#< the way she says a bajillion times she uses she/he only and hates they/them and that she's male AND female and implied she's transfem💀
punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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"They don't know what gender is!!!"Yes the fuck they do,they're full of it and i'm using the general 'they' because nonbinary does not mean they/them exclusively every fuckdamn time like y'all think it does.'He's like a girl to me' and 'She's my boyfriend' but then you don't respect he/him girls and she/her boys and bigender has never entered your vocabulary.Good LORDS
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achoshistor · 1 year
[totk] alternate dimension???
HAHA ok i simply can't go without writing this down but this time i will try my best to omit all spelling errors to preserve readability... tbh i wouldnt read this if you havent finished the geoglyphs
ok im gonna be honest i've only finished botw and totk so this is gonna be moreso why the alternate timeline from botw is plausible in comparison to the actual placement of the timeline bc thats too much thinking and its been like a million bajillion years since i read the historia.
ok so firstly zelda doing different things in the past is def why the line would have changed from botw to totk but why was zelda the one who went back in time?? In botw the divine beasts are literally analogous to the current sages which is basically
vah rudania/daruk = yunobo
vah naboris/urbosa = riju
vah ruta/mipha = sidon
vah medoh/revali = tulin
that covers all four but what about link?? link gets his own divine beast (master cycle) too so why is zelda the sage and not link?? besides i heard this mentioned somewhere else (i forgot where) but link has the ability to literally slow down time when hes drawing his bow or looking through the scope and he can pause time with the menu but idk if thats actually canon LOL. either way link can also control time like zelda. But speaking of divine beasts the 4 helms can be found in totk as well but the item descriptions call them zonai while the general look of the pieces is clearly sheikha which is weird cuz whaaaat?? also idk maybe nintendo just wanted a way to explain amiibo gear but this just suggests that the divine beasts themsleves are also zonai of some sort. Ik people are saying they dont mention the divine beasts at all but impa and i think like one or two other npcs mention them meaning they are still here but zonai somehow which doesnt make sense in the context of botw.
also aside from the divine beasts theres some other things of note too: firstly, your house in hateno which zelda STOLE 😭😭liek man i paid good money for that sign... 3000 rs.... this is p minor but why would she just take the sign away unless it wasnt already there?? I mean ok maybe link wanted to live with her
[zora arc spoilers]
anyways point two about yona... tbh i thought she was ganondorfs spy or something at first because she came out of nowhere... im assuming she's muzu's daughter but we saw no sign at all of her in botw... maybe the devs hated sidlink that much lolol. In all seriousness tbh her appearance does seem to point to a shift in the events of 100 years ago unless she's not from hyrule which seems unlikley seeing that sidon grew up in zora's domain according to the botw dlc.
[zora spoilers over]
ok last thing... the bottomless swamp is gone!!
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like whaaat theres a pond there now
I'm like 99% sure this is just because they needed a body of water that you can drop into safely but its also the only pond on ground thats actually got the lily pads from the sky in it which is interesting. I don't think they added any other new bodies of water aside from this though. Lorewise though it makes no sense at all that they removed that whole giant skeleton from here in a few years and even if they did iirc the ground around it was crackly and dry. Lanaryu/Zorana used to all be a desert and they said it took hundreds of years for it to become fertile so its kind of nonsensical that this area would only take a little while...
overall i think this is probably just nintendo trying to make it so that totk can be standalone but man it cant be that hard to write coherent lore
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wearykatie · 5 months
Journey Into the Wild Beyond Chapter 5: The Palace of Heart's Desire (Part 2)
To keep this from doubling the length of this blog just talking about this one chapter, I’ll mainly stick to the parts of the palace the party actually did visit and what I changed about them.
I mean, it’s still going to probably be a bajillion parts, but at least it will be shorter. 
Even Shinji Mikami Would Call Bullshit
It’s said Zybilna has a lot of enemies, and I think that’s supposed to be mainly among demonkind, but the people she really needs to look out for are the castle staff who have to contend with a castle with a layout that makes the Spencer Mansion seem sensible. 
I hate the Crown Locks. 
Sorry, no, I don’t hate them. I like them in theory. See, they have this interesting mechanic where there are two creatures made of iron, a lion and a hart, and they’re the key to two types of doors in the palace. When a crown is placed on the lion’s head, the doors marked with the lion are unlocked but the doors marked with the hart are locked. When the crown changes heads, the lion doors lock and the hart doors unlock. Simple, right? Fun puzzle? 
First of all, the crown is located in a pond (which is also referred to as a pool and a lake if you really want to confuse your players) inside the gate and held by a fey spirit who only appears if a character touches the water. Second, the crown is covered in sharp needles making picking it up without gloves extremely painful (though not dealing damage). Third, if the players don’t trust the random hand made of water holding a prickly crown, it doesn’t offer it again and they have to retrieve it from the bottom of the pond which is ten feet deep and the water is currently frozen in time and is malleable as soft dough, so sure, have a swim. 
Fourth problem: the crown gives a little riddle to the person holding it. “The beginning of Whenever. The end of Ever After. The start of an Age. The finale of every Moment. The first in HIstory.” and assuming they figure out that’s one of those riddles where you’re looking for the letters indicated the players will come up with “wrath” and either panic at a perceived trap or wear the crown while throwing a tantrum to try to unlock its secrets. 
Should the players figure out that you need to take the crown to one of the iron animals, they’ll find that the nearest and most accessible one is the lion housed in the tower with a plaque that says “Envy” above it. Envy will demand players leave if they don’t bow to it and it attacks those who won’t leave. It will mention its counterpart, Wrath, and if the players are on good terms and think to ask about the crown, Envy explains how it functions but says it only works in its gold form - and the crown only changes if it’s placed on the head of the correct guardian
Okay, so if the players then remember the Wrath riddle and somehow connect that the correct one to put it on his Wrath, they have to walk all the way through the palace just to get to Wrath because its tower doesn’t have an outside door and that’s assuming they get that right because guess what the fifth problem is? 
Fifth: if the crown of silver needles is placed on Envy’s head, Envy and the crown are banished to Envy’s demiplane where they can only be retried by Zybilna who is currently frozen in time and can only be freed by touching her with the unicorn horn and speaking her true name (Natasha) but the likelihood of finding out that information without going into one of the room locked by the Crown Locks is slim to none, and that’s assuming that the players didn’t use the unicorn horn to restore Elidon back in Chapter 3. If they did, the only way to lift the curse and free Zybilna is to destroy the cauldron by first defeating Warduke, taking and attuning to his flametongue sword, and hitting the cauldron with that. And you find out how to do that in….one of the 50+ locations in this castle. Oh, and that makes Zybilna use her only Wish spell to restore her cauldron, and make her a little grumpy with the party.
Also, because so many door are locked, the only path to Wrath’s tower is walking all the way to the back hall of the castle, taking it to the east side, walking all the way to the front again, switching the crown over, then if you want to go back and unlock the Envy doors you have to walk all the way back the way you came.
How Fix?
My players found the crown sitting in front of Envy and were able to put it on the lion straight away with no consequence. Also, Elidon granted Tom Hakewood a portion of his magic so he could free people frozen in time. 
You know what’s really funny though? The players can get a free Chime of Opening that unlocks ten doors if they completed a side quest to rescue the faerie dragon knight Sir Talavar back in Chapter 2. He leaves the chime for them just inside the castle gate. So someone realized the Crown Locks were bad and going to cause problems. Also, my players had done that side quest so they got the chime.
And then I put an extra door on the map mid session just to prevent 16 rooms of pointless backtracking.
So with locked doors being downgraded from “obstacle” to “annoyance”, I could focus on solving the other problems - giving my players a reason to care about Zybilna and making the puzzle to free her a little more engaging than finding out her real name. 
Behold, the Seven Gems of Infinite Nonsense
The central tower of the castle has seven turrets, six of which are only accessible from the first floor. So…at least easily accessible. What’s in them? Well, five have jeweled coffers each containing one crystal that are really Zybilna’s crystallized desires. The crystals can each conjure a different fey being - a darkling elder (previously seen as an enemy), a quickling (also a previous enemy), a redcap (avoided enemy), a green hag (do I even need to point out the problem?), and a blink dog (bamfing good boy). 
The other two turrets are empty. No really, the book’s description of these rooms are “this chamber is empty”. Yes, they both led to an adjoining turret with a thing inside, but I feel like they could have just had five turrets. 
I liked the crystallized desires thing, so I changed that slightly. All seven turrets contained a coffer with one of seven gems. These gems each contained an aspect of Zybilna tied to an emotion. They were all locked, and didn’t even have a visible lock or a lid until the person wearing the Witchlight Monarch’s crown approached. 
When one of them held a gem, they would hear a voice speaking. One was an angry rant about her enemies, another expressed sorrow over all she had lost, another told a story about finding a young harengon boy who had gotten lost and taking care of him until they found his parents.
I wanted to show the good and the bad of Zybilna. And finally, a hidden eighth gem (which was actually found quite easily by my eager explorers) talked about how Zybilna saw herself, and who she still considered herself to be - Natasha, the girl before Tasha, Iggwilv, or Zybilna ever existed. 
Side note on the gems: Elora did an arcana check to determine the nature of the first stone and was able to get a magical signature which she then copied into a potion she created. The potion would change color in response to the presence of one of the gems and become more opaque the closer it got to one of them. She made a little gem detector, and started on her graduate thesis before her first official day of school. That’s the kind of thing I liked seeing - players using their skills in inventive ways.
Tower to Nowhere
This deserves its own section because unless I’m just really bad at reading, the central tower of the palace is the most bafflingly poorly thought out room in the whole campaign. 
The central tower of the palace (the one the turrets are connected to) is in a large courtyard called the Court of Storms. This is a giant central area on both floor of the palace seen from multiple balconies surrounding it. The courtyard has no roof, and in place of a floor there is a vortex of dark clouds. 
The Storm Vortex is massive, and isn't actually described as resting on the ground, so no indication that there even is a ground to it. If you fall into the vortex, you can’t be seen by others, your speed becomes zero, and you take 4d8 force damage at the beginning of your turn. If you drop to 0 HP, you’re ripped to shreds and your remains are scattered across every plane of existence. 
Well, that sounds bad. Don’t fall off the bridge, right? 
What bridge? The central tower isn’t connected to the rest of the castle at all.
More than any other chapter, it seems like Chapter 5 expects a level of preparation from the party that borders on clairvoyance. You have to have the right classes with the right spells and the right abilities or you will have some massive obstacles in your path. Now, I had a party full of spellcasters and one Fighter, so Fly wasn’t totally out of the question, but that assumes one of the casters even has Fly prepared. Even if they do have it prepared, that’s a 3rd level spell that only lets one person fly unless you upcast, and since the max level of the campaign is 8, the highest they can cast spells is 4th level, and 4th level Fly only affects two creatures. 
Now, maybe one of your player characters was crowned Witchlight Monarch back in Chapter 1. That comes with the Charm of the Monarch allowing them to sprout butterfly wings and gain a flying speed equal to their walking speed for one hour. Assuming they haven’t used the three charges the charm provides, you have maybe one more flying character at best. 
If by some miracle at least some of these things line up, you have maybe two or three players with the ability to fly to the tower. Split the party? Sounds fine. Oh, there’s an encounter on the first floor of the tower? Kelek (a sorcerer), Warduke (a fighter), and potentially Zargash (a necromancy cleric), three cockatrices, and four glasswork golems. They can be talked to rather than fighting but “hang on, give us a chance to ferry our other friends over” is a bit of a stretch.
By the way, cockatrices can petrify you. How do you get unpetrified? Greater Restoration - a 5th level spell that players do not have access to in this campaign. 
There is another way to the central tower! On the second floor of the palace, there is a hall with hatches along the wall, and under each hatch is the severed head of a creature (seriously, what the fuck, Zybilna??) and every time you open their hatch, they’ll scream one of three things at you “yah!”, “bah!”, or “gah!”. Somehow, your players are supposed to figure out that these are syllables and not just random yells, and that they’re meant to open the hatches in an order that has the heads saying “Bah! Bah! Yah! Gah!” or “Baba Yaga” at which point, all creatures in the hall are teleported to the second floor of the central tower where the hags are if they were forced to retreat instead of being slain. 
How do you teleport back? You don’t. 
See what I mean about this chapter? Anyway, I gave the party a two-way teleporter on the central balcony and do not regret it. The central tower is the only way to get to the 7th turret so I just gave it to them.
Also, because I wanted to circle back to the concept, the storm vortex in my campaign was the untempered magic of the Feywild - the “Wild Beyond” that threatened to reclaim Prismeer should the arcane anchors fail completely. Early tossed her sword into it and tried to recall it with her class feature. I allowed it, and even gave the sword a little magical boon for the attempt, but stressed the rarity of such an outcome to dissuade the party from attempting that a second time.
Meet My Second Harengon OC
Before finding the first gem, the party discovered a library with a sole occupant - an elderly harengon librarian named Arvan. He had been in the library when the time freeze spell went off, and since the library existed in a pocket dimension, he was unaffected. Arvan was eager to see Zybilna freed, he’d known her nearly all his life (remember the lost boy she’d found?). He described the gems, how they all contained a measure of Zybilna’s power. If they were put in the cauldron, they might have enough power to shift it from its iron form into its gold form. 
I realized a couple of chapters into the book that there were a lot of things described as being made out of iron. Things in the Feywild. Things owned by fey. Now, I don’t know if 5th Edition fey work the same way that fey do in myth, but typically iron is bad for them. A bit like Superman owning a kryptonite tea kettle. 
Anywho, Arvan is another original creation and a late addition. The librarian in the book is a grouchy guy hiding a giant spider under a shawl, and as I’ve mentioned, at least one of my players is an arachnophobe. Also, there really aren’t very many ride or die Zybilna fans in Witchlight canon, and I wanted to introduce one the players could trust. 
Arvan also pointed them to another library on the second floor that would have the incantation that needed to be read to change the cauldron. The incantation was in a book titled The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. 
It was about this point that a whole bunch of really convenient things were starting to come together. Gems containing a fraction of Zybilna’s power were conveniently placed throughout the castle sealed away in boxes that could only be opened by someone with the Witchlight Monarch crown, and the incantation to change the cauldron and possibly free Zybilna was left in a book that one of the few unfrozen people in the palace knew about. 
Someone planned this. 
I mean, yeah, me, but besides that, someone in the story planned this.
I Swear I’m Getting To A Point With All of This
Barring any kind of “final thoughts” part, the next part of this blog should be the finale. I will try to condense everything down into that final one, and it may run a little long like this and some of the others. But an end is in sight!
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megthemewlingquim · 3 years
someone new.
