#(sha-la sha-la-la ya ya ya)
1 or 7, domestic style fluff with my favorite eel?? ♡♡ (it's Floyd of course)
I leave romance vs platonic up to you, gn reader so everyone can enjoy as well :)
Can't wait to see what younc9me up with!!! If you need any help or ideas come bug me, floyd sits in my head constantly like a very annoying song
Warm Mornings; Floyd Leech
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, romance
Content Warning; Some swearing
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; Who needs a weighted blanket when you have a Floyd? I am here to deliver soft Floyd(TM) hours! (he also sits in my head constantly; the song is the low-quality Funky Town)
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Even when Floyd was dead asleep, he squeezed you, and that was your situation now. You were lying on top of him, and he had you in a comfortable yet strong bear hug. Just tight enough that you couldn’t wiggle free from him. And it was normally fine, but last night someone had left the window open and now it was warm and humid in the room, making you feel sticky.
“Floyd,” you whispered, trying to wake him up gently.
A gentle snore was your answer. You should have expected that though, he sleeps like a damn log.
You tried wiggling around a bit, but Floyd just hugged you tighter on unconscious instinct and rolled over, trapping you under him. Yeah, you were officially stuck. “Floydddd,” you groaned, poking him right above his hips. “You’re crushing me.” 
Usually he would wake up by you repeatedly poking him, but he was out cold, he only just shifted, trapping your face where one cheek was pressing against the mattress, and the other was smushed up against his chest. Normally, you wouldn’t complain about this situation, but it was grossly warm. You were also too far away from your usual ‘escape the crushing weight of my dearly beloved eel route’, which was just tickling his legs and feet. Too bad your arms were pretty much pinned against the bed. 
“Floyd, get off me,” you grumbled, squirming around like a worm on a hook.
Still nothing.
Sighing, you accept your fate. Besides the humidity, it was rather nice. Sure, you couldn’t make out the crashing of the waves on the beach, the steady beat of Floyd’s heart was right up against your ear, and it was slow and steady.
Slow and steady, not two words many people would associate with Floyd. It was a calmer side that only you got to see; when you were overwhelmed, or when he was feeling soft. Yes, he was usually a bundle of energy, but even he had his quiet moments. Within the hurricane, there was always the eye, where things remained still, despite the wild winds outside.
“Mmm,” Floyd groaned, the first sign of life you’ve seen since you’d been sandwiched.
He slowly blinked his eyes, working out the sleep from them, and tilted his head down so he could actually see you, since you were still stuck between his chest and the mattress. “Heh heh, I caught a Shrimpy in my sleep!~” He drawled, voice chipper but still heavy from sleep.
“Yes, yes you did. Can you please get off though, it’s gross out,” you groaned. At least he was cute, which the wild bed head only played in his favour. How can he look so good in the morning? Maybe it’s a mer thing… “Floyd?”
He hadn’t moved, and was instead giving you a wide grin. “Hmm, maybe I should’ve called you Crabby instead of Shrimpy, Shrimpy,” he pinched your cheeks teasingly, “since you look pretty crabby right now.”
You rolled your eyes, “And maybe I should use that mushroom risotto recipe that Jade gave me for our dinner tonight. But that’s only if you don’t get off.”
Floyd narrowed his eyes at you, trying to make out if you were bluffing or not, since last time you were dead serious and did exactly that. But he rolled off of you, grumbling a bit. “Meanie,” he muttered.
You shuffled over to where he was dramatically splayed out, his head slightly turned to you, and giving you puppy dog eyes. Chuckling, you kissed him on the lips, as that is what he was being dramatic about.
Giggling, he captured you in his arms yet again, and trapped you against the mattress for a second time this morning. He was giving you a shit eating smile. You weren’t leaving this bed until he had his share of kisses.  
“Floydddd,” you groaned, but you weren’t annoyed with him, if anything, you were amused. There was never a dull moment with him around.
“Shrimpyyyyyy,” he mimicked your voice with a more prominent whine. “You know the drill!~”
Sighing, you ran your hands up through his messy hair, and brought your lips together, deeper this time. You knew the drill; neither of you were getting up until both of your lips were tired, sore, and most likely bitten… which may not be for a while.
Tags: @azulashengrottospiano, @eynnwwyjth, @hydra-sea, @krenenbaker, @officialdaydreamer00, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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thisismehappy · 1 year
I think the way I'm feeling is like when a girl thinks a guy is going to propose but he just takes her out to a really nice dinner and buys her a pretty compass necklace instead. 😂
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
I'm not sure if you take CoD requests but I was wondering if maybe you could do headcanons for Alejandro(if you write for him) with a reader who's Cajun, has a Cajun accent, and calls him Sha(its Cajun slang for sweetheart/dear/darling)
If you don't write for Alejandro, maybe Price or Soap
Oh this is so cute!!
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Alejandro with Cajun Reader
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PSA - I did a lot of research so I tried 😅
• You get stationed out to the main base in Los Vaqueros, tasked to help the people there and work alongside Colonel Alejandro Vargas.
• Arriving on a helicopter you smile as you meet Alejandro smiling at you. "Welcome to Las Almas my friend- Heard great things about you"
• "Boujour! Comment ça s’plume? Alejandro no?" You say cheerfully clearly throwing off the man at the French being thrown his way- But a French he was incredibly unfamiliar with
• "Sargent (Y/L/N)? Correct?" You nod calmly, The Colonel smiking a bit- "We must leave soon then"
• "Don't be like that Cher" You say with a laugh and watch the man's face twist in mild confusion still.
• "Sha?" He repeated, you realizing quickly your mistake with a hearty laugh. "It's a term of endearment- Like Darlin'- Now, You said we had to leave No? Allons!"
• Alejandro nods and leads you off to your station, Still a bit confused over what the fuck you were saying-
• After a few weeks on base he starts to understand, realizing you are speaking a form of French mixed with English. The two of you talking quite often now as he shows you around Las Almas and the situation there.
• "They told me you are American-" Alejandro questioned as you two drove through the town.
• "I am-" You clarified with a smile. "From Louisiana" Alejandro nodded his head like he suddently got it.
• "Isn't uh it Creole? Es.. That's the American word right?" Alejandro questions, making you shake your head. "Two differen' peoples Sha-" You say as you try to explain the difference.
• This poor man is so confused- Feels like he's in school again and was just given a very hard exam that he didn't study for.
• "Creole is more City and Cajun is country" You simplified, which seemed to ease the confusion for the time being.
• The two of you become fast friends- You of course a chatter box and always wanting to learn and Alejandro always wanting to teach and see new things.
• Alejandro begins to teach you more Spanish while you teach him French-
• He likes to tease about how you talk with your hands and your passion behind your speaking. Finds it funny
• You two do have arguments at times, like an old couple do at stupid things. However rank is never pulled or acknowledged since it's always fun/personal banter
• However what truly soothed over any issues was the food- The two of you becoming quick food buddies as you'd share your guys food with each other.
• Alejandro walked straight to you on base early morning after a briefing, staring hard at you as he held a wrapped item in hand-
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"...This is a La Guacamaya torta- It is one of my favorites... I added extra chicharrón" He flexes as he shows off the item. You nodding in agreement that it looked pretty damn good.
• "Not bad Not bad-" You smile, Before reaching for your own item with a grin. Pulling out a well worn Tupperware bowl-
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• "Now, Had to improvise is bit- since Not many of my ingredients in this neck of the woods so I did so?' Pastalaya and found ya a le Boudin to have later"
• You say proudly showing off your lunch. Alejandro nodding also impressed- Before the two of you switch lunches and sit together to eat happily.
• It didn't take a genius for others to figure out you were buddy buddy with the Colonel- While some didn't like it, most warmed up to you and stared in your joy and willingness to expand-
• While you let anyone else know clearly they could go fuck themselves-
• However Alejandro was always your ride or die.
• The two of you shit talk for hours while eating... Half the time Not even understanding each other as you share new insults and curse words.
