#'it is a surprise tool that will help us later' I say ;)
rainbyte · 11 months
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( 4/8 )
Julie and Sally for Welcome Grove!
( Though I might be redoing Sally's digitally later I love her but her shirt is not easy to paint lol )
Gist of the AU and Wally + Frank here!
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worstloki · 2 years
Absolutely obsessed with Thor naming things wrongly but saying them with his whole chest in such confidence that for a grace period no one doubts him
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ratscrap · 5 months
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thirteen drawlings (again)
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east-germany · 2 years
I really thought ole George Orwell was full of shit in 1984 yknow? Like oh, surely you can't be that busy with the party and goodthinkful activities surely he's elaborating a little to show how wonderful the society is, nahhh homeboy is dead fucking on all I do is things for the Party all my irls are Party members, if I wanna do something else I'm probably missing a Party function and I never wanna miss out on that, shit slaps. Now, to find an attic and some bluebonnets.
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eyebagshawty · 4 months
Hey, I really like your works! I wondered if you could make something about suicidal reader and astarion, gale, halsin and anyone you feel like.
But only if you're comfortable with it. Some general hurt/comfort would be ok. Best inspiration 💛
Blurbs for Male Companions Comforting a Suicidal Tav
Pairings: Astarion, Gale, Halsin, Wyll
Warnings/Tags: some canon typical violence, suicidal thoughts/ideation, suicide attempt, angst, comfort, some are durge Tav, probably a dead dove do not eat situation
A/N: As someone who struggles with this type of thing daily, I really enjoyed expressing my interpretation of this; it was therapeutic in a way. These are blurbs, so it may not be as developed as I would like, but I hope you guys like it! Let me know if you want a part two with the ladies :)
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Marcus had kidnapped Isabelle. The sweet cleric had welcomed your party into the arms of Last Light Inn, and somehow you were too weak to save her. It was your fault.
Your. Fault.
Astarion had comforted you after, saying you couldn’t have known you would need every last bit of your magic to give your help. You couldn’t have known you would need to rest. It was just as much of a surprise to him, to Shadowheart, to Karlach. But the more you stare at Nettie’s wyvern toxin — more of a keepsake at this point than a tool for battle — the more you decide you should’ve known. Jaheira’s expression after Last Light had fallen, it’s burned into your memory. You had promised her your only intention was good, but there was still something in her eyes that showed blame.
As you watch your companions move around camp and settle next to the fire, your left hand subconsciously lifts your dagger from its holster; your right hand coming up to your mouth to open the seal of the wyvern toxin. Where could you even go from here? There was no moon lantern, but no reason to go back. You don’t even have anywhere to go back to if you think about it.
You really are a monster, the tadpole your own scarlet letter. The dagger is slathered with the wyvern toxin, and as you smile at your lover from across camp the dagger makes a shallow slice into your thigh just out of sight.
“I think I’m gonna head to bed guys, we’ve got a lot to plan tomorrow about where to go from here,” you mumble, your eyes slightly glazed from the poison entering your system. Your companions nod in agreement, each one heading to their tent to prepare for bed. Astarion, however, watches you. His brow furrows, and he’s about to offer for you to sleep in his tent again, but you’re already in front of him. “Hello love, I know it’s a bit early into, well, us. But I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight.”
Astarion gently takes your hand in his and kisses your knuckles. “Of course my sweet,” he whispers. But the closer you get to him, the weirder you smell. He can smell the familiar bouquet of your blood, just a trace of it, but there is a sour note in there. “Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” As he looks back up to your eyes you let out a sob you’d been holding since earlier that day. His eyes widen; he isn’t good at comfort but for you he can try. “Darling what’s wrong?” He prods, needing to help you in your state.
You feel you can’t verbalize it, so your tadpole nuzzles up to his, asking for entrance. He accepts, and the images of your actions, your thoughts, your feelings flood into his mind. After the connection breaks you crumple to the ground, the poison entering the later stages.
Astarion’s thoughts immediately clear as he stares down at you in horror. He gathers your body into his arms and runs to Shadowheart, your seemingly now small and delicate form writhing within them. Shadowheart stands as she sees him running. “What happened Astarion?” She sternly quips, her eyes softening at the sight of you.
“They… it was one of those winged horrors. It poisoned them. Please help them. Please.” Astarion looks down at your eyes as they twitch and gaze blankly towards the sky. Shadowheart eases an antidote and a greater health potion into your mouth. Once you have your faculties about you once more, you lean your face into Astarion’s chest and weep. “Shh my love, let’s get you to bed.”
He lays you down gently to the various pillows in his tent, his every vein screaming to run. He isn’t ready for this kind of care and work a relationship requires. What am I thinking? It’s Tav, not some sorry bloke from a tavern. Get yourself together.
“I’m sorry. That was a pathetic idea for me to have, I know you might not want to explore this any further and I’ll still help you with-“
“Don’t be ridiculous, darling,” he mutters as he strokes your cheek with his fingers. “I’ve been right where you are before. Nowhere to go further but nothing to go back to, hmm?” You nod and he gives you a sad smile. “I find that I’m more happy than ever to be alive right now. Well, unalive but that’s no matter. I have you. We will find a way to get that damned moon lantern. I’ll bite everyone in this camp to take a break for a day. Whatever you need. I’m here and I… I love you.” He definitely didn’t think of saying the L word now of all times, but as a surprise to him it feels perfectly right.
“I love you too. Please just hold me.”
And so he does.
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As you wake to the blinding light of the sun, restraints tug at your wrists. The memories of the last night come flooding back into you. The fear in Gale’s eyes as you bit at him that he had tried to hide, the way you kept failing to break through the urges to speak to him. He was so sweet to you. He didn’t deserve it. You love him.
“Glad to have you back with us my love,” Gale whispers into your ear as he frees your wrists and ankles from the restraints. He helps you to your feet and leads you to the fire. “Breakfast is ready. You told me your favorite is an omelet with bacon and some tea?”
“Yes, but you didn’t have to do this for me. I was being dreadful to you,” you mutter, looking down at the food.
“Of course I did. Our love knows no bounds, right? Now, eat. Baldur and his gate are waiting for us.” He kisses your head and you force a smile, shoving the food into your mouth as if you aren’t sick to your stomach with yourself.
The fight in the astral prism had put everyone off kilter. When you had found out the protector in your dreams, the person you needed to trust with your life, was a mindflayer, you only wanted rip each tentacle off its face and eat them as it watched. You did trust it. You were just so deplorable you thought its intestines would look beautiful around its neck to hang outside of your tent as decoration.
You can’t stand yourself anymore. Not just your actions, but your body. The urges make your body hurt, make your head pound and your stomach wretch. You never see a person in the mirror, you see a diseased sack of flesh squealing to be kept alive.
Gale holds you in his lap, leaving soft kisses on your neck as he reads one of his unusually large tomes. You feel disgusting. You will never deserve something nice like this. “I’m going to go see if I can spot the city from that building over there love,” you whisper as you kiss his cheeks and stand up, your stomach twisting as he gazes at you with loving eyes. He can’t love this, can he?
“Do you want me to tag along? I love a good tower as much as the next wizard,” he asks softly as he rubs your sides with his warm hands. You shake your head and force another smile. His brow lightly furrows but he shakes it off and presses a kiss to your lips in parting.
You find yourself sitting on the edge of the tower roof overlooking all of Baldur’s Gate. It has been a couple of hours, and you decide you don’t want to know any more about Orin or the makings of the absolute. Something in your mind tells you it will be the end of a lot of things if you find out. You shakily stand, letting out a ragged breath as pebbles skitter off the edge from under your feet. You close your eyes, exhale, and lean forward, when you fly through the mist into Gale’s tent. You let out a broken cry as warm and strong arms wrap around you, smelling of parchment and tea leaves.
“My love, I’ve felt the immanence of our situation for a while, and when Mystra abandoned me I thought I was as good as a newborn gnoll, destined for nothing but madness. But darling, what were you thinking?” He mutters into your hair.
“The urges won’t- nothing will stop. At my core I’m evil, something to be exhausted. I can’t-“
“Tav, I wouldn’t be as in love with you as I am if these things you said about yourself were true. I would give up my tressym to Astarion if it meant I could relieve any of your pain. Don’t tell her I said that though, Tara would never let me hear the end of it.” You let out a quiet chuckle, his dry humor always helping. “Now let’s sleep, no matter what this packed and unforgiving city does to us we will get through it together.”
“I love you, please, please don’t leave.”
“I would never dream of it.”
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Orin has captured Gale, and you feel helpless. Did you really not know your friend well enough to see that a shapeshifter was in his place? You have known him for months at this point. And yet, it was your fault for not checking in with him. For getting in that petty fight over the crown of Karsus that made you both ignore each other.
As you and your party trudge once again through the sewers, Astarion and Shadowheart both bombard you with questions about their personal needs within the city.
“Shadowheart, I understand we need to go to the House of Grief but Gale could quite literally be dead right now,” you assert softly, trying to show that she means just as much to you.
“Ugh, Gale. Of all times we have to be in a pickle it has to be over him and right now,” Astarion mutters to himself. You try to push down your frustration but the smirk on his face pushes you over the edge combined with his next words, “You’re the one that’s supposed to be making the rounds, darling. I can take Shadowheart to the house, and you and bear boy can find the bootmuncher.”
As shameful as it is for you, tears burst from your eyes as anger and anxiety take over. “So go. I don’t care anymore since you have never gone out of your way for us. I… fuck!” You slam your sword onto the ground and walk yourself back to cool off.
As Astarion builds up his retort, hurt and defensiveness flashing across his expression, Halsin steps in front of you protectively. “Calm down, Astarion. This does not need to be a fight. Let’s just break for the day. Come, my heart.” As he takes your hand comfortingly in his, you feel a gnawing dread seeping into your bones. This was all your fault, and you keep burning bridges with people you care for and you don’t know how to stop.
At the end of the day you find yourself in the middle of the woods, further from camp than Halsin liked, but it was your privacy; you asked for it and he would respect it. You stared down at your sword, your hands jaunting out to hold it at an awkward angle towards your chest. It had been like this for around an hour; you couldn’t even do this correctly, thinking about how everyone would grimace if they found you like this . Fuck it.
As the knife glides through your padded armor, a large hand places itself on your shoulder. It’s warm, and it smells like herbs and cinnamon. “My heart, please. This is not the way. We’ve come so far on this journey, together, and almost nothing has ever gone wrong. Silvanus guide me, please speak. I need to hear that you are okay,” Halsin chokes out, his voice thick with concern.
“It’s just… I would have known if Gale was acting weird. If I hadn’t pushed him away. I’m doing the same to Astarion, I’ll do it to all of them. When someone goes Illithid it will be on me. Hells we’re taking a break and he could be anywhere.”
“As much as we all love you little one, there is no leader. Nobody could have seen that coming. I had choice words with Astarion, and he would love to speak with you. Everything is handled, I just need you to understand that we can take the weight off of your shoulders occasionally. I love you with everything inside of me. Please know that you are loved.”
The sword clatters to the dirt, and Halsin brings you into his arms; a bear hug in every sense of the term. “I guess I will need Astarion to sew this back up,” you mutter, finger the frayed threads above your heart.
“That sounds like a great idea, little one. I’ll put on some tea for when you’re done.” He kisses your head and walks you back to camp, his arms never leaving your waist.
After a cathartic conversation with your resident vampire, a big brown cave bear awaits you in your tent with blankets and tea.
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On the dock overlooking the Chionthar, a blade glares up at you from your worn fingers. The Netherbrain is dead, your friends are free from the things that bind them, but you don’t know if it’s the same for you. Nobody forced you to create the Illithid plot with Enver Gortash, nobody forced you to kill Alfira. Her face will haunt you forever, what you did to her in a cold sweat during the middle of the night.
Sure, you had given up Bhaal’s inheritance, but it was still your skin that was covered in blood. It was still your face that bit and spit at the urge’s victims. It was with your eyes that you looked down at Alfira’s cold and eviscerated body. Wither’s had resurrected you in the temple, but you still felt shame creep into your veins. You weren’t a new person, you just forgot.
You saw Wyll hugging Karlach, her new Illithid form unusual but still distinctly her. You want to be with him, you need him like breathing, but the guilt and regret is gnawing at your flesh like a newborn gnoll. Maybe he would be better off taking his role as grand duke by himself, the whole city would whisper of the mad adventurer that had to fight for forgiveness to their complicit nature in the plot. As the blade begins to take its final drink from your wrist, Wyll looks up and shouts your name.
An eldritch blast knocks the blade into the sea, and warm hands wrap gently around your wrist, and a handkerchief is pressed to the small nick. He smells sulfuric but sweet like cinnamon apples as he presses a worry-filled kiss to your head. It comforts you but it shouldn’t; you don’t deserve this. “My love, what is wrong? The netherbrain has fallen, Karlach lives, what could trouble you this much?” He whispers into your ear, making sure the others know this interaction is private.
“I can’t live with myself. I may have forgotten a good extent of my past, but I remember everything from that point on the nautiloid onward clear as a whistle. It’s too much to act like I’m this hero,” you whisper back, tears streaming down your cheeks.
Wyll lifts up your left hand, a ring glinting in the morning sun. He kisses the knuckle wearing it, and looks up into your eyes with a bittersweet smile. “I did not choose you to be the love of my life, my sun and stars, because I thought you were evil my love,” he kisses your cheeks and puts his forehead to yours. “That wasn’t the you I see before me, this wonderful creature who sees past my horns, past Astarion’s vampirism, past Gale’s orb godssakes,” he chuckles and you let out a quiet laugh.
“I just don’t want to be that again. Ever again,” you whisper as you glance at your joined hands. Wyll brings a hand to your cheek and kisses your lips with a tender touch.
“It will take time. Just like I have newfound bumps in weird places, I need to get used to those. It’s being human. Now come with me, future Ravengard, we have beers to slam with our friends.”
He helps you up, and pulls you into the tightest hug as if you could disappear. You walk into the brightening dawn to the Elfsong Tavern, making sure tease him about becoming the grand duke the entire way.
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pancake-breakfast · 11 months
So after reading this thread by @mydetheturk and @shastafirecracker, I got to thinking about Vash as a gun in Trigun Stampede. (I would have responded in thread, but the thread is Trigun Book Club and I'm about to get into spoilers for Stampede here. Which reminds me....)
Spoilers for Trigun Stampede Ahead
The series is called Trigun because Vash has three guns: 1) the one he carries, 2) the one in his prosthetic left arm, and 3) his angel arm. The thread linked above gets into how, throughout Trigun (every iteration, TBH), Vash doesn't simply wield weapons, but because of his angel arm he very literally is a weapon, and that's an identity he resists as much as he can. He doesn't want to be used for violence. He just wants to help people, but his very nature makes pursuing that path a rather difficult one.
In particular, once he's aware of its presence, Vash wants to take every precaution he can to stop from releasing the power that channels through his angel arm, which is understandable since it can literally level cities. That destructive power the antithesis of what Vash wants to be, but it's also an irremovable part of himself... and it's something that Knives covets enough to severely violate Vash in attempt to gain control of it. The power itself might be Vash's, but it's Knives who activates it, forces it into being, and thus compels Vash to both channel it into his angel arm and to pull the trigger on that insanely powerful gun.
However, in Stampede, it's not just the weight of the angel arm that Knives forces on Vash. Knives is literally responsible for Vash having the other two guns, as well.
These can both be traced to episode 9. First, Knives thrusts the handgun into Vash's arms, calling it, "An evil weapon of the Sinners, taking lives easily from afar with the twitch of a finger...."
