Black Heels, Black Shades, That's My Energy - 7/11/23
Sup. I'm gonna pretend I didn't drop off the face of the earth for a few months.
Bf and I broke up, big surprise. Guess mentally unstable baby mama holds more appeal than someone (me) who won't verbally belittle him, yell at him, and take financial advantage of him. But hey, if that's how he likes to be treated, more power to him. He can have her.
Been dipping my toe into EDM more lately. My pinky toe, so it's a very small dip, barely breaking the surface lol. Champagne Drip isn't too bad. I think I like some psy-trance stuff, mostly been obsessed with a Stromae - Alors On Danse (DubDogz remix) and a Rakhz remix of a PoTC song. Thumpy music make brain go brr.
Anyone got any artist or song suggestions for me? 👉👈

How bout those c*lleen allegations (cough truths cough), huh? It's weird to me to see long time youtubers being watched and discussed by "lower level" ones and then me watching them. It feels like being in a fishbowl, looking out at the other bowls.....idk what I'm on lol.
It's also disappointing to see these people who have kinda been like leaders in that industry, who have the platform, reach and ability to do good, just turn into scumbags. Or get revealed as having been that way all along. Wish better people were the ones who got elevated and looked up to, not the ones who make kids do inappropriate things and interact with them in disgusting ways.

Anyways...I'm a little bit sadder these days. Still don't know what I'm doing with my life. But I'm trying to move on. To get over him. To get my focus back and not be so tunnel visioned on him and the sadness. To not be lying when I'm asked how I'm doing and I say "I'm ok!" with a bracket smile. To find happiness again, contentment in singleness again, mental peace.
I'm getting there. Slowly, but I'll get there.
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please don’t forget to drink water and get some sunlight because you’re basically a houseplant with complicated emotions.
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Summertime Sadness - 4/18/23
Went to get my helix downsized today and talked to the piercer about what's involved in getting into piercing. She said she'd love to apprentice me, which is cool. Talked about her experience with the guy she apprenticed from, and how he didn't teach her that much so she kinda ended up teaching herself with practice and a lot of youtube videos.
She'll have to check if she's able to yet, but she's down to teach me. Told me to do research on some things, and then get back to her, I guess if I'm not squicked out by all the info (doubt I will be).
Annnnd, the bf. The inspiration behind the title. Idk if we're making it to the end of next month. Ever since he was fired he's been noncommunicative with me, idk why because he doesn't tell me what's wrong. Claims things are rocky between us...like just because it's harder for us to see each other doesn't mean it's "rocky".
And I try, I send texts. So many in a row I get annoyed at myself for having 4 texts to his 1. And I'm tired...tired of the one sided conversation, of being ignored and feeling like he's discarding me, tired of being the only one seeming to put in effort to keep the relationship going.
He used to claim he liked me, a lot. But he's not acting like it now. Not treating me like it. I've been crying myself to sleep and being mopey, it feels like I'm going through a break-up that hasn't explicitly happened.
He needs to decide if he still wants me or not. And then act accordingly. I can't keep waiting around for the crumb of affection. It's hurting me, and I need to protect myself, much as I loathe the idea of parting ways...
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He Wasn't Pulling My Leg - 3/29/23
So I was at the optometrists today, getting some new frames ordered (why are the trends making frames so big?? They're so ugly!! Or look like something Dahmer would wear!!😭🤢) and when I left I saw I'd missed 2 calls from the bf 45 minutes prior. It was about 4ish at this time. I texted him back asking what's up, and he replies "bad news. I was let go".
Obviously I freak out and call him, thinking 'is he for real or is he getting me back for all the jokes I've pulled on him?' Nope, he was fired after he got back from his lunch. Because of an anonymous complaint, and his habit of consistently being 5-10 minutes late. Which usually would have an effect on work performance, but he's so quick at what he does, that 10 less minutes doesn't make a difference. Ugh.
So now we don't know what's gonna happen. I'm unemployed. He's gonna have to process today, and decide what he wants. There is a place here he could get into as a server, but that would be a pay cut. If not that or any other cook jobs here, he'll probably find something in the town that's 2 1/2 hours away where his daughter lives so that he can be closer to her. If he does that, I don't know what that means for us.....I don't think I can do a LDR. Especially with the baby mama trying to get all flirty with him now that she knows about me 😒
I'm...kinda panicking. On the inside. My brain is that meme of the dog in a house fire, going "this is fine" 🔥
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A Regular Alex Trebek Over Here - 3/22/23
Trivia night went ok I think. Paul showed me which cards they'd already done and those they hadn't. Turns out he missed some cause I'd ask a question and Richard would be like "I think we already did this one..." and I'd give them a joking glare while dramatically setting it down. I was nervous about it, but I think I have a better idea of how to do it next time.