• He was your best friend, and you his-
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unforth · 8 months
Chinese BL novels that I know of that have been adapted into animated or live actions shows
I just wrote this up in Discord, might as well post it here.
by priest:
Tian Ya Ke (Faraway Wanderers) (live action adaptation: Word of Honor - on Netflix)
Zhenhun (Guardian) (live action adaptation, same name)
Can Ci Pin (The Defective) (animated adaptation, same name) (I haven't read or seen it yet)
Lie Huo Jiao Chou (Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire) (animated adaptation, same name) (I haven't read or seen it yet)
Mo Du (Silent Reading) (live action adaptation: Justice in the Dark, was pulled after 8 episodes aired due to censorship, I only managed to see one episode before it disappeared)
Sha Po Lang (Stars of Chaos) (live action adaptation: Winner is King, filmed but never aired due to censorship) (I haven't read it yet)
by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) (animated adaptation, same name; live action adaptation: The Untamed - LA is on Netflix)
Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official's Blessing) (animated adaptation, same name - on Netflix; live action adaptation: Eternal Faith, filmed but never aired due to censorship)
Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong (Scum Villain's Self-Saving System) (animated adaptation: Scum System)
by Meng Xi Shi
Chenghua Shisi Nian (The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua) (live action adaptation: The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty)
Qian Qiu (Thousand Autumns) (animated adaptation: Shanhe Jian Xin)
by Fei Tian Ye Xiang
Tianbao Fuyao Lu (Legend of Exorcism) (animated adaptation, same name - s1 out of 2 is on Netflix) (I haven't read the book yet, but I've read the manhua)
Dinghai Fusheng Lu (Dinghai Fusheng Records (animated adaptation, same name) (I haven't watched it yet)
by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat
Erha he Ta de Baimao Shizun (The Husky and His White Cat Shizun) (live action adaptation: Hao Yi Xing, filmed but never aired due to censorship)
That's everything I can think of right now.
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unlimitedx · 2 months
Betina Gila Batang
Aku ni dah kahwin dan dah ada anak satu. Kerja kat PJ sejak 1/98. Masa aku join company tu, aku dikenalkan dengan sorang secretary (bukan secretary dept aku). Fuhh!.. kalau tengok dia. Sekali tengok, orang selalu kata dia ni lesbian. Pakaian dia simple tapi anggun. Selalunya dia pakai baju kurung atau dress pants. Cuma kadang2 je dia pakai skirt pendek. Kadang2 dia all out pakai body hugging dress yang sexy gile. Fuhhh!!.. budak bujang office aku kata lepas tengok dia macam tu, sure boleh buat modal lancap malam tu. Ramai budak lelaki office aku kata dia ni nampak innocent je, based on cara dia berpakaian.
Cakap dia lembut. Cun gile. Badan slim. Muka tersangat la bersihnya. Kebanyakan body features dia yang best tu aku yang sponsor. Tinggi lebih kurang 1.6m. cukup la tu, aku ni tak reti nak describe rupa paras dia cam ne, tapi kalau korang tengok dia, gerenti lutut lemah teringat sampai bile2. Nama dia shaliza(bukan nama sebenar). Aku panggil Sha (real name yang aku panggil dia) aje. Dia pun dah kahwin tapi belum ada anak lagi. Mula2 kenal tu biasa la. Pas tu kita mula rapat. Pegi lunch pegi mana2 sama2. Yang bestnya family dia dengan family aku pun kenal each other. So, bini aku dan laki dia tak la syak sangat pasal our affair.
Semakin lama hubungan kita orang makin ngam. Mula cerita pasal sex. Dia cerita pengalaman dia dengan laki dia. Semua dia cerita. Kat mana laki dia pancut semua aku tahu sebab they all family planning. Laki dia suka pancut mani kat celah tetek dia dan muka dia. lagi satu tempat pancut mani yg favorite ialah kat alur cipap dia lepas tu dia suka tengok mani dia meleleh kat alur cipap tu. Sampai bab2 laki dia bantai bontot dia pun dia cerita kat aku in detail. Dia juga ada cerita yang dia tak selalu main dengan laki dia sebab laki dia kerja ikut shift. Kalau laki tak de, dia main gentel cipap dia je. Tu pun dia cerita in detail macam mana dia buat.. Dia kata, sebulan may be 3 atau 4 kali je dia main dengan laki dia. Dia suka main dengan laki dia bila dua2 mabuk. Dia kata best. Selalunya, Sha dgn laki dia akan tengok blue film dulu sebelum adengan sex dia mula. Laki dia kata kena warm-up dulu. Laki dia tu kena tengok blue dan kena urut batang dia dulu baru nak bangun. Kalau tak, tak naik, manual gear la kata kan. Stim tu biasa la bila dengar dia cerita. Kadang2 aku nampak dia jeling kat celah kangkang aku, especially tempat yang terbonjol tu aku tak suspect apa2 masa dia pandang tu. Biasalah jeling2 kat tempat private tu. Aku pun selalu jeling kat arah cipap dan tetek dia. anyway, Aku pun cerita jugak pasal aku main dengan bini aku. Tapi aku dengan Sha tak buat apa2 pun aksi sex masa tu setakat cerita je Lama2, kita orang start hugging, kissing on the cheek je. Pas tu, kiss on the lip. No french kiss. Aku bukannya tak nak main dengan dia, tapi take things slowly…walaupun aku geram teramat sangat kat dia. bayangkan la, cipap dia kadang2 betul2 depan mata aku bila dia mengadap aku. Lagipun, aku kat rumah dapat sex yang secukupnya dari bini aku. Setiap hari aku main dengan bini aku at least 2 kali sehari. Kalau dia lampu merah, period la tu.. dia akan deep throat atau blow job aku.. paling kurang pun lancapkan aku dengan tangan. kadang2 sampai 2/3 kali. Jadi, bab sex ni memang aku tak kebulur sangat la. ‘makan luar’ tu pun selalu jugak dapat, especially bila pegi outstation.
Berbalik pada cerita Sha tu, ada satu hari, aku rasa bulan 2/98, Sha datang kat bilik aku. Biasa la borak2 gurau senda dan main komputer masa lunch. By the way, bilik aku ni tersorok sikit. Jadi line clear la. Tiba2, the ‘one million dollar question’ keluar dari mulut Sha, ‘boleh I tengok you punya anu?’ sambil menjeling kat celah kangkang aku. aku bagai nak gila. Terkedu kejap. Badan start menggigil. Aku tanya dia balik nak tengok? dia cepat2 jawap, ‘ya, I nak tengok batang you.’ Batang aku pun dah start menegak. Tak terfikir aku dia minta benda tu. Aku yang panic ni, macam dah kena pukau terus saje bukak zip seluar aku, selak spender dan keluarkan batang aku. toing! terkeluar la batang aku yang dah keras tu. Aku rasa dia ni memang dah lama target batang ak. Cuma tunggu masa yang sesuai je nak luahkan perasaan dia. Once batang aku keluar je, dia terus pegang dan urut2 batang aku dengan geram. Aku pun mula la high. Tapi tak dapat concentrate sangat sebab kena make sure line clear. Nanti kalau boss masuk, mampus. Dia main dengan batang aku puas2 . dia selalunya guna air liur dia untuk melicinkan pergerakan mengurut batang aku tu. Tak lama lepas tu aku pun pancut air mani aku. Habis kena lantai dan tangan dia penuh dengan air mani aku. Pas tu dia ambil tisu dan bersih kan apa2 yang patut. Jilat sikit air mani aku yang meleleh kat jari2 dia. sedap kata Sha. Pas tu aku kiss dia dan thanx dia for her service. Bila habis lunch time, kita orang pun sambung kerja macam biasa.
