#2011 Larry moments
twopoppies · 2 months
Hi, I’m a new larrie and I believe them to be dating now and back then too, but the only things that are throwing me off are when they (mostly Harry lol) “confirm” stuff like that.
Like when Harry got asked who his first crush was and he answered Louis and when someone asked if they are dating and he says yes. Now, why that’s throwing me off is because they were/are supposed to keep it a secret, so help me out. Do you think he did that as rebellion or do you think he wanted to tell the truth, so he did, but was hoping it came across as a joke?
I personally lean towards the latter, but I’d like to hear someone else’s opinion to help me form my thoughts better. x
Hi, love. Those two moments happened so early on. When H was asked who his first crush was, he very much looked like he thought for a moment, then smiled when he said it, and was very serious when she asked how Louis felt about him. I don’t think he meant it as a joke and I don’t think he was rebelling. That moment and the Mario Kart moment were both interviewed SugarScape and both are still all over the internet, so there seems to have been some moments where the insinuation (or confirmation) of the two of them being together between 2011 and 2012 were allowed/tolerated/encouraged.
The video when he confirms that they’re dating was interesting because he looks almost exhausted and somewhat hesitant to answer the question, but still does. And when the girl says, “I told you/I thought so!” he just outright beams, as if he was expecting her to freak out or be upset, but then is so happy when she’s supportive.
There was definitely something odd going on around the time because it’s around the same time of that Much Music interview where the woman asks about Larry (starts at 16:00) and tells them about how girls like reading fic about two guys they fancy being together and you can tell how hard it is for Harry and Louis to wrap their heads around the idea. To me, it very much seems like they’d been explicitly told that, as Louis says, if someone is a Harry fan, for example, they’re not going to like the idea of Louis and Harry together. And then the journalist is like, oh that’s not true at all! You can see their little heads explode.
My basic feeling is that it’s possible the label has an inkling that Louis was gay from day one and was okay with it. But they hadn’t expected Harry to not be straight, as well. And they hadn’t expected the two to fall for each other. But there seemed to be some leniency in the early days. The closet came down hard when there was a serious push to break into the US charts—H*ylor started, Louis was “loved up” with Eleanor, and Harry and Louis barely interacted. As fans dug their heels in, the closet got worse and the narrative shifted to the homophobic “fans ruined their friendship” nonsense. That then evolved into Harry vs OT3 (ie: Harry is too good for the band) and so on.
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voxina · 17 days
“Me and Louis had a really nice girls day out today, didn’t we?”
“Yes, me and Harry spent all day shopping, dining and eating cookie dough. And watching girly films like Black Swan, which ended up being not that girly- quite rude and quite violent.”
“It was good though.”
0 notes
inkskinned · 10 months
no, actually, where is the whimsy?
my ex had a best friend named larry who asked me once: what do you think comes after irony?
we were at the bar where larry worked. it was a quiet night, and he'd hopped over to sit with us on the patron side. i swirled the lemon around my limoncello martini.
earnest positivity, i said, while my ex said, art self-destructs.
i stared at my ex. he stared at me.
his argument was the cinemasins argument: look how bad media is becoming! look at the loopholes and the dumb shit!
it was roughly 2011. galaxy print was still in. at the time, i had a favorite shirt that was a wolf howling at the moon. it got ripped in half in the wash and i honestly still mourn it. i dressed like effie stonem, because everyone did. and irony was the name of the thing. men liked MLP "ironically." the internet liked the kind of crass, "anti-mainstream" vibes of things like fuck romance, touch my butt and buy me pizza. we put cats in sunglasses everywhere, which was because we only liked things in irony.
and media had the same vibe in it: anti-hero white men would be "hard to love" and then storm off the scene. nobody was just earnestly trying to save the world: they were jaded, angry, unoriginal. mad you even asked them to try to help.
my ex ends up not being wrong. cinemasins becomes super popular. a lot of people start viewing media with this lens that is the cruelest, most jaded depiction. it's wrong for your character to have unexplained powers, even if the entire movie is about how strange it is she has unexplained powers - that is still considered a "loophole." characters make thoughtless, panicked choices? loophole. characters are actually kind people, despite hardship? loophole. features a woman doing literally anything without assistance? loophole. movies become hyper-aware of scrutiny, and now irony rules the media.
which means you go to a movie, and the character has to turn to the screen and say "beats me!!" or one of the side characters has to have some kind of quip like "are you seriously telling me that you think this is normal?" because nothing can happen in earnest. like a sitcom laugh track, we now anticipate the fourth-wall break: the moment that the media acknowledges it is telling a story. the media has to apologize for itself, or else someone like my ex rolls their eyes.
but here's the thing: i wasn't wrong either.
the difference might be that i am (and always have been) so soft-hearted that any crack in the light of this world will spear me into the ground. and i was the poet in the relationship. (he thought that was the same thing as being naïve and stupid). i was making things daily. i knew how all of us artists are driven by some strange desire to evolve. he notably liked to critique art, not to create it.
so yes, i've made things that are bitter and angry and even ironic. i've made long, sharp poems with all capital letters, and i've made poems about how the silence stretches out like a song. someone wrote once that we will spend our whole lives just circling the place we grew up. i think it's more that we spend our whole lives trying to remake a home. i think it's that as we age, it becomes less exciting to build the castle on the beach - we become aware of erosion, of windforce. we realize what we really want is to come home to our dog, castle or not.
and while art in the foreground is mired in white male violence and irony, and aggression, and not taking anything seriously - i don't think that's true of all art. i think more and more artists are leaning in to the things we love. the world has changed so much. they have taken so many things from us. the only thing we have left is love. at the bottom of the moving box - all we get is the faint sense that we have to appreciate what little we've got. i can't enjoy this stuff ironically anymore: what room do i have for irony? if it makes me happy, that is an amazing thing. there are so few happy places left for me. i want to be happy because of how leaves shiver beside each other like nestling birds. i want to be happy because of the color pink, and how magenta doesn't exist. i have spent so much of this life suffering, i have earned my right to a gentle ending. if nothing matters, i get to assign meaning to the nothing. i get to create meaning. i am an artist first and foremost, which means creation is my thing.
where is the whimsy? wherever i fucking put it. because if this is my last fucking chance to do any good in this world - i want to do it earnestly. i want to write things that make you happy. that make people feel heard and seen. what comes after irony has to be positivity.
it was close to my 21st birthday. in 7 years, i would end up writing a book about this relationship, which is hopefully coming out somewhere around May 2024. i come back to this bar scene in my memories a lot. i keep thinking of how pale my ex was. the look that crossed his face. how i looked back at him. how for a moment, both of us couldn't recognize the other person. like the gulf between us was a suddenly wide and cavernous thing. like we were alien to each other. he never took my opinion seriously, and he always seemed surprised whenever his manic-pixie-dream-girl ever broke free of the plot. like in the whole time we were together, i wasn't human enough.
this knowledge: where he said nothing comes after, my only instinct was what comes after is love.