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summary: there's an art to life's distractions.
pairing: eventual hades! loki x persephone! reader
warnings: implied smut, alcohol consumption
a/n: here it is, the first part of foreigner's god. as said in this fic's masterlist, these will not be chapters, but rather short stories and one shots that can be read separately or as one whole piece. it's up to you.
i plan to base each part off of one or two hozier songs. this is inspired by "someone new".
is there a right way to fall in love?
    that’s what loki asks himself every day — well, every night — when he spends his free time at bars and gatherings. populated widely with fellow gods, goddesses, and spirits of many colors and passions; these bars are perfect places to find someone new.
    being the god of death, however, puts loki at a bit of a disadvantage. yes, the stereotypes are, unfortunately, true. loki is dark, a little antisocial, and very quiet. beautiful in appearance — death is seductive, at least to the willing.
    ‘the willing’ being many a spirit, many a dryad or goddess or creature who wants bragging rights, or a little nightly thrill. ‘that’s right,’ they say, ‘i had a little dance with death last night.’
loki doesn’t mind the mornings when his temporary partners talk about the nights, but he always cringes when they mention that accursed french phrase — la petite mort. it’s a joke to them. a mockery.
   yet, they stay, and sometimes, they come back for another little death.
    the spirits and goddesses never make a big impact on him. he is with one for a night, then another for a night, and so on. he falls in love every day with someone new and it’s a bore. a bore and a drag.
    dark caresses don’t do much to numb the pain: the pain of loneliness and solitude. the ache in his heart is constant, tearing at his mind whenever it can. alcohol can't do much either — all gods have a very high tolerance. mead was made for them.
   so loki is left with no escape besides those that come from the willing. little deaths. they make him feel loved.
   no one loves death. some crave him. but they don't love him.
   that’s the common theme running through loki’s head every time he takes someone home with him, or goes upstairs with them to the top floors of the inns he’s at, where the bedrooms are. it’s a distraction.
   however, the cycle ends when, while pointlessly wandering around his usual bar, he sees someone new one night. you.
   you radiate this... this warmth that he’s never felt before. everyone around you seems to be affected by it too - they don’t treat you as the life of the party, but they do gravitate towards you like birds to a nest. 
    and you’re quite shy, but infectiously happy and cheerful. you’re so beautiful, with your bright eyes that he knows are wide and filled with wonder, and your lovely skin that he knows is so soft. and your smile that he knows is so comforting to all who see it.
   to everyone else, you feel like they’ve just wandered into a happy memory, or a sun-lit room that’s pleasantly warm and golden. you feel familiar. ordinary, but lovely all the same.
   to loki, you feel... feel like something he’s only experienced in dreams. so, really, he’s never felt it before in his immortal life: something warm and alive and... and anticipatory. like there’s new things about to come up to the surface — flowers, new animals, maybe. you give off a sense of... he can’t describe it well. a slow and joyful awakening something.
   and you also feel completely and utterly powerful. unstoppable. he’s terrified of you, and yet he’s drawn to you. you’re so fascinating, strange. not as if you could end the world, no, that’s his own job. but it’s as if you can bring the whole world to life, raise it back up again after the chaos fades.
   you feel like spring. like rebirth. like new life.
   and that’s when it hits him.
   persephone. he’s heard the name passed around before, but before now, he has never seen the face behind the name. something about this sparks some fear in him: how would persephone, goddess of spring, daughter of demeter, react to seeing anyone even remotely like himself?
   for a moment, he’s grateful that you’re not looking at him; you’re actually looking at the table, at the drink you’re sipping. there’s a look on your face that isn’t bored, nor afraid. maybe... observant.
   people are around you still. not crowding, but not interacting with you either. it’s like you have a bubble around you, keeping everyone from getting too close. maybe it’s your doing but maybe it’s theirs. honestly, you’d think that dryads and gods and goddesses and spirits of all forms and colors and subjects would be more accepting.
   he pities you. you seem lonely.
   loki takes a few steps forward, betraying his own fear. like the red sea, the crowd parts. some are bold and unafraid, and they give loki varying looks: disgusted, seductive, snarky. you don’t notice him until he sits down in front of you, at the other end of the table.
   “hi,” he says calmly. he manages a small smile. “you’re new here, aren’t you?”
   your eyes lift to lock with his own. immediately, you recoil just the slightest bit. he knows what you’re thinking: wait, that’s hades! god of death... wh-why is he talking to me?
   “it’s alright,” he soothes. “don’t worry. you’ve probably heard of all the stories: gods kidnapping and doing terrible things to goddesses and spirits and dryads. i’m not here to do any of that. i promise.”
   with a single, somewhat confused blink, you nod. “m-my mother has told me a lot about that stuff,” you say slowly, as if saying anything too revealing will somehow alert demeter and get you in trouble. “she’s... she’s terrified...”
   “what is she terrified of? that those terrible things might happen to you?”
   “yes,” you say. “she’s told me that she’s had nightmares in the past. specifically about you. how you’ll kidnap me and take me to hell to live with you.”
   he laughs at that - a rich, amused laugh that takes the shivers out of you. “that’s bullshit. overprotective mothers, yeah?”
   you shrug. “she loves me.”
   “and are you afraid of me, princess?” the last word is whispered. his voice extremely soft - it’s a curious question.
   he notices how you lick your lips. “no,” you say. he notices how your eyes flick all over him. “no, i’m not.” and you seem truthful.
   “smart girl,” he says with a grin. “i hate liars. there’s not a god on in the world that’s ever been truthful. well, besides jesus. yahweh. whatever you wanna call him.” loki leans back, crossing his hands behind his head and bringing his feet up to the table. “your father, though... he’s the worst of ‘em. having children with other women, including your mother, while hera has to sit by and watch, and then lying about it.”
   “we’re gods,” you say. “i'm not trying to justify things but... we’re far from perfect.”
   “damn right we are. we’re fucked up. good. we can agree on something. most days, people think us gods are... perfect things. role models. and, maybe some are. but not us. not the gods of olympus.”
   he pauses, takes a swig from a beer bottle that was not in his hand a few seconds ago. “i was wondering if you wanted to do what humans do.” loki winces at the awkwardness. “when they're... y'know. interested in someone.”
   “you're interested... in me?” you ask, incredulously.
   “yeah, i am.” one sip of beer has loosened his tongue. or maybe that's just his confidence soaring now. “maybe this hasn't been the best introduction to things but i would love to take you out sometime. show you things.”
   “my —” you swallow. “i'd get in trouble.” you shrink away just a bit.
   his smile fades and it's replaced with a sadder, more sincere look. “the best things in life have risk to them. it's time i show you that.”
   and really, he does feel sorry for you. it's your first time at a bar, you're lonely. no friends as far as he can tell. an overprotective goddess mother.
   “think of it this way. i think you're very pretty and i like your honesty. i would like to help you see the world, and to have a little fun, since your mother has obviously never let you do anything in your very, very long life.”
   “i'm twenty—one.”
   “and now i'm wondering if demeter actually has you tell people that, as if you're a teenage mortal.” loki shakes his head, disappointed. “that's pathetic. you're a bajillion years old. you're a goddess! you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want, right?”
   when there's no answer from you, he sighs. leans forward to sit normally, putting both of his elbows on the table and pointing his hands at you. “alright. i'll roll with it for now. you're twenty—one. i guess. you can drink. you can go out alone to bars and other places. you can meet new people. you're an adult. think about that.
   “so, again. i think you're very pretty and i wanna show you around. get to know you. would you like to do that with me?” he raises his eyebrows a little, waiting for a response.
   it's an eternity before you can win a battle in your mind. slowly, you nod, giving him a smile. “yeah,” you whisper. “yeah, i would. thank you.”
   “don't thank me just yet, sweetheart. i haven't shown you anything yet.” he gets up, pushes his chair in.
   before he leaves, he winks at you. “call me loki. it's... not as dreadful... as hades. and... what do i call you?”
   you say your name, your voice quiet.
   “much better than persephone, i think. it suits you. we'll keep in touch, ok?”
   “okay,” you say. butterflies are flying rapidly in your stomach.
   loki leaves you there. he'd much rather take you back to your home himself, but that would be too risky for the time being. for now, he walks out of that bar feeling like the king of the world.
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Remember You Young
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I answered this ask because I thought it was adorable. I loved the show they wanted me to do, and I want to see who could guess it before it became obvious. Its a one-shot . 
She was being followed. At first it had been daunting when she realized it, and Marinette had done everything she could to shake them off her trail. Then she realized she was being stalked by kids. Literally kids. None older than ten or eleven at best.
           They had been terrible at hiding, rarely ever whispered, argued constantly, had the most outrageous costumes but somehow managed to keep up with Marinette’s every move... most of the time. They ran around with toy guns and pretend walky talkies.
           It either said the best thing about the kids’ skills, or the worst thing about Marinette’s.
           There was a husky boy who ran around in a blue shirt and goggles. He never took off the old pilot’s hat he wore. He was also… always eating cheese. Or candy. He liked puns that caused his friends to groan constantly.
           There was an Asian little girl who wore an adorable green sweater that was too big for her and the arms of the sweater went well past her hands. She was girly and seemed to be the sweetest of the bunch. Honestly, she was the happiest girl Marinette had ever seen in her entire life. The only time the kid had gotten upset was when she had cried when couldn’t find the stuffed animal she wanted in any of the stores. Marinette had been heartbroken for her. The bluenette didn’t know what a “Rainbow Monkey” was or why it had to be French but she was going to get it for the girl if it was the last thing she did it.
           A bald British boy seemed to be the leader as everyone took direction from him. Marinette had never seen his eyes due to the black glasses he wore. The kid seemed to believe himself to be some sort of superspy. He had a fierce take-charge attitude and barked orders like a pro and preferred to a treehouse their hung out at as headquarters. He didn’t smile often.
           A pretty black girl seemed to be the one with the most sense of the much, and the most style. She wore her hair in a long braid, a blue shirt-dress and an old red cap. The girl had a natural charisma and coolness to her that made Marinette feel awkward in comparison. She seemed to second-in-command .
           The smallest of the bunch was a blond boy with an unfortunate bowl cut and a bright orange hoody. He was loud, brash, and was the “tough guy” of the bunch. He picked a fight with nearly everyone. A fierce little guy that called Marinette a “Ruddy Teenager.”
           However all the kids seemed to dislike adults and teens to some degree. They cast suspicious glances at everyone thirteen and older no matter how nice they were. None of them ever called each other by their names, always opting to follow the rules of whatever game they were playing and called each other by numbers. And always mispronounced the word: number.
           Numbuh 1. Numbuh 2. Numbuh 3. Numbuh 4. Numbuh 5. Marinette hadn’t gotten close enough to figure out who was who but she did suspect the numbers were ranking order or anything. They were probably just random.
           After over two weeks of being stalked, Marinette still hadn’t been able to figure out what they wanted from her. Only that they didn’t know she was Ladybug. It was frustrating.
           She finally got answers one day while walking home from school when she got attacked by an evil cat lady who weaponized her pets, a deranged dentist who put braces on everyone, and a man dressed like toilet. They attempted to kidnap Marinette and raise all out heck on everyone around them. They weren’t Akumas. They were just crazy people.
           The kids fought them back. They saved the day. They saved Marinette. The villains ran with their tails between their legs.
           …Suddenly everything the kids had been doing didn’t seem like a game anymore.
           …Then the kids kidnapped Marinette. The kids jumped her, hogtied her, gagged her, and carried her back to their tree house… which Marinette now realized was way more advanced than any tree house should be. EVER.
           As soon as they got to there, and Marinette was uncharitably tossed on to the couch, the kids panicked.
“We shouldn’tve done this!” Goggles boy chimed. “We weren’t supposed to make contact. Moonbase will decommission us for sure.”
“And let the adults have her, Numbah 2,” The bald boy said. “I think not! We can never let the adults win. Its against everything the Kids Next Door stand for.”
The black girl nodded, “Numbah One’s right, we can’t let Father have what’s in her brain,” She said. “It could destroy the KND!”
“But that’s not possible, Numbah five, we all know that!” The girl in green said. “She got decommissioned. Her brain got all wishy-washy. Right, Numbah Four?”
           The blond boy huffed, “Yeah! Numbah Three’s got a point. And what’s so important about some ruddy teenager anyway? Tell you what! We should drop her artic ocean and never look back.”
           Numbah five groaned, “Are you stupid, boy? They sent Numbuh 274, I mean Chad, after her. And CREE! They wouldn’t have done that if she wasn’t important. The supreme leader wouldn’tve sent us to stop them from getting her! Ya moron.”
           Marinette frowned at that. Chad, the handsome foreign exchange student that came to Marinette’s class a few weeks ago. All the girls in school thought he was so dreamy. Even Marinette, even though she had been perplexed at the sad, almost wistful looks he would shoot her when he thought he wasn’t looking. And at the stories he told about his childhood, and woud look at Marinette like he was waiting for her to jump in and finish them. Almost like he knew her. Or expected her to suddenly remember him.
           The same with Cree, a foreign exchange student in a grade above Marinette’s, but to a lesser extent than Chad. The older girl liked to make sly remarks about what being a teen meant where she came from. She cracked what seemed to be inside jokes at Marinette and looked crestfallen when it was clear the bluenette didn’t understand what she meant. Then Cree would grumble about stupid kids ruining everything.
“But WHHHHYYY?” Numbah Four whined. “We got sent a like bajillion miles away to         a city where they force kids to eat bugs and smelly cheese all to protect a teenager. A TEENAGER! And they don’t even tell us why.”
           Numbah Two frowned, “It is kind of strange. I mean we hate teenagers! They’re the worse. Why save this one?” He looked at Marinette like she was specimen in a jar.
“Because team,” Numbah One announced loudly, pausing for, what Marinette knew was, dramatic effect.  “She is Numbah Seventy-Two.”
           Gasps rang through the room. The kids reared back as if struck. Their eyes went wide and they started at Marinette in awe.
“…Or at least she used to be,” Numbah One added.
“Woah,” Numbah Four said, looking at Marinette with newfound respect.
           Numbah Two sqeauled, “This is the best day ever. You have to sign my Yipper card.” He told Marinette. “It’s an ultra-rare collectable. Only three still exists. The rest were destroyed.”
“But, but, but how?” Numbah Five asked, removing her hat. “All records of Numbah Seventy-Two was struck from the history of the KND. Only the supreme leader and her team ever knew what happened to her.”
“They pinky-swore not to tell anyone what happened!” Numbah Three added. “No one would ever break a pinky promise.”
“That’s true,” Numbah five nodded. “No kid ever would. Expecially not her team. She saved us. She saved the KND. She saved the world and made it better for kids everywhere.”
           Numbah One nodded. “Exactly. No kid would ever break the solemn oath. But do you remember just who was one her team?”
           Looks of realization appeared on the kids’ faces, and then anger.
“Numbah Two Hundred and Seventy-Four,” Numbah Five said bitterly. “He was Number Seventy-Two’s second in command for years. And He betrayed her. Why am I not surprised?”
“But why?” Numbah Two asked. “I mean if she was still Numbah Seventy-Two I’d understand. She stopped Principle Boutface from ending summer vacation forever. She stopped Father from making Halloween adults only forever and ever. Name a bad guy, and I can guarantee she kicked their butts! And most importantly she even beat…” Numbah Two paused, clearly afraid. “well you know. She’s done loads of cool things. But She can’t remember anything. So why? Why come get her now?”
