#(we are going IN on analysis today hee hee)
pridepoisoned · 6 months
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Characters and reasonings below!
RIZE KAMISHIRO (TOKYO GHOUL) - A gluttonous ghoul who indiscriminately feeds on humans, often using her innocent looks and charisma to lure her prey into a false sense of security before feeding on them.
DAHLIA HAWTHORNE (ACE ATTORNEY) - Described as a 'demon' by those who truly know her, a selfish, manipulative mastermind hiding behind a guise of innocence and beauty. "It's true then... The loveliest rose can hide the cruelest thorn..."
SINGED (ARCANE) - A brilliant, detached scientist who has thrown aside all ethics and most of his humanity to chase progress at any cost, resulting in several twisted experiments. "The mutation must survive."
BELLWETHER (ZOOTOPIA) - Assistant to the mayor of Zootopia and a mastermind in sheep's clothing, disguises her ruthless appetite for power and control behind a sunny, unassuming personality and fantastic politicking skills. "Fear always works."
CAPTAIN PHASMA (STAR WARS) - Feared and ruthless enforcer of the evil First Order, her outward, steely conviction to the cause masks inner feelings of selfish, calculated survival. "I am no coward. I am not afraid to do what needs doing. Nor am I fool or a zealot. I do not lead from the front. I lead as all great leaders do…from behind a disposable shield of patriotic idiots."
NOSK (HOLLOW KNIGHT) - A monstrous predator burrowed within the darkest depths of Deepnest, Nosk uses disguises, visions, and bait to lure lost vessels and other wandering bugs deep into its lair, where it the feeds on them. In the deepest darkness, there are beasts who wear faces stolen from your memories and pluck at the strings in your heart. 
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britishassistant · 19 days
An Act of Infinite Optimism
The plan, as Ema explains to Apollo, is meant to be simple.
Apollo will buy Trucy one of the overpriced bubble teas from the vending machines at the courthouse. He’ll get her to drink from it.
Then he’ll take the can without being a creep and give it to Ema for saliva analysis.
Ema is somehow going to get a saliva sample from Lamiroir, though she refuses to disclose how exactly she’ll accomplish that, then beg the forensics lab on her hands and knees to perform the tests that’ll prove whether the two of them are related or not.
Really simple. Anyone can do it. Which is why Apollo is going to steel his nerve and spend twenty dollars right—!
Freezing cold and wet is pressed against the back of his neck.
Whipping around with his hands clapped over the offended area reveals Trucy Wright laughing herself silly, a drink can in each hand.
“Pfft—! Oh Polly, your face!” She giggles. “I’m sorr-ee-hee-hee—!”
He scowls at her. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I’d like to see you look nice if someone shoved ice against your neck.”
“Aw c’mon Polly, don’t be mad!” Trucy pouts. “And after I got you something too.”
He should know better than to fall for the bait by now, but. “Got something?”
She proffers one of the cans, which Apollo recognizes as the coffee he often stares longingly at but never has the funds to justify buying for himself.
“I made a mint in tips at the Wonder Bar last night!” She boasts. “Besides we need a pre-celebratory drink for winning the trial today!”
Apollo thinks of the ten dollar bill Ema lent him to help pay for the bubble tea that Trucy’s holding.
He quietly vows to return it alongside the evidence as he takes the coffee. “It’s not about winning. We know Machi didn’t do it, so now we just need to prove it.”
“Of course! We’ll show that Lamiroir is telling the truth and Machi is innocent!” Trucy clenches a fist, looking determined.
A small pang goes off in his chest. He can’t help thinking how lucky Lamiroir and Machi are to have someone like Trucy in their corner. To have a family.
He grins as he clinks their cans together. “I’ll drink to that.”
The two of them sit in comfortable silence as they enjoy their drinks.
“Whoa,” Trucy says. “Lookit their clothes!”
“Don’t point at people!” Apollo scolds, before he follows her finger. “…Although those are. Wow.”
The clothes in question are suits with more excess fabric and frills than is common in the U.S. style. Dark shades, with swirling trims of bright color to make them pop. The people wearing them look like models or something, a certain stiffness to their movements and severity to their faces.
They confer briefly, before heading through the doors that lead to the gallery.
“I guess they’re here to watch the trial…” Apollo mutters to himself.
“Hm!” Trucy tips her drink back to catch the last drops, before holding the empty can out to him. “D’you mind throwing this away for me Polly? Pretty please?”
Apollo can hardly believe his luck.
“Oh, u-uh, sure.” He takes the can carefully, trying to make sure he doesn’t smudge any of her fingerprints. “Just this once, okay?”
“Yay! Thank you Polly!”
He’s grateful she doesn’t ask any questions as he speedwalks away to give the vital evidence to Ema.
He goes to take one last swig of his coffee after he rounds the corner, but frowns when it seems to have mysteriously vanished from his other hand.
That’s weird. He didn’t drop it or leave it somewhere, did he…?
Trucy claps her hands together and sends a brief prayer of apology to the plant she just emptied the rest of Polly’s coffee into.
She knows that coffee isn’t good for plants, but this is for a good cause! She’ll bring water with her for it the next time she comes by, she swears!
She slips through the courthouse until she reaches just outside the prosecutor’s lobby, and does her secret knock.
She’s not even halfway through the second part of it when the door is wrenched open and Prosecutor Gavin’s head pops out.
“Ach, it’s just you Fraulein .” He slips outside, closing the door behind him. “I thought a schlagzeugerin was attempting to audition for the Gavinners. Were you successful in your mission?”
“Of course I was! It’s—!” Trucy pats herself down, face rapidly growing worried. “Eh? Wait, that’s weird, where’d it go?”
She continues to search as Prosecutor Gavin goes from curious to concerned, thumb spinning one of his rings.
“It’s vanished!” Trucy gasps. “Just like magic! So we’ll need… these!”
With a flourish, she produces her magic panties and rummages around inside, tongue poking out for effect.
“Is this what you were looking for?” She proclaims as she produces the empty can of coffee, neatly sealed in a plastic baggie.
“Wunderbar, Fraulein.” Prosecutor Gavin enthuses, taking the bag. “And preserved perfectly as well! The officers in the lab will be pleased when I ask them to look at this.”
“Of course!” She nods proudly. “Daddy always says it’s vital to maintain the integrity of evidence!”
Prosecutor Gavin raises his eyebrows but doesn’t say anything to that other than a noncommittal, “Hm.”
Which is fair, Trucy supposes. Daddy did kind of deliberately make a bad name for himself, but now that the evil Gavin is in jail, she’s gotta do her bit to start clearing it up now he doesn’t need to put on an act anymore!
“I’ll send this to the lab now, along with Lamiroir’s glass.” Prosecutor Gavin takes out a large paper bag, places the coffee can inside, and seals it with red tape. “It was quite difficult for me to coax her to drink—it seems Fraulein Detective has been overwatering my witnesses.”
She would respond to that, except Prosecutor Gavin’s started messing with that ring again, spinning it around with his thumb.
She doesn’t need a bracelet like Polly does to see he’s tense. Unhappy.
Trucy scuffs the floor delicately with the toe of her boot as she takes the plunge. “Are…are you doing okay, Prosecutor Gavin? I mean, it kinda seems like this trial’s been. A lot.”
Prosecutor Gavin’s smile falters. For the briefest of moments, his shoulders sag before he pulls them back into his rockstar perfect posture.
“Ach, I won’t say that this hasn’t been slightly stressful, professionally.” He shrugs, lackadaisy painfully feigned. “But I will admit, this little puzzle has been an enjoyable diversion to refresh my mind, keep my skills sharp.”
“Oh, that’s good!” Trucy wouldn’t be half the magician she is if she couldn’t cover for her fellow performer’s slips. “It’d be no fun if Polly beat you too easily today! His head would get all swollen! I’m not sure if his forehead is meant to get any bigger…”
“Achtung, so again I combine my enjoyment with my philanthropy! After all,” Prosecutor Gavin’s fingers slip through his hair the way they always do when he’s about to lie. “When I find Herr Tobaye guilty, Dame Lamiroir will need her other son to lean on once this one is incarcerated.”
“What?! No way!” Trucy’s cheeks puff out indignantly. “We’re gonna prove Machi is innocent! You’ll see!”
“Will I now?” Prosecutor Gavin is back in full Gavinners’ mode, smirking. “You and Herr Forehead better be ready to rock, Fraulein. Once I’ve sent this off, I won’t hold back.”
“Neither will we!” Trucy calls over her shoulder as she hurries back to the defendants’ lobby.
She collides with Polly outside the vending machines. “Oof!”
“Ow, easy!” He rubs his shoulder where she made contact. He holds something out to her. “Here. Thanks for the drinks earlier.”
Trucy takes the packet of Swiss rolls. “Really? All for me? Thank you, Polly!”
He chuckles sheepishly. “Just don’t eat ’em all before the trial, okay?”
There’s a pang in her chest as she squeezes the snack close and beams back at him.
Machi and Lamiroir are really, really lucky to have Polly.
Apollo collapses into bed, absolutely exhausted.
He did it. After everything that’s gone on in this trial, the truth was found. They cleared Machi’s name.
There’s going to be another trial to determine his sentence about the smuggling, but he’s not going down for murder. He and Lamiroir and Trucy are happy. Apollo just needs to take what comfort he can from that, rather than feeling irrationally disappointed that he won’t be allowed to represent Machi in that trial too.
It’s sensible, he tells himself. It’s designed to prevent undue attachment and bias on the part of the attorney or the court. And this Raymond Shields probably is a really good attorney. Really professional and dedicated. Yeah.
He falls asleep with his head floating half-formed thoughts of seeing if Mr. Shields needs a co-counsel, or would let him just look over the documents…
When he wakes again, it’s pitch black.
He scrunches his eyes, brain unwilling to compute why he’s not asleep when it feels so grossly early.
His phone blares out its generic ringtone again, the one that sounds exactly the same as the alarm he’s set on it.
It takes a few minutes of confused searching before he finds the offending device under the covers. The urge to throw it across the room and roll over to try to sleep has never been stronger.
Grumbling and squinting against the bright light of the screen, Apollo hits “Answer”.
“Apollo!” Comes Ema’s harried whisper. “I’ve done the tests!”
Apollo blinks muzzily. “Wh—? Bu’ you said ‘rlier you didn’ have cl’r’nce?”
“I broke into the forensics lab!”
“You dID WHAT—?!”
There’s a furious banging on the wall next to his bed.
Apollo hastily lowers his voice to a whisper. “You did what?!”
“It’s fine, I covered my tracks!” Ema sounds far too dismissive for someone breaking into a place where the whole job is identifying people from even the tiniest pieces of evidence. “Besides, even if I did get caught, you’d defend me, right?”
“Well yeah, but that’s not the point—!”
“The point,” Ema cuts across. “Is the results. Which I’ve just got. Unless you wanna yell at me instead?”
“Wh—no! I mean, yes! I mean—!” Apollo stutters.
Ema must take pity on his flailing, because her voice comes down the line strong and sure, cutting through his panic. “It’s a match, Apollo.”
The confirmation knocks the wind out of him. “…Really? You’re sure?”
“Science can’t lie.” Ema grumps. “Lamiroir and Trucy are mother and daughter. No doubt about it.”
It feels like Apollo’s insides are fireworks.
He was right! They did it!
There’s the faint sound of a door opening at the other end of the line.
An unfamiliar, indistinct voice shouts, “Hey! What are you doing here?!”
There’s a tremendous clatter as Ema does something to get away from her pursuer.“Sorry!”
“Ema, you need to run! Get outta there!” Apollo urges.
“WHAT-huff-D’YOU THINK-huff-I’M DOING?!” Ema yells back at him, over the sounds of running and faint cries in the background of “Stop, thief!” and “Get her!!”
And so Apollo finds himself co-opted into helping Ema evade police custody long enough to get out of the building, resigning himself to being entirely sleep-deprived tomorrow.
Trucy hardly got any sleep last night.
She was riding the high of winning the trial yesterday and Prosecutor Gavin’s promise of getting the results of the saliva analysis and Apollo buying Eldoon’s for dinner, when she got back home and found the office empty again. Which is fine! It’s empty more often than not nowadays, so she figured she’d just put on the Gavinners to fill the quiet. And then she remembered midway through Atroquinine My Love that there was no more Gavinners. That she’d attended their last ever concert.
Which, again, is good! Daryan was definitely guilty and deserved to go to jail! She doesn’t regret helping Polly at all, even if it means her favorite band breaks up! Not one bit!
But behind closed doors she needed to have several emotions about it. That ended up lasting all night.
She feels bleary as she showers and gets dressed. She’ll probably take a nap this afternoon before going to the Wonder Bar instead of doing her reading homework. It’s really piling up, but she needs to be at her best as a performer!
She hears voices, low and angry-sounding, as she rounds the corner to the kitchen.
Daddy’s standing in front of the door, hands fisted in the pockets of his hoodie, tension in every line of his back even as he pretends to be relaxed.
“Daddy? Is everything okay?” She can’t help asking.
Daddy jumps a little, turning to her with a tired smile. “Ah, Trucy, it’s fine—“
“Guten morgen, Fraulein Magician!” Prosecutor Gavin’s head pops up over Daddy’s shoulder as he waves. “I trust you find yourself well on this beautiful morning, ja?”
Daddy’s smile twitches at the corners a tiny bit.
“I’m good!” Trucy chirps back, performance as comfy to slip into as her cape. “How come you’re here so early? Did you want to sign up to the talent agency for singing?!”
Daddy chuckles. “We’ve got enough musical talent already, don’tcha think Trucy? Anyway, Mr. Gavin was just finishing up—“
“Nein, I actually came to deliver a message to the lovely Fraulein here.” Prosecutor Gavin says, one thumb spinning his rings. “Any other business was purely incidental.”
Daddy’s eyes narrow.
“Well, so long as your intentions are honorable, have at it.” Daddy ambles back towards the office, calling over his shoulder. “As you mentioned, Prosecutor, I am friends with your boss.”
“Daddy!” She stomps petulantly to drive home the performance. “Don’t be gross! Ugh, I’m so sorry, Prosecutor Gavin—!”
“It’s no trouble, Fraulein .” He reassures her, though his jaw is clenched. “It’s touching, a vater’s protection of his tochter. Even if it does come at the expense of others…”
Well that’s cryptic and a half!
Some of her true feelings must show in her pout, as Prosecutor Gavin suddenly looks sheepish and chuckles. “Entschuldigen sie, Fraulein. There was a break in at the forensic labs last night, so I am slightly on edge, ja? But, luckily, our results were already logged. I received them when I dropped by today.”
“And?!” She’s on tenterhooks, just like when she used to watch Daddy and Uncle Valant. “What did they say?! Tell me!”
He looks her dead in the eye and tells her. “It’s a match.”
It feels like Trucy’s insides are confetti.
They did it! She was right!
“Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Prosecutor Gavin says. “I need to locate the suspect for last night’s break in and give her a thorough talking to. Auf Wiedersehen, Fraulein Magician!”
“Off Whee-der-sane!” Trucy parrots back as she waves him out the door.
She can’t stop smiling as she closes it and bounces slightly. This calls for a celebration! She’s sure they have some pancake mix that she can whip up!
When she goes to skip to the kitchen, she finds Daddy leaning against the doorway, faux-casual.
“Trucy,” Daddy says. “Mind telling me what that was all about?”
She opens her mouth—!
Daddy pulls a hand out of his pocket. In it is his anti-lying rock.
Trucy gulps.
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cardboardheartss · 4 days
NEWJEANS D1 Chart Analysis
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NEWJEANS! In their D1 Chart these girls have a Bharani (Aries) stelium in their 1H. Rahu, Mars, Uranus and Moon. This major stellium obviously makes the girls nakshatra be in Bharani aka Venus Nakshatra. This all makes sense because all of the member have their own unique beauty, they don’t need a visual hole in the group!
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Bharani’s are known to represent “breakthrough” and in musical terms we can reword it as “breakthrough artist.” NEWJEANS honestly had one unique debut and the achievements they’ve been having ever since… it’s honestly mind-boggling.
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Mars in astrology represents dancing as well, and mars is in Aries. Aries represents intensity/energy and I believe we have all seen NEWJEANS choreography. I noticed that people with Aries stelliums, Rahu/MC, and Vertex are also good dancers, and I picked up on this by looking at Jam Republic members' D1 and D10 Charts.
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Back to NEWJEANS, i checked out all their charts and what actually shocked me was how they all have major aries placements in their personal D1 charts! I won’t share too much because i don’t want to spoil their charts yet lol!!!
NEWJEANS have an aries moon at 16 degrees, which is a cancer degree. The girls may seem very firey and bold on stage, and when they’re on stage they truly look like they want to be there and are present in their moments. The cancer degree really showed out this month with the whole Min Hee Jin vs HYBE fiasco. The sunbaenims of the industry really went out and showed their support to NEWJEANS, majority of the idols/celebs supporting NEWJEANS were females too!
NEWJEANS Aries Uranus also makes sense, the girls had an unconventional way of debuting as i had mentioned in the beginning. We did not know one member or actually the group overall! NEWJEANS concepts are also what make them stand out the most, we’ve seen every era, they bring out something different that sets them apart from this industry. The collaborations, merchandise, dancing, music material and etc.
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NEWJEANS have Ardra and Punaravasu (Gemini) placements in their 3H. The planets/placements consist of Venus, Lilith, and POF! The 3H represents the VOICE (singing), texting, social media, coworkers and etc. On the one hand, I will have to mention that people, in general, enjoy NEWJEANS music, the girls are really talented vocalists and they all individually get praised for their live vocals as well! Thanks to ador, we actually get to see the members sing live on By Jeans!
and NEWJEANS are also quite active on an app called Phoning, and doesn’t phoning require you to talk to someone/people and they have luck with that app because they have structured rules and regulations you follow to avoid chaos on that app.
Gemini also represents the youth, and remember majority of us who are young enjoy texting… Gemini also represents a connection, and that is how NEWJEANS connect with Bunnies, through “calling” or “texting” them.
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Since Gemini represents two sides, now I have to go onto the negative part. Lilith, the Lilith placement here makes sense. The cyberbullying these girls will have to go through will surely be difficult to deal with. Remember how I mentioned how Gemini represents youth, guess what people always bring up in NEWJEANS fan-wars? Their ages… every single time. What is also so ironic is how today, there is more drama surrounding NEWJEANS again…
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Their Sun and Mercury are in Pushya (Cancer), and it is in their 4H. One thing i would like to mention is how much Hanni and Danielle always talk about their life back in Australia.
The girls all share their childhood memories to a certain extent and one thing i would also like to bring up is how the members always thank Min Hee Jin, who in this case was their mother figure for a while, and also not to mention how NEWJEANS biological mothers also fought and protected their daughters while their debut was being delayed.
The 4H represents home/native land/country, and the Sun and Mercury emphasizes how much NEWJEANS are loved and cherished in South Korea. Which is why they’re called the “Nations Daughters” “Nations Princesses” “Nations Granddaughters” and etc.
Have you also not noticed how much the rest of the industry has shown love to NEWJEANS for the past month too?! Once again… majority of the celebrities who spoke up about NEWJEANS and shows love to them were female celebs!
6H Hasta Virgo, these girlies know how to work practically and are also very hard workers. They know how to stick to the routines, and this makes sense because they share schedules and had/have to still spend at least half of their lives together. Since they are also dancers, Virgos always look to make something perfect, hence why their moves may be different in one choreography they still have really good synchronization.
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Now for their Dhashnitha Saturn in their 10H, astrologers always say saturn is in a good place here and they’re right… in a way lol! We all finally know the truth about NEWJEANS delayed debut, and i guess that delay gave them the upper hand to plan and train together, because i mean look at the end result of that situation. They are talented and are also great performers and i truly applaud all the members for that, i believe it was not easy for them to almost not acheive their dreams and to see how much they have a achieved despite that obstacle makes me proud!!
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Now for their last planets in Pisces Neptune, Purva Bhadra, Jupiter Uttara Bhadra, and Chiron Revati. The girls could go through a lot behind the scenes, in terms of their bond as a group and the overworking in the industry.
Some members could get injured a few times during their career, like Hyein with her foot.
Luckily, for NEWJEANS, they have Jupiter in their 12H, and 12H in Vedic represents abroad travel/faraway lands, and its ruler, Sagittarius is in the 9H of foreign land, higher courts, and media. I almost forgot to mention how much love NEWJEANS receive internationally!!
Welp! That was A LOT of writing… looking foward to posting more analysis soon!!!
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: 2gether and Still 2gether Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I tackle the impact of GMMTV’s biggest BL, 2gether, and its companion follow-up, Still 2gether.]
Alright! We have reached a major milestone in the Old GMMTV Challenge. This entire project started off on the backs of two now-seminal posts (for me! and I hope for you, too!). The first one was a dialogue I had with the ever-lovely @miscellar regarding how Bad Buddy had addressed BL tropes and turned those tropes around for a singular drama experience. At the time of my asking @miscellar about this, I hadn’t organized myself to do a chronological exploration of Thai BLs as a genre -- I was picking and choosing what to watch, and I knew that what I had watched in Bad Buddy was formative. I wanted to learn more.
@absolutebl had caught the scent of this discussion, as others were sending them asks of this historical nature as well, and they penned this post that listed out the three dramas that they thought best explained how GMMTV came to its current state of programming -- GMMTV’s apology tour, as we called it back then, with Love Sick, SOTUS, and 2gether listed as the three dramas one needed to watch to understand the state of GMMTV’s BL programming now.
