. In season 3 we were introduced to the younger Zarkon. A loyal friend and comrade. Awkward around an attractive woman, afraid of cats, and a dedicated and concerned ruler of his people. He was humanized, for lack of a better word, but we still see in him the man who he’d eventually become.
What better way to finally break through Allura’s idealized view of Alteans than by tainting Alfor’s image in some way? To finally see our Big Good do something morally grey? We’ve already seen it foreshadowed by the corruption of the AI, and the Alteans in the alternate reality.
The first time we’ve heard someone level legitimate criticisms against Alfor was at the end of season 6. Just after Lotor begins his breakdown he says:
"What about your father? He may have been a master engineer, but Alfor was too weak to defend his home world. I’m the one who had to step up and save our entire race. Who are you to question my tactics in bringing peace and prosperity to the universe?"
No one else criticizes Alfor for his choices. Even when they acknowledge he failed, he's always portrayed as having taken the best choice. But, what if Lotor's right? It certainly looks like he is.
If Lotor hadn’t stepped in and saved those few survivors of Altea’s destruction they would eventually have been discovered by the empire and executed. Zarkon had made it his personal mission to drive the Alteans to extinction. Alfor was weak. He surrendered to his fear of what would happen if Voltron fell into Zarkon’s hands and failed to utilize all his resources to defend Altea, his people, and his allies.
This won’t be the only fault we find out he had, mark my words.
There is something dark and unsavory lurking in the truth of Altean Alchemy.
Considering Lotor readily admits that Alteans perished in the process of his quintessence experiments, it may very well be that whatever required such vast amounts of concentrated quintessence is also something Alfor had to contend with in the past. Canonically, as stated in s3e7 ‘The Legend Begins’, quintessence was only first discovered in the course of studying the rift on Daibazaal. Alfor could not have been utilizing quintessence directly, because he didn't know it existed.
So if, whatever Lotor has been having to do with the colony, Alfor may have been having to do something similar...
He was simply sacrificing people.
It’s a lot easier to hide a handful of people going missing when you have an entire planet’s population to work with.
What if this is a thing that had always been happening, and that's why Alfor never told Coran about Oriande?
The thing is, Lotor can't know that now. Or he would have told Allura. To justify his actions, if it was something that Alfor would have dealt with as well.
Lotor didn't have Voltron. If there is some kind of Cosmic Horror beastie out there he might not have been able to fight it, let alone kill it. So he was building Sincline. Hence the urgency to get it completed even after Zarkon was gone. We know he was out of concentrated quintessence as of s4e5 ‘Begin the Blitz’. He was either going to have to access the rift imminently or harvest more people.
The powers that be keep talking about things not being black and white in this show.
Alteans can do bad things. Honerva became Haggar. Allura herself has made some morally questionable choices. Like what she did to Lotor for example.
Allura will need to realize that. The truth will rise from the depths and confront her in a way she can no longer ignore.
Alfor failed. It was up to Lotor to save the Altean people. He did what he felt he had to do, and in many respects, it will turn out he was right.
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Someday I’ll stop harassing you with prompts but what if Lance’s Altean marks are really sensitive since he’s new to them?? Like Keith is admiring them and traces his fingers along them and Lance squeaks Leading to giggles and teasing and fluff and wow I should stop (I promise no more prompts during winter break!! XD)
Sensitive Marks
A/N: Nooooo!!! I like when people send me prompts! Your not harassing me, all is good XD!
I did take inspiration for like the marks glowing when Lance blushes or gets flustered from @kwaiipootato, and I thought it would work nicely in this fic. I hope you don’t mind!
Lance shifted in his sleep slightly. The ship he and Keith were on wasn’t big enough to hold four bedrooms… meaning he and Keith had to share. Most rooms were filled with supplies to help out planets in need, the other’s served as bedrooms. 
Zethrid and Ezor shared a room, Acxa had her own, then there was Keith and Lance. The two had teamed up during Keith’s last break on earth. The former red paladin believed it would help spread the word of peace, the promise he’d made to some one he loved so much, if he went from planet to planet with Keith. 