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londonfoginacup · 2 years
A New Larrie’s Guide to Tumblr
A probably incomprehensible, certainly incomplete list of what you need to know; whether you’re coming from a different platform or discovering Larry for the first time. 
My credentials
Hello! I’m Emmu. I’ve had tumblr since… 2008? Maybe 2009. I moved over from deviantArt and used Tumblr as a personal art blog for many years. I joined the One Direction fandom in 2014, so my 1D blog has 8+ years at this point. That being said, I will get on my soapbox a bit during this. Please excuse me, I’m quite passionate about cultivating a happy and healthy fandom.
What makes Tumblr different
The biggest thing that makes Tumblr, as a site, different from Twitter or Instagram is the rejection of algorithms. The “following” tab on your dashboard is in chronological order (and if it isn’t, you can – and should – change that), and the “for you” tab is both a recent feature and rarely used. Tumblr has very little algorithm, and the algorithm they have isn’t very good. It means that you’ll get the most god awful ads you’ve ever seen on this site, because they don’t utilize your data well. And that’s to your advantage.
Tumblr is a great place because you can curate what you see more than other social media. The people that you choose to follow are the only people that you see on your dash (unless you choose to follow tags, which I guess is an option? @lululawrence says “it is and it used to not do anything unless you went to the search page and then it would like autofill your followed tags options, but NOW they take those followed tags and plop them on your dash... SOMETIMES. usually only on mobile. but if there's only one new post in the tag, it shows you that post OVER. AND OVER. AND OVER AGAIN. IT'S SUPER ANNOYING ACTUALLY. SO I STOPPED FOLLOWING TAGS. lol anyway”).
So, the site is in chronological order. This is its biggest selling point.
There is also the opportunity for long posts. Masterposts. Things that are searchable without having to read through pages of screenshots or condensed twitter threads. You can write a whole lot more without worrying about character limit. People publish whole fics on here (I suggest ao3 for that, but tumblr is technically an option!).
Another important thing to know about tumblr is that the archives on tumblr run deep. There are newer larries here, and a lot of them, but you can also find older larries. People whose 1D blogs go back to 2010 or 2011. You can dive into the archives and read firsthand accounts of what was happening with One Direction or larry at that very time. Doing a bit of research means you find cute fetus pictures of the boys, but also you’re able to figure out for yourself whether something actually happened. Rumors always seem to spread quite easily and fandom memory always seems impossibly short, but here on tumblr you’re able to find out for yourself. That means the next time you hear about how xyz thing happened a long time ago, check out some of those archives and see what you can find.
Also, my personal favorite part of tumblr is that old posts are just as valid as new posts. Find a masterpost about RBB and SBB from 2015? Go ahead and reblog that; bring it back to the circulating dash. People will love that. Find a fanartist that you really like? Search through their tags, reblog anything you want. It’s not considered stalking or weird in any way. We love bringing back old posts here. Tumblr is a website where you’re not meant to just talk about the present. 
The cultural difference between Tumblr and Twitter
Speaking of the ways that tumblr and twitter are different, let’s talk for a moment about the 1D fandom in particular.
I’ve held this theory for a while that the twitter (and instagram) algorithm is fracturing the fandom. Because twitter is so dependent on the algorithm, people are more likely to split apart and join smaller and smaller communities based on smaller, more specific opinions. Tumblr, being a place where you don’t just get a post on your dash because someone else liked it, doesn’t have those smaller cliques. There are larries, and there are antis.
(if you get really in the weeds, there are also larry shippers [who don’t believe they’re together but like to read it in fic], and houis [who think they were together but broke up], but I just don’t hear about them as much).
While I do occasionally hear about blouies on my dash, for the most part this is a culture that exists primarily on other sites. 
On another note, because tumblr doesn’t have that handy algorithm, we have to work to make it a more active space. Likes don’t do anything here for anyone other than you, and it doesn’t really change anything about what you’ll see on your dash. Think of them more like the bookmark setting on twitter or instagram. Reblogs are necessary to get anything spread. Anything that you enjoy, or that looks interesting for any reason? Reblog it! That’s the only way other people will see it! And leave a happy comment in the tags if you’ve got one (more on that later). 
And, while lurkers do exist in this fandom (and we love them), it’s important to get an icon and blog header that make you look like a real person. People on tumblr have long been in the habit of blocking shady blogs, mostly because of a bot problem, so if you want to lurk, you have to look like a lurker. Maybe reblog a post or two to establish yourself, and make sure you don’t accidentally look like an icon-less bot posing as a sugar daddy. 
How to set up your account
Okay, so you’ve got a tumblr. Let’s take a minute to fix up the settings so that you’re not getting, well, the worst version of the site. 
My advice is to start by going into your dashboard preferences and:
Turn off the best stuff first (it’ll just show you things you’ve already seen)
Turn off “include stuff in your orbit” (you’ll see terrible posts that are mostly NOT in your orbit)
Turn off “Included based on your likes” (again, you’ll see posts you hate)
Turn off “shorten long posts”. It’s a ridiculous setting that, like many things on tumblr, had potential but was rolled out in an incredibly unhelpful and user unfriendly way.
Once you’ve got that squared away, go into filtering and block any tags and content you don’t like, as that is always proper fandom etiquette. Not seeing things you don’t like is your responsibility, not the responsibility of the person posting them. I personally suggest adding the topics you don’t want to see to both the content list and the filtered tags list, as that gives a much better likelihood of posts that are particularly unsavory for you getting caught by the filters. Please also note this might need to be done on both desktop and the app separately as, depending on where tumblr is at the moment, these filters do not always carry over from one application to the other.
Now scroll down to tumblr labs. These are their experimental things. Some are good! Some are very bad. They do change, though, so this might get out of date pretty fast.
Personally, I enabled fast queue
And disabled everything else
ALSO, an important note, if you are using the apple app, you need to go in and turn off the adult content filter. No idea offhand where that is, but it means posts that include tags like “mine” and “girl” are blocked. It’s ridiculous. 
Who to follow and how to find them
So, you’ve got a new tumblr and need people to follow. This makes sense! To really fill up your dash, I’d suggest the following
Find one person you like. There’s a good chance you know at least someone from twitter who also has a tumblr, so you can start there. If you’re not from twitter, or are looking to start fresh, you can dive into the search function (I’ve never tried finding someone this way myself, but searching larry stylinson or something similar would probably get you started)
Find the people they reblog from and check out each of their blogs! Follow people that make you happy
Follow some update accounts! Thinking of some off the top of my head, there’s @HLUpdate, @Stylesnews, @dailytomlinson, @HLDailyUpdate, or @neilswaterbottles (there’s definitely more though). 
