#... so I could make yet MORE screencaps to try and make up for it - but it NEVER showed up.
stargazerlillian · 2 years
Geoffrey Rush at KVIFF (7/8/2022)
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jeonwonwoo · 8 months
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what i used: • 2021 macbook pro with m1 chip (390/500gb storage used she's hanging in there) • photoshop 2020 • mpv (for screencaps but this isn't needed!) • handbrake (available for linux, mac and windows here) • video source to gif
what is handbrake? basically its a software that helps you change the format of videos, such as for certain devices or screens, or in the case that we're going to utilise, quality and frame rate!
disclaimer: handbrake is super easy to use and very beginner friendly for this procedure and it can make a video go from 30fps to 60fps however it does not replace the quality of true 4k/blue/master-pro res files. in the gif below, this is the level of detail in a master pro-res file.
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getting started it's easiest first to note the timestamps of the video you want to encode, and keep in mind that unless your computer is incredibly powerful, i wouldn't try to encode an hour worth of footage in one run! my laptop could handle about 30 seconds in one go before she started toasting.
using handbrake: once you've downloaded the software, open the software and it will come up with a pop up window asking you to open the video source (that is presumably saved within your folders) and go ahead and do so!
in the range section, use the drop down button to navigate to seconds and enter your timestamp. the duration on the side will show how long of the footage you're gonna encode is!
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then go down to the save as, and give your footage 'to be snipped' a name. this isn't necessary but useful because if you're planning to say, encode 3 or 4 small parts of footage in one sitting, each encoding instance will overwrite the previous one. so i just call mine 'cut 1', 'cut 2' and so on.
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next go to preset, and there you'll see such a wide variety of options that you can play around with, with differing qualities, frame rates, sound options, and so on. for the sake of this tutorial, i'm using 'superhq 2160p60 4k av1 surround' and i've used the drop down menu to select it! then go ahead and press start! the time taken to complete depends on the duration of footage that you sent to encode! you'll find your encoded video as an .mp4 file in your designated folder (which you can change via browse at the bottom)
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what next? • if you prefer to open footage directly into photoshop (my ps can't handle it), then go for it! • if you screencap as i do, then just use mpv or whatever screencapping program you prefer to make the screencaps and open in ps in your usual manner. • you can use the timestamps to further process the video through vapoursynth to denoise, but i've yet to try that!
the results for this first set of example footage, i used footage from the be the sun concert file, which is almost 2 hours in length and 4gb in file size.
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you can see the difference in the smooth frame rate of the footage, as well as the quality of the sharpening!
and to utilise the bane of gifmaking, a gose episode, notorious for dodgy pixelated frames and less hd quality in 1080p on youtube, i ran it through the same settings!
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these are the exact same files, downloaded using 4k video downloader and with the same sharpening, but see how on the original file, the sharpening looks a bit more harsh and 'outlined' while it seems to sit softer on the encoded 4k version!
so i mainly use handbrake for dvd files, or not-so-hd 1080p youtube videos or videos that seem a bit clunkier but i had never tried them on a tv/film file so take a look below! i used a 1gb (so not very good quality) of a show (as compared to its 4gb files).
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as i said at the start in the disclaimer, handbrake can't replicate true file quality, as you'd expect to see in a proper hd bluray/t*rrent file of a show but there's an interesting difference in the frame rate. personally it's not something i would utilise much there but its all up to individual preference on how someone prefers to have their gifs <3
this is a very basic run-through of how i used handbrake, as i haven't really explored all its features and i use this as a quick process when i'm running through seventeen dvd/dl files but i feel like it would work well on general youtube videos (such as interviews, episodes, behind the scenes) and feel free to send an ask/message for any help/clarification! <33
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returnsandreturns · 3 months
idk how to go about sending you a screencap etc but i donated! Could i get some childhood friends mattfoggy or cooking gone wrong? Thank you for taking your time to do this!
(also, if you would like a matt/foggy thing of your very own, donate any amount to the palestine children's relief fund and i'll write you an undisclosed amount of words)
Foggy’s the first person to visit Matt at the hospital after his accident—Matt’s dad didn’t want to let anybody in yet until things were more stable but Foggy talked his way into it. He’s really good at that.
“Hey, Matty,” he says, squeezing Matt’s shoulder. “. . .bad week, huh?”
Matt’s silent for a moment before he bursts out laughing, catching his breath before he grins up at Foggy and says, “Kind of, buddy.”
“I’m going to try to avoid all the concerned questions and stuff because you’re probably already tired of that,” Foggy says. “Although I bet that you’re liking getting attention from all the pretty nurses.”
“Are they pretty?” Matt asks, raising his eyebrows. “I can’t see them.”
“In that case, they’re all super hot,” Foggy says, then makes a soft interested noise. “Hey, do your other senses actually get all heightened when you’re blinded? Like can you smell colors now?”
Matt falters for a second then laughs and says, “Uhm, no, nothing like that.”
“Damn,” Foggy says, ruffling Matt’s hair, fingers lingering there for a few moments. “You really can’t win.”
The night that Matt’s dad dies, Foggy’s mom picks him up and brings him back to their apartment.
Foggy apparently knows everything because he just pulls Matt into a hug and holds on, which is what makes Matt really cry, the insane tension in every inch of his body releasing as he sobs into Foggy’s hoodie. Foggy doesn’t even shush him or tell him everything’s going to be alright. He just pets Matt’s hair and stays and it’s exactly what he needs.
He sleeps in Foggy’s bed that night because neither of them wants to let go of each other.
A few days later, they fit another twin bed into Foggy’s room. His parents jump through hoops to become foster parents just so they can take him in and he won’t be in the system. And Matt, confused and scared and grateful, stays.
“Permanent sleepover,” Foggy says, flopping down on Matt’s bed, when they’ve mixed up the room to fit in all of Matt’s things. “You’re gonna get tired of me real quick, buddy.”
“I doubt it,” Matt says, sitting next to him. “How long have we known each other?”
“We reached for the same juicebox in kindergarten,” Foggy says, dreamily, “and it’s been true love ever since.”
Matt turns his head when he laughs, hoping that Foggy won’t see him blush.
“If I haven’t gotten tired of you by now, I think it’ll be fine,” he says.
“I mean, you’re sort of my brother now,” Foggy says, sitting up, “so our dynamic might dramatically change.”
“. . .do you think so?” Matt asks, feeling weird about it.
“Nah,” Foggy says. “Our friendship is rock solid.”
“If you don’t put your dirty socks in the laundry hamper, I’m going to smother you to death with them,” Matt says, darkly, throwing one of the worst offenders at Foggy’s head.
“I can’t help that you’ve got a sensitive nose,” Foggy says.
“It doesn’t take a sensitive nose, Franklin!” Foggy’s mom says, passing by the door.
“Yeah, Franklin,” Matt echoes, smirking.
“You’ve been here a month,” Foggy says. “I can’t believe you’re already the favorite child.”
“I’m not,” Matt says, rolling his eyes.
“MATT!” Foggy’s mom yells back.
“Told ya,” Foggy says, sounding happy.
The Nelsons throw Matt a thirteenth birthday party that he has to sneak away from midway through, not surprised when Foggy peeks his head into the bathroom to see him sitting in the bathtub.
“Hey, bud,” Foggy says, softly. “You good?”
“Yeah,” Matt says, wiping his eyes with his sleeves and trying to smile.
“It’s okay if you’re not,” Foggy says, locking the bathroom door and climbing into the tub with him, pressed against his side.
“. . .I miss my dad,” Matt admits.
“Oh,” Foggy says, wrapping an arm around him. “First birthday without him.”
Matt nods.
Foggy hugs him close for a second before he presses a firm kiss to his temple and climbs out of the tub, saying, “Stay right there. I’m bringing back cake.”
