eliseitzme · 2 years
Scarlet Navigation
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"So is Scarlet your real name?" "Nope. It's only my stage name." "Why Scarlet?" "Because It's a shade of  red." "So you like red?" "No... But I like the way blood looks." "What?"
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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eliseitzme · 2 years
Scarlet|||PJM cp.1
Part of the "RED" Series
(Scarlet Red)
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Warnings: Cursing, Lap Dances, Blonde Jimin
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Chapter 1
3rd Pov
"Fuck it's so hard."
"It's okay baby you can handle it your so fucking strong."
"Jesus, I don't think I can..wait fuck, fuck."
"Hold on Jimin you're going to fall."
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Present day
"Come on ladies hurry it up we open in ten."
"I think we're all here Jackson."
"Great! Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I'll make this quick. Tonight, I've only asked a few of you girls to come in because you all have the highest satisfaction ranking of all the girls here. I have some very important people coming, some people whom you will definitely get very good tips from as long as they are kept satisfied. However, these men are very dangerous men. Now you all know that everyone here at RedHue are considered to be family which means I would never do anything to harm you girls the people coming will not either as they happen to be people, I am very close with but still I would watch it for some of you. I know firsthand some of you are very opinionated people, but I ask you keep the brat taming to a limit tonight if you wish to go home." Jackson said, glancing toward me.
"Now you have.7 minutes everyone to the rooms get dressed quick Momo you're starting on main stage tonight, Irene, Lisa you guys are taking the side stages, it doesn't matter which one feel free to decide between the two everyone else the schedule will be on the dressing room doors feel free to mingle tonight have fun and as your family...Suck as much money out of them as you can." He finished whispering that last part.
As everyone began to disperse from the stage room back to the dressing rooms, I made my way toward Jackson walking towards his office.
"Jackson." I said entering his office.
"I knew you would come."
"Why the hell is Momo opening on the main stage? I always open."
"I know but I have a feeling you should mingle a little before your performance catch a few eyes."
"I can catch people's eyes on the main stage."
"Yn. Come on, have I ever made a bad move as a manager since you've been here? I only have your best interest at heart. You're our top girl, trust me you need to mingle before you perform."
I sighed listening to what he was saying he's right he's literally the best manager anyone could hope for many managers of strip clubs treat their staff especially strippers as nothing more than a product they can sell, and Jackson has never been anything short of a great manager and friend. "Fine I trust you."
"Good. Now go get changed. These people don't like tardiness, nor do they partake in it and you have-" Jackson paused glancing down at his Rolex. "3 minutes."
I nodded and turned around hand on the doorknob before Jackson spoke again.
"Yn! The blond one."
"What?" I asked confused.
"Look for the blonde one the one that sticks out among the rest."
"Okay yeah nope still lost."
"You'll see, just go get ready.
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After leaving Jacksons office I literally ran toward the Dressing rooms already having my makeup done thankfully but still needed to pull the rollers out of my hair and find my outfit.
I was in the middle of taking my rollers out when Momo came running back into the dressing room, her back on it breathing like she just ran a marathon.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked.
"Okay yeah none of us got that would you mind using actual words please."
"The VIPS they are here, and they are hot as fuck uhh there was one of them that looked straight at me, and he just smirked, and I swear the was the hottest smirk in my entire life like that was an orgasmic smirk it was like-"
"Okay, okay, okay. That's enough you don't have to tell us anymore. We need to hurry up and finish getting ready." I said pulling the last bit of rollers out of my head.
"Uhh why did Jackson have to put me on the opening main stage that's your thing Yn, I hardly ever am put on main stage anyway I don't think I can do it."
After pulling the last roller out of my head I sighed and stood up from my chair walking over to the entrance door to a panicked Momo.
"Listen girl you're going to have to breath alright. Okay, now Jackson is out on that stage for a reason he believes in you. To open the club on the main stage is a big deal okay and he wouldn't just give that to anyone. If Jackson thinks that you, have it in you then trust me you can do it. Besides there's always the idiots that come first and spend all their money on the first couple of girls and I just know when they see you up there, they are going to empty their pockets."
"You think so?"
"I know, especially if Mr. Hot stuff that winked at you is out there." I finished with a smile.
Just then the dressing room door was pushed open slightly, shoving me and Momo further into the room.
"Girls! Come here. Momo, Lisa, Irene, you guys need to get on that stage now. Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go we've got money to make and plenty of people out there willing to spend it."
