#AND ALSO. i need to drive more but a license is in my future soon
saltinesinsoup · 1 year
(guy who’s overthinking voice): what haha nooo i’m not overthinking
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WIBTA if I reported my classmates for potentially breaking traffic laws?
I (17F) am a junior in high school for just juniors and seniors. This means we're in our last two years of school and more or less everyone is 16-18 years old.
In one of my classes, there's 3-4 (I don't know the exact amount since I'm partially faceblind) guys who are all friends. I've only spoken with one of them outside of class, who I'll call Flame, so I don't know their sense of humor or anything.
Whenever I've spoken with Flame outside of class, it's always been because we leave our shared class in the same general direction, and he catches up to me after 2-3 minutes of walking in the halls (crowded). This doesn't happen a lot; I've gone about a month now without speaking a word to him, and it's only happened maybe 10 times in total over the past 3 months?
I was initially alright talking with him, but on my second or so time ever talking to him, he breezily mentioned how he got in a physical fight with a friend and was sent to the hospital for it, but "broke [his friend's] arm so it was fine" and laughed about it. He's also cheerily mentioned and detailed how he ignored his girlfriend for a whole week, causing her to break down over the weekend, because her dad didn't approve of the relationship, and he was hoping she'd "forgive him soon". He's also told me that he was being investigated for a "false claim of sexual assault"?
In all, he scares me, but I try to not let this get in the way of my judgement of him since he's not entirely bad (offered to share his umbrella a few times when it was pouring, seems pretty passionate about sports).
Onto the main point, today in class, I overheard one of Flame's friends suggesting, pretty loudly, that he get a license plate cover (or something like that, I didn't remember the details) so that Flame could get away with speeding too so that he wouldn't be late for work. They laughed about it, and although I didn't catch Flame's response, he seemed pretty positive about the idea? I estimate from what he's told me that Flame has had a license for about a year by now.
I usually wouldn't consider reporting someone for doing something that only affects themselves, but driving is something that impacts others pretty significantly.
However, I'm not entirely sure it was a serious suggestion, if Flame actually plans to do it, nor even if Flame's friend uses the license plate cover. I'm also unsure how much it will impact Flame's future. He's been accepted by a college already and is going to be playing a sport for them, he just needs to pass his current classes to graduate. Notably, he's also southeast asian, and I'm unsure of how bad police officers here are since I'm white and haven't ever interacted with any. I think the government here generally has a slight conservative lean, though there's also a more poc here compared to other places in the US (~50% of people in general, ~75% of people at my school), if that changes anything.
Overall, I don't want to ruin his life over nothing, but I also think speeding could easily ruin someone else's life if he's doing it.
WIBTA if I reported him (and/or his friend(s) if I learn their names) via anonymous tipline for potentially speeding?
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First Wedding Planning & Preparation
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON Future Buddie Fanfic Series
New Buddie Fanfic
Part 12 is now available on AO3: First Wedding Planning & Preparation - Buck and Eddie’s first planning and preparation for their wedding and honeymoon.
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First Wedding Planning & Preparation
28.0K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Here's a snippet from one of Buck and Eddie's conversations.
A few moments pass and Eddie says, “We accomplished a lot today with our wedding planning and preparation but there’s a whole lot more we need to do”.
“You’re right and I was thinking we could um… go to the loft in the morning after we clean the house then we can pack my clothes along with the stuff the junk removal company will take away. I can submit my immediate notice to vacate in the resident portal but I’ll still have to check the mailbox while we’re there. We should also order some invitations from the 24-hour office supply company so we can pick them up before we come home and we should go by Sheryl’s bakery to see if our wedding cake can be delivered. Also, on Monday we should uh… go to Bill and Sandra’s to discuss the ceremony and reception layouts that will be in their backyard. What do you think?”
“That sounds good and we can also schedule the junk removal company to be here Monday morning after we take Chris to school and after they pick up my bed, we should be able to make our 10:30AM appointment. Then I think we should hire a moving company to move your bed here so we won’t have to do it and after they leave, we can drive to Will Rogers State Beach then we can pick Chris up from school.”
“I like that but do you think we’ll be doing too much? I mean that’s a lot to accomplish in two days?”
Eddie shrugs his shoulders and replies, “Kind of but after Monday, we’ll be working a 36-hour shift from 10AM Tuesday until 10PM Wednesday so it’ll be better if we get the loft cleaned out as soon as possible. That way Thursday we’ll have time to pack our luggage for our trip, go back to Sandra’s and Bill’s to see what else, if anything they need us to help with because I’m thankful and grateful they’re doing this for us and I want to be there to help with whatever we can.”
“I agree so let’s schedule the junk removal appointments for Monday. The one for here will be in the morning and the one for the loft will be after we go to get our marriage license. We’ll schedule the moving company to get the bed out of the loft and have them bring it here. We’ll also create our wedding invitations online and request to see them when we pick them up. Once we complete all those tasks, we should probably get ready for bed since we’ll need to leave here early tomorrow morning. I’ll uh… cook breakfast and after we clean, we’ll get dressed and go to the loft. We can order lunch while we there if we don’t get finished early.”
Eddie smiles then says, “We’re tying up all the loose ends because we’re getting married in a few days my love”.
“We are and I can’t wait.”
“Me either.” He replies then he leans in and kisses Buck on the lips.
Will Buck and Eddie be able to plan everything and tie up all their loose ends before their wedding day?
First Love Confession -Buck and Eddie share their first real and meaningful love confession.
First Date - Buck and Eddie go on their first date.
First Kiss - Buck and Eddie share their first kiss.
First Argument - Buck and Eddie have their first argument.
First Couples Therapy Session- Buck and Eddie go to their first couples therapy sessions.
First Time - Eddie and Buck make love for the first-time.
First Morning After - The night after Buck and Eddie make love for the first-time, they spend their first morning after together.
First Relationship Reveal - Buck and Eddie’s first relationship reveal.
First Mourning - Buck and Eddie experience their first mourning after a loss together.
First Marriage Proposal - Eddie and Buck’s first marriage proposal.
First Fiancé Introductions - Buck and Eddie’s first introductions as fiancés.
First Wedding Planning & Preparation - Buck and Eddie’s first planning and preparation for their wedding and honeymoon.
Part 13 - Will be posted soon.
Their Firsts, At Last - 118K Words; Currently 8 completed works: A multi-part fanfic series about the romantic “firsts” Buck and Eddie share as they journey through life in an established relationship and their lives as a couple will include some of Buck’s individual “firsts” too. It’s filled with the FANON love, romance, fluff and domesticity their relationship should have been allowed to experience in CANON.  The second part of the series title was adapted from the song “At Last” by Etta James.
This series of FANON future speculation fanfics is being written on a continuous timeline that begins with the start of season 7 (if it were to start in September 2023). Each part ends at a specific point in Buck and Eddie’s relationship so the next part can begin with the ending of the previous part. Therefore, parts 1-6 should be read prior to reading part 7 and the series will continue in that manner until it’s complete.
Parts 1 - 12 are available on AO3
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
Patient 2: AI Optimus (Ft. Ratchet.) 
and also part two of Optimus and Ratchet's fic sharing! Author's note: This took two-ish days and I'm very very proud of it. Please enjoy more Orion shengians!! :)
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Orion, getting used to how the portals work by this point, carefully stepped out of the portal and adjusted his medkit once again. He looked around, well the same ol jasper nevada. He would never get tired of it though! The sunsets, the gorgeous fauna.. If he had to pick one as his favorite, it would have to be the desert tortoise. He found it the cutest thing imaginable, it really just reminded him of bulkhead if he was completely honest. The shell reminded him of a wrecker’s hard external frame. He remembered a fun fact about tortoises, that they can almost live the same lifespan that a human can! At most they can be 80 years old, which would be most human lifespans, but it’s roughly between 50 and 80 years old. He loved being here on earth, with the sun shining, nothing could really go wrong. But he knows that a prime is hurting somewhere, and he needs to focus. He barely gets any information on the optimi he meets, but sometimes there’s scribbles on his notepad! He should check.. “AI?” He said out loud to himself, blinking. That was the only thing that was written down on the notepad, besides from a small frowny face. He didn’t really understand it at the moment, but he knew he had to help as soon as he could. Warzone + Sad + Being a prime is probably very stressful, I mean look at sire + responsibilities = disaster for a prime’s mental and physical state!
Orion knew the math all too well, and by his very rough calculations, bodily neglect is very much possible. 
He figured he should go to this universe’s autobot base in his vehicle mode and see if anyone’s there. There most likely will be, and he’s dealt with his fair share of beings. Pretender Oppy may have been given a spook by the whole ‘larva’ thing but he’s not going to let small things get to him like that again! It was a long drive there, but he finally made it. He transformed into his bot mode and approached carefully, yet resiliently. He was prepared for anything!
There wasn’t a door so to speak, but he was aware of a military only access door that he can ring the doorbell for. And so he rang the doorbell. “Access code required. This conservation will be recorded for future records, anything you say may be used against you.” the voice on the intercom announced, 
Orion spoke into it, not knowing the access code himself, but willing to say his case in hopes someone hears it.
“Greetings, I do not have the access code, but I am Orion Pax. I am a medical officer in training that’s being taught from my ratchet from my own universe. I have a thing where I do checkups on primes all over the place! I know it’s not very believable, but I can show you my license for further information. I am here to help!” “Door unlocked by inside source.” the monotone voice replied, much to Orion’s surprise. So someone did hear him.. He walked into it cautiously, he could be walking into a energonbath for all he knows. But it was eerily silent, besides from more technical bits around the base and some advancements.. It’s almost normal. Orion called out, “Hello?” he figured that maybe they speak cybertronian, so he said in cybertronian, “Hello? Anyone here?..” “I heard ya kid.” A voice spoke out from the darkness, “I can hear you loud and clear..” Orion jumped back in surprise, it was this universe’s Ratchet walked out.. But he looked much worse for wear than his own. It concerned him, “Sir, are you alright? You look.. Honestly horrible! What happened?” Ratchet rolled his optics, “Don’t we all?” Orion just looked so worried, Ratchet sighed, “it’s nothing that concerns you.” Ratchet’s spark ached. This.. youngling just reminded him, just reminded him alot of his own Orion. He knew it wasn’t the same bot, and he could just tell from the kid’s demeanor alone. “How did you even get here?” He asked, 
Orion sheepishly chuckled, “I sorta get sent at random?.. It’s a long story but I’m here to do a medical checkup. I guess for both of you.”
Ratchet just looked tired, “Don’t bother, I don’t think he’ll be interested. He doesn’t like the idea of ‘checkups’ anymore.”
Orion had a determined look on his face, “Well, if he isn’t willing to do one, I might as well do one on you!” He recited a line from his medical officer field-guide, “A medic helps everyone, no matter the circumstances. What matters is seeing them smile at the end.” He added, “I want you to smile too..” Ratchet couldn’t help but get a bit soft, sure, this kid had good intentions. But he knew his Optimus. The thought of a checkup now might scare the AI half to death, and he knew it was his own fault. He didn’t want him snapping on poor Orion. Just one checkup, he figured. He’ll send the kid on his way after that, but he could tell Orion probably won’t take no for an answer. “Fine, I'll let you give me a checkup.. But afterwards you're leaving. Understood?” Orion realized he wasn’t really going to get far with this Ratchet, but he still needed to help somebody. Maybe if he talked to Ratchet he could figure out why this Optimus disliked checkups? He had to agree to the deal, he was hesitant, “.. Understood sir.” Ratchet sighed, “I know, you want to treat our Optimus. I can tell on your face, you want to ‘make him smile’, Don’t you?” “Of course, that’s what makes being a medic wonderful! The hardwork and effort is worth it. I can tell both of you are hurting in some way, and I want to make everything better.” Ratchet sat down on the examination table, not sure of how to respond to this. It just reminded him of how far he was from Orion as the ‘medic’ on the team. He didn’t even want to be a medic anymore after what he’s done. Orion sat down on the spinny chair next to him, reading off of his notepad, “Alright, now these are the questions I'm supposed to ask, for reference but I think you would know that. Any histories or unwanted exposures to synth-en, dark energon, red energon, etc? Be honest with me.” “It's been awhile since I've done that, very brief history with synth-en, but the effects only lasted a day and a half. Haven’t used it since.” the ‘medic’ replied starkly, “Even thinking about synth-en now makes me feel sick.” Orion nodded, writing on his notepad, “Noted! Very brief history with synth-en.” he then asked the next question he usually asked, “Any recent injuries on the battlefield? So I don’t accidentally touch those sensitive places while I'm patching you up.” Ratchet stared at him blankly, and then replied, “It’s really innocent how you think I go outside, I really don’t anymore. I guess the only ‘pains’ are my joints, which by this point are normal.” Orion looked very concerned as he wrote on his notepad again, “noted.. Have you tried painkillers?” “Are you licensed to diagnose me with painkillers?” Orion paused, “oh.. Uh.. no? That’s for fully trained medics like yourself!” Ratchet looked away, “Please don’t call me that kiddo, I’m not.. Look, in this universe I have done terrible things. And I have a sinking feeling that your ratchet is very very nice to you because of how you're treating me. If you knew what I did, what I did to Optimus, I.. I don’t know what you would do.” 
Orion looked undeterred, “I have met optimis who have.. Murdered millions of people. Treats humans like trash, but did I still treat them? Yes, yes I did! Don’t you know our mantra? A medic helps anyone in need, no matter their history or what they've done.” 
He added, “I would help Megatron himself if he needed it. Because that’s what medics do! Don’t ever forget that!” he said, then suddenly held onto Ratchet’s hand tightly, “Promise me something ok? No matter what, we are medics! And we help each other..” He looked down, “Please…” 
Ratchet just was very very guilty now, this made him feel worse than he was previously because he knew Orion was completely serious, “Promise..” Orion smiled, “good, let’s keep going with the checkup.” He said cheerfully. The two weren’t aware that Optimus was watching them, he awoke to this and at first he couldn’t help but be entertained by Orion. He thought that the youngling’s courage was admirable. He enjoyed his positive attitude to things, even depressing things like Ratchet saying he isn’t a ‘medic’ anymore. It almost made the AI a bit jealous, if he was being honest. But a checkup, no no he did not want that. No matter who did it, he confidently believed that Orion would hurt him, not on purpose, just because he doesn’t know he’s an AI and makes a mistake. He’s always been anxious over checkups. Ratchet certainly didn’t help at all, hated the idea of touch. Touching in his processor meant ‘threat’, meant ‘being hurt’, ‘restrained’ Orion finished the checkup, and exclaimed, “Besides from some malnutrition and some ignorance on keeping up with rust checks, I say you're all clear!” He reached into a medkit and got out a sticker and an energon treat, “since you got the Orion treatment™, you get a sticker and an energon treat!” He placed the energon treat in Ratchet’s servo along with the sticker, Ratchet accepted it graciously, “Thank you, you know for a medical officer in training your good.” Orion smiled, proud of himself, “Course’! I Learned from the best in my own universe.” Ratchet knew who he was referring to, and couldn’t help but sigh. He knew that Orion would now try to do an examination on his Optimus, which he believed would end in disaster.   Orion then looked at him, and asked, “Why does this Optimus hate checkups?” He didn't mean to be invasive, he just wanted to figure it out. Maybe he could convince the prime that checkups were good again!
“.. It’s my fault.” Orion blinked, not sure of what to reply, “Did you accidentally hurt him during an exam?” “No, I wish it was just that.”
Then Orion understood what Ratchet meant by ‘I have done terrible things’, but did that stop him? He did want to talk to Ratchet about that, a serious discussion because he assumed it would be bad bad, but he had an open mind. He will help everyone, and that’s what a medic does. Even to those who don’t deserve to be cared for, even for those who have forgotten what being a medic is. 
