multifangirl995 · 2 years
Just a really short, like 15 minutes thingy.
No editing.
Pairing: Minhoxfem!originalcharacter
POV: Maria
Warnings: None, lol floof
Word Count:
Enjoy :)
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"Whatcha doin' there?" I asked, leaning over Minho's shoulder
It looked like some sort of letter. A scroll of dark paper, words written neatly in black ink.
The writing didn't match Minho's though.
He jumped when I spoke, scrambling to cover up whatever the paper was.
Maybe this is that smut scroll Thomas told me about?
"uh- uh- nothing- just- a thing-" He stuttered, giving me a panicked and awkward smile.
I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes, "Listen Minho. This is completely natural. And I understand if-"
I guessed I was wrong when his face contorted into disgust.
"No! Maria! This is not the smut scroll-" His eyes flickered back and forth, hand gestures going everywhere.
"Ok! Ok! Sorry!" I laughed, "So what is it shank?"
"Well- I- uh-" He began to stumble over his words again, "Here."
Minho uncovered the paper and handed it to me.
I found a paragraph of sentences in a nice manuscript.
Maria is nice.
Maria is beautiful.
Maria is my best friend.
Maria is lovely.
Maria is wonderful.
Maria makes me laugh.
I like Maria.
"Minho?- Did you?" I look up to meet his eyes
"Learn some calligraphy for you? Yea," He rubbed the back of his neck, "It's really stupid I know, I'm a shuck-faced slinthead. But you said you liked calligraphy, so I just thought- Never mind. It's klunk."
He began to take the paper from me, obviously embarrassed, and the red on his cheeks only growing.
"No! No!," I tugged back, "Minho I love it!"
His head snapped up, features shocked, "Really?"
"Of course! It's so sweet of you! I'm so flattered!"
"Well..." He rubbed the back of his neck, ego puffing a bit, "Yea"
I patted his adorable smiling face, "I'm taking this with me"
So uhm yea.
I literally wrote this in 15 minutes.
It's completely unedited so sorry for any mistakes :)
Love you
~ R xx
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multifangirl995 · 2 years
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multifangirl995 · 2 years
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55K notes · View notes
multifangirl995 · 2 years
So this is my first story on here, it'll probably be bad but oh well.
Yes my original character is based on Rosalind (Rosa in this) Franklin, who was a female chemist in the early 1900's.
Pairing: Newt x fem!originalcharater
Warnings: None really, just fluffy stuff in this one maybe drinking? idk
POV: Newt (1st person)
Word Count: 1,741
Enjoy! <3
~ R xx
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I glance up from my weeding to find Gally strolling up, a large jar in his hands. Wiping my forehead, I straighten back up and dust my hands on my pockets.
"Hey shuck-face, whatcha' got there?"
He holds up the jar, sloshing the liquid inside around, "Your favorite! Fresh for the festival tonight!"
"Good that! How much'd you make?" I asked him, taking the jar from his fingers.
I take a big swig of the drink inside, feeling it burn down my throat I shake my head.
I don't think I'll ever get used to that
"I made an entire keg mate, be prepared for drunk Gladers"
I laughed shaking my head while Gally ran off. ***** "I hope you're decent, I'm coming in" I shouted, walking into Rosa's hut
She giggled, looking up from her work, "Hey shank"
A sprawl of papers were scattered around the desk, pens and erasers in the mix. A small lamp sat on the corner of the wooden slab providing a brighter light to work with. Her smiling figure swiveled the chair to face me as I sat on her bed, "Ready for the bonfire tonight?"
I only nodded, laying myself back on her bed.
"You know- You have the softest bed in The Glade. Be grateful"
I bring my chin to my chest to see her rolling her eyes.
"Just sleep here if yours bothers you so much"
My mind takes that wrong and I burst out laughing.
Y/N chucks a pen at me, giggling along, "Not like that you slinthead"
"I-I'm so-orry-y" I manage out between laughs
"Just help me find my brush so I can go tonight yea?"
I could feel the thumping of the drums in my lungs while I squeezed through the crowd of smelly boys.
Standing on a log, my eyes search the crowd for Rosa. I catch a glimpse of her dark hair and hop down to make my way back through the stinky group.
Her eyes finally meet yours and she stumbles over.
