#. . . download complete! | coining
imvasic · 8 days
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[ID: A rectangular flag with 13 horizontal lines. The 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. The 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. Line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. The 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. Colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: orange, light orange, pale orange, dark raspberry pink, pinkish-mauve, muted pink, and white. In the center of the flag is a heart shaped piece of meat with orange flesh. The second flag is the same, but the lines are all straight. /End ID.]
canniles / cannibalistic lesbian
canniles (can-ih-lez) / cannibalistic lesbian - a term and flag for those who are both lesbian and experience cannibalistic attraction (link)
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[ID: A rectangular flag with 13 horizontal lines. The 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. The 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. Line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. The 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. Colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: hot pink, dark pink, dark raspberry pink, yellow-orange, yellow, bright blue, and blue. In the center of the flag is a heart shaped piece of meat with hot pink flesh. The second flag is the same, but the lines are all straight. /End ID.]
cannipan / cannibalistic pan
cannipan (can-ih-pan) / cannibalistic pan - a term and flag for those who are both pan and experience cannibalistic attraction (link)
requested by a couple of discord servermates! :]
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rollo-rolls · 4 months
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It's now or never… My first lipstick conversion! It's not perfect, of course, but it's acceptable. And it works well with transparency slider! It makes lips slightly more pouty but nothing crazy, it won't completely change your sim's lips shape. I'm so nervous about it, lol. Now onto the official part!
Northensiberiawinds Lips N29 4t3:
only for female
teen -> elder
fully recolorable - 2 channels
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custom thumbnail
original x
Credits: @northernsiberiawinds Thank you ♥
Please, no reuploading, no claiming as your own and no making profit out of my cc!
 @xto3conversionsfinds @kpccfinds @sssvitlanz and every cc blog, thank you if you reblog! ♥
If you wish to help me raise money for my 8-years old PC’s upgrade, consider throwing a coin or two! Thank you ♥
My Ko-Fi Page
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lua-magic · 5 months
Ketu ( South Node) and your spiritual powers.
Ketu is liberation, ketu is detachment, ketu is the planet that connects you to metaphysical realm or higher dimension
Ketu is exalted in water signs four, eight and twelfth.
Fire 🔥 signs, one, five and nine is also good position for ketu.
Most challenging houses for ketu are two, six and ten
Ketu is your roots and ancestors.
Any pattern of disease, trauma, accidents that is generational is Ketu.
Ketu is also your intention, and your level of gratitude towards life and God
One way to improve your ketu is surrender in front of the God and develop gratitude, your ketu will give you good results.
Ketu in the sign of Dharma, or rightousness one , five and nine is great for ketu.
Ketu in first house makes person highly spiritual, and person is connected to spiritual realm. Person gets all the spiritual downloads and he works subconsciously.
He can say or do things which are impossible for normal human mind to detect because he is getting knowledge from higher realm.
The more spiritual person becomes, more better for him and his personality.
Ketu in fifth house which is house of intellect and rightousness, makes person highly intuitive, and also gives person sucess in their field if they follow their intuition. The more spiritual they become more intuitive they will be. Such person often gets premonition.
Ketu in ninth house, is the house of teaching and counseling. Ketu here could give affluent in-laws .
Ketu in ninth house native can become excellent coach and teacher because they are best in guiding people..The more spiritual person becomes, native would experience complete shift in his mindset, for example ketu ninth house native could become from an agressive person to the most calm person after being spiritual.
Ketu in the house of desire, three, seven and eleven is Little tricky, because ketu is giver and ketu has no desire, ketu is detachment so when ketu comes in house if desire, it becomes challenging for person.
But, here is one great 👍😃 remedy for native who has their ketu in above houses is to always go for spiritual remedies if they want more gain in their life
So, all kind of crafts, spell, fengshui vastu remidies, astrological remidies works best for the natives who has their ketu in the house of desire, as these remidies help them to manifest their desires.
I know a person who has his ketu in eleventh house got lucky in his work and got chance to travel abroad after he made changes in house according to vastu shastra.
So, try some spell, chant mantras, follow fengshui and guidence from spritual teacher if you want your desires to manifest.
Ketu third house native, as ketu is intuition and third house is subconscious, has great intuition and should go where his/her intuition is honoured like I. Healing, occult, tarot, where you have to work subconsciously even writing comes naturally to such natives.
They get frequent downloads because they have strong subconscious.
Ketu in seven house is bad marriage because it makes person detached from Partner and marriage until they get spiritual partner.
So ketu seventh house natives should always search for spiritual partner.
Ketu in eleventh house could give you great gains as well, but this position becomes challenging for mother and father, especially mother, she might face lot of difficulty in her life.
Ketu eleventh could give great affluent family or ancestors..
Ketu in house of work or duty ie two, six and ten are most difficult ketu as ketu doesn't have head so it doesn't like to work and think.
Ketu second, sixth and tenth is challenging.
The more spiritual native is much better his work life gets.
Ketu in second native should travel alot for their work as they get more money when they travel.
Ketu second native are obsessed with collecting old coins or stamps.
Ketu six house could give you disease which cannot be diagnosed.
Ketu six can't work nine to five as ketu detaches you from daily routine, such native should work where he has freedom and should not follow same routine.
Ketu tenth native do lot of mistakes in job and they can't stay stable in one job as ketu doesn't have head, so such natives doesn't think alot while accepting any offer and later they suffer.
Such natives are advised to do their proper research or go in a job where they have to involve some kind of research because ketu is reserch also, it likes to analyse things deeply or they can go in job where they have do charity or give service as I said before ketu is giver.
Ketu in sixth house native should get in some kind of healing, either physical, mental or spiritual as sixth house is house of healing and again they should do some charity and offer their service to the people free of cost as well then ketu will not trouble them.
Ketu is most comfortable in water sign or the house of liberation four, eight, twelve.
Ketu is excellent in four, but it gives native dual person. Like person would be quiet in house but outside in workplace person would suddenly become extrovert.
Ketu gives lower back and rectum related issue in eighth house but, person have sixth sense, native could sense the death of the person before itself and can feel energy of humans and spirits as well, like they are connected to spirit realm, can sometimes see spirits as well
Ketu is best and excellent twelfth house, as it connects you to the God directly and you always have guidence of the God with you, such person when fall God send his angels or might directly come to him for help, natives are pure soul.
Piece of advice.
Never mess with person who ketu fourth, twelfth and Jupiter eleventh because you are messing with God and not the person.
Native who has ketu in fourth and twelfth should not involve in any kind of negativities as you might block the blessings from God . Leave everything to the god and let the god take care.