“She beat who?” Numbah Four asked. “I don’t know. Who’d she else did she beat? Why were they so important?”
           Numbah One and Five looked away. Both remembered but neither wanted to say anything.
“We were still just little babies when it happened,” Numbah Three answered seriously. “Still finishing training. We never really knew what was going on. Too little for anyone to tell us. We just knew it was bad. Kids were always scared, always hurting…”
“It was a dark time,” Numbah One agreed. “Before Father took over, there was another in charge of the evil adults in the world. But he worse than Father could’ve ever dreamed of being. Kids were scared to go to sleep. They were afraid of their closets and what was under their beds. OF every shadow. No kid would be caught out after dark. They were too scared. Nowhere was safe. No one was safe. Not from him. Not from…”
“The Boogieguy,” Numbah Five finished. “The most powerful leader the adults ever had. The strongest, most evil villain you can imagine. But Numbah Seventy-Two refused to back down. She was the only who could stand up to him. The only one to ever beat him.”
           Numbah Two nodded, “Legend says the Boogieguy had a nasty plan to open a portal to unleash meanest, nastiest monsters another world to get kids to behave better. But Numbah Seventy-Two heard and went to beat him once and for all. And she did too. She trapped him in his own trap. He’s been there ever since!”
Numbah Three added, “Numbah Seventy-Two finally defeated the Boogieguy, she locked him away in a place so scary, so terrifying not even the adults would be willing to go near it. Which it means it has to be really, really, REALLY, scary. Only she knew how to get him out. She used a super-secret password that only she knew. And then, and then she, she!” Numbah Three burst into tears.
Numbah One placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, “To stop the Boogieguy for good, and to make sure no kid ever had to suffer his wrath again, she decommissioned herself. She was only eleven.”
“It was a hard sacrifice, but one kids everywhere will never forget,” Numbah One vowed. “And the Global KND didn’t let it be in vain. We fought back harder than ever before. Her team-”
“But, but,” Numbah Four look around, “She wasn’t even a teenager, why’d she go and do a stupid thing like that for?”
“To save us,” Numbah Five answered, and put her hat back on. She looked at Marinette with hard eyes. “To save the KND, and protect kids everywhere. Because of her, the KND finally turned the tables on adults. We weren’t scared of the dark anymore.”
“Was never the same!” Numbah Five snapped at him. “None of them were ever the same after fighting Boogieguy, after what happened to Numbah Seventy-Two. They couldn’t handle being around each other anymore. They are transferred to different teams. Their entire sector was retired. Number Three Hundred and Sixty-Two. Numbuh Sixty. My sister- Cree! Numbah Two Hundred and Seventy-Four, UGH! Look what they became. Ya don’t need to be decommissioned to not recognize them anymore.”
           It went quiet. The kids not knowing what to say. Marinette had never been so confused in her life. Had she been some sort of Spy kid? Had her memories been erased? What was going on?
           And if everything, the kids were saying was real, and Marinette decided that it was, then she was a little peeved at Chad and Cree, her old teammates apparently, for going against everything this KND had accomplished… That Marinette had apparently sacrificed herself for. And what for? To side with some evil adults?
“…The KND have figured out a way to destroy Boogieguy forever,” Numbah one said. “Unfortunately the adults have also become aware of the Boogieguy’s location and want release him. In order for either side to succeed in their mission, we need Numbah Seventy-Two.”
           All eyes turned back to Marinette.
Numbah Five cast a sad look at Numbah Seventy-Two, Marinette, “Chad and Cree will come for her.” Of that Numbah five was certain. The lone picture of ABC that sat next to Cree’s bedside nightstand was proof enough of that. It was the only thing her big sister ever kept of her KND days, apart from her memories. The only “little kid” thing she didn’t scorn. “They won’t stop until they get her. I don’t think Cree or Chad ever forgave the KND agreeing that Numbah Seventy-Two should erase her memories.”
           They never forgave themselves for letting her, Abby didn’t add.
“She was decommissioned, hello!” Numbah Two reminded them. “She can’t remember anything.”
           Number One took off his glasses and looked at the teenager who, in another life, had been everything he ever dreamed of being in the KND. She was a legend. A hero. She had, once, been the best of them all. “She will.”
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Shout out to that time in the preboot universe, when Lilith showed up to Donna’s wedding to the red-headed man she’d once prophesied Donna would marry and who would die horribly and thus is the reason Donna broke up with Roy originally, thinking the prophecy was about him, (its a long story, just go with it).....
.....and so then here’s Lilith just popping up at the Wedding of Doom she forewarned against, after being out of touch for ages, but she’s flying solo with no plus one and thus no sign of her caveman boyfriend Gnaark (its a long story, just go with it) and when all the other Titans were like hey wtf where’s Gnaark she was just like oh something terrible happened there but I don’t want to get into it now, its a wedding, cheers, because Lilith just does that, when she’s done talking she’s done talking lmao.....
....and then this winged angel named Azrael started popping up all the time and the other Titans are like wtf Lilith, is this dude stalking you, and she just casually waves them off and is like oh yeah, he’s been doing that for ages, he wants me to be his ‘mate’ or whatever, its this whole thing. Don’t worry about it though, its no big deal.’ Because again, Lilith’s just like that.
And then when Azrael keeps showing up Lilith starts glowing every time he’s near and turning into a combustion engine about to blow, and her teammates are like Lil, once again we are just here begging you to call this a big deal, this dude seems to be turning you into a human glowstick, but Lilith is just like omg stop being so dramatic, that has nothing to do with him even, I’ve been having those little ‘heat attacks’ for like years, and the Titans are like WTF LIL, WHY DID YOU NOT MENTION THIS BEFORE, and she’s just like ‘I forgot to okay, god, get off my ass already’ and she stormed off and dramatically quit the team with a huff and a “AND IM NEVER COMING BACK except for when I totally will cuz I already foresee this apocalypse we’re gonna have to prevent in like two years, so nobody take my room okay, thanks bye, and NO DICK, I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE UPCOMING APOCALYPSE JEEZ I HAVE OTHER THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT RIGHT NOW, I’LL GET TO IT WHEN I GET TO IT'’.....because I mean....Lilith. *shrugs*
And then she came back and joined the team during the Terror of Trigon storyline and she was all dramatic and prophesizing left and right except lol it wasn’t really Lil as she was possessed by a bajillion Azarath spirits who were like, hey we’re gonna hijack you to cleanse Raven of evil, sorry not sorry, but don’t worry, we’ll tidy up after ourselves before we leave’....
And then she got depossessed and Azrael starting popping up again and she starting doing her human glowstick thing again except this time with actual fire actually burning shit all around her, and Lilith’s like “okay, fine, I’m willing to concede now that this MIGHT be an issue,” and everyone’s like GEE YOU THINK???
And her ‘heat attacks’ were now big and noticeable enough that they eventually got the attention of Lilith’s birth mother, cuz Lilith had been adopted and found that out and started searching for her birth parents and answers about her powers and where she came from when she was like, thirteen (its a long story, just go with it), and so Lilith’s flame on moments finally caught her birth mother’s attention and she showed up and was like surprise, oh hey and also I’m the Greek Titan of the sun, who escaped from Tartarus awhile back and came up with this whole plan to get back at Zeus and the rest of those turds by making a secret weapon baby - that’s you hon, so proud of you - and yeah your dad was just this rich dude who had a company I wanted to take over, I just kinda incinerated him once I had you and didn’t need him anymore, sorry but its not a big loss he was kinda dull, you wouldn’t have liked him anyway, but also, then this random nurse kidnapped you and derailed my master plan of using a toddler Titan to topple the Olympians, but now I’ve found you and we can get right back to that, and that’s what you missed on Glee!’
Cue the rest of the Titans being like......ummm, we have some questions and also some concerns, but Lilith’s just like huh, so what you’re saying is I’m a divine celestial being? Huh, yeah that tracks. Okay, I believe you! But also I don’t like your plan and I think you kinda suck so I’m gonna like....not do that and instead help the gods defeat you again sorry not sorry but I mean yeah, I’m just not feeling it here, I don’t think this mother/daughter thing is gonna work out on account of the you sucking part.
So then that happened and then Zeus was like, hey we’re down a demigod, how would you like to be a goddess? And Lilith’s like yeah, that sounds good, I’m not busy right now. And the rest of the Titans are like umm, Lilith? The team? We do occasionally save the world and protect people and stuff? And she’s just like oh relax, you’ll be fine without me and I’ll be back in time to help out with that alien invasion in a couple years....and Dick’s like wait what, but Lilith’s already gone and getting her demigoddess on. Because, y’know. Its Lilith. She has her priorities figured out.
And then post-Crisis she eventually rejoins the team as the masked and mysterious figure Omen, who wouldn’t reveal her secret identity, because like, she’s Lilith, and she decided hey I’m just not gonna let the team know that its me and just like, idk see what happens. No particular reason.
Except then she’s abducted by this villain named Haze and she has to use her powers to summon the original Titans to free her, at which point her identity is revealed and she’s like yeah, surprise, it was me the whole time, and the Fab Five are all like WHAT THE HELL LILITH, and she’s like WHAT, I WAS BORED, LET ME HAVE HOBBIES.....and also at this time she and the Titans found out oh btw, turns out that whole backstory about you being the daughter of that Titan was a lie, we’re not really sure how that works but just FYI, you’re actually just the illegitimate daughter of this super rich tycoon, and also FYI, Haze is actually your half brother who hates you because of something to do with the dad you didn’t even know existed, soooooo....that’s a thing....
And then she goes back to the Titans for awhile, still as Omen but with everyone now knowing its her under the cloak and mask, the jig is up, Lilith’s like ugh, lame, now what am I supposed to do for fun. But then it also turned out that for some reason that was never actually made clear, now she also had telekinetic and illusion casting powers and she was like ooooh now these I can have fun with. Coincidentally, like, half the team decided now would be a good time to take a sabbatical and focus on their own cities.
And THEN she was kidnapped by Vandal Savage, who wanted to make her use her powers to divine the perfect lineup of bad guys to take down the Titans once and for all, and Lilith’s like ‘well shit, you got me, guess I gotta do what you want,’ except of course she purposely chooses villains she foresees the Titans beating, which they do of course, and then they beat Savage, and Lilith is just like, dude, I know I’m the only precog here, but how did you not see this coming, like seriously, what on earth made you think there was gonna be any other way this was gonna go? OMG you’re so stupid, what happened to all the smart villains, ugh even being kidnapped is boring now, lame.
And then she died, and like, never actually came back except as a spirit in one story and a Black Lantern in that Blackest Night event, and that sucked. But oh well.
Anyway, the point is I miss THAT Lilith, the unpredictable, whimsical, always dragging chaos in her wake and not giving a shit because look its not her fault Destiny is like totally obsessed with her....
She was just a guaranteed source of WTF and she did it all with unnecessary flair and drama and she was one hundred percent a primary reason Dick Grayson was destined to have gray hairs by the time he was thirty, but oh well, that was just the price of being friends and teammates with her, because Lilith was just...*sighs* she was just so Lilith.
That’s really the only way to sum her up. A dozen writers took her in a dozen different directions cuz they couldn’t decide what to do with her so she ended up doing everything and being extremely extra about it which really tied it all together and just made it a universal truth that when it comes to Lilith, don’t just expect the unexpected, like....just accept that with her anything is possible and plausible and the most random shit will end up connected to her and you just gotta roll with it, because that’s just how it goes with her.
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winterrose527 · 3 years
but I've never felt this way for no one
for @simple-aphorisms who gave me this delicious prompt. apologies, I went full feral.
I got my driver’s license last week, just like we always talked about…
If he had to guess, he had heard the opening lines to that song roughly 40 bajillion times. Ever since it had come out over the winter, every party he went to devolved into a raucous, off-key chorus no less than three times as everyone stopped what they were doing to sing that song.
He wasn’t going to lie. It was, for lack of a better, less cringey word, a bop. The first weekend it had come out, he’d listened to it a fair bit. The first time he’d ever heard it at a party, was because he had been the one to put it on.
So he got it. Olivia Rodrigo was a talent. Possibly the next Taylor Swift, though that was a debate he never wanted to get into or hear again after the Great War between Sansa and Theon that had lasted for seven days and eight long nights.
That being said, nothing, and he meant nothing – not even the day her full album had come out and he’d come out into the living room to see Jon and Theon crying to Enough for You – had prepared him for this car ride.
He was sitting in the back seat of Myrcella Baratheon’s Range Rover, Grey Wind sprawled out on top of him. His sister Sansa and her best friend Myrcella were in the front seat, where they had been for the last three hours as Myrcella drove them all back to school from Winterfell, where they’d gone for the long weekend.
Of those last three hours… no less than 2 hours and 45 minutes of it had been dedicated to Olivia Rodrigo. The lion’s share of it to this song.
Now he considered himself a patient man. He was possibly alone in this opinion, but nevertheless he did. But on the thousandth rendition of red lights! Stop signs! He’d lost it.
Not his temper, his mind.
Because the thing was. Myrcella Baratheon was singing at the top of her lungs. Putting her little heart into it.
It wasn’t like she had a bad voice or anything. In fact, she had a beautiful voice. The first time he’d ever heard it he’d gotten actual chills.
The trouble was, this was a song about a break up. And he was fairly certain they were still very much together.
He had, after all, woken up in her bed that morning. And what they’d done after that had given him every indication that they were together.
The thing was though, that’s all he had.
An indication. A feeling.
Okay, a lot of feelings. A mess of them.
These were the facts as far as he understood them.
Early on this semester, around the same time this blasted song had come out, he and Myrcella had been at a party. She’d come with some girls from the Art History program, he’d been there with a few guys from his rugby team. Sansa was nowhere to be found, and neither was Jon or Theon.
He’d seen her from across the room, standing with a couple of girls, and crossed over to her.
Myrcella Baratheon was just the sort of girl you had to cross a party for.
“You’re here!” she exclaimed, as though she’d been waiting for him all night.
“Where else would I be?” he asked.
“On the dance floor maybe,” she grinned.
“Doesn’t sound like me,” he grinned back.
And then her hand was in his, pulling it gently, her eyebrow raised, “Not even if I asked reeeeally nicely?”
So they’d danced. Things had gotten pretty messy. There was a sloppy dance floor make out, followed by a rather aggressive one up against the side of whatever house they were at. A cold walk back to his. His bedroom. Clothes removed. And then just her.
And ever since then it had sort of just continued on like that. They were always together, since her friends were his, and there were always more dance floors to make out on.
He and Myrcella had been having sex with regularity for the past two months, and as far as he knew, Myrcella didn’t do casual sex. But she was also the only girl in the known universe who didn’t press the what are we? talk.
Not only did she not press it, she seemed unconcerned with it entirely.
It was unnerving.
And now, here she was, singing her pretty little heart out to one of the best break up songs of all time with conviction.
“Sing it, Robby!” Sansa turned around.
“No,” he grunted.
Myrcella’s eye flicked to his briefly in the rearview as she banged on the steering wheel.