Momo and I part ways as Irene and Lisa all rush past Jackson out to the bar and stage room.
"For the rest of you girls hurry up get dressed and get out there." Jackson says before turning to leave.
The room is full of girls rushing to finish their hair, putting on shoes, getting dressed and doing their makeup all of which slowly finishing and making their way out the door.
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Time skip
After finally finishing my makeup, I strap on my heels and pause in front of the full body mirror next to the door snapping a few pictures for Instagram.
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After picking through the pictures, I found the ones that i liked and posted them to my Instagram.
Leaving my phone in the room I then made my way outside to the money...I mean...nope that's what I meant.
Stepping out into the main room I looked around the room taking in the flashing lights and men seated all around the room some accompanied by dancer's others throwing money on the stage and some seated at the bar.
Strutting off to the bar first in search of a drink I watch as some of the men drift their eyes over to me.
Sitting in a chair at the bar I watch at dawn the bartender finishes talking to some man sitting at the end of the bar and makes his way over to me.
"Hey Scar. What can I get you?"
"Hmm, how about a mimosa but with cranberry juice."
"Sure, coming right up."
I watch as Dawn makes my drink, my eyes drifting over to a love seat positioned in front of the stage. There sits a man in a typical black tux with a dancer on top of him.
"How do you do it?" I ask Dawn as he places my drink in front of me.
"Do what?"
I take a sip of my mimosa drifting my eyes back to the two people on the love seat.
"Ohh." Dawn laughs.
"Isn't it hard to have a girlfriend and watch her give men lap dances for a living?"
"Well not really HyunA and I know where the other stands I mean I as a bartender often have to talk to other women and occasionally flirt but HyunA knows at the end of the day I'm going home to her, and I know the same for her. I mean it's normal to be occasionally jealous but for the most part we are very understanding."
"Your relationship seems strong. I envy that."
"Don't worry Scarlet I know you'll get there one day. Maybe it will be with the guy who can't seem to take his eyes off you and has been staring me down."
I follow Dawns eyes behind me over to the very far part of the room there's a group of men sitting on a curved red sofa most of which watching Irene perform. There was one of them receiving a lap dance and another one looking back at me.
The blonde one.
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Hi, Author here I'm glad you liked my story if you are new welcome if you are from another story welcome back. I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it just know I am not a full-time writer Writing is really only a Hobbie of mine so I'm not exactly the best of it. please make sure to like and follow. if you see and spelling of grammar errors feel free to tell me I will not be offended. I love reading comment so feel free to do that as well if you can't reach me on here My Instagram is the same handle as this one so message me there, I will make sure to answer back as soon as possible. And lastly if you don't like my story or how I write click the back button and exit my page it doesn't hurt me I hope you all have good rest of your day...or night.
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1762 words not including pictures.
0 notes
eliseitzme · 2 years
Hi guys. I am sorry to announce that I will not be posting anything until at the very least Monday not this Monday but the Monday after the next I will be on vacation for the first time ever. Please take care of yourselves until then.
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0 notes
eliseitzme · 2 years
Fan edits
I’ve recently took up making ran edits idk it’s kinda fun here’s a few (A LOT) that i’ve done.
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0 notes
eliseitzme · 2 years
(Maroon RED")
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Warnings: Cursing, Sexual assault
Not Revised
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“Oh please! Please, Mr. Kim please forgive me. I had no clue who you were. I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!”
“Shut up. You shouldn’t be apologizing to me. I believe a certain someone came here peacefully to get their lunch and was rudely interrupted by you and your horrible lack of respect.” Taehyung said, eyes now leaving Sorim and setting on me.
Turning my gaze from Taehyung I looked down to Sorim who was now scooting in front of me on her knees.
“Yn! Yn, please forgive me! I’ve treated you so horribly Yn! Please forgive me!” Sorim begged, gripping onto my hand.
“I- I- I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay Yn.” Jungkook said, caressing my head.
“Go away. Never bother Yn again. That goes for all of you. Yn and Jungkook are not only friends of mine, but they are friends to the Kim's. If I hear of any foul treatment towards either of them, you won't just have me to deal with.” Taehyung shouted.
Sorim stood from the floor and walked away with her friends following behind her leaving the quiet lunchroom.
“What are you all looking at!” Taehyung again shouted to everyone in the lunchroom that still had their eyes on us. Everyone immediately returned to their tables and chatter sounded again throughout the lunchroom.
