allaboutyoursign · 4 years
SIGNS: So to start of there are 12 signs, these are the basic personalities
Here are some negative and positive traits of the signs to help you understand them better
Aries Positive: Independent, Generous, Optimistic, Enthusiastic, Courageous
Aries Negative: Moody, Short Tempered, Self-involved, Impulsive, Impatient
Taurus Positive: Dependable, Persistent, Loyal, Patient, Generous
Taurus Negative: Stubborn, Laziness, Possessive, Materialistic, Self-indulging
Gemini Positive: Energetic, Clever, Imaginative, Witty, Adaptable
Gemini Negative: Superficial, Impulsive, Restless, Devious, Indecisive
Cancer Positive: Loyalty, Dependable, Caring, Adaptable, Responsive
Cancer Negative: Moody, Clingy, Self-pitying, Oversensitive, Self-absorbed
Leo Positive: Confident, Ambitious, Generous, Loyal, Encouraging
Leo Negative: Pretentious, Domineering, Melodramatic, Stubborn, Vain
Virgo Positive: Observant, Helpful, Reliable, Precise
Virgo Negative: Skeptical, Fussy, Inflexible, Cold, Interfering
Libra Positive: Diplomatic, Graceful, Peaceful, Idealistic, Hospitable
Libra Negative: Superficial, Vain, Indecisive, Unreliable
Scorpio Positive: Loyal, Passionate, Resourceful, Observant, Dynamic
Scorpio Negative: Jealous, Obsessive, Suspicious, Manipulative, Unyielding
Sagittarius Positive: Adventurous
Idealistic,Good Humored, Honest, Educated
Sagittarius Negative: Tactless, Rambling, Exaggerating, Careless, Irresponsible
Capricorn Positive: responsible, patient, ambitious, resourceful. loyal
Capricorn Negative: dictatorial, inhibited, conceited, distrusting, unimaginative
Aquarius Positive: Witty, Clever, Humanitarian, Inventive, Original
Aquarius Negative: Stubborn, Unemotional, Sarcastic, Rebellious, Aloof
Pisces Positive: Compassionate, Adaptable, Accepting, Devoted, Imaginative
Pisces Negative: Oversensitive, Indecisive, Self-pitying, Lazy, Escapist
PLANETS: There are 10 planets, each one has a meaning and is ruled by one or two signs
For example Jupiter, if you were born with Jupiter under Taurus you are a Taurus Jupiter
If you wanna know what this means you look at Taurus’ basic traits and apply that to the meaning of the planet
There are personal planets and Public planets
The personal planets change faster than the public planets and therefore are the base of your personality and will shine more
Here are the planets plus what they mean in your life and how they describe your personality
The sun: The sun is ruled by Leo and is a personal planet, it changes every month and reflects your basic personality
The moon: The moon is ruled by Cancer and is a personal planet, it changes every 2-3 days and reflects your emotions, moods and relationship with mother
Mercury: Mercury is ruled by Virgo and Gemini and is a personal planet, it changes every 3-4 weeks and reflects your communication and mind
Venus: Venus is ruled by Taurus and Libra and is a personal planet, it changes every 4-5 weeks and reflects your love & attraction
Mars: Mars is ruled by Aries and (co ruled) by Scorpio and is a personal planet, it changes every 6-7 weeks and reflects your anger, drive and energy
Jupiter: Jupiter is ruled by Sagittarius and is a public planet, it changes every 12-13 months and reflects your luck, growth and wisdom
Saturn: Saturn is ruled by Capricorn and is a public planet, it changes every 2-3 years and reflects your discipline, fears & challenges
Uranus: Uranus is ruled by Aquarius and is a public planet, it changes every 7 years and reflects your change, originality and generation
Neptune: Neptune is ruled by Pisces and is a public planet, it changes every 10-12 years and reflects your healing process and dreams
Pluto: Pluto is ruled by Scorpio and is a public planet, it changes every 12-15 years and reflects your power and transformation
-HOUSES: there are 12 houses, each house is the home of one sign and describes a different aspect in your life, they can change every 15 minutes and are used in two different ways
The first one is that you have the 12 houses and a sign in each one of them, it describes how you will handle these aspects in your life
The second one is that you have a house in each planet, for example if you’re a Taurus Jupiter and you’re born while Jupiter was in the 6th house you are a Jupiter Taurus in the 6th house, the 6th house is the home of Virgo, so that means you’re a Jupiter Taurus Virgo, its like a second sign but less prominent
And now here are the houses and what aspect in life they rule, you can use this in the first way of houses and how they are used