Nothing much else has happened. Thurs and Fri are my last days. I'm gonna have to track down the executive director to ask about if all the hours I've racked up in PTO will be compensated in my final paycheck or if I'm going to have to relinquish it. Hope not, cause it's almost $900 worth!
Oh! Had a darling interaction with a stranger on Instagram. There was a post of a lady who'd quit by floating her resignation on a balloon into her manager's office, and a comment was like "i quit today but it wasn't as epic as this". I commented my own experience in reply, like same I also didn't have an epic quitting. And some bozo replied to me "or or or, nobody gives a f*** that you're leaving". First of all, you ding dong double dummy clown, people do care, but thanks for making me feel like crap. Small consolation is people keep liking my comment but not his mwahaha.
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Life Is Uncertain, Eat Dessert First 3/18/23
So uh.....
I dunno what I'm doing with my life anymore. After a couple days of video orientation at the new job, I did some thinking and concluded that it was more than what I'd initially expected. And I don't feel prepared for it. So I ended up letting them know and passed on it. And now I have a week left at the job and then....the gaping chasm of the unknown called unemployment.
I'm wanting to maybe find a part time job, and then be getting my own lil business up and going and flourishing. I've wanted to be self employed for years (before it was trendy and cool), and maybe now is the time to actually follow through. Not sure what I'll do though, I don't particularly feel like I have a talent at anything.
Maybe try tufting, since that's trending and you can bring in the big bucks from commissions. Or maybe learn to sew and then do stuff like reusable grocery bags, clutches for like bridesmaid gifts, apron/hotpad sets, stuff like that. I do have some things I've thrifted with reselling them in mind (don't come at me for it. I see it as the store got their money, it goes to a good cause - the homeless mission - and now I can get a living from it). But with prices being jacked up even in thrift stores idk how long I'd be able to keep it up.
Anywho...this might turn from a work blog to a "come with me as I figure things out" blog, sorry in advance.
Small joys from this past week: I got a helix piercing the same day I handed in my two weeks. Hurt, but it looks cute. I also got some cuttings off my pilea plant, hoping they don't die and I'll have lil babies to gift to someone :)
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Guess Who's Back, Back Again - 3/9/23
Long time, no ramble. So, it's been a hot minute since I was last on here. Lot of drama went down the past few months. Don't particularly feel like rehashing it.
Notable updates:
Chef Taylor somehow found my gremlin self cute and we've been dating for almost a year now, whoop whoop!
I helped put on a second Valentine's dance, and got even more residents to come to it! Around 36, I believe? Out of 80. Smashing success, if I do say so myself.
Because of previously mentioned drama, I've decided to leave my facility and have been offered a job at a different one that's actually just down the road, in a caregiving position. I've got a lot of coursework ahead of me (120 days to crunch study) before I get my HCA license, but I think it'll be worth it. So this might turn into a "studyblr" hybrid blog.
I know nobody reads this, and I kinda feel like I'm rambling into the void, but hey, it gives me something to do when I'm at the bf's house and he's gaming! (it's fortnite ya'll, help me cause I understand nothing. Is it laser tag x capture the flag? Why are the characters all bootylicious? My itty bitties are lowkey envious lol)
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Resident Update pt 2
Megan sent me a text tonight and told me that Norman had passed. Not surprising, we'd been expecting him to go any day now but...not today, y'know?
He was a sweet guy. Quiet, loved his fried shrimp and tater tots, and milk. When he was getting plates delivered, he'd mostly be in the other room in bed, so I'd do my usual spiel of announcing that I was there to drop off food, and all I'd get was a feeble "howdy" in return.
Also, Chris has moved out into an adult family home (we have one, AFH, but he went to a different place). Explains why his family had been in his room more often lately.
Bill and now Norman makes it 9 residents who've died in the 8 months I've been there. The phrase "it gets easier" when referring to difficult things is completely and utterly wrong when it comes to this. It gets harder and more dejecting every time.
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Resident List Updates
Phooey...where to start. Ok...so...
Fraser has been out of the building for rehab for a while. For what, I don't know, but it's been a looong time since we've done a soup only dinner for him, and honestly I'm kinda worried about him.
William has also been gone for a while for unknown to me reasons, also worried for him.
Brian was finally moved out to Memory Care on grounds of neglect...wonder how long it's going to take the women caretakers over there to figure out he's a creep and send him on to the next facility. Needless to say, but none of us were sad to hear that he went over there.