Matt presses fingers to the place where Foggy kissed him and tries not to think too hard about it. Lately, he's been desperately trying not to make it weird that he's feeling new things when Foggy casually touches him.
They're fourteen when they're left home alone for a night and proceed to get drunk for the first time off three bottles of beer shared between them.
"Tell me about the kiss," Foggy insists.
"I don't know what you want me to say," Matt says, a little more smug than he means to be for someone that kissed a girl for five seconds during a game of spin the bottle. "It was just a kiss."
"Act it out," Foggy says, thrusting a throw pillow at him. "On this pillow."
"No," Matt says, giggling.
"You're useless to me, Murdock," Foggy says.
"C'mere," Matt says, leaning in, because his head is swimmy and they're all alone and Foggy will probably think that it's funny. He finds Foggy's face with both of his hands and kisses him softly on the mouth.
"Oh," Foggy says, softly.
". . .yeah," Matt says, sitting back slowly. "It was just. . ."
"A kiss," Foggy says.
"A kiss," Matt echoes, nodding.
The summer after their freshman year, they're bickering over something and it leads to stupid playfighting, a broken lamp and Matt flat on his bed with Foggy on top of him.
"Sorry," Foggy says, not moving.
Matt listens to his heartbeat for five seconds, trying to make a decision, but Foggy kisses him first this time. It's different than the first time. They're older and they've both kissed other people and it makes Matt moan, a noise that startles both of them.
They're quiet for a long moment.
". . .my, uhm. . .my parents want to officially adopt you," Foggy says, strained.
"Oh," Matt says.
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Playing a little game with the HOTD S2 teaser trailer called "can I identify scenes". Nothing but spoilers (major, major spoilers) under the cut:
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Rhaenyra at Storm's End looking for Luke's body, as reported in leaks.
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Stokeworth and Rosby shields - this is the Sack of Duskendale / Battle at Rook's Rest. From leaks (re what happens to Meleys, um) we know that BRR is this season, probably near the end of it.
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Criston cutting some guy's head off - possibly the execution of Lord Staunton after the battle of Rook's Rest. Staunton's head and Meleys's head were taken to KL and paraded.
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may be Nettles, but I think more likely to be Addam of Hull, as that's Seasmoke.
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It's a bit blurry, but pretty sure those are Darklyn shields. (<nerd> incorrect Darklyn shields, too many white shields for this point in history, they haven't had that many Darklyns in the Kingsguard yet.</nerd>) More from the Sack of Duskendale/Battle of Rook's Rest.
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Possibly executions during Daemon's Assault on Harrenhal? Although that was Aemond who killed the Strongs in F&B... that's definitely a weirwood, though... but then, most castles have weirwoods, not just Harrenhal. Could also be part of the Taking of Stone Hedge.
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Something in the North, almost certainly, but not sure what. Maybe the Winter Wolves leaving?
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Seasmoke's back, back again. Rumors are that Laenor just gives him up or something? Lore nerds will freak ("a dragon never has two living riders!"), but babes, this is where you have to just relax and remember the show is not the books.
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Nice establishing shot of the Dragonpit. The Storming will not be this season, but it'll be useful to compare once the show gets there.
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This is either Prince Jaehaerys' funeral or the parade after Rook's Rest, but I think that's the carriage that was carrying Alicent and Helaena in mourning clothes (as seen in leaks), so possibly the former. OTOH leaks had a drum being beaten while Meleys's head was paraded, so it might be the latter. We'll see I guess!
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Probably at Rook's Rest, trying to get the fuck away from Meleys's fire.
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speaking of which. Rosby shields on the ground, that early scene where they were standing is probably right before Rhaenys and Meleys arrived.
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yay Baela gets to do something. Wonder if she arrives at BRR too late to help, but in time to see Rhaenys's body? Would be a good setup for her and Aegon later.
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KG doing the Secret Service thing with Alicent. Some kind of public panic, this may be in relation to the Meleys parade because the book says it made everyone want to leave KL, so they may have changed that up a bit.
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Brackens, probably the Battle of the Burning Mill / Taking of Stone Hedge.
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Assault on Harrenhal, probably.
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well we all know what this is. 😭
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ah shit, Erryk fighting in someone's bedroom? Cargyll twin vs twin, probably, I knew it was early in the war, but I liked him. 😔
Not screencapping this bit, but the cut that makes it look like Aemond is fighting Rhaenyra on their dragons is oh-so-clever to play with audience expectations.
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Rook's Rest, the ground is all smoky because of Meleys, and shit here comes Vhagar to make it worse.
A few scenes I have no idea what's happening yet, like the Helaena underwater scene and Alicent in her nightgown at the Gods Eye... are we getting dream scenes at last? Would be a nice changeup. Could be POV prophecies also. Well, looking forward to it!
edit to correct: Helaena's not underwater, that's a veil, undoubtedly a mourning veil. 😭
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declawedwildcat · 20 days
ok gonna ramble my actual thoughts about yesterday's new screencap just to get it all out of my head onto a plate
As unlikely as it is that this is anything more than the artists playing around with making fighting game alt palettes of the characters, I want to pretend that the red-eyed Kuras is a timeline where he drank from the seaspring. We learn from Mhin that Ais hasn't forced anyone to drink yet, but maybe when things start heating up towards faction warfare he takes any power he can get his hands on, even from those he considered friends. Or, conversely, Kuras is just tired of his whole cycle, this endless quest for redemption, the divinity and power and mistakes. His resentment outweighs his trepidation about the seaspring, and he decides to try and get rid of it the only way that seems powerful enough to finally free him.
Of course this then also comes with the insinuation that people who join the groupmind get a thematically recolored evil-twin version of their everyday outfit courtesy of Ais, which is pretty hilarious 😌
it's definitely a strange choice for a placeholder though imo, generally a placeholder should be something that's eye-catchingly obvious so that even someone who's not familiar with what's supposed to be there can immediately catch it at a glance if it gets left in and let whoever is in charge of changing it out know. That's why you often see that eye-searing shade of magenta on placeholder assets. I would think a simple in-engine color layer (like the accidental green Leander) would be more useful for that purpose since black and white would blend with the normal sprites when left on "skip", so this feels like either an inside joke the team put in for their own amusement, or it's just staged for the screenshot lol
But! all theoreticals and wishlists aside, what this actually shows us is two things:
Kuras has a short hair asset, so he could potentially get a haircut at some point in the story. Of course, as anon pointed out this could be just part of how the model is divided, but in my experience modular parts don't usually have covered-up lineart at their division points, they just extend past the point that should be covered to fill any seams. It's a tiny detail, but to me that says they intend to have both hair variations accessible for them to use on finished sprites (whether this is one or not). I haven't worked on a professionally-produced VN though, so maybe their pipeline is different and I'm completely wrong!
Assuming this is not MCR Kuras being introduced here, that means we're seeing a different character's introduction, one that warrants a sprite but doesn't have one yet. Someone's monster form could make sense for MC to vaguely recognize without being able to immediately place them, but having anyone wander around the middle of the Wick in that state seems fairly unlikely. A smaller side character who happens to get an appearance? Or perhaps meeting Elyon? 👀
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sjbattleangel · 9 months
Public Service Announcement: Please, stay away away from HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro, Chadfarsight*, KK4EverStuff, and Cohore.
*I'm aware Chadfaresight doesn't speak to HellYeahHeroes anymore but she's still responsible for spewing the very same toxicity.
HellYeahHeroes/HellYeahTeenSuperHeroes, Ubernegro, Chadfarsight, Cohore and others are the most vile, most pettiest, most hateful people who have no right to call themselves "comic fans".
[Trigger warning for screencaps in the links] They will personally target comic writers using hyperbolic, personal attacks on them: Disgusting insults, making horrible assumptions of them like calling them "Hacks" multiple times, along with "Pussys", "eugenists", "homophobes", "perverts", "mysoginysts", "sex offenders", "cowards", "rape apologists", "fascist sympathizers", "Nazi apologists", "dog f***ers", telling them to "lick goats" and more.
