#mannn i hate being sick because that fucked me so bad
saltinesinsoup · 1 year
(guy who’s overthinking voice): what haha nooo i’m not overthinking
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kokorosfanfics · 4 years
Jealous!Gonta x reader: Atua or My Love?
Nobody requested this, this is just an idea I’ve had for a while and I’m waiting to get more requests. Pretty much, Gonta joined the student council and it’s taking a toll on your relationship, but your good friend Kokichi is here to help! -Mod Kokoro
(Also, don’t do this if you’re in a similar situation. This is fiction, but in an actual relationship, it’s better to talk about it.)
Things were bad enough as it is, with being stuck in a killing game. But now, Gonta Gokuhara, your boyfriend, has been brainwashed into the student council, A.K.A. Angie’s cult. Normally, you ate with Gonta on your left and your best friend, Kokichi, on your right. But now that he’s all “ATUAAAA!” He only ate with the other student council members. You tried to talk to him, only for him to insist you join the student council, which you politely refused. No matter how many times Angie gives you a hug, or Gonta pleads, you’re not joining that Atua bullshit. One time, Gonta approached you, only to reprimand you on going out of the dorms at night. You sighed to yourself, simply poking your fork into your food. 
“You good (N/N)?” (Nickname)
“I’m fine, ‘Kichi...” Well, at least you still have Kokichi. At least he didn’t betray you for some cult.
“Yeah. That’s an obvious lie.” Kokichi scooted closer to you, and got a little more serious.
“Is this because of you and Gonta?”
Tears were threatening to come out. “Y-Yes...”
“Y’know, I wouldn’t mind helping you.”
“How? What could you do?”
“Meet me in your room after breakfast.” With nothing else better to do, you nodded your head, and finally ate your breakfast.
You walked with Kokichi to your room, and shut the door behind you. Kokichi sat in your bed, and you sat next to him.
“So... How’re you gonna help me?” You asked.
“Easy! All we gotta do is make him jealous!”
“Jealous? I don’t really think Gonta’s the type to get jealous...”
“Oh, but we’ll do it.” Kokichi gave you sneaky look.
“I’m going to pretend to try to steal you from him.” His face immediately went to one of his creepy/evil ones.
“You heard me right. We’re going to play pretend. I’ll pretend to try to steal you from him, and you’re going to pretend it’s working. He won’t catch on that we’re only faking it, and eventually he’ll do something! C’mon, what’s the worst that could happen?” Kokichi winked at you.
You thought about it for a bit. How would this work? Gonta... Isn’t the brightest. Pretty dense, really. You’d have to be all over each other in order for something like this to work. And do you really want to make him worry about losing you? That’s horrible! But then again..... He had barely spoken to you like a lover in a long while. And Kokichi, as devious as he is, usually his plans worked. He thought things through, and was pretty damn clever. An evil genius, who secretly had a heart of gold. He’s your best friend, and does genuinely care about you and want to help you. Who knows, maybe this could work?
“Alright. I’m in.” You reluctantly agreed. “But nothing that’ll hurt him!”
“Great! Let’s start right now.”
“Uh, yeah! We gotta talk through some things we’re gonna do in front of Gonta to get him worked up! Don’t worry we don’t have smash lips or anything like that.”
The two of you planned out some scenarios to act out in front of Gonta to make him jealous.
“You ready N/n?” Kokichi nudged your shoulder.
“Yep. Ready as I’ll ever be, ‘Kichi.”
“Great! Let’s go!” Kokichi wrapped an arm around yours, and the two of you headed to the dining hall for lunch.
As usual, Gonta ignored you, and sat at the opposite end of the table. Kokichi sat next to you, but this time an arm was around your waist. Time to get your acting skills ready.
“Y’know S/o, you look really nice today.” Kokichi pretended to flirt.
“O-Oh! Thank you, that’s really nice. You’re looking good, too!” You responded. So far, so good. You noticed Miu in the corner of your eye carefully observing suspiciously. Kokichi reached up to tuck some hair behind your ear. Now, you saw Miu nudge Kiyo, who was next to her. Seems you’ve got the attention of two of your classmates.
“Hey, S/o, do your hands still hurt from yesterday?” Kokichi made sure this was asked a little louder than usual. 