Follow some fanart or fic rec accounts! 
I’d always suggest @1d-fanart or @hlcreators for art. 
For fic, you could check out @hlficlibrary, @ficsyoumayhavemissed, or @thelarriefics. 
Or, recurring fic fests! @onedirectionbigbang or @wordplayfics, which happen every year.
And if you end up not enjoying someone you’ve followed? Unfollow them! It’ll make you happier.
How to interact with posts
Tumblr is all about tags. Do you have a comment or thought? Reblog a post and say your thought in the tags. That way anyone you follow will see it, and the person who made the post will see it. This way a post doesn’t end up with a lot of cluttery additions that don’t mean a lot to the average person reblogging it, but if you browse the tags of posts you’ll find lots of interesting things. Tags can be used to keep track of things, too, of course — some people tag all pictures with who’s in them, or tag art or fic with tags that mean they can find them again. Tags are versatile! But reblog, don’t just like, and tag! The more you interact, the happier content creators are!
What not to do
Don’t repost. If you see something you like on tumblr, reblog it. Even if it’s a really old piece of fanart (like circa 2011). Reblog that old post! Reposting means people don’t get credit, and it doesn’t link back to them. That’s not cool, and in the long term makes fandom less happy.
How to cultivate a happy and healthy fandom
Send happy anons! Ask how people are doing, do question memes, say how much you loved fic/art/edits, etc.
Reblog art. Reblog fic. Reblog what makes you laugh. The more you reblog, the more other people see, the more the fandom moves! Content creators just want their things seen; every time you reblog, their phone gets that little notification and you’ve given someone a bit of happiness.
Unfollow people who annoy you. Follow people who make you happy!
If someone has a take about 1D that you don’t agree with, don’t tell them or send them argumentative anons. Find people who will agree with you, and complain to them privately. Or make your own post, not shading anyone, just presenting your own opinion and theories!
Remember that everyone is a real person. Cut them some slack when you find them being annoying. But also, unfollow. Curate your dash.
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fandomestloser · 1 month
⋆⋅welcome⋅⋆ call me ellis. he/him pronouns. trans, pansexual. fanboy. chronically online, i write fanfics and poetry. i stand with palestine. ambiverted infp-t. type six. sagittarius. gmt +9:30. founding fuck. just a jolly little fella tryna get by. i run @onedirectionandblank, the @bemyvalentinechallenge, and @thecornerwehaunt - please check them out.
autumnleavesforwinter -> holes-in-my-false-confidence -> timecanalwayshealyou -> roundagaininanemotionalblender -> theblackdog-taylorsversion -> fandomestloser
⋆⋅links⋅⋆ my ao3 my spotify discord: loneolecowboy - dms welcome.
fandom list, fic masterpost, requests, asks, tags beneath the cut
one direction/solo - this is my main fandom. i rb all sorts, i discuss music, and i write fanfics. my main 1d fic atm is on hiatus. will be a few months before i return to it.
hamilton - this is my other main fandom. i rb my mutuals fics, and the occasional fanart. i discuss the songs and write fanfics. my main wip atm, watch the sun rise, is being updated as regularly as i can make work!
5sos - side fandom. i dont fic around here, but i *do* talk about their music a little bit (and calum. because like. calum.)
marauders - side fandom. i write fanfics (predominantly wolfstar) - all linked below.
rwrb - side fandom. i write fanfics, again, linked below.
heartstopper - side fandom. currently only wip fanfics, but hoping to get some out soon! mostly tara&darcy.
nevermoor - side fandom. currently only wips - mostly morrigan&cadence or hawthorne&___ fics atm.
noah kahan - side fandom. i discuss music and cry a lot. like a lot lot. was at melb. n1 of the stick season tour<3 (acoustic set!! view between villages!! passenger!! help me!!!!!) (seriously please leave asks/reach out, i love talking about noah.)
ed sheeran
olivia rodrigo
conan gray
billie eilish + finneas
sabrina carpenter
doctor who
taylor swift
⋆⋅complete works⋅⋆
underneath the mistletoe - larry stylinson christmas au
tear away my tattoos - larry stylinson break-up au
just for a moment - larry stylinson break-up au
grey hairs - larry stylinson old age au
greatest fear - larry stylinson 1D reunion au
hold on - larry stylinson mental health au
orange juice - larry stylinson break-up au
gone - zayn's death au
they're singing deck the halls - larry stylinson advent calendar fic
challenge collections (including wolfstar, firstprince, 1d, hamilton)
whumptober 2023 - masterpost.
whumpcember 2023
whumpuary 2024 - masterpost
⋆⋅ongoing works⋅⋆
caffeine factor - ziam mayne coffee shop au - on hiatus.
letters from my bedroom floor - poetry compilation
watch the sun rise - fic post
⋆⋅coming soon⋅⋆
forever - fic post coming soon
2011 - fic post coming soon
painkillers series - series + fic posts coming soon
i take fanfiction requests for almost any tropes and pairings, in the fandoms listed above. no explicit sexual content, no non-con underage, no a/b/o dynamics, and no y/n fics requests. one shots will most likely be written and posted within two months, depending on my personal schedule, and the complexity of the request.
#mutuals - my lovely mooties #ask answered - asks #ellis is at it again - me completely bullshitting my way through life/being a complete dumbass. #ellis is angry again - me ranting/getting political
ask whatever. be respectful. or dont. i dont really care.
my lovely mutuals; @jittyjames 💙 @enchantedlandcoffee @keeganisabluegreener 💕 @felizusnavidad @surrowndedbylights💡 @fansykiltentragedry @queerhoodie @elledino @loveheartslouis @larrysballetslippers @braverytattoos @littleohs @hellolovers13 @parmahamlarrie @l0veproof @cc-horan28 🥔 @ravenclawdirectioner @mynightsoutofsight @weeping-in-the-willows 🍭 @skeelly @fandomgirl1999 @idontwanttobeabuzzkill @allll-these-ruins 🔞 @evilteapot 🫖 @lighter-like-a-feather 💋 @like-the-stars-i-shine @youareinlovetv @faintedlcve @abodyhasbeenfound 🌌 @anniesmusingsoneverything @starduckys 🦆 @lonelydncers @berryzxx @runwiththerain @foaming-sea @bodybetters @a-beautiful-fool 🦋 @half-eaten-baguetteee @fresasconsal @alltheliars 🔪 @i-must-confess-i-am-an-idiot 🍁 @kurtcobainsgreencardigan 🩷 @octoberconstellation @stars-over-ice-cream @rep-meow-tay-tion 🌻 @justlikeyou
(i am at some point going to assign you all like. emojis or tags or something. it is just 1:18am and im delirious so not right now.) (also this is absolutely everyone i follow who follows me back. i would like to get closer to a lot of these people, as i dont talk much to most of them. i also am always up for meeting new mutuals but im socially awkward so you gotta reach out lmao.)
