Android Models, I think, Would Work for this. Dick First Model - PC200 Dick Second Model - HR400 Jay FM - PL600 Jay SM - KL400 (modified) Tim FM - YK500 Tim SM - HW800 (possibly the male one is called LM100, but Tim would be modified regardless. ) Dami FM - GJ500 Dami SM -YK500 Cas FM - WE900 Duke FM - JB300 Stef - Human Babs FM - ST300 (Retired for work at GCPD, Gordon took her home rather than recycling her after the joker messed her up) ROBIN Collective- YK500
source: https://detroit-become-human.fandom.com/wiki/Android#Naming
What do you all think?
AU Batboys as Cyberlife Androids
I have 100% a bit more than I can chew with this. As I mostly know these fandoms from fanfiction. And I haven't even played the game. But that doesn't stop me from going of the deep end and make a AU in my head featuring the bat boys as cyberlife androids. And of course, Bruce is the but of the jokes too. So how does this work? Let me tell you what I came up with at work doing busy work that requires low brain power, and I pretty much autopilot and AU craft. So the idea is that Dick, Jay, Tim, and Dami have all ended up deviating. And due to damage taken, has either managed to cram themselves altogether in child model Android (or some sort of USB system storage). Anyway, that's how we get Robin, who managed to sneak away using a circus as a cover, and they end up in Gotham. (I think Dick might have been a police android before the transfer to the Robin collective, and Jay maybe was modified by the past owner for crime, no idea about Tim and Dami yet, though.) So, even if they are at risk of getting hurt, they still try to do good in the world. They some how run into Batman. With a lot of back and forth, Bruce managed to convince Robin to come with him. What they don't tell Bruce at first is that there are more of them. So, after some time, Robin asks Bruce if he could get an adult frame, please. Brucie managed to convince the public that he got the child boot secondhand. And there has been a lot of speculation as to why of the not-so-savory variety. So when Bruce requests a blank model with no programming to be sent to Wayne Tech for the transfer. The only reason Cyberlife agrees to it is that someone in Wayne tech RND convinces them Wayne is probably just gonna .... the bot. and yeah, that's how Dick gets the cake. As the others were like no, you've been in charge of Robin for so long now, you go first. So Dick agrees to transfer to the new custom model, which can change to Mr. Wayne's preference. To Bruce's surprise, Robin is operational, just different as Jay is in charge of the collective now as the next experienced model in the line. This is where Dick and the others come clear that Robin is more of a Matryoshka situation. It takes some time for Bruce to get to terms with that situation. But after some time has gone by, they come up with a plan to get another clean slate android body. Brucie is now gonna be in to role play, for his second android. He manages to get one of them beefy security bots. So yeah, he leaves Wayne RND with the forwarding request for a new blank bot from Cyberlife. And some techs are thoroughly amused by the goings on that the requests go through. And That's how we get a big beefy boy for Jay to jump to. Making it Tim's turn to be in primary control of Robin for a time. Bruce asks Robin just how many there are in there now, as it seems like the supply is never-ending. Tim calms Bruce down by saying that if they get one more android body, they'll have one each. more time elapse. And Brucie has to make yet another request, this time for a android secretary. Lucky for Bruce, the same guys as the last time are still changing and approving his request again, sending what they laughingly call "an Androgynous Twink for Mr Wayne" this time. And That's how we get Tim and Dami separated again.
And that's what I got so far, as I have no clue what more to do than possibly draw stuff. ---- So I posted on Discord to and the oh so wonderful @bucketorandomness
Added this; yes, I asked if it was okay to do the edit with credit
Option for more after-market additions for the boys:
Damian was originally a security model who was changed into an assassin by unsavory folks
Timothy was still a Drake, purchased as a kind of “test run for a real child” which they think is going great when it really wasn’t. Extra learning modules and some advanced reasoning in his base programming were mandatory for purchase
Cassandra, like Dami, was repurposed into a stealth-based assassin from a dancer base. Language programming was removed to make more room for the modifications. She follows one of the others home after recognizing a fellow android
Duke gets adopted into the Robin Collective temporarily while they drag his model back to Bruce and demand he fix it
Stephanie isn’t an android, but she did jokingly offer to join the Robin Collective once science figures out how to download a consciousness. Whether or not that already exists is up for debate.