So with that, I dove in, and publicly began building out the OGMMTVC, with major help from @absolutebl, @bengiyo, @shortpplfedup, @lurkingshan, @miscellar, @nieves-de-sugui, @solitaryandwandering, and many, MANY others along the way (@manogirl singlehandedly introduced me to MaxTul, for which I say, FUCK YEAH, FRIEND, THANK YOU!). 
And the milestone that we’re celebrating today is that I’ve crossed the 2gether and Still 2gether threshold -- 2gether being the last drama on @absolutebl‘s original list. And, of course! I have thoughts on 2G and S2G.
(Before I dive in, I just want to say that I’m saving some juicy, juicy analysis of the pain/suffering/separation type for a separate meta that I’m hoping to publish later this week, offering a comparative analysis of Still 2gether to Bad Buddy and Until We Meet Again. I don’t want to unwind this here, because I want this post to focus in large part on 2gether’s media influence, but -- stay tuned, I’m headed for more pain meta shortly, tee hee!)
So, yeah, 2gether -- wow, right? Haha. 
No, not quite, I’m just sort of joking. I’ve had EXCELLENT dialogue with the fabulous @bengiyo and @so-much-yet-to-learn​ about there being some shining spots in 2gether, which I agree with them about. (For both 2G and S2G, @bengiyo​ and @so-much-yet-to-learn​ shared with me some incredibly moving reflections on what it meant that Bright Vachirawit, in particular, was so emphatic about Sarawat being identified as gay in the show -- and how that spoke to the queer community during 2G’s prime. Thanks to you both for those timely comments.)
I think those of us who watched this 2G installment of the franchise know inherently what its major issues are, including a lack of chemistry emanating from Win Metawin, and an overabundance of pure talent and eagerness from Bright Vachirawit that wasn’t met at his level, à la Krist and Singto in SOTUS.
Besides the 2gether series itself -- which I’ll get back to in a minute -- I just want to note the external landscape of the show’s airing. We now all know that this show premiered in the very early stages of the COVID pandemic emanating out of Asia. 2gether’s popularity has long been attributed to people being at home to watch shows, many of whom likely were watching Thai BLs for the very first time. According to 2gether’s wiki, the show reached 100 million views by April 2020 on LINE TV ALONE (thank you to @lurkingshan​ for dropping the data!). Both Bright and Win have MASSIVE social media followings now, FAR outnumbering the other stableholders at GMMTV (Tay, Off, Gun, Nanon, etc.). And, 2gether’s continued success in and out of Asia is mostly attributed to the nostalgia that first-time viewers may have about 2gether being their first BL. 
I thought this was all interesting to note in a recent Instagram post that Toptap Jirakit, who plays Type in 2gether/Still 2gether, posted. He hit the streets, interviewing Thai fans on their favorite BL series. I think it’s likely convenient for his own career that most of the interviewees listed 2G in their top three lists -- but it made me think. 
I know, especially from discussions with @bengiyo and @lurkingshan, that there was a LOT of BL fan dismay about the ending of 2G. To be UTTERLY honest, I TOTALLY MISSED the ending high-five, because I was looking for, like, something BIG at the end, and, lol, the high-five totally went over my head. I guess that’s a good description for my feeling of the entire series, which I’ll dive more into in a bit.
First, I want to offer another, but supporting, theory on 2G’s popularity. Taking into account that Toptap IG video (again, acknowledging the self-promotion within it), as well as Bright and Win’s massive popularity, I want to meditate on the wider fandom of BLs vs. non-BL dramas in Asia. BLs in Japan, for instance, are often relegated to midnight-or-later airing times on television. And much of GMMTV’s content is online-based first. I don’t know, as BL fans, if we’re routinely and globally aware that the fandom for BLs -- which is big, maybe even huge -- is dwarfed by, say, the fandom of a mid-sized K-drama. The BL industries in Thailand and Korea are still relatively young and nascent, while other non-BL drama machines are well-oiled across the continent.
In other words -- yes, because of COVID did 2G find a much bigger audience. But I also want to offer that 2G’s...chastity? chasteness?...may have also HELPED this particular series gain such wider appeal. In other words: Asian audiences of a larger mass, outside of established BL fandoms within and outside of Thailand, may have responded more favorably to 2G BECAUSE of 2G’s lack of sex, a lack of innuendo, a lack of insinuation. 
(Remember: in majority cishet society, sex is judged. And queer sex? Forget about it. I’ve established in this OGMMTVC that queer sex is even fodder for creating discriminatory material WITHIN the BL genre itself. Sex AND queer attraction give many people the jibbles. Audiences going to non-BL dramas may be doing so because they want to consume specifically het content. Same-sex romance just might not be their thing. And those non-BL drama genres are GIGANTIC -- from funding to viewership, etc.)
In that Toptap video, many fans list Bad Buddy, A Tale of Thousand Stars, and others as their other favorite BLs. Putting BBS aside for a second -- because there WAS intimacy in BBS, just not an overabundance of it -- we can consider ATOTS as another example of a BL that happens to be quite popular in Thailand, demonstratively, while also being subject to similar criticism by BL fandom as 2G in having a lack of intimacy. 
While us in the BL fandom will readily make fun of 2G for not having intimacy at all, I do think, for Asian audiences not accustomed to an abundance of sex and/or same-sex sex in media -- the way that us Western viewers have in our majority media -- that 2G was accessible. It wouldn’t have to make your non-BL fan, new to the genre, uncomfortable -- especially to see same-sex intimacy. 
(The wonderful @telomeke​ made a similar point last week in a conversation about queer acceptance vis à vis Thai politics. I wonder if our devoted BL fandoms lull us to think that an ENTIRE COUNTRY might be accepting of the queer community and queer politics and policies. It’s definitely not a reality in any single nation worldwide. There are always going to be complicated dichotomies of acceptance in every single society that humans exist in.)
When I got to the end of 2G, and saw that there wasn’t going to be any kissin’ or huggin’ -- it made TOTAL sense to me WHY this show was popular OUTSIDE of the already-established BL fandom, particularly in Asia. It ain’t my cup of tea, but it was a show that I could see, like, my Asian cousins watching, as an introduction to queer revelations and engagement. And then, if they stuck with the genre, I could see them going to, say, an ATOTS, before going to a BBS, a show that really addressed the development of queer intimacy between men. Numbers-wise -- yes, COVID explains 2G’s popularity. Content-wise? Content-wise, 2G stays in people’s hearts, partly because I believe it didn’t PUSH those hearts, as a same-sex starting gun to their first exposure to BL. 
I could get well into an analysis of how sex, generally, is perceived in Asia, and ALL of the cultural nuances and biases AGAINST sex in Asia (cc @neuroticbookworm​, as we have talked about potentially writing meta together on this topic from our shared South Asian lens). But I happen to think that some of our beloved BL filmmakers -- P’Aof Noppharnach, Jojo Tichakorn, New Siwaj, Cheewin Thanamin -- have actually addressed it, and beautifully so, and continue to do so. For instance, the ending quote placards in Dark Blue Kiss touch multiple times on Thailand needing more sex education. Just to offer a personal example -- I’ve had to talk to Asian relatives well into their thirties, as an American, about their first exposure to sex, to explain that sex is not... a bad thing. It’s the cultural and social judgments that accompany sex that colors a person’s worldview on sex. 
2G didn’t challenge ANY OF THAT. In fact, in casting Win, they chose a dude who was VERY CLEARLY not INTO that -- to me, à la the casting of Krist Perawat in SOTUS.
No sex? No moral challenges, no ethical quandaries, no uncomfortable moments with a same-sex acting partner. Just two dudes dating, cute cute, holding hands at the Scrubb concert (or whatever). 
Of course, for my tastes, as y’all know, I desire something more complicated. And I understand that GMMTV HEARD the feedback that many established BL fans had about that 2G ending. And P’Aof Noppharnach, at the time of 2G’s ending, clearly said something to the effect of, not on my watch, I’m actually going to take this franchise AND FIX IT, MY WAY, which, fuck, COULD I LOVE THIS MAN MORE? No -- but YES, I found a way to love him more.
And we got Still 2gether -- a show rooted in its QUEERNESS. QUEERNESS AND INTIMACY AND INDICATIONS OF SEX. I mean, look!
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Not just rainbow shirts! Rainbow shirts on multiple people. And rainbow TABLES. P’Aof was like, WE ARE NOT MISSING A MOMENT HERE, PEOPLE. We’re going to fix this. We’re going to claim BL for the queer community who actually serve at the mercy of the audience that consumes BLs.
Before I dig further into S2G, for which I have reams of notes, as opposed to 2G (obviously) -- some quick positive notes on 2G. Wat’s romantic confession in the shelter bus in the forest was seriously heart-warming. It was romantic as fuck. And we see a NUMBER of tropes that make their way into BBS -- bringing over a beverage to someone who is joined by another potential romantic partner; how everything needs to be a competition or a “deal”; all the singing and writing of songs; make-up remover/micellar water (hi @miscellar​, ha!); the keeping of a guitar for someone else. I loved seeing those tropes in 2G. I love when shows talk to each other.
Most of all, 2G established Sarawat as committed to his pursuit. Bright was UNABASHED in his role as Sarawat. It was Win/Tine who could not meet Bright’s level -- seemingly out of, what, disinterest? Repulsion? Maybe even a lack of acting talent? It wasn’t obnoxious, per se. It just seemed like Win didn’t know HOW to respond, or even what to respond TO -- all while Bright/Wat CLEARLY SIMMERED in his role. (Like I said earlier, @bengiyo​ has shared that Bright was emphatic in interviews that Sarawat was gay, while Win was less forward about Tine and who Tine was.)
And I think S2G absolutely grabbed Bright’s talent and spotlighted it. I am deeply glad that the ending of S2G had a such a STRONG sexual insinuation, à la AePete’s SIMMERING attraction in Love By Chance, and even in moments throughout the show as well, and I loved how S2G leveraged Bright’s fabulous acting as Sarawat IN those insinuations. Because -- contrary to how my Asian parents raised me, and how many Asians are TAUGHT to THINK about sex, which is to say, to try to ignore it or laugh at it -- PEOPLE HAVE SEX. And sex, and QUEER SEX, are things to be celebrated. Sex is beautiful, and BELONGS in stories of romance and love. To have had it essentially...deleted?...from 2G removed a huge sense of reality from that piece of drama art.
S2G also focused on a thing that many in the BL fandom actually pooh-pooh: it focused on a committed, ongoing relationship. My favorite BL in the world, Kinou Nani Tabeta?/What Did You Eat Yesterday? is focused on two middle-aged guys in the middle of their years-long relationship. I’m a married mom. I want to see the struggle. I love first love in BLs, don’t get me wrong -- my Cherry Magics, my BBSs, my Old Fashion Cupcakes. But I also don’t mind the struggles. Give me a Minato’s Laundromat, season 2, any day.
I think P’Aof was offering a subversion to Thai BL expectations by showing Tine and Wat in their settled relationship, a year in, where even Sarawat admits -- the sweetness of the relationship has worn off. The guys are working together, living together, working on their relationship together, eating instant noodles together, instead of the green curry and simmered pork and eggs that Tine lovingly made for Sarawat in their early days.
I feel like I’ve said this before, but let me say it again: I CANNOT EMPHASIZE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS FOR MEDIA TO SHOW QUEER COUPLES IN LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIPS. Queer partners are FAMILY, TOO. I had ongoing FABULOUS conversation with @chickenstrangers​​ (THANK YOU, FRIEND!) during my 2G and S2G conversations, and dear @chickenstrangers​​ pointed out to me the nature of a conversation that Sarawat and Earn (FILM FILM FILM!) had, in which Earn complemented Sarawat on his courage in being in a same-sex relationship. And Wat corrects her. (Sorry for the massively bad screenshots, it’s bumbling mom hour around here):
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Like I said earlier: 2G gave potentially sex-and-queer-love-averse audiences a BL they could chew on. Win Metawin gave them enough by way of the portrayal to allow audiences to feel like they could be at arm’s-length while observing a same-sex relationship.
S2G, and Sarawat himself, strike to the HEART of queer existence and queer love. Sarawat corrects Earn: I do not love Tine because I’m courageous. I love Tine because I love Tine, because I am a human who loves another human. It’s nothing special. It’s just love that myself and my partner have, that other couples have. 
I think what P’Aof did, by way of observing what was going down in 2G -- what was being NORMALIZED in 2G -- was to pull a switch and turn the tracks around, and say, I have got to normalize ANOTHER PATH for these fans that are paying extremely close attention to Bright and Win right now. And he did it, with rainbow tablecloths and shirts; with Tine’s homies, Fong and Ohm, holding Tine down; with Sarawat’s homies, Man and Boss, exploring their OWN loves simultaneously with Sarawat and holding Sarawat down with love and support. 
Oh, and, of course. What P’Aof did with Green. Green was arguably a worst-case scenario of a gay character being misused for comedy in any of the dramas I’ve seen on the OGMMTVC in 2G. I honestly do NOT know what GMMTV was thinking when they allowed that characterization to air.
And Green just becomes... SASSY, and EQUAL, and really fun and slightly conniving towards Dim in S2G, and it was FABULOUS to watch (OMG. Guy and Guy’s chemistry and comedy? HILARIOUS. P’Aof ABSOLUTELY knew what he was doing there!).
Watching S2G was another fabulous P’Aof moment. It was like putting on warm pajamas and snuggling in for the smart ride of a drama. Every bad drama should consider having P’Aof come in to save the day (except for The Promise and Step By Step -- let’s never utter those titles ever again, ever). 
But, I do need to give 2G credit. 2G opened the door for something: it served as a misstep for GMMTV to learn from. I don’t want to be SO summarizing like that -- again, because very important experts in @bengiyo​ and @so-much-yet-to-learn​, who analyze shows from a very important queer lens, have spoken on the bright spots of 2G. 2G allowed for S2G to exist, for Sarawat to exist as an openly-in-love man with a boyfriend who he doted on. 2G allowed for fans of 2G to then walk the road in S2G, to be exposed to P’Aof’s CRITICAL and EMPATHIC eye in developing queer content, and to be exposed to a Sarawat that was much more able to LOVE and to receive love. 
I’ll giggle and laugh at the foibles of 2G. But I saw how Bright, and even Win, improved in S2G. I saw how a director in P’Aof, and his screenwriting team in Pratchaya, Bee, and Au, took a thing that wasn’t representing the queer community healthily enough, and turned it into yet another gorgeous representation, not just of queer love -- but of GLOBAL LOVE, a kind of love, between Tine and Sarawat, that all of us humans who WANT to love another person, can strive for. I will always appreciate 2G and S2G for that journey.
[Alright, we keep truckin’! If you’ve been following my blog in the late-night space, well -- you know where I’m at, psychologically, at the moment. I was ALL KINDS OF MESSSEDDDDD UPPPPPPPPPP over I Told Sunset About You. GEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZ. I am really going to enjoy my ITSAY write-up, and will definitely serve up some comparative analysis between ITSAY and other shows, as per a request from the legendary @lurkingshan, I gotchu, gurl. I see some really important moments from the OGMMTVC journey in ITSAY and cannot wait to get my pen on them.
And speaking of wild and crazy mindsets, I have started YYY -- more on THAT in the liveblogs -- and then after YYY, a return to dear MaxTul. We’ll definitely honor the end of Tul Pakorn’s career as I watch Manner of Death for the first time. Tul’s been a real homey in the space for a while, and I can’t wait to celebrate him.
Here’s the status of the watchlist -- as always, I’ll take any feedback ya got!
1) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 2) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 3) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 4) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 5) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 6) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 7) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 8) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 9) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 10) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 11) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 12) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (I’m watching this out of order just to get familiar with OffGun before Theory of Love -- will likely not review) 13) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 14) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (not a BL or an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 15) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 16) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) 17) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020)  18) I Told Sunset About You (2020) (review coming) 19) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (watching) 20) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) 21) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 22) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS 23) Lovely Writer (2021) 24) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) 25) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 26) Not Me (2021-2022) 27) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 28) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 29) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 30) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 31) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 32) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 33) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 34) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 35) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 36) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults)]
102 notes · View notes
dramatically-anime · 2 years
Mental Health & Monsters | Sweet Home
What Up Nerds?!
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I’m here today with a blog on the Korean Drama Sweet Home. This is an in-depth analysis on how the drama portrays mental health!
I had started this drama when it released and I remember really liking it. I can’t really tell you why I stopped watching it. I stopped at about episode 2 or 3. I think it was just because I wasn’t in a good mind set at the time. Which is a theme for this blog! (If you couldn’t already tell by its title) This drama hit home in a way I didn’t think possible for a monster movie. It became a drama I related too and now hold very dear to my heart.
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Title: Sweet Home
Genre: Horror
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 10
Platform: Netflix
Release: December 18, 2020
Cast: Song Kang, Lee Jin-wook, Lee Si-young, Lee Do-hyun, Kim Nam-hee, Go Min-si, Park Gyu-young, Go Yoon-jung
An epidemic begins to plague Korea that doesn’t seem to stop. No one knows it’s origins or how to stop it. People begin turning into monsters and killing off the population. Residing at the Green apartments take a stand in a way to survive. One teenager, Cha Hyun-su, is infected but hasn’t turned yet. Could he be the groups last hop of survival?
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*trigger warning: I am going to be talking about mental Heath and suicide. While it’s not graphic or totally in depth, if that’s something that triggers you, please feel free to skip this blog. I’ll see you in the next one.
*There is also a spoiler warning for those who haven’t watched it or haven’t finished watching.
This drama is a must see in my opinion. The way it handles mental illness is very creative and new for me. Portraying mental health in media is such a fine line. It’s hard to say what’s good representation and what’s bad. A lot of the times, however, it is shown on the bad spectrum. Then, most zombie movies are just outbreaks because some government decided it was nice to make a bio weapon. Or there’s just some random virus. But what’s happening here in Sweet Home is completely different.
Most of the time when we look at suicidal depression, we see stories that lead up to the suicide or are seeing the after affects of suicide. Shows like 13 reasons why are a good example. When a character shows up in the media that someone can relate to due to the illness they have and want to see a happy ending too, but in the end they just see them die. Or characters that are already dead and gone They are given this picture that there is no hope. That they are beyond saving. And when the portrayals of them are just painting them as a stain on society, what message does that send? Bringing light to these situations is important, but when they do more harm than good, what’s the point?
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Cha Hyun-su is our light in the dark. He is a teen who is struggling hard with suicidal depression. With flashbacks we see that he was severely bullied and isolated from his classmates. This lead him to self harm and eventually isolate himself from the rest of the world. His parents are unaware of what’s going on, or choose not to care by how his father acts, and can’t seem to figure out why he became a recluse. One day he goes on a car trip with his family that only stared an argument. During which a truck hits the car and Hyun-Su becomes the sole survivor. He’s stricken with grief, but also holds some envy as he was not the one to die. His depression has many layers and isn’t cause by one sole incident.
When dealing with self harm in a show, most of the time we see it happen. Or it’s heavily referenced to the point of nausea. It basically becomes trauma porn. This drama, however, does this beautifully. His self harm is referenced. Every so often we see his scars and then in a school flash back we see him with a box cutter in the school bathroom. We know what he’s done, but it’s not overly shoved in our face. It’s tastefully done. One scene that really stands out is when he’s sitting down and his inner demon drags its hand over the scars. It’s using that as a tool to control him. And I think that was genius.
Speaking of inner self, the portrayal of the “monster” and the depression he holds is just an evil version of himself. The voice he hears and the image he sees is a black eyed version of himself. When we talk about inner demons it’s not some dark demented thing. Often times we look in the mirror and see someone different. We are fighting ourselves and this can’t be more true. I’m speaking from experience. You fight your own thoughts. This has been used in media before to represent illness, but it works. And for how this plot goes about explaining the illness, it kicks it up a notch.
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Some of the monsters of the show are manifestations of peoples trauma and illness, but not all. Hyun-su keeps his “monster” at bay by talking to it. The evil version of himself tells him that he can give up and live as a monster, but Hyun-su didn’t call for it and stabs his reflection. This is the pivotal moment where Hyun-su reclaims his desire to live and find meaning. He doesn’t have some romanticized way of overcoming his depression. He fights for it and it takes him a while. The first step of his recovering was wanting to save the children. Then everything spiraled form there.
Something else that I want to touch on is the evolution of self harm. Most of the time when we think of self harm, it’s just cutting. Sweet Home goes a step further. We see Hyun-su jumping at the chance to be put in danger for the betterment of the group. He can’t really die and he just heals fast. So why not be the one to venture out. This becomes his way of giving his existence meaning, this another way to self harm. Wanting to make yourself useful to others is a form of depression as well. There is no set form of self harm or depression and this is something that the series should be praised on the depiction of multiple forms.
This is something that I can relate to as well. While I never cut myself or tried any form of suicide, I put my self at risk for the sake of others. I pushed through being extremely sick just to work because I knew we were short staffed. I took everything on at work and rarely asked for help. My health was already not the best due to the conditions that I had, but overworking myself and not stopping was doing the most harm. My blood pressure skyrocketed and I was so stressed that I didn’t know what to do. I became sicker, but I told myself that this was good. At least I wasn’t at home laying in bed and doing nothing with my life. I told myself this was my purpose. I never really took the time for me. It was always about work and other people. Being dedicated to something or someone can be good, but you also have to take care of yourself and realize when it’s destroying you. It took me a long while to realize that I had to step back and think of me. It took me until a few months ago for me to stand up for myself and start thinking of myself again.
