#(is unironically even a word)
scenetocause · 2 months
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
When Optimus in Chaos Theory said "Hatred may sustain you, but it diminishes me. I am lessened by it." that was so fucking deep of him
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
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Brought to you because of my searing hatred for the DEA 💛
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kingprinceleo · 7 months
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desert vampires au- dont look at me im so awful at dialogue im gonna jump into a creek DHBJFJHBHSBF but uhhh idk if ill finish this but omg amy hiiii
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librarycards · 10 months
perhaps in a mythical ideal world where words were not always-already imbued with the politics of other words, we could make the claim that autism “levels” were not merely euphemisms for functioning labels, iq points, and the most deadly and pathologizing language for mentally disabled people (m*ron, imb*cile, the r-word, etc).
but we do not live in that world and never will, and it’s clear to me that finding recourse to discrete “levels” (that is, hierarchies of distance from neuronormativity) of a set of behaviors/patterns/needs already culturally/temporally contingent is 1) a way to further legitimize medical/psychiatric control over autism as a discourse/weapon of carceral control* and 2) to find nominally progressive ways to partake in violently ableist, eugenic, and de-personing discourses that fails to see autistic people as, well, people, with malleable abilities, needs**, desires, and capacities.
*and thus leading to the reuptick in anti self dx rhetoric we’re seeing now - reliance on levels made at the time of formal diagnosis = reliance on the doctor/psychologist as exclusive authority over autistic subjectivity
** this malleability is at the core of the problem within “support needs” labels as they are applied right now, in addition to an even more direct copy+paste of the false-objectivity of functioning labels
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fruitsyrups · 2 months
I think it's so interesting to think about the unique social implications of things on the islands. Like, the animal hats & how they originally existed for the practical purpose of protection & they kept wearing them even after that wasn't a factor anymore. & how the hats we see in the present day (when Finn & co visit the islands) don't really resemble animal hats, do they? & maybe that's just to make the significant human characters (who do still wear animal hats) seem more distinct but you best believe I'm going to make it into something bigger. Oh I'm so bad at putting my thoughts into words but it's something how the hats evolved into a new meaning. & when robo susan rips friedas hat off its like a very violating moment. Something something hats, the lack thereof, vulnerability. I don't know. Sorry. I was going somewhere with this but I don't know how to explain it. You get it though. Hats are interesting.
I like to think that (when everyone got sick and lots of them died and the rest moved to a new island) there was a bunch of small shifts & the animal -> abstract hats was one of them. And Frieda still wearing her dog hat shows her still holding onto the past in some way. There we go, that's something. This isn't a total nothing post after all
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sweetiepotatofry · 7 months
Whoever i marry, beware, for if thous last name is way, our daughter will be named after an icon.
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
Listen, I like Oda, he's cool and everything but he tells Dazai the exact same thing Verlaine says to Chuuya. Both of these boys were struggling with their identity and believed they didnt deserve to be seen as humans. Where Dazai was desperately distancing himself but positioning himself in a spot where he could still experience humanity, Chuuya was actively trying to be human while also not fully accepting himself as one. Verlaine tried to break Chuuya by reinforcing his lack of humanity by pointing out how nothing and no one could ever fill that lonely void in him and yea sure we all collectively believe that was a nasty thing to say to a child struggling with his identity who had just lost all his friends. But Oda did the exact same thing, I know his intentions were better and he cared about Dazai when he said that and the meaning was distorted because neither actually understood the other enough, but he told a child struggling with his identity who had just lost his 2 closest friends and had no contact with his partner at the time that nothing could fill the lonely void in his soul.
And nobody is ever allowed to question it or criticise it cause Oda has the cool dead guy syndrome where he isn't allowed to be criticised or judged like other characters.
Because Chuuya heard those words at the very beginning of strombringer by someone he hated and later spent the entire book learning that people did in fact care for him and view him as human and finding out about his parents and the scar, it led to him having (slightly) less of a martyr ideology because he no longer isolates himself and tends to seek out genuine connections even if he is painfully reserved and repressed about his own struggles. Meanwhile Dazai was told those exact same words by Oda at the very end of the dark era arc at an incredibly vulnerable moment when he had literally lost everything and seen things and lives fall apart by someone who he idolized to an almost unhealthy level. This leads to Dazai quite literally losing hope (he shows a hopeful nature a few times in 15 and dark era though it is rather subtle, Dazai shows it most in his attempt to stop Oda from going to the final fight) and becoming a martyr who sees no value in his own life outside of a tool. He struggles to create genuine connections even with people who genuinely care for him (the ADA) and repeatedly puts on a mask in front of them.