The way they talk about writers like Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman, Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenburg, Dan Slott, Donny Cates, Brian Michael Bendis, James Tynion IV, Scott Snyder, Joshua Williamson and others, it's clear that they hate them solely as people. In fact, they have held a deep personal hatred for them WAY before they read any of their works. Yet they will happily mask what is clearly a bloody vendetta against people ,who never harmed them, under a smokescreen of "criticising crappy writing" and wanting their favourite characters "treated with respect".
KK4EverStuff has gone on to send death threats and wish harm upon creators, it's very possible HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro, Cohore and Chadfarisght have done so too.
Please, report and block them. They are the most hate-filled toxic people to ever exist in the comic fandom.
Eventually, My friend Samasmith23 and I bumped into @Majingojira and told him HellYeahHeroes and co.'s behaviour since he is their friend. Because of his more chilled, open-minded attitude, we thought he would listen to us and condemn this behaviour but instead...
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...he just kept shifting the goalposts; using whataboutisms: Like "Oh, HYH doesn't talk about comics anymore", "KK isn't a member of our group", "That was old stuff", "he (Samasmith) should hold SJBattleAngel to a similar standard", "Screencaps as ammunition is a C*micsgate tactic" and others.
He then suggested that I "fabricated" the screenshots.
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But worst of all?
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He made excuses for their abhorrent behaviour towards creators. He dismissed our calls for acountability as "tone-policing", being "puritanical", operating under "Tumblr Morality" ect.
He even excused HYH and co's attacking of comic writers by saying: "Complaining about insults towards creators is rich when creators themselves are generally okay with its existence. Just don't do it to their face."
Calling for innocent creators to be fired is NEVER "okay"!
Telling them to "lick goats" is NEVER "okay"!
Attacking them as "perverts", "eugenists", "fascism apologists" is NEVER "okay"!
Encouuraging harrasment against them NEVER, NEVER "okay"!
Sending them literal death threats is NEVER, NEVER, NEVER "okay"!
Majingojira turns a blind eye to toxic fan harassment and, by doing so, enables it. Stay away from him.
I've wrote to multiple comic/nerd/fandom blogs on Tumblr, telling them about HellYeahHeroes's and his friend's toxicity; asking them to shame this sort of behaviour. But most never reply back. They probably think I'm some sort of "troll" trying to "start drama". And I don't blame them, HellYeahHeroes, Majingojira, Ubernegro and others are some of the most beloved, well-respected comics/social justice bloggers on this website, I understand looking up to someone thinking they could never do any wrong. I know because I was once one of those people.
You know, this takes a toll on my mental health: Trying to tell people that some of the most revered members of our communities are actually horrible pieces of work, but they don't believe you. It's like being trapped in a room all alone, with no door. You scream the truth at the walls, hoping a door will appear. But it never does, and you're stuck forever with no-one to hear your cries. And it hurts. This pain of never being believed.
I hope you all understand.
I just want our community to be safe and healthy. Please, believe me.
Dear @Hellyeahheroes, @ubernegro, @farsight-the-char @Cohore,
The way you targeted and demonized creators like Dan Slott, Tom King, Donny Cates, Jonathan Hickman, Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenburg, Grant Morrison, Jason Aaron, Brian Micheal Bendis, Adam Glass, Tom Taylor, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson, Rian Johnson, Neil Druckman was just disgusting and horrible. You have every right to dislike their work but to personally attack and vilify them is unacceptable! They are not "misogynists", they are not "creeps", "they are not "racists", they are not "antisemites", they are not "eugenists", they are not "fascist sympathizers", they are not "Nazi apologists", they are not "closeted Neo-Nazis" but most of all: They are not "hacks!"
To @Hellyeahheroes, @ubernegro, @farsight-the-char, @Cohore,: Seeing your disturbing parasoical hatred of creators like Slott, King, Cates, Hickman, Brisson, Rosenburg, Aaron, Bendis, Snyder, Tynion Williamson, it's clear that outside of comics, way before you read any of their work you've always held a personal vendetta against them as people.
Why? Did they personally hurt you or your loved ones? Did they ruin your lives? Even if they did, that gives you no right to email them countless death threats!
I don't know what you think but personally attacking these writers and sending them death threats will not magically undo the likes of One More Day, Robin: One Year Later, Avengers Academy: Arena, Avengers Undercover, Heroes In Crisis! No! Your actions are the very reason people see nerd fandom as a toxic cesspool of bullying and entitlement. And you're just proving them right!
Apologise, do better or leave.
Tell Lily Orchard, CinemaSins and Mr. Plinkett I said hi.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Damn I'm really like the storyline of this game.But FUCK Leo,if I ever get a chance to smacked the shit out of him, please Chancellor one chance.He fucked with the Mc head, how Alan and Thoma didn't kick him out that car if beyond me, there better than me honestly.Sho isn't much better because he's going along just because he's isn't mean.
Just because there isn't cruelty that doesn't mean kindness.But he's the lesser evil.Makes me sad for Alan.
Let's talk about Lucas I wonder if the soul system is like JJK,like if your twins you share the same soul and that's why the demon took his brother.
Also which character did you pick for your first
I picked Thoma first, but I didn't take screenshots of the opening. Probably gonna use my emulator to take a crack at screencapping all of the boys intros because I am insane and want to pick it apart for lore research.
Twins sharing the same soul/being seen as the same person is very common in Japanese folklore if I understand correctly? But that might just be me overthinking the plot of Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. So yes that's my assumption too, the demon likely took Luca's brother in his place since they technically share a soul.
Now. Let's talk about Leo. The main reason Alan and Thoma didn't immediately kick him out of the car was to not make a scene. Thoma specifically seems to respect the opportunistic sort, and thinks that Leo shows promise if he shapes up. He's skilled with tech, good at reading people, quick on his feet, all of those things are arguably good traits that Vagastrom, and Alan, could really use! Besides it's not like he has enough on either of them to get in their way yet, best to play it cool and walk away with the upper hand. Another thing we learn from this conversation that might be easy to miss is that unlike Twisted Wonderland where each dorm has rules about who should be the leader, Darwick's Administration picks the Captain and Vice Captain of the dorm, and grades seem to be more important to them than say. Whether or not the person has a good character, as we have seen from both Thoma and Leo, is significantly less important.
But if there is one thing I sort of have to point out that I think Alan gets and tries to call him out on, Leo is incredibly short sighted. He sees MC's power as worthless not because it doesn't work but because he already used it and got what he wants from it. He doesn't see anyone other than himself, and maybe Sho, as a person so he doesn't feel any guilt about using MC to get what he wants and then trying to get her kicked out of the school. He's also the only bitch in this house that completely ignores that MC can't leave, he doesn't mention her curse once when talking about her and honestly I don't think he was paying attention enough to remember that she can't leave because of that. Allan makes a point at the end of the Vagastrom book that I really hope is followed up on:
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I sort of read this as applying to his friendship with Sho and his own reputation. Sure, it's all fun and games now while he snatches up the Vice Captain role and still has Sho doing his bidding, but well. Sho does occasionally do what he wants, he didn't go along with Leo's plan, not completely. He didn't outright lie about MC's power, and he hates how Leo keeps asking about why the ghouls made their wish on a demon. He thinks it's wrong, he hates it. Leo's treatment of MC did bother him, and I know he doesn't want MC to die. I don't know how far you or anyone else has made it, but something happens in Book 3 that makes it seem like MC has gone missing, and according to Hyde all of the Frostheim, "and one or two" of the Vagastrom ghouls have to be talked out of going to look for her.
As of right now Leo's only real ally is Sho. If Sho gets fed up with him and stops covering his ass, then Leo has no one, and I don't think that's occurred to him since according to Sho's bio they've been friends since long before Darkwick. Anyway I hope they get divorced and Sho gets to keep his food truck. Like I said, we can run Leo over with it for the insurance money.
