darlingpwease · 1 year
I love ur mind omgomg–
Locking him up all for yourself,, cherishing him all the time <33
He trusts you, so he knows this is for his own good, right?? You are the only person he can be with. You are the only person who will take care of him the way he deserves. You are the only one for him. And he is the only one for you. He sees that, right??
Although kidnapping bringing him home might have caught him off guard, he will love it, right? He is where he belongs. He knows that. He must.
And when he indulges you?? AAA fuck it's so cute <333 he just can't help but feel so happy when he sees how much you adore him, even if it's in a... unique way.
He adores it so much that he can't help but only want you, so much so that he hasn't even thought about yelling his friends that he's alright (not that they're here anymore to ask, but that's okay)
The kisses exchanged definitely are more enough for him to happily stay here all for you <333
-panna cotta
next to you I'm not myself; next to you I'm yours
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CONTENT WARNINGS: unhealthy behaviour, established relationship, mild touch starvation, kidnapping, pet names (puppy-like♡), power imbalance, fingers in mouth [once; yuuta], from lovers-but-not to lovers-but-red-flag, mild size kink / size difference, collaring [yuuta], mention of drugging [?] [yuuta]
dubious consent (dubcon), heavy petting, mild somnophilia [?], rough treatment, belly bulge + deep penetration, dirty talk + possessive talk, sex marathon / hypersexuality, unprotected sex / breeding, praise (g., r.), multiple orgasms (g., r.), bondage (tied hands, yuuta), hyperstimulation (g.), fingering (g.), cum inflation (g.), mild orgasm denial (g.)
WRITING STYLE: drabble + headcanons (2sfw + 3nsfw), ±6000 words; yuuta's genitals are ambiguous ('cum', 'juice), reader's genitals are ambiguous but implied as a 'dick' ('cum')
DARLINGS: yuuta okkotsu x reader; dom!reader, top!reader, yandere!reader
NOTE: more a random set of thoughts than something conscious, but you know... you know... also thank you for responding,,,,, mwah♡
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Yuuta was small and gentle; anxious, timid, but very caring and affectionate, nervous even if you caught a common cold (anxiously asking if you are dying and what he can do for you), clinging to your hand when you watch a horror movie (under Maki's snide laugh when Toge tries to do the same, together with Yuuta, fearfully hiding with the help of you), — but always finding words and actions to calm and caress, as if you were stroking a cute fluffy puppy that brought your favorite thing and now trying to curl up on your lap to remind that you're loved.
Perhaps, for a bigger entourage, he lacked only a T-shirt with your name circled in a heart, and a glowstick — like those that are waved at idols' concerts to the beat of songs. Even if you could not call yourself an idol or any celebrity, Yuuta made you feel that way from the moment when you've met; he looked with doe eyes, having previously managed to make a mistake wherever he could and only hoping that you came with good intentions — and look absolutely smitten when you only offered help and some food, seeing that he couldn't even enjoy his snack, lying somewhere on the ground.
... Maybe you were too involved with him, especially when even Maki points this out, teasing almost reproaching for how involved you have become with your new, hm, friend, constantly dragging everywhere with you — and not that it was a problem that he became a new member, but that you would rather refuse to meet with them than allow Yuuta to be more than a few hours without you, as if afraid that he might disappear if you stay without him for a while.
But regardless of what they thought, you just couldn't stop being maybe a little too involved with him, even if he no longer needed such aggressive patronage — it's not that you asked him and it's not that Yuuta was against spending almost every free time with you, making you feel more and more fascinated by those little things like how he was doing volunteering, wrapped himself in a blanket almost to nose, was constantly freezing, liked to cuddle and often hid a cold nose in your neck, falling asleep as soon as you hugged him, although on normal days he could write to you at four o'clock in the morning because he could not sleep.
(It's not that Yuuta cares about himself more than necessary at all, preferring takeaway food, energetics and not sleeping until everything is done, always looking as if a little more and circles under his eyes will become bags.)
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You start 'dating' closer to winter, when "random kisses", hugs all night, timid contact of fingers and pathetic in its obvious flirting starting to annoy both of you (in addition to others), while the courtship was no longer so satisfying, even if things, which he still brought to you like some kind of gifts to the deity, only got better and better. Besides, not only the gifts became more beautiful: it was pointless to deny that Yuuta was only getting prettier and prettier every day, attracting more attention, like a fragile decorative rose blooming, only thornless — and therefore even more vulnerable to anyone who tries to pick and take with them. And the feeling of him, becoming too mesmerizing, only made you more nervous, even in spite of his appearance, saying that he would follow you anywhere and you just had to whistle for him to come running.
You, however, can't take such a risk, seeing other people's views, even if there is "no reason to worry he's absolutely stunned & would stick to ur hip if could" — and you want to tell Toge that it's a little more difficult, reading words from the phone screen in his hands, but you can't bring yourself to say it out loud, because even if Toge sometimes behaves like a teasing prick, he never writes what he is not sure of less than completely, especially when so psychically guesses thoughts,
and for a moment you think that Yuuta has all the more surely already understood everything from your behavior (this would explain a lot),
but you can't force yourself to relax anyway.
Even when Yuuta reaches out to you, wanting only to kiss until he gets dizzy, ignoring the pain from your nails squeezing him tightly while he moans, fidgeting restlessly from overwhelming sensations that for a moment make him want to cry from how much he adores you, — you can't stop feeling as if under your skin thorns grow; Yuuta hastily kisses your skin, touching with warm lips in blind worship, squeeze so hard that your bones might ache, — but you only feel even worse, knowing that none of this can be long, eternal. Your Yuuta, your kind, sweet Yuuta, with thin red lips, sparkling eyes and the most tender gaze, looking up at you in blissful adoration, will never always be here for you. You still can't call him 'lover' — even after mutually confessed, you still felt so far away from him, as if you first met and are about to get closer,
while irritably kissing-biting in bed until his lips hurt.
In the end, if what you are experiencing is the desire to "infect and be infected", then you are trying to contact the vaccinated, and the thought that perhaps this is not so significant for Yuuta makes you dig into his sensitive skin. He's not so dependent on you anymore, is he? In a sense, you are no longer so important to him — he has new friends, new things to do, new pursuits, and even if you disappear from his life, it will be a blow and a hole, but not to the extent that he will never recover from it.
The only thing you will do is make room for someone who wants to be with him for a long time, being interested in a cute kind boy who is tall enough to make others look up — especially with his affectionate smile and altruistic personality that does not like conflicts or quarrels. It's not that you were so needed or useful; rather, everything that was happening was connected with you more out of pity than out of dependence. Yuuta no longer needs supervision and support; he no longer has a reason to spend all his time with you or to follow like your tail when he can be alone, still attracting people to him.
He is with you simply because wants to; he allows it, but does not need, and when you think for too long that maybe you are too dependent on him, too addicted to the cute, timid boy who does not communicate well with others and likes to hang out with you because you are good, even “cozy”,
then you can't stop the flow of thoughts until bedtime.
“Oh, a trip? No, not really; I thought that, um, it's too long. Even if it would be useful for me, I don't think it's a good idea. I mean, I understand that this is an infrequent opportunity, and it's recommended, but I don't want to be away... uh, away from, from here. Yes.”
“Mh? No problem. I don't quite understand what kind of surprise you want to arrange, but if that's what you want, then I agree to everything... Tell me if you need any help, okay?”
“I know you only want the best for me, so of course I'll wait obediently. If that's what makes you happy, then I'm happy too...”
“The only thing I want is for us to always be together.”
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Yuuta has a scattering of freckles on his cheeks and shoulders when summer comes, pale orange kisses of the sun, but in winter they look like little spots that you want to bite, leaving marks, silently convincing him to stop trying to calm you down and accept when you squeeze his hands, continuing to leave your own scattering on skin, looking more like the chain you made him wear.
Your kisses are scorchingly good, as if he is being held on a slow-burning fire, waiting until he understands something important, but Yuuta does not have a single guess even when you do not react to his plaintive quiet whining from the abrupt cessation of affection, only holding in place. But even his heavy breathing and gentle pleas to continue remain unanswered, as if ignoring how needy he remained, excited enough to tremble when you touch his chest, letting him feel your breath on sensitive hot skin. Even his wet puppy-dog look remains without any reaction when you close his eyes, bending down to ruddy ear, forcing him to stop breathing from too close, sweet touch, as if his heart might stop, unable to withstand too much desired proximity.
Yuuta does not know what he is thinking when agrees to everything you say, only wishing that you would not stop, perfectly aware that you would not offer anything bad, you are always so good, so perfect that the only thing that can go wrong is that it was spoiled by his wrong behavior.
Maybe you were wrong sometimes, but harm him? Never — even when fingers touch neck; kissing his wet hot cheeks, assuring that you are doing everything only for him, you are always here only for him, and everything you can, you give only to him. The most dear and precious thing in life that you would like to always have with you, with whom you would like to create a family and a home where you can always return; it would be nice if Yuuta lived as a sweet spouse, wouldn't it?
When he turns his head so sweetly to the side, letting you kiss face and neck, you can't help but think that the most correct thing would be to just keep him in your pocket, hidden from everyone, and know that he will always be there, no matter what happens,
and this makes his head spin too much, as if from euphoria,
but when Yuuta tries to tell you this, you just kiss without letting him utter a word, almost purring about how small and pretty he is, like a toy, and so cute that you would like to bite to cope with all these sensations; but he's already yours, so you shouldn't worry, right? Always and forever yours.
It's all good. He can relax. He's safe. You take care of it.
You know what you're doing,
and when he hears it, he feels too safe to question anything, like how your words sound, or what you're doing besides snuggling up to him.
In the end, it doesn't matter — he feels so tired, warm, wet, so blissful that even an inarticulate whisper that you will bring him home seems like a fantasy created by overexcited brain, so confused and foggy from just a few kisses, he loves you so much, and even when you gently stroke him, assuring that he will soon be good, he wants to say that he is already good, so good, and you are so good, too good for him, and
he loves you so MUCH,
even when his consciousness begins to slip away under your loving touch.
Everything around seems to be a hazy line between reality and sleep, which inflamed tired mind created, looking for something that could make him wake up and be pulled out of the created illusion, but there are no running shadows, no glittering eyes — nothing that would make him wake up from delirium, it's as if he was trapped in this unfamiliar dark room, anxiously realizing that you are not around, but not being able to get up and look for you, unable to move, even when heart starts beating faster from growing anxiety and fear that something has happened to you.
But when your — he knows that your, he feels — hands touch him, stroking his hair, saying that now he is at home, no one and nothing will stop, you will be a family now, Yuuta cannot even mentally refuse, only knowing that you are satisfied with the gentle silence caused by his obedience. Your words sound like through a column of water, and his body is so weak, wadded, and you keep saying something, but he can't even listen, catching the words abruptly, — almost purring when you stroke his face, slowly descending with your fingers to his neck.
But something else is pressing against his skin — what makes him start to come to his senses.
You knew it would look great.
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♡ Yuuta lies on the bed, wrapped in a nice blanket, draws in an album, reads books that you bring and leave, and sometimes watches TV; even if there are many more things, lying wherever possible (including a laptop without an Internet connection), which you have prepared to occupy him while he "trying to understand everything" or when you are busy, Yuuta has already noticed that his long passivity is more likely to cause your arrival than the appearance that he is happy, and even if it is manipulative — it is he who is locked up here, isn't it?
Compared to the fact that he can't go anywhere outside the room without permission, the fact that he forces you to come and spend time with him, since you can't see him so sad, are little things that are easy to close eyes to, especially when you sit on the bed, making his heart skips a beat from excitement, and stroke, asking what you can do for him — besides letting out, of course. Why would he leave if you're here, right? He has no need to leave this house, if only here you can always be together, as he wanted. Now it's a new house that you both will make the most cozy and pleasant place, in which you can live together as you wanted, spending all the time with each other, as if stuck together. Wasn't that what he craved, clinging to you and guarding at the entrance, waiting for you to come out to pick him up? After all, he wanted to live together — and isn't this room that you have prepared for him wonderful?
Yuuta shouldn't be too upset; for everyone, he is "on a trip to another country", only you know that he stayed, preferring to be with you, so he should stop being naughty, even if it may cause inconvenience since this is not the room he is used to — but you didn't become different! You still love him and want to stay with him forever, and he will soon realize that, in fact, his feelings have not changed either, even if the situation has become different!
For him, there should be you and only you, even if he could have already weaned himself from this feeling — but when his arms are wrapped around you, poking his nose, curling up around, you know that you are saying all this for a reason. Yuuta hears and listens, knowing that you are doing this for him, and he is not at all as persistent as you thought he would be, saying that 'this is a lie' — rather, it seemed to you that nothing has changed, he will even eat from your hands if you want. And even knowing that it can only be a trap, designed to lull your caution and convince you that he is tame, you can't brush him off, but playing with his hair while he's napping, almost purring with pleasure, like a huge cat, as if his neck isn't chained with a collar with your name on it — and as if he is not the victim who should fight instead of hiding in your hands and calling you just to spend even more time together.
he can only do this to deceive you.
But when you look at his sleeping gentle face, finally finding peace after the restless expectation of your arrival, for some reason you feel too relaxed, involuntarily realizing that yes, he is here, he is at home,
you are at home.
... Yuuta still wraps himself in a blanket when wants you to come, pampering him with your attention and caresses, but you can't help but take a little more things with you than usual, sometimes sitting for several hours, enjoying his measured breathing during sleep or a loving look from somewhere under the blanket while you're working (even if you still can't figure out why everything looks more like living together than semi-forced relocation).
♡ Of course, you spend enough time together every day — besides the fact that Yuuta has to get used to you again and start trusting, realizing that this was done for the sake of your and his love, you just loved to hang out like nothing happened, and Yuuta doesn't mind; putting his head on your shoulder when you speak, offering to play or watch, sometimes just lying on bed and chatting, almost wrapping around you, making sure that you are completely squeezed and caught by him, not being able to escape in any case.
Yuuta is not physically strong, at least not so strong that you would have any problems with it in case of a physical confrontation, but you still can't find the strength to brush him off when he comfortably lies down next to you or on you, poking his nose, as if trying to merge from how insistently Yuuta presses in search of your warmth; when his skin tingles from an unusual sensation, even in spite of how often you caress him, letting him hide face in your chest or hug, holding tight, almost puppy-like poking at you, waiting for you to be able to give him attention. Perhaps from that moment he became even more needy and clingy, even if you can't say that he spends more time alone now than before — but he still whines when you want to leave and diligently prepares for your arrival, just to keep you longer, sometimes trying desperately to convince you to stay with him for the night or hold him until he falls asleep.
And although you can't be too frivolous, knowing that your beloved is more than cunning, you still can't leave the room earlier than a few hours, spending all the time hugging him, kissing his face and saying how good he is, almost shamelessly pampering and caressing, being simply unable to leave until you tell him how glad you are that he is so calm and understanding, especially when he wraps around in response, gently kissing, saying that he is happy to be with you, while your fingers touch his neck, outlining the letters of your name, which Yuuta does not try to hide even if his cheeks are blushing, feeling your slow touch.
Perhaps, he blushes even more only when you start to pamper and cherish him even more fiercely, spending every second to make sure that he feels loved, knowing that only you can love him so much, only you can take care of him and make his head spin with delight, knowing that you are not even planning to stop yet — until you make sure that he definitely remembers something, seeing his dusty look or the rosy tips of his ears when he hides face in the pillow, but does not try to run away or move away.
Not that even running away can help him when you kiss, playing with his hair, whispering about how precious he is, how glad you are that he is where he should be, how good that he is so pliable and affectionate — just like before, when he couldn't live without you, almost crying when you wanted to leave him and clinging so desperately during the goodbye that even if he didn't say anything, you could feel how upset he was. Only now you will not go anywhere and will not leave, just like him — now you will always be together, like the family he wanted so much when begged you never to give up on him, hiding his face in your clothes, drinking too much to even realize that you are not pushing him away, but trying to help, and digging his fingers into your skin so hard that bruises appeared there.
Of course, now you will make sure that this will not happen again — you swear that you will love him and spoil him until he realizes how much you adore him, since you are destined to be together forever now.
And the fact that Yuuta makes your head spin, as if from a euphoric attack, when his thin, hot lips kiss yours, makes you only more intoxicated.
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♡ You and Yuuta have never had penetrative sex. Not that it was anything strange, a sufficient number of couples do not do it before the wedding to "be clean", but for Yuuta it was never a matter of innocence or giftedness — your body seemed incredible, exciting, and the thought that you would go even further was connected with something more intimate and deep, which made his heart sink into embarrassment and shame, realizing that he wants a lot; much more than you are certainly ready to give, already overly cherishing someone as needy and clumsy as he is, who might as well spend days in bed with you without getting out. If Yuuta asked for even more, he would simply be greedy, if not desperate, begging you to let him continue and try to take even more even when you are clearly exhausted.
But when your fingers slide over his hips, assuring him to continue rubbing even if his movements become clumsy with excitement, Yuuta is close to drooling, whining your name while you encourage him not to stop, blindly whispering praise and enthusiastic words; when he fidgets nervously, feeling you stop, making him stay a little apart, apologizing in a muffled voice at the sight of his confused, ruddy expression — to immediately pull him on yourself, pressing even harder, hearing only his enthusiastic, amazed moan when your bodies touch again.
Wet, hot, soft — as if every time your fingers squeeze it, Yuuta becomes even more pleasant to the touch, like a cute toy, too pretty to resist temptation, convincing him not to cling so tightly while you hump him, taking care that every movement causes him to moan mixed with whining, every time making you tremble with delight, knowing that it is you who make him feel like this, that it is you who are holding him in your hands now, that it is you who are the center of his attention and the only one he can think of is you.
His arms are hugging you so tightly, trying to move more sharply, more confidently, listening only to your approving words, feeling how his clothes are getting too tight, but not having the opportunity to undress, fearing that you may disappear, slip away, remove him from your hips as soon as he is distracted — almost forcing him to slide on you, making sure that he is not too carried away and moves comfortably, even if you want, need more,
it is not enough,
it's so not enough that you would rather press him down hard and move on your own, but instead say something to make sure that he knows 'everything is fine', even if you can't stop squeezing and grabbing him in a shameless manner, causing him to tremble.