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t-tomuras · 2 months
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Pairing: Tenko Shimura x F! Reader
Wc: 2.4k
Warnings: Streamer au, fluff but minors still don’t interact. Initial meeting of streamer Tenko Shimura aka DecayDaddy
╰┈➤ 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐲𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It’s dumb, downright silly actually when you stop long enough to think about it. Utterly comical when you find yourself grinning too wide as you open up the little app you downloaded because some of your friends ‘needed your help with a task’ but who knows how long ago that was now. 
Driven by the compulsive need to complete tasks now being your reasoning to continue to venture outside of your comfort zone into more social aspects for the sake of the game. 
Because at least if you were going to have your nose in your phone you should at least be getting out in nature as well. Enjoying some outings and making friends. 
You never would’ve thought that redownloading Pokémon Go would have your heart racing every time you went to complete your dailies. Or when you got a notification from your favorite username: DecayDaddy.  
Swiping over to the ‘Friends’ tab after you’ve successfully accomplished a Field Research for the day. Scrolling down to pointedly ignore his name at the top of your list. Clicking each name, opening the gifts they’d sent you and sending one each back as you take the time to attach the precious little stickers. 
Run of the mill Pikachu stickers for the random friends you’d added ‘way back when’ from a Facebook group before deleting your comment so you wouldn’t have to deal with the unending friend requests. 
A Mudkip to one of your coworkers that still plays, a Sylveon to your friend you're sure only still opens the app to help you out (bless their kind souls). 
Going down the list until you’ve caught up with everyone that needed them for the day and barely making a dent in the collection you have. 
Leaving him left as you swipe back up to the top. Running your palm down your face because it was ridiculous really, maybe even a little insane, to be this fond of someone that you aren’t entirely sure who they might be. 
Finally clicking on his username to open his gift and see one of the newer stickers attached to the postcard, a trio of oddish smiling and leaping over one another with flowers abound. 
And you aren’t an insane person, not really, you swear.. well okay, maybe just slightly. But you can assure that specific sticker pack costs ten in-game coins because you like to collect them yourself, so it has to be special right? That’s what you do with them anyway, save them to send to your friends. 
But you’re prone to overthink, the inner monologue beginning to run away from you but you can’t say that it’s far from completely logical this time. It was deranged to think someone you didn’t know, added randomly through a post on social media (even if the group was locally based) was flirting with you through stickers on virtual postcards.  
Shame sits heavy in your gut then, shrinking within the covers of your mattress. Flipping over onto your side while you pull the covers high as if to hide yourself away from the sunlight seeping in through the slivers of your blackout curtains created by the fan in your room. 
Groaning to yourself before just selecting your least favorite sticker of all the packs; the awkward looking, poorly drawn Marill while it spews water. Locking for phone as you shove your face into your pillow to give yourself one good groan before you get ready for the day. No real plans besides tidying up around your home and maybe a few non-pressing errands when your phone vibrates and screen illuminates the dark fabric of your silk pillowcase. 
Turning over and holding the device away from you, screen waking to a banner from Discord for a friend request that nearly puts your heart in your throat. 
Decaydaddy has added you as a friend
Sitting up as you frantically fumble to unlock your phone because of course the facial recognition doesn’t want to work in the lowlight. Tapping in the wrong passcode twice with an annoyed scowl to pretty features before you open up directly to the notification screen of the app. 
You know it’s him because you can recognize the profile picture from his personal profile on Facebook but the similar handle to his Go account helps as well. 
Who uses their actual picture on discord anyway? scoffed internally. Your own icon saved for whatever anime character you favored or kinned that week personally. 
You’re thankful he does though, otherwise you would’ve denied his friend request and wouldn’t have received his subsequent message afterward. 
DecayDaddy: I was right, I figured your handle would be the same as discord. 
Your heart is racing, face warm with the rush of blood that roars in your ears because it should be a red flag that he found your discord from an app you can’t even communicate with one another from but it excites you. 
Makes you feel stupidly giddy because maybe you weren’t completely delusional to think you were flirting back and forth based on stickers attached to postcards. 
DecayDaddy: None of my friends play and you’re actually pretty close by. Do you want to meet up today to do some of the tasks for that dumb ‘a route to new friendships’ one?  
Okay so maybe you were a little delusional, cheeks and chest warming with a burning shame before your phone chimes with another discord notification. 
DecayDaddy: We could grab something to eat too, my treat. For helpin me. 
Exhaling a breathless laugh as your rub the sides of your forehead, giving yourself whiplash but you’ll take this as a win. Hopefully you can actually flirt pretty normally without your trusted ‘cute’ stickers. Sending back a quick, ‘sure no problem! I’d love to help, just let me know where I should meet ya and when’ before resting your phone on your abdomen face down. Throwing your arm over your eyes as you collapse back into your nest of pillows to stare up at the ceiling. 
Waiting a few moments before you get another message, assuming it’s from your mystery man. 
DecayDaddy: No cute sticker today? 
Ha. Maybe not so delusional after all.
You: Tomorrow 🤞🏽
But tomorrow is a relative term, you’re never going to get there, especially if you continue to let your anxieties get the better of you.
Truly you should consider it self preservation, what person in their right mind would feel wooed over a complete stranger finding their discord the way that he had?
Well, besides someone like you of course because you were the one flirting with him through stickers on a game about digital creatures you capture while wandering aimlessly for them.
It doesn’t stop you from messaging him frequently though, thankful he’s considerate and far from pushy. Tenko, you learn his name to be, isn’t one to spam either but the conversation continues with mutual interest; branching from just typical pleasantries or sticking solely to talking about events within the game.
Telling you about how he works from home and codes for a living as well as streaming in his free time. You even check him out, subscribe to his channel, he has a decent following for someone that doesn’t do it so seriously. He was exactly who he said he was, pictures matching the video he sometimes displays while doing ‘let’s plays’ with a few friends who stream a bit more legitimately and have a larger following.
The most notable names being Dynamight and ChargeBolt, prominent YouTubers and Twitch streamers with a subscriber count well into the millions for each of them individually.
Which makes talking to him a little daunting despite how down to earth he was. Simultaneous nervous and giddy energy flooding your system the times you do discuss getting a chance to meet up to complete a few research tasks in the game.
Somewhat noncommittal with the time, tasks that could be done at any point that would take a few days to accomplish anyway. Discussing the ways you both play the game in the mean, Tenko likes to collect strong pokemon albeit the unconventional type. Atypical to the ones most people see in local gyms like Dragonite or Gyarados, though he does have those.
But somehow he had the strongest little sandslash you’d ever seen, especially for only being a level 34. Typically doing trainer battles with it, a Milotic and a Sylveon and mostly emerging victorious.
While you typically liked to collect shinies, possessing a decent amount more than he had. Over a hundred, several being each stage of a Pokémon’s evolution as well as multiple shinies.