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What’s beautiful is that no one saves Hyun-su from his illness. No one is holding his hand and they don’t pitty him. It’s not done magically. He learns how to grow with it and live on. Eun-yu holds him accountable for his actions telling him that he got hurt because of his choices. This ain’t victim blaming. Hyun-Su has never stood up for himself, but he needs too. The first step to recovery is seeking help, which is something he hasn’t done. Both know that he resents being put in danger, but he doesn’t have the voice to say so.
Depression is something that I’ve been dealing with for quite some time. And it has varying reasons. While I had a support system in my family and some people that came and went, it wasn’t enough. Others can only do so much. I had to be the one to make the choice to get better. To keep going. To find the light I needed myself. There was no soulmate to pull me from the dark. No one to hold my hand. Hyun-su made his choice to keep going just like I did. He had a bit of tough love from Eun-Yu, but everything was his doing.
The drama ends beautifully with Hyun-su making the decision to live for both himself and his new family. He begins to give into his monster side as a way of accepting his pain and depression as part of him. He’s stopped by Du-Sik who tells him that it’s alright. The burden of people’s deaths is not his. His want to live creates something painfully beautiful.
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It’s dramas like these that keep me coming back. It’s so easy to just see something for what it is on the surface. A zombie apocalypse drama in this case. But when we step back and try to see the messages it’s trying to convey and lessons it’s trying to teach, that’s when the true magic happens. And so often I think these are missed because we just want to see the next big drama. We build ourselves with all this hype and then get disappointed when we don’t think it meets expectations. We don’t take the time to pay attention and find the details that make it special.
So my homework to people who have made it this far in the blog. Watch a drama for what it is. Not for the hype. Step back and pay attention to the nuances of the drama. Find what it’s trying to tell you. It’ll help you appreciate the artwork in front of you more than if you were just watching for entertainment.
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tipsylorie · 3 years
Dream Project Pt. 2 {title in progress}
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: Hello guys! Here is the second part of the story I have been working on. My friend @w-h-i-t-e-mochi had read this already and she commented that it might feel a bit dragging. So, Im sorry about that but I just tried to emphasise on how Jayceon Stone acts as her assistant. This is not yet proof read tho so, sorry again. But I came to realisation on how Lee Da Hee would make a great Liviana and to be paired with Lee Jun Ho as Jayceon. Therefore, if you want, they can be your character reference. 
Word Count: 2,300
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Before Liviana got to her office, she was greeted by her employees with good mornings, and she greeted them all back with a smile and nod of acknowledgement. Once she arrived at her office, she was welcomed with the young man once again with a smile on his face. “Good morning Liv, I hope you had a goodnight sleep and your first schedule for today is supposedly with the Finance Department of the entertainment, but it seems like you should prioritise the meeting with your potential investor, Mr. Stone.”
Liv can’t help but chuckle with how blunt his assistant was as he immediately stated her schedule for today, so she just replies with, “Woah, what’s the rush Jer? Slowly. I agree on meeting with the investor first so maybe update them that after 45 minutes we are good to see each other at the Casa Royale Hotel. I just need to look through the contract again and see area for negotiation.”
Jayceon is a bit flustered with Liviana’s remark of him seems to be in a rush because this is the first time of him doing such job and he just copied what Dexter usually do as his assistant. So, his response went, “Sorry about that Liv. I just tried to be productive by not stalling any tasks that could’ve already been done. The contract is already sent to your email so just check that and I will call his assistant now. So please excuse me.” After saying the last line, Jayceon exited the office and sat on his desk just outside of it.
~30 minutes later~
“Would you like to come with me Jer?” Liv asked the young man as she exited her office.
“Sure, no problem. I already notified the Financial Department of the meeting being moved an hour later.” Jayceon replied with ease.
“Good job!” She said and high fived him. “Now let’s go.” She continued as she led the way to the parking lot where her driver and car awaits.
~At the Casa Royale Hotel~
“Over here Ms. Voss!” Dexter exclaimed as he waves Liv and Jayce to go to his direction. “Thank you for arranging this meeting Ms. Voss and please do have a seat.” Dexter said as he gestured to the seats vacant for the two and they sat as Dexter continues, “Unfortunately Mr. Stone won’t be able to be here as he is in a 1 week leave due to the transitioning of company rights. I hope that is okay as I am given the Power of Attorney as his proxy for today. He had trusted me that whatever agreements we will be having for today is as good to be his as well. So, no need to be concerned.”  He said the last line with a reassuring voice.
Liviana was taken back a little bit as she was expecting to meet the CEO himself, so she answers, “Oh, alright then. I can say by re-reading the contract before coming here is that it was really detailed and somehow stringent.” Liv’s remarks made the vibe feel tense as Jayceon starts to worry and his secretary noticed the faint change of his facial expression. Fortunately, the young woman who has no idea on what caused the sudden change of vibe smiles and continues to say, “But there is need to worry because I like it that way. It will help us keep things black and white and lessen misunderstandings so, I say we seal the deal right away!” She said the last line with enthusiasm and grabs a pen to sign the document. This made the young CEO relax his tense shoulders and gives a smile of recognition to his assistant that he is satisfied with how the meeting turned out.
The partnership was sealed with the final handshake between Liviana and Dexter. Then all of them bid their goodbyes with a last reminder from the older man that after a week, they will meet again to announce publicly about the merger. Liviana and Jayceon conclusively thanked Dexter and took their leave.
Once they arrived back the LV Entertainment building, Jayceon reminded Liviana of her meeting that will take place in 15 minutes.
“Thanks Jer, I will just grab the needed materials in my office. Oh, you can seat this one out because I don’t think I will need an assistant there. So, you can just grab an early lunch or Brunch if you still haven’t eaten your breakfast.” Liviana informed her assistant.
“But I can totally accompany you since it is my job, and maybe… I can give some inputs if you want.” Jayceon tried to reason because she can feel how Liv is being lenient towards him.
She can sense what her assistant is trying to do, and this made her smile, so she replies, “Do not worry Jer, I am not taking it easy towards you but I really don’t find the need to have you there. I can just message you when I need something or when there is something worth noting. But for now, you can just grab your lunch. Okay?”
Jayceon was satisfied with her reply, so he responded, “Sure Liv. Thanks. I will also just arrange the meetings for later to keep everything smooth sailing.”
This made Liviana say, “That would be amazing. Thank you.” She took her leave to proceed to the conference room.
**Jayceon’s Phone**
Message from Liviana: Check Break Even Analysis
Reply sent: Should I check it Liv, right now?
Liviana forgot to put her phone on mute so everyone in the room heard the chime of notification. This made her say, “Sorry guys, please continue.” Then she sent her assistant another message.
**Jayceon’s Phone**
Message from Liviana: No, I will just spam you of the things I need to do. So there’s no need for you to reply.
Reply sent: Oh, okay. Sorry.
Message from Liviana: I said, do not replyyy 😭
Message from Liviana: TLA each branch financial report last month in conjunction of the Entertainment
Message from Liviana: Bake some Choco Moist Cake for Julie
~After many messages later~
“Thank you so much everyone. We need to find solutions soon to add more income without jeopardising the operating expenses. So, I will be all open with suggestions in my email. Okay guys?” Liv informed her staff and all of them agreed then she ended the meeting.
~Back to her office~
“Why is there food on my table? I didn’t order anything.” Liv thought to herself when her secretary enters her office.
“I bought you some lunch in case you’re hungry. I am not sure what to but so I just bought sandwich and Iced Americano to play it safe. I hope it is fine.” Jayceon told her boss.
“It’s actually great! I totally forgot that I haven’t eaten my lunch yet. Thanks. This is actually my go-to food when I am having hard time to think what to eat. So really, thank you Jer.” Liviana told her secretary with genuinely.
Jayceon replies enthusiastically, “No problem, boss. Just doing my job!” He is about to leave then he suddenly remembers something, “May I ask something Liv?”
“Sure.” Live replied as she took a bite of her sandwich.
“With everything you sent me earlier, from the meeting’s notes to your friend’s cake, why did you still forget your own food?” Jayceon asked curiously.
“Yes, I think so. Are you planning on checking up the Academy’s different branches afterwards?” Jayceon asked his boss to confirm and inform that the schedule in the iPad seems incomplete.
It took a while for Liviana to think of an answer so she manages to say is, “Well, all I could think of once I get home is food, maybe that’s why.” She smiled to her assistant with face shows confusion with the lack of answer she replied so she just says, “It’s easier that way. Anyways, what’s next to our schedule?”
While Liviana is taking a sip of her Iced Americano, Jayceon enumerated the meetings that are lined up and this is followed by a question from Liv, “After all these meetings for today, does that end all of the Entertainment’s agendas for the week?”
“Yeah, why? Is there something wrong?” Liviana asked worriedly.
“It’s just that your ex-assistant seemed to forget to update the calendar since what I have now is relatively blank.” Jayceon stated as he looked through the tablet’s screen.
This made Liv ponder for a few minutes and came to a realisation, so she replies, “I believe it was purposely left that way since that is what I instructed her before she left. Hence, we can just leave it like that and have some sort of business trip tomorrow. I will message you the information once I got home because we need to go to the meeting now.”
Jayceon was relieved to know that there was no missing schedule, so he answered, “Sure, I’ll be right behind you Liv.”
After Liviana and Jayceon finished attending all the meetings for the day, she asked him to her office even though it was already passed his clock.
The young man took a seat adjacent to Liviana’s table and she remarks, “Hey, I think I will need your opinion about making the partnership with Stone Corp. public sooner instead of a week. Because I made some thinking the whole day and concluded that it would create traction for the Entertainment. I am not sure if you’ve already seen our latest financial reports that we are close to be in red – and barely breaking even.” Her face is contoured in full worries and anxiousness, she continues, “So I just want to know your opinion if I were to propose this to Mr. Stone, would it be alright or not?” She asked and nervously waiting for Jayceon’s reply.
“Honestly Liv, I don’t think you should rush this. Because one week is not a long time. The best advice I could give you is focus on the events that will happen, both in TLA and the Entertainment. Do not worry too much.” This response from Mr. Stone might come out quite manipulative but as Liv asked him with sincerity, this is the best answer he has based on his judgement with the overall situation.
The young woman took some time to weigh what her secretary just told her, and her reply goes, “Yes. Yeah, I think you’re right. I agree. Maybe let’s conclude for the day and meet tomorrow at the usual time here in the building to gather last minute things.” She informed her assistant, and both bid their goodbyes.
~At Liviana’s House~
“Let’s make the cake first and then eat dinner afterwards before checking all the reports for tomorrow’s trip.” Liv said as she tries to reason with herself.
Her closest friend Julie is having her 27th birthday tomorrow and she is currently supervising the branch of TLA where the Scholarship Audition Programme is going to be held, which is the Municipality of Paradigmia.  It is like the second main branch after the one in the City of Pneumarê. The main branch is the only one located in a city, however due to the development of the Tree of Life Academy the municipalities and provinces where other branches are located, it is becoming a progressive community which at a very near future can make them a city. If you are wondering on why the Final Audition is not going to take place in the city, well… It is because of how it was agreed upon on where annual inter-branch events will take place – and it is through spinning wheel where the names of the branches are written in random order. Therefore, she must make sure to visit Paradigmia at all costs tomorrow.
Going back to Liv’s closest friend, Julie Andews is also her longest friend who also supported her while she was busy integrating an Entertainment company to her family’s Academy. Ever since it was Anne who was more focused on handling the academics aspects, so it took quite a while for Julie to find a place where she truly suitable. Heck, she even attempted to do the financial aspect, but it took a toll on her. Then, one time strolling through the city’s academy branch, she saw the need to develop the extra-curricular activities not just for students who do it for grades but also those who wants to experience it. Especially when she realised that it would be vital for the integration of a Korean Entertainment Company. So, she drew up a proposal on how she plans to execute such developments and it was immediately approved by Liv. Liviana also doubled check it with her parents if such change would be okay and even though it took a week for them to agree, Julie was able to perform her plan without a hitch.
Okay, going back to the cake. After she baked the 3 layers of the heart-shaped cake for Julie she realised that she mixed a hell a lot of batter. So, she just took some of her leftover cupcake cups and make the rest of the red velvet mix into cupcakes. To Liv’s surprise she was still able to great 2 dozen of cupcakes, so she plans to give half of it to Anne as she also promised her a visit yesterday. Liviana successfully iced and decorated the cake and all the cupcakes after several hours, so she proceeds on putting it on her refrigerator to finally have her dinner.
Liviana freshen up before heading to her bed since it was a tedious work and cleaning earlier in the kitchen that made her sweat a lot. Before having her eyes closed, she remembers the reports she must re-evaluate this made her say, “For fuck’s sake.” After another 2 hours she finally got her sleep.
[End of Part 2]
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jayalaw · 3 years
Twelve Days Of Doomsday 2020: Starting In The Middle
Tagging @yv-sketches because this is your thing and you are awesome. Also tagging @hcsp1 since they’re a good sport about fandom events. @kingofthewilderwest you are totally tagged for your book analyses. @httydbooks-doodler I know you also do Doomsday posts. 
I realized that Tumblr doesn’t have a post for Twelve Days of Doomsday, 2020. And that is a problem because today is day three! Doomsday generally starts on December 20th and ends on January 1. (Most posts say December 31 but I checked online and that’s only eleven days, tee-hee; you can correct me if I’m wrong.) It is a fandom event for How to Train Your Dragon, where people can post their love for the franchise. Wizards of Once, another series by the author Cressida Cowell, can also be celebrated, four books and all. 
People don’t have to post every day. I need to establish that since it’s been a weird year. This is meant for fun. 
Generally, I alternate between art --watercolor, inks or acrylic-- and fanfic shorts. If anyone has requests, feel free to either DM me or send asks. I can also do analysis and gushing posts. Always looking for ideas.   
Doomsday of the Yule is a holiday from the books, the darker equivalent to Snoggletog in the films. It happens during the shortest days of the year, and when the books enter the point where it seems Hiccup will lose an ultimate battle for his future, and that of the Vikings. 
Wizards of Once doesn’t have a similar holiday, from my reading, but since it’s a sister series, it deserves all our love. That is about a magic-less wizard and a magical warrior girl teaming up to save the world from witches. It has fairies, giants, and genocide. Book four came out in the UK, meaning it should be on our doorstep soon. 
You can post on any of these days, or for all twelve. I’m going to be aiming for three posts today to catch up. Use the hashtags “twelve days of doomsday” or “twelve days of doomsday 2020″ so we can see all your posts. I’m want to like and reblog them, and find new people to follow. 
Thanks, everyone! Happy posting! 
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space--cadet-glow · 4 years
Translation: German manga of “The Minish Cap”, Part 1: “Link and Vaati”
So, after long last, I have translated all seven chapters of the German version of the manga version of “The Minish Cap” in the entirety. Because I could. I also have the Japanese and Italian copies of “The Minish Cap” and the German version of “Four Swords” that I’ll also do eventually. Also, I’m tempted to do some translation theories, too (in the same vein as the “Forest vs. Town” argument analysis)... But, for now: here is the completed first chapter! I’ll try to remember to post one chapter a day.
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: "English equivalent" (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it's gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it's practically English already) OE: "official English (translation as given in the English version of "The Minish Cap")" (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out" (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German" for the Minish language in forwards form BOE: "the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version" BOET: "the TRANSLATION of the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version"
My translation work under the cut.
Erzähler: „Kennt ihr die Minish?" DT: „Know you all the Minish?" EQ: "Do you all know the Minish?" OE: "Do you know about the Picori?" (NOTE: The book never specifies who's narrating, so I'm bringing back my default Storyteller.)
Erzähler: „Die Minish sind daumengroße Lebewesen, die überall leben." DT: „The Minish are thumb-sized creatures, that everywhere live." EQ: "The Minish are thumb-sized creatures that live everywhere." OE: "They're teeny, tiny creatures the size of your thumb that live everywhere in our world."
Erzähler: „Die Menschen wissen nichts davon..." DT: „The humans know not thereof..." EQ: "The humans don't know it..." OE: "Normal folks rarely see them..."
Erzähler: „...aber sie helfen uns immer wieder, ohne dass wir es wahrnehmen können." DT: „...but they help us always again, without that we it perceive able." EQ: "...but they help us again and again, without us being able to perceive it." OE: "...But when we're not looking, they help us out." (NOTE: Extremely idiomatic. Another translation could be "without us being able to be aware of it".)
Erzähler: „Denn die Minish..." DT/EQ: „"Because the Minish..." OE: "That's because..."
Erzähler: „...lieben uns Menschen." DT/EQ: „"...love us humans." OE: "...the Picori love people!"
Link: „Und hopp!" DT: „And hopp!" EQ: "One, two!"/"Alley-oop!" OE: "Hup... Two..." (NOTE: Both translations work and make an equal amount of sense.)
Toneffekte: „KLONG KLING" DT/EQ: „"KLONG KLING" OE: "KLANG KLANG" (NOTE: This is what I'm calling the "Sound Effects".)
Alberich: „Schönes Schwert. Sicher haben die Minish uns dabei geholfen." DT: „Beautiful sword. Certainly (x) the Minish us with helped." EQ: "Beautiful sword. The Minish certainly helped us with it." OE: "Oh my... That's a GOOD sword. The Picori must've pitched in on this one!" (NOTE: Alberich is still Smith. And conversational past.)
Link: „Opa, gibt es die Minish wirklich?" DT: „Grandpa, is there the Minish real?" EQ: "Grandpa, are the Minish real?" OE: "Grandfather, do the Picori really exist?" (NOTE: Yay, my least-favourite idiom.)
Alberich: „Na, aber sicher doch. Es heißt, nur Kinder können die Minish sehen." DT: „Well, but certainly still. It (is) said, only children can the Minish see." EQ: "Well, sure enough/for sure. It is said that only children can see the Minish." OE: "They say only children can see Picori. If you truly believe, you may see them yourself." (NOTE: ...Idioms. Bah.)
Link: „Wirklich...? Ich habe sie noch nie gesehen..." DT: „Really...? I (x) them still never seen..." EQ: "Really...? I've still never seen them..." OE: "Really?! I've NEVER seen anything like that!"
Link: „Oh, ich muss jetzt trainieren! Bis später!!" DT: „Oh, I must now train! Until later!!" EQ: "Oh, I must train now! See you later!!" OE: "Yipes! See ya later, Grandfather!" (NOTE: Take a drink for every time "Yipes" is used in the English translation. You'll be dead by the time Chilta shows up.)
Alberich: „Gib acht, Link!" DT: „Give attention, Link!" EQ: "Be careful, Link!" OE: "Have fun, Link!" (NOTE: I think the idioms are killing me more quickly than the game did.)
SIGN ON DOOR: „Magnus-Dojo" DT/EQ: „"Magnus-Dojo" OE: "Swiftblade's Dojo" (NOTE: What English calls Swiftblade, that is.)
(The German Translation then adds in an explanation for what a Dojo is). [ADDENDUM: „Trainingshalle für Kampfsportarten." DT/EQ: „"Training-hall for martial-arts."]
Link: „Hyaah!! Yaah!! Haaah!!" DT/EQ: „"Hyaah!! Yaah!! Haaah!!" OE: "Dah! Hyah! Taaah!" (NOTE: Link stayed Link. Naturally.)
Toneffekte: „Bamm Klatsch Huah!" DT/EQ: „"Bam Clash Huah!" OE: "Whack Whack Yah!"
Magnus: „Genug, Jungs! Das Training ist für heute beendet!" DT: „Enough, boys! The training is for to-day finished!" EQ: "Enough, boys! The training is finished for to-day!" OE: "All right! That's enough for today! Hmph!"
Magnus: „Morgen ist das Minish-Fest mit dem Kampfturnier!" DT/EQ: „"To-morrow is the Minish-Festival with the Martial Arts/Fighting-Tournament!" OE: "It's time for the annual Martial Arts Tournament at the Picori Festival." (NOTE: I'll just go with "martial arts" for now, since that's what the original Japanese used. This must be the reason how Vaati got in without a sword.)
Magnus: „Wer daran teilnimmt, kämpft im Namen unseres Dojos! Viel Erfolg!" DT: „Who there of partake, fights in (the) name (of) our Dojo! Much success!" EQ: "Whoever partakes in it fights in the name of our Dojo! I wish your success!" OE: "Participants, your behavior must bring honor to the Swiftblade Dojo." (NOTE: ...But... The English door said "Swiftblade's Dojo"... Which is it?)
Toneffekte: „Glänz" DT/EQ: „"Gleam" OE: "Shine"
Toneffekte: „Japs Japs" DT/EQ: „"Gasp gasp" OE: "Huff puff"
Link: „Jawohl!!" DT: „Yes indeed!!" EQ: "Yessir!!" OE: "Yes, Sensei!" (NOTE: Can also simply mean "Yes!!" in a very emphatic manner... But since Link is saying this to Swiftblade, I thought the "sir" part made more sense...)
Magnus: „Hm? Link, du schaust nur zu." DT: „Hm? Link, you watch only (x)." EQ: "Hm? Link, you're only watching." OE: "Hmm? You will only be observing, Link." (NOTE: "zuschauen"...)