Sansa turned back around and pointed to a sign for a rest stop, “Oh can we go in there? I want a coffee.”
The last bars of the song played as Myrcella pulled in, dropping Sansa off in front of the complex.
“I’m going to fill up with gas,” she told Sansa who promptly ran inside and then glanced at him, “Are you going in?”
“So you can leave me here?” he asked.
She bursted out laughing as she drove to the gas pumps, “Well you have been rather grumpy but not enough to justify abandoning you on the side of the road just yet.”
Myrcella parked and turned off the car and he got out and slammed his door shut, undoing the gas cap.
“What are you doing?” she asked him. Suddenly she was next to him.
“You hate pumping gas,” he reminded her.
She was such a priss about things like that. It was so annoying and hot.
“You have a unique ability to be a complete ass and a total gentleman all at the same time,” Myrcella informed him, “Anyone ever tell you that?”
“Not lately,” he growled. Watching the numbers go up. Ignoring her fresh face and her golden curls pooling out of the neck of her cream fleece. “Because I am not dating anyone else. Are you?”
“How would I be dating anyone else?” she asked him, “I mean just logistically in your brain how would that work? Do I have a time machine? Oh because if I did have a time machine I would definitely use it for sex reasons. Because I’m Theon. You incredible asshat.”
“What did you just call me?” he asked, angrily closing the gas cap.
“An asshat,” she repeated, “Meaning your head is so far up your ass you are literally wearing it as a hat!”
“Why are you singing the song like that?!” he growled at her.
She bit her lip, “Well, because it’s an incredible song.”
“Are you singing it about someone?” he asked. “You were near to tears on the last one!”
“Well maybe,” she brushed her fingers up his chest, “I was thinking how I’d feel if you ever decided you didn’t want to be with me. Though that was before this conversation.”
His hands went to her waist, pulling her towards him, slipping underneath her fleece and t shirt to her bare, warm skin.
“You called me an asshat,” he told her.
She grinned, her arms looping around his neck, “Well you’re acting like one.” She laughed, “And I must be one too, because even when you’re a total asshat, I’m pretty sure I love you anyway.”
“Baby,” he lifted her up, nuzzling his nose against hers, “I know I’m not perfect, but I’ve never felt this way for no one.”
She laughed. Cackled. Her head thrown back, exposing her creamy neck that he couldn’t help but kiss even at a gas station.
“You do realize you just quoted Olivia Rodrigo, don’t you?” she asked.
He hadn’t realized that. Apparently after 40 bajillion listens it had somehow just come out.
“Well,” he teased, “She is the next Taylor Swift.”
“Oh no!” she wrestled out of his arms.
“What’s wrong?” Sansa asked as she came to them holding a tray with three coffees in it.
“We’re leaving Robb here,” Myrcella told her, “Say your goodbyes.”
“Myrcella!” he laughed.
“Why don’t you call Theon for a ride you reductive asshat!” Myrcella argued.
With that she started walking around the car and he chased after her, picking her back up and carrying her to the passenger seat.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m driving,” he told her, “You’re too worked up. You’re being a little crazy.” And then he kissed her cheek, “But uh I love you anyway.”
He felt her grin even though she rolled her eyes as she buckled her seat. Sansa got in the back and he went around to the driver’s seat and got in. It took him a few minutes to adjust the seat because his girlfriend was teeny, and he used the time to plug his phone into the USB.
“Do you know what the best thing about being the driver is?” he asked them.
“What’s that?” Sansa asked from the back.
“You get to control the music,” he informed her.
And as he pulled away from the gas station, and the opening bars of Driver’s License came on through his phone, Myrcella Baratheon leaned over and kissed his cheek.
He’d forgotten how much he truly loved this song.
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yesokayiknow · 3 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
@taardisblue tagged me thanks babe xoxo these are all wips bc why not lmao & im not tagging anyone bc im tired & scared ✌ (also i think my favourite one is the schitt’s creek one ngl)
1. untitled wandavision post canon scarletvision & wanda/agatha poly negotiations :) (document title: gay witch time)
‘So,’ Agatha says, not looking away from the television screen, ‘you two aren’t really married, right?’
2. untitled schitt’s creek post canon stevie/alexis
"David," Alexis hisses, "why the fuck does Stevie still think she's straight?"
3. untitled beetlejuice the musical post canon beej & delia
“Hey,” Beej says, trying and failing to sound casual, as though he didn’t just spend ten straight minutes awkwardly pacing by the kitchen door before entering.
4. untitled wandavision au darcy & wanda
‘Okay so, I only took like, half a semester of psychology,’ Darcy says, ‘but I’m like, a bajillion percent sure that you need therapy.’
5. untitled arrow s6 au siren pov where everyone defects from ota to the bby team (doc title: ehhhhh ill give this an actual title later but you already know what this is bitch)
“We would’ve helped sooner if we’d known,” Drake says.
6. untitled firebringer reincarnation au (doc title: IDK MAYBE THIS HAS CHAPTERS WHO KNOWS)
“Y’know,” Schwoopsie says, as Zazz jabs the doorbell for the fifth time, “we should’ve just, just called ahead.”
7. untitled original work (fake marriage fantasy story!!)
It’s a wet Tuesday morning, and your father is dead.
8. untitled dw (doc title: s10 family and make up)
“What,” Missy says, “is that.”
9. original work (title: Ostriches Have Twice as Many Knees as Us and That's Where We Went Wrong)
‘Don't stand like that,’ she says, ‘it makes you look like you're giving a TED talk.’
10. untitled dw timeless children au (doc title: OKAY MARTHA & SPYDOC LETS G O)
"What did you do to her?"
11. untitled ocean’s 8 queerplatonic heist wives (doc title: god why dont they just kill me)
It didn’t take Lou long to realise that Debbie Ocean isn’t wired in the same way that most people are, that she isn’t motivated by love or sex or money.
12. untitled dc’s titans dick/kory/dawn/hank/donna
“You know,” Kory says, one day, apropos of nothing, “on my planet, children are raised communally.”
13. untitled killing eve s2 au (doc title: i hate u maddington)
it hurts, but it’s the wrong kind of hurt.
14. untitled unreal post canon
“so, now what?”
15. untitled the good place zombie apocalypse au
“I dunno, dude,” she says, in a rare quiet moment.
16. untitled star trek discovery michael/tilly mutually oblivious pining ;-;
“We need to discuss your daughter and her intentions,” Georgiou says, and Stamets chokes on his cereal.
17. untitled arrow au (doc title: winter soldier!laurel except its the league not hydra thank fuck no nazis in this)
This time, you have two full days of memory.
18. untitled dw s9 au clara/missy
“This,” Clara says, for the fifth time, “is not a date.”
19. untitled dw clara/12 the sad existential wingfic au (doc title: wf)
You can fix this, you say, and even though your expression is carefully neutral, and your voice is calm and steady, your feathers shudder in your anxiety.
20. untitled original work (this is my creative writing bachelor’s project aka the thing i need to write instead of writing fic haha oh no)
There’s a monster in the woods behind your house.
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ruewrites · 4 years
We’re Blooming Together Chapter 1: It Started on the Playground
Ship: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 1735
Warnings:  None
Chapter 1-Chapter 2-Chapter 3-Chapter 4-Chapter 5-Chapter 6-Chapter 7-Chapter 8-Chapter 9-Chapter 10-Chapter 11-Chapter 12
“No! No no! I don’ wanna go home! I wanna stay with Solomon!”
Little Asmo’s face was red and blotchy as he tried to squirm out of Lucifer’s arms and back down to where Solomon was. The young boy was huddled close to his nanny, partially hidden behind their leg.  He had met Asmo next to the swings, far away from the other kids. Solomon had never been particularly good at socializing, much less making friends. Honestly if the child could have it his way, he’d stay inside all day with his nanny reading him stories. But they insisted that “A growing boy needed a little sunshine and some friends that could keep him company.”
Lucky for him, he didn’t need to be good at making friends when it came to Asmo. The boy had made a beeline to him almost immediately when his family came to the park. With Big brother Lucifer trying to keep an eye on all of them, it was easy to scurry away every now and again. Most of the time his attention would be on Mammon, who would get himself into some sort of trouble and almost give Lucifer a heart attack. Lucifer hated driving one of his brothers to the ER especially if it could have been avoided. Of course, learning wasn’t one of Mammon’s strong suits and usually he would end up in some sort of cast or sling every other month.
“Hi! I’m Asmodeus!” Asmo chirped, eyes trained on Solomon as the breeze pushed him gently on the swing. For a moment, Solomon stopped. He turned to look at his nanny on a park bench not too far away. They smiled at him and motioned for him to talk to the other child.  “Well? Doncha’ got a name? You can call me Asmo if you wanna, a lot of people do, but I really like my full name. Can you not talk? Beel ‘n  Belphie can’t talk yet but they’re little, but you’re not little like them. Can’t you talk?”
“I can talk,” Solomon muttered softly, fingers clenching against the chains of the swing. This boy talked a lot more than Solomon was used to. Silence  usually filled his days with the occasional hum of the TV in the background, and he was okay with that. This was unusual and uncomfortable. “And I have a name. My name’s Solomon.”
He looked down at the ground as he spoke, but that didn’t stop the other boy. “Solomon?” Asmo repeated, leaning over in a rather awkward position and tilting his head upwards to look the other in the eye. “I’ve never met anyone named Solomon before,” he said, face scrunching up a bit, in silent contemplation.”
“Sol-lo-mon-nuh. Solomon …. Solomon!” Asmo jumped back with a smile, startling Solomon just a bit, “I guess you’ll be the first Solomon to be my friend!”
“I guess.”
“You should be happy! You’re the only Solomon, and that means your special .”
Asmo grabbed at Solomon’s hand, almost pulling him off the swing, “You should play with me Solomon! I know how to play the best and funnest games! My brothers never wanna play with me because they’re boring or too little, but you won’t be like them!”
And so Solomon made his first friend. Of course, it wasn’t like he was a willing participant in the friendship, but Asmo never really gave Solomon time to speak. The boy spent most of his time telling him what to do or how to play his games right, and Solomon spent most of his time not really understanding what Asmo was talking about. Just when he thought he understood, Asmo was taking his hand and dragging him somewhere else. Slowly, Solomon grew accustomed to the way things were going between him and Asmodeus. He really seemed to love Solomon’s attention, clapping with delight every time Solomon followed along with one of his little games.
“Pick that flower for me,” Asmo said, pointing to a bright yellow dandelion on the playground’s edge.
“That’s not a flower, it’s a weed,” Solomon frowned. It looked like a flower sure, but dandelions were weeds. Not flowers.
“I don’t care. It’s pretty and looks like a flower, so just… Just pick me a flower!” Asmo huffed and crossed his arms, cheeks puffed up in a pout.
Solomon laughed and stood up, walking to the playground’s edge. Asmodeus wanted a flower… He looked around the area for a moment before his eyes rested on a patch of flowers growing on the other side of the fence row, just out of sight from where he and Asmodeus had been sitting. It’s petals were a bright yellow and the centers were pink. The edges looked frilled and reminded Solomon of the pie crusts his nanny would sometimes make. That was Asmodeus’ flower. After making sure no one was around to see him, Solomon reached through the iron bars and grabbed one, he heard the snap of the stem and quickly brought it back over to the other boy.
When Asmo saw it, his pout completely vanished, “Oh….”
“See? That’s a lot better than a weed,” Solomon proclaimed, puffing out his chest a bit.
For the first time that day. Asmo was silent.
Then Lucifer came to collect Asmo, and it was more than obvious he didn’t want to leave.
“ Please Luci ,” he sniffled, “Just a few more minutes!” The commotion had quickly brought Solomon’s nanny over to see what all of the commotion was about. They were honestly surprised to see the young man with the rest of the kids. He couldn’t have been much older than seventeen.
“Asmodeus, it’ll get dark soon. The twins need to sleep and-”
“ Lucifer! I need to charge my phone! It’s gonna die soon!”
“Lucifer! Satan punched me!”
“Did not! Mammon’s just a wimp and a liar!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“ Nu-uh !”
“ Uh-huh !”
“You’re just-!”
“ Enough! ” Lucifer groaned, rubbing his temples, “We need to go home now Asmodeus. No more few minutes. No say goodbye.”
“ Wait ,” the nanny spoke up, “Lucifer, perhaps, if it’s alright, we could schedule another playdate? Solomon here, well, I think he’d like to see Asmodeus again. Wouldn’t you Solomon?” Solomon looked up at Asmo for a brief moment, before turning to his nanny and nodding slowly.
They smiled and quickly pulled out their phone, “If you wouldn’t mind giving me your number, I can send you a text and we can set up another playdate.”
Lucifer looked down at Asmo’s big teary eyes, and at the perennial still clutched in his hands. There was really only one thing to do here. Besides, having some friends (who could potentially be good influences) would be good for Asmo.
“Luci is my oldest brother, he looks after all of us, sometimes he’s a little mean, but he makes in up to us by cookies or sometimes he’ll read us extra bedtime stories. He’s gonna go to college and get a adult job so he can get us a big house. Mammon can be okay sometimes, but he also protects us from bullies Levi plays lots of games. He’s really good at them, sometimes he lets some of us sit in his lap and play too. Satan is really smart, he reads a lot, and sometimes he’ll let me listen. His books are are boring but don’t tell him that. Belphie and Beel just learned to walk not too long ago, but you can’t really talk to them.”
“What about your parents?”
Asmo had been going on and on about his family as he gently touched the petals of his newest flower. Solomon gave him one every time they met, even if Asmo forgot to ask him.
“Oh… They took Lily one day and never came back. She was our sister… So now we live with some guardians. They don’t really do much for us though,” Asmo murmured, holding the flower a little closer, “What about you? Where are your parents?”
“Never really been around. My nanny stays with me most of the time, but that’s it. Sometimes I think that they’ll go away and never come back.”
“That’s what mine did.”
They were both quiet for a moment, Asmo huddled close to Solomon, gently caressing the petals of the flower before him. He liked Solomon a lot… “Don’t leave me okay?” he sniffled, “Because I’ll cry if you do… I’d cry harder than I ever did before.”
“I won’t leave you. Not in a bajillion years.”
“Not even a hundred bajillion?”
“Not even then!”
Asmo giggled and wrapped his arms around Solomon. He knew he would keep his promise. He just knew it. Even if a hundred bajillion years passed, Solomon would still be with him. “Okay, in that case,” he tapped Solomon’s shoulder, “Tag! You’re it!” Before screaming and running out of the playground tunnel.
“Nuh uh! No fair! I’m gonna catch you Asmodeus!”
Lucifer watched from a little bit away. It was nice to see his brothers happy. They were kids (not that he wasn’t he just… Forgot from time to time, and besides his brothers needed to come first) they needed to have some fun.
“Isn’t it cute? They’re just little kindergarten boyfriends,” the Ash grinned as they sat down on a chair opposite from Lucifer. They handed him a cup of coffee and turned back towards the kids, “I haven’t ever seen Solomon like this before. He’s usually so reserved and quiet. He’s actually acting like a kid for once.”
