Okay person with uncredited Percabeth art as their header,i'm sure you're opinions on the take of Annabeth being ableist are perfectly unbiased.P.S my post was tagged as anti Percabeth so i don't think i need to go outside but that you need to blacklist that tag instead of being a rude asshole to a person who has never interacted with you and who has to deal with their family members constantly calling them stupid
Hey I’m sorry your family demeans your intelligence. That’s not fair, hurtful and I’ve been there, feeling like I’m stupid. I believe that a 12 year old coming up with a funny little nickname is not meant to be ableist or truly harmful. Not to mention Annabeth also suffers from the same disabilities that Percy does. And as they grow up and become best friends and fall in love, it becomes a term of endearment which Percy recognizes and appears to have no problem with. I think it can be harmful to use words like ableist against children (even fictional ones), who do not have the development or maturity to comprehend the nuances and potential repercussions of calling another kid stupid. I really don’t care if anyone doesn’t like percabeth, but spreading misinformation on abusive relationships is something I care about, which is why I commented on your post. I admit, not my finest hour or most well thought-out response, but I hope what I’ve written here shows more of how I think. I hope you know that you are smart, loved, and worthy of believing and feeling both of those things about yourself.
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Percy Jackson in a fisherman sweater with a beard is something so special and personal to me.
Bonus points in my mind when Annabeth Chase wears said fisherman sweater.
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Feeling extra hate for the double standard where this fandom rightfully holds Zeus accountable for being a predator and recognizing that, as an immortal being, getting with young girls is disgusting. However. Sally Jackson was 19 when she fell pregnant from Poseidon. Idk I really feel like that’s so often glossed over and yes, she’s a year older than being a legal adult but she was still a teenager and if it was predatory when John Mayer did it to Taylor Swift when he was in his 30s (which it was), it’s worse when Poseidon impregnated a teenager.
The worst is Caleo, however. Calypso is immortal. Just like Zeus and Poseidon and Atlas and any other deity. She’s not “mentally” 15 that is a cop out answer used by what I assume is young people who don’t understand how creepy it is she fell in love with a 14 year old and then a 15 year old boy. If she remembers Odysseus, she’s not another 15 year old girl, regardless of how time works on Ogygia.
This is nothing new, I direct you towards this article about Calypso as seen originally in Homer’s “The Odyssey”, written by a former professor of mine, Dr. Stephanie McCarter, who is a brilliant Classicist and focuses especially on gender and power in Classics. She is currently commissioned by Penguin to be the first woman to translate Ovid’s “Metamorphosis”.
I am beyond fully aware that the Calypso seen in PJO is fictional, apart from Homer. I just believe it is interesting to see the roots of this character and perhaps open our minds to the double standards seen when gender and power play out, which definitely comes up when Calypso is the only one who can release these boys from her island.
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Okay but imagine Percy and Annabeth making a “im passing the phone to someone who...” tiktok and it going viral because it goes like....
Annabeth: I’m passing the phone to someone who ignored me for a year despite knowing my ultimate trauma is abandonment
Percy: I’m passing the phone to someone who once said to my face she was in love with an older guy who had already tried to legitimately murder me multiple times and then she got mad when I said I didn’t like him
Annabeth: I’m passing the phone to someone who was the first person to ever make me a priority in their life and love me and prove it every day
Percy: I’m passing the phone to someone who took a knife attack meant for me that would have killed me and then she almost died
Annabeth: I’m passing the phone to someone who I took a knife for and yet, on my potential deathbed, still didn’t fucking kiss me
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I so often see comparisons bw Percabeth and solangelo. And obviously you can prefer whoever you want but acting as if the two couples are comparable is laughable.
Percy and Annabeth are 18ish year olds who have been best friends since they were 12, with years of love, friendship, life saving and emotional support before they ever started dating at 16.
Nico is 14 and Will and will is 16(?? Wtf he doing with a 14 year old??) who met recently and started dating a bit after that. Not saying that solangelo is a weak ship it’s just unreal to compare the two as equally soulmate-y when there is so little seen of their relationship and they’re CHILDREN.
Idk how old everyone is but I personally am in my 20s and anyone in your 20s can tell you to take relationships of 14 year olds with a grain of salt. I don’t see the same sentiments said about Jasper or Frazel or any other ship quite frankly as I do about solangelo making so much sense and next to percabeth.
Honestly my whole point here is that people fetishize gay couples. We see it online for real people and for fictional characters. If nico was dating someone exactly like will in ever way but it was a girl, I swear no one would give a SHIT about that couple at all.
