#lynx sensor
Ty to Julian
Hi Julian,
Don’t be mad.
I mean, not that you should be mad. I don’t think it would make sense for you to be mad, because you always say “wish you were here,” and soon I will be there. I heard from Ragnor that you just asked him to come to Blackthorn Hall, and I talked to him, and I’m going to be coming with him to London. 
There are lots of good reasons for me to come to London. For one thing, I am curious about what it is like to be in a house that is cursed. You always say that the most important thing is my schoolwork, and up-close experience with a cursed house will definitely help in that department. Which is another reason that you should not be mad.
Ragnor says he’s going to bring a ley-line map of London that he thinks can be used to discover likely locations where Tatiana put the objects that keep the curse in place. He also said he would show you how to read a ley-line map. I thought Ragnor was going to say something about how Shadowhunters ought to know these things already. I said that to him, in fact, but he said no, apparently the Spiral Labyrinth only standardized leyline mapping about fifty years ago and before that every warlock used some different method. I asked if he knew who had made the map and he said no, but maybe he would when he looked. Anyway, ley lines are also something I’ve been studying, so this will be an excellent chance for me to learn more. Another reason for you not to be mad.
I was just going to show up and surprise you but then I thought about it and I realized I wouldn’t like it very much if someone showed up and surprised me, so…I’m going to show up but warn you ahead of time. I also thought if I told you ahead of time, and you were mad, you could be mad before I get there and not after.
(I was going to bring Irene, too, but Anush said that would be more likely to make you mad than me just showing up on my own, especially since Irene eats curtains and it sounds like there are a lot of curtains on the upstairs floors. I really want you to meet Irene, though. She’s gotten big but she’s really well behaved. And I taught her to high-five! Next time I’ll bring her, when I’m not traveling with someone as grumpy as Ragnor.)
I also feel like it would be a good idea for me to check that the Ghost Sensor is working right. I want to take a look at it when I’m there. Anush and I have been working on Sensors some more, because there are a ton just lying around here. We’ve been experimenting with setting them to detect other kinds of supernatural things – we made a vampire Sensor and a werewolf Sensor, those were pretty easy. We’ve got a Fey Sensor that works on about one-third of the faeries we’ve tried it on; that one needs some improvements. I made an angel Sensor but I have no idea how I would ever test it. Anush says that so far it is functioning perfectly as it has correctly detected that there are no angels around.
Surprisingly, it’s much harder to make a Sensor detect something not supernatural. I tried to make one to detect gold and then one to detect bats. Neither of them really works. The only one that’s been a success is the lynx Sensor. As you can imagine, that one went off pretty much continuously for the three days we were testing it. We had to break it with a hammer to stop it. And by we, I mean eventually a bunch of people showed up at our room and demanded that we break it with a hammer.
That has nothing to do with why I’m coming with Ragnor to visit you, by the way! Nothing at all. I am just really looking forward to seeing you and Emma and the house, and I want to learn something about reading leyline maps. Okay, I’ll see you soon! Remember you said you wanted to see me! Don’t be mad!
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De Ty à Julian
Salut Julian,
Ne t’énerve pas.
Enfin, tu n’as pas de raison de t’énerver. Je ne pense pas que ce serait logique que tu t’énerves, parce que tu dis toujours « j’aimerais que tu sois là », et bientôt je serai là. Ragnor m’a indiqué que tu lui avais demandé de venir à Blackthorn Hall, et nous en avons discuté et je vais l’accompagner à Londres.
Il y a plein de raisons qui justifient que je vienne à Londres. D’abord, je suis curieux de voir ce que ça fait d’être dans une maison maudite. Tu me répètes que mes devoirs sont le plus important, et voir une maison maudite au plus près sera assurément d’une grande aide sur ce point-là. Ce qui est une autre raison pour laquelle tu ne devrais pas t’énerver.
Ragnor m’a expliqué qu’il va apporter une carte des ley lines de Londres qui selon lui permettra de découvrir les lieux où Tatiana a probablement disposé les objets qui perpétuent la malédiction. Il a ajouté qu’il t’apprendrait à lire une carte de ley lines. J’ai cru que Ragnor allait faire un commentaire sur le fait que les Chasseurs d’Ombres devraient déjà savoir ça. J’ai énoncé ma pensée, en fait, mais il a déclaré que non, apparemment ça ne fait que cinquante ans environ que le Labyrinthe en Spirale a standardisé la cartographie des ley lines, et avant ça tous les sorciers utilisaient une méthode différente. Je lui ai demandé s’il savait qui avait dessiné la carte et il a répondu que non, mais qu’il pourrait peut-être chercher. Bref, j’étudie aussi les ley lines, donc ce sera une occasion parfaite pour en apprendre plus. Autre raison pour laquelle tu ne devrais pas t’énerver.
J’allais simplement arriver et te faire la surprise mais ensuite j’y ai réfléchi et je me suis dit que je n’apprécierais pas trop que quelqu’un arrive et me surprenne moi, alors… je vais arriver mais je te préviens en avance. De plus, j’ai pensé que si je te prévenais, et si tu étais énervé, tu pourrais t’énerver avant que je n’arrive et pas après.
(J’allais aussi emmener Irene, mais Anush m’a fait remarquer que j’avais plus de chances de t’énerver de cette façon qu’en arrivant tout seul, d’autant plus qu’Irene mange les rideaux et on dirait qu’il y a beaucoup de rideaux dans les différents étages. Toujours est-il que je veux vraiment te présenter Irene. Elle a grandi mais elle sait se tenir. Et je lui ai appris à me taper dans la main ! Je l’emmènerai la prochaine fois, quand je ne voyagerai pas avec quelqu’un d’aussi grognon que Ragnor.)
Je pense également que ce serait une bonne idée de vérifier que le Détecteur de fantôme fonctionne correctement. Je souhaite l’examiner en étant sur place. Anush et moi avons continué notre travail sur les Détecteurs, parce qu’il y en a des tas qui trainent ici. Nous avons fait des expériences pour qu’ils détectent toutes sortes d’êtres surnaturels : nous avons créé un Détecteur de vampire et un Détecteur de loup-garou, ce qui était assez facile. Nous avons un Détecteur d’elfe qui fonctionne avec environ un tier des elfes sur lesquels nous l’avons testé : nous devons améliorer celui-là. J’ai créé un Détecteur d’ange mais je ne sais pas du tout comment je pourrais le tester. Anush a affirmé que pour l’instant il fonctionnait parfaitement bien puisqu’il a détecté avec exactitude qu’aucun ange n’était présent.
Etonnement, c’est bien plus compliqué de créer un Détecteur pour les objets non-surnaturels. J’ai essayé d’en créer un pour l’or et un autre pour les chauves-souris. Aucun des deux ne fonctionne. Le seul qui a été une réussite est le Détecteur de lynx. Comme tu peux t’en douter, celui-là sonnait quasiment en continu pendant les trois jours de tests. Nous avons dû le casser avec un marteau pour qu’il s’arrête. Et par « nous », je veux dire qu’un certain nombre de gens ont fini par venir nous voir et ont demandé à ce que nous le cassions avec un marteau.
Cependant, ça n’a rien à voir avec le fait que j’accompagne Ragnor pour te rendre visite ! Rien du tout. J’ai juste hâte de vous voir toi et Emma, et la maison. Et puis je veux apprendre comment lire les cartes de ley lines. Bon, à bientôt ! Souviens-toi que tu as dit que tu voulais me voir ! Ne sois pas énervé !
Je t’embrasse,
Texte original de Cassandra Clare ©
Traduction d’Eurydice Bluenight ©
Le texte original est à lire ici : https://secretsofblackthornhall.tumblr.com/post/683154000468705280/ty-to-julian
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Ty do Juliana
Cześć Julianie,
nie złość się.