Perkara dia lancap aku dengan tangan tu berlarutan la. Dia ni macam dah gila sangat dengan batang aku. Aku tak tahu kenapa dan aku tak mau tahu kenapa. Tak pernah aku tanyakan dia soalan tu. Yang aku tahu dia kata batang aku best bagi dia panas dan sedap di pegang, diramas, diurut. Habis setiap inci batang aku dan buahnya dia pegang dan urut. Kadang2 tu, dia dekatkan muka dia kat batang aku dan dengan manja dia cium puas2 dan kenakan kat seluruh muka dia. Yang pentingnya aku enjoy dengan apa yg dia buat kat aku. Every time/ada chance je dia nak main dengan batang aku. Pagi tu memang dah sah dapat lancap sebab kita orang selalu datang awal. Petang pun sama. Lunch kalau malas keluar, dah sah dapat. Selalunya dia lancap aku kat dalam office aku. Kita pretend macam tengah work on something kat komputer aku, tapi tangan dia kat batang aku bawah meja. Selalunya, kita tengok gambar bogel orang main atau gamabr bogel model2 kat internet tu untuk menambah stim. Bila baca cerita sex kat web ni pun kita baca sama2 sambil tangan dia lancap konek aku. Setiap kali dia lancapkan aku, mesti air mani aku keluar. Kalau tak keluar, especially bila line kena cut-off, dia mesti frust dan asyik mintak maaf je kat aku dan janji akan buat lagi next time. Selain air liur dia, kadang2 kita guna baby oil la losyen la dan macam2 lagi benda sebagai pelincir. Kat office tu, tisu bilik aku selalu kena replace, sampai clerk tu tanya aku apasal tisu cepat habis. Aku senyum je. Sha pulak memang sentiasa bawak tisu bila jumpa aku, sebab dia tahu kami berdua perlu tisu banyak2.. maklum la banyak sangat unexpected things between us. Di pendekkan cerita, ada aje peluang Sha nak pegang batang aku, dia akan buat samada dari dalam atau dari luar je. Dalam lif pun kadang2 sempat. Sambil tunggu lift pun sempat. Kat pantry banyak kali. Toilet executive kita orang boleh kunci dan tak ramai orang guna. Lepas sejam baru keluar. Dalam kereta jangan cerita la berapa kali. Aku tiap2 hari hantar dan ambil dia ke office. Jadi korang imagine la peluang yang Sha ada untuk service aku. Kereta aku asyik kena pancut je dengan paip bomba aku tu. Kat restoren pun kita orang ambil kesempatan. Aku tak boring pun walaupun dia hanya lancap aku dengan tangan je dan aku cuma dari luar je raba2 dia. kalau line clear sikit, kat mana2 pun, kita orang akan peluk2, cium2 manja macam orang kata cium2 kucing tu la.
Kadang2 aku ambil juga kesempatan raba tetek dia yang size 34/35 tu. Memang lembut. Putting dia color brownish sikit…. besar jugak putting dia. Bila aku raba tetek dia je, dia jadi stim dan tetek dia makin pejal off course sedap di raba. Cipap dia pulak, aku cuma raba dari luar je… tembam cipap dia bontot dia, fuhhh sedap di ramas. Pejal. Aku ni bila kena lancap denga tangan, mani lambat keluar sikit. Jadi untuk cepatkan, kena la raba2 dia sikit baru ada kick. Tapi, aku tak pernah raba atau korek cipap dia lagi.. itu projek aku seterusnya nanti. Yang best tu, walaupun Sha melancaplan aku banyak kali masa waktu office, sex aku dengan bini aku tetap macam biasa. Aku kena layan bini aku, takut nanti dia syak sesuatu. Kadang2 tu, bini aku tanya, apasal air mani aku sikit sangat biasa la dah buang banyak kali mesti sikit, korang pun tau. Mula la aku explain scientifically macam doktor pasal apa mani lelaki jadi sikit. Dia percaya fuhhh case close. Sha dengan aku pulak, walaupun kita orang selalu buat kerja tu, kat office kita macam biasa je.
Tadi aku cakap family dia dengan family aku baik kan. Selalu jugak family aku pegi rumah dia dan family dia datang rumah aku. Bini aku dan laki dia, macam segan to each other. Setakat cakap2 gurau tu ok la for them. Tapi aku dengan Sha, macam biasa bila ada chance je, dia akan main dengan konek aku. Aku pun macam biasa raba2 dia. Wife aku dengan laki dia tak syak sangat our affair.. kita orang pandai cover line. Ada sekali tu, dia datang kat rumah aku dengan laki dia. lepas makan laki dia main dengan anak aku kat taman depan rumah aku. Aku tengah tengok tv kat living room. Dari tempat aku, boleh nampak laki dia main dengan anak aku. Sha pulak tengah baca magazine sambil meniarap depan aku. Dia pakai tights warna hitam yang aku bagi dia untuk birthday dia dulu. Dia saje halakan cipap dan bontot tembam dia ke arah aku. Kadang2 dia saje angkat bontot dia dan gerak atas bawah macam orang tengan main sex.. pas tu senyum kat aku. Gerak badan dia fuhhh tak leh nak describe. Susah aku nak concentrate tengok tv. Batang aku memang dari tadi dah tegang. Pas tu bini aku dating dan dia bagi tau dia nak pi supermarket kejap. Ntah apa yang dia nak beli aku tak kisah sebab dalam kepala otak, teringat si Sha tu lancapkan aku je. Sebelum blah bini aku gurau2 kat aku dan Sha. Dia kata kat aku, jangan stim tengok bontot Sha tu. Kita orang gelak je. Dia tak tau yang konek aku memang dah tegang asyik tengok bontot dan cipap Sha yang mengiurkan tu. Kalau aku dengan bini aku ada projek, bini aku selalu ingatkan aku supaya jangan ingat sha masa main dengan dia. padahal bini aku tu lebih cantik dan tak kurang menggodanya kalau compare dengan Sha. Kalau orang tak kenal bini aku, mesti tersilap ingatkan dia tu macam sorang pembaca berita TV3 yang cun, janda anak 3 orang tau kan sape.
Bila bini aku blah je, Sha duduk sebelah aku(dah biasa macam tu even depan spouse) dan ambil satu bantal besar dan cover bahagian bawah pinggang aku la. Tangan dia mula merayap masuk seluar bola tali getah aku. Dan kerja melancap dia pun bermula. Macam biasa pelincir air liur di gunakan. Sambil tangan dia urut batang aku, aku sekali-sekala jeling luar tengok laki dia. kalau kantoi mampus. Sha ni memang pandai urut batang aku. Macam2 cara dia buat. Cakap saje apa yang buku sex ajar, batang aku dah merasa.. what a lucky dick! Sha continue urut2 kan konek aku. Adalah dekat2 setengah jam, air mani aku tak nak keluar jugak…biasa la susah nak keluar kalau tak concentrate sangat sebab asyik jengok luar je. Setelah Sha usaha sedaya upaya, akhirnya terpancut jugak air mani aku. Jauh jugak pancutan tu. Macam biasa Sha akan lap dengan tisu. Pas tu, kita orang macam biasa balik.
Begitulah seterusnya perhubungan aku dengan Sha yang gila sangat kat batang aku tu. Aku bukannya tak gila kat cipap dia, tapi aku masih blurr apasal dia asyik main batang aku je. Ada kah objective dia nak go all the way ke atau setakat tu je. Sebab tak sure, aku kena la buat step by step supaya apa yang aku enjoy sekarang ni tak terlepas takut nanti yang di kejar tak dapat, yang di kendong berciciran. Awal 1/2000 hari tu, ada advance sikit dalam perhubungan kita orang. Sha dah mula hisap batang aku. Dia pun expert jugak dalam bab hisap batang ni.. in fact the best I’ve ever had. Tapi kerja yang macam ni susah sikit nak cover kat office sebab muka dia kena mengadap batang aku. Sekarang tak yah letak air liur kat tangan dan lumurkan kat batang aku. Air liur automatik dari mulut dia ke batang aku. Dia jugak dah benarkan aku finger cipap dia(tengok cipap life dia belum lagi) banyak sungguh air cipap dia keluar bila aku korek2. Penggunaan tisu kita orang pun bertambah.