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guys percy does not give a single fuck about jason. jason walks around the argo in his little military pants talking about duty and strategy shit and having some kind of one sided rivalry with percy while percy’s just trying to hang out with his girlfriend and not die
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I can’t remember where/when I saw this but someone once wrote a fic or hc where Percy couldn’t grow a beard and...???
His father is Poseidon who notoriously has an epic beard and men inherent hair patterns from their fathers.
So I will offer a direct opposition saying that:
Percy comes into his BoTL summer suddenly having more of a shadow and now has to shave? And it’s not too noticeble (except for Annabeth who is obsessed and of course notices how he’s taller, has a deeper voice, and can now grow a beard?? She’s weak) but when they start the quest his beard grows because he can’t shave. And it’s nothing crazy but he’s definitely scratchy when he and Annabeth kiss.
Other moments where Percy is not clean shaven:
Battle of Manhattan, he just gets scruffy over those few days and he looks mature af
First full grown beard is when he’s kidnapped and then immediately goes on a quest so he’s bearded when Annabeth sees him again
And he goes through life periodically growing it out whenever Annabeth wants because she finds it super fucking hot
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i know alec baldwin is gay but he has really racist energy
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before I go to bed I would just like to say that I think people who have Percy call Annabeth wise girl in fics multiple times are fundamentally wrong and people who use it even once are on thin ice have a good night 😴
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There’s so much complexity and nuance about the Percy and Annabeth’s relationship post-BOTL, but specifically regarding Luke. It’s so frustrating because they kind of understand where the other is coming from, but if they could communicate more... it would all be better.
So Percy is loyal to a fault, truly- so loyal he cannot understand that other people aren’t like him. So he sees Luke as someone who has hurt Annabeth in insurmountable ways. The abandonment after promising he wouldn’t, hurting her in the same way her dad did. The literal physical abuse and emotional manipulation when he kidnapped and tortured her. Yet, because she is a child she sees good in him for not leaving her to die when he was asked to. He plays into those dynamics and knows exactly her fears and worries, and he uses them against her. Annabeth knows this to some extent. But she has trauma and, once again, is a child, so she is grasping at straws to see some of the good she knew was there so as not to invalidate her and honestly... I bet she feels stupid, which she hates.
Percy sees this and fucking hates Luke. He cannot understand why Annabeth wants to save him, because, in Percy’s eyes, what Luke has done is so horrendous and unforgivable, that there is no way he can be anything less than pure evil. But it’s one thing for Annabeth to excuse the harm done to her... and another thing to *seemingly* (in Percy’s child mind) seem to excuse all the harm done to Percy.
Percy looked up to Luke in so many ways as well. Not nearly to the extent or as deeply or as meaningful as Annabeth but Luke was an older brother, boarderinf father, older male pinfluence on Percy, even if for a short time. Percy, while had his mother, was abandoned by his father and abused by another man who was nice at first. Luke tried to kill Percy at the end of TLT, like legitimately Percy easily could’ve died. And then countless times after. I’m sure there was some part of Percy who was hurt to hear Annabeth talk after TTC about Luke in that way, knowing of her crush on Luke. As Percy had just realized his own feelings for her on the quest he went on without permission after seeing Luke manipulate and torture Annabeth in a dream all to save her.
The kicker is of course that moment on the hill, after the kiss, Calypso, Rachel, another encounter with Luke and the battle- overall the stakes for their relationship, both friendship and romantic feelings, and their lives and the war to come, have just gone up exponentially.
And then Annabeth says the last line of the prophecy was about Luke. Which, to Percy, is Annabeth telling him that it’s Luke she loves. Now: adults understand that she was confused too and clearly thought it was about Percy because she knows it’s Percy she loves but also Luke but also what kind of love-??
But Percy is fucking hurt. After all Luke has done to her and to him... she loves him. And Percy can not even imagine ever being able to love someone who tried to kill Annabeth. So he’s like “Damn. Even if she did love me... it’s not the same way I feel about her” which... we know isn’t true but then Hera interrupts and they’re both too stupid and hurt by the other person over the next year to truly talk about it.
This is also only touching on *one* of the many layers of Percy and Annabeth at that time. And if they just spoke to each other then it would’ve been better but idk that’s all thanks for listening.
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Percy will never call Paul “dad”
Carry on.
