🍑My butt is big, round, and juicy.
🍑I have a butt shaped and sculpted to perfection. 🍑I get so many compliments on how fast my butt is growing. 🍑My butt has always been ginormous. 🍑I am so grateful for how easy it is for me to build glute muscles.
cr to @xoxitgirl
love, jade
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cboeck-webdesign · 11 months
You can reprogram your subconscious mind with these techniques
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With the help of mental training it is possible to realign yourself, so you can program your subconscious and overwrite old beliefs. Whatever thoughts and beliefs you permanently imprint on your subconscious, they will all manifest themselves sooner or later on the outside. Life has two sides, the conscious and the unconscious. There is the visible world and the invisible world. Our subconscious mind controls all the main functions of the organs and works for our good, interrupted day and night. You can harness this power and influence your subconscious mind through affirmations and self-hypnosis. Whatever you permanently impress upon it will also be reflected on the outside.  
The 3 levels of consciousness
Your consciousness is the conscious mind that makes decisions in everyday life and determines which direction you personally want to go. It is, in practical terms, your willpower that directs you. But of course, our conscious mind cannot accomplish such complex tasks as the subconscious mind, which controls the heart and blood circulation and other vital organs. The power of the subconscious mind is a lot more powerful than the conscious mind and can be easily influenced by autosuggestion. Nevertheless, the conscious mind and subconscious mind must form a unity in order to achieve goals. With the conscious mind, we think and act according to, our own ideas. We choose, with it the place of residence, the life partner and the environment. The consciousness is the objective mind, which deals with visible things outside, while the subconscious as a subjective mind forms the inner world. The subconscious mind does everything to make you feel good and will realize every thought you permanently impress upon it. The power of the subconscious is enormous, it controls our bodily functions even during sleep, shows us solutions in dreams and helps us to make the right decisions from our gut. Provided you are convinced of it. The subconscious is most easily influenced by suggestion, affirmations and the figurative imagination. It doesn't matter to our subconscious whether we have predominantly good or predominantly bad thoughts, it manifests that which we keep thinking about. Our subconscious is like a garden, everything that we plant in our thoughts will bear fruit. What we think again and again, that shapes us. Already from childhood opinions and beliefs flow on us, until we are 18 years old we develop more than 100,000 negative beliefs that we internalize. You are not good enough, you are too small, too tall, too fat, too thin, we store everything that relatives and family have suggested to us over the years. And the remedy for this is: reprogram yourself with autosuggestion and affirmations. Our subconscious mind does not check whether a thought is good or bad, it starts to realize it when we are convinced of it. Recommended books by Joseph Murphy, on this subject are, The Power of Your Subconscious* and How You Can Achieve Anything in Life.*. What is the role of the superconscious, often called the higher self? It is practically like a protection for us. Simply put, the superconscious is the higher self and our inner voice. Also PSI abilities, such as mental connections to other people or remote viewing stand with it in connection.   The world within you is what creates your external environment. It is the only power and everything you encounter in your outer world has been created by yourself in the inner world of the mind - consciously or unconsciously  
Achieving goals with the help of the subconscious mind Programming your subconscious for success - the best tools and techniques:
  As mentioned above, a very powerful method, affirming even better, on the other hand, work subliminals. These affirmations are subliminal to the music and are hardly or not at all audible. With regular use of 4 -6 weeks the first results will show. If you are more on the spiritual path, you will prefer prayers to affirmations. That's okay too, because both are about developing a strong faith. In other words, convincing yourself that the desired state is realized. Personally, it also helped me to be grateful for good things, because everything we are grateful for, we realize. Gratitude brings us even more of what we desire. It also sends good feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Especially in the Secret, gratitude is a powerful tool. It is indeed the case that gratitude attracts the positive. My experience here is that it depends on the situation, but as a rule, gratitude causes us to receive more good in our lives. To this end, a small and personal story: the year 2014 was a year full of ups and downs, but at the beginning of the year I was not doing so well, I saw most things very negatively and believed that nothing would change so quickly. Then in April I started practicing gratitude regularly and reading books like today is your best day and what can I say, I met very good new friends, people who helped me to get out and do something and I published my first book in the same year and ended the year on a positive note. Since then I incorporate gratitude exercises in between every now and then. I have a little notebook where I write down what I was grateful for and what I am grateful for ahead of time. The vision board or vision book is also a brilliant thing to help you get closer to your goals, because you engage with it more consciously. You see your collages, the bulletin boards or slideshows every day. And you focus your mind on prosperity, well-being and everything good. You write your own script and, appropriately, it is also worth creating scripts that describe what you want to achieve. These should be written in past tense or dialogue form. And the most effective method comes now, namely visualization or imagination. Albert Einstein already said that imagination is everything.  