“Hurt? Is S/O hurt???” You were surprised to hear none other than Gonta, who seemed to have picked up on the conversation. You looked over to see him surprised, and a little worried. You and Kokichi hadn’t planned to get Gonta’s attention this early, but he winked at you, assuring he knew what to do.
“Oh yeah! Poor S/o, she fell and got so injured! But luckily, I was there to help her/him/them.” Kokichi placed emphasis on the “I” part. “Hey, S/o, since your hands still hurt, I’d hate for you to be in pain while lifting your fork, so I’ll help you!” Kokichi picked up your fork, lifted it your mouth, and fed you. You blushed, yeah you had discussed and agreed to this, but it still caught you off guard. Now, Miu, Kiyo, Shuichi, Kaito, and Maki were observing as they spoke lowly to each other. You couldn’t tell if anyone from the student council was noticing, but you felt some eyes on you, so you assumed some of them were. The rest of lunch, Kokichi fed you and subtly pretended he was flirting with you. You pretended to be clueless to his fake advances, and “unknowingly” encouraged him. When you were done eating, Kokichi moved close enough so only you saw his face. He gestured with his eyes and head to look behind you. 
You looked over your shoulder to find Angie, Tenko, Himiko, Kiibo and Gonta muttering to each other. But Gonta only seemed to be focused on you. Not wanting to make it obvious you were looking, you went back to facing Kokichi, and the two of you looked mischievously at each other and nodded. This was getting good. Kokichi placed his head under your neck and rested against you.
“Oh! Are you tired, Kokichi?” You asked softly. You had to pretend like you were oblivious to his “advances” after all. 
“Yeah. You don’t mind if I rest against you, do you?” 
“Not at all!” You hugged him close. But then came something you hadn’t expected.
“Hey! Degenerate male! Why are you flirting with S/o? She’s dating Gonta, so get off her tits!” Tenko the man hater was here to protect you from threats that didn’t actually exist.
“Tenko, he’s not a degenerate and he’s not flirting with me. He’s my friend!” You spoke up to defend him.
“He’s been flirting this whole time! First he’s all over you, next he feeds you, and then he presses his head against your chest and, UGHH.” Tenko cringed in disgust.
“I fed her because her hands were injured? Oh and, N/N and I are like, best friends and all that. Not very uncommon for best friends to be affectionate, you know.” Kokichi scoffed at her remarks.
Before Tenko could say another word, Angie had stepped forward to where you were.
“Now now, it’ll be okay. I’m sure Kokichi is just trying to be a good friend, and S/o knows that. You’d do the same for your friends, wouldn’t you, Tenko?”
“I..... Yeah.” Tenko sighed.
“S/o, you are surrounded by good friends, and a lovely boyfriend! Why don’t you be apart of the student council?” Angie outstretched her arms and walked closer. Here it comes, the tenth time Angie has tried to brainwash you via magic hugs. But thankfully Kokichi swatted her away.
“Heyyy! Don’t take my friends from me! She/He/They doesn’t/don’t wanna be part of your stupid cult!”
“But can’t S/o speak for herself/himself/themselves?” Angie asked.
“Yes, and he’s right. I have no interest in your student council.” You gave her the polite version of what Kokichi said.
“See?” He taunted.
“It is fine! S/o will come around eventually! Let us go, student council.”
“C’mon, S/o. We’ve got places to be. Let’s go to my room!” Kokichi said, in his innocent voice. You saw Kiyo in the corner of you eye glaring at Miu that she better not make another dirty joke.
But as you left, Gonta was watching, and he began to feel.... Something. But he wasn’t sure what this was.
“I know! I think it’s working, maybe Gonta will finally snap out of it! I hope....” You were a little worried about hurting him, though.
The next days were spent with similar events. Kokichi would try to “steal you” from Gonta, Gonta would watch from afar, and you could tell it was working. One time you and Kokichi decided to just chill for a bit outside and look at the stars, and you weren’t putting up an act, just simply talking about stuff and chilling outside, and occasionally playing with each others hair. As you and Kokichi were talking, he stopped, and pointed behind you.
“Hm? What is it, ‘Kichi?” You looked behind you to see.... Gonta! Gonta was coming!
“Oh! Gonta you’re here, hey!” You and Kokichi stood up to greet him. You were just about to give him a hug, but...