David (of Janice and David) had tested positive right before our most recent lockdown, and he was actually what caused it since he liked going around the entire building on his motorized chair so they closed us down because of the possible exposure to a lot of us. Anyway, shortly after that he was taken to the hospital for it, and then a couple days ago I heard that they'd found cancer and he was on hospice, and then Janice was out visiting him. Tonight I heard from Megan that he'd died.
Perla told me this afternoon that Bill, who had been out for a while, has also died. She didn't know the whole story, but he was out for heart surgery and I guess just didn't make it back from that.
Larry and Patsy moved into Alan's old room. They're really nice so far, Patsy is quiet but slowly seems to be opening up. Larry kinda...seems like the type who speaks for her, instead of letting her speak up, but I've been trying to make a point of looking at her when I ask what I can get them to eat, instead of looking to him to talk. Regardless, he still seems like a nice guy. They also look really familiar to me, and it bugs me that I can't place them.
Marie 3 moved in to the room Millie used to be in before she moved to the other end of the building. She seems nice so far.
Carolyn 2 moved in. I've had two interactions with her, she's only gotten room deliveries so far. She doesn't like ice cream, raisin cookies, and likes black coffee with every meal.
Annnnd, I think that's it?
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3 /4/22 - Recap...Again
Trainee - 2/28/22 :
I was Lead Monday as usual, and had Estevan, Alma and the new girl Seriah for PM team. It was Seriah's first day, so I got to kick off her training. Earlier in the day I'd asked Emelio if I was training her, or if he was preferring Lynn do it like with the last new person. He said "no, you'll be doing it. Train her right, ok?" and I'm going uh-huh, yup, sure, definitely don't still feel like newbie myself some days...newbie training the newbie! No problem! But it actually didn't go as bad as I was thinking. She's super sweet, the residents she talked to like her, and she's good at following instructions (yay, not a JP copycat!). She's a high schooler too, so I feel old. She's just a baby compared to the rest of us! I did find I have trouble telling someone what to do, and instead opt to phrase it like a question, eg "would you be able to sweep out here, and then Estevan will mop?". But she hasn't been scared off so I must not have done too badly and didn't info dump too much!
Repeat of Thursday - 3/3/22 :
Yesterday Lynn started texting me at 6am, 9am and then around 10, and I didn't see them until a little after 11 (if I don't have to be up for 6am, I won't be. It's funny she thinks I'd see it at that time lol). Apparently she was super tired, and was starting to not feel good and wanted me to cover her Lead shift. I say sure, but I'll have to take a shower first. She sends me crying emojis and updates on how she's feeling until I get there at around 2. And whaddya know, Taylor is chef again! Hehehehehe.
Lunch service was already about done by then, so I start cranking out loads of laundry (since Tammy had been complaining about night shift not getting it done...y'know, even though AM shift has more time to do it than PM but they just don't do it *eyeroll*) and try not to panic looking at how few desserts are left. (K-Ci told me today that why there wasn't a lot of the spice cake left yesterday was because a big portion of the middle was raw and that cut down on the amount we had to use)
Anyways, I get a couple pans of cookies done, Taylor is getting dinner rolls made and left to raise. Then when we're getting plates ready for the cart, we're chatting and I'm tossing some ice at him, though not as much as I was last Thursday, and he randomly asks if I have a boyfriend. I say nope, never have either. He says "what, really!?" I say yep, want me to make it worse? I've only been on one date, last year, and it resulted in him just wanting to be friends. Taylor makes a 'oof that sucks' face and says something that lightens the mood. Then he asks if I'm looking for a boyfriend, to which I go eh, not actively. If one comes along I'll take him. My mom thinks he probably thinks I've been flirting with him (no, but yes, but no?) and that was him trying to figure out if that's what I've been doing or not.
Then there's some other topic which I won't get into here. Oh, and also when he was putting the rolls on the plates, he was...complimenting his baking...he gave one a squeeze and said "we've got nice, soft little buns here" (same here, Taylor) and I just...had to have the self control not to bust out laughing because that could be taken the wrong way (which is the way my mind twisted it of course) and he could've said it literally any other way but that!
Throughout dinner service I didn't bug him too much, but did a little when it calmed down in the dining room. Did get a few good sized cubes down the back of his shirt! I was telling Alma about our conversations, and after getting home she sent me a voice message on Instagram saying "she's never seen Taylor so chill with someone like that before, if it was anyone else trying to put an ice cube down his shirt he'd throw a bitch fit, but he was laughing/giggling when I did it, so maybe? Maybe...??" So yeah, I think I should lay off the flirty ice shenanigans so he doesn't think I'm trying to jump his bones. Either that or we're getting the new and improved chilled out version of Taylor and it is his new norm and not just him tolerating my mischievious puppy like self.