Using the imagination correctly
With the help of imagination we can picture a thought. I imagine it like a 3D hologram, creating what I want to achieve. You can see more and more details with time and add or change things, you could also describe it as a mold. Science has known for a long time that thoughts influence matter. Therefore it is worthwhile to deal more closely with one's own imagination and to train it. Reality is what we choose day by day, if we want to change something then we must first do it within ourselves. When we focus our attention and thoughts on things we love, things we want to achieve, then we take the first step in the right direction. It is your imagination that can shape reality, but imagination alone is not enough, you must also smell it, taste it and most importantly feel it. The feeling creates the attraction not just the image alone. The visual image is very powerful because our brain only thinks in images. Our imagination has the potential to create reality. But we are taught at an early age to distinguish between reality and imagination. Imagination is the source of of everything, but we attach more importance and feistiness to the physical world. We can easily believe in something that we can see and touch. It is like a protection that not every thought comes true immediately and we can focus better on the environment. So the more attention you give to a desire or goal, the faster it will come true. To do this, you must also develop a strong conviction and act as if it is. The last part is for most the most difficult to get into action, pretending and radiating the feeling associated with the goal.   The first three steps to learn & improve visualization are 1. sit down relaxed, without letting your mind wander back and forth. Relax physically and mentally 2. in the second step, try to let your thoughts go and allow as little of them as possible. 3. now you mentally go to a place that evokes pleasant sensations in you. This can be a beautiful lake, a forest or a vacation spot. Imagine with all your senses what it is like to be there. The first thing to do here is to create a good feeling while imagining. This step also teaches the Master Key System, which helps you train your imagination in 24 exercises. However, physical and mental relaxation is part of many esoteric and Far Eastern teachings.     This is how the practical application looks like You can reinforce the imagination by visually adding more details, auditorily hearing people talking, hearing water rushing. Tastefully: by imagining yourself enjoying a good meal, and emotionally: by creating the feeling you want to have. Even more powerful is to combine visualization and affirmation, to give the affirmation even more strength and at the same time to train the muscle of imagination. Here you can learn how to best use the power of self-hypnosis: how to use self-hypnosis successfully.   Conclusion - How to reprogram your subconscious mind The most effective technique to reprogram your subconscious mind is self-hypnosis. In a relaxed and trance-like state, your subconscious mind is especially receptive to messages that you impress upon it. The ideal state to use affirmations is therefore just before falling asleep. When the critical mind or consciousness is at rest, the messages go directly to the subconscious. If you want to do the same thing during the day, you can use Silent Subliminals. These are silent affirmations that are also received directly by the subconscious mind. Here you can learn about the effect of silent subliminals and how to use them optimally: How to use subliminals correctly so that they work.   Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Twitter Follow me on LinkedIn Exclusive content only on Snapchat Subscribe to my newsletter Read the full article
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sappy-witch · 10 months
Dream Symbolism ✨🌙
Hello darlings 🥰
I have always found that dreams are mysterious portals to our subconscious minds, offering a rich tapestry of symbols and messages waiting to be deciphered. Exploring the symbolism in dreams can therefore provide valuable insights into our emotions, desires, and even glimpses into the future. 
Here are some tips to help you unlock the hidden meanings behind your dreams:
🔮 Keep a Dream Journal: 
Keep a notebook or a dedicated section in your journal to record your dreams. As soon as you wake up, capture the details, emotions, and any symbols that stood out to you. I have found that in the few days after I start to do this, I actually remember a lot more of my dreams and in much more detail too. This helps build a foundation for understanding your dream symbolism over time.
🌙 Recognize Recurring Symbols: 
Pay attention to recurring symbols or motifs in your dreams. These can be objects, animals, places, or even colors that consistently appear. They often hold personal significance or represent archetypal energies that are relevant to your journey.
💭 Reflect on Personal Associations: 
Reflect on your personal associations with symbols that appear in your dreams. What do they mean to you? How do they relate to your life experiences, beliefs, or memories? The interpretation of symbols is highly individual and can vary based on your unique perspective.
🔍 Research Symbolic Meanings: 
Explore the symbolic meanings of common dream symbols in various cultures, mythologies, and spiritual traditions. Books, online resources, and dream dictionaries can provide insights into the collective interpretations of symbols, helping you to expand your understanding.
