#🌙 dream motif
sherylleescreams · 2 years
🌹🧁♥️ 🖤 🍒🌲🌳🥧🍩🏍🚫🔥❗️🕴🦉☕️ 🏈🚬🚔🏠💔📝🕯🕊🏚🎞🪵🛢🕵🏻‍♀️🌒🌕🌘🌙😭🔌📚🐟💀🧿🚪🩺🖼🌽🎵🪞📼📿⛽️🛠📞🤠💋🏥 ♟💍
Not used yet, but future: 🃏👽🫀🐈
The tags involved so far —
🌹Laura, 🌹Maddie, 🌹Sheryl Lee, 🌹Sheryl Lee quote, 🌹commentary,
🧁Donna, 🧁Lara Flynn Boyle, 🧁Moira Kelly,
♥️Laura and Donna, ♥️bisexuality, ♥️lesbian homosexuality, ♥️healing, ♥️friendship,
💔abuse, 💔trauma, 💔incest, 💔violence, 💔self harm, 💔rape, 💔misogyny, 💔compulsory femininity,💔compulsory heterosexuality,
💍Theresa, 🕊Ronette, 🕊angel,
fwwm scene 🕯, 🕯fwwm reflections (fwwm = fire walk with me)
🌒🌕🌘blue rose, 🏚lodge,
🏠Hayward house, 🏠Palmer house,
🌲Twin Peaks setting, 🌲Patricia Norris
🌲☕️🍒aesthetic of unrelated origin
🌲🌳trees and the woods
🪵🌲environmental destruction motif🛢🔌
🪵Margaret Lanterman, 🪵Log Lady,
🔥fire motif, 🦉owls,
🧿power and the glory, 🧿the pink room, 🧿cocaine and addiction,
🚫drug abuse, 🚫sexual objectification, 🚫underage prostitution, 🚫prostitution, 🚫Jacques, 🚫Leland, 🚫BOB, 🚫Leo, 🚫Hank
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noxtivagus · 2 years
sigh. tidus and yuna
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zephyrbug · 2 years
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Finally able to share the cards I made for the poison apple zine’s tarot deck! I got to do 3 cards! One tarot and two oracle cards so let me walk you through them! 💚🍎✨ [If you are interested in supporting the project and owning some of these pieces yourself check out @poisonapplezine to find more info!] First up was my tarot card, the wicked witch of the west as ‘The Chariot’! I got to redesign her for this so I combined elements from the book movie and musical for her look! For the card itself I did a lot of nods to the original chariot cards motifs🧹 Secondly is ‘The Sound’ oracle card portrayed by the Rolling Calf. The rolling calf is mythical creature in Jamaican mythology known as a Duppy! It’s created from the spirit of wicked and dishonest man, it roams the night attacking people and if you hear the clanking of the chains that bind it, it’s too late🐂 Finally the last oracle card I worked on is ‘The Dream’ which is Puck and Bottom from a midsummer nights dream! This one feels self explanatory but I loved getting to design the characters and playing with poppy imagery 🌙
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die-rosastrasse · 2 years
If you were to design a dress from any time period in the last 500 years, what what would it look like?
One of my favorite eras in fashion is the Edwardian era, coincidentally overlapping with my beloved movement of Art Nouveau. What was similar in both art and fashion at that time, was the love for soft, flowing lines, cosmic motifs and natural inspiration, especially with certain flowers and insects. I'm imagining my dream dress as an embodiment of the night sky, moths, the moon and the lovely Edwardian lightness. The cut must be from 1900's then, with a pronounced waist and a long, long skirt, even with a train for the 'extra' look. Its pattern would have to combine the moth image with the night sky embroidered into the light fabric with golden and metallic threads and gemstones sawn into the details. A cape as an accessory would be magical, as well as a tiara worn on the head and long gloves. I would love for it to show my favorite constellations and stars, and have many layers of fabric that would imitate flowing through air when worn. And I'd like it to represent the masterful design features of Art Nouveau paintings. A night Princess gown for an Edwardian lady 🌙⭐
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godzilla-reads · 17 days
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🌙 The Werewolf at Dusk and Other Stories by David Small
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
This collection of three short stories in graphic novel format includes “The Werewolf at Dusk”, “A Walk in the Old City”, and “The Tiger in Vogue. The second story in the collection was my favorite because the other two are renditions of other stories by other authors, but “A Walk in the Old City” is based off a dream David Small had. I liked the ongoing themes of age and confronting something inside ourselves. They felt like they all belonged to a dreamscape of sorts which gave it an interesting flow to read.
