"The closer we come to the danger, the more brightly do the ways into the saving power begin to shine and the more questioning we become. For questioning is the piety of thought."
- Martin Heidegger,
paraphrasing Hölderlin
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"A tale was "true" if it was well told."
- Magdalen Rising,
Elizabeth Cunningham
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"On the outskirts of every agony sits some observant fellow who points."
- Virginia Woolf, 'The Waves'
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areadersquoteslibrary · 2 months
"Crushing truths perish from being acknowledged."
- Albert Camus, 'The Myth of Sisyphus'
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areadersquoteslibrary · 2 months
"A poem always runs the risk of being meaningless, and would be nothing without this risk of being meaningless, and would be nothing without this risk."
- Jacques Derrida, 'Writing and Difference'
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areadersquoteslibrary · 2 months
"Religion is responsibility or it is nothing at all."
- Jacques Derrida
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areadersquoteslibrary · 2 months
"Should one save oneself by abstraction or save oneself from abstraction? Where is salvation, safety?"
- Jacques Derrida, 'Faith and Knowledge: The Two Sources of 'Religion' At the Limits of Reason Alone
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areadersquoteslibrary · 2 months
"The very fact that 'the mystical' is seen as irrelevant to issues of social and political authority itself reflects contemporary, secularized notions of and attitudes toward power. The separation of the mystical from the political is itself a political decision!"
- Richard King, Buddhist Traditions Scholar
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areadersquoteslibrary · 2 months
"...only the self-deceiving would deny a connection between scholarly pursuits and early ambivalences."
- Howard I. Kushner,
'American Suicide', Acknowledgements
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areadersquoteslibrary · 3 months
"Instinct is routine, and if thought did not fecundate it, it would no more progress in man than in the bee or ant. It is needful then to think for those who love not thinking and, as they are numerous, it is needful that each of our thoughts be as often useful as possible, and this is why a law will be the more precious the more general it is.
This shows us how we should choose: the most interesting facts are those which may serve many times; these are the facts which have a chance of coming up again."
- Henri Poincaré
As quoted in 'Science Deified & Science Defied' Volume One by Richard Olson
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areadersquoteslibrary · 4 months
“The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.” - James Baldwin
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areadersquoteslibrary · 4 months
“Thomas Aquinas had delivered the medieval judgment on the Bible in his emphatic sentence: "The author of the Bible is God." This notion of inspiration naturally led to the opinion that God had hidden in the sacred text all sorts of esoteric truths about various subjects. In a paradoxical way, the belief that God had dictated the various books of the Bible to inspired writers contributed to the medieval habit of not reading the Bible as a book-or as the collection of books that it is. It became rather a treasury of proof texts to be used as needed for the support of this or that doctrine propounded by theologians and preachers. God was everywhere equally in it. With the allegorical interpretation, anything could be found in all of it.” ― Richard Marius, Martin Luther: The Christian between God and Death
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areadersquoteslibrary · 5 months
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areadersquoteslibrary · 5 months
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Meeting The Man: James Baldwin in Paris
(via Mubi)
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areadersquoteslibrary · 5 months
"What scared you all into time? Into body? Into shit? I will tell you; "the word." Alien Word "the." "The" word of Alien Enemy imprisons "thee" in Time, In Body. In Shit. Prisoner, come out. The great skies are open.”
― William S. Burroughs, Nova Express
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areadersquoteslibrary · 5 months
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Deeply important. When purity-consciousness overwhelms a movement, it often ends up doing its enemies work for it. Direct link to thread below, above images screenshotted for posterity:
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areadersquoteslibrary · 5 months
The last woman... absolutely heartbreaking💔. Where is the outcry now, where is the UN now? Why is the world silent when something horrible like this happens to the muslim /arab world ? I will never forgive them for being silent. Now I at least know they are all full of shit and no one actually cares about human life.
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