💫 Trust Your Intuition: 
While external references can be helpful, trust your intuition and inner guidance when interpreting your dreams. Your subconscious mind communicates in a language tailored specifically for you, and your intuitive insights can unveil deeper layers of meaning.
🌈 Embrace Symbolic Patterns: 
Look for patterns and connections between symbols in your dreams. Notice how they interact or relate to each other. Sometimes, the true message lies in the combination of symbols rather than individual interpretations.
🌟 Seek Guidance: 
If a dream feels particularly significant or leaves you with lingering questions, consider seeking guidance from a professional dream interpreter or joining a dream sharing community. Engaging in discussions and exploring different perspectives can shed new light on your dreams.
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Dreams are like the whispers of your soul, revealing hidden truths and guiding you on your spiritual path. Embrace the symbols, emotions, and stories that unfold in your dreams, and let them enrich your waking life with newfound wisdom and inspiration. ✨💭
I have started a weekly Dream Interpretation Series on Mondays exploring common symbolism and themes in dreams. I’d love to hear all about how these resonate with you! ✨🌙
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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lmao-pls-help · 2 years
"The subconscious accepts as true that which you feel as true, and because creation is the result of subconscious impressions, you, by your feeling, determine creation. You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it. To seek on the outside for that which you do not feel you are is to seek in vain, for we never find that which we want; we find only that which we are."
― Neville Goddard, Feeling Is the Secret (1944)
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tinylovetoo · 8 months
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Images from the subconscious #5 - Photo by Lucio Arese
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spiritualmeanings · 10 months
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nakiyingi · 1 year
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arcanakiss · 1 year
Cleanse your Aura & Home • Purify Negative Energy & Raise Vibrations • 417 Hz Subliminal Sound Bath
The Solfeggio Tone of 417 Hz is often used to clear away negative vibrations, release stagnant energies and promote healing, renewal and change.
Summarized list of affirmations:
• Transmute negative energy into positive energy;
• Cleanse, purify & protect your aura, mind, body & home;
• Release anxiety, old emotionally charged energies & negative self-talk;
• Gradually raise your vibration + reach higher vibrational states of being;
• Replenish, rejuvenate & revitalize with soothing positive healing vibrations;
• Manifest serenity, harmony, peace, rest & quiet in & around your personal space;
• Enhance the experience of salt baths, showers, meditations, cleansing sessions & spring cleanings;
• Recorded during the Neptune + Mercury + Sun + Moon conjunction in Pisces/Aries • Spring Equinox 2023.
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hollywoodseagull · 1 year
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Are you ready for the abounded and successful life? Through the daily practice we connect to our subconscious mind that is responsible for manifestation of our health and abundance, its a synapse to the law of of attraction, a real secret to successful life. Welcome to real yoga, the Nagual Yoga of subconscious mind that you can start today with an easy app om apple, google or android. 🧘‍♀️👣😻🙌 #nagualyoga #lararomanoff #subconsciousmind #healing #manifesting #abundance (at Puerto Morelos) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_IU-3OopX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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♡I have such unique, beautiful features that suit my face. ♡ My natural beauty is overwhelming. ♡ My face is always stunning. ♡ I have unbelievable natural beauty. ♡ I am falling deeper in love with myself every single day. ♡ I love looking at myself and my beautiful features.
♡ I receive so many compliments on how beautiful I am. ♡ Being attractive is something that's natural for me. ♡ I have such beautiful bone structure. ♡ I love my facial features. ♡ I'm always being offered modeling opportunities for how naturally beautiful I am. ♡ I am the prettiest person alive.
cr to @xoxitgirl
love, jade
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natsufatsu · 2 years
In every walk of life, success depends upon discipline. Somewhere in the development of the character of each individual, he must bow to law and order. If he fails to make this adjustment he will remain unsuccessful. Each person must in some way subjugate his own nature to the needs of his own life. He must take the time, he must go through the efforts, he must gradually classify his activities, and organize them for the very purpose of survival.
Manly P. Hall: Self-Direction, Conscious Growth and Attention
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sappy-witch · 10 months
Dream Series: Water 🌊✨
Hello darlings 🥰
Today, let's dive into the captivating world of dreams and explore the symbolism of water. Water is a powerful and common element that frequently appears in dreams, carrying profound meanings and messages from our subconscious. Here's a glimpse into the symbolism of water in dreams:
💧 Emotional Depth: 
Water in dreams often represents emotions and the depth of our feelings. The state of the water, whether calm, turbulent, or stagnant, mirrors the state of our inner emotional landscape. Pay attention to the color, clarity, and movement of the water to gain insights into your emotional well-being.