... His waist is easy to wrap around, like a doll's, with unmarked uncovered skin, easily turning red when you press on it — but even if he wanted to somehow hinder you by finishing teasing strokes, it would be impossible. His hands are not tied so tightly that it hurts, leaving red marks, but if Yuuta jerks sharply, he will still experience pain — and it seems more than fair to you, even if he cannot stop twitching from the lightest touch, squirming when you are distracted, trying to attract attention again, almost suffocating when you actually return, carefully exposing his body further and further. But even if his body tries to shrink, hide from the caress, trembling when you deliberately slowly move fingers higher — and immediately grab, changing the tease to a rough grip, until his body relaxes again, humbling, letting you do whatever you want; squeezing and rubbing while Yuuta wants to start squirming again, feeling how everything inside him pulsates and burns whenever you touch.
When you're so focused on him that without noticing (or pretending) gaze, looking into your eyes, wishing to ask you to be more merciful, — but just bites his lips, holding himself in place, afraid that even a hint of a desire to pause will be perceived as a desire to stop everything that is happening "which he simply cannot express openly",
but going insane when you paw his body, squeezing and groping until Yuuta starts whining, trembling from excessive affection, making his eyes water; desperately drooling when you only become even more enthusiastic, as if concentrating on make him even louder; sighs, moans, screams, whining, whimpering, suffocating sounds — everything that can prove what he is now so vulnerable and open to you, afraid only that you will decide to stop when his thighs are so wet and hot. While you continue to kiss, making him feel abnormal with delight, mixed with how sensitive his body is after you play, that even a light breath is enough for him to start wriggling again, trying to crawl away, but being deftly caught by the hips, not allowing to dodge your touches.
Even if tying him up might look a little hasty, you were more than aware of how smart your beloved is and that you can't trust him in this position until you make sure he won't do anything silly or hide dangerous objects somewhere. No matter how much you loved him, being willing to do anything for him, it didn't make sense if he was trying to fight back, luring with false submission and enthusiasm.
However, the way Yuuta whined in frustration when you moved, struggling with the ropes to touch you, awkwardly trying to wrap legs around to snuggle closer — made you feel dizzy, feeling his heart beating feverishly under your fingers from overexcitation and inability to reach the peak. When was the last time you saw him like this? When has he been so horny and adorable in the past, even if he behaved like an puppy? When he was just as desperate to stick in an attempt to find satisfaction, even if you gave him nothing but even more stimulation, from which his body could not stop shaking?
When was the last time Yuuta looked at you like that,
being ready to do anything if only you would start spoiling him again?
He immediately understands what you want when you touch his lips, looking into wet misty eyes and caressing hot cheeks, — and silently agrees, opening mouth, letting you slide inside and pushing fingers further, forcing him to tilt his head back slightly. But when you resume the movement, just so that he feels incredibly good, letting him feel how excited you are, Yuuta gently bites your fingers, urging you not to delay, even when gasps whenever you push it too deep, making adorable sounds mixed with tears from excitement and discomfort, from which he can't refuse, insisting that you don't stop.
If you could, you would capture this moment forever, in this stuffy dark room with Yuuta, for whom you were the center of everything.
And the fact that you whisper praise to him, without ceasing to rub and squeeze, talking about how hot and pliable he is, even better than when you fucked him before, you want to breed him so much right now — it's enough for him to cum in front of your eyes, knowing that you are not taking them away from him.
And Yuuta adores it — even when the ropes dig into his skin again while trying to hug you,
because it doesn't matter so much when you look at him in such a way that he is ready to lose consciousness.
♡ Yuuta has a little belly — such that you can easily cover most of it with palm, especially when stroking, seeing his excited gaze directed at your hand, understanding that you calm him down before start, being ready to stop at any moment. But for someone scared, he is already too wet, especially when your fingers slide lower, getting under his clothes, while lips are gently kissing his ruddy face, carefully preparing him and relaxing under constant caresses that stupefy him no less than your presence so close that he can feel your breath.
Was it his fault that from one kiss he was ready to agree to anything you want? Definitely not — especially when you whisper that you are ready, tearing an intimate touch under his plaintive whining, and slowly spread his hips, showing wet spots and trembling legs; the clothes slip off his legs easily, but you don't let him cross them, stroking soothingly, assuring that everything will be fine, even when your touch is too close to the wet bottom of his stomach, almost teasing, helping him switch from fear to excitement, reminding what you want to give during your first time, letting him feel how serious you are when you snuggle up to the soaked fabric of his underwear.
However, even when your fingers, wet from lube and pre-cum, gently stretch him, carefully pushing and filling; even when Yuuta whines about how 'empty and ready ', shaking again from the orgasm; even when you feel so excited that you are ready to directly make him to turn on stomach, fucking until such a state that he will definitely breed up to the point of losing consciousness — you know that Yuuta is not prepared yet, that you must continue if you want him to feel good, even if he squeezes you so greedily, as if assuring you to just stay inside, enjoying his warm and pliability. So wet that you can hear squelching sounds mixed with heavy breathing and moans when you are too persistent, while he drools, squeezing again only to cum, fighting the urge to roll his eyes as you continue through the orgasm, not even giving him a possible respite.
If it was an ordinary time, you would have stopped the last time, but you just keep fondling and stretching, feeling that he is still too tight and tense.
By the time the fingers disappear, Yuuta no longer understands anything, experiencing the last waves of orgasm with the realization that this is not the end, even if he physically can no longer, only obediently letting you throw his legs over your shoulders, completely trusting himself to you,
even when he is filled again, much more than before, trembling from the orgasm that has not yet passed and from painful pleasure, feeling how every part of body aches from the incessant fondling — especially when you you lift his hips slightly, making them even more comfortable on shoulders, letting him feel how deep you are, without encountering any resistance from his tired swollen body, sticky with juice and sweat, ideally taking you so deep that with every breath he can see how his stomach bulges.
Some time ago, he didn't even dare to think about how you would fuck him, tying his hands and forcing him to cum until he turns out to be so weak in your arms, — but now the only thing he can think about is how good it feels when you don't stop, gradually becoming rougher, not being shy of wet slaps from which his cheeks seem to blush even more, nor the moans that become loud again every time you drive inside. When he incoherently purrs something, trying to praise, but everything turns into inarticulate screams interrupted by new thrusts, stretching him well and wide for you, like a cute toy, too weak to even help you, let alone 'fight back', not even being able to finish when he shivers from too intense sensations, squeezing you even tighter.
His body is hot, soft, wet, greedy, looking for pleasure even when he has already received enough and should not be so needy, but still trying to make you cum in him to feel good, full, as it should be, even if he can only stick out his tongue, begging you to kiss him, and suffocate while you gently but deeply kiss him, not at all with the same force with which you stuff him, preparing to accept everything you give, forcing him to slide on soaked sheets sticking to the skin from how excited he is, stupidly looking for you in puppy addiction even when Yuuta can't anymore — and when he whines shrilly, choking, seeing stars in front of eyes with delight and painful stimulation while his stomach is filled with you, becoming so hot and rounded that his body relaxes even more, letting the cum flow out while Yuuta blissfully closes eyes, breathing heavily with his mouth open, straining and immediately unclenching.
When you gently press on his stomach, Yuuta just whimpers, begging you not to make him relax and let everything flow when he feels so good with you, filling him to the brim, but you are more than adamant, even when he is still whining audibly, trying to resist, but quickly gives up, knowing that he cannot even remove your hands. Perhaps you just liked to see how his hips and sheets are stained when he can no longer restrain himself, giving you what you want, whining in frustration from resentment, wanting to at least push you away during a rebellious mood, but he hardly even raises head, not that he can express his frustration physically, instead relaxing even more, completely drowning, even when your fingers slide inside, as if checking how well he did, and Yuuta regrets that can't complain about you, but instead tries not to interfere, breathing deeply.
He perceives your turning him over on stomach as something unimportant, but when you push his hips apart, putting him on his knees, the body reacts with a sweet tremor, realizing what you want — but not being able to do anything other than drool, even when he's full again, feeling your hot breath, the way your chest is pressed against his back, so close that he can almost hear your heart beating, so so so close, that he can't help but squeeze you in a last attempt to make you want not to stop, stuffing him anew after everything that has leaked.
And even if it's not normal, even it's absolutely not normal that he gets so intoxicated when you fuck him from behind, the person who kidnapped him and locked him up here, keeping him tied up, leaving him alone and acting as if nothing happened, as if it should be, — then he is even more abnormal, since he is ready to cum only from the realization that it is you who are now breeding him, squeezing and spanking, biting, marking, purring contentedly when he tries to move hips back, even if his whole body hurts, realizing late that you have become even more intense and rougher, whispering something, but the only thing Yuuta hears is the noise of blood when rests his hands so as not to lose balance, belatedly catching himself thinking that he rests his hands, before you press his face into the pillow, lifting his hips higher, getting ready to fill his flexible lustful body again — and reaching a peak when you see how he stretches his hand to yours, trying to intertwine them, cumming when you squeeze his wet palm with your own.
... You don't think you'll be able to get up — not for a few hours, at least. Yuuta doesn't mind — not when you lie on him, pleasantly pressing down on the bed, gently kissing his wet face.
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yuus-sentient-teddy · 6 months
"Yuu-Yuu hurt." Part 13
Part 1 | Part 12 | Part 14
"Kalim, what are you doing?" He was just passing Kalim's room when he saw the mess inside.
"Oh, Jamil!" The Scarabia dorm leader became sheepish, smiling apologetically. "I promise I'll clean this up later. Can you help me look for something?"
"Only for a little bit. I have to tutor someone at the library."
"Thanks! Do you remember the enchanted lamp my parents gave to us when we were kids? The one that has the shade with animal-shaped holes on the side and stars on the top?"
That lamp shade could slowly spin so it looked as though the animals were moving around the room and the enchantment made it so that the lamp could run without power. Jamil remembers what Kalim was like way before becoming numb to all the kidnappings. He could barely sleep, desperately refusing to close his eyes unless that special lamp was on and Jamil or his parents were with him. Honestly, and Jamil never told anyone this, but he had also felt safer when that lamp was on. Nowadays, it was kept in the dorm leader's closet (at least, that was where it was always stored until this very moment)--although, and Jamil also didn't say anything about this, he caught glimpses of it being used after his Overblot.
"I want to give it to Yuu so they won't feel alone if they wake up in the middle of the night," Kalim explains.
Jamil enters the bedroom. "Did they wake up?"
Kalim shakes his head. "Not yet." He recounts the visit to the hospital, starting with finding out that Lilia and the rest of the Diasomnia crew were bringing the teddy and Grim to visit. He was planning to go himself and Lilia suggested they all go together.
"I'm sorry, but visitors aren't allowed yet," the receptionist said apologetically. "They're still recovering from the incident. It's amazing what you all did, by the way."
"Hehe, it was nothing for the Great Grim!"
"Could we please just take a little peek?" Kalim asked. "We won't get in the way, promise!"
"I'm sorry, but it won't be possible." The receptionist looked around and noticed the waiting patients quickly look away. Leaning forward, they whispered, "There's a significant amount of Blot in your friend's body. It's not as much as when they were first brought in, but we can't have anyone get too close just in case they Overblot again. Of course, there is a system in place to make sure that doesn't happen, and your friend has been in stable condition since they were admitted."
"If there's a risk for Overblotting, does that mean they're alone in their room?"
"They are, but there are guards standing outside the room and nurses and scientists come in frequently to monitor their status. If anything happens, there will be people the minute it does."
"If we cannot see them, then may we leave a message?" Malleus asked.
The receptionist hesitated. "You may, but they're currently in a coma. It's not known when they'll wake up."
Leaving the hospital, Kalim says, "I'm glad they're safe and being looked after, but thinking about them waking up alone makes me sad."
"They wouldn't be alone if they let me guard them," Grim grumbled.
"The image is rather depressing, Kalim" Lilia said, agreeing with him.
"Is there anything we can do for them. . . ?"
"And then we thought of leaving them get-well gifts so they'd know we were thinking of them and wouldn't feel as lonely," Kalim finishes.
"That's actually a pretty good idea," Jamil says, making Kalim beam. He checks his phone for the time. "I really need to go soon, but do you at least remember where you last put it?"
Meanwhile, in Diasomnia's dorm lounge, the quartet mulled over what to collectively gift Yuu. They couldn't bring in a big portrait, it had to be something quaint. Figurines, a hand-carved stone, a get-well card. . . "What about some flowers from the garden?" Silver suggests.
That gives Malleus an idea.
Heartslabyul became quieter after Yuu was rescued. Many questions were asked in the beginning about the rescue, but those eventually died down. Aside from some dorm members looking at the ones involved in the rescue with slight awe, student life went on as usual. . .
. . . If you didn't count how the biggest trouble-making First Years in this dorm were not fighting each other or Grim as often and were just generally behaving (except almost becoming tardy for class, that never changed). Overall, Riddle, Trey, and Cater were concerned.
Knock knock
Ace and Deuce were in the middle of packing up some books, no doubt going to join their other First Year friends in the library for studying. The two greet the upperclassmen and Ace asks if they needed something.
"Not exactly. We just came to ask how you guys were doing," Cater says. "You two have been pretty quiet lately. It's kind of weird not hearing Riddle scolding you every other day."
"Erm, isn't that a good thing?" Deuce asks.
"It would be, but this is happening after Yuu got rescued. We just want to make sure our juniors are all right."
Ace and Deuce exchange looks, then notice bags under the other's eyes from yet another night of disturbed sleep. There was no way to hide that from anyone. "You don't have to tell us anything now," Trey says, "but if you need something, please let us know."
The boys were quiet for a moment. "Actually, do you guys have tips for getting a good night's sleep?" Ace asks.
"Are you having nightmares about what happened?"
He heaves a sigh. "Yeah."
He doesn't mention the nights where he would text his brother, receiving memes and other distractions from the latest nightmare. His brother offered to do this after word got out about twenty three Night Raven College students and a teddy bear rescuing a large group of magicless teenagers; after Ace said yeah, he was one of the twenty three students. He doesn't mention sending some of the memes to Deuce when he noticed he was awake, and Deuce doesn't make a move to say anything either. "They're starting to be a pain. It's making it harder to stay awake in Trein's classes."
"I know how that is," Trey says sympathetically. "The nightmares, I mean. Did you try talking to the counselors?"
". . . No?"
"Give it a try. They gave me pretty good tips for calming down and dealing with nightmares. We also have chamomile tea, in case you need help falling asleep. Riddle made sure we were stocked up."
The card soldiers thought about it for a moment. "I guess we could try," Deuce says.
"By the way, I looked into Yuu's future," Cater says, smiling. "It's all good news: they're a-okay."
A little weight lifted from their shoulders. "Do you know when they'll wake up?"
"Ah, that's the thing. The stars can tell what will happen, but not when, but it's still pretty good that we got a guarantee."
"Whatever day they wake up, it's a good thing the both of you and the other people in the Squad are studying," Trey says. "You'll be able to help Yuu catch up."
"I'm quite pleased to see that you both are heading to study right now," Riddle adds.
"Oh, uh, yeah!"
Ace and Deuce's smiles suddenly became wonky. With some suspicion, Cater looks a little closely at one of the books still sitting on the bed. "Uh, hey, isn't that a picture book?"
"W-well, you see. . ."
"Soooo," Ruggie says, "what are you doing with the succulent?"
"It's a get-well gift for Yuu." Jack speaks a little faster when Ruggie starts to smile. "Sebek told us that he and his dorm were going to give a get-well gift to Yuu, and Ortho suggested we do the same."
"I'm guessing you're heading out to meet with the rest of them now?"
"Yes, that's right. I'll definitely be back before dinner time."
"I still can't allow anyone into their room, but I can leave these on the side table," the receptionist says.
"That's all right, just as long as Yuu gets the gifts," Epel says.
"Can Teddy stay with Yuu-Yuu?"
The receptionist had to lean over the counter to see the little bear. For a moment, they look conflicted. "Sorry, little guy. I don't think it'd be safe if you stayed, but you can when they wake up."
Teddy's ears droop and the receptionist feels a little bad. "We'll be letting their guardian know when they wake up. I'm sure he'll tell you too."
"But can't you make an exception? It led us all to Yuu and tried to let us know something was wrong in the first place," Deuce says.
The receptionist blinks. "It was letting you know something was wrong?"
"Before Yuu got kidnapped, Teddy was going around telling everyone that they 'feel bad'. Turns out, it was sensing the Blot in their body."
Their mouth dropped open. "Really?"
"It's true!" Epel says, "I don't know if the newspapers talked about it yet, but any one of us can tell you it happened."
The receptionist ponders this then says, "If what you're telling me is true, I'll need to let the doctors and scientists watching over them know. This may be helpful."
The nurses and scientists on the graveyard shift quickly enter the room.
Teddy is sitting beside Yuu's pillow holding the call button. It watches the team check the vitals and monitors and look over Yuu's face for any signs of discomfort. Brief notes are taken, glances are cast towards Teddy, and side conversations are held. One scientist approaches it.
"Did you see the middle number go up?" She points to one of the screens. The day shift left a note explaining who the teddy bear was and what it can do, and that they told it to press the call button if it saw certain numbers rising or Yuu started expressing pain.
Teddy shakes it head. "Blot make Yuu-Yuu feel very bad."
"We already know, that's why we have monitors telling us when the Blot starts increasing."
It shakes its head again. "Blot moving!"
Concerned and puzzled looks are exchanged among the team. "Does that mean the Blot levels are going to increase?" a nurse asks.
Teddy nods. The alarms on the machines are silent and the little bulbs are green and unblinking. The numbers on the monitors are within the baseline and Yuu is peacefully sleeping. After a few seconds, the same scientist who talked to Teddy pulls up a chair near the bed and sits down.
"It knew where Yuu was when they got kidnapped and if the daytime shift is right, then it might be able to sense Blot changes quicker than the monitors."
The rest of the scientists decide to stay too, but the nurses leave to get back to their stations.
A few minutes later, the call button to Yuu's room is pressed. Inside, the alarms are beeping and the little bulbs are flashing red. Yuu is gritting their teeth and Teddy is clutching onto their shoulder, looking on with great worry. The scientists are quickly moving around, turning on devices and putting together an antidote, and the nurses immediately go get the syringes ready.
