#3000 on a bad day
crystalann5 · 11 months
I think my only saving grace to not being obese again is that I'm so active and love veggies, otherwise I still can't give up eating excessively
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thatoneweirdo14 · 10 months
Breaking news: I am a massive simp for hua cheng
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marcholasmoth · 4 months
OSRR: 3465
today i woke up just fine. stayed in bed a little before getting up. went to work, which was fine. work was fine, really, honestly it was pretty good. we got an alert at the end of the day which i took care of.
my real issue today was when the imposter syndrome and intrusive thoughts reared their ugly heads while the RSD kicked me in the ass.
i've been spiraling most of the afternoon.
i'm trying to keep it from spiraling. i'm trying really hard. but it's so easy to want to give in to it. i just want to wallow and be miserable. but i know if i do, ill stay there. like fuck, dude. i'm so far from the smartest person i know. and that bothers me? me?? with a subconscious that has long drawn worth from intelligence??? never.
that was sarcastic.
so much of my brain's attacks today were about how i'm not good enough for this and how i shouldn't be in this job and how im not good for going back to school and all i can do is... is what? make things? things that other people can make way better?? why bother, yknow??
it's the "someone's better at that/that/x/y/z than i am, why bother?" that's getting me today.
luckily joel has been sensitive to how i feel so he could actually hear that something was off today in my voice when he called asking me what i wanted from chinese for dinner.
he's so good to me.
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hearties-circus · 1 year
Ohhhhh you know what would be fun for pokemon xy? If we got a legends game like a legends zygarde or something that'd fucking rock
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strixcattus · 5 months
Little voice in my head that gives me bad ideas just told me I should alphabetize the list of gods on my WorldAnvil world by in-universe alphabetical order instead of English alphabetical order and I don't have an argument against it
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disneydreamlights · 1 year
The way people on this website hate Disney adults and people who like theme parks like idk man imagine hating people who have fun doing things they like. Couldn't be me I'm a cringe Disney adult. :)
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seancamerons · 8 months
i'm not letting anyone ever make me feel bad about me, my choices, things and people i love/care about, hobbies whatever, ever. respect me, or (kindly), kick bricks🧱 i'm just done with that "letting things happen" or niceties if you're not nice to me or others. you gonna disrespect me, i won't respect you and i just won't talk to you. life is too short to be a mean person. i don't wanna be a pushover. i'm not gonna let people make me feel bad anymore no matter who they are. i cried my last tear over that stuff. not gonna be hostile, or mean but assertive, because it's a new era and i want positivity. i want good things, i like my peace and anyone who threatens me with that i don't want around me. it's just bs. 💩 i don't want any negativity, so if you're gonna be mean or whatever do not interact w/ this.
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allucka · 1 year
i rlly dont mind being a person who has a very low social battery EXCEPT for the fact that it makes me kind of . a shitty friend 💔.. i mean i only have one day a week where im not obligated to go to work or school but i typically use that one day to 1. sleep and 2. still do schoolwork.... but then i have a lovely dear friend of mine ask if im available to hang out during the weekend and its like.... technically, yes, i am but mentally? NOOO 😭😭💔💔💔
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hyunubear · 2 years
I just love how unbothered wonho is
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
11:45pm, sitting here with my ridiculously large tomato-mozarrella sandwich and crying to bad and crazy. I love life.