Chuuya and Dazai both view themselves as people whose lives are only worth what they can do for others in different ways, Chuuya feels the need to protect because he is the strongest and feels need to earn his existence whereas Dazai feels the need to martyr himself because he only finds value in his life and death by saving people.
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storytellering · 9 months
the moment I see someone unironically make a "deadweight" nero joke or seriously refer to him as "deadweight" i know i can't trust them
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wingsofhcpe · 3 months
unironically love stepping out into the balcony on Tsiknopempti and just sniffing the air like a curious cat to take in the ✨️tsikna✨️
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bugsbenefit · 6 months
i don't follow new people often and if i do it's usually only the mutuals mutuals who's scents i slowly get accustomed to via dash osmosis, or someone that interacts with my posts regularly, and that strategy is once again proving to be the only reasonable one to keep your dash normal
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Actually thought about kip and tor for too long and now I want to throw myself into the sun.
Smthn smthn about relationships that are like. Could be platonic, could be romantic, could be sexual, could be chaste, it doesn't matter as long as it's each other and they're the most important and beloved person in each other's lives. I'm going to be ill.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Your child self was right when they thought they deserved better. They were right when they said they weren't being treated fair. They were absolutely right in saying they are allowed to be upset or even angry.
Your child self was right. And you're still allowed to say that what happened to you was unfair - that you deserved better. You're right to be upset or even angry. Your child self was not wrong.
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unforth · 1 year
Okay I usually don't dip into the discourse but this is just. So amazingly ridiculous that I can't resist sharing these two asks I saw (received and adroitly answered) in the tgcf tag.
Y'all ready for the dumbest take to hit TGCF since "Hualian is reverse grooming"? (Thank you for reminding me of that one, thegreymoon, that was a batshit week 🤣. At least that one has the excuse of being a twitter take. This one though is right here on tumblr dot com. Homegrown idiocy.)
Okay so the first anon ask...
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...so far so vaguely normal, yeah? I mean, I ship them too but there's definitely toxicity there, if it makes someone uncomfortable so be it.
But I promise you, whatever you think anon's comeback is, you are wrong. You cannot even imagine the follow up.
Wait for it.
Wait for iiiit.
You ready?
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I'm sorry. I just. I read this almost an hour ago and I'm still seesawing between 🤣🤣🤣 and 😵‍💫😮‍💨😒.
I can't decide if it's "tell me you haven't read the book without telling me you haven't read the book" or if it's "anti discourse has descended to the point that incest has become an entirely meaningless concept, forget 'they're not related in anyway but they THINK of each other as family so it's (somehow) incest,' no we've now hit 'it's yucky so it must be incest.'"
Also I'm sorry I screencapped and posted your asks without asking permission first, edensrose, I just can't stop smh over it and I thought others would get a laugh without me putting your actual posts on blast.
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grendelsmilf · 1 year
sorry but im team regan. she’s the hottest lear sister, the only one who isn’t too horny or too much of a sanctimonious daddy’s girl to know what’s up. she loved cornwall, but she’s also practical enough to want to secure her position by marrying edmund (whereas goneril wanted him for sex, which isn’t a crime, but she did quite literally have a living husband, even if he is too gay to fuck her). yes she gouged out an old man’s eye, but it’s not like he didn’t deserve it, karmically speaking. she’s practical and she understands the precarity of her own position in the world, while still being able to foster genuine relationships despite her awareness. so she fucked over some old men. it’s not like they didn’t fuck her over first, since the day she was born. she may be cruel and calculating, ruthless and insincere, but so is her world. as far as im concerned, she did everything right. but that didn’t matter. nothing matters.
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muertawrites · 2 years
modern!eddie headcanon: he loves it when you rap along with your music. thinks it's adorable when you fuck up the words. thinks it's hotter than hell when you spit a perfect verse.
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