“Yn. Why didn’t you tell me that people at school were bothering you?” Jungkook asked.
“I didn’t want you to worry. It is my job to protect you, not the other way around.” I sniffled, pulling away from Jungkook.
“Were brother and sister Yn being all each other has, it’s our job to protect each other.” Jungkook said.
“You're right I’m sorry for keeping it from you.”
“Just promise that from now on regardless of what it is if you're having any problems you’ll come to me first, ok?”
“Ok.” Yn replied.
After separating from Jungkook It was then that I once again noticed the presence of the figure standing next to him.
“Hi, I’m Yn.” I said,
“Taehyung, but you can call me V.”
“Thank you so much, for helping us. I really appreciate it.”
“It was nothing. Besides I despise bullies, so it was my pleasure.”
Instead of the once serious and kind of intimidating glare his face once wore, it was now replaced with a smile.
After the introductions I was going to head off for the library again by myself but V and Jungkook insisted that they walk with me in comfort from the still lingering eyes and whispers.
We stayed in the library for the remaining time for lunch we had until they were about to leave for class, but Miss. Ho insisted that they stay, reasoning that she had never seen me that happy before.
After having their written notes delivered to their classes, we all stayed in the library for the remainder of the day talking, playing games and helping Miss. Ho.
When school ended, I left for work while V and Jungkook stayed after for basketball tryouts after V had convinced Jungkook to join the team.
After walking for about 15 minutes, I reached my first job at a 5-star restaurant called Epiphany.
I was honestly was so lucky when I had gotten the call back for this job when I first applied I have worked and seen a lot of job places but this was by far the best not only was it 5 star and the guest tipped really well the job also came with a bonus every year time off for holiday and medical insurance, and the staff here were all really nice and respectful which were all things I was really grateful for and definitely would not have gotten at any of the other call backs I had.
Another thing I was really grateful for was that we were all required to wear uniforms which were to be kept at work and would be cleaned every day, so instead of seeming as less than or poor like I was at school I was seen as an equal at work.
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Time skip
4 hours
Currently assisting 3 tables before my shift ends, I was making my way to 1 of the tables to give them their check when a man from another table called me over.
This table had 5 men all of which were old and in suits probably leaving from work.
“Excuse me, beautiful but our waiter hasn’t been out in a while, we're ready to order.”
“Umm, okay I’ll go get him. Your waiter was Jimin right?”
“Well, yes, but since you're here why don’t you just take our order.” The man says.
“I’m sorry I can’t do that I’ll go get Jimin.” I said, beginning to walk away until a hand reached and grabbed my wrist.
“Come on Beautiful why don’t you be our waitress. I’ll make it worth your while.” The man says his hand is now leaving my wrist and trailing its way to my waist.
“I’m sorry sir that’s not allowed I’ll go get Jimin right away.”
No matter what I said the man seemed to not care because I I tried to pry his arm from around my waist it only got tighter and lower until his hand was squeezing my butt.
“Please let me go!” I protested trying to break free.
“Come on why don’t you entertain me, and my boys and I’ll throw in a nice treat for you,'' the man said.
“LET GO OF HER!” Jimin shouted exiting the kitchen and eyeing the scene in front of him.
“What the hell do you think you're doing!” Jimin once again shouted, ripping the man's hand off of me.
“Yn. Are you okay?” Jimin asked me.
Still in shock and a little scared from what just happened I just stood there.
“You who the hell do you think you are? Limping in here nearly on death's door and groping our staff.” Jimin shouted.
“Wha- You better watch your mouth boy. I’m very friendly with your boss and I know he wouldn’t like you speaking to me like that.”
“Listen here you sick old perv you really have some nerve to think-”
“What’s all the noise about?”
All heads turned to the tall broad man now walking over to us… the man who happens to be my boss.
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Hi, Jimin is here, and something tells me another major character has also made an appearance, do you know who it is?...no, I'll give you a hint.
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1156 words not including pictures.
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eliseitzme · 2 years
New Candy Apple cover
I bring to you the NEW Candy apple cover
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3 notes · View notes
eliseitzme · 2 years
Happy Birthday Sunoo!
Happy birthday Sunoo...I’m not a serious Engene but I use to be...you will always be my forever bias.
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eliseitzme · 2 years
In my head today so there won’t be any updates, sorry.