#I have to write through the night thanks to my immaculate time management skills#but i haven't eaten a lot throughout the day and I figured it would be sensible to eat something even if it's technically night#since i will be staying up for a While (probably until tomorrow night tbh ahaha)#so i took a break from 'working' and continued the rewatch and that one scene in ep 4 again made me ugly cry#which feels ridiculous when you're eating tbh#aw man#I'm too emotionally attached to this show#I'm not even kidding this is on one level with tdj and beyond evil#(well.#beyond evil is kinda unbeatable. but still it's definitely one of my absolute favorite shows now. so I'm very happy i watched this in the#first place because i wasn't sure if I'd like it and almost didn't give it a try)#sorry for rambling#i will continue working now i guess#only have 3000 words left#i can't believe I'm not even feeling stressed after procrastinating this for 4 weeks and now having to write the entire thing in one night#something really is fundamentally wrong with my brain#(or maybe i just got more chill about doing a bad job. i guess i realized it doesn't really matter anyway so why stress about it#bullshitting is fine when it doesn't affect anyone or anything but you. and i would not benefit from doing well anyway so what's the point#yeah good grades are nice but in my position ultimately meaningless since I'm not gonna get a job anyway and also won't stay in academia#for much longer. so whatever. just do whatever ahahaha)#shut up amy
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Sleep deprivation + binge guilt = level of self hatred and self destructive thoughts that is not for the faint of heart
(Un)fortunately, I'm not faint of anything atm because I have enough calories in my system to feed a small nation and that weak dizzy starvation high is long gone :))
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burned0ut-star · 7 months
guess who made silly little character playlist/pinterest boards instead of writing? this guy☝🏾
here are Kits playlist/board and Jades playlist/board
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miracleon63rdstreet · 4 months
I was just beaten, stabbed, and shot all in just the matter of a few days, each day a different incident or attack by an individual in my family and outside of my family by ppl around me, I had to get several stitches in my legs, arms, hands and even some in my face after being jumped and beaten and stabbed, I had a bullet pulled out my leg and my side, I was shot 8 times, 4 times in the legs and 2 times in my right lower abdomen and another 2 times in my left lower abdomen, I been in and out of the hospital including the mental hospital for suicide attempts as well as being harmed by transphobic ppl, I've been struggling paying for costs of a vet visit after my kitten was killed by my moms dog after she had her dog kill her, I've been raped, molested and abused by my family and ppl in my schools and neighborhood and I just get tired of being in this same situation surrounded by poverty, I live in a neighborhood where I'm constantly threatened for being a black trans woman and I have NO ONE TO TURN TO, I've tried getting help finding a new job but it's harder after constantly being fired for molestation at work and sexual harassment and constant work abuse I've been thru whether it was employees or managers targeting me with harassment and bullying within the workplace and it's been hard in general trying to get help with financial situations, paying for medical bills and get med assistance from the government and the city as well as mental health help for therapists, psychiatric help, and safe space havens or shelters, I've also been from mental health facility shelter to homeless shelters and been harassed, abused, raped and molested in EVERY SINGLE ONE, i am currently living in a rundown home surrounded by poverty and bad conditions, rusted bursted pipes, i have no plumbing, no water, no way to get anything to drink, to clean stuff with, i dont have water for dishes to be cleaned, laundry to be washed, or to bathe or shower in or to take a piss or shit in either and there are several dead cats in my basement as well as raccoons from all the holes in the walls, I had to freeze in the winter and was trying to get help from the city with some government assistance and I'VE YET TO GET ANY HELP, ANY THERAPISTS FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH I'M STILL ON A QUEUE, I HAVE NO HELP FOR MENTAL HEALTH MEDS, OR PSYCHIATRIC HELP, I can't seem to afford to get help with much even after succeeding my Gofundme goal because I had to use most of that money for food for me and my cats and keep cleaning products to get my home clean WHICH IS STILL A MESS. so what i need anyone to do for me if yall POSSIBLY CAN, is reblog this as much as you can and please share my links to donation help with pet food, water, meds, med help, mental health help, finding an apartment, getting a bed or mattress, and any daily needs and necessities IF YALL CAN.
My goal is to get at least $2500 to $3000, I know it's alot but rn I need as much as I can possibly get, yall can send anything, nothing is too small it's ALL APPRECIATED. IF PPL CAN SEND AT LEAST 25 OR 30$ EACH IT WOULD HELP OUT SO MUCH, BUT AGAIN ANY AMOUNT IS APPRECIATED. THIS is REALLY IMPORTANT!!....I'M TRYING MY BEST TO SURVIVE RIGHT NOW!
Cashapp: $Slasherstan91
Venmo: Negrophiliac (I know the name's wild 😭)
Chime: $MarsRayL
Paypal: paypal.me/MarsRayL
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signedkoko · 5 months
Could I get a Mammon, Vox and Husk with a S/O who gets harassed on the street and their reaction? You can have full creative control over what type of harassment!
I love your fics- if this isn’t getting the creative juices flowing just let me know and I’ll request something different <3
🦷 anon
Husk | Mammon | Vox [Romantic]
In which some loathsome idiot thinks they'll get away with harassing their beloved s/o.
