alx-magazine · 7 days
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A cutesy, heartwarming tale about two best friends from church and the pink skies above them 🍦🍭 //
Full story available on Alx-magazine
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alx-magazine · 7 days
The sky is cotton candy🍦🍭
I lived by One Republic is playing as Sabrina is biking home for dinner.
It's a late 2012 afternoon, the sun is setting, and mom is about to call for dinner; I oughta get there before she starts to worry.
Peddling and peddling, trying to see how fast I can go down the neighborhood hill; I know, I know, there is a fair chance I might bust my face.
Busting through that door, wafting the aroma of sauteed onions and garlic from dinner, "Mom, I'm home !", I say as I'm going to my mom for a side hug, "It all looks lovely !"
"Well I appreciate it sweetie, come on, we're about to pray."
As a family we fold our arms, I volunteer to say the prayer today, "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day-."
Dinner was splendid as usual, rice, feijoada, banana, farofa, barbecue ribs, and a salad on the side.
I ate my plate, and immediately went for another serving. Before running upstairs to go to my room, "Don't forget to do your homework !", my mom exclaims behind me.
I don't do my homework; for the life of me, I can't get myself to, I just want to watch YouTube videos and it's almost bedtime.
Scars to your beautiful by Alessia Cara starts playing as I'm in room picking out what to wear for school tomorrow.
Flipping through my closet, I am looking for what I should wear tomorrow; it's going to be Friday, one of my favorite days ! That means I must put together my best outfit of the week. I decided to go with my black, l love Yoshi shirt, my regular skinny jeans, and some white vans. I straighten my hair a bit more so it doesn't look puffy, I know I won't wake up before school to do it. I wear this outfit quite religiously I'll admit, I feel like I radiate in pretty girl energy when I do so.
My hair is a tangled up, curly mess, I feel like I look so much prettier with it straightened; It's a lot to keep up with but as mom says, "beauty hurts."
Now before bed, I must lastly wash my face so I don't break out, and I'm all good to go !
Lights by Ellie Goulding starts playing as the moon is up, goes down, and the sun comes back up.
It's 7th period science class, the day is almost over and I can't wait for the weekend. Walking down the halls, I see all the various social pools. Popular girls holding hands with delinquent, adolescent boys, then there are my friends and I, nerdy art kids with questionable style, being our loud, annoying selves; the highlight of my school day.
Now I'm on the school bus about to head home, and I know that the moment I drop my backpack off, I'll ask my mom if I can go play outside.
My mom gave me permission and with pure excitement, I hop on my teal Schwinn bicycle with brown leather accents and speed away to my friend April's house.
Castle on the hill by Ed Sheeran starts playing as I am approaching her house.
April is my best friend; we grew up together at church since primary, she's a year younger, we always play outside in her front yard. We loved to draw on the driveway with chalk, pretend we're a part of high school musical, jumping rope, hula hoops, and dancing around.
In the summers past, we'd barely get to play outside together, but some nights we'd have late night talks about silly, sappy things on the swings.
Sometimes her parents don't let her play outside, and I'd throw little pebbles at her window, hoping she'd open it and chat for a little without her parents seeing.
She's so my best friend even if she doesn't go to school with me; but hey, every summer we could always spend girls camp together, much like last summer. This year is going to be my third year and her second year at camp; I'm so looking forward to it !
I just approached her house and it looks like she can't play today, and I feel a bit bummed; sometimes it feels like we can barely hang out outside of church.
Little talks by of monsters and men starts playing as I'm throwing little pebbles at her window.
She opens up her window, looking a bit saddened, I wonder why so.
"Hey ! You okay ?"
She nods her head no and I say "come on out, wanna talk about it ?"
She gives me sorrowful eyes, saying, "I can't.."
"Well hey, we can just talk here then."
That's when she breaks the news to me, "I'm moving this summer, I don't think we'll be going to camp together, but you have my parents number if you ever want to talk, I'll make sure they send your parents our new address, maybe we can send each other letters.."
God this sucks. She's my best friend, I wanted so badly to go to girls camp with her this summer. Summer is so ruined.
I tell her, "Whyyyy ? You're my best friendddd ! Do you know where you're going ?"
She tells me, "I'm not too sure but it might be out of the city or state; you send me letters okay ?
In that moment we locked eyes, you can see that we were about to burst into tears. She starts tearing up some and I give her a hug through the window. Until sunset, we just chat like usual, laughing, and for a moment forgetting about the summer bummer.
Soon after, I hop on my bicycle and bike my way home before dinner starts.
Wake me up by Avicii is playing as I'm speeding down the neighborhood hill on my way to supper.
I felt really bummed all night and all weekend. I feel like there's a massive hole in my heart, and sinking feeling in my stomach, I barely wanted to eat dinner that night.
The weekend has passed and another school week has commenced; you can tell I was a walking bummer with my dreadful demeanor. Dreading class, dreading summer, dreading life...without my best friend.
I still went over to play after school as much as I could until the school year ended. Our parents planned an outing for us before the move in hopes of that cheering us up. Hey, at least I look forward to that.
Shower by Becky G is playing as I'm getting ready, singing in the shower with excitement.
I am wearing my soft blue Old Navy tee with skinny jeans and my white vans, my other best outfit.
We are going to hang out at Menchies to get frozen yogurt.
I see her coming in through that door with her parents, she looks beautiful. I swallow my thoughts, I mustn't look at her that way; she is a white rose , and I, troublesome with my rebellious ways.
Giving her a light hug as she walks in, I welcome her with glee. Our parents leave us be to be young teens, as they go walk around the strip mall, talking amongst themselves.
Us girls, we're just chatting away about our usual discourse, silly shows, silly thoughts, jokes, and feelings. The cotton candy sunset looks so pretty, and our frozen yogurt too sweet, not the best for our teeth, with vibrant flavors and candy toppings.
The table underneath, I felt her hand touch mine for a second, brief, and I felt all air lost; it was a foreign feeling to me. I wonder if she felt something too, I doubt it though , girls are only meant to be friends, nothing more of course.
Girls like girls by Hayley Kiyoko starts playing as I am stunned by these brand new thoughts and feelings.
Underneath the table, I feel her fingers caress mine for a bit. I am shocked, completely. I must be overthinking it all.
Underneath the table once more, her fingers lock mine and stay.
And I feel, I feel something I can't put into words; my breath is lost, yet my pacing heart feels still, when she locks her hand in mine, and her hand stays.
I look at her, still for some reason trying to pretend we're just being friendly, and I ask her, "you think you won't have to write to me for too long ?"...."we'll hang out again, won't we ?"
"For sure, I mean, I'd hope to as soon as possible", she says with her eyes looking at her lap; you can tell, she's deeply saddened by this move, just as I am.
