eliseitzme · 2 years
Candy Apple(AMBW)/ Cp.1
Part of the “RED” Series
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(Candy Apple RED)
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Warnings: Cursing
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Y/N / pov
*BEEp* *BeeP* bEEp*
"Uhhhh, no, please just five more minutes."
*BeEp* *beep* BEEP*
"Shut up!"
"Okay okay!" I say getting up and shutting off my alarm clock.
Turning to the other side of the bed I saved the horrific experience of seeing my best friend and her bed head still sprawled out over the bed and asleep.
"WAAkKKEEEE UPPPP!" I shout in hope of waking her up.
"UHHH. You hateful bitch."
"Come on, we have school to get up." I say walking over to the bathroom door not without hearing a mumble coming from her mouth.
Sitting on the toilet I watch as Diamond stools in and stands in front of the mirror.
"Nooo, my scarf slipped last night, and my lace lifted. I literally spent hours on this last night." she pouts.
I clean myself and stand up from the toilet as she walks back in with lace glue in hand.
Washing my hands, I watch in the mirror as she applies the glue and attempts to smooth back down her lace front. After getting it in a decent position she grabs her hair scarf off the counter and ties it around her head, and then pulling out the blow dryer as I dry my hands.
"I'm going to take a shower first!" she shouts as I walk out of the bathroom back into our bedroom.
I take a seat back on the bed and pick my phone off of the charger on the night stand next to my side of their bed.
Me and Dia have been best friends since diapers. My mom happened to be her mom's close friend and hair stylist, so that left us a lot of time to play together. First crushes, first boyfriend, first day of school you name it we went through it all together and so did our moms. With them both being single parents we in a way were all kind of a family. But we had to say goodbye to half of our family 3 years ago when our moms were on a girl's trip and the plane had an unexpected crash, or that's what the airline said.
That left me and Dia with nothing but each other.  We had to learn how to look out for ourselves at only fourteen years old. With neither of us having anyone that would come forward we were then sent to a foster home, thankfully we were not separated and were then adopted a few months later by Miss. Jane or MJ. She took care of us as if we were her own kids and for that we are forever grateful. But with it being me and Dia's senior year of high school with neither of us having any way to pay for college we needed a diploma from a prestigious high school or an at least average one, and the high schools where Mj lives are far from that. So, when Dia turned eighteen, seven months ago it was our chance to move from the Bronx and currently attend one of the best schools in New York. With Graduation around the corner scholarships are being handed around like candy every day at School, to everyone but...me. Dia has nearly four scholarships already in all of the places in which I have been denied. But that's not a surprise she always has been smart while I just barely get by. With the looks of it now, if I don't magically land a scholarship or stumble over a hidden treasure, I won't be attending college. Or at most will have to attend online college. I mean I'm seventeen and to be honest I'm not even sure what I want to do with my life. My mom was my source of imagination. She encouraged me to dream and be whoever I wanted to be. But when she died, so did my imagination. I then realized that certain dreams I had were the dreams of a child which I could no longer be. I then began to focus on simply surviving enough to see tomorrow, and with Dia around It has been a lot easier than most people in my position would say alone.
After calling Mj and making sure everything is alright back home, I began to scroll through Instagram. I was looking at a new post on Got7's Instagram announcing their first album since leaving their old shitty company when a friend of mine that I met online and have been texting messaged me.
JBootie: BITCH!!⚠️
Y/n: What!
JBootie: I figured it out.
Y/n: Figured out?
JBootie: How you can go to college! JBootie: What else?
Y/n: Ohh Y/n: So, what crazy ass idea are you going to throw my way this time.
JBootie: Two words
Y/n: Which are????
JBootie: SUGAR...DADDY!!!!
Y/n: Yeah!
Y/n: Not going to happen
JBootie: Come on, I joined one last night. JBootie: WE CAN BE SUGAR BUDDIES!!!!!🤪
Y/n: Okay first, why would you join a sugar daddy site? 🤨Two sugar buddies really? three ...NOOO
JBootie: Well one you can never have too much money. Two yes sugar buddies...should also be a site. Three YES!! I should get that copyrighted.
I was mid laugh when the sound of Dia exiting out of the bathroom in a robe brought me back to reality.
"I'm done you can go now."
" Alright thanks" I said.
I got up and walked to the bathroom shutting the door behind me to get ready and shower for school, not before texting Jimin.
