#*line sensor
vcrnons · 7 months
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「24H」 | SEVENTEEN 97z
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Ty to Julian
Hi Julian,
Don’t be mad.
I mean, not that you should be mad. I don’t think it would make sense for you to be mad, because you always say “wish you were here,” and soon I will be there. I heard from Ragnor that you just asked him to come to Blackthorn Hall, and I talked to him, and I’m going to be coming with him to London. 
There are lots of good reasons for me to come to London. For one thing, I am curious about what it is like to be in a house that is cursed. You always say that the most important thing is my schoolwork, and up-close experience with a cursed house will definitely help in that department. Which is another reason that you should not be mad.
Ragnor says he’s going to bring a ley-line map of London that he thinks can be used to discover likely locations where Tatiana put the objects that keep the curse in place. He also said he would show you how to read a ley-line map. I thought Ragnor was going to say something about how Shadowhunters ought to know these things already. I said that to him, in fact, but he said no, apparently the Spiral Labyrinth only standardized leyline mapping about fifty years ago and before that every warlock used some different method. I asked if he knew who had made the map and he said no, but maybe he would when he looked. Anyway, ley lines are also something I’ve been studying, so this will be an excellent chance for me to learn more. Another reason for you not to be mad.
I was just going to show up and surprise you but then I thought about it and I realized I wouldn’t like it very much if someone showed up and surprised me, so…I’m going to show up but warn you ahead of time. I also thought if I told you ahead of time, and you were mad, you could be mad before I get there and not after.
(I was going to bring Irene, too, but Anush said that would be more likely to make you mad than me just showing up on my own, especially since Irene eats curtains and it sounds like there are a lot of curtains on the upstairs floors. I really want you to meet Irene, though. She’s gotten big but she’s really well behaved. And I taught her to high-five! Next time I’ll bring her, when I’m not traveling with someone as grumpy as Ragnor.)
I also feel like it would be a good idea for me to check that the Ghost Sensor is working right. I want to take a look at it when I’m there. Anush and I have been working on Sensors some more, because there are a ton just lying around here. We’ve been experimenting with setting them to detect other kinds of supernatural things – we made a vampire Sensor and a werewolf Sensor, those were pretty easy. We’ve got a Fey Sensor that works on about one-third of the faeries we’ve tried it on; that one needs some improvements. I made an angel Sensor but I have no idea how I would ever test it. Anush says that so far it is functioning perfectly as it has correctly detected that there are no angels around.
Surprisingly, it’s much harder to make a Sensor detect something not supernatural. I tried to make one to detect gold and then one to detect bats. Neither of them really works. The only one that’s been a success is the lynx Sensor. As you can imagine, that one went off pretty much continuously for the three days we were testing it. We had to break it with a hammer to stop it. And by we, I mean eventually a bunch of people showed up at our room and demanded that we break it with a hammer.
That has nothing to do with why I’m coming with Ragnor to visit you, by the way! Nothing at all. I am just really looking forward to seeing you and Emma and the house, and I want to learn something about reading leyline maps. Okay, I’ll see you soon! Remember you said you wanted to see me! Don’t be mad!
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tangibletechnomancy · 11 months
As much as I complain about the (at its core, justified) backlash to corporate AI going in counterproductive-at-best directions here, I would like to take a moment to talk about what I would like to see done about the problem of corporate swarming all over AI as a moneymaking fad.
First, I must address the true root of the problem: as we all know, a lot of the types of people known derogatorily as techbros jumped ship from cryptocurrency and NFTs to AI after crypto crashed...multiple times. Why AI? Why was it the next big thing?
Well, why was crypto the previous? Because it was novel and unregulated. Why did it crash? Because of the threat of regulation.
It is worth mentioning, at this point, that the threat of regulation ended up doing massive harm to people who used crypto for reasons OTHER than speculative investment scams. This included a lot of people who engaged in business that is illegal but lifesaving (e.g., gray-market pharmaceuticals), and people who engaged in business that is technically legal but de facto illegal due to payment processors hating it (e.g., porn and other online sex work) - i.e., a lot of extremely vulnerable people. Stick a pin in this, it will be important.
