help-im-a-gay-fish · 2 months
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Fluffynightkiller week 2024!
Day 1: Crossover.
Something fun for the first day! Cross them over in any story, any world any Cross over you like so long as the 3 of them have their place.
Day 2: Fairytale.
Their are many different kinds of fairytales, will this be happily ever after?
Day 3: Blind
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
Day 4: Falling.
Falling in love, or out of it? Falling into eachothers arms or falling off the edge.
Day 5: Dark roast.
Darkest and most bitter... but also most delicious.
Day 6: Sweet.
When you fall in love, life sure is sweet. So are cakes and cookies.
Day 7: Coffee boy's Birthday
Happy birthday Ccino!!
If taking part..
Any Au version of Ccino, Nightmare and Killer can be used. Classic, studio, humanised etc
Other ships and characters/ship kids can be included, so long as the ship is the main focus.
No NSFW please, lightly suggestive is perfectly fine though! if wanted but keep it in reason.
You can basically create anything you want! Drawings, writings, massive mosaics! Whatever you fancy XD
You don't have to complete prompts on time, you can post them anytime later you like, just please don't post them early.
Make sure to credit the original creators of the characters you use.
Make sure to use the tag #fluffynightkiller week or #fluffynightkiller week 2024 so that I can find your posts!
And also tag me @help-im-a-gay-fish
Original nightmare by jokublog
Original killer belongs to rahafwabas
Original ccino belongs to black-nyanko
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caffeineyum · 7 months
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ITS ON THE COVER OF LAST LIGHT!!! I DIDN’T SEE THIS UNTIL NOW! @bloodgulchblog it made it into other media!! Not just that comic!!
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allycatexplainsthings · 10 months
*~I watched Nimona for the first time!!!~*
Tw: Venting (Sorry) and some spoilers.
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I watched it with my parents and regretted nothing (Yet)! Got a new hyperfiction, oh yeah!!!
Love Nimona and Ballister's character dynamic. Really reminded me of my friend dynamic.
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I felt like I was being seen with the message! It unlocked my art block, and I couldn't form complete sentences. The way she expressed that when she shapeshifts, she's free, I knew that emotion, too, with being yourself.
Also really enjoy the chaos in this movie; it fits my gremlin vibes!
Yet I also relate to Ballister because sometimes I feel like not causing mayhem every two seconds, so they're like two sides of me.
As a neurodivergent and questioning whether I'm Bi, Pan, Demi Ace, or Ace (Which is why I didn't say which one I am in my introduction post), I'm happy with my gender and support trans and non-binary (Heck, I have friends who are trans and Non-binary!).
While I hadn't read the comic that the movie is based on, I now want to read it so badly.
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I would highly recommend watching the movie!
TW: Vent down below
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Yet when the movie continued, my parents didn't enjoy it as much as me, and I noticed the message went over their heads because of the LBGTQA content (Which I support, yet my parents have a hard time understanding) and this scene:
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Made them angry because they said, and I quote: "Why are they forcing us to see this stuff? Are they forcing it in everything now?"
It baffles me. Why are they mad about them kissing? There are scenes where they express their love and are okay with that until that scene... It was like people on the news, and I couldn't help but laugh at that, even though that shouldn't be the proper response.
It sadly reminded me that sometimes I have to "Hide" the side of me, which I did address, yet most of my family think it "JUsT A TRenD!" They try to be supportive, yet the toxic ideas keep creeping up without them knowing, and if I try to point it out, I get rubbish from standing up to myself and my beliefs.
I hate it when they say that... Because of that, mentally, most of my family has; I have very little knowledge about LBGTQA+ and make blunders. I want to learn so I don't accidentally hurt people, and sometimes I feel isolated and alone without my friends.
Really, the only person in my house who isn't like that is my older brother, which I appreciate.
I'm not alone in my house.