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Nominally, he's doing this to protect Vash. Vash won't raise his hand to take down the humans that literally just overclocked their sisters to death, to protect them or to protect himself, so Knives provides him with a weapon he labels a coward's tool for evil (gun #1). In doing that, he very much implies his brother is both a coward and someone who needs to embrace doing evil in order to survive.
It's only a few minutes later that Knives makes way for the second gun.
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Knives slices off Vash's arm to protect him from the power Vash (accidentally) summoned to try to protect Luida from Knives, thus making way for Vash's prosthetic arm (gun #2).
Thus, every shot fired by Vash from either the handgun or the prosthetic is the result of Knives' actions, even when Knives isn't actively sending people to harass Vash.
"But wait," you hypothetically say. "In TriStamp, Vash's prosthetic arm has a grappling gun, not a gun that fires bullets."
You're right.
Interesting that the one gun Vash has the option to choose for himself in Stampede isn't designed for killing. Instead, Vash uses it to try and save himself, and to save Meryl.
(Though all things considered, I wouldn't be surprised if whatever upgrade he has in Season 2 is more in line with what fans of previous Trigun series are used to in his prosthetic arm.)
There's one other thing I'll note before wrapping this up. Going back to Episode 9 of Stampede... Vash is actually very quick to try and use that handgun Knives gives him. But he doesn't use it to defend himself from humans (or anyone else, really) the way Knives wants him to. Instead, he grits his teeth, does his best to steady an unsteady hand, and uses it to try and protect one of the only two humans left standing around them, Luida, from Knives.
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dragonlover123a · 2 months
Lucifer sighed as he took off his socks and boots, staring at his feet in disdain.
Being a goat based angel, Lucifer had hooves. And they used to be such a beautiful golden color, shimmering in the light of the Garden of Eden.
But that was such a long time ago. Eons in fact. Since then, Lucifer had fallen into a deep depression and had been unable to care for them properly. So now they were an ugly, dirty yellow in color.
Suddenly, a hand was lifting the fallen angel's face upwards, making him jump slightly in surprise. But Lucifer quickly relaxed when he saw it was just his husband.
Alastor, the Radio Demon might've been a terrifying apex predator in the eyes of many sinners and lower Hellborns alike, but to Lucifer, he was merely a nuisance. Or at least at first. Despite his height, Lucifer could be the bigger man and admit that he did sorta start it when he insulted Alastor's bar. But Alastor telling him he was a terrible father was, while correct, a low blow. Lucifer couldn't help falling head over hooves for the deer though. His tendencies to creep around in the shadows or how he would snap and crack his neck at odd angles was oddly endearing to Lucifer. Alastor was courageously himself, no matter if he was in a room of Sinners or demonic royalty. And Lucifer loved him for it.
"My darling Little Apple~" Alastor crooned, rubbing his thumb over his husband's rose colored cheek, "What's ever the matter, my dear?"
Gold dusted Lucifer's cheeks, blushing heavily at the pet names. "Oh! Nothing really... I... Um..." he stammered, trying to hide his hooves.
Of course, Alastor noticed. Kneeling before the king, the demon gently wrapped his much larger hand around the angel's ankle, tugging it forward to inspect the dirty yellow hoof.
"My," Alastor tsked disapprovingly, "When was the last time you cleaned and polished your hooves?" He asked, looking up at Lucifer with a raised brow.
"Oh! Um...." Lucifer fidgeted under his husband's gaze. Could he reduce the deer demon to atoms with a snap of his fingers? Sure he could. But he couldn't help but feel nervous as Alastor scolded him for not taking care of himself. "Couple... Thousand... years... Maybe?" Lucifer admitted, giving Alastor a sheepish smile.
Alastor chuckled fondly, shaking his head as he stood to sit next to Lucifer. The angel was suddenly pulled into the deer's lap, making him let out an undignified squeak.
"Hey! What are you....?!"
"Hush, darling," Alastor interrupted. With a wave of his hand, one of his shadows presented him with a case of supplies. "Proper hoof care is vital for those with them, whether they be a demon like myself, or an angel, my Little Apple." Alastor lectured as he picked out a tool and got to work cleaning and polishing the shorter blond's hooves.
Lucifer couldn't help but relax into his husband's lap. Between the surprisingly pleasant feeling of his husband's red claws gently scratching off some especially stubborn gunk, the natural static that emitted from his large form and the gentle humming as he worked, Lucifer found himself dozing off.
He was awoken a little while later to Alastor running his fingers through his blond locks, blinking and looking up at him. "Done already?"
Alastor hummed in confirmation, shifting Lucifer in his lap so he could inspect his work for himself. What Lucifer saw, made him want to start crying. His hooves, once a dirty yellow for eons, had been restored to their original gleaming gold.
"What do you think?"
"I..." Lucifer choked out, "I don't know what to say... Thank you Alastor. Thank you so much!" He couldn't help but cry out, throwing his arms around the deer's middle.
Alastor landed on his back on the mattress of the bed with an "OOMF!" but couldn't help but chuckle at his husband's enthusiastic thanks, running his claws through his blond hair.
"You are very welcome, my dear sweet, Little Apple" he cooed.
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ssailormoonn · 8 months
❛ Jealousy ❜
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Manjiro (Mikey) Sano X Fem!Reader
WC; 3.4k + | !MDNI! | TW/CW; fingering, oral, implied virgins (both reader and Mikey), aged up mikey 18+, +more
MASTERLIST ┊ tokyo revengers master list
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I walk into the confinement of my house and release a shaky exhale. I was supposed to eat today but I didn't want to not go Yukata shopping with Hina and Emma today, so I guess that It couldn't be helped. I knew someone was in my house and that someone was Mikey. He knows where the key to my house is hidden to get inside or he could just jump over the fence, it didn't really matter, but why was he here, I have no knowledge of that.
I know where he is, every time he sneaks into my house he lays on my bed, the bed that hasn't been slept in for years. I wash the sheets once every one to two weeks of course because it's disgusting and unhygienic to not do that. I have my friends staying over often so I have to keep the house clean.
I don't like it when people other than Mikey show up without my knowledge because of one simple fact, I have no food in the house. Why have food when I don't consume it? The only edible thing in the house is the bag of Taiyaki and Dorayaki that Mikey brings around every week to stick up so when he comes over he doesn't whine over being hungry.
My bedroom door was open, not to my surprise. I walk in and place the bag that contained my Yukata on my desk ignoring the fact that Mikey was watching my every move. I slip off my jacket and fold neatly fold it neatly onto my chair. I pull my chair out and take a seat, I open up my notebook and pull out the necessary chemicals needed for my next experiment. I pull the tray from the corner of my desk to me and gaze at the various chemistry jars and tools.
I hear an annoyed groan come from behind me, "Wifey!"
"Yes, 'Jiro?" I question getting the vials of sealed chemicals from the drawers of my desk.
"Can't you do that later?"
"I could."
Mikey's words reach my ears, laden with a mixture of longing and a hint of petulance. "Then come lay with me, I missed you," he says, his voice carrying a subtle pout that tugs at my non-existent heartstrings. The sound of my chair scraping against the worn wooden floor echoes through the room as I rise, unable to resist his plea.
soft glow of the room's ambient lighting from the moon casts an inviting aura, enveloping us in its gentle embrace. The scent of familiarity and comfort fills the air, mingling with the faint aroma of his cologne, creating an intoxicating atmosphere.
With each step, my heart quickens, mirroring the rhythm of my footsteps. The soft padding of my feet against the floor merges with the symphony of our shared anticipation. As I draw nearer, I can almost feel the magnetic pull between us, an invisible force that draws us together, erasing the distance that had separated us.
Finally, I reach him, and our eyes meet, locking in a moment of unspoken connection. He childishly opens his arms and without hesitation, I surrender to his invitation, allowing myself to be enveloped in his embrace.
As our bodies intertwine, a sense of completeness washes over me, as if all the missing pieces of my existence have finally found their place. The warmth of his touch against my skin ignites a fire within, melting away any lingering doubts or worries.
And so, we lay together, our bodies entwined, basking in the comfort of each other's presence. The world outside fades into insignificance as we lose ourselves in the tenderness of the moment, cherishing the connection that binds us. He's laid on his back with his arms wrapped under mine as my arms are wrapped around his neck. I lay half on his chest with one of my legs draped over his body.
"Wifey," He mumbles against my hair.
"Yeah," I sigh into his chest.
"Why'd you hang up on me?" The accusatory words pierce the air, catching me off guard. In response, my breath catches in my throat, causing a sharp intake of air. The suddenness of the question sends a jolt through my body, and I feel Mikey's grip tighten instinctively as if seeking reassurance in the face of tension.
The weight of the accusation hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over our intimate moment. I can sense the tension radiating from Mikey, his grip serving as a physical manifestation of his own unease.
Searching for words, I take a moment to steady myself, my mind racing to find an explanation that can bridge the gap between us. The room feels charged with an unspoken tension, the silence amplifying the weight of the question that hangs between us.
Finally, I find my voice, my words laced with a mixture of regret and sincerity. "I'm sorry," I say, my voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "It wasn't intentional. There was a sudden disconnection, and I didn't have a chance to call you back." The words spill forth, an attempt to convey my remorse and assure Mikey that my actions were not driven by any ill intent, even though that was a lie and I had to hang up because I didn't want to seem rude as I talked to Izana.
As I speak, I feel the tension in Mikey's grip begins to ease, his understanding slowly dawning. The atmosphere in the room shifts, the heaviness dissipating as a glimmer of understanding replaces it. In this moment of vulnerability and honesty, we find a path toward reconciliation, a chance to rebuild the connection that momentarily faltered.
And so, we remain locked in our embrace, the tightness of Mikey's grip gradually softening as we navigate the complexities of communication and forgiveness. The air, once charged with tension, begins to lighten, allowing us to move forward, hand in hand, with a renewed sense of understanding and empathy.
"You wanna come with me to the festival?"
"I'm already going with someone, sorry," I say guiltily, if I waited just a couple hours longer, or had I just said to Izana that I'd think about it.
"You should have known I was gonna ask you," Mikey says, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration and disbelief. A scoff escapes him, carrying a hint of hurt. "We always do things together. You're replacing me now. Who are you even going with?"
I feel a pang of guilt as his words sink in, realizing that I had overlooked the significance of our shared experiences. The weight of his disappointment hangs heavy in the air, intensifying the grip of his embrace. His hold tightens against me, and at that moment, a realization dawns upon me- is he jealous?
Taking a deep breath, I gather my thoughts, my voice gentle yet earnest. "This guy," I begin, my words measured, "he asked me while the three of us were on our way back." I pause, allowing the weight of my explanation to sink in, hoping that it will assuage his worries.
The silence hangs in the air with anticipation, as Mikey processes my words. His grip remains firm, but I sense a subtle shift in his demeanor, a flicker of vulnerability beneath his protective facade. It becomes clear that his jealousy stems from a fear of being replaced, a fear of losing the special bond we share.
With a newfound understanding, I reach out to him, my touch gentle yet reassuring. I lift my head from his chest and pull my body on top of his and I cup his face. "Mikey, you're irreplaceable," I say, my voice filled with sincerity. "No one could ever take your place in my life. You know that I will always follow you. What's happening at that festival with me and that guy means nothing."
In a swift motion, Mikey flips our positions, his hands firmly gripping my arms and pinning them beside my head. His hips straddle mine, creating an intimate closeness that sends a rush of heat to my cheeks, causing a blush to rise. I find myself captivated by his onyx eyes, their intensity drawing me in, as I gaze at him with parted lips.
The atmosphere crackles with a mix of emotions - desire, possessiveness, and a lingering trace of jealousy. It's as if the intensity of his emotions seeps into him, manifesting in his actions and the way he holds me. The weight of his body against mine, and the firmness of his grip, all speak of a passionate response to the surge of jealousy that had momentarily consumed him.
As our eyes lock, a silent understanding passes between us. In this moment, words become unnecessary, replaced by the unspoken language of desire and vulnerability. The air feels charged with anticipation, the tension between us palpable, as we navigate the complex dance of emotions.
I can sense the conflict within Mikey, the battle between possessiveness and the desire to trust. His actions speak of a need to assert his presence, to remind me of the connection we share. And yet, beneath the surface, I can also detect a vulnerability, a longing for reassurance and a deeper understanding.
As we remain locked in this intimate embrace, the tension begins to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of connection and trust. The jealousy that had momentarily consumed him now serves as a catalyst for deeper understanding and a reaffirmation of our bond. In this moment of vulnerability and passion, we find solace in each other's arms, forging a path forward with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of love and desire.
In an intense display of proximity, Mikey's face closes in on mine, his nose gently brushing against mine. The closeness of our breaths mingling sends a shiver down my spine, causing me to shakily release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. The electric current between us intensifies, and I can't help but feel a surge of desire coursing through my veins.
As the charged atmosphere envelops us, I find myself involuntarily rubbing my thighs together, seeking some form of relief from the sexual tension. The action doesn't go unnoticed by Mikey, and a mischievous smirk curls up on the side of his mouth. It's a knowing smirk, one that hints at his awareness of the effect he has on me.
But in an instant, the smirk fades, replaced by a dark and obsessive expression that takes over his eyes. It's as if a switch has been flipped, and his gaze becomes intense, fixated solely on me. The depth of his desire and possessiveness becomes palpable, sending a thrill of anticipation through my body.
In this moment, I can sense the raw intensity of his emotions, the overwhelming need to claim and possess. It's a heady mixture of passion and obsession, a primal instinct that drives him to assert his dominance and stake his claim. 
Mikey makes a possessive mutter that sends a jolt of electricity through the air, causing my breath to catch in my throat. His words hang in the space between us, heavy with desire and a hint of demand. I struggle to maintain composure, my voice trembling slightly as I respond.
"W-What?" I manage to utter, my voice barely above a whisper, betraying the mix of anticipation and uncertainty swirling within me.
His eyes, now filled with an intense determination, lock onto mine. The dark, obsessive motion within them intensifies, as if he's made up his mind and there's no turning back. The weight of his gaze feels almost tangible as if it's pressing against my skin, urging me to comply.
"You're going to prove it to me," he asserts, his voice laced with a possessiveness that sends shivers down my spine. The command in his tone leaves no room for negotiation. "Prove that you're mine. I want you to do it right now."
His words hang in the air, charged with a mix of dominance and desire. The intensity of his request leaves me momentarily stunned, my mind racing to comprehend the depth of what he's asking. It's a challenge, a test of my devotion and commitment to him.
As I search his eyes for any sign of leniency or doubt, I find none. The dark, all-consuming obsession that has taken hold of him leaves little room for negotiation or hesitation. I realize that he needs reassurance, a tangible display of my loyalty and love but he wouldn't mean having sex to prove it. Right? But, why do I want it so bad?
A surge of adrenaline courses through my veins, mingling with the desire that has been building between us. I take a deep breath, summoning the courage to meet his demands. It's a leap of faith, a surrender to the intensity of our connection.
With a mix of anticipation and nervousness, I slowly reach out, my trembling hand finding its way to his cheek. The touch is gentle, yet firm, a silent declaration of my commitment to him. As our eyes remain locked, I can feel the weight of the moment, the significance of this act of submission.
In this intimate exchange, I hope to convey the depth of my l devotion, to prove to him that I am his and his alone. It's a vulnerable yet empowering gesture, a testament to the trust we have built and the passion that binds us.
As our lips draw closer, the world around us fades into insignificance. In this moment of surrender, I am ready to prove my love, to show him that I am undeniably his, forever entwined in this intoxicating dance of desire and possession.