"Newtieeeee" She slurs, stumbling over to me, "You know that stuff Gally makes that you seem to like? Well I like it too" I chuckle at my best friend, "Good that, Rosa. Looks like you've started without me"
She simply nods, struggling to take an uncoordinated sip from her jar.
"Do you really think you need anymore?"
She places a hand on my shoulder with a sympathetic look, "Oh my dear Newtie. It gets much worse, I'm only tipsy."
I nod, fearful of the night ahead.
***** "Rosa! Get down!" I shout up to the crazy girl
She runs her hands down her body yet again, "Never Newtieeee"
I huff, glancing around at all the Gladers cheering her on.
You see, Rosa decided she was going to "dance" for everyone. When she informed me of this - and I encouraged it - I thought it'd be more of a Macarena type thing. Something I could laugh at.
Little did I know, this woman meant twerking for all the Gladers to enjoy.
And trust me-
They were enjoying it.
"Dumb shuck- making me do- I can't believe- Slinthead-" I mumble curses and insults under my breath while walking up to the log.
I hop onto it with her, bring her over my shoulder, and carry her off. Contrary to the protests of the Gladers.
Horny Bastards
I feel her fists banging my lower back.
"Newton! Put me down right now!"
The anger in her voice was evident, but I didn't care at the moment. Too many people could see what I know she would care for them to, and I wasn't going to let a little drinking hinder her conscience.
"Rosa, slim it. We're going to your hut and that's final."
She groans in annoyance and gives up, flopping against my back.
We make it to the hut fairly easily, only a few more protests come from Rosa on the way there.
I lay her down on her bed, watching as her eyes flutter considering she's half-asleep. I slip off her shoes and tuck her under the covers before walking away.
I reach the curtain at the door when I hear a faint whisper
"Rosa?" I spoke quietly, "Did you say something?"
I heard another whisper, so I tiptoe over to her bed
"Was that you talking?"
The boys were still shouting and being rowdy outside, but nevertheless, I could hear her whisper again.
"Please stay Newt"
The words sent heat to my cheeks, but I nodded and began to lay on the ground beside her bed.
Rosa peered her head over the side of the bed, eyes still barely open.
"I meant up here shank" Her words only slurring a bit
I brought myself back to my feet and watched as she scooted over, making room for me.
Once I had climbed in and made myself comfortable, Rosa apparently took that as a sign. She rolled over and snuggled herself into my chest, arms wrapped around my torso.
The gesture made butterflies erupt in my stomach but I pushed them away and wrapped an arm around her.
"Go to sleep"
A few moments of silence followed and my eyelids decided to drift close.
The sound of the boys outside had died down to a small chatter. Enough that I could hear the fire crackling, followed by a little laughter. My love for the Glade jumping through me, I begin to smile.
It may not be our dream to be here, or our choice, but we're taking what we have and making it work. It's become out home. Our safe place.
At least to me it is. I'm not sure about the other shanks but I'm quite happy here. I've my hut, my friends, my work, and Rosa.
As for her, I can't speak. She seems content to me but a bit jumpy lately.
"Newt?", a small voice interrupts my thought
"I love you"
A shoot of happiness struck me.
She loved me?
Like a friend or a lover?
Hope rose in my heart at the proposal, realizing I didn't know which.
"I love you too, I'm glad we're friends." I replied, my voice shaky, looking for and answer to my mental question.
I look down at her, even in the dark she was gorgeous.
Her dark black hair, covering half of her face, lie stuck straight as usual. Silky as ever. I never really appreciated the freckles littering her face, they're so adorable.
Her small voice spoke up again, tired, "I meant the other way"
The statement pricked my ears red.
So she *does* like me.
No no, she said she loved me.
But she's drunk.
Drunk words are sober thoughts though...right?
My mind argued with itself for a while before I finally gave up and made my decision.
The sun beat down on my neck while I put down fertilizer.
My mind still churned with thoughts of last night, second guessing my decision to confess to Rosa. But I'm determined.
Wiping the sweat from my forehead with my dirty arm, I stalk over to Rosa's hut
I knock on the wooden doorpost, shaking my bad leg anxiously. I heard her chair scooting out and footsteps to the door. The curtain was pulled back and I saw her.
As beautiful as ever.