You: I’ll trade you one when we see each other, you can have the high cp one, I have two that are pretty close in level.
Promising a few trades so he could complete a few tasks that required taking a snapshot of a legendary that didn’t appear in raids anymore.
And it isn’t until one of the days you decide to head into the city for some of the raids, an impromptu announcement in the form of a dropdown bar earning your attention.
Rescue Mewtwo from Team GO rocket in shadow raids during Raid hour. Starting now! 💥
Groaning about taking a trip sooner than expected but you weren’t lucky enough to get a shiny mewtwo the last time he was in raids and you won’t miss it now.
Item bag packed full of premium raid passes so you can battle until you earn your prize. Glad many others covet the same one so the battle parties were full and participating in the raids wasn’t a headache.
Joining in one after the other as you walk from street to street, gyms lining the prefecture all with countdowns to the next battle and ones until they ended. Each party so full that the game would automatically divide the amounts so everyone had a chance.
You sit and wait on a bench away from the small clusters of other people, not too keen on speaking with so many people when you just wanted one thing before heading home.
Waiting and watching the timer tick down before the raid starts when a dropdown notification from Discord appears.
DecayDaddy: Are you using a remote raid pass for Mewtwo?
Glancing between the text and the timer before tabbing out to his chat.
You: No, havin to venture out into the great unknown all alone like a heathen because I have no friends to invite me 😔
Smiling at the silly tone you imbue into the text, that you hope he can hear because he’s heard your voice in a handful of short calls or voice memos. The soft expression you wear gradually spreads into a full blown grin when he texts back a short ‘look up’.
You’re quick to comply, squinting from the sun but you’d recognize those starlit locks anywhere even with the dark hood pulled over the stylishly unstyled mop.
Giving him a tentative wave but not moving from your spot as Tenko cuts through the little crowd around him and crosses the small courtyard to join you.
“Better hurry, time's almost up,” calling in a half yell the closer he gets and it’s criminal how the upward quirk of the corner of his lips makes the beat of your heart hasten. Near skip in its steady rhythm when he widens the length of his stride instead of breaking into a half jog, closing the distance between you with ease with just a few seconds to spare.
Standing directly in front of you and seemingly intentionally obscuring the glaring sun with his figure, giving himself a halo of light. The thought makes you feel silly, clearing your throat after you swallow because there’s no reason a near perfect stranger should enrapture you with such ease.
“It started,” his voice breaks the slight reverent stupor you’d fallen into, blinking up at him in confusion before scrambling for your phone with a curse. Nape of your neck feeling warm and with Tenko inadvertently providing shade you can’t blame it on the warmth of the sun's rays.
You’re just thankful he doesn’t make any comment on it, standing up as your Pokémon spawn in to battle the boss. Quick to defeat it with the oversized raiding group, giggling with a cute little cheer when the stats appear at the end and it tells you that you’d been the one to deal the final strike.
Missing how Tenko’s cool rubies rake up and down your form while finding your actions cute before paying attention to his own screen.
Eyes widening when he sees the flare of sparkles when his prize appears on screen to be caught, a little stunned because he’d never been very fortunate in catching any shinies. Tossing his ball and only tilting to look at your screen when you groan in disappointment.
“I’m gonna have to find another one to battle, it wasn’t shiny. It was strong though! Almost thirty five hundred cp!”
His brows raise, cocking his hip bit as he shifts his weight from one foot to another. Quiet for a moment as you take a moment to spin the gym, stopping you before you can pocket your phone.
“I can go with you if you want, do a few until you catch one,” offered so simply and calmly you almost declined. The beginning’s of a polite ‘you don’t have to do that’ on your tongue when he continues, “or we could just get something to eat together instead, like I offered before. Mine was shiny so I could give it to you.”
Again you think to refuse, tell him you could earn your own like he’d gotten his but as he stares at you realization starts to set in. A warmth creeping into your chest and up your throat at the notion and how maybe you’d been a bit oblivious.
“Wait, are you asking me on a date?”
“For the second time now,” he sounds so blasé about it, like he’s talking about the weather when he turns on his heel. Ready to head down the street to one of the many restaurants lining the block. Craning his neck without turning around when Tenko sees you aren’t following, “are you coming?”
“Depends,” you start cutely, rolling your lip between your teeth to fight the cheeky smile as you take a few steps forward. Pulling out your phone to shake it at him, leaning forward to tilt into his view, “are you really gonna give me your shiny?”
He chuckles at that, a breathy sound that floats on his exhale as he resumes his stride when you fall into step, “only if you trade me the strong one you got.”
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soongtypehuman · 1 month
Boo-hoo update
I’m sorry to say I have an update I was hoping to not ever have to make. Some of you already know that I have some serious health issues, but I've been pretty quiet about the extent of what I'm dealing with.
The gist of it is that I have a rare bone disease called fibrous dysplasia that turned certain bones in my skull into tumors and then those tumors grew inward and started crushing my brain, so I had a craniotomy last year to remove as much as was safe and got a cool new titanium implant in my head to replace the removed bone/tumor. The unfortunate result was encephalomalacia, which is the end stage of liquifying necrosis, and now part of my brain is liquid instead of solid (it’s dead, in a nutshell). Most people don’t survive encephalomalacia, much less remain able to function, and most who survive the initial stage don’t survive the three year mark. Even when you do survive it, it often continues spreading. The last MRI showed it had already taken over about 1/3 of my brain. But I’m a stubborn asshole and am still hanging on.
Unfortunately, things aren’t getting better.
I have to have constant MRIs, EEGs, physical and cognitive therapies, and have been on more meds than I’d like to be in order to control seizures and various cognitive issues. I didn’t mention this before, but I had to go through a series of speech therapies just to learn to talk properly again. And the most unfortunate part of this is that my ability to write has been affected. Since the surgery over a year ago, I’ve only made 10 new posts in the Positronic Rivalry series, totaling around 87k words. For reference, I posted over 200k words in 2022. I’ve posted even less this year, and it’s not improving.
With that said, I have to take a step back. I’m not quitting and I’m not walking away from the fandom. I’d like to think I’ll still be able to post here and there. I just don’t know when and under what circumstances that will happen. I most certainly can’t handle the longer multi-chapter fics I once could. Maybe one day, but not this day. Since I started posting on AO3 back at the end of 2021, I’ve posted every Sunday more often than not. I’m sorry to say I can’t make that happen right now, and can’t say when I’ll post again or what it will be. I won't be able to continue with season 4.
But I’m most definitely not leaving the fandom and the people and the characters I love so much. I’ll still be here interacting and posting when I’m able. This fandom and the people in it are incredible and mean a lot to me. Data and Lore and Star Trek in general are integral to my life and general enjoyment.