So harapan aku dalam dua tiga bulan ni ialah untuk menikmati dan membaham cipap dia pulak, tak kira la samada dapat jilat atau masukkan batang aku dalam cipap dia lagi bagus going all the way home(macam main baseball) sekarang ni baru dapat pegi second base je. Cipap Sha memang tak boleh di biarkan begitu saja tanpa perhatian. Aku takut nanti, aku pulak yag gila kat cipap dia… belum tengok lagi secara life lagi. Buat apa nak gelojoh kejar cipap dia. banyak lagi masa. Tapi cipap Sha memang aku punya ultimate target. Aku nak ganyang sepuas2nya. Ahh… lupa nak cerita. Kadang2 tu Sha hanya ambil masa 2-3 minit je nak keluarkan air mani aku especially bila dia dah geram sangat dengan batang aku tu. Tapi on the average abut 20-30 mins la. Tapi dia very patient and like I said expert in handling dick. Kita selalu jugak main game kalau dia dapat keluarkan air mani aku dengan cepat aku bagi dia hadiah. Rekod paling cepat dia keluarkan air aku ialah 50 sec. Aku kalah teruk masa tu. Kadang2 sesak jugak nak tahan air mani dari keluar bila Sha gunakan macam2 trick tangan dia mengurut batang aku… korang imagine la sendiri. Sha punya favourite ialah pegang batang aku bila lembik dan urut2 sampai keras mencanak. Dia kata best pegang batang lembik, ada umpph. Selalunya dia tak sempat tengok batang aku masa keadaan lembik. Sebab bila aku nampak dia je atau fikir pasal dia je, batang aku dah mengeras, By the time aku bukak zip seluar aku je, dah mencanak2 dan mengangguk2 macam panggil Sha suruh belai lagi. So tough luck for her. The only chance for ialah after aku keluar mani. itu pun kalau masa masa mengizinkan, lepas air mani aku keluar Sha akan pegang2 batang aku yang separuh lembik tu(nak jadi lembik pas tu) dan main2kan. itupun kalau dia nasib baik. Sebab most of the time, even lepas dia lancap aku, batang aku samaada separa tegang atau tegang keras macam batu. Kesian Sha.
Our most obstacle is spender aku la. Menyusahkan pergerakan kita orang. Kadang2 tersepit batang aku. Kalau tak pakai bahaya bila dia naik nanti. Orang nampak. Batang aku tu automatic gear. Tak de disiplin. Naik nafsu sikit je dah nak bangun. Tak yah nak urut2, unlike manual gear laki dia tu. Batang aku tu memang ikut kepala dia je sendiri je.. betul2 dickhead. Sha pulak bila dah dapat batang aku tak ingat dunia lagi. Dia tak kira. Dia tibai je. Kadang2 sampai merah, sore pun dia masih nak lancapkan aku..apa nak buat dah nasib.
Status aku dengan Sha sekarang ni, Sha masih menikmati aku punya ever loaded and ever ready gun semenjak dua tahun yang lalu. Budak2 office kita orang still tak suspect apa2. Kalau dia orang tahu, gerenti aku kena peril kecoh wooo sebab Sha memang pemalu dengan dengan laki2 lain. So they all tak de chance nak kacau Sha. Aku tersangat lah luckynya. Bini aku dan laki dia pun tak suspect apa2. What a great life hah! The billion dollar question now, apasal Sha gila sangat kat konek aku jeMonday, February 21, 2000 Yang peliknya, bila dia lancapkan aku, dia selamba saje macam tak expect anything in return from me. Yang aku pulak macam dah kena pukau sampai tak reti nak buat apa2 kat Sha bila dia lancap atau blow job aku.
Pelik tapi benar! Tapi, bila dia main batang aku, dan aku raba2 atau korek2 cipap dia, dia ada response la. Pompuan pun pandai stim jugak kan. Aku pernah tanya dia, dia pernah buat macam ni dengan orang lain tak, dia kata cuma aku dengan laki dia saja yang dapat perhatian macam ni. Hmmmm malas nak tanya banyak2. Aku harap perkara ni berterusan sampai bila2 dengan aksi2 yang lebih hebat lagi, walaupun duit aku kopak sikit nak maintain dia. kita orang memang ada plan nak hidup sama. Tapi apa boleh buat dua2 dah ada commitment. Nak break that tak sampai hati, so continue je la macam ni as long as tak kantoi. Dulu dia pernah kata laki dia fantasize nak main dia dan sorang lelaki. Dia nak bantai bontot sha, dan laki tu tibai cipap dia… hmmm best jugak ye. Aku harap laki dia pilih aku nanti but I have doubt.
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
I Won't Say (I'm in Love)
Written By: Alan Menken & David Zippel
Artist: Susan Egan with Roz Ryan, Cheryl Freeman, Lillias White, Vanéese Y. Thomas & LaChanze for Hercules
Released: 1997
From the 1997 Disney movie Hercules, “I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)” is the movie’s featured love ballad. After a romantic date with Hercules, Meg expresses her conflicting emotions through song (with some back up from the Muses). Hurt before and technically working for Herc’s arch nemesis, this song demonstrates Meg’s reluctance to get into another relationship that (in her mind) can only end badly.
[MEG] If there's a prize for rotten judgment I guess I've already won that No man is worth the aggravation That's ancient history, been there, done that [MUSES, MEG] Who d'you think you're kiddin'? He's the earth and heaven to you Try to keep it hidden Honey, we can see right through you (Oh no) Girl, you can't conceal it We know how you feel and who you're thinkin' of [MEG] Oh No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no [MUSES] You swoon, you sigh Why deny it? Uh-oh [MEG] It's too cliché I won't say I'm in love [MUSES] Shoo-do, shoo-do, ooh [MEG, with MUSES] I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming, "Get a grip, girl" "Unless you're dyin' to cry your heart out" Oh [MUSES, MEG] You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby, we're not buying Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling (Oh no) Face it like a grown-up When ya gonna own up That you got, got, got it bad? [MEG] Whoa No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no [MUSES] Give up, give in Check the grin, you're in love [MEG] This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love [MUSES] You're doin' flips Read our lips, you're in love [MEG, MUSES] You're way off base (Shoo-do, shoo-do) I won't say it (She won't say it, no) Get off my case (Sha-da, sha-da) I won't say it [MUSES] Girl, don't be proud It's okay, you're in love [MEG] Oh At least, out loud I won't say I'm in love [MUSES] Shoo-do, shoo-do, shoo-do, shoo-do Sha-la-la-la-la-la, ah
God Only Knows
Written By: Brian Wilson & Tony Asher
Artist: The Beach Boys
Released: 1966
“God Only Knows” is a song by American rock band The Beach Boys. It is the eighth track on the group’s 11th studio album, Pet Sounds, and one of their most widely recognized songs. “God Only Knows” was composed and produced by Brian Wilson. Tony Asher helped Brian with the lyrics. Carl Wilson sang lead, and Bruce Johnston sang harmony vocals with Brian in the outro. The song broke new ground in many ways. It was one of the first commercial songs to use the word ‘God’ in its title. As producer, Brian Wilson used many unorthodox instruments, including the harpsichord and French horns that are heard in the song’s famous introduction. Although The Beatles engaged in a friendly rivalry with the Beach Boys based on mutual respect, Paul McCartney called this song the best song ever written.