💧 Cleansing and Renewal: 
Water is associated with cleansing and purification, both physically and spiritually. Dreaming of water can indicate a need for emotional release or a desire to wash away past burdens and start anew. It symbolizes the healing and transformative power of emotional and spiritual purification.
💧 Subconscious and Intuition: 
Water is connected to the realm of the subconscious and intuition. Dreams featuring water may signify the need to explore your intuitive abilities, trust your instincts, and dive into the depths of your unconscious mind. It can be an invitation to tap into your inner wisdom and navigate life with greater intuition and sensitivity.
💧 Adaptability and Flow: 
Water is a fluid and adaptable element, and its presence in dreams may indicate a need for flexibility and the ability to go with the flow. It symbolizes our capacity to adapt to changing circumstances, embrace transitions, and find harmony amidst life's ebbs and flows. It encourages us to surrender and let things unfold naturally.
💧 Transformation and Renewal: 
Water is closely associated with the transformative forces of life. Dreams featuring water can signal a period of personal growth, transformation, and renewal. Just as water can shape and carve landscapes, your dreams may be guiding you towards embracing change, shedding old patterns, and embracing new beginnings.
💧 Emotional Expression: 
Water in dreams can reflect our capacity for emotional expression. It may indicate the need to acknowledge and release pent-up emotions, allowing them to flow freely. Dreams of water can encourage us to connect with our emotions, express ourselves authentically, and find emotional balance and harmony.
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It’s important to note that the symbolism of water in dreams is highly personal and can vary based on your own experiences, beliefs, and emotions. Pay attention to the context and feelings associated with the water in your dreams to unravel its unique meaning for you. Dive deep into the symbolism and allow the wisdom of water to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and growth. 💦✨
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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erosire · 2 years
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FOREWORD ﹔ none of this method is set in stone⁠. i designed it to be ambiguous, so feel free to adjust it for your comfort⁠ — just remember to credit me. ( i recommend listening to some of the caretakers songs for inspiration, but it is not needed )
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . .
▸ take some time to meditate. it can be for as long as you want, even after the stress has long since fled your mind. check your body for signs of tension as well, and if there are any, take some deep, calculated breaths. in for four, hold for four, out for four.
if it helps, do some small stretches to alleviate the pain, then relax into a comfortable position. any will do, so long as you feel it won't inhibit the process.
▸ i'd like you to picture yourself in a hallway, and if possible, analyze it down to as many details as you can. what color are the walls? are they fresh and sturdy or worn with age and weathered paint? are there any paintings hung up along them? what about the lights? do they glare from above or flicker dimly? and what of the color palette? red and gold, burgundy and white, blue and silver — the sky's the limit. there's a large double door at the end of the hallway, begging to be opened, but there's time for that yet. right now, take some more deep breaths and imagine the muffled sound of people talking behind said door.
you're in an opera house, and they're waiting for your performance. affirm to yourself:
there's nothing to worry about. this is just another one of one million times i've done this before. i can only succeed.
▸ when you're ready, brace your hands on the doors, feeling their texture beneath your fingers, and push them open. the air is thick with indistinct conversation as you climb on stage and toward the center, where your instrument of choice lies in wait. the spotlight drapes across your figure as you ready yourself and begin to play. beyond the melody orchestrated by your fingers, the silence is near deafening, and you gaze out upon the sea of people to try and discern a single human feature.
every seat is filled by a faceless guest, and despite having no eyes, you can feel them scrutinizing your every move. these are your doubts and insecurities about shifting, as well as day to day life.
there may be blockages holding you back from reaching your DR, and while it may be difficult to rise above them, you're more than capable of doing so. as you level these figures with a challenging stare, you can feel them glaring into your soul, trying to unearth each of your fears about what's to happen, but don't let that deter you. because this is happening, i assure you. you're shifting right now—have been, since before you could walk. it's something you pick up naturally. it may come easier to others, but it's different for everyone—just like playing an instrument is different for everyone. your experiences are not the same. yours are unique.
▸ let your eyes flit over each person and say these affirmations to yourself:  i am stronger than you. you have no power over me. i release you now. i release all of my doubts and fears. watch as they fade away to reveal an empty seat. repeat this action until none of them remain. you've always been able to play, but they're hindering your ability to do so—they're holding you back. not anymore. this is your time to shine, and you're doing it wonderfully. you are brilliant.
