bootooloudsworld · 2 years
Little child, hello.
Voice of the sun that’s been erased by the demonic culture
The same society illicitly protesting your captivation.
Spherically moving sheep, moving motionless, the key only arms reach gone from the herd.
 Little child, hello, from hell.
What’s on your mind today, child?
I’ll ask your location, but I need warn:
Let me lead you to your life’s privacy settings
It won’t skip the hatred, or the million opinions,
But it may assist in the denouement of your cycle.
 Little child,
Why are you here?
Leave, discover, explore and run wild into the arms of millennia’s
They will clutch you with their scissor hands.
Leave, discover, explore and run wild into the arms of your elders,
They will ensure you’re made aware of your mistakes,
Leave, discover, explore and run wild into the arms of the system
They will ask you to gypsyfy your soul as they seat you in your patterned cubicle.
 Little child,
Hello from the moon, hello, from inside the bottle in your hands
Hello from the sky, hello, from the smoke exhaled by your naïve brainwashed life
Hello from the world, hello, from the ecstasy of a borrowed life
Hello from the sun, sincerely accept my apocalyptic apology.
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bootooloudsworld · 2 years
Medical Marijuana, or merely Mary-Jane?
There is much controversy around the topic of legalising marijuana and numerous misconceptions of the drug. In numerous countries worldwide the possession of marijuana is not legally permitted, this is due to the fact that marijuana also knows as cannabis has been classified as a stage 1 drug. In some countries around the world and 29 various states in America, the use of cannabis has been legalised, for medical use only. There are many arguments as to why cannabis should be legalised and why it should not.
Cannabis has medicinal benefits that far outweigh the risks sufficiently. Marijuana can be used as a treatment for many diseases and disorders or side effects of treatment. Many valid scientific studies and peer reviewed article prove that marijuana it is a harmless and effective treatment for numerous diseases, pains and the side effects of chemotherapy.
Thus legalization means better and higher quality health standards. The higher health standards are achieved by cannabis helping AIDS patients put on weight due to the drugs side-effect of increasing hunger levels, which is more commonly referred to as the “munchies”. It helps treat glaucoma proven by studies conducted in 1970s showing cannabis decreased intraocular pressure (IOP) in people glaucoma and thus reducing further blindness rates by relieving pressure in the cornea.  It help treat multiple sclerosis, pain, epilepsy, and other conditions. It also inhibits the spread of cancer.
If cannabis is legalised the government can expect to earn revenue on the medicinal drug profit. The government will control a large portion of the drugs trade, all beside illegal trade, and thus they can place tax on the medicinal cannabis. As a result of this the government’s income will increase. Given the state of the economic situation in many countries across the world it makes sense and it can only improve the government’s revenue. It can be seen that the drug can be placed tax on as in 1937, cannabis was placed such high taxes on, that it essentially fell out of favour (Moudgil 77).
Cannabis as a medical option is less toxic and risky than many legally prescribed drugs. (Joycelyn Elders; n.d). Cannabis has a scientifically rooted fact that it has less side effects than many prescribed drugs that are presently legal and that they have more health benefits. And the use of marijuana inhibits many people from going on to harder drugs.
However is can be argued that the medical use of marijuana is an excuse for it to be used for fun. Cannabis is largely used to ease pain and thus can be counteracted by other drugs. Many claim that the main use for medicinal cannabis is for the relief of pain, other than feeling happy. The persistence in the legalisation for medicinal purposes is a front so the drug can rather be used for entertaining use. If it is said that it is to be used as a pain killer, there are numerous other legal drugs available that counteract this purpose of cannabis and can be used instead.
There are many harmful side effects with the use of medical marijuana. The effects can be short and some long-term and vary in their harm. The use of marijuana can impact on one’s short-term memory and weaken your ability to make decisions and reason. Marijuana raises heart rate for up to 3 hours after smoking. This effect may increase the chance of heart attack. If it is used during pregnancy the drug may affect a foetus’s brain development.
The use of marijuana for medical reasons can lead to long term addiction. Research extensively proves that this drug is an addictive, every one in 9 people became addictive in an American study. If one becomes addicted to the drug they begin to use it for recreational activities. Addiction results in the cannabis users finding difficulty in making decisions quit using the drug since the use of cannabis affects the logical thinking of its users
In conclusion, the disadvantages of medicinal marijuana are outweighed by the advantages. Many of the side effects of marijuana are caused from an addiction which is hard to form if the drug is being legally prescribed to a person. There is a lot of control over marijuana and it benefits health standards. Although this stance is an opinion no real conclusion can be drawn until the drug is legalised and validated studies can be done with the drug. It can be summed up that if medicinal marijuana were legalised health standards would increase and it would be beneficial to many people.