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One of your favourite date nights is spent bar hopping
Pop a drink or two in each one, sometimes sharing one cocktail, his wing draped around you, your head leant on his shoulder, humming to the music surrounding you
Both of you had a preference for the less popular spots, the kinds of places you got the weirdest combinations, where he could be inspired and you could give him thoughts
The plus side of the smaller joints was that the music was never too loud, drinks were cheaper, and there was always a few spots free at the bar
Downside was that most places had their regulars, the kind of people who couldn't get in anywhere else
The kind of desperation that builds and spreads like mold in the corner of a dark room next to a leaky pipe
On a few occasions, someone would harmlessly ask to buy you a drink and would turn tail when Husk gave them his usually 'fuck off' look
But this time, the guy would just not get the hint
" What? Already claimed dibs on the bitch? "
Yeah- no, that attitude towards you is not going to fly
Not even three seconds and there's a bottle smashed on the drunk demons head, and three cards flying back into Husk's hand
That's when the bleeding starts
You slap a 20 down for your bill and jump straight up, already being dragged by Husk out the door
Insists if he stayed there you would have both gotten banned anyways, and he likes that spot
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You guys don't really go out so casually without a good reason, or just for old times sake
A sin and his spouse on a city street in greed was just asking for bad things to happen
But still, if you asked and he had nothing that day, Mammon would always rather get quality time with you and people watch
Thats most of your conversation, pointing out demons and joking about what you think they are like, what the do, how they speak
It's always a fun game, until some newcomer saw you laughing at him and marched right up, clearly on something and clearly ready to have a go at someone
The moment he reaches for your wrist, his thumb falls to the floor, a messy and jagged cut the only sign of attack besides one of Mammons spider legs now revealed
Before he can even realize the pain or what's happened, Mammon lets out a menacing laugh
" Every extra inch towards my broad is another finger. "
That demon was already screaming and running away, most the crowd on the street that was watching now hurrying in any direction opposite of you and Mammon
" I'm only worth one finger? "
" Nah. Just being generous for once. "
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Not really a street guy, but unfortunately some press conferences and events require mingling and interacting with others, which he never liked
Thankfully, with you he has an excuse to stay away from others, or show you off
He usually goes for the latter
He's all 'Have you met my wife?' 'My wife loves x and y!' 'Isn't my wife absolutely gorgeous?'
You are the first topic he speaks of after his company; you'd be the first if he didn't have to waste so much time being a salesman, but that is how the cookie crumbles
Sometimes when there's specific press releases, he has to send you off for a moment, where you usually go and mingle with some of the others in his industry you befriended
During one such interview, he couldn't help but spot out the corner of his eye, some lousy business woman drape her arm around your waist and grab at your hip
" Sorry yeah, this interview is over. "
Literally shoves his way over, sparks and electricity flying, to rip you out of her arms
" Baaabe, is this a friend? Whatever the case, we really gotta get going! "
Jealousy 3000
He's glad he stepped in after he overhears that lady had a habit of harassing other attendees
New clause in every interview; they have to include you or provide security over you while he is busy
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Author's Note - Tooth anon comes in for another PIPIN HOT request!! I actually feel so bad because every time I take a break form writing is on yoru request and that really makes it look bad I am so sorry 😩
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hamsamohammad · 5 days
🚨Help save my DISABLED Grandmother and my family from Gaza
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I am Hamsa Mohammad, a 24 years old Engineer, I just graduated when the war occurred ! My mother and I were very lucky and escaped 5 Months ago .. but we left our hearts in Gaza! We didn't mean to leave them behind .. we feel guilty every single day that we're safe while they're not ! We tried everything but couldn't collect the funds, my mother is a single mother and we are barely managing to cover our expenses and sending them as much as we can to help them survive in Gaza . Until a friend I met here in Cairo, told me that hopefully you will help us ! 🙏🙏🙏 Help Me Rescue my Family of 4 from Gaza : • MY 83 years old DISABLED GRANDMOTHER (ستي فوزية) right before this war she suffered from a broken pelvis and a broken left hand, and she cannot walk or even go to the bathroom. She also suffers from severe heart muscle weakness and needs many medications, diapers and a urinary catheter ,they can't even find or afford proper drugs and painkillers , everything is extremely expensive PLEASE WE NEED TO GET HER OUT ASAP !! • MY SISTER AND HER FAMILY - Lamis and her husband Malik (29 and 32 years old) They're both sick and suffer from Hepatitis type A.
•Karma 3 Months Old: She is 3 months old , she was born through this terrible war in a tent .. She is malnourished , gets sick ,intestinal catarrh and fevers all the time ! •Ghaith 3 years old: He suffers from severe allergic reactions and he vomits, get sick all the time from polluted water and bad food They're all cramped up in a tentwith other people .. Please I PLEAD to you help them escape
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Donate HERE
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We need the money for :
Travel arrangements to Egypt ( $5000- per person) for 4 family members.
Urgent Medical Treatment and surgery for my Grandmother( $3000-$5000).
Housing expenses.
Living and transportation expenses during the initial period of travel.
Food and medical expenses.
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