Milk Heist - 3/4/22 :
Nothing much for today, except that Tammy was throwing out milk 24 milk cartons, the small ones, all because they expired today instead of having us use them in the dining room or on the cart, which would've taken care of a lot of them. No, instead we use the ones that expire on the 7th, while she keeps buying more and wondering why the food expense keeps going up and why they're tossing out so much *eyeroll again*. So K-Ci and I take the box with us when we take garbages out, I stick it behind the dumpster, text my mom to swing by real quick and pick them up. I go on lunch, she arrives, I nyoom downstairs and get the box into the car, chat for a minute and then nyoom upstairs and resume eating like nothing ever happened. Heheheheheh, rebellion. It feels good.
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2/24/22 - The Spirit of St Patrick's Day Compels Me
Tonight was super fun, and I'm in trouble.
So, today was technically my last day off, but yesterday K-Ci asked if I'd cover her for the last half of her shift. Her reason was valid, and I said sure! Then this morning Lynn texts and says her kid has a rash and she needs to take him to the doctor (insert eye roll here). I was torn between saying no, because I was already on for K-Ci, and yes because I want the hours. I ended up saying yes.
So I get there and it's just me, K-Ci and Yolanda because even Kelsey had called out. After first floor lunch deliveries K-Ci left. Then when Yolanda and I get back to the kitchen, both Kevin and Taylor are there. I thought Kevin was PM chef, so I'm just kinda going eh, guess Taylor just popped over to lend a hand, cool. Then Yolanda, Emelio and I handle the dining room while Kevin and Taylor dish up plates for us. Lunch service goes smoothly, and eventually Emelio and Yolanda leave at the end of their shifts. Oh, but before then I was about to go get a meal ticket because I hadn't brought a lunch (expecting lunch leftovers to look good...they didn't lol). And Emelio was like "no wait, here do this for her, Taylor" and brought out a punch card. That makes me go oh heck no, I can pay for my own food, so I hustle over, and snatch the card from under Taylor's sharpie right as he was about to mark off one of the numbers on it. (I think this is where the shenanigans start)
Anyway so Emelio and Yolanda left, and then it's just me and Taylor in the kitchen, I don't know where Kevin went or why he wasn't there when he was scheduled, but after the fun that ensued tonight, I'm not really complaining.
Anyway, I get my Lead duties done. Napkins washed, tables wiped and reset, tray lids done up...and then realize I don't have a lot for desserts either for the cart or the dining room. Emelio had made some cookie dough, but it was still setting up in the walk-in, so we had put it in the freezer. So I get it out, poke it a bit to see how firm it was, went eh, and did up a test tray of six cookies. Unfortunately, they spread out too much so I didn't do up anymore, but hey, Taylor ate five of them so they must not have been too bad!
We started getting the cart ready around 330, and it was ready to go by 340. Because it was so early, none of the PM servers were there yet. So I tell Taylor "ok, the cart is ready but because it's early no ones here yet. So you get to do deliveries with me!" He went wide eyed and said "woah, really?" I'm like heck yeah, let's do it!
We get down to the first floor, and I ask if he wants to do some (since Kevin did when he and I had to do it). He goes nah, I'll just help as emotional support. Lil punk. He does pull the drink cart, so that was helpful. When we get to the other side of the first floor, Estevan and Alma were signing in, but they didn't catch up with us until a bit later. I got out Helene's tray, ask if he wants to go in with me, he goes "...eh, I don't know..." and starts walking away. I go oh no you don't, grab his sleeve and start dragging him behind me into her room. And the poor guy...he's just standing in the doorway awkwardly, Helene is wondering who this strange dude is, I say "oh, I'm just training him!" After that I think he did Don's by himself! But when I got down to Alan and Karen's trays I realize I only did one for them, so he leaps at the chance to escape and go upstairs to make it. And that chicken sent it down with Alma instead of bringing it himself.
And you'll never believe it, when Alma and Estevan and I get back upstairs, do second floor deliveries....we're done by 430! That never happens! I was so hyped that we actually did A Thing and rocked it!
Now, tonight's dinner included a macaroni salad. Taylor had it on the line, but instead of heat it was in a pan filled with ice. And I'm in a good mood...so that combo brings me to tossing ice chips at Taylor. Repeatedly. So maybe it had my version of a flirty undertone to it (my version being "let's be annoying and hope it comes across as endearing!"), so sue me! He's boyishly cute for a 30 year old, and Lynn's over him so why not have a lil fun? Anyway, he said, I think to Alma, "Kevin doesn't use ice up here often, does he? Because you get ice in front of her and she doesn't know how to act."
