beautiful-writings · 5 months
I can’t believe I have to go through grief again so soon. She never showed any signs that she was even sad. We made plans for after the holidays- she was going to help me organize my apartment.
Sometimes, there aren’t signs, it just happens and it puts you in a state of shock you just can’t shake. Forced to go over every text, conversation, and memory to make sure there isn’t something you might have missed. You try your best to numb out only for the realization of never seeing them again engulfs your heart with pain and the tears swell, snapping you back into your new, painful reality. With deep love comes deep grief and how lucky you are to have loved someone so much.
I feel so much pain as I try to come to terms with losing someone I considered a close friend. K was a light in even the brightest of rooms. Her smile reminding you that everything will be ok, especially now that she’s there. Her sense of humor similar to mine and only 6 months apart- we had a lot of awesome memories made together. I loved her deeply and I will miss her in the same way. She had a gift of making those around her feel loved and heard, I just wish I could have been there for her in her darkest moments.
To everyone struggling these holidays with grief, it’s ok to be sad. You don’t have to be happy for the holidays. Just know you’re not the only one and you’re not alone. Take care of yourself in the way you need it and allow your mind and soul to heal in the way they need it. I’m so sorry you feel the way I do, may you find comfort in your own grief journey.
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beautiful-writings · 7 months
Maintaining a positive mindset during times of change and new beginnings is crucial for our well-being and success. Firstly, it's important to acknowledge any fears or anxieties that may arise and remind ourselves that change is a natural part of life's journey. Embracing a growth mindset allows us to see challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development. Surrounding ourselves with positive influences, such as supportive friends or engaging in activities that bring us joy, can help cultivate optimism. Setting realistic goals and celebrating small milestones along the way can also fuel our positivity. Lastly, practicing self-care, including exercise, meditation, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can provide a strong foundation for a positive outlook during times of change. By nurturing our mental and emotional well-being, we can navigate new beginnings with resilience and confidence.
Since starting my new job, I have consistently needed to remind myself that it’s okay that I’m not a master at everything yet. I left a job where in that store, I knew everything, inside and out and I know in a couple of months, I’ll find myself in the same position with my new store. Thankful for the opportunities of growth that will come with this overwhelming yet exciting change in my life.
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beautiful-writings · 8 months
They All Matter
My friends have been hurt, they’ve lost all their rights
Rights they are born with when they open their eyes
They want to be them by what feels right
They just want to shine and feel so bright
Republicans says no, that’s illegal to do
What are they teaching saying you can’t be you?
We’ll start to lose lives that can’t get their care
They’ll start to give up as they live in despair
I hate losing lives that clearly do matter
As politicians make bank and their pockets grow fatter
They don’t really care, they don’t care about rights
Just so my friends can live a good life
So to all of my friends that don’t feel heard
Let’s stand up together and scream out our words
I see and I hear you, I love you so much
I hope that you know, we’re not giving up
- SM
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beautiful-writings · 9 months
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I’ve learned to find lessons in everything I see. Some days are hard. They are days that are so heavy you just want to collapse and walk away from the weight that is holding you down. I’ve always loved the sky, even when driving I find myself distracted at the beauty of the different shapes and colors the sky and clouds form. The lesson the clouds gave to me yesterday is- “It’s ok to have a dark day, but never let the light inside you fade away”. Even these clouds hold some darkness in them but you can see that despite the center of darkness, the light behind them shines bright and illuminates the earth, not allowing the dark center to take over and darken the world around them. It gets better. Just keeping on going.
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beautiful-writings · 9 months
Finding Life in Eating Disorder Recovery
In the realm of darkness, I met my greatest adversary- an eating disorder that had woven its tendrils around my fragile existence.  I had battled this insidious demon for years, silently seeping away my essence, vitality, and will to live. 
         In my darkest hour, a beacon of light shone through the caverns of despair.  At the threshold of a recovery center, I found solace amidst my pain.  A dedicated team of compassionate souls embraced my wounded spirit, igniting the dormant glow within me.  Days turned into weeks as I peeled back the layers of my tumultuous relationship with food and body. 
Through grueling therapy sessions, I confronted the distorted thoughts that had poisoned my mind for far too long.  The weight of the affliction dissipated as I unearthed the roots of my struggles- the insecurities, fears, and pressures that had driven me down this treacherous path.  With each step forward, I reclaimed my identity, rediscovering my passions and dreams that had been dormant for so long.  The vibrant hues of joy, laughter, and self-acceptance replaced the monochromatic existence I had known. The shackles of my eating disorder loosened their suffocating grip as I breathed life back into my being.