"Sabrina ?" , she says to me, "do you wanna have chat in the girl's room ?"
"-uh, sure !", I say, a bit confuzzled by that random request.
Standing by the soft pink stalls, she grabs my hand, you know I'm feeling it all rush down my body like rain on a car window.
I look at her and feel a bit tense, not knowing what's coming next.
"D-don't hate me okay ?", she says awkwardly before kissing me out of the blue; quite courageous of her.
I looked stunned, with my jaw slightly dropped, and my eyes widened, "A-April...", and before making her feel embarrassed, I grabbed her other hand and kissed her back, I wanted her to know that kissing me was okay. You can see in her face that she felt relieved, "I just wanted to make sure I had the chance to do this before I go.", she told me, trying to downplay as we both did, about how we felt.
I kissed a girl by Katy Perry is playing as we both just had our first kiss ever.
"We ought to get back out there before our parents start to worry.", I tell her as I am nervous about getting caught.
She agrees, we both know that this has to be kept between us; She's already moving far away, I don't want her to also be kept away.
Awkwardly walking out the restroom, we sat back down in hopes that our parents didn't see. I know they should be coming back anytime soon. You can tell just how badly we wanted to hold hands again, maybe even lean on each other's shoulders, and as much as I wanted to... I couldn't risk that.
And as much as we wanted to, I'm glad we didn't.
The store door bell jingles as we see both of our parents walk in not too soon after everything. We both try our best to act like we didn't just kiss each other a few minutes ago.
My mom says, "You girls had fun ?, come on, we have to go soon."
Ughhhh, I'm so not looking forward to being away from her. This has got to be the saddest way to start summer.
Summertime sadness starts by Lana del Rey playing as I am looking out the car window on the way home.
It's officially her last day here, I am outside her driveway, watching all the boxes load up into the truck, she's moving some hours away. "I'm glad we got to chat once more, I'll miss you April, don't forget about me okay ?"
With utmost sorrow, we hug for quite a long time, yet not too long, for we don't want to raise suspicion.
Summer passes, and so does a few years. Years of anguish, rebellion, and unrest within my home. I grew into myself, the shades of the girl I once was, the girl I tried so hard to be, had forfeitted over time.
We wrote to each other for sometime, eventually we started texting; although between my constant grounding and her not being allowed to be on social media, contact had faded, and my curiosity had grew.
Did she forget about me eventually ? Did our friendship just fizzle out from the distance ? Did she just outgrow me over time, had forgotten about that moment we shared at Menchies and grew into a person I no longer recognize ?
Glad you came by The wanted started playing as I am in my cap and gown, taking pictures outside after graduation.
I am taking pictures with family outside, and my high school friends soon after. All day I kept hearing something about this so-called "surprise". I know I am having a graduation party after this but I sure wondered what everyone had been talking about.
And to my surprise, "Sabrina !", I hear a familiar voice. As I am looking around I hear once more, "Sabrina, over here !", and oh my did she blossom.
I see her, I see her, it's her !, "April !", I yell out as we both run towards each other for a long awaited hug.
We both sobbed our eyes out, and to our embarrassment, our families are laughing, smiling as they are taking pictures of us.
"-N-no way !", I am on the floor sobbing, and the sky is cotton candy, just like that day we spent at Menchies.
"Come on, we have a graduation party to attend !", she says with excitement.
She IS the surprise.
Uma Thurman by Fall out boy is playing as we are both throwing down moves at my graduation party.
And underneath the starlit skies, somewhere outside, where only we knew, we kissed, and kissed, like our lips longed for this moment, to coexist.
As we grew older, eventually to branch out and away from our shame, many more late afternoons were spent, and as it was then, it is to this day; The sky is cotton candy 🍦🍭.
Forever stuck in our youth by Set it off is playing as the screen fades to only, soft pink, cotton candy skies.
*for Spotify premium users // you can queue the songs (bolded text) in order to follow along with the soundtrack*
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alx-magazine · 17 days
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A heartfelt tale about about a floating house in outer space ☄️🤍 //
Full story available on Alx-magazine
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alx-magazine · 17 days
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We gave you Ocean dreams, now we give you High speed chase, the thrilling 3rd chapter to Night rider; The intensity of romance, the thrill of crime, the mind twisting dystopia of sci-fi.
My apologies, I will not be releasing this piece for it'll be apart of the upcoming book, "Night rider"; Want to know more ?
Stay tuned for the unraveling of Night rider 🌙🛻‼️
- You can still enjoy the Spotify playlist paired up with this story here ⬇️
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alx-magazine · 17 days
TV Galactica 🛰️🌌
Cornfield chase by Hans zimmer is playing as I'm laying in bed trying to sleep.
I can't help it, the way nocturnace strikes me, I try to close my eyes and drift off to sleep, the only thing that drifts away is my mind.
The wonders of my mind take me away Everytime, whether it's spiraling into new visions, ideas, and endeavors; sometimes it's the longing to hold you tightly, oh how I wish you were here in my bed, laying in my arms instead of living in my head.
Looking up at the plain ceiling of my neon lit room, I close my eyes, then open them again, blurry visions of the posters on my wall, the colours of my room, and the late night TV programs.
Present by Lloyd Vaan is playing as I am about to get up.
Looking at the clock, it's about 3:33AM, interesting is the time. I conclude that I can't sleep for the life of me. There's something quite liminal about being awake at this time anyways, going to the kitchen, opening the fridge, maybe I'll crash on the couch tonight.
I go to the living room and turn on a movie, lighting up a candle, I have my tea steeping in the kitchen, maybe I'll smoke a little.
Memories of grass by Perila starts playing as I hear a small, still voice.
I'm sitting on the couch with a movie turned on, enjoying the drift with some quiet music playing in the background, blowing out smoke in front of the candle, my definition of perfect solace. I then hear the words,
"Staying up too late again ? Open up your window and look at outside."
Stellar by diedlonely. , énouement starts playing as I look out my window
With my eyes and mouth open wide, I look astounded at what surrounds me. There is no grass, no trees, no parked cars, and neighboring homes beside me.
Although I am taken aback by the stellatus sky, I am wary to step out into the void, fearing I won't know my way back home.
Time traveler by Koloah starts playing as I hear static coming from my TV.
I look over to my TV and notice that the channels have changed, now I feel a bit haunted. I start watching the channel to see what it could all mean,
"Galactica?" I read off of the screen.
The words "Ye needn't be afraid to step out into the unknown" are written on the screen followed by more static and the number 222 flashing afterwards.
222... I wonder what that could mean as I'm fiddling with the small beard on my chin; I hear a small, still voice once more, saying "Trust in the process."