“I understand, but I need to do a checkup on him. That’s what I do, I'm not.. I know I promised I would leave when I finished yours but it’s vital that I do a checkup on him.” He added, “If he doesn’t trust you, he’s probably hurting and not saying anything about it!”
The AI continued to watch, and he agreed with that sentiment. Ratchet didn’t want to force him, then again the two needed to fulfill their promise to each other, a promise that was the reason why Ratchet was in disrepair. 
He understood why Ratchet didn’t tell Orion. Orion was far too innocent and pure, but he knew that the youngling wasn’t stupid. He understood when he was being lied to from his knowledge from observing them interact. He was hurting, he was being completely honest. His struts ached, his optics strained against bright lights, injuries he refused to have inspected. He was in worse disrepair than Ratchet was, but he hid it. He had a war to lead, he was created to fight. Not to cry, not to feel.    Yet he was. He was feeling for this child, who wanted to help everyone. Who wanted to make them smile, make them feel better. He wanted to cry from the pain, to be held by someone. To be told it’s ok.
The artificial prime was stuck in two opposing thoughts, one of which was to reveal himself and accept a checkup, and the other was to sink back into his quarters and stay there. He needed to watch more, to watch Orion prove himself to him for a definite answer.
Orion meanwhile, was now talking to Ratchet about how nice earth was. How the desert outside of their missile solo was full of life. He was trying to convince Ratchet to take a walk with him, why? Because he was worried about how Ratchet stated he ‘didn’t go outside anymore’. 
Until he could treat Optimus, he’ll care for Ratchet the best he could. And that started with a walk, to get some fresh air and to see what planet they were fighting for. 
Orion said cheerfully, resmicing on how he saw a desert tortoise, “The outside is wonderful, I think I saw my favorite animal out there too!”
Ratchet questioned, amused by Orion. He knew what the youngling was plotting, and accepted it. This kid was… a better medic then he was if he was being completely honest. Aftercare for a patient, “And which one is that?” Orion replied, “A desert tortoise! Gopherus agassizii if I remember the scientific term.” Ratchet hummed thoughtfully, “And why are they your favorite?” Orion gushed, “They're adorable! Their shells remind me of a wrecker’s external frame, and their mouths look like they’re always smiling.” he smiled, causing Ratchet to have a small smile in response. “You seem to love animals.” “I do!” Orion exclaimed, “They're so gorgeous and that’s why I love earth so much. Do you wanna know what my second favorite is?” Ratchet nodded, “Sure, lay it on me.” Orion answered, “Deer! Me and Sire go to Jasper National Park for creator-youngling bonding time sometimes and I always get to feed them banana chips.” His smile got bigger, “They seem so happy..” The false prime was very impressed, this youngling cared for a lot of things, not just cybertronians. He would probably care for humans just as much. That was enough for Orion to prove himself, and he slowly slinked himself out of the darkness and into view. 
Orion lightly gasped in surprise, then quickly softened his expression and got into a position that would make him the least intimidating. He didn’t have to do the extra steps, he was already very not intimidating..
“Hello there.” He whispered, “I am a medical officer in training, Orion Pax. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” 
Ratchet started to back away, then stopped when Orion suddenly held onto his servo, “no no, you're staying here. I know I can’t fix things but I know that he wants an apology! Right?”
Ratchet was shocked, as much was Optimus. Orion wants.. Ratchet to apologize? It would be best, but the two have already been past the ‘apology’ phase of things. But now, it was clear that Orion wasn’t letting Ratchet disappear into the shadows until he apologized. 
Optimus spoke, still on a bit of an edge due to Ratchet’s presence but due to the gap between the two with Orion in the middle, he felt comfortable. Just a little,
“It would be.. Nice. Young one, we are past that stage. I.. I know you mean well, but we cannot reconcile until our promise is fulfilled and the war is over.”Orion blinked, “oh.. And what is that promise?” Ratchet froze, and for once Optimus and Ratchet came to a agreement; they should not tell Orion that they are planning to commit suicide after the war is over due to their.. History to say the least. But they couldn’t.. Lie to him either. “We have.. How do we phrase this nicely?”Ratchet tried to come up with something, “We.. um…” “Ratchet, we have to tell him the truth. I believe he can handle the truth.”
Ratchet looked skeptical, “Optimus, this is.. Unacceptable! He probably doesn’t even know what it means! We can’t.. We can’t just tell him.” Orion started to connect the dots a bit, he understood what whatever this ‘promise’ was, it wasn’t a good one. And it could possibly be harmful, but he was an open book. He liked to think he was, he could handle anything. 
“Lay it on me!” He said, “I can handle it.. Whatever this ‘promise’ is, I can take it.” “Your.. courage. It’s very admirable Orion.” Orion nodded, “of course.” Ratchet sighed, “Alright, who’s going to tell him?” “I will.” Orion approached, freezing every so often if Optimus even flinched as if he was some oversized stray cat, but eventually Orion gently held his hand, it was only holding a digit but it counted, “It’s alright.. You're safe with me. Tell me.” The response was Optimus gently petting his head, “Our promise.. Is one of death. I am not a true cybertronian, I was built. Built for war. Once the war is over, we will give ourselves to well of allsparks. For me, it’s to escape the reality of my situation. And for him, it is to condemn his crimes.” Orion thought it out, “so.. Suicide?” he said, with concern. But that concern faded, he finally understood the ‘AI’ note in his notepad, along with the frowny face. “I understand, it must be terrible for you to live knowing you're not.. Real. it sounds like a nightmare, anyone would do anything to escape a fate like that.” He glanced towards Ratchet, “No wonder you two look so terrible.. You're just waiting. I get it.” Ratchet was very shocked that Orion understood what he meant, he knew what it was, “.. We..” he glanced at Optimus.
Optimus glanced back, “We, thank you for your words little one. I knew when I saw how you cared for Ratchet you were a special bot.”Orion chuckled, “I’m not that special, but thanks!”
“I give you my consent for a.. Checkup. I know that you will not harm me.”Orion then got very excited, he was very proud of himself for managing to convince Optimus despite his anxiety for checkups and just overall medical procedures from how bad Ratchet’s ‘crimes’ were, “Are you sure? If you don’t want it, it’s completely fine! We can just go on that walk I was talking about with Ratchet. You two can keep your distance and we can have fun!” “You are.. Very compassionate for your duty aren’t you? It is fine, you are.. Very very special to me. Special little one.” 
Optimus Prime said to him, continuing to pet him. He eventually stopped, sitting on the medical berth abiet starting to shake a bit from the memories he had while sitting on it. Orion noticed. “Would you.. Like to sit elsewhere? You don’t seem very comfortable, you look anxious…” “Thank you.. That would be best for me.”Instead of on the medical berth, Optimus sat down on the bot sized couch along with Orion as he did the checkup. He did it with care, realizing that Optimus had a disdain towards touch. 
It was short, gentle touches as Orion worked, he eventually asked per protocol before he started to patch anything, as before it was simply do checks; small optic exam, the works. 
“Any recent injuries on the battlefield? So I don’t accidentally touch those sensitive places while I'm patching you up.” he said softly. 
“I have gotten a limp recently.. I think something may be stuck in my right leg.”Ratchet wanted to say something in response, like ‘Why didn’t you tell me’ or ‘that’s why you were in your quarters for so long?’ but kept his vocoder shut. He decided on just letting Orion work.
Orion nodded, “Do you.. Want me to remove it?” “Yes, please.”Once he heard this, Orion went into his med-kit and started to get out the tools he had on hand. He wasn’t very experienced in this section of work, but he was prepared due to his handbook and capability. 
Ratchet seemingly noticed the younger’s lack of proper tools as he went to get them, “I’ll go get you some proper tools.” Orion smiled, “Oh, Thank you!” When Ratchet left, Optimus hummed thoughtfully, remembering the discussion that Orion and Ratchet had when he watched them. He figured he should say what his own favorite was, as a sort of ice breaker while they waited.
“My favorite fauna to see here.. It has to be Sylvilagus audubonii.”
He said, Orion got all excited, “Oh, that’s a desert cottontail! Oh those are adorable!!” “Do you want to know why?” The AI asked playfully,Orion’s head tilted slightly, “Why?” Optimus proceeded to put his servos on his hand, as if they were ears. He started to flick his digits to try and prove his point, “they sometimes have floppy ears.” he added as he continued flicking his digits, his voice almost sounding monotone, “flop, flop, flop..”
Orion giggled at this as he did the same thing, “Flop!” “Flop.”
When Ratchet returned with the tools, Orion and Optimus had their servos on their heads, just flicking their digits down and just repeating the word ‘flop’. He laughed quietly, “I’m back, Orion, remember you have a patient to care for.” Orion stopped, nodding as Optimus stopped also. The false prime looked away sheepishly as Orion got the tools, “Could you place your leg on the couch? So it’s closer to me.” Optimus nodded as he lifted his right leg and placed it on the couch, Orion gently used the miniature frame-scanner of his, “It’ll only be a light tingling sensation, I just need to see where it is.” “Very well..”
Orion sat there for a couple moments, unmoving. Optimus questioned, “Why aren’t you doing anything?”
“You look anxious. I want my patients to be comfortable, I'm waiting until you're ready. Patient’s wellbeing matters over all!” Orion explained, now with the frame scanner on his lap. 
“...”Still not moving the frame scanner, Orion simply had a genuine comforting smile on his features. He figured that touch wouldn’t be best right now, so his face said it all.
Optimus finally relaxed, venting softly as Orion started to work, the frame-scanner went off almost immediately and the younger looked up at him in concern, “That’s.. A Lot of damage. I can see it on the scanner.. You must have been in pain for a long time.” He gently patted Optimus’s thigh, “don’t worry, i’ll help you.”
“Can you.. Extract it doctor?”Orion’s features were full of confidence, “I’ll do my best, I have my handbook and the proper tools.” He got out his handbook, reading it outloud, “Prepare numbing solution in injection vial..” he followed the instructions, to the amusement and interest of Optimus and Ratchet. He read more out loud, “Once the injection vial is prepared, flick the needle tip to get rid of excess air bubbles..” Orion then started to sanitize the area, and once it was finished, with Optimus’s consent he injected the needle. He went back to the handbook, “Once the area of injury is numbed, use tweezers to lift up metal plating..” The young medic did so, flinching a bit at the sheer badness of it. There was a sharp piece of metal firmly lodged into the prime’s leg. It must’ve been accidentally launched into him during a battle..
“I.. Know it’s bad.”Orion nodded, “It is. But I can fix it. I know I can.” he read the handbook again, “Use larger tweezers to gently loosen the item enlodged..” he did so, stopping every so often to make sure the AI was fine.
Ratchet stayed silent, watching. He knew he should be the one doing this, helping his creation. But he was the reason why Optimus hid that for so long. He doesn’t want it to get worse..
Orion pulled out the piece of metal, freezing a bit as a spurt of energon went on his thigh. But he was semi-calm, smiling. He welded up the injury, making sure no fuel lines were broken in the process, and put down the metal plating.
He then wrapped up that part of the prime’s leg, in a cast of sorts. Then he got out a black sharpie. “Isn’t the treatment over? What are you doing?..” Orion grinned as he suddenly scribbled on a picture of a desert cottontail on his cast, with the phrase ‘flop’ on it, he had a big smile on his faceplate. “Ta da! Since you told me your favorite animal is a desert cottontail, I wanted to put something on your cast so you can feel better during your recovery.” “.. Thank you for your kindness. It does make me feel better.” Orion nodded, helping Ratchet put away the tools and then once that was finished, hopping back onto the couch and happily getting out an energon treat and a sticker, “since you got the Orion treatment™, you get a sticker and an energon treat!” “I don’t think that is very necessary…” Orion was undeterred, “It is. You're going to spend a good bit recovering, so this is good aftercare!” He gave him the sticker and energon treat, and Optimus smiled softly.
Orion then got a bit sad, “How are we going to go on the walk now?..”  
Ratchet sighed, “It’s fine, I can go separately.” Orion nodded, “You better go out! You have to be healthy for your promise.” “Thank you for your help and understanding of our situation, Orion. We don’t know how to thank you.”Orion smiled, “Of course! A medic helps everyone.” Ratchet paused, “I can give him something.” “?”
Ratchet got out a small goodybag, it contained miniature medical equipment. He handed it to Orion, “it’s for your medkit incase you have to do a extraction like this again-” Orion suddenly hugged him, smiling, “Thank you!” he was touched, “This will help me so much..” Ratchet in response patted him on the head, “Of course..” A portal opened, and Orion quickly let go of Ratchet and put everything away, he smiled at the two, “I have to go now, sire will get worried if I stay here for too long..” “Understandable. Thank you again for your help, we have something new to fight for. For mechs like you to grow up in peace..” Ratchet agreed with him, “Yes.” Orion waved goodbye, he waved goodbye to this universe to go back home to Nimbus Prime and his mentor. He couldn’t wait to tell them what happened, and he would cherish his gift dearly. He knew that the two would probably not be there and had ascended into the well when he eventually returned, due to how time worked in separate universes. But he would be honored to do another check-up on them, to see how they're doing.
And with that, this wraps Orion's second patient case. Who knows who he will care for next, it could be anything. But he will address them without fear, and with compassion. Because that’s what a medic would do, wouldn’t they?
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Good soup.
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buttercupjosh · 10 months
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(Gif credit to @fivehole)
word count: 5,152
warnings: none
genres: strangers to lovers to ex’s, a bit sad, somewhat happy ending
A/N: To start, I know that Nolan’s not as popular anymore and his future in the NHL is looking a bit bleak but despite that, this story exists. This story is based off of the songs, the Hayley Williams cover of Nineteen by Tegan and Sara, (which is where the title comes from), You All Over Me by Taylor Swift feat Maren Morris and Last Kiss by Taylor Swift (I highly recommend listening to those songs before reading. I’m taking vibes, elements and references from them and putting them in the story and listening will also help with understanding the plot). I’ve wanted to write a fic based off of those songs for a while and my vision for the story works best with Nolan. It’s set in a timeline format by the hockey season. It’s written with a female reader in mind because I’m a female of color but the reader doesn’t specifically have to be a POC or a woman and there’s no dialogue. As always, I’m open to any and all feedback, comments or questions; just put them in my inbox or dm me. Thank you so much in advance for reading, I appreciate it😌
(P.S. I have other stories (linked here) that I have written for other players as well if you want to check it out)
“You were mine, always but now you’re gone. Look what we’ve become, just another sad song of a love gone wrong.” -Pictures by Judah and the Lion feat. Kacey Musgraves
Nolan could feel you in his limbs before he ever met you and he could feel you in his life before he ever thought to. How can you feel someone that you don’t even know yet? On the day you met, Nolan felt an unexplained tingle in his body. He was dreading having to go to the DMV but he misplaced his license so on a rare weekday off, he went to get a replacement license. Nolan really needed his license; he legally couldn’t drive without it. He could only imagine the chaos that would ensue if the recently 2nd overall NHL draft pick was pulled over and caught driving without his license so he couldn’t put off getting it done. To top it off, Nolan felt this weird tingling sensation in his body so he mentally made a note to talk about it with the team doctor. Travis (TK) kindly dropped Nolan off at the DMV and continued with his other plans for the off day. For you, you had some time after your classes to pop into the DMV to renew your license, which was going to expire soon because your birthday was coming up.