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eliseitzme · 2 years
(Scarlet RED”)
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“So is Scarlet your real name?” “Nope. It's only my stage name.” “Why Scarlet?” “Because it’s a bright shade of red.” “So you like red?” “No… But I like the way blood looks.” “What?”
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eliseitzme · 2 years
If you can't respect, don't even open your mouth
Kim Namjoon
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eliseitzme · 2 years
(Maroon RED”)
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Warnings: Cursing, Bullying
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Chapter 5
Y/n /RD Pov
It wasn’t that long after Yoongi had disappeared that a loud ringing of the school's bell was heard waking me up from my peaceful dream land.
Being back in the library and stepping off of the hammock I made my way to the front of the library to meet with Miss. Ho.
With the bell ringing and only signaling that it was the start of second block I was then left with more time until lunch time, so for the time being I was helping Miss. Ho to sort books and put them on their proper place on the shelves, until the bell rang once again an hour and a half later signaling the beginning of third block.
After preparing myself and saying goodbye to Miss. Ho I left the library heading to the cafeteria to get my lunch and bring it back to the library. Technically there should be no food or drinks inside the library, but Miss. Ho doesn’t really mind the rules when it comes to me. After standing in line and getting my lunch I had almost successfully made it and was on my way back to the library. That was until I heard the clack of one pair of pumps that I ohh so dread.
“Ohh look it’s Yn.” Sorim announced once again grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. All eyes were on me except for the teachers all of which suddenly decided to converse in their own conversations ignoring the students whose it was their sole job to watch at the moment.
“Yn we all missed you in first and second block, wherever did you go? We all thought that you had abandoned us. I mean not that anyone would miss you anyway.” She snickers, turning around to the people behind her laughing.
All I did was stand there in silence avoiding making eye contact with her, but I guess that seems to anger her even more because my lunch tray was soon flipped out of my hand and was now decorating the lunchroom floor.
“I asked you a question bitch!” Sorim exclaimed through clenched teeth.
“I- I- I had to help M-Miss Ho in the libra-ary.”
“Miss Ho? You mean the old lady with the thrift store dresses? Ha. Good for you Yn. It seems you’ve finally figured out a place where you belong.”
Sorim once again turned to her friends laughing until a figure I had failed to recognize when I first walked in suddenly shouted from across the room.
“Hey! Who the hell are you? Why would you do something like this to Yn?”
The person pulled my now shaking figure into their embrace. The familiar warmth comforted me for a while until I was yanked away by Sorim.
“And who do you happen to be handsome?”
“I’m Jungkook. Now tell me why the hell you think it's okay to treat such nice people who have done nothing to you like absolute trash?” Jungkook questioned pushing Sorim away and once again grabbing me and pulling me close.
“Who Yn? Oh, me and Yn joke like that all the time. Don’t we Yn?” Sorim said staired bullets into my eyes.
“Really? So, you two are friends?” Jungkook asked.
“Yes, great friends actually.” Sorim chirped
“That’s funny because I don’t think Yn has ever mentioned any friends like you before.”
“Wait, you and Yn know each other?”
“Of course, we know each other you brainless bimbo…Yn is my sister.” Jungkook stated.
Now I know you are probably wondering how the hell doesn’t anyone know Jungkook is my brother. Well, I’ve kind of kept it from everyone whenever me and Jungkook get to school I immediately leave him to his friends I avoid him in the halls and make us even being neutral with each other a complete secret. I had a good reason though, well two actually. One, I was afraid that if people knew that me and Jungkook were siblings then they would start treating him the same way they do me. Also, I knew that if Jungkook saw or let alone knew of what happens to me at school he would not let those responsible get away with it. I know I’m supposed to be his older sister but Jungkook in a way has been both my younger and older brother I mean he is still incredibly annoying and naive like a younger brother but in a way he is also my protector from all the horrible people in my life like my family and the people at school.
“Wait, you mean you and Yn are like actually related?” Sorim questioned.
“Yes, now are you going to give me an explanation as to why you would treat my dear sister in such a way or do I have to do something you might regret?” Jungkook threatened.
“Are you threatening me? Do you know who my daddy is?”
“An old man I presume. An old man with a lot of money and power but no morals and definitely doesn’t have a good relationship with his own kids considering his daughter goes to school everyday flashing his success and not her own. And a piss poor father to allow his daughter to treat others with such disrespect while she leeches off of his money and name.” Jungkook finished.
The sound of ohh’s and laughs sounded loudly from all the people in the lunchroom.