"Fine, I guess I'll see what's out there." , I say to myself.
And at that moment I hear a loud thump hitting the side of my house, I flinch and look over to my window startled some.
Interstellar fantasy by Greg Foat, Ayo Salawu starts playing as I am on my way to opening the door to see what's out there.
An astronaut is attempting to knock on my window, and I'm starting to feel a bit worrisome. After all, the activity seems rather paranormal.
I swallow my doubts, eyes closed, I whisper to myself, "I mustn't be afraid, just have trust in the process."
The astronaut is trying to show me something, reaching out for my hand. I grab onto their hand, having them take me away.
Backside of the moon by The orb begins to play as I am soaring through the galaxy into the unknown.
Astonished I truly am, I can see the backside of the moon from here, I can see the Earth getting smaller as I move further, and the scorching sun, light years away but I still feel the heat.
How come all are suited besides I ? Shouldn't I be dead from this ?
All very valid concerns but I mustn't overthink it, I'm still alive aren't I ?
I can somewhat see the destination from here, and my house, that's long gone, looking like nothing but a mere speck of dust now.
Innate abstraction by cruel diagonals starts playing as I am arriving to this foreign interstellar station.
It's all a bit abstract to me, how I flew out here suitless in space, not holding back, just to land myself in this all white room, pristine in condition. The monitors beeping in perfect sequence, almost melodic to the hum of the motors, a harmony divinely so; an observation I'll hold onto.
The astronaut takes off their helmet to reveal themselves, and it all became so heartfelt. "Mother-", I stuttered in shock, "How could it be?"
I felt the hairs of my arms stand up a bit, she says to me, "You're so big now.", all teary eyed, I run up to her for a hug, it's been so long.
Sitting on these big, cushioned chairs, she made us hot cocoa for warmth and comfort. We sat by this enormous window with the upmost galactic view as she told me various tales, legends, and sang lullabies; I don't remember much more.
Going home by twin color is playing as my mother is carrying me in her arms, soaring across the galaxy to take me back home.
I awake the next day, everything as if nothing had occurred, I look over to my bedside table, finding a note.
The note is slightly dusted in some unknown, clinquant substance; the note read,
"You ever wondered why you could soar through space without a suit ? My son, you are made of stardust, and whenever you can't sleep, remember where you can find me, mom loves you."
I hold the letter up to my heart as a tear rolls down my face and crack a slight smile.
Interstellar. By Pandora.,chillwithme, cødy is playing as the scene of me laying in bed with the letter up to my heart fades to black.
Memento quod amor meus omnia per universum extendit;
memento mei cum sidera spectes et caeli noctis 🤍☄️.
- com amor, Alx Moreira
*for Spotify premium users // you can queue the songs (bolded text) in order to follow along with the soundtrack*
Happy listening (~: !
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alx-magazine · 5 months
A bad Xmas 🎄🎁
Twas the night before Christmas, where all hell broke loose. Angry families, frightened children, Santa is drunk and nobody understands why he's acting that way; Seriously, what is going on here ?
Zombie Claus by Psychostick is blasting from the rusted brown van that is speeding and swerving recklessly throughout the suburbs.
How did we get here huh ? Chaos and dismay on Christmas eve.
Well, let me introduce myself; My name is Nick but they call me dick for short. Father's don't approve of me, teachers dread the period I'm in, my family is a wacky bunch but at least we love each other... That's not always the reality for some. My best friend Phil, well let's just say that the sound of beer bottles crashing on the wall is all too familiar. When things go sour at home, he comes over to crash on our couch for a bit.
My family isn't big on Christmas but we still put up a tree every year, slap on some ornaments and call it a season. Phil on the other hand never does anything for Christmas; until we were about 13 at least.
Decemberism by Man overboard starts playing as we flash back in time.
8th grade year, Phil was an obnoxious yet bright eyed lad, he always dreaded this time of year, although that was until he met Lisa.
Lisa was a prissy Christian girl who was friends with the prettiest girls in school. You see, Phil and I, we were rather estranged from said crowd. We didn't care about church, we reeked of pepperoni pizza, we had big mouths, tough attitudes, ripped up clothing, and greasy ass spiked hair.
Although that didn't seem to stop Lisa from making her way to our table at lunch, joyfully commenting on the way we looked, as if she was observing extraterrestrial beings that just landed on Earth.
Lisa and Phil, such an unexpected pairing they were that year, and her friends went out of their way to embarrass Phil in front of her as much as possible.
Scoffs "and we are the jerks.", Phil mutters under his breath as he is covered in chocolate milk and spaghetti in front of the whole cafeteria.
Lisa was a kind girl, she didn't let that see him any different, and she even told her friends to knock it off, even if they just brushed her aside and laughed it off.
Christmas time came around and Lisa in attempt to impress Phil, invited him to sneak into her home the Friday night before Christmas break. She lived on the other side of the hill where all the big houses were,and he skated all the way over there to see her. They had their first kiss underneath the Christmas tree, it was rather lovely until it was interrupted by her dad.
Lisa's dad was flaming pissed at the fact that his daughter not only snuck a boy into their home, but that the boy was "hellish and rotten, why would you bring a boy like that into our home..." Blah blah blah, the angry father keeps bitchin'. Long story short, Lisa's father made her transfer to an all girls catholic school the following semester and so on. He never saw her again.
Sympathy 4 the Grinch by 100 gecs begins playing as Phil and I speed down the hill on our skateboards.
And that's where our Christmas tradition began, Phil just about had it. He came up to me manically after that night all excited about his new plans. Spray paint cans spill out of his stinky, ripped up backpack, I already knew what he had in store.
Now we are nearing 17, it's that time of year again. The past years of mischief were rather juvenile, since it's our last year of school, we thought we'd step it up a notch.
We started off by going around the neighborhood at night, unplugging all the lights, egging a few houses, leaving small brown bags of dog shit on fire at doorsteps, ah a good way to start the season.
This year we had more people joining us. Our friends Ricky, Dex the wreck, and Sid the sick fuck. We are a full team this year, and we have a lot more than stupid, kiddy pranks in store.
Coal in my stockings by backyard superman is playing as we are throwing snow at each other in excitement for our devious plans.
We proceeded to head on over to Ricky's basement to partake in our very own favorite Christmas tree, with a large, cheesy pepperoni pizza to devour as we are overtaken by the munchies. Phil lets out a loud burp as he throws a 40oz beer bottle at the wall.
I get up aggressively and yell out "SERIOUSLY THOUGH GUYS, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP THIS YEAR!!?"
Dex joins in, chest bumping me, saying, "WHATCHU GOT IN MIND FOO ?!"
Twas the night before Crushmas by Vulvodynia starts playing and we all began moshing in Ricky's basement.