Have some Side Notes:
The ring of Solomon, or the ring of wisdom, granted Solomon the power to make demons do his bidding in the original myth. Since ghouls powers come from demons, in some way, shape, or form, my theory is that the ring is likely enhancing the demonic part of them.
The "like doves" supposedly appear when someone is thinking of you positively/likes you. The first people to make these doves appear around MC are Luka and Kaito. The second is Sho, which is honestly why I am a bit softer on him then I should be. The third time it shows up is at the end of Jabberwock's book with all three dorm members present, meaning literally the only bitch in this house who does not respect MC is fucking Leo that dick-
while it isn't specified, Professor Dante appears to be the advisor for both Frostheim and Vagastrom, something I think is more or less confirmed by Hyde being in charge of both Jabberwock and Sinostra. Anyway the point I want to make is that we are missing a dorm if we follow the rule of each advisor being in charge of two, and no I don't mean the two missing characters from Obscuary I mean a whole dorm that seems to have specialized in exorcisms (perhaps of curses 👀):
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My personal theory is that their dorm used to be in the Cathedral we are staying in and that it was destroyed during "the Clash" that's been alluded to in the first part of the story, we don't know much about it other than 1) it was between ghouls, perhaps exclusively 2) there is a spy of some sort Thoma and Alan are looking for that might have had something to do with it and 3) a Frostheim student behaved very badly during the Clash to the point Thoma seems to think they should take some responsibility for it. But that's just my speculation, don't know how much of it's real.
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samdeancrimespree · 2 months
it’s time to overanalyze the impala destruction scene <3 with actual screencaps this time. my analysis of the shot will be Above the screencap. hopefully that makes sense
so sam tries once again to talk to dean about dad. dean yells at him again for suddenly wanting to do what dad would’ve wanted and sam opens up to him about feeling guilty. then sam says he’s dealing with dads death, but dean isn’t. dean doesn’t say anything, just looks at him like This.
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we don’t know yet, what john said to dean before he died. but it’s hanging over dean. i think sam’s reaction to dad’s death makes dean want to keep johns words a secret even more. if he tells sam that’s what dad wanted, sam might go along with it.
every time someone brings up john, dean hears his words again, and he feels even worse. he can’t deal with dads death because that means acknowledging what he said, and it’s just too much. he already lost dad, he can’t lose sam too.
sam says “i’ll leave you alone.” and walks away. we only hear a few steps, but that might just be for clarity. who knows. or he just. took a few steps then stopped.
either way, dean turns around and calmly picks up a crowbar. he smashes the window of a random car. takes a few breaths.
as he turns around, he looks up from the ground. looks at something in front of him. it seems for a second like he’s going to stop.
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then he looks down at the impala. he glances back up, just for a second. right where sam was standing before. it looks like he’s making sure sam is watching him. you want me to deal with it? fine.
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“next time someone asks me if i’m okay, i’m gonna start throwing punches.”
so he goes crazy on the impala. we all know that part.
he destroys the car right after he fixes it. specifically the trunk of the car, where they keep their hunting arsenal. maybe that was just the closest part, or maybe he’s had enough of his family dying because of hunting. he didn’t want to find the demon if it meant sam would die, but now sam might die anyway. no matter what he does, the car/his family will be destroyed. he can’t fix it, and it’s futile to even try. all his work, all the time and love he put into sam might have been worthless.
when he finally stops, he looks wrecked. this is the most emotion he’s allowed himself since dad died.
this is the last shot of the episode. him staring for a good 10 seconds, still on that same eyeline. he seems like he’s looking at something.
he lets himself look sad for a second, but he doesn’t turn away like he normally would. he wants sam to see. this was all for him. it’s like… there. i’m upset. was that enough? can you stop asking now?
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then his expression hardens, shutting down and covering his emotions again. it’s like he’s warning sam. dean can’t be sad, only angry. only destructive. this time, it’s the car. next time, it might be sam. the two things he’s supposed to look after, both ruined. and dad isn’t here to fix it. dean has to figure it out on his own.
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it looks like he’s asking sam to just leave it alone. don’t ask me about this. i can’t talk about it. and for now, sam believes it’s just about dad dying.
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and then the episode ends. i genuinely cannot tell if im supposed to think sam is there or not. but like its the same eyeline!!! and the shot is pushed in and to the right!! sam could be standing in the same spot for all we know !! also what else would he be having a silent convo with in bobby’s junkyard? the dog? his own reflection? the only thing that makes sense to me is that sam is there. that he’s doing this For sam. maybe this is something everyone noticed but me until rn but. im going insane
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twinsunstars · 2 months
Thoughts on The Bad Batch Episode 11 - Point of No Return - A Discussion Post
This episode. So much happened, and so much emotions. Let's relive those emotions by looking back at what happened.
(SPOILERS IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE EPISODES YET! all screencaps from www.cap-that.com! https://www.cap-that.com/starwars/the-bad-batch/311/)
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The episode begins with Phee arriving at a station for some fuel, talking with her droid Mel (who I'm glad is rebuilt). CX-2 is nearby, unknown to Phee, as he sneaks onto her ship to gather information and figures out coordinates to Pabu. The alarm does sound, but Phee had gone into a room blasting music, making it was hard to hear it, and CX-2 managed to turn it off quickly.
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On the way back to her ship, Phee feels like there is someone nearby and gets ready to attack, but CX-2 had already managed to escape. He contacts Scorch, as they prepare for an attack.
CX-2 likely found out about Phee from Cid and sought her ship to gather more information to find the Batch.
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While the sun sets on Pabu, the boys get ready to pack up and leave, listening to Ventress's warning. Wrecker works with Gonky to load up the ship, and really wants two ice cones.
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We finally got to see the reg kids again from Episode 2, and I love their new clothes! I'm glad they got to live a peaceful life on Pabu and got to live like actual kids instead of soldiers, and they get to eat ice cones. Batcher is enjoying her time on Pabu as well, as she has made friends with a nice lady who gives her a treat. She looks so happy.
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I'm so happy to finally see Lyana again, as Omega goes with her to one of Pabu's vaults where they keep treasures, and so does Batcher. Lyana is sad Omega is leaving, but it is safer for them this way. Omega decides to leave Tech's goggles and Lula on Pabu, as they are special treasures who will be waiting for their owners to return.
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Wrecker picked a small fight with Gonky while getting tired and still putting supplies on the ship. Wrecker says he'll leave Gonky behind, and Gonky argues back. Sibling banter, for sure.
Meanwhile, CX-2 secretly arrives on Pabu, and the Marauder picks up the ship's signature, but he managed to turn it off before Wrecker could see it. (A clue, since he scrambled the ship's signature.) CX-2 lands and runs around Pabu, trying to locate Omega.
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While collecting supplies, Hunter senses something while the birds fly above the horizon, and Crosshair asks him what he's sensing. Hunter's not sure, but they need to leave.
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The Batch says their goodbyes to Shep and Lyana, thanking them for everything. CX-2 continues to look around the crowd on Pabu, and manages to recognize Hunter, Crosshair, and Omega. It's just going downhill from here.
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CX-2 manages to plant a few explosives on the Marauder, causing it to explode into pieces (RIP the Marauder 😭, it's Razor Crest pain all over again). Wrecker heard the explosives before they went off and manages to pick up Gonky and try to run. Everyone on Pabu hears the explosion, and the others quickly run down to the scene. I was expecting them to be more distraught after the Marauder exploded and Wrecker got hurt. Their ship that they considered a home is now gone. Luckily Tech's goggles and Lula were taken out before it happened, I was so scared about that before this.
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Omega kneels down to Wrecker, who is unconscious. Mox, Deke, and Stak help them after Hunter gives them orders, and he senses something. He looks up to the left, and the Empire has arrived on Pabu. Everyone runs, and Omega pets Batcher, scared.