That tingling feeling that Nolan was experiencing went away when you first interacted with each other in that crowded waiting room back in 2018, in the middle of his first season with the Flyers. The softness in your voice asking if the seat next to him was taken directly contrasted with the deepness of Nolan’s voice. It was going to be a long wait so to pass the time, you and Nolan started talking to each other. Nolan usually was against unnecessary small talk and preferred to keep to himself but chatting with you felt different. Throughout these conversations, you learned little details about each other; details that would be held onto throughout the course of your relationship. You learned that Nolan was actually a funny guy behind his intimidating demeanor and he learned that you deeply valued family. The connection that you had made in the hours of waiting felt special to Nolan. You didn’t even know each other for that long and that well but it was almost like you could feel each other in your hearts as you talked. Since Nolan had arrived before you did, his number was called sooner so he left first. Before leaving, he quickly wrote his number down on the back of the waiting room ticket.
Later that same day, you sent Nolan a text to check in on him and that started a long text chain between the two of you. In the beginning of your friendship, Nolan definitely had his walls up but as you got to know more about each other, the walls came down. Nolan enjoyed talking to you because you made him feel like a regular person, not some superstar; the pressure of being a high NHL draft pick disappeared in the chats that you shared. Over time, he became more comfortable and trusting with you, even inviting you to his games and team events and telling his teammates about you. You began falling for each other and your relationship grew from texting buddies to friends to lovers. Your relationship with Nolan was quiet but it worked well that way. There was a slow introduction to the most important people in your lives; you’ll never forget how your father complimented Nolan’s handshake and how that handshake indicated to him that Nolan was a strong man and your mother admired how Nolan treated you so well. Nolan didn’t want outsiders to judge and ridicule his relationship with you so there were no direct social media posts of your presence in each other’s lives –only small snippets of his face or hands in your Instagram story posts, listening to songs that you liked or that reminded him of you on his story posts and location tags of being at the same place– but the right people knew you were together. There were also fun things, like surprise flowers and other gifts at your door, inside jokes, and secret road trips down to the beaches on the Jersey Shore. You were down so bad for Nolan and he could make you melt like ice cream on a hot June day with just one look. Nolan was down badly too; he tried to be all cool and push it aside but as soon as you walked into the room or opened his car door, the heat in his cheeks would rise and it was game over. The first year of your relationship together was so amazing until things changed.
Due to your summer internship commitments, you only got to spend 2 weeks in Winnipeg with Nolan before school started back up at the end of August. Nolan was anxious about you coming to his safe space of his hometown; it rained the day you arrived and the smell of rain brought comfort to him. As both a test and a joke, you ran towards your boyfriend in the airport to see how he would respond. Nolan saw you running at him and his first reaction was to open his arms to catch you; having you in his arms meant everything to him.
Nolan isn’t a man of many words but being with you made him want to sing. On your first night in Winnipeg, Nolan took you to a bonfire party to meet some of his friends. At the party, you mixed and mingled with the people who Nolan trusted the most. Nolan even pulled you in for a dance, which surprised you because he knew that you weren’t much of a dancer and also that he would bust out a move in front of so many people. After the party flamed out, you and Nolan drove back to his house and by the time you arrived, it was almost 2 am. Before going inside, Nolan had looked at you with those blue eyes of his that you adored and you could sense that he was nervous; something was up. Nolan took a deep breath and told you that he loved you for the first time in that same deep voice that captivated you when you first met and you repeated it back to him. You always knew in your heart that you loved Nolan but hearing him say it meant so much more.
Summer Nolan was much more laid back and chill than Hockey Season Nolan. During your time in his hometown, Nolan showed you around the place that shaped him into who he was and let you meet the people who impacted him along the way; he even drove you all the way out to Brandon to see his old stomping grounds before he was drafted. It wouldn’t be summer unless he also took you fishing, hunting, and out for a day on the golf course as well. You got along well with Nolan’s family and meshed great with them. By the time you left to return to Philly, Nolan was already looking forward to bringing you back home to Winnipeg for many summers to come.
After you had left, Nolan was doing some summer training and unexpectedly started experiencing some migraines; he had experienced injuries and concussions before but this wasn’t like that. Due to Nolan’s career choice as a hockey player, he had access to the best doctors and specialists in the country so that helped relieve some of the stress that came with having a chronic illness. His migraines came with good and bad days and one of those bad days came as a test when you were together.
The first time you had ever spent the night at Nolan’s place in Philadelphia, he had a random migraine. Thankfully, it wasn’t so bad that he would miss time from playing; Nolan was still trying to navigate his newfound diagnosis but he handled it the best way that he could. At the time, he was living with Kevin (you were taking things slow and hadn’t talked about moving in together yet) so you weren’t originally planning on staying overnight but Nolan really needed you there. You weren’t trained like a doctor or nurse to take care of him but you did everything in your power to make him feel as comfortable as possible and to help to alleviate his pain. The only thing that helped Nolan was laying down in the dark with no light and you cautiously lay beside him in the darkness of his bedroom. Whenever you were sick as a child, one of your parents would come into your room to make sure you were breathing okay on your own and you did the same for Nolan. You watched him as he slept and could feel him breathe. That evening was a bit rough but Nolan was so grateful that you sacrificed your time to be with him during an unexpected, difficult situation. Like anything else in life, there would always be ups and downs but you would always be there to take care of him, no matter what.
2019-20 and 2020-21
Nolan continued to miss time away from the team and he did his best to try to get healthy enough to return to play but it took more time than expected. Patience would end up becoming an important, key virtue throughout your relationship. During this time, you graduated early from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s in Public Health and Nolan was super proud of you, beaming with joy from watching his lover achieve such a great accomplishment. You decided to take a year off from school before going back to get your Master’s degree in Epidemiology but then in early 2020, a pandemic hit; suddenly, you were hunkering down in Canada with Nolan and his family, your hope-to-someday-be in-laws. The world that you all knew was changing dramatically. The NHL season paused for a bit and started back up in a bubble-style tournament but due to his extended absence and health concerns, the Flyers and Nolan’s doctors felt like it was best for him to continue his recovery instead of having him come down to play in Toronto and Edmonton. You could sense the hurt from Nolan having to watch his team play in the playoffs without him and you felt that same pain, both sharing the hope for things to get better.
After the Flyers season concluded in late 2020, Nolan’s health had stabilized by then and he felt confident about returning to play so the Flyers gave him a contract for the shortened 2020-21 season. That condensed season was a bit brutal on Nolan since he hadn’t played professionally in over a year and the team wasn’t in the best condition at the time but he tried his best to persevere through it. He had a minor setback when Phillippe Myers accidentally hit him with a puck mid-game but thankfully, Nolan only missed 2 games and finished out the season without another injury. You saw a light in Nolan’s eyes when he played; a light that both shined and dimmed as time would go on.
The Flyers missed the 2021 playoffs and Nolan was so appreciative for the time off to recover but he also felt fearful for what was to come for the future. Nolan wanted to escape the criticism and pressure from being in Philly so during the 2021 off-season, he talked to you about his plans for leaving. He thought your input was super important and you were supportive of whatever he chose to do and were open to moving wherever he ended up.
The trade to Vegas was a bit surprising because there was no solid guarantee of where he was going to play but you were both grateful for the chance that the team took on Nolan and to open to this new chapter. It wasn’t easy leaving everything you knew behind in Philly but there was something exciting waiting for the both of you in the desert. You originally wanted to finish grad school in Philly but took a pause on your studies to move with Nolan to Vegas; this was also going to be the first time you had lived together. Living in Vegas had its expected highs and lows but you both made the best of the new city. You still kept in contact with some of the Flyers WAGs and made new friends with Golden Knights ladies, discovered new things to love about each other and the new place you lived. Yes, there still were some setbacks with Nolan’s health and his play needed some adjusting but it was okay because he was glad to be back on the ice and starting over somewhere new. Things were looking fine for both of you until February 16, 2022.
You had a rare weekday off so you trekked down to T-Mobile Arena to go watch Nolan play. That game happened to be against the Colorado Avalanche; conference rivalry games always had some sort of chaos and drama but this time, that drama and chaos hit too close to home. As you sat in the stands, chatting away with the other WAGs, something devastating happened. Early in the first period, Nolan got hit. The hit was brutal to watch and you angrily cursed Nathan MacKinnon’s name for what he did to your man. You had always known that hockey was aggressive and physical but this hit ignited both a rage and sadness within you. During the game, you left to meet with the team doctor to discuss Nolan’s prognosis; it was a head injury so you knew what was coming ahead and you had to drive him home. You always liked when Nolan let you drive his car but this time it was different. The car ride back home was very quiet, the only noise was the sound of the other cars around you and the clicks of the turn signal. Every time you saw Nolan hurting, it made your heart break a little. You loved him so much that seeing him in pain made you feel pain and you wished that you could just erase the pain that Nolan dealt with and make him 100% better.
Nolan eventually did return to play before getting hurt again and playing his last game on March 24. After his final game, there was a shift in Nolan and the light in his eyes disappeared. His migraines continued to be on and off but the time away allowed them to stabilize for a bit. During his hiatus from hockey, Nolan became more distant and less affectionate with you. You tried to let his actions not bother you but it silently hurt you. You knew Nolan was upset with the way how his hockey season ended and you tried to comfort him and distract him from his pain but it wasn’t enough for him; it was terrifying to watch him fade away like that. Nolan was hurting a lot, not only physically but emotionally. He couldn’t quite fully escape the injuries and the lingering pressure of returning to hockey was always there. Everything in his life was centered around hockey; his identity, his goals, and the conversations people had about and with him. It was almost like he resented the sport that he was the most grateful for; hockey was the only thing people seemed to know him for and that was gone. The loss of Nolan’s hockey career would be a very challenging loss that he would grieve over but you were right there by his side to support him during this difficult time.
Throughout his recovery time, Nolan began to get rid of anything and everything that reminded him of the life that he once had but didn’t have anymore. First, it was removing the social media posts. Then, it was unfollowing his old teammates and so-called friends who never checked in on him. Finally, it was hurting you. At the end of the 2022 season, Nolan requested that you have a deep serious talk together. In the back of your mind, you knew that something big was coming; Nolan was already distant with you so maybe he needed some more time and space from you. He dropped the already expected and painful news but it didn’t make it hurt any less. Nolan expressed that you deserved better than him and being around you, unfortunately, reminded him both of his past and of a future life that he couldn’t give to you. You didn’t care about those things and it didn’t matter what he could or couldn’t do because all you wanted was him but Nolan already made up his mind to end the relationship.
You couldn’t believe that he would just give up on what you had but he did. Nolan told you he loved you so frequently but now, the feelings of love were going away. You already knew Nolan was devastated with the way his hockey career and life derailed but you never would have imagined him hurting you because of that. You were already there with him through some of the toughest moments for him and were willing to continue to stay through them; if you didn’t love Nolan as much as you did, you would have left sooner. Naturally, you tried to reason with him but everything was pointing towards the end of your relationship. It frustrated you that Nolan wanted to break up for good instead of just taking time apart from each other; you were willing to give him the time and space he desired and the hope of you possibly come back together lingered around throughout the air. You had Nolan but he ended up burning you; you thought your relationship was so solid and strong, that these setbacks and other things wouldn’t break it down but it shattered everything you built together.
Nolan blamed being young in love and wanting to meet new people as a reason for wanting to separate. Deep down, he wanted to be with someone who didn’t know or had any connection to his hockey days so that he could leave that part of himself behind; Nolan just wanted a blank slate to start over from it all but that came at the expense of the beautiful relationship you spent years in. Breaking up with you was like watching a part of himself die; you and Nolan were always separate individuals but your relationship interconnected you together in such a profound way. Nolan’s honest confession to end the relationship hurt so deeply; you could feel the pain in your chest and Nolan could feel the pain of what he did rattling in his bones. It was almost like that tingling feeling Nolan felt the day when you first met returned back.
This breakup was 100% one of those “it’s not you, it’s me” moments. Nolan felt bad about breaking your heart but he felt like the only way for him to get peace from his past wasn’t to carry things from it into his future. He wanted out because of himself, not because you were a bad person or something you did; Nolan truly did have a catch on his hands being with you but he couldn’t hold on much longer so he let you go. You held out and held on to your relationship with Nolan for so long; you sacrificed so much to be and stay with him but Nolan just didn’t want to continue. At the time, it was hard to understand why he didn’t fight for your relationship harder but maybe it was a sign that Nolan wasn’t the one for you and you were never really meant to be.
At least once every day since the first time it was shared, you would tell each other “I love you.” Now, all you could say to each other was goodbye. You could see in Nolan’s eyes that he was trying his hardest to not cry but he did anyway. For one last time, Nolan held you in his arms in a tender embrace as the both of you lost tears. Normally, a couple that just broke up wouldn’t do this but Nolan tilted your head up towards him and sealed the end of your storied relationship with a final tear-soaked kiss.
Over the course of the next few days, you packed up your respective things and began the separation, silently removing things from your shared space. Throughout your packing, you both found little mementos from your relationship; things like the paper ticket Nolan wrote his number on when he first met you, the gold N necklace Nolan gave you on your first anniversary, the birthday card you gave Nolan when he turned 23 last year, a bottle of your perfume that was Nolan’s favorite. You had also found some of Nolan’s clothes that he had given you over the years you were together. The world that you had known together had turned around and it was a lot to process; you really were beginning to enjoy your new home but now, you both had to return back to your old one. Thankfully, one of your local friends let you stay at her place in the meantime until everything was in place for you to return back to Philadelphia and Nolan stayed at the apartment. You were all his and Nolan was all yours but that was all gone. Leaving you behind wasn’t easy but he did it anyway. It was wild how you moved to Vegas at the start of the 2021-22 season and by the time the season ended in April 2022, the relationship was over.
The 2022 off-season was supposed to be different this time. At the start of the year, you and Nolan had made plans to explore Europe for an off-season couple’s trip but before the start of the summer, that trip never happened. Flights and hotels were refunded; the diamond ring Nolan had planned on proposing to you with on the trip was returned to the jewelry store. Nolan went back to his happy place at home with his family but returning to Winnipeg without you this time did hurt him a bit. As expected with returning back, Nolan had to deal with the whispers and rumors that came from people who had no idea what he was going through.
The only bright side of the otherwise sad off-season was that Nolan’s quality of life improved a lot as his migraines continued to get better with the time off; he eventually found a good regime to help him cope and he was able to do some of the things he loved, like golfing and listening to loud music. While he was home, Nolan cooked up a good plan to fly back to Philadelphia to convince you to take him back but that was all in his head; he hadn’t been to Philly since you both moved to Vegas for the trade and he never did return to play a game there. Nolan couldn’t bring himself to go back to the city that was home at one point but isn’t anymore so he let the plan go and let time pass by.
The 2022 off-season turned into Nolan not returning to the NHL at all. The Vegas Golden Knights ended up winning the Stanley Cup in 2023 without him; it hurt the both of you to see Nolan’s old team succeed at achieving one of his goals. Despite the progress made in Nolan’s recovery, playing hockey full-time unfortunately never really made its way back into the picture for him.
Nolan still quietly kept tabs on you, watching you from the sidelines. You finished up your Master’s degree program and he was proud of you again, just like he was when you graduated with your Bachelor’s degree. It had been over a year since you last talked to Nolan. You tried to keep tabs on Nolan but he wasn’t really close with anyone from his old teams anymore and you only saw brief glimpses of him through his Winnipeg friends. You romantically moved on with someone new, someone who fulfilled the “if he wanted to, he would” that Nolan chose not to meet. Nolan moved on too, he met a girl in an online support group for athletes whose careers were derailed by injuries. His new girlfriend met the requirement of no hockey connections and she was great; he deeply loved and cared for her, just like he did for you.