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bootooloudsworld · 2 years
KZN Rioting , Igniting and Barbaric Fighting.
For all my international friends that have been to South Africa, or that ever hoped to come – I would have welcomed you with open arms, and shown you all my favorite coffee shops, I would have shown you the tavern I bought beer from when I was 14, I would have taken you for a walk and a joint through all my favorite streets. Unfortunately, I can longer do that. For how can I welcome you with open arms when I know your life will be in danger and when my hands are crossed tight around my chest in protection. How can I show you all my favorite coffee shops when they no longer stand, they no longer exist? How can I take you for a walk and a joint through our prettiest streets when they have been destroyed, lathered in debris, dead bodies, bullets, shit? To those reading this, no one has shed nearly enough light on the current happening here in South Africa, while you all clap your hands for Italy or whoever won, we are here, stuck, pleading for the world to see us and hear our cries because if you do, maybe someone will finally help us. No one can hear our cries and it seems as if no one even wants to listen.The past three days have been indescribable, no one in our city thought there would be a day we consider ourselves in a war zone. I have woken up every morning to the smell of burning rubber and as the day progresses so do the helicopters, the sirens, the screams, the eeriness. I have fallen asleep every night to the sound of bangs, gunshots, more screams even explosions.I feel safeISH, not because of government protection, which seems non-existent, but because our residents -our men, fathers, brothers, friends, our women, mothers, sisters, and friends have taken to the streets,  attempting to block access for the protesters to further their route of utter destruction and disgustingness. Men are getting shot in the frontline trying to protect communities. Some do not feel safe, others are not safe. They have had their homes burned, possessions disintegrated, and hope suffocated. Women are home alone, with their babies, crippled with fear and ready to run.  Everything – EVERYTHING that still stands is closed. No medication, no food, no baby stuff, no tampons, no banks, NOTHING.  And that is my experience. I am beyond privileged that all I have to worry about is having no food in the house. I do not have a child I cannot feed, a daughter that has to bleed out in front of her brothers for the first time. I do not have a house, lost. Let’s start from zero, marchers began protesting last week, by blocking freeways with debris offloaded by big trucks, stoning cars passing by, Burning tires, stoning authorities. They wanted freedom for our ex-president to be released from prison (as they believe he was sentenced to jail without fair trial) - that quickly escalated into what we call ‘this week’ aka mass riot. Thousands upon thousands of people from lower-class areas began joining forces, and this was when all hell broke loose in the city. They started by looting every store with doors, burning anything made of matter, destroying anything of value. This was no longer about Jacob Zuma nor was it about hunger or desperation because starving people would not take anything besides food, our looters took everything but food. The looting and riots continued, covering more ground, growing worse – car bombs were introduced about now, a chemical plant got set alight and is still currently seeping toxins into the surrounding area, Durban port – the most economically valuable center on the African continent – looted. The destruction has surpassed millions. Vets, even animal shelters with animals disintegrated into ash, Storage units – destroyed. New and old businesses – destroyed – families' only source of income. Almost all of our shopping malls are gone.  I would have taken you there, I would have made you window shop with me like I used to, but I suppose that’s just a memory for me.As is my city, As is my hope in South Africa. Areas have been labeled as war zones; the streets have been painted with dead bodies. The country has been divided into the US and THEY - which has sidestepped into a quickly growing racial war, however, it is beyond race. Those pointing fingers at a race are fueling a new rage. THEY and US connotations are subjective to the preconceived bias you read this with. US- the part of the population that did not do this, that is sad, hopeless, and burnt out and that can’t look up because the future is too unbearable right now, THEY – the lower-class community – desperate as they were – DID THIS. They can look up, at the bright side because they are oblivious to the repercussions of their actions.  Their susceptibility to failure, caused by the demographic in which they fall, prevents them from forming coherent thoughts of long-term effects – in this case – the consequences of their catastrophe. They see none, they are oblivious to the future that has manifested into existence, one which we are all stepping in, together, like it or not. South Africa has been burnt to the ground; we are at an equal latitude to rock bottom. But time stops for no one, we have no time to mourn or grieve, Collectively and ununited, we will face the future ahead of us and what it once had to offer. We will not let our city die, for our nation merely heats, but it does not burn. WE WILL NOT BURN. We will continue to march forward as we try to reclaim our belongings, favorite cafes, our friend’s new business, our communities’ social services, our sense of safety, our economy, our rainbow nation.LET US BURN BRIGHT. LET US SEE THE LIGHT.LET THE WORLD JOIN OUR FIGHT!