Ricky get's up with a revelation, "GUYS, THAT'S JUST IT!"
We all hurdle up into my rusty van and start heading our way over the hill to the oh so jolly suburban neighborhood to go caroling.
Oh the perfect white picket fences, and the friendly faces, homes decorated like gingerbread houses. As we speed through the street of this cookie cutter neighborhood, Phil rolls down the window for Sid to moon the old, white man getting his mail. "DID YA SEE THAT MOTHAFUCKA !?" Sid yelled as we were all dying of laughter, Ricky continues the joke by saying, "Mothafucka look like the shocked Pikachu meme."
We begin caroling by singing our Christmas favorite, 🎶 "It's Christmas in Hollywood, Santa's back up in the hood, so meet me under the mistletoe let's fuckkk." 🎶
A few door slams later...
We start caroling at this house with a 5 y/o son and 3 y/o daughter, in which we sang our other favorite, "Merry crushmas". Let's just say the kids weren't too happy and neither were the parents. Both kids sobbing with fright and their father ready to swing at us with a baseball bat. After a few more door slams, angry parents, gun pulls, and crying kids, we decided to hit the mall.
Kidnap the sandy claws by Korn starts playing on the stereo as we're swerving recklessly on the way to the mall.
We have to a pay a visit to our special friend, the mall Santa.
So we took some pictures with the mall Santa of course; with our distressed black clothing, crazy hair, corpse paint, and heavy chains, making rotten faces. Dex has brought a fancy glass bottle of eggnog, and while it is eggnog, there is one special ingredient.
"Well hey Santa, I know you're one that usually gives us presents, but we thought we'd give back this year.", Dex tells him in a soft, compassionate tone.
Dex hands him a beautifully wrapped glass bottle of eggnog, with a bow on it. Santa looks quite pleased with our gift, he chuckles and says, "Ho ho ho, now that was very kind of you guys, most certainly didn't have to.", He proceeds to open up the bottle, and take a sip.
Look, we all know that behind the red suit, Santa is just some big ol' regular Joe, like our dads, just putting on a uniform, doing what he gotta do to bring home the goods.
"Hmm, what did you boys put in here huh, ?, You guys think I'm stupid??" , Santa says in a stern tone...
We all look slightly frightened at Santa who looks like he's about to take off his hat and whoop our ass.
El santa by Salo Venegas starts playing as Santa chugs down the bottle and lets out a big Hispanic squeel.
He bursts out laughing, and says, "...You son of a bitch, how did you guys know that this is all a Mothafucka needed. Now I kinda wanna get out of here, what about you guys !??"
The whole line of parents and kids looking appalled as a drunk mall Santa, screams out "Ho ho, fuckin ho, how about we get out of here and get some hoes!"
We escort him out of the mall before the mall cops do, and we all hurdle back into my rusty van and rush away. Now that we've kidnapped Santa, we are headed to his house, or so he says...
We pull up to this janky-lookin' house, falling apart, with some tough dudes sitting on the porch, chain smoking, and blasting some aggressive rap music.
"This where you live Santa?", I ask him.
Santa tells us, "Wait out here, I'm about to go make it snow."
As we're waiting patiently, Santa comes back out with a brick and once he's back in the van, he tells us, "I've got us a little present, now I'll take half of this to myself, and I gift you guys the other half, do with it what you will, but to get this party started, how about some lines !"
Well, we're kids after all, so we're all just sitting here, nervously chuckling and slightly frightened as none of us ever dared to try a lil bit of white; I guess this is Santa's idea of a white Christmas. Phil of course decides to say, "Fuck it! Why not ? Merry fucking Christmas guys!!", As he snorts a fat ass line, his first time??
Sid joins in as well, the rest of us decline the offer, although I guess we have a free half brick ??
It was all fun and games until Santa started tweaking on us, he's a grown ass man and we just gotta drop him off somewhere.
"Santa, where the fuck do you live? My parents are definitely gonna say something, so come on, let's take yo ass home.",
Santa tweakin' mad, he refused to let us know where he lives, so we just drive back to the mall and throw his ass out the van. We decided to let him keep the whole brick to himself and just drive away like we didn't just go on that whole little detour.
The sun has came down, my boys and I are pumped up, ready to head back to Ricky's basement to just laugh about the day we had and chill.
Holiday by turnstile is blasting off our speakers as we speed on home at night.
As we returned to Ricky's basement, we just had a good toke, some good laughs, and well looks like Santa is on the news, let's just hope he doesn't remember who we are.
Now it's Christmas morning, the neighborhood is a mess, the town has been stricken with chaos and mischievous deeds, for that was our way of spreading the holiday cheer, sincerely, for you, from me. Merry fuckin' Christmas 🎄!
Christmas tree on fire by Tom Heinl is playing as the scene of snowy homes with crooked Christmas lights hanging off the roofs, and knocked over festive decor is slowly zooming and fading away.
-Alex M.
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alx-magazine · 7 months
radio ciudad 🌆 // Late night jams | indie, shoegaze, y más | Driving underneath the blue moon 🌙
A lively night, as I saunter through the streets of Lyon. I stare up at the moon; A waning crescent that is a deep tint of joune. My face is stiffened as it's stricken by the crisp cold air of hiver.
This. This is what I live for, as my head is popped up with enthusiasm.
The excitement of all things new. The passing faces, smiles; The assortment of sounds that play into every piece of the scenery.
I see these things, I hold a small, dim flame of warmth for les petit joais.
Engaged in my observant nature, I open the door to what is my ritual.
What is this ritual you may ask? Is it a ritual of all things noire et obscure ? Non, pour I am an aficionado of diversions; the simple joy of a steaming mug of tea.
The appealing atmosphere of the city's esoteric, Cafe froid; where I enjoy il sereno, le musique, et my silky, honey chamomile herbal tea, with a splash of vanille to taste.
This. This is what I live for; As I'm sitting in my solitude, in preparation for le nuit.
Preparation for what ?, You may ask.
Well you see, with much enthusiasm that I hold for the streets of Lyon; I am not of the city, but rather of a sleepy little chalet in Pérouges.
What started as infrequent trips to Lyon; is now the common groove. Here and then, my parents would go on occasional date nights to the city. I was 14 when I started tagging along for the ride.
My parents would go about their way as I'd play musique for those who strolled passed. Le musique I'd play varied, for I am of many talents; Strings, brass, and the array of flavours I bring to the night.
After my father's passing, I've made it the point to liven the city with music every weekend, for I must bring home my earnings. My older brother Olivier works in the city's industrial district; Whenever he goes to work on Fridays and Saturdays, we head over to the city together.