Y/n: Lmao. Got to get ready for school talk later. 😘
JBootie: Okay I'll text you the site.!!😘
Y/n: Not going to need it but okay.
JBootie: www.sugababbie.com. Thank me later💙
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*Author note*
I'm so glad to introduce this story this is a theme I have wanted to right for a while now so glad I could put it into words...DONT FORGET TO like and comment 1002 words not including images or pictures
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personasintro · 4 years
I mean I wouldn’t hate it if YN and Hoseok slept together but I’m not actively rooting for it like everybody else lol. Now if Namjoon and his girl happen to break up, then I’m all for YNxNamjoon lol.
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imyourhopept2 · 6 years
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eliseitzme · 2 years
Candy Apple-KNJ(AMBW)Cp.5
(Candy Apple RED”)
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Warnings: None
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Chapter 5
Y/n Pov
It was another hour of work until my shift was over and I had to hand the keys over to the night shift. Walking back to the staff room and grabbing my things I grabbed my phone out of my pocket while putting my coat on.
I walked out of work and made my way home preparing for the date I have in an hour. 
When I reached home all the lights were off and there was a note left on the kitchen table.
Left for the party, enjoy your secret rendezvous and see you in the morning.
P.S. I said morning because I probably won't make it home tonight. Don't wait up or worry. If for some reason I don't make it back I will send you my location before I leave.
I took off my coat and sat my phone down on the charger before I began to get ready for tonight. It was only then I realized I had no clue what kind of restaurant we were going to. I grabbed my phone back off the night stan preparing to search it up when a notification from an hour ago caught my attention.
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Reading over the name I realized that this is the man that I am supposed to be going on a date tonight with. I instantly clicked on the message realizing that he has already been left on delivered for over an hour now.
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 “Well that’s a line that I have definitely heard before.” I grumbled while texting back.
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I texted back.
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I sat my phone down walking over to the back room when another ping had me watching back over.
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I sound nice you haven’t even heard me speak yet, I thought.
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I sat my phone back down and walked into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. 
“He seems nice.” I said
I shook my head realizing that I was a little too into him to only have a minor chat with him through messages.
“He’s your sugar daddy nothing more, don’t go getting feelings all of a sudden. Besides, he could be some really hairy fat guy. Not that there's anything wrong with hairy fat guys, it 's just-” I shook my head again realizing that I was getting carried away and had less than an hour to get ready and head to the desired place for our date.
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Hi, author here. I want to thank you for reading another chapter of Candy Apple. I look forward to reading your comments and hearing your thoughts. Next chapter Y/n and Namjoon will finally meet. I'm writing it and I too feel so anxious. Remember to like and follow. Recommend this fic to your friends also I might have something new coming soon so make sure you are following me. Also, if you see any grammar or spelling errors, please make sure to point them out I will not be offended.
Also if you need to reach me or want updates on when I might post you can reach me on Instagram @Elise.itme. Also remember I am always open to ideas of thoughts you have on any of my stories.
738 words not including any images or texts.
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eliseitzme · 2 years
Candy Apple-KNJ(AMBW)Cp.2
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(Candy Apple RED”)
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Warnings: NONE
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Chapter 2
After taking a shower and getting ready to be hauled into a world I consider hell Dia and I leave the house and begin walking to school. We didn't have to walk that far because our apartment is only a few blocks away.
Dia is wearing a black tight fitting catsuit and a pair of black three-inch booties while I'm rocking a pair of skinny jeans, a black sponge bob t-shirt and a pair of black vans.
Arriving at school I look around to all the random people sitting outside without a care in the world. Most of the kids here are from a well-off family or are smartasses so they probably have scholarships or jobs already waiting for them, meanwhile I'll be lucky if I make it two months after high school is over. Dia and I still haven't discussed what we are going to do but if I really don't figure something out it looks like Dia will have to take off to college and leave me stuck in this hell.
"HELLO!" Dia shouts while waving a hand in front of my face.
"Earth to Y/n come in Y/n." She says while still waving her hand in my face.
Grabbing her hand and shooing it away "What?" I replied.
"Come on school is about to start, you don't want to be late, do you?"
"Ohh yeah let's go."
Dia and I walk to our first pre-calculus class, which we thankfully have together and isn't too far from the door, which has saved us a lot of tardy slips.
Taking a seat next to each other in the third row from the front, Dia and I begin to unpack our bags with the items needed for class when the teacher and school counselor walk in.
"Miss Y/L/N," the counselor calls from the front of the class.