“S/O and Kokichi not supposed to be out at night time. Gonta will bring S/O and Kokichi back to dorms.”
“Wha..... What?” You stared dumb founded. He was just here to tell you go back to the dorms? 
“Student council not allow you to be outside at night.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You asked.
“It no joke. Come, let us-”
“No.” You stated.
“What S/o mean no? Being out at night is dangerous!”
“I don’t care.” You turned around. ‘This whole thing was a bust. He doesn’t treat me like a lover anymore. I won’t stand for this.’ You began walking off, probably to wander the school. “C’mon ‘Kichi. Let’s walk around for a bit.”
“GONTA NO CAN LET THAT HAPPEN!” Gonta went to take a hold of your hand, only you slapped his hand away from you.
“Fuck off.” You spat. Your gaze only softened a little at Gonta’s hurt expression. “What the hell Gonta? What happened? What’s gotten into you? I don’t deserve to be ignored and bossed around. Just because you’re in Angie’s cult, it doesn’t mean you can just tell me what I can and cannot do. I’m sick of the way you’re treating me, and I especially do not deserve to be second to your PRECIOUS Angie! I deserve better than that! Hell, WHY DON’T YOU JUST GO OFF AND BE WITH HER INSTEAD?” You ran away with tears in your eyes as you headed straight for the school building. You had enough. It was evident to you that Gonta didn’t care for you anymore. In this world where you must kill to escape, Gonta was the silver lining for you. But now, that silver lining has faded.
“Wow.” Kokichi turned to face Gonta. “You fucked up, big guy.” Only then did Kokichi notice Gonta’s expression. He was.... Crying. 
“Gonta.... IDIOT! GONTA IDIOT! GONTA WAS UNGENTLEMANLY! HOW COULD GONTA DO THIS TO S/O?” Gonta fell to his knees, realizing how he made S/o feel. He’s never felt so ashamed in his life.
“Gonta.” Kokichi spoke up. 
“What?” Gonta let out through a sob.
“It’s not too late, y’know. So why don’t you get up and go after her/him/them?”
“S/o deserve better than Gonta. Gonta was ungentlemanly!”
“Yeah, ignoring her/him/them and favoring some student council instead was pretty bad, but you know what gentleman do when they slip up after that?” Kokichi asked.
“What do gentleman do?”
“They go make up for it!” Kokichi nudged Gonta to get him up.
“Run! Go after her/hi/them, and make it up to her/him/them!”
“Kokichi is right! Gonta will go make it up to S/o!” With newfound confidence, Gonta began to run towards the school building.
“Nee-heehee. You’re welcome, S/o.” Kokichi simply walked into the school. He wanted to watch this play out.
You decided the best way to cope with your current situation would be to go in your lab. You were simply practicing your ultimate talent, hoping to get your mind off of things for a while, but you were interrupted.
“S/O!” Gonta exclaimed as he ran to you.
“W-What do you want, Gonta?” You really did not want more of Gonta’s bullshit. But thankfully, it wasn’t
“Whoa-” Gonta pulled you in for a hug.
“Gonta? What are you doing?...”
“Gonta is sorry. Gonta no should have mistreated S/O like that. Gonta promise to be a better gentleman. Gonta no want Angie, he want you.”
“Gonta.....” Finally. FINALLY your boyfriend was back!
“I’m sorry too, Gonta. I shouldn’t have snapped like that..”
“S/O no should apologize! Gonta was in wrong.”
“Thank you!” You reached up to kiss him, and he happily kissed back. You were so happy, finally, he was back! Your loveable giant teddy bear boyfriend was back! 
During your kiss, you heard the familiar sound of Kokichi’s footsteps walking into your lab, as he walked over to where you were. You smiled into your kiss, and reached a hand behind your back, and Kokichi gladly high fived you.
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deeperthanloveff · 6 years
Chapter 44
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I pushed my key to walk in the door and it was no use because baby girl swung open the door jumping in my arms making me smile and laugh “hi papi.”
I pecked her lips all while kicking the door shut and latching it with one hand as I balanced holding her “wassup baby love?”
“I been here waiting on you to come back to me. I cooked your favorite and then we can pick up where we left off this morning” she said allowing her robe to slide off her shoulders.
