Don’t mind if I keep your tie (And your heart, babe)
Or “Draco and Harry Accidentally Spearhead House Unity Because of a Parrot” by Ingi on Ao3
The Eighth year common room has a parrot in it, courtesy of McGonagall and her mad search for interhouse bonding.
Most of the time, it's just there, until one day it repeats "Potter has a damn fine arse." And the Slytherins know exactly who the parrot's mimicking...
Draco is not amused.
Minnie goes just a tad crazy and puts all the eighth years in the same common room, with a parrot for some reason. Draco and Harry literally just want to stop the damn animosity. Slowly Draco comes to terms with his feelings for Harry, in a common room that he thought was only people he could trust…
MY THOUGHTS (lowkey spoilers) BELOW THE CUT
this was cute. i really could not get past the magic parrot lowkey, like what?? minnie mcg was really like “you know what will make them like each other, a parrot that only says their positive comments towards the other houses” i’m sorry but the suspension of disbelief was a little wack for this one, but i stuck it out. i could get on board with neville falling in love with it tho, that was hilarious. i liked this alright, i think it was sweet. the whole swapping ties thing was different and honestly kind of nice. i don’t know how on board i am with the characterizations of harry and draco tho. i think they were a little flat for such interesting characters. all in all, i liked it
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The Wrong Sort
Or “Draco is sorted into Gryffindor and loses all sense of identity” by CaffinatedFlummadiddle on Ao3
In which Draco Malfoy is sorted into Gryffindor and everything kind of goes to Hell from there… but hey. At least there’s a chance he won’t grow up to be an awful person. Alternatively titled ‘Draco Malfoy and the Worst Goddamn Seven Years of His Life’
Basically Draco is a dick like he was raised to be, so everything is normal until he is sorted into Gryffindor. He then is forced into living with “blood traitors and mudbloods,” in which Hermione beats some intelligence through his prejudice. 
MY THOUGHTS (lowkey spoilers) BELOW THE CUT
I adored this fic. It had a very realistic characterization of Draco, as he learned to be more “gryffindor” and had to realize his family’s wrongdoings. I also particularly enjoyed the friendship between Hermione and Draco. If anyone was going to prove Malfoy wrong about muggleborns, it would be Hermione. I think their relationship balanced out Ron and Harry’s very well. One of the things about the Golden Trio is that someone is always third wheeling, constantly. I loved that Hermione and Draco were friends first, as they were able to be the bff pair that Ron and Harry were. It also gave Harry a romantic interest within their group, so he doesn’t have to third wheel with Romione. It also gives Ron and Draco a bond with the pureblood bonding, then later with the feelings pendent thing. I think they did a great job of showing the spite and remorse Draco would feel at being left out of Slytherin, while also giving him a wonderfully written arc about accepting his house and friends. I also think this is one of the first times I haven’t actively hated Lucius Malfoy. Actually, the entire Malfoy group, as well as Andromeda, were written beautifully. The bond between Sirius and Draco was also something I loved, it makes sense that they would bond over that type of thing. It also made sense that Draco could bond with Regulus’ portrait. It was all so interesting. I think the dynamic of Drarry was also written really well, with the two of them taking a while to figure it out. I loved the whole Theo arc of jealousy and obliviousness, as Draco was able to come to terms with his crush in such a sweet way, while also facing the consequences of his actions with Theo. In general, I think this story has such a nuanced take on such a simple idea. I think the author does an amazing job of thinking through the consequences of this simple question and really does create amazing characterizations. 
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The Tui and La Cafe, 2pm, Tuesday
Or “Uncle Iroh Realizes he Set Up his Gay Nephew with a Girl” by lesmiserablol on Ao3
Sokka loves his job and would do anything for the customers there. Including saving one's gay nephew from going on a blind date with a girl.
Iroh thinks he’s a terrible uncle because he accidentally set up his gay nephew up on a blind date with a girl. Lucky for him, his server, Sokka, at a cute little cafe is spontaneous and has a perfect plan! He takes Iroh’s nephew, Zuko, on a date. Wearing blue. (You can also find Zuko’s pov; it’s called “Tuesday, 2pm, Tui and La Cafe”)
MY THOUGHTS (lowkey spoilers) BELOW THE CUT
This is really cute, there’s also the flip side of Zuko’s pov which is really cool. I don’t know which one was the original, but this is the one I found first. Iroh is adorably naive and caring, he’s such a sweet uncle. And watching Zuko realize that Sokka is his date is SO cute. Like the realization of like “omg you’re wearing blue” was priceless. Also lesbian Suki who gets a hot date with Zuko’s original straight date? Amazing!!! Idk if she was Mai, but I’ve never thought of Mai and Suki? Cute tho. Overall, both sides of the story are really cute and i love the dynamic lol
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Friendship Bracelets
Or “Yeah Bro it’s Totally Normal to Give Friend-Courtship Bracelets to your Bros” by peachcitt on Ao3
Sokka was laughing, all stupid and nice with his head thrown back, and Zuko realized that he quite liked Sokka’s laugh. He liked it a lot.