But!! I’ve nearly completed compiling seasons 1-3 of Positronic Rivalry as well as 2022/23 Kinktobers into files that will be ready to print in physical book format (completely free, obviously), which I’ll make available for everyone to download in various print sizes, complete with covers, which you can then have printed at various POD sites if you’re so inclined. Digital versions will also be available (you can already download various formats from AO3, but they’re not compiled into seasons, don’t have covers, etc.).
I’m also continuing with the Trek-themed crossword puzzles because those are fun and my therapist thinks making them is good for my cognitive rehab.
This update is a massive bummer for me, but I felt it was better to just admit my limitations instead of constantly trying to convince myself that I could continue the way I had been pre-surgery and beating myself up when I couldn’t.
Lastly, I’ve finally taken the suggestion I’ve gotten repeatedly and set up a KoFi. If you’d like to buy me a coffee or toss a coin to your android porn witcher, you can do so right here and I’d be giggling and kicking my feet in gratitude.
Anyhow, I want to thank all of you for being amazing and coming along on this ride with me for as long as you have, and for as long as it might continue in whatever form it takes.
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mlarayoukai · 5 months
Okay so the thing with turn base jrpgs mobile gachas is the gacha format isn't suitable for jrpgs. When you first download a gacha they're usually pseudo-generous and give you at least one super powerful character in the beginner gacha. They give you a lot of gacha currency when you first start playing so maybe you'll get lucky and pull another ussrs or a few usrs or whatever the game calls them. And more often than not, you don't actually play the game to level up your character you feed them shit to level them up. You early on you sweep through the game because you have level 50 characters fighting level 15 enemies. Dopamine to some, maybe. But I'm just tapping whatever move is the most powerful with no thoughts and it's boring. And then there's the other side of the gacha coin. You may not like the gameplay but you enjoy the story and characters! You've gotten a few chapters in! But you can't beat the chapter boss because you can't pull the banner characters and of course spending money is off the table. Or typically, you're forced to use the ugly ass character who you pulled who has the specific attack that stuns the enemy. In well designed turn based rpgs, none of these are problems. Well maybe the ugly character you're forced to use is. But sweeping the early game or getting stuck at a certain point isn't, you can easily look up what to do. I do think mobile games have there place, but turn based rpgs is the easy way out for devs. "is this about (name of gacha here)?" it's about all the boring ass games I've played, fgo, pokemon mastersex, cr kingdom, probably a few I'm completely forgetting exist. Yeah I know it's pay to win, I ain't fucking stupid, but it's still boring as hell to sweep through everything. Do you want me to peg you tonight
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Xialong x Reader: Webtoons
Your boyfriend has some catching up to do
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"Who's that?"
You look furtively at Xiaolong catching you simping over your little fictional guy. Actually, what the hell. There's no way he knows how weird you are over these characters.
"Oh, um. It's Seong Taehoon from Viral Hit."
Xiaolong takes it in, nodding once, then asks, "What's Viral Hit?"
"The webtoon! It's pretty popular."
Like a curious puppy, Xiaolong tilts his head, "Webtoon?"
"...Online comics? Naver? It's a pretty big deal in South Korea. I thought you might have heard of it." No response. "Sort of like manhuas? Mangas?"
You thought that might have provided a spark of recognition but Xiaolong continues staring blankly at you.
"Seriously Xiaolong, have you been living under a rock?" Honestly, how has he never-
"Any spare time we had, we were told to train. I haven't ever- I've never read..."
Xiaolong looks away, ashamed at his lack of knowledge. You feel like a complete asshole. You didn't even think. The guilt digs deeper when you apologise and Xiaolong acts as if it's his own fault for his shitty past life.
Trying to make it up to him, you download the app on his phone, show him the series and make a few further recommendations. You are determined to do this for him. Give him a do-over for his horrific childhood and teenage years.
It's a small gesture but it's a start.
"Huh, Xiaolong? Did you come to bed last night?" Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you stumble into the living room.
Your boyfriend is in exactly the same spot you left him. Has he even moved an inch in the last, you check the time, 8 hours?
Looking extremely sleep-deprived with revealing bags under his eyes, you wonder if he has even registered your voice as you wait for his response.
A pause too long as his brain catches up, then, "Sorry Y/N. I've just been catching up on this."
You stifle a giggle, knowing the grip of a good story and comic all too well. Maybe you can make him a coffee to give him a boost. Or a night-time tea as a strong hint to please go to bed, at least take a nap.
As the water boils, you check your phone. A notification catches your eye:
"XIAOLONG! You spent HOW MUCH on coins for Webtoons?!"
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webslingingslasher · 3 months
maybe this is too self indulgent, but does anyone else go through a mobile game phase? i feel like trouble would experience it (a game like township or cooking fever idk) . like clocking in everyday to make sure she’s completing her daily tasks. and peters dying for her attention, trying to talk to her and shes just like, “not now honey, my cows need me more than you do”
i don't like to talk about my monopoly go phase, you wouldn't believe the monster i became.
i had all my brothers download the game just so i could open my community chest. i BEGGED. i literally gave one $10.
i am free now.
(trouble would fall victim. peter would be forced into it as well if she needs a second player.)
peter getting a text for a request on some random game.
'u don't have to download.'
'i just needed to share it to get free coins.'
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amethystsoda · 6 days
What is time princess about? I've been seeing it on the Play store but I have no idea if to download it
hello anon! I'd be glad to give you an overview and some tips for starting out! :D
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Time Princess is what happens when all your childhood dreams of getting transported into a book come true.
At heart, the game is a set of continual isekai stories, transporting you to different "books" with the help of a magic desk and giving you "create your own adventure" options to see how the story plays out.
Your fairy companion Isabelle helps you learn the ropes, and you have to go through one mandatory book (a Marie Antoinette themed story) to get access to your room and the larger bookstore
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(I'll put the rest under a read more bc it'll get long)
For each chapter you complete, you earn 1-3 tickets. With these tickets, you can unlock new books! The more you play, the more you earn towards new stories.
The game currency works on a coins and diamonds system--you don't NEED to purchase anything to play (though it may make the game a bit easier in some areas)
You get free stamina to access books and crafting materials every 11 hours and the Time Princess discord server has codes pretty frequently for diamonds, tickets, etc.
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I personally splurge for the Fashion Booster every 2 months because I know it helps support the game and the artists! I try not to use real money on the random outfits unless I REALLY want one bc it can get addictive.
One of my favorite parts of the game is that, as you play, you unlock "album" art (full color illustrations that tie into the story!!)