The movie expresses the feeling of aloneness and isolation, and I agree. I honestly want to hug the characters who could put them into words. That quote from Nimona hits right in my soul.
"I don't know what's scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart, or that sometimes I just want to let them."
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But I'm doing okay now, but those were my thoughts afterwards.
I wouldn't be doing so much venting here because I desire this area to be positive, yet sometimes you need to acknowledge all emotions and not ignore the ones you don't like to move on.
I want to make this Blog a safe place for people to not feel alone, and I want to do the same to communicate what I like without much judgement and to be seen.
✨ Have a metal day/evening/night!✨
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Im sorry but his fucking waist bro im going crazy i have trouble breathing I've been hyperventilating all day why is he holding his shirt behind his back like a slut how am i supposed to not stare im drooling im
My throat is closing up I’m nauseous I’m lightheaded what the fuck what the fuck. Frows up
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st-jimmysidiot · 2 years
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4th-make-quail · 2 years
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He’d heard of this spell - Immobilise or some such... "I see how you watch me when I b-bleed, Ghis. Take some for yourself, c-come taste me." "Perhaps I shall." He lifted his boot to catch the toe under Bergan’s chin, tilting his head up to look at him.
archades after dark [1] [2] [3]
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art-student-rants · 3 months
press delete press delete press delete. there are shards of glass between my fingertips and in my eyes and in my brain— there is graphite inside of me and ink, like the pages of a notebook that i never used, too scared to ruin it— i scrub and i pour rubbing alcohol on it until it bleeds. press delete. maybe it’s better to not bring water to school in the first place. maybe i was never supposed to. maybe i will drown in what never was and then delete the fact that it happened in the first place.
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strawberry-creep · 8 months
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 1 year
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Fluffynightkiller week 2023!
Day 1: Song inspiration.
Music has always been said to be the greatest of inspiration, no matter the type or theme. This prompt it about creating something taking inspiration from the lyrics of a song or a style of music. Let music be the food of love.
Day 2: Warm.
Warm-hearted, warm bodies, big floofy collars and fresh cups of coffee. So many ways to be Warm.
Day 3: Rose
Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? Why is it that a pure form of love would have sharp thorns? Both romantic and dangerous.
Day 4: Promise.
The path to love comes with many promises, some small, some big.
Hopefully all kept.
Day 5: Red
The colour of love, romance, lust, blood and LOVE.
Day 6: Twisted fate.
They say we are never in control of what we are fated to be, or who we are meant to love.
Day 7: Coffee boy's Birthday
Happy birthday Ccino!!
If taking part..
Any Au version of Ccino, Nightmare and Killer can be used. Classic, studio, humanised etc
Other ships and characters/ship kids can be included, so long as the ship is the main focus.
No NSFW please, lightly suggestive is aloud if wanted but keep it in reason.
You can basically create anything you want! Drawings, writings, massive mosaics! Whatever you fancy XD
You don't have to complete prompts on time, you can post them anytime later you like, just please don't post them early.
Make sure to credit the original creators of the characters you use.
Make sure to use the tag #fluffynightkiller week or #fluffynightkiller week 2023 so that I can find your posts!
And also tag me @help-im-a-gay-fish
Original nightmare by jokublog
Original killer belongs to rahafwabas
Original ccino belongs to black-nyanko
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thesunoficarus1 · 1 month
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to add on to my last post
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re-dracula · 1 year
Sound designing a vampire being hit in the face with a shovel is... challenging. Who would've guessed.
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yourplaceinaugust · 11 months
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pianta · 4 months
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my variant cover for Monster High Pride 2024 !! 💕
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genesisfurr · 2 months
"I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, Tim"
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sadmitskifanatic · 9 months
now that the AT fandom is being revived EVERYONE SHUT UP AND LOOK AT COMIC PB!!
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+ some bonus side bubbline for the soul
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veditas · 3 months
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Thank you @somewillwin for this from my fic Challenges
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