1st house/Ascendant&Rising: the home of Aries, this house reflects the personality, the face you show the world and your physical appearance
2nd house: the home of Taurus, this house reflects earned money and material goods
3rd house: the home of Gemini, this house reflects surroundings, siblings and studies
4th house/Imum Coeli: the home of cancer, reflects the family, home, origins and the father
5th house: the home of Leo, reflects love, pleasure, children and creativity
6th house: the home of Virgo, it reflects everyday life, daily work and health
7th house/Descendant: the home of libra, it reflects marriage, associations and contracts
The 8th house: the home of Scorpio, reflects passions, transformation, death, and sexuality
9th house: the house of Sagittarius, it reflects traveling, higher concepts and spirituality
10th house/Midheaven: the home of Capricorn, it reflects social success, careers and the mother
11th house: the home of Aquarius, it reflects friends, support and protections in life
12th house: the home of Pisces, it reflects enemies, difficulties and secrets
GROUPS,ORDER & RELATIONSHIPS: In astrology there are different groups and connections between the signs
This shows why the signs are put in this particular order, it shows a pattern
In the lists below I’ll also explain how this effects the signs and their personality
-Elements: the signs
Aries: Fire
Taurus: Earth
Gemini: Air
Cancer: Water
Leo: Fire
Virgo: Earth
Libra: Air
Scorpio: Water
Sagittarius: Fire
Capricorn: Earth
Aquarius: Air
Pisces: Water
Elements: the meaning/keywords
Fire Positive: Energetic, Inspiring, Leaders, Passionate, Creative
Fire Negative: Selfish, Flighty, Impulsive, Short tempered
Earth Positive: Productive, Practical, Loyal, Determined, Strong Opinions
Earth Negative: Materialistic, Demanding, Cold, Fearfull, Greedy
Air Positive: Inventors, Social, Nice, Balanced, Smart
Air Negative: Superficial, Intuitive, Detached, Scattered
Water Positive: Compassionate, Artistic, Helpful, Sympathetic
Water Negative: Dramatic, Over-Emotional, Controling, Manipulative
Masculine & Feminine: The signs
Aries: Masculine
Taurus: Feminine
Gemini: Masculine
Cancer: Feminine
Leo: Masculine
Virgo: Feminine
Libra: Masculine
Scorpio: Feminine
Sagittarius: Masculine
Capricorn: Feminine
Aquarius: Masculine
Pisces: Feminine
Masculine & Feminine: The meaning
Masculine: heading forward, pushing the barrier, unaware of emotions, focused on the future, unaware of the things you say and do and the affect it has on people
Feminine: Feeling deeply, Cautious when it comes to actions and always thinking before doing, caring & especially for the ones you love
Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable: the signs
Aries: Cardinal
Taurus: Fixed
Gemini: Mutable
Cancer: Cardinal
Leo: Fixed
Virgo: Mutable
Libra: Cardinal
Scorpio: Fixed
Sagittarius: Mutable
Capricorn: Cardinal
Aquarius: Fixed
Pisces: Mutable
Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable: the meaning
Cardinal: The Cardinal signs are those that open a season (Aries Spring, Cancer Summer, Libra Fall, Capricorn Winter) these signs are known for their strong will, they are forceful and can get aggressive when someone stands in their way, they often start and cause things, they add thrill to the world
Fixed: the fixed signs are the signs that play when the season is in full working (Taurus spring,
Leo summer, Scorpio fall, Aquarius winter) they are passionate and see it as their duty to keep everything in order, they are known for their ego and how they can be very proud
They add order to the world
Mutable: The mutable signs are those that close a season (Gemini Spring, Virgo Summer, Sagittarius Fall, Pisces Winter) these are associated with leadership ambition, and being versatile
They often change their expression to meet the demands of other
They add change to the world
Sisters: the signs, opposites and twins
Aries: Libra
Taurus: Scorpio
Gemini: Sagittarius
Cancer: Capricorn
Leo: Aquarius
Virgo: Pisces
Libra: Aries
Scorpio: Taurus
Sagittarius: Gemini
Capricorn: Cancer
Aquarius: Leo
Pisces: Virgo
Sisters: the meaning
Aries & Libra: “The jock and the chearleader” , With Aries we create, with libra we refine
With Aries we make war, with libra we make peace
Both Aries and libra are likeable and strong- willed, they have a knack for seducing people
Fighting for justice
Taurus & Scorpio: “Calmness and Chaos” ,
With Taurus we life, with Scorpio we die
With Taurus we create harmony , with Scorpio we create drama.