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One other thing I love is that the game is very targeted towards Bisexuals, as there are TONS of queer wlw story lines (though because of the games' popularity overseas and censorship, often gets called "best friends" etc)
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Another fun part is the variety of stories!!!! There's art history!! There's stuff based on old fairy tales like Swan Lake. There's fantasy stories like The Apothecary. There's a Pirate story!!! There's Chinese, Japanese, and Korean stories. There's a western cowboy story! There's futuristic scifi!!! There's a victorian flavored horror story!!!
Most, if not all, of the stories are with adult characters and have adult storylines!! (the books will also give you a content warning before downloading)
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On top of the stories, there's plenty of other fun aspects--mini games, fashion challenges, checking in with your companions every day to earn crafting materials, joining a society, playing events, and just playing dress up with your outfits and taking pics for fun.
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The discord community is great too, and there's often interview nights with some of the book authors and giveaways of materials and prizes (I actually ended up winning a plushie Lafayette one time!)
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The discord server also has game guides and walkthroughs for everything!
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Everyone who plays the game gets really into the stories and characters, so even though the tumblr presence of fans may be smaller, you have an immediate bond with the other players!!!
They've also done some really cool collabs with museums like The Louvre and the Flamenco museum. You get to earn clothes from famous paintings or historical ones during that event period!
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Finally, don't forget to save your big clothing crafting for Saturdays! You get double the materials!!
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demifiendrsa · 2 months
TEKKEN 8 — Eddy Gordo Gameplay Trailer
DLC character Eddy Gordo will launch on April 1, 2024 for Playable Character Year 1 Pass owners at 4:00 p.m. PT / 7:00 p.m. ET and April 4, 2024 for all users.
Eddy Gordo will launch alongside the game’s version 1.03.01 patch, which adds the following:
New playable character Eddy Gordo
*72-hour early access made available to owners of the Playable Character Year 1 Pass.
*Playable Character Year 1 Pass is included in the following:
**Tekken 8 Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
**Tekken 8 Ultimate Edition
**Tekken 8 Deluxe Edition
New feature Tekken Fight Pass added to Tekken Shop:
*During the specified period, players can increase their level by completing daily and weekly missions in online matches, allowing them to obtain various items.
*In the Premium tier, where items are even more luxurious, players can also acquire Tekken Coins, which can be exchanged for various items in Tekken Shop.
New items added to Tekken Shop:
*New costume sets “Cyber Pack 01” and “Cyber Pack 02” available for all playable characters.
*A legacy costume for Yoshimitsu
*Eddy Gordo Avatar Skin
Eddy Gordo Avatar Skin Functional improvements and bug fixes:
*A feature has been added to Ranked Match, Quick Match, and Group Match modes to allow for the termination and invalidation of matches if the network connection quality falls below certain specified conditions.
*An indication has been added to the versus screen in Player Match mode to display when the stage has been randomly selected.
*A Quit option has been added to the Main Menu to allow the game to be exited from sources other than the options menu (Steam version only).
Behavior / properties of moves will be adjusted for some characters:
*In version 1.03, continuing from the previous version 1.02, focus was placed on correcting unintended move behavior.
*Work on an update focused on battle system balance is underway, but we are undertaking this with utmost caution by carefully evaluating user play data collected from around the world. Version 1.04 is scheduled for release in May following the conclusion of EVO Japan 2024.
*Version 1.04 will primarily focus on buffing characters who haven’t been able to fully showcase their uniqueness. However, adjustments to certain moves that exhibit significant strength will also be made.
Scope of Update
The application of the update data will result in the following impact on each mode and feature.
“Downloaded Replays,” “My Replay & Tips”: Replay data from before the update will be unavailable for playback.
“Online Replay”: Replay data from before the update will be deleted.
“Super Ghost Battle,” “Ghost Match”: Character behavior and move properties will reflect that of the post-update state.
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imvasic · 10 months
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[ID: A flag with eleven equal horizontal wavy stripes, which are coral pink, soft dark red, soft red, dark muted pink, muted pink, light pink, muted pink, dark muted pink, soft red, soft dark red, and coral pink. /End ID.]
liveviscture (live-eh-vis-ture) - a gorture gender related to the concept of unraveling someone's intestines while they're still alive
("liv" from "live" + "evisc" from "eviscerate" + "ture" from "gorture")
for day 2 of @gender-mailman's 1466 followers event! theme - gorture
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snowysobsessions · 3 months
Queer Resources!
This is by no means a complete list and it's something I will keep adding to and improving. If you have any helpful links not listed here, please send them my way!
Please reblog this post, as you never know who may desperately need one of these resources. Feel free to share individual links with friends/family as well. Knowledge is power, after all!
Online safety guide for queer people This guide is extremely thorough, having sections for being online while queer in general, dating online, navigating the workplace, advice for queer people under 18, and more. If you grew up online and think you don't need to read any of this, I am begging you to read it. There's always something you don't know, something you won't think to do in a stressful situation. Please, please read through it all. Safety first!
Coming out handbook by The Trevor Project (PDF) A downloadable PDF walking you through the coming out process. It's a bit long, but well worth reading even if you have come out already to friends and/or family. It is very supportive of you, the reader, so it is wonderful if you feel unsure or nervous about your identity.
Quick guide for coming out (nonbinary focused) This is a briefer guide for if you or someone else just needs an overview of the process. It doesn't focus as much on the emotional support part and more on the logistics of coming out. So this one is good if you're very confident in your identity and just need to come out.
Pronouns and names:
Pronoun Dressing Room This site lets you try different pronouns AND names for yourself. You can fill the text fields with literally anything you want. It also has lots of neopronoun presets, organized alphabetically and by theme. To "try on" pronouns and names it uses a simple example paragraph where someone talks to their friend about meeting you. But there is also sections of public domain books where your name and pronouns replace the main characters'.
Pronouns Page This site allows you to make a "card" that lists all your names, flags/identities, pronouns, and terms you want used for you, as well as your preferences for/feelings about of them. It is highly customizable, you can add neopronouns, nounself pronouns, and emoji pronouns. You can even make separate cards for other languages. These cards can be easily shared with others and linked in profiles. It is also a huge resource for terminology, definitions and descriptions of identities, and how pronouns have been and are used in culture and fiction. There's also a full calendar of awareness days/week, appreciation days/weeks, and days of remembrance.
List of nonbinary names These are organized into separate pages by first letter. It includes non-English names, gives origin and meaning for each name, and, perhaps most helpfully, includes how often that name is used as a feminine or masculine name. Even if you are not nonbinary, this can still be helpful in choosing a new name. Personally I found this page infinitely more helpful than going to baby name lists, which are often split by gender and don't have as much for gender neutral names.