[Verse 1: Carl Wilson] I may not always love you But long as there are stars above you You never need to doubt it I'll make you so sure about it [Refrain: Carl Wilson] God only knows what I'd be without you [Verse 2: Carl Wilson] If you should ever leave me Well, life would still go on, believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me? [Refrain: Carl Wilson] God only knows what I'd be without you [Interlude: Carl Wilson, Brian Wilson, and Bruce Johnston] Ooh, ooh Do, do, do, do, do, do, do Bow, buh-bow, buh-bow, buh-bow (Do, do, do, do) Buh-bow, buh-bow, buh-bow (Do, do, do, do, do, do) Buh-bow, buh-bow, buh-bow, buh-bow (Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do) [Refrain: Carl Wilson] God only knows what I'd be without you [Verse 3: Carl Wilson] If you should ever leave me Well, life would still go on, believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me? [Chorus: Carl Wilson] God only knows what I'd be without you [Outro: Carl Wilson with Brian Wilson and Bruce Johnston] God only knows what I'd be without you God only knows what I'd be without you God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows) God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows) God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows) God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows) God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows)
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bigsunflowergang · 11 months
just feel like sharing my NY drill playlist with y’all bc i use a lot of them in my fics !
**= favorite …. you guys should listen !!
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speed racing- kay flock (🔓) ft. blovee
triple threat- sdot go, naz gpg, & jay hound
raggy- spliffhappy
psa- kay flock (🔓)
is ya ready- kay flock (🔓)
penthouse- 41 (jenn carter, kyle richh)
insecurities- 41 (tata)
**black ops- faZe kayasan, 41 (jenn carter, kyle richh, tata, dee billz), c blu, kenzo balla
**joker- 41 (jenn carter)
**deuce- 41 (jenn carter, kyle richh)
d & d- blockwork & sha ek
wna- sdot go
shock- 41 (jenn carter, tata)
**wait- 41 (jenn carter, kyle richh, tata)
get home- set da trend (setty b)
evil twins pt. 2- sugarhill ddot & notti osama(🕊️)
everybody shot- 41 (jenn carter, kyle richh, no kartii, jerry west)
ayo bri (remix)- sugarhill keem (🔓) ft oy quan (🔓)
**catch up- bbg steppaa ft. dd osama
catch up pt. 2- bbg steppaa ft. dd osama
shot in the party- sha ek
o’s let’s do it (original)- dd osama & deeplay4keeps
keep geekin’- gooddayray ft. dthang gz (🔓 free my man my man)
**on the radar freestyle- jayklickin & jstar balla
**on the radar freestyle- dthang gz (🔓)
move it- sugarhill ddot
gzz box- dthang gz (🔓)
**breakin bad (okay)- sleepy hallow ft. sheff g (🔓)
**stop cappin- sugarhill ddot
eternal- dd osama
**2055- sleepy hallow
**bunny hop- dthang gz (🔓) ft. tdot (🔓 free the whole RPT)
free swindle- k. sixmade ft. 83baby, 3stripes, and dd osama
ice cream truck- sugarhill keem (🔓)
without you- dd osama ft. notti osama (🕊️)
take trips- sugarhill ddot ft. jstar balla
**can’t wait- sugarhill keem
see red- 41 (jenn carter, tata)
headshot- lil tjay, polo g, and fivio foreign
blame on me- j.i. the prince of new york
**talk facts- dthang (🔓), bando gz (🔓), and tdot (🔓)
movelook- sugarhill keem
**movelook (remix)- sugarhill keem ft. blockwork
designer- sheff g (🔓) ft. sleepy hallow
imagination- mo kartii
throw- lil mabu & dd osama
dream- sugarhill ddot
sexy & i know it- sugarhill keem (🔓)
la lokita- jstar balla
wait for you- jayklickin ft. dd osama
missing- crazy james ft. dudeylo
**on the radar- enphamus
flock at the flockas- sugarhill keem (🔓)
wtf- sugarhill keem (🔓)
evil twins- sugarhill keem (🔓) ft. oy quan (🔓)
**shake it- kay flock (🔓), cardi b, dougie b (🔓) ft. bory3000
**opponent- dthang (🔓)
caution- dthang (🔓)
**like- dthang (🔓) ft. bando gz (🔓)
whoopty- cj
no remorse- sugarhill ddot
**many men- lee drilly (🔓)
don’t play with it- lola brooke ft. billy b
make it lit- kenzo b
**friday night- edot babyy (🕊️)
**red ruby da sleeze- nicki minaj (👑)
**stack it- bando gz (🔓)
dead opps- dd osama ft. notti osama (🕊️)
touch the ground- edot babyy (🕊️), sha ek, & sugarhill keem (🔓)
**wedgie man this, wedgie man that- dthang (🔓)
wild west- bigga bzz
**opp huntin’- kenzo balla
how you every o shot- cj goon, 30, sha ek
explosive freestyle- dudeylo
**bizurk- 41 (jenn carter)
**on gang- 41 (jenn carter, kyle richh, tata)
**being honest- kay flock (🔓)
**brotherly love- kay flock (🔓), dougie b (🔓), b lovee
tcardi- kay flock (🔓), dougie b (🔓), lilskrap 1090, justo b
opp spotter- kay flock (🔓) & blovee
**scene- dthang (🔓)
bestie- sleepy hallow
**deadly- nesty gzz ft. say drilly (🔓), lee drilly (🔓), e-wuu
EOS- yagi b, set da trend, dougie b (🔓)
public service announcement- lee drilly (🔓)
**4 for 4- leeks g bando ft. lee drilly (🔓), kay hound, bando gz (🔓)
**freak on- lee drilly (🔓)
habits- dthang (🔓)
get crazy- sugarhill keem (🔓)
no suburban pt. 2- sheff g (🔓)
**drill k pt. 1- tae porter
**50 for 50- blockwork
oyk- nas ebk (🔐 keep that nigga) ft. set da trend
dead gz- kenzo balla
**get back- sha ek ft. pj glizzy (🔓)
this is new york- scar lip
**stuck in my ways- dougie b (🔓)
**no ozone- cblu ft. set da trend
**muddy- pj glizzy (🔓)
bffr- kenzo b
**spinnin’- bbg steppaa & sugarhill ddot
300 bluntz- jayklickin & buba 35
**wrecc- 83baby & jayklickin
not in the mood- kay flock (🔓), lil tjay, & fivio foreign
**keep it 100- dougie b (🔓)
**me, myself, & i- kay flock (🔓)
fetty- 41 (jenn carter, tata, kyle richh)
**kant lack- kenzo balla & faZe kaysan
cuz we did- 41 (tata & kyle richh)
**princess diana- ice spice (👑) & nicki minaj (👑)
**deli- ice spice (👑)
in my miles era rn but can’t forget my husband man free dthang, free bando, free RPT & drilly gzzly 💔💔💔 free doa, free pj glizzy, free the ed twins FREE NEW YORKKKKKK
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jikjinz · 1 year
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͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ [OUR SUMMER] ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
SUMMARY: a promise is a promise, though hyunsuk started doubting whether they are meant to be fulfilled.
TAGS: choi hyunsuk x fem!reader; summer love, childhood friends to lovers; fluff, not much warnings for this chapter apply
TAGLIST: @he4rts-for-minjae @favouritesblog
PLAYLIST: i've been waiting - fall out boy, lil peep, ilovemakonnen; our summer - txt; hello - treasure; that i miss you - vansire; hold me tight or don't - fall out boy; lovers - rebounder; summerland - half alive; 306 - honne
CHAPTER PLAYLIST: our summer - txt; straight face - younger hunger; july - hunny
AUTHOR'S NOTE: no i definitely did not forget to publish it yesterday, dfinitely not- anyway, here's the prologue and i hope yall like it!!! lmk how yall feel about it, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated and c ya in next chapter!! <33
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pressing the doorbell, you heard loud stomps, as if someone was jumping off the stairs. with the speed of fast, the door opened, and hyunsuk appeared. 