“Usually people think Asmodeus is a little too much. I like seeing my brothers happy,” he said, sipping at the cup in his hands.
“If you ever want to, you know, do fun stuff, I don’t mind if you wanna drop them off. You’re young, that’s-”
“No, it’s fine. I can do it. I’ve done well so far and kept them safe, so I can keep doing it,” he said. There was an air of finality about his words. Lucifer’s mind wouldn’t be changed, “But, if Asmodeus wants to come over and spend time with Solomon, he most certainly can… Or if Solomon wants to come over.”
“Gotchu!” Solomon grinned, wrapping his arms tightly around Asmodeus as he giggled and squealed. He wasn’t going to let go, and he didn’t mind. They were going to be together forever.
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yehet-me-up · 3 years
*busts through the door like I'm the Kool-Aid man* BONJOUR FUCKERS I'M BACK!!! It is I, the Theatrical Gay Anon™! I hope you're ready to endure my endless babbling for a bit cuz I've got lots to say holy shit. Consider this part 1 of like, 1000 cuz I think Tumblr got rid of the submissions feature. I apologize in advance for the spam hehe.
Okay, with that out of the way. Ms. Yehet-Me-Up, may I call you Sarah? Sarah, what the fuck!? I can't even rn. I I give you a simple suggestion, no expectations behind it. I say "Hey, don't you think it'd be cool if Zitao was in the Exodus Mall universe?" to which you said "Yeah, that'd be neat, I might do that. Perhaps make him work at an Irish pub or something" and then I flip out with gratitude and excitement thinking you're gonna do like, a DRABBLE. 500 words at MOST -Theatrical Gay Anon
Imagine my SHOCK, my STUPEFACTION, upon realizing that you wrote OVER TEN THOUSAND WORDS about Huang Zitao aka the wind beneath my wings, the rain to my drought, the corny joke to my Junmyeon. And not only that! But you did this A MONTH AGO. I could've been reading this for so long and I had no idea! How foolish am I? I can't believe you wrote all of this based off of a silly little suggestion I made. I feel like bowing over how not worthy I am Wayne's World style -Theatrical Gay Anon
NOW IN REGARDS TO THE CONTENT OF THIS MASTERPIECE OH MY GOD WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN!? I am floored by your preeminence. First things first, the title? Perfect. Full disclosure, I suck at titles. I've been writing for over a decade now and I'm still shit with titles. It's so hard to come up with just a few words to encapsulate everything you wrote but you do it SO WELL. The moodboard? Amazing. I've always loved that picture of Zitao and it fits so well with the pub setting -Theatrical Gay Anon
I'm afraid you've written "Fractions of Tomorrow" so well that I don't see there being a need for anyone to write anything else...ever. Stories? CANCELED. Poetry? CANCELED. Biographies? CANCELED. It's all over folks. Sarah has written The Best Thing Ever. We've peaked as a society. After I finish writing these asks I'm gonna become a hermit in the woods and make friends with all of the woodland creatures that inhabit it. -Theatrical Gay Anon
But seriously though, I love absolutely everything about this story. As a Zitao fan, I'm used to getting breadcrumbs. Not a lot of ppl write fics about him. I can count on one hand how many long fics of his you can find on Tumblr. But THIS?? This was no breadcrumb, this was a whole fucking bakery. And it all appeals to me so much oh my god? The sappiness of it all, the flowery prose, the rebellious rejection of cynicism, it's all so beautiful I want to marry it. -Theatrical Gay Anon
If I discussed all of the sentences in this fic that made me giggle with joy and kick my feet around I'd be here all day so keep in mind this is just a FRACTION of the ones I loved but I couldn't go without mentioning at least some of them so here we go. "It’s not his first time here, but it’s his first time paying attention" SHUT UP this line is go good it's so simple yet so nuanced I adore it. Seriously, why hasn't anyone hired you to write a screenplay? -Theatrical Gay Anon
"He wonders if you ironed the collar of your shirt to be that precise or if you simply move through the world without acquiring any wrinkles" God, this line is so CUTE it's DISGUSTING he's fond of the reader's un-wrinkled clothes that's such a specific thing to like and is totally the type of thing I've done with the ppl I've crushed on throughout my life. -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘Zitao,’ he says finally. ‘Cute.’ You say" this is such a little thing but I love that you included his full name in this. I love his full name so much it sounds really pretty. Whenever I hear him refer to himself as "Huang Zitao" in interviews my heart soars. Hearing him speak Mandarin in general is a delight as well. It's an audibly gorgeous language and any racist who says otherwise can EAT MY ENTIRE ASS -Theatrical Gay Anon
"For someone who’s been in love for as long as you can remember she fights awfully hard against Baekhyun’s romantic nature" DEAR GOD I LOVE THESE TWO! I love these movie loving lovesick fools. I love that everyone in the world knows they love each other except them. I love seeing bits and pieces of their story throughout this written universe. I can't wait to see it all come together in Baekhyun's Exodus Mall fic. It's gonna be GLORIOUS -Theatrical Gay Anon
Also! I know you enjoyed my song recs that I thought fit perfectly with All Our Broken Places so here are some for when the Baek x Hitchcock fic drops. I know it's not done yet but I just *know* what it's gonna be like I can feel it in my bones. "Sidekick" by Walk the Moon and "Tongue Tied" by Grouplove. As for Fractions of Tomorrow I knew right away what songs I'd pick. "Dreams" by The Cranberries, "Jumpstarted" by Jukebox the Ghost and "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey -Theatrical Gay Anon
Gosh, this fic filled me with so much energy and joy I feel like a toddler on caffeine. But I really should sleep now though. It's gotten so late that I can see the sunrise peaking up sdksdksl. I'll see ya soon! I will be spamming you with more compliments about this fic once I wake up though! - Theatrical Gay Anon
Hi! I'm back. Okay, now where was I? Oh yeah, I was talking about some of my favorite lines from the story. "‘Hey man, how’s it going?’ Baekhyun reaches out and does a complex handshake with the man before you. ‘Oh, you know. Just working at the salt mines,’ Tao says with a laugh." I LOVE that you made Baek the one Zitao was close with. I miss the beef brothers so much. I'll never forgive SM for what they did to OT12. They were all such good friends 😔 -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘I’m not sure.’ For a flash Tao’s eyes linger on you once more. ‘I think it would depend on the person.’ And then the bastard goes and winks at you." GOD, HE WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS! HE'S SUCH A SHAMELESS FLIRT I HATE HIM *narrator voice* This was of course a huge a lie, he in fact loved Zitao immensely -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘Sweetheart, I’m everyone’s type.’" You've captured Zitao's unlimited confidence so well and that makes me really happy. It's one of my favorite things about him. The man truly loves himself and I think that's awesome -Theatrical Gay Anon
"Tao looks at you through his lashes, bending close enough that you can feel his breath on your lips when he speaks. ‘Words are just the appetizer, darling. I prefer to have an entire feast.’ 'Any other questions or can I grab your orders?’" ASDKDSDSL SO YOU'RE JUST GONNA SAY THAT PANTY DROPPER LINE AND GO BACK TO BUSINESS AS USUAL ZITAO???? HUH??? IS THAT WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO??? -Theatrical Gay Anon
"‘Oh, nothing.’ He looks like the cat that caught the canary. ‘I just love being right.’" Something I love about EXO fic writers (myself included lol) is that despite all of the different ways they'll write the other members, there is one member who is always written the same and that's Baekhyun. He will always be written as a cheeky little shit cuz he *is* a cheeky little shit. That's just who he is. Messing with ppl is a favorite past time of his. -Theatrical Gay Anon
"'So, love, huh? There’s not some girlfriend or boyfriend of yours waiting for you at home?’" Thank you for not being heteronormative with the "are you dating someone?" convo. I know it might not seem like much but I really appreciate it. -Theatrical Gay Anon
"The beginning of love is always a lightning bolt. If that’s all it ever is you never have to deal with being knocked on your ass by the resulting thunderstorm" OOF, this one got me. So very true. The beginning of love is so scary! -Theatrical Gay Anon
"I could argue that anarchy still is love. Love of your beliefs and love of a person or a place or a thing so much that you’re willing to fight for it" OKAY BUT PASSIONATE LEATHER JACKET WEARING ANARCHIST ZITAO IN A ROCK BAND IS SUCH AN ATTRACTIVE CONCEPT!!! There's nothing sexier than a bad boi that will hate capitalism with you! He'd probably be the one to give ppl rides to protests and stuff I LOVE IT -Theatrical Gay Anon
"If we say love is a feeling, who’s to say that we aren’t in love? If we decide it’s an action then which one is it? A kiss or a commitment or - maybe it’s nothing more complicated than putting words to the way I feel when you look at me?" Listen I don't mean to be dramatic or anything (wait, who am I kidding? I'm literally the Theatrical Gay Anon being dramatic is like my Thing) but if a guy ever said that to me my trans boi pussy would be open for business IMMEDIATELY
Alright, so, uh Final Thoughts. This may be my new favorite work of yours, and no it's not just cuz it's got my ultimate bias in it lmao. This year has been so shitty and it's made my depression + anxiety reach the highest possible levels but reading this, this love story filled with hope and certainty despite not knowing what the future will hold for them, made this year seem easier to cope with. Thank you so much for making this, it means the world to me. -Theatrical Gay Anon
ALRIGHT, LAST ASK AND THEN I'LL SHUT UP I PROMISE but I personally headcanon that Double Shot + Zitao stayed together till the very end. They didn't get married cuz they hate formalities but they got matching tattoos and even when they're old and grey you can still them clear as day on their wrists. When they're asked how they met no one believes their answer lol. And when Double Shot died of old age before Zitao he would sing her favorite song by her grave every Saturday -Theatrical Gay Anon
OKAY SO I know I said I was done and I know I've already sent in like, 30 bajillion asks but I'm curious does Yifan or Luhan also work at the Irish pub?? Or do they work somewhere else in the mall? Inquiring minds want to know -Theatrical Gay Anon
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When I tell you this made my entire month (when you sent it weeks ago, I’ve been hanging onto these because they seriously bring me SO much joy holy crap) I am not remotely kidding j;oaisjdflkasdjfa
I am absolutely going to put on these song recs while I work on the next chapter! 
a;osdfjlaksdfjasl the fact that you stayed up late to read this warms my heart so much. It reminds me of all the times I stayed up til the ass crack of dawn reading fanfics because I simply could NOT stop reading, so the fact that you enjoyed this like that makes me helllllaaaa emo 🥰
I just??? 2020 was indeed such a long year and affected my energy and creativity and honestly don’t really remember writing this hahaha. I kind of go into a fugue state with these longer fics and they just EMERGE. So to see you reflecting back some of what I wrote allows me to enjoy the process so much more. Makes writing and tumblr fun and I seriously wish everyone writing and creating could have someone as passionate and thoughtful and hilarious as you hyping them up 🌟 it honestly feels like a GIFT and I will absolutely keep writing this series and hoping to be worthy of it 😘
We will definitely get to see more of these two in the finale fic! I got into EXO after Tao, Yifan, and Luhan left so I’m not quite as familar with their personalities, but I could definitely see Yifan working at the US Bank haha. Business suit by day and partying/flirting by night. As for Luhan I feel like he’d work somewhere like the bookstore or the music store?? somewhere quieter and more contemplative. 
Thank you again for sending this and for being you <3 I hope 2021 is a wonderful year for you and that you know how AMAZING you are 💖💖💖💖💖
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 11: The One where We Learn the Value of Patience (and Hate It)
Hey guys, hey guys, remember how i was complaining last episode bc we didn’t get a significant wangxian scene until a half an hour into the episode??
Turns out i spoke too soon
Bc we don’t get a wangxian scene this time until 40min into a 43min episode
But I persevered for you all
And grasped at breadcrumbs along the way
Okay, here we go!
We’re at the Unclean Realm hashing out some last minute relevant Plot Stuff
Then we’re at Lotus Pier
I insist that this is the most beautiful of all the places we see in this show
The Yunmeng Sibs have a reunion that just, ugh, pulls at the heartstrings
Don’t think about how they end up, don’t think about how they end up doN’T THINK ABOUT HOW THEY END UP *SOBSOB*
Plot discussion
Plot plot
Hey look it’s lunch time and MADAM YU COMES IN
M-Yu: i have arrived to verbally abuse my children and you can’t stop me
Jiang Fengmian: you’re absolutely right, i cannot stop you at all
Gotta love those awkward family dinners, guys
Okay more jiang family dysfunction happens and it’s awkward as hell but then we cut to
I promise this next part is a little bit wangxian!
Remember what i said about breadcrumbs? This is one of them
Lwj senses a trap and does a SUPER DRAMATIC TWIRL to avoid the Return of the Evil Chains (i’m starting to think the wens are kinky bastards)
A pause to mention that lwj looks really pretty
Lwj and Wen Zhulio have a super cringey but thankfully brief showdown and then Wen Chao shows up to be a bastard again
Okay, this is the Wangxian Breadcrumb (1 of 3) here:
Lwj is surrounded by evil Wens and Wen Chao wants him to kneel and hand over the Plot Device
Instead!! LWJ sends a talisman flying at them (w/o the Dramatic Twirl, probs bc his Dramatic Twirls are so amazing it would be overkilll to use them on fucking Wen Chao)
The talisman bursts into like, a hundred little firefly sparks that swarm the Wens and he makes his escape
Wen Chao informs us that the talisman is called the Devil Scatter Spell and it was invented by WWX
We’re back to boring and Emotionally Traumatic Plot Stuff but this time at the Cloud Recesses, just to mix things up a bit!!
And then we switch back to Lotus Pier for equally boring Plot Stuff
Okay i must confess i got stuck here a bit bc the timeline’s kind of funky?
The chain of events seemed off and i started trying to pick it apart
But the show was like how about no, so i had to watch more plot
Oh, but we do get Breadcrumb 2 of 3 here
Wwx: i’ve been sending lwj letters since we left qinghe and he hasn’t responded!!
And any letter wwx writes to lwj is a LOVE LETTER because he writes to lwj out of LOVE even if the letter happens to be, like, a grocery list or smth
Emotionally Traumatic yet Significant Plot Things Occur
(bye bye cloud recesses, we hardly knew ye)
We do get a scene with bamf!LWJ and his guqin, so that made it slightly less painful
His leg gets broken here by a Wen Flunkie bc they’re all secretly scared of him at full power and he’s taken away by The Enemy
I swear these last two bullet points are somewhat significant bc they eventually lead to a couple of choice wangxian moments later on in the show
We’re back at Lotus Pier for some Yunmeng Bro time
And now we see wwx and jc be sent off to qishan where they’re gonna be hostages i mean visiting disciples
(We’re almost there guys, just wait a little more)
And we’re at Qishan with jc and wwx and this is Wangxian Breadcrumb 3 of 3
Wwx looks around and sees that jzx and nhs are both there with some of their own disciples but right away notices that there’s no GusuLan people to be seen
Wwx: where are the GusuLan disciples? Do you think something is wrong?