Link: „Waas?! Ich bin aber angemeldet..." DT: „Whaat?! I (x) but registered..." EQ: "Whaat?! I already registered..." OE: "Huuh?! B-But I registered to compete!"
Link: „Bitte, Meister! Ich möchte wissen, wie gut ich bin!" DT/EQ: „"Please, Master! I would like (to) know, how good I am!" OE: "Please, Sensei! I want to test my skills!" (NOTE: There's only one reason I can think of for why German Link calls him "Meister" and not "Sensei"... And that's probably to draw a parallel towards German Vaati, who ALSO calls his teacher, Ezlo, "Meister" in specific.)
Magnus: „Viel zu früh für dich! Der Weg der Schwertkunst ist lang! Noch bist du nicht reif genug!" DT: „Much too early for you! The way (to) the sword-arts is long! Still are you not ready enough!" EQ: "Much too early for you! The way to swordsmanship is long! You are still not ready enough!" OE: "Hmph! I said no! The way of the sword is precise and disciplined! You are not yet ready! Hmph!" (NOTE: EINS, ZWEI, DREI, MARIONETTE NUN SEI.)
Toneffekte: „Glänz" DT/EQ: „"Gleam" OE: "Shine"
Link: „Menno. Menno. Menno." DT/EQ: „"Man. Man. Man." OE: "Hmph! Tsk! Rats!" (NOTE: „Menno" is sort of an... Interjection for annoyance/indignation. Seen as rather childish. Another way to translate it would be something like "Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.")
Link: „Und dafür habe ich acht Stunden am Tag geübt! Es gibt doch nur ein Turnier im Jahr..." DT: „And for that (x) I eight hours of (the) day practised! There is still only a Tournament (of) the year..." EQ: "And I practised for eight hours a day for that! There's only one Tournament a year..." OE: "I practiced hours and hours every day for this! The Tournament's just once a year!"
Toneffekte: „Murmel Grummel" DT/EQ: „"Mumble grumble" OE: "Mutter grumble"
Link: „Yaaaah!! Wirbelattacke!!" DT/EQ: „"Yaaah!! Swirl-attack!!" OE: "Swiftblade School Spin Attack!!" (NOTE: English version, please... Is it "Swiftblade's Dojo", "Swiftblade Dojo", or "Swiftblade School"??? Make up your mind...)
Vaati: "Hi hi." DT/EQ: „"Hee hee." OE: "Heh!" (NOTE: Likewise, Vaati stayed Vaati. That is, from the Japanese version's Gufuu...)
Vaati: „Ha ha ha ha" DT/EQ: „"Ha ha ha ha" OE: "Heh heh heh heh"
Link: „He, du! Was lachst du?!" DT: „Hey, you! What laughing you?!" EQ: "Hey, you! What are you laughing at?!" OE: "Hey, you! Are you laughing at me?!"
Vaati: „Ach... Deine kindische Technik war witzig..." DT/EQ: „"Oh... Your childish Technique was humorous..." OE: "I had to... ...It was such a pathetic display."
Link: „WAAAS?!" DT/EQ: „"WHAAAT?!" OE: "WHAT?!"
Vaati: „Tja... Ich zeige dir, wie man richtig Bäume fällt..." DT: „Oh, well... I show (to) you, how one correctly trees cut down..." EQ: "Oh, well... I'll show you how one correctly cuts down trees..." OE: "Now, now. Want to see the REAL way to defeat a tree?"
Toneffekte: „Baazzack!!" DT/EQ: „"Baazzack!!" OE: KRAK KRAK KRAK KRAK" (NOTE: NO CLUE.)
Vaati: „He he he he..." DT/EQ: „"He he he he..." OE: "Heh heh heh heh"
Link: „Was... Was war das?!" DT/EQ: „"What... What was that?!" OE: "Who... Who is that guy?"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Hallo, Link!" DT/EQ: „"Hello, Link!" OE: "Link!" (NOTE: Name's the same.)
Prinzessin Zelda: „Link!" DT/EQ: „"Link!" OE: "Link!"
Link: „Prinzessin Zelda!" DT/EQ: „"Princess Zelda!" OE: "Princess Zelda!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Was ist denn hier passiert?" DT: „What (x) then here happened?" EQ: "What happened here?" OE: "What happened here?" (NOTE: FINALLY. A MATCHING LINE OF DIALOGUE. THANK YOU, PRINCESS.)
Link: „Ach, nichts! Bist du mal wieder allein vom Schloss hierher gelaufen? Der Minister macht bestimmt wieder ein großes Theater." DT: „Oh, nothing! (x) You (softner) again alone from (the) Castle here run? The Minister makes certainly again a great fuss." EQ: "Oh, nothing! Did you run here from the Castle alone again? The Minister will certainly make a great fuss again." OE: "Nothing... Never mind. Did you sneak out of the Castle again? The Minister's gonna be mad!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Nun, heute ist doch das Minish-Fest. Lass uns zusammen dort hingehen!" DT: „Well, to-day is still the Minish-Festival. Let us together there go!" EQ: "Well, to-day is the Minish-Festival. Let's go there together!" OE: "But the annual Picori Festival is today. C'mon, let's go see it together!!" (NOTE: I love how Zelda just casually dodges the question.)
Link: „Nö." DT/EQ: „"Nope." OE: "I'm not going." (NOTE: ...Bröther. The lämp...)
Toneffekte: „Fosch" DT/EQ: „"Fosch" OE: "Fwp" (NOTE: Okay, no clue.)
Prinzessin Zelda: „Warum nichts?" DT/EQ: „"Why not?" OE: "Why not?"
Link: „Ich muss trainieren! Geh du allein hin!" DT: „I must train! Go you alone there!" EQ: "I must train! Go there alone!" OE: "I'm too busy training! If you wanna go, go alone!"
Toneffekte: „Heul..." DT/EQ: „"Cry..." OE: "Plip"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Du bist so gemein! Ich habe mich so drauf gefreut, mit dir auf das Fest zu gehen..." DT: „You are so mean! I (x) myself so (x) pleased, with you to the Festival to go..." EQ: "You're so mean! I was so looking forward to going to the Festival with you..." OE: "Why are you being so mean? I s-snuck out so w-we could g-go together!" (NOTE: Idiomatic...)
Toneffekte: „Flenn flenn" DT/EQ: „"Blub blub" OE: "Sniff sob wail"
Link: „Ooooch, das war doch nur ein Witz! Ich hab mich auch darauf gefreut!" DT: „Oooohh, that was still only a joke! I (x) myself also there pleased!" EQ: "Oooohh, it was only a joke! I was looking forward to it, too!" OE: "R-Right... I was just kidding! I've been looking for you!" (NOTE: *intense sobbing*)
Link: „Wein doch nicht, Zelda. Komm, wir gehen los!!" DT: „Cry still not, Zelda. Come, we go let's!!" EQ: "Don't cry, Zelda. Come, let's go!!" OE: "Please don't cry! We've got too much to see!"
Toneffekte: „Freu" DT/EQ: „"Pleased" OE: "Perk"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Ja. ♪" DT/EQ: „"Yes. ♪" OE: "Yaay! ♪"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Schnell! Es fängt schon an!" DT/EQ: „"Quick! It began already (x)!" OE: "Come on! It's already starting!"
Toneffekte: „Bumm bumm bumm" DT/EQ: „"Boom boom boom" OE: "BOOM BOOM BOOM"
Link: „..." DT/EQ: „"..." OE: "..." (NOTE: Finally, a game-accurate line of dialogue.)
Link: „Das war ja schon immer so... Ich kann nie »Nein« zu ihr sagen..." DT: „That was indeed already always so... I can never »No« to her say..." EQ: "It's always been this way... I can never say »No« to her..." OE: "It's been like this ever since we were little... I can't say no to her." (NOTE: Yes, the French-style quotation marks are used.)
Leute: „Oh, Prinzessin Zelda! Link, du bist ja echt gut mit ihr befreundhet." DT: „Oh, Princess Zelda! Link, you are indeed really good with her friendly." EQ: "Oh, Princess Zelda! Link, you really are friendly with her." OE: "Look, it's Princess Zelda! You two sure are close, aren't you, Link?"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Oh, hi hi. ♥" DT/EQ: „"Oh, hi hi. ♥" OE: "Tee-hee!"
Link: „Sei ruhig! Komm, Zelda!!" DT/EQ: „"Be quiet! Come, Zelda!!" OE: "Shut up!! Let's go! C'mon!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Warte, Link! Da gibt es eine Lotterie!" DT: „Wait, Link! There there is a lottery!" EQ: "Wait, Link! There's a lottery over there!" OE: "Wait, Link. There's a lottery!"
Link: „Ach, da gewinnt man eh nie! Höchstens nur einen Trostpreis..." DT: „Oh, there win one anyway never! Mostly only a consolation-prize..." EQ: "Oh, no-one ever wins those! At most, just a consolation-prize..." OE: "Why bother No one ever wins... Not the good prizes, just the cheesy little ones!"
Toneffekte: „Kling klong" DT/EQ: „"Kling klong" OE: "RING RING"
Bruna: „Hauptgewinn!!" DT/EQ: „"Jackpot!!" OE: "We have a big winner!" (NOTE: Bruna is still Pina. You'll see why I keep saying "still" much, much later...)
Bruna: „Hauptgewinn an die Prinzessin! Ihr habt freie Auswahl!" DT/EQ: „Jackpot for the Princess! You have free choice!" OE: "First prize right at the start! Choose anything you like!"
Person 2: „Wahnsinn!" DT/EQ: „"Madness!" OE: "Wow, Princess!"
Person 3: „Prinzessin, nehmt den herzförmigen Stein! Er steht Euch gut!" DT/EQ: „"Princess, take the heart-shaped stone! It suits you well!" OE: "Get the heart-shaped stone, Princess! It's cute! It'd look GREAT on you!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Ich nehme diesen Schild." DT: „I take this shield." EQ: "I'll take this shield." OE: "I'll take this shield."
Link: „Wieso?! Du darfst dir alles aussuchen. Der Stein ist doch hübsch..." DT: „How-so?! You may (for) you anything choose. The stone is still pretty..." EQ: "Why?! You can choose anything. The stone is so pretty..." OE: "Huh? You got FIRST prize. You should chose something better." (NOTE: And no, that's not a typo. English really says "chose" and not "choose".)
Prinzessin Zelda: „Nein, ich möchte den hier." DT: „No, I would like the here." EQ: "No, I would like this here." OE: "No, THIS is what I want."
Bruna: „Wirklich? Ihr seid aber seltsam..." DT: „Really? You are but strange..." EQ: "Really? You're rather strange..." OE: "I see the Princess has... Umm... Interesting taste!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Hier, Link. Schade, dass du diesmal nicht am Turnier teilnehmen konntest. Aber ich weiß, wie gut du bist. Und damit wirst du noch besser!" DT: „Here, Link. Sad, that you this-time not in (the) Tournament partake could. But I know, how good you are. And therewith will you still better!" EQ: "Here, Link. It's a shame that you couldn't partake in the Tournament this time. But, I know how good you are. And with this, you'll get even better!" OE: "Here. I'm sorry you can't participate in the Martial Arts contest. You'd've done great. But use this while you're training for next year." (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Link: „Oh... Das wusstest du...?" DT: „Oh... That knew you...?" EQ: "Oh... You knew that...?" OE: "Huh? She knew?!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Klasse! Du siehst toll damit aus!" DT/EQ: „"Classy! You look terrific with that out!" OE: "It's perfect! You look SO cool!" (NOTE: That's STILL what she said.)
Link: „He he... Danke." DT/EQ: „"He he... Thanks." OE: "Heh heh... Don't embarrass me!"
Toneffekte: „Bumm bumm bumm" DT/EQ: „"Boom boom boom" OE: "BOOM POOMF BAM"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Das Turnier beginnt. Lass uns zum Schloss gehen!" DT: „The Tournament begins. Let us to (the) Castle go!" EQ: "The Tournament's beginning. Let's go to the Castle!" OE: "Let's go to the Castle. The Marial Arts contest is about to start!" (NOTE: DARNIT, ENGLISH. Is it "Tournament" or "contest"?! MAKE UP YOUR MIND!)
Link: "Ja, los!" DT/EQ: „"Yes, let's!" OE: "Where to next?" (NOTE: But... English... This speech-bubble is AFTER Zelda's... She's already told you... Where you're going...)
Prinzessin Zelda: „Link, kennst du die Vorgeschichte vom Minish-Fest?" DT: „Link, know you the history of the Minish-Festival?" EQ: "Link, do you know the history of the Minish-Festival?" OE: "Do you know the story behind the Picori Festival?"
???: „Waah! Waah! Waah!" DT/EQ: „"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" OE: "HURRAAY ROARR YAAY" (NOTE: The people... Cheering, I guess?)
Person 4: „Gewonnen!!" DT/EQ: „"Won/Win!!" OE: "Look! He won!" (NOTE: Means both; and both make sense. The announcement of who won the match, but all I'm hearing is Yzma as a kitten...)
Link: „Klar! Die Minish-Legende... Opa hat sie mir erzählt." DT: „Clearly! The Minish-Legend... Grandpa (x) it to me told." EQ: "Clearly! The Minish-Legend... Grandpa told it to me." OE: "Yeah. The Picori Legend. My Grandfather told it to me."
Link: „Vor langer Zeit, als schreckliche Monster unsere Welt bedrohten... ...und die Städte vernichteten... ...stiegen Minish vom Himmel herab und gaben einem Helden das Schwert." DT: „Before long time, as terrible monsters our world threatened... and the cities destroyed... ascended Minish from the Heavens/sky down and gave a Hero the Sword." EQ: "A long time ago, as terrible monsters threatened our world... and destroyed the cities... the Minish descended from the Heavens/sky and gave a Hero the Sword." OE: "Long, long ago, terrible evil spirits appeared in the world. They burnt our city to the ground. At the same time, the Picori arrived, bestowing a magical Sword to a Great Hero."
Link: „Und dieser Held vertrieb die Monster mit dem Schwert." DT/EQ: „"And this Hero ejected the monsters with the Sword." OE: "Using the Sword, the Hero drove the evil spirits away... or something."
Prinzessin Zelda: „Genau, Link. Seitdem feiern wir jährlich ein Fest... ...als Dankeschön an die Minish." DT: „Exactly, Link. Since-then celebrate we yearly a Festival... as thank-you to the Minish." EQ: "Exactly, Link. Since then, we celebrate a Festival yearly... as a thank-you to the Minish." OE: "Yes, that's it. So every year we have a Festival... ...To thank the Picori for coming at our time of need."
Link: "Das ist doch nur eine Legende..." DT/EQ: „"That is still only a legend..." OE: "You really believe the legend?"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Oh, du glaubst nicht daran? Die Minish gibt es wirklich. Vater behauptet das auch immer. Sie öffnen ein Mal in hundert Jahren das Tor zu unserer Welt und kommon zu uns." DT: „Oh, you believe not that in? The Minish are (x) real. Father claims that also always. They open one time in hundred years the Gate to our world and come to us." EQ: "Oh, you still don't believe that? The Minish are real. Father always claims that, too. Every hundred years, they open the Gate to our world and come to us." OE: "You mean you DON'T? My father told me the Picori really DO exist. He said they come out when the Door to the Picori World opens once every hundred years."
Prinzessin Zelda: „Und dieses Jahr ist es wieder so weit!" DT: „And this year is it again so far!" EQ: "And this year, it's happening again!" OE: "And this is the one-hundredth year!" (NOTE: Could also be, "And this year, the time has come again!")
ANNOUNCER: „Nr. 28, Vaati! Nr. 57, Max!!" DT: „Nr. 28, Vaati! Nr. 57, Max!!" EQ: "No. 28, Vaati! Nr. 57, Max!!" OE: "Next up, the mysterious Vaati... ...Versus big bad Max!" (NOTE: Max kept his name as well... And because I'm insane, I can tell you that in goroawase, "57" is "Kon'nan"/Like this" and "28" means "Fiibaa"/"Fever"... What signifigance this holds, I don't know. Also, why English removed the numbers... Ich hab' keine Ahnung.)
???: „Wah! Wah! Wah!" DT/EQ: „"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" OE: "YAAY CHEER ROAR" (NOTE: I give up. The crowd is Robert Plant.)
Link: "! Oh, er?!" DT/EQ: „"! Oh, him?!" OE: "! It's him!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Du kennst ihn?" DT/EQ: „"You know him?" OE: "You know that guy?"
Max: „En Garde!!" DT/EQ: „"En Garde!!" OE: "There's the bell!" (NOTE: English Max... Isn't the one talking???)
Toneffekte: „KAWOMM!" DT/EQ: „"KABOOM!" OE: ZWARRKK"
Max: „Bäh!" DT/EQ: „"BAH!" OE: "GAH!" (NOTE: ...Humbug.)
Link: „!!" DT/EQ: „"!!" OE: "!"
Erzähler: „Der junge Mann in der lila Robe hat seine überwältigende Stärke gezeigt. Deshalb war er der eindeutige Sieger." DT: „The young man in the purple robes (x) his overwhelming strength shown. Therefore was he the definite victor." EQ: "The young man in the purple robes showed his overwhelming strength. Therefore, he was the definite victor." OE: "The man in the purple robe showed overwhelming power... And quickly took the Championship."
???: „Wah! Wah!" DT/EQ: „"Whoa! Whoa!" OE: "YAAY HURRAY"
Alberich: „Wer mag das sein?" DT/EQ: „"Who might that be?" OE: "I wonder who that guy is."
Link: „Oh, Opa! Du auch hier?" DT: „Oh, Grandpa! You also here?" EQ: "Oh, Grandpa! You're also here?" OE: "Grandpa! When'd you get here?"
???: „Waah!" DT/EQ: „"Whoa!" OE: "YAAY"
Alberich: „Ich bin hier, um das Schwert für den Sieger zu bringen." DT: „I am here, in order the Sword for the victor to bring." EQ: "I am here in order to bring the Sword for the victor." OE: "I came to deliver the Sword that goes to the Champion."
Erzähler: „Opa Alberich ist der beste Schmied in Hyrule." DT/EQ: „"Grandpa Alberich is the best Blacksmith in Hyrule." OE: "Grandfather Smith is the best weaponsmith in Hyrule."
Alberich: „Das ist das Heilige Schwert der Minish." DT/EQ: „"That is the Holy Sword (of) the Minish." OE: "And to see the Sacred Sword handed down by the Picori."
Link: „Was? Ist das echt?" DT/EQ: „"What? Is that real/genuine?" OE: "What? The REAL thing?!"
Alberich: „Laut der Legende versiegelt es Hunderte von Monstern in dieser Truhe." DT: „According (to) the legends seals it hundreds of Monsters in this Chest." EQ: "According to the legends, it seals hundreds of Monsters in this Chest." OE: "According to legend, the evil spirits are in that Chest, trapped there by the Sword's power."
Minister Friedrich: „Nun beginnen wir mit der Siegerehrung." DT: „Now begin we with the Awards-Ceremony." EQ: "Now we begin with the Awards-Ceremony." OE: "Now let us begin the Award Ceremony." (NOTE: Minister Friedrich/Potho kept his name.)
Minister Friedrich: „Der Sieger Vaati möge hervortreten!" DT: „The victor Vaati may forth-step!" EQ: "The victor, Vaati, may step forth!" OE: "Champion Vaati, step forward!"
König Dartus: „Vaati, dein Sieg wird in die Geschichte des Minish-Festes eingehen. Nimm dieses Schwert." DT: „Vaati, your victory will in the history (of) the Minish-Festival down-go. Take this Sword." EQ: "Vaati, your victory will go down in the history of the Minish-Festival. Take this Sword." OE: "Vaati, please accept this fine Sword and know that your name will be inscribed... ...In the annals of our Festival!" (NOTE: König/King Dartus/Daltus. Same thing. Just wait until we get to a certain pair of Minish twins...)
Vaati: „Ich danke Euch..." DT/EQ: „"I thank you..." OE: "Thanks for the Sword, but..."
Vaati: „...dass das alles so gut klappt!" DT: „...that/because that all so well worked-out!" EQ: "...because everything worked out so well!" OE: "...What I REALLY want is in that Chest!"
Vaati: „Das Heilige Schwert der Minish und die versiegelte Kiste wurden zur Siegerehrung vorgeführt." DT: „The Holy Sword (of) the Minish and the sealed Chest were to (the) Award-Ceremony presented." EQ: "The Holy Sword of the Minish and the sealed Chest were only ever presented at the Award-Ceremony." OE: "And since the Sacred Sword of the Picori and the Bound Chest are only ever seen at this annual Awards Ceremony..."
Vaati: „Lange habe ich diesen Moment herbeigesehnt!" DT: „Long have I this moment yearned-for!" EQ: "I have long yearned for this moment!" OE: "...Winning your stupid Tournament was my only chance!" (NOTE: Or another equally-heartbreaking translation could be, "I have longed for this moment!")
Hofstaat: „Was?! Ein Schurke!!" DT/EQ: „"What?! A villain!!" OE: "What?! Don't cause any trouble, son!" (NOTE: Probably unintentional... But „Schurke" can also mean "knave"... Which is what one of the Fates in "Cadence of Hyrule" calls Octavo... Huh...)
Hofstaat: „Aaargl!!" DT/EQ: „"Aaarghh!!" OE: "AAARGH!"
Link: „Das Schwert!" DT/EQ: „"The Sword!" OE: "The Sword!!"