“you’re finally here!” his smile, the precious and excited one, made you smile as well. reaching out for your arm, he grabbed it clumsily and took you inside his house. “i have to show you something!”
every year you would visit your grandma, who was a gentle, loving, and overall sweet person. And so, it was no surprise she made friends with every neighbour so easily. fortunately or not, your grandma also befriended the choi family living next door.
the leaves in her garden were awfully stubborn; they didn’t want to leave the property, and since your grandma had spine problems, she couldn’t work it out. that’s when mrs. choi noticed the piles of leaves growing and growing. sending the ten-year-old hyunsuk to the house right by theirs, he was greeted by you.
both of you started talking and playing with the leaves instead of cleaning them up. almost immediately you two liked each other, just like your families. your grandma, being grateful, sent you with her iconic sweets to choi’s. and so, you and hyunsuk became little messengers of your families.
the bond you had was strong. as you two found each other quite interesting, the topics for conversations just never seemed to end. although you two were spending only the summer breaks together, the letters you sent back and forth during the rest of the year were the little things you two treasured. in the latest letter before the summer break, hyunsuk wrote he had to show you something cool. and that’s what he did.
“isn’t it amazing?!” he shouted excitingly, showing you the newest album of his favorite group. you smiled in response, nodding and looking at all the extras attached to the package.
“can we listen to it?” your voice practically sparkled with enthusiasm. hyunsuk nodded, carefully taking the cd out of the package and rushing to his cd player. as he placed the disc in it and pressed play, he sat down on the floor beside you. listening carefully, you two started moving to the rhythm of the songs. laughing, talking, listening, and dancing. that’s how you spent this beautiful summer.
as the summer quickly came by, even faster it ended. and so, you had to leave again. packing the last things to the car, you heard your name from behind.
“promise me you’ll be back next year!” hyunsuk demanded, showing you his pinky finger. though it might’ve been silly, he was dead serious. but you smiled, intertwined your pinky with his, and promised to be back next year.
apparently, promises are meant to be broken.
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@ jikjinz & @ sha-la-la, do not repost or translate without permission!
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mahayanapilgrim · 8 months
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Burji Lhamo (Ega), the goddess that blesses child and protects them.
Burji Lhamo is a Buddhist goddess known for granting children, ensuring safe childbirth, enhancing a child's mental abilities, fostering harmony between spouses, and promoting love and unity within the family.
The color of her body is like the radiance of 100,000 suns on the snowy summit of Mount Meru. She has one face and two hands. The red-brown hair on the head stands on end, on the top of the head the moon disc burns, on the navel - the sun, its right ear is decorated with a lion, the left one - a snake. In her right hand she holds a precious vessel filled with nectar, which heals women who are unable to give birth to a child and gives babies a long life. Pressing to her chest, Burji Lhamo holds the child - the main symbol of motherhood and the fact that she fully protects children.
In the other hand she holds a mongoose, regurgitating jewelry, a vessel with nectar of a long life and a vase with five delighting objects.
Around Tara's left foot is a chain that represents affection for children, love and care. She'll never leave them. She won't be distracted. She won't forget. Will keep them and give their blessing, increasing their mental abilities, talents and giving them good health.
She is an aspect of Palden Lhamo and Green Tara and her mantra is given below which is good to recite to receive her blessing and protection to your children:
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sueske · 1 year
I stumble upon a ss twit saying stuff about "Skr is Sasuke's light" and I gotta tell ya I laughed out loud.
They keep using the scene where Sasuke did that two finger tap on Skr as something revolutionary in their relationship (it is the same thing as itachi did for Sasuke). They also milk out their "moments" on that Bolt show (where I personality detest the writing and what they did to the og characters) I betting you they did all that to cash in the money, serving those "Shonen" standards they call it.
What are your thoughts on this?
sha la la itsuka kitto
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shookethdev · 1 year
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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1-up-chump · 1 year
The day mk abandoned the kung fu death tournament high eastern fantsy aesthetic and then copied the Dcu/mcu aesthetic
Is the day mk fuckin died. It started with the cash grab crossover, then the dlc guest characters, and now this convoluted inconsistent assassination of characters.
sin\del (was supposed to be manipulated by dark magiks from q=uan chi. Was never fuckin evil and never killed jerrod bc SH/AO KAH/N DID AND THATS SCREWING HIS CHARACTER OVER TOO all for some mommy dommy milf fantasy which is absolutely from a "hetcis man's" gaze dont fool yourself)
ku\ng la\o (turned him into a second banana cocky type and just keep killing him for shock value when before he kinda never got this treatment. He was is and always WILL be li/u kan/g's equal in skill and warriors heart)
ra\iden (a LITERAL GOD who was so strong he was only bound by the rules of mortal kombat and the elder gods and his soft spot for mortals and loyalty to protecting earthrealm, kind and wise. Turned into a supposed dEmi-GOd who was willing to use the realm that was his charge as a fucking bargaining chip to a man who's more untrustworthy than shan/g ts/ung, he's hardly around OR he's suddenly not as powerful until he remembers he can obliterate ppl with lightning, he's a cold hardass who's so alien to mortals emotions despite being around them longer and basically raising one like his own son)
li\u k\ang (turned into basically every shonen protagonist ever type levels of character development, gets fucked over in the romance department Although kit/ana has her fair share of problems with writing too, becomes a god in the most deus ex machina way possible and is so intrusive to kun/g la/o and his legacy to meddle with the great kung lao like some sort of savior bs)
sha\ng tsun\g before aftermath (having his whole ass character trashed to the side for some milf dominatrix fantasy in 9 is the only reason i fucking need here lbh)
son\ya (her whole character is stale and practically revolved around the fact she fucks and marries a dude she's so incompatible with just bc of "we need the original characters to make next gen characters we dont care if they're compatible lol" literally has an accidental pregnancy literally divorced jo/hny and then fucking dies, and then comes back anyways "but its the version fans like right oh btw shove in the fact that Son/ya's purpose is to malke cas/sie and thats it shes just mom character now but #gurlboss am i right plz buy game")
ja/x (gets traumatized to hell and back for very little payoff used as depression fetish exploitation, at least his tower ending is great despite the "#woke" bs, his daughter however has the most fucked ending to basically erase herself to make j/ax happy like???? Sonya literally has an avengers/justice league ass tower ending all peachy keen but the black woman cant have any happiness huh mmm sure ok yeah.)
Jacq/ui (honestly im not too into her character but when i heard about her tower ending it pissed me off so much and made me hate the writing even more like oh some characters get basically whatever they wanted no consequence but some characters are doomed to be fucked??? Like hello favoritism MUCH?!? -coughhanzosgodofwarripofftowerendingcough-)
with new characters added that have so much potential but poor execution (i mean seriously you wanna tell me ce/trion and kroni/ka actually killed the elder gods THE ELDER GODS AKA THE BIG POWERFUL DIVINE COUNSEL but have trouble with making rai/d/en and li/u fi/ght and kill each other??? Let alone try to kill one at a time??)
I do like some things like kolle/ctor and ge/rus and cet/rion like i like those characters but by god cetr/ion was wasted potential you cant drop her brother was fucking shinn/ok and then proceed to basically make her some weak errand girl who i feel in the end is making fun of the "divine feminine gaia" aesthetic like the writing wants her to be the bad guy but also sympathetic in the dumbest way possible and she sounds like someone on Twitter who just learned about the concept of "balance" and slaps buddha quotes incorrectly
Also i never cared for shin/nok until recently when i was like "hey wait no his concept kinda slaps actually"
At the end of the day we all have our opinions i guess. And mine is: mk new timeline is written by people who like superheroes movies when mk should be written by people who like kung fu movies
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 10 months
~Winter Walk~
(A smallish NY/LA fluff fic 😁 it's basically their first date lmao-)
Louisiana was sitting on his bed all bundled up in a sweater and sweatpants since it was the middle of winter and he got cold really easily. He was listening to his music and reading his book when he heard a knock on his door. He begrudgingly uncurled himself from his blankets and went to go answer it.
"Hello?" he greeted, and a smile formed in his face when he saw New York standing there. "Oh New York! What a surprise! Come inside sha." he said and moved aside a bit to let the taller inside.
"Uh- no thanks I j-just came to ask you somethin'...." Said the taller state, his cheeks turning red a bit when Loui smiled.
"Oh. Well uh- Whaddya need to know sha?" Loui asked, leaning on the doorframe and giving his signature smile that everybody knew and loved.