Jc doesn’t even bother to pretend wwx is worried about GusuLan when he’s obvs worried about lwj
Jc: wc probs failed to find lwj and lwj is now hiding with the Plot Device
Wwx: but i feel like something’s wrong!!!
Wwx’s ~soulmate sense~ is tingling
That's the end of Breadcrumb 3 of 3
I’m gonna include one more non-Wangxian thing bc it made me LOL a lot
Some wen flunkie announces wen chao who proceeds to walk down the 20 bajillion steps on that ridiculous staircase as Dramatic Music plays in the background
Oh man
Here we go guys
We made it
Wen Chao tells his flunkies “Bring him over.”
Guess who “him” is
LWJ!!! it’s lwj
We see wwx turn around in slo-mo to watch his soulmate come down the aisle
Wwx whispers “lan zhan” as lwj takes his place beside him (WHERE HE BELONGS BC THEY’RE SOULMATES)
But lwj doesn’t acknowledge wwx (further proof that his self-control is at INHUMAN levels bc how?? My eyes are glued to wwx the minute he appears and stay on him til he’s gone. How does lwj do it??)
So ofc wwx whispers his name again, turning to face him and taking a step towards him, even as lwj stays face-forward and continues to ignore him
Jc has to physically pull him back and tell him to back off
Jc: you’ve seen him, you know he’s safe, how about you question him later when we’re, you know, NOT DIRECTLY UNDER WEN CHAO’S EYES??
Wwx: yeah, i know i know
Wwx: *proceeds to completely ignore jc’s sensible advice and turns back to lwj*
Wwx; lan zhan, lan zhan
The only reason he stops saying his name is bc some Wen Flunkie orders the whole lot of them to shut up so wc can monologue
Okay not wangxian (i know, i know, i’m sorry) BUT
Wc orders everyone to hand over their swords
And, wonder of wonders, we see lwj do his Death Grip on Bichen for something NOT pertaining to wwx-induced Gay Panic
I’m pointing this out bc it’s a rarity. I’m like, 95% sure we never see this again
And the episode ends on the Death Grip on Bichen scene
The next few episodes will have more wangxian, i promise!
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tigsousa · 4 years
INTRODUCING TIGS… @gallagherintro​​
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⌠ CHAY SUEDE, 22, CISMALE, HE/HIS ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, THIAGO “TIGS” SOUSA! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in UNDECIDED; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (a shittier silver chain than connell’s, eDgY shirts with missing buttons, book rolled into back pocket, flipping everyone off, rolled cigarette tucked behind ear, bruised eyes or just bags?). when it’s the (aquarius)’s birthday on 20/01/1998, they always request their COCO POPS from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
liam gallagher
grew up in a pretty rough and dangerous neighbourhood in dc, filled with Street Rats
parents: irresponsible, violent, addicts, basically only kept him for the benefits. home life was pretty miserable where he picked up most of his traits and habits.
but at one point it got so bad, his grandma reported them and took him in. they served some time in jail. he doesn’t know what they’re up to now, doesn’t care to find out either.
no one’s perfect -- his dad obvs gets it from somewhere -- but his grandma's love doesn’t make him cry. 
but he was an ungrateful lil shit ! so after a big argument, he left her and ran away/taken to LANDAN with a gang of grifters he met on da streetz for some gigs and what he thought would be Big Money
street fights were a common occurrence re: snatch *mickey o’neil vc* i’ll fight ya for it … if dc is here he learned how to fight, london is where he learned to fight dirty
the gang began to pull cons on a Bigger Scale until they got caught ! he was a Big Coward and ran away … but was sent back to the u s of a with 0 money lol (was p traumatic actually! ppl got killed! it still haunts him!)
came back 2 grandma n said sry a bajillion times n they made up
gma works as a housekeeper for a big time politician fam in d.c. and would get a few smol jobs for him as a pool boy or whatever else rich ppl have
but then his gma got ill and they don’t have medical insurance or da money for treatment so he dropped outta school and continued 2 swindle, in d.c. or where the money was tbh
gd thing about d.c. is politicians and they have lots of money !!!
it felt weird to scam people by himself. he wasn’t used to working alone so he started off small: hung out in bars, targeted politicians. end up in a hotel - they paid for it. long story short he got enough ammo to blackmail them into giving him $$ or he’d sell photos/videos to journalists ... n we all know how homophobic politicians are :clown emoji:
newayz … one of the cons ended up being a trap (fffff). they knew about his lil tricks n wanted to use him so proposed a deal: they’d pay for his gma’s everything, put her in the best hosp, pay off debts, send him to a good school which would secure his future !! in return they wouldn’t hand him over 2 da popo, clear his record, but he’d work for them + blackmails their opponents to strong arm them into votes or w/e
obvs he said yes bc he luvs his gma ..
Edgy n Cockney
has a dog called amigo
eats cereal out of the box for breakfast lunch n dinna xx it’s vegan xx
talks rly slowly, super lazy, as if he’s high 25/8
had 2 grow up quick so he is Mature but wasn’t allowed/able to Process all of his Shit so acts out + has childish tendencies (shock!)
super selfish + looks out for himself First … soz it just how it be it’s nothing personal
prefers to ruin things on his own terms so he is unforch #TeamFuckThingsUp
likes breaking thangs, likes burning thangs, likes gettin into fites .. For Fun !
rly just does what he wants regardless of whether it hurts other ppl – doesn’t rly care abt right/wrong .. aloof/detached/boner 4 nihilism yada yada
maybe that’s due to him liking d.c. coke a lot … a coping mechanism<3 microdosing mostly<3
if u get over all of that lol then he has a Deep side n has a lot of thots (which will b hard for me but o well) can be caring etc.
anti govt, anti rich, fuck da system a la vincent cassel in la haine etc. etc.
surprisingly Smort, likes 2 read + retains info like a sponge, good at exams without rly trying, will happily take exams for $$
likes getting to know ppl tho not out of genuine interest but also won’t say shit about himself
everyone at gallagher is stupid smart n kinda show offy abt it … highkey grinds his gears because he rly hates rich ppl and the govt and will fight u on it
will rationalise himself being at gallagher by saying he’ll destroy the system from inside out !!! lol ye rite
prefers to sit at the back, blend into the background, do his own thing
never chases after anything so if he does be suss
big fan of documentaries - louis theroux daddy
friends: prefers 2 b more lowkey, more of a small chill group of ~pals than big groups of dumbos re: bros chat.
ex-friends: gimme platonic heartbreak! he has a tendency 2 fucc things up on purpose and will not hesitate to burn bridges 2 hide in da smoke (deep)
flings: type to kick u out bc he sleeps better alone and won’t hit u up for at least a week … no hard feelings</3
ex-flings: no emosh capacity for a full on relationship but it could’ve ended for a lot of messy reasons !! makes me laff
exes? he doesn’t rly believe in monogamy i’m sry . probs would’ve messed ur chara around a bit :// or mb it could’ve been legit srs i o n o
fre/enemies: he just … has 0 loyalties tbh so
met ur match: someone who just runs circles around him + plays his game better than he does ! its Messy !
senator’s kids: ur chara’s parent the one who took tigs in! probs shud be a Baddie tho
i cleaned ur pool: mayhaps he was ur pool boy one (1) summer + stole some of ur shit, maybe they got along, maybe they hate each other
pot head gang: talking about conspiracy theories on da rooftop at 2am pls ty
anti-painkiller: someone who is feeling shitty so hits him up to feel even worse . this cud become soft tbh . extra Spice if she wants 2 keep it a secret
underlined the good bits: based on dis lil nugget but instead of saving mankind make it taking down the government lol or a lil discussion or legit anythinnnn :-) bonus points if they dk each other :-)
why didn’t u ask me to stick around?: *peyton sawyer vc* erry1 alwayz leaves … n so did he !
the worst best partner: they were forced 2 partner up together but they rly rile each other up but lowkey werk well together and got a smashing grade ! he doesn’t care abt grades so probs someone who is a Show Off so he gets Aggro
if any of these fit ur chara/u vibin wit em, holla + we can go from there: uno, two, three, three and a half, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten point five, and most importantly: ot3 !!!!! and another one
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lostinthelightss · 4 years
literal chaos fire (ch.1)
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amazing banner by @downn-in-flames​ / down-in-flames@FFT
find it elsewhere: fft | ao3 | ff.net | hpff learn more: chaos universe link to other chapters: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 link to missing moments: 5.5, 7.5, 8.5, 15.5
pairing: Lily Luna Potter / OC genre: AU, Humor, Romance rating: mature audiences
Victoire Weasley is a masters student in infectious diseases handling a devastating break up with her girlfriend of two years. Lily Potter is a first year law student navigating a figurative minefield that is the star quarterback’s unrequited affection. Molly Weasley is pursuing her bachelors in engineering while pining over her best friend - who doesn’t seem to realize it.
Three women, three vastly different lives, all coming together with group chats, family dinners, and a whole lot of chaos.
chapter summary: 
Mollz: Attachment: 1 Image Mollz: plz see that on april 18th at 7:29pm i did indeed say that law school was going to be hard
lawyerlilz: Attachment: 1 Image lawyerlilz: you're forgetting that 2mins later you said "work hard, play harder"
'the dopest house' (foxyroxy, freddieboy, jamesatron, moollywoobbles, rose) 5:27pm
moollywoobbles: @jamesatron, how did you get into my room? moollywoobbles: i s2g, i have a lab tomorrow moollywoobbles: i'm not doing this moollywoobbles: FINE I'LL DO IT moollywoobbles: but i will get my REVENGE!
freddieboy: why don't you ever ice me? freddieboy: i'm starting to feel left out
moollywoobbles: that was @rose, and im offended you mixed us up
rose: he was fully naked and covered in vomit, i thought he'd be better off lying on the linoleum than causing irreparable damage to our carpets
'literal chaos fire' (lawyerlilz, Mollz, VickyBaby) 8:49pm
lawyerlilz: two weeks in and i'm already drowning in work lawyerlilz: why did you guys let me go to law school?
Mollz: i told you it was gonna be hard Mollz: but did you listen? Mollz: no
VickyBaby: you actively supported her in this
Mollz: Attachment: 1 Image Mollz: plz see that on april 18th at 7:29pm i did indeed say that law school was going to be hard
lawyerlilz: Attachment: 1 Image lawyerlilz: you're forgetting that 2mins later you said "work hard, play harder"
Mollz: and i stand by both statements
VickyBaby: why do i feel like you're currently drinking
Mollz: james managed to hide another ice in my room when i was in class today Mollz: and after that i decided that having one drink was weak Mollz: i'm a few in
lawyerlilz: it's 9pm lawyerlilz: on a wednesday
VickyBaby: weren't you just complaining about your lab tomorrow? VickyBaby: and don't you have like a bajillion classes always?
Mollz: work hard, play harder baby
VickyBaby: never call me baby again
VickyBaby: alright, alright! damn, calm down... VickyBaby: seriously though, don't you have an early morning lab
Mollz: yeah but it's just circuits Mollz: and malfoy said the basics of it all is done Mollz: i just have to do the write up
lawyerlilz: i wish we had partners for contracts lawyerlilz: thinking is hard
VickyBaby: like disease ecology is easy? VickyBaby: we're looking at ebola right now VickyBaby: did you know the r0 is too low in humans for it to spread effectively? VickyBaby: but gorilla populations are absolutely decimated by it
lawyerlilz: how does Teddy stand you?
Mollz: she puts out
VickyBaby: actually... VickyBaby: i think Teddy and i are on a break...
Mollz: WHAT?! Mollz: what does 'i think' mean? Mollz: you've been together for like 2 years Mollz: and why didn't you tell us immediately?!
lawyerlilz: molly, shut up lawyerlilz: a 2y relationship just ended, she's entitled to her alone time
VickyBaby: actually...
lawyerlilz: i thought you just had to do the write up lawyerlilz: don't make me text scorpius and tell him that you're drinking the night before class lawyerlilz: again lawyerlilz: his roommate's gonna ask to talk to me lawyerlilz: again lawyerlilz: and i'm going to have to turn him down
lawyerlilz: AGAIN Mollz: AGAIN VickyBaby: AGAIN
VickyBaby: yeah, we know VickyBaby: i don't understand how you don't find that man attractive VickyBaby: starting quarterback AND captain?
lawyerlilz: i think that mollz drinking in the middle of the week is a bigger issue than my love life lawyerlilz: especially considering it's only her first week
Mollz: i'm taking ordinary differential equations Mollz: why wouldn't i start drinking Mollz: and the big issue here is Vic's love life, not how much fun i have
VickyBaby: ... Teddy and I are taking a break VickyBaby: because she's going to America on exchange VickyBaby: she's leaving in a week
Mollz: i'll key her car Mollz: i'll get xander to hack into the school's system and fail her Mollz: i'll ruin HER ENTIRE LIFE
VickyBaby: plz don't do that
lawyerlilz: who's keeping snuggles?
VickyBaby: the cats staying with me VickyBaby: if she'd fought me on that i would've let molly's wrath free
Mollz: i'll still do it
lawyerlilz: as your cousin, i'd help lawyerlilz: as your soon-to-be-lawyer, plz don't
Mollz: james says he's in Mollz: also james is already on his way to her place Mollz: and i might be with him
lawyerlilz: i'll tell Scorp lawyerlilz: don't think i won't
(Lily Potter, Scorpius Malfoy) 9:26pm
Lily: molly's drunk Lily: and probably doing illegal things Lily: just thought you should know
Scorpius: lilz! it's me! Scorpius: james and i were a little too tipsy so malfoy's driving the car Scorpius: :)))
'literal chaos fire' (lawyerlilz, Mollz, VickyBaby) 9:32pm
lawyerlilz: VickyBaby she's recruited Scorp lawyerlilz: this isn't gonna end well
VickyBaby: don't worry, Teddy moved home like 2 weeks ago
lawyerlilz: so they're going to be doing illegal things lawyerlilz: AT A STRANGER'S HOUSE?!
VickyBaby: oh shit
'old fogies' (Fred [the smart dumb one], James [the older twin], Lily [ur 15mins older], Molly [the dumb smart one], Rose [the granger], Vic [the science beb]) 9:35pm
Vic [the science beb]: @Rose [the granger] @Fred [the smart dumb one] Vic [the science beb]: WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP THEM?
Rose [the granger]: they promised to do all the house chores until Christmas
Lily [ur 15mins older]: SO YOU GAVE THEM THE KEYS?! Lily [ur 15mins older]: THEY'RE DRUNK!