As I stumbled but gracefully, I rose with every setback; I realized that recovery is a lifelong journey, where each day promises a brighter future.  With diligence and resilience, I found the strength to nourish my body and soul, embracing the beauty of life. Through my unwavering determination, I had found my way out of the shadows, savoring the newfound taste of freedom. In the darkness, I discovered my true purpose- to pave the way for others who yearn for the light of recovery.  My courageous battle transformed me into a beacon of hope, guiding countless souls toward their healing journey.  And as I looked back at the abyss I had escaped, I reveled in the profound truth that life was worth fighting for in all its extraordinary facets.
Something I never thought I'd be able to let go, yet here I am two years into recovery a completely different person from 2021 that some days its almost unbelievable that I am the same girl from then. It gets better, do not give up on yourself, there is always, always hope.
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beautiful-writings · 9 months
I miss you so much friend
Losing a friend to suicide is an indescribable tragedy that leaves a lasting impact on all those left behind. The profound pain and sorrow that accompanies such a loss is unmatched, as it not only shatters the bond shared with the departed friend but also raises countless questions about life, mental health, and the struggles one may face without our knowledge.
When a friend decides to take their own life, it is often difficult to comprehend the reasoning behind such a desperate act. We are left grappling with our own guilt, questioning whether there was something we could have done to prevent it. We wonder about the signs we may have missed, the conversations left unsaid, and the support we could have offered. It is a heavy burden to carry, blaming ourselves for something that was beyond our control.
The grief that follows the loss of a friend to suicide is complex and multifaceted. We are overwhelmed with a range of emotions, from shock and disbelief to anger and confusion. In addition to the usual process of mourning, we also experience a unique sense of guilt, wondering if we could have done more to help, blaming ourselves for not sensing the depth of their pain. We question if our friendship was enough, if we failed to offer the support and understanding they needed during their darkest moments.
In our attempt to make sense of their actions, we may also find ourselves reflecting on the fragility of human life and the struggles each individual faces, sometimes hidden beneath a façade of normalcy. We become aware of the importance of mental health and the necessity of open conversations surrounding it. Losing a friend to suicide serves as a stark reminder of the invisible battles many people fight, and it compels us to reach out, offer our support, and break the stigma surrounding seeking help for mental health issues.
As time passes, the pain of losing a friend to suicide does not fade entirely, but it transforms. We remember the joyful moments shared, the laughter, and the experiences that brought us together. We continue to cherish their memory and honor their life by advocating for mental health awareness, and by being there for others who may be struggling.
In conclusion, losing a friend to suicide is an unimaginable loss that leaves an everlasting impact on us. The immense pain and guilt that often accompany such a tragic event can be overwhelming. However, through reflection and understanding, we can work towards commemorating our lost friend's life, raising awareness about mental health, and connecting with others who may need our support. Together, we can strive to prevent further loss and build a more compassionate and understanding society.
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beautiful-writings · 9 months
I have always been the person to give third chances. Maybe that is my greatest flaw.
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beautiful-writings · 9 months
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beautiful-writings · 9 months
The Power of Hope
The Power of Hope
Hope is a remarkable force that resides within us, capable of igniting optimism and resilience even in the darkest times.  It serves as a guiding light, illuminating our path and reminding us that there is always a glimmer of possibility, even when all seems lost.  In this short essay, I will explore the transformative power of hope and its ability to empower, uplift, and inspire us for better days ahead. 
With Holding on to optimism, hope radiates the light of optimism, even in the face of adversity.  It keeps our spirits afloat, assuring us that challenges are temporary and that brighter days await us.  Hope compels us to believe in ourselves and the possibilities ahead, encouraging us to keep moving forward, even when the world seems bleak. 
In moments of despair, hope is an anchor, preventing us from succumbing to feelings of helplessness and defeat.  It reminds us that setbacks are temporary and that every hurdle offers growth and resilience opportunities.  Hope fuels our determination to rise above our circumstances and endure the storm with unwavering strength.  
Hope is not merely a passive feeling but a catalyst for action.  It motivates us to take the necessary steps toward change and progress.  When hope fills our hearts, we become architects of our destiny, propelling ourselves toward our goals and dreams.  Hope inspires us to defy the odds that are often stacked against us. 
Hope is a unifying force, providing solace and support to ourselves and others.  It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and encourages us to learn about the strength and empathy of our communities.  Through shared hope, we find comfort, understanding, and the determination to work together for a brighter future. 
Finally, hope is not a mere abstract concept; it is a powerful force that allows us to endure and thrive in the face of life's challenges.  It is a guiding light that reminds us that there is always room for growth, change, and improvement.  By embracing hope and its transformative power, we can navigate the darkest days, empowered by the belief that a brighter tomorrow is within our reach.  Let hope be our constant companion, guiding us toward a future filled with possibility, growth, and boundless joy. 
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