Nie chodzi mi o to, że powinieneś. Nie sądzę, że postąpiłbyś rozsądnie złoszcząc się, ponieważ zawsze piszesz „chciałbym, żebyś tu był”, no i już niedługo będę. Słyszałem od Ragnora, że zaprosiłeś go do Domu Blackthornów, porozmawiałem z nim i przyjadę razem z nim do Londynu.
Za moją wizytą w Londynie przemawia kilka argumentów. Przede wszystkim, jestem ciekaw jak mieszka się w przeklętym domu. Zawsze powtarzasz, że najważniejsza jest moja nauka, a bliskie doświadczenie z przeklętym domem z pewnością przysłuży się w tej kwestii. Jest to kolejny powód, dla którego nie powinieneś się złościć.
Ragnor mówi, że zabierze ze sobą mapę linii geomantycznych w Londynie, która według niego może pomóc w odnalezieniu prawdopodobnych lokalizacji, gdzie Tatiana ukryła przedmioty podtrzymujące klątwę. Powiedział również, że pokaże ci, jak czytać mapę z liniami geomantycznymi. Myślałem, że Ragnor powie coś o tym, że Nocni Łowcy powinni znać się na takich rzeczach. Nawet mu o tym powiedziałem, na co on odparł, że wcale nie, najwidoczniej Spiralny Labirynt znormalizował czytanie takich map jakieś pięćdziesiąt lat temu, a wcześniej każdy czarownik korzystał z innej metody. Spytałem, czy wie, kto sporządził mapę, lecz zaprzeczył, chociaż może dowiedziałby się, gdyby sprawdził. Tak czy owak, uczyłem się o liniach geomantycznych, więc byłaby to okazja, abym dowiedział się czegoś więcej. Kolejny powód, dla którego nie powinieneś się złościć.
Miałem zamiar przyjechać i zrobić niespodziankę, ale przemyślałem to i doszedłem do wniosku, że nie podobałoby mi się, gdyby ktoś przyjechał i zrobił niespodziankę mnie, więc… Przyjadę, lecz informuję cię o tym z wyprzedzeniem. Pomyślałem sobie również, że jeśli powiedziałbym ci wcześniej, a ty byłbyś zły, to byłbyś zły zanim przyjadę, a nie później.
(Chciałem zabrać ze sobą Irene, jednak Anush powiedział, że byłbyś bardziej zły z jej powodu, niż mojego przyjazdu, a poza tym Irene zjada zasłony, a wydaje mi się, że w domu macie mnóstwo zasłon. Mimo to naprawdę chciałbym, żebyś poznał Irene. Jest już duża, ale potrafi się zachować. I nauczyłem ją przybijać piątki! Zabiorę ją następnym razem, kiedy nie będę podróżować z kimś tak marudnym jak Ragnor.)
Wydaje mi się też, że to dobry pomysł, abym sprawdził, czy Sensor na duchy działa poprawnie. Chciałbym mu się przyjrzeć, kiedy przyjadę. Anush i ja pracowaliśmy intensywnie nad Sensorami, ponieważ mamy ich tu mnóstwo. Eksperymentowaliśmy z wykrywaniem innych nadnaturalnych istot – zrobiliśmy Sensor na wampiry i Sensor na wilkołaki, co było dosyć proste. Mamy także Sensor na faerie, który działa na jedną trzecią sprawdzonych faerie; musimy jeszcze nad nim popracować. Zrobiłem Sensor na anioły, ale nie mam pojęcia, jak miałbym go przetestować. Anush twierdzi, że jak na razie działa bez zarzutu, ponieważ bezbłędnie wskazuje, że w okolicy nie ma żadnych aniołów. Co zaskakujące, o wiele trudniej jest zbudować Sensor wykrywający coś, co nie jest nadnaturalne. Próbowałem zrobić taki, który wykryje złoto i nietoperze. Żaden z nich nie zadziałał. Jedynym działającym okazał się Sensor na rysie. Jak możesz sobie wyobrazić, ten działał nieprzerwanie przez trzy dni przeprowadzania testów. Musieliśmy rozwalić go młotkiem, żeby się wyłączył. Przez „my” mam na myśli grupę osób, która zjawiła się w naszym pokoju i zażądała, żebyśmy rozwalili go młotkiem.
To nie ma nic wspólnego z tym, że przyjeżdżam do ciebie z Ragnorem, przysięgam! Nic a nic. Naprawdę nie mogę się doczekać, aż zobaczę ciebie, Emmę i dom, i chcę dowiedzieć się czegoś o czytaniu map z liniami geomantycznymi. No dobrze, wkrótce przyjadę! Pamiętaj, że chciałeś mnie zobaczyć! Nie złość się!
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moxxiejoestar · 11 months
book of thoth the god of knowledge (9/?)
To see the future like fortune teller with Crystal ball
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Tails walked around the forest enjoying this new area. Tails was investigating a new forest which earlier showed signs of chaos activity. Tails walked around with his scanner trying to pick up any signs of chaos energy, Tails couldn't help but feel a bit off set, like something wasn't quite right. Tails could feel a pair of eyes on him and now and then thought he saw something flicker in the corner of his eye.
Tails suddenly turned around when he heard the flicker of wings near his ears. He turned around to see a distraught looking fairy or pixie hovering in front of him. Tails feel backwards in surprise, "wha! what!?" the small creature fluttered in front of him. "Please! You must help me!" the small being said in a soft and gentle voice. Her voice kind of soothed Tails and made him feel that this creature was not a threat. Tails got on one knee and leant a sympathetic ear to her. "I... What's wrong?" Tails noticed that the fairy creature was quite cute, it appeared to look like a very small version of a Mobian lynx but with wings. Tails couldn't help but notice how attractive the little critter was despite it's size, he also noticed the size of it's breasts in comparison to it's body, a few dirty thoughts crept into his head but he quickly shook them out.
Please! My village is being attacked by evil beasts, we are to small and weak to fight them but you, you look big and strong. Please help us!" Tails looked at the tearful eyes of the smaller being and felt compelled to help, perhaps this creature could lead him to the source of the chaos energy once he helps them. "Where is your village?" asked Tails in a confidant voice. The fairy smiled happily, "It is this way!" the fairy pointed in a direction that lead deeper into the woods. "Let us head this way,we will come across it!" Tails stood up and brushed himself off. "Ok, let's go help your village!" Tails then proceeded in the direction she was pointed.
As he walked past her the little fairy let a sly grin across her face.
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As Tails and the fairy travelled together Tails couldn't help but notice that they were going deeper and deeper into the woods, the thick woods was now blocking out much of the light.Tails couldn't help but feel a bit nervous, something was wrong.He could also swear that he could hear growling from the little fairy's stomach, he assumed that she was just little bit of hungry because she was worried.
Tails didn't notice however the smiling fairy behind him, she licked her lips as she eagerly lead him deeper into the woods and out of range of any tracking devices that might be near by. Tails stopped and checked his sensor, it was starting to malfunction, he assumed that the thick vegetation was interfering with it. "Hmm that's odd, you say that your village is nearby?" Tails asked the little fairy, she smiled happily "yes, just a short distance away. We live in the deep woods to hide us from errr.... predators". Tails felt a bit of apprehension at the way she said that last word. Tails walked on and the little fairy followed.
The fairy couldn't help but close her eyes and imagine herself with even bigger fatter breasts and amazing fatty hips. She imagined herself with a big fox filled gut. She couldn't wait any more. As Tails walked through a bush she made her move and swooped down!