Perhaps I feel closer to him as I do so; the warm-hearted laughter as we jest and part ways for the night. I looked to my father with grand admiration; the tales told about le gardien, our ancestry, the leaves, and things of that nature.
I know that to compose is my greatest ambition; Father would've wanted me to pursue further, to continue our legacy,et to remain steadfast in this journey.
My name is Bené Lussiere.
Born of parents Claudio et Elise; I am the fifth child out of ten. I stand at 177cm tall, quite slim in figure, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.
Tonight I am dressed in a darkened grey turtleneck, with a deep velvet blue coat draped over my scrawny shoulders.
Tonight I score le paysage de une nuit à Lyon;
as I fiddle away with the bow that grazes over the strings of this petite wooden body.
To be continued -
Meet the author:
"Hi, my name is Alex and this is a lil some' I wrote."
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alx-magazine · 7 months
The blood tinted wine trickling amongst the glass,
"Well, my dear. Twas a battle indeed, wasn't it ?",
Mateus declares with such cavalier.
Tiresome clenks
Subtle gasps of air underneath her breath as she is taking her first few sips.
"Not much to say, I see."
The sālnes persists-
Yona whispers gently, "Je suis sans veux."
She glares at him with soft, endearing, yet melancholic eyes.
Mateus places a firm arm around her shoulder as he whispers to her ear ,
"Darling, come here... ", Holding her warmly, "I know. For we hath been nothing but warriors of love, with faces of marks and ashes adust. At last, we can say that the war has been ceased and we can now be merry.", He states to her in a voice of relief with a slight tone of hurt that creeps from underneath.
He lands a soft peck upon her forehead painted in that of ashes and shrapnel.
With her head wistfully facing the floor, as she slowly lifts up her head, her eyes shine back at his; She plants a soft kiss on his cheek.
This moment of alluring affection is then interrupted as Mateus decides to stand up unexpectedly from the suede, burgundy love seat.
Mateus exclaims with liveliness, "Let's break the silence, shall we ?"
Yona glances over to the sight of Mateus turning on an analog, wooden framed stereo of a red maple shade.
The sound seeps out of the compact victrola.
A glimpse of light creeps up from behind her eyes as she slowly cracks a smile.
Within this noire, dim, candlit ballroom of minimalistic yet elegant decour,
Small, still music elevates up to the ceiling,
filling the atmosphere with sound,
All around, and onto this intimate dancefloor .
Yona is restfully observing Mateus from the love seat as he is approaching her playfully.
A glimpse of light creeps up from behind her eyes as she lets out a subtle laugh.
The scenery of two lost lovers reunited,
Mateus reaches for her soft, petite hands,
"Mon amour, shall we dance here ? May we please danse in victoire?"
Yona falls into the arms of Mateus as he sways her towards the centre of this home-like, vacant flat.
Within walls that radiate of melancholic intimacy e pasão; lábios perto, trocando respiração.
The anticipation of cold, lonely lips, yearning to intertwine;
The frame is slowly panning out as the music too fades .
Happy listening :~) !
Meet the author:
"Hi, my name is Alex and this is a lil some' I wrote,
It's based off of my playlist."
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alx-magazine · 7 months
Entouré d'étoiles 🌌
It's a night where the wind is whistling, singing amongst the tall grass that is dancing along to the melodies of nature.
A small, redwood cabin houses a small, insightful lady with a resting face of tension; her raised brows and sorrowful eyes.
What's most captivating about her sorrowful eyes are how compassionate they are. You look straight into them and you feel the warm, gentle embrace of her soul bleed into you.
She was a pondering soul with a mind vibrant like water colour flowing across the canvas; waddling herself throughout the field of tall grass and flowers.
Every so often, the small boy from the woods would pay her a visit; you'd hear him scurry through the field, making his way to her cozy dwelling.
There she is, sitting on her small, white bench as she's watching the sun set. The small boy approaches her with his face of radiance and optimistic nature; taking perky steps up towards the porch.
Pointing at the sky, "Lovely day", he speaks with such cheeky expression, as he is "one cheeky bastard".
As the sun finally greets them with a goodnight,
The small boy, ups and leaves quite abruptly.
"Where must you go, and why so soon?", She says with her typical, quizzical face.
In such mystery, he just smiles at her and skips away, back into the forest.
She is always puzzled by their brief interactions, "who is he anyways?"
As the night goes on, she treats herself to some hot cocoa, as she waits for the cookies to come out the oven.
Night walk by Gavin Luke is spinning away on her record player, filling up the cozy walls of her cabin.
She often likes to enjoy a quiet night like this,
Sitting in front of her fireplace, as the seasons are just beginning to shift,
As the Autumn leaves begin to fade and make way for the Winter.
She often lays in bed with her eyes closed, trying oh so hard to just drift away into her slumber.
That's the problem.
"Do you remember the day your lover got shot by an arrow in front of you and died?"
Do you ever ask why? A lovely, gentle young lady like her, living alone in the middle of nowhere?
Not a single soul to speak, not a single ounce of company to keep?
Who are "her people" ?, And where are they?
The next day, she wakes up to the sounds of birds chirping, in variations, singing different tunes.
In a sluggish manner, she makes her way to the kitchen with her languid face and messy bed head.
Today is such a sunny day, with the sun smiling upon the Earth, the tall grass as green as ever, with the sunlight making her eyes sparkle.
She decides that today she wants to wear a long, navy blue, flowy and floral skirt with a simple, timberwolf gray crop top. She has little soft blue butterflies clipped to her long, flowing, curly hair; the butterflies neatly resting amongst her hair as if it was some mystical garden.
She spends the day wandering around the field with her hair and skirt flowing in the wind. A slow day filled with absolute solace, meditative tranquility, and thoughts flowing through her mind like a river.
She began to understand why he loathed in his melancholic solitude.
"Do you remember why you came to live all the way out here in the first place?"
"Why you decided to stay here after everything, instead of going back home?"
The sun is beginning to set again.
This time, she is on the very tip top of the roof, looking down at the field and at her cabin.
She is meditating in the sun, having the light blind her eyes, as thoughts race through her mind.
"What's more peaceful?"
"To enjoy the sweetness of this serenity?"
..."Or to just be with him again."
"Are you gonna jump?", The small boy tells her in a sardonic manner as he surprises her with his presence.
He was pulling a truck bed-sized wagon filled with auburn, russet Autumn, leaves.
As she was standing on the very tip top of her cabin, bowled over by his spontaneous appearance; she then slips and falls off the roof.
The small boy rushes over to pull the wagon to the front of where she was falling; in which she lands right into the pile of leaves.
Her eyes opening as she's laying on her back on top of the leaves ; she exclaims in awe, "No fucking way."
She had really thought it was truly over, that "I guess this is it."
