monstersandothers · 4 years
I'm dressing as a plague doctor today because tomorrow I'm not gonna see anyone!
Happy October 30th, y'all! Can you believe we’re just 24 hours away from the big day? What’s on everyone’s agenda today & tonight?
I’m personally looking forward to firing up The Crow soundtrack while carving some pumpkins, haven’t listened to that album in completion in years (and years and years).
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monstersandothers · 4 years
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I couldn’t find a meme already made that expressed my feelings, so I made a crappy one. 
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monstersandothers · 4 years
I adore your I’ll keep you safe series (I originally found it on AO3). Your such a fantastic writer and monster designer! If I may ask how did you come up with the Slivers?
Omg that’s so sweet! Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment! I’ve had different variations of the idea of a creature keeping his mate somewhere safe on his person for a really long time, like since I was a kid kind of long time. I really just had the urge to write something with that concept, and had no idea that it would be more than one chapter! I can’t believe that a whole story has blossomed out of this. 
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monstersandothers · 4 years
Hahahaha NEVER *Golum-runs into a sewer*<3 <3 <3
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monstersandothers · 4 years
I was just thinking, saying "I didn't eat shit today" could mean 3 different things. It could mean "I didn't eat anything today", "I didn't fall on my face today" or "I didn't eat human feces today". And I think that’s beautiful.
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monstersandothers · 4 years
Well that was nice of him!
Beluga Whale saves phone from the depths of the sea in Norway.                       
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monstersandothers · 4 years
On a completely unrelated note, I now have weekend plans.
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monstersandothers · 4 years
I'm reblogging this for all of the fancy shmancy clothes that say they have to be dry cleaned.
Here, a cheater course on caring for natural fibers!
1. Wool. Treat it like it has the delicate constitution of a Victorian lady and the conviction that baths are evil of a 17th century noble. (If I get in WATER my PORES will OPEN and I will CATCH ILL AND DIE.)
2. Cotton; easygoing. Will shrink a bit if washed and dried hot.
3. Silk; people think it’s like wool and has the constitution of a fashionably dying of consumption Victorian lady, but actually it’s quite tough. Can be washed in an ordinary washer, and either tumbled dry without heat or hung to dry.
4. Linen; it doesn’t give a shit. Beat the hell out of it. Historically was laundered by dousing it in lye and beating the shit out of it with wooden paddles, which only makes it look better. The masochist of the natural fiber world. Beat the fuck out of it linen doesn’t care. Considerably stronger than cotton. Linen sheet sets can last literal decades in more or less pristine shape because of that strength.The most likely natural fiber to own a ball gag.
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monstersandothers · 4 years
See, I love this idea until I realize I would have to pee and poop with him right there with me. 😐
Imagine that, for whatever reason, you end up handcuffed to Loki for an extended period of time
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monstersandothers · 4 years
@systlin if mine got eaten, should I re-ask or message you?
Tumblr didn't notify me about the last like 5 asks I got hello???
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monstersandothers · 4 years
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Made cupcakes from scratch for the first time and frosted for the first time too! I know they're messy, but they're very yummy. :) Vanilla cakes with lime vanilla buttercream frosting!
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monstersandothers · 4 years
All of the above!
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monstersandothers · 4 years
I've come to the conclusion that 2018 Kratos is daddy. Literally and figuratively.
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monstersandothers · 4 years
I’m aware this doesn’t go with the style of my blog, but I have a confession and I’d love it if anyone who sees this would send me theirs too. Doesn’t have to be anything specific, just whatever you feel like you need to get off your chest. 
Here we go!
Doomguy could rip and tear my clothes off if you know what I mean winkwinkwonkwonk
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monstersandothers · 4 years
Omg, I just discovered you wrote a chapter four of I’ll keep you safe and omg I love it when I saw the new chapter I was so happy to read it thank you so much it’s amazing and I was wondering will the silver be trying to have children with the protagonist?
That’s so sweet of you! As for your question... mmmmmmaybe hahaha
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monstersandothers · 4 years
Chapter 4 of I’ll Keep You Safe will be up TOMORROW!