The same scenario happens during the day and again at night, and so on and so on for the next few days. Teddy dutifully stays by Yuu's side, if not near the bed, and does the "Nightmare Go Away" ritual Yuu and their dad made up during Yuu's childhood so they'd have sweet dreams. So the Blot, as Teddy says, don't make dreams nightmares.
By the end of the week, Yuu's bedside table has a short stack of books, a stout succulent, and a lamp whose shades have cutouts of animals and stars. Someone somehow sneaked in a small table to fit other gifts. A couple of get-well cards signed by various names, colorful heart-shaped balloons tied to a decorative rock, and a small bushel of roses that suddenly decided to grow along the wall and onto the part of the ceiling above Yuu and no further.
Teddy had been given a couple of picture books and paper and crayons to keep itself occupied, but it sometimes read the books from the stack aloud to Yuu. Ortho had said comatose people could hear what is happening around them, so Yuu should be able to hear the cool stories their friends brought.
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strawberrywonz · 6 months
Your mine, aren't you?
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🧸 :: Genre : Yandere Jungwon x AFAB Reader
PS: Reader uses she/her pronouns !
Wrd count ? : 858 wrds (shorter than i wanted it to be but this was kind of rushed because of my studies ! 😞)
>< :: Contains : Manipulation (Jungwon manipulates reader to beg for his cock even though she says its not gonna fit) , Obsessive behavior towards reader at the end and readers also obsessed with jungwon , Jungwon is rude but is really really inlove with reader , Jungwon refers to reader as little girl , name calling : stupid , silly , and gets compared to a whore but only once , Jungwon calls reader filthy and nasty , Jungwon kidnapped reader , THIS CONTAINS SMUT
🧋:: Smut warnings : Really rough sex , Breeding kink , Jungwon is huge and reader is small , Jungwon has a big dick , size kink , pussy slapping , Jungwon spits in readers mouth and on her cunt , cunnilingus , cream pie , squirting , Overstimulation , Jungwon calls reader little girl more than once , lmk if I missed anything else !
🤍 :: Now playing : Step on me - TheCardigans
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Monday morning. Light shining down in your eyes and you're boyfriend's sleeping figure, Jungwon. You sit up and lightly shake him awake not wanting to anger him as soon as he wakes up.
"Jungwon? Wake up please" You say lightly, but he doesn't budge instead he stays asleep. "Jungwon please wake up" you start to tear up, a single tear falling from your eye and onto his soft cheek. He stirs in his sleep feeling the wetness pour onto his cheek feeling a little disturbed, he opens his eyes to see you crying.
"What are you crying for now little girl? Its not even 9:00 in the morning. Stupid silly little girl" he says wiping the wetness you created on his face away. "I-im not stupid!" you immediately reply back almost screaming at him pushing his shoulder a little,"Getting bold now aren't we little girl? Huh you wan' act so big and tough?". He fires back looking you dead into your eyes, you stare back as he leans forward into you. He grips your face and leans into your ear, "Remember little girl you're mine. Ill do anything I please to your little body." He says out to you, your frozen stuck in that posture not knowing what to say to him.
As he leans closer into your small figure he grips onto your neck, his long veiny fingers gripping onto your neck so he restricts some air from your body. He tilts your head back, "Open your mouth and stick your tongue out little girl.", you oblige and do what he says, sticking out your tongue and opening your mouth. "Fucking filthy" he whispers with a shit eating grin on his face, finally he gathers a wad of spit from his mouth and spits it into your mouth. "Fucking nasty, you like it huh? Being so fucking nasty for me? Yeah?" You grip onto his biceps through his shirt.
"M'not filthy!" you sputter back to him. "Yeah, you're not? Then why are you sticking your tongue out like a whore eager to feel my spit go down your throat huh?" He says pushing you down onto your back so you're laying down. He snakes his hand down to your cunt n you're practically dripping, "You're not filthy? You're s'wet only from me spitting in your mouth"
He rubs your clit from outside your pink little underwear, smirking when you squirm and whine. He slides your panties to the side and lowers his head spitting on your cunt, and sliding one of his fingers into your tight little pussy. "J-jungwon! Ngh i-it feels good!" You moan out your cunt squeezing around his fingers as he adds another digit inside of your hole. "It feels good? Yeah little girl?" he asks you, you immediately shake your head as he smacks ur cunt and after he gives it two smacks and as soon as your about to release he abruptly stops and manhandles you into doggy style. "J-jungwon s'not gonna fit!" You whine out feeling his mushroom tip of his thick and long dick running up against your entrance and also at your loss of orgasm.
"S'not gonna fit? I'll make it fit." he says pushing his mushroom tip inside of your tight little hole. "You want it little girl? Beg for it." And that's exactly what you do. You beg and whine until he stops you in the middle of your whining and fully slams hist thick cock inside of you, "Jung-won!". You stutter out his name, the feeling of the tip of his cock hitting your cervix has you crying. Feeling so good that you cum within seconds. "Already cumming little girl? I thought you could last a l-little longer." He says his hips stuttering you could tell that hes close too, but the overstimulation has you reaching your hands back and pushing his hips back. "Stop running from my dick n'jus take it little girl." he ruts into you pulling you back to your spot and continues to ram into you, finally his load fills your cunt and your thighs are shaking.
"Little girl wants to talk big and tough until she gets fucked dumb. Look at you so small and fragile cant even handle my cock." he chuckles out still ramming inside of you but he stops after a minute feeling himself get overstimulated, but as soon as he's about to pull out you squirt all over his bottom half soaking him. "Fuck little girl, you're squirting on my dick?" he goes to pull out but you hold him tight. "Please d-dont pull out..I want to stay next to you.." "Yeah you want to stay next to me? Even though i kidnapped you? Held you here against your will? Fuck you even tried to escape last Friday." he chuckles.
"Please don't let go.." You whisper. He looks at you then he wraps his arms around your small torso.
Next time you wont ever leave not when you can stay with him.
And next time, he wont be so friendly about you trying to escape after all your his right? You'll stay with him forever.
478 notes · View notes
seungrem · 2 months
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Dick Grayson x Male!reader
‘Confidential’ ~*+
Masterlist - Part 1 of ??
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summary: When reader and a friend fall victim to a scheme in Gotham, a cute cop (if that’s what he really is) takes reader in for protection. Waiting for the mystery regarding his friend’s disappearance to be uncovered, reader insists on helping the cop.
( overview: college student!reader, cop?grayson, Alessio Falcone = made up character, kidnapping, hero-canon-typical violence, a murder attempt, protective custody, and police. basically a plot intro, Batfam & Red Hood cameos )
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emoji code:
🌿 ( long story & series - 5.1k words )
🧸 ( light fluff )
🫧 ( light angst )
☁️ ( stands for y/n )
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Sunlight gleamed through the trees above as ☁️ sat alone at a table, his computer buzzing softly. A gentle breeze brushed against his hoodie, cooling the boy in this unusually hot spring air.
The sound of someone clearing their throat caused ☁️ to jump, him then noticing a man standing opposite to where he sat. The man placed his brown satchel onto the seat as ☁️ lowered his computer screen.
“Hello, are you ☁️?”
☁️ lifted his gaze from his computer to the man, looking him up and down. He was tall and handsome with long dark hair and blue eyes. His muscular build was visible through his blue shirt and black jacket. The boy assumed he was simply another student- a hot one at that.
“Oh? Are you not..”
“No, no- sorry. I am, what’s up?”
“I’ve been looking for you. Do you mind if I join you for a sec?” The man’s tone was soft, and his voice not too deep.
“Sure.” ☁️ responded, motioning him to sit. As the stranger sat, the boy stared expectantly at him.
The man reached into his jacket pocket, grabbing a golden badge and briefly holding it in front of ☁️’s face. He quickly placed the badge back into his pocket and then looked around.
“My name is Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick. I’m with the GCPD and I’d like to ask you a few questions.” He paused. “You’re best-friends with Alessio Falcone, right?”
☁️ huffed, annoyed.
“Not really. And you’re the fourth cop who’s come up to me since he went missing. I already told-”
“I only have two interviews on file. Who’s the third one?” Dick said, pulling a tan folder from his bag. He opened it, looking through the pages.
“Tim.. something. I forgot the last name.”
Dick cursed under his breath, placing the file on the table.
“I need you to go over the events of last Friday again. Give me every detail.”
“I have a paper to write.” ☁️ said, getting agitated. He rolled his eyes, turning his attention from Dick to his laptop. Dick swiped the laptop away with quickness, closing it, and then placing it into his bag.
“I need you to take this seriously.”
☁️ exhaled. “Alessio and I were only school friends. He’s impulsive and stubborn, and I would be very surprised if he was still alive after two days.”
“He’s a Falcone, after all. So you two were only school friends? Nothing more?”
“Is that not what I said?”
“Play nice or I’m taking this home.” Dick said, tapping his bag.
☁️ sighed, intertwining his fingers and placing his hand in his lap.
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- 2 days ago -
Roaring past ☁️ and Alessio, two black vans turned the corner in front of them.
“We’re getting farther from campus. Let’s head back.” ☁️ suggested, looking around at the cloudy sky above. Alessio pretended not to hear him, the two continuing down the sidewalk and turning the corner. Upon turning, the sidewalk came to an abrupt end, with a long path of grass in its place. The two vans parked far in the distance, in front of a seemingly abandoned black barn.
“I wanna see what they’re up to.” Alessio pushed his long brown hair from out of his eyes, him then looking over to ☁️. Alessio wore his signature gray polo-shirt with straight black pants and black loafers, his style making his rich lifestyle particularly obvious.
“That’s an easy way to get killed. We’re still in Gotham.” ☁️ responded as he stopped. Alessio noticed, him doing the same.
“We don’t need to get super close, I just wanna see what they bring inside.” Alessio smiled, gesturing ☁️ to continue forward. His watch reflected the little sunlight that came from the sky as he did so.
Only a few blocks away from Gotham City University, Alessio and ☁️ continued through the grass. The two passed the buildings beside them, a small field of trees now standing in between them and the barn. The road turned into a dirt path, with many thick trees shading each side of it.
“Stay behind the trees.” ☁️ instructed as the two creeped through the mini-forest.
Getting close enough to see what the people from the vans were exporting into the building, ☁️ noticed that the barn was much larger than it appeared. Alessio and ☁️ watched as metal suitcases were carefully lifted and brought inside by a few people at a time.
“What do you think are in them?” Alessio asked in a low tone, keeping his gaze on the small group.
“Drugs, probably. We should head back now.”
“We still have 20 minutes until class.”
“That’s not what I mean. We’ve gotten too close, and it looks like they’re leaving soon.”
The small group of people walked outside, talking loudly amongst themselves. ☁️ could only make out a few phrases, like “..that guy’s a total creep..” and “..what do you think he’s doing with..”
Alessio crept toward a tree that was closer to the group, standing behind it as he listened. ☁️ peaked over at him every few seconds, obviously worried.
After a few minutes, the vans roared down the dirt road and back onto the main one. Alessio hurried back to ☁️, squatting down beside him.
“There’s something weird going on in there.”
“We can just call the cops. I’m not going in there.”
“Well, I am. Be my lookout.”
☁️ grabbed Alessio’s arm, holding it stiffly.
“Alessio, I will NOT go in there if anything happens. Please, let’s report it and go back.”
☁️ doesn’t remember what happened after that, but he does remember freaking out after waiting for 25 minutes. He sent the boy 6 messages, and his battery was getting low.
An hour passed, and the clouds were getting darker. ☁️ called the cops, explaining what he had seen and how his friend wasn’t responding. He power-walked his way back to campus as suggested by the dispatcher on the phone, where he met with an officer.
“What do you mean you’re not going in there?! He could be hurt!” ☁️’s eye twitched as another cop pulled to the curb beside the two. The first cop leaned against his car, filling out a packet on a clipboard.
“That property actually belongs to someone, despite it looking abandoned. I’m making your report now, and then we’ll request an emergency warrant.”
“How long will it take?”
“A few hours to a day. This number will give you call with any updates we have of your friend.”
The officer handed ☁️ a small card with a number on it as the second officer approached them.
“It’s being handled.” The first officer stated as he turned to the second, the two then looking at ☁️.
“I’m going to speak to him privately for a moment, we’ll be right back.” The second cop said.
☁️ stood still as the two walked over to the other side of the car. He tried his best to listen in on their conversation, but he once again could only recall certain parts.
“Another missing..” and “could be related to..” with “I know that the warrant … granted, but..”
The boy waited impatiently for them to return, figuring their conversation was referring to the three other students who had also gone missing over the past week. The news spread like wildfire on campus, but the topic quickly faded out of circulation. The paranoia, however, lingered behind.
The officers walked back to where ☁️ stood.
“I’m going to put this in asap, if you have any concerns call the number on the card or the non-emergency number.” The first officer said, him then getting into his car.
“I know this is a tough situation. Do you need a ride home?” The second officer asked, watching as ☁️ looked down and nodded.
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- 2 days later -
“Did they give you an update on the warrant?” Dick continued writing on his small notepad.
“Yes, they said it was approved and that they would send their tactical team in tomorrow morning. I’m just worried that it’s too late.”
“I’m not sure why they waited so long considering there’s been another two students missing since.” Dick placed his head into his fist, clearly thinking out loud. “It’s not a coincidence.”
“Whatever creep is in there probably has my friend..” ☁️ paused, his mouth becoming dry and his head pounding. “Are we done? I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.”
“Have you slept since then?”
☁️ was taken aback by the question, but looked up with a monotone gaze, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry.” Dick muttered, him then grabbing the computer from his bag and placing it in front of ☁️.
“No need to be. Is that all?”
☁️ exhaled again, hoping to make the cop go away with a harsh tone. “What more do you want?”
“Can you show me where that barn is?”
☁️ gave him a glare, becoming suspicious.
“Are you sure you’re a cop?”
“I showed you my badge, didn’t I?”
“You seem too young.”
“I’m in my early twenties, same as you. I’m only a year or two older.”
“Right..” ☁️ glanced around him. “I think I’ll pass.”
“Do you wanna find your friend or not?”
“I’m stopping here. You can see it down that path and behind the trees.” ☁️ turned to Dick, who walked into the middle of the empty road.
“Thank you. I’ll try to investigate tonight.”
☁️ furrowed his eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m going to come back and see if I can find anything.”
“Probably not.”
“Can I come with?”
Dick turned to the boy.
“Absolutely not.”
“But you’re going.”
“I’m a cop.”
“I still don’t believe you.”
☁️ turned around and walked back around the corner. Dick followed closely behind, choosing to stay silent. As the two walked down the sidewalks in silence, they crossed the street to the GCU. ☁️ stopped as he stepped onto the stone path and turned to Dick.
“So, I’ll see you tonight?”
“Nope. I don’t need another student going missing.” He responded, looking around. “You shouldn’t be alone around campus, anymore. Let me walk you back to your dorm.”
“How’d you know I dormed?”
“I read the report before I came.”
“So you had me re-explain everything even though you knew?” ☁️ scowled at Dick, which seemingly amused him.
“I had to make sure your story matched up with what you told the cops.”
☁️ took a few steps away from Dick.
“I think I’ll be fine walking alone, I’ll see you tonight.”
“☁️, I’m serious. I shouldn’t have told you-”
“I need to find my friend. Please.” ☁️ turned his back to Dick and motioned him to follow, the two continuing down the path.
“It would be easier to scan the area if you had more people helping.”
“I don’t think you understand how dangerous this is. We don’t know what ‘creeps’ are in there, if they’re affiliated with a crime boss or villain, how many there are, and if your friend is even still inside.” Dick hesitated, continuing, “..I’m going to tell you something confidential, can you promise to not tell anyone?”
☁️ turned to him and nodded, Dick beginning upon observing the gesture.
“Carmine Falcone is livid, and he’s been sending his guys to the area to retrieve his son. From what I’ve heard, his guys have been going missing too. It’s not just students getting picked off. Anybody who’s in the area is… and I’m very surprised nobody’s come to get you yet.”
“What do you mean?”
“Considering you pretty much exposed the operation to the police, I expected whoever was behind it to get at you next. To keep you quiet or.. you know.. Which is partially why I’ve come today.”
“You’re confusing me.” ☁️ groaned as the two passed a small group of students. Waiting for the group to gain some distance, ☁️ continued.
“Who are you? Actually.”
“I’m a private investigator. Pretty much a cop.”
“And who hired you?”
“Then I guess our conversation ends here. My dorm is down the block. If you find anything, please fine me again.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask for your number. For professional purposes, of course.”
“Oh, sure.” ☁️ smirked, taking Dick’s phone. After typing his number in, he handed the device back.
☁️ nodded, walking off. He felt Dick continue behind him, causing the boy to turn around.
“I told you I was fine from here.”
“I know, I just need to go back with you.”
“What? Why?”
“Precautionary measures.”
“We’ll see.”
“Dick, I don’t think you need to-”
“I expect someone to be in your dorm. That’s why I insist on going with.”
“You mean my roommate?”
“Don’t you have your own room?”
“How do you know that?”
“Private investigator.”
☁️ huffed and nodded, turning around the corner toward a large beige building of gothic architecture. Dick walked in front of ☁️, opening the glass doors and waiting for him to step through. ☁️ smiled at the gesture, whispering his thanks to the man. Pulling out his student ID from his backpack, ☁️ approached the front desk with Dick not too far behind.
“Hello, this man is another cop. He’s going to inspect my room quickly.”
☁️ watched as Dick took his badge from out of his jacket pocket. He held it over the desk for the front desk lady to see, her then nodding in understanding.
“No problem, I’m just going to need to scan his ID.”
Dick pulled out his ID from his jean pocket, sliding it over to the lady. She took it and placed it over a small black box, it beeping only a second later. She handed the ID to Dick and smiled.
“All good.”
“Thanks.” Dick smiled, following ☁️ across the lobby and to the elevators. Their shoes tapped against the marble floors, ☁️ watching Dick look around from over his shoulder. The two stopped in front of the elevators as ☁️ tapped the button.
“Have you ever been inside this place?” ☁️ asked, Dick continuing to look around.
“Once when I was younger, so it’s been a while. My adopted dad went here and contributes to the school pretty often.”
“Oh, that’s cool.” ☁️ responded. The elevator beeped and opened, the two stepping inside.
The ride was quiet, with ☁️ keeping an eye on Dick. Dick noticed, breaking the silence as they finally had reached the sixth floor.