The small boy reaches his hand out to help pull her out of the wagon.
She is appalled.
Looking as stern as ever, yet quite clearly relieved that she did not just fall off the roof and splat right on to the ground.
Stammering in confusion as to how she just happened to break her fall over a pile of leaves in a wagon.
The small boy is just standing there like the cheeky bastard he is, cracking a slight smile, trying not to laugh, "They call it fall for a reason."
She can't help but let out a soft giggle and asks him , "what is your name anyways huh?"
He tells her, "Timothy L'k.o.t.s...", brief pause, "And I guess I just caught you", bursting in the childish laughter he was trying to conceal.
Grabbing an arms full of leaves, she throws it at him saying, "Everything is just so funny to you, isn't it?"
Still humored by his jokes, she asks him, "No seriously, what is your name?"
With his face turning straight for a minute, "I am being serious." Brief pause, "I am Timothy, Le keeper of the stars."
Intrigued by his title, she then introduces herself, "Well, star boy, my name is Monserrat De La Flora."
With a slight grin to match his cheekiness, she then tells him, "Now that I caught on, just call me Monse for short."
All suspense has died down as the atmosphere began to ease up. The sun then has set and the night sky took over.
Monse invites Timothy to come into her cabin, "Why don't you come in for some tea?"
He does so hesitantly; she asks him "What? You've never stepped foot inside of a home before ?"
With her sorrowful, deep eyes staring at him; his eyes begin to light up as he is embraced by the warmth of her home...and her eyes.
She then decides to put some music,
(forever?????????) By glass beach starts spinning on the record player.
"Have a seat, star boy", she tells him as she hands him a deep, ocean blue mug, with wild berry herbal tea.
As they're both sitting on comfy couch chairs nearby the window and fireplace; she proceeds to ask him,
"So why do they call you, the keeper of the stars ?"
He stammers subtly, "Well, there's not much I can say and I can't show you in here. We'll have to go outside."
As they both finish up their tea, he tells her, "you ready Monse ?"
They go outside to see what Timothy has in store, to see why he is this so-called, " Le keeper of the stars."
Music is so special by Brothers with soul begins to play.
The night sky, midnight blue and the wind, once again, singing it's special tune.
Timothy pulls out this minuscule carpet, rolled up to fit his pockets somehow.
He lays it flat on the mowed grass area in front of the cabin; the carpet elegantly lays flat on it's own.
She lets out a subtle laugh and asks "so, you have a magic carpet?", In her jeering yet kind tone, displaying genuine curiousity whilst poking at him a bit.
He looks at her with honest eyes, "pfft, this is more than just a magic carpet." Facing towards the carpet, "Here, sit down."
As they're both sitting down underneath the sky, surrounded by stars, he begins to tell her a little tale.
"...Before I fell down from the sky as a shooting star, I was shot by an arrow. After getting shot, I immediately fell down from the sky as a star. I don't recall anything in between that..."
Her eyes quickly become tear-filled, stammering "y-you mean, you got shot by an arrow?"
"-you know, I have a memory. So strangely familiar.."
He gazes deeply at her face with eyes that tell all, "As do I...my love."
The night is singing once more, he then breaks the brief silence by telling her,
"Let us lay flat dear, I want to show you something."
Gently holding her hand, he asks her,
"show me your deepest pain, show me the ache of your soul, and continue laying flat with your eyes closed."
In doing so, whilst holding her hand, her whole body begins to glow with this galactic aura.
The aura then shatters, and a dim, gold light seeps through the cracks.
He then tells her, "open your eyes and sit back up."
In doing so, she sees her aura, then she sees him holding a heart of similar pattern and texture.
"This your heart.", He tells her with a stern look, "now watch this."
In his hands, you see the heart shatter much like glass, cutting his arms, having blood streaming down his wrists.
She looks slightly petrified yet remains faithful in what he's trying to show her.
"Now I must call upon the stars." ,Timothy whistles up at the sky; A whistle that sounds much like a magic flute. You can see the sound waves of his whistle fly up, penetrating the sky.
A star flys down and into his left hand. With his bloody right hand, holding her heart up to her chest and a star in another. The star begins to glisten brightly as it bleeds down his left arm, turning it gold. The gold, goo-like substance makes way to the broken heart on his right hand.
One moment at a time, the starry liquid mends the broken heart, making it sparkle. All the blood is evaporated off his arms; he then proceeds to wrap his arms around her tightly, filling the cracks of her aura with a shimmering gold, starry fluid.
Her compassionate eyes tear up as she is enchanted, having her jaw dropped to the floor. He tells her, "Hold on, there's more, now just lay back down."
Can we stay like this a little longer by Cosi starts playing as she is laying right next to him in his arms, under the stars.
As they're looking up at the stars, the night sky begins to swallow them both whole, much like a planetarium.
At this point, Monse is in pure astoundment as she lifts her head up slightly to see that all the grass is gone, everything is gone.
It's just her, Timothy, and the carpet; surrounded by the void of the night sky, the abyssal blackness with little spots of glowing light; stars.
Timothy, in a narrative tone then says, " Mon amour, your eyes are the night sky full of stars, you are the gold, star-like fluid that mends my heart, you are the songs of nature, and what makes love art."
"Together, with the energy our love radiates, we are Entouré d'étoiles 🌌."
Before he goes back to the forest, he hands her the star; she holds the star closely to her heart.
"Goodnight dear, for I must return to the forest now. I'll return to thee and perhaps next time you shall see, just where I reside, at my dwelling that is of trees.", He tells her as he's walking away, crunching the leaves and blowing her a kiss goodnight from a distance.
The kiss floats towards her, making way to land right on her forehead, skipping down to her cheek, and lastly, to her lips.
Dream river. By Woodsman is playing as the scene fades to black.
Happy listening (-: !
-Alex M.
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alx-magazine · 7 months
It's about 8:00pm, I have my bags packed, sitting on the floor near the door. In front of my house there's a pretty big porch. Big enough for a few chairs, enough for a few friends.
I am sitting on this white pool-like chair with a small white end table to my left.. I place my lil Cheech n' Chong ashtray on my lap, breaking down a game blue mini. I persist to roll up a small blunt; taking a few tokes at sunset before loading the truck and heading out.
After my brief smoke sesh, I decide it's time to get my ass up and load the truck.
I have a small '85 Toyota Tacoma, navy blue with a cream colored stripe on each side, and a fine outline of deep red on the stripes. My grandfather passed that truck onto me, it was a beauty back in it's day.
Now it's rather aged, but I saw him maintain that bad boy throughout the years, so perhaps it's as good as ever. I may not be a mechanical expert but I did make sure to keep the stereo system up to date; what is a lengthy drive without some good jams ? The only downside to my truck is that it's a three seater, so I'm not too sure about how I'm going to fit all my friends in the truck; there's five of us.