Despite the amount of freedom you had from each other since the break up, you weren’t fully clean and still had pieces of each other left lingering all over you. You would never look at a vehicle with muddy tires the same way –they reminded you of when you and Nolan went to Hawaii for All-Star Break, rented a Jeep, and explored the island–, you would never look at anything related to ham and cheese without thinking of Nolan’s pre-game meal and how you missed going to watch him play, the migraine medication commercials made you think about the treatments that didn’t work and wondered what was helping him now. Nolan was notoriously known for his privacy and for being a lurker so you had no idea if he had truly missed you.
Sometimes, Nolan did miss you but he wasn’t going to let you know that. When the Italian restaurant that you had gone to on your first date closed down, Nolan wanted to talk to you to reminisce on those good times but he didn’t reach out, he couldn’t see orange juice without thinking about how he always kept a bottle in the fridge for you, plaid always reminded him of the flannels you wore in the fall, hearing certain songs on the radio made him wonder if you would like this song. One day, while figuring out what to listen to, Nolan came across the playlist. During your relationship, Nolan made a secret playlist called “y/n-core” and it contained all of the songs you liked and songs that reminded him of you. He listened to it whenever he missed you; when you found out about it, you made a similar playlist for him. Music was something important to both of you so deleting the playlist was hard so you both kept it; Nolan would secretly listen to it whenever he missed you and look back at old photos from when you were together and when you missed him, you would put on one of his old shirts and play it as a coping mechanism.
Looking back at the relationship, some questions began to arise. Were there any warning signs that you missed beforehand that could have indicated that the relationship was doomed? Could you blame Nolan for wanting a change? Could you blame Nolan for not changing his mind and not wanting to reconcile what you had? Could Nolan blame you for moving on when he didn’t want to stay together? Neither of you would have ever thought your relationship would have ended the way it did. It started off like a beautiful love song but it crumbled like a piece of paper when it ended. Neither of you would say that you wasted your time being together because you lived and learned throughout your relationship; you both carried those things into your new relationships. Even though you’re not sure if you’ll ever see or hear from him again, you had hoped that Nolan was doing okay and he had the same hope for you. Over time, you forgave Nolan for what he did and Nolan forgave himself for his actions. You understood why Nolan broke your heart the way that he did; he did it because he loved you so much that he willingly walked away from you so that someone better could come into the picture. Nolan’s capacity for love was enough for you but he saw it differently so you had to fully accept his decision.
Even though you’ve both moved on to new partners, your name and Nolan’s name still lingered on each other’s lips whenever either of you kissed your new lover. Sometimes, you missed the moments when Nolan would randomly interrupt you with a kiss (your new partner wouldn’t attempt such a thing) and Nolan actually missed doing it to you and couldn’t bring himself to continue that with his new girlfriend. Every now and then, the feelings of missing each other would occasionally sink in and you both would miss and think about the other. You both hated missing each other because you both had new lovers, but that didn’t prevent those feelings coming up. Sometimes, you both wished that the other would call but those calls would never come and you had to let each other go. If you somehow did end up back together, it would cause more pain than love; how do you fully trust someone who hurt you so much? You both still carried a little of the love you shared together but things would never go back to being the same. After being out of touch for so long, there was no point in trying to revitalize the relationship you had together or to even try attempting to be friends because you were both on different roads and chapters in life. The last drop of rain from the storm of your relationship dried off the pavement and there were no physical stains left behind.
20xx-xx (Epilogue)
Many years later, when you were chilling with your new partner at your apartment, they accidentally spilled water on their shirt so you gave them one of Nolan’s old practice shirts to wear. Seeing your new lover wear something from your old lover made you short-circuit for a minute. How can someone that you love now look so good in something that belonged to someone you loved before? Your new lover also asked you to marry them underneath a pillow fort while wearing Nolan’s old shirt with your dream ring and the date this occurred was the 19th. On a warm sandy beach somewhere, Nolan proposed to his new girlfriend on the exact same day with the same ring you wanted (his now fiancee’s dream ring). Throughout your relationship with Nolan, the number 19 started appearing more in your life and started holding more importance to you because of him. It was Nolan’s jersey number in Philadelphia (changed to 41 in Vegas), his birthday was on the 19th of September, it was part of the address of the first place you lived together, and it was the age that you fell in love with each other. The number nineteen meant something significant to the both of you and neither of you would ever forget it.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 5 months
Hi Kiko! I'm glad to hear you'll be starting your new job soon! So exciting!!
And thank you for the update on Atlas🥺! I'm happy to see him doing so much better!! (And that picture of him as a kitten??🥺🥺🥺omgg so cutee). Also you mentioned he is part Maine Coon, is he a big boy then? Because I know Maine Coon cats can grow pretty big.
I hope the new year hass been good so far for you! For me its been a bit hectic with university but not too bad so far. I'm also taking driving lessons to hopefully finally get my license in the summer!
And I have another fun random question about Goinko for you. What do you think their icks would be about one another? (I feel like Gojo seriously wouldn't be able to find any because he's just that whipped for Rinko haha)
HELLO. I AM ALSO EXCITED, AND TERRIFIED. It's completely in-office, which I haven't done in years. My old job was hybrid, and my most recent job was fully remote. I have to wear real pants for this new job 😭😭😂
Atlas IS a big boy. He's already bigger than Arli, who is just a domestic shorthair. She's going on... seven(?) years old now, and Atlas is already about three or four pounds heavier than she is at just over a year old. But the vet says he's at a healthy weight! He also looks bigger sometimes because he's SO FLOOFY. SO FUCKING FLOOFY. But he's long, too. Like, very long. But his tail is kinda short. (hehe. i'm a child for laughing at all the euphemisms that can be made 😂)
The new year has been mostly uneventful so far! I've been trying to spend the time before I start my new job relaxing and catching up on some chores I let fall flat because of my extreme depression 🫠
Good luck with this semester of school! And with your driving lessons! If you don't mind my asking, are you in the states or somewhere else? And do you have a specific reason for not getting your license until now? I know the driving age is different in a few countries, but some people also just choose not to get their license if they don't want/need!
As for your Goinko question: What are their 'icks' about each other?
BRUH. I'VE NEVER REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT THIS. I also don't have a super good understanding of what this means... DOES THIS MEAN I'M OLD? 😭 google only kinda helped 🥲
We'll just do Another Level for now, but maybe in the future, I'll do Physical Paradox, too! (when i have a better understanding for what this actually means)
Gojo with Rinko:
Whenever she does something that reminds him of the Zenins too much. I think her sneer is one, oddly enough. Like, her really mean sneer that literally matches Naobito or Naoya perfectly.
When she speaks poorly of herself or tries to run from a situation when they have a disagreement. As their relationship develops now that they're together, I can see her avoidant personality really bothering him.
Little ones I think could include silly things like how much detergent she uses when washing clothes, how she hangs her shirts in the closet once they've moved in together completely... I'll probably think of more as time goes on?? maybe??
Rinko with Gojo:
him drinking is for sure one. but idk if that counts?
when he refused to take teaching seriously
when/if he keeps up the facade of overconfidence when they're alone instead of being honest with her...
but in reality, they're so whipped for each other that most things they can just talk through or get over?? like idk if that matters for icks?? WHAT EVEN IS AN ICK. I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND.
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taeyungie · 8 months
driving must be so cool... i don't think i'll ever be able to do it :( in my country it's really expensive to even have your license, let alone buy a car. i also think that i'd be of trying, even if i had the money. i just can't imagine it in my future, but i wish i could
i don't wanna live in buses and subways 'cause they all suck here too, but i also don't have money to taxis and such. then again: even if i had, i'd be afraid of the men driving, it's so dangerous 😞 i guess i just hate my own country and i hate that i'm so poor? idk
but if i could do all those things and if i wasn't scared at all, i'd also want to have a motorcycle🥺 maybe i romanticize things too much, but it must be so freeing and it also makes you cooler
you should go for it, and you'll have another thing in common with jk, because he surely has one 🤧🤧🤧
oh i definitely understand you, things have gotten sooo much more expensive, that's true :( i was just really lucky to get my license right before everything started getting super expensive, so 🥺 you can try to separate it all, collect some money and do it in parts, that way you won't feel like you're stuck in place? 💓 here where i live it's almost natural that each person has their own car, maybe that's why things went better for me, but that doesn't mean it won't happen for you!! 🥺 you could start with a motorcycle though, they are definitely less expensive!! we could try to do that together soon :) i also have to start collecting some money first, to pass the exams and attend lessons, and in the end buy the motorcycle and all the stuff that are needed to be able to ride it, so i'm definitely not gonna be hoping that it will happen in the next few months, MAYBE if things go well it will happen in a year from now on :) heads up sweetheart! if you want something, go for it! no matter how long it takes it'll be all worth it in the end, it's really so freeing at times :) 💓
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vettelsvee · 2 months
YOU'LL FIND ME IN THE STARS | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | history series masterlist
history series season 1: part 1 | part 2.1 | part 2.2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
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summary: sebastian can't get di out of his head even though he's back home with hanna, his girlfriend. that's why the young man decides to step up with his decision: doing everything possible to have the austrian continuing her internship alongside him, now at redbull. little did he know that does news weren't the only ones that diana wagner not only would receive on christmas, but also would change her life.
word count: 6919
warnings: brief mentions of sexual activities, anxiety attacks, sickness, death and suicide. bad language, curse words.
taglist: [@theseerbetweenus @annewithaneofthegreengable @vincentvanshoe @formulaonebuff] if you wanna be tagged in each part just tell me in the comments <3
a/n: last part of history season 1! hope you liked it because this is just the beginning of seb and di's story. they're my very own fave characters i've ever created and i hope you liked them as much as I do :)
¡! you can read the fanfic as diana or y/n, but the faceclaim will always be my girl emma stone :)
feedback is truly appreciated!
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2008 Berlin, Germany
Only two days, actually one if they considered it was already Friday, were left for the meeting with Red Bull and Sebastian, who complained to his public relations that he seemed to have no vacation during the winter break, insisted on driving to the German capital despite the six long hours ahead.
"Are you sure you don't prefer to go by plane?" his girlfriend asked, settling into the passenger seat as Sebastian placed the suitcase they would share in the trunk. "Britta can find us a last-minute flight, I'm sure."
"Hanna, I'm a professional driver, and I have a license to prove it," the blonde replied, getting into the car. "I've spent about nine months driving a single-seater at over three hundred kilometers per hour; now I need to drive like a normal guy, with my girlfriend by my side, while I calmly drive on roads I don't know, enjoy the scenery, and feel the wind on my face."
"You better not open the windows at three degrees we have out there."
"Wait and see."
As soon as the driver started the car, he turned the heating to the max and directed it towards Hanna, who just rolled her eyes at the gesture. Although she knew her boyfriend like the back of her hand for years, there were many occasions when his antics surprised her.
"Okay, okay," Prater finally responded, raising her hands in redemption, followed by a yawn. "I understand you want to act like a normal twenty-one-year-old guy, so go ahead," she indicated, pointing her index finger at the road ahead.
They had only been on the road for about an hour and Hanna had already given up, falling into an immediate sleep that had interrupted the conversation she and Sebastian were having about the apartment they planned to see in Berlin and intended to buy. Although the German enjoyed driving, he didn't like doing it alone, at least not outside Formula 1.
The music playing in the background, coming from a local radio station, along with the constant roar of the engine, was what kept him from dwelling too much on why his mind had been so distracted since the end of the season or, more precisely, on the person who had occupied all his thoughts.
No matter how hard he tried, Vettel's mind was elsewhere, immersed in that unnatural blonde hair and blue eyes that conveyed both security and fear, from the girl who had a brighter future than many people made her believe.
Since that victory in Monza, the German's judgment was completely clouded and filled with confusion. He couldn't overlook any of the interactions they had had since then. The spark in the girl's gaze and her desire to see him succeed, regardless of what happened to her, left Sebastian completely bewildered.
Did the Austrian see the possibility of going beyond a simple friendship between them? Or was it him, seeing in Diana what he would like to see in Hanna?
Possibly the latter: the problem was him.
The night wind entered gently through the window, which the blonde had opened slightly shortly after her girlfriend fell asleep, who was unaware, thankfully, of all the possible scenarios Sebastian was creating and would like to experience with Wagner. The last thing he wanted at that moment was another jealous outburst from his girlfriend, although he deserved it.
While his love for his girl was the most important thing to him, he couldn't help but feel remorse for realizing that there were certain things his girlfriend seemed to lack, but that Diana shared with him. It wasn't just their passion for motorsport anymore, but also the concern the intern felt every time the pilot got in and out of the car, when he finished a press conference or an interview, or even those moments when he saw him with few friends. Prater rarely did that, even if she made an effort to show a minimum of feigned interest.
Diana Wagner was the kind of person whose world could be falling apart, and yet she would worry more about the person in front of her.
For months, Sebastian had been wondering if his mind was playing tricks on him by comparing the two girls. Was it fair to Hanna for him to think of Diana as her replacement? Even for the Austrian: was it normal for him to see her as the idealized version of his girlfriend? Sebastian found himself in completely unknown territory from which he couldn't find a way out, and the more he thought about it, the more lost he became in his feelings.
Hanna shifted slightly in her seat, turning her head in the opposite direction, now facing the pilot. Vettel took a few brief seconds to turn his gaze toward her while still paying attention to the road ahead. He loved the girl beside him and would do anything to make her the happiest woman in the world.
A knot started forming in his stomach: he didn't want to hurt her, but it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to clear his head, the mental block growing stronger as the hours of the journey passed, even when they had already entered the German capital.
Friday had passed faster than Sebastian expected. As soon as they parked their car in a nearby hotel parking lot and checked in with autographs and a photo session with the hotel staff included, they dropped off their few belongings in the assigned suite and took a short nap to recharge. Within hours, Vettel and Prater were roaming the streets of Berlin incognito, heading to the apartment they had in mind to buy. Sebastian's impulsivity, driven by guilt, led him to say yes without giving the blonde much chance to decide, making the pilot start convincing himself that the future with his girlfriend, Hanna, was what he should have in mind. They also enjoyed an early dinner at one of the blonde's favorite restaurants in the city.
The new Red Bull star wanted to do everything possible to make his partner happy and distance her from all the insecurity she gained because of him. At the same time, he wanted to get rid of intrusive thoughts that, no matter how hard he tried to ignore them, were meddling too much in every aspect of his life.
When they returned to the room, a sense of calm invaded them. Hanna left her bag on a chair near the main door, stretching as Seb took off his coat and delicately hung it on one of the racks, his yawns filling the room. After that, the blonde approached the girl from behind, embracing her tenderly and holding onto her as if he was going to lose her.
"I'm very happy about everything we're going to do together from now on, love," he whispered in her ear, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.
Hanna turned carefully, still hugging him but now looking directly into his eyes while her hands rested on his sturdy chest.
"I am too, Seb," the girl replied with a smile that perfectly reflected her fatigue. "This is just the beginning of a new chapter in our story."
The driver held her even closer, stroking her hair and removing some strands from her face, placing small kisses on her crown. Hanna leaned in decisively, and their lips met. The tenderness that initially seemed to characterize the connection between the young couple gradually turned into passion, their mouths moving in such perfect synchrony that it seemed rehearsed. Sebastian's hands began to explore his girlfriend's back, deepening the caress that was interrupted by the blonde, who was looking at the guy with ulterior motives.
"Do you want me to do something to you?" the girl suggested mischievously. "I'm at your disposal for whatever you want. Just ask."
Prater started taking off the sweater she was wearing, throwing it on the floor, and kissed Vettel again, now with more desperation. At the same time, while trying to dedicate time to his girlfriend, Sebastian once again had visions of the Toro Rosso intern in his mind, remembering the last times they had been together and, especially, how he wished things were different between them.
How his life could be different.
"I'm sorry, Hanna," he said, pulling away from his girlfriend and taking a step back. "I'm very tired... and I can't take it anymore, I need to rest a bit," he tried to articulate as calmly as possible, pretending to lie on the bed.