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bootooloudsworld · 2 years
Pursuits In A Pandemic.
2020: the year is well known solely for the Coronavirus pandemic. A pandemic relative to controversy, widespread throughout the globe, it left the streets empty, communities jobless and people at distance. For so many months it created a belief in people, as they stared out the windows waiting for mad max to reign terror through the streets, that they were living through an apocalypse. The human race detested the effect of this pandemic, for me, well I’m glad it happened because it provides a prologue for one of the greatest adventures of my life. Even after the many questions "are you crazy?” or “what is switched off in your brain for you to ever think that’s a good idea“ and my favorite, ‘how could you travel when there’s a sickness rampaging through mankind, like Godzilla? ‘ Well, I decided to just go for it. And this is how I began traveling amid the coronavirus, which turned out to be a great decision for multiple reasons.
From the very first step out of the door to begin my expedition I was bulldozed down by one tidal wave of difficulty followed by another, the never-ending tide of misfortune, all these struggles, maybe not understood at the time, were making me stronger. These are a quarter of a handful of what happened. Improvisation skills are an important ability to work on in life, each of my problems and the problems that might occur due to corona restrictions gave ground to exercise this skill. I learned problem-solving independently and quicker than any math teacher could have taught me. I was practicing stability in the most unsettled situations, and I was learning patience in between all of this, a dexterity I had never really in my life mastered. I now know how to let go of expectations and allow things to flow the way they will. I couldn’t access my money in my online bank because little old me had breached a security measure in PayPal’s system, so I was broke, my bags all broke and I had to throw away multiple pairs of shoes, so I was barefoot.  Were these problems? No, because problems aren’t real, situations are real, but problems are not. Problems are expectations not met. Problems are an individual's perception of a subjective situation.
Traveling through quarantine meant usually strict laws obliged to be followed were easier to get past. Anyone on a South African passport knows the torture of having a “green mamba ‘passport as all the restrictions it has set usually make traveling around Europe rather difficult, but with less security and worry of passport control, because all the focus was aimed at corona control, I managed to get away with a lot. I got to begin my travels 3 days before my visa was issued without my passport being stamped as to not act as future evidence because they didn’t care I was in their county. All they knew was I was stuck there because of the lack of repatriation flights. For some reason I had booked my flights 3 days before my visa had started, I don’t know why, but I didn’t check my visa for even a second until it was too late so all I can add in here is this is not good, check your passports people, from me to you, check it like a tick box.
The streets were far less crowded than typical times I had no hesitation to count this as a blessing. Imagine your typical vacation where the streets are rambled with hundreds of languages mumbled in loud voices across streets and hundreds of people taking photos of the same thing and my favorite (normally) the big party with topless boys dripping their sweat onto you or the girls all giggling like Gerties while crying or screaming. Normally that would be explained differently in a much more envy-worthy manner during normal times, but this trip made me see it or how it is. Now picture this instead, the experience I had. The days start with a few people doing daily exercise as the sun starts to rise, usually, yoga running, or meditation, and each of them stops in their tracks to watch the rising sun for at least a bit. The streets are empty enough to appreciate small details on the ground, like an out-of-place pebble or a traditional pattern injected.  The beaches are crowded but only enough for a ball to mistakenly be thrown as your pitched spot for the day but not enough for sand to constantly be blown onto you when someone stands up shaking off their towel. The shops have a limit of people but this doesn’t matter as they probably haven’t reached maximum holding capacity anyway. The nights are calm. You tend to see more solos wandering, couples looking for the brightest star or the depth of the night sky. The bars are full of people laughing and dancing and talking but not rowdy with bodies. stretched halfway over the bar, no one lying on the floor drooling leftover vomit. Joints are being smoked more than cigarettes because the lack of crowd somehow permits this, families are out together and the town echoes melodies of good vibes. Well, that’s that for that.