AI is a novel and largely unregulated field. This makes it EXTREMELY appealing to venture capitalists and speculative investors - they can fuck around and do basically whatever they want with little to no oversight, and jump ship the moment someone says "all right, this is ridiculous you CANNOT just keep pretending it's a rare fluke when your beefed-up autocomplete chat bot makes up garbage information, and the next clown who decides that a probability function trained on the ableism and pop-psych poisoned broader internet is a viable substitute for trained mental health counselors is losing any licenses they have and/or getting fined into bankruptcy." They've always been like this - when technology is too new for us to even know how we SHOULD regulate it, the greedy capitalists flock to it, hoping to cash out quick before an ounce of responsibility catches up to them, doubly so when it's in a broader field that's already notoriously underregulated, such as the tech sector in the US right now.
That tendency is bad for literally everyone else in the process.
Remember what I said about how the crypto crackdown hurt a lot of very vulnerable people? Well, developers aren't lying when they say that AI can have extremely valuable, pro-human applications, from AAC (which it's already serving as; this is, imo, THE most valuable function of ChatGPT), to health and safety - while we absolutely should not entrust things like reading medical images and safety inspections to AI without oversight, with oversight it's already helping us find cancers faster, because while computers are fallible, so are humans, and we're fallible in different ways. When AI is developed with human-focused applications in mind over profit-focused ones, it can very easily become another slice of Swiss cheese to add to one of our most useful safety models.
It can also be used for automation...for better, and for worse. Of course, CEOs and investors are currently making a hard push for "worse".
That's why I find it very important to come up with a comprehensive plan to regulate AI and tech in general against false advertisement/scams and outright endangerment, without cutting too deep into the potential it has for being genuinely good.
My proposals are as follows:
PRI. VA. CY. LAW. PRIVACY LAW. PRIVACY LAW. As it stands now, US law regarding online privacy and data security - which is extremely pertinent because most of the most unscrupulous developers are US-based - is at best a vicious free-for-all that operates entirely on manufactured "consent", and at worst actively hostile to everyone but corporate interests. We need to change that ASAP. As it stands, robots.txt instructions (and other similar things, such as Do Not Track flags) are legally...a polite request that developers are 100% allowed to just ignore if they feel like it. The entire mainstream internet is spyware. This needs to change. We need to impose penalties for bypassing others' privacy preferences and bring the US up to speed with the EU when it comes to privacy and data security. This will solve the problem that many are counterproductively trying to solve by tightening copyright law with more side benefits and none of the drawbacks.
Health and safety audits and false advertising crackdowns. Penalties must be imposed on entities who knowingly use AI in inappropriate and unsafe applications, and on AI developers who misrepresent the utility of their tools or downplay their potential for inaccuracy. Companies using AI in products with obvious potential hazards, from robotics to counseling, are subject to safety audits to make absolutely sure they're not cutting corners or understating risks. Developers who are found to be understating the limitations of their software or cutting safety features are subject to fines and loss of licenses.
Robust union protections, automation taxes, and beefing up unemployment/layoff protection. Where automation can and cannot be used in the professional sector should never be a matter of law beyond the safety aspect, but automation rollouts do always come with drawbacks - both in the form of layoffs, and in the form of complicating the workflow in the name of saving a buck. The government cannot make sweeping judgments about how this will work, because it's literally impossible for them to account for every possibility, but they CAN back unions who can. Workers know their workflow best, and thus need the power to say, for instance, "no, I need to be able to communicate with whoever does this step, we will not abide by it being automated without oversight or only overseen by someone we can't communicate with adequately, that pushes the rest of our jobs WAY beyond our pay grade" or "no, we're already operating on a skeleton crew, we will accept this tool ONLY if there are no layoffs or pay cuts; it should be about getting our workload to a SUSTAINABLE level, not overworking even fewer of us". Automation taxes can also both serve as an incentive for bosses to take more time considering what they do and do not want to automate, and contribute to unemployment/layoff protection (and eventually UBI). This will ensure that workers will be protected, even when they're not in fields as visible and publicly appreciated as arts.