And then, after tossing an ice chip, he said something like "you better stop..." while shaking his head. I said "or what?" He said "or you'll get put in timeout". Now, my brain says 'Oh?? Don't threaten me with a good time', but my mouth said "just cause I remind you of your three year old, doesn't mean you can treat me like one." And he went "aww :( "
Then, to make it fair, Estevan and Santos became my ice targets and I'd randomly toss chips at them or try putting it down their collars. I was kinda sorta really hoping I'd get Taylor to react, but it was actually Santos who did by putting ice down my shirt and rubbing it in, but jokes on him because it actually felt good since it was so warm in there.
There were also potato chips with dinner, and he'd put them in a big bowl to make doling them out easier. And a couple times I just quietly picked it out from under the line and hid it on one of the small rolling carts out of sight under the counter. The first time he was looking around for it while I'm just cheesing at him. He found it fairly quickly. Then the second time, he just deadpans at me and goes "...chips" and I make a sad face and pull it back out.
He kept telling the others "ya'll better watch out, she's on demon time right now" which honestly just made me giggle every time he said it.
During cleaning up, and a little bit during serving, I grabbed ice chips a couple times, hid my hands behind my back and told him to pick a hand. He'd point to one, I'd bring out my fist and drop the ice in his hand and then scoot away laughing while he just looks so done with me. The first time I had him pick a hand I had a KitKat from Trudy in it, so I wasn't all bad!
When he was cleaning the flat top grill, I of course tried tossing ice chips onto it. He asked if I've ever tossed ice into the fryer, I said no, why? And grab an ice chip and bring it around to where he's at next to the fryer. He says "because it reacts, like really bubbles because water and oil don't mix. You'd be scared." So I start to put the ice chip in, because I want to see the reaction, duh. And he says put it up here and let it slide in (aw, he didn't want me getting oil burned!) so I do, it goes in and it looks like feeding time at a piranha tank! I'm going all starry eyed, not scared at all like he assumed. I want to do it again, so I grab another chip and put it on the side (a slanted metal plate in front of the oil) where I'd put the first one, all before he could stop me, and then he sees and says "oh great, I shouldn't have shown you how to do that" and then proceeds to tell me how it could actually start a grease fire that way and is dangerous, effectively making me back off. It was still fun though while it lasted!
Right before he left, he put his water bottle on the prep table and went to put his jacket on. I was wiping down the table, so verrryyy quietly grabbed the bottle, scuttled out to the drink station and hid it and then darted back in to wiping the table before he noticed. He didn't notice for a bit, said bye to Santos and everyone else, and then started walking out but I said "um, I think you're missing something..." He said "Missing...my water! Where'd you put it?" I just shrug innocently, but my eyes were crinkling up at the corners so he could probably tell I was messing with him. He looked in the random drawer, the AFH box, the delivery cart, and poor thing looks so lost and like he just wants to go home, so I decide enough was enough and go grab it for him.
And then because I've been told he can get irritated really quickly, I put on my Serious Adult Voice and followed him out a bit and said "I'm sorry if I was irritating you, that wasn't my intention at all", and he said "nah, you're good." I said "you sure? Because I don't want to get on your bad side or anything" and he repeated that I'm fine. So hopefully he doesn't run for the hills next time we work together (which I think is Sunday? And that'll be a double whammy because Danielle will be there, I'll be coming in as Lead so he'll get maybe 3 hours of our chaoticness? Hehehehe)
Anywhooo, that's about it. Twas a very fun night. Not really looking forward to tomorrow night and hearing about how Lynn's "hAd a dAy", but I'll try to hang onto this good mood through it!
Edit: why I'm in trouble is because it is way too much fun teasing Taylor, and I want to keep doing it, and seeing his "really? Again?" expression which was freaking adorable lol.
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2/15/22 - Last Fragment of Patience, Pt 2
Ah, Sunday. Bane of my existence. Dimmer of light. How I loathe and cry over ye.
Anyways, missed opportunity at drama club aside....Sunday sucked.
So Danielle is still out because she's...sick...so I got asked if I'd be willing to cover her on Sunday, on top of my Lead shift. Meaning I'd be there 6am-745ish. Emelio told me to make sure I take my two breaks, and maybe make them a little longer than usual because of the OT I'm getting.
To start, JP didn't do the very simple job of picking up breakfast trays even though I'd made a very clear list for him to follow, he only brought back 15 of 34 and he was out for maybe an hour, causing me to go back out to every single room to pick up after him which cuts into the time I have to do my actual Lead duties. He claimed to have gotten all of first floor, but 15 isn't enough for that and when I told him he mutters about it, and also says he didn't do second floor because he needed a break (he was eating a snack in the gym when I headed out).