A gasp escapes my lips as Mikey's tongue boldly pushes past the barrier of my parted lips, ravaging my mouth with a hunger that ignites every nerve ending within me. The intensity of his kiss leaves me breathless, my senses overwhelmed by the raw passion that courses between us. I can't help but shamelessly moan in response to the electrifying sensation, a sound that escapes me without restraint.
In the midst of our passionate exchange, I manage to slip my legs from under Mikey's hips, instinctively wrapping them around his lower back. The action serves to draw him closer, our bodies aligning in a perfect fit, his pelvis lined up with my own, and the feeling of his hard against my seeping makes me whimper into his mouth  The heat radiating from his skin sears against mine, intensifying the already overwhelming connection we share.
With a reciprocating motion, Mikey presses his body flat against mine, melding us together in a seamless embrace. The weight of his presence envelops me, creating a sense of security and desire that is both exhilarating and comforting. 
As our tongues continue their passionate dance, exploring and claiming every inch of each other's mouths, the world around us fades into insignificance. Time seems to stand still, allowing us to revel in the intoxicating pleasure of this intimate moment. The taste of him, the feel of his lips against mine, it's a sensory overload that consumes my every thought.
Lost in the depths of our desire, I surrender to the sensations that ripple through my body. The friction of our bodies pressed tightly together, the rhythm of our breaths intermingling, it's a symphony of pleasure that resonates deep within me. There is no room for doubt or hesitation, only the overwhelming need to be consumed by the intensity of our connection.
I felt the grip on one of my arms loosen as his hands quickly settled under my shirt on my waist making me gasp and grind myself onto his hard causing him to let out a groan. His hand moves further and further up causing me to arch myself into him and whimper into him. He struggles to clip open my bra and I squirm out of the hold on my other arm and unclip it for him. 
He throws the bra somewhere in the confines of my room and his hand immediately moves his hand to squish the plush flesh and I moan into the heated kiss once more. Both my arms warp around his neck and the kiss becomes more messy and aggressive. 
Mikey's free hand moves below the waistband on my pants and we both struggle to get the material off of me and throw that somewhere in my room as well, he strips me of my underwear next and I hiss at the cold air hitting my bare pussy. 
His fingers slide down my slit and I instinctively try to close my legs but I couldn't because he has placed himself between them. "Fuck," He groans into my mouth, "So wet. Please let me touch you more. Can't take it anymore, Wifey."
"Please," I whimper out taking a breather from the kiss, and his fingers continue to play with my clit causing a string of moans to leave my mouth. His mouth has left mine and lifted my shirt with ease since my back is arched from the pleasure. My eyes flutter open and I see the sight laid before me, Mikey sucking on my breasts with his free hand holding my thigh up and the other playing with my sensitive clit.
"Fuck, ngh~ Manjiro," I whimper with one hand entangled within his hair and the other clenching the bed sheets with all my strength causing the material to rip.
"That's it, Wifey," He says in between sucks, "Keep on making those pretty noises for me, only me."
"Ngh!" I moan out when one of his fingers slipped inside my fluttering, drenched cunt. My head flings back in pleasure and the moans keep on slipping out and I can't help but grind my hips into his fingers. 
"You like that, baby," He praises against my skin.
"Mnph! Y-Yes," I moan. "Manjiro, Manjiro," I pant.
"What do you want, Wifey? Ah, Fuck you look so pretty," He groans.
"Wan'more, Manjiro," I slur, drunk of pleasure. He listened to my pleas and slid in another finger and I felt my insides tighten, he continued curling and pumping his fingers in and out of my soaked hole. My Moans and whimpers continued to fall shamelessly out of my mouth and after a few moments, I felt the most intense pleasure I'd felt in my life.
"Nghh!" I sob moaning, "Right there, f-fuck, Manjiro."
"Right there?" He says with a smug smile and pumps faster and faster until I feel the coil inside my stomach tighten and tighten until it can't anymore. He sucks harder onto and around the flesh of my breasts and that was enough to send me over the edge.
"I-I'm gonna come," I moan holding Manjiro.
"Doing so well for me, Wifey," He praises as I tighten against his fingers, "Come, Wifey. Do it for me."
I arch my back once more and moan at the feeling of the tightness in my stomach unraveling, I wince at the feeling of Mikey's fingers leaving my hole. My chest heaves from the over-exertion of the activity. My legs fall from Mikey's lower back. 
As the bed dips beside me, I feel the warmth of Mikey's presence enveloping me. Without hesitation, he pulls me into a tight embrace, his arms encircling me protectively. The strength of his hold provides a sense of security and comfort that I've longed for, melting away any lingering tension or worries.
In the soft glow of the room, I nuzzle myself into the inviting curve of his chest, finding solace in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. The rise and fall of his breath against my skin lulls me into a state of tranquility as if his very presence has the power to soothe my restless soul.
Mikey's voice, barely above a whisper, reaches my ears as he murmurs words of praise and affection. "You did so well for me, Wifey," he says, his voice filled with genuine admiration and gratitude. The tenderness in his tone resonates deep within me, reinforcing the bond we share and reminding me of the love that exists between us.
As I nestle closer to Mikey, surrendering to the embrace of his arms, a wave of tranquility washes over me. The gentle rise and fall of his chest against my cheek becomes a lullaby, lulling me into a peaceful slumber. For the first time in a long while, I find myself drifting off to sleep, knowing that I am safe in his embrace.
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
This was a smut that is apart of my Tokyo revengers fanfiction on wattpad! (this smut is still in my drafts, so this is a sneak peak of it, this is chapter 10 of my tr fic) if you would like to read the story, it is here
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m-jelly · 7 months
Okay, I don't know how this works so bare with me. I was thinking about Hanji having a little sister and Levi is smitten by her right from out of the Underground? First off, I don't think the sister should be like Hanji but a bit more serious and not that 🤪. Secondly, Hanji not approving Levi at first but later on she knows her sister is in good hands and could rest in peace? I don't know if this makes sense but I would love to see this.
Anon also said: Sorry! I'm the same one from the Hanji's sister. And I wanted the sister to be a medic so she could be with the Survey corps and the storyline is basically from the start to finish with a bit of post-war Levi. Thank you! PS: sister has glasses like Hanji!
Message to anon: Hi! Thank you for the ask. I won't be doing the full storyline you want as it would mean I would be writing a full fic! For this, I will do their first meeting and post-war.
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One meeting, life time of love
Levi x fem!reader
Canon Au, post-war, fluff, romance, becoming a couple, being a couple, reader wear glasses, Hange's sister.
Your first romantic meeting with Levi and your sweet romance after the war.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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"SIS!" Hange poked her head around your door. "Hi!"
You smiled at her. "You're back!" You hugged your eldest sister and pulled back. "How are you?"
"Excited! Mike and Erwin came back with a new recruit and he's so cool!"
You hummed a laugh. "I'm glad you mad a new friend."
She turned a little. "Here he is! He needs a medical check up. Can you do that?"
"Come here, Levi. This is my sister." Hange said your name with pride. "Best medic out there!"
Levi grumbled a bit. "Tch, I'm fine four eyes. I don't need checking."
You smiled sweetly. "I'll make it quick."
He glared at you and then paused a moment. His anger washed away and was replaced with a very strong emotion of attraction and love. His cheeks burned red as he admired your beauty. He had never seen someone more beautiful in his life before.
He moved closer to you as if he was in his own world. "You're pretty."
You giggled. "Thank you."
"You can take your time with me."
Hange pouted. "Excuse you? That's my little sister!"
You ushered her out. "I'm not little, I'm only a few years younger than you and he is near my age, probably a year or two older." You shoved her out of the room. "He's cute. Give me a shot."
"He's a thug. You deserve better."
"You don't know what I want or deserve. I love you, Hange, but I'm giving it a go." You closed the door and walked over to Levi. "Hi, so, let's exam you."
He nodded and pulled his shirt off. "I'm all yours."
You felt your cheeks burn. "You didn't need to take your shirt off."
Levi blushed. "Tch, shit."
You giggled. "It's okay. It will allow me to do a deeper exam."
He gulped hard. "G-Good."
You walked around him and inspected him. You used different tools, made notes and summed everything up. "Well, handsome, you are very healthy after coming from out of the underground. You should be proud."
He buttoned up his shirt. "That's great news."
You nodded. "Yes. It's wonderful. I will say though, you are lacking sleep." You walked up to him and touched under his eyes. "Years of surviving, huh?"
He leaned into your touch. "Yes."
You smiled. "I know how to get some sleep."
"You do?"
You nodded. "Yes, it starts with you coming on a date with me."
Levi's cheeks burned. "I...uh..."
"Oh, I read the room wrong." You nervously laughed. "Well, shit. Sorry."
Levi hurried up to you and held your hands. "Wait. You caught me by surprise is all. I uh, I would like to take you on a date."
You giggled. "I look forward to it."
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The sun was so warm on Levi's skin as he sat handing our supplies to families in need. After the war, he helped out at the camps giving food, and you provided medical support. Levi was so proud of you as you healed people and cared for children. Levi recovered quickly from his wounds because of you.
"How you doing there, handsome?"
Levi smiled at your voice. "I'm doing well."
You leaned down and kissed him. "Do you need a rest?"
"I guess I could."
You walked behind him and pushed his chair. "Let's go have a picnic. I made us some tea and snacks."
He felt his heart flutter. "Thank you."
You leaned down and kissed his cheek. "You're most welcome."
A bit of guilt crept into his heart when you placed him in a stunning spot. His eye tracked you as you moved around setting up the delicious lunch. "Um."
You looked over at Levi. "What is it, my darling husband?"
He lowered his head. "About Hange...I should have...stopped her."
You held Levi's hands. "Hange made her choice. She loved us, both of us. She wanted us to be happy. I know at first she rejected us as a couple, but she came around to it." You leaned over and kissed him. "Do not blame yourself for her death. I am proud of my sister."
He smiled. "She was a pain in my ass, but she was good."
You giggled. "She was."
"I'm glad you're not mad or anything at me."
"I'm not." You sat on his lap and showered his face in kisses. "I have the best and most handsome man in the world as my husband. I am blessed."
He squeezed you. "I'm the blessed one."
You leaned down and grabbed Levi's drink. You offered it to him and smiled as he sipped it happily. "I love you, Levi. I'll always love you."
"I love you forever."
You kissed him and hummed. "Maybe I should give you a full medical check up when we get home."
He frowned. "I feel fine. I don't need...oh...oooh, you meant." He blushed hard. "Yes please."
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thetravelerwrites · 2 months
Margaret and Rourke (Part 1)
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Rating: Mature  Relationships: Female Human/Male Orc  Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Lovers, Interspecies Romance, Orcs, Older Man/Younger Woman Content Warnings: Mentions of Sexual Assault, Mentions of Physical Violence, Mentions of Torture, References to Sexual Assault Resulting in Pregnancy  Series:  Part 18 of Shelter Forest: The Towns  Words: 4,238
The reader's mother from Akjan's fic and her orc hubby get their own fic! After her daughter is taken away from her to be married to an orc chieftain she's never met, Margaret worries she'll never see her again. An orc arrives with news of her daughter and promises to help them reunite. Please leave feedback!
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Your daughter had been gone for two months already. The count had ripped her from your arms in an instant on the day of her eighteenth birthday and gave you little to no time to say goodbye. You could only hope that she was well and being treated properly wherever she was, but you had no way to know for sure. You were anxious constantly, unaware if she was healthy or fed properly or even alive, but the idea that she could be somewhere out there, safe and happy, was the only comfort you found in your day to day life.
You were in a lot of pain at the moment. Moving around was difficult, and you struggled to complete your normal tasks. The madam had whipped you mercilessly just the day before for the unspeakable crime of passing in front of her when she was in a bad mood. She’d always been unkind to you, but since she discovered that your daughter, Catherine, was indeed the child of the Count, she had become the human embodiment of cruelty, turning the typical punishments she doled out onto you into nothing short of torture. You had no friends to turn to, since everyone in the manor knew you were the Countess’s favorite punching bag, so they would earn themselves no favors by being kind to you. Without Catherine there to lean on anymore, it was becoming harder to endure the beatings. 
As you were working, you saw David, a butler that had been hired recently. His face fell in sympathy as soon as he saw you, likely due to the bruising on your face and the split lip you were sporting. He was one of the few that treated you kindly. 
“Margaret, I’m glad I caught you,” He said. “I need your help.” 
“My help?” You asked. “I’ll do my best. What can I help with?” 
“The master has given me a task in town, but I don’t know my way around quite yet. Could you help me find the…” He consulted a piece of paper in his hand. “The Periwinkle Florist? The master is having guests later this evening and wants new flowers for the foyer and receiving room. Do you know where it is?” 
“Oh, yes, I do,” You told him. “It’s quite far, though. I’m surprised Master wants us to go so far out of the way for fresh flowers.”
“You know how the master is,” David said, rolling his eyes. “He wants what he wants.” 
Margaret laughed nervously. “Yes. Should we go now? It’ll take us at least an hour to get there and an hour back.” 
“That would be best, if we want to return before nightfall,” David agreed. “Are you ready to go as you are?” 
“Oh, I just need to grab my shawl and we can go,” You replied, taking a step toward the servants’ quarters. 
“Best be quick,” He said. “I’ll wait by the rear door.”
Nodding, you quick-stepped back to your tiny closet and grabbed your crocheted shawl, old and repaired many times. Something felt off about the room, like something was missing, but you figured it was just because Catherine was no longer there, so it felt terribly empty. 
You met David, who was carrying a large produce bag, by the back door that led out to the back of the estate, where there were the stables on one side and the tool sheds on the other. Between them was a road used exclusively by the servants into and out of the estate. The two of you set off down it, heading toward the middle ring of the city, where most of the shops were located. 
David was pleasant company, engaging you in light small talk to pass the time. He asked about your daughter, which you were only too happy to talk about, and told you about his wife and son, to whom he was sending all of his money. Hearing him fondly describe his son as a “tiny terror” made you smile. 
Finally, you arrived, but instead of entering the shop, David directed you to the back of the building. Confused, you followed him. Standing there was an orc whittling a small block of wood. He had long, single-braided dark hair and bright eyes, dressed in a simple tunic and trousers, and a rucksack was set against the wall next to him. He was more slender than most orcs you’d ever seen, though he was tall and had tight, strappy muscles on his arms. He looked up as you approached, though he paused momentarily when he saw you, staring and slack-jawed. His eyebrows drew down into a small frown briefly, gone instantly, though you weren’t sure what that was about. The sight of a man you’d never met before, a physically powerful one at that, filled you with no small amount of terror. Being alone with two men who could easily overpower you made you even less comfortable.
“Who…?” You asked, turning to David.
“Don’t be afraid, Ms. Margaret. This is an associate of mine, Rourke,” David said.
“I… I don’t… What are we doing here, David?” You asked him, becoming very worried and starting to back away.
The orc named Rourke approached the two of you slowly as if approaching a skittish animal. 
“Are you Ms. Margaret? Miss Catherine’s mother?” He asked you, and your heart jumped into your throat. Forgetting your fear momentarily, you reached out desperately to clutch his arm.
“Is she alright? Is she safe? Where is she?”  
“She’s fine,” Rourke said reassuringly. “She’s married to the chief of the Willowshield Stronghold and being given the respect she’s due as the chieftain’s wife, so you have no reason to worry. We’re here to take you to her.” 
“Take me… I…” You hesitated and looked backward in the general direction of the Count’s manor, though it wasn’t in view. “We’re leaving now?” 