"Come on, Seb, don't spoil the fun for me," the girl encouraged him, raising an eyebrow, pushing him to lie on the mattress and positioning herself on top of him. "Now we have no one to bother us, and you can make me scream as much as you want."
Hanna wasn't giving up easily, and Sebastian knew that perfectly well.
"Hanna, I'm being serious..." the pilot began to say, trying to get her off him. "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I've been driving for almost seven hours all night, and I've only slept about two hours since last night," Seb explained, using the journey as an excuse. "I need to sleep for twenty hours straight. The Red Bull I had is not enough."
Hanna looked at him, changing her expression to a more serious one as she tried to extract something beyond her boyfriend's words. Her expression reflected concern, which upset the pilot even more than he appeared.
"Are you okay, Seb?"
The mentioned sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"Yes, don't worry. I just need to sleep, at least, two days in a row and sort out my thoughts... about tomorrow's meeting."
"Relax, sweetheart," the girl began to say, caressing his cheek. "I don't want to pressure you if you're not comfortable. And don't worry about tomorrow's meeting: I'm sure everything will go smoothly."
The German simply nodded slightly, trying to act as normal as possible.
"Tomorrow everything will be over, so calm down. Everything will be more than resolved, and I promise I'll devote myself body and soul to everything you want until the season starts."
Hanna convinced herself that this would be true, calming down a bit when Vettel approached and gave her a peck, then got into bed. The girl was curious about how events would unfold the next morning with Marko and Horner, especially regarding the famous intern, but she wouldn't find out until much later because she couldn't be at the meeting. Moreover, she preferred to stay studying there; she had too many assignments and final exams to prepare to be up and down. She had accompanied Seb to Berlin to enjoy his company as much as possible.
Determined, she got up to remove her makeup and get ready to go to bed herself, although at the same time, she did it so Sebastian could have some time alone and calm down without pressure. She tried to keep the lights off and not make much noise: there had been few occasions when the pilot had had an anxiety attack, but Prater knew perfectly well that when it happened, the last thing he wanted was to talk, wishing to escape from everyone to hide his vulnerability.
When she was ready, she slipped carefully between the sheets, staying behind Seb's back while trying not to disturb the calm that seemed to have finally consumed him. The room would be immersed in a sepulchral silence if it weren't for both of their breaths, which always became synchronized after a few rigorous minutes. Seeing the scene, Hanna felt the urge to move toward Vettel. Gently, she approached him until she was close enough to put an arm over his waist, pulling him toward her protectively. She felt how the boy relaxed, encouraging her to continue: instinctively, she rested her head on the shoulder she had free, closed her eyes, and let sleep take her to a world where, perhaps, Sebastian Vettel didn't have so many doubts about their relationship.
The landscape visible through the tinted windows of the van taking Britta and me to the hotel for the meeting to finalize my six-year contract with Red Bull was more than memorized in my memory from all the times I had traveled it. I guess that's the advantage of having photographic memory. But it's also a disadvantage because I remember perfectly every single moment I've shared with her, moments that I'm not supposed to have so vivid. 
The so-called power of Diana Wagner, I suppose.
Her face, her smile, her voice... everything seemed to have moved into my mind with no intention of leaving for a long time, and I hated it immensely because I felt an indescribable emotion when I saw her. But at the same time, the confusion was huge because I couldn't understand what role her presence was playing in my life. Add to that, the fact that I felt like a complete idiot for Hanna, who deserved none of this, no matter how many scenes of jealousy she made or how much insecurity she emanated; after all, I understood her—I behaved like a Neanderthal on many occasions when I saw her classmates too close.
Britta was by my side, delivering a speech that my mind didn't seem to grasp because it was already working hard, thinking about the intern.
"Seb, are you listening to me?"
The poker face she threw at me when she seemed to realize I wasn't listening was indescribable. I just nodded quickly.
"Why are you so concerned about Wagner?" she asked, cutting the tension that had formed between us.
My hands turned into a fist automatically, my knuckles turning a shade of red that even worried me.
"I don't know," I admitted, looking at her briefly before returning my gaze to the city's buildings. "Since we said goodbye, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her..."
"It's normal to have feelings for other people," she interrupted, not giving me the opportunity to continue explaining myself. "But you have to know perfectly well what you want and, more importantly, who you want."
If my mind was a whirlwind, after her words, it was even more so. Why was it impossible for me to forget, even for a few months, about Diana? But that's not all: most importantly, I didn't know why everything I did with Hanna or everything I wanted to say to her, I wanted to say to the adopted Barcelona girl. I felt like I was somehow being unfaithful to her.
My public relations continued talking, only sending me another small thread of everything she was saying, repeating as if it were a mantra that I had to take into account what having Di on our team would mean. She even emphasized strongly that, before making a hasty decision, I should think with my brain and not with my penis.
It seemed she didn't know me, and that's what made me dislike her in moments like these.
"Vettel, come here!"
As soon as we stepped into that meeting room in one of Berlin's most luxurious hotels, Christian opened his arms for a hug, setting aside the formalities I had seen from him until then. Marko was in one of the corners, holding a folder with the team logo in his hands, completely still and with a distant look, although I knew he was analyzing everything I said or did; I could see him occasionally commenting to Guillaume Rocquelin, who would be my new race engineer, better known as Rocky, while I talked to Horner about what I had done during the only free week I had had so far.
When Helmut finally deigned to greet me, I stood straight as a candle, just as I did in school whenever I was reprimanded. No jokes for now; Roeske had already warned me about that. I was too young to be out of a job.
"I'm glad to see you again, Sebastian," he said, offering a handshake that I gladly accepted. God, he was so sweaty. "We're delighted to have you here. Let me introduce you to Rocky," he turned to the man next to him, who already had a big smile on his face, "from now on, if you decide to sign the contract, he'll be your race engineer at Red Bull."
How could I not sign the contract? I wanted my favorite girl from the paddock to be with me wherever I went. I didn't want to be out of a job.
Damn it, thinking about Diana again.
"Pleasure, Sebastian," the engineer said, giving me a hug that left me completely out of place. "I'm thrilled that we'll be working together from now on. I know you have potential."
"Thank you."
I couldn't say more because, even before finishing the word, Marko was already demanding that I sit next to Britta, who already had an impressive pile of papers in front of her. I did that, also asking her with my gaze what it was; she didn't answer, of course, but threw another one of her many phrases at me with her eyes that I knew perfectly. In this case, it could be something like "stop being a teenage jerk and focus on being an adult for once."
"All right, Sebastian," Helmut Marko began to say, "you already know well what the contract entails because, if I recall correctly, we publicly confirmed your entry into the team at the German Grand Prix this year, 2008," I nodded, "and we agreed that you would replace Coulthard about two months earlier, in May," I affirmed again, "so you must have read the contract around February or March, but it was confidential."
God, how annoying.
"Well," he continued, making me more nervous. I don't know how he could live from the calm he always carried with him, "let's review the terms and everything you'll be facing for the next six years."
"The contract will last, as I've already mentioned, six years, from 2009 to 2014, with the possibility of extending it, which will allow us to establish a solid relationship with you and, especially, to develop your potential to the fullest. You already know well that during this time, you will be the number one pilot, the most important member of the team, without intending to belittle Webber," he clarified, although I knew it was an excuse as thin as a demon. "This will give you the opportunity to demonstrate what you are capable of and, above all, achieve what we believe you desire most: accumulating podiums, victories, and even winning a championship or two. Regarding responsibilities," he changed the subject to one that seemed infinitely more boring to me, "we only expect you to integrate into the team and contribute both to the development of the car and to race strategies," he said, looking at the engineer beside him, "alongside Guillaume. We're not just looking for the best driver for the coming seasons, nor the fastest, but someone who can provide the necessary feedback to make us a rocket."
"And how much are you going to pay him?" Britta impatiently wanted to know, eliciting a smile from me that didn't amuse the company owner as much. "I believe that's what my client is most interested in and what we haven't discussed yet, I'm afraid."
For those reasons, I knew I couldn't easily let this woman slip away.
"He'll have a base salary and, from there, bonuses based on the results he achieves, especially if they're P1," explained the older man, earning mere murmurs from Britta. "But don't worry about that, Roeske, we'll provide everything necessary in terms of facilities, personnel, and resources so that your client, as you've called him, walks away satisfied every year."
"And would that be all?"
"Don't play dumb, woman," now Christian was speaking, whom I both loved and hated in equal measure. "You read the contract even before Sebastian did."
The expression she made seemed like she wanted the ground to swallow her. I knew nothing about her knowing what would be in the contract before I did... Should I be worried, or should I be calm because that was her job?
"Do you have any questions or concerns about the contract?" Horner asked with interest. "We want you to have everything clear before you sign anything. If you regret something, you can tell us with complete sincerity, you know you're the new star and we want you to feel at home."
Britta's gazes were penetrating me even before I knew she was looking at me because I knew what she was going to ask. Was it the best decision? Probably not, but sometimes the heart wants what it wants and mine, in those moments, wanted to do everything possible for Diana Wagner to have the opportunity to show the world what she was capable of. The woman looked at me, making faces so that I wouldn't say anything of what she knew as well as I did that I was going to end up saying.
"Yes," I said, taking a breath before explaining what had been going through my mind for so long. "I would like Diana Wagner, the Toro Rosso intern who was subordinate to Alex last season," I told them as I saw their faces turn into completely different expressions, "to be with us, on the team, doing something more than what she has done this year."
Roeske observed me impatiently, while the two big shots from Red Bull exchanged somewhat uncomfortable looks. The engineer simply remained silent, watching the other three as much as I was.
"Why would you like this Diana to join us, Sebastian?" Helmut wanted to know, which seemed very odd to me.
"I know what she's capable of," I began, "but since she's not given a chance to demonstrate her talent, it's impossible for you to see it. Each and every one of us, myself included, has underestimated her at some point because she's a woman and inexperienced, when all she's doing is fighting to learn, carve out a place for herself, and above all, try to be the best at what she knows could be her future profession," I declared with a tone increasingly angry from the rage contained within me. I had to learn to control it as my mother had told me so many times, but it was impossible in cases like this.
Christian Horner and Helmut Marko glanced at each other again, but unlike before, now they seemed to have a clear decision, and it didn't give me a good feeling. Before they could say anything, Britta interrupted them, showing no consideration for how much I disliked talking about my personal life in public:
"Sebastian..." she commented, knowing perfectly well the doubts that had been plaguing my mind for so long, "don't act like Diana is Hanna. Don't do this out of pity because it will end very badly."
I couldn't say anything because I knew she was right. Britta Roeske once again had bloody well hit the nail on the head, and I couldn't take it away from her. Her words echoed in my mind constantly, along with every single conversation we had had on the subject. I had a serious problem, and making another impulsive decision wasn't the best way to act.
But I did it. I ended up doing it for that bright-eyed girl whose eyes turned dark every time they trampled on her, threatened her, insulted her, or suggested she do another job than the one she was there to do, among thousands of other words and gestures that surely made her feel like crap in the area of her life that stood out the most; surely Toro Rosso hadn't selected her from thousands of candidates if they hadn't seen the potential she had. I wasn't the only one who could think that.
"This has nothing to do with me feeling sorry for Diana or not," I tried to calm my anger, "but these are professional matters that I would like to address because, just as something, I don't know what, was seen in me to run for this team, I also see that this girl can succeed when given the opportunity to do so," I turned to Helmut eagerly, and I swore his eyes began to penetrate him like no one had ever done before: “You are the ones who claim to have a young team. Don't you think it would be good to have a more rejuvenated vision of engineering, to learn from each other? No offense, man," I ended up looking at my engineer.
I could feel the doubts of everyone present, but there had come a point where I didn't care anymore: I was determined to fight for what I believed was right, regardless of the consequences that all this fuss I had created based on a slight obsession with a colleague might bring.
"Seb, please," the blonde replied authoritatively, but at the same time with affection as she looked at me with concern, "take things slowly. You're not thinking clearly, your feelings are doing it for you."
"No, Britta, I'm thinking very clearly," I replied firmly. "I can't turn my back on someone who has passion and potential for this sport, and that was clearly seen with the victory I achieved in Monza because she was the one who designed the strategy since Alex decided to leave after psychologically abusing her."
Shit, I had gone too far revealing details, but I didn't care because their faces, which had been completely impressed, except for Roeske's, were the sign that made me affirm that I had made the right decision.
"Diana was the one who prepared it?" Rocky wanted to know, and I nodded. He was the most surprised person in the room, and that gave me a little hope.
"If it hadn't been for her, I probably wouldn't have finished the race."
Everyone in the room was even more surprised. I don't blame them, I was too at the time, but I was bored: I needed Diana Wagner to surprise me even more.
"To be honest, we had no intention of continuing to trust Miss Wagner for the next season," Helmut Marko confessed, and my heart began to race. What if, after all, I had messed up even more? “To be honest, the internship program we set up turned out to be much worse than initially thought. If you are so determined for this girl to join the team, then we will establish some conditions for her to join," announced the man, "and if she doesn't meet expectations, she will be expelled immediately."
Marko's voice was firm, but behind it, I knew he wanted to test Di and me for what I had proposed. His look conveyed to me that, as much as he trusted that I could make Red Bull Racing shine, he didn't trust the opinion of a twenty-one-year-old kid; the same could be said of Horner, Rocky, and Britta, who probably weren't giving credit to the kind of debate the team advisor and I were having.
"Agreed," Roeske sighed beside me and crossed her arms. I knew she was angry and that she would scold me as soon as we left there, but I didn't care. WI don't know what Diana will think of all this, but I'm sure she's more than willing to prove more than she's worth; just as I know she won't disappoint you."
"I hope your words are true, Vettel. You'd better not do this because you have some kind of fling with the girl, because if you mess up, she'll be out on the street with you right behind her."
My lungs seemed to have disappeared because at that moment I didn't feel the air flowing through my body. Her look made me feel like a lost child, with no one to help him and not knowing where to go. I had defended Diana tooth and nail and didn't regret it; in fact, I would do it as many times as necessary, but... was it just because of the innate talent I had seen in her from the very beginning?
I had to prove at all costs from March onwards that everything I had said had been from a professional point of view, and emphasizing that there was no future life that we planned to have together because I had Hanna for that.
Diana's and my future, our future, was now more at stake than ever, and if we failed the Austrians, we would fail ourselves more than anyone else.
However, no matter how much I tried to calm my mind and forget them, Christian Horner's words stuck to me like darts because I knew that, deep down, I had just brought out a truth that I myself wasn't ready to face yet.
2008 December 25th
Barcelona, Spain
The dreaded Christmas Eve had arrived, marking the beginning of another ridiculous Christmas at the Wagner family home. Since Rosalie's departure, those festive times filled with music, food, gifts, and, especially, love, had turned into a routine that had to be celebrated no matter what in Bernhard's eyes; for Diana, however, it was quite the opposite.
After her mother's suicide, the girl had done everything in her power, without anyone's help, to ensure that Christmas wouldn't be ruined for her six-year-old sister. The redhead was in charge of preparing the decorations during the famous December festivities celebrated in Spain from the sixth to the eighth of December, where she set up the Christmas tree and various other ornaments. Also, well in advance of the 24th, she prepared a dinner different from the usual with care, trying to make it more elaborate as the years went by; and she even bought gifts, saving money for months thanks to sporadic jobs that she managed to get.
All of this took a lot of effort, and sometimes she thought about not doing anything to avoid conflicts with her father during those two weeks, but the desire to keep the excitement alive in little Amelie was what ultimately won.
That year, thanks to her salary as an intern, she had been able to exceed her initial budget. The food was of better quality, and she had even made enough to eat in the days to come. At the same time, there were more gifts for the youngest of the house, and even for their father, who always rejected any presents they gave him.