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As Tails walked through a dense bush he heard a swooping sound, the next thing he knew everything went dark, and wet. He could hear the sounds of something swallowing and could feel something around his muzzle. Then it hit home, he was being eaten! Tails panicked and reached up, the little fairy had swallowed his entire head in one fell swoop. His head was inside her stomach and he could feel it attempting to swallow his torso. Tails grabbed the little fairy and tried to pull it off put it was to strong it simply continued to swallow. The fairy soon made it's way past his shoulders, she was enjoying the taste of the little fox. She could feel his head in her gut and hear him attempt to scream. But any sound was muffled. She soon went down to his elbows, her strong throat locking his arms in place. Tails fell to the ground and kept trying to remove her. It was starting to get cramped in her stomach. She soon gulped her way down all the way to his legs. At this point the tightness of her belly started to curl tails into a ball, he kicked his feet like mad while his arms were pinned to his side. He could only sob. As his feet made their way down her throat Tails curled up more, with his arms free inside her stomach he attempted to stretch and punch, he yelled out for help but his voice was muffled, his screaming face was clearly visible pressed against her stomach walls. Soon only his feet remained sticking out. With a big gulp she swallowed them, she let out a belch and then spat out his shoes. Tails was now stuck in a fetal position in her belly.
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After gulping down the little fox the little fairy licked her lips, still tasting the little kit. She decided that it would be best to process her meal somewhere else. Her wings fluttered hard in order to compensate for the extra weight. As she lifted from the ground, Tails who was now tightly packed into her stomach could feel the hard feeling of the ground beneath vanish and could feel himself being carried away.
The fairy slowly flew through the woods, she was now flying deeper into to darker woods where she knew it would be more difficult to be found. Inside her belly Tails struggled, he kicked and yelled and attempted to plead to the little fairy. But his voice was muffled by her stomach wall. He could hear the growling of her gut as the stomach acid inside already didn't digest him.
Tails never imagined that this would be how it didn't ended, becoming fat on a little fairy's breasts and thighs and most likely ass as well. The little fairy knew this, she wasn't going to make him part of her. In a sense they would become one.
This is Moxxie joestar & this is what thoth & boingo told me about this future so beware of it & stay tuned folks!
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neonbreakor · 2 years
More cyberpunk Rune headcanons
- Some of Rune’s mods include: lynx paws, reinforced tendons, a mantis blade, and interface ports - Rune’s cyberdeck is called Spektar Mk 7 - Rune can link with vehicles and guns remotely - In combat, she hides from her opponent by hacking their HUD and projecting a black cat to hide herself - She named this cat Jinx - Her sensors give her 360 degree awareness. And can monitor an area of 500 cubic yards
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Night Vision Binoculars for Hunting and Surveillance - A Comprehensive Guide
The world of night vision binoculars brims with a diverse assortment of models, each boasting unique qualities like magnification power, field of view, and clarity. High-end choices such as the Night Owl NOB5X, ATN BinoX 4K, and Bushnell LYNX Gen 1 frequently outperform many competitors in these areas. However, choosing the correct pair necessitates more than just evaluating top-tier offerings. It's indispensable to consider your specific needs and usage scenarios. For instance, stealth tasks call for binoculars equipped with infrared illuminators and long-range visibility while maintaining a lightweight profile that eases maneuverability in dim light conditions. As we delve deeper into this guide, knowing such details becomes vital to identify not just any pair, but the right pair.
The Creative XP Night Vision Goggles Elite is an excellent choice, offering a 3.5-inch LCD screen, anti-scratch lenses, and quad high-definition photo and video quality. With water, scratch, and dirt resistance, it provides exceptional value for under $100.
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Top Night Vision Binoculars
When it comes to night vision binoculars, it's essential to carefully consider your options before making a purchase. These devices enhance visibility during low-light conditions, and choosing the right one can make a significant difference in your hunting or surveillance activities. Let's explore some of the top-rated night vision binoculars available, each with its unique features designed to meet various specific needs and preferences.
Night Owl NOB5X
The Night Owl NOB5X is known for its affordability without compromising on performance. It offers 5x magnification and a respectable field of view, making it suitable for a wide range of activities, from wildlife observation to security monitoring. With its compact design and long battery life, the Night Owl NOB5X presents a reliable entry-level option for those venturing into the world of night vision equipment.
ATN BinoX 4K
For those seeking advanced technology and versatility, the ATN BinoX 4K stands out as an impressive choice. Equipped with ultra HD sensors and a smooth digital zoom, this binocular provides exceptional clarity and detailed imaging even in complete darkness. Its built-in rangefinder and video recording capabilities offer added utility, catering to a diverse set of outdoor enthusiasts and professionals looking for high-performance night vision equipment.
Bushnell LYNX Gen 1
Renowned for its rugged construction and reliable performance, the Bushnell LYNX Gen 1 is a trusted companion for those requiring resilient night vision capabilities. Its Gen 1 image intensifier tube offers clear visibility over expansive areas, while the adjustable infrared illuminator ensures optimal image brightness in varying lighting conditions. Whether used for nighttime exploration or security applications, the Bushnell LYNX Gen 1 excels in delivering dependable performance in demanding environments.
It's important to note that these are just a few examples; the market is rich with options tailored to different needs and preferences. Each model has its unique set of features, specifications, and price points, making it crucial to conduct thorough research before selecting the most suitable night vision binoculars for your specific requirements.
Exploring these top-rated night vision binoculars offers valuable insights into the diverse range of features and capabilities available in modern devices. Keep in mind that finding the right fit involves considering factors such as intended use, desired magnification, resolution requirements, and budget constraints.
Night Vision Binoculars for Stealth Operations
When it comes to stealth operations, whether in hunting or surveillance, the choice of night vision binoculars can make the difference between success and failure. These specialized devices are designed to provide clear visibility in low-light environments, giving users a tactical advantage in covert situations.
One crucial aspect to consider is the presence of an infrared illuminator. This feature enables the binoculars to emit infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye but enhances visibility in total darkness. A powerful infrared illuminator is especially valuable for navigating through areas that are completely devoid of ambient light, such as dense forests at night or enclosed spaces.
Furthermore, long-range visibility is paramount for stealth operations. When selecting night vision binoculars for this purpose, look for a model with a high magnification range and a generous field of view. This allows you to scout vast areas from a safe distance without compromising your concealment.
Moreover, practical considerations such as weight and size are equally important. In stealth operations, maneuverability and agility are essential. Therefore, opt for night vision binoculars that offer lightweight, compact designs that enable swift and silent movement in confined or rugged environments.
The best stealth operation-friendly night vision binoculars are designed to be rugged and durable without sacrificing performance. They should withstand rough handling and environmental factors commonly encountered during tactical engagements.
For instance, thermal imaging capabilities allow operators to detect heat signatures, making it easier to identify targets or observe potential threats in various scenarios. This technology is particularly valuable when conducting surveillance or tracking game in challenging conditions.
When evaluating different models, prioritize features that enhance situational awareness and facilitate discreet observations without compromising safety or efficiency.
In summary, investing in high-quality night vision binoculars tailored for stealth operations ensures that you have the visual advantage necessary for successful missions and strategic maneuvers.
Equipped with a deep understanding of the critical aspects of night vision binoculars for stealth operations, let's now turn our attention towards exploring cutting-edge advancements in advanced multi-lens night vision devices.
Advanced Multi-Lens Night Vision Devices
When it comes to hunting and surveillance, being able to see clearly in the dark is crucial. Advanced multi-lens night vision devices offer exceptional visual clarity and depth perception, perfect for wildlife observation, hunting, and surveillance. These high-tech devices allow you to observe the surrounding environment with enhanced precision, ensuring that you can identify targets or monitor areas in low-light conditions without compromising image quality.
Multi-lens night vision devices utilize sophisticated optics with multiple lenses to gather and process incoming light, resulting in a detailed and comprehensive image. This advanced technology significantly improves depth perception, allowing accurate distance estimation even at night. Furthermore, the intricate lens system enhances image clarity, providing sharp and detailed visual information essential for making informed decisions during nighttime activities.
Creative XP Digital Night Vision Binoculars
A prime example of an advanced multi-lens night vision device is the Creative XP Digital Night Vision Binoculars. Equipped with a multi-lens system, these binoculars optimize light transmission and image quality, delivering remarkable clarity and sharpness in low-light environments. Whether engaged in hunting or wildlife observation, the Creative XP binoculars offer an exceptional viewing experience enabling precise target spotting.