Both possessive, magnetic, hard shell soft inside, sensitive
Gemini & Sagittarius: “The student and the teacher”
With Gemini we learn, with Sagittarius we know
With Gemini we jump from opinion to opinion, with Sagittarius we hold on to our beliefs
Both very charming, social, smart, witty
Know how to entertain and keep people their attention
Cancer & Capricorn: “The child and the mother”
With cancer we need to be taken care of, with Capricorn we need to do things alone
With cancer we feel bad for ourselves, with Capricorn we are hard on ourselves
Both Capricorn and Cancer know how to make dreams reality and think in solutions
They have high expectations from their lovers and friends and want loyalty and commitment
Leo & Aquarius: “The model and the designer”
With Aquarius we create, with Leo we show off
With Aquarius we are different, with Leo we follow trends
Both signs are proud and have a selfish side,they love all forms of art and like to show of their creativity
Virgo and Pisces: “Earth and Space”
With Pisces we dream, with Virgo we snap back to reality
With Pisces we make a mess, with Virgo we clean
Both signs are highly sensitive and have a love for concepts and detail
COMPATIBILITY: of course some signs get along better than others, that doesn’t say that some signs don’t have a chance together, each combination is possible and unique, some just need a bit more dedication
Also YOU CANT BASE COMPATIBILITY OFF OF ONLY YOUR SUN SIGN, there are more signs and of course no one will match perfect with each sign, so that’s how you can see where you need to work on in the relationship,
An Example would be if you have a aries sun and the other person a Leo sun (planet of your ego and personality) it would match when it comes down to basic personality traits, because these two signs are very compatible
but if you have a Gemini mercury (the planet of the mind and communication) and the same other person has a Pisces mercury there may be some problems with communication and beliefs because Pisces and Gemini are less compatible
But now I’ll explain how I know and calculate which signs are compatible, for this it is important to know the order and groups the signs are in (you can look back at the group part in this article)
100% compatible: the best combination for each sign is one of the same element or the next masculine/feminine sign
For example, lets take Sagittarius (Fire and Masculine) best matches for this sign would be Aries and Leo (also fire) or Aquarius (the next sign after Sagittarius that is also masculine)
Another example is Pisces (Water and Feminine) the best matches would be Scorpio and Cancer (also water) or Taurus (the next sign after Pisces that is also feminine)
90% compatible: the second best combination for each sign is their sister sign or the feminine/masculine sign before them
So again for example Sagittarius (Masculine) their second best match would be Gemini (their sister sign ) or libra (the first masculine sign before them)
Again another example Pisces (Feminine) their second best match would be Virgo (their sister sign)or Capricorn (the first feminine sign before them)
50% compatible: the half/half matches are matches that could work but need some attention and effort.
These are the signs that are ruled by the same planet or are from the same category out of the fixed, mutable and cardinal signs
For example for Taurus libra would be a challenge but still has change of working because they are both ruled by Venus
Second example is Pisces and Sagittarius they are both cardinal signs so it could be possible
Another and last example is Virgo and Gemini, I’d give these a 60% because they are both ruled by the same planet AND they are both mutable signs
30% compatible: the signs that are around the other sign,
So for example for Sagittarius Capricorn or Scorpio would be a hard match because Sagittarius stands between Scorpio and Capricorn on the list
And lastly I’d give 30% to the signs that have nothing in common,
So no same element, no fixed/mutable/cardinal/feminine/masculine similarity, and no same planet
For example Capricorn (Earth/Feminine/Cardinal/Saturn) and Gemini (Air/Masculine/Mutable/Mercury)
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allaboutyoursign · 4 years
The signs as passive-agressive breakup songs
Aries -  Dead “You say you can't live without me So why aren't you dead yet? Why you still breathing?”
Taurus - Irreplaceable “And keep talking that mess, that's fine But could you walk and talk at the same time?”