In conclusion, the AI situation is a complicated one that needs nuance, and it needs to be approached and regulated in a pro-human, pro-privacy way.
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sidetongue · 2 years
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In this story I threw a rope toy which harold got to first. Wylie decided it was highly valuable, and when he missed out, he redirected on harold and bit him out of frustration. Not hard enough to injure, but harder than a play bite, and hard enough to trigger a reaction from harold. Haz gave a BIG snarl, told him to back off, and Wylie snapped out of it. Haz then gave him a warning stare with some lip licks, reinforcing that it was not an appropriate interaction, and Wylie stood back and reflected on his actions.  side characters include Moby strategically ignoring the squabble to sneak away with the prize, budgie appearing out of nowhere to offer appeasement behaviours to Daz, Russell trying to figure out if Wylie has nipples, and Miller sitting back and watching like it’s just another friday 
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theclockworkkidart · 7 months
I won't lie, thought his glowy stomach was something else for a second (love the drawing it's stunning)
Well it's Melone, understandable. (thank you)
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De Ty à Julian
Salut Julian,
Ne t’énerve pas.
Enfin, tu n’as pas de raison de t’énerver. Je ne pense pas que ce serait logique que tu t’énerves, parce que tu dis toujours « j’aimerais que tu sois là », et bientôt je serai là. Ragnor m’a indiqué que tu lui avais demandé de venir à Blackthorn Hall, et nous en avons discuté et je vais l’accompagner à Londres.
Il y a plein de raisons qui justifient que je vienne à Londres. D’abord, je suis curieux de voir ce que ça fait d’être dans une maison maudite. Tu me répètes que mes devoirs sont le plus important, et voir une maison maudite au plus près sera assurément d’une grande aide sur ce point-là. Ce qui est une autre raison pour laquelle tu ne devrais pas t’énerver.
Ragnor m’a expliqué qu’il va apporter une carte des ley lines de Londres qui selon lui permettra de découvrir les lieux où Tatiana a probablement disposé les objets qui perpétuent la malédiction. Il a ajouté qu’il t’apprendrait à lire une carte de ley lines. J’ai cru que Ragnor allait faire un commentaire sur le fait que les Chasseurs d’Ombres devraient déjà savoir ça. J’ai énoncé ma pensée, en fait, mais il a déclaré que non, apparemment ça ne fait que cinquante ans environ que le Labyrinthe en Spirale a standardisé la cartographie des ley lines, et avant ça tous les sorciers utilisaient une méthode différente. Je lui ai demandé s’il savait qui avait dessiné la carte et il a répondu que non, mais qu’il pourrait peut-être chercher. Bref, j’étudie aussi les ley lines, donc ce sera une occasion parfaite pour en apprendre plus. Autre raison pour laquelle tu ne devrais pas t’énerver.
J’allais simplement arriver et te faire la surprise mais ensuite j’y ai réfléchi et je me suis dit que je n’apprécierais pas trop que quelqu’un arrive et me surprenne moi, alors… je vais arriver mais je te préviens en avance. De plus, j’ai pensé que si je te prévenais, et si tu étais énervé, tu pourrais t’énerver avant que je n’arrive et pas après.
(J’allais aussi emmener Irene, mais Anush m’a fait remarquer que j’avais plus de chances de t’énerver de cette façon qu’en arrivant tout seul, d’autant plus qu’Irene mange les rideaux et on dirait qu’il y a beaucoup de rideaux dans les différents étages. Toujours est-il que je veux vraiment te présenter Irene. Elle a grandi mais elle sait se tenir. Et je lui ai appris à me taper dans la main ! Je l’emmènerai la prochaine fois, quand je ne voyagerai pas avec quelqu’un d’aussi grognon que Ragnor.)