“If I were you I’d watch how you speak to me, I could ruin you.”Sorim stated.
“Yeah! Well what about me?” A stranger's voice sounded from the direction Jungkook had came.
Everyone, including me, whipped their heads in that direction to be met with a tall kid with dark brown curly hair. And let me tell you, when they say looks could kill they lied because he is the only exception.
With his sights set on Sorim he walks over to the three of us and stands next to Jungkook with both of his hands resting in his pants pockets.
“You might be able to ruin them, but what about me.” He stated eyes never leaving, Sorim’s reflected gaze.
“And who would you happen to be?” Sorim asked.
"My name is Taehyung."
“Well Taehyung. If I were you I’d leave these two to fend for themselves before it gets ugly for you.” Sorim started with crossed arms and a smug look on her face. But her face contorted into complete and utter shock because Taehyung was now laughing and not at all worried about her empty threat.
“I’m I a joke to you?” Sorim asked again, glaring back at Taehyung.
“Yes. Yes, you are. You see you didn’t let me finish. My name is Taehyung as in KIM Taehyung as in the brother of the Kim's. Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin.” As that final statement left his mouth gasp exited from everyone in the room even the teachers had now lost all interest in their conversations.
“Yo-You mean…You are a Kim?” Sorim asked.
“Precisely.” Taehyung said.
And If I had sworn to you that I had seen it all before I would be lying because Sorim immediately dropped to the floor bowing to Taehyung and begging him for forgiveness.
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Hiya Taehyung is present and fine AF 😉 Sorim has been defeated so that means one thing is taken off of Yn's plate... or is it? Keep reading to find out. Also, I don't know why but I'm sensing that Jimin and Jin might make an appearance soon🤭 Remember to like and follow so you don't miss an update. And new work is defiantly coming soon in out red series so make sure to look for that.
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1359 Words not including pictures
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eliseitzme · 2 years
(Maroon RED”)
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Warning: Cursing
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Chapter 4
“Well Yoongi it’s nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, Whatever kid.” Yoongi chuckled, pulling his hand away from Yn’s.
“So, you said you’ve been working all day. What exactly do you do?” 
“I’m a businessman.”
“Ohh. For who? Maybe I've heard of them.”
“Min enterprise.”
“Ooh, I've heard of them.” Yn said.
“Of course you have. Anyone in Korea has heard of them.”
“I guess so.” Yn replied.
A few seconds of silence passed as Yn and Yoongi just rested and looked around at their surroundings, being in complete and utter peace, which was the complete opposite of the both of their lives.
“I wish I could stay here forever.” 
Yoongi, taking his sights off of the butterfly he's been watching, looked over to Yn. “Well then the people you have back home would miss you.”
“It wouldn’t be much. Just my little brother.” 
“What about your parents? Friends?” Yoongi asked.
“My mom doesn’t exactly care about me. And I don’t have any friends. Well I have one the librarian at my school. She's actually the reason I’m her, I guess. I should be sleeping in the library right now.”
Yoongi’s face contorted as Yn went on” The school librarian? Wait. Why are you sleeping at school?”
“Miss. Ho wrote me a slip. I couldn't make it through a whole day of school after what happened this morning.”
“What happened this morning?” Yoongi asked.
“Mmm, I don’t think I should tell you.” Yn stated.
“Well it's not like I can tell anyone, your dreaming remember.”
“I guess so. Well then.” Yn said, pulling one leg out of the water and turning toward Yoongi.
“Well for starters last night I got home late from work and had to make dinner late so that ended up with my mom sending me to bed without any food. Then I woke up this morning and made breakfast as usual but my mom had a friend over and he took my seat and breakfast so I again didn't eat but that only resorted in my younger brother getting into a fight with my older brother and-” 
“Wait why did your brother get into a fight?”
“My younger brother Jungkook, the one I mentioned, was going to give me his seat and food but my older brother told him to continue eating and leave me alone. But, Jungkook insisted and then my older brother ended up calling me fat and that ticked Jungkook off so he yanked Jiung up by his collar, but Jiung got free and pinned up Jungkook and long story short me and Jungkook both went to school without eating a full breakfast.”
Yoongi nodded as he listened to yn continue to speak.
“But then when I got to school this girl named Lee Sorim ended up-”
“Lee? Sorim Lee?”
“Yeah, you know her?”
“Are you talking about the daughter of Lee Minhee as in Lee incorporations?”