Gemini -  Don’t Start Now “Aren't you the guy who tried to hurt me with the word "goodbye"? Though it took some time to survive you I'm better on the other side”
Cancer - Shout Out to My Ex “Heard he’s in love with some other chick Yeah, that hurt me, I'll admit Forget that boy, I'm over it I hope she gettin' better sex, hope she ain't fakin' it like I did”
Leo - Love Yourself “But now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own 'Cause if you like the way you look that much, Oh baby you should go and love yourself”
Virgo - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together "Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me." Remember how that lasted for a day? 
Libra -  thank u, next “So, look what I got, look what you taught me And for that, I say: Thank you, next I'm so fuckin' grateful for my ex”
Scorpio - Before He Cheats “Carved my name into his leather seats ... I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, Slashed a hole in all 4 tires Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats. “
Sagittarius - Cry Me A River “You told me you loved me Why did you leave me all alone Now you tell me you need me When you call me on the phone Girl I refuse, you must have me confused with some other guy Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn to cry”
Capricorn - Without Me “Tell me how's it feel sittin' up there Feeling so high but too far away to hold me You know I'm the one who put you up there Name in the sky, does it ever get lonely?” 
Aquarius - Stronger “You think you got the best of me Think you had the last laugh Bet you think that everything good is gone Think you left me broken down, think that I'd come running back Baby you don't know me, 'cause you're dead wrong”
Pisces -  Apologize “You tell me that you need me, then you go and cut me down You tell me that you're sorry Didn't think I'd turn around, and say that it's too late to apologize”
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allaboutyoursign · 4 years
I just realized Jisung will be 18 in two weeks oh ma ga it can’t be
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allaboutyoursign · 4 years
“Put your head on my shoulder... Hold me in your arms baby” 😔😍😍✍💌😍😍😍😍💋
- pisces; sagittarius; capricorn; virgo; cancer; leo
“Put you legs on my shoulders... Hold me in your thighs baby” 😏👅💦💦😈👉👌
- scorpio; aries; aquarius; libra; gemini; taurus
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allaboutyoursign · 4 years
Aries: Your Name
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Taurus: Titanic
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Gemini: A Star is Born
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Cancer:  Love, Rosie
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Leo: To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
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Virgo: Call Me By Your Name
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Libra: 500 Days of Summer
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Scorpio: The Shape of Water
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Sagittarius: The Fault in Our Stars
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Capricorn: The Last Song
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Aquarius: 10 Things I Hate About You
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Pisces: Me Before You
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allaboutyoursign · 4 years
Aries:  “Here. It’s poison. Die.”
Taurus: “I think I overused my throat”
Gemini: “I reject you rejecting my love.”
Cancer: “Sometimes... When I look at you... It gives me a thrill of joy. Why do I feel like this about a guy?”
Leo: “I suddenly can’t remember the other members’ names”
Virgo: “I really want to die.”
Libra: “I am the butt of EXO.”
Scorpio: “Sehun’s anus”
Sagittarius: “Shut the fffvjfk....”
Capricorn: “Honestly... Chen is boring”
Aquarius: “I just want to go places where I can take off my clothes and have lots of fun.”
Pisces: “He’s like... A WIFE to me.”
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allaboutyoursign · 4 years
Aries: Pure fire! As people say, flirting with an aries will make you feel “the zing”, they are the sparkle that makes your whole body shake. On the other hand, fire, as hot as it can be, is also highly volatile. They’re greedy. They want everything and everyone, and in a moment they go from loving hard to leaving behind. Aries people are moved by one thing: CHALLENGES. They love to be surprise and be surprised with a lot of teasing, thrills and audacity! They will probably ask you out beforehand, and if you ignore them, it will make them even more interested in conquering you.
Taurus: Flirting with a taurus isn’t a fight, it is a heavy defeat. If there’s something taurus people do, it is taking their time. They have both feet on the ground 24/7 and never let themselves get carried away by emotions. If they’re really interested in you, they’ll be PATIENT, INSISTENT and METICULOUS. Taurus will invest on you and slowly gain your heart by flirting in a very, very smooth way. Good food and sex are bonuses! Aside from that, taurus people love that old cheesy way of flirting: chocolates, flowers, wine, and a very subtle dirty talk. You’ll only realize they’ve been doing that on purpose when you stop and think about it. And once you get caught, you'll suddenly see yourself addicted to them...