“Still don’t trust me?”
“That’s right.”
The two strolled down the hall, ☁️ recognizing a classmate he was friends with.
“☁️, hey!” She said, walking up to the two guys.
“Ah, hey. How’re you?”
“Good, how’re you? And who’s this cutie?” She whispered the last question, leaning into ☁️ while looking at Dick. Dick looked away as the two quickly conversed.
“Nobody, he’s just taking a quick look at my room.” He whispered back. The friend gave him a suggestive smirk, which made ☁️ shake his head.
“It’s not like that, he’s a cop.”
“How’d you pull a cop?”
“He’s just so full of charm.” Dick said sarcastically, nudging at ☁️’s arm. Though confused, ☁️ and his friend waved goodbye to each other as they parted ways. Dick and ☁️ continued down the hallway, Dick still gripping the boy’s arm.
“You don’t have to hold my arm anymore.”
“You pulled a cop, remember? Take responsibility.” Dick teased, though the boy smiled and rolled his eyes in response. He pulled away from Dick as he arrived to his door toward the end of the hallway.
“Here we are.” ☁️ said softly, grabbing his keycard from his backpack pocket. As he was about to slide it into the door lock, Dick stopped him.
“Wait, here’re the rules. I walk in first, and you stay three steps behind me. If someone’s in there, just stay back. I’ll take care of them.” Dick whispered, leaning into ☁️.
“You’re awfully confident. And paranoid.” ☁️ whispered back.
“This isn’t my first rodeo.”
☁️ blinked at the comment, ultimately ignoring it. He placed his card into the lock, allowing Dick step in first. ☁️ followed around three feet behind as the two tiptoed into the room. Dick placed his bag down, him then quickly opening the closet in the hallway, with nothing but a few pairs of shoes and jackets inside. He continued slowly, stopping in front of the bathroom door to the right- it slightly ajar. As Dick was about to push it open, a man jumped out and tackled him to the floor. ☁️ fell back in shock, crawling backwards.
Dick used his legs to toss the man off and behind him, quickly standing up. The man did the same, repeatedly lunging at Dick with a shiny object in his hand. Dick smoothly dodged the attacks, grabbing the man’s wrist and pulling it, Dick then kneeing him in the stomach. With a swift punch to the temple, the man fell to the ground, unconscious.
Dick hurried back to ☁️, helping him stand up. He looked back, then holding his hand to his lips to keep him quiet. The two continued down the hallway into the tiny kitchen, there luckily being nobody there. Opening the last door down the hall, Dick walked into ☁️’s bedroom. ☁️ remained outside, staring at the unconscious man on the other side of the hall. He turned his attention back to Dick, who looked through his closet and then under his bed. Upon giving the ‘okay,’ he walked back over to ☁️.
“They only sent one goon. That’s rare.” Dick muttered before walking down the hall. ☁️ followed slowly behind him.
“I’m not gonna say I told you so. But..”
“I know, I know. Thank you.”
Dick nodded, walking into the bathroom and turning the light on. ☁️ waited outside again, Dick carrying a duffle bag out only a few seconds later.
“Assuming this isn’t yours?” Dick asked, ☁️ whispering a ‘no.’ He placed the bag beside the man on the floor, Dick then going through his satchel. The man on the floor now had an extremely apparent bruise on his temple, directly under his receding hairline. He wore a plain white tee with a few dirt marks on it, along with dark green cargo pants and big black boots.
Dick hurried to dig through his bag, him pulling a pair of handcuffs out and pushing the guy onto his stomach, handcuffing him. He then checked the guy’s pockets, finding an old smartphone and a walkie talkie. Dick placed both objects into his bag before turning to ☁️.
“Hurry and pack your stuff. You can’t stay here for a while.”
Dick had called the cops to take the intruder away as ☁️ followed the small group outside. The officers and Dick carried the man into a cop car, while ☁️ waited outside with a suitcase and his backpack.
Dick walked back to him, a pitiful expression across his face.
“I’m sorry that it has to be like this. It’ll only be until I crack this case.”
“I understand, but where am I going to go?”
“Do you have family in Gotham?”
“If I did I wouldn’t be dorming.”
“Oh, right… Wanna stay with me?”
“Not sure that I’d feel much safer with a mysterious private investigator.”
“Lucky for you, I’ve got a family full of them. I also already told the officers that you said you would.”
☁️ pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows.
“Oh don’t give me that look. My family’s very nice.”
“I have no doubt about that. I just don’t wanna be a burden.”
“Oh stop, I’m inviting you.”
☁️ nodded. “Does this mean I can go with you tonight?”
“Still no. I have to make a few calls, just follow behind me.”
The two conversed as they continued through the campus, ☁️ trying to get some information out of Dick.
“So, do you know the cop I spoke to last night? Tim-something?”
“Yes, but it’s complicated.”
“How so?” ☁️ asked, raising an eyebrow.
“That’s not his actual name, and he’s my brother. He uses our other brother’s name when he’s out.”
“That’s.. odd. Is your name actually Richard, then?”
“Yes, I don’t do that. Only they do.”
☁️ nodded in understanding. Dick continued.
“You’re going to love my little brothers. Tim is a genius and the most considerate boy I know. And Damien is very kind-spirited- he’s outspoken and also very observant. You met Jason, already. He’s just a big teddy bear, honestly.”
☁️ raised an eyebrow at the last comment as Dick continued.
“I have other siblings, but they aren’t staying with us at the moment.”
“The Jason I met was big and scary..”
“That’s just ‘cause he’s working. He’s a softie, and he’ll make you laugh a lot when he’s not out.”
☁️ didn’t necessarily believe him, as the Jason he met yesterday was very straightforward with a somewhat aggressive tone.
After that, the conversation ended and the walk was silent once again. The silence didn’t last long, as Dick kept peering over to ☁️.
“So.. since we’re being honest with each other.. Is Alessio really your friend?”
“Yes, we met last semester. I thought that he was an asshole until we worked together on a project. He’s a lot nicer than people say.”
“So you aren’t dating?”
☁️ looked over to Dick, his eye twitching.
“This is the second time you’ve suggested that. What makes you think we’re together?”
“Mm.. just wondering.”
“Did you wanna take me out or something?” ☁️ asked, sarcastically. He smiled and turned to Dick.
“Wait, really?”
“You pulled a cop, remember?”
“How long are you gonna hold that against me?”
“Dunno.” Dick shrugged. Now, he was the one to grin at the man next to him.
A black SUV pulled beside Dick and ☁️ in the campus’s parking lot. Dick leaned against his motorcycle, still on the phone. Though ☁️ tried his best not to eavesdrop, Dick had called a man named Alfred to pick him up. Then, he called someone named Bruce, explaining ☁️’s situation in soft whispers. Now, he was on the phone with Jason, who seemed to be giving Dick a hard time. ☁️ only heard bits of the conversation.
An older man got out of the black SUV and opened the trunk, Dick gesturing for ☁️ to walk over to him.
“Hello, Mr. ☁️, right?”
“Yes, hello.” ☁️ said, watching the man take his suitcase and gently place it into the vehicle.
“What’s your name?”
“Please call me Alfred.”
☁️ nodded, watching as Alfred walked past him and opened the backseat door. He pointed inside, ☁️ saying a ‘thank you’ and stepping inside with his backpack around his shoulder. Alfred closed the door, approaching Dick as he hung up the phone. The two conversed for a few seconds before Alfred walked back alone, stepping into the vehicle.
“Master Dick has some errands to run before he joins you at the manor. He should be back shortly after you arrive.” Alfred explained as he started the car engine.
“Okay.” ☁️ said dully, watching out of the window as Dick sped away on his motorcycle.
Alfred and ☁️ conversed for the entirety of the ride, with the boy explaining his peculiar situation. After a few minutes, the vehicle pulled up to a set off tall, black gate doors. The estate fencing spread far down the road, with a sharp point on each post top- the bottom end going through lined brick along the ground.
Alfred pulled out his phone, the tall gate doors opening moments later. He turned his gaze to ☁️ in the rear-view mirror, ☁️ unintentionally returning the gaze as the man drove into the property. He drove down a stone path lined by large bushes before turning slightly, a mansion of brown and blacks now in view.
“Master Dick volunteered the manor as your safe house as opposed to a protective custody facility. There must be something very special about you, Mr. ☁️.”
☁️ felt as though his tone was rather suggestive, but nodded and smiled as Alfred parked the car.
The two got out, Alfred opening the trunk and grabbing ☁️’s suitcase. They then proceeded up the steps, with the door opening as soon as Alfred placed the suitcase back onto the ground. ☁️ peaked from behind him, seeing a tall man with black hair and a scar on lip in the doorframe. It was Tim- or rather- Jason, the cop who ☁️ spoke to yesterday.
“I’ll take it, Alfred.” Jason said, picking the suitcase up as if it weight nothing.
“Master Jason will take you to your room.”
“Thank you.” ☁️ turned from Alfred to Jason, who began walking into the manor and toward the double staircase. ☁️ followed closely behind, the size of the home making him feel small. The two walked up the left side of the staircase in silence. Upon reaching the top, Jason placed the suitcase down softly and turned to ☁️.
“Hi. I know we met before and it’s weird seeing me again. My name’s actually Jason, my brother is Tim-“
“I know, Dick told me about it.” ☁️ interrupted with a gentle tone, saving Jason the explanation.
“What else did he tell you?” Jason asked as he began down the hallway.
“You’re both private investigators. And that you’re a ‘big teddy bear’ apparently.”
Jason scoffed at the comment, a smirk forming on his face.
“Do you think I’m a ‘big teddy bear?’” Jason turned to him as he stopped at a door to his right. He pushed it open, dragging ☁️’s suitcase inside.
“More of just big.” ☁️ muttered, looking him up and down- Jason wearing a white shirt with wrinkled black jeans, his hair just as messy as it was yesterday. He was taller than Dick, but his muscles could be seen from his clothing just the same. Jason heard ☁️’s response and tried not to look offended.
“I mean in a.. muscular way..” ☁️ said, walking in front of him to look at the room.
“Wow..” Jason responded sarcastically.
The room was large with walls of maroon and gold accents. A wardrobe, dressers, a nightstand, and the bed frame were all a dark brown wood material. The ceiling was white, as were the window frames. Wooden flooring reflected a light brown, though it didn’t creak as ☁️ walked across it.
“This was my room, but I don’t mind you staying in it for a bit. The sheets are clean and the dresser next to the bed is empty, so you can put your clothes in it.”
“Where are you going to sleep, then?” ☁️ asked, turning to face him.
“The couch. I have my own place- I’ve just been staying here for the past few days to deal with.. y’know.. your case.”
“I don’t think I understand, but I don’t want to take your bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.” ☁️ said, grabbing his suitcase handle and dragging it toward the door. Jason stepped in front of him, blocking the doorway.
“I don’t mind. Unless you want to take Dick’s room. He’s got a thing for you, and if you don’t feel the same way, I think that’d be a little awkward.”
☁️ looked away from Jason, and smiled.
“I do, just a bit. He’s cute, but I barely know him.”
“He’s dated, like, three people in his entire life. I don’t think you have much to worry about.”
☁️ nodded as Jason moved out of his way.
“It’s the next door down. I’ll wash his sheets for you.”
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Moonlight emitted through the room windows, illuminating the bed in which ☁️ sat on.
Dick’s room was comfortable and just as large as Jason’s. He visited ☁️ shortly after the boy arrived at the manor, obviously pleased to see the ☁️ in his bed. Not too long after, Alfred gave him a tour of the home, introducing him to the Wayne Manor. Both surprised and intimated to be in the Bruce Wayne’s house, ☁️ remained in the room to avoid meeting more of Dick’s family.
After falling asleep in Dick’s bed, it was now nighttime. ☁️ grabbed his phone from the nightstand, pulling up the man’s ‘Hey, this is Dick.’ message. He noticed that it was around 11pm as he began typing.
‘Hey, are you still going back there tonight?’
He placed the phone in his pocket and walked to the door, peaking out to make sure nobody was around. He silently wandered down the hallway and to the railing between the set of stairs, finding Alfred dusting the shelves below him. He walked down, watching as Alfred turned in his direction. ☁️ approached him.
“Hey Mr. Alfred. Do you know where Dick is?”
“I’m sorry, you missed him. Master Dick left an hour ago.”
“Did he say where he was going?”
“He said it was ‘confidential.’”
☁️ furrowed his eyebrows, contemplating on whether or not Dick went back to that barn.
“Actually, Mr. ☁️, Master Dick informed me that you had hoped to join him tonight. He gave me specific orders to keep you inside- it seemed he did not want you leaving due to safety concerns.”
Annoyed, ☁️ pursed his lips. “Oh.. I understand. Thank you.”
Alfred nodded. “While you slept we had dinner, and I packed some food away for you. It’s in the fridge, please help yourself to anything in the kitchen.”
☁️ nodded again, thanking Alfred as he walked down the hallway and toward the kitchen. Jason was in there, running around the island as he rushed passed ☁️. Upon realizing that ☁️ was behind him, he quickly turned back around.
“Hey ☁️, did Dick reach out to you in the past hour?”
☁️ shook his head. “Alfred basically said he left to the barn an hour ago.”
Jason nodded, about to turn around before ☁️ began grilling him.
“Why? Is he there? Is he okay?”
“..Confidential. I might have to head over there as well.” Jason said, not looking ☁️ in the eye.
“Why does everybody keep saying that to me? Take me with.”
“I can’t.”
“Jason, please. I want to help.”
“Help by not getting yourself killed.” Jason said, pulling out his phone as it buzzed. He read the words on the screen before looking up at ☁️.
“Actually, I’ll have a friend pick you up. Be ready in 10 mins. To avoid anybody seeing you, climb out the window and use the gutter to get to the ground. Walk across the garden and use the bird bath next to the gate to jump over it. Walk around and meet him in front of the entrance.”
“Gonna assume you’ve done that before?”
“Many times.” Jason said before smiling and rushing out of sight. A skeptical Alfred peaked from down the hall, forcing ☁️ to return to the kitchen. He grabbed a fruit and quickly ate it before walking back to his room. He threw on a black sweater and zipped it up, him then opening Dick’s window and climbing out. The night’s cool air brushed against ☁️’s face almost immediately, with the sounds of crickets and leaves swishing together filling the air.
‘I’m an idiot for doing this- trusting these people and going back to that place. But I really need to know what’s in there. I need to see it for myself.’ ☁️ thought to himself as he carefully slid down the gutter, trying to make his escape a silent one. He ran across the grass through a garden of large bushes and flowers, finding the bird bath Jason had mentioned. He climbed on top of it, leaning forward and grasping the side of a post’s sharp point. Leaning forward, he hoisted himself over the gate, barely grazing the posts’ sharp tips. ☁️ bracing for impact, he landed on his knees and elbows. He brushed himself off, and then ran along the gate. Cutting around the corner, he found a pair of glowing red eyes piercing through him. The Red Hood was waiting for him.
“Get on.” Red Hood instructed, his voice deep and synthetic.
☁️ hurried over to the motorcycle Red Hood sat on, holding onto his waist as the two sped off into the night.
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likes, comments, & reblogs appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
a/n: i’ve been itching to do a dc fic :,) ik this isn’t usually what i write, but thx for giving it a chance ! <3
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kaionyx · 8 months
!!MINORS DNI!! This is a 18+ blog and i will block you if i see you in my notifications
🔗🗝⛓𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
Hello i’m Onyx, a transmasc dom with a severe love for sweet little angels who were made to be broken and anything gothic. I started this blog finally just to post what I think on the daily.
I’m 23, single, been on T for 2 years and counting with top surgery in the works. I’m mixed, 5’10, and my pronouns are he/him nothing else.
i’m pansexual and open to poly but mostly monogamous.
This is a strictly 18+ blog i post/reblog a lot of stuff that aren’t for minors of any kind. If I see that you’re following me you’ll be blocked.
I have a lot of hard kinks that I talk about, please make sure you look before you follow.
Hard kinks: Bdsm/petplay, dacryphilia, breeding (not pregnancy), gun/knifeplay, watersports, degradation, free use, CNC, somno, drugging, kidnapping, r4p3 play, impact play, blood play, and bimboification.
Hard limits: vomit, scat, gore, detrans, be*sti*lity, incest, race/age play, anything following that.
Yes my dms are open but i’m not just gonna take control over you, talk to me I’m nice sometimes ♡︎
DNI: minors, terfs, ed/sh blogs, bigots, etc. Cis men you’re on thin ice.
Taken anons: 🌸/🦇/🍄/🎃/🫀/🫧/🌟/🐊/🦠/🐛/🦝/👾/💗/🦈/🪽/🪐/🌸🐇/🧸/😇/🍣/🍃/🕯️/🐶/🐕🤍/🫶🏽/⚡️/🐻/🐍/🍭/🥀/🧿/👑/🍒/🎶/🦦/🦊/⚰️/❄️/🫡/🦴/🐾/🐈‍⬛/🦷/♊️/🍷/🪼/🫐/✝️/🌀/🎸/🌹/🫠/ 🐄/🔗/📎/🐹/🫂/📼/🌱/🦖/💘/🧚‍♀️/🧁/🔪/🎀/🩵/🐿️/🍩/🐱/🐺/🌻/🐑/🐩/🖋️/🍰/🪬/🪻/💌/🦆/🍇/🏵️/🩻/🕸️/☣️/☀️🪽/🔮/😵‍💫/🦋/🪷/✨/💠/🌙/🪄/💜/☁️/🚬/🤞/🩷💌/🐢/🦌/🐀/⚠️🐾/🌷💋/🧷/🐁/🪭💎/🌻🥭/🌼/🎨/💙/💗🐾/🦢/🐰🖤/🦎/🍓💫/🐇❤️/🪶/🍮🎶/🪲/🐆/🍦/💙🕳️💦/🕊️/😶‍🌫️/🥞/🐞/🐶🤍/🥩🦴/🔥🧛/💒/🥘
🔗🗝⛓𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
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darlingpwease · 11 months
Your omega!MING YI is so charming.
You didn't miss his red flags, you found them hot; unsociable, quiet, not loving other gods and uncooperative, but then why so smart, beautiful and pleasantly smelling? Maybe he does not make contact, but you are not one of those who are ready to give up quickly — even if you respect the choice of omega, when you see that he does not seek to push away or cling to you like a proud beauty, you prefer to take it as a sign of interest and acceptance of your attempts to woo the Earth Lord especially when you start emotionally courting him.