“Yup that’s her. Have you guys met before?”
“Nope. I just have heard of them. Anyways continue.”
“Okay, so then Sorim ended up stopping me in the hallway. She poured alcohol all over me and everyone just laughed an-”
“Alcohol? Why the hell would she do that? Did she get in trouble? I know High school students aren't allowed to bring alcohol to school.”
“Nope. With her dad having so much money she never gets in trouble for anything.”
“Yeah well then after I got cleaned up I went to the library to see Miss. Ho and I ended up here after falling asleep on an incredibly comfortable hammock.”
“Wow. That sounds…Awful.”
“Yeah but I’m used to it. I mean it still hurts but, that’s my life.”
“Why don’t you leave?”
“Well I can, in a few months but then I would be leaving my younger brother, and there is no way I would leave him there. Plus I have nowhere to go.”
“You don’t have any money saved up?”
“No, everything I’ve earned I had to spend on mostly things like groceries or bills.”
“Your mom doesn't take care of those things?”
“Not really.”
“I mean I have some money that my dad left me for when I turn 18 but I doubt my mother will let me keep that.”
“How much is it?”
“I don’t exactly know. But I overheard my mom in her room once talking to someone and she said something ending in a thousand, so I figured it was a good amount.”
“Who was your dad?”
“I don’t know, I never met him. My mom said he didn't want me. He's not dead though. He just chooses not to be in my life. He gave my mom some money to keep me away but she spent it all. So when she heard there was money waiting for me at the bank she started keeping me on a tight leash.”
“You mom sounds terrible.”
“Yeah, she is but she could be worse. At least she doesn’t beat me.”
“It’s still terrible.” Yoongi stated with Yn nodding along in agreement.
Silence again resumed with both bodies again enjoying the peace.
“So what are you going to do after you wake up? You can't just sleep through the whole school day.”
“I’ll probably leave the library to get lunch, but that might result in another incident so hopefully it isn't too horrible. But I’ll just go back to the library with Miss. Ho help her sort through some books. Then I have work after school.”
“Where do you work?” Yoongi asked.
“At a restaurant I’m a waitress. Then I have another job after that at a convenient store for a few hours.”
“Wow and here I was talking about how I was busy. Now I feel selfish.”
“Don’t be I’m sure your work is very stressful.” Yn said smiling back to Yoongi.
As Yoongi looked back at Yn a small smile began to creep up on his face until a familiar voice began to quietly call out his name, the voice getting louder and louder as seconds passed.
“Do you hear that?” Yoongi asked.
“Hear what?”
“That voice calling me.”
“No. Maybe someone is waking you up?” Just as Yn says that Yoongi’s vision began to blur and his figure with him as Yn could only watch as he disappeared from thin air.
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An: This Was Yoongi was Yn’s first real conversation, and Yn has already given him a little taste of her life will he help her overcome it all or will she eventually reach her breaking point... who know...no on, not even me because I keep changing the plot. 😂
Remember to like and follow for future chapters. You can message me on here or Wattpad but I’m more likely to answer if it is on my Instagram all of which have the same handle @Elise.itzme
Also share with me your thoughts of guesses on what you want, or think could happen in the future. 
1184 words not including pictures
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eliseitzme · 2 years
Candy Apple-KNJ(AMBW)Cp.5
(Candy Apple RED”)
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Warnings: None
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Chapter 5
Y/n Pov
It was another hour of work until my shift was over and I had to hand the keys over to the night shift. Walking back to the staff room and grabbing my things I grabbed my phone out of my pocket while putting my coat on.
I walked out of work and made my way home preparing for the date I have in an hour. 
When I reached home all the lights were off and there was a note left on the kitchen table.
Left for the party, enjoy your secret rendezvous and see you in the morning.
P.S. I said morning because I probably won't make it home tonight. Don't wait up or worry. If for some reason I don't make it back I will send you my location before I leave.
I took off my coat and sat my phone down on the charger before I began to get ready for tonight. It was only then I realized I had no clue what kind of restaurant we were going to. I grabbed my phone back off the night stan preparing to search it up when a notification from an hour ago caught my attention.
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Reading over the name I realized that this is the man that I am supposed to be going on a date tonight with. I instantly clicked on the message realizing that he has already been left on delivered for over an hour now.
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 “Well that’s a line that I have definitely heard before.” I grumbled while texting back.
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I texted back.
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I sat my phone down walking over to the back room when another ping had me watching back over.