Gemini: Prepare yourself to have someone who’s rapidly and frequently swinging between moods. They’ll show you an intense will of making things work out for you and them, then they’ll become cold all of the sudden. That’s just their way of keeping the fun in their lives! Gemini people are amazing speakers, they enjoy talking about anything that keeps them interested and active, but they also exceed at the art of flirting like you’ve never seen before. They’ll make you join them in their crazy way of thinking and they’ll show you their best side, hoping you can start to genuinely enjoy being around them. But DON’T become too attached, they absolutely hate being “put in a jail”. Just let things happen naturally.
Cancer: Forget that whole story about cancer people being “too sensitive”. What they really look for is someone who relates well to them. They want a strong bond that will last for a long time. Consequently, they got no time for games or blurred lines, they live intensely. Poetry, conversations and loving stares are part of the nature of this sign, so be gentle and wait for them to accept you. They’ll never forget any detail you mention to them, because they truly want you in their lives; and if they ever get to declare themselves to you, know that they have thought about that moment for a long, long time.
Leo: If aries people like being in control... Leos are basically the owners of all their relationships. They stand out and they know it! For that to happen, they need to receive attention everywhere they go, and that isn’t different when the subject is FLIRTING. If you catch a leo giving their eyes to you, don’t go talk to them, let them come to you; let them seduce you, make them think they’re handling the situation. When you go on a date with a leo, they will always be well dressed and smelling like heaven. Then they’ll give you compliments while expecting you to do the same to them. If they REALLY like you, prepare yourself to receive a lot of gifts, hot nights and, of course, LOTS of drama.
Virgo: Don’t even expect them to chitchat, talk nonsense or say useless things. Virgo people love conquering their partners by using their intelligence. They’re usually shy because they’re afraid you won’t accept them, so when flirting with a virgo, you gotta make sure you’re being REALLY clear. However, virgos love to talk about themselves and their own experiences, so tell him stories and listen to their stories too, it will certainly keep them interested.
Libra: Libra is easily defined as the hopeless romantic of the zodiac. They’re calm, smooth and absolutely nothing goes past their radar! If you’re interested in them, they’ll notice even before you do! Whoever is born a libra is the type that everyone wants around, so they have a lot of candidates... You’ll have to fight for that heart! They’re charismatic, charming, likeable and social. However, at the same time, they tend to exaggerate and be overdramatic. Libras enjoy people who are true and inspiring, who want to create something and not just flirt senseless; so be gentle, buy them things that are beautiful, make them feel wanted and you’ll have them in your hand. But be careful!: They're easy to fall in love with.
Scorpio: They’ll never say it out loud or make it clear to you, so you’ll have to understand every. little. sign. Well, if you're familiar with the most basic stuff about signs, you’ll know that scorpios have an outstanding characteristic of theirs: the sexual side. The secret in flirting with a scorpio is going for all the five senses. That means you’ll have to seduce them using a lot of charm, talking and, of course, little games; you’ll have to be dressed in a way that isn’t outstanding, but makes you look good in general; and you’ll also have to be clean 24/7. Make them laugh and never forget to be daring, they love feeling electric around someone. Follow the steps and they’ll fall easily like the water sign they represent.
Sagittarius: Golden rule when dealing with a sagittarius: Let them speak. A lot. About their own lives, about past lives, about birds and music and anything they want. The interest of a sagittarius in you is determined by YOUR interest in them: pay attention to what is being said, even if it’s kinda boring. Invite them to have a drink with you, then while they’re speaking, touch them lightly. Touch their arm, leg or shoulder (NOT in a creepy way). Sagittarius people love having true connection with others!
Capricorn: If taurus people have both feet on the ground, capricorn is completely buried below! Men and women of this sign can’t be convinced easily by just another pretty face. They need a LOT more to cut loose and start flirting with someone. Come to them slow and open-minded like you just want to get to know them, innocently. Then start to make them trust you, ask about their plans, show them you want something serious. The “opposites attract” card won’t work with this sign, if you’re not at the same vibe, just let go and move on.
Aquarius: Prepare yourself for the biggest delusion of you life! JK, aquarius are great. But really, love just isn't a thing for them, since they are very detached from people in general. My personal advice is: try to awake their curiosity. If they’re curious about you, they won’t stop until they solve you out, just like a puzzle. Aquarius people, like aries, are moved by things that make them work for what they want! Don’t give yourself easily to them, or they’ll be bored very, very fast. Make flirting a fun and interesting thing to an aquarius and they’ll start to slowly feel attached.
