ezra-poetry · 6 months
Honey, you are stardust.
I can see it in your eyes when you look at me, but more importantly, at him.
I see it when you are human.
You may run and run to escape it, craft faces to linger behind, but the shadows you coat yourself in betray you.
They show your humanness to the world.
You create with reckless abandon the way only humans can.
Your hands draw good into the world at a speed like no other.
Magic spills between our lips with every sentence.
How could something as Good as you be crafted by the same gods as the rest of us? They make their toys from ashes but honey, you and I are stardust.
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ezra-poetry · 7 months
Adore me in public. Love me with your eyes the way you do when no one is looking.
I want to be able to reach out and touch the smile that has grown to match mine.
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ezra-poetry · 1 year
Love Poem
I wished for a love made of knives — 
Sharp, and deadly. blood feels like pain, which sometimes feels like love, and always like attention.
To say I wish to kill you, but to kiss you first. 
But in the saddest moments, what did I wish? 
To set foot on a doorstep 
And sigh. overwhelmed with the knowledge. 
I have made it, I have traveled to the arms 
Which catch me as I fall 
and brush the rain from my face. 
I lean my forehead against the window, too heavy to cry.      
Someone kisses my shoulder and says, it is not work to care for you. And here are my hands to hold yours. And here is everything else. 
Tell me: does love always carry fear? Can they be divorced? 
If I let you care for me, perhaps I will forget how to do it myself. Perhaps I will have to admit I don’t really know how.
If you leave me, I will sit down and lean my head against a boulder. The moss will hold my fingertips and
they won’t be able to hurt me anymore. 
Flowers will kiss my hair, and after a century I might awake wiser and better and — 
Love, you whisper. It is midnight. And you are tired and very wise (which is why you are unhappy) and perhaps I should tell you that to love is to be vulnerable, which is never truly separate from fear. I can not promise never to hurt you.
But we are strong travelers, still walking side by side.
Fear tastes sweet in the hands of the gentle.  And when the air is like concrete and the walls freeze my bones and panic steals my tongue away from me — 
You will say my name, Ari, but I hear 
Love is a rescue. 
Ari, can you hear me? 
Love is a knife in a sheath. Love is a soul in search of another.
Ari, I’m right here. 
Love is a safety net with holes, a knowledge, an escape, a return. 
Ari, breathe with me. We will be okay.
Love is an attempt 
To look at another, and say —
You are beautiful, and frightening. Lovely, complex, and worthy, worthy, worthy
Like dust motes and constellations. There is no such thing as ordinary when I am with you. 
My hands tighten around yours, but you don’t let go. We will get up, later. Tomorrow, maybe, it will be my turn 
To smooth your hair and say 
Worthy. Wanted. Enough. 
We do not beg each other for love. We do not need to,
But the world is lighter with you.  At least, you’ve taught me how to hold my hands open, and that never leaves.
Love, in its purest form, is a reminder of the truth. 
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ezra-poetry · 1 year
Every Tuesday:
His hand lands on my cheek and mine on his thigh.
We look into each other's eyes while his hand goes to my neck.
We laugh, we almost kiss.
My hand runs through his hair, and his through mine.
Every Wednesday:
He steals one french fry. Then two. Then five. I smile at him every time.
I write characters flirting, he says he’d melt at those words.
“Oh would you, my dear?”
I sit next to him and our thighs almost touch.
Every Thursday:
He waves as we pass each other.
We make eye contact from across a table.
Our hands brush as we walk together.
He talks to the other guy instead.
Every Friday:
We never pass each other.
I’m gone from the table, I have a meeting.
We never talk.
My eyes long for his.
Every Saturday:
The morning is filled with anticipation.
We sit next to each other, thighs pressed together.
Our eyes get lost in the others, sounds of the restaurant fade away.
Legs entangle on his mattress.
Every Sunday:
Somehow we wake up in different beds.
We eat breakfast together, make each other food.
He is wrapped in a blanket, me in his t-shirt.
We speak softly as his roommates wonder what we are.
Every Monday:
I see him for lunch, and make a sly joke.
He laughs, while our friends are confused.
We make plans to go to another restaurant.
Eyes follow us.
Over and over. Every week.
