reximillion · 7 years
You know its special if i am posting
The perfectionists is confirmed which is good BUT more importantly SASHA PIETERSE is back. OMG YESSSS 😍😍😍😍 I love this woman. Marlene you definitely have me watching from day 1 !!!
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reximillion · 7 years
Exactly why i date women (well try haha). Men are assholes
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srsly tho this is absolutely a thing that dudes do all the f***ing time
like where if he knows a girl doesn’t necessarily want to give him a hug, he will trap her in this position in front of witnesses where she has 2 options- both of which are undesirable for her, while simultaneously desirable for him
if she doesn’t want to hug him, whatever she does, it will suck for her.
she can 1. say nah and be the fucking asshole in front of other ppl or 2. forsake her corporeal boundaries and allow unwanted intimate contact
it’s a f***ing trap
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reximillion · 7 years
I mean what reason were we given to stay and talk. It was in all honesty a disaster. Instead of being given closure we got mpre holes and questions. Since there isnt a next season to have the hope for answers, everyone pretty much wth..took a week to sink in and that was pretty much it and thats pretty much how people left it
I thought the comedown after PLL ended would be a slow process and it would take weeks to get over it and we’d still be chatting about it and whatever but like….. everyone ran for the hills as soon as they could lol
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reximillion · 7 years
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reximillion · 7 years
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Sasha Pieterse | 7.11.2017
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reximillion · 7 years
Yeah they did and she keep saying "next season #seasonofanswers" and then when season 7 came around they were like "isnt this the last ? ... Never mind Mar Mar, going great 👍👏"
I'm sorry but if you have ended a TV series and fans STILL have questions that no one else knows the answer to either, you haven't done your job properly.
You’re telling me with all the producers and writers Marlene has working with her not one of them said “hang on, this doesn’t make sense”
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reximillion · 7 years
I think ezra takes the line of the series. Came in late but it was a winner for me. Hannah had dumb funny lines and aria had some pretty sassy lines aswell.
troian got the best lines out of all of them
True but I’m talking about boring “hi Toby let’s play scrabble” type conversations. Troian, out of the cast, is the one who can take nothing and make it something for me.
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reximillion · 7 years
You call it obsessed. I call it dedication.
remember when oliver wood was so obsessed with quidditch that he was totally willing to play on a dementor-infested pitch
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reximillion · 7 years
This was me 2 days ago Except i was to scared to say anything like this when she said she wanted to be by herself. I was already hurting and if i said this and got more of her ruthless assault, would of destroyed me.
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“No. You won’t care by then,” she said, wondering even as she said it if she could stand the idea of a Jace who didn’t care. She hadn’t thought as far ahead as he had, and when she tried to imagine watching him fall in love with someone else, marry someone else, she couldn’t even picture it, couldn’t picture anything but an empty black tunnel that stretched out ahead of her, forever. “Please. If we don’t say anything, if we just pretend—” “There is no pretending,” Jace said with absolute clarity. “I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there’s a life after that, I’ll love you then.” ─ City of Glass, Chapter 14.
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reximillion · 7 years
American **
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3x21 || 7x20
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reximillion · 7 years
Ezra has a masters degree in english literature, theres nothing he cant handle :)
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3x21 || 7x20
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reximillion · 7 years
Still .. Alison is living proof of why not to bury a body. I mean how many bodies did they try and conceal in dirt only to have them resurface ? Besides addison will be found in no time now with the dynamic duo of bashful and jenna. Jenna riding bashful through town, smelling out crime and catching baddies.
okay guys hear me out. ali grabbing addison by the arm and telling her “you may think you’re winning the battle but i’ll win the war” and addison going missing and her friends going through the whole same thing…what if it’s alison? the A gene runs in the family
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reximillion · 7 years
This absolute beauty. Even with the knife 😍😍 a man can only dream...
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The Black Widow we deserved.
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reximillion · 7 years
👏👏👏 well said. 100% agree
my two cents
I’m really disappointed that there seems to be a general consensus (mostly by journalists and the cast/crew) that we’re not ‘allowed’ to be unimpressed with the finale. And I am speaking mostly to Troian’s quotes here. I love the woman but I think that’s an unfortunately really narrow way to look at fandom and the array of different emotions we all have. And we’re all upset for different reasons and to lump it all in with the same people who were sending her death threats about SpaIeb is really shitty. 
I can be upset by a result and not send death threats. The majority of us can. 
First, not everybody was in it for the same things. A lot of us were in it for the mystery. We were there to look at every single clue. We were there when they all said “everything is a clue in Rosewood” and took it to heart and wasted spent seven years theorizing, there were even Twincer theories that linked back to the earlier seasons! A lot of us were in it for the friendships and for the feminist undertones or the wlw rep which in the end left a lot to be desired. A lot of us were in it for the ships and romance. A lot of us were in it for more than one of those things, but a lot of us also weren’t and that’s not a bad thing.