Pisces: Yes, the lovesick sign of the zodiac! They’ll embrace you with their stories, soft voice, easy laughs and tight hugs. What a pisces person really needs is someone who cares for them as much as they care for other people. Asking about their day, sending them a text telling them you’re thinking about them or simply showing you’re interested in having them around will surely make a pisces person happy! Conquering them is not the hardest thing to do, but DON’T play with their feelings or you’ll see a side of this sign that not many people know about. They can be extremely vengeful and cold-hearted when it comes to having their heart broken. Flirt with them with only good intentions, they’ll probably not know if you just want a one night stand, so BE CLEAR.
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allaboutyoursign · 4 years
Aries: The murderer
Taurus: The one who just wants to go home
Gemini: The one who lies to cover up someone
Cancer: The accomplice that feels guilty
Leo: The drama queen
Virgo: The interrogator
Libra: The psychologist working behind the investigation
Scorpio: The one who commanded the killing
Sagittarius: The detective
Capricorn: The blackmailer
Aquarius: The detective’s only and trusty friend
Pisces: The false confessor
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allaboutyoursign · 5 years
Aries - Monster
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Taurus - Ko Ko Bop
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Gemini - Tempo
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Cancer - Love Me Right
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Leo - Call Me Baby
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Virgo - Lightsaber
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Libra - Love Shot
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Scorpio - Overdose
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Sagittarius - Lotto
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Capricorn - Lucky One
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Aquarius - Electric Kiss
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Pisces - Power
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allaboutyoursign · 5 years
Aries: Class Fight
“Her face was fucked up and my hands were bloody We were in the playground, things were getting muddy The teacher broke us up after I broke her And my one true love called me a monster.”
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Taurus: Detention
“You write me up and say it's love And I can't believe it Baby, can you meet me tonight in detention? I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension Let me crawl up into your mind, did I mention?”
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Gemini: The Principal
“I've tried to make you listen But you won't, it's your way, right? Killing kids all day and night Prescription pills and online fights Shooting at the angels while Claiming you're the good guy.”
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Cancer: Teacher’s Pet
“If I'm so special why am I secret? Yeah, why the fuck is that? Do you regret the things we shared that I'll never forget? I know I'm young, but my mind is well beyond my years I knew this wouldn't last but fuck you, don't you leave me here.”
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Leo: Orange Juice
“Oh, I wish I could give you my set of eyes 'Cause I know your eyes ain't working, I wish I could tell you that you're fine, so fine But you will find that disconcerting.”
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Virgo: Drama Club
“Everyone's so soft, everyone's so sensitive Do I offend you? You're hanging on my sentences You can keep your costume and you can keep your mask I'ma take a bow so you can kiss my ass!”
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Libra: Strawberry Shortcake
“It's my fault, it's my fault 'cause I put icing on top Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake.”
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Scorpio: High School Sweethearts
“If you can’t handle a heart like mine Don’t waste your time with me If you’re not down to bleed, no, oh If you can’t handle the choking, the biting, The loving, the smothering ‘Til you can’t handle it no more, no more Go home.”
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Sagittarius: Lunchbox Friends
“They want a fat ass in the brand new jeans Want a baby in the back with the man of their dreams That isn't the life for me I don't look like a fucking damn Barbie Throw it on TV, people have high expectations of me Wanna be my best friend, then judge me.”
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Capricorn: Nurse’s Office
“Teacher, can I sit right there? This bitch behind me is cutting my hair! I'm tired of wishing I was ditching.”
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Aquarius: Show & Tell
“Show and tell I'm on display for all you fuckers to see! Buy and sell Like I'm a product to society Art don't sell Unless you fucked every authority.”
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Pisces: Wheels on the Bus
“I'm just looking out the window and it's cold outside There are two boys yelling behind me and I'm terrified Counting trees as they pass me by And I'm trying not to look across the aisle.”
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allaboutyoursign · 5 years
Dark side of the signs
Controlling, demanding, bossy. You only look for people when you want something from them.
Taurus Always stuck on an idea, which you won’t change for nothing in this world, and the worst part is that you try to convince everyone else that your opinion is the ONLY ONE.
Gemini Evasive, suspicious and cynical. You lie and conspire against everyone because you think every person is trying to make a fool out of you.
Cancer You’re a gossiper and very manipulative, you like to highlight people’s flaws by ignoring yours and you enjoy blackmailing people so you can control them.