I bit my lip taking in the cheetah print lace bra and thong she had on “ok, you tryna kill your man? You to happy.” She giggled and kissed me “no crazy, I’m just tryna make it feel like old times. You’d come home I’d feed you and ride you into the mattress. It was an arrangement but I was crushing on you so hard.”
I smirked “yeah I knew you wanted a nigga. I laid the pipe crazy from day one!” She smacked her teeth and jumped down from my waist making me laugh. She tried to stomp off but I immediately grabbed her wrapping my arms around her waist “I’m just kidding Melody, I wanted you from the minute I laid my eyes on your beautiful ass. And this accent you got turns me the fuck on.” She giggled “no don’t try to kiss up to me now! How’s Kae?”
I smirked “it’s ok I’ll be kissing all this ass in a minute anyway let me put some food energy in my body. She’s not doing well. She’s suicidal and I’m honestly scared. I didn’t want to leave her.”
“You so nasty papi, but wow. Do you want her to stay here?” I shrugged “I would never do that to you. I’ll just have her stay at Erin’s. I already called her and talked to her. She honestly just wants me around, but I can’t fall back into that cycle. She’s very much so still in love with me. The way she’s so antsy until I interject or touch her. She was always like that for years, but it’s heightened.” Robin knotted her brows “that sounds really clingy.”
I shrugged “no it is, but it never bothered me before I loved that then. I love affection, she’s just so scared I think she’s put me as the savior here.”
“Chris I feel bad for her I do, but I will beat her ass. Did she try anything?” I was amused inside but didn’t show it on my face. She was jealous, she’s always been jealous of Kae and how I treat her, she’s letting me see it and boy is it something. “What you mean? Did she try to fuck me? No, she’s literally on the brink of crazy. I think the last thing she wants is my dick.”
She huffed “that’s all I wanted.” I smirked “and you got it plenty of times. Is that the problem? You think because I cheated on her with you I’ll do it to you?”
“Does is sound so crazy out loud?” She asked tying her robe up. “No baby it doesn’t. You don’t trust us alone, and it’s not like you’re wrong in feeling that way. I can assure you on my kids I just held her. That’s all she wanted, so I did that for her. I told her I loved her and I refuse to lose her and have to raise our daughter alone. Nothing happened, I’ve cheated before yes, but I’ve never lied to anyone after and I won’t start now.” I said looking her in the eyes.
“I hate that you love her the way you do, she gets this side of you I want but can never have. It makes me feel like you’d rather her over me all the time” she said looking at her feet.
When she said that, I was finally able to see what about Kae bothered her so much. I also never let Robin see me unaffectionate toward her since we had our daughter so it was probably throwing her for a loop. I closed the space between us and picked her head up “baby you have to tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it. There’s nothing I won’t try to do for you. Stop comparing you and her to this right here. You never really pull me in for the soft stuff. Is that what you want? Me to be more gentle you can have that.”
I gently pushed her hair back and kissed her softly placing my hand on the small of her back. I pulled back and caressed her cheek bending to rest my forehead hers “I’m so in love with you. I want this and you forever.” She blushed a bright crimson red and hid her face in my neck making me chuckle “that’s what that feels like, damn. Now I see why you have her so hooked.”
I smacked my teeth “stop talking like it’s competition. It’s not, you want me to give you that soft affection well ask for it. I’m rough because that’s always been our thing. I can’t know you want the best of both worlds if you don’t talk to me. Communication remember?”
“I’m sorry, let me feed you. Then you can feed me that good shit” she said biting her lip at me. “You a damn nymph” I said making her laugh.
I was about grab her and she pushed me away suddenly running to the bathroom. I followed her with an urgency because I didn’t understand what was happening. Once I rounded the corner I could hear her bringing up everything she must’ve eaten during the day. “You ok?” I asked wetting a rag with some cold water for her. “Yeah, I’m fine I guess that left over shrimp I ate wasn’t the best idea.” I raised an eyebrow because she rarely gets sick, but said nothing of it “you sure you ok baby?” She nodded “yeah I promise, go eat I’m gonna clean up a bit and come join you. We have few more kid free hours and I want all of them.”
I chuckled “alright. I’ll fix you a small plate and pour you some ginger ale.” She smiled “thank you papi.”
I walked off leaving her there but in the back of my mind I felt like something was off. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I’d find out. If Robin is by any means being sneaky I'm done. I dished our food and thought about the possibility of her being pregnant, but that’s next to impossible because I fucked her last night and this morning. So I shrugged it off going with the first option of her just being sick.