Dia and I both look up at the sound of my name being called which rarely ever happens.
"That's me." I answer back.
"Please come with me." The counselor answers back.
Dia and I turn to each other confused as to why I am suddenly needed by the councilor.
I began packing back up my things which wasn't much. And walk over to the front of the class to follow him out. We begin walking to wherever he's taking us. My nerves suddenly grow as to what I might have done to get myself in trouble this time.
I was in my own head when he suddenly turned around to me smiling but continuing to walk.
"I don't think we have ever met Miss Y/L/N."
"Ohh no I don't think so."
He stuck his hand out for me to shake after stopping for a second.
"I'm Mr. Min the senior counselor."
Shaking his hand, I answered. "It's nice to meet you."
We resume walking back to what I can only assume is his office stopping by the main office so that he could pick up some files.
Reaching his office, he holds the door open and allows me to walk in ahead of him.
"You can sit there." He says pointing to a chair that is in front of his desk while he walks around to the other side to sit in his chair.
I take a seat and watch as he spreads papers out in front of him and then looks back up at me with a smile.
"So. I'm sure you're wondering why I called you into my office."
I nod, my stomach turning at what he might have to say.
Please please, please, don't tell me I failed please don't tell me I have to spend another year in this hell hole please. please-
I'm brought out of my thoughts when he moves a paper in front of me.
Looking down at the paper I listen as he speaks but all I can see is dollar signs and lots of them.
"Well, you see with the end of senior year approaching there are a few things that I must make sure are taken care of and one of them being any dues or funds any student has not paid off and still owes."
He reaches over the desk and points to the top of the page.
"You can see here you have a bill from your past school. There are three library books that you checked out and have not returned. These add up to one hundred and twelve dollars. Then there is a science book that apparently needs to be paid for from freshman year. That's another forty-three dollars. You have your senior dues of course which is an additional two hundred and thirteen dollars. And then there are of course loans that your guardian owes from only making half payment on trips and such in the past that is another one hundred and three dollars."
The more he speaks the more money is added on and the more my face contorts in complete and utter shock.
"That all comes down to four hundred and seventy-one dollars and then of course you need to add on the fee from all of the loans being pushed off for so long and that's another one hundred and twenty three dollars so your total comes to five hundred and ninety four dollars." He ends smiling back at me.
We sat there for about thirty seconds with me still processing what he just said.
"OKaaay." I finally responded.
"And when does that need to be paid off?"
"By the end of this month on the thirty first ."
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Hi, author here. I want to thank you for reading another chapter of Candy Apple. I look forward to reading your comments and hearing your thoughts. Remember to like and follow and if you see any grammar or spelling errors please make sure to point them out I will not be offended.
Also if you need to reach me or want updates on when I might post you can reach me on Instagram @Elise.itme
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1018 words not including text or pictures.
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eliseitzme · 2 years
Candy Apple-KNJ(AMBW)Cp.3
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(Candy Apple RED”)
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WARNING: Cursing
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Chapter 3
Y/n Pov
"Wait so you're telling me that I have five days to come up with SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS!"
"Well ...yes?"
"And all of this is just being told to me now? Why wasn't I told this at the beginning of the year?"
"Well, it would have been but you were not here with us for the beginning of the year so I would have thought that your previous school would have told you."
"Okay, is there any way I can take out another loan to pay this later?"
"Well, yes there is, but-"
"Great, I'll do that.” then I interjected.
"Well, there is one problem with that though." He blinked at me.
"And that is?"
"You wouldn't be able to attend graduation with everyone else. Your diploma would be mailed to you whenever we receive the payment."
"Well shit!"
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Time skip
20 minutes later
Y/n Pov
After talking to Mr. Min who now brought it to my conclusion that not only do I have college and the future to worry about, but I also have an additional six hundred dollars to take care of. I then decided that that was enough for me in one day. So, after texting Dia and telling her that I was leaving and would tell her what happened later I left school and went home to be in the comforts of my bed.
"ARGgg!" I shouted rolling around in my bed.
I was mid tantrum when a notification came through on my phone talking me out of my fit.
          Verizon MSG: Your account balance of $243.07 is due in three days.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me!"
Scrolling through all my notifications, some were from Instagram, some snap chat, some were reminders of more bills that were all piling on. I scroll until I see the last text message that Jimin had messaged me this morning.
                 JBootie:  www.sugababbie.com. Thank me later💙
My finger hovers over the link before I finally press it swallowing all by dignity knowing that I'm doing this because I truly have no other option.