“Yes, ma’am,” Rourke said. “We have to move quickly. If we don’t leave now, we may not have another chance to leave without the Count knowing. I’m sure he’ll realize it sooner rather than later, but we can get a head start if we leave now.” 
Anxiety welled up in you, present at all times, but vastly more intense at the moment than normal. You’d never been outside of the city before and had no idea what to expect from the outside world, and you didn’t know these men at all nor have any reason to believe or trust them, but… your baby girl was out there. If there was any chance of seeing her again, you would have to place your trust in strangers.
“I didn’t bring my things,” You replied weakly. 
David reached into the large bag he’d brought with him and wrestled out a second smaller bag, which you recognized as your own carpet bag, where you kept your meager treasures. You had bought it ages ago when you first tried to leave the manor, but finding out you were with child had stopped you. As bad as the manor was, even though you were paid pennies, you were still paid. You were fed. There was a bed underneath you and a roof overhead. And… you didn’t know where else you could have gone, anyway. You had been there all your life.
Now… you had that chance. The chance to run. 
Looking up at the two men, tears of both fear and hope filling your eyes, and you nodded. 
The three of you managed to get out of the city wall before nightfall, but were forced to camp outside mere feet from it. The two men had set up a small but charming tent for you to use, though they themselves would be sleeping outside. As they went about setting up the camp, building the fire, and cooking an evening meal, you sat there for the first time with nothing in your hands, unsure of what to do. 
“Can I help with something?” You asked them. 
Rourke smiled at you kindly. “No, Ms. Margaret, we’ve got it well in hand. You rest your bones for a little while. We’ll take care of this.” 
Sitting still felt unnatural, but you sat and watched them bustle around. As David stirred the pot over the fire, Rourke retrieved a jar from his bags and came close. You resisted the urge to back away. 
“May I sit with you, Ms. Margaret?” He asked. When you nodded, he sat on an upturned log next to you. “This is an ointment our stronghold’s medicine woman made. It’s magic on bruises. Would you mind if I applied a little? That black eye looks nasty.”
“Oh,” You said, looking down to hide behind your hair a little. “Yes, alright.” 
“Look up for me, Ms. Margaret,” He said gently. 
Carefully, he pulled your hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ears. You looked up, surprised by how close he was. This close, you could see he had the prettiest deep brown eyes, glittering like stars in the flickering firelight. They were the same color as clean tilled earth, or savory soup that nourishes the body and soul, or a warm blanket of wool that keeps out the winter chill. They reminded you of every comforting thing you’d ever experienced in your lifetime. You found yourself blushing as those thoughts filled your head, trying to put them out of mind.
“I’m surprised you have a grown child, Ms. Margaret,” Rourke said. You assumed he was attempting to make small talk. 
“Why’s that?” 
“You look far too young. How old are you, if I might ask?” 
“Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a woman her age?”
“Is it?” He asked, tilting his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. That’s not something orc women care about. In fact, orc women like to brag about their age. Each year they live is a year they beat death. As much as we cherish the idea of dying honorably in battle, we also really like bragging.” 
You laughed. “I’m thirty-three.” 
“So young!” He said. “You were still just a girl when Mis Catherine was born, eh?” 
Your smile faded. “Fifteen, yes.” 
He clicked his tongue. “Far too young. I’m amazed you were able to raise a babe when you were hardly more than a babe yourself.” 
“Why, how old are you?” 
You pulled back to look at his face. “You're one to talk about not looking one’s age! You barely look out of your thirties! I can’t believe you’re almost twenty years older than I am.” 
He laughed. “Well, thank you for the compliment. My daughter complains that we look much more like siblings than parent and child, but I don’t know if that’s a compliment for me or self-deprecation for her.” 
“You have a daughter?” 
“Oh, yes,” Rourke said. “Just about the same age as Miss Catherine, in fact. She’s my pride and joy. Lost her mother when she was young, so it’s just been me and her ever since then.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” 
“It’s alright, Ms. Margaret. It was long ago now.” 
“Still. You have my sincerest sympathies.” 
“I appreciate it. This is pretty bad, by the way,” Rourke said, wincing in sympathy as he applied the ointment to your eye. “What happened?” 
“Oh, I…” You looked down and away, careful not to tilt your head out of his reach. “I… it… just happened.” 
He paused momentarily before continuing, regarding you soberly. 
“Does it ‘just happen’ often?” He asked softly.
“I… I’m a poor worker,” You said quietly. “I’m too slow and lazy, so… I require more… correction than the others do.”
He spread a little of the ointment on the split in your lip, his touch feather soft, before he sat back and gazed at you.
“I can’t claim you know you or your work ethic, Ms. Margaret,” He said. “But no one deserves this kind of punishment. That I do know.” 
You looked down and didn’t respond. 
Rourke sighed. “Do you know how to ride a horse?” 
You looked back up at him. “No.” 
“I thought so. We brought two horses with us, two of the fastest in the stronghold, but it seems like you’ll have to ride with one of us. Is that alright?” 
You nodded. “That’s fine. I just want to get back to my baby.” 
“She’s a lucky lady, to have a mother like you,” Rourke said with a smile. “She’ll be happy to see you. It’ll be a nice surprise.” 
“She doesn’t know I’m coming?” You asked. 
Rourke shook his head, his long ears waggling. “The Count tried to make Chief Akjan believe that Miss Catherine was a legitimate daughter of his, but Chief Akjan had a feeling there was more to the story than he was told, so he had us do some investigating.” He motioned at David. “David realized the true story from listening to the manor’s gossip. After observing you and sending word back, Akjan sent me to retrieve David and see if you were willing to make the journey with us. Although…” He glanced at your face again and sighed. “Seeing how bad things are, I shouldn’t have delayed so long. I should have been here sooner. I apologize for that.” Rourke took a bowl from David and handed it to you. “Here. David’s not a great cook, but it’ll be better than twigs, certainly.” 
“I cook better than you, you lout!” David said indignantly.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sure it’s fine.” 
Well, he hadn’t been lying: the meal was a little rough, basically just jerky boiled in water, but it was filling enough and made you feel warm inside. 
“We should sleep early,” Rourke said, holding his hand out to help you stand. “We’ll be getting up before dawn to go pick up the horses and start toward the stronghold.” 
“You didn’t have to put up a tent for me, I can sleep on the ground,” You told him, looking inside. It was just a bedroll on top of a riding blanket, but it looked charming and comfortable. 
“Nonsense!” Rourke said. “I’d never made a lady sleep on the cold, hard ground! No, no, you get in there and get comfy, I’ll be right outside keeping watch. Get yourself some rest, Ms. Margaret. Goodnight.” 
Ducking into the tent, you laid your tired body down on the bed and covered yourself, the aches in your body intensifying as you tried to relax. Once he saw that you were in the bed and down for the night, Rourke stationed himself at the mouth of the tent, his back to you, having a muted conversation with David that you couldn’t make sense of. Despite being outside of the city walls for the first time in your life and headed toward an uncertain future, seeing Rourke’s back blocking out the dangers of the world made you feel a strange sense of security. Almost immediately, you fell asleep. 
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They managed to make a trip that would normally take two weeks in a mere five days. They rode pretty hard for the first few days, though Margaret needed several breaks throughout the days in order to recover, since horse riding when you weren’t used to it could be quite punishing on the body. She was eternally grateful for that bruise ointment, which Rourke had gifted her.
Margaret rode with Rourke for most of the trip, since his horse was larger, but being in close proximity with men made her wildly uncomfortable. She simply had to swallow down her discomfort to make it to the end. 
For Catherine, She kept telling herself. I can do it for Catherine.
They eventually arrived in a town bustling with activity. It wasn’t anywhere close to being as busy as the city, but it was more lively and less noisy. Riding straight up the middle lane, they reached a tall wall made of wooden pikes and a large gate with sentries patrolling the top. 
“Here we are,” Rouke said. “Welcome to the Willowshield stronghold.” 
“Catherine is inside?” You asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” Rourke replied. “She’s just inside.” 
Hope and expectation welled up in your chest. “She’s just inside,” You repeated softly. 
Rourke chuckled a little, his breath stirring your hair. “Not long now.”
The doors of the gate opened slowly, and the interior of the stronghold revealed itself. There were cottages dotting the landscape, with two long bunkhouses to the left and right, a large building at the top of the hill, and in the very center right beyond the gates, a longhouse that seemed to serve as a town hall. The stronghold was just as bustling as the town outside, and despite being a closed community, it was far more inviting than any place you’d been yet. 
“We must report in to Chief Akjan,” Rourke said as he jumped down from the horse. He reached up to help you down, and then handed off the reins of the horse to a waiting horseboy. You were surprised that orcs had horseboys. “But you’ll be able to see your little girl right after.” 
You nodded and allowed Rourke to lead you into the longhouse. There, a large orc sat in the chair in the center of the room at the end of the fire trench. He wore a leather kilt, furs on his shoulders, and various leather straps. He was talking to David, who walked right up to an orc woman with a baby on her hip and gave her a long, deep kiss. You blushed.  
“Chief Akjan,” Rourke said. “She’s here.” 
“Ah, good,” Chief Akjan said, standing up and towering over you. Where Rourke was tall and lean as a whip, Chief Akjan was broad and massively muscled. “Are you Margaret?” 
You tried to answer, but your voice came out as a squeak. Clearing your throat, you replied, “Yes, I am.” 
Chief Akjan nodded. “Good. I’m glad you’re here. Catherine will be happy to see you.” 
“If you’ll pardon me, Sir,” You asked him shyly. “You’re the one married to Catherine, aren’t you?” 
Chief Akjan shrugged. “Yes and no,” He replied. “We have a contract, but it can be revoked at any moment. She’s under no obligation to stay with me, nor am I beholden to her. We may part ways as friends whenever we wish.” 
Your head rocked back in surprise; you’d never heard of an arrangement like that before. 
“Is she well?” 
“Better than she was at the Count’s estate, I’d wager,” He said, snorting, but upon seeing your anxious face, he answered more seriously. “She’s just fine, ma’am. We’ve been taking good care of her, I swear to you. Shall I fetch her for you?” 
“Oh, please do,” You begged. “I’m so anxious to see her.” 
“I’ll return shortly, then. Wait here.” 
Chief Akjan turned and exited through a side door, and you rung your hands in anticipation, resisting the urge to bounce on your heels like a child. 
“Excited?” Rourke asked, smiling. 
“I just want to be sure she’s alright,” You said. “I can endure anything if my child is happy.” 
Rourke’s smile widened in a fond way. “You’re a good mama.” 
You blushed and looked away. 
“Hopefully, you won’t have to endure anything from now on,” Rourke said, pointing. “Look alive.” 
You spun on your heel, elated. Catherine was standing there, looking healthier and brighter than you had ever seen her, wearing simple but well-made clothing, and every ounce of anxiety in your body evaporated. 
“My baby!” You exclaimed, running forward to throw your arms around her. “Oh, my darling, I’m so sorry!” 
She clutched you, quietly crying into your hair. Oh, you had missed her so.
“It’s alright, Mother. Are you alright?” She asked, pulling back to look at the fading bruises on your face. They were almost gone, but the presence of them surely made Catherine feel worried. You could see it on her face.
“I’m fine, honey, I’m just fine,” You insisted. “David and Rourke have been taking good care of me.”
She released you and looked at the men you had pointed to. “They have? What do you mean? How did you get here?”
“I sent them to collect her,” Akjan said, stepping forward. “I had a feeling there was more to the story that you and the Count hadn't told me, so I sent David to do some reconnaissance. It didn’t take long for the full story to reveal itself, so I sent Rourke to retrieve her. Problem solved.”
Catherine’s face showed worry, relief, and a little bit of disappointment. “Thank you, Akjan. I will be in your debt for as long as I live. Are you going to send us to Willowridge?”
He shook his head grimly, crossing his arms. “No. We know that the Count must be aware that your mother has disappeared by now and may have guessed the stronghold’s involvement. Our intelligence suggests he’s gathering soldiers to march on Willowshield to either get his horse deal or take you and your mother back. It’ll be safer for you and your mother to stay within the walls of the stronghold.”
Catherine’s hand went to her mouth in shock. “Oh, god. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize the Count would cause this much trouble for you.”
Akjan shrugged, as though an invasion by a noble was no cause for concern.
“We’ve been attacked for far less. Don’t worry, it won’t be an issue.” He addressed you directly. “Welcome to Willowshield, madam.”
You bowed your head and nodded shyly. “Thank you very much, Chief Akjan.”
"Rourke, have the girls show Ms. Margaret to the bunkhouse."
Rourke nodded. “This way, Ms. Margaret. Miss Catherine will join you shortly. She and the Chief need to have a heart to heart.” He began guiding you toward the back door and outside.
“Is she in trouble?” You asked fretfully, allowing yourself to be led.
“Not at all! Just some husband and wife business, that’s all. Never you worry.” 
You weren’t sure about that, but you had no choice but to believe him. Rourke had been positively enthusiastic since the moment you met him, upfront and honest and the picture of gentlemanly chivalry. His open and friendly nature had gotten past your inner defenses, and you’d go so far as to consider him something of a friend. David was good natured and friendly as well, but you’d never felt as close to him as you ended up feeling to Rourke. There was just something about Rourke that wouldn’t allow you to ignore him.
Rourke led you to a communal pavilion where there were several women doing fiber arts, weaving and spinning and knitting. One of them, a tall woman in trousers, stood up and came close. 
“Ms. Margaret, this is Erin, Chief Akjan’s sister-in-law,” He said. “She’ll take care of you until Miss Catherine finishes up with the chief.” 
“Ah, you’re Miss Catherine’s mama!” Erin said, holding out her hand. “So good to meet you! We’ve been waiting for you.” 
You took her hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Erin.” 
“Oh, she’s just like Miss Catherine,” Erin said. “Shy and sweet. They’ll love you around here.” 
“Hey!” Rourke said in a warning tone. Erin raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t respond. Clearing his throat, Rourke turned to you. “I have to give a debrief to the chief and report to my superior now. If you should ever need me for anything, my normal job is as a gate guard, so if you go down to the gate and ask for me, I’ll be at your disposal. Any time. Alright?” 
You nodded. “Alright.” 
He seemed reluctant to leave, but he started walking backwards. 
“Until then.” 
You smiled. “Until then.” 
With a bright parting grin, he turned and trotted off, his long braid swinging back and forth. 
“My goodness,” Erin said. “You and Miss Catherine certainly have a way about you, don’t you?” 
You tilted your head in confusion. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” 
Erin shook her head and laughed. “It’s nothing. Let’s get you set up with a bunk. Things are about to get… busy soon.” 
The way she phrased that made you feel a little tense, but she pulled you forward to meet the other women in the group, all of whom were welcoming and kind. Erin took you up to the bunkhouse, where you claimed two beds, one for you and one for Catherine. Erin informed you that, now that you had arrived and the Count had nothing to hold over her, Chief Akjan and Catherine no longer needed to keep up appearances and the marriage would be dissolved. Worried, you asked if that meant that she’d be kicked out, but Erin assured you that wasn’t the case. 
“The chief wouldn’t do that,” Erin said. She leaned in and whispered, “Between you and me, Akjan likes her too much to send her away. My prediction is that they won’t be apart for long.” 
“Oh,” You said, surprised. 
Erin laughed. “Come on, she’d be done with the chief now, let’s collect her and catch up. I’m sure she’s dying to tell you everything.” 
Allowing yourself to be dragged back to the pavilion, you saw Catherine standing there, looking around for you, and smiled. For the first time in your life, you felt like you were right where you were meant to be.