"Well I uh...." York started to say before pausing and trailing off. He could practically feel his face heating up. Was he really about to do this? Was he really about to ask Louisiana out? What if he said no?? What if he didn't like him back?? He sighed a bit and looked the Pelican State in the eyes. God those eyes were so pretty.... F*ck it.
"W-would you like to go on a walk....with me...?" York asked, turning his gaze away from Louisiana and blushing brightly.
Louisiana had to take a minute to figure out whether or not the Empire State was joking. Did he want to? YES. YES HE DID. HE WANTED TO DO NOTHING BUT HOLD AND KISS HIM AND WHISPER SWEET NOTHINGS IN HIS EAR. But he couldn't believe what he was hearing. That was until he looked at York and saw his blushing face and pure sincerity in his eyes.
"Of course."
"It's fine if no- wait what?" New York started before stopping himself and looking Loui in the eyes again.
"I would love to g-go on a walk with ya sha." Loui repeated. Loui could practically feel his face burning up.
"O-oh. Great!! Uh- let's go then." New York said, trying to put on a neutral face, though it was kinda hard when he was blushing like a f*cking anime girl.
'Hehe. That's real cute~' Loui thought to himself. He smiled when York put out his hand and gladly took it. A bright flash filled his vision and the next thing he knew, they were both in the bustling busy city that never sleeps. New York City. In Central Park.
York watched as Loui's eyes widened slightly in pure amazement. God he was so pretty.... He literally thought that Loui was handcrafted by the gods themselves.
"Cmon Kleine Roos (Little Rose). We should probably start walking before it gets too late." He said, taking Loui's hand and walking. He was a little confused when Loui didn't start walking as well, until he turned around and saw Loui staring at him and blushing brighter than the sun. It took him a minute to figure out why the other state was blushing, but when he realized, he blushed as well. Sh*t he forgot that he taught Loui how to speak Dutch....
"Uh- s-sorry I won't call you that if ya don't want me to..." Said the taller state.
"N-no it's fine.... I actually like it...." Loui mumbled the last part averted his gaze from New York's eyes.
"Okay then. C'mon, Kleine Roos~" York said, and he started walking, Loui walking next to him.
The two got lost in their conversations as they made their way through Central Park. Each time they looked in each other's eyes, they both turn away blushing. At some point, they ended up holding hands, and Loui laid his head on York's shoulder as they walked.
"And then I said, 'Mais sha that thing is real close to ya- it's gonna bite ya in the ass!'" Loui said, smiling brightly. That got a small laugh out of the Empire State, and Loui's eyes twinkled with joy at the sound. He lovingly looked up at York.
"I think you should laugh more, Mon Empire~ Its adorable and it suits ya sha."
York scoffed a little bit, but Loui could tell that he was not even the least bit offended. He could see York's adorably dorky smile trying to escape and he was blushing again.
"It's not cute..." York grumbled.
"Mais sha, it is. You are adorable. Look at ya. All blushy and smiley. Cmon~ Admit i-" Louisiana's teasing was quickly cut off when NY pulled the smaller in for a kiss. When they pulled away, Loui felt like his face was on fire.
York chuckled a little bit and smirked. "Now look who's blushing.You are the adorable one."
"Oh yea?"
"Are you sure about THAT-" Loui said before pushing the taller into a pile of snow and pulling his beanie over his eyes and attacking him with tickles. New York started wiggling around and giggling maniacally, a sound that Louisiana could listen to forever.
Eventually, that turned into playful wrestling, and then that turned into a full on make out session. As the two kissed, they had no care in the world what anybody thought. It was just the two of them. They eventually remembered that they both needed to breathe and pulled apart, looking at each other with nothing but pure love and fondness.
New York noticed how much Louisiana was shivering and it was brought to his attention that Loui had not brought a coat, and that Loui was a warm southern state that was dragged up to the cold northeastern winter. Loui didn't seem to mind, but York definitely did. He took off his jacket and draped it over the smaller after they stood up.
"T-thanks sha, but ya really didn't need to-"
"I'm fine. You need it more, you're not used to the dead cold of the Northeastern winter. Let's go back before ya catch yer death out here." New York interrupted.
"O-okay sha..."
They both teleported into the main living room of the Statehouse, where California and Florida were playing Mario Kart, and from the sounds of it Florida was losing.
California turned around and took one look at the two, at York with his arm around Loui's shoulders and Loui wrapped in York's coat and smiled brightly.
"Oh my GOD- Did you two finally go out?!" He asked excitedly, relief filling his voice.
"Wait they did?!" Florida said, turning around and also taking a look at the two. "Oh my God they did!!!! Finally!!"
The two states that had just entered were blushing brightly. And York even more so when he heard Mass's:
"IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!" from the older's room.
And it was Loui's turn to blush even more when he heard a:
"FINALLY/IT'S ABOUT TIME!!" from Texas, Sippi, and Georgia.
The two lovebirds looked at each with a look of fondness before heading to Loui's room, where it was warm and perfect for cuddling....
(@simpyfrog )
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voidsteffy · 2 years
Telugu Baalasiksha with Manu
Part 1 | Part 2📍| Part 3 | Part 4
Hello and we're back! Omg the response I got for the first part (where we covered vowels) was deafening, we're tagging a lot more people and even @aasthuu has started her own Bangla Shikkha Prokolpo📝📝 which I'm loving so far!
I'd love to see y'all writing whatever we do in every post so that you'll remember. As my grandma says, "Whatever curves you think you'll remember, you will not. So write them down." Just reblog my Baalasiksha posts with your input/homework/doubts or mention me or tag it as 'telugu with manu' and we can work on it together❤️
Today, we are going to get to our second checkpoint - consonants aka "hallulu" like " हल्लुलु "
(there are a lot of these so buckle up, don't freak out, i can give you tips to remember them too)
క = क = ka (write it like an S and put a tick over it)
ఖ = ख = kha (write a coil type 2 but extend the end upwards, put a reverse tilak at the bottom)
గ = ग = ga (an inverted U and put a tick over it)
ఘ = घ = gha (write the vowel 'ఎ' and put a tick over it, then stick a follow up curve like a tilted half U. top it off with a reverse tilak at the bottom)
ఙ = ञ = inya (write the vowel ఒ (short o), then put a perpendicular sign) ****in telugu inya is used instead of gya, so "gyan/ज्ञान" is pronounced "inyan"
చ = च = cha (like chair) (start with a half च but take it for another bump, top it off with a tick - i'll show dw)
ఛ = छ = chha (like "achhoo!") (write చ, put a reverse tilak at the bottom)
జ = ज = ja (hard g) (write the vowel ఒ (short o), then put a coil at the neck)
ఝ = झ = jha (i'll write and show down below)
ఞ = इणि = ini (write ఇ and put a perpendicular sign at the neck)
ట = ट = hard t ("tip") (i'll write and show down below)
ఠ = ठ = ttha (force the hh sound also with the hard t) (write ठ without the stem, top it off with a tick, also dot in the belly)
డ = ड = da ("don't") (write ఉ without the stem or the rod bisecting it through, top it off with a tick)
ఢ = forceful ढ ("dhol") (write ఉ without the stem or the rod bisecting it through, top it off with a tick and reverse tilak at the bottom)
ణ = ण = roll your 'na' (a flipped '3' and make a standing coil, i'll show)
త = त = "tabla" (i'll show an easier way to write below)
థ = थ = "thaali" (a reverse heart, top off with a tick mark, reverse tilak at the bottom, dot in the belly)
ద = द = "the" (a reverse heart, top off with a tick mark)
ధ = ध = like a bang, dhum (a reverse heart, top off with a tick mark, reverse tilak at the bottom)
న = न = "no" (i'll show an easier way to write below)
ప = प = pa (write the vowel ఎ (e) put a tick mark without touching the body) ****do not confuse for the vowel ఎ
ఫ = फ but without ph emphasis = fa (write the letter ప and put a reverse tilak at the bottom) ****do not confuse for the vowel ఎ
బ = ब = ba (write the letter ఋ but without the 2 trailing half 'U's) ****do not confuse for ఋ (ru) or ఒ (short o) or జ (hard g)
భ = भ = bha (write the letter బ, top it off with a tick mark, put a reverse tilak at the bottom) ****do not confuse for ఋ (ru) or ఒ (short o) or జ (hard g)
మ = म = ma (write the vowel ఎ (e) put a tick mark touching it, put a trailing tilted half U, i'll show below) ****do not confuse for ఘ (gha) or ప (pa)
య = य = ya (write the letter మ but with a bigger circle) ****do not confuse for ఘ (gha) or ప (pa) or మ (ma)
ర = र = ra (don't roll it) (a circle with a tick, easy peasy)
ల = ल = la (a bulging U coiled on the top left end)
వ = व = va (write the vowel ఎ (e) put a tick mark touching it) ****do not confuse for ఘ (gha) or ప (pa) or మ (ma) or య (ya) or vowel ఎ (e)
శ = स्य = sya (or sa as in "Sally") (sort of like a half 8 with a tick, i'll show y'all below)
ష = ष = sha (write the vowel ఎ (e) put a tick mark without touching the body, put a small flipped comma/small '|' beneath. it can be written in another way, i'll show) ****do not confuse for ఘ (gha) or ప (pa) or మ (ma) or య (ya) or vowel ఎ (e) or వ (va)
స = स = sa (write న except don't let the tick mark touch the body) ****do not confuse for న (na)
హ = ह = ha (write ప (pa) and drag a reverse sigma 'σ' from the body's top)
ళ = the ल equivalent of ण (ळ in Marathi) = roll your la (sort of like a half 8 again, with a tick, will show) ****do not confuse for శ (sya)
క్ష = क्ष = ksha (write క (ka) and draw 2 and a half 'U's below) ⁘⁘⁘ so we're technically writing it like क्-षा
AAAAAAND we're done! (phew)
Okay that was long, 35 consonants and some sounds that are inexistent in English. These can be confusing at times, but i really want you all (whoever is planning on sticking through this and learn Telugu) to write every letter down till you can remember how to read it/pronounce it. Reading should come as first priority as you'll seldom be asked to write only in Telugu, but reading can unlock a lot of lingual fun. So make sure of that my honeydrips.