Person: "Iieeek! Lauft weg!!" DT/EQ: „"Eeeeek! Run away!!" OE: "Eeeek! Run!"
Alberich: „Link?!" DT/EQ: „"Link?!" OE: "Link?!"
Monster: „Urks!" DT/EQ: „"Ack!" OE: "Eek!"
Toneffekte: „BUZZZ!" DT/EQ: „"BUZZZ!" OE: "WHAAM"
Vaati: "!" DT/EQ: „"!" OE: "!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Wer bist du?! Was sollte das werden?!" DT: „Who are you?! What should that be?!" EQ: "Who are you?! What was that supposed to be?!" OE: "Who ARE you? WHY have you done this?" (NOTE: Oh, look... Hello, idioms, my old friend...)
Vaati: „Oh oh... Das ist wohl die magische Kraft der Hyrule-Prinzessin...?" DT: „Oh oh... This is surely the magical power (of) the Hyrule-Princess...?" EQ: "Oh oh... This is surely the magical power of Hyrule's Princess...?" OE: "Well, well... Now we see the mysterious power of the Princess of Hyrule!"
Vaati: „Wenn ich dich jetzt verschone, wirst du mir später nur im Weg sein..." DT: „If I you now spare, will you (for) me later only in (the) way be..." EQ: "If I spare you now, you will only be in my way later..." OE: "If I don't take care of you now, you'll cause me no end of grief later!"
Link: „STOPP!!" DT/EQ: „"STOP!!" OE: "STOP!"
Toneffekte: „ZAMM!" DT/EQ: „"BAMM!" OE: "SLIIIDE"
Vaati: „Der Junge aus dem Wald... Willst du etwas den Helden spielen? Hi hi!" DT: „The boy from the Forest... Want you something the Hero play? Hi hi!" EQ: "The boy from the Forest... Do you want to play Hero? Hi hi!" OE: "Well, if it isn't that little boy I met in the forest. Are you pretending to be a knight? Heh heh"
Link: „Lass die Prinzessin in Ruhe!" DT: „Let the Princess in peace!" EQ: "Leave the Princess alone!" OE: "I won't let you touch Zelda!"
Link: „AAAAH!!" DT/EQ: „"AAAH!!" OE: "AAARGH!!"
Toneffekte: „ZIIIPP" DT/EQ: „"ZIIIPP" OE: "SHING"
Vaati: „Seht her! Dies ist der Fluch des Hexenmeisters!! Ha ha ha ha... So..." DT/EQ: „"See here! This is the curse of the sorcerer! Ha ha ha ha... So..." OE: "See that?! BEHOLD the curse of a Mage! Ha ha ha ha! Now..." (NOTE: ...English, you're not even trying to hide the "sorcerer" thing...)
Vaati: „!! Leer?! Was zum...?! Die Truhe hat nur die Monster versiegelt?" DT: „!! Empty?! What the...?! The Chest (x) only the Monsters sealed?" EQ: "!! Empty?! What the...?! The Chest only sealed the Monsters?" OE: "What?! It's EMPTY! It really WASN'T sealing anything but spirits?!"
Vaati: „Na, auch gut. Ich weiß, dass sich das Force in Hyrule befindet. Ich werde in Ruhe danach suchen... He he he he..." DT: „Well, also good. I know, that itself the Force in Hyrule located. I will in peace then search... He he he he..." EQ: "Very well then. I know that the Force itself is located in Hyrule. I will search in peace, then... He he he he..." OE: "But I know the Light Force is in Hyrule somewhere! I guess I'll just... ...Have to keep looking for it. Heh heh heh."
Link: „Uhm... Autsch. Zel... da... bist du...?!" DT/EQ: „"Um... Ouch. Zel... da... are you...?!" OE: "Ungh. Owww. Z... Zelda, are you all right?"
Link: „Zelda?! Sie ist versteinert!!" DT/EQ: „"Zelda?! She is petrified!!" OE: "Zelda?! Sh-She's been turned to STONE!"
König Dartus: „Zelda!! Wie konnte dass nur passieren...?" DT: „Zelda!! How could this only happen...?" EQ: "Zelda!! How could this have happened...?" OE: "Zelda! How could this happen?!"
Minister Friedrich: „Wie shrecklich..." DT/EQ: „"How dreadful..." OE: "Return to normal!"
Toneffekte: „Wuäh wuäh wuäh" DT/EQ: „"Wah wah wah" OE: "Boo hoo hoo hoo"
Minister Friedrich: „Eure Majestät! Wie kann sie geheilt werden?!" DT: „Your Majesty! How can she healed be?!" EQ: "Your Majesty! How can she be healed?!" OE: "Your Majesty, is there no way to bring the Princess back?!"
König Dartus: „Der Fluch ist mit der heiligen Macht des Schwertes der Minish zu brechen..." DT: „The curse is with the holy might (of) the Sword (of) the Minish to break..." EQ: "The curse is to be broken with the holy might of the Sword of the Minish..." OE: "The Sacred Sword... The Picori Blade has the power to remove a Mage's curse." (NOTE: *slams drink for every usage of "Mage"*)
König Dartus: „Aber Vaati hat das Schwert zerstört. Doch die Minish sind in der Lage, das Schwert zu reparieren." DT: „But Vaati (x) the Sword destroyed. Still the Minish are in the position, the Sword to repair." EQ: "But Vaati destroyed the Sword. Still, the Minish are in the position to repair the Sword." OE: "Unfortunately, Vaati broke that, too! And only the Picori can restore it."
Alberich: „Minish? Ihr meint... das Minish-Volk aus der Legende?" DT/EQ: „"Minish? You mean... the Minish-people from the legends?" OE: "The Picori?! But the Picori are only a legend..."
König Dartus: „Minish existieren wirklich. Dieses Geheimnis hütet die Königsfamilie... Die Minish leben im Tyloria-Wald." DT: „Minish exist really. This secret treasured the Royal-family... The Minish live in Tyloria-Forest." EQ: "Minish really exist. This secret was treasured by the Royal Family... The Minish live in Tyloria-Forest." OE: "The Picori race really DOES exist. It's a secret known only to the Royal Family. They live in the Minish Woods."
Minister Friedrich: „Wir senden nun die Soldaten aus!" DT: „We send only the Soldiers out!" EQ: "We'll send out the Soldiers!" OE: "Then let's send Soldiers there!"
König Dartus: „Nein... Keine Soldaten!" DT/EQ: „"No... No Soldiers!" OE: "Alas... ...We can't."
Minister Friedrich: „Warum das denn?" DT: „Why that then?" EQ: "Why is that?" OE: "Why not?!"
König Dartus: „Erwachsene können die Minish nicht sehen. Deshalb werden die Soldaten sie nie finden." DT: „Adults can the Minish not see. Therefore will the Soldiers them never find." EQ: "Adults cannot see the Minish. Therefore, the Soldiers will never find them." OE: "Adults cannot see the Picori. The Soldiers would never dind them."
Minister Friedrich: „Hmmm..." DT/EQ: „"Hmmm..." OE: "Drat!"
Link: „Ich gehe! Lasst mich das machen, Eure Majestät!!" DT: „I go! Let me this do, Your Majesty!!" EQ: "I'll go! Let me do this, Your Majesty!!" OE: "Your Majesty, send me! I'll go to the Minish Woods and find the Picori!"
Alberich: „Link! Untersteh dich..." DT: „Link! Submit yourself..." EQ: "Link! Don't you dare..." OE: "Link! Don't be so impudent!" (NOTE: Okay, this is one huge idiom... An old-fashioned one, at that.)
König Dartus: „Schon gut, Alberich." DT: „Already good, Alberich." EQ: "It's okay, Alberich." OE: "Master Weaponsmith, wait...!" (NOTE: *gives up on the Viz English version*)
König Dartus: „Link ist Zeldas Sandkastenfreund. Ich bitte dich, Link... Zeige das zerbrochene Schwert den Minish im Wald. Und lerne, wie man es repariert." DT: „Link is Zelda's childhood-friend. I beg you, Link... Show the broken Sword (to) the Minish in (the) Forest. And learn, how one it repairs." EQ: "Link is Zelda's childhood friend. I beg of you, Link... Show the broken Sword to the Minish in the Forest. And learn how one repairs it." OE: "It seems only right for Link to take on this quest since... ...He and the Princess are friends. Take the Sword to the Minish Woods, Link. Ask the Picori how to reforge it."
Link: „Jawohl!" DT/EQ: „"Yessir!" OE: "Yes, Your Majesty!"
Alberich: „Warte, Link! Auf dem Weg lauern sicher Gefahren. Nimm dies hier mit." DT: „Wait, Link! Of the way lurk itself dangers. Take this here with." EQ: "Wait, Link! Dangers lurk along the way. Take this along." OE: "Wait, Link! The road you travel will be dangerous. Take this." (NOTE: IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE, TAKE THIS.)
Alberich: „Das beste Stück, das ich je gemacht habe. Gib dir Mühe für die Prinzessin!!" DT: „The best piece, that I ever made (x). Give your effort for the Princess!!" EQ: "The best Piece that I ever made. Give your all for the Princess!!" OE: "I put my heart and soul into this blade. Use it to save the Princess!"
Link: „Ein Schwert! Es ist echt! Tausend Dank, Opa!!" DT/EQ: „"A Sword! It is real! Thousand thanks, Grandpa!!" OE: "A Sword! A REAL Sword! Thank you, Grandfather!"
Link: „Nie werde ich Vaati verzeihen! Warte auf mich, Zelda. Ich werde dich von diesem Fluch befreien!" DT: „Never will I Vaati forgive! Wait for me, Zelda. I will you from this curse free!" EQ: "I'll never forgive Vaati! Wait for me, Zelda. I'll free you from this curse!" OE: "I'll bring you back, Zelda! I promise! I'll make Vaati PAY for doing this to you!"
Hofstaat: „Eure Majestät! Überall in Hyrule tauchen Monster auf!" DT: „Your Majesty! Overall in Hyrule emerging Monsters (x)!" EQ: "Your Majesty! Monsters are emerging all over in Hyrule!" OE: "I bring news, m'lord! Evil spirits are attacking all over!" (NOTE: „auftauchen").
Alberich: „Was?!" DT/EQ: „"What?!" OE: "What?!"
König Dartus: „Vaati hat sie gerade entfesselt... Die Soldaten übernehmen die Monster. Du gehst zum Tyloria-Wald! Nimm diese Karte von Hyrule." DT: „Vaati (x) them just released... The Soldiers take-on the Monsters. You go to (the) Tyloria-Forest! Take this Map of Hyrule." EQ: "Vaati just released them... The Soldiers will take on the Monsters. You go to Tyloria-Forest! Take this Map of Hyrule." OE: "When the Sword broke, Vaati also released the spirits! The Castle Guards will have to drive away the evil spirits. Link, here is a Map of Hyrule. Waste not a moment. Go to the Minish Woods!"
Link: „Das ist also der Tyloria-Wald... Wo finde ich bloß die Minish?" DT: „This is so the Tyloria-Forest... Where find I just the Minish?" EQ: "So, this is Tyloria-Forest... Just where do I find the Minish?" OE: "Is THIS the Minish Woods? I wonder where the Picori are?"
Link: „Heeey!! Minish, kommt raus! Minish? Huhu, Minish!!" DT/EQ: „"Heeey!! Minish, come out! Minish? Yoo-hoo, Minish!!" OE: "Hellloooo! C'mon out, Picori! We need you! Picori? Where the heck are you?!" (NOTE: ...It literally never occurred to me until just now that the reason the Minish never came out is because they don't understand him...)
Link: „Es ist doch das hundertste Jahr, in dem sich das Tor öffnet! Ich dachte, Kinder können die Minish sehen?!" DT: „It is still the hundredth year, in the/which itself the Gate opens! I think, children can the Minish see?!" EQ: "It's still the hundredth year in which the Gate opens! I thought children could see the Minish?!" OE: "Is this NOT the one-hundredth year, when the Door to the Picori World opens?! Maybe it's just not true that kids can see the Picori?!"
Toneffekte: „Keuch japs japs" DT/EQ: „"Wheeze gasp gasp" OE: "Wheeeze puff huff"
Link: „UH Moment... Ich hab ja nie an Minish geglaubt..." DT: „UH Moment... I (x) indeed never in Minish believed..." EQ: "UH Wait a moment... I really never believed in Minish..." OE: "GASP Or Maybe... ...I can't see Picori because I NEVER believed in them?"
Link: „Vielleicht bin ich daher nicht mehr unschuldig... Und kann die Minish deshalb gar nicht sehen?!" DT: „Maybe am I hence not more innocent... And can the Minish therefore at all not see?!" EQ: "Maybe I'm not innocent anymore... And therefore can't see the Minish at all?!" OE: "I'm young, but my innocence is GONE! That MUST be it! Even though I'm a kid, I CAN'T see them! Not with THESE jaded eyes!"
Toneffekte: „Entsetzen!" DT/EQ: „"Dismay!" OE: "Oh noooooo!"
Link: „Was mach ich bloß...? Ich kann nichts tun, solange ich die Minish nicht finde..." DT: „What do I just...? I can nothing do, as-long I the Minish not find..." EQ: "Just what do I do...? I can't do anything as long as I don't find the Minish..." OE: "What should I do? If I don't find the Picori, Princess Zelda is doomed!"
Toneffekte: „Hach..." DT/EQ: „"Haa..." OE: "SLUMP" (NOTE: As far as I can tell, this is a sigh.)
Link: „?" DT/EQ: „"?" OE: "?"
Toneffekte: „Wisch" DT/EQ: „"Wipe" OE: "Rub rub"
Link: „Äh... Ich sehe da was Komisches..." DT: „Ah... I see there what comical..." EQ: "Ah... I'm seeing something comical there..." OE: "Hmmm... ...That looks a little weird!"
Ezelo: „Au! Autsch!" DT/EQ: „"Ow! Ouch!" OE: "Quit it! Ow! That hurts!"
Toneffekte: „Batsch! Batsch!" DT/EQ: „"Bash! Bash!" OE: "WHACK SMACK"
Ezelo: „He! Zu Hilfe!" DT: „Hey! To help!" EQ: "Hey! Help me!" OE: "Hey, someone... Anyone... HELLLLP!"
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jinned · 4 years
okay gang. let’s go (pls keep in mind i am #wasted and i love all the boys with my whole heart okie)
now most of my friends have PROBABLY heard that i used to bias more than jin before. at one point, i biased THREE members at once. becuase of the daily suffering i yeeted them to the bias wrecker zone and now i sit here comfortably, a jin stan
what if i want to figure out the order of bias wreckers hmmmmmm
under cut is my in depth analysis (took me about 10 times to spell that right) of my bais wreckers and why they hold the spot they are in. we wont go in depth on jinnie today. we all know he’s ult. if i talk about him while drunk i’ll never shut up. yes these are in order
jin: hah BITCH u thought i couldnt talk about my main and leave him out??? ot7 hoe forever. jin is that friend you know will do anything to make u smile rght. and u really have to be friends for a while to learn when he needs help cause he’ll never say. and i love him so much. he’s so private and just wants tohers to be hapy but jin i want u happy too. he desreves the world okay. he deserves more lines and more camera time. he deserves to be in dramas like hee  awnts. hes so talented?????? yhis voice makes me cry not gonna lie it’s so beautiful and he has so much raw talent like wtf where did u COME FROM. he’s so beautiful and humble and funny and wow how could u not want him as a best friend or boyfrind. 4am pancake mornings where teh kitchen a mess but we having fun. wishing on airplane type cute shit like that yes sign me up. hugs you so tight. body language is really improtant here okay like he mgith not verbally tell u somethin g but you can tell by how he acts using his body. he might hug u tigheter and longer than normal ad thats how u know youre his comfort and he just isn’t feeling 100%. he gives those sentimental gifts. llike hey u mentioned this one time like five years ago and i finally was able to get it for you or hey heres a personalized ting to remember that one time we spent together. lots of polaroids and comfy sweaters. pooring our hearts out to each other while sitting on the kitchen counters.he want sto go through what youre going through so you dont go through it alone. wil ltake the fall for you, hyp eyou up better than anyone and is slick about it. he makes u think that lvoe exists
jimin: there was once a time when i was platonically in love with jimin. i often said “in anothe r life i was probably ulting jimin” then i saw jimin in person at a concert. i left a changed womamm. he is so sexsy that i t physically hutrss me. like wtf how are u even real. once on my prevoius blog i posted begging for pink haired jimin. three days later. jimin had pink hari. i think we are connected by souls are something. he’s 363 days older than me. i understand him sm. am i hard stan or soft stan? no i’m really asking i cant figure it out. he’s so sexy but i also want him to be my best friend. the hnonesty that owuld come from him is something i really need. we would try new foods together and go get lost on purpose. 
hoseok: my libra ass needs him to balance out my life. i see him and i smile so big. ovwer the years i have grown to understand hoseok a little bit ore and why he is the way he is and it made me soft soft. he so humble and talented and deserves so much love and recognitgion. the way he loves and cares for others is something i htink i nee dmore in a friend. he the type to hug you tight and cry with you. i like that. i apprecoiate that. he big softie and also so attractive like damn okay go off u relaly made like that and im here for it
namjoon: namjoon....imma start crying okay depe breath. namjoon was my first kpop bias ever. he the reason im even into bts and kpop in general. namjoon so sexy on like every aspect wtf. sexy brain. sexy body, sexy face. sexy talented. i ned break from u namjoon my heart just swells thinking of him. wow. namjoon is real person.namjoon give sm e hope. i want to hug him and feel those namtiddies irl u feel? i want to tel lnamjoon its okay to be urself. and to not be emjbarrassed. i love him so much and want to just pour all my love into him. he like older brother status. i never had an older brother but i imagine it would be like namjoon. comfort
yoongi: either my enemy or my best frined. cant tell. comfortable in each others presence, no nedd to talk. our talks alwasy deep and introspective. i want to talk about the world with him. i want to descover new hobbies with him. lets cuddle on the couch and watch documentaries. lowkey think he would be annoyed with me alot. but our love runs deep. that good wholesome friendship where we don’t talk everyday but whenever we see something and think of each other we send right away. that friendship that picks up where it left off. im soft soft yoongi stan. i see him and melt. i see a fool waiting to be exposed (read my fic chromatic to understand) lately he’s seemed so much happier and i legit cried one night thinking about it. i love seeing him smile and let losose an dbe more himself. like wow that’s joy right there. i love u 
taehyung: was once my ult for like a solid 6 months. i think i cried every day. his duality is too much to handle. we on firm break. taehyung leave me be pls for my sanity. are u adorable baby or are u father of my baby? the questions never end. i think he’s too handsome for my own good. i’ll never forgigve u for war orf hormone. anytime he wears beret my uwu metershatters.  but he capricorn. capricorns and i on rough terms. we would be good friends i think. those supportive friends who art together and who take long walks and talk ab out life in depth. 2am grocery shoopping trips like yessss lets make those young adult movie cliche’s come true
jungkook: straight up my arch nemesis. enemy to lovers au. we hate each other so much people start to get sus. like uhhh did u guys hook up or sumfin? we probs annoy the heck out of each other on a daily. but best friend material af. we annoying but we ride or die for each other. i see him and feel proud and just so happy for him. watching him find himsefl is like wow if he can do it i can do it too. great motivator. empathetic af. his heart pure gold i swear. trying new things all the time like wo w i wanna do that. emo looking jk is my weakness tho he automatically jumps to tpo of the list don’t tell sober bean i said that ause i would never admit that out loud. he’s younger friend u wanna protect and i am in constant awe of him. u goin places kid
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emperor-of-blood · 4 years
You know him. You love him. Everyone loves him, don't try to pretend. The crazy bastard himself is the subject of analysis today.
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A failure in the eyes of many, he has overcome some incredible hurdles to get where he is today. The inability to use ninjutsu and genutsu forced him down the road if taijutsu. Through great struggle, he has become a taijutsu expert. While not a master persay of the eight gates, he has shown progress in it that most ninjas only dream of. With his incredible fight scenes, charming personality, and very real struggles, he is one of the most beloved characters in the series. That being said, Rock Lee is a....
Heir of Void
Now, it pains me more than you know to write that. Because he deserves better. Despite being a better underdog than our main character, he has all but faded into obscurity. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! He's, dare I say, the most relatable character in the show. He can't just heal away all of his injuries and faces real consequences for his recklessness. He is utterly talentless but makes up for it with hard work and determination. Despite that he ends up outclassed and overshadowed by the talented main characters and ends up in the background after his wonderful performances. Despite being honest, hard working, and charming he is turned down by Sakura and ends up with TenTen, one of the least important characters with barely any screen time; A true nobody. I won't even dig into Boruto. As mentioned previously though, his whole character revolves around his inability to do things. Going beyond a lack of talent, he has a straight up inability to use both ninjutsu and genutsu. He truly is nothingx but that's why we love him.
Also he uses his fists just like Equius hee hee hoo hoo.
In his session, Rock Lee is likely to be an asset. He’s able to handle his own right from the get go. He’s a friendly guy thus unlikely to stir up drama. He’s a team player, you need him to do something, just ask and he’s on it. The only downside to having him is if he blows his load too early (Eight gates) and ends up dying because he runs out of stamina before finishing off his enemy. Even then, he’s got at least one extra life... assuming his teammate isn’t Sakura is willing to give him the kiss to bring him back from the dead. His quest is likely to revolve around him coming to terms with and weaponizing his lack of importance. Sure he might not be able to break through Garaa’s impressive defense (Perfectly) even with the eight gates, but if he can swallow his pride and catch the man off guard and sucker punch him...