The locals turned into tour guides this season. The lack of international tourists meant the locals were boasting their presence more, as they were not trying to seek cover from the holidaymakers as they normally would. They were willing to share more than ever - their home experience, offering cuisines, sharing stories, traditions, and oh did they sang harmonies pride in their cities. The best way to learn a place is through the people who live there, so this was an advantage that makes only ever come once and I’m glad I got to experience it. I chose to experience my tour with locals through the safari of hitchhiking up the west coast of Portugal, never did I stand for more than 20 minutes before I was picked up by residents of the area or area next, they were all friendly, I went on 7 different game rides I would call them, each game ride offered me a collection of local treats – tobaccos, drinks, fruit, information of their community, advice on where to go and what to do, it was the most informative and immersive safari I had been on and this says a lot coming from a South African.
A huge difference I experienced within people throughout my travels was their intense desire to connect with others, more than it saw before. Quarantine regulations and lockdown had everybody confined to the shoebox walls that was their home, and the doors completely locked by law inhibiting any ability for people to leave and meet others or receive any kind of stimulation besides on the flat screen in front of them or the few members they were roommates with. This created a craving for all people, a hunger which left them wanting to feed on connection, it became so tasteful. Any form of conversation different from that with the people they had been confined with over the few months prior, in quarantine.  This was my favorite thing about traveling in such a chaotic time, people shared with me their deepest fears, long-lost secrets, stories worth documentation and so much more. Bonds unbreakable formed quicker than the word, hello, and so much emotion was shared with little or no words being spoken because people wanted nothing more than to share their life, their day, and themselves with others.
This season you were receiving the most beautiful and genuine smiles from people, through their eyes. The mask was covering mouths but not blocking the line of friendliness between humans. It was complementing their eyes which were gleaming more than ever. Although you couldn’t be thrown a random cheesy smile from a stranger there was still something special being thrown between strangers, eye smiles, more genuine than ever. Eyes that were gleaming and sparkling and looking directly at yours, as if a doorway to the soul exploring the raw beauty of humans knocking for connection.
Shortly after leaving home to a foreign territory (with my mask and consideration of 2 meters between me and everything, of course), I began to question myself too, as everyone else had, but for very different reasons.  why had I almost had validated the opinions of people trapped in social conformity constructed on hours of watching news, seeking negativity in positive corona test statistics, and simply being content with their puppet master of dread. Okay, yes of course I was scared of becoming another active case, especially being an A-class wheezer who checks for their asthma pump before their shoes when leaving the house. In a time where the restriction was the new fashion, discrimination was plagued on those who wore no mask, and fear cradled so many people I chose to chase something I had strived for my whole life. Freedom. Even if it was a bad decision at least I wasn’t dying of starvation because I was finally feeding my hunger of curiosity, and this was true, for me the most important thing.
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bootooloudsworld · 4 years
‘How do I make you feel?’  He asked as he stood back from her, a sarcastic smirk smeared on his face. He was bewildered with anticipation as he looked at her.  She was sat on the wooden deck's side ledge, legs dangling beneath her, in front of his glistening eyes gleaming a  secret love for the one girl he treasured, in front of him. ‘How do you make me feel?’ she laughed the question off, lolling her head down toward the floor, eyes shooting down from sudden sheepishness, she had the most beautiful laugh and a smile that stood out from a mile. ‘Ummm, how do you make me feel?” she repeated the question with a hint of sarcasm quivering in her voice. she beamed up, overcome by the springboard of memories together he had created, and comfort as if the question had now truly made her think. It had. ‘You make me feel horny’ She laughed again as her eyes opened in a manner panning up like a puppy teasingly she locked directly onto his. No seriously now, um, you make me feel fun, wait, no, one doesn't feel fun, it's not an emotion, no no …..’ He began to smile at the ridiculous nature of her answer, noticing she started to take the question seriously and grew goofy. Drawing more into herself becoming shy, she realized he made her feel so alive, all in a moment, like an eclipse the feelings began to rush to her tongue. ‘okay, um, you make me feel warm... light, you make me feel laughy. You make me feel relaxed and feel nervous at the same time. You have this ability to allow 1000 butterflies in my stomach.  When you touch me, I want your hand to linger there for longer a lot longer, I tingle as Goosebumps shoot up my body…You take my breath away, leave me breathless while I gasp for air, air -  you make me feel airy, tingly, and empty like my worries have dissipated then I begin to float, I don't need to think when you're around, I can solely be.  you make me feel happy, make me happy. Slowly, he stepped closer to her and grabbed her cheek with the palm of his hand, balancing herself with her arms spread to her side, steadying her on the narrow rail ledge, her eyes traced him. He was still watching her like a hawk, her face moved ever so slightly.  She bought her lips to the palm of his hand, looked down, and closed her eyes embracing the warmth of his hand.   She breathed deeply as her lips opened softly to inhale more of his touch.  Her lips slowly came together and softly caressed his palm.  Somehow he had drifted toward her in the past few moments, now standing in-between her legs, the two were the same height.  he grabbed her cheek with his left hand, ever so slowly in a moment of vulnerable passion, they bought their faces closer together.   One last look exchanged before they closed their eyes and shared the slowest, most electrifying kiss they had ever experienced.