▸ continue playing until all other sounds have gone. you suddenly find your gaze shifting to a specific seat in the auditorium, where a familiar face is sitting, and you wonder how you ever could have missed them. or, perhaps, they've only just arrived? your comfort character is hanging off of every note you play, wearing a lovestruck expression. an infectious smile tugs at their lips, and they lean forward to get a better look at you. it's so much different from being analyzed by your doubts, and now that they've disappeared, you feel as light as a feather.
if any of these doubts resurface, don't stress, just focus back on your comfort character, down to the tiniest details. think of how their eyes look in the light, or how they've styled their hair. what are they wearing? list off these little attributes until the doubts have left again. 
▸ you notice that, despite how long you've been performing, you don't feel tired. nevertheless, you eventually stop, and are met with the sound of a roaring applause. all of the faceless insecurities that once sat in the theater have been replaced by glowing, ethereal figures—stars veiled in the finest silk.
they all rise to commend you, and amid this sea of glittering white, your comfort character stands out, beaming at you. the chairs have vanished, and in their wake, a velvety carpet lies. your comfort character brushes past the new guests and up the stairs to greet you, and when their hands finally settle upon your own, the stars are beginning to float, higher and higher.
many of them circle around you, and you find that they are faceless as well, but their aura is comforting as they beckon you to join them. one in particular guides you and your comfort character to another set of stairs, endlessly reaching into the galaxy above.
your comfort character kisses the back of your hand and gently guides you forward with their own hand, smiling at your reassuringly. whether or not they say anything aloud, you know what they’re trying to tell you: “i’ll be behind you every step of the way. i always have been”. 
▸ as you ascend up the stairs, watch as the stars entangle in an age-old dance, laughing and singing. many of them string together in groups to form constellations, some familiar, some unknown. these stars grow brighter and brighter the higher you go, encompassing the vast space with a pale light. eventually, the blues and pinks and purples have been replaced by a stunning white, and the staircase disappears.
you’re on a flat surface that stretches on for eternity, but despite the emptiness of it, you can still feel the stars’ presence, as well as your comfort character’s, lingering in the air. although your feet stay firm on the ground, there is no evidence of a ground at all, and you feel yourself become weightless. with no walls or sky or earth to keep you in place, you are free to walk wherever you please.
▸ walk around and experiment with this power of yours. it’s godlike. you feel like those stars, floating around, limitless, glowing. let your affirmations subtly shift from open-ended to details about your desired reality self, and hear them echo throughout the expanse of the void.
i am pure consciousness. i am not bound to any one reality. i am free to wander each of them as i please. there are no obstacles in my path.
when you feel that you’ve done enough exploring, a large crack in the void appears, shimmering faintly. run your hands across it and feel its energy, pulsing with life. there's an opening in the middle, big enough that you can slip your fingers through and pull it apart. as you do this, its edges illuminate similarly to an aurora borealis.
watch as the rift widens, bending to your will. you want this, you can make it happen. the energy spreads from the tips of your fingers to the rest of your body, swaddling you in a comforting warmth, like the sun is shining down upon you. when the rift is large enough, step through it and witness your surroundings change.
welcome back—you’ve been missed dearly. 
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© erosire 2022. please refrain from copying to other sites without my permission.
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lmao-pls-help · 2 years
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The ladder experiment:
Before bed, imagine in 1st person POV that you're climbing a ladder.
During the day, tell yourself "I will not climb a ladder" and sincerely MEAN it that you truly don't want to climb a ladder.
The purpose of Neville instructing his students to post stickies notes everywhere in your home that says "I will not climb a ladder", along with telling yourself you won't climb a ladder was to demonstrate that though in our waking life in 3D, everything tells us that what we imagined the night before WON'T HAPPEN or IS NOT HERE or SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE, will actually come to pass and you WILL CLIMB A LADDER.
Proving IMAGINATION trumps all circumstances, trumps everything in our 3D reality.
It's a technique that Neville Goddard gave to all those who doubted the principles that he taught, or those who were attending his lectures for the first time and didn't know what to expect.
Read more about it here
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nakiyingi · 2 years
Relax. Recharge. Refocus. Reinforce. Redirect the Power of Your Subconcious Mind.
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arcanakiss · 1 year
Balance All 7 Chakras + Open Third Eye • Unlock Psychic Intuition • Subliminal 852 Hz Sound Therapy
The Solfeggio Tone of 852 hz assists the activation of the pineal gland. Helping us awaken our psychic abilities, and reach higher states of consciousness.
Pluto is the planet of power, transformation, psychic skills and depth. In the natal chart it represents deep passions or attachments, also our transformational potential. This is part of my set of Astrology Subliminals for each of the planets and luminaries, recorded during peaks of their energy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL62z0ebPDpshjLczRmALp1j_zmyRM0lAS
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