At first Keith was hesitant, he didn’t want to drag the other back into space when he’d missed his family and earth so much. But nevertheless, he agreed. 
“Dude… I know your starring at me.” He mentally slapped himself for not facing the wall again. “Sorry…. just… they glow in your sleep,” Keith mussed. They glowed a bit brighter from embarrassment. Opening one eye slightly, Lance huffed. “Then I’ll roll over again.” 
As he went to turn a finger brushed across his cheek. Jumping from shock and an odd, tingly sensation, he stopped. “Keith!” Lance bit his lip as the finger kept tracing over one of his new marks. 
“I still can’t believe you scored a date with Allura, let alone kissed her.” He noticed that the marks grew even brighter after his comment .”Come on dude… it’s still a sensitive topic.”
Keith frowned before feeling the other mark as well. “Sorry, didn’t mean to upset you.” Lance was growing annoyed. Not only did he not have time to put a face mask on that night… but (what he assumed to be) greasy, oily, dirty hands were feeling his face!
He was going to have a break out for sure! “Can you stop smothering me,” he huffed before biting his lip. It was a similar sensation, almost like something from childhood. 
“But they feel so soft compared to your skin.” A little insulted, brown brows knitted together as the marks glowed brighter. “Keith your acting like a ch– pff heh!” Lance covered his mouth while trying to pull away from the other. 
“Did… did  you just giggle?” The glow of blue coming from his face helped illuminate the excitement in purple eyes. “Wait… your cheeks are ticklish?” That’s when it hit Lance. 
It was like going to the dentist as a kid. He’d giggle up a storm from the bristles and tools touching his gums, maybe this was like that?” Another giggle escaped his mouth as Keith played with the mark again. 
“Sthap that!” A shiver ran up the former red paladin’s spine from the nice feeling it gave off. It tickled but… it was soothing. Like when someone plays with your hair! Keith let out a rarely heard, true, laugh.
“That’s so weird. I wonder if Lotor and Allura’s did this, or Romelle’s.” Her name still hurt the Cuban boy but he tried to ignore it. After all he was starting to feel similar emotions for Keith as he’d done for the princess. 
Maybe it was out of loneliness, or maybe it was a mix of being alone and Keith confessing right before Lance’s date with Allura.  But that was a year ago… but hope tried to rise. 
“Keith it tickle, sthahap. Your going to wake the others!” The walls were thin despite being metal. They needed a new ship badly. “Really? It’s only going to bother Acxa. Zethrid and Ezor have tickle fights all the time… though you sleep through it.” 
The other giggled and squirmed as his friend touched the marks more and more. “It’s shahao weird.” He froze as lips touched them.”I think it’s pretty cute.” With that the samuri shot him a smirk. “Well… good night Lance.” 
With that he rolled over to face the wall. It took the sharp shooter a moment to process what had happened. “Wait.. did you. Don’t you– who just kisses some one and, Keith!”  Let’s just say… Acxa would be looking for a new ship for them soon. 
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meddlelyn · 6 years
hhhhhhhhhhhhh so season seven came out and i have a lot of conflicting feeling but one of the things i need is for them to mourn. like let them feel dammit.
(ngl, this entire thing happened because i saw this wonderful art piece)
headcanon that after everything's been settled for a while, after things have been rebuilt, earth holds a parade for anyone who lost someone to march in and remember them by. and everyone's lost someone. so it's a heckin big parade
the paladins take up the lead. they aren't wearing their armor, just casual clothing. people recognize them regardless. at first, when people first see them, they cheer. they yell appreciation and thanks and luck and love endlessly until they grow nearer. because unlike usual, they aren't smiling and waving and yelling thank yous and throwing roses. they look like they've been through hell and it takes people a moment to recall that they have.
shiro's up front, holding pictures of him and adam and has rainbows painted on the side of his face. he's got pictures of all the ambassadors and members of the coalition that had passed in the time they were missing. he bears the weight of hundreds that he feels he failed to protect because he wasn't there. so he carries their pictures and their names as he mourns his love he at least wished to see again and the years he had lost trying to protect him from across the galaxy
hunk is next. he carries a picture of his entire family, some of which are standing right there with him. some. he also carries a picture of his youngest sibling, who the galra had deemed unable to be of any use. he and his family hold that picture together, heads high, so everyone can see that despite the unimaginable pain they were going through, despite the tears streaming down their face, they would survive this.