Then for lunch trays I don't even bother reminding him to pick up trays (which is his job as dishwasher), I just go out myself because at that point I didn't have time to have him be out for an hour+ and then have to go back out after him, along with Lead duties again (getting desserts done, napkins washed, silverware rolled, trays numbered, cart put together). I think I leave a little close to 2, get back a little after 230. By now I've missed clocking out for my two breaks.
I get back to the kitchen, and JP is gone. He's supposed to be there at least until 315. So I go great, it's just me and Chef Taylor here, he's got his stuff to do, I've got my stuff to do and apparently now I can add dish washing to my list. I hustle through getting lids washed and alternate between that and getting desserts done up.
I text Emelio that I didn't get to take the breaks that he told me to have, and he said "call me at the end of the day", and ooo was I worried that I was in trouble!
Mia and Kelsey are there for PM, and they're a much better team than my AM one. No residents were upset during dinner, we don't get behind on drinks or plates, stuff gets done.
Once I clock out, I sit down in the lobby and brace myself for the call to Emelio. He says I'm not in trouble, that it sounds like I've had a stressful day and wants to know what happened. I start to explain, but then he stops me and asks me to write an event report for him because he keeps footnotes on certain people and wants to have the physical evidence for when it might be needed. So I'm in the middle of doing that....only on the second page and I haven't gotten through lunch service yet. Oy vey.
Also, I looked at my time sheet, and because I didn't get my breaks, I was on the clock for 13 hours. I was on my feet, in constant motion, for THIRTEEN hours straight, barring a few short bathroom breaks. Wow. No wonder my calves feel a bit firmer than before LOL.
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2/15/22 - It's Been A Week, Pt 1
I honestly don't even know where to begin. It's only been five days since the last post and it seems like a week's worth of stuff has happened, so I'm gonna split this into at least a couple posts. Today isn't even a work day, I'm just posting because I finally have the time and mind space to write.
I don't even remember Friday. Saturday AM shift wasn't that fun since JP was there, but I was still buzzing and excited because the dance was later that day.
Breakfast on 2/12 was kinda a mess. Yolanda has this habit of collecting a stack of order tickets, instead of the three at a time that I was trained to do, before she starts on drinks or even putting them in to the chef. May seem efficient, but it's not. Because as soon as you take a person's order, the clock is ticking. They'll think "oh, my order's been taken, I should expect food soon", but if you go around taking everyone else's orders before putting theirs in, it's gonna take longer to get to them, especially since the cooks don't always do the tickets in the order we take them. So then the resident (or customer, this applies to normal restaurants too) will get upset because they've been waiting a long time for something that should be simple. Also, if you put in a bunch of tickets, it's going to overwhelm the chef.
Anyways, I had had her start taking orders while JP and I finished with the deliveries, and when I came in the kitchen Greg was just standing there and said he'd been waiting for 20 minutes and she still hadn't brought any tickets in. So I went out and saw she's taking orders still, so I can't just go up and tell her to start working on them so I take a couple orders so Greg can at least start working on something. I get 2 or 3, and go to start their drinks. Yolanda finally comes back and has this long list of drinks to do because of all the tickets she has. I get my drinks out, tickets in, then offer to help her finish her drinks. Meanwhile, Greg's got plates lining up in the window, we're not getting them out because we're still trying to get their drinks out before the plates, so he ends up bringing them out himself....y'know, doing something that's not his job.
I think I might've asked JP to help take some orders, or take plates out or something, because he was out in the dining room doing something and when we were heading out with the lunch cart I asked if he was ready to help us with it, and he got this deer in the headlights look and asked "out there?" motioning to the dining room. Like no you absolute clown, the dining room isn't open yet, the carts are clearly ready to go, I mean help with the cart!!
Anyway, after I clocked out at 2ish, I started changing into my dress and getting ready for the dance. Helped Rebekah move the tables aside so there'd be a dance floor. Marti and Shirley came and were sitting outside the dining room and I went out to show them my dress and because they'd been telling me they had something they wanted to do for me. I thought it was going to be a pep talk or something like that, but nope, they had gotten me a corsage bracelet from a high end florist here in town. So freaking sweet and generous of them. They said I was their girl, so that's why they did it for me.
My dance partner, N, texted that he'd be getting there about 3-315, and that the other two people that had said they were interested (his cousin K and his wife M) wouldn't make it because they hadn't gotten a babysitter and K had been called into work. A tad disappointing, but it was ok. Some residents had showed up by now, but not too many. Then N texted that he'd arrived, so I hurried downstairs to escort him up. We get back upstairs and there's a lot more residents in there now, more than I was expecting and some I didn't think would show up at all.