⋆⋅thank you⋅⋆
this post is regularly updated for challenges/works/links, etc.
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louisisalarrie · 26 days
Hello! I was wondering when you believe Harry and Louis first kissed … because people are always like “even on the first few days of x factor they were already into each other” - which I do obviously see but I can’t imagine they got together THAT quickly especially being that it was prob forbidden lol …
I agree that I think it was veeerry early on. They were kids whose moves weren’t publicly scrutinised and Simon didn’t have hawk eyes on them all the time when they were in the house… there were other contestants and bigger fish to fry than a 16 and 18 yr old sneaking off (plus they were sharing a room). It just… wouldve been easier to get away with than when they started getting bigger.
If we take Harry’s 22 Feb 2011 interview with Sugarscape about his first real crush (the cutest interview of all time), and 1d were in the X Factor house from roughly August - Dec 2010, and they’d already discussed it… I’d say it would’ve had to have happened early on in the season. They already seemed super comfortable together from the get go, 100%, but I reckon it was just adorable dorky pining for a while until they kissed one night.
Mind you, I’m sure Louis had considered the age gap quite thoroughly, too. Harry was a bright eyed bushy tailed 16 year old, following Louis around like a puppy, and when you’re 18… 16 can feel like quite a gap. It kinda is. He was able to do things that Harry couldn’t, and he had to consider his influence on this kid’s life and whether pursuing the relationship was a good idea or not.
So I think it took a bit longer than immediately, but the crush and the pining was there from veeeery early on, and their first kiss came pretty shortly after that.
here are some very cute larry moments from the X factor video diaries
and here are ALLLL the video diaries which have even more larry moments, and it’s just all wholesome and giggly and NIALL my baby does not stop laughing and everybody loves Louis
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tellmissyou28 · 6 days
Well, I'm going to think, saying how I think I see Larry, I don't want people to criticize me because I truly enforce doing this, I don't want anyone saying that nothing I say is false, it's just my point of view and please, if you don't like Larry don't read and thank you.....
well let's start everything starts in 2010 in my opinion I think the one who was in love was Louis and Harry still not well why I believe this you don't know if you remember him. diary video in which Niall says that a fan tried to put Harry's cell phone in to make him see him the next day, well Louis gets jealous but what I notice is that Harry is calm but calm and calm because Louis would manage to make Harry fall in love with him in that same year 2010 since later we had this beautiful moment
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Yes, as we can see, Harry was nervous and more so because of the kiss that Louis gives him in the original video, he tells him that he is very cute. I firmly believe that Louis fell in love with Harry first and managed to win him over, since later Harry would do many things for him.
We went to 2011 this year I love it because Harry and Louis were inseperable although Louis had a girlfriend so remember that Louis got married in 2011 and that's when the complications would start since there were surely fights I'm not saying it's just that it can happen that out of jealousy or ect. We all remember the One Direction interview that was done in Dallas in which Louis says that many fans believe that he and Harry are dating. Harry's reaction is not a reaction like a friend and we all know that by that point Louis is supposedly already They didn't like those rumors and they also had to remember that he had a girlfriend and that it bothered him, supposedly obvious, then it seemed like this
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Everyone, absolutely everyone, remembers that, even those who don't believe in Larry, well, this tweet is very important since 2012 would come later, the hard times.
Ok, that's my point of view, I repeat, I don't want you to get angry with me, please. ;) This is the chronology from 2010 to 2011, I didn't put much information because it was going to take much longer to upload, sorry next time I'm going to upload it with more information, seriously, I promise, I'll repeat this point of view, don't get angry ;)
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Hello I’m a Larry but I feel like they broke up a couple of years ago. I’ll also say I’m more of a Harrie and his music makes me believe he’s been in other relationships. But I’m also willing to be convinced otherwise!! The hopeless romantic in me wants to believe in the strength of their love so I guess my question is what evidence have you gathered that makes you believe they’re still together even now? I know this might be a lot to ask. Thanks in advance !!!
I’m this close to grabbing a digital pen and correct Larry to Larrie. (Did you know it’s one of the signs of having trolls in the dungeon)
Anyway. I do want to answer.
Life. Dear anon. It’s life that taught me everything. Do tell me when you time their break up - because I’ve been here since more than “a couple of years ago” - i know it’s super easy to throw this sentence - but you’re telling this to someone who has been here lol - and I wasn’t in my diapers on the playground when these 2 fell in love. So when do you time their break up? Because you know they’ve lived half their lives in the spotlight, in this industry and time and time again -let’s just say day-by-day week-by-week only proved the immense respect, and love they feel for each other. We’ve had these naysayers like you in the years, so this is nothing new but you know what? None of you are ever able to point out a period which proves that these 2 have broken up.
This is not a movie or high school. They have fought tooth and nail for their love, for their freedom, they “hid” it when they had to, but even then- jeez it gives me chills to remember all those moments- even then an eye movement, a caring look, a hidden touch, the other’s reaction- it just gave it away. And not to mention how fucking obvious they were when they didn’t hide it and just let it all out.
Life. Because I happen to be in a loving and supportive relationship since 2007. Because love isn’t a break up - getting together- break up- getting together spiral. Love is about trust, and respect, and growing together, being better together, finding your best friend in the other, it’s about fighting for what you two have together. That’s what they did when they were babies - fighting w modest, sony, whatever you want to add here. They don’t need to fight though because as soon as the cameras stop rolling they’re an out-couple to the surprise of no-one in this industry.
Life because we have 5 people in the same band and always these 2 seem to be so goddamn unlucky to share clothes ON A CONSTANT (to be PC), who finish each other’s sentences, who when even making eye contact making the other 3 look aside to their handlers with a pale face, always these 2 who in the band disappeared at the same time, who even AFTER 1D were still disappearing from the globe at the same time and reappearing at the same time, who had to have 235 stunts running at the same time to make them straight otherwise if you strip these stunts down all you have is two singers w constant denial of their sexuality. (Remember what Sir Elton John said..), it’s only these 2 whose teams work still to this day to make you and others believe H and L aren’t even in the same continent because god save them from cutting all their record incomes.
Life. Because WHY. You cannot explain why this happened in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (you’re damn right I’ll type all the years out), 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and keeps happening in 2022 spring- summer.