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I stared at the positive pregnancy test in my hands and I started crying. Chris was absolutely not the father and how was I supposed to throw this monkey wrench in there? Oh you know I let Odell fuck your pussy raw and I also let him cum inside me, so we’re having a Beckham baby! I grabbed my phone once it dinged back with a text from Odell.
Big O 💙🏈- Come over, I’m in LA. I want this baby and you Robin.
Me- O idk, I haven’t told Chris yet I’m scared.
Big O 💙🏈- Well I’m here for you baby girl, I love you
Me- I’ll call you later
I put my phone down and put my hand up covering my face. It’s been a few days and this is the 12th positive test I’ve taken so I know I’m not crazy. Just as I thought about what to tell Chris he snuck up on me on the bedroom floor. “Aye baby, what’s wrong? You feeling ok?”
I looked at him and he rushed to my side once he saw me crying. I wouldn’t let him touch me though. I could see frustration on his face. “Yo what’s good with you? You been acting funny all week man.” I sighed “Chris I’m pregnant.” He smiled and kissed me “why you so nervous? Have I ever not wanted one of my kids?”
“That’s problem Chris, this is not your baby it’s Odell’s.” I said watching him drop his smile and look at me like I was telling a joke. “Babe that isn’t funny, this is my kid right?” I sighed and shook my head “no Chris it isn’t.” He stood up and took a seat on the bed looking at his shoes. I knew he was pissed because he said not one word. I didn’t even bother to say anything to him either. He looked at me and I could see the anger, hurt, and disgust on his face. I couldn’t look him in the eye so I just looked away. “How far along?” He asked lowly.
“I’m guessing I’m anything from 10-12 weeks along. We had sex everyday the week of the baby shower for India.” He chuckled “you know I guess this is my get back huh?” I knitted my eyebrows “huh?” “You know I got Kae pregnant so this is my karma.” I smacked my teeth “are you serious right now?” He opened his mouth but the kids ran in putting a halt on this conversation “daddy!!!” Kyia ran up to her dad and he smiled kissing her cheeks “hi beautiful. How was school?”
“Ohhhh fun today we did 3 times tables. 3x1 is 3, 3x2 is 6, 3x3 is 9! Ohhhh and I made you a picture see, we dancing daddy!” She said handing him the photo. He smiled so big it melted my heart “aww baby girl you’re so smart and this picture is perfect I’m gonna hang this on my art wall. I love it.” Christian laughed and walked over dapping up on his dad with their secret handshake and hugged him “wassup pops!”
“Shit bicking” he said making us all laugh at him being silly. As much as we fought he never let our babies see us yelling at each other “y’all say hi to your mother. Y’all act like she invisible when I’m here be nice.” They ran over to me and jumped me and I laughed holding them tight “I love you mommy” Christian said. I was so emotional I started crying. Kyia wiped my eyes “mommy why you cry for?”
“Cause I love you guys so much. I missed you today too. I think I’m gonna lock you guys up.” They giggled “no mommy you get in trouble” Kyia said playing in my hair. I smiled “never you’re allllllll mine!” I started tickling them and they fell out laughing. “Alright knuckle heads it’s time for homework, get your books” Chris said to them as he stood up.
They whined “awwweeee mannn.” He fanned them “yeah aw man my butt, come on! I ain’t raising no slow babies.” They ran out the room and he got up to follow “Chris I-“ I began but he held his hand up. “Save it, I really don’t want to hear it. You let that nigga cum all up inside my shit and you carrying his seed. I don’t wanna hear that you’re sorry or anything like that. Just know it’s different now and this shit here is the straw that broke the camel’s back. You could’ve left me and my fiancé alone and I could’ve been expecting my son to be here in a few weeks. You knew you was straight fucking that nigga letting him believe y’all was together and you still stood in that room and broke up my relationship. This type of shit is exactly why I don’t want to be with you cause you fucking selfish as shit. I’m gonna go help my kids do their homework and then we’re going to see Silver today. I haven’t seen my daughter in a few days and I miss her. Shit I miss her mother too” he said making sure to burn me with the last comment. I didn’t even bother to argue back because he was right. Odell thought we were getting back together up until that baby shower. I also was fucking him through every inch of his house like I was trying for him to give me baby. If he left me this time I can’t say I blame him. I picked up my phone and called Odell “I’m on my way” I said into the receiver once he answered.