The link sends me to the website with a big SUGABABBIE written at the top in white bubble font. It lists a bunch of information that I have to input, and I sigh realizing that I am really doing this.
It has things like where I live, my ethnicity by age and then my credit card information. I input it cautiously hoping that I don't get scammed, and press enter taking me to the next page.
That page has more questions and for some reason it was when I reached this page that I really understood what I was getting myself into.
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I filled in the information and then it took me to another page asking for more information. I would have thought they would have asked for some kind of ID but they thankfully didn't because technically I'm still seventeen until September fourth.
After entering more and more information I was finally done and it sent a link to my phone telling me it would calculate the data and would alert me if I had any matches.
I sat my phone down and took a deep breath and closed my eyes, relishing in the silence and stillness in the room.
Opening my eyes I looked around the one room apartment plus the bathroom and suddenly realized how dirty it all was. There were clothes thrown everywhere. Trash piled up on the table, the sink was filled with dishes and there were all kinds of cosmetics and hair products thrown everywhere.
"Well looks like I've got nothing better to do." I started before getting up and deciding to utilize the little bit of free time I have right now.
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Time skip
3 ½ hours
Three and a half hours, that's how long it took for me to get everything cleaned. It was currently two thirty seven in the afternoon and it was about time school would let out and I would be off to work.
Getting ready to go back out I threw on a gray pair of leggings and a black Thrasher T-shirt with red print. I then paired it again with my black vans. With my hair currently in box braids I put it up in a ponytail with two strands hanging on both sides of my face and left the house.
Walking to my job at a cafe on the other side of town I stopped on a bench in a small park when a notification from the SugaBabbies site was sent to my phone.
Clicking on the notification took me to the message reading.
         Hello, my name is V and I am your personal consultant from SUGABABBIES. I have reviewed your information and have found a match! Please Msg Yes if you would like to continue.
I typed back a single Yes and then received another message instantly.
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After ending the conversation I scroll back through them to find information about my new... "Daddy" God I will never get used to saying that.
"RM? What kind of fucking name is Rm?" I mumbled
"22-30... well at least he is not some old guy. Jesus fuck Hes 6 foot you know what they say about tall guys..." I smirk to myself.
"Wait what the fuck am I thinking Hes a sugar daddy I'm only after his money nothing more don't get ahead of yourself y/n, you still have your whole life ahead of you."
"Well at least he’s looking for company and not sex because that's not going to happen."
*An: Ohh if only knew you girl. 😘 *
"He's Asian... hmm I don't think I've dated an Asian guy before... not that it would matter because we are absolutely not dating."
After reading through the information several times and trying to picture what this mystery guy could look like, a group of high school girls walked past me giggling to each other. It was then when I looked down at my phone and saw the time 3:10.
"Fuck! When did school let out?"
Now having only 20 minutes to get to work I ran as fast as my feet could take me.
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Hi, author here. I want to thank you for reading another chapter of Candy Apple. I look forward to reading your comments and hearing your thoughts. Remember to like and follow, also if you see any grammar or spelling errors please make sure to point them out I will not be offended.
Also, if you need to reach me or want updates on when I might post you can reach me on Instagram @Elise.itme. Also remember I am always open to ideas of thoughts you have on any of my stories.
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1278 words not including text or pictures.
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eliseitzme · 2 years
Candy Apple-KNJ(AMBW)Teaser
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Candy apple: an apple coated with a thin layer of cooked sugar or caramel and fixed on a stick.
The outside seems sweet. But it could really be molded. The inside is guaranteed fresh...but will it be. It could be hard or soft. It could be sweet or bitter. It could be all you hoped for. OR NOT.
“You're like a candy apple. I'm tempted to take a bite but might break my teeth in the process.”
“It might be worth it though.”
“Yes, or it might leave me hurt and with a bill to pay.”
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I DO NOT WRITE TO YOUR COMFORT SO IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT DON'T READ IT. This story does include mature themes so please read with caution any major warnings will be added in beginning of any chapter including them. This story will include Y/n Pov underage in the beginning so please be advised. No mature content will take place until she is an adult. There is also a 10 year age gap so please be advised of that also. ALL EDITS ARE APPRECIATED. POSTINGS ARE ALLOWED AS LONG AS I AM CREDITED THIS IS A ORIGINAL ONLY WRITEN BY ME WILL HAVE MATURE CONTENT🔞
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