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CX-2 meets up with Scorch once troopers take the grounds, ready to find Omega. Omega feels guilty since this is all happening because the Empire wants her, but Hunter tells her that it is only the Empire's fault.
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The scene from the trailer with CX-2 finally happens, and he said "Search every domicile...". Another clue; who else has said domicile in the past episodes? Shep goes to CX-2 and argues with him about what the Empire is doing to Pabu, as the docks and ships were being shot down.
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Omega hides with Crosshair and Batcher, and Batcher growls after seeing the nice lady who had given her a treat earlier get hurt by the stormtroopers. Omega tries to hold her back and calm her down, but Batcher runs and attacks the troopers. They shoot at her, and she runs off. Omega wants to run after Batcher, but Crosshair believes that Batcher can take care of herself.
The two run off to the room where Wrecker is being kept with AZI, who is observing Wrecker's health. Lyana is with him, scared and staying safe.
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Hunter sneaks around Pabu to try and obtain a ship they can use to escape, which is difficult with many stormtroopers around. Omega sees a ship that is swerving around in the sky and asks Crosshair if that is Hunter, which he replies, "Uh-huh." It was so funny the way he said it.
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Omega talks with Crosshair, deciding to turn herself in and coming up with a plan for them to track her. Crosshair is too worried about her plan, trying to talk her out of it since she'll be taken back to Tantiss, and he doesn't want anything happening to her. Omega decides that it is her choice, and trusts Crosshair to plant a tracker onto the ship when she is being taken. Crosshair eventually agrees.
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Omega surrenders herself, meeting eyes with CX-2. The tracker she tried to hide on herself is found, and now it's up to Crosshair to plant a tracker on CX-2's ship.
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The ship Hunter had tried to get was shot down, and he managed to swim out of the water and reach land. Batcher found him, and his face looked so sweet when he pet her. He runs off to go find the others.
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Omega had looked back at Pabu with sad eyes, feeling really guilty for what just happened, and now she'll be taken back to Tantiss. While being attacked by troopers and CX-2's ship is leaving, Crosshair shoots too quickly and misses. They'll have to find a way to track Omega now. Omega breathes while on CX-2's ship, looking confident and ready for what she needs to face next.
I am too worried for what is going to happen next. This episode was a big emotional rollercoaster, and it got so dark. I was expecting Hemlock to come to Pabu since he always goes wherever Omega has been spotted, but this time he let it be with CX-2. I'm so worried for Omega, and how are the Batch going to find her now? Echo needs to be caught up too, and I hope Wrecker wakes up soon.
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nothinggold13 · 9 months
I said in the tags of my recent screencaps of Nick and Daisy dancing, "do you ever think. that all daisy really needed was a friend?" and apparently those tags resonated with more people than I thought they would. Now I think they call for a little elaboration.
On their first meeting in the book, it is established that Nick neither attended Daisy's wedding nor met her baby (who is 3 years old). Daisy says herself, "We don't know each other very well, Nick. Even if we are cousins." And yet in this same scene Daisy says that his arrival has her "paralyzed with happiness" and refers to him as "an absolute rose." She speaks of him and to him as if they are dearly close despite her own admittance that they hardly know each other at all. (Of course, this is easily explained when Nick says, "[She looked] up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had." Daisy has a way of drawing people in, and making them feel important. I'm sure people make different things of this, some positive and some negative, but I won't dwell on it.)
But, perhaps more telling than the way she talks to Nick, is the fact that the first thing Daisy does when she has a moment alone with him is to confide in him. She says, "We don't know each other very well," and then, moments later, begins a story asking, "Would you like to hear?" She says she's grown cynical. She says she felt abandoned. She says — famously — "That's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."
And then she laughs it off.
Nick himself calls it insincere, "[...]as though the whole evening had been a trick of some sort to exact a contributory emotion from me."
But... I don't know. I've been a Daisy defender since high school, and that's never gone away; Nick's perspective may communicate a lot of truth that we wouldn't know otherwise, but he is not infallible. And, personally, when it comes to the depths of what's going on with Daisy, I think he's rather blind.
Daisy has a philandering husband who a) physically abuses his mistress and b) canonically bruised Daisy in a way she brushes off carelessly but confesses, again, within her first meeting with Nick, so I don't believe it's a big jump to say he's likely been physically abusive towards her, too. And with that in mind, I think it's strange to expect anything Daisy does to be perfectly and infallibly sincere, when, at her core, she is always in a fight for survival.
(It's the same reason I believe she stays with Tom at the end, and lets Gatsby take the blame. Tom is the only security she knows. Gatsby hangs in the balance. She can't run away with him, now.)
So, to get back to my point, I don't think Daisy was being dishonest in her confessions to Nick. I think she was being painfully honest— so painful, in fact, that she had to cover it up with that cynical mask she's gotten so good at wearing. Daisy is not a beautiful little fool; she only wishes she was.
And then Nick appears, and they're not close, but they could be, and she jumps to trust him: to tell him everything she's scared to say aloud: to have him listen. "Would you like to hear?" she asks. It's more than a question. It's a plea.
I think of Daisy knowing her driver's name, and thinking it important to use it. I think of Daisy knowing Jordan's name when they were younger, when Jordan was two years her junior and admired her desperately. I think of Daisy calling Nick "my dearest one" along with every other kind word she ever said to him. I think of Daisy reaching and reaching and reaching, clinging desperately to anyone who might hold on to her.
And they all let her down.
I guess those who see Daisy as disingenuous at her core wouldn't read it this way at all, but I do. I think Daisy loves desperately, trying to fill a hole that is never filled; I think she's looking for someone to save her, and nobody ever cares enough to listen.
Not Jordan. Not Nick. Not even Gatsby, despite his obsession.
And maybe none of them could have saved her, but they could have listened. They could have cared. They could have asked her about the letter that made her nearly call off her wedding to Tom, instead of dressing her up and pushing her to go through with it. They could've supported her, and not gone out to party with her cheating husband and his mistress. They could've stopped asking for too much and accepted the fact she couldn't give it. They could've done something.
Because all Daisy really needed was a friend. And she never truly had one.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 4 months
Ok, it's time to deep talk even more about Magnifico! Part 1.
Since my analyses have gotten so much love, support and agreement, I feel motivated to continue 💙
In my first analysis I've touched up on many things, but something I want to deepen a little more is his trauma and his responses to it. Next to his character all in one of course.
After watching and rewatching and studying while making screencaps, I found myslef being heart broken for Magnifico even more. He's so horribly misunderstood it blows my mind. People are so freaking mean and ignorant it's insane!
We know that Magnifico was deeply traumatized as a young boy. Most people focus on themselves, their pain and their healing, but Magnifico instead wanted to make sure others will never suffer like he did. Please, let that sink in for a moment. His first response isn't to look at himself but to look at others. He lost everything and what does he want to do? Give! His first impulse was - I need to learn magic, so I can be strong enough to build a place where I can make sure people will never have to endure what I had to. Not "I gotta build myself a safe place so I can never be hurt again" like a little hermit crab hiding in a new house. No, he always looked what he could do for others!
This is one of the most selfless things a human being can do! It's not happening often but it's happening. People with trauma using their trauma as a motivation to help others.
Magnifico's determination to build a save haven for others despite his situation is freaking honarable!
He loves deeply! I did explain that the trauma Magnifico suffered heavily influenced and altered his thinking, his feeling, his actions and decission making.
He loves deeply but his paranoia and fear cloud it. What I mean is, some of his decissons aren't right but this doesn't make him evil! He's like a helicopter parent! His motivation to fiercly protect and keep save is purely love driven and initially right but because of his immense fear and paranoia it's becoming overprotectiveness and that is not the right way.