NightStar Digital Night Vision Binoculars
Another notable multi-lens night vision device is the NightStar Digital Night Vision Binoculars. With its advanced optical configuration, these binoculars provide unparalleled depth perception and image definition, offering hunters and surveillance professionals an invaluable tool for navigating challenging nocturnal scenarios. The superior lens design ensures clear, well-defined visuals, enhancing the ability to conduct stealth operations with confidence.
The enhanced depth perception and detailed image clarity provided by advanced multi-lens night vision devices empower users with a tactical advantage during nighttime activities. Whether on a hunting expedition or conducting covert surveillance operations, having a clear view of your surroundings is vital for success.
Now that we've explored the capabilities of advanced multi-lens night vision devices, it's evident that these cutting-edge optical tools are indispensable assets for nocturnal pursuits, enabling individuals to navigate low-light environments with heightened precision and confidence.
Essential Features and Functions of Night Vision Binoculars
When considering night vision binoculars, key features and functionalities play a pivotal role in determining their overall performance. Understanding these aspects will help you make an informed decision tailored to your specific needs. Let's break down these essential elements to shed light on what to look for when choosing the best night vision binoculars.
Infrared Illumination
Night vision binoculars employ infrared light to amplify visibility in low-light scenarios, offering a clear view without relying on ambient light sources. This feature enables users to navigate through darkness with enhanced clarity, whether it's for hunting or surveillance purposes. Additionally, the range and strength of the infrared illuminator are critical factors to consider, as they directly impact the distance and quality of the illuminated area.
A robust infrared illumination capability is especially beneficial for users who require extended surveillance range or heightened situational awareness in nocturnal settings. It's akin to having a reliable partner that unveils the hidden elements of the night, providing a level of certainty and precision that standard optics cannot match.
Magnification and Field of View
Magnification and field of view are fundamental determinants of how close and how broad your sight extends. Opting for higher magnification facilitates detailed viewing of distant subjects, enabling precise target identification during hunting or wildlife observation. Conversely, a wider field of view proves advantageous for scanning expansive areas, enhancing overall spatial awareness and surveillance capabilities.
Imagine standing at the edge of a forest expanse; high magnification allows you to zoom in on elusive animals without disturbing them, while a broader field of view grants you an encompassing perspective, vital for swiftly assessing your surroundings and detecting potential threats or targets. These attributes converge to furnish a comprehensive visual experience that aligns with diverse operational requirements.
Image Quality and Resolution
The image quality and resolution offered by night vision binoculars are paramount for delivering sharp, vivid imagery that facilitates swift and accurate target or wildlife identification. High-resolution sensors within the binoculars capture crisp, clear images with optimal detailing, thereby enhancing your observational acumen.
Selecting night vision binoculars equipped with superior image quality not only heightens your viewing experience but also bolsters your ability to discern intricate details in low-light conditions. This attribute is particularly advantageous for hunting scenarios, where precise target identification is indispensable for ethical shooting practices and operational effectiveness.
By understanding these core features and functions, you gain profound insights into the intricacies that define exceptional night vision binoculars, empowering you to make an astute selection aligned with your specific preferences and operational requirements.
As we've now explored the essential features that make night vision binoculars indispensable tools for nocturnal pursuits, let's shift our focus to exploring the various benefits they offer in different operational contexts.
Benefits of Using Night Vision Binoculars
Imagine the sun has set, and the darkness has enveloped everything around you. In these moments, especially for those engaged in hunting or surveillance, night vision binoculars become priceless. Let's explore the significant advantages that these devices offer.
Enhancing Low-Light Visibility
Night vision binoculars aren’t just for seeing in the dark; they're for seeing clearly in the dark. By amplifying ambient light, these binoculars enable users to see their surroundings vividly in low-light conditions. This feature is invaluable for hunters who must track game at dawn or dusk when animals are most active, as well as for wildlife observers to witness nocturnal animal behaviors without disturbing them. From a security perspective, this heightened visibility is equally essential, allowing personnel to monitor large areas and detect potential threats discreetly.
The ability to recognize targets in conditions where the naked eye would struggle provides an unparalleled advantage for law enforcement agencies conducting nighttime patrols and surveillance operations. It’s not just about spotting objects; it’s about distinguishing details such as facial features and license plate numbers that could be crucial for identifying individuals and vehicles.
Providing Enhanced Safety
Night vision technology offers more than mere sight; it provides increased situational awareness and safety. For hunters navigating through dense forests or challenging terrains after sunset, these binoculars allow them to move with confidence, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring they can return safely from their expeditions.
Moreover, enhanced safety extends beyond outdoor activities. In residential settings, night vision binoculars can provide homeowners with a valuable tool for surveying their properties during nighttime hours, enhancing their overall security measures. Similarly, individuals engaged in wildlife conservation efforts benefit from these capabilities when monitoring endangered species without disturbing their natural habitats.
The expanded field of view and clarity provided by night vision binoculars act as force multipliers not only in hunting but also in search and rescue missions while offering a tactical advantage in surveillance scenarios.
The benefits of using night vision binoculars extend far beyond mere visibility; they empower users with enhanced capabilities that directly translate into improved safety, efficiency, and effectiveness across a wide range of applications.
Now let's turn our attention to exploring the factors to consider when choosing night vision binoculars—essential knowledge for making an informed investment in this crucial gear.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Night Vision Binoculars
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Choosing the right night vision binoculars can be daunting, given the array of models and features available in the market. Making an informed decision involves considering factors such as generation of technology, durability, weather resistance, magnification power, field of view, and battery life.
Generation of Technology
The generation of night vision technology plays a vital role in determining the quality and performance of the binoculars. Generations span from Gen 1 to Gen 4, each representing different levels of technology and capability. For instance, Gen 1 devices are affordable but offer limited performance, while Gen 4 devices provide exceptional image quality and low light performance.
When choosing night vision binoculars for hunting or surveillance, it's important to match the generation of technology with your specific requirements and budget. Higher generations may come with a higher price tag but offer superior capabilities for low-light conditions, making them ideal for professional use.
Durability and Weather Resistance
For outdoor activities such as hunting or surveillance in varying environmental conditions, it’s crucial to select night vision binoculars with rugged construction and weather-resistant features. Look for models designed to withstand rough handling and adverse weather conditions while maintaining performance.
Waterproofing and shock resistance are essential features to consider, ensuring reliability in challenging outdoor environments. Additionally, models with fog-resistant lenses provide clear visibility in humid or foggy conditions without compromising image quality.
In addition to rugged construction and weather-resistant features, focusing on other aspects like magnification power, field of view, and battery life will further empower you to make an informed decision about which night vision binoculars best fit your specific requirements for hunting or surveillance purposes.
Now equipped with insights into the critical considerations when selecting night vision binoculars, let's delve into exploring the leading brands offering high-quality options for your specific needs.
Popular Brands in Night Vision Binoculars
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When it comes to investing in night vision binoculars for hunting and surveillance, choosing from reputable brands is essential. Each brand has its unique offerings and features, ensuring that users find the right fit for their specific needs. Let's delve into some of the most respected brands in the industry:
Bushnell is a renowned brand when it comes to outdoor optics, including night vision technology. Their line of night vision binoculars boasts exceptional clarity, image quality, and durability. Brands like Bushnell are known for their innovation and consistently deliver cutting-edge technology, making them a top choice among outdoor enthusiasts and professionals.
ATN is another prominent player in the field of night vision technology. They are recognized for their high-performance optics, advanced features like thermal imaging, and rugged construction designed to withstand challenging environments. Their emphasis on delivering superior functionality and reliability makes them a popular choice for both hunting and surveillance applications.