Je pense également que ce serait une bonne idée de vérifier que le Détecteur de fantôme fonctionne correctement. Je souhaite l’examiner en étant sur place. Anush et moi avons continué notre travail sur les Détecteurs, parce qu’il y en a des tas qui trainent ici. Nous avons fait des expériences pour qu’ils détectent toutes sortes d’êtres surnaturels : nous avons créé un Détecteur de vampire et un Détecteur de loup-garou, ce qui était assez facile. Nous avons un Détecteur d’elfe qui fonctionne avec environ un tier des elfes sur lesquels nous l’avons testé : nous devons améliorer celui-là. J’ai créé un Détecteur d’ange mais je ne sais pas du tout comment je pourrais le tester. Anush a affirmé que pour l’instant il fonctionnait parfaitement bien puisqu’il a détecté avec exactitude qu’aucun ange n’était présent.
Etonnement, c’est bien plus compliqué de créer un Détecteur pour les objets non-surnaturels. J’ai essayé d’en créer un pour l’or et un autre pour les chauves-souris. Aucun des deux ne fonctionne. Le seul qui a été une réussite est le Détecteur de lynx. Comme tu peux t’en douter, celui-là sonnait quasiment en continu pendant les trois jours de tests. Nous avons dû le casser avec un marteau pour qu’il s’arrête. Et par « nous », je veux dire qu’un certain nombre de gens ont fini par venir nous voir et ont demandé à ce que nous le cassions avec un marteau.
Cependant, ça n’a rien à voir avec le fait que j’accompagne Ragnor pour te rendre visite ! Rien du tout. J’ai juste hâte de vous voir toi et Emma, et la maison. Et puis je veux apprendre comment lire les cartes de ley lines. Bon, à bientôt ! Souviens-toi que tu as dit que tu voulais me voir ! Ne sois pas énervé !
Je t’embrasse,
Texte original de Cassandra Clare ©
Traduction d’Eurydice Bluenight ©
Le texte original est à lire ici : https://secretsofblackthornhall.tumblr.com/post/683154000468705280/ty-to-julian
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Every time I'm reminded that the Exy goal is just a spot on the wall I short circuit
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Ty do Juliana
Cześć Julianie,
nie złość się.
Nie chodzi mi o to, że powinieneś. Nie sądzę, że postąpiłbyś rozsądnie złoszcząc się, ponieważ zawsze piszesz „chciałbym, żebyś tu był”, no i już niedługo będę. Słyszałem od Ragnora, że zaprosiłeś go do Domu Blackthornów, porozmawiałem z nim i przyjadę razem z nim do Londynu.
Za moją wizytą w Londynie przemawia kilka argumentów. Przede wszystkim, jestem ciekaw jak mieszka się w przeklętym domu. Zawsze powtarzasz, że najważniejsza jest moja nauka, a bliskie doświadczenie z przeklętym domem z pewnością przysłuży się w tej kwestii. Jest to kolejny powód, dla którego nie powinieneś się złościć.
Ragnor mówi, że zabierze ze sobą mapę linii geomantycznych w Londynie, która według niego może pomóc w odnalezieniu prawdopodobnych lokalizacji, gdzie Tatiana ukryła przedmioty podtrzymujące klątwę. Powiedział również, że pokaże ci, jak czytać mapę z liniami geomantycznymi. Myślałem, że Ragnor powie coś o tym, że Nocni Łowcy powinni znać się na takich rzeczach. Nawet mu o tym powiedziałem, na co on odparł, że wcale nie, najwidoczniej Spiralny Labirynt znormalizował czytanie takich map jakieś pięćdziesiąt lat temu, a wcześniej każdy czarownik korzystał z innej metody. Spytałem, czy wie, kto sporządził mapę, lecz zaprzeczył, chociaż może dowiedziałby się, gdyby sprawdził. Tak czy owak, uczyłem się o liniach geomantycznych, więc byłaby to okazja, abym dowiedział się czegoś więcej. Kolejny powód, dla którego nie powinieneś się złościć.
Miałem zamiar przyjechać i zrobić niespodziankę, ale przemyślałem to i doszedłem do wniosku, że nie podobałoby mi się, gdyby ktoś przyjechał i zrobił niespodziankę mnie, więc… Przyjadę, lecz informuję cię o tym z wyprzedzeniem. Pomyślałem sobie również, że jeśli powiedziałbym ci wcześniej, a ty byłbyś zły, to byłbyś zły zanim przyjadę, a nie później.