Suffice to say this: Rock Lee has been cheated out of his destiny. The destiny he molded with his own hands, unjustly stolen from him. Heir of Void is the only classpect that could possibly capture his tragedy.
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Bong Joon-Ho’s Memories of Murder: The Fifth Republic and Modernity
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I was hesitant on deciding to write about a movie that I’ve only seen once, especially since I saw it in theaters and it’s not accessible anywhere else. I’ve been thinking about this movie since I saw it, which was last Wednesday, so not too long ago. But I told myself that if I’m going to write about this, I might as well do it while it's somewhat fresh in my brain. So here it goes: Bong Joon-Ho’s Memories of Murder.
 When I think of South Korea today, I think of K-Pop, skincare, 5G, plastic surgery culture, and a whole bunch of colorful, glamorous things that Bong Joon-Ho sees through. This is the third Bong Joon-Ho I’ve seen so far, and he constantly reminds us that Korea is not that. Class was everywhere in Snowpiercer. Class was everywhere in Parasite. Can I just note how it's interesting that Snowpiercer’s class structure is visible through a literal horizontal setting (the bullet train) while Parasite is vertical (through the levels of the home). One can argue class is everywhere (period) but Memories of Murder does not emphasize class distinctions the way that the other two does. Although there is something to be said about its historical and political significance. Before I give you my analysis, let me give a brief summary.        
In a rural province in 1986, two women were found bound, gagged, raped, and murdered in a field. Chief detective Park is frustrated due to the contamination of evidence, the media, and the severity of the case. Park’s wife tells him about a mentally disabled boy, Kwang-ho, who used to follow one of the victims around before she died. Park and his hot-headed partner, Cho, beat Kwang-ho and secretly record him describing the murder in detail, corresponding to the autopsy’s result. Park’s technique to finding a criminal is by staring at them and looking into their eyes. He thinks that Kwang-ho is the murderer. Seo, a detective from Seoul, comes down to assist Park with the case. He immediately dismisses Kwang-ho as a suspect because his webbed fingers couldn't match the level of sophistication of the other murders. Seo also dismisses the confession as Park and Cho rehearsing the murder with him, so they can close the case quicker. Seo’s more refined detective skills causes him to disagree with Park’s more traditional and laid-back methods. They establish the pattern that the killer only goes after women wearing red on rainy nights. Another officer also realizes that the local radio station gets a request to play a song called “Sad Letter” every rainy night, shortly before the next murder is committed. Park meets with a fortune teller who sells him a gimmick ritual item to use at the scene of the crime. Him and Cho return to one of the many crime scenes where they also find Seo independently investigating. They all hide separately when a man wearing red lingerie pulls out a bra and underwear and begins to masturbate over it. Cho steps on a twig prompting the man to run away. Park, Cho, and Seo chase the man who hides among construction workers. Despite it being unlikely that he is the murder, Park and Cho proceed to torture him.
Seo follows a local schoolgirl’s rumor of a woman who cries on top of the hill near the school. The traumatized woman managed to escape the killer alive but did not see his face, only remembering that he had soft hands. Seo clears the construction worker suspect due to his rough hands. Another night it rains and “Sad Letter” begins to play on the radio. Park and Seo get the station to give them the address of the postcard requesting the song, which brings them to the home of a factory office worker, Hyeon-gyu, with soft hands. Park and Seo listen to Kwang-ho’s confession where they realize that he's speaking as if he witnessed the crime and was describing the scene. They rush to find him at his father’s restaurant where they find Cho drunkenly fighting the patrons who made fun of the police on the television. Kwang-ho runs away and gets hit and killed by a train, before they can question him. They also find semen on a victim and send it to the United States to see if it matches Hyeon-gyu, because Korea doesn't have the forensic technology to test it. The next body is found and Seo realizes it was the schoolgirl who helped him earlier. Frustrated and angry that they haven't found the murderer, he drags Hyeon-gyu to a tunnel getting ready to shoot him. Park stops him carrying the documents from the United States. Seo reads the documents in disbelief, which says that the semen does not match Hyeon-gyu. Park looks him in the eyes but is unsure. He reluctantly lets him go. The movie shifts to 2003 where Park now has a family and has become a rich businessman. Park stops his driver while passing by the field where the murders occurred. Park looks down into a ditch where the first woman was found. He’s interrupted by a schoolgirl who asks him what he's doing to which he responds he’s “just looking.” She says that it's weird because awhile back she saw another man looking down there, and when she asked him why “he said he remembered doing something here, long ago. So he came back to take a look.” He asks her how he looked, to which she simply replies, “ordinary.” Park is visibly shaken by this, to which he turns to the camera and stares.
Ok, so I understand this was by no means a brief summary, but this is a murder mystery, so every moment counts. I don’t even know where to begin. First, I should mention that this is based off of South Korea’s first serial murders, which was unsolved until 2019. I should also say something about the political situation, I left certain things out of my “summary”, mainly the scenes of political unrest which were sprinkled throughout the film. We see scenes where tanks roll into the street, Christian groups protest outside police departments, people casually denouncing the police for their unethical tactics. The more unnerving scenes depict missile sirens going off, where civilians must perform a drill in case of a North Korean attack which includes everyone turning off their lights and hiding in the nearest buildings. Bong doesn’t give much background to the political situation beyond this. Memories of Murdertakes place in 1986, towards the end of the Chun Doo-hwan dictatorship. The Fifth Republic of Korea was created after the political instability of the Park Chun-hee dictatorship and was meant to transition Korea into a democracy. Chun orchestrated the coup d’etat that assassinated Park and made him the president, before any elections took place. Under Chun, all political parties were banned besides his own, the Democratic Justice Party, and ruled as a one-party state. Chun continued to squash pro-democracy protests despite nationwide support, until the June Democracy Movement forced Chun to hold elections, which ushered in the democracy of the Sixth Republic in 1988.
This era of repression is represented by the desaturated image of the rural provinces. During the Fifth Republic, the liberalization of the Korean economy expanded the role of major cities like Seoul, while rural areas suffered. Korea became dependent on foreign agriculture and livestock. In the original case, the victims were found in different locations but in the film, Bong places them in the fields. Perhaps the placement of their bodies alludes to the death of the Korean agricultural sector. The film begins in daylight, something we don’t see until the end in 2003. This grim period ends when the film flash forwards to 2003. The absence of Park’s life within the 17-year transformation allegorizes the rapid urbanization which prompted mass migration into major cities. 1988 marked a new era of Korea, not bound by the remnants of authoritarianism but a more liberal, globalized nation.
This urbanization also modernized Korea. Park and Cho’s approach to detective work comes off as backwards, even comical to the audience. We have Cho whose primary method is to beat anyone out of a confession. Park employs numerous techniques like going to a fortune teller, going undercover to bathhouses, and most importantly- looking into the eyes of the suspects. As Tony Montana once said, “the eyes, Chico, they never lie”, a line Park would very much agree with. This contrasts the more scientific Seoul-trained Seo, who trusts that “the documents never lie.” There's much to be said about facts, that Joseph Jonghyun Jeon goes into in his analysis of the movie, but I’m unqualified to summarize. The essential detective story depends on the facts, the desire for truth. Throughout the film, we’re searching for that. As a generation fed on Law and Order, Criminal Minds, CSI, and a whole bunch of crime dramas, we’re well versed with the dos and don'ts of an investigation. While I’m not familiar with Korean crime scene procedures, I’m sure that eating ramen with a suspect, beating them, and literally anything that Park and Cho did, is not ethical. As an audience, I’m sure we all held on to those feelings of hope we received after the pattern was established. Early on we found out that women wearing red were targeted on rainy nights, shortly after “Sad Letter” played on the radio. After that, not much progressed in the investigation. In fact, it was extremely frustrating watching so many women go murdered after that. Although most of us were rooting for the broody Seo to put the investigation on the right path, and find the murderer, he didn’t do much. Yes, his contributions were valuable, but in the end, he did not solve the case. Park and Seo’s relationship represented a dialectical opposition of ideas. Park’s eye contact method couldn’t tell if Hyeon-gyu was the killer, and Seo’s documents were inconclusive. Does Bong think that Korea cannot be exclusively traditional or exclusively modern? That their needs to be a synthesis of the two? I should also note that I am also too unqualified to invoke the Hegelian dialectic.
It almost feels unfair to stop here but I should because I’m impatient and I want to have something posted. Honestly, I could have written so much more. I’d go into police brutality in the Fifth Republic, the violent nature of Korean society, the murder case itself (but let’s be honest, I’m too scared to read into the details at 3 am). I just want to talk about one last scene, the actual last scene. Despite being the scenes of such grisly crimes, towards the end, the field gave me a sense of relief. The warmth of the fields made me feel comfortable, almost nostalgic. Before I forget, Jeon also extensively details the significance of nostalgia and the title, so you should check that out. Back to the fields, they made me comfortable. Have you ever gone to the beach and dipped your body in the water, changed your clothes and gone home? That feeling of wet hair, bits of sand on your body. No matter how great that beach day was, the car ride in that state is an extremely uncomfortable one and all you want is to go home, get in the shower, and wrap up in a blanket and go to sleep. That’s what that last scene did for me, it was me wrapping up in that blanket. But how can you go to sleep? After having a little girl deliver the news that the murderer still lives and remembers his crimes. Park must have spent those 17 years forgetting his failures with the case. Even visiting the crime scene wouldn’t have affected him the way that the universe did when it sent him that girl to taunt him. What really got me was when Park turned to the camera. If you had/have the pleasure of seeing it in theaters like me, Park stares at the audience, which I didn't think much of. Then I remembered that the case was still unsolved in 2003, and there was a chance that the actual murderer was in the audience, and Park was making eye contact with us to see if he was amongst us. And that's what had me fucked up.
Further Reading:
Jeon, Joseph Jonghyun. “Memories of Memories: Historicity, Nostalgia, and Archive in Bong Joon-Ho's ‘Memories of Murder.’” Cinema Journal, vol. 51, no. 1, 2011, pp. 75–95., doi:10.1353/cj.2011.0065.
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Quaranthings: Korean Dramas
It’s been a while, Tumblr. LOL I haven’t posted in a while – but we are living in a time of pandemic. I have never thought such day would come but here we are.
It has been 41 days since Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) was implemented in Manila – and I have managed to catch up on my Korean drama backlog.
Thanks to streaming sites like Viu and Netflix, I have spent countless hours just catching up on the latest dramas (The King: Eternal Monarch, Itaewon Class) and the ones I have not finished watching (Mr. Sunshine, Reply 1997, Go Back Couple, Kill Me, Heal Me, My Love from the Stars). I also found time to rewatch my favorites (Secret Garden, Innocent Man).
The last one I watched was Mr. Sunshine. The writer, Kim Eun Sook, tells the story of a Joseon slave-turned-American soldier named Eugene Choi and a noble named Go Ae Sin – and the people around them: the mysterious samurai Go Dong Mae; the rich playboy Kim Hee Seong; and the beautiful, rich heiress/double agent named Hina Kudo. Set in the early years of the Korean Empire (led by Emperor Gojong), the drama depicted the political turbulence of the time: the traditional Joseon ways clashing with that of imperialists as well as the personal struggles of each character. Then there’s storge, eros, philia, and agape - I’ll probably write another review of that because in terms of writing, I think this is the best Kim Eun Sook drama. 
 I have been meaning to write something like this, but I guess I was inspired to share with the world why I love Korean dramas – like it really is a hill I would die on anytime.
Some weeks ago, a Filipino director openly tweeted his disdain for Korean dramas. In his words, he said that Filipino movies and tv are “doomed” because of “K-drama galore: faux Cinderella stories with belofied whiter than white actors. And it’s all about love in the midst of pandemic.”
 LMFAO. I had to laugh.
It came from a director with reputable filmography – I mean I loved two (2) of his films for their social commentary but I have to ask.
How many Korean dramas have you watched – LOL don’t tell me you only watched Crash Landing on You.
HELLO, ITAEWON CLASS WAS IN THE TOP 10. DID YOU WATCH THAT? Did you watch the rags-to-riches story of Park Saeroyi and his quest for justice to defeat the biggest food company, Janga Corporation?
Have you watched Sky Castle? The compelling story of rich families and their schemes to get their children into the best universities?
 How about the Reply series? A nostalgic drama that tells the story of families, youth, and the times they lived in – 1994, 1997, 1988 – the nostalgia was fucking rich. I especially enjoyed 1994 and 1997.
Did you check out Another Oh Hae Young: a woman struggling to come into terms with her personal insecurities? Or have you picked up on It’s Okay, That’s Love: a romantic drama that properly tackled mental illness (the lead had schizophrenia).
From personal experience and the vast filmography of Korean dramas I have seen, let me point out why Korean dramas are the best – and why they’re so fucking addicting. I would have to say that this is not a research paper but rather a lengthy analysis based on my 12-year experience as a Korean drama enthusiast.
 1.      Creative value
Every drama starts with a great plot.
Sure, many Korean dramas are romantic. In fact, most of the Korean dramas I have seen in the early 2000s are romantic: Autumn in my Heart; Stairway to Heaven; Winter Sonata; Full House; My Name is Kim Sam Soon; and Princess Hours. There’s also Memories of Bali; I’m Sorry I Love You; and Coffee Prince. These dramas actually launched the Hallyu (Korean wave) that we know today – and their plots have the typical Korean drama romantic equation: guy meets girl – they don’t get along at first – then they fall in love – misunderstandings (or separation) ensues – reunited – fall in love again – they get married or end up together (or a lead dies). Then there are the non-romantic ones (historical): Jewel in the Palace and Jumong.
But as time went on, you see that the genres become varied – we started seeing action dramas (one of my favorites was Time Between Dog and Wolf) and medical dramas. Then there were dramas that also featured how Korean dramas were made (The World We Live In).
Korean dramas have varying plots that get recycled in many instances but with great plots also come characterization. The characters we see in dramas remind us of real people – we always relate to a character and we all get frustrated when they make stupid decisions (the Noble Idiot Syndrome) that really do not make sense. At the end of the day, we want happy endings for those who deserve happiness – we want justice served, we want closures, etc. because that’s how humans are.
In many romantic dramas, plots are reused but no character is the same. They would have similar traumas but never the same, carbon-copied character. There are villains you want to kill and then there are villains you sympathize with – because you realize that humans are multilayered, complicated creatures.
 2.      Production value
Another observation I have with Korean dramas is their careful attention to details. When writers create the script, they somewhat have actors in mind to play the character. In Korean dramas, they don’t really care about love teams. In the Philippines, we produce dramas based on the hottest pairs. In Korea, they don’t give a shit about that. Dramas are produced with the intention of creating a meaningful production so actors are chosen based on whether the writers and producers think they can bring their characters to life, not because they are the hottest commodity. In some dramas, actors have to audition, but in many instances, scripts are sent to actors with potential to perfectly portray the character.
Prior to filming, writers, actors, and production staff would spend a day or two in story conferences – actors would have the opportunity to discuss with everyone how he or she thinks his/her character is like. The directors and writers would provide their input on how the characters should talk, act, etc. Actors would also take the extra mile to learn a skill or two for the characters they played. They would have dialect coaches, language instructors, etc. Writers would consult with professionals – for instance, in many medical or legal dramas, they would hire doctors or lawyers on board to verify accuracy of terms. During broadcast, you would even see the jargon on screen to simplify them for the audience. In historical dramas, you would also see the terms used (in Chinese characters) and explain them in hangul.
During filming, you’d see how the staff has placed much attention on details – from the wardrobe to the set. You would also see themes, symbols, etc. The production aspect is really like how movies are: vivid, deliberate, beautiful. Who would’ve thought red pinwheels would make me tear up? 
Each drama has a particular soundtrack – can I just say that Korean dramas have the best soundtrack. Each song played in a specific scene perfectly conveys the mood and feelings of the character. I have cried so many times listening to Park Hyo Shin’s “Snow Flower” (I’m Sorry I Love You) or Ji Sun’s ”Goodbye Without Saying Goodbye) (My Name is Kim Sam Soon). On my Spotify account you would see I have played Goblin, DOTS, and CLOY OSTs countless times.
In the past, dramas are not really pre-produced (meaning script came a week or two before filming). There are dramas wherein halfway through the broadcast, they had to switch writers because the earlier writer had a falling out with the production – so you’d see that the quality suffers (story plots would go crazy lol). There are dramas wherein they had to replace the actors because of scandals or accidents. In the last 5 years however, Korean dramas have become pre-produced: meaning the dramas will be filmed 6 months-2 years before being broadcasted. I guess this aspect has contributed to the fact that many Korean dramas are already available on streaming sites.
 3.      Cultural value
Each drama gives us a slice of the Korean culture – food, drink, skincare, attraction, and history. And noraebang (karaoke). Every romcom Korean drama has to have a scene at the noraebang...or jimjilbang (sauna). 
Modern and traditional Korean dramas have to feature food: Korean barbecue, stew, side dishes. LOL you name it. There’s also soju, beer, and makgeoli. BEER AND CHICKEN. 
In most modern Korean dramas, makeovers are a must. You would see product placements of known Korean products: Laneige, Etude House, Nature Republic, etc. The characters would go shopping in a particular shop like The North Face. Their coffee dates would be in one of these (Caffe Bene, Dal.Komm, HOLLYS, Zoo Café, Mango Six). They would buy their cakes or bread from Paris Baguette or Tous Les Jours.
Then there are road trips – many Korean dramas would feature a particular attraction, province, or city. Who can forget Nami Island (thanks Winter Sonata) or Namsan Seoul Tower (Boys Over Flower) or Petite France (Secret Garden, My Love from the Stars)? Of course, you can’t forget Busan (Reply 1997) or Jeju (Warm and Cozy) or Gangwon-do. It is definitely a K-drama fangirl’s dream to be able to visit in one of these places so we can relive our favorite Korean drama moments.
All of Korean dramas I have seen put emphasis on family – the importance of filial piety is always highlighted. The characters are often portrayed as dutiful daughters or sons. Conflicts often ensue when the character is challenged to choose between the parents or the love of his/her life (well in most Korean dramas that’s the case lol). Many dramas portray characters who try to be the good daughter-in-law and yet nothing is ever good enough. Then there are subtle flexes on Korea as an emerging superpower as seen by drama characters (chaebols) who head conglomerates. There is always a character who is filthy rich and can afford a billionaire lifestyle. Product placements include big companies like Samsung, Hyundai, etc.
Slice-of-life dramas also depict the realities in Korean society. Because This is My First Life and Something in the Rain aptly depicted the realities of harassment in the workplace from a woman’s experience. Many Korean dramas also relay harsh realities: meritocracy in the workplace; young adults juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet, etc.; even real estate situations are featured. Often you would find characters renting a small room because that’s all they can afford. From the dramas you would also notice that Koreans are not very kind towards single mothers or orphans. Then of course, there’s the North and South Korea situation: Crash Landing on You, Doctor Stranger, Spy Myeong-Wol, Descendants of the Sun are a few dramas that discussed this theme. The Reply series is a nostalgia drama featuring families that lived through some of important events in South Korea like the Seoul Olympics (1988), Asian financial crisis (1997), Sampoong Department Store collapse (1995), and the historic World Cup (2002).
Korean historical dramas are also interesting on their own – I guess until now, the Japanese occupation of Korea is still a sensitive matter for Koreans. Many of the dramas that feature such themes always depict the resilience and resolve of Koreans as they try to fight off the enemy. Yes, the scenes are depicted artistically, and the thought lingers long after the episode is over.
In terms of marketing, the government has also been proactive. With the Korean Wave (Hallyu), Korean dramas, as well as films, music, food, etc. have become an important commodity overseas. In 2016, Korean Culture Center wrote that Descendants of the Sun was sold to 27 countries, posting a profit of over KRW 10 billion (Php 412 million). The government acknowledges the important contribution of Korean dramas in tourism. Numerous papers have already been published showing the effect of hallyu in the South Korea tourism industry.
 To make the long story short:
Korean dramas have gone beyond “faux Cinderella stories with belofied whiter than white actors”.  I mean, if you want to produce a quality drama, it takes time and effort. Personally it has become a great escape from the realities I face. I do not welcome opinions that clearly spring out of snobbery and disdain for another person’s craft. Perhaps the director can look beyond the Top 10 (since that’s what he mentioned) and check out the wide selection on Netflix. Viu is also a great platform (I’ll start on World of the Married – been hearing and reading about it lol)
Hallyu did not flourish overnight, and the Korean drama industry – while a great model to cite – is also not perfect. There have been numerous cases and instances when staff are overworked or not paid long after the production is over. The #MeToo movement has also exposed some actors who have harassed fellow actors. If we want Filipino dramas to enjoy the same spotlight as that of the Korean dramas, we should be frank about the outputs we have had. We have potential, but it really is up to the decision-makers (at least from the network perspective since it’s all about profits and star value rather than quality production in the Philippines) to come up with a formula that would revitalize Filipino dramas. I can’t say the same for Filipino films because we have great films – the dramas need much work to be profitable. I mean, are we really satisfied with a few dramas being sold overseas? When will we produce dramas that are at par with our Korean chingus? If you want Filipino dramas to be streamed on Netflix or Hulu or Apple TV – maybe we can look at genres beyond police brutality or infidelity or hacienderos harboring a secret child somewhere.