lance stands with his sisters and his brothers and his mom and his dad and his nephews and his nieces and without his grandparents and some of his sibling's spouses. they carry not pictures, but belongings. the things they had treasured most. a rosarie for their grandmother. a baseball hat for their grandfather. one of lance's nephews is wearing a jacket far too large with his fathers name written along the bottom  of the back. he sits on lance's shoulders and lets himself be the center of attention in their little group.
pidge and keith come next. they stand together, matt, sam, and colleen next to pidge and krolia and kolivan next to keith. each family holds a plaque, large, shiny, and heavy, with tiny lettering and a large symbol on top of each. the kogane's lists all the members of the blade of marmora that had fallen in the fight against zarkon,  in the hands of a rouge druid, in the war to free the universe. at the top the blade's insignia glows galra purple, and it is a message to all that not all galra were bad, and not all invincible soldiers made it through the war. the holts, next to them, hold a similar plaque, instead with the names of every member of the rebellion that had given their life to save those of the ones they cared about. the rebels have no symbol, no marking to identify the thrown together army of people wanting to survive. so instead, in a dark orange, pidge had written "Rebels" at the top in altean. (when coran, allura, and romelle had seen it, they'd gotten choked up. the thought of their language surviving through those who had not was not a happy thought, but at the very least one that told them again that they were not gone yet)
speaking of the alteans, they came next. they were all wearing pink and black, and allura had shifted her hair color to a light shade of pink. they had painted their faces in the way alteans did in funeral processions, with half white and half red with a pink strip down the center. red was for what coursed through their veins, white was for the magic the alteans used to bring life into their worlds, and pink was a mixture of the two as a tribute to those whose red had spilt and whose magic had dried up. painted on their arms, were the names of everyone they had lost. Allura and Coran hand searched through the information they downloaded from the castle for any names of alteans that had long since been killed, but had still been the first casualties of the war. their arms were nearly entirely full of paint, and written a bit bigger on each of their arms was alfor's name. Romelle, who had been born many, many years after the fall of altea, had written the names of everyone from the colony she could remember, her brother's being largest, and her parent's being next to his. her arms were full up of names, though it didn't hold a candle to allura and coran's arms. the three of them clasped hands and let tears fall every now and then, head's held high just like hunk's.
what came after them was a flood of people so thick faces blurred together and their cries merged into a single yell. however, if someone looked close enough, they would be able to pick out a great many faces in the crowd. faces like those of the MFE fighters, who marched together, hands grasping each other's tightly enough to cut off circulation, holding a sign with the names of the pilots who had died in the decision to let them fight first. faces like shay and rax's, who carried a sketch of their father, holding each other and soaking in the sun he never got to see. faces like ryner, who had visited to see the paladins, bearing no names, no pictures, no belongings, only the knowledge that she marched for those who had fallen silently, who had fallen with no notice, who had fallen with no one to mourn.
many marched. many more had fallen. many more would. the war on earth may have been over, but the war in the cosmos was still in full swing. so they marched for those already fallen, and those who had yet to fall.
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vixensheart · 6 years
“There is nothing permanent except change.”-Heraclitus
The sharp rap on the door had Pidge jumping nearly a foot in the air, tumbling backwards and tripping over her chair as she fell onto the floor. “What?” she snapped, whirling around to glare at her doorway. Romelle peered inside, her lips drawn into a frown.
“There’s a guy at the door.”
“He says he’s here for you.”
At this, Pidge scrambled to her feet. “Shit, I forgot!” She yanked open a desk drawer and rifled about for a hairband. “Come on, come on, where is it?” The top drawer proved successful, and Pidge threw her hair up into a messy bun. She pushed past a baffled Romelle and hurried to the door, throwing it open to reveal Hunk.
“Hey,” Pidge said, breathless. Hunk grinned, his arms laden with books.
She swept to the side, beckoning him inside. Tonight was their study date. Hunk was in her geography class, and they had a test scheduled for that Friday. He’d asked if she wanted to help him study, and Pidge accepted.