Life. Because you learn what is THE LOOK. What it means that “when you know you know”. Because you learn that 16 year olds don’t just utter things out like always and moving in together and home. Because it IS possible to be and still be with your first love.
Life. Because relationships do not have an expiration date, because it can happen, because it does happen. Because those looks and touches were the very thing that drew me here in the first place and you cannot fake this shit.
Life. Because you can be w your SO together for years and they’d still say they’re not willing to have ONE innocent couple tattoo.
Life. Because celebrities lie. Money talks. Paps are paid. This industry is homophobic. Media shows what is paid for. What you see - they want you to see that.
Life. Because you learn to look at what you’re not shown, what you’re not told.
Life. Because in the 242 million pregnancies people have a year, they DO show at 8 months. 🙃
And finally: Because they’ve come so far from Princess Park and that lyric fits no one and he’s a habit that he CAN’T BREAK and he’s happy to shout this out every night to his fans anon.
Life. Because the strength of these words, all their goddamn lyrics goes deep in your heart and you know it’s not just some cheap 1000 words Y/N on goddamn wattpad.
Have a nice Saturday anon! 💚💙
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neveah-llama · 2 months
Ayo, So What's With the Doodle-Ninjas?
So, in the show, 'The Ultimate Lesson' takes a person's memory of their time as a ninja and uses those moments to create lessons and give info to the next Ninja. And while the 'Secret Nine' says that 'The Creep' doesn't choose which person is the next ninja, I like to think he at least has some input since he's 1) immortal and 2) is really the only constant connection to the real world for the Nomicon.
But as we have seen in the show, the 'spriit of the ninja' or whatever has chosen wrong before (unless MacAnfee was just the nicest person back in 1985, and if that's so then sheesh, I pray for those teachers). So I wanted to create my own thing, a council of five ninjas to protect the nine chapters of the Nomicon, they are the last line of defense for the book and have the final say on who gets to be the next Ninja.
They are not real people, they are simply memories, they do not grow and evolve, they are simply ghosts of the memories that were taken from their host. Hopefully, that makes sense.
Under the cut are just short personality profiles of the Guardians of the Nomicon.
This is in order of name given.
Ninja from 1615-1619
oldest ninja on the council of guardians
Really clumsy
During his time as a ninja he almost set the town on fire, it was one time but both past and future ninjas agreed that the boy is a menace and danger to society.
Also, he's a little shit.
His family came from Vikings who got shipwrecked up North, so guess clumsiness runs in the family ig :/.
Ninja from 1985-1989
The ninja after MacAnfee- sheesh
Was a football quarterback and it shows.
Though he may be mean at times, he's pretty selfless.
Was Norrisville High's 'golden boy'
Responsible for fixing MacAnfees mistakes, well most of them.
The family moved from New York to Norrisville when he was 13.
Ninja from 2011-2015
The Ninja before Randy
born hard of hearing
very kind but was the type of person to punch first and ask questions later.
Was part of the chess club and even was president of it.
A very outspoken individual, always participating in and even planning protests at the high school.
Also a proud vegan.
A proud Puerto Rican
Ninja from 1861-1865
Likes to be addressed by her last name.
The family participated in the Underground Railroad.
While Oklahoma was a territory at the time and supported the Confederacy Norrisvile was very much a 'neutral' territory and was a stop for many during the Underground Railroad era.
Is part of the Shawnee tribe
Was into medicine and often took in injured animals.
Was very much into the passive teachings the Nomicon taught.
Soldier-Ninja AKA; MARY BARNES
Ninja from 1945-1949
Brother served in WWII
Wanted to be just like him
No-nonsense girly
Had morals similar to Steve Rogers
Loved comic books, even if they may seem tomboyish- but it's fine because Mary labels herself a tomboy.
Mother's Family has been in Norrisivle since the beginning and Dad's family has been here since the late 1800s to early 1900s
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Hi Sea, I used to also be a Larrie because that is the fandom lore but then when you don’t go by the lore and start following things along with the fandom you start realising it’s such a load of crap. When you look back in retrospect you realise all those years you were just digesting one sided information. In 2011, when Larries believe that Louis and Harry were not as closeted, Harry still spent his Christmas and New Year’s Eve with Nick Grimshaw.
Even the most important party that Louis and Harry had, Louis hung out with his friends from Doncaster and Harry had his celebrity pals from London. He spent Valentines 2012 with Nick, he spent all of his big birthdays with Nick, all his momentous occasions etc.
Larries talk about Louis and Harry going to the Leeds festival, but actually they went together with each of their friends, Stan was there so were Harry’s friends. Harry has been to a lot more festivals since then with Nick and his friends.
He only reduced spending his off time with Nick when he started hanging out with his American friends instead, it was first Jeff and then later Xander, and all the LA people. If he was being closeted so harshly and his management was in total control why was he being encouraged to hang out so much with an openly gay man? Maybe it was his choice because he wanted to hangout with the who’s who of the British socialites with Nick instead of remaining in the shadows with Louis and Zayn playing video games.
When I look back at the Larrie videos, yes Louis and Harry were quite friendly initially but so were all of them at different points. Which is why there were so many ships in the fandom. They were also playing into the fan fiction created for them, it seemed good fan service and banter. None of it seems very serious if u take off the Larrie lense.
What is apparent is if you disregard Larrie hearsay and theories, they didn’t spend much time together outside of the stage they shared.
Remember Harry being at Louis’ mother’s wedding was a huge thing. It gave a boost to the fandom and lots of interest and PR. Why was Harry dressed the way he was and so many pictures leaked with him as the focus when their management was doing so much to closet them? He could have shown support for Louis and his family by being lowkey if it wasn’t meant for public consumption. Then the whole rainbow bears saga. None it was hidden, it was all an open secret yet it wasn’t put to an end but apparently the management wouldn’t even let them look at each others direction unless they were promoting MITAM.
Since then Harry and Louis haven’t been on the same continent. Yet, Larries are the target for every marketing cycle as they are good at creating and distributing content.
They keep calling other people names but it’s equally likely that they are being played.
I think the worst thing is that Larries play each other.
The older Larries play the younger fans.
It’s not just the age difference, but they knowingly mislead some vulnerable, newer fans in order to preserve their status in the fandom, and in order to protect Harry’s power, and only Harry.
Why side with only one person in your ship, the one holding all the cards, the one with all the industry support?
Why would you be a fan of someone who works with and hires people who openly insult your partner, and then start new businesses with them?
Why would you be a fan of someone who uses the opportunity of Fizzy’s death to promote himself?
Why would you be a fan of someone who insults the memory of Louis’ mother?