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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necronatural · 4 months
Limbus Company theory
Okay, I have absolutely no idea if anyone's noted this yet. Did anyone pick up that the Sinners are held down by a Sin, represented in their EGO, and their Canto are about their struggles against another sin entirely. The branch creates a space for 'penance'. When Rodya entered the field of effect of the branch, Baba Yaga went crazy, freezing the entire mine. There's clearly some paralleling at work here.
So let's go through.
Gregor, Canto 1: Sloth V Gluttony (survival); note that this expedition failed, and we later explore Sloth with Yi Sang
Rodion, Canto 2: Pride V Gloom; note that Rodya refused to actualize
Sinclair, Canto 3: Gluttony (Greed) V Lust
Yi Sang, Canto 4: Sloth V Gluttony (greed); Dante's resonance begins
Ishmael, Canto 5: Gloom V Envy; Dante's resonance progresses
When we look at the dominant sins of the remainder...
Heathcliff, Canto 6: Envy...
Don Quixote, Canto 7: Lust…
Hong Lu, Canto 8: Gloom…
Ryoshu, Canto 9: Wrath…
Meursault, Canto 10: Pride…
Outis, Canto 11: Pride…
Faust, Canto 12: Pride…
Dante, Canto ?: ????
Sins not confronted yet: Sloth, Pride, Wrath
Sinner sins left to explore: Envy, Wrath, Lust (If we're talking strictly what progressed Dante's clock, Gluttony & Pride)
Assuming Dante's doomsday clock setting is moving in 5 minute intervals, Dante currently has 2 positions left on their clock; 5 minutes to midnight and midnight itself. It's made almost explicit that their resonance with sinners is the tool with which they resonate with the branches. By obtaining each sin, they're building to some sort of complete whole.
Predictions based on this theory; Pride being so back-heavy probably means we're going to scramble for branches with Hermann. It gives the impression that for whatever reason Pride is necessary, which is interesting.
My own theory: Rodya says she'll settle in the cold [Gloom] for a little longer, and Sonya says she doesn't have the mark. I'd say this might mean Rodya hasn't sufficiently resonated. Sonya may have tried to bait her in hopes of getting better results in this regard.
This may mean ...
The last few Cantos will be a losing streak (LOL)
Someone who hasn't cleansed themselves of their opposing sin/formed the mark of cain will get the branch; I'd imagine this person shares sins with Dante, Vergilius, or Charon, who I believe are probably Envy, Wrath, and Lust respectively (OOP @ WHO WE'RE MISSING ⬆️)
In that respect Vergilius V Sloth, Charon V Pride, Dante V Wrath. I even think the wrath Dante is opposed to could be Vergilius
Very notable there's only 3 sins missing; it could be possible we already have Dante's branch; they were very obviously part of the group of Cain Marked, and again, their clock started at 25-to-midnight and just kind of sat there for a little while. It's also possible it didn't move until Yi Sang because their sin was Gluttony (ambiguous manifestation)? If Hermann also represents Lust ..... Think about it
Rodya's refusal of the call of Cain might become plot-relevant, just as our failure to observe what happened to Gregor on the myth arc timeline of 3 years ago and relationship with the Big Bad makes it obvious he's going to be a core character in the future. We can tell based on those who have the mark of Cain that he just doesn't have the chops, so mayhaps their mutual exclusion will be a surprise tool that will help us later.
And of course, my theories for the sins that weigh down our remaining Sinners: Heathcliff V Sloth, Don Quixote V Wrath, and Ryoshu V Pride. I predict all the Prides share Rodya's opposing force, which is Gloom; we see this in the books these characters are based on, with Meursault's despair of being sentenced to death being overcome by his Pride, Outis putting herself through grueling trials for the sake of returning to her family, and Faust beginning with suicidal depression leading to her pride creating(summoning) Mephistopheles.
I think it would be pretty funny if Dante was Gretchen's evil baby. Or that Gretchen might have been their previous self, manipulated into giving birth to Dante (extremely vulnerable and exploitable state), which they will be disgusted by and put to death. How many representations of the Divine Feminine in classic literature can Dante represent any% speedrun
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billthedrake · 1 month
I tried not to go wild. I still was married and still had my normal corporate guy life in Kansas City.
But doing porn turned out to be addictive. It was the combination of a deep exhibitionist streak I was discovering in myself and the access to incredibly hot men willing to suck me or get fucked by my big tool. It made me feel like a total stud... less middle-aged, I guess.
And work trips were the perfect cover. I really was doing the road warrior thing for my company, so I wasn't lying to Kate THAT much. But I did sometimes add a night to my travels.
Like the week after Easter. I had a business trip to Denver, but I added an extra evening and squeezed in a quick connector flight to San Francisco on my dime with miles. Muscle Pup Mike, my son's friend and escort/pornstar buddy, set me up with a versatile OnlyFans star there. I shot two scenes with him, actually, one oral, one with me masked as we had a nice, long 50-minute fuck scene. I didn't feel a deep chemistry with Kevin, aka "Jeff Reed," but I felt a deep chemistry with the two cameras that were on us. Besides, sex with a muscular 28-year-old hunk was hard to beat.
Turns out, the next night would beat it. I flew to Denver bright and early in the morning and had my sales meeting all day. I was rolling my business-style carry on into my hotel room right around dinner. I undid my tie and sat down to unlace my shoes before calling Kate to check in.
Yeah, I felt pretty bad knowing I was stepping out behind her back. I'd deal with that guilt later. Either stopping porn cold turkey or making a break or separation with my wife. At this point I wasn't ready to do either.
I wasn't a frequent poster, but managed a video every 2-3 weeks. And I had a growing following of fans willing to pay a modest subscription for just that. Sure, I got some comments complaining that I never took my mask off, but apparently I had the body and blond-furred looks a lot of guys went for. And my cock size helped - a lot. I was careful about not talking on camera, or I just edited those parts out, but I'd learned to be verbal with my grunts, to show appreciation for my sucker/bottom and to let viewers get that thrill. It worked.
I sat, alone in that quiet hotel room, thinking just how wild my double life had become, and I fiddled with my phone again. Chicago was an hour ahead and now would probably be a good time to call. I pulled up Travis's contact and FaceTimed him.
"Hey Dad," my son greeted.
"Hey," I said, leaning back and feeling my boner ride up in the crotch of my trousers. "I didn't catch you at a bad time, I hope?"
"Nah," he said. "Just getting back from the gym." Indeed, he had a workout zip-up on and I could see the familiar kitchen from his condo in the back.
"All sweaty?" I teased.
That got a laugh out of my son. He was surprised how horny I was sometimes, how much I'd leaned into this weird affair we had going on. "Something like that. How'd your shoot go?"
"Real well," I replied. "Kevin is a real professional. Made it easy."
"Just a professional?" Travis asked, with a teasing smile on his cute face.
"Just fucking," I said. "Not a ton of chemistry, I'm afraid, but I think I got some good footage for the next two vids." I'd always sent Travis the digital files via encryption, and he did the editing magic on the material. As amazing as my son was at being on-screen talent, he also had a knack for making great porn behind the camera.
"Don't take this the wrong way, Dad," he said. "But I think you're a natural adult performer."
I smiled. "Is that what the kids call it?" I joked.
That made my son laugh. I loved seeing and hearing his laugh. "OK... you're a natural porn star, Dad.... You know, it's really hot to say that. I get so hard watching you perform, you know."
My throat got dry. Travis knew how to work me up. "Jesus, Trav. You have no idea how much I've watched your videos."
That made my son laugh again, those dimples forming. "I have a pretty good idea, Dad. You've told me before."
"I lied," I teased. "I figured if I told you the real number, you'd get freaked out."
"Turned on is more like it, Dad," Travis said. "Why don't you show me how much you like em. You hard now?"
"Rock hard," I said. I turned the phone down to show off the rod forming a ridge in my trousers.
"Fuck," Travis hissed. "My dad has a real porn star dick. I have a shoot in a couple of hours. I'll definitely be thinking of your cock."
"Who's it with?" I asked. This was the wild phase Trav and I were at now. Father and son, lovers, flirts, and professional colleagues in the adult entertainment business.
"Bud and Spike," he said. I recognized the screen names of two muscle daddies from Dallas, into the more hardcore stuff.
I made a wince of an expression. "Go easy with those guys, buddy," I said. "For real." I felt strangely protective of my son. Which was weird, because in general he was the one looking out for me as I began doing porn more regularly.
Travis smiled. "I will, Dad. Promise. We're planning a more vanilla scene than they normally do." He gave me a wink. "Listen, I gotta go get ready, actually."
"All right, buddy," I said. I wished we had time for some phone sex because just talking to Travis was turning me on big time. "I can't wait to see your scene. And I'll be in Chicago in a couple of weeks. We'll catch up then, OK?"
"You bet, Dad," he said. "Love ya."
"Love ya, too, Big Guy."
We hung up.
I let out a hiss of air. I was horny now. Turns out "Jeff Reed" hadn't drained me. I did have a back up idea. There was some University of Colorado kid who'd been emailing me on the anon account Travis set up for me and linked to my OnlyFans. Call me a narcissist, but I'd been eating up the fan mail, and something about this college dude Bryan won me over. Maybe it was the pics he sent. Cute as fuck, brown haired, boy-next-door looks. And the nude pics that showed a surprisingly built body for a college kid - either a jock or someone who hit the college gym regularly. Smooth body with just a dusting of a treasure trail, creamy white skin, washboard abs, hard cock, amazing bubble ass.
Or maybe it was the request that I hit him up if I was ever in the Denver area.
So far I'd only done pro-amateur porn stars in the OF circuit my son and MusclePup Mike worked in. Some of it was the self-justification that it wasn't fully emotional cheating, just porn I was doing. Some of it was caution. All the arrangements went through Mike and because of my mask, no one knew my identity.
But I was horny now and sent this Bryan kid a message. I didn't expect a reply, but it was worth a shot. I set down my phone and undressed to take a quick shower. It was only 6:30, but it had been a long day.
There was a message waiting for me. "God yes, man," Bryan wrote. "I could be there in about an hour and a half," he wrote. Then almost nervously, there was a follow up. "God, I must seem overly eager. But fuck you're so hot. Let me know what works for you."
"How bout 8:30?" I typed back and gave my hotel name and room number. I wanted to get some food in me.
"Awesome. Yeah. See you soon," came the almost immediate reply.
I had only business casual clothes packed, so I got dressed to grab a bite at a restaurant near my hotel. I got back to my room with about ten minutes to spare. I brushed my teeth and checked my appearance in the mirror. I wasn't crazy about getting older, I had to admit, but I could see the "DILF" look that Travis and Mike were always raving about. Well-preserved was the expression, I suppose.
I was actually a little nervous when I heard the knock. I had no business fooling around with a guy like this. Not making a porn vid but actually having a cheating hook up. The messed up thing is that most guys would consider the videos a worse infraction, but this felt naughtier in a way.
Bryan looked great. Better than great. He was cuter than his pictures, and I think his nerves made him more attractive to me. He forced a smile but was shaking.
"Hey," he said.
"Hey," I smiled. "Come in, bud."
He was shorter than me, and his size made his collegiate muscle look more compact on his build. Maybe not collegiate wrestler exactly, but definitely that wrestler body type. A little thick, even. MusclePup Mike would have called him a twunk.
"I didn't know what you'd look like," Bryan said softly. His gray eyes were taking me in.
I remembered now he'd never seen me outside of my videos, all masked up. "You came over anyway," I observed.
"Oh yeah," he enthused. "You're my favorite porn star, hands down." He blushed but didn't stop gushing. "You probably know this... I guess most guys don't pay to watch your videos, but I subscribed to your site so I could email you."
"For real?" I laughed.
"Yeah," Bryan replied, that nervous smile growing bigger. "You're not on Twitter or Insta," he explained. His eyes swept up and down my frame. "God, you're even hotter in person. I knew you'd be hot, but... wow."
I was eating up his flattery. "You're not so bad yourself, buddy... bring it in..." I held up my arms to gesture him to come in for a kiss. He did. He was nervous and that turned me on for some reason. But once we started making out, Bryan got real into it, meeting my tongue with his, before practically sucking me into his mouth.
His hands were feeling it up, tentatively at first, then all over. He chuckled as he pulled back so he could feel me up better. I stood there and let his hands roam over my button-down shirt and the gym-toned muscle underneath. At that moment I was VERY glad for the personal trainer Travis set me up with.
"I hope you don't mind my saying," Bryan said, "But it's so wild to be with a porn star."
"Don't mind at all, buddy," I hissed. I was now experiencing the other thrill of doing porn. I knew I was into the exhibitionism of it all, but now I was feeling the hero worshop, the adoration of a young guy like this. I was rock hard.
He gulped as I reached down to undo my khakis, unzipping them and reaching in to haul out my dong. "I guess you really like my cock, then, huh?" I growled.
This wasn't me. At least it wasn't Brad Connors. Married father of three. Road warrior corporate guy. But being MaskedDaddy gave me the sexual confidence and freedom to be someone else.
"Fuck yeah," Bryan gasped as he saw my prick. "That cock's so fucking big..." His eyes were wide, taking in my size before he looked up at me. "OK, if I touch it?"
"I'd be disappointed if you didn't, buddy," I said. "That's why you came over isn't it?"
He nodded, like a chastised kid. Then tentatively he stepped in again and reached forward, like he was afraid of being branded by a hot poker. But once his fingers made contact, the hesitation was gone. The college dude circled his fingers and round me, griping my hardon and gently stroking a couple inches of it to get a feel of the girth and heft. "You don't know how much I've jerked off to your videos," he said. "I wasn't gonna admit to that you, but fuck...." His voice was heavy in his ragged breathing but still had that frat-bro collegiate kind of tone.
"I think we talked about you sucking that dick," I grunted. In our texts, Bryan had offered a blow job, and his presence now was making me really want this. In a surprising way, his realness was making me click with the college kid more than I did with a megahot porn star. Maybe it was the opposite of what Bryan was feeling, where he was living out his porn dream.
"Yeah," he nodded. But he gave me a sheepish shrug. "I, um, don't have a lot of experience."
I patted his cheek. "Give it your best, bud. Please. Daddy's really fucking horny." Yep, this was porn me talking, but it was the magic words for Bryan, who couldn't get down on his knees fast enough.
The young stud actually whimpered as he pulled my dick to his face and began licking it. It was slobbery and impetuous, and his attempt to take me into mouth was more urgent than skilled.
"Easy, buddy..." I urged as he choked a little on my size. "Daddy's got a big cock... take your time."
He nodded and moaned around my prick, flashing those gray eyes up, a little teary. Fuck.
I wouldn't say he got the hang of, but he got a lot more comfortable. Slowly, he sucked me, a few inches at a time, working up the focus to get an extra one back into his throat. The young dude was so excited to blow me, and I was loving this. Slowly I stroked his hair and encouraged him. "That's it, sport... you don't need the training wheels do ya? You go right for the big ones. OH FUCK, that feels nice."
"Yeah?" Bryan asked as he spit out my cock and swallowed the excess spit. I could tell he wanted to make sure he was sucking me right, but more than that he struck me as a young man who craved positive feedback in sex.
"You're doing great, buddy," I said.
There was something about this connection which was night and day different than "Jeff Reed." Bryan was a real guy, a college stud eager for me and not just playing out sex for the camera. And yet...
"You interested in filming this, Bryan? It's SO hot to watch you, buddy."
I could see two reactions in his face at once. A fearful shock at the idea. And an excitement to even consider it. "Oh man," he responded, not giving me a hint which one was the bigger emotion.