The Nonbinary Wiki home page This wiki is an invaluable resource, I'm not exaggerating. It has almost everything you would want to know about gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction. It has who made the flags, their meanings, when terms were coined, archived posts, the history of identities, sub identities and micro labels... everything. I will note that understandably, the info for binary gender experiences on this wiki is limited.
List of (common) nonbinary identities This list gives descriptions, history, and more for every common gender identity that isn't strictly the binary female/woman or male/man. Almost every one of these identities has its own dedicated page which goes into further detail. And this list includes nonbinary identities that have existed in non-European and non-American cultures for centuries, or even thousands of years.
List of uncommon nonbinary identities This is a huge and detailed compilation of identities that have as little as one person known to use that label. It also has links to the original or archived posts where the term was coined, if available. This page can be used as something to help you figure out what you like and what you don't like in terms of gender identity. And you never know, the perfect label for you could be in here.
Legal recognition of transgender and nonbinary people by country This page details how inclusive, or exclusive, countries are to trans and nonbinary people. Such as if they allow "X" for gender/sex on ID and passports, what is required to have it changed, and how easy or difficult it is to change your legal name. Canada, the UK, and the USA have dedicated pages for this that go into further detail and provide more resources.
Romance and sexuality:
List of romantic and sexual orientations (nonbinary focused) This list does include common ones like lesbian, but also includes rare identities such as Aquian, being attracted only to people who's gender changes. As I said this is focused on orientations that do not assume you are a binary gender, the people you are attracted to are a binary gender, or that your gender is connected to your sexuality.
AUREA (The Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Advocacy, and Education) AUREA is not very large right now, but what it lacks in quantity it makes up for in quality. It has a large glossary of romantic, aromantic, queerplatonic, and other related terms. Which includes rare terms and identities under the aromantic umbrella. They have downloadable PDFs with basic info on aromanticism, as well as links to research that has been done on aromanticism.
Guide to Aromanticism This contains basic info about aromanticism, and "Am I Aro?" questioning section, and links to aro creators. Reading through the whole thing shouldn't take more than half an hour.
Allosexual Aromantic resources This site links to a wide variety of resources by, for, and information on allo-aros. There's terminology guides, how to write allo-aro characters, how to be a good ally towards allo-aros, essays, and fiction featuring allo-aro characters.
AVEN (The Asexual Visibility and Education Network) This is a wonderful resource for information on asexuality. It has a thorough FAQ section for both people questioning and friends/family who have questions and concerns about asexualism.
Asexual Perspectives This is a community blog where people can write about their experiences as asexuals. These posts are incredibly validating and eye-opening and I strongly recommend you read them.
The Gray Area This is a quick FAQ about greysexualism and demisexualism that is for questioning, allies, and people unfamiliar with greysexualism.
AVEN Forms AVEN hosts a form where asexuals, and people who once identified as asexual, can talk about their experiences.
An Asexual's Guide To... This is a brief sex ed taught from an asexual perspective. Which is to say it does not automatically assume you are interested in sexual activities and have some experience feeling sexual attraction. Even if you aren't asexual, it can be quite helpful in understanding the experience. It does not teach you much about the actual having sex part, though. It focuses more on being comfortable with yourself and your body. It is also inclusive to intersex people. (This guide has no pictures, if you were worried about that.)
Setting sexual boundaries with a partner list This is not queer specific but still helpful as it does not assume the sexual relationship is between the two binary sexes/genders and still works if you are intersex. To cut down the paragraphs at the beginning, this is a list of sexual and romantic actions and behaviours. You are supposed to assign a yes, maybe, no, or not applicable to everything on this list to indicate if you are willing, unsure, or will not do those things. It is suggested you go through it with your partner, but you can fill it out alone to figure out your preferences. This list/guide can be useful if you have sexual trauma and/or have had an abusive partner in the past and need to communicate what may trigger you.
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thatcatbasil · 1 month
so, first impressions with endless ocean luminous
there are a lot of changes i absolutely Do Not Like but i would be lying if i said i wasn't having a good time with it so far
unfortunately i'm not gonna have screenshots in here since my phone quit letting me download pics from the switch and i don't feel like going through the hassle of tryna figure out getting the microsd into my computer right now
so first, stuff i don't like just to get it out of the way
yeah elephant in the room is the randomly generated maps. when the first trailer came out i did a lot of mental gymnastics to arrive at the conclusion that the veiled sea was just one map that was randomly generated and we would get other maps that were not but Nope you're only in the veiled sea and it's all randomly generated. makes you really miss the established locations from the first couple games. it feels really ephemeral now and the locations don't really stick with you as much
really miss the hayley westenra/celtic woman tracks. the ambient music's okay but i think the appeal of endless ocean's soundtrack has always been the licensed music to me. 30 mins in i unplugged my earbuds from my switch and put em in my laptop so that i could put on carrickfergus. then i put on jenny nicholson's evermore park video and had that playing for the entire rest of the time i was diving
the main menu's UI is kinda plain compared to the previous games. i miss the marine encyclopedia being an actual book you could flip through. this UI's a lot more sleek and modern but it doesn't have the same charm
no zoom mode makes me a little sad. i miss the little detailed environments! i miss looking for the coins in them! i like that the coins made a comeback as salvage though.
haven't played too much of the story mode cause i was mainly drawn to the solo dives buuut yeah hasn't really gotten hooked me yet. i've only done the first 3 parts of it so far so we'll see if i end up liking it more down the line. i think since it's just the first chapter(?) they're treating it more like a tutorial. i like david though he's silly
there are. a lot of legendaries huh? i do very much like the fact that they brought back the ones from the first two games (ran into ancient mother on my first solo dive and i was like !!!!! there she is!!!!!) but you see them so frequently it kinda takes away the feeling of them being "legendary" in a way? ive done three solo dives and cacao maharaja has shown up in every single one. on my third one i saw three grave diggers all in the same location. i've seen five different apollos. feels like there should be more of a distinction between the new "rare" creatures (the ones that just have funny patterns like the white orca i've seen several times) and the more unique named legendaries where the legendaries spawn a lot less often. but then again i could see that being an RNG nightmare for completion when it's combined with the randomly generated maps.
text to speech lady. i muted her as soon as i had the opportunity LMAOOO. maybe i'm just too used to the previous games not having any voices at all. oh shoot maybe that's why there's no licensed music tracks? cause text to speech lady would distract from them? damn.
not really into the customization. looks like you can only change the colors of your equipment and there's no unique gear
but excluding all that the creature models and most of the environments have been absolutely fantastic. i say most of the environments cause there's been a few situations where the map would have these decently big areas of empty sand with nothing in them (reminds me of manoa lai f-5 and e-4 that kinda area leading out of deep valley around where the pirate ship can spawn where it's a lot of empty sand and no critters except for the pacific white-sided dolphins) and i didn't find it as interesting as the actual coral reefs wrecks etc.