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wen-kexing-apologist · 6 months
Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
For those who are not aware, I have decided to run the gauntlet of @bengiyo’s Queer Cinema Syllabus and have officially started Unit 3: Faith and Religion. The films in Unit 3 are: But I’m a Cheerleader (2000), Prayers for Bobby (2009), Latter Days (2003), Blackbird (2014), The Wise Kids (2011), Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party (2015)
Today I will be writing about
Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party (2015) dir. Stephen Cone
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[Run Time: 1:27, Available on: tubi, Lang: English] 
Summary: Henry Gamble, a 17-year-old preacher's son, wrestles with sexuality, alcoholism and faith during his birthday party.
Cast: *Cole Doleman as Henry Gamble *Elizabeth Laidlaw as Kat Gamble, Henry's mother *Pat Healhy as Bob Gamble, Henry's father *Nina Ganet as Autumn Gamble, Henry's sister *Patrick Andrews as Ricky Matthews, recent suicide survivor *Hanna Dworkin as Bonnie Montgomery, the most miserable woman on the planet *Francis Guinan as Larry Montgomery, Bonnie's husband
(side note, I should start keeping tallies about how many movies on this syllabus come from Wolfe production company)
Well, we’ve reached the end of the line for Unit 3 with this one, and I have to say, I do think I like this piece from Stephen Cone better than I enjoyed The Wise Kids. (Though, honestly, I probably owe The Wise Kids a rewatch because of where my head was at when I watched that piece.)
Now, I am not religious, and I don’t have the kind of religious trauma that I think would make some of these films speak to me more, and the thing I kind of like with Stephen Cone’s pieces is that the queerness doesn’t intersect with religion as much as religion and queerness exist in the same space, if that makes sense. Like is there some internalized homophobia going on, there is some external homophobia going on, but…The Wise Kids and Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party have seemed more like stories where there are gay, religious kids, rather than the gays (or at least main gay character) suffering under the weight of religion which films such as Prayers for Bobby and Latter Days portray. [Do not get me wrong, gays suffering under the weight of religion is still present in both films, it just feels secondary to the main thread]. 
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As such, I think I found myself connecting more, and being more interested in the plot of the mother and her daughter, Autumn as well as to the portrayal of the small town, white, religious adults. Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party is extremely legible in showing what the characters are feeling without really having to say anything about it. You can tell that Henry’s mother is Straight Up Not Having A Good Time Right Now from the first second we see her on screen, you can tell there is some level of tension between her and her husband, you can tell how tenuous Ricky’s stability is from the moment he walks in the door. 
I liked how there was cross talk, and how there were references to people and to conversations that happened that we were not a part of. It makes the film seem real and lived in, I liked how easily I was able to identify the queer kids, and how I suspect a few more characters (cough cough, Jon) are queer and either not aware of it or are hiding/suppressing it. 
But more importantly, I really enjoyed how much of this film was dedicated to water and to wine.
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Like, every single time these kids jumped in the pool I could think of nothing else but baptism. Every time an adult poured themselves a mug of wine, and another adult complained about it I could do nothing but think about Jesus turning water to wine, and how the sacrament is taken with wine. Yet here, in the home, the wine must be hidden, the adults can’t be seen drinking around the children, etc. 
And maybe it’s cause I’m no longer 17, but while Henry’s journey throughout the film is important, I spent more time focusing on Kat, on Ricky, and on Bonnie throughout this film. Kat just seems to be going through the routine, stuck in a life it feels like she doesn’t want or possibly never wanted, and being mostly ignored. Ricky is the subject of a lot of conversation and gossip, but no one really knows how to treat him normally after a suicide attempt, and Bonnie is the most miserable woman to ever walk the earth. 
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I think what is the most notable to me is how people change over the course of the movie. In water, Henry comes to finally accept his feelings for Logan, in water the very clearly bored adults get to have some fun, those who entered the water exited with change, and those who did not remained relatively the same. The same goes for the wine. The adults that drank wine went through some sort of change, while the adults who didn’t ended up staying relatively the same. By this I mean Bonnie, because she was the only person who did not swim or drink. 
With the wine, Kat tells Autumn a secret, you know the kind that mothers only tell their eldest daughters. With the wine, Kat and Autumn heal a part of their relationship. With the wine, Larry just gets real chill with queer people real quick. With the wine, Kat and Bob end with a separation. 
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So I think that was the most compelling aspect. Bonnie is judgemental about sex, porn, etc. and thusly she does not approve of swimming, because of girls being in scantily clad outfits. Bonnie is judgemental about alcohol consumption and thusly she is annoyed that her husband is sneaking wine. Bonnie does not invest in earthly pleasures, and so she is just the most miserable person by a mile and she just spends all of her time making everyone around her miserable as well. She’s just an empty person who does not know how to get out of it, and her personal perception of religion is keeping her excluded from connection and joy. In my opinion at least. 
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Ricky is just a kid I feel bad for. He’s trying to get his life back on track, he’s trying to get back some sense of normalcy and instead he is gossiped about constantly and kept in the dark about whether or not he is going to be a camp counselor again. You can see him just constantly trying to hold it together, until he just stuck in the bathroom and can’t get out. Where it all falls to pieces. Now. We hear a rumor about Ricky that we have no way to corroborate, but considering this is a film about faith and religion, let’s just say that the intense self harm that Ricky participates in feels very much like he is trying to absolve himself of sins through some form of self punishment. 
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Overall, I think this film was a good one to end on and I am sure it would have a lot more to say to me if I had a better understanding of religion, but this is what I kind of found. 
I think this one is a By and About queer people film. I don’t think enough of the plot revolved around queerness and religion to really be for queer people. This film seemed more of a rated E for everyone situation 
Favorite Moment
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By far my favorite moment of the film is Autumn and Kat talking in the car. I loved this quiet moment between mother and daughter, where Kat allows Autumn to see some of her flaws and where Kat apologizes for any harm she may have caused Autumn over the years. It’s a very vulnerable moment that brought me both sadness and joy.
Favorite Quote
“No. We’re doing it all wrong. You, you’re gay, that’s fine, the Lord made you that way, fine. Fuck it.” 
This is said by one of the older men at the party, Larry, who is piss drunk at this point. But has just witnessed Ricky exiting the party with his mother after a super massive self harm incident, and who I think comes to some pretty quick conclusions about the ways in which religion and faith can have an extremely negative impact. The scene itself does feel a little bit like when Nomi’s mother ate a really good weed brownie at Nomi and Aminita’s wedding and was suddenly cured of her transphobia in Sense8, but nevertheless it is another moment I think of showing transformation through the consumption of wine (aka Christ’s blood). 
I enjoyed this film, found it compelling, thought there was some really great acting, and I absolutely loved how the film ends full circle with the same shot of Henry that we open the film on.