Physical comfort and emotional interest are the simplest methods — and they work surprisingly well when you bring him snacks and reinforce them with your voice, creating emotional comfort and an association between a pleasant taste and your voice. He is a bit frosty — perhaps too strong will, along with logic, coupled with a lack of expressed emotions, as if his world consists of cold shades and invited tones — and his eyes glow like burning ice, as if he should not be an Earth Lord, but Ice or Water; you still smile gently, disarming he is your affectionate and courteous, to which he has nothing to answer at first, which you use, continuing to court.
MING YI does not like to build nests — “... does not know how” — but you absolutely do not mind; Shi Wudu also does not build nests and hates to do this, although he is very picky about physical comfort, while Shi Qingxuan, although omega-like, rather creates a chaotic something more like a house after a tornado than a beautiful nest, but no less picky and loves beautiful soft nests since childhood. You can perfectly build a nest for him yourself — you, uh, are all for the emancipation of omegas and their independence from "instincts"! Omega shouldn't be able to build a nest and shouldn't build a nest if he doesn't want to! Your omega is wonderful just the way he is! Your omega is so charming and incredible that it will be an honor for you to build a nest for him!
... Yes, even when he refuses your "mark", although you are sure that he also agrees that you has a stage of "everything is serious" rather than "flirting", you calmly agree — which Shi Wudu is not very happy with, even if you are sure that he will also never allow anyone to leave on himself mark — because you, as you stated earlier, are sure that this is not the most important thing. After all, there is a more important indicator of your relationship than just a bite on the neck, isn't there? If you only wanted to bite, you would buy yourself a teething toy rather than trying to convince or insist on such a thing; If he is uncomfortable, you have no right to force or go against his will, you are not so desperate.
It's just good for you when your omega is around, when he lies or sits in your nest, when he eats everything that you cook for him and does not want to leave your side for a minute, as if you really are a married couple, although you don't dare to talk about this yet, preferring to conveniently redo your chambers to he felt good and comfortable. You don't want him to experience stress when moving, even if you know how unassuming he is and easily physically gets used to any conditions, as if considering his body an endless source, and reacting almost adorably when he realizes that this is not the case, and although his eating habits disturb you, you are sure that you will come up with something, caring about him and pampering him as your, well, almost-husband?
Oh, you adore your beloved so much, you are not sure if there is anyone in the world who would also be whipped up by their omega, but you can't help but love him, especially when MING YI defenselessly clings to you and your heart explodes, feeling how fragile and tender he is under the whole shell, even if his body is cold — you are sure that you will warm him.
... You really don't know what went wrong when your Ming Yi, your omega, your beloved, looks down at you, looking at your slightly trembling body, bandaged, full of horror and fright. You want to say something — you are not my omega, where is my Ming Yi, who are you, why are you keeping me here, how are we connected — but it's stupid to even try to pretend that you don't recognize the smell for which he was often praised by you, or the gleam in the heart-freezing burning eyes that you they used to be called "sultry cold", flirting, seeing that your omega needs more emotional actions and sweet atmosphere to open up into a modest coquette, but now they only make you feel frozen from the horror blocking your throat when you can neither move nor use your strength.
“What happened?... Now you don't want to mark me?”
You want to ask where Shi Wudu or Shi Qingxuan is, why you are here, why you don't see anyone, but you can't make a sound when you inhale, just to let the even more aggressive, burning cold, but still dizzyingly sensual fragrance captivate you.
When he sits down next to you, forcing you to press your back against the wall, just to cling to your hot, burning body with his cold, like a cat, you can't help but consider what is happening nothing more than surreal — especially when you see the thin lines of his collarbones and the delicate skin of his shoulders and neck, unnaturally white, but looks too attractive, and perhaps, perhaps, the fact that you so easily experience hunger and the need to dig your fingers into his body and teeth into his neck makes you a little less "supportive of the emancipation of omega and believing that omega should not be bitten."
And you do.
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babygirlbondage · 11 months
Pinned Post
♡ ~ Ageless bios get blocked! This is an 18+ blog! Minors, terfs, homophobes, transphobes, etc DNI
Punishment From My Little Game (10/21/23)
Minutes of edging remaining - 2,348/2,400 (~39 hours)
Orgasms remaining - 0/43
♡ ~ Dont let my @ fool you l'm not a girl I'm just too lazy to change it. This isnt my first kink blog and l'm sure it wont be my last
♡ ~ My name is Vix but you can call me puppy, slut, darling (if subbing), master, sir, mommy/daddy (if domming), or other pet names of your choosing (I’ll tell you if I dont like it or arent comfortable with it)
♡ ~ Asks are always open so feel free to put anything there. I'll get around to answering them eventually and you can be as needy or pathetic or desperate as you want. I’d love to bully you for it <3 (honestly I prefer asks over DMs just to start off and I’m more likely to give you attention that way) All asks are tagged with #vix.asks
♡ ~ DMs are closed for now please respect that
♡ ~ 21, agender, t4t (mainly), switch, he/they/it/xe/fae
♡ ~ Seeing as I dont own a pet of my own right now, all my attention is yours puppy
♡ ~ Violating any of my boundaries, being a shitty person (transphobic, homophobic, etc), or repeatedly messaging after I tell you to stop is a great way to be blocked so dont do it
♡ ~ All my own posts are tagged with #babygirlbondage, #vix.asks, #vix.teases, or #vix.rambles
Anon Pets - 🍯, 👉👈, bunny, a random pup, 👑, 🩷, 🙈, 🍃, 🦇, 📻, Prince, S, 🌻, 🌱, 🪻, 0.0, 🎠, Sir, chaos, 🫀, 🐻, 🐇🐗, 🪶, 🐛, 🍒, viridian, bounddiapcub, ✨, 🌧️, puppy🩵, 🧸, 🐝, zippy, ♾️, 🪽, 🐾, 💫, ch3rry, Owner (hehe hi daddy~), 🍰🍓, 👾
More About Me Under the Cut
♡ ~ DMs are closed for now use my inbox if you wanna talk to me. i may give you explicit permission to DM me, other than that say out please
♡ ~  I may be owned but l'm allowed to fuck around (thats mostly directed at subs, you're cute and Id love to hear your confessions in my inbox)
♡ ~ If this account gets deleted for whatever reason I'll probably come back as some form of babygirlbondage (babygirl-bondage, babyygirlbondage, etc)
♡ ~ vix.teases for reblogges where i say shit, vix.rambles for random mostly non kink stuff
Kinks and Boundaries
Kinks ~ puppy play, anal, denial, bondage, degradation/humiliation, praise, pet play, sadism/masochism, impact play and spanking, orgasm control/forced orgasms, rules and punishments, objectification, dumbification, monsterfuckers, md/lg, cnc, free use, kidnapping, piss play, somno, and more
Limits and Hard No's ~ scat, gore, race play, detrans, bestiality, incest, feederism, body mutilation
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updataed 10/27/23
DNI (again)
Just don't be as asshole
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gottaluvus · 2 years
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🧸; to infinity and beyond | gojo s.
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─── summary; love. love is all he ever wanted, all he ever wished for. desire. he desired to be in the arms of his lover, his one and only. “please.. i’ll do anything, everything to make it so you’re happy and comfortable here, with me.” he desperately pledged, now with his knees on the floor with his mascara running down his face. “don’t leave me. not again, please, not again.” he’ll plead and beg as long as he needs to have [name]. and if begging doesn’t work, drugging and kidnapping will do.
— pairing; god!gojo + mortal!m!reader
⑅ cw; lower case, cheating, worshiper gojo, obsessed gojo [IN PT.2] non-con touching, implied sexual advances, paranoid reader
⑅ notes; boy did this change a lot from the first draft
⑅ chapters; II, III, IIII
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it was a sunny, bright day in Michigan. even though a teeth chattering breeze flowed through the air and snow fell from the skies, a smile was still on the mortal’s face. a bright, pretty smile.
he hummed the tunes of ‘after the storm’ by kali uchis while the background noise of this afternoon’s supposed weather came from the radio.
“isn’t he just perfect?” the god of, ironically, marriage and wedlock spoke, his index finger trailing along his throne’s armrest. he peered through the cloud’s of Olympus, watching the mortal closely.
it’d been seven years, three months, twenty-four days, two hours, and two seconds since the start of their relationship, the start of his obsessive worshipping. wasn’t it supposed to be the other way around? no. at least gojo didn’t see it in such way. they’d been together for so long, and gojo only cheating thirty seven times! it's shorter than his record of their sixth year, thankfully.
“oh god, he’s doing it again.” nanami, the god of wealth and prosperity, mumbled, taking a sit of his morning nectar while reading Olympus Daily at the eighteen inch marble table. “is he alright? i’m getting worried!” yuji, the god of creativity, worriedly spoke, it came out louder than he intended it to.
“i’m fine itadori, i’m just taking care of the mortals well being since megumi is on leave for the time being.”
“oh! okay, thank you for telling me, mr. satoru!” even though gojo relentlessly told him not go call him ‘mr’, mainly because he’s still in his early thousands and isn’t old like nanami, yuji still insisted that since he was the youngest, he has to respect his elders. elders, he said! elders! gojo was considered to be over 1,379 years old in the mortals eyes! in Olympus, that's considered to be a young adult!
“i’m going to get some nectar.” gojo said, excusing himself from the throne/dining room, supposedly leaving to be in the comfort of his personal realm. fortunately, he has a decent poker face and was a [incredibly good] decent liar. where was he actually headed to? the ‘waking world’, as the Olympians called it. he just called it ‘the mortal realm’.
without a stop in his walk, he was in front of his fianceé’s company, aka the place where he had a job. why? well, because he’s the boss, darling!
“morning, mr. satoru!” is all he heard from his employers as he made his way to his lover’s desk, a cold mocha extreme, extra creme just how he liked it, with a donut with hazelnut glaze; [name]’s favorite. how did he know? stalking! i mean, watching. watching his lover closely, of course! with a lot of pep in his stride, he officially made his first stop of the day at [name]’s desk.
the smile on his face dropped almost immediately.
“where is he?!” he shouted, looking around the room to see who would dare to speak up and tell him the location of his beloved.
a girl. brunette, short, with freckles and long eyelashes stood up, her head immediately facing the ground. “he’s in your office, sir!” she exclaimed, still standing. it’d been a few seconds of thick tension, the room quiet as a mouse. well, that was until gojo had decided to say a quick ‘thank you’ and be on his merry way to visit his forever.
“[name], you should’ve at least told me you were coming to visit! i brought you breakfast by the way, here.” gojo handed the drink and plastic wrapped donut to the man, their hands touched only faintly. for a quick second or two. but it was more than enough for his heart to skip a beat.
“thank you, mr. satoru–”
“gojo. call me gojo.” his boss corrected.
“–gojo” he said corrected himself, “i should’ve made an appointment, i know, but–”
for the second time, gojo interrupted his employee. “you never need an appointment in order to see me, dear! you can visit anytime you please, darling.”
a faint grimace shown on [name]’s face from gojo’s pet name usage, but he needed to tell him the reason why he had came here to his office.
“—but, i came here to tell you that–”
he wants to marry him and live in Olympus by his side forever?! no wait, that’d be too soon. slow and steady wins the race. he’s.. in love! with him, no one else, hopefully. oh that’d be splendid to hear!
gojo gushed at the thoughts running through his mind as he stared holes into [name]’s head.
“.. resigning.” his letter of resignation was slid onto the sleek, oak tree desk.
RESIGNING? no. no, he couldn’t be. he can’t! he just–! he just.. can’t leave. not again. not after all he’s done! no after all the divine crimes he had committed and covered up for this fucking son of a bitch! my god, [name] was just playing with his heart. all these years. seven years. seven fucking years.
“sorry, must’ve hallucinated, what’d you say?”
[name] titled his head a little, like a puppy, at his bosses confusion. however, without hesitation, he repeated the words again. which successfully embedded them into his brain.
standing up, slamming his hands on the desk, fury with a mixture of mass desperation he shouted.
flinch. his lover.. flinched at him yelling. he’s never flinched before. not when talking with gojo, at least. oh dear, what has he done?
gojo quickly covered his mouth with his hands before lowering them to his sides. “i’m sorry, my love. i’m so sorry.” he started to tear up.
“i just, i can’t handle this world without you by my side. i just– i just can’t.” he sniffled in the middle of his sentence, chest rising a little. “gojo, i–” before [name] could speak his piece, gojo quickly interrupted. “what is it?! the pay?! your coworkers?! please! just tell me and stay! just.. just stay!” while saying all this he made his way and rounded the corner of his desk.
gojo took [name]’s hands in his own and cupped his face.
“please.. i’ll do anything, everything to make it so you’re happy and comfortable here, with me.” he desperately pledged, now with his knees on the floor with his mascara running down his face. “don’t leave me. not again, please, not again.”
[name] just sat there, stunned. not again? don’t leave him? he’ll do anything? he can’t handle the world without him by his side? what in the world is going on?!
“gojo, please, let me go..” [name] begged, trying to pull his hands away but ineffectively failing. gojo had no intentions of letting go, is what [name] had thought to be true. “i’ll..” he had to say something, anything, to be set free. in all honesty, he could scream and cry. he knows he can. but it would be useless, his pleads and begs would be ignored. everyone knew not to come into gojo’s office, unless you had a death wish. and unless you were [name], his beloved.
“i’ll stay.” [name] declared.
gojo immediately sat up, his tears still flowed and his sniffles still came, he looked better though. happier. brighter. prettier. he was ecstatic to hear such information. “my love, really? do you.. do you promise?”
gojo held out his pink like a child who’d just been promised the newest batch of toys for their birthday, awaiting for their pinkies to lock. it signifies that they’d be together. forever and ever. and ever. and ever.
hesitantly looking down at the man’s slim, pale pinky and locked it with his own. “i promise.” [name] swore, the look in his eyes was filled to the brim with desperation. not to be loved? no. to be let go.
what has he done?
his life is done. forever.
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wildoor · 1 month
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I finished their designs :3
Anyways not too sure what I want to call this AU but I've kinda settled on "The Blocks".
More about it undercut if you care idk:
I don’t want to say much about them because I want to write fanfic about this and I don’t want to spoil it so sorry if this sounds barebones or is confusing :(
Some quick before things: This AU is in a world where all of humanity has been forced into a highly structured society. Basically everyone was kidnapped and forced into cryosleep except for people part of this secret organization who’ve begun to create this super structured world
Cities are just numbered and under each city are the “Blocks”, 4 per city, 1 a daycare, the other three for people 18+. Blocks all have 100 members (people who have been awoken from cryosleep) and have a strict ruleset, if a member breaks a rule, they’re killed. The last remaining member is allowed to leave and live in the “new world”. Daycares don’t do that (kill members (kids)) they just teach them to follow the new rules. They also get their education there so once they’ve graduated they’re allowed to leave.
(⚾Scout) Jeremy, Block Master Assistant (Block 3)
He’s the main character or something. His one goal is to be a Block Master because his dad works as the admin for the blocks and would always come home talking about it and he just thought it was the coolest thing.
(🇺🇸Soldier) Block Master Doe (Block 2)
Think the most like patriotic, pro-american (but not for america), drill sergeant- so he’s basically the same person. For every AU I make where Soldier is included he’s always the same person because I just love him so much.
(🔥Pyro) Moe/Puff, Block Daycare Attendant (Block 1)
They’re mute :3 They help Heavy in the daycare and their pyromaniac thing isn’t there, they’re just insane. They see the whole world as Pyroland but not everything has to be on fire for it, they’re just like that. Also Moe is their name but Puff is what they let all the kids call them because they're always wearing a puffy jacket
(💣Demo) Tavish, Block Master Assistant (Block 2)
He’s very laid back, he might genuinely let people get away with offenses as long as Doe didn’t see it, he’s mostly there to keep Doe in check and also because I’m a boots and bombs shipper and they’re gay :3
(🧸Heavy) Mikhail, Block Daycare Teacher (Block 1)
Leader of Block 1/the daycare. Block 1 leaders are really nice because they’re whole job is to just teach/watch over kids so he’s just genuinely wholesome :) He tries to get the other Block Masters (Ludwig & Doe) to be better but he’s given up on Doe and Ludwig might be too far gone
(🔧Engie) Dell, Block Maintenance Overseer
There are teams of people who maintain the blocks (he’s one of them), He works with the Admin and Block Masters to keep Blocks up to date. Currently he’s a bit busy because Block 4 had some accident that no one is allowed to know about and it’s not working but everything is totally fine guys 👍
(🫀Medic) Block Master Ludwig (Block 3)
The Knife from Camp Belica in Wolfenstein: The New Order, him fr fr.
(🐊Sniper) Mundy, City 16 - Block 3 Member (32)
Member of Block 3, member number 32. He really couldn’t care less.
(🚬Spy) Jacques, City 16 Blocks Admin
I could’ve just used TF2’s administrator but I have another idea for her and then I also wouldn’t’ve known what to do with Mr. Spy. He’s like the mayor of City 16 but he mostly looks over the Blocks, not the whole thing.
If anyone wants to send asks about this I'd be happy to answer. Also I guess asks for characters are fine, I think if I get any for those I might draw the character to go with it to kinda show their designs a little more. Idk I am just really excited about this AU and want to share it <3
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oddsconvert · 1 year
Torn Apart 🧸☁️
C/W: Comfort item (teddy bear), plush whump, conditioned whumpee, kidnapped, captivity, carewhumper(?), threats of violence, emotional meltdown.
I wrote this in APRIL 2022! 😱 And never posted it. So I thought I'd post now, because why the hell not, have some content!!!
Bitter tears stung Whumpee's eyes, running down their red-flushed cheeks as they paced their 'room'. Radiating with sheer rage; their head pounding, fists clenched and teeth gritted. Room. What a laughable word. Their prison, the basement - it was only ever referred to as their room by whumper, who seemed to think they were so generous and giving for allowing whumpee to sleep down there.
They needed to get their anger out. Punch a wall, scream the air from their lungs, break something to smithereens, ANYTHING. Before the dangerous urge of racing up those stairs and tackling whumper to the floor seems remotely feasible. Whumpee was well aware that that wouldn't achieve anything, if not only more pain. It was always pain.