Suddenly, I'm nervous. I had been excited, but seeing them all and realizing they'd be watching and we'd essentially be performing got to me. N must've seen I was internally freaking out because he said "come here" and hugged me with a tight squeeze and had me follow his breathing. It helped some, after it I was like ok let's do this, no more hiding in the drink station!
And then we danced! And the residents loved it! They cheered when he spun me, when he dipped me, when we started a Lindy. Less than halfway through K showed up, so then he and I danced some. N danced with Marti and Margaret and it was So. Freaking. Adorable. I couldn't handle it. Marti looked so happy during it too...dare I say smitten a little. And he seemed to enjoy it...he was smiling so hard the dimples came out so he must've! Towards the end N and K had the idea to start a dance with me and K, then N would cut in, then K, and trade me back and forth until they ended up together. I said yes, I love it, let's do it. So we did, and the residents cheered for the trading, and then thought the ending of K dipping N was hilarious. It started winding down after that.
Oh, before when we were standing in the drinks station, JP came out and said "oh it's you, I didn't even recognize you in that dress. You look beautiful, sweetie!" and touched my shoulder, effectively making me want the shed my skin. I said "thaaanks!!" in that higher pitched voice that I do when I'm replying in the way you should, but it's not necessarily sincere. Ick.
Sunday he mentioned it again, and asked if N was my bf. I laughed and said no. He said he thinks N likes me because when he'd mentioned my dress N looked "defensive"....and all I thought was "dude, maybe he looked defensive because you're freaking creepy and he could tell by my tone/body language that I was uncomfortable with you saying/doing that." Ugh, double ick.
Anyway, that's about all for Saturday. Sunday was....worth another post.
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2/10/22 - Spencer, But Not Reid
Couple things happened today. During breakfast deliveries, Keo told us to discontinue delivering to Barb 2 for the time being, because she's declined to the point of being unable to swallow even water. Then during lunch, we heard that they were calling an order in for a comp meal for "grieving family", but they couldn't tell us if she'd died or not. We'll probably find out tomorrow. But I really don't think that if she can't swallow water, that she will last very long.
And yeah, she is...was...one of the more "picky" ones, but she was nice in her own way. She said she'd pray for me about a personal matter, and that meant a lot to me. I almost got a buttermilk put together for her on the cart and then remembered...I feel like that's going to be a habit I'm going to catch myself doing more than once here soon.
Accidentally met Shirley's daughter and grandson, Carol and I think she said his name was Spencer? It was kinda awkward...I'd popped in to see why she'd changed her mind on coming to the dining room for lunch, and there was this slightly balding 30-somethings dude sitting there instead. I said hello and that I'd just stopped in to see her, and then she's hollering from the bathroom about who is it, so I holler back "guess who?" which makes Spencer look at me weird, and then she's all excited because I'm there and she's been wanting me to meet them so she hustles out and goes "ohh hi honey, come here!" So I go over and she hugs me, and now both Carol and Spencer are sizing me up and probably wondering who this weirdo is hugging their relative. But Carol said she's heard about me so...yeah that's fun to ponder on. But they seem nice enough.
Also, we went on a partial lockdown, more like a shut in, today because of Janice and David being positives. He's still at the hospital, but they're doing it because so many of us had contact with him. So the "guidelines" are the dining room is still open, but only one person can sit at a table unless you live together. I'm betting they won't abide by that for very long, they're all so sick of being separated from each other. And it certainly didn't stop Skip and Dorothy 2 from sitting together, even though they live on separate floors. Oh, and Marie and Dave sat at different tables (despite him spending so much time in her apartment) and he was blissfully eating and getting dessert while she's looking forlornly at him from across the room. Cracks me up, but also annoys me because I know his daughter and that he's still married (his wife is at memory care though, but still).
Activities are still allowed too, which is good because that means the dance is still on! Audrey, Shirley, Marti, Carolyn, and Rae Ann are looking forward to it! Ooh, I'll have to remind Trudy about it too!
Anyway...tomorrow is a Pm shift. I'll get to meet new guy Estevan. Lynn says he's super nice, so that's good. At least he isn't another JP. It'll be interesting to see how the team dynamic is when she leaves, and I become lead, and Taylor comes over, and it's me and Alma trying to survive being surrounded by pretty boys lol.
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2/9/22 - Long Recap Post
Oof. It's been a long week, and it's only Wednesday.
So Sunday and Monday I'm lead because those are Lynn's days off (love how she consistently gets the same two days off....perks of having kids I guess). But then I get a text from Danielle asking if I could cover her Am shift on Sunday because she wasn't feeling well. I go ugh, ok. So I pull the double of 6am-640ish pm. Then she's still not feeling well by the end of the day, and I, like a nincompoop, ask Emilio if he wants me to come in the next morning to cover her. He does, so I do and there's another 11 hours. Then Tuesday is my day off, and I'm so burned out and tired that I don't get anything done which puts me in a bad mood.