I start loading up the truck; I've got my tents, camping chairs, a big bluetooth stereo, beach towels, an extra change of clothes, my acoustic guitar, the list can go on. I made sure to pack two coolers as well so we have plenty to eat. One cooler is for the drinks, the other for hamburger patties, fish, seafood, and things of the sort.
I place the last bag on the truck bed, making sure we had everything we need for the night. The sun has set for the most part, it's nearing 9:00pm by now and I'm fixing to head out.
I take a seat, placing the key in the ignition, proceeding to start the car. Before I drive off, I make sure to call and tell everyone that I'm about to be on the way.
The truck has a moderately loud cabin as I start it.
Before I drive off, of course I have to make sure there's music playing.
La nuit américaine by Lescop is the first song that starts playing .
I am dressed in some flowy black Hawaiian shirt with a cream and deep red floral pattern; loosely buttoned down some, paired with deep red swim shorts and accessorized with a simple gold chain.
I make my first stop to pick up my beautiful girlfriend; She is wearing a simple black swimsuit, some little shorts on top of it, covered in a flowy,loose, cream-colored cardigan.
As I pull up to the front of her house, I honk so she knows I'm here. I see her running towards the truck with her little bags, appearing to be excited for the night. I get out the truck to help her put her bags in the back. After doing so, I hold her closely by the waist, telling her, "Looking stunning as ever", before I give her a quick kiss. I open the door for her and hop back in the driver's seat, stoked for the adventure that awaits us.
I speed on over to pick up three more friends before we make way to the beach. There's clearly not much space so three of us sit up front, and two chill in the back, sitting on the truck bed.
Black out days by phantogram and subtronics begins playing as I'm speeding down the highway.
I roll down the windows, with the warm summer breeze blowing towards us, and my music being able to reach the homies in the back.
I re-spark the mini from earlier and pass it on to everybody else to smoke as I'm driving.
My lover right next to me, holding my hand as she is chatting away, catching up with her girlfriend.
I turn down my music just a little as we are upon arrival; It's about 10:00pm now.
Have you ever been to the beach at night time ?
It's a ghost town, just us amongst the palm trees swaying back and forth. Supposedly the tides can get quite high at night, we made sure to settle down at a safe distance from the water.
There is a concrete area near the parking lot with some tables and a restroom area. We all hop out the truck with enthusiasm; my girlfriend and our friends run towards the sand. One of my friends stay back to help me unpack our things.
I set up some music on my stereo to get the party started.
Sweater weather by The neighbourhood starts playing.
Of course, we all know this song!
Two of my friends and I start up a small bonfire with some wood we brought. The beach has some small boulders that look like nature made us seats. Regardless we'll be fine because we have camping chairs as well.
By the fire, we proceed to spark up an enormous backwood, gifted by one of my friends.
My girlfriend is crawled up in between my arms and legs, as we're sitting in unison. The blunt gets passed around the circle; She looks so pretty with her lips blowing out the smoke in my direction, giggling with her eyes barely opened.
We are all telling outrageous tales and laughing up a storm; I hold my girlfriend a little tighter as I'm admiring her cute laugh. It's funny seeing her stoned, considering this is a once and a blue moon moment for her.
Upon the open flame, we all help out in grilling some burgs, fish, and shrimp on skewers. Some of my friends crack open some wine coolers; tonight, I'll just stick with a cold can of Guarana.
Boys Latin by Panda bear starts playing next as we are stoned around the fire.
One of my friends surprise us by pulling out a bag of shrooms; talk about unplanned adventures.
My girlfriend and I aren't frequent trippers in the slightest but we figured why hold back on a night like this.
At this point and time, we have all dispersed from sitting around the fire; we are dancing, floating around the sand like atoms.
Velvet skies by Palma players starts playing as we are playfully running around in the sand.
My girlfriend and I are slow dancing to this song; we are looking at each other, reading each others soul with great intimacy. It's almost as if she's undressing me with her eyes.
The night is warm but the water is a bit chilly.
At this point we have all ran towards the ocean and began playing in the water; laughing away with childish joy.
As we run back towards the sand, we are shivering for our towels to keep us warm. Thankfully there's a bonfire to do so as well.
I proceed to turn off the stereo for a moment.
I'd figure I pull out the guitar now and start jamming with friends. We all take turns freestyling and doing poetry over my guitar. One of my friends pull out a tambourine to add rythmn to the session. I'm playing samba-like melodies, in Brasil this would be considered "Poesía acoustica".
After the jam session slows down some as we all get a little more sleepy, I decide to turn the music back on.
NFWMB by Hozier starts playing as I start rolling up another blunt.
My girlfriend, the non-stoner she is, takes the honors of sparking it up.
I kiss her after she blows the smoke straight at my face; my puny eyes light up in the sight of her beauty, I then let out one cheeky smile.
Kiss me again by The drums starts playing next as the smoke session comes to an end.
Some of our friends are laying down on some blankets and towels on the sand.
My girlfriend and I sneak off a bit into the distance, dancing closely to each other underneath the starry, moonlit night with waves crashing nearby.
We are dancing quite silly to this song in particular, as I "kiss her again, kiss her again, kiss her again."
Everyone is still laying down on the blankets, so we decide to settle down and lay right next to them.
With her in my arms, laying her head on my chest, we are looking up at the stars, taking a breath, getting lost in the sky.
At this point it's a bit passed 2:00am, the night is dying down, the trip has descended greatly; with her head laying on my chest, I notice she's drifted off to sleep.
I carry her off to our sleeping area so we can finally call it a night.
Sleep sound by Jamie xx is playing as I'm carrying my girlfriend with our friends all walking towards our tents.
The music slowly fades away as the scene too fades.
Whether it's a cozy cabin, entourée de neige,
Looking out the window, viewing the city night skyline,
A beautiful spring day on a farm,
Or a sunny day at the beach,
Whenever we're together, I'll feel at peace,
And tonight the beach brings nothing but the upmost ocean dreams.
- Alex M.
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alx-magazine · 7 months
Meet the author :
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Tis I, the writer of these lil stories. I honestly don't have much to say other than I want to introduce myself. My name is Alex and this is the page where I keep all my short stories. I thought I'd put my name and face out there so we all know wassup, and that's really all I have to say lol
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alx-magazine · 7 months
The wind is whistling and the leaves are skipping on the sidewalk.
It's starting to get quite chilly outside. I wanna smoke out the window but I know how the cold air may sneak into my room.