Whumpee's eyes scanned the basement looking for inanimate objects to inflict their fury on. To be able to pretend for a moment that maybe that it was whumper, and they really did possess the ability to smash them to a million pieces and stamp on the remains.
But their prison was barely furnished. All that room had was a bed, a side table and an old, dusty lamp. To smash the lamp would mean they would have to remain in the darkness, that was out of the question. They couldn't bear the dark, the unknown and the terrors it brings, and whumper would definitely not replace the light any time soon.
Whumpee crashed on their bed, pulling their knees towards them as their chest tightened threatening to heave out sobs. Burying their head into their knees, they began to wail, unholy sounds that echoed in the room and were certain whumper could probably even hear. Feeling nauseous from how hard they cried, their throat raw and body quivering from the violent sobs.
Whumpee cried and cried and cried until their body ran out of fluid, the tears dried up and they sat silently heaving jagged breaths in their little ball. As whumpee untucked themself, they noticed teddy sat beside them on the bed this whole time like a silent guardian as they wept.
As much as whumpee hate whumper, they couldn't help but be ridiculously grateful when they came bounding through the door, whumpee's childhood teddy in their grip. Their comfort plush, the teddy that got them through many teary nights in their life - now with them during this horrific ordeal.
Whumpee wrapped it in iron-grip embrace against him as he cried into the cuddle. If teddy were alive, the hug would be suffocating. The squeeze only got tighter, as whumpee's face scrunched up in a fierce ball of anger before letting out a war cry of despair and ripping teddy to shreds. The stuffing flying astray in the area as two halves of the teddy were grasped in whumpee's hands.
The crying stopped. Their breathing stopped. All that remained was a wide-eyed horrified stare of realisation with the tears paused burning in their eyes as it hit them what just happened.
In pure blind rage and despair, they'd destroyed the only thing they had. The only thing that comforted them. The only thing that reminded them of home or even gave them a slither of hope of one day returning. They'd destroyed teddy. Whumpee began hyperventilating, frantically whimpering and mumbling to themselves as they scrambled to try and fix the broken toy.
"Nonononononono, p-please!" Whumpee's voice waivered with agony as they repeatedly slammed the two half's of the teddy together as though it would magically reassemble if they tried hard enough. Their body trembled violently with regret, the tears now once again resuming their flow but for a different reason now. It was like they were mourning with a friend.
Whumpee realised they had no choice, and with their tail tucked between their legs, stifling sniffles with a timid, fearful expression washing over them and teddy wrapped protectively in their arms; they made their way upstairs to whumper. Whumpee was told to never knock on whumper's study door unless it was an emergency, and where it might not be an emergency to whumper... it was the end of the world for whumpee.
It took everything within whumpee to muster the stregnth to rap on that door, their small frame shivering as it towered above them. When the door flew open to reveal a severely pissed whumper, about to fly off the handle at their captive but they were shocked at what they did next.
The brave face whumpee had put on had crumpled and their face was littered with fresh, hot tears as they held out the ripped stuffed toy towards whumper - their eyes widening with a mix of shock and perplexity as they recognised what they were being given. Lips quivering as they tried to find the words to beg, to plead.
"P-Please," Whumpee sniffed, "Please, f-fix him." Whumpee's voice escaped in a solemn whisper as they scrunched their eyes shut, expecting harsh curses to spew their way and maybe an agonising kick and chuckle. But whumper remained silent, his eyebrows furrowing as he searched the boy up and down.
"P-Please. I'm begging you. Please f-fix him, I-I'll do anything, I - I can't lose him-" Towards the end of whumpee's rambling a hoarse sob escaped his throat as he began to choke on tears, so worked up. Whumper reach out and gently scooped the teddy from the palms of whumpee's hands, whumpee wincing and whining when they felt the sensation of teddy leaving their hold. Whumper moved the plush around, inspecting the damage before giving whumpee a questioning look.
"You did this?" he sternly asked but there was evidence of sympathy in his voice. Lingering concern. Whumpee shyly nodded.
"I- I don't know w-why... It - It was an accident, please help fix him-" The pleading was pathetic. They both knew that. And as much as whumper knew he should punish whumpee for disobeying rules, interrupting him from his work - he couldn't turn down the request.
Whumpee waits for the inevitable strike. For whumper to fist their hair and drag them kicking and screaming downstairs and throw teddy in the bin. Maybe he deserves that.
But Whumper lifts whumpee's chin up as he continues to sniffle and hiccup, his stance limp as he stands petrified in the door way. As whumpee's tearful eyes come into view, whumper shoots him a look of mercy.
"Come on then," Whumper sighs, grabbing Whumpee's arm, "Let's get him patched up."
Whumper had been working on teddy for what felt like hours now. He'd dragged whumpee down to the living room, made him a hot drink and draped him in blankets - even putting on his favourite show on the TV in hopes of distracting him from the surgery like procedure whumper was conducting on his teddy.
But every time whumper gazed over to check on whumpee, he was met with wide cautious eyes watching every move, every stitch and every cut.
"Watch your show, whumpee," `Whumper barked, Whumpee's eyes darting back to the screen, "-everything's going smoothly there's nothing to worry about."
"Will he be okay?"
The way whumpee referred to his teddy as a living being was concerning, whumpee was truly petrified for the bears sake. But Whumper found it adorable too, almost a childlike wonder to them.
"He'll be fine. Just needs a bit more work done." Whumpee slowly nodded and ducked his head into the blankets - waiting painstakingly long for the results.
Decades must have passed, whumpee felt a nudge to the blankets that made him squeak and jolt out his nest. Held before his eyes was teddy. Whole again. Whumpee grabbed it with excitement, his eyes lighting up as he inspected the craftmanship - you couldn't even notice it was ever broken. Whumper's face beaming with pride as he saw happiness and relief washing over his captive.
It didn't take long for whumpee to lunge onto whumper in a crushing, appreciative hug. Spluttering all forms of gratitude and praise.
"You're welcome, Whumpee. But next time you break teddy? There's no fixing him. I'll break you the same."
Drabble taglist <3: @whatwasmyprevioususername  @whumpsday  @sparrowsage  @whumperfully  @wolves-and-winters @canislycaon24 @happy-little-sadist @darkthingshappen
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seungrem · 1 month
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nightwing x male!reader
‘Confidential: Red Hood’s SAR’ (p. 2)
Part 1 *** - Masterlist *** - Part 2 of ??
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summary: Reader leaves the Wayne residence with a vigilante to help find his MIA friends. With a long night ahead, Red Hood and reader tread carefully.
( overview: college student!reader, cop???grayson, Alessio Falcone = made up character, kidnapping, hero-canon-typical violence, henchmen, villains & police. few Batfam features, esp. Red Hood. )
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emoji code:
🌿 ( long story & series - 5.1k words )
-🧸 ( light fluff )
-🫧 ( light angst, canon-typical violence )
☁️ ( stands for y/n )
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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The bustling city that was Gotham presented almost-vacant streets to the duo speeding through them. Red Hood’s motorcycle roared as ☁️ clung tight onto the vigilante’s torso, practically scared for his life.
It took only a few minutes before the two had reached Gotham University’s campus. Red Hood turned his bike lights off and turned slowly into a familiar side street before pulling over and stopping completely.
“Get off.” Red Hood instructed, the boy doing as told immediately. The vigilante dug into one of his black pant’s many pockets, pulling out a small ear piece. He held it out to ☁️ while using his other hand to dig some more.
“Put this into your ear.” His voice buzzed through his mask, ☁️ following his order again. The boy watched as Red Hood pulled his hand out of another pocket and tossed a small metal square to him. It was light with a smaller square carved into the middle.
“This is in case everything goes south. It’ll alert the police, so only use it when I say to.”
☁️ nodded in understanding, a bit intimidated by the masked man in front of him.
“Here are the rules. Do as I say. Stay behind me unless I say otherwise. Don’t be loud, and use the earpieces when trying to talk to me from a distance. Just tap and hold it- it’ll basically act as a walkie-talkie. Got it?”
“How do you use the square?” ☁️ asked, holding it out to him.
“You press the smaller square in the middle. Put it in your pocket so you don’t do it accidentally.”
☁️ nodded, putting it into his right pocket that also held his phone. Red Hood kicked his stand up.
“We need to go, get on.”
☁️ jumped onto the bike and threw his hands around the vigilante, the man then accelerating forward. He turned left into an alley with a dirt road, moving quickly without making much noise. Driving through the grass after steering off-road, Red Hood swerved slyly around trees despite the lack of light.
With the two now on the barn’s side, the two hopped off of the bike and let it fall to the ground. The vigilante pulled an object from out of a pocket and aimed it at the roof, shooting a rope that clung to the top of the building. He attached the object to his hip and turned to ☁️.
“We’re climbing up.” Red hood stated, pushing ☁️ in front of the rope. Placing one foot onto the building, the boy attempted to pull himself up and begin climbing. He began sliding back down almost immediately, causing the vigilante to groan.
“This was a mistake..”
☁️ sighed. “I don’t climb up buildings everyday. Sorry.”
He watched as Red Hood placed a foot on the building’s side and held the rope in his fist. “I’ll push you up, step in front of me.”
☁️ furrowed his eyebrows but did as told, grabbing some of the rope and lifting a foot up.
“Now start walking up, I’ll keep a hand on you.”
☁️ started upwards with Red Hood’s hand supporting his back.
“Go quicker.”
The boy began tugging at the rope with more force, the two almost running up the barn’s side. After a few minutes of struggling, Red Hood pushed ☁️ over the edge and onto the black triangular roof. He then jumped up next to him, grabbing the rope device’s hook out of a roof tile.
☁️ turned to lean against the roof, him getting nervous after looking at the ground more than 40 feet below. Red Hood waved his hand to get the boy’s attention. He held a finger to his ear and used his other hand to open a large hatch.
“Again, here’s the plan. I go in, you stay a few steps behind me. Don’t do anything unless I tell you to. We’re going to jump into the hayloft, and make our way down. Oh, and talk in whispers with the communicators. Got it?” ☁️ heard Red hood speak in whispers through the device in his hear. The vigilante then jumped through the hatch, leaving it open for ☁️. The boy lowered a leg in but couldn’t feel the floor, causing him to grab the hatch’s door and hold it over his head. He jumped in, letting it close without much noise.
The hayloft was pitch black, with the only light coming from the small rectangular windows on the front and back ends of the walls. ☁️ placed his finger on his ear.
“How are we supposed to see in the dark?”
“The mask has night vision. I’ll give you my flashlight.”
☁️ felt an object tap his arm a few seconds later, making him jump lightly. After realizing it was probably the flashlight, he grabbed it and switched it on.
“Keep it on the lowest setting, but turn it off if there’s people around.” Red Hood instructed as ☁️ followed him over to another hatch.
The vigilante opened it slightly and scanned the area as the boy waited behind him.
“This doesn’t look like a barn on the inside. Looks more like an old home. Get ready to jump in.” Red Hood whispered as ☁️ kneeled beside him. The man opened the hatch slightly and slipped in, ☁️ following right behind. The two stood in the middle of a dusty hallway with red carpeting over a wooden floor. The wallpaper a pale green with floral designs, it truly did look like an old home. A man lied motionless on the floor a few feet in front of the two, Red Hood walking over to him and kneeling down.
“Nightwing is here, but he’s on the other side of this big ass building. We need to find him before we do anything else.” Red hood whispered through his communicator.
“But what about the missing people? Could that guy be one of them?”
“Doesn’t look like it.. he has a walkie talkie in his jacket pocket. We’ll find the students when we find him.”
☁️ didn’t understand, but also didn’t question it. He stepped over the knocked-out man and followed Red Hood down the dimly lit hallway line with a few white doors. ☁️ eventually trudged down a wooden staircase that sat against the wall, with the only noise being the creaking wood in which they stepped on.
Red Hood pulled his guns out and aimed them at the floor below them, causing ☁️ to crouch down as he descended slowly from behind. The man cleared the area, motioning for ☁️ to come off of the steps and into the small room of wooden walls and a floor of dirt. To the right was a wooden wall that held a large amount of farm materials. There were metal boxes that laid against this wall, which ☁️ almost immediately recognized. He looked to the left to find a wide walkway that led down what seemed like forever. There were very few lights hanging from above, leaving the ground in large circles of yellow, illuminated areas surrounded by darkness. The walls were also wooden there, and the floor was nothing but dirt and pieces of hay. ☁️ quickly turned his attention back to the boxes beside him, placing a finger to his ear as Red Hood approached the walkway.
“I saw them carrying these in.”
Red Hood turned around, then hurrying over to ☁️ and opening one of the metallic suitcases. With the boy shining his flashlight over it, the two caught sight of small vials of olive green liquid lying side by side- most having already been removed. The man grabbed a couple and handed them to ☁️, looking over his shoulder as he did so.
“Put these in your pocket and don’t let them break. Turn off your flashlight, too.”
☁️ nodded, placing the vials into his left pocket and switching the flashlight off. He threw it into his hoodie pocket and turned his attention back to Red Hood.
“Also, new plan. If you see anybody, you let me know immediately. Keep your eyes pealed at all times. Even on the ceilings. Let’s go.”
Red Hood grabbed a few pieces of rope from a tool rack above him and handed them to a concerned ☁️.
“What do you mean? What’re in the tubes?”
“I have an idea, but you don’t need to worry about it unless you breathe it in. So don’t break ‘em.”
As the two made their way toward the walkway, the vigilante pushed the boy to the wall.
“Stay against the walls so you’re in the shadows. Use the ropes when I say to.”
“For what?”
“Don’t question me.” Red Hood whispered in response, running to the other side of the wall and disappearing into the shadows. ☁️’s ear piece buzzed. “We need to cover a lot of ground. Make sure you move quickly.”
☁️ saw the flash of the vigilante’s mask hurry alongside the wall, him then doing the same. They passed a few doors held shut by wooden planks before coming across a man lying in the center of a lit area. Red Hood whispered a “Stop.” before stepping out of the shadow to examine the man. ☁️ watched nervously as the vigilante checked his pulse and inspected his body.
Turning his head to look behind the three of them, ☁️ didn’t see anybody around. Upon scanning the area in front of them, he noticed another two bodies in the distance. Red Hood jumped back into the shadows a moment later.
“He’s fine, just beat up. Keep moving.”
“There’s more of them two lights ahead.”
☁️ heard Red Hood mutter a “shit..” before responding.
“Someone’s messing with us. Keep going.”
Red Hood popped back out of the shadows to check the people in the distance, causing ☁️ to continue down the hallway while still against the wall.
Him now standing opposite to the vigilante, he watched as Red Hood hurried back out of the light after checking over the people.
“They’re also fine. My monitor says Nightwing’s right behind that door. I’m gonna go in first, wait a few minutes before following.”
☁️ glanced over to the wooden door that was now around 20 feet away. A glare caught the boy’s eye, causing him to shift his gaze onto a wooden beam high up near the ceiling. A black figure stood beside the hanging light, stalking them in an animalistic stance. ☁️ placed his finger to his ear almost immediately.
“Uh- there’s someone above us on the ceiling’s beam. See them?”
“Shit...” Red Hood muttered. “Go back to the other end of the room and lay low. Hurry up.”
☁️ jogged back, but stopped halfway to see what would happen. He knelt next to one of the wooden doors, placing a hand on it as he waited.
A few muffled shots echoed through the hallway, surprising ☁️- though mostly due to the sound not being as loud as he would’ve thought. The figure on the beam ran out of sight after Red Hood shot at them from the shadows. He boldly walked into the middle of the illuminated area beside to two people lying on the ground, seemingly waiting for the figure to approach him. Upon keeping his gaze at the ceiling, ☁️ could see the figure swinging over to another beam above him. ☁️ placed his hand on his ear once again.
“He’s on the beam behind you.”
As soon as Red Hood turned around, a man of black and blues swooped down directly at him. The man barely jumping out of the way, ☁️ watched as Nightwing charged at the vigilante with batons in hand. Red Hood fired more shots, causing ☁️ to duck down.
Nightwing’s movements were disoriented and slow, allowing Red Hood to slam him onto the ground and pin him.
“☁️, the ropes!”
☁️ rushed out of the shadows and over to a struggling Red Hood. Upon reaching him, the boy watched as Nightwing threw Red Hood off of him and rolled toward ☁️ in a combative stance. The boy yelped and took a few steps back from the hero, who slowly approached him. After a few seconds, Nightwing pulled out an electric baton and prepared to throw it at ☁️, who then leaped into the shadows. Red Hood released a few shots from behind the two immediately after, ☁️ witnessing Nightwing’s dramatic descent to the ground. Seeing the hero hold his legs and groan in pain, ☁️ hurried over to stand beside Red Hood.
“You shot Nightwing?”
“They’re rubber bullets. He’ll be alright.”
“Well, what do we do now?”
“I need to make a call. Drag him into the shadow.”
☁️ huffed as he walked over to the man, afraid to touch him. After quickly grabbing Nightwing’s batons from beside him and rolling them over to the wall, ☁️ took Nightwing’s arm and slowly dragged him to the wall. He softly rested his head on the ground, unsure of what the hero’s lack of resistance meant. The man then grabbed ☁️’s wrist and pulled it back, causing the boy to fall onto a knee. ☁️ grabbed the electric baton from beside him without thinking twice, shoving it into Nightwing’s arm. He shook violently for a second or two before ☁️ threw the stick back to the side, feeling Nightwing’s grasp loosen and his head fell back. Red Hood approached the two of them upon seeing the altercation.
“Robin’s on his way. Stay put and wait for him to come.”
“Why couldn’t Batman come?”
“This is beneath him apparently. I’m going into the room now, stay here and use the batons again if needed.”
☁️ nodded, watching as Red Hood ran over to the double-wooden doors at the end of the hallway. Upon opening it, ☁️ could see a few people already on the ground, choosing to look away. He became anxious, wondering where Alessio and Dick were. He crawled beside Nightwing’s head and sat as the sound of glass breaking, people yelling, and muffled gunshots echoed out of the next room.
“I wonder if you were able to find Alessio or Dick.” ☁️ looked over to Nightwing, who remained asleep on the floor. Wondering how he came to be sitting beside a knocked-out hero with another shooting up the room beside him, he sighed. “You really should wake up soon.”