And the sun was coming in through the windows in such a way that it was illuminating Sokka’s tanned skin, the blue of his eyes, the light of his smile. And Zuko thought fuck.
Fuck fuck fuck.
and they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates) ft. the inherent homoeroticism of friendship bracelets
Sokka wakes his roommate, Zuko, up at a stupid hour in the morning yelling about how they n e e d to make friendship bracelets. Maybe there’s more to early morning pancakes and friendship bracelets than Zuko’s brain keeps telling him. Maybe there’s a reason Zuko doesn’t mind studying with Sokka, even when they don’t get anything done. Maybe Sokka doesn’t call anyone else Babe.
MY THOUGHTS (kinda spoilers) BELOW THE CUT
This is so cute so so so cute. It’s apparently the first of a series, but I’ll do the rest later. I can totally imagine Sokka waking Zuko up at ungodly times just for stupid ideas. Also! The lead up to the kiss???? I just died bro. It’s so fluffy and cute. Also Suki is a badass. Me projecting onto Lesbian Suki? It’s more likely than you think. The steps of realization for Zuko, amazing. Why do all Zukka fics have them both be dumbasses who don’t want to make the first move? This is the only fic I’ve read where Zuko makes the first move and I think Mr. “Light up the candles in Ba Sing Se for this girl” would totally do something stupid and kiss someone. I can see him taking it back  tho lowkey. Anyways, I’m obsessed with pining and that’s what this whole thing is. 
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Thank You for the Food
Or “Sokka’s dumbassery makes him into the sweetest boyfriend ever” by kotaka_kun on Ao3
Sokka had had time to think about why a meal cooked for him meant so much to Zuko, but for some reason, it hadn’t occurred to him that Zuko would take a home-made lunch to be a tangible display of Sokka’s love, and that made his chest tight. 
A cute little slice of life from domestic zukka! Sokka plays a stupid prank and accidentally unlocks Trauma from Zuko. So, he starts making homemade lunches for his boyfriend to take to work and it’s adorable.
MY THOUGHTS (kinda spoilers) BELOW THE CUT
I read this in like 10 minutes but the elated feeling of cutesy happiness will last forever. It’s so sweet and the angstiest thing that Zuko forgets his lunch. I love stupid, self indulgent, cutesy one-shots and this is exactly that! This is the definition of domestic bliss. Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula’s cameos were so cute. Also, I’ve never had a bento box, but these sound so good ngl 
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Insomnia and Orange Juice (18+)
Or “Omg they were bedmates ft. a little porn” by snowandfire on Ao3
“When’s the last time you slept?”
“I don’t know. 1998?”
“Dude. You were three.”
“I don’t need sleep, Sokka. I need answers!”
OR: Zuko can't sleep until Sokka's in bed with him. Sokka has no idea why. But eventually, he figures it out.
Zuko’s asshole dad gives him impossible “assignments” every few months and almost kills himself trying to figure them out and get his father’s approval. He doesn’t eat, he doesn’t sleep, he just researches scientific paradoxes until he physically breaks down. Until one day, Sokka sees him drink Orange Juice straight out of the container and decides he must stop this sleep deprived fiend that is his roommate. He goes with the most logical conclusion and stays in his room all night, and eventually in his bed all night. (Both of them are SO oblivious and SO dumb, but not stupid) 
MY THOUGHTS (kinda spoilers but out of context) BELOW THE CUT
I love this. I think the whole “Zuko literally offers to give Sokka a blowjob (and does) then they pretend it doesn’t happen” is so fucking funny. like imagine??? They have half a brain cell combined i swear. Sokka’s like idk if he likes me we’ve only had sex once and we cuddle every night!!! I love my dumbass sons. Also? Sokka going on several dates and prepping to have sex with this chick, then randomly being like “no i can’t my best bro needs me to sleep!” and kissing him? genius, I think Sokka had like 2 whole brain cells in that moment what a fucking chad
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Real Slow (18+)
Or "Zuko is a Stressed Out Dumbass ft. Porn” by SurveyCorpsJean on Ao3
“I see.” Zuko closes the scroll. “Is the Water Tribe sending a replacement?”
“Uh yeah,” Sokka gestures to himself dramatically. “You’re looking at him.”
Like 5 years after his coronation, Zuko is all but killing himself with his workload. The only time he takes a break is his yearly breakdown where he escapes to his uncle’s tea shop. In the middle of an emotionally stabilizing game of Pai Sho, Sokka shows up and promises to help him with his new position as the temporary ambassador. When the two head back to the Fire Nation together, Sokka acts as more of a friend and right-hand man than just an ambassador. His actions help his mental health, but his feelings towards his ambassador doesn’t really help his focus. Comes with a healthy helping of mutual pining, frustration, and porn.