Night Owl
Night Owl is a brand synonymous with quality and affordability. They offer an extensive range of night vision binoculars catering to various budget levels without compromising on performance. This makes Night Owl a preferred choice for those looking for cost-effective yet reliable night vision solutions.
Evaluating Brand Reputation
When considering different brands, it's crucial to assess their reputation within the industry. Understanding customer reviews, product warranties, durability, and after-sales service can provide valuable insights into the overall reliability of a brand's night vision products. Taking note of the experiences shared by other users can guide you in making an informed decision about which brand aligns best with your requirements.
In conclusion, exploring reputable brands such as Bushnell, ATN, Night Owl, and others allows individuals to access a diverse range of high-quality night vision binoculars tailored to varying user needs. By evaluating factors such as brand reputation, customer reviews, and product warranties, consumers can make well-informed choices when selecting night vision equipment for their specific applications.
Careful consideration of these reputable brands will enable you to find the perfect night vision binoculars that meet your specific requirements without compromising on quality or performance.
Leupold Binoculars
Nikon Binoculars
Vortex Binoculars
Swarovski Binoculars
Bushnell Binoculars
Zeiss Binoculars
Compact Binoculars
Binoculars with a Camera
Binoculars for Hunting
Thermal Binoculars
Night Vision Binoculars
Kids Binoculars
Birding Binoculars
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i have 3 designs for humanoid designs of the sonas....mine looks like a little goat and has these little antennei (if thats not spelt right imma be so pissed) with little fuzz balls at the tip that act like sensors. the design for you is a bit different as you have skinnier ears with tufts of fur at the tip as mine look like the christmas particle's ears, instead of hoofs you have paw like a lynx, you have horns that are very sharp. Ash's is a mix of both designs, she got hooves, horns with fuzz balls, and big ears with the fur...the tail on mine and Ash's sona are like a lion as you have a little spike in a similar shape of the genloss symbol as your sona is genloss style and im boober. Ash is both
no cause i get it though- those sound so cute :[ /vpos
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awriternamedart · 7 months
So on the bird app, I decided to give every character in Honkai Star Rail a Splatoon 3 weapon based on their personality and a bit of their playstyle in HSR, and the result was a long ass thread that Im gonna just copy here for the people of Tumblr to enjoy.
These are all my own opinion based on my.. several hundred hours of Splatoon experience + character playstyle and personality (as stated above) and I disregarded the weapons state in the meta mostly and went with casual Turf War! Enjoy the merging of my two brainrots.
(if I missed someone lemme know - and Im going off current playable characters + pompom)
Astral Express Crew
Trailblazers would play Dark Tetra/Light Tetras Duelies! Specifically, I think Stelle would play Light Tetras and Caelus would play Dark Tetras!
Now you might be thinking March 7th plays TriStringer, but that doesnt seem right to me? I think she would play a Brella, and get really freakin good at it to! Personally Im leaning towards her using the regular Splat Brella !
Dan Heng is kinda difficult for me to pinpoint, but honestly I see him playing N-Zap '85? He seems like someone who just enjoys painting the map and giving March and the trailblazers a TON of Tacticoolers so they can constantly throw themselves into the Turf War.
Himeko would play a Charger. But not just any charger, she plays the Z+F Splatterscope WITH the scope. She just feels like someone who would be a menace with aiming.
Mr Welt Yang is another hard one for me to pinpoint, but he feels like a Splatling person? I know people are gonna say he would be a Splattershot JR cause hes old, but hear me out- He would go INSANE with the Zink Mini Splatling.
PomPom plays Splattershot Nova. Im sorry Im just right.
Herta Space Station
Herta herself definitely plays E-Liter 4K. Not the scope version, the basic version. It fits her too well Im sorry-
Asta feels like a Slosher player not gonna lie- Im feelin like a Sloshing Machine Deco? Trizooka and Point Sensor both suit her to so Im going with that.
Arlan definitely plays Splat Duelies or Splatana Stamper, I cant quite settle on which one? Im leaning towards Splat Duelies right now though-
Bronya definitely also plays a Charger, but she plays the Snipewriter 5H! Cmon, its got Tacticooler, and its a cool weapon IMO. Just suits her personality cause you have to be super strategic with playing it!
Gepard is another difficult one- But ultimately Im landing on the Tenta Brella. Big shield, super protective and stally playstyle with Vac and Beakon- It just works!
Serval on the other hand DEFINITELY plays Splatana Wiper. And shes frickin GOOD at it.
Sampo plays a duelie I think, and honestly I see him playing the Glooga Duelies! Maybe its cause their blue and he also duelwields his blade dagger things but you get the point.
Natasha uses Heavy Edit Splatling. Do I even have to explain this one? Tacticooler and its a Splatling. It just makes sense.
Im sorry but Hook absolutely uses Flingza Roller. She would LOVE the Roller class and think Tenta Missles are hilarious.
Clara! Sweet Clara, she uses the Custom Splattershot Jr, and mostly just likes to paint up turf for her team!
Seele feels like another Splatana enjoyer. Spatana Stamper feels right, but I can be easily swayed if I find something else that suits her.
Lynx, Lynx, Lynx. Dapple Duelies. Fast, mobile, has Tacticooler and Beakons, and when she Turfs with Gepard and Serval their a menace on the field together.
Pela uses Custom Jet Squelcher! She seems like someone who would enjoy the far range and annoying people with Toxic Mist and Ink Storm. A menace on Undertow Spillway, probably.
Luka also probably uses a Duelie? He feels like a Duelie Squelcher person! (hey, thats my weapon of choice!) Its long distance but still gets into skirmishes and fights pretty often!
Xianzhou Luofu
Jing Yuan is honestly pretty easy- Cmon, he plays Splattershot Jr, the starting weapon. He picked it up and just never changed off it, and honestly its a really good choice so it works out nicely.
Sushang- Cmon, you know she plays Splatana Stamper. Zipcaster? Burst Bomb? She goes insane with it.
Tingyun is probably the hardest of the Luofu to place- But ultimately I think Im gonna go to Rapid Blaster Pro. I cant really explain why? It just fits IMO
Luocha feels like another NZap user, specifically the '89 one, but I can also see an argument for Nautilus 47.
Yukong plays the Inkline Tristringer! Our first bow character with a bow! Its a far back, support like weapon that honestly feels like the best pick for her!
Bailu definitely plays a support weapon but she constantly throws herself into the Turf War over and over. So Im saying she likes to use the Big Swig Express!
Yanqing plays the Splatana Wiper Deco! Beakon, Tenta Missles, and its a sword-like weapon. It just fits him.
Qingque feels like someone who would play Bloblobber. Its a gamble on a splat, and its a fairly good painting weapon as well!
Fu Xuan is another kinda interesting one to place, but Im gonna go with the .96 Gal Deco. Its got Ink Wall and Kraken Royale which both just go super hard and are strategic in their nature!
Stellaron Hunters
Silver Wolf ADHERES to the Competetive meta. She played Splash-o-matic AND Ballpoint, but probably prefers Splash-o-matic.
Kafka... the idea of her using Undercover Brella is funny, but I think ultimately she uses Painbrush. I also cant really explain this one but it makes sense to me.