“You ok, why you sound like that?” He asked concerned. I sighed “just stay on the phone with me until I get there?”
“Yeah I can do that” he said as I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs to grab my keys. I walked into the kitchen and kissed my babies “have fun with daddy. I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
“Byeeeee mom” they said in unison. I listened to Odell calm me down as I drove to his house to talk. He was doing everything I needed Chris to be doing, and the reassurance he was doing made me feel good. It was crazy because I never had to beg him for things I wanted and needed he just did them. With this little life inside me everything was about to change. I was beginning to wonder if Chris and I could really stand the test of time with this. Could he watch another man father my child?
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“Chris unhook your sister from her car seat” I told Christian as I pulled into the driveway of the home I shared with Kae not long ago. He did as I said and helped her out the car. I smiled watching as he held her hand to the front door. I knew when they got older he will be beating some ass behind his sister. I rang the doorbell and Kae answered looking very done up.
“Damn” I mumbled. She smiled “why didn’t you just use your key, I just got back. Erin took me for lunch and insisted I dress cute.”
“You look better than cute” I said watching as she hugged the kids. “Awe, I miss y’all so much. You gotta stay with me a weekend” she said kissing their cheeks. They hugged her so tight and it warmed me to see how much they seemed to make her genuinely feel happy. “Where’s my daughter?”
“First of all she’s watching tv, second can I get some loving or something?” She asked embracing me. I chuckled “yeah you can get some loving alright” I said smacking her ass as she walked away. She giggled and I followed “what’s up with you? What did she do now?” I laughed “we’ll talk in a few, let me just say hey to my princess.” I walked in the living room to see Silver sprawled out eating pretzels “hey princess” I said softly tugging her hair.
She turned around and leaped into my arms “daddy you came!” I closed my eyes and just held her tight “I promised didn’t I?” She held me so tight I knew she missed me all the same “can you stay tonight? Please?” Without hesitation I agreed “yes, I can and for you I will.” She kissed my cheek and crawled back in front the tv with her siblings joining her with snacks of her own.
“Hey, come upstairs tell me what’s going on” Kae said catching my attention. “You’re doing better” I said noticing a pep in her step today. “The medication is helping, this is my first day wearing makeup since the accident. I’m not the best, but I’m trying. Chris I swear today is the first day I see a light at the end of the tunnel.” I closed the bedroom door behind us and she walked into the closet to change “well you know I’m here for you.”
“Yeah I know, but what’s up? Talking about your problems might make me feel better.” She said making me smack my teeth. She giggled “she’s pregnant Rue.” She shrugged “ok so, you worried about me or, wait she what? How?!” I threw my hands up “it’s his!” She dropped her jaw “whatttttttt! After all the shit she talked and now she having a baby by O?”
“Exactly, it’s always something. I should’ve never let you leave me. I miss the peacefulness in my life and your Vietnamese food” I said earning a smile. “Chris you do know that you said you love her more right? Did you lie or was that the honest truth? Was all that for nothing? Or you just pissed off she having a baby and it’s not yours?” She asked her hand on her waist. I sighed “I’m past pissed, but honestly I’m in love with the both of you. My heart feels like I never finished anything with Robin so I want to be with her and then there’s you, but it’s different you know. You don’t want much and I love that. We got therapy tomorrow and it’s about to be whirlwind because it’s confession day.”
She walked towards me and climbed onto the bed laying back “What’s your confession?”
“This baby shit giving second, third, and fourth guesses. I know for a fact I can not see her carry another nigga child and act like I’m gonna be ok.”
“Well Chris it’s time you start telling the truth, don’t let that girl think y’all gonna be together forever only for her to end up alone” she said looking at me. “Did I tell you I was sorry? Did I tell you I never meant to hurt you?” I asked pulling her small body toward mine. “No, but I like the kissing of my ass keep going.” I chuckled “I ain’t shit, you rode for me and I played you. Is there anyway you could forgive me?”