I slowly stroked my rod in front of his face, working in his spit over my dong and letting it get steel hard for his gaze. I had toyed with using viagra for my shoots, but even with my size I didn't have an issue getting real hard erections like this. I just loved sex too much.
"If it helps, I packed a spare mask," I offered.
Maybe another dude would have wondered why I had a mask with me, much less more than one mask. But Bryan had been used to seeing me in one, so maybe it just seemed normal to him.
"This is crazy," he said, his fearful look breaking into a smile.
"Is that a yes or a no?" I asked, gently tapping his cheek with my dong.
"Yes," he muttered excitedly before taking ne into his mouth once more.
I let him work me for a few seconds then pulled back. I went to my carryon back and retrieved the masks. I wouldn't need one, I suppose, but I tossed both over Bryan's way while I got my portable tripod, a compact digital camera, and a spare cameraphone, an old Iphone I used for extra handheld footage.
I was worried I was killing the mood setting everything up and fiddling with the lights. But I loved shooting porn, and if anything my dick was harder in anticipation with shooting a different kind of scene. Me with an amateur costar. Even if Bryan wasn't an experienced I just knew this would be a hot video. And if not, I'd enjoy jerking off to it.
Fortunately, Bryan seemed excited too. I could see the excitement in his eyes, even behind the mask. He'd taken his shirt off, maybe to be less identifiable but was on his knees still, hands braced on his thighs. "I can't believe I'm going to be in one of your vids," he said. Yeah, the dude was into this.
I sauntered back, my dick leading the way. "If you're not comfortable with the results, we don't have to post anything," I said, remembering how important that veto power was for my comfort level for my first vid with my son. "Otherwise, I'll take this as your consent."
"Got it," he nodded.
The second his lips touched my prick again, I let out a gasp. He looked up at me, excited, and I took in his green eyes looking up through the mask holes. I pointed the phone camera at him to capture that. I wasn't gonna shoot that angle the whole time, since I preferred to enjoy getting head instead of playing cameraman the whole time. But the snapshots of him looking up would add to the effect.
Bryan's technique wasn't better this time, but his enthusiasm had tripled, at least. I set down the phone and eased my stance back, my posture upright. I was still in my business casual attire as this horny college kid blew me. I urged him to go slower at first with a quick deep grunt.
I heard the guy moan around my meat as something relaxed in his throat and he was able to more steadily take more of my dong into his throat. Working me up and down, I reached behind his head and massaged his scalp through the mask, gently urging him deeper.
"Yes," I choked in response. "Suck me." I'd gotten pretty good at deguising my voice. Using my porn voice. "Suck Daddy."
That did it. Bryan pulled off for a quick breath, then descended all the way down. I'm a big guy, and even some of the OnlyFans studs had a hard time swallowing my sword. But they weren't feeling the crazy sexual thrill this kid was.
He held a second then it was too much, and he pulled off with a sputtering cough. I could see his eyes watering even through the mask holes.
"Sorry," he breathed, as he tried to regain composure.
"It's OK... take your time," I said in my normal voice. Travis would have to edit that out. All for the best. I gave Bryan a second to catch his breath and then I leaned down and met him for a sensual kiss.
"You're doing real good," I said. Then leaning up, I offered my hard dong again. It had gone down a little, but was still pretty heavy. "Ready for more?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yeah," he said, his gray eyes looking back up at me.
His mouth on me got me rock hard once more. I pulled out some to let the camera catch my full hardon, then pushed back in between his wet lips. Bryan was novice, but that was OK. I was turned on from a change of pace from the OnlyFans dudes. This was a real guy, young and eager. I let him suck and get into sucking.
"Yeah," I grunted, I ran my fingers through his hair again and took the chance to push him down on my meat some more.
Byran was up for the challenge. He grunted around my prick but his throat relaxed and swallowed more of my thickness.
I started cumming. I wanted to ride out the orgasm in his college kid's throat but instead I pulled out and shot a couple of jets onto his mask and his lips before pushing back in just a few inches to let him suckle the remaining dribbles of semen.
I caught my breath a half second then picked up the cameraphone again. I hadn't taken too much handheld footage, so now I got a good view of Bryan slurping on my sated meat, licking up and down and outright worshipping my cock. Thankfully I wasn't too sensitive after nutting, and even if I lost a little of my rigidity, my dick kept a heavy firm meatiness that looked good.
I finally pulled back and turned both cameras off. "You were amazing, buddy," I said with a smile.
Already Bryan was pulling his mask off. I was glad. The guy was real fucking cute. "Dream come true for me," he said.
I could tell he was still horned up and at full sexual arousal from servicing me. "Get on the bed, kiddo," I urged. "Lie back."
He didn't seem to know what was going on but he complied. His body was shaking some as I undid his jeans and yanked them down.
"What are we gonna do?" he asked with some apprehension. Still he raised each leg to let me pull off his jeans. And his boxers showed a thick boner beneath the cotton.
"Your turn to get off," I said, not really answering his question.
Still, Bryan nodded and hooked his thumbs in the elastic of his boxers to slide them down. I let him take them off as I stepped into the bathroom to get lube out of my toiletties bag.
Bryan was now lying back on the bed, fully naked, his creamy white muscle looking even better than I anticipated now that he was stripped nude.
"You an athlete?" I asked as I flipped open the cap on the lube.
Bryan's eyes were nervously only the lube. I think I knew what he was worried about, and a part of me enjoyed playing with his nervousness. I'll give him credit, he put on a brave face as his eyes met mine to answer me. "Yeah. Wrestling.""
My guess had been spot on. "It shows," I said. "You have an amazing body."
"Thanks," he said, watching me get on the bed, me making a show of drizzling some lube on his hardon. His dick twitched, untouched, he was so turned on. "You have more the football build."
"Baseball was my sport," I answered. "And golf. But my trainer has helped me bulk up."
"You're my fantasy," he said softly. "The whole package. None of the guys know I'm into this, though." I could read in his face that he wasn't sure if he should be getting emotionally open like this.
I patted his thigh and set down the lube on the night stand with my other hand. I was fully dress, with my cock sticking out of the fly of my khakis still. I wasn't sure I wanted to get off again, but I knew I could. Bryan was hot as fuck, and I was grooving on his clear attraction to me.
"A shame," I winked, trying to make the conversation sexy again. "Maybe you could have some fun. With you coach, too."
That got a laugh from him. Bryan had a sexy smile. "I've definitely thought of Coach. A lot."
I rubbed his legs some more more, outright caressing them now. His quads were solid as fuck, hard brawn that contrasted with the soft collegiate fur. I copped a feel of his ball sac, lightly haired and ran my fingers up the lubey length of his shaft.
"Lift your legs, bud," I urged, my tone friendly even as my words were commanding.
He got that deer in the headlights look. "I've never done this," Bryan said softly.
I had a good idea what he meant. "You a virgin?" I asked. My eyes doing their best friendly look I could manage as I played with his hard dick and his balls. Not stroking him, more exploring his rigid younger dick. Getting him excited to play more.
"For fucking, yeah..." he replied. "Sorry."
I don't think I realized till then how much I wanted to tap this hot wrestler's ass. Maybe his innocence was fueling some of my desire, too. "Not gonna do anything you're not ready for buddy," I said. "Come on, just lift your legs for Daddy."
Maybe that was the magic word, because Bryan leaned back and raised his legs up.
"You can pull em back," I instructed, taking a good look before leaning forward and crouching down.
"Holy FUCK!" the kid gasped at the first swipe of my tongue. His hair down there was light, and I enjoyed the contrast with hairier guys or even the OnlyFans dudes who shaved smooth. It was a delight to lick up and down the trench and then focus more on his tight pucker.
"Jesus," Bryan gasped. He wasn't naturally verbal, but I could tell his mind was being blown. Surprised, maybe a little ticklish but he definitely loved getting rimmed.
I pulled back. That ring was drum tight all right. It made me realize I'd never eaten out a cherry hole before. My son's certainly wasn't virgin. "Go ahead and stroke off," I urged. I relished the ability to speak in my normal voice now that the cameras were off, even as some of my Masked Daddy persona came out anyway. "I want you to come kiddo."
I watched as he excitedly gripped his boner and start to stroke it. Then I dove back in. Not just rimming but fully eating him out, munching the tightness of his asshole.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck," the kid gasped. I knew his orgasm was starting. I held onto the back of his meaty thighs and even pushed back a little to angle him perfectly to got to town with my tongue and my sucking mouth.
"NMNGGH!" came the grunt of his cum. Bryan's whole body was tensing up and I knew he was giving up his load in a big way.
Indeed as I pulled back I saw that beautiful creamy white wrestler muscle sprayed with splotches of his sperm. I began licking it up off his abs and chest, saving it in my mouth before I finally met him in a kiss to share it.
The snowballing caught him by surprise but he was way into it, accepting his own cum then pushing it back into my mouth, our tongues working it back and forth and frothing it up with our own saliva.
He had a big, content smile on his face when finally parted, swallowing what little seed was left on our tongues. "I thought..." he started then stopped himself.
"I know, buddy," I said. I patted his chest gently. "I won't lie... I came THIS close to pushing your boundaries."
He nodded, emotionally raw. I could tell he half wanted me to. But only half. "I know. I don't know how, but I could tell."
His hand reached up and ran along my arm through my button down shirt. "I'll probably be kicking myself for not going all the way. But I wasn't ready," he said.
"It was all great, buddy," I assured him.
"I should go," he said. "I got a long drive back to Boulder."
I pulled back and gave him one last pat as I eyed up his nakedness one more time. Bryan was the real deal. Not a "jock" for pay. I felt a strange emotional connection even with the sexual chemistry. I'd have to process why I was feeling that.
For now, I let him up and I went to piss while he got dressed again. When I stepped back from the bathroom, he was mostly dressed again, and had a dreamy, moody expression.
"Thanks for that... fuck I don't even know your name."
"Will 'Daddy' do?" I asked with a wink.
"Guess it will have to," he said with resignation. "You've made my dream come true."
I stepped up for a final kiss, then I showed him to the hotel room door.
I was glad Bryan didn't sleep over. I needed a good rest and I had a busy schedule with my client visit the next day.
It felt like naughty fun messaging Bryan when I got a chance, though. It started off with "had a great time" kind of texts, but Bryan admitted how he wished he'd gone all the way.
"Maybe if you're in town again, I'll have the courage," he admitted.
"I'm in town another night if you manage to get that courage, kiddo."
There was silence on his end. Like an hour and a half before I got another text, and even then it was a half hour before I had a break after my afternoon presentation.
"Sorry," Bryan wrote. "Was in class and my prof goes apeshit if we're on our phones LOL."
I texted. "I worried I'd spooked you."
This time the reply was quicker. "Dude, you don't know how horny I've been all day. You're definitely not spooking me."
I bit my lip and looked around. I probably looked like I was doing business texts on my phone. But fuck I was getting horny too. Somehing about this Bryan kid got under my skin. "Is that a yes?" I wrote. "You gonna give me your cherry?"
I was pushing boundaries now for sure, but Bryan seemed up for it now, more than the previous night. "I wanna. Yeah."
"Daddy wants to get in your hole SO bad, buddy." Then, "I'll go easy on you."
"God yes," came his reply. "I'm hard as fuck now."
God this was gonna happen. One more boundary to push. "Will you let me fuck you on camera?"
There was a pause now. Then, "Masked?"
"As you like," I wrote, almost hoping Bryan wouldn't wear one, even if I knew he would. To coax him, I added, "I'll tell you my first name if you let me film us."
"Deal. LOL."
I looked up. Folks were filing back into the conference room. I hoped my chubbed cock wouldn't show. "I gotta go. But maybe plan for 8:30? I have a work dinner before."
"God yes. I can't believe we're going to do this."
"We're going to do it, Kiddo." I assured him. "I want you so bad."
I got a blushing emoji in return and had to smile. "All right," he wrote. "Talk later."
I went into my meeting and was able to get my mind off Bryan's creamy smooth wrestler build and his cherry hole. Somehow.
I checked my messages after we wrapped up, before heading off to a business dinner. It was close to my hotel thankfully and these things never ran late. I hoped to see a message from Bryan, but there was nothing.
I did google some instructions for preparing to bottom. With the OnlyFans guys and my own son, that routine was down pat, but a newbie like Bryan could use some guidance, and I wanted the ease and comfort of topping a clean hole. I forwarded the site to Bryan.
I held off to one glass of wine during dinner. I wanted a clear head for later. By 7:40 I'd paid the check on my corporate card and bid good night to my client contacts. I had to laugh at myself by how excited I was to get back to my hotel. I did have time to stop at an office supply store and pick up a spare small camera. I figured this scene would be worth the extra vantage point.
Bryan texted when he was on his way. I stripped down from my business clothes and hung them up in the closet. I was rock hard already, and dripping in anticipation. I hadn't felt this excited since my last time with my son. I took a quick shower and put on the plush hotel robe, tying it to cover up my midsection.
I spent the rest of the time setting up the cameras. The lighting wasn't perfect but it was enough.
The knock made me realize I was a little nervous myself. I'd gotten comfortable doing porn, maybe a little too comfortable, but taking Bryan's cherry felt like a certain responsibility. I wanted it to be an incredible experience for him, and I was realizing I was totally green when it came to easing a guy out of his virginity.
Still, the sight of him made my heart beat. He was just so fucking cute and hunky. Particularly was we realized each other was nervous.
"Hey, Daddy," he said stepping in.
"Brad," I said. "You can call me Brad. Or Daddy," I smirked.
Our kiss was soft, surprisingly soft given the act we were about to do.
"You good for his, buddy?" I asked, running my hands along his outer arms.
He nodded. "I'm nervous as hell, but I'll be kicking myself if I don't do it."
"You feel like stripping down?" I asked. "There's a mask for you on the table."
I pulled mine on and then went around made sure all the cameras were on. I was pleased to see Bryan's naked body, that thick muscle lean and compact with just a dusting of hair. God, even with that build he looked every bit the 20 year old he was. Like I say, the real deal.
And I was doubly pleased to see him throwing hard. That thick five spike standing up from his lightly furred crotch, nerves notwithstanding. I watched him pull on his mask. It was a shame the viewers wouldn't see how cute he was but his body rounded out that college jock look for sure.
I pointed the camera at him. "So... we're about to have sex for a video that will be released through OnlyFans. Do you agree for me to share what I film?"
I half expected some questions, but he just nodded. "Yes."
"Good boy," I said with a laugh. That made Bryan chuckle, too, which made me glad. "Why don't you lie on the bed, face down?"
I could sense his nervousness. Maybe he anticipated face to face for his first time. "Don't worry buddy, I'll ease you into this."
He nodded silently and then complied, walking over to the hotel bed, while I filmed him with his natural jock gait. It was hot as fuck, seeing him strut and that ass of his work. Then his full body stretching out face down.
The other cameras would get a good angle - one angled on each side nightstand, the other from behind where I stood, just a little off to the side. I held the camera phone as I stepped closer, letting the camera rove over his strong back and amazing ass, up and down his legs. Maybe more jock-worship footage than we'd use, but Travis could work his magic.
Finally, I stepped back and propped the camera phone off to the side. maybe it would work for another angle. Bryan turned back to look at me, and I got off on how his back muscle flexed with his motion. Stepping up, I ran my hands along his calves, working up the length as I climbed on the bed.
I knew I'd be in good view of the cameras now as I kissed from one side of his hamstrings to the other knotted leg. I took my time working my way up.
Bryan was ready for the rim job now. Hiking his ass up, he parted his legs enough to let me in. My hands gripped his buns and did the rest.