 Anyway, Korean dramas are awesome – and that’s the tea.
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heroismdreams-moved · 6 years
Explanation : Cynthia's Personal Brand of Heroics
Cynthia is loud, and very active about her desire to become an epic heroine, the kind bards sing about and whom people look up to in the future. However, we know that this isn’t always the kind of person that she was thanks to the following Harvest Scramble conversation with Severa :
Severa: I remember now. I remember it ALL! Back before you started playing with the boys, you were the girliest of ALL of us! Cynthia: Um... Yeah. I guess I was. Heh heh, I didn't think you'd remember that... Severa: Then all of a sudden you transformed overnight! It's like something... Oh. Oh no. Cynthia, wasn't that... That was right around when... Your mother... Cynthia: ...Yeah. After the Risen killed her. Being such a mama's girl, losing her was... It just...hurt so much. I was so angry. After that, doing girly stuff... It all felt so pointless. I didn't care about being pretty. I just wanted to be strong enough to avenge her. I suppose I looked at the boys and thought they seemed stronger... It's silly, huh? When you spell it all out. But you know how kids are. Severa: That's why you decided to be a hero? Cynthia: Heh, yeah...
This conversation perfectly highlights that becoming a hero wasn’t something that she’s wanted to be for a long time, it was the result of a deep trauma of losing someone she cared deeply about. However, I do not believe that this trauma led to the heroic personality we now know and see in her, as this dialogue implies she would be today an ‘Avenger’ type hero. There must be more.
Allow me to submit this line of dialogue from Cynthia and Yarne’s B-Support:
Yarne: But I WANT to fight! I'm tired of feeling so pathetic. Everyone else is fighting with everything they've got, and I'm still turning tail. Cynthia: Well then, if you want it that bad, maybe you can work through the fear. […] Cynthia: You should become a hero! Yarne: A...hero? Cynthia: Yeah! A hero just like me! I mean, I'm still in training myself, but you could join me! It'll be totally great!
To me this dialogue implies that Cynthia’s descision to be a hero wasn’t just born out of a desire for revenge, but of pure fear as well. She offers the solution of becoming a hero after he confides that he doesn’t want to be afraid anymore. This likely was her own thought process as well.
Let’s quickly examine two of Cynthia’s Event Tiles responses to what she does in her freetime, and what she dreams about :
"I make sure everyone is safe! Seeing another crisis averted makes me happy."
"I dream of becoming someone's hero! I want to protect the people who matter."
The first quote implies that at the start of her path to become a hero she sought to be the Avenger-Type hero, not unlike Owain himself. This would make sense if she saw Owain and the other boys her age and thought to be ‘strong like them.’ But the above quotes from her Event Tiles do not sound like an Avenger, but a Protector instead.
I will not submit my next bit of evidence - the C-Support and the B-Support between the two ‘Heroic’ Future Kids, Owain and Cynthia.
Cynthia: Okay, fine. But this is just between us! So I'm trying to plan a dramatic entrance for our next battle. Something...heroic. Owain: Well, if you're going to be a hero, there's only one real option... Wait until your friends are on the brink of defeat, then show up and smite the enemy! There's nothing more heroic than a big comeback. Cynthia: That's terrible! I can't do that! Owain: Why not? A hero always shows up at the last minute. It's in the job description. Cynthia: No, it's not! A real hero is there the whole time, tirelessly defending her allies! [...] Cynthia: Well, I've been thinking about what you said, and it still feels wrong. You want me to wait and appear at the end, but what if someone needs me? What if they get hurt? Or...worse? Owain: That's the whole point! You come swooping in just before anyone gets hurt! Cynthia: But what if you're too late? Owain: Just don't let it happen. Situational analysis is a basic part of heroism. Cynthia: Mmm, it's still a risk. I think I'd rather just be there from the beginning.
Cynthia’s idea of a hero, as outlined above, is someone who fights there from the beginning, someone on the front lines, someone who doesn’t want to risk the lives of those she cares about.
I believe that in the process from being the Avenger-Type Hero and to the Protector-Type Hero, Cynthia likely lost more than just her parents, that due to her own inaction and hesitance, someone lost their life right in front of her eyes. After that, avenging the death of her parents was no longer as important to her, but rather keeping everyone else alive was. 
But, this still doesn’t make up her entire Hero persona; She acts brave, she acts hero-like, but most importantly, she’s cheerful. Allow me to now present my next bits of dialogue, lifted from Cynthia’s C-Support with a Female Avatar, her C and B support with Yarne, and her C and Support with Lucina.
Cynthia: Hey, stop worrying already! I can take care of myself. I'm a hero, remember? It's my job to rally and inspire our comrades.
Yarne: H-hey! That's not... Oh, who am I kidding. Yes I am. Mostly, I'm just surprised to hear you say I'm all right the way I am. You're the only one who thinks so. So, yeah. Thanks. Cynthia: Aw, come on, buddy. Smile! As a hero, I'm not allowed to leave the scene until you're wearing a grin. Yarne: R-right. I'll try. […] Cynthia: Pffft! All you have to do is stand up to evil and help anyone who needs helping. If you follow those two rules, anyone can become a hero!
Lucina: I'm afraid such techniques aren't my style. I try not to attract undue attention on the battlefield, as a rule. Cynthia: But nailing a really flamboyant move would be a guaranteed morale booster! Lucina: You really think morale would be boosted if I "nailed a flamboyant move"? Cynthia: I'm shocked you even have to ask! You're like a shining ray of hope for us. Both as Chrom's kid AND a fighter! And with such a heroic role comes a responsibility to inspire your allies. A single word or action from you could turn the tide of an entire battle! […] […] Lucina: Er... C-Come forth...light of justice? Cynthia: You're not selling it! What happened to the bold warrior-goddess Lucina I know? You're fearless in combat—how can you be afraid of a few lines of dialogue?! Lucina: I'm sorry. It's just... It IS rather embarrassing. Cynthia: Only because you're not putting your heart into it!If you really belt it out, you'll be surprised how convincing it sounds! It's called "method acting", and it's all the rage among theater folk nowadays. Lucina: If you say so... Cynthia: Trust me, I've been doing this all my life. […] Cynthia: Listen to you! I don't know about the others, but MY morale is through the roof! This is so hero-y!
Inspiration, smiles, morale - Cynthia equates all of this with her hero persona as well. We know that her future was dark, bleak, to the point where nothing there would grow anymore. They lost a lot of lives, and were fighting against a literal deity with an army of death at it’s side. 
I believe depression was a large problem around the army. I believe fear was a problem as well. I believe it’s likely that some people just... gave up entirely.
This, I feel, is the last piece of the puzzle that explains Cynthia’s personal brand of heroics - people were dying because they didn’t have hope anymore. Cynthia had already decided that as a hero she couldn’t let anyone else die, so what is a hero to do than put on a smile, give out inspiring speeches, help everyone that she can, and do whatever she can to rally the people already under her protection.
Cynthia’s solo ending is thus :
Cynthia never gave up on becoming a hero and traveled the land in the name of justice. While she impacted the world of comedy more than the world of legend, people still loved her for trying.
And I feel like the fact that she impacted ‘comedy’ more than anything else would’ve been alright with her, as the lack of joy in her world was among the last enemies she had to fight.
Tldr : Cynthia’s heroics emerged as a defense mechanism to deal with her mother’s death, and over time it evolved to her trying to keep people alive from both physical and mental threats.
Oh, and one more thing - check out Sumia and Robin’s A-support!
Sumia: Hold, Avatar! Do you think me insane?! Avatar: Well, I didn't... Sumia: For I see that which others cannot! Demons and devils lurk in shadows dark! Avatar: A-are you feeling all right, Sumia? Perhaps I should summon a healer... Sumia: ...What? Hee hee! Oh, no, I'm fine! See, I'm reading a new book. I was just pretending to be the heroine. Her name is Madame Shambles, and she sees what others cannot in shadows dark! Anyway, I've been saying her lines to try and get inside her head and be more like her. ...Do you think that's weird? Avatar: Yes, it's actually very weird. Sumia: Oh, pegasus dung! I was worried it might be. But see, I thought if I could act like her, I'd maybe become less of a clod.
Like mother like daughter...
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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zloyodessit · 4 years
Minsk protests: Overview of second attempt to topple Lukashenko
Yesterday, Russian Telegram channels reported even earlier than Svetlana Tikhanovskaya's own press secretary that the pseudo-leader of the Belarusian "opposition" would refrain from taking part in protests scheduled for August 10 to contest election results. Meanwhile, Tikhanovskaya, who appeared to be long time ruler Alexander Lukashenko's main rival, took business class to fly off to Lithuania.  Hee fleeing was not due to the purported  fear of persecution by the totalitarian government - it was because she had already played her role at the current stage, and now a popular uprising was required with no one at its helm. An angry mob without a leader...  However, it should be noted that the angriest part of that mob suspiciously seems to be rather well organized.
But if the housewife-wannabe-president's decision to flee the country is part of the game, then who has been spinning the flywheel of protests, which, on the one hand, appeared pretty mediocre in terms of efficiency, and on the other, made people discuss them, even beyond the borders of the country's immediate neighbors?
Yesterday, on August 10, Russian President Vladimir Putin and a number of high-ranking Russian officials congratulated Alexander Lukashenko on his reelection win.  Many saw the gesture as Moscow's support  support for Lukashenko, but only the blind-deaf-mute didn't notice what kind of hybrid game had been unfolding between these "allies" over the past few years.  The year of 2019 was especially telling, when Russian ambassador was expelled, while military attachés were also declared personas non grata and spies were nabbed.
Therefore, Putin's greeting, which gave a green light to the GRU military intelligence to go for sowing chaos in Belarus, is rather about cunningly "embracing a foe".  At the same time, the Kremlin needed such a friendly gesture to further destabilize Belarus, after realizing that their puppet Tikhanovskaya would not succeed in bringing a critical mass of people to the streets.  Over the past two days, this fact became obvious.
Throughout Monday, August 10,  Russian Telegram channels would urge Belarusians to protest.  And they did.  They took to the streets in numbers that surprised even the organizers themselves, who doomedly emphasized that with such crowds would not be enough to seize a police station, let alone overthrow the president.
But these decadent tones immediately changed, because if the numbers are failing, media are still able to draw a nice picture for the masses.  And, as I already wrote yesterday, a symbolic sacrifice was needed.  A bit earlier, such sacrifice didn't work out too well after some local lunatic just threw himself himself under a paddy wagon, but on August 10 everything could have turned out differently ... But it didn't, either, of which I'll write in a second.
In the meantime, we should recall the words of a senior analyst with the Vilnius Institute for Political Analysis, Marius Laurinavičius, that it is important for the Kremlin to provoke an escalation of protests, violence against activists, and the subsequent compromising of Alexander Lukashenko in the eyes of the West, thereby depriving him of the opportunity to maneuver towards Europe and the United States.
Therefore, it's no surprise that German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, known for his loyalty to Moscow (remember how fiercely he defended Nord Stream 2, grumbling, literally: “No one will disrupt the project!”) before flying to Moscow to meet his counterpart Sergei Lavrov, noted the need to impose sanctions against Alexander Lukashenko.  So yes, no surprise here that it was this German leader who was the first to have his say on the Belarus unrest.  But let's not get distracted and move on...
It is vital, and I would even say strategically important, for Russia to radicalize protests in Belarus.  Just like it was in France with the Yellow Vests movement, who were radicalized through the National Front led by Marine Le Pen, some of whose members fought in Donbas alongside Russian occupation forces.  This was also the case in Catalonia, during the pseudo-referendum on the region's independence.  This is happening now in the U.S., where the BLM movement is being fueled by Antifa radicals.  Practically in all elements of radicalization, from France to the United States, there is a distinctive Russian trace, which manifests itself either in funding or combat training of militants partaking in riots.
In Minsk yesterday, as well as the day before yesterday, athletic youths came to the fore, acting in a well-coordinated manner.  Football fans and hooligans - certainly not professors, librarians, poets or architects.  A standard mass of combat-ready men ready to jump on riot police shields without thinking about the consequences for their health and, moreover, for the future of their country.
But, for a colorful picture to be broadcast on Russian Telegram channels 24/7, it is quite enough.  Western audiences, who saw the Yellow Vests, Catalonia, and BLM, never learned to separate the wheat from the chaff.
So what do we see in the end?  The opposition leader could not stand the test of the battle and fled, leaving her supporters alone confronted by the totalitarian Lukashenko.  Indeed, she's Mandela or Gandhi. Unfortunately, this political novice seems likely to be easily intimidated even by a phone call.
When Tikhanovskaya was safely abroad, those athletic guys with knowledge of urban riot, pursued with radicalization of a moderate protest, which we saw yesterday.  Of course, these tiny "barricades" and the "mighty bunch" of college kids, who found themselves without parental supervision, looked ridiculous, but the problem is that the West empathizes with such weak protesters standing up against authoritarian governments. And when these kids are led by their trained instructors to confront riot police... this is exactly wherethe blood is shed and symbolic sacrifices  sacrifices are made for the live broadcast.
Incidentally, once again I can't but mention full media support of the unrest in Minsk, provided by Telegram channels and outlets affiliated with the GRU, which did not hesitate to spin manipulation and disinformation.  And to give this coverage the "Western undertone" these Telegram channels are moderated from Eastern Europe, such as Nexta - from Poland, while hosting lots of Russian propaganda content a la Russia Today.  Also, yesterday's arrest of Semyon Pegov, a Russian propaganda pundit and supervisor of the WarGonzo Telegram channel, who came into a spotlight during the occupation of Crimea and Donbas, said more than enough on who's really in charge of the Belarus protest wave potential.
But since we mentioned symbolic sacrifices, yesterday Russian information platforms did try to come up with a Belarusian "George Floyd".  After the guy crushed by a paddy wagon, another  local man, who died on the barricades, was put on the pedestal of such symbolic sacrifice. It turned out though that he died after an explosive device he was trying to hurl at police exploded in his hands.
Well, this option seems to be even worse to hail as a victim of totalitarian government.
Actually, the second day of protests in Minsk was no less lively, but less massive than expected.  The rallies began to exhaust themselves as early as on their second day, so a new reactionary element is needed to revive it.  Time will tell whether they will continue to cultivate the idea of a symbolic exercise or will they use some kind of “exrernal influence”, such as a “Ukrainian trace”.
At least, our local troublemakers, who call themselves nationalists, while in fact being no one but call boys for provocations, have already joined the information campaign to support the Belarusian protest.  Therefore, it is possible that it is these leaders of the hybrid front that will breathe a second wind into the exhausted GRU project.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 19.09.17 lb
god, back to the mysterious kaagaz. fucking tell us already. 😒😒😒
shakti seems all cavalier about this, but dadi is fuh-reaking out. which of course means it’s gonna come out in a horrible fucking way and phelofy raita. 😖😖😖
please lord, let it just be the normal thing - the oberois murdered anika’s family or some shit. yes, that’s NORMAL for this show. 😣😣😣
billu ka OMG SECRET AGAINST ME radar is extra sharp after all the shit that’s gone down. try to even plan a secret birthday party for him? not gonna happen. the man is going to be just that heckin’ paranoid. 😐😐😐
dadi lying through her damn teeth like a pro. 😊😊😊
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omfg, he just made sadface and was like “jaake intezaar karta hoon uska.” JESUS CHRIST BILLU, GET A DAMN HOBBY. MAKE A TUMBLR. REBLOG SOME MEMES AND PICS OF CATS. GET A DAMN LIFE YOU FREAK. 😕😕😕😕😕
but lord, it’s also kinda adorable. 💖💖💖
*does tilak and feeds gauri dahi shakkar* 
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man what ghazab confidence this girl has, straight away introducing herself. i’ve been at my workplace for over 5 months now, and there’s people i see everyday and smile at, but don’t know names of. and now it’s too damn embarrassing to ask. 😕😕😕
aw, uncleji wants to learn english to talk to his bahu! 😌😌😌
oh great. a smart aleck teacher. already side eye-ing him. 😑😑😑
gauri kumariiiii sssarma’s looking kinda star struck and impressed by this idealist teacher dude. gosh i hope spoilers of a jealousy track are true, coz i would fucking love to see om jelly of this guy. hee hee hee. 😊😊😊
god i really don’t get why they make gauri all awkward about handshakes????? 😒😒😒
billu is chehak-ing coz wifey is back todayyyyy! 😚😚😚
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wifey is strong independent woman who don’t need no man and is back all by herself. tough luck to billu who might have been looking forward to maarofying chance in the car. 😝😝😝
lololololol a simple question and she’s biting his head off. she’s still hellllla mad. 😂😂😂
“jaise hawa mein aapke helicoptor udte hai waise roadon pe humare liye busein bhi chalti hai.” 
“araaam se aana dadi!”
pffffffffffffffffffffft 😂😂😂
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lmao anika ne toh thank you ka jaaaaap hi kar rakha jaise koi mantra ho. 
billu is suggesting they go to the roommmmm. 😏😏😏
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the slightest touch and the tharak is on! look at their bodies just gravitating to each otherrrrrrrrrr! holy shit, just baaaaaang already! 😯😯😯😯
i think anika’s maaarofying current these days like devrani used to. billu’s staring at his hand all perplexed. 😌😌😌
“thank you kehkar bohut badi galti kar di maine. nahi, PAAP HO GAYA MUJHSE!”
snort. you know what they say billu, hell hath no fury... 
dadi looks pareshaan af. 
oh great, anika’s going to take this on her head? 😟😟😟
oh thank god, she’s delegating to shivaay. good. 😌😌😌
billu’s here for round 2, but anika bohut hi gambhir mood mein. awaiiii. 🙄🙄🙄
this angst is so fucking random and unnecessary????????????// 🤔🤔🤔
billu’s been guilteddddd. 😐😐😐
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i fucking love kunal’s panic waala acting, like during the baby track
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yeah this asshole has gotten too complacent about her life revolving around him and needs to be knocked two or three pegs down. this is perfect opportunity. 😊😊😊
lol such ~subtle questioninggggg. 😋😋😋
awwwwww, he was waiting for her to eatttttt. 😯😯😯
it’s ok. ek din nahi khaaya toh kuch nahi hoga. suffer a little for being a dick. 🙃🙃🙃
still love you though, boo.  *pats his hair* 😘😘😘
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i blame his damn family for indulging him like this. my fam would just be like fuck off, we can’t be wasting time like this to validate your every whim and fancy. think of something yourself. spoiltass brat. 🙄🙄🙄
what’s anika so SMILEYYYYY AND CRYING about??? 🤔🤔🤔
god she looks so fucking pretty. i want to cap every frame, she’s that gorgeous. 😍😍😍😍
are those the papers billu tried to write her a letter on? she’s this happy just seeing “dear anika” written a buncha times? 🤔🤔🤔
but they look like some legal papers though?
billu be like hein? abhi tak maine kuch kiya bhi nahi? 
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lol he’s freaking out at her tears, as usual. 
aw, he’s remorseful that he can’t say what she wants to hear. “main koshish kar raha hoon, lekin atak jaata hai...” 
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“jaanti hoon aapko waqt lagega, lekin please, thank you mat bolna, please.” 
an unofficial thank you ban has been instated. 😆😆😆😆
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“what you said, it meant the world to me.” 
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she’s oh babe. tumse nahi hoga. stahp. 
ok crying a little lot. because like i said in my very first analysis post, she’s never really needed the words from him. he’s been showing her through actions that he loves her from waaay back. and she’s understood. right from then. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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his faaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. oh my godddddd. i love this idiot so much. 