MY THOUGHTS (kinda spoilers out of context) BELOW THE CUT
I am so obsessed. Zuko feels really realistic in this. Like the idea of him being super fucking stressed out and having yearly breakdowns with his uncle feels like something he would do. Also Iroh sending Sokka makes so much sense because Iroh would never confront him (and Zuko would not take it well if he did), so Sokka’s involvement is perfect. Also, Sokka completely taking over his schedule is so funny to me. Like imagine if the President’s foreign friend from their childhood just showed up and started making major changes in the government. That’s so fucking funny to me; Sokka’s a badass. Also, the way he gains trust from the people in Zuko’s government by just being super intellegent and giving good ideas, beautiful amazing fantastic. Also, well written sex is always cool and Zuko being a dumbass who turns him away made me so very angry, but is also very accurate of him.  Jumping out of a flying hot air balloon is the exact kind of dumbass thing Sokka would do for love.
Overall, I love this so much. I’ve read it multiple times and it’s always good.
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Another Time, Another Place
Or “The Zukka Soulmate AU That Treats Yue Right” by Cosmicenergy on Ao3
Depicted on his forearm was the outline of two crossed swords, like those that he had read about in stories of the warriors who were out fighting the great battles in the war. He was always proud of his marking, not only cause it made him look cool, but he figured that his soulmate must be cool because of the swords too, right?
Except, the one problem was that his soulmate wasn’t in the southern water tribe.
(Alternatively; everyone is born with a mark that ties them to their soulmate. Let’s just say that Sokka hasn’t had the best luck when it’s come to his.)
Soulmate AU where soulmates have matching tattoos somewhere on their bodies. Sokka and Zuko are super oblivious (shiny snow cough cough). The story follows Sokka throughout the plot of the show, just adding soulmates to the mix. Sokka still has the relationships he does in the show, but it touches on the idea that soulmate relationships aren’t the only form of love. 
MY THOUGHTS (kinda spoilers out of context) BELOW THE CUT
Immediate thoughts: Aang and Katara are really cute in this, since they know since the iceberg that they’re soulmates. Suki is a badass, as always. Sokka’s characterization is really good tbh. He is oblivious to everything, as always, but this does a really good job of showing his intelligence. The way it fleshes out his relationship to his sexuality and then mirrors it when he realizes that Zuko is his soulmate. Also, cuddly Zuko is superior. 
Overall, it was cute and cuddly. It took me like half a day to read. I enjoyed it a lot. 
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On Ice We Fall (In Love)
Or “That Ice Skating One That Made Me Cry” by AtLAstuff on Ao3
Jumps. Spins. Step sequences. Choreo sequences. Long ago, the four elements were performed together in harmony, but everything changed when the quads attacked
Or, Zuko and Sokka rivals to friends to lovers slowburn competitive figure skating AU.
Instead of ruling a nation, Zuko and Azula are pushed by their asshole Father towards an arguably more important goal: being the best figure skaters. Zuko’s place as #1 in the men’s category is lowkey threatened by Sokka, who’s also really freakin good. At the beginning of the season, Sokka basically dares himself to befriend the stone-cold loner who has really good jumps and Zuko is unknowingly subjected to Sokka’s stubbornness. But they only see each other like every 3 months, so it takes a while. They have stan accounts who know what’s up before they do.
MY THOUGHTS (kinda spoilers out of context) BELOW THE CUT
Okay ima be real when I saw this, i skipped over it at first. i kinda had flashbacks to yuri! on ice and i was afraid. BUT it wasn’t that and the author obviously knows a lot about ice skating. They talk about it with such passion and it’s super cool,but you still don’t have to know anything to understand what they’re talking about. I know I didn’t (and still don’t tbh). Getting onto actual fanfic tho, I love the characterization of the two. Sokka is a computer sciences engineer and it fits him so well lowkey. He’s so smart, but he also ice skates shirtless for one of the performances?? Like he’s such a dumbass and I love him. He and Katara are both top in their ice skating classes and their sibling dynamic is so good!!! I’m obsessed with these two tbh. Anyways, Zuko is baby. The character development from the manipulation of his dad to think that Sokka trying to befriend him is Sokka just trying to undermine his competition to the end is beautiful!!! Zuko recognizing his father’s shitty behavior and making decisions independent of him is amazing. Azula is so badass, too. She’s shitty to Zuko, don’t get me wrong, but she’s such a good character. She is a “prodigy” and her dad “let’s her have friends within her league (Mai/Ty Lee) because she can handle it” while Zuko is told not to even talk to anyone else around him. It’s beautiful. 
In short, I could not stop thinking about this fanfic for legit a whole weekend. If you like slow burn, this is so so good. 
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