Rose [the granger]: Scorpius was 100% sober and i specifically asked them not to tell me what they needed the car for
Lily [ur 15mins older]: THEY'RE GOING TO TEDDY'S HOUSE
Rose [the granger]: i don't see the issue here
Vic [the science beb]: Teddy broke up with me to go on exchange Vic [the science beb]: also she doesn't live there anymore Vic [the science beb]: and they don't know that
Rose [the granger]: OH NO
Lily [ur 15mins older]: OH NO IS RIGHT Lily [ur 15mins older]: also, where's @Fred [the smart dumb one]
Rose [the granger]: HE'S WITH THEM
Rose [the granger]: FUCK Lily [ur 15mins older]: FUCK Vic [the blonde beb]: FUCK
'the dopest house' (foxyroxy, freddieboy, jamesatron, moollywoobbles, rose) 9:54pm
(RosieBear, ScorpiStud) 9:55pm
RosieBear: i will kill you RosieBear: you cannot be serious RosieBear: babe, i will actually murder you
(Lily Potter, Scorpius Weasley) 9:55pm
'the dopest house' (foxyroxy, freddieboy, jamesatron, moollywoobbles, rose) 10:23pm
freddieboy: hey @rose freddieboy: so bad news is freddieboy: we may have gotten caught freddieboy: the good news is freddieboy: campus cops' golf carts are terribly slow
rose: WHAT?!
freddieboy: we'll be home in 5 freddieboy: plz open the garage freddieboy: we don't know if they saw the license plate
rose: i am not going to be an accomplice
moollywoobbles: scorp wants to remind you that it looks bad on politicians if they're married to a criminal
freddieboy: and he said that he'll finally start watching Grey's with you
rose: it's open rose: and i hate you all
freddieboy: love you toooooooo
jamesatron: <3
foxyroxy: hey guys, remember when you promised you would pick me up after my night class? foxyroxy: think you could still swing by? foxyroxy: you won't even have to stop, just open the door and i'll jump in
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wetwellie · 4 years
Your Name AU
(because i’ve seen this movie a bajillion times and it makes me feel things and i am FEELING THINGS about zimbits rn) (It probably won’t work, but i’m gonna make it work)
 Bitty is a guy who is trying to peacefully spend his last summer before heading off to college in peace. 
He spends his days working his part time job at his Aunt’s produce stand. 
and Baking
and playing club hockey twice a week
Fairly peaceful
and...boring as hell
Until the dreams start
Jack has just started his third year at Samwell university
he’s still broken
still anxious
still the “golden boy” --even if he doesn’t feel like hes polished and shining
but he’s making do
and making friends
just a year or two left until
until what?
graduation? getting signed? 
wasting away? 
Jack doesn’t know. But he’s resigned to focus on hockey and let the rest of the world pass him by
Until the dreams start
Jack wakes up and it’s too hot
He shifts to get out of bed and finds that the covers he is tearing away from his body
are not his
or Shitty’s
or any of his roommates’
also. uh
those skinny legs and short shorts are not his
his hands look different too
and his face feels different
and the voice that calls to him from downstairs is not one he knows
weird dream
hope it’s over soon
Bitty goes downstairs to eat the next day
His parents are both fairly silent
“I see you got over whatever mood you were in yesterday, young man”
“it doesn’t matter.”
That’s all he gets out of them
When he drives to the produce stand his cousins run up to him smiling
“I see that you actually remembered how to drive that thing”
“What?” says Bitty
“yesterday you were all over the place. almost knocked over the stand. if you were anyone else I’d think you were drunk”
“Aunt Judy figures you might have been possessed” the other cousin says
“With a fit of stupidity”
“I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about” Bitty says
“It doesn’t matter. Just don’t ‘get lost’ or forget ‘how to drive stick’ again, Dicky” she says using finger quotes
Later in the day, Suzanne asks Bitty if he’s really feeling ok. 
She was really worried about yesterday’s behavior
Bitty replies that , despite evidence on the contrary, he feels normal
They finish up some jars of jam and Bitty returns to his room for the night
There is where he finds it
Tucked under his pillow there is a note in scratchy handwriting
“Who are you?”
Bitty wakes up cold, in a bed that is too big for him
an alarm he doesn’t remember setting, or ever having, is blaring next to him
he looks to see the time
4:30 am
hell no
bitty gets up to unplug the dream alarm clock, and returns to sleep
Bitty wakes up 6 hours later with another man coming into bed with him
This man is naked
and moustached
one of those dreams? huh
never would he dream about this kind of guy though
because this guy doesn’t crawl into bed, like he thought
he wraps bitty in a burrito made out of comforters and yanks him onto the floor
“I know you needed to a break, but let the coaches know before you sleep through morning practice like that”
“yeah. and you’re lucky that I’m waking you up in time to go to your 11am.” 
“but it’s summer”
naked moustache man just looks at him and rolls his eyes
“we’ll grab lunch after class”
“...where is my class?”
Jack wakes up the next day 
and is dragged to the doctor to test for a possible concussion
“the things you were saying and doing yesterday were crazy”
“you skipped morning practice”
“After class you threw down your notes and said you’d never major in History”
“You baked seven as an apology for skipping morning practice”
“And then you dropped into fetal position in afternoon practice when Ollie was about to check you”
“And you took, i don’t know, 7000 selfies of yourself and called yourself handsome”
“have you ever taken a selfie before in your life?”
jack just shakes his head
“yeah. like i said you’re getting checked for a concussion”
Did I hit my head? , Jack asks
“no. but it can’t be” Shitty pauses “It wouldn’t be your other thing would it?”
I don’t think so he says. 
Jack has never really had memory problems. and his anxiety and panic never particularly affected him in the way described
faintly, he recalls a young boy at one of his games right before the draft, voice broken as he says “Jack, don’t you remember me?”
it leaves his mind as quickly as it entered
because he had bigger problems to figure out
namely how he had new entries on the journal on his phone
it was a summary of all of the things that “Jack” did the previous day
“Thanks for a long day of being a Big Shot on campus, handsome!”
signed Eric
Who the hell is Eric? 
it happens again 
Jack spends a day as bitty
and Bitty spends a day as Jack
and they wake up not remembering too much about what happens
the only thing that cements that it’s not just a weird dream is that
well...real life consequences
Jack becomes a lot more...spinny and less up for contact when he plays hockey
and ends up enjoying time with his teammates a lot more
and has a huge country dialect now
and one time someone came up to him speaking french and jack had no idea what was going on???
and he smiles sometimes??? 
and at the end of the day he’s almost always on his phone typing away
Bitty is able to kick ass into gear with hockey
but can’t bake worth shit
honestly, suzanne hasn’t seen anything of that quality since bitty was seven
AND he had to check a recipe
also, he’s started to bike to work
driving stick is impossible
he’s very serious on some days
he spends his evenings watching history documentaries and writing in a journal
Well. It seems like this is just gonna be life for a while, they both figure
best set up some rules
no use of the word y’all
no beyonce
no short shorts
don’t drop like a brick when someone comes to check you
seriously Eric it’s fine 
Eric it’s my body that would get hurt don’t worry
also please don’t drink or use drugs in my body
it’s a long story but again
it’s my body
Jack-as-Bitty is asked to be polite to his friends and customers
and please never bake anything ever
don’t leave the house dressed like some weird clothing outlet exploded
if you yell at my teammates i swear to god, mr. zimmermann. 
don’t disrespect senor bun
or anyone
stop frowning so much, even Coach has asked me about it and i don’t know what to say
don’t watch stuff on my netflix account. your history documentaries are messing up my recommendations
Despite the rules
They find ways to keep bothering each other
But also trying to make each other better
As captains of each others teams, both teams are able to benefit from their guidance
Bitty’s team gets a lot stronger technically
but kind of hate how much of a hardass Bitty is 3 times a week
The SMH is more in synch with each other than ever
and Bitty is able to help out a lot more
But Jack ends up having to put a lot of money in the sin bin for 
‘acting off’
Jack is very upset to find a picture of himself in the swallow, sitting on the roof of the Haus shirtless and wearing short shorts chilling
what the fuck Eric 
But they get a little routine down, and nothing changes except for minor nuisances
so whatever 
It all works good until one day, while Jack and Suzanne are bonding over making jam, Suzanne looks Jack right in the eyes and says 
“oh...you’re not my dicky. you’re dreaming aren’t you?”
Jack snaps awake in his bed
not Eric’s bed. His bed
Huh. weird. 
He goes to check his phone and of course, there is a long journal entry left over from the day he didn’t get
It’s all mostly ok until he gets to the end
“It looks like your first big hockey game is tomorrow night! Be sure to have fun. Enjoy it!”
“There’s a comet tonight for me. I’ll take lots of pictures so that you can see it next time we ...do whatever we do”
 Jack and the SMH win the game. and he actually tries to have fun. but the only person he wants to celebrate with is
he’s in georgia
Jack has a phone
He dials bitty’s cellphone number that has been saved in his contact
his heart is beating quite fast. 
and then he hears 
“We’re sorry. The number you have dialed is no longer in service”
 Jack stops switching after that
He should be relieved. overjoyed
but he’s not
he doesn’t miss the humidity
or the dirt roads
or the bugs
but he does miss something
and he’s forgetting all about it
so he tries searching online for the town
the town he can’t remember the name of
he doesn’t want to forget, so he starts drawing sketches of what he remembers
they’re not bad
pretty darn good, even
Not as good as Lardo’s, but she’s still abroad
He tries to call Eric’s number a couple more times. He gets the same results
 Jack can’t take it anymore
During the winter break, Jack flies down to Georgia for a weekend, rents a car, and drives himself in the general area he remembers the town
he stops locals and shows them sketches
“is there any town nearby that looks like this?”
they all respond in the negative
he does this for hours
the sun is starting to set when he resigns to give up
he pulls into a diner in the town he’s in, orders, and looks at his sketches again
maybe it’s possible that the town isn’t...even real?
it really could have just been his dreams
that is what he thinks when the server returns with some water
“Hey. that’s a pretty good picture of Godfrey”
“Yeah. I grew up there.” he says looking a bit sad
“Can you tell me how to get there?” 
The server pauses and gives Jack a mourned, but puzzled look “ it was about a 15 minute drive from here but-” 
“it was?”
“you didn’t hear about what happened?”
Jack shakes his head. 
“If you don’t mind,I’ll take you to it after you finish your dinner”
It’s all gone. 
Oh God. 
Everything from the small ice cream shop to the old creek where Bitty’s cousins would hang around
It’s all rubble
and mounds of dirt
Literal miles
Jack can’t breathe
he can’t
just breathe
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Love in a Coffee Shop
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Summary: Finn starts dating again.
A/N: Y’all ever get curious what Finn gets up to during all of this? Or are we all so far up Ashton’s ass that we kinda forget Finn exists? Be honest! Well, I love Finn, so we’re gonna check up on him if that’s cool.
Word Count: 2.4k
And away, and away we go!
“You need to go out on a date,” Vanessa said with an eye roll.
If I had a dollar… “What do you think I do?” I asked.
“Work, take care of the kids, brood, visit you mom, brood some more.” She ticked each thing off on her fingers with a playful smile,
“I do not brood,” I defended while Ashton snickered into his hand. “And for the record, I have gone on dates. They just end horribly.”
“Aw,” Vanessa pouted. “Single, hot dad thing doesn’t work?”
“Oh, it works…” I shuddered. “Too well, that’s the problem.”
“Oh, boohoo, I’m Finn, and have lots of sex. Poor thing…”
I threw one of my fries at her while Ashton coughed to cover up a louder laugh. “Again, that’s not the problem, Ness.”
“Well, what is the problem then, Mr. Therapist?” she asked me in exasperation.
“Well first it was them running for the hills when I mentioned that my ex was pregnant with my second kid. That, uh.. Didn’t really sit well with women funnily enough.”
“That makes sense. But what’s the problem now?”
“The problem now is that they start planning these futures where we have kids too and…” I shuddered again. “I love my kids. I do. But one of each is enough for me. I don’t need exactly a bajillion like you do.”
Vanessa scoffed at me in offense, crossing her arms over her chest. “Wow… how did I ever let you go?” she sighed dreamily at me with a sarcastic smirk on her lips.
Ashton’s high-pitched giggle escaped despite his best efforts which set off both the couple in the booth behind us, and Mason and Bailey. “Stop!” Ashton wheezed. “Can’t breath! Couple behind us can hear!”
I was pretty sure the couple behind us was laughing far more about the grown ass man with the boyish giggle mixing with the gleeful laughter of small children than mine and Vanessa’s actual discussion. Especially when Ashton’s plea for us to drop the conversation resulted in the couple laughing even harder.
“Well,” Vanessa pressed on. “Mason starts preschool on Monday. Maybe you’ll find a cute single mom.”
“I don’t want more kids, Ness…”
“She probably won’t either! It’ll be great!”
“Yeah, minus the combined kids we have together from our exes? Pfft, perfect! What am I thinking?”
“Well what are you gonna do? Find a woman that doesn’t want kids? Women don’t admit that. You really think they’re gonna admit that to a dude with kids? Fuck no! Women get the stigma that if they don’t want kids it automatically means they hate them.”
“Okay, well I don’t think that.”
“Yeah, but they don’t know that.”
I groaned. “Ugh, I’m just gonna get a vasectomy and call it a day. Oh, you want kids? That’s cool, I can’t. Whoops…”
“That’s not a bad idea. Considering how easy it is for men to control their own reproductive rights…”
“Yeah, yeah, this country’s fuckin’ backwards. But move with my kids to Australia and… actually…”
Vanessa snorted. “I am not moving to Australia. No offense, love,” she said, patting Ashton’s hand.
“None taken.”
“Alright, Mase, I’ll pick you up in a few hours and take you to Nana’s,” I told Mason before straightening back up to my feet. I checked my watch. Perfect. Bailey was already with my mom, Mason had been dropped off at school, and I still had a half hour to make it in to work.
“Hi, I’m Mia,” a soft voice introduced and I lifted my gaze to find a woman in a knee-length patterned dress standing in front of me with her hand extended. Soft brown hair was piled on top of her head in a perfectly messy bun, escaped strands framing a set of equally soft brown eyes hidden behind black framed glasses.
“Finn,” I replied, shaking her hand.
“Finn… I don’t recall seeing you last week.” Her pink lips frowned in concern, and rightfully so. A strange man in a room full of preschoolers was mad creepy.
“Oh, yeah, my ex brought him last week. We have split custody of uh…” I looked around trying to spot Mason in a small sea of three and four year olds. “Well, he’s here somewhere… quiet one, bout this high.” I held my hand out measuring Mason’s height against my leg.
“Mmm” she hummed in response, her frown turning into a soft smile. “Well it’s nice to meet you, Finn.”
“Nice to meet you, too, Mia.” I returned her smile. Please be the teacher, and not a mom. Please be the teacher, and not a mom.
“Well, I’ll see you later for pick up then,” she nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll be here,” I answered, watching her move towards a chair in front of where all the rugrats sat cluttered on a rug decorated with the alphabet and numbers. Yes!
“So…?” Vanessa nudged my arm from across the table.
“So, what?” I asked, feigning innocence.
She rolled her eyes. “C’mon, Finn…”
“I had the kids, Ness. Didn’t exactly go on any dates.”
“Yeah, but did you see anyone you might be interested in when you dropped Mase off at school?”
“Yeah, actually.”
“Oh, my god, who?!” Vanessa pestered, her eyes lit up with excitement. “Was it Gwen’s mom, Lydia? I think she just has the one, so that wouldn’t be too bad. And she’s so cute.”
“You act like I’m picking out a puppy… and no. Not Lydia. Mia.”