He never meant harm, he never meant to hurt. He was being too selfless in way. I heard another Magnifico defender say, he did too well.
And it's true.
Magnifico has given so much in his life. Matter of fact, he was absolutely right when he said he gives and gives and gives and yet people still aren't satisfied. And I totally get it! It's real life. People are greedy beings. Give them your little finger and they soon want your whole hand.
The people of Rosas live in total peace. They get everything they could ask for and more. Enough food, good homes they don't even need to pay rent for, enough money ... they get wishes granted every month. Sometimes even more! Magnifico mentioned in the past year he's granted 14 wishes, which means he did grant more than just one every month from time to time.
Magnifico is so much more than his handsome looks and his abilities. Yet, all people saw him as was that. A very handsome genie. Not the benevolent ruler that even made this flourishing life possible in the first place!
And I mean yeah, he said "I'd love to see you try and do my job!" And he's right again. I've never ruled a whole kingdom before and successfully at that! But I can imagine it must be darn hard! Certainly not a piece of cake.
People loved and celebrated him for what he could give and do! But what if he'd been just a regular king without any magic powers to grant wishes?
We see how the people of Rosas reacted after he told them about a threat. In the end they ask for another wish ceremony. And Magnifico snaps at them. He's clearly in distress even though he tries to appear collected and sovereign, and the only thing they care about is getting more wishes granted? Dude, give this poor man a break!
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I can totally understand Magnifico having a nervous, emotional breakdown. Add it all up. He's constantly on edge because of his trauma, he always means well but the pressure of his ambitions and his duties as king are weighing him down further, he's constantly triggered, constantly irritable, no one gives a toot (Amaya included) which is like fuel to the fire in his soul, he feels threatened, he's terrified, he feels not understoond, valued and respected and furthermore used and exploited.
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See how he make's the wishes spin around him faster and faster here? It's literally symbolic of what's going on in his soul at that moment.
Same as this one does.
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The mirror is cracking, meaning his soul is cracking further. He's starting to break.
It's no wonder he loses his cool, really. Everyone would eventually break in such a situation.
Now, back to the whole wishes situation
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Stop a moment and look how Magnifico looks at this wish/dream. He adores it, he appreciates it. (It's a happy family btw.) and someone who's as good in reading emotions as I am will see the ever so slight pain swimming along.
As king, it's Magnifico's duty anyway to make sure his kingdom runs well. That his people are safe and content, that there is order. And the whole decission making rests upon his shoulders as well.
Should he be in the leading position he is in? No. No, a person as deeply traumatized as he is, shouldn't. But the fact that he still tries is admirable! He's not in power because he's a power hungry, cruel, cold-hearted, selfish, narcissistic psychopath, like a villian is! He is in power and wants to stay in it, because he wants to protect others! He cares so much more about others, that he stresses himself to the peak of breaking mentally!
His trauma keeps him in this spiral. Trauma driven motivation > stress/trigger > trauma response > desire> action > trauma result/success or failure
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Yes, he doesn't grant every wish because his trauma blurrs his judgement. He's so deeply into it that he cannot judge properly. Does this make him evil? Nope. It would be laughable how rediculous the hater's arguements are if it weren't so sad.
The arguement "Magnifico sees the dreams of people as a threat to his power so he steals them and makes people forget them."
🤨 huh?
I could slam my forehead even harder against something other than my hand. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The ignorance hurts!!! Like, have this people even paid any attention? Clearly not.
He never stole anything! Neither did he manipulate, play or lie to people. He left the decission to them. It was an open fact "If you want, you can give me your wish and I will keep it save and eventually grant it." And even if one doesn't give their wish, they are more than welcome to stay in his kingdoom and live a happy life!
Now listen. Magnifico's desire to keep the wishes in the first place isn't out of any bad or ill will! To say he keeps the wishes because he simply likes to be in control over people because of selfish, cruel reasons is a big mount of bullcrap. Look at how this man treats the wishes! Which by the way, to him, resemble his people!
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Ah, yes, sooo evil and selfish and ill willed!
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If someone sees this, the pure love in his whole bodylanguage, and still claims that this man is evil, actually doesn't give a damn about his people, and takes the wishes just because "powerhungry" has something really wrong!
Should he decide over other peoples dreams and wishes? Not really! This is a grey area. Back to his duty as a king. A king needs to care for his people. Magnifico takes this very seriously. Thanks to his trauma, a bit too much. This might be "not ok" but it doesn't make him evil. Good grief! Urgh!
He loves his people! He keeps the wishes because he thinks that it gives him a better opportunity to keep watch over them! Why does he want to watch over them and have the control? Out of fun? To satisfy his selfish urge to rule over others? No, because -
"Everything, everyhing I do is to make sure that never happens again!"
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It's the very same stupid reason people have been villainizing Abuela Alma from Encanto. It makes me fuming mad that people ignor deep trauma and the mental issues that come with it and make such people out to be villains. Abuela treated her whole family unfairly, yes. She was harsh, inconsiderate, cold, stern, overprotective, insensible etc. But why did she act like that? Because she was hecking traumatized!
After she and Mirabel reconcile, she tells her family this :
"I'm so sorry I held on to tight, just so afraid I'd lose you too!"
Aha! Now taken in consideration that she is also deeply traumatized and I mean, pfff, she saw her home town getting burned, had to flee with her 3 newborns and see her soulmate get stabbed to death or even beheaded (we don't know) right in front of her eyes.
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Her desire to keep safe was always good but her trauma blinded her to a degree.
A similar case were people have been villainizing a character for having trauma would be the case of Imelda from Coco. Her trauma of losing her husband and having to raise their daughter on her own caused her to forbid music for 2 generations! She was harsh too, and even though her actions concering this might have been wrong, she meant well. Everything she did came from the good motivation to keep her family from experiencing the crushing hurt she had.
Yet another example I've seen Magnifico defenders bring up would be Elsa! Elsa has been born with ice-powers because she's actually part spirit as we've learned in the 2 movie. She got traumatized as a child when she accidentally hurt her little sister Anna. Her response to trauma brings her whole kingdom in danger, even threatens to kill them by freezing them to death, and when Hans and his guards go to find and kill her, she defends herself and almost kills one of the guards. Yet, despite everything, Elsa isn't made to be a villain! She was supposed to be but in the end recieved love and appreciation, while Magnifico didn't?
It makes absolutely no sense.
Does trauma justify wrong actions? No! But it explains them and it certainly doesn't make someone a villain! Goodness gracious! 😩🤌🏼
Alma was obsessed with having the "miracle" controlled because she was terrified if she would lose that control, her past would repeat. She would lose her family.
Elsa abandoned her kingdom because she didn't want to hurt anyone anymore.
Imelda forbade music because she didn't want her family to experience the hurt she did.
All of this Sounds similar, right?
Magnifico obsessivly wanted to stay in control because he was terrified that if he would lose that control, his past would repeat. People will get hurt and lose everything like he did.
He panicked as an unknown light flooded his kingdom and made the wishes rattle.
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The very first thing that came to his mind was "threat." And this was ONLY because of his trauma.
More in part 2 ⬇️
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forcebookish · 10 months
I'm so annoyed with the Top hate or ppl saying the car scene was fully consensual top is a big boy but not taking Boston manipulating top how easily Top gave in ok so does his reaction not mean anything and everyone is so focused on the 2 years part I'm so sick of if
look. i get it. it's bl. there are a lot of consent issues that have been normalized in the space and in some dramas/contexts, they're not meant to be viewed negatively or interpreted as assault - even if they would be in real life. however, only friends is unsubtly trying to subvert that trope, AND "assuming you have permission to engage in a sexual act because you've done it in the past" with "a partner who is disengaged, nonresponsive, or visibly upset" is not consent,
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and this isn't the first time boston has crossed that line:
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(sorry i keep posting the same screencaps, i really need anyone who hasn't blocked me yet to burn this into their retinas because what the fuck)
"giving in" to someone is not consent. (i also have a hard time believing that the whole choking thing was consensual, both because the assumption issue i mentioned and for Theme reasons. you know, choking on smoke... choking during sex... plus, he really doesn't look like he likes it. not posting a cap of that shit though.)
also, rape by deception is a thing. it's complicated (and unfortunately has been used against trans people😡), but it's a thing. "deception that causes significant harm in addition to the infringement of the victim's autonomy" applies here. autonomy is about making informed decisions.