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let’s be honest with ourselves.... percy was born in 1993 and is solidly a millennial... he would not understand meme culture at all, no vines and especially not tik toks. he would be confused by them and not care to learn about them.
that’s not even mentioning the fact that they can’t have cell phones, much less smart phones.
every time i see people saying that he would be a “meme lord” and quote vines..... are clearly people who misunderstand both the vast majority of people born in the early 90s and the (admittedly skewed) timeline of this series. he’s 27 right now.... and not on tik tok i’m sorry but y’all needed to hear it.
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thank god this is happening: Wise Girl is the stupidest nickname i’ve ever heard. literally try saying it out loud nothing has ever rolled off the tongue less. the fact that he addressed her as such when he “first” (fuck that being the first time he says i love you) says i love you made me so angry then and now it’s a low moment of BoO which is saying something. also Percy didn’t even make it up, it was Clarisse.
i understand the Seaweed Brain discourse as well and i totally recognize that i might only be defending it because of nostalgia... but-
it started out as mean, right? annabeth was a bitch to percy at first, totally biased against him because of his dad and her own superiority complex. she genuinely is calling him stupid. and then it becomes a term of endearment. idk i think it harkens back to their OG friendship and the teasing they used to get up to before every interaction became intense (because of prophecies, other loves, and the yearning). i like to think she only uses it in the rest of their lives like twice a year maximum and both times they talk about how stupid it is.
in conclusion, Wise Girl can go to hell, and Seaweed Brain can go to purgatory.
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percabeth adopts.... a theory:
idk this just hit me as reasons why they wouldn’t conceive their children.
-annabeth feels distant from motherhood and pregnancy. when she and percy grow up she understands that she DOES want to be a mother but still feels distant from pregnancy.
-her mom wasn’t pregnant with her, the time her step-mom was pregnant was the real beginning of the coldness and neglect she recieved from her dad.
-annabeth is a working woman and the idea of being out of commission sounds terrible when there are other options.
-neither percy nor annabeth like the idea of her being more vulnerable to attacks when she’s pregnant, and the baby could suffer from it.
-they realize that a kid with their blood and direct scent would be an absolute magnet for monsters. the danger of the kids with powers drawing attention + the double godly blood is a huge risk for their family.
-and while any children of them will have their scent because the live together, they consulted with grover who confirmed that YES it would be safer for their children to not be biologically related to them.
-just in general percy hated how things went wrong for him because of powers he couldn’t control or know about because if sally told him, more monsters would come. he doesn’t wanna risk passing that on.
-they KNOW there’s kids out there who need homes, and the same characteristics that make people think Percy should be a social worker are the same reasons why adoption would be on his mind.
-after seeing all the displaced kids in the hermes cabin and all those young demigods who defected, they feel a strong call to help kids like that out.
-percy knows that if he didn’t have his mom or she hadn’t been so involved in his life, he could’ve and probably would’ve ended up in juvie. and if something happened to sally he’d go to gabe or maybe the foster system. it easily could’ve been him.
-they know that blood does not a family make and blood relation does not mean someone will be a good parent. they each have different relationships with biological and step parents alike, and know that all that matters is the heart and dedication of a parent. which they will have oodles of.
OVERALL, idk it seems like they’d want to help kids out, mortal kids who don’t have a place like camp to fall back on. they understand the risks and refuse to put their kid in danger. and so they have kids in a way that is less dangerous for them, that simple.
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take a shot every time a fanfiction opens with “the sun filtering through the window”
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let’s get niche....... peace by taylor swift and percabeth as seen in the mob boss au by @blackjacktheboss and @ananbeth..... the parallels
it’s all i’m thinking about right now.
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am i the only one who wants estelle to have nothing to do with the mythical world? i honestly would belive percy wants her nowhere near that part of his life. i always see fics where she grows up at camp and sees through the mist... but we all know that the more you know about that world, the more susceptible you are to it’s dangers. i feel like they would tell estelle when she’s older like when she turns 18 or something.
i guess it’s exciting to think that estelle would be “buddy, buddy” with poseidon and she would be raised by all of percy’s demigod friends.... but honestly i don’t see that panning out so much. i DO think she would see annabeth like an older sister and they would have a bond of their own.... but if we’re being realistic, she probably will know nico and piper- but their relationship doesn’t go as deep as people often say.
I just feel so strongly that since percy wants to distance himself from that world- which is canon- that he’s not gonna wanna expose estelle to any of the dangers that come with that life, especially when she’s young. she’ll grow up thinking percy’s dad is out of the picture like percy did, and they’ll tell her when she’s older.
she won’t get into camp, she won’t get special treatment from gods, and percy will want her to have the normal, safe life he desperately wants.
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