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I sound nice you haven’t even heard me speak yet, I thought.
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I sat my phone back down and walked into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. 
“He seems nice.” I said
I shook my head realizing that I was a little too into him to only have a minor chat with him through messages.
“He’s your sugar daddy nothing more, don’t go getting feelings all of a sudden. Besides, he could be some really hairy fat guy. Not that there's anything wrong with hairy fat guys, it 's just-” I shook my head again realizing that I was getting carried away and had less than an hour to get ready and head to the desired place for our date.
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Hi, author here. I want to thank you for reading another chapter of Candy Apple. I look forward to reading your comments and hearing your thoughts. Next chapter Y/n and Namjoon will finally meet. I'm writing it and I too feel so anxious. Remember to like and follow. Recommend this fic to your friends also I might have something new coming soon so make sure you are following me. Also, if you see any grammar or spelling errors, please make sure to point them out I will not be offended.
Also if you need to reach me or want updates on when I might post you can reach me on Instagram @Elise.itme. Also remember I am always open to ideas of thoughts you have on any of my stories.
738 words not including any images or texts.
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eliseitzme · 2 years
Candy Apple-KNJ(AMBW)Cp.2
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(Candy Apple RED”)
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Warnings: NONE
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Chapter 2
After taking a shower and getting ready to be hauled into a world I consider hell Dia and I leave the house and begin walking to school. We didn't have to walk that far because our apartment is only a few blocks away.
Dia is wearing a black tight fitting catsuit and a pair of black three-inch booties while I'm rocking a pair of skinny jeans, a black sponge bob t-shirt and a pair of black vans.
Arriving at school I look around to all the random people sitting outside without a care in the world. Most of the kids here are from a well-off family or are smartasses so they probably have scholarships or jobs already waiting for them, meanwhile I'll be lucky if I make it two months after high school is over. Dia and I still haven't discussed what we are going to do but if I really don't figure something out it looks like Dia will have to take off to college and leave me stuck in this hell.
"HELLO!" Dia shouts while waving a hand in front of my face.
"Earth to Y/n come in Y/n." She says while still waving her hand in my face.
Grabbing her hand and shooing it away "What?" I replied.
"Come on school is about to start, you don't want to be late, do you?"
"Ohh yeah let's go."
Dia and I walk to our first pre-calculus class, which we thankfully have together and isn't too far from the door, which has saved us a lot of tardy slips.
Taking a seat next to each other in the third row from the front, Dia and I begin to unpack our bags with the items needed for class when the teacher and school counselor walk in.
"Miss Y/L/N," the counselor calls from the front of the class.
Dia and I both look up at the sound of my name being called which rarely ever happens.
"That's me." I answer back.
"Please come with me." The counselor answers back.
Dia and I turn to each other confused as to why I am suddenly needed by the councilor.
I began packing back up my things which wasn't much. And walk over to the front of the class to follow him out. We begin walking to wherever he's taking us. My nerves suddenly grow as to what I might have done to get myself in trouble this time.
I was in my own head when he suddenly turned around to me smiling but continuing to walk.
"I don't think we have ever met Miss Y/L/N."
"Ohh no I don't think so."
He stuck his hand out for me to shake after stopping for a second.
"I'm Mr. Min the senior counselor."
Shaking his hand, I answered. "It's nice to meet you."
We resume walking back to what I can only assume is his office stopping by the main office so that he could pick up some files.
Reaching his office, he holds the door open and allows me to walk in ahead of him.
"You can sit there." He says pointing to a chair that is in front of his desk while he walks around to the other side to sit in his chair.
I take a seat and watch as he spreads papers out in front of him and then looks back up at me with a smile.
"So. I'm sure you're wondering why I called you into my office."
I nod, my stomach turning at what he might have to say.
Please please, please, don't tell me I failed please don't tell me I have to spend another year in this hell hole please. please-
I'm brought out of my thoughts when he moves a paper in front of me.
Looking down at the paper I listen as he speaks but all I can see is dollar signs and lots of them.
"Well, you see with the end of senior year approaching there are a few things that I must make sure are taken care of and one of them being any dues or funds any student has not paid off and still owes."
He reaches over the desk and points to the top of the page.
"You can see here you have a bill from your past school. There are three library books that you checked out and have not returned. These add up to one hundred and twelve dollars. Then there is a science book that apparently needs to be paid for from freshman year. That's another forty-three dollars. You have your senior dues of course which is an additional two hundred and thirteen dollars. And then there are of course loans that your guardian owes from only making half payment on trips and such in the past that is another one hundred and three dollars."