Blade uses a feeder weapon without a DOUBT. He likely uses the feeder weapon, Dark Tetra Duelies, but also dabbles in other ones like Carbon Roller Deco.
and thats it for now- im gonna go draw or write hsr characters as inkling and octolings now byee
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uav-news · 1 year
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wordchanter · 1 year
10 Random Codenames
Slug Sensor
Operation Icy Disruptive Hedgehog
Project Responsive Lynx
Mission Strategic Hummingbird
Onerous Goose
Operation Gigantic Olivine Snake
Project Olivine Mule
Project Verbose Microservice Raccoon
Project Magenta Eel Low Hanging Fruit
Howling Differentiated Cat
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xlnc1 · 1 year
Big Cats - The Lynx is Back
Big Cats – The Lynx is Back
Big Cats – The Lynx is Back May I introduce myself: my name is Lynx.I have a short tail and characteristic tufts of black hair on the tips of my ears. Usually I’m very shy but still quite curious about the world around me. This is why I discovered the 15 cameras that have been set up in the Bohemian forest to catch all my activities with their sensors. With the help of local rangers they know…
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parhamek63 · 2 years
Cuba ha affermato a luglio che il Lynx sarebbe probabilmente il terzo membro della famiglia di telefoni Pixel 7
Cuba ha affermato a luglio che il Lynx sarebbe probabilmente il terzo membro della famiglia di telefoni Pixel 7. In quel momento, ha annunciato che il sistema di fotocamera posteriore della Lynx includerà una fotocamera principale con un sensore Samsung GN1 e un'altra fotocamera con un sensore Sony IMX787, e la fotocamera selfie di questo prodotto utilizzerà anche un sensore IMX712. Wojciechowski ha anche affermato a settembre che ci saranno due sensori IMX712 sul Lynx, uno per la fotocamera selfie e l'altro per la fotocamera ultrawide sul retro del telefono.
Articolo correlato: È probabile che Pixel 7a venga fornito con una fotocamera di punta e supporto per la ricarica wireless Google ha spiegato i vantaggi dell'utilizzo della versione a 64 bit di Android nella serie Pixel 7 Kuba afferma che il telefono Lynx Pixel di Google utilizzerà Wi-Fi 6E e il chip Bluetooth di Qualcomm (WCNG6740). In confronto, le serie Pixel 6 e Pixel 7 utilizzano entrambe il chip Broadcom BCM4389. Inoltre, Lynx dovrebbe supportare la tecnologia di ricarica wireless.
Il telefono Lynx di Google sarà probabilmente dotato di uno schermo più debole rispetto ai modelli Pro Pixel. È possibile che il display di questo telefono supporti una frequenza di aggiornamento di 120 Hz e una risoluzione Full HD+. Nel frattempo, lo schermo di Pixel 6 Pro e Pixel 7 Pro supporta anche una frequenza di aggiornamento di 120 Hz e una risoluzione di 3210 x 1440 pixel. Cuba ha previsto che questo Lynx si chiamerà probabilmente Pixel 7 Mini. Inoltre, i rapporti di alcune fonti di notizie tecnologiche indicano che Lynx non si riferisce al Pixel 7a.
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Dari Ty untuk Julian
Hai Julian,
Jangan marah.
Maksudku, bukannya kau seharusnya marah. Aku rasa tidak masuk akal bagimu untuk marah, karena kau selalu mengucapkan “andai kau ada di sini”, dan aku akan segera berada di sana.
Aku sudah dengar dari Ragnor bahwa kau baru saja memintanya untuk datang ke Aula Blackthorn, dan aku sudah berbicara padanya, dan aku akan ikut dating bersama dengannya ke London.
Ada banyak alasan yang bagus untukku datang ke London. Salah satunya, aku penasaran bagaimana rasanya berada di sebuah rumah yang dikutuk. Kau selalu mengatakan bahwa pekerjaan sekolahku adalah yang terpenting, dan pengalaman jarak dekat dengan rumah yang dikutuk akan sangat membantu di departemen itu. Yang mana merupakan alasan lain bahwa kau tidak seharusnya marah.
Ragnor berkata bahwa ia akan membawa peta garis ley London yang dia pikir akan dapat digunakan untuk menemukan lokasi-lokasi memungkinkan di mana Tatiana meletakkan benda-benda yang tetap menjaga kutukan tempat itu. Aku pikir Ragnor akan mengatakan sesuatu mengenai bagaimana para Pemburu Bayangan seharusnya sudah mengetahui hal-hal seperti ini. Aku berkata seperti itu kepadanya, tetapi ternyata, dia berkata tidak, kelihatannya Labirin Spiral hanya melakukan pemetaan standar kepada garis ley sekitar lima puluh tahun yang lalu dan sebelum itu setiap warlock menggunakan beberapa metode yang berbeda. Aku bertanya kepadanya apakah dia mengetahui siapa yang sudah membuat peta itu dan dia berkata tidak tahu, tetapi mungkin dia akan mengetahuinya saat sudah melihatnya.
Omong-omong, garis ley adalah sesuatu yang sedang kupelajari, jadi ini akan menjadi sebuah kesempatan yang luar biasa untuk mempelajarinya lebih lanjut. Alasan lain bahwa kau tidak seharusnya marah.
Tadinya aku ingin muncul begitu saja dan memberimu kejutan, tetapi saat aku memikirkannya dan aku menyadari bahwa aku sangat tidak akan menyukainya jika ada seseorang yang tiba-tiba muncul dan memberikan aku kejutan, jadi…aku akan muncul dengan mengabarimu terlebih dulu. Aku juga berpikir jika aku memberitahumu terlebih dahulu dan kau marah, kau bisa marah sebelum aku tiba di sana dan tidak setelahnya.
(Tadinya aku mau membawa Irene juga, tetapi Anush berkata membawanya akan membuat kemungkinan lebih bagimu untuk marah daripada kemunculan diriku sendiri, terlebih lagi karena Irene suka memakan tirai dan kelihatannya ada banyak tirai di sana di bagian tingkat atas rumah itu. Walaupun, sesungguhnya aku sangat ingin kau untuk bertemu dengan Irene. Dia sudah besar tetapi dia sangat berperilaku baik. Dan aku juga sudah mengajarinya untuk melakukan adu-tos! Di waktu berikutnya aku akan membawa dia, saat aku tidak berpergian dengan seseorang yang tidak pemarah seperti Ragnor.)
Aku juga merasa adalah ide yang bagus bagiku untuk memeriksa apakah Sensor Hantu nya bekerja dengan benar. Aku ingin melihatnya saat aku tiba di sana. Aku dan Anush telah mengerjakan beberapa sensor lagi, karena ada banyak sekali yang tergeletak di sekitar sini.
Kami telah bereksperimen dengan mengaturnya untuk mendeteksi jenis dari hal-hal supernatural lainnya─kami telah membuat Sensor Vampir dan Sensor Manusia Serigala, keduanya lumayan mudah. Kami telah membuat sensor Peri yang berfungsi sekitar 1-3 kali kepada peri-peri yang telah kami coba;yang satu ini masih memerlukan beberapa peningkatan. Aku telah membuat sebuah sensor Malaikat tetapi aku sama sekali tidak tahu bagaimana cara untuk mengujinya. Anush berkata itu artinya sejauh ini sensor itu berfungsi dengan sempurna karena benda itu telah mendeteksi dengan benar bahwa tidak ada malaikat di sekitar kami.
Secara mengejutkan, jauh lebih sulit untuk membuat sebuah sensor deteksi kepada sesuatu yang tidak bersifat supernatural. Aku telah mencoba membuat satu untuk mendeteksi emas dan satu untuk mendeteksi kelelawar.
Keduanya tidak terlalu berfungsi. Satu-satunya yang berfungsi adalah Sensor Lynx[1]. Seperti yang dapat kau bayangkan, yang satu ini terus-menerus berbunyi selama 3 hari saat kami mencoba mengujinya. Kami harus menghancurkannya menggunakan palu untuk menghentikannya. Dan yang dimaksud dengan kami, maksudku pada akhirnya sekelompok orang muncul di kamar kami dan menginginkan kami untuk menghancurkannya dengan palu.
Omong-omong, ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan alasan mengapa aku datang bersama dengan Ragnor untuk mengunjungimu! Sama sekali tidak ada. Aku hanya benar-benar menanti-nantikan untuk melihatmu dan Emma dan juga rumahnya, dan aku juga ingin mempelajari sesuatu seperti membaca peta garis-ley. Oke, aku akan segera berjumpa denganmu! Ingat bahwa kau berkata kau ingin bertemu denganku! Jangan Marah!