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top could not make an informed decision because of boston's objectively cruel, harmful deception.
setting aside all of that, even if we somehow don't read it as coercion/rape, top is taken advantage of. that is 100% true. and the person being taken advantage of in these situations is never the one at fault. ever.
tricking someone into sleeping with you under false pretenses is reprehensible. it doesn't matter what any law says (and rape laws are not the be-all, end-all of consent!), lying to top and hurting him that much in the process just so he (who NEVER WANTED TO SLEEP WITH HIM AGAIN!! CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH) will have sex with him should be unforgivable.
the fact of the matter is that if boston hadn't lied to top, cornered him, and touched him without his permission, top wouldn't have had sex with him. period. and that in and of itself should tell you that what went down in that scene was EXTREMELY FUCKED UP because of WHAT BOSTON DID.
[darth vader voice] i find their lack of empathy disturbing
(and wait, what's up with the two years part? why are they preoccupied with that? the only reason the two years thing matters is because mew has been lying since the beginning... and boston more than implies that they're sleeping with each other again. what????)
ugh. this sucks🫂
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eldrai · 1 year
I’ve been reading lots of stuff about autistic Hotch. How do you think Hotch stims? Are there any gifs/examples from episodes?
OKAY so this is going to be a long list because I just went back through the episodes I've seen up to specifically looking for examples! But thank you for asking. I've been meaning to collect examples somewhere.
(I'll preface this with saying that everyone stims and just because I mention something here doesn't mean anyone is automatically autistic because they do that too.)
The main thing I can think of is what I very descriptively call "the hand thing" he does.
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This is probably the clearest example of it in a gif I could find. What I mean is the way he rubs his thumb over the ends of his fingers. I see it as a fairly subtle way to stim and it tends to come up mostly when he's either thinking or stressed. That's the main thing I've picked up on because he does it quite a lot; I haven't gone over the earlier episodes specifically yet - only skimmed certain parts based on the incidences of it I found going through screencaps from @masterwords - it seems most prevalent in the earlier seasons.
A few more examples - they don't all have the actual motion in them but you can see his fingers curled up like that. He also brings his hand up near his face somewhat often, again usually when he's thinking.
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He also does it a ton while walking and standing in general. Some more screenshots (thanks again @masterwords)
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Two occasions stick out to me, both when he was distressed or highly worried at least. First is in Omnivore (4x18). It isn't strictly the thumb-over-the-fingers but it is similar, with his hand balled up and almost hiding his face at first.
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And the second I really like because we get the hand stim very clearly but also rocking! It's in 2x08, when Derek refuses to step away from the lady with a bomb under her car. Please ignore the choppy editing and audio lol I just needed to show this:
Here we also see the same thing he does in the above gif of 4x18 - the teeth grinding. I think that's only when he's under a fair bit of distress though.
I've been keeping track of it from now on partly because one day I'm going to compile everything into one absurdly long meta. So I've undoubtedly missed many times and my timings might be a little off but here's some if you want to see examples:
LDSK - 11:23
3x15 - 3:00
1x08 - bomb + rocking
2x15 -
5x03 - start + middle
7x07 - tapping
3x12 - 6min
3x11 - 22min
2x23 - 6min + 30min
2x19 - 39min
2x08 - 31min + earlier
2x05 - 29min
2x02 - 37min
1x21 - 30min
1x16 - 17min
4x18 - after bus
9x06 - 24min with pen
9x08 - 8min 10s
9x09 -5min 30s, 7:57, 22:40
9x11 - 29:46
9x13 - 6:55
9x14 - 4:40, 29:50
As you can see, it's the most noticeable for me in the early seasons. 9x06 was around when I started keeping track as I watch, not retrospectively, for context.
Not all of these are the hand thing! Some are things like when he picks up a pen he tends to keep it in hand even when he's not actually writing anything, just slightly fiddling with it constantly. And again that's nowhere near JUST an autistic thing but I notice it in addition to the main hand thing.
Another thing is, mostly when he's anxious and holding something like a phone, he'll tap his fingers lightly against it. I have a clip of him somewhere on my blog doing it in 7x07.
There's also what he does with his hands when he isn't stimming that's interesting to me.
Hotch spends a lot of time with his arms either crossed or his hands in his pockets. Often the hand thing and the crossed arms happen at the same, where he'll have his right arm across his chest and with his left running his thumb over his fingers.
I find it really interesting because I read that as trying not to stim. Because if his hands are in his pocket, he can't. If he's got his arms folded, he can't. I'd imagine it fits well with him and his backstory. He's quite reserved in general so it makes sense he wouldn't want to stim very openly even if it's a subtle thing, and then you add in the implications from 1x08 and it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine he was discouraged, whether consciously or not, not to.
Then again, it could also simply be a comfort thing to do something with his hands rather than not stimming. Could be counted as stimming itself - something like pressure.
But in order of most to least frequent, the canon stimming I see from him is
The hand thing
Fidgeting with pens, etc.
Teeth grinding
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intuitive-revelations · 8 months
hihi!! I really loved the tweetalongs moffat did during covid but I can’t find the backed up tweets anymore? and I saw this post (/post/701239631607414784/intuitive-revelations-woke-up-to-find-out-twitter) where u said u had them!! could you please post them or share them with me? thanks <3
(I got two asks about this in quick succession, so I assume they might both be from you. I can't answer the other one for some reason, so if it is someone else hopefully they see this.)
So yeah, I've got them backed up. I've spent enough time trying to find or recover bits of old DW media from defunct official websites etc. that I decided to be proactive when it came to the tweetalongs!
My hope eventually, when I get the time, is to turn the tweetalongs into actual 'commentary' videos that people could sync up with the episodes and get the posts from all the cast and crew in real time, a bit like the x-ray thing on amazon - to kinda try and recreate that experience. However, since I haven't had the chance to do that yet, here's Moffat's commentaries.
Around the time the tweetalongs happened, I recorded the Eleventh Hour and Day of the Doctor ones directly, taking screencaps, so I've got those all laid out in reverse order already. The Eleventh Hour also contains Matt, Karen, Arthur and director Adam Smith (there's also a couple tweets from other people I followed on my dash, but just ignore those):
As Twitter / X has slowly gotten more and more unusable and people have gradually deleted their accounts, I tried to find all the guests for each tweetalong and export their tweets from the appropriate timespans to spreadsheets via an online tool (which includes timestamps etc. which will be useful for making those videos eventually).
Here's all those that Moffat made on his temp account. I think he did reopen it for a bit afterwards at some point to promote The Unfriend, presumably at the prodding of his agent, but I think I've got all the tweetalong stuff. It also includes some replies, reblogs and things, and is unformatted, so might be a bit harder to read through, but I'll share it anyway.
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night-heron-writes · 1 year
The World of Spy x Family: Spy Radios
We don’t see a ton of Twilight/WISE’s spy gear in the show, and even less of the SSS’s counterintelligence gear, but what we do see blows me away. The attention to detail in this anime and manga is impressive. I’ve been able to research and clearly identify everything except the WISE HQ set of screens/radios (mostly bc we only get a zoomed out perspective of that), and it all matches up to what would have been used during the Cold War and in West and East Germany.
Let’s start with Twilight’s own radio kit. In the manga it looks like this:
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And in the anime it’s practically identical, with only a few knobs and things moved around:
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Now, it’s not exactly identical to it’s real-world counterpart, but it’s astoundingly close. The Spy x Family version just looks a little sleeker.