While ☁️ waited for Robin, Red Hood took the many ropes that the boy carried, using them to tie the arms of everyone in the next room. ☁️ didn’t question it, and he didn’t bother looking inside either. The air quickly became thick, and an unshakable headache lingered in ☁️’s head.
It took Robin around 15 minutes to arrive and then find Nightwing. Upon running over to the two with a black suitcase in hand, he opened the box and injected something into Nightwing’s arm. The hero woke up after a few minutes of distribution, him rising up as if coming back from the dead. ☁️ hadn’t seen Red Hood since he had left the room.
“Did I get high on that shit again?” Nightwing asked, rubbing his head.
“Red Hood said you did.” Robin responded.
The two simultaneously shifted their attention to ☁️, who was taken aback by the man’s familiar voice.
“Oh, uh ☁️.. Why’re you.. here?” Nightwing asked in a much deeper tone, grabbing his batons from behind ☁️ and standing up. Robin and the boy followed his action, though Nightwing didn’t last long before falling into ☁️ and wincing in pain. He gripped the boy’s shoulder as he placed all of his weight onto him, ☁️ silently struggling to keep him up.
“My uh.. friend, Jason, sent his.. “friend” to help find my friends, but his friend was pretty focused on finding you.”
As if on cue, Red Hood walked out of the room dragging a motionless scarecrow on the floor. ☁️ didn’t pay him much mind, though, as Nightwing’s weight held his attention hostage- oh. And the fact that the hero knew his name.
“Wait.. how do you know my name?”
“He took you here..?” Nightwing gritted through his teeth. Robin laughed nervously, grabbing Nightwing’s arm and throwing it over his shoulder to help hold him up. The boy motioned ☁️ away, him hearing the three of them “discussing” a few seconds later.
☁️ wandered to closest wooden door along the walkway. A wooden plank lied horizontally, barring the door shut. After noticing a somewhat-large crack in the structure, he bent down and peered through it, seeing movement. ☁️ stood back up and softly removed the plank, placing it beside him. Opening the door slightly, a thin line of light illuminated what seemed to be a face. A metallic object beside the person reflected that light, it flashing in and out of view as the figure began slowly approaching ☁️. The person crawled on all fours, which scared the boy, causing him to gently shut the door. He turned to the trio a few feet away from him, noticing that they were all looking at him.
“You didn’t open that door, did you?” Nightwing asked sonorously, him then noticing the plank on the ground.
“Well, I-“
The door swung open, hitting ☁️ and causing him to trip over the plank. He turned his head while on his hands and knees, recognizing the boy who frantically ran out of the room. It was Alessio, but he had a look of vexation and bewilderment. His eyes were red, his brown hair messy, and his gray polo shirt slightly torn alongside large patches of dirt. Although relieved to see his friend alive, he knew the boy wasn’t in his right mind- ☁️ assuming he had suffered the same fate that Nightwing had.
Red Hood jumped between ☁️ and the animalistic Alessio a few feet behind him, while Robin threw Nightwing aside and rushed to help ☁️ stand up. Robin pulled the boy’s wrist forward, dragging him away from the conflict to where Nightwing sat. Robin then ran over to Red Hood as Alessio sat in a coiled stance, leaving Nightwing and ☁️ to watch in an awkward silence.
“You really shouldn’t be here. I’m sorry J-“ Nightwing paused. “Red Hood shouldn’t have brought you. I don’t think you understand how dangerous it is.” He looked over to ☁️, who sat beside him. Strands of his long black hair fell in front of his glowing, white eyes.
“I wanted to help.”
“I know, but you shouldn’t have come.”
Alessio would’ve been easy to take down if he wasn’t 6’3, athletic, and overly aggressive while high on toxins. Red Hood didn’t use his guns, but Robin pulled out a lengthy bow staff. The two tossed him around for a minute before finally knocking the boy out. Nightwing and ☁️ stood still, continuing to watch.
“Ya’know..” Nightwing coughed. ☁️ turned to look over to him. “..I barred those doors for a reason.”
“What do you mean?”
“Scarecrow had his experiments roaming around freely.. and some were even attacking the henchmen. I had to take all of them down and place them in different rooms, all by myself.” Nightwing boasted, but ☁️ didn’t immediately catch onto it.
“Is that why those guys were knocked out in the hallway?” ☁️ asked, slyly pointing to the small group of henchmen sitting tied up against the opposite side of the wall. Though the two were many feet away from them, the men seemed to know they were talking about them. Nightwing looked at ☁️ and pursed his lips, the light from above casting an odd shadow below them.
“I- … uh, Probably.”
☁️ kept his thoughts to himself, smiling as the hero looked away. He watched as Robin administered what seemed like the toxin’s cure into Alessio’s arm. He didn’t wake up nearly as quickly as Nightwing did.
“You okay?”
☁️ sat beside his friend against the wall, Alessio rubbing his head. Although the two sat in the darkness, ☁️ could still make out the boy’s tired look.
“I’m pissed.”
☁️ sighed. “Well..”
Alessio looked over to ☁️, furrowing his eyebrows. “I’m sorry. I gotta stop doin’ stupid shit.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay… Your dad is livid, though. Do you wanna call him?”
The boy nodded, taking his friend’s phone after ☁️ slid it out of his right pocket. Robin approached the two a few seconds later.
“☁️, can you help me?”
Nodding, he stood up and followed Robin to the other end of the hallway, where three people lied next to each other on the ground.
“Were you able to find my other friend?”
“Oh,.. Dick? Yeaa, he was upstairs and.. found a way out of a window! So don’t worry about him.”
“You saw him get out safely?”
“Yes.. he was leaving when I came in. Anyway, everyone who had been exposed to the gas has been given a cure. Since what we used is from a previous encounter with Scarecrow, it’s not going to be immediately effective. That’s why your friend took longer to process what happened.”
“Oh, okay. So they’ll be up soon?” ☁️ asked, pointing beside the hero.
“Yes. Also, we locked Scarecrow in this room until the police come. Don’t open it.”
☁️ nodded, following Robin back in the other direction. “So, how’s Nightwing?”
“He’s still pissed about.. well, everything. He has a rubber bullet stuck in his leg and he’s still a bit drowsy. Can you help him walk over to the front so that he can greet the commissioner?”
The boy muttered an “Alright.” and walked over to where Nightwing sat in the dark. ☁️’s body turned into a shadow as he knelt beside the vigilante.
“I’m supposed to help you talk to the commissioner.” ☁️ said, looking into Nightwing’s glowing eyes.
“Okay, if you could help me up..”
☁️ stood and took hold of Nightwing’s glove, holding it tight as the man used his good leg to push himself up. Wrapping his arm around ☁️’s neck, the two walked slowly through the doors that Scarecrow got dragged through. The two awkwardly passed henchmen tied to chairs, tables, shelves, and even a stack of hay- courtesy of Red Hood.
Upon pushing through the door at the other end of the room, a long, dark hallway stood between the two of them and the front door.
“I don’t think it’s safe. Let me go first.” Nightwing said, stopping.
“You’d fall over if I let you go.”
“No I wouldn’t. I can walk.” Nightwing responded, seemingly offended.
“I’m not letting you go, so we’re going through together.”
☁️ took a step forward, causing the vigilante to hop. The two walked slowly and silently down the eerie hallway. Halfway through, Nightwing didn’t sense any danger, him consequently choosing to disrupt the lonely sound of crickets chirping.
“So.. is your friend okay?”
“Which one?”
“The big one.”
“They’re both big.”
“Falcone’s son.”
“Oh, yeah. He’s fine, just a bit annoyed.”
“Who’s the other one you were talking about?”
“His name is Richard. He’s a cop and came here earlier.”
“Oh, I know a private investigator Richard.”
“Oh, how convenient.” ☁️ thought out loud, half-jokingly. Thinking to himself, Nightwing and Richard being the same person would realistically explain the similarity in their voices and the fact that the hero knew the boy’s name. Dick also had long black hair and fair skin, just as Nightwing did.
Nightwing stopped, causing ☁️ to as well. “What?” He asked in a deeper voice, shocking the boy.
“Wait, don’t change your voice-”
“Stop. I don’t have time for you to try and guess who I am- that’s confidential.” He paused. “If Richard is still here, it wouldn’t make sense for us to be the same person anyway.”
☁️ didn’t expect Nightwing’s tone to become so harsh- and it was intimidating to say the least. The hero didn’t know that Dick had already left the vicinity, but ☁️ didn’t dare argue.
“Oh, sorry.”
The two continued down the hallway, reaching the door after another minute of cricket chirps. The glass door in front of them transitioned from a dark purple to flashes of red and blue- the sound of sirens now filling the awkward silence. ☁️ took hold of the knob and opened the door, watching as police cars, ambulances, and a large black van approached the building. The henchmen’s vans were nowhere in sight. Holding onto Nightwing as the two passed through the door, ☁️ watched as a man with a beard came running from out of one of the flashing cars.
“Everything okay?” He asked, looking Nightwing up and down.
“Yeah. Scarecrow is locked in a room inside, we have a few people who are recovering from a toxin, and then we have a lot of henchmen tied up all over the place. No casualties.”
“Since when does Scarecrow have henchmen?” The cop asked.
“We’ll talk about that later.” Nightwing whispered, him then turning to ☁️. “☁️, can you lead Commissioner Gordan and the officers to Red Hood and Robin? I’m gonna get this bullet outta my leg.”
“Bats isn’t here?”
“No. Should’ve been though. It was worse than I thought it’d be.”
Commissioner Gordan nodded and motioned for his team to follow him. ☁️ grabbed the flashlight from out of his pocket and lit the dark hallway up for the officers. Leading them through the room full of henchmen and broken objects, he proceeded into the wide hallway.
“What is this? Are those horse stalls?”
“Maybe at one point they were.” ☁️ responded, catching Red Hood and Robin’s attention. The two walked over to the police as ☁️ slipped away from the officers, once again sitting next to Alessio. The boy handed ☁️’s phone back, sighing.
“How’d it go?”
“He’s real mad, but relieved.”
☁️ nodded.
“I feel like shit.” Alessio groaned, knocking his head against the wood behind him.
“There’re ambulances outside. You should probably get checked at the hospital.”
“Yeah, I’ll go.” Alessio stood up, following ☁️’s action. As the two began back toward the other room, Commissioner Gordan stopped them.
“☁️, right? Do you have the vial samples with you?”
“Oh, yeah.” ☁️ nodded, handing him the few vials that he had stuffed into his pocket.
☁️ watched as the commissioner handed the vials to another officer, who placed them softly inside of a plastic bag. Alessio tugged at his arm, the two of them then continuing past arrests being made and investigators searching the area.
Eventually, the two were outside and standing in front of an EMT. ☁️ watched as Alessio hopped onto a stretcher and was then lifted into the ambulance. To his left, ☁️ noticed Nightwing sitting on the edge of an ambulance with a bandage around his calf. He walked over to him, the hero noticing and giving the boy his full attention.
“You alright?” ☁️ asked, sitting beside him.
“Better. Does Falcone know the boy’s alright?” The vigilante responded, his voice resonant.
“Yes, Alessio spoke to him.”
“Good. I don’t need his father getting involved.”
Silence filled the air for a few seconds.
“So.. what now?” ☁️ asked, yawning.
“Well, it’s just about 2am. You should go home. I’ll stay until everyone leaves. Red Hood and Robin will probably leave after Scarecrow leaves for Arkham.”
“All of my stuff is.. somewhere other than my dorm.”
“Ah, shit… Okay, I’ll have Red Hood take you back, then. Do you mind staying another night at the manor?”
“How’d you know I was staying there?”
“Oh.. Hood told me that he picked you up from Wayne Manor. Do you like it there?”
“Yes, it’s very nice inside. The Waynes are very nice as well.”
“I’ve met them a few times. Which is your favorite?”
“I’ve only met Richard and Jason.”
“You know he goes by Dick, right?”
“Oh, yeah. Dick. I like him a lot.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, he’s cute. But what’s it to you?” ☁️ asked, smiling.
“Just a little jealous. I’ll have to let him know you said that when I see him next.”
“Please do.”
“Can I have the square and communicator back?” Red Hood held his hand out as soon as ☁️ hopped off of the bike.
“Oh yeah, I didn’t use it.” ☁️ stated, grabbing it from out of his pocket and placing it into the man’s gloves. He forgot that he was still wearing the earpiece, quickly placing it into the palm of his hand as well.
“That’s alright. Thanks for your help tonight.” Red Hood said, kicking his stand up.
“I don’t think I did much, but I should thank you, too. Be safe.”
“You too.” Red Hood said before lifting his legs and speeding off, leaving ☁️ to stand alone. ☁️ turned around to look at the manor’s long gate doors, wondering how he could possibly get back inside. Just then, the gates opened, somewhere scaring ☁️. He ran past the tall bushes and across the driveway to the manor‘s stairs. Upon walking up the steps, the mansion’s front doors opened. A tall man in a black and white suit stood in the doorframe, watching as ☁️ timidly approached him.
“☁️, correct?”
“Yes, hello.” He responded stopping as he got to the top of the stairs. He stood a few feet away from the man, who he oddly seemed to recognize.
“I don’t believe we’ve met. Please, come in.” The man said, holding the door open for ☁️.
As soon as the door closed behind him, ☁️ turned around, partially waiting for an introduction despite realizing who he was.
“My name is Bruce Wayne.” Bruce held his hand out to ☁️, who tried his best not to be awkward whilst shaking it. “So, you’ll be staying another few days at the manor?”
“I was hoping to go back to my dorm tomorrow.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I just got a call from the police commissioner- he thinks it would be a good idea for you to stay another two weeks. Or at least until this case comes to an end.”
☁️ nodded his head in understanding.
“Don’t worry. We’ll do our best to make the manor as comfortable as possible.”
“Thank you Mr. Wayne. It’s a pleasure.”
Bruce nodded.
“If there’s anything you need, just come to Alfred, one of the boys, or myself.”
“Speaking of, could you tell me if Dick ever made it home?”
Bruce stared expressionlessly at ☁️ for a few seconds before answering.
“Yes, he came home a while ago, but recently left again to help investigate.” He paused. “Also, I don’t think it’s safe for you to get involved in dangerous cases as you did tonight. You’re here for protection- and while I, of course, cannot control you or your actions, I hope you take my words seriously.”
“I definitely do. I apologize for-“
“No need. Your courage is admirable but your safety is our priority.” Bruce said calmly, taking a few steps forward and turning his head. “Have a goodnight.”
“You as well.”
As ☁️ climbed into bed, he felt a vibration erupt from his pajama pant’s pocket. Pulling out his phone, he glanced over a response from Dick.
‘ Sorry, things didn’t go as I expected.
But I got to talk to that vigilante.
Nightwing or smth like that.
He told me what u said lol. I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well :) ‘
☁️ rolled his eyes and placed his phone on the nightstand, him then digging into the covers beneath him. After closing his eyes, it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep.
Scarecrow stood opposite to ☁️ across a cemetery, the night sky hidden behind a stormy overcast. A feeling of dread and despair washed over the boy, forming a mold over his legs that prevented them from moving. He watched in horror as Scarecrow grew larger and larger from across the yard, eventually surpassing the height of surrounding trees.
As the villain took a step toward ☁️, the ground shook, breaking the immobility of the boy’s body. He shuffled out of the cemetery gates, where the shadow of Scarecrow overcame his own. He turned around to see the villain experiencing a state of immobility instead, Nightwing now perched on the metal gate’s archway. Lightning cracked behind Scarecrow as Nightwing and ☁️ seemingly made eye contact, with his face covered in shadow but his eye still glowing white. A figure appeared under him- he was tall and muscular, but he too was covered in shadow. ☁️ could sense Grayson’s presence, but couldn’t see his face. He approached the man despite the three of them watching him.
As he stood a foot away from Dick, he still couldn’t see his face. Lightning struck the ground behind ☁️, not illuminating what should’ve been Dick’s eyes, but rather a Nightwing mask. He held out a hand to touch the man, but retracted it upon realizing that Scarecrow had disappeared from behind him. He turned around to see the villain’s foot about to come crashing down on him, but was more in shock when he felt Dick dig his nails deep into his arms from behind.
☁️ awoke from his slumber, practically jumping out of the little spoon position that Grayson held him in. The boy began breathing heavily, calming down as he felt the man behind him wrap an arm around his waist and pull him close.
“Bad dream?” Dick whispered, nuzzling the boy’s neck.
“I think so.” ☁️ hazily responded, running a few fingers over his red arms.
“What about?”
“Scarecrow and you. And Nightwing.”
“You can’t have both me and Nightwing. Can’t tell him you’re dreaming about him or he might get the wrong idea.”
“Well, in the dream you ended up digging your nails into my skin. That scared me more than Scarecrow or Nightwing did.”
“Aw, I’m sorry. I would never hurt you.”
“I know. I didn’t mean to wake you up, though. You can go back to sleep.”
“I just got home 20 minutes ago, actually. I didn’t sleep yet.”
“What time is it??”
“Quarter to 4.”
☁️ rubbed Dicks hand, slowly falling back asleep.
“Get some rest.. goodnight.”
“Goodnight, cutie.” Dick whispered, closing his eyes as well.
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a/n: this chapter lacked ik it was boring ik ik, just trust the process- there’s more dick x reader interactions in the next chapter !! i just needed to make this part dramatic but now we’re onto the cute stuff :))) i also feel like it was poorly written- i got bored and didn’t bother spicing it up so that i could work on chapter 3. hope u enjoyed anyway!!
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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101 notes · View notes
babbymochiiii · 5 months
pt. 1
( 🔞 18+ smut 🧸 fluff 💋 suggestive )
✨note: here you will find writing for the 10 eldest members! In part two 👇🏼 you’ll find the 10 youngest members!