The more he speaks the more money is added on and the more my face contorts in complete and utter shock.
"That all comes down to four hundred and seventy-one dollars and then of course you need to add on the fee from all of the loans being pushed off for so long and that's another one hundred and twenty three dollars so your total comes to five hundred and ninety four dollars." He ends smiling back at me.
We sat there for about thirty seconds with me still processing what he just said.
"OKaaay." I finally responded.
"And when does that need to be paid off?"
"By the end of this month on the thirty first ."
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Hi, author here. I want to thank you for reading another chapter of Candy Apple. I look forward to reading your comments and hearing your thoughts. Remember to like and follow and if you see any grammar or spelling errors please make sure to point them out I will not be offended.
Also if you need to reach me or want updates on when I might post you can reach me on Instagram @Elise.itme
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1018 words not including text or pictures.
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eliseitzme · 2 years
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“I wish you didn’t always have to leave.”
“I wish that when you leave, I wouldn't always feel alone.”
“I wish you would stay with me, comfort me and tell me the kind things you do.”
“I Wish… I wish you’d stay.”
In which a girl plans to end her life until she meets the one person that makes her want to live. But there is one problem, he isn't real, and he can NEVER STAY.
So glad to bring you this story that comes from the deepest part of my heart. This story will include strong mature themes such as suicide, self-harm, abuse, and bullying, These themes can be pretty severe to some people so please do not read if these are triggering for you. 
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Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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eliseitzme · 2 years
Candy Apple Navigation
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Candy apple:an apple coated with a thin layer of cooked sugar or caramel and fixed on a stick.
The outside seems sweet. But it could really be molded. The inside is guaranteed fresh..but will it be. It could be hard or soft. It could be sweet or bitter. It could be all you hoped for. OR NOT.
“You're like a candy apple. I'm tempted to take a bite but might break my teeth in the process.”
“It might be worth it though.”
“Yes, or it might leave me hurt and with a bill to pay.”
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eliseitzme · 2 years
Here lies my body...I’m just kidding.
Here lies all of the work that I have shared onto Tumblr.
All warnings are shared at the top of the page on each chapter so please remember that.
Currently all work is a part of the “Red” series which is a series of fanfiction all of which are based off of and influenced by a shade of red. 
In light of our theme being red her is the national anthem.
Please stand.
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Candy Apple
Part of the “RED” series
(Candy Apple RED)
Sugar Daddy AU!
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Candy apple: an apple coated with a thin layer of cooked sugar or caramel and fixed on a stick.
The outside seems sweet. But it could really be molded. The inside is guaranteed fresh.. but will it be. It could be hard or soft. It could be sweet or bitter. It could be all you hoped for. OR NOT.
“You're like a candy apple. I'm tempted to take a bite but might break my teeth in the process.”
“It might be worth it though.”
“Yes, or it might leave me hurt and with a bill to pay.”
This story does include mature themes so please read with caution any major warning will be added in the beginning of any chapter including them. This story will include Y/n Pov underage in the beginning so please be advised. No mature content will take place until she is an adult. There is also a 10 year age gap so please be advised of that also.
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Part of the “RED” series
(Wine RED)
Professor AU!
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Part of the “RED” series
(Maroon RED)
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“I wish you didn’t always have to leave.”
“I wish that when you leave, I wouldn't always feel alone.”
“I wish you would stay with me, comfort me and tell me the kind things you do.”
“I Wish… I wish you’d stay.”
In which a girl plans to end her life until she meets the one person that makes her want to live. But there is one problem, he isn't real, and he can NEVER STAY.
So glad to bring you this story that comes from the deepest part of my heart. This story will include strong mature themes such as suicide, self-harm, abuse, and bullying, these themes can be pretty severe to some people so please do not read if these are triggering for you. 
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Part of the “RED” series
(Ink RED)
Tattoo Artist AU!
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Part of the “RED” series
(Scarlet RED)
Stripper AU!
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“So is Scarlet your real name?”
“Nope. It's only my stage name.”
“Why Scarlet?”
“Because It’s a shade of  red.”
“So you like red?”
“No… But I like the way blood looks.”
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Part of the “RED” series
(Crimson RED)
Rockstar AU!
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Part of the “RED” series
(American Rose RED)
Mafia AU!
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