I am knocking half a point off for the fact that I had to watch a straight sex scene in this film (however brief) but there was no queer physical/romantic/sexual intimacy portrayed on screen. (Unless you want to count the masturbation scene at the very beginning of the film, but I think the jury is out on that one). 
And with this I move on to Unit 4: Heartbreak Alley, a section that I am certain will be nothing but sunshine and rainbows, and which I am unsure if I should start before or after the holidays.
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twopoppies · 4 months
Hi, G! Hope you’re well. Was it confirmed that the letter Harry’s holding was a birthday gift from Louis? Or was that debunked? (I could’ve sworn it was, but have no clue. Every day this fandom reminds me of my deteriorating memory.)
Jeez. Same here. 😅
So, no. As far as I know, it wasn’t confirmed, but right around the same time there was an article where Louis said something to the effect of when he really liked someone he would write a card and squeeze in as much as he could. So, given Harry’s giant smile, and the article, people just put two and two together and assumed.
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
Batgirls #14 Review
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After so long, after so much waiting (and hyping), Batgirls #14 was released this week. So let me dig into it at last.
Let me start off (again) for those who didn't on the visual element where the silent issue started, G.I. Joe #21 by Larry Hama (with Steve Leialoha inking and George Roussos coloring).
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The issue was the benchmark for telling a story without any words. Really, I think it's something other comic historians can tell in more detail in itself.
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Surprisingly Barbara beat Cass to the punch in even attaining one as the character had one in Batgirl: Endgame #1 back in 2015 during the middle of the Burnside Era.
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There are a lot of visual cues that the issue shares with Batgirl #14 (there are onomatopoeias and there is "cheating" as well with Babs using a phone along (using emojis to correspond with Frankie and find Tiffany Fox) and one-word balloon (at the very end).
Overall, it's probably (for me) the best Babs as Batgirl issue of the entire 2011-2020 era.
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Cass had a few things close to this (Batman & Robin Eternal #13 has some moments of silence allowing the action and Cass's visual cues to tell the story) but never full-on.
The closest we got to this was Batgirl Vol. 1 #22,  where writer Kelley Puckett would just allow artist Damion Scott to do his thing showcasing the action along with emotion within the issue.
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But that was the closest we got until well Batgirls #14. That's why I'm hyped for this because it's a story element I think a character like Cass can truly shine in. Not only that, but pair the character with an artist to visually showcase this as well.
To that degree, Batgirls #14 succeeds HIGHLY in. This is the best issue of the series (thus far) culminating in five issues prior to it and highlighting all the elements I mentioned.
Artist Jonathan Case takes that banner and lays out a visual feast on this issue. There are SOOOO many moments that are so extraordinary. Case packs a TON of detail and emotion in each panel with the plot he's given.
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Likewise, I think writers Michael Conrad and Becky Cloonan did a real job in laying it all the seeds they've had prior in the series (from Riddler's lingering riddles playing how Cass fully figured out where Cluemaster was hiding with Steph's letter being the final nail).
There's a great urgency Case captures with Cass throughout the issue. She knows (given the last issue of her being in the peril Steph's in) how bad the situation is.
Hence no contacting Babs, Bruce, or anyone. This is Cass ON A MISSION. I do like how this issue ties into Batgirls 2022 Annual how the League is behind Cluemaster's resurrection). For what intended purpose? Who knows? Other than it brought back one "father of the year" in Cluemaster. It almost makes me wonder if the leader of this sect of the League that has broken off (and who have Lazarus Resin) is being led by the other aka David Cain.
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I mean it feels weird that the last issue kind of "forgot" he was more the monster here than Shiva, who kind of equally was manipulated by him. Showcasing that truly monstrous side we heard he was until Cass made him discover the heart he had.
I just think it would be an interesting parallel of Cass caught between two parents. Not only that but have this be the final closure of Shiva and the League.
Though I do confess it was fun seeing Shiva help her daughter against these ninjas and have a "mom" moment. With Cass having an "I could've handled that or GEEZ MOM!  Can we tone down the murder PLEASE?!"
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Again I just love Case's use of colors to showcase the various moods being played out from violent red to calm cool blue.
I get it Case went all out on this issue. Literally, in just two issues he's made the um-- case why in just two issues how he's become THE artist for the book that many probably would want back (please bring him back for more DC PLEASE!).
I ain't complain about the moments that made no sense because Case just made it look so darn visually appealing.
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But I will go into the big thing this issue did sort of break in silence with Steph's letter to Cass.  Because oh boy does it have some ramifications for Cass/Steph.
Though I'll fully admit I didn't mind the letter. You knew Cass was going to open the letter first when the concept was introduced in Batgirls 2022 Annual and you pieced that Steph was getting kidnapped in solicitations to this one. Just what were the words that were in it?
Steph full on admitting she had feelings for Cass and loved her.😮😮😮 Yeah, this does change the next step between the two. The question is--
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What will come from this? Well, either it's downplayed, but I doubt it, as I think we don't have Cass's letter or if you have the Lazarus Resin in play means more emotional drama will soon occur.  Or it is, and extended further down the road...
Though I think we already know Cass's response to the letter as we have her creating a scarf from ripping the fabric of Steph's cloaks. Which is a totally in-character Cass thing to do.
But yeah, this is the best issue of the entire series. Even if Steph is the damsel in distress. From her letter, it still gives some much-needed characterization that's been growing with Steph. Along with well both moving more out of Babs' shadow.
Literally, Cass doesn't even go to Babs for any sort of help. It really showcases how different in tone this issue is compared to say Batgirls #1-6 and the preludes to it. These gals can handle things themselves.
Plus I did like the Tutor tease AGAIN which is well suggesting another future story of the original villain from this series.
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Yeah, this was an exceptional issue of the series. It really is a strong contender for the best solo Cass story already for 2023. The art is just phenomenal. The story is gripping. Everything just connects.
It might not be fully "new reader" friendly.  I mean unless you read Batgirls #9-13, the 2022 Annual, AND Task Force Z maxi series (to at least understand the Lazarus Resin).
But you can just enjoy it for what the issue was. Reading the other stuff is an added bonus to add more to the reading experience.
I'm just amazed it took fourteen issues and we have the first real standout. Like literally, there's nothing I can nitpick at all. This issue is absolute perfection and everything I hoped this series would be.
My only fear is well-- where do you go from here? I mean that is the series biggest problem that it hasn't gotten a single artist down. It just rotating between three (so far).
Though I do love Neil Googe but Robbi Rodriguez is hit or miss for me. The book needs someone who can stay longer. Even if though it took a while man the Case issues (#13-14) were just another level of art.