Dengan cinta,
[1]Lynx : salah satu dari 17 jenis kucing liar yang ukurannya lebih besar dari ukuran kucing liar lain pada umumnya.
Teks Original : © Cassandra Clare
Terjemahan : © Yeremia Melisa
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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E-LynX software-defined radio completes connectivity flight tests on board FAB F-5M
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/25/2012 - 11:06 am in Brazilian Air Force, Military
The E-LynX software-defined aerial radio completes connectivity flight tests aboard Brazilian F-5M fighters. (Photo: Sgt. Bianca Viol)
The E-LynX software-defined aerial radio completes connectivity flight tests aboard Brazilian F-5M fighters. (Photo: Sgt. Bianca Viol)
The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) and AEL Sistemas, a Brazilian subsidiary of Elbit Systems, have successfully completed a series of flight tests for the integration of E-LynXTM Software Defined Radio on board two F-5M aircraft.
AEL Sistemas is the main contractor of the Brazilian strategic program Link-BR2 that aims to provide secure national datalink resources, enable the digital connectivity of all aerial platforms with each other and establish Multi Domain interoperability. The next integration phase will be on board SAAB's Gripen NG aircraft, while the Link-BR2 program roadmap includes the integration of System resources on board all FAB aircraft.
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Features that have been demonstrated during recent flights include providing multidomain situational awareness, allowing data connections based on Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) (air-to-air and air-ground), facilitating the transmission of aerial applications over long ranges including simultaneous audio and data and display of a common operational image that is shared among all network members - air segments and ground segments. Demonstrating the simultaneous multichannel transmission capacity, Link-BR2 allowed air and ground forces to intercept targets, receive information from ground radars and quick closure of sensor-shooter loops, as part of the multidimensional arena. The Link BR2 strategic program will lead the Brazilian Armed Forces to operate on the NCW concept, a disruptive technology that brings a huge advantage in the local operational scenario.
E-LynX radios are developed and manufactured in three Elbit Systems Radio Engineering Centers around the world: in Israel, Germany by Elbit Systems Deutschland and in Brazil by AEL.
Tags: AEL SystemsMilitary AviationElbit SystemsF-5EM/FMFAB - Brazilian Air ForceLink-BR2
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
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clickbliss · 2 years
The Analogue Pocket Experience: A Beautiful, Overengineered, and Disappointing GameBoy
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by Amr (@siegarettes)
Analogue Pocket
$220 for the Pocket, $100 for the Dock
Plays original GameBoy, Color, and Advance carts. Additional adaptors allow you to play Game Gear carts and (ostensibly) Lynx and Neo Geo Pocket in the future
After a long period of big promises, delays and drama, the Analogue Pocket is finally here. An HD, portable solution for playing GameBoy games (and possibly more), the console seems to have made big waves in the retro scenes. On paper, it seems like everything you’d want out a modern GameBoy, and more. But how does it hold up as an actual portable, meant for everyday use? After four months with the Pocket, I’m here to tell you what the Analogue Pocket experience does, and doesn’t deliver, with some comparisons to other devices before the final verdict. 
Before we start, let’s go over what the Pocket promises, and what my expectations were for it. 
Going from Analogue’s own site, the Pocket supports Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance games, as well as the Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket and Atari Lynx in a high definition display. It’s features display modes that imitate the original hardware, save states, sleep and wake functions, multiplayer with the Pocket and original Gameboy hardware, on board Nanoloop music tracker software and support for GB Studio homebrew titles, optional external dock support, and more with the upcoming Analogue OS updates. Sounds good. 
As for my own expectations, I want my portables to be something I slip into a jacket or pants pocket, pick and put down at a moment's notice, and fit into spaces during my commute or downtime. For context, my commute is over an hour each way, with plenty of time between stops to sneak in a quick game. 
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Before I even got to the hardware the Pocket was off to a bad start. Opening up the optional (30USD) clear case, I nearly broke the tabs immediately because I put it together the wrong way. The small pegs on the bottom half clearly slot into the holes on the back of the Pocket, but what I didn’t realize is that the top half also only goes in one way, and putting it on wrong caused the tabs to catch unpleasantly, giving me anxiety for the next ten minutes as I attempted to remove the Pocket without breaking the case. To be fair, I probably would have known all this if I’d read the included manual first, but what kind of case requires a manual to operate?
I bring this up because it kind of reflects Analogue’s approach to hardware. The whole package feels designed by people who design hardware to be displayed, not directly interacted with. The Pocket itself has a sleek, minimalist design that’s popular with tech geeks and modders, imitating the original Gameboy hardware, but jettisoning the welcoming, toy-like curves for sharp, crisp edges in a monochrome color scheme.The shoulder buttons a bit higher than halfway on the back, next to the cartridge slot. It splits the difference between an original DMG and the SP, not unlike the unhinged GBA SP mod. 
What it doesn’t take from the SP is the location of the cartridge slot, opting for the original Gameboy cartridge placement, which immediately causes problems. This compromise turns the already cramped layout of the SP more uncomfortable. With the SP you can mitigate this by hitting the shoulder buttons with the inside of your knuckle, but here the cartridge blocks that and causes your fingers to rest on the cartridge while playing. To keep the shoulder buttons accessible, the cartridge slot is left more exposed, which holds fine for GBA carts but leaves Gameboy and Gameboy Color carts loose and easily jostled with a light tap. Which seems like a good way to lose save data. 
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It ends up being a worse solution than both the original Gameboy and SP form factors, breaking compatibility with games like Boktai, where it blocks the solar sensor. Unfortunately, that’s probably also the only way they were going to be able to get cartridge adaptors for other systems positioned reasonably, which were going to look ugly no matter what. 
With such weird, compromised hardware, it shouldn't be a surprise that games on the Analogue reflect that. 
My first run at the device was with a GBA flashcart, which I'd been playing mostly through my DS. Like the DS, the mismatched resolution means dealing with a letterboxed image, but GBA games appear bright and crisp otherwise. The aforementioned hardware issues immediately get in the way, especially for games that make heavy use of the shoulder buttons (MMZ), though the option to mirror the shoulder buttons on the upper face buttons somewhat mitigates it. 
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What really causes problems are the subtle incompatibilities with flashcarts. Flashcarts are a popular method for anyone wanting to play original hardware, since you don't need to deal with carrying a load of carts, or pay exorbitant prices to check out a system's library. Officially, the Analogue doesn't support loading ROMs either (we'll get back to that one), so you'll likely want one. 
Even after several updates, some users are still reporting flashcarts not working entirely, which I've luckily avoided. Either way, using a flashcart will lock you out of the system's save state and sleep functions, which is a big hit to the Analogue Pocket's portability, but wouldn't be a big problem if they didn't cause the flashcart's own sleep and save state functions to malfunction. 
Something about the way Analogue handles the cart has caused problems when returning to original hardware, including data being erased entirely, and save states made on one device being incompatible with the other.
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On the subject of save states, the Analogue nominally supports them on a system wide basis, but as of writing, months into the device's release, you can only write a singular save across ALL games. Creating a save in one game will erase your save in the other. For GBA games this isn't much of a problem, but it becomes a problem for GameBoy and Color games, which often either used passwords to save progress, or had no way to save at all. 
Eventually, I was able to dig out one of the Gameboy carts I did have, which finally made the system make sense. The crisp, full screen display, alternative screen modes, and even the awkward button layout all fell into place when playing, and having sleep mode y'know, actually work, made it a much better fit for portable play. As a premium upgrade to the original GameBoy and GameBoy Color, the Analogue Pocket finally made sense, and even competes with modern options for modded hardware. 
Well, for a little while.  Like almost everything on this system, the more I played it the more details fell out of place. The power and volume buttons immediately became a problem on my commute. The original GameBoy models all use either a volume wheel or slider, with satisfying action that let you intuitively understand where you are on the volume scale, and what the maximum and minimum are. The Analogue Pocket uses ovaloid buttons, with the split volume button doing double duty, allowing you to also adjust brightness or mute the system by pressing both halves at once. 