The last story, “The Tiger in Vogue” is one where I didn’t really get the overlapping symbolism or themes and motifs. I think that it was well done, but from a visual standpoint. I understand what the story was trying to say after reading about it, but I honestly just didn’t understand it up until then.
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sappy-witch · 11 months
Dream Symbolism ✨🌙
Hello darlings 🥰
I have always found that dreams are mysterious portals to our subconscious minds, offering a rich tapestry of symbols and messages waiting to be deciphered. Exploring the symbolism in dreams can therefore provide valuable insights into our emotions, desires, and even glimpses into the future. 
Here are some tips to help you unlock the hidden meanings behind your dreams:
🔮 Keep a Dream Journal: 
Keep a notebook or a dedicated section in your journal to record your dreams. As soon as you wake up, capture the details, emotions, and any symbols that stood out to you. I have found that in the few days after I start to do this, I actually remember a lot more of my dreams and in much more detail too. This helps build a foundation for understanding your dream symbolism over time.
🌙 Recognize Recurring Symbols: 
Pay attention to recurring symbols or motifs in your dreams. These can be objects, animals, places, or even colors that consistently appear. They often hold personal significance or represent archetypal energies that are relevant to your journey.
💭 Reflect on Personal Associations: 
Reflect on your personal associations with symbols that appear in your dreams. What do they mean to you? How do they relate to your life experiences, beliefs, or memories? The interpretation of symbols is highly individual and can vary based on your unique perspective.
🔍 Research Symbolic Meanings: 
Explore the symbolic meanings of common dream symbols in various cultures, mythologies, and spiritual traditions. Books, online resources, and dream dictionaries can provide insights into the collective interpretations of symbols, helping you to expand your understanding.
💫 Trust Your Intuition: 
While external references can be helpful, trust your intuition and inner guidance when interpreting your dreams. Your subconscious mind communicates in a language tailored specifically for you, and your intuitive insights can unveil deeper layers of meaning.
🌈 Embrace Symbolic Patterns: 
Look for patterns and connections between symbols in your dreams. Notice how they interact or relate to each other. Sometimes, the true message lies in the combination of symbols rather than individual interpretations.
🌟 Seek Guidance: 
If a dream feels particularly significant or leaves you with lingering questions, consider seeking guidance from a professional dream interpreter or joining a dream sharing community. Engaging in discussions and exploring different perspectives can shed new light on your dreams.
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Dreams are like the whispers of your soul, revealing hidden truths and guiding you on your spiritual path. Embrace the symbols, emotions, and stories that unfold in your dreams, and let them enrich your waking life with newfound wisdom and inspiration. ✨💭
I have started a weekly Dream Interpretation Series on Mondays exploring common symbolism and themes in dreams. I’d love to hear all about how these resonate with you! ✨🌙
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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Hi E 🥰 thank u
🌼 - what do you think is the most beautiful thing in your life right now?
The emotion that totally overwhelms me every time I learn or understand something, and when I have the opportunity to share it with someone!
🌙 - what is the loveliest dream you’ve had?
Oh 🤔 actually, it's very common for me to have dreams that have an unsettling vibe to them 🤪 (ofc leading to looking for the meanings of the motifs involved, and they always blow my mind bcs they are very accurate), I don't often dream lovely and cute things 🥲 Anyway, once I dreamed of a pretty fluffy scenario with a rl crush 😔 we were so silly and in love *sighs deeply*
⏳ - if you were immortal, how would you spend eternity? 
Oh my, I would be sooooo conflicted! Being able to see the future, how humanity will further progress and regress would be super interesting. Yet, I would absolutely hate to lose the people I love, I'd feel cursed...I would look for a way to not be. (Very cliché yup yup ik) Also, if it's a immortal-forever-young situation I wouldn't like to not experience aging... or maybe this is just txt lore rotting my brain 💀
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firstaidspray · 2 years
🌙 for Juliette :)
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Favorite food: Crab rangoon. She's so lucky that in her Flatliners verse, Nelson mostly eats takeout since he's a college student and he could order Asian takeout, in Lost Boys verse David and the others tend to eat Asian takeout as well ("They're only noodles Michael"), in Vice Principals verse Lee has a thing for Asian culture, so she has easy access in all those verses. Also, in the Lost Boys verse, she really likes the soft pretzels from the boardwalk.