In that split second, I noticed her dimples. How they dipped into her cute, chubby cheeks. I noticed the worry lines. I probably caused some of those, but even with them she was perfect. I noticed her eyelashes. How curly they were, even without trying. I noticed her eyes. A brilliant green, bright and swirled with a wonderful blue. The sun shown on them, her pupils retracting at the new light. I noticed the wisps of hair surrounding her face. A perfect dark frame for her tanned skin.
"Newt? What are you-" She began to speak, but I took my moment of courage.
Grabbing the sides of her face, I smashed my lips to hers. Both of our lips were rough from the heat of the Glade but it was the perfect mix.
I could tell that I had surprised her at first.
Her arms flung up, but didn't push me away. Her lips unresponsive, but they were still there.
I quickly released her face. She could pull away if she wanted.
But she didn't.
I began to detach, ready to preform the speech I'd rehearsed all day. Confessing my love, how much she meant to me, all that sappy shuck stuff.
As soon as she noticed me doing so, she came out of her shock-shell. Her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer, lips beginning to move against mine.
My arms moved to her waist while we stumbled back into the hut, ignoring the "ooh"s from the nearby Gladers.
I could feel her fingers slide into my hair, twirling and playing with it. The sensation sent shivers down my spine.
My hands moved up and down, memorizing how she felt. On my hands. On my lips. In my hair.
I wanted to stay like this forever.
Unfortunately, we both need air.
When we pulled back, I kept my eyes closed for a moment. I opened them, Rosa's eyes began to frantically search mine.
A few moments of silence followed, both of us searching for any answers.
"Newt- what-"
I cut her off again, pressing my lips to hers again. More gently this time. It was only for a moment before I let go.
"I love you,"
I whispered it under my breath, knowing she'd hear.
I sat praying to the Creators, waiting for her to respond, my eyes closed.
For a moment she didn't make a noise.
But I heard her whisper back.
"I love you too. Always have."
My heart exploded. Joy filling me completely. I brought my lips back to hers.
The kiss filled with love, joy, relief.
The kiss reminded me of her laughter.
The kiss reminded me of her dancing.
The kiss reminded me of a sunny morning in the Glade.
The kiss reminded me of bonfire nights.
The kiss reminded me of birds singing.
The kiss reminded me of everything good in the world.
The kiss reminded me of her.
I pulled back, only to take a breath and begin to peck all over her face.
So uhm, yea. the end.
I hope you liked it!
Love you all!
~ R xx
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multifangirl995 · 2 years
me after writing out the scene I imagined in my head:
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multifangirl995 · 2 years
What fandoms are you most interested in?
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I kinda dabble in a lot of things, but my most loved are:
1. One Direction / Their Solo Careers
2. Maze Runners
3. Percy Jackson / Heroes of Olympus
4. Marvel
5. Disney
That's most of my like- stan fandoms. But I'm a casual in a lot more :) Check out my Carrd for more info if you'd like.
~ R xx
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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One Direction One Shots - A/N (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1051566656-one-direction-one-shots-a-n?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=o1ydcaZdPooJJzkO5oPdquXgwHq0GxZzGJhGU1%2BPIRC0ttjmgL%2FBLYD0P1cW5PyakMTOmfvMAjMx785x55KEK3igB59STwzPu4g%2FNQsf%2BKvgDErrWXQJB4jIy9dLmzy5 These are just random scenarios that pop in my head about the boys. So....yea
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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Fablouis - I- 😳🥵 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1044366900-fablouis-i-%F0%9F%98%B3%F0%9F%A5%B5?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=kBElevVWNChs%2F61xWojfLAluJEWRQgaaB%2FVKXKUmaBEkgfkjG70kVgZG%2Bjj3xybJSmqAIH5XbjZDixpd4EqaJrR7irafgH2%2BeCK4AN7FGbOafCxFxo2uJPbPx%2FQrzLQ9 Which Louis do you want? Hot? Cute? Fratboy? Peakyblinders? Adidas? Blue? Happy? Giggle? Sad? We'll have it all!
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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Fablouis - *pinches cheeks* (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1043940091-fablouis-pinches-cheeks?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=sTmm2TFYFlBDKuxUptSjq4zKCMXVnyb2hNKfKAW0dFwuBGzSVwOyWVOwzWw4FZQs53EN%2FFHMTymXnykOKJysfbDLOB8I6vTRCWBJCqlPiPl1YhOjWwK4Sq34tq5BmgjP Which Louis do you want? Hot? Cute? Fratboy? Peakyblinders? Adidas? Blue? Happy? Giggle? Sad? We'll have it all!