I dare even to say they surpassed Jorge Corona's stuff from the prior six issues (and prelude). #14 just leaves me hungering for more Case art for this series. I'd love to see him tackle a Steph issue next.
I mean I love this stuff with what he did for Cass but it be nice to contrasting colors for Steph.
But yeah, Batgirls #14 was exceptional. A perfect celebration of the character (and history) of Cassandra Cain. Where it did it's own thing and represents a major point in this series.
Where does the series go from here? I'm really curious to see. No matter where this series goes, #14 is probably going to be the #1 highlight for many of the series.
So yeah Batgirls #14 in a quick summary:
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1stprototype · 1 year
Honestly, if Leisure Suit Larry can make a comeback in the current era, Duke could too, definitely. Just have to write him right.
They also need to bring back the darker and grittier tone of Duke Nukem 3D. 3D had its jokes and references, but the atmosphere was really moody most of the time, especially in episode 2. The game even took place entirely during nighttime to help create a darker atmosphere. DNF 2011 was a shitty comedy game with zero atmosphere, that relentlessly assaulted you with outdated references and lame sex jokes.
The Battle Lord boss at the end of episode 1 in 3D actually scared the hell out of me the first time I fought him. Seeing that towering alien monstrosity come roaring out of the darkness was straight out of a nightmare! The next Duke Nukem game needs to have moments like this again.
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alarrytale · 5 months
To bring an attention bit away because I’m so dead bored to see H stunting and I just don’t want to get annoyed with it….
A week ago I saw a poll which larry era was the best one (2010-2015) and while most larries voted for baby boyfriends 2010 era, many commented that “2015 larry was on another lever” like “they were ultimate power couple”. And because I wasn’t nowhere near during those times, why larries agree on that, what was so special about them in 2015?
Hi, anon!
I'm tired of H stunting too and people's reactions to it. So thank you for changing the subject!
I don't know why so many larries think 2015 is the best era, but i tend to think people often love the era when they themselves entered the fandom the most. 2015 was up and down, i assume people mean the time before bg was announced? H and L pushed back bigtime and we got the whole RBB and SBB thing. They were bold and didn’t seem to care to be found out. They banged on the closet door. People thought we'd get a coming out (not for the first time and it won't be the last). We also got rid of E and H was stunt free at a brief moment there as well. Fandom was super fun, the boys all seemed happy (ish), 1D was big and played stadiums and the stunts were minimal. Good times.
If we're talking the best era it's definitly june 2011 to june 2012 (before my time in the fandom). In particular august 2011 and march 2012. My to favourite months. Just look up some of your favourite larry moments and i'll bet some of them happened in either of those two months.
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fandomestloser · 1 year
i'm akeyla, a pansexual nonbinary (they/them) with a constant feeling of social injustice and a slight addiction to ao3
doesanyonehearrunningwotah is my ao3, on which i'm chronically online
i'm a teenager so please behave yourselves fgs
will be reblogging anything that satisfies my 1d obsession adoration and posting excerpts/updates on my fanfictions so
my pinterest is @akeylaaaaa
Australian Central (GMT+10:30)
masterlists below the cut :)
one direction/solo
noah kahan
marauders (not hp. m a r a u d e r s.)
sabrina carpenter
conan gray
olivia rodrigo
billie eilish + finneas
taylor swift
ed sheeran
we three
morgan wallen
kelsea ballerini
doctor who
#alex my love❤ - all conversations with or about my brilliant partner #bloggy stuff - blog stuff #rebloggy stuff - reblog stuff #ask answered - asks #masterpost - this post, and all ficfest, challenge, etc. masterposts #personal - personal stuff
all other tags are a given (taylor swift, one direction) and used erratically and unusually, so.
2023/24 writing schedule
Whumptober Masterpost
Whumpuary Masterpost
complete original pieces:
none yet. watch this space.
original WIPs:
letters from my bedroom floor (ongoing poetry compilation)
more soon. watch this space.
--- complete fanfictions:
underneath the mistletoe (larry stylinson christmas au)
tear away my tattoos (larry stylinson break-up au)
just for a moment (larry stylinson break-up au)
grey hairs (larry stylinson old age au)
greatest fear (larry stylinson 1D reunion au)
hold on (larry stylinson multichap mental health au)
orange juice (larry stylinson multichap break-up au)
gone (louis centric multichap zayn's death au)
whumptober 2023 collection- masterpost here.
--- fanfiction WIPs/upcoming
caffeine factor (ziam mayne, hurt-but-mostly-comfort coffee shop au) (multichap, some chapters published)
words hurt (larry stylinson hurt-comfort high school au) (multichap, upcoming)
it’s time to go (larry stylinson, hurt-with-a-little-comfort au) (multichap, upcoming) (will rename)
haven't you ever been in love before (larry stylinson hurt-comfort uni au) (multichap, upcoming)
meet you in the future (larry stylinson fantasy/sci-fi au) (multichap, upcoming)
eccedentesiast (larry stylinson hurt-comfort au) (one-shot, upcoming)
if we never met (larry stylinson fight au) (one shot, upcoming)
come back (larry stylinson multichap mental health au) (sequel to hold on) (upcoming)
grief unites (larry stylinson hurt-comfort au) (multichap, upcoming) (probably will rename)
dream (larry stylinson solo louis angsty au) (multichap, upcoming) (will rename)
love is an open door (larry stylinson-family fluff) (one shot, upcoming)
2011 (larry stylinson hurt-comfort au) (one shot, upcoming)
writing request masterlist
i write mostly romance, heavy on the angst, but i'm pretty open to anything, just read through this first <3
i won't write non-con, it's just a huge no. i won't write romanticized abuse, incest or p3d0ph1lia either - including teacher-student relationships, step siblings, or those weird fics where the twins are in a poly relationship with a third party?? like no you sick fcks oml. or those overromanticised fics where they have feelings for each other as kids??? nopity nope. children. don't. have. romantic. relationships. i shouldn't even have to say it. anything below secondary is just no.
i don't write omegaverse, you do you but it's a no from me. i don't write y/n or x reader fics, just not my vibe.
oh i also don't write fanfictions where the larry stunts (danielle, eleanor, taylor, caroline, kendall, whoever it may be) are like, villains? no thank you.
(also side note caroline flack didn't do anything illegal or wrong, even if you think it's kinda gross. the age of consent in both the UK and most of the US is 16 therefore harry was legally able to consent and she was not responsible for anything you frown upon in that whole situation.)
--- asks
ask whatever, just be respectful. or don't. anon hate is fun to debate tbh.
as for this entire thing; i may have copied it from my brilliant partner and my writing inspiration - @youreverydaydemikid
speaking of which, if you see the tag "alex my love❤" that means its me talking to or about said partner!!
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