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The size and shape of the button makes them both easy to mistake for each other, and hard to hit a specific button. I needed to use a fingernail to adjust volume, and I found myself constantly turning the system to make sure I was hitting the correct button, so I wouldn't accidentally mute it, or put it into sleep mode. 
The on-screen display also only shows if you're going up, down, or have reached the minimum or maximum, with no indication of where you are on the scale, all displayed in white text with no outline. You might be able to guess why that could be a problem on a system designed for playing black and white games. 
Sleep mode's implementation is remarkably inconsistent, too. A short tap of the power button will put the system into sleep mode, but only if you're playing an original cart or GB Studio game. On flashcart it'll prompt you to power off the system entirely, and when on the menu, without a game loaded, sleep mode is disabled entirely. It's way too contextual, going against muscle memory for a button that's had a consistent function across almost every device for decades. At least a long press will always turn off the system. 
Issues like this go on and on--there's only a few preset color schemes, with no way to mix them with the screen filters, and no custom color scheme support yet, giving you less options than an original GameBoy Color. Buttons can't be remapped, with only an option for a SNES style layout that switches the main controls to Y and B, mimicking the Super GameBoy’s alternate control scheme. This outright replaced the option to mirror the buttons to the shoulders button, which came with the original firmware. No idea why it couldn’t keep both. . And no, there isn't support for Super GameBoy color palettes or borders, if you're wondering. 
What's bewildering about these issues is they're all issues that have been solved on emulators, FPGA solutions like the MiSTer and handhelds that cost half of what the Analogue goes for. They're basic features I basically expect out of both hardware and software. 
The extra features it touts would theoretically go some way to make up the gap, but all these are equally half baked or MIA. Community developed cores, which would allow it to play other systems (somehow, without playing ROMS), don't even have an option in menu, with no mention or news on them outside the initial announcement.
There’s no hint of an unofficial jailbreak, which usually releases within a week of Analogue devices, providing at least the ability to play ROMs. Nor is there any sign of the Analogue OS, which promises the ability to save screenshots, have multiple save states, and organize playlists of your favorite games (again, somehow, without playing ROMs).
The only cartridge adaptor available now is Game Gear adaptor, with nothing on the promised Lynx and Neo Geo Pocket adaptors, and reports that the Game Gear one might even be damaging the labels on carts. 
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GB Studio support is less than impressive, thanks to it requiring the proprietary .pocket format, which only GB Studio 3 can export to, causing compatibility with the majority of homebrew software made with GB Studio, which were primarily made with older versions. To be fair, this is a software issue out of Analogue's control, and the community have developed branches of previous GB Studio programs that can export to the new format. Of course, this would also be solved if the Analogue Pocket just played ROMs. 
Ironically, GB Studio support has been getting a lot of use--as a workaround to play GameBoy and GameBoy Color ROMs. A lot of people speculated that the proprietary format the system uses was just a wrapper for GameBoy ROMs, so Analogue could continue to claim the system doesn't play ROMs. That seems to be at least partially true, with IPS patches coming out that allow you to convert GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and even more ironically, GB Studio games, to a format the Analogue Pocket can play. 
This has, at the very least, allowed me to play the majority of GameBoy titles I'd wanted to play on original hardware, letting me discover new favorites and kept me from dropping even more on a GameBoy flashcart to play the titles I couldn't on my GBA cart. It's definitely an added bonus, though this has all been thanks to community efforts, so I can't exactly give Analogue any credit for it. 
And even after all that, with how many disappointments the Pocket lays on, the Dock might even be more disappointing. The Dock has thankfully been updated with the ability to update straight from the Pocket, use original screen filters, resize the screen, and adjust saturation, all of which it launched without.. That said, controller support is still limited, and the link cable port is blocked when docked, since they placed it on the bottom. It doesn’t have the promised CRT output via the Analogue DAC, making it neither analog nor pocketable. 
Compared to the care taken with displaying GameBoy and GameBoy Color games on the Pocket, the Dock feels like an afterthought whose purpose is primarily to offload the cost of Bluetooth and USB-C display out to another device. Sure, compared to the cost of niche solutions like the GBA Consolizer it comes out well ahead, but if you don't care about continuing progress from the same cart, suddenly you have plenty of better options. 
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If you're married to the benefits of FPGA devices, a fully kitted out MiSTer costs less than the price of the Pocket, the two flashcarts, and dock you'd need to play the Gameboys' libraries, and gets you tons of options for screen modes, filters, color palettes, controllers, analog video, Super Gameboy palette and border support, working save states and even 2 player local play, on the same or separate screens, for all generations of GameBoys, on top of tons of consoles, handhelds, arcade boards and old PCs made before the Playstation generation.
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If it has to be a handheld, portable emulators are rapidly improving, and for the same price as the Pocket itself, or even less, you can find a handheld capable of running the most accurate Gameboy emulators, with low latency and HDMI output, and support for everything up to the Dreamcast, as long as you're willing to do a little work. 
And if you're willing to really work for it, well you can probably play everything the Pocket does on the very device you're reading this on. If you're accepting a compromise already, why not accept a compromise that gets you more? 
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To justify itself in such a crowded space, the Analogue Pocket needed to do a single thing better than anything else. Its high resolution, perfectly integer scaled, backlit screen almost accomplishes this for the GameBoy and GameBoy Color, but in the process strips the experience of the charm and portability of the original systems, while compromising every other feature it promises. I set my Analogue Pocket in plain view every day, ready to be packed up and played on my commute, but I found myself increasingly picking up other systems instead. The 3DS XL, my emulation handhelds, the even more clunky Switch, and even the original, non backlit GameBoys--each of them provided a more compelling experience than the Pocket, and fit better into my lifestyle. 
The Analogue Pocket is a system that asked me to change my routine to fit its design, rather than being designed to fit into my routine. It's a beautiful, over engineered device that feels like an unfinished first draft for a revision that'll never come. It's a fantastic display piece, but if you want to actually play the games, you've got better options. 
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So I've started watching Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER and I have a couple of animal PSAs based on it
Wild animals should not be pets
Avoid feeding live rodents to snakes, frozen and thawed is preferable. (A ball python came in with chunks of flesh missing because its "food" attacked it. One of the wounds was down into the muscle)
DO NOT DECLAW CATS! (Dr. K doesn't deal with cats and dogs, but they had a "pet" lynx come in for a hairball and the owners had declawed him and I almost cried. Declawing is not just removing the claws, they remove part of the bone too. Imagine losing your fingers from the nail back to the first knuckle. See how you like it)
Smarter animals need enrichment! Otherwise they will be bored and misbehave, or sometimes even just sit around all day and become overweight or depressed. (Dr. K recommends "captive foraging" which they do naturally in the wild. Hiding pieces of food inside puzzles they have to solve or just hiding food around their enclosure. Zoo keepers do this for their animals everyday)
We humans need lots of water and plenty of sunlight. Our pets need the same. Make sure they always have a good supply of water and take them outside often. (If it's not possible to take them outside, buy an artificial UV light for their enclosure)
Snakes do not have heat sensors under their body, they can only detect heat on their head and back. Heating their tank from below is not a good idea. Heat lamps are preferable. (A ball python came in with burns all down its belly. It looked like meat seared in a pan)
DO YOUR RESEARCH ON THE ANIMAL BEFORE YOU BUY ONE. Some animals require more work than others and some are social animals and require you to buy at least 2 of whatever you want as a pet.
Bunnies are cute but they can be territorial with each other and they can actually bite the SHIT out of each other
Individual animals have individual diets! Raccoons do not eat dog food. (This is also where the research comes in)
I highly recommend this show, and also I recommend the Secrets of the Zoo series.
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