but the creature models! they're really awesome! they look great! i guess it's to be expected since it's on better hardware but it's still so cool to see the improvement.
also on my third dive something that was actually pretty cool happened. so i came up with a system for exploring the maps where i would just go around the perimeter and then go in like a spiral so that i could get a general sense of everything. when i reached the bottom right corner of the map the water turned green and i was like Oh this is the water color from the prehistoric areas in the trailers. so i go down a little deeper and run into an icthyosaur (forgot the specific name. could've just been icthyosaurus). and i felt like this
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then i turned around to see a GIANT icthyosaur (shonisaurus) and i felt like this
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the prehistoric critters in this game are COOL AS HELL. since we only got three of them total in the previous games (and couldn't even see em up close since they swam outside the boundaries of their respective maps!) it's really awesome to get to see them up close. and so many of them, too! excited to find anomalocaris later on. i love anomalocaris
miscellaneous other observations/comments/etc
honestly i don't really mind that the animals attacking you from the second game was omitted. it does feel a little weird to run into thanatos and not get attacked though (especially since he was doing the exact attack animations from the second game. side note i always thought it was a lil funny that all the creatures would slap you with their tails instead of biting you)
on my third dive i ran into the okeanos's guardian in a cave and i really like the glowing eyes effect it has now. thanatos was chilling down there too. shark party
i'm guessing that you can have creatures follow you? haven't gotten the chance to do it yet though cause i don't have enough points to get the creatures i want to follow me haha. i need to make friends with the orcas
oh yeah this game does have its own unique named legendaries! i found the seal that likes to wear jewelry that i unfortunately can't remember the name of right now. that was cool. trying to find all of those critters to get it to appear is a bit of a hassle but i guess that's why there's so much emphasis on the multiplayer.
but yeah. tl;dr it's absolutely no blue world but luminous does have some good things in its own right. maybe i've just been starved for endless ocean content for the past 14 years though
i think i'll do a proper full write-up for this game that i'll put on the neocities site at some point after i finish up the story mode and do some more solo dives and really let everything soak in. might be some time before that though since it's finals season and i need to work on stuff. see ya
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Web apps could de-monopolize mobile devices
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Mobile tech is a duopoly run by two companies — Google and Apple — with a combined market cap of $3.5 trillion. Each company uses a combination of tech, law, contract and market power to force sellers to do commerce via an app, and each one extracts a massive commission on all in-app sales — 15–30%!
This is bad for users and workers. Many companies’ gross margins are less than 30%. In some categories, that means there’s no competition. Take audiobooks: publishers wholesale their audiobooks to retailers at a 20% discount, so a retailer that sells its audiobooks through an app, paying a 30% commission, will lose money through every sale.
This is why the only convenient mobile audiobook stores are Apple Books (a front-end for Amazon’s Audible) and Google Books: Apple doesn’t have to pay the Apple tax, and Google doesn’t have to pay the Google tax, and that means that Apple and Google can demand crippling discounts and preferential treatment from publishers and independent authors.
The app tax is a tax on the workers whose creative works are sold on mobile platforms, because creative workers have the least bargaining power in this monopolized supply-chain. Our publishers can squeeze us — and the editorial workers, narrators, and sound technicians who work on our books — to make up the difference.
Independent authors who sell directly on these platforms, meanwhile, have even less leverage and get even worse terms. Things aren’t much better at the other end of the supply-chain, either: while firms prefer to wring concessions out of their workers and suppliers, they’re not averse to raising prices on customers, providing that all the competitors do so as well.
Since every competitor is also selling through an app store and either paying a direct app tax or ceding margin to the mobile duopoly as a condition of selling in their in-house, pre-installed stores, they all have the same incentive to raise prices.
Economists call this the monopsony problem (or, since we’re talking about two companies, a duopsony or oligopsony problem). That’s an unwieldy and esoteric term, so Rebecca Giblin and I coined a much better one, and wrote a book about it: Chokepoint Capitalism:
Theoretically, there’s a way to avoid the app store chokepoint: web apps. These are part of the HTML5 standard, and if a browser fully implements that standard, then developers can make a self-encapsulated “app” that’s delivered in the browser, complete with an icon for your home screen, capable of doing anything an app store app can do.
A company that wants to sell stuff without paying the app tax could hypothetically deliver a web app that the user could download and install via their browser. This doesn’t just avoid the app tax, it also overrides the app stores’ editorial control, like Apple’s decision to block privacy tools in China to aid in state surveillance.
But you can’t have a web app without a web-app-compatible browser, and you can’t get a web-app-compatible browser in Apple’s App Store. The only browsers permitted in the App Store are those based on WebKit, the browser engine behind Safari. This means that every browser on Ios, from Firefox to Edge to Chrome, is just a reskinned version of Safari.
That’s a problem, because Webkit suuuuuuucks. Without the discipline imposed by either regulation or competition, Apple has systematically underinvested in Webkit, so that major bugs remain unaddressed for years and years. Some of these bugs are functional — Webkit just doesn’t act the way its documentation says it does — but others represent serious security vulnerabilities.
This is an important point: app store proponents say that denying users the right to choose where they get their apps and excluding competitors is necessary, the only practical way to prevent security risks to users. But while app stores can prevent the introduction of insecure or malicious code, they can also block the introduction of code that fixes defects in the manufacturer’s own security.
Mobile companies don’t want insecure code on their platforms, but they also don’t want to erode their profits. An Iphone with a working VPN app is more secure than one that lacks that app, but if that Iphone is owned by a Chinese person, it endangers Apple’s access to low-waged Chinese labor and 350 million affluent Chinese consumers.
Likewise, a third party might create a browser engine that corrects the security defects in Webkit, but if Apple allows users to install such a browser engine, they will lose the ability to extract billions through the app tax.
Companies never solely pursue their customers’ interests. Instead, they seek an equilibrium that allocates as much value as possible to their shareholders. This allocation is limited by both competition (the fear that a bad service will drive customers to a rival) and regulation (the fear that a bad service will attract crushing fines).
The less competition and regulation a company faces, the more value it can take from its users and give to its shareholders. Here, mobile platforms have it easy: they don’t have to worry about competition because of regulation. Laws like Section1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and Article 6 of the EU Copyright Directive (EUCD) make it illegal to jailbreak a phone to install third-party apps. Jay Freeman calls this “felony contempt of business model” — that is, the government will punish your competitors for trying to compete with you. Nice work if you can get it.
As the old joke goes, “if you wanted to get there, I wouldn’t start from here.” The rules that should promote better corporate conduct (through competition) instead encourage worse behavior, by putting companies in charge of who gets to compete with them, in the name of user safety.