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sister here knows exaaaaactly what she’s doing to her husband. look at that smug grin. 😏😏😏😏
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lol she’s waiting for another thank you! 😆😆😆
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nope. not making that mistake again! 😎😎😎
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left standing there with that same dopey smile! 😊😊😊
aw, he’s vowing to tell her anyway. you go billu!!!! 😘😘😘
svetlana’s showing jhanvi exactly why tej is being so cooperative. 
lovinggggggggg jhanvi’s shock. coz she’s such a dumbassss. honestly, she’s not even worthy of being svetlana’s foe. my girl be living in 3008, while you losers are living in two thousand late. 🙄🙄🙄
omki’s wifey is missing againnnnn. 🙃🙃🙃
great pinky is here to taang adaofy again. 😑😑😑
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same, omki. #same.
what joy does this woman get from fucking with these kids’ marriages? does she have some kinda jocasta complex or what? coz i realllllllly don’t get it. 😣😣😣
god bless omkara and his sweet sassy smile while telling pinky that this is not a big deal. i’d just be like fuck off satan. 😒😒😒
god, yeh do - to - go dialogue chupke chupke se nahi churaya gaya? 🤔🤔🤔
why’s this teacher dude’s shirt open to like, the third button? it’s making me uncomfortable. 😖😖😖
ooooooooooooh gauri’s stuck hereee. 😯😯😯
“yeh mera badappan hai jo tum aise free ghoom rahi ho.” lmao i love svetlana so much 🤣🤣🤣
god queen, just kill her dumb ass. 😒😒😒
ughhhhhhhhhhhh. this garbaaaaage. 
is this painting nonsense going to be supernatural too? like she travels through alternate planes using the painting or some shit, like the principals in harry potter? 😩😩😩😩
omfg she blew a kiss. i’m in loooooooooove. 😍😍😍😍😍
oh greattttt, allllll these idiots are on this case again. that too standing in the middle of the fucking house and talking about it louuuuuuudly. this is exactly why villains are able to fuck you idiots up. 😒😒😒😒
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om looks least bit interested in all this. he’s just here coz shivika are, and the wife isn’t home to stare/passive aggressively banter with. 😆😆😆
oh, that got their attention. 
do you even know WHICH PAINTING? 😐😐😐
omkara exhibiting that his art degree is very much useful, thanks very much. STEM IS NOT EVERYTHING OK, DESIS????????/ 😒😒😒😒
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haaaaaye my handsome boys. 😍😍😍 
oh, svetlana replaced the painting. 
ok who the FUCK is this fucking white fucker IN INDIA who doesn’t know what fucking chai is? 😒😒😒😒
yes, i know what he’s doing. he’s forcing them to interact with this white asshole in english. but matlab, hadh hoti hai unconventational teaching methods ki. 🙄🙄🙄
ok bade bhaiyya is soooooooo fucking team Gauri that he’s just not even trying with omkara anymore. which ok, i love and all, but come on shivaay, you gave fucking rudra alllll that advice on his BS relationship, and you’re not even making an attempt with om???? 😣😣😣
chubby’s had enough of this BS. ladki toh chod ke chali gayi, raita phailaaake, sametna is bechaare ko pad raha hai. 😪😪😪
lol are rudra/chubby the couple for today? i am fucking lovingggg it. 😊😊😊
literally no one is interested in being here other than shivaay and anika. ugh these new couples and their enthusiasm. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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look at this poor anxious munchkin. 😚😚😚
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.... has surbhi gotten extra golden on her vacay, or is nakuul not wearing his makeup today?? he’s looking reaaaaaallly pale compared to her in this scene. 😐😐😐
even anika’s like god knows what new plan you and dadi have made up to embarrass me publicly now. billu’s like wait and waaatch, jaaneman.  😏😏😏😏😏
oh god i dont wanna watch this nonsense. it’s super fucking late where i am (i fell asleep watching the episode mid way) and i have a hella long commute tomorrow and i just wanna go back to sleeeeep. 😭😭😭😭😭
shakti, this fucking savage is probably gonna come back with a cactus or some shit, isn’t he? 😂😂😂
oh suddenly now everyone’s ok with the “bhavya was a cop on duty at our place” theory???? like....??? memories and attachment to ppl like goldfish, these fucking oberois. 😒😒😒
godddddd. this episode just won’t get overrrrrrrr. 😫😫😫😫😫
meanwhile this doctor waala chutiyaapa continues. 
the white doctor just unironically said: 
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waittttt, when did tej and svetlana move outta oberoi mansion??? what even is going on? where the fuck is thissss? 😐😐😐
god svetlana, why are you wasting so much timeeeee? just kill ALL these losers. 😒😒😒
gauri kumari sssssarma to the rescue. as usual. always carrying everyone’s inefficient asses. 😎😎😎
another thing she has in common with shivaay: both have leadership skills, anything happens and they jump to the frontlines and get to action. 
lmaoooooo “hai kathaiiiii angrez ki aulaaad, seedha paani nahi bol sakta tha????” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
gauri, caaareful. don’t break his ribs or some shiz. follow the beat to stayin’ alive! 😣😣😣
what the fuck nonsense. he’s no more it seems. awaiiiii. 🙄🙄🙄
ok someone fuckinggggggg kill this teacher for reallllllll. god. 😡😡😡
if she just needs to look on the internet for words she doesn’t know, she can already do that. why does she need to come to this fucking class? 😒😒😒😒
sulky!kara is standing away all angsty and shiz. what a child. anyway, good. burn, fool, burn! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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archivesdiveronarpg · 7 years
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Congratulations, LOTZO! You’ve been accepted for the role of CASSIUS. Admin Taryn: I think the greatest testament to this application is the fact that Cassian was developed in ways and areas that I hadn’t even started to consider. Lotzo, yours is the first application for Cassius we’ve received, but without a doubt I don’t need any others to know you have his portrayal nailed. Your initial analysis of my darling conspirator was what gripped me and didn’t let go; you brought up corners and edges of his self and morality that I’m not sure I would have been able to come up with should I have been left alone to ponder Cassius for hours. And THAT’S why I’m so happy to hand this character over to you – he’s no longer mine, but entirely yours! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character
Alias | Lotzo
Age   | 18+
Preferred Pronouns | They/them
Activity Level | I’m currently on my gap year, so this will probably change week to week. But I am a consistent writer - I write one response every two days as a minimum (no matter what else is going on), and may write faster at times. I am also normally available to chat with (I’ve got Discord, and Skype) because I get bored and like plotting with people. But this also means I have no definite commitments or school, but I might be on a plane. So it depends on my internet level and where I am, but a solid 5/10.
Timezone | ???? Right now, I’m at GMT +8, but next week I will be at GMT +9, and in two months I will be at GMT +11, and then in six months I might change again.
In Character
Character |
Cassius - Julius Caesar. Cassian Kun Hee - DiVerona
Cassian - Narcissistic, Vain. Latin
Kun Hee - No direct translation. Korean.
Face Claim - Lee Soohyuk
What drew you to this character? |
I’m an English Korean so asian characters immediately endear themselves to me. But the more I read Cassian’s biography, the more I fell in love and realise that I have no choice but to get dragged back into RPing (blame Ark).
Also, disclaimer : I’m planning on going into physics and philosophy at university and have spent alot of time in my local art museums and indie spaces, so I apologise for any rambling or things that don’t really make sense.
To start with, his parents are Korean. This is always an interesting dynamic, especially if they grew up in Western civilisation. What things do they keep, do they treasure, do they reject, do they find outdated? For Cassian, his obvious lack of care for his mother (the way he would willingly use her to further his own goals) was striking, and felt wrong. You never do ill of your elders in society, and especially not your parents. They are often all you have, and you respect them no matter what. What sort of thoughts were going through his head (she’ll get her name back, nothing permanent is actually happening, she’ll die anyway, I won’t be suspected, 엄마, I’m sorry, I don’t feel sorry, nothing matters) how would she react if she found out? My father is English, but I know how Korean fathers can be. They are often distant because of the work load and the desire to earn money for their children (I know one father who doesn’t get home till 1 am, but does this to earn money for the child to go to tuition, so the child feels the pressure to do the best with the opportunities provided, but it creates an interesting dynamic). They push and have expectations and this pressure to be as his father was - known - is something that shaped Cassian’s ambition.
Then the idea that his father influenced the world of philosophy. How could you change it? What ideas could you add to change the world? Modern understanding is founded in Aristotle and other ideas, but now we are branching into a new area, and what scholar wouldn’t want to expand on that? The Ancient’s ideas of categories and standards and relationships is something that we can no longer apply to us today. 90% of our universe is something we don’t even know exists, quantum has changed the way we research, time isn’t real, so how can Greeks be right anymore? I think that Lucien was working with ideas of truth and eternal nature, but to explain that would take a book.
But here’s my thought - there’s no such thing as truth in the modern age. People have struggled since the beginning to define it, and now we question whether definitions of anything can truly exist. So there’s a mix of existentialism and nihilism and if the only truth you have is the truth you choose to give yourself (but what is it to be human other than to have the freedom to shape the way you want your life to move), though Cassian has words to tell Satre about how he was wrong but maybe so close to being right, then Cassian knows that the only thing that is real is himself (I think, therefore I am). Everything will one day die, so while he lives he will pull everything out of the world for himself because one day everything will die, so who cares about morality and consequences when this is his life and he needs to make the most of it.
And those with ambition can only make it in two places - crime and politics. But aren’t they the same thing anyway? And there must always be a backup plan - so always know the game that you are playing. So Cassian went into law (this is the one area that I am not so fluent in :P) to understand and to learn and to grow and to strive because he needs to go up. He was bored all the time, even as a child no-one could keep up, nothing entertained him. So, being human, he still strove for attention - but did it in the safest way possible. He pushed the boundaries, and he found just how malleable they were. Marble could only bend so far, but people, they were easy.
Then the frustration, the palpable desire, the conflict in his head. Is he the pedestal, the power behind the throne? Or does he take credit, does he take his rightful place? Because he doesn’t want to be seen on throne, but he doesn’t want anyone else to be seen there instead. I also like how this mirrors the play - the desire to overthrow a tyrant (though for ambition, not personal freedom / Is Faron the modern Caesar? ) his manipulation of others, by whatever means to achieve his goal. (A pity we don’t have a Brutus) But the question is whether he wishes power for selfish ambition - or plain envy. He likes to be the top person in the room, the one with the power, the one others seek to gain affection and approval from.
So basically, I love the little details of Cassian’s life and how it all builds up to create the person that he is today, married, embroiled in the mob, confused as to what direction he wants to take his future. That motivation and that history is what draws me to writing him.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
~~ Ruin and Rumination
And this man/
Is now become a god, and Cassius is/
A wretched creature and must bend his body/
Cassian had sought out Faron, had sought out the power the other man could give him. But as is all things ambitious, there can never be enough. The play uses Caesar to describe him as having a “lean and hungry” look, and this is how to best describe him.
Cassian had given himself a goal, one that he had since achieved, and now he wanted more. He had said that he wanted to be the neck, and the neck only, removed and therefore protected. But this invisibility comes with a cost - no one can see that you are there, no one appreciates the effort. And Cassian is narcissistic, he wants the adoration and reverence that other people have gifted him since he was a child, and how can you receive that when you stay in the shadows?
So now Cassian is pulling at his leash (self imposed and otherwise), straining so hard that soon something must break, though who and what is still to be seen. I want to explore what will happen with his desire for power, whether he will get it or whether it will all come crumbling down around his ears.
~~ Power requires people
They are the faction. O conspiracy/
One cannot bring down a kingdom by yourself, one cannot have ears in every corner, but it is possible to hire them, bribe them, force them, manipulate them.
To sit on a throne has no meaning unless there are people to do your will, to adore you, to flatter you.
Power requires people, so Cassian needs to build his network, men loyal to him and only him. He tells others “spies, only, to gather information for the Spades, do I not have the authority to do at least that?” But Ajax, Hector, others who seek to stay with the final winners, they pledge themselves to Cassian. But do they know that they sell themselves to the Devil and not the gods who seek to rule Verona?
I want to explore how he relates to people, how he is charming and forthright and how he builds those relationships, how he makes them sign themselves to him. How does he manipulate them, how do they react when the future is a train barreling right into him?
~~ Wedding Bells Ring
Here, in the thigh: can I bear that with patience./
And not my husband’s secrets?/
For so many, their greatest day is when they get married, when you have an equal, a partner, someone to trust wholly and will be loyal till the end. For Cassian, the day he got engaged was the day he felt himself signing away his freedom, a leash in the form of a metal ring on his finger.
Still, Cassian must adapt, because he can’t let the water rise over his head, needs to deal with the unpredictability of humanity - even if this means a new wife. Even if this puts new standards on his image, to the way he must adapt to involve a human being in his personal life, to how vulnerable it makes him (when you can’t hide inside your house you can’t hide at all, and one day it might all come spilling out).
I want to explore their dynamic, their relationship and the way that it could develop. Do the seek to get rid of each other? Tolerate the other? Merely using each other until they can be thrown away? Or are they protective of each other (no, it’s just my name), or realising just how human each other are?
~~ Great Art Depicts Emotion
He is a great observer and he looks/
Quite through the deeds of men: he loves no plays/
As thou dost, Antony; he hears no music/
Adulthood is a progression of childhood, so marble begets marble. While his parents showed emotion, were dutiful in their duties, there’s only so much you can do for someone so totally surrounded by wealth and finery and never being allowed to be wrong.
But who cares about emotion when everything is destined to fade into dust and then into nothingness, the chaos and entropy of a closed system set only to increase. Who has time for the way that other people think or react? Emotions and passion are things that Cassian doesn’t understand, doesn’t normally experience. (Frustration, anger, care, adoration, but rarely happiness, rarely sadness, never love)
Art is art because it is a way to convey a meaning or emotion to others. This was where he learn what the extremes of emotion were, so while he doesn’t love art, doesn’t love displays of passion, he finds himself constantly drawn to the theatre and the museum and the church, trying to understand this riddle that he can barely see.
I want to explore how Cassian related to others, how he displays emotion, how this varies from person to person, how much of it is actually an act. I want someone to try and break those walls down and realise that it a futile job - because there is nothing behind those walls. I want someone to merely exist in his life, and suddenly there is weakness, and how does Cassian react?
In Depth
Broad red strikes crisscross over the hint of a blue background, white scratches scored deep with a palette knife. Acrylic and oil, sliding over each other, refusing to react, red leaving gaping wounds on the canvas. Gold leaf brushed over the top, highlighting texture. A small plaque reads “F®iend”.
It looks like the taste of the champagne he is drinking, one hand curled around the stem, the other buried in a trouser pocket, head tilted as he examines the work. Fury and hatred trying to mar a bright history, but unable to, richness in the dark and regret buried in the heart.
He can’t feel it.
Something almost present on the back of his tongue, an ache in his molars and a heaviness on his chest. But there is still something missing, so Cassian continues to stand there, one hand buried in his pocket, one curled around the stem of a glass. But the taste is bitter, dirt lingering on his tongue, and he tries to find something more in the paint.
Behind him, the sound of footsteps come close, then stop, muted in the occupied room. A voice enquires from behind him, “Do you mind if I ask you some questions Mr Kun Hee?” Nervous, tight, some anxiety at approaching, but still a deep voice. Cassian doesn’t bother to turn around, relaxed eyes still breathing in the vivid motion on canvas. He shrugs, then takes another sip of the champagne. (Yet still the bitterness lingers on his tongue)
The person coughs, then asks, “What is your favourite place in Verona?”
His fingers tap idly on the glass, the moment stretching out between them. He can hear the shifting of a jacket as the person moves, and Cassian breathes in, out, in, then replies, “I daresay I haven’t been here long enough to give that question the full answer it deserves. You architecture is much more grand than America, your religion a lot more steeped in history, your shops in vice. A day at a time though, I think.”
There was much in Verona to inspire, to claim and conquer, but they were all just buildings. They each brought out different aspects, required a different style of thought to appreciate. The bridge allowed freedom of thought, the museum enhanced appreciation, the library for knowledge.
Still, he tended to revisit the galleries most often, like a mystery he couldn’t walk away from. He stood in front of the painting, in front of the sculptures, trying to make sense of the emotion portrayed, tried to imagine his own throat bared back in a parody of marble. He hated not knowing, walking around with something hollow, some piece of the puzzle, some thread that connects creation and leaves him stranded in the dirt. He hates it.
But still he returns.
The person hums, and then the sound of scratching of pencil on paper, like a buzz behind his ears. “You didn’t really answer the question, Mr Kun Hee.”
The next painting was as tall as person, a steady gradient of gold to burgundy, brush strokes nearly invisible, the faint impression of silver clouds broiling on the horizon at eye level. “Ruin”. Cassian steps towards it, eyes closing for a moment, the hint of a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth as he hears the person fumble, quick steps as they move to stand behind him again.
“But that’s alright, I’ll just move onto the next question, shall I? What does your typical day look like?”
His glass motions towards the painting in front of him, “I wake, I exercise, I go to work, I appreciate.” This painting was darker, no pastels or brighter colours, no white to highlight motion. It seemed to suggest the steady decay of everything, the dark red on top threatening to swallow the clouds and gold below.
“I-, what does your work normally look like?”
Cassian scoffs, the only movement a brief eye roll. “Do you want a detailed description on attorneys operate and the information on my clients, or will you take what I have given you?” The constant sound of movement from behind him threatened to tear him away from the paintings, the heels of leather shoes scuffing the floor, the movement of a jacket against a shirt. And now, a cough, and the shuffling of paper.
In truth, his work involved legally representing people, but also ensuring that the law was always on the side of the Spades, and doing whatever Faron needed next. There was also the gathering of his own intelligence and background work that needed to be done to ensure loyalty, though that tended to take up far less time and far more of his mind compared to his day job.
The detail of the painting was highly technical, the stroked all leading to a nebulous center, the clouds barely emerging from the background once you looked closer, though so clear from further away. Latex mixed with paint, softening the edges so the paints could move together, gel added to the background, dimming the colours.
“That will be fine, thank you. Final question, what are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?”
Cassian stilled, chin tilting upwards, an eyebrow barely raising. This was popular gossip in Verona, especially with recent developments, so not unusual. But unexpected. The sound of the person grew quieter as Cassian didn’t answer, before his shoulders relaxed slightly. “Is it a war? I thought it was only a blood feud, though it has yet to cross into my court. However, I have heard rumours of a new group, the Diamonds? But perhaps this means that there is no war anymore, which can only be a good thing.”
And this was true, to an extent. It was a silly little battle between two groups that had once had the potential to be so much more, but were reduced to petty bickering and local conflict. It was good that it was over, good that power had come to the Spades. (To them, not to him, and for a moment all Cassian could feel was an itch under his skin, his breath catching in his lungs as the red on the painting seemed to overtake the canvas.
“But why do you ask?” Cassian said, the hint of curiosity turning him away from the painting to face the questionnaire. But there was no-one within twenty feet, and he would have heard the sound of footsteps moving away.
In-Character Para Sample:
The rasp of cash sliding against a palm is smothered, the heat on the night damping all noise around them. Notes slipping between people, instructions to be given from person to person to person. He was never involved.
The wind whips away his breath, and his stomach feels cold even as the humidity chokes everyone else. Cassian can’t tell if he’s falling or flying anymore, whether he’ll hit the ground or rise above heaven.
But one things is true - he is no longer bored.
The table is opulent, yellow and pink flowers in a vase on the table, several members on the local government invited to a dinner. His mother sits at his right, adorned in a delicate white dress, his father on her right. Inane conversation, gentle laughter, “who takes care of checking financial records?”
The sound of the TV was a constant drone in the background, something to fill the dead air as they worked, a blank faced news reporter with a monotone voice.
The sound of his mother’s pen stopped, and Cassian looked over to see her staring intently at the TV, so his head titled that way as well.
“There have been more recent developments with the call for impeachment for the South Korean President, Park Geun-hye. It has recently been revealed that her friend, Choi Soon-sil, was the daughter of a cult founder, and that her father was also a close mentor to the current President. Additionally, the corruption charges against her continue to mount, and a lot of Koreans are now more conscious about their government’s fiscal responsibilities, and many major companies are being looked into.”
Seollal was a major festival, Koreans’ inviting family over to celebrate a time of new things. Normally, they would go to South Korea and visit the extended family, but this year they were staying at home. New allegations were continuously being brought against them, and a case file was being built.
It was the beginning of a new year, Seollal, and the three of them were gathered around a table. Normally, they would go and visit South Korea and the rest of the family, but this year there were mounting pressures as new allegations were brought against Hana, the threat of a court case keeping them nearby.
Silence echoed throughout the small dining room, the faint clink of cutlery against plates the only conversation in the room.
Mechanically chewing the food, turkey and rice and kimchi and ddukgukk and carrots. Only five side dishes, but three courses, and silent looks shared between his parents.
Cli- “Cassian, I want to ask a favour.”
The three put down their cutlery, the farce of a meal paused for a moment, and his gaze flickers between them.
“Anything, 엄마, what do you need?”
His father this time, leaning forwards with his elbows on the table, tidy beard darkened as his face tugs into a frown. “You know that there are rumours going around about Hana, and, with the current political climate it may begin to escalate even further. There isn’t any truth in the matter, but.”
His mother interrupts, placing a hand on Lucien’s shoulder, troubled eyes turning to pin him into his chair. (Did he make a horrible mistake?) “But if it does go any further, we want you to be my legal counsel. I trust you with this.”
Emotions, that’s what is expected with family. Trust and vulnerability and sharing emotion.
Cassian coughs. “I, I’m sure that won’t be necessary Mother, but, if it means that much to you, then of course.” Her face brightened, and Cassian has to struggle to keep the guilt pushed down (why does he feel so much guilt? He shouldn’t, it doesn’t mean anything, he’ll get her out of it, it might even help) and he chokes a little. He turns his face away and takes a sip of water, ignoring the way the slope of her shoulders rounds out, the way the wrinkles around the corners of his father’s eyes soften.
Something burns in his chest. It burns, hot and fiery, before it goes cold.
Cassian continues to eat his meal
She wants to hug him. He can tell, that after every court session and every time they see each other there. She reaches forward, about to pull him down, about to kiss him on the cheek or say something, before she notices were she is. He feels no regret in pulling away every time, at leaving her calls. He’s her lawyer after all, it just wouldn’t be professional.
The court case is over, and Hana immediately throws her arms over him, pulling him in for a close hug. Cassian stiffens, every instinct urging him to run away, before he rests his head on her shoulder. “I knew you could do it,” she whispers into his ear, pulling him tighter for a second, before letting go.
He hasn’t been hugged like that since he went to university. He can’t tell if he misses it.
Her face is shining again, relief banishing the worry, though there is now much more grey in her hair, now wrinkles on her forehead. But the smile on her face is the biggest for a while. Can he fool himself, can he say that it was okay because she would be happy again at the end?
His face tightens and Cassian grimaces, before turning away and packing up his papers. There will be people who want to congratulate him.
Date of Birth : Sunday 27th March 1988
Favourite Drink : Mint Julep
Mock Blog : cassianmock.tumblr.com
Aesthetic x2
Headcanons x2
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