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monstersandothers · 5 years
Yellow Feathers to Winter Snow
The prophet looked down at the throng of eager souls and said, “As the servant of the fates, I have seen many legions of souls pass under my watch, each unique and special, many having been before me several times. Many many years ago, this intersection between heaven and hell saw the soul of a man named Er, a greek warrior who was chosen to bring the tale of what transpires in this place up to the living. Some of you may have even read that story.” He then gave each of us a number that was chosen by lot. “You will each come forward according to the number given to you and you will choose your next life. Consider carefully what you want and what you value before making your choice.” Suddenly, amidst his outstretched hands appeared countless tiny moving images, some with people, some with animals, some with great tall trees or the smallest ants.
When I took the lot that was cast for me and glanced at my number, I was thankful that I had time to decide. Picking my next life was no small task and I could feel fear clawing at my stomach at the prospect of choosing foolishly. I hadn’t been much in my last life, just a little South American yellow warbler who had strayed too close to one of those massive bird-eating spiders. I hadn’t even been able to nest before my soul ended up here because of that god-forsaken spider. That is not to say that I learned nothing in that life. As short as it was, I learned the joy that comes from hard work, the warm fluff of my feathers, and a sturdy branch to roost on. To be fair, now that I am outside of the body of a bird, eating bugs no longer seems so appealing. 
All these thoughts went through my head as one soul after another stepped forward and chose their next fate. Some chose wisely, but many let their darker desires get the better of them. I was determined to be one of the former. What do I want? What do I value? How was I supposed to know? I had lived the only life I can remember as a bird, after all. All other voices were drowned out and my mind could only whirl with confusion, fear, and a bit of hope. I could choose anything. The world was my oyster and I could have whatever I wanted. Riches? Sure! Breathtaking beauty? Why not? A strangely specific ability to bring nearly dead succulents back to life? You’ve got it! I felt a bit breathless with the possibilities and found my thoughts going down a rabbit trail of steadily more obscure abilities that could be mine. With a bit of effort, I reeled them back in. I only had a few more minutes to decide if the thinned out crowd was anything to go by. What do I really want? Deep down, what is important to me? I could see in the eyes of those poor souls who had wandered and journeyed for 10,000 years that they were longing for companionship, beauty, and even just a bit of kindness and I felt my heart break. After all, is it not natural for all creatures to covet these things? I could see in those eyes the same longing that was buried deep inside me, in a forgotten corner of my mind. Perhaps I had made that same long journey before my life as a little bird. Although accessing memories of my past lives was like grasping at mist, I could distinctly sense the strongest spikes of joy. They were born from the long-term gratification that comes from familial bonds, the beauty of nature, and reckless kindness. I was so certain that these three things were the most worthwhile and I knew that they were my true desire. I wanted a family who loves me. I wanted to live somewhere beautiful. I don’t have to be the smartest or the prettiest, but I wanted to be a good person. I wanted to give without thinking too much about it. I wanted to be able to make people smile. I wanted to be the kind of person who isn’t afraid to dream improbable dreams. 
Suddenly, my eyes landed on a life that I hadn’t noticed before. I saw a snapshot of her life and it was beautiful. I saw her under a pine tree, whose branches had bowed down under the weight of winter snow to make a sort of tent around her. She was kneeling in the dirt without a care for how dirty her jeans would get and she was laser focused on making a broad flat stone balance on a seemingly impossible edge. Amazingly, after a moment of focus, she took her hands away and the stone stayed still on a needle-thin point. She smiled and picked up her backpack, which had all sorts of little pins on it. Her thick sweater said, “Geneseo Physics Department”. I didn’t know what it meant, I had just been a little bird who had never seen snow. The way that the little white flakes glittered on her eyelashes made me wish that I was there. 
My number was called, but I wasn’t afraid anymore. I came forward with confidence and I said, pointing to the little glimmering life, “I would like that one, please.”
I wrote this for a humanities paper based on the prompt: “You are plunked down in the middle of the Myth of Er and must choose your next life”. I took it in a different direction and wrote my last life choosing me. I hope you guys like it!
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