My room is dressed in assorted printed out posters and magazine cutouts. I have this large timberland tapestry draping behind my full sized bed. There are so many things on the wall, you wonder how it can breathe. With polaroids taken over the past seasons with friends dangling right beneath my all year round Christmas lights.
Typically after a long day, I just jump onto my bed, laying flat on my back like I'm floating on water. I look up at my ceiling of stars, as my lamp keeps my room dimly lit. I have this psychedelic rug I got at this garage sale about 2 years back, with crumbs of green sunked into the fabric.
Ah yes, my desk right near the window with a decent view; yeah, a big red maple tree is blocking most of it, yet you can still see the craftly designed homes on the street.
2 story homes made of wood, painted in assorted, soft toned colors. The air of Scranton is rather crisp, we can get away with wooden homes all year round. It's said to be that in hotter climates, wooden homes aren't ideal.
My home is of a soft, sky blue with some white accents. You can say it may not stick out, yet there's beauty in simplicity.
Tonight I am staying indoors even if it's a Friday night. I am wearing this oversized, patterned, long sleeved polo that everyone makes fun of me for wearing. I never understood how they don't see the aesthetic appeal of this shirt. Aside from that, it's so soft in fabric, and I love how it warms me up after taking a shower on a chilly night.
Speaking of which, with my wet, curly hair dripping over every step I take; I waltz into my room on this cozy Friday night.
The lights are dimmed with my soft pink Christmas lights shining, and the shimmer of the moonlight peaking through my window. I have my comfort show playing on my small flat screen as I'm passively watching; yes, it's The wonder years.
I decide to put on some tunes to really set the mood. You can't go wrong with pill friends.
Mall goth by pill friends is playing as I take a big ass bong rip whilst sitting on my rug in front of the TV .
My bong is standing tall from the floor, being a bit over a footlong; it is of deep blue and clear glasswork with some glow in the dark design.
I have this forest green mug, steaming with some hot herbal tea. I wanted something soothing so I went with some sleepytime honey tea.
Of course I open my window for ventilation, letting the cool air seap into my room to combat the essence of marijuana smoke.
As I'm passively watching The wonder years, I start to roll up a blunt.
Breaking apart the Swishers and emptying out the guts onto a small box coated in sparkling sliver and gold stars.
The music persists as the journey slowly begins to launch after the appetizer; the bong rip.
For sure by American football begins playing as I am about to crawl out my window to sit on the roof .
The moon is shining back at me as I'm sparking up the blunt whilst sitting on the roof.
Thoughts float in and out of my head as I'm enjoying the tranquility of my melancholic solitude.
Spirit desire by tigers jaw starts playing next as I'm enjoying the crisp, Autumn air with the nightly wind hitting my face.
As thoughts continue to drift through my mind, I think of you, and I crack a soft smile. I think of you while Spirit desire is playing, and about how I feel that way towards you.
I hop back into my room as the smoke session comes to an end. I close the window and sit at my desk, looking out the window for a brief second.
My tea has cooled down some but it's still relatively warm; I take a few sips with a side of festive butter cookies. I also have a small glass of milk to dip the cookies in; I couldn't eat it any other way.
To continue the night, I decide to open up my journal. My journal is scribbled all over, tattooed in doodles, covered in assorted stickers.
I start to sit back, enjoying the music as I begin writing songs and doodling some more for a small moment.
Sleepyhead symphony by Clever girl is playing next.
These songs raise the small hairs on my skin; these are songs that grew up with me. As I once didn't understand just what they meant yet, but they still somehow resonated.
I grew up a little more, began to understand just what the lyrics meant; These words mean everything to me now.
These songs filled up the various bedroom walls I had resided in. They provoke a feeling I can't explain; Nostalgia? Familiarity? Home.
The music slowly fades as the camera zooms out.
The soft blue, wooden home is shown with the trees slowly swaying from the wind, before the screen turns black.
This is the comfort within my bedroom walls.
- Written by Alex M
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alx-magazine · 7 months
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The buzzing of the powersaw intensifying alongside the sounds of tearing flesh and crunching bones.
His eyes widened, with a sleek grin as he is salivating like a hungry dog met with a slice of bacon. He begins to grumble and mumble a foreign tongue so alien. As the chunks of flesh are flying in the air, a meaty piece of skin lands dead on his face.
With eagerness, he licks the blood off his fingers like it's gravy. A sharp, sticky sound as he peels the skin off his face.
He devours the flesh like beef jerky as the foreign mumble grumble grows louder.
A glimpse of childhood...
The ground is shaking as the huts are being blown near collapse.
"NOT MY SON!", Papá exclaims angrily.
Papa Xixi was a miserable, bitter man with a delusion of prosperity.
One at a time, all the sons take turns.
They know not the concept of consent.
Spitting on her face and calling her a whore.
Skinnedface was just a baby laying on a pile of straw and hay.
He was unlike the other brethren in the tribe,
He was much like his mother, and not one drop of blood, related to the father.
Mother always tried to escape her brother; she knew of civilization beyond her tribe.
Papa Xixi stored bitterness within his heart knowing that his sister would look elsewhere.
One day, papa Xixi ordered the boys to torture, kill her, then feast upon her. Flesh by flesh, down to the bone.
After years of maltreatment, his elder brother hands him a map. "Follow the line in that direction and don't look back, keep going until you no longer see trees. I can't explain what is out there, just know that it's nothing you've ever known. I love you.",
The last words he's heard from his brother before making his exit out of the woods.
The buzzing of the saw starts up again after he finishes feasting upon the flesh.
To the right of the exam table is an opaque gray barrel filled up with this foamy, acidic liquid that is carmine in colour.
Just an old trick he learned back in Colombia before he escaped to Mexico.
A convenient method for storing dead bodies and allowing them to break down in the acidic substance.
Somewhere out there lies confused and angry loved ones.
Unsolved murder cases, children left with no father as their mother has had the safety of her own skin stripped away,
For he is of no face, and leaves no trace.
For he not know what is morality, all he knows are his barbaric ways.
Stories of complete mystery
A long forgotten history ,
For he carries on no name,
No place,
Skinnedface, in documentation he doesn't exist.
The strange foreign mumble grumble grows louder as skinnedface is growling in pleasure and excitement.
Violent screams pierce the ears of the next victims, as they're held tightly, zip tied to each other, waiting for their turn.
With madness in his eyes, the buzzing of the chainsaw persists as chunks of flesh continue to fly up into the air.
Skinnedface is licking his lips repeatedly, trying to savor each and every flavor.
- Short story by Alex M
This is a brief summary of a very grotesque and disturbing story. The story of skinnedface and the skin crawling, absolutely atrocious life he lived.
Song inspired by story:
Playlist that inspired the story and song-
Happy Halloween mfs 🎃 !!
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