Barbara can be a secretary model for the GPD or she can be another human like Steph if you want. If she is an android, I suggest Jim Gordon notices her deviancy and decides to adopt this new person and teach her how to people like a daughter. Also maybe self-installed body mods. I feel like she’d get a tattoo without supervision so why not upgrade her own RAM and other abilities?
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AU Batboys as Cyberlife Androids
I have 100% a bit more than I can chew with this. As I mostly know these fandoms from fanfiction. And I haven't even played the game. But that doesn't stop me from going of the deep end and make a AU in my head featuring the bat boys as cyberlife androids. And of course, Bruce is the but of the jokes too. So how does this work? Let me tell you what I came up with at work doing busy work that requires low brain power, and I pretty much autopilot and AU craft. So the idea is that Dick, Jay, Tim, and Dami have all ended up deviating. And due to damage taken, has either managed to cram themselves altogether in child model Android (or some sort of USB system storage). Anyway, that's how we get Robin, who managed to sneak away using a circus as a cover, and they end up in Gotham. (I think Dick might have been a police android before the transfer to the Robin collective, and Jay maybe was modified by the past owner for crime, no idea about Tim and Dami yet, though.) So, even if they are at risk of getting hurt, they still try to do good in the world. They some how run into Batman. With a lot of back and forth, Bruce managed to convince Robin to come with him. What they don't tell Bruce at first is that there are more of them. So, after some time, Robin asks Bruce if he could get an adult frame, please. Brucie managed to convince the public that he got the child boot secondhand. And there has been a lot of speculation as to why of the not-so-savory variety. So when Bruce requests a blank model with no programming to be sent to Wayne Tech for the transfer. The only reason Cyberlife agrees to it is that someone in Wayne tech RND convinces them Wayne is probably just gonna .... the bot. and yeah, that's how Dick gets the cake. As the others were like no, you've been in charge of Robin for so long now, you go first. So Dick agrees to transfer to the new custom model, which can change to Mr. Wayne's preference. To Bruce's surprise, Robin is operational, just different as Jay is in charge of the collective now as the next experienced model in the line. This is where Dick and the others come clear that Robin is more of a Matryoshka situation. It takes some time for Bruce to get to terms with that situation. But after some time has gone by, they come up with a plan to get another clean slate android body. Brucie is now gonna be in to role play, for his second android. He manages to get one of them beefy security bots. So yeah, he leaves Wayne RND with the forwarding request for a new blank bot from Cyberlife. And some techs are thoroughly amused by the goings on that the requests go through. And That's how we get a big beefy boy for Jay to jump to. Making it Tim's turn to be in primary control of Robin for a time. Bruce asks Robin just how many there are in there now, as it seems like the supply is never-ending. Tim calms Bruce down by saying that if they get one more android body, they'll have one each. more time elapse. And Brucie has to make yet another request, this time for a android secretary. Lucky for Bruce, the same guys as the last time are still changing and approving his request again, sending what they laughingly call "an Androgynous Twink for Mr Wayne" this time. And That's how we get Tim and Dami separated again.
And that's what I got so far, as I have no clue what more to do than possibly draw stuff. ---- So I posted on Discord to and the oh so wonderful @bucketorandomness
Added this; yes, I asked if it was okay to do the edit with credit
Option for more after-market additions for the boys:
Damian was originally a security model who was changed into an assassin by unsavory folks
Timothy was still a Drake, purchased as a kind of “test run for a real child” which they think is going great when it really wasn’t. Extra learning modules and some advanced reasoning in his base programming were mandatory for purchase
Cassandra, like Dami, was repurposed into a stealth-based assassin from a dancer base. Language programming was removed to make more room for the modifications. She follows one of the others home after recognizing a fellow android
Duke gets adopted into the Robin Collective temporarily while they drag his model back to Bruce and demand he fix it
Stephanie isn’t an android, but she did jokingly offer to join the Robin Collective once science figures out how to download a consciousness. Whether or not that already exists is up for debate.