Here's a picture encompassing all the consonants we have learnt today, written by hand so that we can have a good idea of the shapes outside of print.
Tumblr media
write this down at least 5 times (the 5th time try to have learnt it by heart), post it and tag me or dm me/send via asks
so that's it for today phew sorry baccho aaj class thoda lamba gaya😜 aur kya haal chaal, did you understand what we did yesterday? take care ha, i need to go scramble for french and maybe some kathak
tagging: @mentally-a-sea-walnut @maybebees @rambheemisgoated @timetravellingkitty @bookish-alone @kuhuchan @aasthuu @remen-nyoodles @lemon-ooruga @bluebeadss @ourstv @budugu @hissterical-nyaan @lite-teesko @ree-wantstochange
let me know if you want to be tagged!
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idolsgf · 10 months
✨9 Ship Songs✨
tagged by @shivunin, thank you so much!! I love sharing songs :3
Rules: List nine songs for one of your ships
I'm going to copy you and do three songs per ship even if I have an 8hr solavellan playlist
tagging: @gvnseylike @sinquisition @ndostairlyrium @fenharel-apologist94 @transprincecaspian @ell-vellan @enasallavellan @demandthedoodles and anyone else who would like to share some songs <3
Tiptoeing by Hope Tala
How you gonna make me do this dance again? We're getting closer but we're trying to be friends If we start it might never end, so we keep tiptoeing When we met I wasn't interested I did half a glance, didn't want to chance it Now I lie awake and I think about you Because there's a moral to this story but I don't know it Always listen to myself but not this time I guess Keep on running from it, when I want it, I do
Back to You by Flower Face
Well, it's always back to you again Always back to you, my friend, you keep me on the run I never learned to lose a fight I never learned to grow upright Well, this is who we are How will I release you now? How can I forgive myself when I'm still in love with you? And it's always back to you again Always back to you, my friend You keep me on the run
The Last Romance by Raleigh Ritchie
Your face looks so sweet, even in the wars You took the rap for me, but I fell on my own sword And now the sordid details, are all over page 4 Honey, we made the news and that's all we did this for We drove for centuries without a sound or fuss State penitentiaries weren't made for souls like us There will be blood, but you will be loved The world will know, but it's only us
Let's Talk About Feelings by Joywave
I, I am learning to live again I, I'm done with the fast-paced, flower crowned women I, I am falling in love with you I, I hope that it's good for you I, I've been, I've been in every state But content is foreign soil (content is foreign soil) It's sand I'd love to cultivate
The Bug Collector by Haley Heynderickx
And I digress 'Cause I must make you the perfect evening I try my best To put the priest inside a jam jar And there's a millipede Angry on your carpet Oh, and I must admit He's staring with a vengeance Oh, and I digress 'Cause I must make you the perfect morning And I try my best To prove that nothing's out to get you To prove that nothing's out to get you
Windswept by Crywolf
I'll be what you need I'll keep you inside my fortress Hand you the keys Leave you to roam these walls But you tore down the keep I returned to find ruins You left all my love in the rubble with these walls
Fallorun by Andrew Bird
You know we could have been together But you couldn't stand the weather here You know I was your rain and thunder Upon your hills and valleys, dear You think you're making choices But there's nothing really here Just tone-deaf angry voices That are breathing in your ear
Unknown/Nth by Hozier
Do you know I could break beneath the weight? Of the goodness, love, I still carry for you That I'd walk so far just to take The injury of finally knowin' you It ain't the being alone (Sha-la-la) It ain't the empty home, baby (Sha-la-la) You know I'm good on my own (Sha-la-la) Sha-la-la, baby, you know, it's more the being unknown And there are some people, love, who are better unknown
Olive Branch by Sophie Holohan
Cuz I’m a giver, I’m a grower, I’m a lover, till it hurts And I’d hate to not know ya, but I’m not sure if it’s worse To give you every part of me, watch you go time and time again Or wait until my dying days and still not call you my friend Peace, is there peace? In picking up the pieces of the past? Is there relief? Is there sorrow? Or can I finally sleep? When you branch the past and present Is there relief? Relief
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maelstroem-of-love · 10 months
Thank you for the tag, @icannotreadcursive AND @rumandstars - psst if ya didn't know me and @minncoe are the same person. He is the Jekyll and I'm the Hyde (gay & horny version). Ok here we go:
Last song
Metriod Boomin' by Zigg Zagg, not to be confused with Metro Boomin' the artist. I heard a clip of it in a YouTube video and my heart jumped out my throat. In reality it's a little dissapointing - just that perfect hook over and over again.
Currently watching
Star Trek TNG. I have never encountered a more soothing show. Data and La Forge are best friend goals, and I love how TNG can look at the characters more intimately compared to TOS. The one drawback is that it's REALLY weird to hear Star Trek people say “sex”, because I still remember the VuLcAN bIOlOgY speech XD
Currently reading
Visual books have stopped doing it for me a long time ago. I can only listen to audiobooks, and only when I'm doing something else while listening. I will say Picture of Dorian Gray - weird and fancy, just how I like it)))
In terms of fanfic, I've just started Sha Ka Ree by ThereBeWhalesHere. Looks pretty good so far.
Current obsessions
Brokeback Mountain. I think it's been seven years now. Yeah, technically I watched before I was “old enough”, get a time machine and stop me.
K/S. No comments nescessary.
Wildlife rehab centers and the videos they make.
Road signs and markings + their history. I'm finally getting my driver's lisence and I'm probably more enthusiastic than I should be!
The fic I'm writing right now and the things people comment on it. I'm sorry it's taking so long! I wish I had some kind of excuse but nope, I'm just lazy.
Tagging: everyone who reads this. I love you, my followers 💚🤍💚🤍
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