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bootooloudsworld · 4 years
To boo from you.
Everything will be different. And that’s okay. It will never be the same, but nor will you. You’ve blossomed into a new flower, a season, has come and gone. A new chapter is beginning. Self-love and kindness are key to a great chapter, bravery and courage too. Failure is an option, but only an option to learn from. Be great. Be kind. Be gentle. Be happy, but remember happiness is a choice. Happiness is smiling in the face of the sun and risking in the face of the moon. It’s hugging your insecurities and nurturing your talents. It’s about lifting those around you onto thrones and not caring what they think. It’s about looking above the social media craze and not looking for acceptance as likes and follows; in fact, it’s about not looking for acceptance at all. It’s about experience, culture and doing things that make you glow like a cascade of stars. It’s about being the smile that keeps on smiling and the power that keeps growing. Be gentle. Be kind. Be fearless. Be a ray of sunlight. Be inspired. Be inspiring, be free. Judgment is only a reflection of your own insecurities asking to be acknowledged. Acknowledge then, befriend them. Be so absolutely in love with everything, that heartbreak is so easy to mend. Be assertive. Be loving. Be peace. Be rage and fire and all things mighty. Be a jungle and roar from the ground of that jungle. Be creative but be logical, dream beyond galaxies and do beyond oblivion. Don’t procrastinate but rather work hard while smiling at the trail of ants on the floor. Thank someone for something and thank anyone for everything. Smile when you see the sun and reflect when the moon. Treat all equally. Pick flowers and caress your ear with them while running along sandy shores. Live a life of immortal sunset and be inspired by infinite sunrises. Blaze the earth with your fiery, sunny, warm and golden aura, like a summer afternoon or a Christmas morning. Make others feel like it’s a warm afternoon in autumn and the suns beams strike home through the windows. Be a glaze. Appreciate all that is and create all that isn’t. Be a summer afternoon, leave your hair wild, be as natural as beauty, and start from the inside. Truth is nature. Look at airplanes and long for more, so that tomorrow you can wake up to a plan. Sit on the floor. Walk shoeless. Live simply. Love family. Make friends. Be free, like waves of flames. Let your soul rage and love. Be love as an energy form. Be kindness as atoms. Be freedom over oppression. DON’T let acceptance and judgment direct your life and be a neighbour. Be a mind of eternal wisdom and comfort, empathise rather that give sympathy. Listen to understand not to speak. Observe to learn and speak to teach. Be a sunflower in a field of lushness and be the warmth of a sunny blue sky. Ignite old passions by watering the roots. Philosophise like Einstein, and motivate like Ghandi. Dare to be so you, that you change the world. Be beautiful and light and complex like a mystery. Own feminism and wear womanhood like a crown, indulge in your fantasies and create like a dream. Work hard in all that you do, always give more that you should, bring more than expected, and take only what is offered, remain ungreedy among success and always look up to those lower. Respect the world by remaining free and unconformed. Birth beauty, spread happiness, care and reflect. Love all. Be happy. Be courageous and grow, stand tall and follow the sun like a sunflower. Do not compare, ever, yourself, or others, to others. Everyone is fighting an equal battle and everyone needs a little sunshine. Remain optimistic betwixt pessimistic rain, do things not to impress nor to showcase but rather to build and smile. Be grateful and immerse, be great.
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bootooloudsworld · 4 years
What it means to be a nomad.