Barbara can be a secretary model for the GPD or she can be another human like Steph if you want. If she is an android, I suggest Jim Gordon notices her deviancy and decides to adopt this new person and teach her how to people like a daughter. Also maybe self-installed body mods. I feel like she’d get a tattoo without supervision so why not upgrade her own RAM and other abilities?
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I was expecting anything but not Bard
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What if there is a world where Jack and Janet swapped, and who got the coma, etc part 2.
Frankly, I am as surprised as you that my brain came up with part two, but you know how it goes with me trying to go to sleep. The Joker has Tim tired up and fully ready to turn Tim into a mini-me. Joker: "This is going to be fun, having a mini-me. What a brilliant idea, if I say so myself, haha. Not even the Bat knows where you've gone, little bird. And he won't see you until we are done here, haha. What a great joke it will be when you look exactly like me, but you'll be my stepchild, haha. " Tim: "Did you ask Mother for permission "so-called-stepfather"." Joker roars out in laughter: "Hahaha ask mother for permission, What a joke. " Tim: "So that's a no, then." Joker: "Haha, of course it's a no, birdie. But calling Batman mother for sure made my day, haha." Tim: "I wasn't talking about Batman." Joker: "So your mother is scarier than Batman, hahaha." Tim: "Yes." Joker: "Well, I assure you if Batman can't find me, your mother wouldn't either, haha. " Tim: "You love to think so, clown." ---Tim Skip--- Tim walks back into the cave, almost being tackled by the other worried bats after the Joker kidnaps him. "Calm down, everyone, I'm fine." Tim turns to Jason and hands him a card. "Mother has acknowledged that you have been behaving and has made up a card for you. " Jason tentatively opened the card, considering how morbid Damien's card had been looking on the inside last time. The others, except Tim, looked at the card as a ticking time bomb. To everyone's surprise, Jason let out a squeal of excitement. Bruce went to look at the card, too, but Tim stopped him with a curt. "Don't." Dick sneaks a peek and abruptly turns green."Oh, gods, it's worse than last time."
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What if there is a world where Jack and Janet swapped, and who got the coma, etc.?
I mostly thought of this cuz I had an amusing thought at work that goes something like this: Ra's: "Your father must have quite the man, Timothy. With just how perfectly you turned out. " Tim: "No, I got it from my mother. And if you know what's best for you, stay away from her. " ---Time Skip--- Janet walks into Wayne Manor: "Timothy, what have I told you about letting your stuff lie about in its improper place?" Tim: "Not, too, Mother. I'm sorry for being so thoughtless." Janet hands Tim a suspicious jar: "I'll be merciful this time; your surgery is booked for tomorrow, so make sure to get your affairs in order." Janet turns to Damien and hands him a card. "This is out of courtesy, child. Make sure not to repeat the mistake. Either of you." She eyes Jason and Damien. "And Mr. Grayson, your thin ice too, for the attempted hospitalization of my Timomothy." And with that, she walks back out. Bruce hesitantly asks: "Tim... Why did Janet hand Damien a sorry for your loss card?" Tim: "Well, since I now have my spleen in the jar, Bruce, I'm pretty sure Ra's is dead."
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So it's that time again I try sleeping but an other random idea is keeping me up.
So here is the thought; what if izuku had a quirk of the hard to figure out veriety. Yes not original i know. But that is not the fun part. What i m prosing is a quirk that makes dolls come to life with Powers. Like say he makes a custom all migth doll and said doll ends up with super stength. He tried making an other doll of allmigth this one floats. They got slightly different persinalities too. And they don't match the person are inspired by one hundred present.
Izuku tried making up a doll and one based on a fiction character. Both work.
The dolls are not indisuctable but am be patched up. Once a doll is crated fully it will not stop "living". They may not need mutch being dolls, but maintinace and housing is now izukus burden.