Favorite color: Pink!! Everything pink. Juliette LOVES pink. All her cars are custom painted pink. She insists on keeping a pink aesthetic in her Lost Boys verse so her room in the cave is like Barbie's dream house. She wears pink scrubs and has a pink stethoscope in the Flatliners verse (like me!!). In the Stand By Me verse, Ace is completely shocked at the fact that all her furniture is pink or has a heart motif. In Killing It, her tranquilizer rifle is pink. Everything is pink for Juliette.
Favorite season: Summer!! Juliette tends to like to wear more revealing clothes like mini skirts and tank tops, and summer is the perfect time for that. In the Lost Boys verse, summer in Santa Carla is extremely fun!! In Flatliners, it's a break from school to spend with Nelson!! The only one I can think she maybe likes it a bit less is Killing It, because it takes place in Florida and I've never been but I hear summer in Florida is horrible.
Some other general simple facts:
- Juliette loves strawberry and cherry flavored things!! And the actual fruit, but she'd rather have a heart shaped lollipop that tastes like artificial cherry than a real cherry.
- Her favorite drink ever is blood orange margaritas, because it was the first drink she had at the boardwalk when David suggested it to her.
- She is a very talented pianist, harpist, and flutist. Her favorite songs to play are often by sonatas, and the only one she can remember by heart/without sheet music is Moonlight Sonata Movement 1 (just like me lol).
Thank you for asking!!! 💕
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pupkashi · 24 days
Idk if it’s bc my name is related with 🌙 but (it’s definitely bc of that) I’m imagining him crocheting a sweater or a blanket with moon motifs and giving me as a gift for our anniversary 😭😭🤧🤧 god I can’t I would melt on the spot and he knows this as well since canonically he is good at everything I feel like he would be able to cook 5 star restaurant meals without a problem 🤧🤧🤧 guy of my dreams fr🫠🫠
WAIT NO YEA 💔💔💔 he’d work so hard and get so happy when he sees how much you love the blanket omg 💔💔 also YEAH i feel like he’d suck at the begging but then after a while he’s got it down in no time omg
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lunarwildrose · 6 months
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You have Kawaii Vibes
While you do have fandoms you're dedicated to, you're much more about putting your kawaii life on display. Your bedroom setup is all pastels and RGB lights, and the neon sign of Sailor Moon's wand adorns your wall (along with images of your favorite kawaii motifs). When at a con, or even just everyday, your outfits are filled with frills, bright colors, and aesthetically coordinated. But your vibe isn't about seeking attention; it's about living freely and being the most colorful and kawaii self that you can be.
Pros: Everything about your life is aesthetic
Cons: You want everything and everyone to be kawaii like you
{ tis like they know the inner me. =owo= I do have a lot of stuffies and some Sailor Moon 🌙 but too poor for the kawaii aesthetic I dream of and live on the inside 😿 so I post and save images on my devices, Tumblr blog, and Pinterest board ;3 }
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aowyn · 4 years
hi 🌙
hi anon!! <3 florence + the machine playlist time!
Don't touch the sleeping pills, they mess with my head (ship to wreck)
i've been losing sleep (lover to lover )
And I had a dream (only if for a night)
when we first came here (spectrum)
time it took us (what the water gave me)
There is a motif of sleeplessness and dreams; the speaker is mentally restless and perhaps also physically restless. The speaker came to this place seeking to fulfill a dream, but now feels like it is out of their reach—they tried to dream again with artificial, unsustainable methods, but has now given up as time has passed.
send me a ‘hi’ and i will put my playlist on shuffle, write down the first line of five songs and give it to you as a poem. (i’ll also speculate about the poem’s meaning for fun)
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Wabisuke sketch/侘助スケッチ 最近はデジタルなスケッチをしています。 以前は絶対に紙に描いてました。 描きながら見ると、発見がたくさんあるし、 スタイラスペンは芯先も尖ったままだし、 プリントアウトすればいいので、何も困らない。 最初は戸惑ったけれど、脳はどんな処理をして これに慣れてくれたのでしょう。 #デジタル化 #脳はひとりで悩んでひとりで解決した #そして私は #たくさん変な夢をみた These years, I take sketches with digital tools. I used to do sketching on papers with pencils. While I'm drawing, I learn from nature more as I observe the motif carefully. Stylus pen's tip never get round, I can print out my drawing later, there was no troubles so far. Only in the beginning I was nervous about trying new items. I wonder what kind of process my lovely brain 🧠 had taken 🤔? I must had many strange dreams in the nights 🌙 ... (Tokyo Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZUMSfxlGDg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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