The idea she’s pushing is that if you didn’t like the mystery, then look at the ships because yay endgame! But what happens when the mystery was unsatisfying, and you don’t care about the ships? What happens when the girls spent most of the time not together in the finale?
I don’t think it’s her fault for saying these things, I don’t think you can possibly understand fandom unless you’re in fandom and it’s very clear that’s never been something she’s been interested in and that’s fine. 
But this idea that we all wanted the same things is really just a sad view of fandom. I agree, not everybody was going to be happy. That’s going to happen in any show no matter what. But this whole narrative about how we should only care about the work that they put in and the time they invested is hypocritical at best. Like, sure, I concede the writers did probably try to make us as happy as possible, but when you’re only listening to a select few people on twitter who kiss your ass 24 hours a day, that’s not really fair and is really just the beginning of a deeper fan-service fandom issue.
And to that, I also say, what about the time fans invested? For years, we were told that “that night” was important, and we held on to that, only to have it mean nothing.  There were so many things that kept us holding on to the end because we thought we were going to get a a seven year reveal. Something that, after seven years, would knock us on our asses. Something that connected back to “that night”, to Alison, to the barn, to any of the original lore of the show. They kept that going because that was the only way to keep people holding on after Charlotte, and that does become a manipulation at some point. 
The complete lack of acknowledgment for a huge part of this fandom is really disheartening. I mean, take the classroom scene. They hyped that scene up for two years. People literally spent two years theorizing about something that in the end meant nothing, that they had no idea what they were going to do with. Somewhere along the way, the ships were the only thing that mattered. They sacrificed everything else for the ships, not realizing that some of us didn’t care about them. Having ships is fine, loving them is fine, but it took over the show, and I think, in many ways, the ships are what sunk the show. 
As fans, we’ve also invested a lot of time into this. A lot of us invested money into it. And without us, this show wouldn’t have gotten 7 seasons, so I think it’s kind of sucky that as fans, we’re being told that we’re not allowed to be upset if we were unsatisfied by the finale. 
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reximillion · 7 years
I will be giving the perfectionists ago aswell...hopefully thats what addison is all about. Stays in rosewood and the liars are like the parents now lol or atleast play a cameo
I will be watching The Perfectionists.
Even tho the finale sucked….
I’m giving Marlene one last chance to prove that she could actually write a good show. I hope she learned from her writing mistakes. AND BRING BACK ANDY REESER HE WAS A WRITER IN SEASON 3 AND SEASON 3 WAS AMAZING.
Riverdale & The Perfectionists will be the 2 shows i will continue watching.
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reximillion · 7 years
Farewell, Pretty Little Liars.
Today is the day that we must finally say goodbye to Pretty Little Liars. With its never-ending theories and constant renewals, the PLL endgame always seemed like an intangible, abstract and theoretical concept that is just so far away, that it will simply never come. It feels so surreal to say that today is that day, which again, over the years, was never in sight. I thought watching Pretty Little Liars would just be some light, weekly, background entertainment. On June 8 2010, I did not truly know what crazy rollercoaster I had stumbled upon. Through numerous ups and downs, these past 7 years have certainly been unforgettable. If you told me seven years ago that a television show will have such a positive impact on my life, I would have laughed at you and called you dramatic. Tell me that today, and I’ll smile in appreciation at the positive influence and power a television show can bestow upon its viewers.
Not every show makes it to seven seasons, particularly mystery shows. Seven years is a long time. I started watching this show when I was 13, and I am now 19. (I realise I am probably very young in comparison to most other PLL fans!) Just to visually see this: Pretty Little Liars was with me while I was 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19. These are arguably some of the most important years of one’s life. As I grew, PLL grew too, in a literal sense, as we got a time jump where the characters matured, but also in figurative sense, since the stories gradually shifted from being high-school oriented to dark and twisted themed through a demented dollhouse and a psychologically straining board game. All while PLL was on the air, I graduated from primary school and high school, started university, got my driver’s license, my first job, credit card, car, gone overseas by myself, and made life-long friendships. Achieving all that never was easy, but it was made easier by PLL. If I ever struggled in my personal development, I always had PLL to fall back upon for psychological stability and security, aside from general entertainment. A part of me sees the end of PLL as if the training wheels are coming off my bike: for 7 years, I was learning how to become a young man, and now that I finally am one, I no longer need this safety rock that is PLL in order to continue developing.
This long, personal post is dedicated to me and my seven-year relationship with Pretty Little Liars.
Keep reading
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reximillion · 7 years
Can we talk about how marlene casually glazed over the fact wren is the father of the twins like its no biggie.
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