“The teacher?!” Vanessa oooed, lifting her hair up off her neck and fanning herself. “The scandal!”
“Yeah… so I’m not really sure. She’s cute. She’s great with kids. But she’s his teacher for fuck’s sake.”
“Yeah, but what if she’s one of those teachers who’s a teacher because she doesn’t want her own kids?”
“What if she’s the teacher who’s a teacher because she wants kids?” I countered.
“For a therapist, you're pretty pessimistic there, Finn,” she tsked.
I rolled my eyes. “Alright. Say you’re right.”
“I usually am.”
I rolled my eyes again. “Say you’re right,” I repeated. “She’s one of those ‘I get my fulfillment by teaching other people’s children rather than having them myself’ types. Still doesn’t change the fact that she’s Mase’s teacher. That’s not like… scandalous?” I asked, stealing her word for it and waggling my fingers ominously.
She shrugged. “Maybe. But isn’t that your guys’ business to decide that for yourselves?”
I let out my next breath in a huff, running my hands through my hair. “Maybe. But I dunno if this is a risk I can take, Ness. If I ask her out and she says no, then there’s the awkwardness of having to see her twice a day. If I ask her out and things end badly, it’s the same as if she rejects me outright, but worse because we already tried something.”
“Has it been awkward between us since we broke up?”
“What? No…”
“So there ya go. It’ll only be awkward if you make it awkward. And if things potentially being awkward is what stops you from trying in the first place… well, that’s the weakest excuse I’ve ever heard.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I’ll think about it, alright?”
“Good enough for me!” she chirped.
I groaned as my phone rang, telling me it was Vanessa. Why was she calling me on a Sunday morning? I checked the time and groaned again. And why so early? “Yeah?” I answered with a yawn.
“Coffee shop on the corner of Fifth. Now!”
“Mia! She’s here at the coffee shop.” By her hushed tone, I could imagine she was whispering into her phone so Mia must have been close.
“Jesus Christ, woman…”
“Are you coming or not?”
“I don’t even like coffee.”
“Then order a fuckin’ bagel for all I care. Just get down here!”
“Alright, alright…” I grumbled, pushing myself out of bed.
Ten minutes later I pushed my way into the little shop, spotting Ashton, Vanessa, and the kids chatting quietly with Mia at a table. Vanessa caught my eye, and said something that was probably “Oh, it’s Finn!” based on the way her mouth moved before waving me over.
“Hey guys,” I said once I got closer to them.
“Oh, hi!” Mia greeted with a smile. “Your little one with their mom?” she asked offhandedly, bringing attention to the fact that I hadn’t brought the kids with me.
I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Did she not know Mason was mine? “Uh, yeah. He is,” I said, reaching out to ruffle Mason’s hair whose primary focus was on his croissant and chocolate milk.
He swatted at my hand angrily before he lifted his eyes up. “Daddy!” he beamed.
Mia’s eyes went wide. “Oh! Mason’s yours! I thought…” Her gaze fluttered over to Ashton. “Oh, my, that’s embarrassing…”
I laughed, brushing it off. “Honest mistake. But yeah, he’s mine.”
Her gaze flickered over to Bailey. “Both of them?”
I nodded. “Yep.”
“Oh, now I’m really embarrassed. I can’t believe I didn’t pay attention to the fact that I’ve seen Mason all week, but not Ashton and Vanessa here. Oh, wow…” Her glasses slid down her nose as she ducked her head down, her cheeks bright pink. 
“Again, honest mistake,” I told her. “Don’t even worry about it.”
She shook her head, still wrapped up in the small mishap. “I’m, uh… gonna go get my coffee now. It was good running into you guys. Finn,” she nodded politely and excused herself to go wait in line, her arms brushing against mine as she squeezed past me. 
“Well…” Vanessa prompted.
“Well, what?”
“She didn’t say my name when she said goodbye.”
“Or mine,” Ashton added.
“Just yours. Funny.”
They were right. Why had Mia just said my name? And had she brushed into my arm as she moved past me or had I made that up?
“Finn? Finn?”
“Go order your bagel.”
“Yeah, bagel,” I nodded, hurrying to go stand in line behind Mia. It took her stepping forward to place her order for me to figure out what I was doing. “And a cinnamon raisin bagel, please,” I added, stepping forward and pulling out my wallet.
“Oh, no…” Mia stammered, shaking her head at the now thoroughly confused barista. “Just the coffee, thanks,” she reiterated, flashing her card.
“Nope. Bagel too,” I spoke again, blocking the card reader from her while I handed the poor barista some cash. “Sorry for the confusion.”
Mia’s eyes narrowed at me as the cash register clanged open and I got my change, dumping it into the tip jar. “Thank you, but that was completely unnecessary,” she told me as we stepped off to the side.
“You’re right. Probably should’ve asked first. Can I buy you a coffee sometime?”
Heat rose in her still slightly tinged cheeks. “No.”
I nodded, feeling the muscles in my jaw twitch. “Alright. No worries.”
“Because you already bought me one, so the next coffee should be on me.”
“Oh? Well, uh, I don’t actually drink coffee…”
Her lips pursed together in thought as a different barista put our items on the pick up counter. She dug around her purse, pulling out a pen and scribbling something down on the bag my bagel was in “Well dinner, then,” she amended, handing me the bag with a phone number written on it in a loopy scrawl. “Or do you only eat bagels?”
“I’m really glad you agreed to this,” I said, admiring the way the candle flickering on the table between us cast her in a soft glow. “I, uh… wasn’t sure if I was crossing a line, or something.”
“Oh, this isn’t a date. This is just me returning the favor for that coffee the other day.” Her words didn’t match up to the teasing tone and playful smile.
“Mmm, right. Maybe I’ll just have to buy you more coffees then.”
“Or pluck up the courage to ask me on a real date. Whichever is easier.”
“Would you say yes if I asked.”
“Ask me and find out.”
“Two Fridays from now. Say seven?”
“Seven,” she laughed. “Two Fridays from now? Little presumptuous of you, no?”
“Or optimistic. Whichever is easier.”
She laughed more, then sighed. “That sounds lovely…”
“I sense a ‘but’ coming…”
“However,” she said with a knowing look, and I was already in love with the way she played with words. “There’s something I should probably tell you first.”
“Oh?” I asked, trying not to let my mind take me down the rabbit hole of wildly outrageous deal breakers.
“I can’t have kids…”
“Oh?” I said again, stupidly.
She nodded slowly. “Yeah… just so you’re aware. I try to get that part done and out of the way as soon as possible. Makes it a little easier to deal with the rejection that usually follows.”
“That’s um…” I faltered and I reached for her hand. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Oh, it doesn’t bother me. I didn’t want kids even before I learned I couldn’t have them. I mean, I love children. I love my job. But having children of my own wasn’t ever something I felt I needed.”
“Fucked up?” she chuckled nervously.
“Great,” I corrected.
“Oh, yeah,” I nodded, with a grin. “But, I have two. That’s not a concern for you?”
“Oh, no, not at all. I’m fine with that. It’s… complicated, I guess? I don’t mind dating parents and playing a role in their children’s lives. I just biologically don’t want to be a parent.”
“That’s not complicated at all, actually. That’s…”
“Great?” she offered.
“More than great.”
“C’mon… pick up the phone, Ness,” I muttered to myself as I bounced on the balls of my feet.
“Finn?” she asked as she answered.
“SHE CAN’T HAVE KIDS!” I clapped a hand to my mouth after the outburst. I probably could have phrased that better, but I couldn’t help myself. I was fuckin’ smitten. Mia was beautiful, and smart. She was good with kids. She didn’t care that I had kids. And she couldn’t and didn’t want kids of her own! Fuck, I felt like I had hit the jackpot and I needed someone to be just as excited with me.
“And you just blurted it out to me like that?” I could imagine her eyebrows raised in question. “Finn… do better…”
“Sorry! Yep. Probably could have phrased that better. Or not told you at all… but fuck, Ness! I’m so happy! We’re going on another date in a few weeks. And just… fuck, I haven’t been this excited in a long time.”
“That’s great, Finn. I’m really happy for you.”
“Oh! You have to swear to me you won’t mention to her that I told you. She didn’t make it seem like it was a secret, but… ya know?”
“My lips are sealed. And hey, Finn?”
“I fuckin’ told ya so.”
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misssophiachase · 4 years
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For Klaroline Valentine’s Day Bingo @kcvalentinesbingo​ - “Great, Now You’ve Pissed off Cupid.” 
Stupid Cupid 
“Stop Picking on Me.”
12th February - New Orleans, LA
“It’s my bachelorette party tonight and you’re only telling me this now, Klaus?” She demanded hands-on very cute hips poured into a little, black dress. 
He wanted to lie; hell he wanted to whisk her back to bed for at least the next forty-eight hours before their wedding. But given the don’t-mess-with-me expression on her face, Klaus knew that wasn’t an option.
“Someone might have put a curse on me.”
“Well, you’re going to have to narrow it down, Mikaelson. We all know the list of people who have a vendetta against you is endless.”
“That’s a little harsh don’t you think, love?”
“Says the guy who has a bajillion years’ worth of enemies,” she muttered. “Look, Katherine, Rebekah, and Bonnie will be here in fifteen minutes armed with handcuffs, blindfolds and god knows what else so can you please get to the point?”
“How about we take the handcuffs and blindfolds then ditch the bridesmaids? I could really show you a good time tonight, sweetheart.” He noticed her falter slightly; biting on her lower lip tellingly that she was seriously considering her options. 
“Stop trying to change the subject,” she insisted, albeit reluctantly. “If this involves my wedding day not being the most perfect of my life, I am going to get that white oak stake I stashed and kill you myself.”
“Woah,” he said, holding up his hand in disbelief. “We’re about to be married and you’re telling me this now? What white oak stake?”
“Says the guy with the secret curse. If you must know, Kol gave it to me,” she admitted. “Said to use it if you really annoyed me. Turns out your inability to get to the point is a great example of that.”
“I’m going to kill him,” he growled. 
“Don’t you dare,” she hissed. “Not until after the wedding at least. Our bridal party is perfectly symmetrical at the moment and won’t have you ruining it.”
“Well, it might not be Kol’s absence that might ruin it.”
“And we’re back to this,” she groaned. “Who is it?”
“It’s Cupid.”
“Cupid? As in the cute little cherub with the bow and arrow who makes people fall in love. That Cupid?”
“Just so you know those modern-day cartoon depictions are completely incorrect and misleading. And with the God of Fire his father let’s just say he certainly knows how to use that bow and arrow in many other, violent ways.”
“There you are,” Katherine exclaimed, a bright, red feather boa wound around her neck and tequila bottle in hand. “What’s he doing here? You do realise it’s a Bachelorette Party, right? No Original hybrids allowed.”
“Niklaus hates to be left out,” Rebekah offered, arriving behind Katherine. 
“That must be where Kol gets it from,” Bonnie suggested. “He just accosted me in the hall begging us to let him tag along.”  
“What is wrong with what I have planned?” Elijah interrupted entering the courtyard and buttoning up his suit jacket.
“It’s boring,” Enzo muttered. “I know you’re all ancient compared to yours truly but playing poker in the compound is hardly my idea of a wild evening. This is Niklaus’ final opportunity to let loose and forget about the ball and chain.”
“Excuse me?’ Caroline shot back, her murderous expression not lost on her future brother-in-law. “I have no qualms in staking you, Lorenzo.”
“What happened to the symmetry, love?” Klaus objected.
“What the hell happened with you and Cupid?” 
“This again, Niklaus?” Elijah sighed. “I thought you took care of this after it rained rose petals and blood last year when you tried to appease the love gods and lift the curse?”
“It rained blood and rose petals? Now that’s romantic,” Katherine offered, taking a swig from her bottle.
“Can someone please cut off her tequila supply,” Bonnie drawled.
“It was fantastic, darling, quite the spectacle in the French Quarter,” Kol offered, joining them. “Klausy went and fell in love and every Valentine’s Day since something has gone awry.”
“Who did you fall in love with?” Caroline hissed, “do I need to stake someone, Mikaelson?” Before Klaus could respond, Rebekah intervened.
“As much as I would enjoy that immensely,” she chuckled. “It was you, Caroline.”
“Well, now I know why you tried that whole ‘everyday is Valentine’s Day’ excuse when we were picking the wedding date. How did I not know this?”
“Well, we’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day together,” Klaus said, thinking of just how many years he’d loved her and they’d never spent the supposedly most romantic day of the year with each other. “And I know you wanted to be married on the 14th so I hoped it would just go away.”
“How exactly does a curse just go away, Niklaus, pray tell?” Enzo inquired.
“Not helping, Lorenzo.”
“What exactly did you do to annoy Cupid?”
“Bonnie, this is Klaus Mikaelson,” Katherine replied. “He annoys everyone at some point in their lives.”
“You included, Pierce,” he offered, reminding them all of that time when he hunted her for 500 years. “Let’s just say we were at a bar circa a very long time ago and….”
“That sounds like the beginnings of a joke,” Kol teased. “An Original Hybrid and Cupid walk into a bar.”
“Not helping, little brother,” Klaus snarled. “I might have told him love was a complete farce and that he was basically perpetuating a lie then I took a bite out of his companion.”
“How did biting his friend prove your theory?”
“It didn’t, I was just thirsty,” he admitted, shrugging his shoulders. “And then I guess it went downhill from there.”
“You think?” Caroline baulked, obviously unamused. “Right now I’m going to ignore your ridiculous theories on love because obviously you were just plain mad and love starved before you met me and instead focus on the most pressing issue. How exactly do we fix this Valentine’s Day curse?”
“Well, I’m not sure but we’ll think of something.”
“That definitely fills me with confidence, how about you Care Bear?” Enzo asked, knowing just how much she hated that particular nickname. 
“If it’s raining blood and roses, then Cupid must have had a witch on hand to perpetuate the curse years later. We could do a locator spell?”
“What happened to tequila slammers, drunk dancing on bars and strippers?” Katherine huffed, earning unimpressed glances from both Elijah and Klaus. “It is a Bachelorette Party, don’t blame me that yours is going to be lame.”
“Sorry Kat, but we need to sort this out pronto,” Caroline insisted. “If my wedding isn’t the most freaking perfect day of my life then no one is enjoying themselves.”
It was at that point, everyone knew not to mess with Bridezilla. Turns out a quick locator spell led the group to the New Orleans Museum of Art and in front of the famous Domenico Beccafumi painting entitled Venus and Cupid. 
“How fitting,” Katherine had remarked sarcastically upon arrival, still clutching the tequila bottle in an act of defiance. 
The witch in question put up a good fight, even convincing Klaus he had to renounce his earlier, thoughtless comments and embrace love. Even given the situation, his companions thought his confession was hilarious with Kol filming it to be used at a later date to incriminate his older brother.   
The 14th of February arrived and Caroline Forbes had the perfect wedding to her soulmate Klaus Mikaelson. 
The latter no longer believed love was a farce and the former took a page out of Cupid ‘the unofficial wedding planner’s�� book and made sure it rained rose petals on her special day.  
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