Many years have waved goodbye, just as the trees waving, silently, in front of me. Many people have left, back to foreign countries, over guarded seas, through trails of dirt, or into oblivion. I salute all their souls. Experiences have built me up just to act as catastrophe and blow me outspread in eruptions of fireworks displays into the air. I am made me because of how I see. I choose to live every day as if the sun rises twice, just to kiss the sky, and entice flowers to blossom out of the ground and stretch far from their roots praising the clouds that offer the rest. Sadness was once clung onto like a toxic lover because it was all that was known. I relied on it, thinking her hugs were comforting but then I saw a smile, and it seduced me by her waving hips and fiery rays that blinded me. So, I turned to happiness and regained sight, we salsa’d through the crowds on the streets. Crows warded off and darkness became unshaded from the tippy top of my musical feet composing direction on the pavements. I chose to be happy because I crave the freedom of being flung through the air, leaving a trail of brilliance behind me. Nomadic maps have absorbed me, more than 4 walled education, and taught me the ways of creation. Curiosity sent me on hunts for something more, a taste I haven’t yet fulfilled, only fed appetizers too. Treasure has beckoned my name with the waves that crash onto sands that have begged me to sing a lullaby composed of footprints, so she can feel the grains of distant earth, far different from her own. My skin has ached to be massaged by 4 seasons and falling leaves, my nose has had me drift to aromas of the unknown. My hands have groped onto soils that engulfed my entire body. My eyes have begged me to let them view what they have only ever imagined, when in the clouds. My lips have romantically kissed the endless sunrises warming various planes. My being has learned that life is to earn through sleepless nights exploring the atoms that make up the ground we trek purpose on. I have learned to dream the nightmares into oblivion, and purpose into reality. My tongue has been savored by alphabets strung into different languages.  The refuge has been taken under sanctuaries of different colored skylines that harmonize peace and tranquility. My soul has been loved by a rainbow of different auras and sought companionship in opposites. I have been educated by no system but the wonders of the world and all those who congregated at their virtues. Love has been professed to me in different mother tongues that all loved me differently, but equally. Travel walked me down the aisle to its heart and simultaneously said ‘I do’ as the wind blew my veil up allowing me to finally see just where I want to be.
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bootooloudsworld · 4 years
My journey to the loss of sanity.
I am unable to read a book or watch a movie without getting too distracted by inspiration and running off to hopefully take on a new endeavor. It's like my self-diagnosed ADHD is conducting an orchestration of hope inside of me. one where  I'm able to instantaneously compose something great. I say something because unlike so many people, I only have something to be great at. I lived a life that is considered normal, I’m bewildered by adventure every day, I didn’t get to master skills at university because I was never able to attend it, I only know what I know, I haven’t had one thing I've stuck with my whole life, which in high sight probably isn’t the most convenient and easiest way to go through your life, but to me, it's a life I choose to stick with.
Today I grabbed my computer because the movie playing in front of me inspired me to do so, and started typing, hoping to take up blogging and make it my next spectacular forte " ahhhh the blog I've been wanting to start for years" I sang to myself as I settled into writing… one paragraph later I read what I had scripted and decided it was a bunch of hogwash. It truly was. On to the next shot at a passage I began, only to be cut short by my indecisiveness of where I thought the story was going. Slamming my computer shut I picked up my phone to check my Instagram notifications and blow if all off, once again in my life giving up on something barely begun. One last go flashed in my brain like lightning, I switch to notepad to see what will maybe come out of my fingers... And so, here we are. At this full stop. I suppose it's better than the first 2 attempts. 
I'm no longer writing this for others to read but rather more for myself to reflect on, maybe that's what I want this blog to be about: me, my journey to a directionless destination, ohh, I suppose that does have a ring to it, since that's how I do live my life, or so choose to. Yes! I will use this to document my journey to my loss of sanity, for myself, to keep track of the side alleys I go down. What would my destination be though, hmmm, I suppose it would be my journey to becoming a yoga teacher that owns a Rasta bar, and greater - a dream. Yes, I will track my fight into flight mode of reaching a dream, traveling across Africa in a land rover raising awareness for habitat destruction and social issues. I sound severely insane; however, I suppose I have always related more to the fictional character from my favorite story, the mad hatter, than to real-life people standing next to me. I suppose insanity is what will make me great, Great compared to my expectation. So, I will continue, continue to route my tour to madness for myself by myself in the way that I want to. I always give up a little too early, half-heartedly complete tasks.  That will change with this. This is me putting my dreams into reality, even if it is starting with just a little type of journal entry. Now I have given myself the pressure of publicity, I would be ashamed if I fail publicly, and I hate humiliation, ill think of this as a deadline. A deadline to lose my sanity and become great. 
 For now,
Still slightly sane, 
To those that may have found the directionless end of this post- know this - Boo just got louder 
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