Although the little one was now 12 years old, she still had as much excitement for Christmas as they did when they were a normal family, thanks to the efforts of her older sister.
"Amelie, come get the foie grass and grab a beer for dad!"
The girl quickly obeyed her elder sister's orders, taking what she had been told and bringing it to the head of the household. As she watched her sister walk away and finished finalizing the details of the main dish, she felt her mobile phone vibrate in her pocket.
She took out the device and saw messages from Sebastian. To say that her heart didn't skip a beat would be lying to herself.
It was Sebastian, telling her that they would see each other on February 9th in Jerez. That she was going to continue in Formula 1, now as a Red Bull intern. With him.
"Diana, come to dinner now!"
As soon as she heard the voices in her native language from her father, she quickly tucked her phone into her pocket and returned to the living room, carrying a tray with the roast she had been preparing all day. Upon crossing the door, she saw her father sitting in his armchair watching the Christmas programs on Spanish Television, trying to hum along to a few carols he liked with his limited level of Spanish. Diana placed the food in the center of the table and sat to the right of her sister, leaving Bernhard at the head of the table.
At that moment, Sebastian Vettel had given her the best Christmas gift she had received, and the only good news that would resonate in the Wagner family unit for quite some time.
"Dad, Amelie..." the girl began, unable to hide her excitement. Barely a few minutes had passed since she had received the messages from the German, and maybe she should inquire a bit more in case it was a joke, but she couldn't wait. "Sebastian sent me a message a couple of minutes ago saying they have decided to promote me to Red Bull alongside him to be his track engineer's assistant."
The father's face lit up, something Diana hadn't seen for quite some time. Her younger sister jumped out of her chair and bounced around, completely euphoric, rushing to hug her instantly.
"What do you mean, an engineer?" Bernhard wanted to know, taking a sip from his beer can and trying not to choke on what seemed to be excitement. "Does that mean you won't be an intern anymore?"
Diana nodded, shaking her head faithfully. "That seems to be the case. In the end, getting fired by the other team seems to have worked out."
"By the way, Diana," the man said again, steering the conversation to a completely different topic, "I'd like to tell you and Ame something."
The sisters' faces paled a bit, not knowing what their father might be referring to. He straightened up in his seat and looked them directly in the face. Tears began to well up in his eyes, and the redhead had a premonition that what would come out of the mouth of the man who gave her life would not be good.
"I've been facing some health issues lately," he announced. "Your sister knows that I've been to the doctor more times than I'd like to count," he recounted, looking at the younger one, who agreed with her father, "and if we haven't told you anything, it's because we didn't want you to abandon the season for a father with less and less time left."
Diana, who was drinking Coke, spat out the soda she had in her mouth, staining her burgundy-colored dress a shade of brown. Amelie was in shock, and her gaze began to alternate between her father and her sister.
"Excuse me?"
The words that came out of the adult's mouth couldn't be true.
"The doctors have diagnosed me with ALS, and besides having a late diagnosis, it seems to be progressing faster than expected."
That was impossible. She couldn't lose her father too.
Tears began to form in the girl's eyes as she felt arms wrap tightly around her waist. The muffled sobs of her younger sister on Christmas Eve were the last thing she expected. Trying to process the news, Diana could only blame herself for not being there with her father, thinking if she had been, none of this would be happening.
"I know this is difficult...," Bernhard continued, his voice trembling slightly, "but I want you to know that I'm taking the appropriate measures, listening to the experts, and I'll be joining palliative care in the coming days."
"What's palliative care, Diana?"
Ignoring her sister's question, Diana carefully pushed her away. She couldn't believe it; this couldn't be happening to her.
"Does what Dad said mean he's going to die, Didi?" the girl insisted again, this time tugging forcefully at her dress sleeves.
Diana couldn't deny her sister, not because she wanted to deny her the truth, but because at that moment, she couldn't say anything. Faced with her sister's deafening silence and her father's growing anxiety, Amelie opted to leave the room in tears, ignoring what might happen next in the living room.
"Hey, Dad..." Wagner tried to say, but it was completely impossible. That day felt like a dream, and neither what Vettel nor his father had said was true.
It was difficult for her to articulate words now that she was alone with someone who would leave her sooner rather than later. She tried to stay calm to maintain the family's composure because if it wasn't her, no one else would. Inside, her body was a bundle of nerves, on the verge of collapse. She wanted to scream, to hit something, and above all, to die in those moments so she wouldn't have to watch her father die.
She couldn't become an orphan at her young age of twenty.
Who would walk her down the aisle if she ever got married to someone who loved her enough, as her father had promised her so many times?
Especially that question, and a thousand more, began to swirl in her mind, only causing her to sink deeper into her newly found misery.
"You need help in these moments. If that means I have to leave Formula 1, don't worry," she managed to articulate at last, drawing strength from where she didn't have it.
Bernhard jumped up as best he could. He wasn't going to let his daughter give up the dream she had been waiting to achieve for so long, and for which she had fought for years.
"Don't you dare say that, young lady!" he exclaimed with an authoritative yet sweet tone. "Listen to me," he continued, trying to capture the girl's attention. "When I'm no longer here, I want to see you succeed, do you understand? I want to see you at the top, from the top," his eyes turned to the ceiling of the house, knowing Diana would understand where he was going with this. "I want, when you manage to stand alongside the driver you direct and collect a world title, to look up and be aware that I'm watching you from a better place."
"I can't bear the thought of losing you, Dad," the young woman was sobbing, unable to control her tears. "Saying goodbye to you too, in such a short time, isn't fair... Six years ago it was mom, and now you."
"Diana Wagner, I want you to know that wherever you are, you will always find me in the stars," the man gently took his daughter's face in his hands, wiping away the tears that covered her cheeks. "You were born for this, so don't let my situation make you abandon everything you're fighting for."
"But, Dad..."
"I know this is very difficult, little one, but I want you to know that I am very proud of you and the woman you have become," he paused to catch his breath due to the difficulty he had with it, "and the woman you will surely continue to become. I know your mother would be very proud of you too."
Tears flowed freely again, and the sobs increased. Diana hugged her father tightly and wished to die right there with him.
"I don't know how I'll be able to do it without you," she revealed, leaving the man stunned. "It hurts to think of losing you."
"Well then, don't," he declared.
Immediately, Bernhard sat back on the couch and patted his lap, indicating to his daughter to sit on it. Despite hesitating for a moment due to her father's well-known delicate health condition, Diana eventually complied, feeling like she was five years old again.
"You know? I like this Sebastian guy you've talked so much about. I don't think I've ever told you," the man said.
The girl felt a slight blush beginning to creep onto her cheeks. Diana had shared everything she had experienced with Sebastian day and night with her family, but they had never reached the point where they questioned whether she had a slight crush on the German.
"Do you think I'll ever get to meet him?" the brunette continued to insist.
The redhead knew that question would come up at some point, but not minutes after her father had told her and her sister that he was dying and that there was nothing to be done for him except to wait for his life to fade away.
"Of course, Dad. You'll get along great, I'm sure," she lied, knowing it would be very difficult for that to happen.
"And will he like me enough to have him as a son-in-law?"
Diana laughed. Her father always had to match her up with someone, regardless of what happened between them.
"Sebastian is just my friend, Dad," the redhead clarified, getting off her father's lap. "Plus, I'm not sure he would ever come to love me in the future as anything more than... his friend. Well, I'm not even sure about us being friends, to be honest," she corrected herself.
She knew Bernhard was putting on all this show to calm her down and make her forget the devastating news that not only ruined their holidays but possibly their lives; but at the same time, a fervent desire arose in her to tell him the whole truth about how she had felt in recent months with the blue-eyed German who had been so kind to her, unlike many others.
Tears welled up in Diana's eyes again when she realized that her father might never know that she was slowly but earnestly falling in love with Sebastian Vettel, and that there was nothing she wished more at that moment than for him to meet the man she wanted to be her future son-in-law.
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slyshyfoxy · 2 months
28 March 2024
Hi its me, i am ending my intern soon on 13 april 2024. Its gonna be 8 months LOL, so fast ! and anyways i came back from my korea 5d4n trip it was kinda fast that i dont realise i even went to korea LOL, and i gotten a sorethroat back in sg, and i had taken quite alot of MCs lol. but honestly the weather there was really very bad. I think its okay to relax a little right now, and especially right now i am sick, so i just gonna focus on relaxing and gaining back my health, and my weight currently is 52.0 kg , wanting to lose to 46kg, still got quite a bit more, and after completing my intern i will go do my driving license, hope i can get it by this year asap. And then the AIA issue with the 96k i hope it can be settled too, it will be best if it is halfed, but i dont know why i have a feeling they might just reinstate me back into AIA? Or maybe it will be half by the time it goes. Then after this year i will graduate. Then i'll get a job, honestly i do not know what i want to do in my future, i just want to try it out first and see if it suits me i guess. I just wanna travel to other countries, have fun with friends, hope money was not the problem, and also help people along the way. And not be so introverted doing my own things, not say i want to be popular or what, i just want to have friends around again and have fun, and not to say i am not happy with my partner right now, i actually am happy and glad that she is with me in my present. Oh and we are going to vietnam soon, i need to change my money to vietnam cash soon. But her spending power is crazy LOL. need to stop her. In all not to say my life is bad, i just need to continue to build on it and follow up by myself. And try not to skip work anymore cause i only got a few week left. Jiayous jenny dont give up !!! And i hope the legal issue with AIA will be settled so i can join other companies or join again to do insurance myself. (Maybe after i joined ID).
Don't worry u are doing good. Today u took MC to cure ur health so take it and relax and u have been wanting to watch dystopia movies, maybe try Dune? Ok i will hehe Love u xoxo, take one thing at a time jenny, hanging out with friends is also possible, dont worry just set a date with them soon. Be positive, be happy, be present. - 28 March 2024.
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shop-korea · 3 months
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NOT - 2 - SELL
$4,000 - DAILY - AS - I'M
ADD - ONS - IS - $5.99
HUBS - LOCKER - 24/7
EST - OVER - $6,000 - EA
OVER - $6,350 - EA MONTH
FUEL - CAR - OVER - $75
NO - WAIT - 4 - TRON RIDE - 2
$8,500 - $8,000 - LOTS - OF
2 - DO - 2 - HEAL ALL OF US
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superkilometerfilter · 9 months
How To Figure Out Cost Per Mile For Your Vehicle
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How to figure out cost per mile is the information that will help you determine your automobile costs and minimize total expenses. In order to have a complete picture, you have to compile all the costs related to driving your car. You can accurately estimate how much it costs to keep your car on the road by keeping track of these charges. There are several sources and methods to get all this information and plan your future maintenance or other expensive services. Many drivers take it into account, and tracking the data will definitely be financially beneficial for you. 
Many car owners are curious about how to calculate per mile cost. Their desire is not just a coincidence. The breakdown of the total costs can significantly minimize future expenditures. Fuel, maintenance and repairs, insurance, depreciation, registration and licensing fees, tolls, and parking fees are a few examples of these expenses. If you want to get how much you pay for each mile, you should sum all these expenses and simply divide it by the number of covered miles. 
As soon as you get the calculation and determine what cost per mile, then you can estimate how much you need for your vehicle maintenance. Have you ever asked yourself how do I calculate my cost per mile? You should maintain records of what automobile services you used during the year and also check how many miles your car covered that year. Just divide the service fees by that mile, and you will get how much money you need per mile for only maintenance.
How to figure out cost per mile is handy knowledge for drivers. Whether you have your own car business or are willing to make significant steps to minimize costs, this information will always be important for you. 
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After you’ve completed the calculation, you’ll have a good idea of the amount it costs to travel a mile. It is now necessary to study and evaluate the outcome. Here are a few crucial items to think about:
Cost Variation: The cost per mile varies based on factors such as vehicle type, gas mileage, upkeep needs, and driving patterns. Knowing these traits will assist you in identifying situations in which you may be able to save costs.
Comparison: Examine the cost per mile over time to find patterns or variations in your spending. Seasonal changes or changes in driving habits may have an influence on your automobile expenditures.
Budgeting: Understanding how do I calculate my cost per mile might help you plan more successfully if you’re attempting to set a budget or manage spending for a business. It enables you to budget finances and create realistic financial objectives properly.
It measures the distance traveled by car. As a result, an odometer is in charge of accurately determining distance. Odometers are incredibly significant because if a car lacks an odometer, you will be unable to determine the miles.
What happens to a car when it is not working correctly is more significant. If the car odometer is not working properly, you will not be able to guess how to figure out cost per mile. Measuring total distance is helpful for many things. The automobile oil change is one of those. It’s necessary to replace the oil after a particular number of miles. It is essential for keeping any vehicle maintained. Therefore, you can’t decide if you require an oil change or not if you are unsure of how much coverage you have. So, to ensure that the odometer operates perfectly and prevent any confusion or inaccurate mileage data, you must always monitor the general wear and tear.
Thus, an odometer is not just a device that measures distance but also helps us determine how to calculate per mile cost. It enables us to do a breakdown every month and better divide our expenses. 
Odometer fraud is defined as measures that trigger odometer failure and lead the machine to indicate wrong miles. After answering the question “How do odometers work?” and realizing their significance, some tried to tamper with their natural operation and compel a car to report deceptive mileage. This is getting more widespread with each passing day and is currently among the most significant issues of the twenty-first century.
Some might ask what will be a problem if I become a victim of odometer fraud. The answer is pretty simple. If you take care of your vehicle, follow maintenance guidelines, and wondered how do I calculate my cost per mile, you will not be able to precisely measure how many miles your car cover or when you need to change the oil. Hence, you will come across serious maintenance issues that will eventually affect your overall costs and savings. This is why everyone who is going to buy a new vehicle has to carefully check the full history and make sure that the mileage information is original. This will be easier for both the owners and potential buyers.
Car owners who want to know how to figure out cost per mile should know how to detect odometer manipulations. Individuals with fraudulent intentions employ several sorts of devices to achieve their objectives. There are several steps to determine alteration. 
Tires – first, examine the tires. It will reveal an indication of the condition of a vehicle. Furthermore, if the odometer shows lower digits yet the tires are too worn out, you might deduce that the information is incorrect. 
Wear and tear – many owners say that their cars are in excellent condition, but a thorough examination might expose the reality. Check that the seats are in good condition and that all of the pedals are in good working order. 
How to calculate per mile cost? To determine costs precisely, the vehicle odometer should be working correctly. If you think the initial elements have been substituted or find defective components, you should suspect odometer falsification.
Instrument Clusters – individuals frequently strive to replace outdated instrument clusters with new things. They may reset or erase existing numbers from the dashboard. Scratches are typical during the procedure. So, inspect the instrument cluster.
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If you ever wondered how do I calculate my cost per mile, then you should go against changing car mileage. Odometer manipulation is illegal, and it can not help you reduce your total expenses.  A person may not, according to the Federal legislation.
Promote for sale, sell, use, install, or have installed a device that causes a motor vehicle’s odometer to report mileage that differs from the miles travelled.
Disconnect, reset, alter, or have disconnected, reset, or altered a motor vehicle’s odometer in order to change the mileage registered by the odometer; 
Operate a motor vehicle on a street, road, or highway knowing that the vehicle’s odometer is disconnected or not operating;
People use numerous mileage reset devices that make it impossible how to figure out cost per mile. These vehicle devices are unable to delete total mileage data from all control units. So, that information may be kept, and anybody may simply discover the correct solution that allows you to halt the recording process with no effort. Now it’s time to learn more about the previously mentioned miraculous module, which, in any case, exceeds your expectations.