Hunk was sort of her friend. They sat together in class, talked before and after, and every now and again, they’d catch each other at one of the campus restaurants and sit together. He was a fun guy; his sarcastic humor was rather similar to her own, and Pidge found herself enjoying talking to him. It was only natural, she supposed, for their friendship to blossom naturally, as it were. Still, she felt unusually nervous as Hunk glanced about.
The dorm was one of the larger units; a suit, as advertised by the university. There were three small bedrooms and one and a half baths, the larger bathroom beside her room. Where they stood now was the living space, which Allura had decorated with a posh rug and a few paintings on the walls. A small kitchenette stood to her left, complete with a microwave, fridge, and small stove.
“We can uh, go to my room,” Pidge said, gesturing awkwardly. Hunk hummed in response and followed her through the little room and past Romelle, who was gazing at them with a bright curiosity. Pidge tossed her a silent glare and ushered Hunk into her room, away from prying eyes.
Her two roommates were nice enough, but Pidge wasn’t terribly close with them. Perhaps it was her own fault; she had a tendency to hole up in her room and hardly interact with the world. She supposed in hindsight, Romelle’s curiosity also made sense, as this was the first person Pidge had ever brought home.
“Welcome to my domain,” Pidge said. “I uh, don’t have an extra chair...so we should probably sit on the bed.”
Hunk dumped his armload of books onto the bed, his gaze locked on her windowsill. And shelves. And dresser. There was a look of awe as he took it all in, making something flutter in the depths of Pidge’s stomach. “Wow, that’s a lot of plants,” he said.
Succulents, ferns, and even some marigolds decorated her room. Pidge looked at the array of green, a flush rising to her cheeks. She loved plants. There was just something so fascinating about them. Despite being sessile and reproducing in ways vastly different from most multi-cellular animals, they were alive. Pidge felt connected to them, in a way; they were her passion, and she loved the natural aura they brought to her utilitarian dorm room. She shrugged, hugging her arms about herself self-consciously. “I like plants,” she said simply. A grin bloomed onto Hunk’s features.
“It’s actually pretty cool. I like the flowers,” he said, pointing to the yellow marigolds. Relief flooded through her, and tension she didn’t even know existed released its hold on her.
“Thanks. It’s a fun hobby.” Pidge flopped onto the bed, admiring her little indoor garden. “It keeps me sane during the semester.”
Hunk joined her, bouncing a bit on her fluffy mattress. “I like to collect rock,” he said. Pidge jerked her gaze to him, eyeing him curiously.
She tilted her head, attempting to picture it. “What kind of rocks?”
Hunk shrugged. “Any, really. I just really like how the minerals come together to make such pretty designs, and stuff.” He shrugged again, bashful. Pidge bumped shoulders with him, smiling.
“That’s cool. Rocks are interesting, too.”
There was a beat of silence. Then, “Are you majoring in science?”
Pidge shook her head. “No. Well, I mean, not biological science. I’m an astrophysics major.” St this, Hunk gawked at her.
“What? Astrophysics? Damn, Pidge.”
She raised a brow. “What? I like it. Space is cool.”
He shrugged and leaned back on his hands, laughing. “I guess. That sounds like, super hard though.”
Pidge rolled her eyes. “Okay, genius, what’s your major?”
She blinked. “And that’s easy?”
Hunk chuckled. “To me it is. Much easier than geography, anyway.”
They both groaned, staring loathfully at the pile of books Hunk had brought. Pidge snatched her pillow, clutching at it angrily. “Ugh, we need to study.”
“This is going to take me forever to memorize all of Europe. Why does Europe have so many countries?” he whined. “Can’t they just, like, merge into one big country?”
Pidge laughed. “Come on, the sooner we memorize these countries, the sooner you can show me your rock collection.”
Hunk perked up at the suggestion, and he all but threw his atlas at her. “Okay, okay, I’m ready.”
They dove into studying wholeheartedly, then. Pidge’s nerves melted away, and she found that she was enjoying herself. Perhaps she’d have to have more study dates with Hunk...
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