She flipped her hair “let’s start with your credit card, cough it up daddy!” I laughed so hard and handed her my wallet “anything else?” She tapped her chin “this is part where we kiss and makeup, but I guess the shopping spree can be our alternate ending.” I looked at her bare legs and I was tempted, but I was trying not to be that guy anymore “unfortunately as much as I’m tempted I probably shouldn’t.” She smiled as my phone dinged with a text from Robin. I looked at Kae and she nudged me to open it.
Robin Hood 😈💦👅💚- Chris I think we should break up. I’m sorry I begged you to get back with me, but I should’ve just left it alone
Me- Robin what?
Robin Hood 😈💦👅💚- I’m going to get back with Odell
I didn’t even bother to reply. I simply just placed my phone down kicked off my shoes and laid parallel to Rue in silence. Two whole months of my life I spend in therapy to be worth of just a break up text.
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zolganif · 5 years
it doesn’t take much at all me for me to get that nervous feeling. i hate being in the house alone in the quiet, i will blaast my music so i don’t feel so alone. if i’m alone and around people i don’t know i always feel like i’m being talked about or some shit. i’m really fucking shy, like it’s actually really bad how i am with it. sometimes when i have too much going through my mind i don’t make sense when i’m trying to say it. i really don’t deal with making actual plans because then i feel like i’m obligated to shit. if i’m comfortable enough to give you a hard time and joke with you you should take it as a compliment,it means i really like you. i don’t really put my shit out there for people to know, i hate having people in my business. i haven’t slept in my own bed in a couple of days now.  i saw someone who was so damn good looking today that i literally did a double take. niiiice. i’ve pulled a hella funny prank on someone today that worked out perfectly. i love seeing cute older couples, it makes my heart melt. there is a place i love going to that feels more like home than the actual house that i’ve grown up in. i hate how when you just wanna enjoy what time you have left, out of spite it flies by making that almost impossible. i’m seriously waiting for this summer to start fucking happening mannn. i really really have doubt in there being actual decent guys left, because i haven’t come across any yet. the select group of friends i have are my best friends who i would do anything for and who i actually really do trust. a lot of people are putting pressure on me right now and i’m sick to my stomach at the idea of messing up and letting them down. i’ve gone swimming in a creek/river that a lot of people around where i live at know about. i don’t understand why you can’t do the same for me what i’ve done for you. i’ve had a store that i absolutely loved to shop at the now i can’t because their stuff went to shit. a pet peeve of mine is when i’m in the car and good music is on that i wanna sing to but another person is trying to have a convo that i don’t want to have at the same time. it’s awful, i know. but i will say something really mean/hurtful if i feel like i’m at too vulnerable a point with someone.
I cried at my high school graduation My cell phone is within arm’s reach I can see something with zebra print from where I’m sitting I usually listen to music when I take surveys I have a tumblr The walls in my room are pretty bare I have met so many people in my life that I love to death There are certain people on Xanga I find interesting There are a lot of empty cups in my bedroom I love driving with the windows down, music blaring, and the heat going on a summer night There is no better feeling in the world than being loved ^Orgasms are a close second though I love reading a good book that I can’t put down I have a ceiling fan in my bedroom I have done a few things that are against the law I’ve never had to have braces I have more than one TV in my room I’ve only slept with one guy I lost my virginity at age 15 Ke$ha is not overrated, she’s awesome I still have some stuffed animals in my room I have hung out with some of my friends today My very best friend is younger than me I sometimes judge people before I get to know them I love the song Maneater by Nelly Furtado I have more than one gay friend I’m a registered Republican, and I don’t care what you Democrats have to say about it I tend to get the most food cravings at night time My favorite kind of music puts me in the best mood ever I’ve done something my parents DEFINITELY wouldn’t approve of My mom has a lot of influence over how I view relationships I can admit it, I can be a bad friend sometimes I have a hard time letting people/things go I absolutely adore Lady Gaga I have a very short temper I tend to think I’m smarter than a lot of my peers ^I’m pretty sure I REALLY am though I come before others I don’t like to take medication I’m a pretty open minded person I think that going to bed before 12 am is early I love the show Say Yes to the Dress I won’t have sex with someone unless I’m in a relationship with them I love my pet with all my heart, and I don’t know how I’ll handle it when he/she isn’t around anymore Five years ago I would have never guessed I’d be where I am today I’ve never questioned my sexuality I don’t believe that everything happens for a reason I believe in the saying “I have to see it to believe it” I number my surveys
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