The college kid's sigh was deep and sexual as I began licking. I wanted to put on a show. I loved rimming a guy and sometimes felt there was never enough of it in porn videos. It was always a quick lick before the top was lining up. I went full in now, eating out Bryan for a solid five to ten minutes, alternating speed and tonguework. Sometimes Bryan relaxed and let me do my magic, sometimes he bucked up against my face to maximize the contact.
I pulled back and with a hungry growl gave him a light pat. "Turn over," I urged in my deeper voice. Spittle wetted down the chin of my mask. I really wished he and I could do it without these, but the masks allowed us to fuck on camera, both of us.
I was amazed to see Bryan's prick hard and leaking clear sap everywhere. He was majorly turned on. I pulled up enough to let the cameras get a good view of his ripped, modestly jacked body.
"How many guys have fucked you?" I asked tersely. I sure hoped the "MaskedDaddy" voice was enough fo a disguise.
Bryan didn't change his voice, but his soft response was sexy as hell. "No one yet," he said.
I leaned in and kissed him. Just enough sexual urge, and enough romantic finesse. Bryan responded in turn, sucking my tongue into his mouth and moaning against me. He was nervous, sure, but also getting the case of the major horns.
I loved this, putting on a show and yet connecting one-to-one with this fine young man. I pulled up and muttered, "nice," patting his chest. I rolled off to the side and undid my robe. My hardon bounded out and both Bryan and the camera could see my exposed body with its blond fur. I pulled him to me and we started making out again.
Silently I guided him down and the kid knew what to do. Slowly he began kissing and worshipping my big prick, wetting it down with his tongue before taking me into his mouth. Practice hadn't made perfect, but he was getting much more accustomed to my size and better at blowing me.
I was determined not to get overheated. I just lay back and enjoyed this, the sensation of Bryan's soft, slow blowjob and the view of his nakedness kneeling in front of me in servicing position.
Soon, though, it was feeling too good. I nudged him off. He came up to meet me for a kiss, taking the initiative now, until I regained the upperhand in rolling him back on his back, with me on top. I could feel his hardon against mine and the warmth from his body.
Placing my mouth at his ear, I whispered, "You like being a porn star too, dont ya kiddo?"
"Yeah," he grunted back.
I knew I needed to be a little verbal with him. If the camera picked up my words, Travis could edit them out. "You're just about the hottest guy I've ever fucked, Bry."
His body actually shivered at that. The time seemed ripe. I lifted off and leaned over to pump out some lube.
He let out a hiss of air the second my greased fingers touched his pucker but he didn't flinch. Instead he spread his legs and looked into my eyes. This was gonna be good.
I pushed a digit in. Bryan was real fucking tight. But I worked him slowly. Back and forth, in and out.
"Another," I said curtly.
"God," he hissed as I penetrated him with two fingers. It wasn't bad-uncomfortable for him, but it was certainly unfamiliar to him. We stood still eyes locked, him lying back, me between his legs. Until I started finger fucking him again. I applied more lube and fingered him some more.
Finally I pulled back and removed my robe entirely, slipping it off my body and tossing it aside. Bryan's hands were on me, excited to feel up my DILF body. I let him. Between his attention and the cameras I was getting real excited. I was the one dripping now. I caught a thick thread of precum in my fingers and brought it down to his virgin hole. I fingered him up with that too.
The third finger was slow going, but I got him to relax.
"No rubber?" I have asked and half said.
"No sir," came his excited reply.
I was gonna get blue balls soon if I didn't fuck. I scooted up and pressed my prick head in place. I pressed super slow against his ring, working against the spit-slick tightness and smearing my precum against him.
I could feel Bryan's body shake beneath me, and he looked up, a real deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes beneath the mask. I worried if I waited longer his nerves would get the best of him. I pushed in.
"UNNH!" he whimpered loudly. I felt bad the entry hurt and bad that he was doing his bravest to pretend it didn't.
"Easy, bud..." I hissed, reaching down to run my hands along his hot body. This fine young man was giving me a major gift. My prick jerked an inch or two inside him, feeling the tightness of his ass clamping down on him, as I held still, then gave the shallowest of thrusts, back and forth more than in and out.
I looked at him, trying to communicate silently. Then I leaned in, pushing his legs back with my body. "You're doing good," I said.
We kissed. My cock slipped out of its toe hold but I didn't care. He needed this, and I wanted it. This was about the only time I lost track of the cameras. When I wasn't putting on a show. I connected with this college kid in a deep, soulful kiss. And kissed him som more.
I pulled back. This time I didn't rush, but I didn't delay. I pushed back into him. Bryan somehow trusted me, because his ring gave way more easily. He was virgin tight a few inches inside, but I gently thrust back and forth, working that knot inside him. I pulled out and added more lube. Now showing off for Bryan and the cameras both. Then I placed his ankles on my shoulders.
"OOH FUCK!" Came his cry when I broke through. But he wasn't in pain, just overwhelmed by feelings he didn't have word for. I plowed all the way in and held it. I could see his muscular chest rise and fall, taking deep breaths.
"Got your cherry, kiddo," I hissed.
"Thank you," he actually replied, his voice heavy in emotion. That got me going. My dick felt like stone inside his warm, tight guts.
"Feel good buddy?" My hands massaged his calf muscle as I looked down on him and restrained myself from just plowing his hot ass.
Bryan nodded.
I pulled and out thrust in. Then again. I was fucking for real now. Bryan's first fuck. Maybe more than he bargained for when he came over the previous night. But I knew this was his deep fantasy and why he reached out to me.
I wasn't hard or rough, but I fucked with a steady determination. I wanted to give this kid the best first time experience possible now. I puffed my chest and used more of a swivel action of my hips, in and out, in and out, as my eyes stared down at him. I'd probably read his facial reactions better without the mask, but his eyes and mouth were enough. I was getting to him, hitting that spot.
I paused just a second and reached to pump out more lube. This went onto his prick. He gasped as I slicked him up then got the picture once I pulled my hand away.
I grabbed a pillow and slid it underneath his hips. It made for the perfect angle, and I took quick advantage, resuming my steady plow of Bryan's no-longer virgin hole.
Turns out his masturbation was just what Bryan needed, flipping the switch to full pleasure now.
"Yeah?" I asked. Fucking heavier now.
"Yesss," the college hunk hissed back. He was jerking faster now, not frantically but eagerly and in synch with the fuck.
I saw his pisslit dilate and a clear spurt fly out. Not his ejaculation yet, but the prelude.
"Fuck yes," I grunted, throwing my hips into harder pounding. I was getting close to the finish line, and I wanted to speed up to catch up with this stud.
My harder thrusts felt amazing giving how much his ass was clenching and releasing on my dick spasmodically. But it really made Bryan's prostate sing. His pale skin grew pink and flush and his wrestler muscle tensed up.
"Shit!" he yelled and timed with each shove his nuts gave it up, and his prick spurted heavy ropes of semen over his perfect body.
I went at it even harder, leaning in some, powering my hips in rapid jabs. I didn't say anything but my grunt was unmistakeable as I shoved in and unloaded. My cum threw off my rhythm, but I held deep a second, then my hips jerked involuntarily for another hard shove to discharge my seed deep inside Bryan.
The kid winced at that one, which made me feel bad. I got myself under control and held myself steady, gently massaging his leg and then easing back. He'd been a trooper but now needed a break. I leaned back and showed off my slickened dong, though most viewers eyes would probably be on the cum-covered collegiate muscle of my bottom.
Leaning over I picked up one of the cameras. Time for the money shot.
Even if Bryan wasn't an experienced bottom, he'd watched enough porn to know what I was after. Rather than drop his legs down, he pulled them back, spreading them enough to show me and the camera his fucked and seeded hole. No longer drum tight, it has a slight gape and was thick with my cum. I'd shot a lot.
I got a good shot of it, then angled the camera up to capture his whole ripped and cum-wet body. Nothing would ever top watching my own son in porn, but Bryan was a close second.
I finally set down the phone and pulled off my mask. That was the cue Bryan was waiting for and he eagerly peeled his off.
"You OK, buddy?" I asked. My normal voice returning.
He nodded. "God yeah. I'm so glad we did that."
I gave a sly nod to the camera. "Your first time's preserved as a memento," I said. A little teasing in my voice, but checking in where his head was.
He smiled and god he was so fucking cute with that pearly white smile. "I didn't think I was gonna enjoy it at first," he admitted. "But damn..."
I ran my fingers through the cum that had turned liquidy on his chest. "You shot like gangbusters," I said.
"My cums are pretty big normally," he said. "But your dick did something inside me that made me go wild. I've never felt anything like that."
"I'm glad," I said. I leaned forward for another kiss, this one tantalizingly soft and slow.
Afterward, I let Bryan get up and shower off while I checked my phone. Then I figured I'd join him. The look on his face told me my presence was quite welcome.
"Hey," he grinned, shyly. God, he was star struck and that made me feel like a real stud.
"Hey," I said. Our wet bodies connected and we took the time to soap each other down.
"You married to a man or a woman?" he asked as he nodded to my gold band.
"A woman," I said. "I'm not the best husband."
He gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad you share yourself."
"I have news for you kiddo," I said, turning off the water and running my hands over his wet muscled body. "You've shared yourself now, too."
"Still can't believe it," he said. "When will you post it?"
"In a couple of weeks," I said. I wasn't going to bring up Travis or my process for putting the vid together.
His hands reached up to feel my body too, my chest but also my shoulders and arms.
"I'm hard again," Bryan said. "I can't believe it."
"You're 20," I joked. "It happens."
"Yeah," he laughed.
I patted his arm. "Feel like sleeping over?" I asked. "I have a morning flight to catch but you're welcome to stay."
He nodded, like an eager puppy. We dried off and made our way back into the room. I downed a bottled water to rehydrate and tossed him one. "Remind me to tip housekeeping extra," I said as I pulled down the sheets. "We made a fucking mess."
He slipped into the bed next to me. His body was cooler now, and felt great against my warmer bod. We made out. His dick was a spike and I got hard once more, but I wasn't eager for another fuck. And Bryan seemed to go with the flow.
"So..." I finally said. "No longer a virgin..."
"No sir."
"Any regrets?" I asked, leaning back in the bed against the headboard, pulling my hands behind me. Bryan nestled in, resting his head against my upper chest and running his hands along my fur.
"None. It was hot as fuck," he said. "But even if it hadn't been, I just feel relieved, you know?"
"Not exactly," I smiled knowingly.
"Ha," he said, picking up on my meaning. "I'm surprised your so good at breaking a guy in if you're cherry too."
"I'd like to say I had some secret," I admitted, "But I just did what felt right."
Maybe it was the sex. I mean it was getting late, but not that late. Bryan was dozing some as he rested up against me. I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Ready for bed, kiddo?" I asked.
"Yeah, Brad," he said and rolled off to the side.
My son did his magic crafting two separate scenes from the footage with Bryan, as well as a very hot teaser. "Taking College Jock's Cherry" was the title of the second. The on-screen chemistry was real, and it was clear that we weren't faking it. I really did take the young dude's virginity on screen.
"God, Dad, this is fucking incredible," Travis said to me on the phone before he posted the scene. "I've shot three times to it."
I smiled. I was in a semi-public place and had to be a little discrete. "I'm very glad to hear that," I smirked. "A little payback to the one you did the other week."
"Bud and Spike?" he asked.
That one was one was OK, but not my favorite. "No, the other one," I said, cagily.
That got a laugh from Trav. "Oh, MiamiMuscles... dude's a crazy power bottom, right?"
"Yeah," I said, my throat getting hoarse with lust I was trying to hide. "I like watching you in action like that."
Travis picked up on my need to be discreet, though he had no constraints on his end. "You prefer watching me fuck, Dad?"
God, my son knew how to drive me crazy. "I do," I admitted.
I detected a hesitation on his end, which wasn't Travis's normal response to anything. He paused. "Dad... you ever think about, you know, me fucking you?"
Just hearing those words were going make me go from chubbed to boned. "It's a little scary to think about," I replied. "But yeah... I do."
"Oh fuck," Travis hissed. Only then did I realize he'd been dreaming of that very act. Topping me. Taking my anal cherry, like I'd done with that Denver kid. It surprised me actually, given our bedroom chemistry with my son bottoming for me, eager for his dad's cock. "We'll talk about it next time, OK?" he said. Not pressuring me but letting me know this was on his mind.
"Yeah," I said. "I'll probably chicken out, son. But I wanna explore the idea." I was nervous just vocalizing this.
"Sure, Dad," Trav said. "God you know I love everything we'd done together. If I were there right now, I'd suck your cock, you know that." My son was getting into deep lust mode now.
"Fuck, Trav, I should probably go," I said. I knew if I kept talking like this, I'd get in trouble. "Later, son?"
"Yeah, Dad," he replied, his voice rich with lust. I knew he was probably going to jack off when I hung up. I was going to find the time myself at the first chance. Pull up one of Travis's videos where he topped and stroke off imagining him pounding me, too.
My Denver videos were popular. I wasn't surprised that my fans responded to the realness of them, but I was surprised by the messages I got. They changed my porn career and it's probably not an overstatement to say they changed my life.
The first one came two weeks after the video with Bryan dropped.
"Dear MaskedDaddy, I loved your latest video. God, it's like my deepest fantasy. I'm 23 and live in DC. I don't have that college jock's bod, but I'm working on it. I've been too scared to let a guy fuck me, but if you want to be my first, I'd love to star in one of your vids. I wouldn't even need a mask."
It was a wild email, and I figured the kid's horniness doing the thinking for him. I pawed my crotch and laughed at how forward the offer was. I started to send a polite thanks but no thanks reply.
But then I thought about it, and I figured what the hell. I asked for the young dude's pictures. He was cute as fuck. Not quite as twunky as Bryan but still good looking, kind of that boy-next-door type.
Travis handled the OnlyFans money my site brought in. I didn't do porn for the money, and in any case I didn't want my finances impacted lest Kate find out.
I sent two more texts that night. One to DC guy. "If you're serious, lets plan for something three weeks from now." I knew I had some work travel on the East Coast I could piggy back on.
My other I sent to Trav. "I need your help arranging a DC visit. Gonna pop another dude's cherry."
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static-sulker · 8 months
Something I adore with Gale and Astarion is how both have such a background of charisma, but both use it in such different ways. On how intimacy and that form of relationship has damned them before but rebuilding slowly.
When Gale is in love, he SAYS it and is very quick to show express love and affection the moment he partners. His background of romance is with a literal GODDESS, which makes his type of romance one of sole devotion and almost worship. He is bold in his feelings, whilst maybe a bit fast. The only way he truly showed affection was in the ways of intense emotional connection.
Astarion is quick for sexual intimacies, but takes far longer to put a name to it all. To have a softer intimate connection is so far away from his style it’s crazy. He has been molded to use sex as a tool for decades upon decades, that romance and softer forms of intimacy are completely foreign to him. He doesn’t know how to take true intentions and intimacy without it feeling wrong. Tainted. Even if he’s free, he still feels like his body is a tool and that his beauty is the only reason that he is cared for.
That’s why the combination between the two is so interesting to me!!! The idea of Gale being hopelessly bad at holding back his emotion, while Astarion is unaware on how to respond to his movements. Like Gale finding out Astarion's favorite flowers after hearing it through a bunch of peoples conversations and then surprising him with a bouquet full of begonias at his tents door. Or trying to find the best rings that could help him through battle. Astarion is fucking flabbergasted each time, not knowing how to respond or even why the gell Gale is doing this in act 1. Before they are together, he is trying to just let Gale "get it out of his system" but he doesn't stop easy, not until Astarion begins to try and respond back. He has like twenty conversations with Shadowheart (resident asexual lesbian best friend to Astarion) on how he should not just go in with sex but with soft steps. He kinda does that, with a darling outfit for Gale that he sets on Gale's bedroll a few nights later.