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This is an ESK-52/Type 41 Amateur Radio Set, produced by the West German company Telefunken for the West German Intelligence Service, or the Bundesnachrictdienst. It was first produced in 1952,and was primarily used during the Cold War.
The Type 41 is a type of stay-behind radio set, used by spies who stayed behind in other countries to gather intelligence. For secrecy reasons, spy radios were often marketed as “amateur radio sets” to make them seem less suspicious. The Type 41 comes inside a suitcase, and is fully capable of both receiving and transmitting morse code messages over radio frequencies. It came equipped with headphones that look very similar to the ones portrayed in Spy x Family:
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And now for the SSS. In Episode/Chapter 1, when Anya accidentally sends the message with her location and a challenge. In the manga, we can barely see it because of all the speech bubbles, but here’s what we can see:
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The anime gives us a much clearer shot:
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This one looks pretty close to its real-world counterpart, the R-353. You can see that the anime/manga simplified things a little bit, but overall they look very similar:
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The R-353 was a Soviet-manufactured spy radio set, also used by other Warsaw Pact countries, such as East Germany. In East Germany, it was used by the government, and by the Stasi in particular.
The R-353 was one of the most sophisticated Cold War Soviet spy radios, with the capability to receive and send morse code signals over radio frequencies, which  could be sent manually, semi-automatically with the numerical dial, or completely automatically by magnetic tape.
Now, on to the tricky part: WISE HQ. Here’s what it looks like in the manga:
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and in the anime:
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As of yet, I’ve been unable to concretely identify anything in these pictures, although I strongly suspect the the cabinets with rotors are Bombe Machines, which look like this:
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Bombe machines were used to brute-force the Enigma machine during WW2, and i’m not sure how WISE would have got a hold of any, since every single Bombe machine the British had was destroyed after the war to maintain secrecy. Perhaps WISE got a hold of a Polish Bombe machine and are trying to break Ostania’s ciphers?
Trying to play I Spy with the radios and other equipment in these panels/screencaps of WISE HQ has been tricky. The shots are all zoomed out, making it nearly impossible to see any identifiers. My best guess is a combination of radio transceivers (transmitter/receiver combination) and Telex machines (teletypewriters - think telegraph but combined with a typewriter and outputting ASCII characters rather than Morse code).
Without more detailed and close-up shots of the equipment in WISE HQ, I can’t make any guesses as to the specifics of the machines.
In conclusion, I continue to be blown away by the attention to detail in this series, in both the anime and manga. Even things we see maybe once or twice are very well thought-out, and there are so many layers to dig through, from the geography all the way to the spy gadgets that have maybe ten seconds of screentime or one manga panel.
Edit: all info on the historical spy gear i talked about can be found at cryptomuseum.com. I highly recommend checking it out if you’re interested, they have done a very thorough job of documenting things.
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tmntkiseki · 3 months
TMNT Art Diary 2: The Importance of Art Goals and Focusing Your Attention
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Happy March, everyone! How are we doing? It's been almost a month and a half since my last turtle art diary, so I figured it was about time to type up yet another set of ramblings talking about my experiences learning how to draw the 2003 TMNT.
Before we get started, I feel it's worth mentioning that the future of this blog is kinda up in the air at this point? From the beginning, I've been against AI generated images because of the ethics involved and like many in the Tumblr art community, recent going-ons with the site have me concerned for where things might be headed. I'm not planning to jump ship just yet, but there is a pretty good chance that I'll be posting less and less original drawings here and start utilizing my newly created Pillowfort instead, as the staff has taken a very firm anti-AI stance to the point of completely banning both AI generated images and writing on the site (the official Tumblr post regarding their decision). If you're a fellow artist, TMNT or otherwise, they might be worth checking out as a potential alternative to Tumblr.
With that out of the way, let's begin!
Okay, so let's talk about something that applies to most anything when you're learning how to do art; the importance of art goals and taking things one step at a time. Whether you're a beginner artist or someone who already has years of experience under your belt, it's important to not only have goals in mind of what you want to learn, but also to try and not do everything all at once. There is a lot that goes into successfully drawing the turtles; their anatomy, applying their less human features like their shells and three-fingered hands, their expressions, their colors, etc. HOWEVER, if you're trying to learn to draw too many aspects of their designs all at once, you are going to become overwhelmed very fast and you will not see improvement as quickly, which inevitably results in frustration and loss of motivation. Ergo, you need to take things bit by bit, breaking down the turtles designs into bite-sized pieces and focusing on specific areas that you are having trouble on.
For instance, early on, I realized pretty quickly that one of the areas I was struggling in was the turtles heads; I love their shape, but damn are they hard to draw. Subsequently, there was a point where I was largely drawing turtle heads and ONLY turtle heads so I could learn what shapes went into them, what they looked like from different angles, etc. Within even a few days, I already saw massive improvements just because I wasn't trying to draw EVERYTHING all at once; just one very specific aspect of their designs. Compare the very first Donny I drew on the 5th of January to a quick doodle of Mikey I did a couple of weeks later on the 25th and you can see how much I learned in such a short timespan.
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Speaking of shapes, you wanna know the biggest hack I've discovered for learning how to draw the 2003 turtles? Studying the Fast Forward art style. Yeah, you heard me.
At first glance, this seems kind of stupid. I'm pretty sure most people aiming to draw fanart of the 2003 turtles are planning to draw them in a similar style to the first five seasons, so it makes more sense to study screencaps and model sheets from those seasons rather than FF. However, the reason why Fast Forward is so useful for TMNT 2003 fanartists is because, at its core, Fast Forward is 2003's art style simplified. Anyone who has ever taken a professional art class or looked up tutorials online knows that basic shapes are incredibly important when drawing, as they are the building blocks of literally whatever illustration you're trying to make. Now, I absolutely love how detailed the designs from the first five seasons are, but because they are so detailed, a lot of the basic shapes do get lost under everything as a result, which can make it hard to figure out what actually goes into the turtles designs at a fundamental level.
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Because the designs in Fast Forward are less detailed compared to what was seen in the first five seasons, many of the basic shapes that go into the turtles designs are much easier to spot. If you've been following me long enough, you know that I was absolutely LIVID to discover that one of the things I genuinely don't like about the Fast Forward style--the pentagon shaped heads--makes drawing the 03 turtle heads so much easier. To explain it in detail; a pentagon basically maps out the five "points" of a turtle's head. What these points represent can change depending on the angle from which you're drawing your chosen turtle, but if you're doing a turtle head from a front/three quarter view, the five points denotes the top of the head, the cheeks, and the chin. It requires some practice to get right, but by building off this initial pentagon shape, you can easily draw a turtle head in the style of the first five seasons. A hexagon works just as well and is especially useful if you're going for a rounder/softer head shape.
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Beyond that, I think making to deliberate choice to draw in the Fast Forward style rather than the OG style is helpful for other reasons. When a turtle's head is only a pentagon, you don't have to worry as much about details and can focus on other areas you might be neglecting, such as figuring out the positioning of the eyes/mask, or developing the way you draw the turtles' expressions. (Seriously, the white pupil-less eyes are cool, but they do make conveying emotions a hassle, especially when the turtles are lacking for proper eyebrows.)
It's been about two months since I drew my very first 2003 turtle and while I'm still very far off from where I want to be, I've already made some leaps and bounds in terms of overall progress. I do sometimes feel annoying yelling about my turtle art learnings and struggles (especially when I know there is stuff that potentially comes off as Captain Obvious territory to others) but I personally find it helpful to write down everything I've learned and experienced in case I forget something and need to look back on it. And hey, maybe someone will see these disjointed ramblings as helpful. You never know.
Anyway, here's a lil Donny doodle from today to finish this entry off. See ya later!
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