Leo You want to do everything on your own and you can hardly accept the help of others, mostly because you’re too proud to show people you don’t know how to do something.
Virgo Critical of everyone and everything because you can’t stop seeing flaws and being cold hearted toward others. You’re overly sarcastic and cynical.
Libra Always try to convince yourself everything is fine even when you’re broken inside, you can easily use your emotional intelligence and charisma to manipulate others.
Scorpio Can be extremely fanatic of your opinions about people and life. You’re vengeful, cold hearted and calculating, and you deny your own demons by trying to project flaws in other people.
Sagittarius You love to promise lots of things to people and to yourself, but you hardly do what you’re supposed to. You also hate when people do this to you. You are irresponsible and can be very agressive towards others.
Capricorn Ambitious, you feel the need to control people’s steps, no matter how close you are to them. You don’t allow yourself to have fun ‘cause you’re afraid of losing control of your life.
Aquarius Extremely hypocritical, you really like to act different. You deny your own feelings, but also get hurt when someone doesn’t agree with you. You’re really selfish, you don’t care about what people think, you just care about your own ideals.
Pisces You victimize yourself really often. You run from reality and really depend on your relationship with others. You also feel like you’re misunderstood and you’ll never fit in in this world.
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allaboutyoursign · 5 years
The “get to know me” tag
I was tagged by @r5astrology to answer the following questions…
Rules: Answer the questions below, and then tag 20 people!
Q: “How tall are you?”
A: Around 5′2
Q1: “What color and style is your hair?”
A1: Straight, medium ginger hair
Q2: “What color are your eyes?”
A2: Dark brown
Q3: “Do you wear glasses/contacts?”
A4: No
Q5: “Do you have braces?”
A5: No. Never had and never will
Q6: “What is your fashion sense?”
A6: I don’t know! I usually like wearing tight clothing
Q7: “Do you have any siblings?”
A7: Yes, I have two older sisters, one is 19 and the other is 22
Q8: “What kind of student were you?”
A8: I’m still a student. I’m kinda average, I’m good at some things and suck at others, but my strongest subjects are english and portuguese
Q9: “What are your favorite subjects?”
A9: Portuguese! (I’m Brazilian)
Q10: “What are your favorite TV shows?”
A10: “Skins”!
Q11: “Favorite books?”
A11: All The Bright Places
Q12: “Favorite pastime?”
A12: Listening to music, dancing, messing around, stuff like that
Q13: “Do you have any regrets?”
A13: Not many
Q14: “What is your dream job?”
A14: A veterinary, a psychologist or criminal investigator
Q15: “Do you want to get married?”
A15: Maybe!
Q16: “Do you want to have kids and how many?”
A16: Two girls or one girl and one boy
Q17: “How many countries have you visited?”
A17: Only 1 and I live in it (Brazil)
Q18: “What is the scariest dream you’ve had?”
A18: I have always had that dream where Jason Voorhees chases after me in a creepy old house and then everything suddenly stars to come down
Q19: “Do you have any enemies?”
A19: Hm... Just a few
Q20: “Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?”
A20: Not yet :(
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allaboutyoursign · 5 years
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allaboutyoursign · 7 years
The Signs as EXO Title Songs
Aries- Ko Ko Bop
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Taurus- Love me Right
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Gemini- Overdose
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Cancer- Sing for You
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Leo- Call me Baby
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Virgo- Lightsaber
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Libra- Lucky One
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Scorpio- Monster
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Sagittarius- Power
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Capricorn- Growl
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Aquarius- Wolf
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Pisces- Mama
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allaboutyoursign · 7 years
The Signs as Doggos
Aries- Chihuahua
Taurus- Corgi
Gemini- Border Collie
Cancer- Dachshund
Leo- Golden Retriever
Virgo- Poodle
Libra- Yorkshire Terrier
Scorpio- Siberian Husky
Sagittarius- Boxer
Capricorn- Pomeranian
Aquarius- Shiba Inu
Pisces- Shih Tzu
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allaboutyoursign · 7 years
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allaboutyoursign · 8 years
The Signs as gay ships
Aries- Phan
Taurus- Phan
Gemini- Phan
Cancer- Phan
Leo- Phan
Virgo- Phan
Libra- Phan
Scorpio- Phan
Sagittarius- Phan
Capricorn- Phan
Aquarius- Phan
Pisces- Phan
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