⭐️ note 2: please let it be known that this is only part 1 for part 2 the link is here
✨ main master list: here
requests are open! ⭐️
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Confession Letter: Johnny Suh
↪︎.3k words
↪︎ college student Johnny, reader insert, mention of stalking
↪︎ Synopsis: you give him a confession letter and he ends up being a stalker…
When He Replaces You: Johnny Suh
↪︎ 1.6k words
↪︎ non idol Johnny, reader insert, angst
↪︎ Synopsis: where Johnny kept going to the cafe you worked at after everything ended
↪︎ 703 words
↪︎ angel! Johnny x ngs! reader, suggestive context about the one-night stand and the memories from that night they had together
↪︎synopsis: you had a one-night stand with angel! Johnny, to which you try to leave without him noticing, but he ends up cornering you ;)
🔞Birthday Surpirse: JOHNNY SUH
↪︎ 1.7k words
↪︎ idol! Johnny x afab! reader, smut, fluff, romance, established relationship, Johnny getting blind folded, oral (m), unprotected sex (y’all wrap it up pls), dick riding, dom Johnny, sub reader, daddy count (1), dirty talk, Johnny coming inside of reader, pet names; hers: angel, baby; his: baby
↪︎synopsis: you give Johnny a birthday surprise 🎁
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Saved: Lee Taeyong
↪︎ .6k words
↪︎ taeyong, reader insert, publicly being embarrassed, romance, fluff-ish
↪︎ Synopsis: where he saves you from embarrassment
[ 4:03 pm ]
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Music Taste: Nakamoto Yuta
↪︎ .6k words
↪︎ non specific pairing, comedy, idol group NCT 127, second hand embarrassment,
↪︎ Synopsis: he likes the taste of your music
🔞Caught: Nakamoto Yuta
↪︎ 1k words
↪︎ NCT college au, heavy make outs, hickies, dry hunping, almost oral (f receiving), getting caught, smut
↪︎ Synopsis: you were heading to bed when you head a thump upstairs.
↪︎ 697 words
↪︎ yandere yuta and doyoung, reader insert, angst, panic attacks, indecisive thoughts, manipulation
↪︎ Synopsis: they kidnap you and you have consent panic attacks
💋Tongue Piercing: NAKAMOTO YUTA
↪︎ 506 words
↪︎ idol yuta, reader insert, comedy, suggestive context about the piercing
↪︎ Synopsis: where you tell yuta about the speculations NCTzens have been making about a supposed tongue piercing, to which he admits.
↪︎ rockstar! yuta x afab! reader
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Excuse Me?: Qian Kun
↪︎ .7k words
↪︎ idol kun, reader insert, comedy, sexual tension
↪︎ Synopsis: you were caught saying something the moment he walked into the room.
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🔞 I Just Wanna Be Yours: Kim Doyoung
↪︎ 5k words
↪︎ idol doyoung, reader insert, smut, angst, best friends to lovers, believing feelings are one sided, slight mention of an abusive adult, drinking and getting “drunk,” mention of sleeping with idols, make out, hickies, biting, oral (f receiving), fingering, sex without condom (y’all wrap that shit up we don’t want anything), call count of 3 times for daddy, after care.
↪︎ Synopsis: Upon getting drunk with one another, true feelings come spilling out.
↪︎ 697 words
↪︎ yandere yuta and doyoung, reader insert, angst, panic attacks, indecisive thoughts, manipulation
↪︎ they kidnap you and you have consent panic attacks
🔞Tag Team: Kim Doyoung
↪︎ 1.6k words
↪︎ idol doyoung, reader insert, reader’s best friend, smut, oral (m), a pretty heavy make out between reader and best friend (only once-), giving that sloppy toppy, DOYOUNG wanting to take control but couldn’t because the reader is >///< being dominant for the situation, slight possessiveness, just filth LMAO
↪︎ Synopsis: everyone’s been sharing the same sexual fantasy
🔞Strawberry Sunday: DOJAEJUNG
↪︎ 12.6k words
↪︎ non idol! doyoung, jaehyun, jungwoo x female! reader 🔞smut, some romance, some fluff, angst? public sex (2), slightly dom jungwoo, reader is a lil slutty for them, unprotected sex, hair pulling, slight choking, cream pie (2), doyoung being a complete softy for you, doyoung being a pantie sniffer, pussy worshiping, "just the tip" scenario, doyoung is literally on his knees for you babes, mean but "soft" dom jaehyun, jaehyun humiliating you, dirty talk with some name calling, dacryphilia, sir count (1), oral (m & f), "threesome" (m x f x m) its more like a eiffel tower, voyeurism, after care, hand job, established relationship | pet names for reader: jungwoo: puppy, doyoung: bunny, jaehyun: baby | pet names from reader to them: jungwoo: Woo, doyoung: Doi, jaehyun: Jae
↪︎synopsis: Doyoung, Jungwoo, and Jaehyun each have a crush on you, while you do like 'em as well, but in order to find out if your shy nature with them is because you also feel the same way, they take things to the next level, by themselves and together.
↪︎synopsis: you had a really exhausting day at work and your boyfriend Doyoung knew exactly what you needed to help you feel better.
↪︎warnings: mental exhaustion, mention of people complaining and yelling, crying
↪︎word count: 717 words
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On My Youth: TEN LEE pt.1
↪︎ 1.9k words
↪︎ idol! ten lee x ngs! reader ft. xiaojun, angst, crying, conflicted feelings, minor yelling, confronting on ten’s bs, break up, more crying, just angst and more angst
↪︎synopsis: you’ve noticed ten has been weird ever since his recent comeback, and with one text message it confirmed everything. But you weren’t going to let him do that to you through the phone so you confront him in person.
On My Youth: TEN LEE pt. 2
↪︎ 1.7k
↪︎idol! ten lee x ngs! reader, angst, missing one another, more crying, confrontation, minor yelling, even ore crying…it’s a lot of painful memories for the two folks, some sort of hopeful outcome for the two..?
↪︎synopsis: ten goes to your apartment to speak to you in person about everything that is going on between the two of you…will things clear up between you both?
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🔞Sir: Jung Jaehyun
↪︎ 1.1k words
↪︎ Jaehyun, reader insert (non gender), smut, dom!Jaehyun, being tied up, edging?, 2 call count of Sir, someone walking in, choking, palming, fingering/stroking, etc.
↪︎ Synopsis: you and Jaehyun have a secret fling, to which some of the members of 127 are getting suspicious.
🔞Strawberry Sunday: DOJAEJUNG
↪︎ 12.6k words
↪︎ non idol! doyoung, jaehyun, jungwoo x female! reader 🔞smut, some romance, some fluff, angst? public sex (2), slightly dom jungwoo, reader is a lil slutty for them, unprotected sex, hair pulling, slight choking, cream pie (2), doyoung being a complete softy for you, doyoung being a pantie sniffer, pussy worshiping, "just the tip" scenario, doyoung is literally on his knees for you babes, mean but "soft" dom jaehyun, jaehyun humiliating you, dirty talk with some name calling, dacryphilia, sir count (1), oral (m & f), "threesome" (m x f x m) its more like a eiffel tower, voyeurism, after care, hand job, established relationship | pet names for reader: jungwoo: puppy, doyoung: bunny, jaehyun: baby | pet names from reader to them: jungwoo: Woo, doyoung: Doi, jaehyun: Jae
↪︎synopsis: Doyoung, Jungwoo, and Jaehyun each have a crush on you, while you do like 'em as well, but in order to find out if your shy nature with them is because you also feel the same way, they take things to the next level, by themselves and together.
💋Valentines With Jaehyun
↪︎ established relationship! Jaehyun x reader; a little something something or v-day and for jaehyun’s birthday! 💌
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[ 01:19 pm]
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🔞Strawberry Sunday: DOJAEJUNG
↪︎ 12.6k words
↪︎ non idol! doyoung, jaehyun, jungwoo x female! reader 🔞smut, some romance, some fluff, angst? public sex (2), slightly dom jungwoo, reader is a lil slutty for them, unprotected sex, hair pulling, slight choking, cream pie (2), doyoung being a complete softy for you, doyoung being a pantie sniffer, pussy worshiping, "just the tip" scenario, doyoung is literally on his knees for you babes, mean but "soft" dom jaehyun, jaehyun humiliating you, dirty talk with some name calling, dacryphilia, sir count (1), oral (m & f), "threesome" (m x f x m) its more like a eiffel tower, voyeurism, after care, hand job, established relationship | pet names for reader: jungwoo: puppy, doyoung: bunny, jaehyun: baby | pet names from reader to them: jungwoo: Woo, doyoung: Doi, jaehyun: Jae
↪︎synopsis: Doyoung, Jungwoo, and Jaehyun each have a crush on you, while you do like 'em as well, but in order to find out if your shy nature with them is because you also feel the same way, they take things to the next level, by themselves and together.
[ 10:30 pm ]
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darlingpwease · 2 years
siren!yuuta who falls in love with you, the first person he meets in life, when you spend the whole day with him, coming every day, patiently and affectionately communicating unlike everyone he has met before — and you are not even afraid of rika more than 'necessary', just whispering that it doesn't matter as long as you can see him.
maybe, maybe he's too passionate about you, letting you touch him and singing songs for you in a trembling voice, seeking your approval and kisses, shamelessly clinging to your clothes to get even more, like an addict. even if the relationship between people and sirens is not so bad anymore, yuuta knows that he shouldn't do something like that, give you his first kiss, let you touch him out of season when he should feel like that, but he can't refuse or say that he 'shouldn't', even if your touch is burning hot, completely wrong and vicious, but even if a huge octopus wakes up and drags him into the darkness for it, it doesn't matter as long as you talk about how beautiful and gentle he is — and yours.
and yuuta can't help but feel ashamed that he can't let you into the cave that you so want to get into and because of which you met, but he can't, he's forbidden; you say it doesn't matter, you'll "come up with something", and yuuta doesn't know what he's more afraid: that you will leave if you don't get access or leave when you can get there. but you spend so much time together, so tenderly and affectionately a lot, too much, bringing him snacks and things; carefully putting a simple necklace on him, saying that now he is only your siren, and you are only his human, and yuuta is too enthusiastic when he hears this.
he is close to helping you get into the cave, seeing how you cast glances at her, wanting to please you in any way and convince you not to leave him — after all, you're 'lovers' now, right? there's no way you're leaving him, your siren.
but one day you just don't come.
and the next day too.
and something
inside him
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sunshinediaz · 3 months
snippet sunday 🧸
i started in on the climax of hoa eddie and decided i have to write trans eddie, but instead of working on either one of those wips i started a new one?
from my next bad things happen fic, bone apple the teeth
When Eddie wakes up, he quickly notices that he is not in his comfortable bed with its silk sheets and fleece blanket and mound of pillows. Instead, he’s cramped in the backseat of a smelly car with shitty suspensions and a flat tire on the front passenger’s side.  He flips over onto his back and takes stock. His head is covered with something thick enough that no light penetrates and his hands have been zip-tied behind his back; sweat’s dried his hair to his face, sticky and stinky, and he’s missing both shoes and a sock.  He takes as deep of a breath as he can with his head covered and sighs. After a moment, other things filter in. The car’s moving fast, like they’ve got somewhere to go, and the radio’s turned low. Something like Metallica plays but Eddie can’t figure out the song, which irritates him worse than being kidnapped honestly.  Because that’s what’s happened. He’s been kidnapped.  He sighs again.  One of his kidnappers makes an ugly, choked noise. “You lyin’ bitch, Leo,” they say, nasally and congested. “I knew it was you that put the fork in the microwave and blamed it on Kevin. I knew it.”  “Suck my dick, Mark,” the other kidnapper—Leo, apparently—says. The car veers like the wheel’s been jerked; a couple of curse words later and Eddie belatedly realizes that it was, in fact, grabbed and pulled. “You tell a soul and I’m gonna take a shit in every single one of your shoes.”  “I only got three pair!”  He’s been kidnapped by a set of the most incompetent, annoying criminals to ever exist.  He sighs for a third time and rolls back over onto his side. Might as well sleep the drugs off some more while he waits for whatever they’ve got planned for him. 
tagged by @actualalligator, @devirnis, @honestlydarkprincess, @disasterbuckdiaz, @wildlife4life, @daffi-990, and @wikiangela <3
tagging @spagheddiediaz, @puppyboybuckley, @jeeyuns, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @watchyourbuck, and @monsterrae1 if any of you wanna share!
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parasytte · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ masterlist
. . . this post includes links to my ocs descriptions and some of my works. if you scroll down, you will also see my rules and just info about my blog and the taken anon names :-)
❣ DISCLAIMER !!! shorter posts are not listed in the masterlist ,, to find those you can use the tagging system. sorry for the inconvenience !
⌦ .。.:*♡ AUGUST WELLS ...
❥ introduction post . . .
❥ 'motherly' reader . . .
❥ escaped reader . . .
❥ reader wants children . . .
❥ reader jokingly proposes . . .
❥ reader shows affection by biting . . .
❥ reader who enjoys teasing . . .
⌦ .。.:*♡ MORGAN HICKKS ...
❥ introduction post . . .
❥ drunk reader . . .
❥ escaped reader . . .
❥ random facts . . .
❥ reader wants children . . .
❥ trying to break up . . .
⌦ .。.:*♡ JUDE MYERS ...
❥ introduction post . . .
❥ artist reader . . .
❥ escaped reader . . .
❥ sensitive/shy reader . . .
❥ reader wants children . . .
❥ reader catches jude breaking in . . .
❥ reader gifts jude handmade scarf . . .
❥ reader cries after accidentally hurting jude . . .
❥ first post . . .
❥ reader whos in theatre . . .
❥ anti-social, nerdy reader . . .
❥ yandere nerd rival . . .
❥ questions about elijah . . .
❥ yandere nerd rival p2 . . .
❥ marching band reader . . .
❥ reader doesn't come to school . . .
❥ car breaks down . . .
❥ reader avoids them . . .
❥ reader starts to give in . . .
❥ more about casey . . .
❥ random facts . . .
❥ reader doesn't sit with them . . .
❥ reader gives casey's birthday present to yan!nerd . . .
❥ salem (yandere witch) . . .
❥ random salem facts . . .
❥ oc halloween post . . .
❥ reaction to someone flirting with reader . . .
⌦ .。.:*♡ SORIN …
❥ introduction post . . .
❥ courting rituals . . .
⌦ .。.:*♡ DARCI …
❥ introduction post . . .
❥ introduction post . . .
⌦ .。.:*♡ IVAN MINH ...
❥ reader calling him "good boy" . . .
❥ jealousy . . .
❥ physical description . . .
❥ introduction post . . .
⌦ .。.:*♡ RULES / BLOG INFO ...
❥ friendly reminder that this is a yandere blog. it will include topics like kidnapping, stalking, obsessive behavior, etc. if any of this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to leave :-)
❥ gender neutral reader !
❥ while i write yandere content, i do NOT write works where the yandere harms the reader. like, for example, yan killing reader or physically harming reader.
❥ i also don't write nsft (nsfw).
❥ i dont write scenarios where reader is cheating or the yan is cheating, its just not my cup of tea !! (however, scenarios where yan is kinda a homewrecker is allowed ,, like trying to get them to breakup and be with them instead)
❥ my inbox is open to anything ! if you just wanna talk, it's there ! if you have any yandere ideas don't be shy to share them !! im all ears :-)
❥ if you have any questions, feel free to ask !!
❥ please don’t just send a req saying something like “more [blank]?” if you’re expecting actual fic ! the most you will get is random facts about said oc or me just telling you how many reqs there are of that oc :)
❥ also, it takes me a while to get works done and get them out there, so i'm sorry if your request isnt posted until a month after you requested it lol
⌦ .。.:*♡ TAKEN ANON NAMES ...
❥ 🧸 anon
❥ fmb anon
❥ sleepy anon
❥ 💗 anon
❥ fox boy anon
❥ just a casual anon
❥ 💤😪 anon
❥ ice anon
❥🌻 anon
❥ 🕯 anon
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flugsammy · 1 month
Okay so, I won’t share too many details because it’s my business but I wanted to ask for the main 3 walking in on their s/o (TW) self harming? If the request makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete it or DM me, I’ve had experiences like this in the past and recently have been feeling guilty so I wanted some comfort. :(
Hi, Gigi!!❤️ Since this request is made ESPECIALLY for comfort, I'll not mention Black Hat in this. I'll send his part privately if you want.
Also, if you're reading this post, the person who send me this request is doing commissions for the villainous fandom!! His writing is impeccable, and if you're looking for a amazing read for a reasonable price, check out @gigi-the-writer account!!
Have a good read!
✈️Dr Flug:✈️
It wouldn't take long for Flug to figure out what you were doing. He tends to be someone who is very attentive when it comes to the people he cares about. At first, he would be unresponsive. The shock of knowing you were doing something like that would certainly shake him up. His intuitive reaction would be to hug you. That's right, a hug. At a moment like this, he would forget all the villainy that takes part of his heart to simply hug you tightly. He would never see it as your fault, on the contrary, he would start to wonder if maybe he was doing something that was bringing you down, and he would start to feel guilty, even if he wasn't to blame. He would help you bandage your wounds, and beg you not to do something like that again.
Flug can be extremely clumsy in social interactions, but he would definitely try to make conversation to understand what is going on. Even though his time was short, he would try to show small, specific acts of affection to try and lift your spirits. The scientist may or may not have experience with self-harm, but you would know right away that he cares. He's trying to help you.
The lizard girl would be extremely confused. She would never imagine that you would do something like that, and since she's not human, she would have difficulty understanding your reasons. This would be one of the few times where she wouldn't act like a complete lunatic and would actually try to listen to you, despite not being able to focus completely. Seeing you in this state, Demencia would feel worried, and would quickly try to alleviate your situation with her usual charisma:
"Sadness?? Pfft- Not while your wonderful girlfriend is around!!"
She would drag you with her to do fun things like: blow up an entire city, steal candy from little kids, kidnap a raccoon or even prank someone! Anything to help you distract yourself.
She would have no idea how to clean wounds like that, but as long as she was around, she would certainly bring a smile to your face. And in a romantic scenario, she would become overly affectionate (if that's possible). Don't get her wrong, she's just extremely protective of the people she's obsessed with... I mean, in love with. In the end, all she would want was your happiness by her side.
🧸5.0.5🧸 (PLATONIC!!!):
It's a consensus for us that 5.0.5 is naive about many things, but he, better than any experiment, would immediately realize that something was wrong if he noticed that you were gloomy. The bear can always see when someone is down, and it's his job to cheer them up when something like that happens, especially a friend!
He would start giving you more of his cozy hugs and make several colorful drawings of you and the rest of the organization on paper. Surely, the kid has done things like this before, but he would try to cheer you up even more when he sees that you are not in good condition. In general, his affection for you would increase even more in this situation, and he would help you to no longer feel lonely with his adorable affection!
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