(Chciałem zabrać ze sobą Irene, jednak Anush powiedział, że byłbyś bardziej zły z jej powodu, niż mojego przyjazdu, a poza tym Irene zjada zasłony, a wydaje mi się, że w domu macie mnóstwo zasłon. Mimo to naprawdę chciałbym, żebyś poznał Irene. Jest już duża, ale potrafi się zachować. I nauczyłem ją przybijać piątki! Zabiorę ją następnym razem, kiedy nie będę podróżować z kimś tak marudnym jak Ragnor.)
Wydaje mi się też, że to dobry pomysł, abym sprawdził, czy Sensor na duchy działa poprawnie. Chciałbym mu się przyjrzeć, kiedy przyjadę. Anush i ja pracowaliśmy intensywnie nad Sensorami, ponieważ mamy ich tu mnóstwo. Eksperymentowaliśmy z wykrywaniem innych nadnaturalnych istot – zrobiliśmy Sensor na wampiry i Sensor na wilkołaki, co było dosyć proste. Mamy także Sensor na faerie, który działa na jedną trzecią sprawdzonych faerie; musimy jeszcze nad nim popracować. Zrobiłem Sensor na anioły, ale nie mam pojęcia, jak miałbym go przetestować. Anush twierdzi, że jak na razie działa bez zarzutu, ponieważ bezbłędnie wskazuje, że w okolicy nie ma żadnych aniołów. Co zaskakujące, o wiele trudniej jest zbudować Sensor wykrywający coś, co nie jest nadnaturalne. Próbowałem zrobić taki, który wykryje złoto i nietoperze. Żaden z nich nie zadziałał. Jedynym działającym okazał się Sensor na rysie. Jak możesz sobie wyobrazić, ten działał nieprzerwanie przez trzy dni przeprowadzania testów. Musieliśmy rozwalić go młotkiem, żeby się wyłączył. Przez „my” mam na myśli grupę osób, która zjawiła się w naszym pokoju i zażądała, żebyśmy rozwalili go młotkiem.
To nie ma nic wspólnego z tym, że przyjeżdżam do ciebie z Ragnorem, przysięgam! Nic a nic. Naprawdę nie mogę się doczekać, aż zobaczę ciebie, Emmę i dom, i chcę dowiedzieć się czegoś o czytaniu map z liniami geomantycznymi. No dobrze, wkrótce przyjadę! Pamiętaj, że chciałeś mnie zobaczyć! Nie złość się!
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pallases · 1 year
my robot is hashtag not working again
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queen-mabs-revenge · 2 years
so i have a great idea. but it's going to involve drilling a hole through my wall. i'm gonna do it.
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bluebayard · 2 years
bro I have so many gaming thoughts it's unreal like I could go on forever. the wii was peak innovation and permanently paved the way for motion control and accessibility. yes it's also my favorite console we peaked with wii sports
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sw5w · 12 days
The Royal Cruiser Prepares for Landing
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:02:40
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tchaikovskym · 13 days
looking at my participant's 6000kcal/24h resting metabolic rate, and thinking if they really went through something and speed metabolized everything, or if the machine hooked with 1999 excel is at fault
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kennabeth · 2 months
the road to my favorite coffee place is so bad that my car doesn't even register it as a street when I cross over the lines trying to avoid control arm-killing potholes
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machinedramon · 4 months
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finally able to start work on the black furby. I have one bead embroidering session completed, I need two or three more to be done with the face. I want to see if I can find a fine curved needle to put some sparklies on his ears, as well.
I need the sparkly eyelashes I ordered to come in so I can put them on the eyelashes and reassemble the faceplate. then I get to see if I can remember where all the screws went.
kind of interesting to me that this one had screws on the faceplate while the dalmatian had plastic tabs keeping it attached to the body. the ears are also much more sewn together. it's interesting how the manufacturing changed to cut costs.
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prosourcediesel · 6 months
Modern engines feature an array of sensors, measure factors like temperature, pressure, and emissions. Data from these sensors is sent to the ECU, enabling real-time adjustments for peak performance and fuel efficiency.
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