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ezra-poetry · 1 year
If I could, I would open your neck and lick out the blood
Metallic and sweet, it tastes how you look
If you could, you would want me to
But we have no towels to clean up the excess
We have no stitches to fix you up
We have only a brush of hair away from your neck
And my lips on your shoulder
If I could, I would wait for rope to burn
The skin on your wrists would turn from pale and smooth to red and raw
If you could, you would want me to
But we have no time to clean your wounds
We have no ointment to ease the pain
We have only hands on hands
And whispered suggestions
If I could, I would lick you head to toe
Know every sweet, salty, fresh, stale piece of your skin
If you could, you would want me to
But we have no curtains to keep out prying eyes
We have no time to bathe afterwards
We have only glances back and forth
And the licking of lips
If I could, I would run my fingers through your hair and pull tight
Head snaps back, eyes finally dazed behind glasses
If you could, you would want me to
But we have to space for your mind to go
We have no nightstand to rest your glasses
We have only gentle touches
And the whisper of your hands in your own hair
If I could, I would take you apart piece by piece
Let your mind fall blank before putting your body back together
If you could, you would want me to
But we have no room for us to play puzzles in
We have no shelf to keep my tools
We have only lingering stares
And you overwhelmed and tense
If I could, I would show you how to forget her
Kiss you better than she did, touch you better than ever
If you could, you would want me to
But we have no hallway for that conversation
We have no bed big enough for two
We have only long car rides
And endless phone calls
If I could, I would make you hold still
Skin on metal, fabric, rope, wood
If you could, you would want me to
But we have no scarves long enough
We have no keys slipped from an officer’s pocket
We have only legs on top of legs
And arms against a mattress
If I could, I would see if we like the taste
Fingers on mouths, mouths on more
If you could, you would want me to
But we have no tests to take
We have no soundproof walls to mask the sound
We have only me in my shower
And you in yours,
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ezra-poetry · 1 year
Gold wraps around skin, flashing in the lights
Around our necks, wrists, fingers, waists
When the figures blur from lights and sound
It is as if we are all intertwined with gold
We adorn our bodies, cover ourselves in gold
We have no hair to braid, but pearls to wear upon our heads
We dress in scarlet, widen our eyes with paint
All together, dipped in gold
Our bodies become temples and we paint like michelangelo
Gold leaf and beautiful forms spread about
Silk veils our figures as we indulge with no intention of confession
Music fills the room, lyrics anything but hymns
Women wear men’s belongings, and men women’s robes
Upside down and inside out, all flipped around
We dance with no intention to see the Sunday daylight
Kiss the gold laid upon each other
Entangled in gold and each other, I think
“What will his parents say?”
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
You smell like good cooking
the moment just before the fire alarms go off
where everything is bright and good and salty and vibrant and almost caramelized
when the pan heats up enough that steam condenses over one’s brow
you smell like a warm home
you smell perfectly huggable and lovable and like a home id never want to leave
like a picnic on the seashore, wind filled with love and leaves
you know that i can’t buy you roses or take you out to dinner
but there is so much else i would do for you
i would cook you any meal you wanted, our home would smell of food and us
id wash and plait your hair, with oil of herb and citrus
id hold your hand for thunder and scare you while i danced in the storm
we could steal each other’s hoodies and laugh holding hands on the floor
i know it looks like we’re in love, but trust me it’s even more
but i can’t give you all you want, so ill be here till im no more
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
I know how much it hurts.
i know how awful it feels to sit here one the ground, day after day after day
i know how much it stings to hate the way the water pooling in your eyes makes your eyelashes stick together, and how that thought makes it worse
but i have watched you over and over
i’ve listened to you, i’ve hugged you, i’ve gotten you through it
and i know how hard it is
but i’ve watched you grow every time
and i know you can’t feel it, you can’t see it, you don’t believe it
but let me prove it to you
you took yourself out of danger because there was a voice in your head telling you no, and that voice was me
you let yourself hear my praise and feel my arms around you and let yourself cry
you stood up for yourself
you called me to ask for help
i know the people around you tell you that you’re not enough, not doing enough, i know you tell yourself that too
but you are enough
you are brave
and strong
and smart
and your grades aren’t a reflection of your worth
they’re not a reflection of you
and i know you don’t believe you’re growing
because you watch yourself shatter over and over
and i know how much that hurts
but i am so proud of you
i’ve watched you get back up.
and i know how hard that is
you don’t have to get good grades
you don’t have to talk to people
you don’t have to be kind
you just have to get. back. up.
i am so fucking proud of you.
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
the news of that week
the news that week
on the news that week, some kid brought a gun
no one was killed
everyone was hurt
my friend kept saying “i need to get over it.”