As there are several tools that cannot function properly, it’s time to invest in a high-quality solution. Mileage Blocker is a premium-quality module from Germany that outperforms its knockoffs. Do you still think how to calculate per mile cost of your vehicle? You may examine the module’s features to ensure that you receive all of the benefits after purchasing it.
DIY (do-it-yourself) installation instructions make it easy for everyone to adjust it to a vehicle properly;
Exceptional plug-and-play plugin from;
Diagnostic tests are unable to detect mileage that has been overlooked by the Mileage Stopper. Hence it has an untraceable effect;
It does not delete any previous information. The module just stops the additional mileage recording process;
There are several modes to select from. So you can choose which option is better suitable for you and then select the best one; 
You can switch the module on and off while moving;
If you wonder how do I calculate my cost per mile after using the module, don’t worry! the total car mileage does not rise on its own after removing the module from the vehicle;
How to figure out cost per mile is a useful practice for gaining insight into your automobile expenses. You can quickly determine how much it costs to travel each mile by following the procedures provided in this article. Remember that lowering your cost per mile benefits not just your budget but also the environment by encouraging fuel economy and healthy driving practices. So, maintain track of your spending, review the data on a regular basis, and apply cost-cutting methods to optimize the operational costs..
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Hello my fire-haired falcon,
Glad to hear you are doing a bit better. From what I hear the UK is definitely not thriving right now, but at least you have the Lionesses! Over here we are using your situation for a bit of a laugh, mostly to ignore how poor of a job we are doing ourselves. These days I move so quickly from being hopeful about the world and humankind to wishing we would just go extinct soon so we stop bothering the precious earth we live on. I just try to remember every individual has their story and their reasoning behind their actions. Also, not to get too existential, but we are just another form of life temporarily inhabiting planet earth. Side note: imagine a future intelligent species learning about humans and figuring out computers and then finding tumblr.
I would love to adopt you, although I am only 2 years older than you, but I have been called a wise oak before. I might even let you eat more pancakes, like twice a year maybe! For real though, I feel like you need to get out of there at some point, but that's probably easier said than done.
Whatever happens though, let's keep up the videogame analogy: if you feel stuck on a level, find life's minigames, slowly gaining more XP until you can finally beat that level you were stuck on. I think you are already doing a great job at that though.
Much love,
-Chaotic Anon
hello hello, oh a bird reference, that's fun heheh:)
i do indeed have the Lionesses, especially after that 6-1 win and thus they have won the Arnold Clark Cup for the second time:) i watch the games online since I don't live near any stadium where they'd ever play... that is true, we are just a speck in a huge universe, temporary, ephemeral... yeah they'd see the chaos of tumblr but what is tumblr but not somewhere to delve into the chaos of the human mind?
a wise oak?👀 sksks yeahh, i can cook more than pancakes though... (do you have syrup?) yeah i want out, i just, it doesn't feel possible when housing and renting prices are ridiculous (in the UK alone, i can barely feel confident looking at flights to travel to other countries, let alone move...) i don't even know anymore honestly, i hope one day i can be myself, because well... i can't be myself around the people i live with and am related to. bleh.
slowly gaining more XP towards the theory and practical tests for the reward of a driving license👀 and with a driving license, the player unlocks a bigger map👀 thank you anon, i do enjoy these chats:)
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michellefuller · 2 years
here’s a list of things that went wrong this weekend so i can’t gaslight myself in the future into think that “it wasn’t that bad” or that i’m “being overdramatic” when i call it the worst couple of days of my adult life thus far:
• i had either really bad allergies or a small cold the week leading up to the flight (but after mcr) so i’m severely congested which doesn’t make the flight fun
•i almost passed out from the stress of anticipation… but like ooooh honey, you’ve got a storm coming
•we left like 45 minutes late bc of the winds in vegas and bc of air traffic
•we couldn’t find the airbnb for a solid 15 minutes
saturday, day of wwwy
•my sister loses her drivers license the first time, so we spend 20 minutes looking for it and stressing about lyft possibly showing up before we find it (she found it and her debit card in her makeup bag)
•lyft shows up to take us to the hotel we were staying in the following night, she loses her if a second time on the walk from the door of the airbnb to the car. it fell out of her pocket. so we book a lyft back to try to find it again but we think someone probably picked it up. this is the start of some major problems
•on the drive back to the hotel, we see the fest has been canceled for day one
•my sister gets in contact with groupon, starting at 11am to try and modify the reservation and put my name on it so we can use my identification to check us in. they tell her to expect an email “SOON” with confirmation that it’s changed. it isn’t until 3:30pm that someone tells us it could take up to a week for the email to arrive
•we see if we could fly home that night. flights are at 6 and 7pm, but we don’t feel comfortable enough to book those bc of the loss of driver’s license problem. we were told you’re supposed to arrive 3 hours before the flight for tsa shit. so let me reiterate in different terms: had any of the SEVERAL groupon representatives told us even 30 minutes earlier about how long the email could take we could’ve flown home THAT NIGHT. so we scramble to book a different hotel for the night
•we get to the airport at 8am, our flight is at 12:16pm
•tsa takes her (and she takes my wallet??) i wander aimlessly around for 45 minutes, unable to buy some stupid entertainment or food
•they release her. it’s almost 9am, we kill time until noon.
•flight is delayed an hour and they move us from gate a to gate b, all the way across the airport.
•we kill more time, no one know where the flight crew is
• we finally board about 1:30 (two hours after original boarding time)
•we sit for 30 minutes before they tell us a nonessential part of the plane is broken after de-icing twice, but they’ll check if everything else is legal and safe for flight
• another 15 minutes, the deplane us, and move us back to the gate a side (?????)
•another 15 minutes: “hey folks, flight is CANCELED and our next available flight is friday” entire gate laughs at the audacity. the give us $200 vouchers + flight refund, supposedly FOR THAT NIGHT, but it doesn’t actually come through until today. two days later. and they refuse to help us get on another flight
•bc of the driver’s license situation, we scramble to to look for other flights because we can’t definitively leave the airport until we know we’re not taking a flight bc they told her they won’t let her back through tsa
•we also can’t rent a car bc i can’t drive. but i have a lightbulb moment and suggest amtrak. the idea takes, so we scramble for a second last minute hotel room
•nothing went terribly wrong other than our bus started running an hour behind after we got into california, which turned a 10 hour trip into almost 12 (not accounting for the 2 hour trip home i still had to take after we arrived in my sister’s city)
-i’m writing this all down bc my body has only just now started to decompress and process 4 days of constant stress, so i started to cry a little bit and i needed to remind myself it’s okay bc i did go through a lot bc i kept vaguely tweeting about it on twitter and it sure people thought i was being over dramatic bc the silly little festival fucked us over
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atldreaming · 4 years
It’s really been a while
Wow. How has it nearly been a year since I have written? It’s not been that I haven’t had anything to write- the opposite in fact.
Where to begin?
I last wrote May 16th and it’s crazy. I was so content that night and dead set on recovering from night shifts and moving on with my week and ended up in the hospital for viral meningitis and spent a week lying on couch with all the blinds down, head spinning, fever breaking.
Those two months of night shift were hard. My poor fiance saw me sick and sleep deprived and never gave up on me.
Did I mention he’s my fiance now?
I’ll back up a bit.
After night shift, I moved onto evening shift on my own, as a new nurse. Evening shift has been hard, but nonetheless better for my health. And yet, I am making another job transition in just one week. What a year in learning to advocate for myself, my license as an RN, and my health. What a year of feeling it to my core when the sick don’t want to be healed. What a year of being cursed at by many and learning how to be firm, never passive. Assertive but not aggressively so.
And sometimes I wonder how God feels. The healer. The redeemer. Yet so much of mankind rejects him. Curses his name. Denies Him, denies their need, denies their sin.
So much of being a nurse leads me to think about how truly loving God is to cover us in forgiveness through it all.
We went to visit my family in September and though I had several very real suspicions, he proposed and we’ve been planning our marriage since. Just 3.5 months left from the time I am writing this. He will be moving into our house soon and I will be moving my stuff in as close to the wedding as possible.
We’ve been waiting completely and wholly in the physical aspect of our relationship and it makes me love him more. It’s not that neither of hasn’t done things we regret during other times in our lives, but from day one we vowed to one another to wait wholly and completely.
This man never ceases to amaze me in the way he lives to love God and others and treats me with the utmost respect and adoration.
Through it all he has never stopped leading us towards Jesus.
Through those long night shifts, from crying on the phone with him cause it was 9 am and I couldn’t sleep and the sun was too damn bright and I had to drive back in for another shift in less than 8 hours and my body felt broken, and him calmly praying with me and asking God for healing and rest.
Through sitting bedside with me in the ER, holding my hand and praying with me as I faced the sickest I have been in my life.
And the more we pray together, the more I realize I need to pray.
Praying together on the phone, through voice messages that I can’t listen to until my shift is over at 3 in the morning. Praying in church, in the car.
And I used to be fearful to pray in front of other people. I can’t believe I ever was.
How amazing it is that I can talk to God together with the man I love. How amazing it is that I can come into His presence with my future husband.
How amazing it is that God has sent me this wonderful, Christ following man.
We’ve prayed for my job hunt and finding our house and God has provided things beyond our wildest dreams and even when His provision hasn’t quite looked like what we so selfishly hope for, He provides us with better or the strength to get through.
God is so good.
We have been doing pre-marital counseling and through discussing our lives through a life map exercise I was reminded at how much the Lord has provided for me. And every struggle He has seen me through. When I couldn’t make ends meet and He made them meet for me. When he provided for me so fully. He is the good shepherd and there is truly nothing else I could need.
So much of the last 6 years are just so awe inspiring to me. God has spoken to me and comforted me and provided for me in the times of the lowest of lows.
I’m excited to see where God will continue to lead.
This man I’m going to marry has also seen the extreme provision of the Lord and also has such an awe and reverence for it. I’m so excited to see where God will lead us together and how God can use our strengths to sharpen one another and lift eachother up.
0 notes
tarosin · 3 years
The great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo and jack - using tanks to battle
requested: yes/no
this is part 11 to the great adventures series
it was now 5 am you had been on facetime with ranboo since he started streaming at 10 pm neither of you was going to sleep anytime soon
“isn’t it like 5 am for you”
“trying to get rid of me then”
“no no no soon enough I’m going to be stuck with you pretty much 24/7”
“heh? aren’t you staying with tubbo when you come to the UK?”
you watched his face turn red thinking that he had said something that he wasn’t supposed to tell you it was only when he looked up to see you with your head tilted he realised you weren’t aware of what was going to happen in the following weeks
“I will tackle you in the middle of the airport if you don’t tell me what you tubbo and lani mean when you all make comments about me constantly being around yous”
“I cannot wait to see you try”
“I'm blocking you”
hours passed and it was now time for you to get ready to go meet the others you left your phone on your bed whilst you went to get ready by the time you returned ranboo had fallen asleep
“goodnight boo not long now till you’re in the UK, you’re asleep I’m talking to myself goodnight”
since your parents had to go to work they offered to drop you off on the way, the journey to meet the others was pretty uneventful you just spent the time talking about how streaming was going and future plans. that was until your parents mentioned ranboo was flying over soon
“your friend is flying over soon right?”
“ranboo oh yeah yeah he gets here on 26th as far as I’m aware i’m going to tackle him in the middle of the airport”
“great great you’re going with tubbo to meet him, do you know how long you’re going to be out”
“..no why? shouldn’t be too long”
“don’t worry about it darling we’re here now oh look here comes tubbo”
as soon as the car stopped you laughed as you noticed in the corner of your eye tubbo running towards the car you said your goodbyes as you got out of the car and was instantly pulled away by tubbo
“oh oh okay tubbo I think I can walk on my own bud”
tubbo completely ignored every word you had just said and continued leading the way to the others where you were met by Tommy shouting about tanks and jack pretending not to know Tommy.
the four of you went to get ready, a simple enough task or so you thought as when you looked up you noticed Tommy was putting the outfit on the wrong way around
“Are you sure it’s safe for Tommy to drive a tank..”
“help me then”
a few minutes later the four of you were now equipped with your rather baggy army uniform safe to say if it started to rain you'd have to deal with getting wet as if you put the hood up it would cover your eyes taking away your eyesight which is unsurprisingly important since you were about to drive a tank for the first time. as soon as you all thought you were ready to go to the tanks tubbo announced that although it’s a bad time he needs to go to the toilet
“he’s fucking waddling”
“y/n be nice to your best friend”
you stood laughing to yourself as Tommy was arguing with Jack about how he’s your best friend, not tubbo.
“believe it or not I’m their best friend”
“elaborate on that”
“i’d argue ranboos their best friend”
halfway through their ‘argument’ tubbo came back and rested his head on your shoulder making you jump
“you're so tiny”
“I beg your pardon tubso”
the worker came over taking you all to the tank you would be driving putting Tommy and jacks argument on hold, for the time being, you were honestly so excited to drive a tank but you were also nervous as you weren’t exactly a great driver
“y/n doesn’t have a license can I get out the tank when it’s their turn”
“you crashed your parents' car fuck off”
before you all got in you were informed that the tank wasn’t designed to take you on adventures so you were probably going to get injured
“great cant wait in you go Tommy”
Tommy got in first followed by you then tubbo and jack
“draw me like one of your beautiful tank girls”
“I failed GCSE art”
“that my friend is a story for another night”
now this tank wasn’t designed so three of you could look out from the top of the tank so you did what every sensible person would do in a tank…you sat on the floor next to tubbo whilst he annoyed jack by touching his face
“y/n you okay down there”
“having the time of my life”
you could hear Tommy revving the tank and from then you could just tell you were going to leave the tank covered in bruises. you sat talking to tubbo and jack who were talking louder than usual just so you could join in the conversation. not seeing what was happening made the tank ride interesting, to say the least. one minute you were messing with tubbos shoelaces the next minute you heard three boys yelling that there was a cow in the middle of the road. it was now tubbos turn to drive and rather than letting you stay with the others he dragged you with him
“you’re driving next may as well stay with me”
“Please don’t crash I will get injured”
“to be fair y/n I didn’t plan on it”
you sat near tubbo watching him drive the tank occasionally yelling words of encouragement at him for your own entertainment and totally not to your surprise he was actually doing a decent job, he didn’t crash, the tank was going quicker and the ride wasn’t as bumpy then tubbo stalled, you could hear Tommy and jack yelling at tubbo to do more killing. you laughed as tubbo would look at the worker then at you not knowing what to do
“Are you ready to drive y/n”
“I guess so”
you and tubbo swapped places and you began to drive like your good friend tubbo you were decent at driving as you managed to pick up some speed along with many comments from jack and Tommy about how bumpy the ride was alongside tubbo yelling at you that you were going to be responsible for the bruises on his arms and legs
“tubbo stop being dramatic it’s not my fault the road is bumpy”
“Okay then you’re responsible for the bruises on my arms and legs because you decided to stall”
It was now jacks turn you sat next to tubbo where you and Tommy argued that you didn’t like how Minecraft split the caves and cliffs update into two parts
“you're such a tory y/n agrees with me”
the three of you continued arguing your points before jack interrupted you all
“we’re talking about the new Minecraft update…because it was you we weren’t really paying attention”
“but no you didn’t”
before Jack could answer Tommy began ranting about the update again before being once again interrupted by jack telling him you were about to shoot things and then go up against a tank that was miles better than the one you were all in, the one thing they didn’t know is you would be going with the boss against them just so you could actually have a role in the mini battle rather than just sitting there. you stood shaking your head as Tommy and tubbo made jokes about the balls you were all given
“say it”
“I like balls”
“jack they’re talking about balls…again”
Tommy was first to shoot whilst you and tubbo stood telling jack that the two of you would be the reason you win the battle against the boss, jack went up next and you both were telling Tommy that you weren’t scared of the boss after the last bit of practice you all went back to reception with the worker where he announced the roles you were all going to have
“so my aimer loader and driver”
“Are we allowed to ram tanks”
jack was the first to realise you hadn’t received a role for the fight against the boss and spoke up about it making tubbo and Tommy realise you did in fact not receive a role
“wait what about y/n they didn’t receive a role”
the worker just nodded at the four of you confusing the hell out of the others while you stood looking around the room to avoid laughing, you didn’t want the others to know so said you’d be back later you just needed to go to the bathroom. rather than going to the bathroom you went off to meet the boss before the others and decided what role you were going to have.