Meanwhile, users are increasingly trapped inside walled gardens, because their media, apps, and data are locked up in mobile silos and switching to a rival means enduring the switching costs of leaving it all behind. Mobile companies claim to have built fortresses to keep bad guys out, but those high walls make fortresses into prisons that keep customers locked in.
But anything that can’t go on forever will eventually stop. The manifest unfairness and insecurity of the regulation-backed walled garden model has attracted the interest of new trustbusters, competition regulators from China to the EU to the USA to the UK.
The UK plays a key role here. The country’s Competitions and Markets Authority boasts the largest workforce of technical experts of any competition regulator in the world: the CMA’s Digital Markets Unit has 50+ full-time engineers, which allows it to produce the most detailed, most insightful market investigations of any nation’s competition regulators.
(Don’t get too excited, though: in keeping with the UK’s abysmal standard of government competence, Parliament has yet to pass the long-overdue secondary legislation that would give the DMU its own enforcement powers. Ugh.)
Last June, the CMA proposed a market investigation into cloud gaming and mobile browsers (gaming is the largest source of app store revenue and cloud gaming is a way to avoid the app tax, so it’s a closely related issue):
There were many significant submissions over this proposal, including comments that EFF legal intern Shashank Sirivolu and I drafted:
Many commenters (including EFF) proposed that the CMA should intervene to improve the state browser engines competition on Ios and Android (Android allows multiple browser engines, but doesn’t give them the same hardware access that Chrome and its Blink engine enjoy).
This argument seems to have landed for the CMA. Today, they announced that they would go ahead with a full-fledged market study into mobile browsers and cloud gaming:
The most obvious outcome of this study would be an order forcing the mobile vendors to open up to full-featured, alternative browser engines. This is compromise solution, between forcing open app stores onto the platforms — which would mean forcing Apple to allow sideloading and policing Google’s use of contracts to limit third-party stores — and doing nothing.
A browser engine mandate is less satisfying than open app stores, but it is also more achievable, and easier to monitor and enforce. With Android, Google proved that you don’t have to use hardware locks to prevent third-party app stores — you can use a hard-to-detect web of contracts and incentives to create an app store monopoly that’s nearly as airtight as Apple’s.
But policing whether a platform permits rival, full-featured browser engines — ones that enable web apps and cloud gaming without paying the app tax — is much easier. Also easier: developing objective standards for evaluating whether a browser engine is secure and robust. Open Web Advocacy’s criteria are a great starting point:
The CMA announcement is welcome, but has some gaps. It under-emphasises the importance of hardware access (for web apps to compete with native apps, they need full hardware access), and could leave new browser engines at the mercy of the existing review teams that review all the other apps in the app store (who reject rival browser engines out of hand).
Meanwhile, while I was writing this article, Mark Gurman published a jaw-dropping scoop in Bloomberg: Apple will open its Ios platform to rival app stores by 2024, in order to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA):
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-13/will-apple-allow-users-to-install-third-party-app-stores-sideload-in-europe I’m still absorbing this news, but I think this complements the CMA browser engine work, rather than rendering it redundant. Alternative app stores don’t necessarily mean alternative browser engines. Apple says it will have security standards for alternative app stores, and these standards could well include a ban on browser engines. At a minimum, it’s clear that different levels of scrutiny need to be applied to apps, app stores, and browser engines, as each one poses different threats and opportunities.
[Image ID: London's Canary Wharf, a high-rise business district that is home to the UK Competition and Markets Authority. The colours of the buildings have been inverted, and the sky has been filled with a Matrix 'waterfall' graphic. In the foreground is an ogrish giant, standing at a console, yanking on a lever in the shape of a golden dollar-sign. The console is emblazoned with the logos for Chrome and Safari. The ogre is disdainfully holding aloft a mobile phone. On the phone's screen is a Gilded Age editorial cartoon of a business-man with a dollar-sign for a head. The phone itself is limned with a greenish supernova of radiating light.]
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volosdarling · 3 months
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💫 How did you and your F/O meet?
💫 Did you know them before they rose to fame/infamy, or maybe you caught their eye amongst all the fans and rivals they had already?
💫 How do your teams coexist? Are your pokémon complete opposites, or two haves of the same coin?
💫 When the battles are done for the day, how do you guys relax?
💫 Have you visited other regions with your F/O yet? Maybe gone sight-seeing or tried your hand at taking on a foreign championship together?
💫 Do you have a pet F/O who’s a pokémon? How do you guys relax in your downtime? Did you catch them or hatch them? Who really found who, between the two of you?
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caffeiiine · 1 month
soda soda i have a thought. an idea perhaps. but i don’t know how well it’d work, so i’m asking for opinions first
what do you think will happen to the casino after the whole DOA mess is over? if i’m not mistaken, it was used to distribute the coin bombs? so it would make sense if people want it to be closed
but that brings up the question of who’d shut it down. which country has that responsibility? will it get shut down?
yep yep! youre right, it was. honestly, im not too sure. anyways since sigma says in chapter 72 that the casino exists as a de facto free state, which the CEIP defines as "a place that exercises internal sovereignty over its citizens but is not recognized by most of the world as the de jure legal authority in that territory" (Carneigie Endowment For International Peace). De jure also basically means in this context: what the law says should happen, regardless of whether or not it is happening. Probably in better words wikipedia says "de jure describes practices that are legally recognized, regardless of whether the practice exists in reality" (Wikipedia).
Tl;dr for this mini-segment is that: The difference between the two terms is that "de jure" acknowleges only the legally recognized stuff regardless of whether they exist or not in reality, while "de facto" recognizes everything going on in reality.
Going further, Sigma declares his law as the supreme law, law of the land if you will, whatever term you like best. point is, he's in control, he says what goes and what doesn't. he's pretty much the ruler of a very small country. he can make the hunting dogs illegal if he wants and nobody can actually stop him, you can count the security as his personal mini-police force as well. With that in mind, ultimately unless the damages the casino took cause it ot start falling and it starts to invade some other countries territory, its completely up to him to take down the casino. theoretically he could be pressured to take it down like from other nations, or failing revenues, or bad customer satisfaction since people wont go to a place they're scared of until they know its safe. but otherwise nobody can really do anything to him to actually make him close it iykwim.
so in short; only he has the actual responsibility to close it and take it down, though other countries or the cost of operation could pressure him to in theory. By association, it probably will shut down unless he comes back to it and out work into restoring the casino and restoring its reputation! :3
THIS WAS SO FUN TYY [on that note, i love law. friends, feel free to give me your hypothetical legal questions i will be very very happy to answer <3]
references are below the cut
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