saltedbrownies · 7 years
To my fellow improvisers in Toronto
To my fellow improvisers in Toronto
I signed up for my first classes at Second City a bit over a year ago. I was still in the midst of recovering from surgery, but I was stronger and healthier than I had been in years and was itching to get back into the arts. I also was relatively new to Toronto and, having been mostly bed bound for the last few years, my social circle wasn’t exactly broad. I figured that a short term class with a…
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saltedbrownies · 7 years
I haven’t written in a while. First I was too unwell to write, and then too well, becoming busy with other pursuits. And then I felt that I had already written about what I wanted to say. I’ve written countless posts about perception, fluctuating symptoms, and invisible and visible disabilities. I’ve talked about doctor-patient interactions, accessibility, and transportation. I’ve talked about…
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saltedbrownies · 7 years
Golden and Rare as Pink Diamonds
Golden and Rare as Pink Diamonds
Alright folks, it’s time to talk about my friends.
I sometimes talk about the people in my life in a broad sense – partly to avoid violating anyone’s privacy and partly because, frankly, in the years that I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve spent a lot of time alone.
Most of that has been due to living with chronic illness, but I recently came across an old piece of homework where a 7 year old me…
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saltedbrownies · 7 years
The Things We Say
The Things We Say
‘I’m so sorry- thank you so much’
The phrase rolls off my tongue.
I say it every time someone helps lift my walker in and out of a car. Every time someone holds the door open a little longer, to give me the chance to reach it. When people shift their chairs to make a path that my walker can fit through. When someone holds something for me, or guides me to the elevator in a building.
‘I’m so…
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saltedbrownies · 7 years
Last Monday Evening - A Story
Last Monday Evening – A Story
Last Monday evening I had my regularly scheduled writing class downtown at Second City, here in Toronto. Before I injured my ankle, I would simply hop on the subway that’s right up the street from my apartment, take it downtown, and then walk about 10-15 minutes to get to class. The whole process took just under an hour and was relatively painless.
But all of the entrances and exits to the subway…
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saltedbrownies · 8 years
From isolation to connection
From isolation to connection
Alright, I admit it. I’ve been hermitting.
It’s something that tends to happen every couple of months for about a week or two. I don’t leave my apartment for several days in a row. I feel overwhelmingly fatigued, achey, and have trouble focusing. I avoid writing back to friends or making new plans, because I just don’t feel up to it. My only contact with other people happens over the phone or…
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saltedbrownies · 8 years
Halloween: What gives you goosebumps?
Halloween: What gives you goosebumps?
It’s Halloween! The time of curling up on your couch with a cup of tea, scrolling through all the pictures of your friends dressed up in costumes as they go out partying… well, maybe that’s just me.
Now, to be clear, from here on out I’m talking about the mostly secular version of the holiday. The one that has emerged over time, as traditions that originated from various religious and cultural…
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saltedbrownies · 8 years
I'm back.
I’m back.
My one year surgiversary is 3 days away!
I like acknowledging anniversaries of events. I’m not generally organized enough to actually plan something for the specific date, but I do like to take stock of the time passing, what has stayed the same and what has changed.
One year and two days ago I was in Baltimore. I probably would have been feeling pretty scared except for three things. Firstly, I…
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saltedbrownies · 8 years
After The Rose
I’ve never really watched ‘The Bachelor’. I’ve seen the odd episode here and there, but my TV watching is mostly confined to Netflix, and they don’t stream much in the way of reality TV.
Still, I can’t seem to get the phrase ‘after the rose’ out of my head.
On the show, people are put into a very intense, extreme situation where they are completely and utterly focused on one goal. One person will…
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saltedbrownies · 8 years
Bodies and Words and Terms - Oh My!
Bodies and Words and Terms – Oh My!
The other day, I forgot that I was wearing my neck brace as I entered a meeting. I was immediately asked what happened and I fell into a knee jerk response that I wear it to protect my spine as I heal from surgery.
I told the truth, but it felt like a lie. I do wear the brace to minimize jostling as my spinal fusion sets, but I also wear it to support other parts of my spine that weren’t operated…
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saltedbrownies · 8 years
For the love of adaptation
For the love of adaptation
The other day, I FaceTimed my parents and when my mom picked up, I told her that I was calling because I’d caught a glimpse of my reflection and thought I looked like myself. It made me feel incredibly excited and I wanted to show her.
I’m not sure that either of us knew what I meant.
I wasn’t dressed up in any particular way, no special hair, makeup or accessories – but somehow something seemed…
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saltedbrownies · 8 years
New Year's Eve
New Year’s Eve
Well, it’s the end of a year. Or the start of a new one, depending on what timezone you’re in and when you read this.
I’ve never been a big fan of New Year celebrations. They often seem out of sync with how we spent our year, and how we’ll most likely be spending the next. It feels a bit deceitful.
I have, however, always been a big fan of another New Year tradition. I love New Year’s…
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saltedbrownies · 9 years
The Conversation Starter
Over the years, as I’ve gone out and about with various assistive devices, I’ve had plenty of looks tossed my way by strangers.
The feeling behind these expressions seems to vary depending on the device. My tinted glasses draw a fair bit of scorn, my mobility scooter raises buckets full of compassion, and my walker always seems to create a mixture of confusion and pity.
I’m fairly used to the…
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saltedbrownies · 9 years
Life and Steps and Things
Life and Steps and Things
Well, that happened. In the span of 6 months I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome along with a host of co-morbid diseases, syndromes, and complications. I took 5 trips to the States for medical care, moved to a new city, and underwent 2 neurosurgeries.
I guess you could say it’s been a bit busy.
I’m now back in my beautiful apartment recovering from my last surgery and I have to say – I…
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saltedbrownies · 9 years
Thank You
It’s been too long since I last posted, but I do have a good reason. My life has been turned into a whirlwind. Last week, I travelled back down to the States for my post-op appointment. I knew that the surgeon was going to decide whether or not I needed more surgery immediately, and I thought that I was prepared for whatever he said.
I was wrong. During my hour long appointment I learned that I…
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saltedbrownies · 9 years
I'm Sorry
I’m Sorry
Today I was given a writing prompt. The prompt was to imagine that any aspect of my habits or thinking could be rewired with enough practice. If so, what would I change or rewire? Why?
I generally like to think that I wouldn’t change anything about myself or my experiences. Because if things were different, I wouldn’t be me, and I like who I am.
But this challenge was tempting. Because it’s not…
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saltedbrownies · 9 years
Characters Reimagined
This picture of Harry Potter was created by an amazing artist and human being, Rebecca Slack, and shows Harry reimagined with arm crutches. Because maybe he was injured when his house was destroyed as a baby. Because maybe that’s part of why he never really fit in. And because ultimately, why not?
“Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways.” – J.K. Rowling
A couple of years ago, when I…
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