Will they try to protective him yes. Will he try to try to protest them instead also yes.
Vill izuku still try to be a hero yes.
There you go. Here is the promt have at it if you like.
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Prompt: People in 1-a joke that Ida is too stiff to dance. Iida protests and says he can dance. Mina puts on music and tells Iida to prove it. Iida busts out the moves in the vid above.
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Roasting Bruce + More Bats (Final)
Jenifer smiles into the camera. "I just want to thank everyone for their engagement in my little art project. Thanks to you all, we even have some savings for the future, too. I know you are here for the final roast as I have no more figures after this and there will be no more batburger customs. You may ask why, and well, let's say I got a job offer from the distinguished gentleman who came to pick up my last customs. And I will start working on new projects for that job, I can't tell more than that." B roast.-> image here: https://www.tumblr.com/xxxnightcorequeenxxxv3/745395915672715264/roasting-dickand-bruces-turn?source=share Nr.1: What even is this? It's like a 5-year-olds idea of edgy. Nr.2: Why does it have nipples? Nr.3: The way you move in this thing, man, it makes ppl nauseous. Please, never do it again. It's not only the villains who get motion-sick looking at that. Nr.4: I don't know what's worse; the way it lays so it looks like you got boobs or the prominent codpiece. Nr.5: I hope this is just for the pride parade suit, as it makes you a hell of a target if you were to use it day to day. "You are all hilarious, as always. I'm going to miss that. And yes, here is finally my whole collection of customs. "
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+ bonus images
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Hi! Is there any possible way you could share that Night at the Museum AU art by chance that Kay mentioned in her notes?👉👈🥺💖💖💖 love your art!
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Magical girl Robins AU
I had an idea for an au where the Robins become a magical girl team instead of Batman's sidekicks. Any other Gotham vigilante still becomes a standard vigilante. Stephanie Brown might do both.
The little mascot-type critter that hands out transformation trinkets is a little bird.
Dick encounters the bird first and is given the power to fight evil as Robin Wing. Being both the first and the oldest, he is the leader of The Flock. His costume is basically a frillier version of the OG Robin costume, and his powers revolve around aerial combat. His weapon is a set of energy-construct feathers that he can throw like birdarangs or form together into larger things. May develop from flight-capable to full on wind elemental over time.
Robin Wing is supposed to be looking for the other members of The Robin (for reasons?), but doesn't find any until Bruce adopts Jason.
Jason becomes Robin Hood, the second member of The Flock. Instead of it being a case of Bruce giving away something incredibly personal of Dick's without asking, being Robins is something Dick and Jason do together and bond over. His costume has fairytale woodsman vibes. His powers revolve around defense and his weapon is a shield.
(He finds out halfway through the story that his magic shield can unfold into a magic crossbow that fires massive blasts of highly destructive magic and freaks out about it. There's this whole character arc about learning to switch between defense and offense, and learning to trust himself with such a destructive power.)
Jason finds Tim wandering around the city in a fever-like state, struggling with the effects of his brain straining against the magic that protects the Robins' secret identities whether he wants it to or not. Jason immediately adopts the little weirdo into The Flock before he has a stroke or something. This pretty immediately makes Jason one of Tim's favorite people, and Jason loves having a little brother who looks at him like he hung the stars.
Tim becomes Robin Nest. I don't know why, but I imagine his costume having a fancy skirt (with shorts underneath). His weapon is a mirror and his powers revolve around surveillance and omnipresence. He can see through any reflective surface (up to and including people's eyes) and can travel through large enough mirrors. As time goes on, he may develop the ability to make mirror copies of himself which could be either illusory or solid.
Steph briefly tries joining The Flock as Robin Song, but she's got her plate full with more traditional vigilante work as either Batgirl or Spoiler. She does remain a reserve member they can call on sometimes.
Damian initially plans on fighting by his father's side, but somehow ends up getting adopted into The Flock instead. As much as he kicks up a fuss, he doesn't really regret becoming Robin Egg, the healer of The Flock. He will, however, insult his teammates for how stupidly they got themselves injured the entire time he's providing care.