Gale teaches Astarion through their relationship that he isn't just a sex tool, but a person who deserves soft touch with no need to respond with excessive reward of his own body. It takes a WHILE, but its cute. ALSO FOR THE PROPOSAL SCENE AT THE END, YOU CANNOT TELL HE WOULDN'T GIVE HIM THE RING OF THE SUN-WALKER.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Okay but imagine Battinson driving to Kansa for a Batman case and then he just gets lost. Like yea, he traveled for years for training and all but he was mainly focused on the training aspect, not sightseeing. And to make matters worst (because if something can go wrong, with Bruce it most certainly will) he has a busted tire with no tools in sight to fix it.
“Um, excuse me, sir?” Bruce heard a young boy’s voice call out to him. It was two of them, they looked like carbon copies of each other so they must be siblings. Though to Bruce, they looked more like the time laps of a boy who hit a punk phase in his teen years.
This wasn’t exactly a busy street and in his 2 hours of being stuck here, Bruce had only seen 2 cars pass by. He wondered where these kids came from.
He puts on the “Brucie” mask and grinned, “Hello, is there anything you need fellas?”
He knew that Brucie Wayne was widely known throughout the US. He cannot let down his guard and let his cover blow, even if it’s just children who realistically probably had no interest in socialites from a different state.
The light of recognition and surprised hits the older boy's face and he exclaimed, “Your Bruce Wayne?!”
Knew it.
“Yes, I am. And what are y’all’s names?” He made sure to keep his voice light and his smile friendly and open.
“Um..that’s my brother, Jon, and my name’s Conner.” He stammered out. “We noticed that you weren’t moving and wanted to help.”
That was rather nice of the two boys but incredibly naive and unsafe. This could’ve easily been a ruse to lure in unsuspecting people who are too kind. But maybe that’s just the Gothamite in him speaking, you learn early on not to trust strangers, especially those who are being nice to you.
“Yea!” Jon excitedly confirmed and he looked over at Bruce’s car. “It seems like the front tire is busted. Conner can patch it up, he’s pretty good at this kinda stuff.”
It was Bruce’s turn to be surprised now. The boys were both now beaming at him, eager, and the desire to help written clearly on both of their faces. Even though Conner, did not look at all confident in his skills. But Bruce did need the help so he nodded.
While Conner was busy looking over the tire, Jon stayed behind to ask Bruce some questions. Some were getting pretty weird and into the dating part of his life. The boy would ask, “Are you single, sir?”
And before Bruce had the chance to answer, he’d give him another one and another one. He caught all of them of course and was getting ready to deflect. But then he saw the puppy smile and the little dimples. He wondered if the boy’s parents had this much trouble saying no to him.
He caved and answered yes to all of the questions but honestly, he never considered dating an option. He had many roles to fill and even more, secrets to keep that having a romantic partner seemed too out of reach for him to even entertain things like types or preferences.
“Would you date a divorced person with kids?” Jon asked with slight hope in his blue eyes. That was a rather odd and specific question.
What would Brucie say in this situation? What would Bruce say? Well, he had multiple kids at home so refusing someone else for having their own would be strange of him. “No, I would not mind.”
“That’s great,” came his reply.
“Um, Mr. Wayne, you wouldn’t mind if I called my Pa then? The tire needs to be replaced and he’s better than me when it comes to that part. I would also hate to accidentally mess up your car.” Conner told him and Bruce nodded once again.
A few moments later as Bruce and the boys converse in small talk, he saw a vibrant red pickup pulled up beside them and saw a god walk out. Tall and sun-kissed skin with waves of black hair and cornflower blue eyes. He was beautiful, there was nothing much to it.
“Hello there! My son called, said you needed some help with your car?”
All Bruce could do was nod and move out of the way so the man could work. He was used to feeling tongue-tied, gals he didn’t want to attend, and board meetings that could have easily been an email. But those were situations, not a singular person.
He looked up from his kneeling position-why the sun shine on him like that?- and introduced himself, “By the way, name’s Clark Kent. Let's see what we're working with here.” And then returned to his work.
Bruce nodded once again and the sounds of giggling children could be heard. They were giving their Dad encouragement.
It was much needed too, Clark looked like a fish out of water. Bruce knew how to replace the tire, he just didn't have any tools or a spare tire with him. Which was foolish of him, he knows. But he couldn't really think right now, with Clark in front of him. Plus, he didn't want to overstep Clark, maybe he had a process.
(Yes, a process that included staring at the tire and the spare he brought in his truck.)
After a very long 3 hours, Clark got the tire securely on and with no chance of falling off, as it did the last 3 times before.
Bruce cleared his throat, “Thank you, Mr. Kent.”
He flounders for a “your welcome” and then silence as they both stare at each other. “Would you like to go eat at a diner? It's rather hot so an ac and a cool drink might stop you from catching a heat stroke.”
Bruce thinks this over and nods, “Yes, that would be nice. What about your kids?”
Clark’s eyes made their way to them and before he gave an answer, Conner beat him to it.
“Oh, don't worry about us, Mr. Wayne. I got my driver’s license so I’ll drive us back home in Dad’s pickup. Let’s go, Jon.” The boy flashes his driver’s license for both men to see.
“Okay, get home safe, and re-“
“Yes, yes, we will remember to call you,” Jon says dismissively. He comes closer to give his father a hug (how cute, Bruce thinks) and whispers something.
Bruce couldn't catch what was said with Jon’s quiet voice and his head facing away. But whatever it was turned Clark into a blushing mess.
“Yes, I will. Off you go now.” Clark pushes his son into the direction of the pickup and turns to Bruce. “Shall we?”
“Yes, we shall.” Bruce says getting to the car. “I’ll pay for dinner, as a thank you. This is non-negotiable, Clark.”
He chuckles, “Okay, fine. But I get to drive then. Deal?”
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Tags: @bruciemilf, @adrunkskeletonsduck, @iwantadamusername, @profoundpacmilitaire, @just-a-gal-with-a-boomerang, @mexican-owlgal, @mysteriesgalplusdamianthings, @skylions-den, @dolliesanddahlias, @insanebutteredtoast, @queerly-bel0ved, @seasonsyeetingsstuff, @truck-kunwillbeourlordandsavior, @impossoblepeacehideout, @classybananacoloregg, @iamyouraveragestudent, @home-of-sexual-and-dumb-of-ass, @odd-spooky-rainbows, @thenamessexual-homosexual, @melonfavor
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zoeykallus · 9 months
Hi there! I was the anon who asked for the figure skating headcanons ashile back, which I loved btw they were so sweet, the content was immaculate as per usual 💖💕 I saw your post about Tech and it gave me this idea for a one-shot with him that I think would be really cute (if you're willing of course) where the reader notices he has a bad habit of getting too focused on his work so he hasn't eaten in a while so reader makes him lunch and then feeds him and it becomes a little thing for them that Tech starts to really looks forward to and I just wanna take care of him 😭💕
This is indeed a cute idea, and I'm sure Tech is exactly like that, getting hyperfocused with work and neglecting himself and everything else. Let's help that poor guy out...
Tech x Reader One-Shot - Loving Care
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Mostly Fluff
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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When you enter the machine room, Tech is lying among tools and machine parts. His helmet rests on the floor next to a toolbox. There is a smear of grease on his face, his expression focused, almost dogged. You watch them for a little while, he hasn't noticed you yet. He's been busy with repairs again for hours. Wrecker had to take the helm on the last mission, and some pretty rough maneuvering and a few enemy encounters had blown a system or two. Tech was determined to fix everything as quickly as possible. You hear him sighing over and over, screwing and soldering away at open circuits, but Tech doesn't seem to be making much progress, he looks dissatisfied. He mumbles softly to himself, "I know it's irrational, but I feel like this machine is mocking me" "You're doing it again," you say gently. He blinks in surprise, looks up and adjusts his goggles with two fingers. "Hello dear. What am I doing again?" You smile, sit down on the floor next to him and say, "Working too much. You forget everything around you, eating and drinking too." You hand him the water bottle you brought him.
"Have a drink." "Oh, thanks, I'm really thirsty," Tech says, accepting the bottle. "I'm not surprised." He drinks almost half the bottle before handing it back to you. He sits up, pulls out a circuit board and continues working while sitting down. He doesn't even notice the plate you brought. "Open your mouth" "Wha- hmmnpf" You shove the sandwich you made him into his mouth, with all his favorite ingredients, the edges cut off. "Take a bite," you say, demanding. Tech does as he's told. Laughing softly, you say, "Now chew, darling." He blinks, but starts chewing and as if on cue, his stomach growls. He enjoys the bite, you can tell. "Thank you, that's very thoughtful," he says as he swallows the bite. You let him keep taking bites of the sandwich as he continues to work until it's gone. Then you slide some fruit after it, all fresh and finely sliced, peeled just the way he likes it. "Vitamins, when you work that hard, you have to feed your body accordingly" Tech smiles, his shy little smile and says, "I have to agree with you on that one"
In the coming days, you do the same thing over and over again. Make him food, feed him, make sure he drinks enough. Wrecker, who witnesses this, looks at you pouting. "Where's my sandwich? I need someone to feed me too." You laugh and push a plate into his hand. "Here, I made you one too" Wrecker beams, thanks you with a grin, and retreats back to his bunk with the plate. One night you're running later than usual. Tech is in the middle of work, but he senses immediately that something is different. Hunger and thirst finally make themselves known, and he automatically looks up to see where you are. Frowning, he climbs out from between the machines and is about to go check when you enter the machine room. He smiles with relief when he sees you with lunch and a water bottle. "There you are," he says with relief. You laugh softly and say, "You've obviously gotten used to my caring already." Tech sits back down to his work and says, "I hope you don't mind" "Not at all, I like taking care of you" Tech smirks with satisfaction, "And I enjoy it to the fullest"
While you're feeding him, he suddenly looks up and gives you a searching look. "Am I taking care of you enough?" he asks suddenly, frowning uncertainly, "I don't want this to be one-sided or for you to feel neglected." You look at him, puzzled at first, but then you smile. You ask him, "Who brings me my caf in the morning?" "Um, that's me," he says directly. "Who fluffs my pillow every night before I lie down". "That's me too" Slowly, a smile appears on his face. "Who takes care of me when I'm hurt or sick". "Me of course" "Who helps me with the groceries" "Mostly me, but sometimes Wrecker". You laugh softly. "But you understand what I'm getting at, don't you?" you ask, amused. Tech nods, kisses your cheek and says with a relieved contented sigh, "We make a good team, don't we?" "We really do"
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amirasainz · 1 month
Hi I saw you are looking for request!!
pierre gasly/baby sainz
where shes dating pierre post breakup with his ex. Kika is just disrespectful of the new couple dragging them on the internet and keeps showing up to races in the paddock looking for his attention. Baby sainz handles business by getting into a fist fight with her in a club after celebrating Carlos P3 and it's all over the social media. It makes headlines. Maybe Pierre was a bit drunk and kika baby sister!sainz showed her what's up. Pierre finds it funny and super attractive.
Thank you x
Hi guys. I hope you like reading this request.. THIS IS NO HATE TOWARDS KIKA! She actually is one of my favourite wags. @spookystitchery My requests are always open. Please send some! Feedback is always welcome. -XoXo
The music boomed loudly through the nightclub. In the middle of the club, Pierre and Amira danced sinfully to the rhythm. Little did the couple realize that they were being watched by none other than Kika.
Now, let’s rewind a bit.
After a massive fight about his job in Formula 1, Pierre and Kika decided to break up. Three months later, Pierre was frequently seen with Amira Sainz, Carlos’s precious little sister. However, it took another three months for them to officially confirm their relationship. And let’s just say the announcement garnered more attention on social media than any World Cup finale ever.
Of course, Kika got wind of their new relationship. Initially, she thought she could live with it. But as she witnessed how much Pierre and Amira became the “it” couple, she couldn’t help but start to harbor resentment. Specifically, she despised their relationship.
When Kika saw what Amira posted, she copied her actions, trying to make it seem like a coincidence. It only took a couple of posts before fans realized what she was doing. Kika even liked every comment that went against the couple.
The situation had escalated beyond mere jealousy. Kika’s emotions churned like a tempest, fueled by resentment and heartache. Pierre and Amira, blissfully unaware of her turmoil, continued their dance—a celebration of love and shared moments.
Kika’s anger simmered as she watched them twirl, their laughter echoing through the nightclub. She clenched her fists, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge. The Suzuka GP had been the tipping point—the final straw that snapped her fragile restraint.
When Pierre excused himself to fetch drinks, Kika seized her opportunity. She descended to the dance floor, her steps purposeful. Amira stood there, an unwitting accomplice in Kika’s vendetta. The room pulsed with music, drowning out the chaos in Kika’s mind.
“Look at what the cat dragged in,” Kika sneered, her voice dripping with venom. Amira glanced up, her eyes wide with surprise. “Oh, Kika. Hi,” she replied, her tone lacking enthusiasm. Amira wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but even she couldn’t defend Kika’s irrational hatred any longer.
Kika leaned in, her breath hot against Amira’s ear. “You stole him from me,” she whispered, her fingers grazing Amira’s arm. “But tonight, I’ll steal your joy.” With that, she spun away, leaving Amira bewildered and Pierre’s fate hanging in the balance.
The nightclub pulsed around them, unaware of the storm brewing on the dance floor. Kika’s heart raced; revenge tasted bittersweet. She would ruin their night, even if it meant sacrificing her own sanity. The music swirled, a backdrop to her unraveling resolve.
As Pierre returned, drinks in hand, he found Kika gone and Amira staring after her. The dance continued, but the harmony had shattered. Kikas wrath had ignited a fire—one that threatened to consume them all.
And so, under the neon lights, the tangled threads of love, hate, and desperation wove a dangerous dance—one that would leave scars long after the music faded. When Carlos called Pierre over, Kika took her cance to ruin Amira' sainity.
"You know, when Pierre and I were together he used to performe phenomenal. And the only results with you as his partner are horrible." Amira was more than confused. "What…."" You might think that all the things he does with you are sweet and lovely." The more she talked the more Amira was getting annoyed. And her blood started heating up. "Everything he ever did with you, he already did with me." And now it was truly boiling. "I bet i'm even better in bed than you will ever be. He even said so himself. That i was always leaving his world rocking." Amira started balling her hands in fists. "Did he take you to meet his parents? Did he tell you that we were talking about our own kids? Thinking about marr-" Before she was able to say another word, the Sainz woman already hit her in the face.
"Perra estúpida. ¡Cállate la boca! Si te quería tanto, ¿por qué te dejó por mí, estúpida?" she yelled in Kika's face. In less than two seconds the attention was on them. Before Kika had the chance to hit her back, the two of them were separated.
Pierre picked her up around her waist. Amira however wasn't done. "Es patético que dediques tu tiempo a odiarnos. ¿Quieres pelea? Soy de la puta España. Puedo darte una buena, estúpido idiota." Pierre quickly took her out from the nightclub
"Amour, what the fuck was that? Are you hurt? What the fuck were you thinking?" he ranted angrily. She quickly turned to him: "The fuck was i thinking? Was defending our relationship because that stupid girl was being disrespectful. She said-" Before she could utter another word, Pierre started kissing her.
"Ma cherie, you have no idea how incredibly sexy you are right now. Let's get back to the hotel so we can….."
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