0 notes
multifangirl995 · 3 years
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They Dont Know - Bonus #1 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1040208452-they-dont-know-bonus-1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=amNngtJ7yur8LzzkxDaldrLZQSdnwov%2FMYAq%2BeePl8pxxq2e1PgvOhVVsWxUrOLHAR%2BdvMIn1vuXdhXkFU7EjZCo2roBXOuYFMGPTA0Kqv%2BwBn08DiUjRpWjTWuUiqda Lydia Higgins has always wanted to be an personal security guard, but when her dad gives her a chance an obnoxious client gives her second thoughts. Is she going to be able to deal or will she break under pressure?
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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One Direction One Shots - Don't Worry Darling ✨ - Harry (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1039086401-one-direction-one-shots-don%27t-worry-darling-%E2%9C%A8?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=fCQFdVyAEtWNKnRmGN1Bmy5l0q7bRNak0eQs9g%2BXfCZPFVuq3EhhUVzb49IWS2gxhipVDQQrCdJK4o5OVnik10sYmvpqDb%2FK0SYPRXrtkMauddjQtI%2BYKMu8skeYuMQr These are just random scenarios that pop in my head about the boys. So....yea
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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One Direction Sickfics - Harry (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1030045601-one-direction-sickfics-harry?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=xV6PMLBxobksQ76WAKERvfFy%2FfWp13joBfe%2BpkawTUk1iB5NBeg8aT2Y1%2B9dFVqjDFIz6A%2BO2AtZkfKQWfFCFP9jVSEU1VuNQ%2BAgB018PCgNWqLQYoGI4ooM%2F%2BtjeUMF From vomiting to fevers to chills to Louis to Harry to Niall. If you like sickfics and One Direction, this is the book for you! All of these sickfics will also be on my One Shots collection!
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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One Direction One Shots - Bells - Zayn (Pt 2) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1028777212-one-direction-one-shots-bells-zayn-pt-2?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=Q5nh0HxCgbwN3bO%2Fk5XR%2BARN3%2FZ1ENiZCaQo3dV38MF%2FpJGnFnT4%2FzHmx%2BUaTiifpreVYfrCp8H1EKWewDvr6JVYkr7A798%2BhoKZtR4EEC25WvTQ3wvMIv02mxYluPlI These are just random scenarios that pop in my head about the boys. So....yea
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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One Direction Sickfics - Zayn (Pt 2) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1028711093-one-direction-sickfics-zayn-pt-2?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=3VeUe3xvhdRIska6y8qi7rKEcS917n%2FH6pKxraT6poICIyaEsqFAHmC7YPwBzZ%2BRybEXIff63t%2BmKcGkWt18vGlOw1gbPu6q5EKyB4%2F0BW1x2yN8XMXkriTFfkbPKEga From vomiting to fevers to chills to Louis to Harry to Niall. If you like sickfics and One Direction, this is the book for you! All of these sickfics will also be on my One Shots collection!
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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One Direction One Shots - Library📗- Liam (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1025262760-one-direction-one-shots-library%F0%9F%93%97-liam?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=KJtlh6DUx0y3vqbSeKYk7UUyiSxYIAtCRX0j7voclu0I5BySk4nYqx32I6oH1RHn8doyymPsPqpFIu5ZIeLK9KKU5FIoJd8uwPWQMZfZeQ1k%2FmxMORw5ipa3yTAGSDoX These are just random scenarios that pop in my head about the boys. So....yea
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multifangirl995 · 3 years
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They Dont Know - Chapter VI - Ubers and Airplanes (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1024825195-they-dont-know-chapter-vi-ubers-and-airplanes?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=gingergal995&wp_originator=AaGkqQOGNaXXw8FW9KttGoX4KpU1w9jUGJ3MltnVgKVdyks6G1fg0u7k1ywMM%2BIfKceCYb6niLxbZLmUDOzxry5k67Gi4ihUbaxeFGq5SVIEf0zk0E8MZhxfC0qJMDZo Lydia Higgins has always wanted to be an personal security guard, but when her dad gives her a chance an obnoxious client gives her second thoughts. Is she going to be able to deal or will she break under pressure?
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