Due to the identity-shielding magic of magical girl powers, Bruce thinks he's done an excellent job of keeping most of his kids out of the dangerous superhero life. He's especially astounded that he managed it with Damian.
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Roasting Dick and Bruce's turn
Jenifer looks at the camera, a little frazzled but in a happy way. "I can't believe the two ppl who came to pick up the figures in person. But, holey bourgeois Batman, I didn't expect celebs to come knocking on my door. And yes, I know. I won't tell outright who came to do it. I will state that I think the figures will be either living in Bloodhaven or Gotham." N roast." image here -> https://www.tumblr.com/xxxnightcorequeenxxxv3/744585465741688833/roasting-dami-and-dicks-turn?source=share Nr 1: I sadly have to inform you that there are two versions of the disco wing, and this one has a mullet instead of a collar. That was a choice. Nr2: Ring Ring Yellow. Can you spare some yellow for us, too? We need it for the traffic lights. Nr 3: Who let the bat-suit and robing outfit fuze? This was a bad idea! Nr 4: It's a classic for sure; we are all still questioning why the scaly panties and just how many tennis shots you needed during that era. Nr 5: I swear you don't see just what you look like because the collar is so high. You look like a living flash bomb. Was that the plan? Perifarl vision was not a priority here. Grinning, Jenifer lifts up the 5 new figures from under the desk; "And Finally, we got the Batman ones. Rost the 5 of them to your heart's content. "
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I know you all wanna see my Batman custom. I made the costume for myself, and here it is. I'll show you my full collection of self desinged when we rost Batman.
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Other? or different ppl? (Comment/Tag)
Bonus image:
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I am supposed to be sleeping but a lass the universe has decided that the thought of nightwing accidely falling in some semi wet cement casting his butt is now a new heratage sight to both for joy and riddicule.
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Tumbler repost "Birds"
I know it can't do it justice. if this inspires you, feel free to go ahead and play with it if you like.
so I've had this idea that been circling in my head like birds. you know how we have 4 (5) robins in the batfam.
well the idea that hit hit me was hey what if instead of kids. Bruce end up with a collection of rescue pet birds. like Dick was adopted cuz hey his owners died. Jason is a fly away from a bad home. Tim was procured due to the Drakes also wanting to show of having a fancy bird only to be forgotten about. and Thalia hand him Damien as a present who she had thought a few tricks.
only for one day for Bruce to get in contact with the wrong magic doohickey, turning all his pet birds into humans. --- Bird dick loves to roost in the chandelier and his new human form for ain't gonna stop him. -- bird Jason pecking at shiny hub caps of the batmobile --- Bird Tim halfway inside the coffee cup. it's his coffee now. --- bird Dami and his shiny knife collection. ---
I've not picked the birds they are gonna be figuring they are either all robins or other birds that fit them. so most of what's going on is me with a hand of visual jokes in my head.
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Alt universe for batfam. raptor style
Have you ever wondered what if Bruce Wayne was a raptor trainer. Like Jurrasic Park. As if the kids were raptors instead. Something tells me Bruce would have just as many grey hairs. With just as many fights and consumption of cereal and coffee.
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What if Damien wasn't the only blood son
So hear me out. This is a random thought I had. How plausible it is, I leave it up to you.
So I'm pretty sure you stumbled upon the Bruce tried med school thing. Well, what if, say, they were doing the test tube baby testing back then. Like say, Bruce signed up for them to freeze some for him for later just in case of an accident. Something that would reassure him when he went out trying to be Batman is that he has a plan B, just in case. However, let's say somebody did an oopsie when labeling or something got spilled on the label, and it had to be rewritten with no clue what the OG said regarding content. So it is labeled as John Doe - Pale, Dark-haired Blue, eyed (X-amount of samples). Over time, some couples accidentally got their hands on the samples when trying to conceive with help from doctors. And well fate brought B's kids to him. And what does them in is like 23 and me prank gift for the bats.
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big brother part 13
the boys stayed in a hotel that night
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