after discussing what role you were going to have the pair of you went back to meet the worker to let him know you have a plan
“…and y/n”
“oh now we’re losing”
the worker went up to their table to create a plan, once you watched the worker walk away you made your way over to the table they moved to where Tommy was having a ‘date’ with a mannequin
“Woah am I interrupting something”
“I'm on a date y/n”
“y/n you really had to leave me with tubbo and Tommy”
you whispered that you were sorry so Tommy and tubbo couldn’t hear then turned your attention back towards Tommy’s date which wasn’t going very well as Tommy accidentally pulled the wig off of one of the mannequins only to find out that his ‘date’ was also wearing a wig.
it was now time for the battle clearly best friends think alike as you and tubbo both had the role of driver. you and the boss made a strong team and you surprisingly got along well with each other which made teamwork easy making you more of a challenge for Tommy’s team
“yooo this is amazing”
“you’re doing great y/n”
as soon as the boss made the final shot you cheered
“do you think we won then y/n”
“I'm not sure they did put up a good fight”
“come on let’s head back so you can be with your friends again”
the pair of you made it back after thanking him you ran to tubbo, who for some reason was on the floor, and tackled him into a hug before sitting next to him
“mhm sure”
“What role did you have y/n”
your celebration was short-lived as Tommy decided to chuck mud at the pair of you yelling catch when it was far too late to react, you both looked at each other nodded at chucked mud back at him and jack
“ayo we hit him”
after playing in the mud with tubbo for a while jack called you both over to hear the scores and find out who won
“Why do you both have smiley faces on your face”
“y/n used mud to draw a smiley face on my cheek so I got revenge”
in the end, Tommy's team got 10 and began celebrating that they had won
“the boss and y/n got 11”
after bragging about your win you and tubbo ran off throwing mud at each other and Tommy whilst Tommy and jack bickered about who made them lose a few moments later you and tubbo looked up to see Tommy running past you both
“I don't think he's taking the news well”
you all made your way back to the car park Tommy and jack left together tubbo stayed with you waiting for your parents to pick you up on their way back home.
“you could just stay the night at mine..we could stream for a little while I’m sure you’ve left something that you can wear for the night and tomorrow and to be fair you stay at mine all the time”
“yeah I probably do I’ll call them on the way back to yours”
“come on let’s go home”
@bearytime @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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randomshyperson · 3 years
hiii hope you’re doing well and drinking enough water!!! I’ve got an idea for high school nerdy wanda that I wanna share with you and you feel free to write it or not! so wanda is nerdy, shy and adorable and reader is popular and actually nice and has always been intrigued by wanda. I was listening to drivers license by olivia rodrigo when this idea came to me so, reader probably gives wanda a ride and it becomes their thing and reader is always saying wanda should get her driver’s license and they eventually get together and it’s all cute and fluffy but there’s this blonde girl (for the sake of the song lol) who’s obsessed with reader and always makes wanda nervous and jealous. so when said girl finds out about reader and wanda (let’s just consider this girl the typical most popular girl in school trope) she threatens reader and makes reader break up with wanda and get with her. you decide what the threat would be. maybe something really personal about reader or wanda’s past that would haunt them if people were to find out. but then reader and wanda get back together in the end of course. sorry it’s so long and again you don’t have to write this!!
Hi, honey, is everything alright? I hope so! I had to listen to Drivers Licence One Hour Version to write this, but I liked it haha This song is great for dramatizing a romance I never experienced, and I hope you'll be pleased! By the way, i kept the original drama of the singers (the whole guy was older and stuff)
Happy reading.
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Drivers License - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: 13+, Language, mentions of abuse/sexual harassment, bullying, underage kissing.
Words: 2.642K // Read on AO3 too 
You met Wanda Maximoff in your senior year of high school. 
It was raining heavily, and you had stayed late at school to take care of your responsibilities as leader of the athletic team. You figured that at that time there would only be you and the janitor in school, but as you were leaving towards the parking lot, you bumped into someone.
- Damn it, I'm sorry! - you said, looking at the person. It was a girl about your age, but you had never seen her before. She looked away from you immediately, as she bent down to pick up the books you dropped. - Hey, let me help you with that.
You bent down and helped her pick up the books, and when you stood up, you handed them to her with a smile.
- Thank you. - She spoke softly without looking at you. Maybe she was shy, you thought. 
And then you heard thunder and let out an exclamation, an idea occurring to you.
- Hey, are you driving? - you asked gently, and the girl frowned, but denied it with her head. - I can give you a ride, because of the rain.
- Oh, that's okay. No need. - She denied, blushing. You let out a little giggle when a louder thunderclap sounded.
- It's no bother, really. - You said, smiling. - Where do you live?
- On the Sokovia complex.
- Wow, you see? We are practically neighbors. - You reply cheerfully. - I live two streets away from your house.
The girl nods, looking away. You put your hand in your pocket.
- All right then. - She finally agrees, and you smile as you open the door to the parking lot, and walk out in front with her walking slightly behind.
You walk in silence to your car, but when you start the vehicle, you want to talk to her.
- So, what's your name? - you ask gently as you drive in reverse to leave the parking lot.
- Wanda. - She answers in a small voice looking out of the window. - Wanda Maximoff.
- I've never seen you before, Wanda. - You comment, and then you are outside, and the rain makes a loud noise against the car. 
- I'm a first-year. - She says and you let out a sigh of understanding. That' s why you didn't know her, she was a freshman. - But I know you.
You let out a surprised little laugh.
- Oh yeah?
- Everybody knows.
- Is it bad?
She shrugs, smiling slightly. You think you already like her. You then turn on the radio, letting some pop song play softly, and then you start tapping your fingers on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song. 
- Since you are a first-year, you must not have a driver's license yet, right? - You comment, and Wanda denies it with a grumble.
- I'm only 15. - she says. You stop at a traffic light.
- Why were you in school until now? - you ask curiously.
- It's the best time to be in the library. - She answers, looking at you briefly. 
You are silent again, and then you arrive in the area of the Sokovia residences.
- Hey, Wanda. - You call out to her before she opens the door. - I can drive you to school if you want. - And seeing her surprised expression, you quickly add with amusement. - Just until you get your license.
Wanda smiles, and nods in agreement before leaving. 
It took 160 rides for you to realize that you were in love with Wanda Maximoff. And you thought it was not surprising at all.
From the first time you saw her, you thought she was impressive. And then every day of the week, you had a vision of her half-asleep leaving the house, and greeting you with a smile. You talked about everything, from the most superficial and random things, to your insecurities and fears. You shared your breakfast, and sang songs together. But then you'd get to school, and your friends would surround you, and Wanda would disappear. You only got her back on the way out, when you gave her a ride home.
You didn't say anything about it, and neither did Wanda. It was as if your car was the safe space in your relationship. And you were completely terrified of messing it up.
And then it rained again, but this time your car was in the outside parking lot. You ran to the car through the rain, and when you finally took cover you were soaked. You started laughing the next second, and when you looked at Wanda, you couldn't control yourself. 
- I want to kiss you. - You breathlessly confessed when you stopped laughing, Wanda blinked in surprise, her face red. - Is that all right?
It takes a moment, but she nods. Then you move on the seat toward her, and she meets you halfway. When your mouths meet, you both sigh. It's sweet and tender, and you part, leaving your foreheads together.
- Why did you stop? - She whispered with her eyes closed, making you gasp. And then you kissed her again, this time until the windows were fogged up.
Unfortunately things don't get amazing after that. The routine comes back to you, and then you are overwhelmed with end-of-year tasks. Even though you are completely in love with Wanda, and steal kisses between one ride and the next, you see the distance between you grow. Maybe it's the way you two act like you didn't know each other at school, or how Wanda won't tell you what your friend Sharon Carter was talking to her about the other day at school, or maybe it's the way you don't tell her that Tony Stark made fun of you for weird freshman.
And then things get much worse when you turn eighteen, because your friends start mocking you with the law on their side. And it's hard to concentrate on the good memories with Wanda while they tease and mock, and you want to go back to the car, but you have to smile and nod politely, because that's what they expect of you, and soon you're graduating.
You receive your acceptance letters from the universities, and you want to tell Wanda, but she is traveling with her family, and you are bored. And so you agree to celebrate with your friends who also got their letters, at some bar in town. When you start drinking, it's easy to dance and laugh all night, and when they tease you again, you want to leave, but there is a gentle touch on your shoulder. Sharon hugs you, and tells you that everything will be all right, that you should go out with someone who looks more like you, who is compatible, and when she says lots of sweet words, you want to remember smiles and stolen glances at school and gentle touches in your car, but your head is spinning and you accept her kissing you.
When you wake up, you are wearing no clothes, and there is a hand on your waist. You want to throw up, because even though you and Wanda never made a commitment, you feel the betrayal burning in your bones.
You want to yell at Sharon and tell her to leave, but then she's threatening you, with pictures you don't even remember taking. And when you get back to school, she tells everyone that you two are dating, and you wait for Wanda in the parking lot, but she doesn't show up.
You cry at your graduation, and not from happiness. And when the ceremony is over, you get in your car and drive one last time to Wanda's house, and you cry against the steering wheel. You are 18 now, with a diploma and a girlfriend. This is over, and you have to move on.
In college you meet someone who helps you, her name is Shuri, and after you have spent the whole first year being completely miserable, you have a literature assignment together. When you are going over the details of the presentation, at the third coffee meeting, you cry when you tell her about the photos.
- My girlfriend is blackmailing me. - You whisper, and she looks surprised for a moment, but then she hugs you, and assures you that she will help you.
There are police for a while, and then courts and court orders, and then therapy. You also make new friends now, good friends who don't judge or make fun of you. And then you pay attention in class again, and agree to join the track team. 
You try not to think that there is only one thing missing in your life, because you have no right to disappear and go back to her life, but you can't help it missing her.
But you swallow your feelings, and try to pay attention to the future.
You come home in the fall, and your past comes back to you. You don't think you've ever talked much to your brother about school, but then you find yourself asking. And as he talks, you ask about Wanda.
- Wow, I remember her. - He says. - That girl you used to drive around with, right? - he asks and you nod. - I never understood why Sharon was so mean to her, but I guess it all makes sense now.
You blink in confusion.
- What do you mean?
- I thought you knew that story. - He remarked nonchalantly while you were in the kitchen, he was looking for cookies. - She used to say such bad things to Wanda, as if she was superior to her, you know? I think she acted completely different around you.
Your heart is racing. Confused and angry.
- Why didn't anyone ever tell me this? - You complain and your brother frowns.
- Look, it wasn't anyone's problem. 
- It was my problem. - You retort. - I would have interfered, I liked Wanda!
Your brother is surprised by your outburst, but says no more. You drag your feet out of the kitchen.
You want to scream in anger, or punch Sharon in the face, but it's not mature and there's a court order. So you throw yourself on the bed, sinking your face into the pillow. When you fall asleep, you dream of Wanda.
On your last day at home, you know you shouldn't, but you drive to her house. You think your heart is going to burst out of your chest, but you swallow your nervousness and get out of the car. Wanda is on the porch, with her brother, and she looks surprised to see you. You assume that she didn't want to see you, but when she is close enough, she hugs you around the waist, putting her face into your chest. Your body instantly relaxes. You don't know if you're blushing from the hug, or from her brother's gaze on you, maybe a little of both, you think as you hug her back.
When you two are left alone on her veranda, you apologize for long minutes, because you're just sorry you lost her. But Wanda smiles, and holds your hand. And you are silent for a while, swinging your feet on the rocking chair. And then Wanda giggles.
- I got my driver's license. - She comments, and you let out a surprised and happy exclamation. 
- Let's drive somewhere now. - you say excitedly. Wanda laughs.
- Where?
- Anywhere. - You answer already getting up, pulling her by the hand.
While you are in the car, she tells you that she is going to a university in the south, forty minutes away from yours, and you can't hide your excitement. And then you are turning on the radio and singing along with Wanda loudly as she drives down a highway.
When she drops you off, you exchange numbers, and you know that this time you're not going to let her get away.
You are busy with college. Very busy. But this time, there are messages and video calls from Wanda almost every day. And then she's in college, and she's just as busy as you are. And you start missing her a lot, and your friends comment that you should tell her how you feel.
So you're driving to her dorm, but when you get out of the car, she's arriving, distracted with some books.
You hug her from behind, lifting her slightly in the air, she is startled at first, but as soon as she realizes it's you, she laughs. She turns around quickly, hugging you by the neck, the books are pressed against you, but you don't mind.
- What are you doing here? - she asks with a smile. You think she looks beautiful.
- I miss you. - You say, making her blush. - Can we go somewhere?
Wanda thinks for a moment, but smiles.
- Sure, I just need to leave some notes with my roommate. - She says. - You can visit my dorm.
You nod, escorting her into the dormitory. When you walk in you try not to get too excited. Everything is so organized, even for a college dorm.
Wanda's roommate is not here, so she just leaves her notes on the desk while you admire her polaroid collection.
- Where did you take this one? - you ask, pointing to a photo where Wanda was wearing a sailor costume.
She walked from the table to you, and let her chin rest on your shoulder. 
- At Sam Wilson's birthday party last year. - She answered, looking at the picture. 
- You look nice. - You commented, letting your gaze wander to the other pictures. Then Wanda's hands encircle your waist, in an embrace, and you bite the smile from your lips. - And this one?
You point to a photo where she is with Pietro.
- Halloween. - She answers after a moment. - I think we were on the street outside the house. - You murmur in agreement, looking at the photos, and then Wanda is moving her face. - You smell good.
- Thank you. - You comment, ignoring the fast beating of your heart. And then your gaze catches an interesting photo. - Ulala.
Wanda looks at the photo you are reaching for with your hand, and lets out a sigh, hiding her face behind your back as she laughs.
- Wanda Maximoff in a bikini, world. - You playfully try to look at her, but she just lets go of the hug, hiding her reddened face in her hands.
You raise your hands to her belly, tickling her until she pulls her hands away from her face. And while you're laughing, Wanda tries to push you away, but you hold onto her waist, and you both end up falling onto her bed. 
Your laughter slowly dies down, and you realize that Wanda is on top of you, your faces close together, and you swallow dry.
- I want to kiss you. - She confesses with reddened cheeks. - Is that okay?
You sigh and smile.
- Of course.
She smiles before bringing your lips together. It's as good as you remember, and then you're kissing until you're breathless, and Wanda sits on your lap at some point, and when your hands are on her waist and your fingers are through the fabric, you remember:
- I thought we were leaving. - You play out of breath.
- You're not going anywhere. - She replies with a smile and her lips swollen, before kissing you again.
Many dates happen after that, and two weeks later, you come back late from one of these, and you were planning something beautiful and impressive, but Wanda is smiling as she says goodbye and the words just slip out:
- Will you be my girlfriend?
Wanda blinks in surprise, taking her hand off the doorknob.  And then she smiles, and advances against you, kissing you on the mouth.
-Of course, you idiot. - She says against your lips, kissing you again.
And you are smiling, and kissing. And you don't want to let her out of the car, but you do, knowing that she would come back.
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