“im fine”
my friend, i love you with all the heart i’ve got left to give
and i know that every night you relieve
the nightmare we’re all supposed to forgive
my friend, you claim you’re okay as your hands shake
and my heart aches
for you as your breath quakes
my friend, YOU ARE NOT OKAY
and my friend, i love you for it.
i love you for surviving this far
but my friend, like this you won’t make it.
like this, it’ll get worse
you’re not okay and that’s okay
you haven’t given yourself a day
stop trying to downplay
that you’ve hated the hear-say
and how the sun moving forward makes you fear all the ways
the memories will replay hours before daybreak
my friend, you are not okay
i don’t need you to be okay
i need you to be alive
i need you to survive
my friend, NOTHING IS OKAY
but i’ll l love you through it all
(surprise part 3 of 2)
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
everything i did this week i’ve done before
so why am i wishing that the rain would pour
and god would finally decide that humanity isn’t worth it anymore
and i know you’re probably thinking
i think this person should be in therapy
and don’t worry, i am!
but i haven’t told her about sixth grade
and the imaginary blood on the imaginary blade
because if there’s one thing i don’t want, it’s pity
i have worked every day, every hour, every minute in this city
to seem strong and scary and smart and brave
because when the people i fear fear me,
i don’t have to worry
about whether my friends or I will end up in a grave
because some hate-criming midwestern idiot decided life was something he could deprave
us of
and you might think, that’s crazy, no one here could do that
but i’ve heard he way those conservative guys laugh
when I speak
and no one is ever capable until they’re on the live news of that week
(part two of two)
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
and the little child who shares my blood walks up to me and says
“do you like it?”
notes to self:
a higher tone sounds happier
remember to smile
but not too little , that looks sad
but not to much, that looks manic
i love it”
why did that hurt my heart so much
i’ve been doing this for weeks and months
for years i’ve been calculating what to say so that i sound
but not self deprecating
but not too much
but not more than usual
so why does it feel like my heart might burst
and my eyes might overflow
why does it feel like my flesh might outgrow my skin and
my body would shatter
but at least it would keep up with my mind
(part one of two)
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
there’s this place i go
where i think of you
hidden, no one can know
soft sand, skies all blue
where streams cut through the sand and
dreamers kiss on the damned land
rings gleam, stand in the sand, tanned
i dream of you, and our grand plans
in this nearby park
through trees, past the steps
touch you, feel our spark
over reeds, feel the effects
where streams cut through the sand and
dreamers kiss on the damned land
rings gleam, stand in the sand, tanned
i dream of you, and our grand plans
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
Are you indian?
hi! no, i’m white and i live in the us :/
any reason or just curious?
i hope you have a good day!
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
when i was younger
i knew these two boys
people compared them to brothers
which always made them annoyed
i guess those people didn’t look
because these two were an open book
so i think we might never know
how many kisses were shared long ago
i just hope they’re still alright
opening doors to small rooms out of spite
like they always did
when they were just two kids
they fell in love when he was sixteen
perfect person, can you imagine
so now i know i want the same thing
but i know that could never happen
those two were perfect for each other
oh, they could never love another
and i know that it had been six years
oh i know they have shared some tears
but now one’s with some new blonde guys
and the other’s got vacant eyes
i hope they can be together
i know they still share a sweater
so we can hope
we can hope
we still hope
oh we hope
he says he’s still thinking about it
he knows he never should have doubted
but at least she’s now gone
so they can move on
oh he knows they will survive
but it’s so hard to feel alive
when you’re far from home
and you can’t be alone
i think they are doing better
finally out of all that pressure
so we can hope
we can hope
we still hope
oh we hope
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
seek the gracious night
for it speaks to the despair
of jealous dreamers
the dreamers who would,
under a hesitant grin,
like to dream no more
with so much patience
they cling to the imperfect
laughter they desire
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ezra-poetry · 2 years
Mancala’s scattered on the floor
Game night just three weeks before
You push pieces under the couch
Ink now covers your favorite blouse
I watch as you loose control
I don’t want to be near you anymore
I don’t want to loose control
It’s not safe to be around anymore
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ezra-poetry · 3 years
you still don’t know. you told me outright, and yet you don’t know i know.
you told me his nickname.
you told me you were sorry.
you told me you tried too keep it quiet.
you told me he was in our house.
you told me he fixed things.
you told me lies. I don’t know whether they were then or before, but these are mutually exclusive.
you can’t cheat and not cheat.
you can’t stay and leave.
you only have so many options, and they’re running out.
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