Then today I have yet another 6-2 shift, again tomorrow, Pm Friday and Am Saturday before the dance (the one Am I asked for. Didn't want these other ones *cries*). Usually when I come back from a day off I'm in a good mood, but today I wasn't. The dining room finally opened yesterday and I just wasn't looking forward to having to push through the achy feet/shoulders/back combo and get back to hustling around the room and dealing with snarky residents who make me want to snark back (cough Ann cough).
Also, apparently Lynn is going to Memory Care next week, so that means I'll be bumped up to replace her and have even more days I have to be there for longer periods of time. Goodbye window of opportunity to get anything done in my personal life.
I just....feel tired of food service right now. I don't like the monotony of schlepping the same food to the same people day in and day out. There's nothing new. Gail will always want milk, V8 and coffee. Frank wants strawberry ice cream, and no tomatoes because he's allergic. Jean will have coffee with 3 hazelnut creamers. Jan wants wheat bread, milk with a straw, and no tomatoes, onions, oranges or lemon. Chris gets orange juice. Norris gets milk and V8, no dessert. Janice and whatever the Mr's name is will a l w a y s ask for 5 cranberrys, even though they hoard them in the fridge and don't need them. And nag about getting bananas because "hE nEeDs tHe pOtAssIuM". Freaking shoot me now.
Anyways....in other news. Joy has moved back in, to Al's old place. She seems different...a little less coherent when she talks.
Audrey has started going to the dining room for lunch, I was surprised to hear that. Wonder what brought on the change since she usually never left her room.
Don't remember if I mentioned this before, but Fred also moved in. Apparently there's going to be someone in the apartment that Shirley was in while her first one was being repaired.
Barb 2 isn't doing well...heard from more than one person she's declining. Kinda took me aback, since she seemed fine a couple days ago. I wonder what happened to set her off...
Today we learned that David was under quarantine at the hospital, and Janice was being tested because she's obviously in close contact with him being his wife, and she was coughing earlier. And that's causing some concern, because David frequently zips around the entire building on his scooter, so in the past week a lot, if not all, of us have had some sort of contact with him. And we don't know if this means we'll have to lockdown again or not. It'd be maddeningly funny if it did...out of lockdown for barely a full day and already back in it? They'd absolutely riot on us lol.
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2/2/22 - That Blasted Groundhog
Covered a partial shift for Kelsey this morning, only 6-10am. Teresa was at the front desk and said she hoped the groundhog would see his shadow, or wouldn't...whichever got us no more winter. Well thanks Teresa, you jinxed us and now we've got more winter. Sigh.
In better news, I actually have a two parter!
1. The dance will be at 3, in the dining room (yay!!!). Rebekah does have a live musician lined up, he plays the upright bass, so hopefully he'll play some swingin' tunes. She did say we could do maybe 3-4 of the songs I've been compiling at the end. I also do have a partner for it, I asked him last night and he said he'd be honored. Which honestly is relieving that he wants to do it, I thought that while I think dancing for the old folks would be fun, that most other people would find it lame. But he doesn't I guess, and actually thought of a couple other couples who might be interested. And had the good idea to ask the residents what their favorite music was and then use that to add some of their fave songs to my playlist (as long as they're dance-able) so there'd be ones they'd recognize and enjoy!
2. Emmi finally moved in!!! Her name's been on Chuck's old door for the longest time, and I thought it'd still be a while before she came in, since we're still under lockdown for a few more days. But nope! Apparently she arrived yesterday. I didn't see her this morning, but hopefully soon since I have PM shifts the rest of the week. I hope she's nice. The name Emmi just sounds like a cute person, y'know?
Edit: Today's song of the day is 'Groundhog Day' by Em Beihold
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1/30/22 - The Human Rainbow Is Back
It's Marti, she's the rainbow in human form. It's honestly wild how happy she can make me and Alma. Literally a shot of serotonin straight into the veins.
So update on the dance thing. I talked to Rebekah yesterday and she said it'd be on the 12th, so Saturday which is good. I asked her about what Yolanda meant by "I'm the main event" and she kinda laughed and said yeah, you'll kinda be the entertainment for the residents? That I won't have to interact and work the crowd, so to speak, just dance and have a good time. It'll be fun, I don't like being the center of attention, but it's better to my mind that it's people I know and not a bunch of strangers.
Then today I had an idea and brought it up to her. Apparently she'd had the same idea as she was walking to the kitchen through the dining room haha! Anyway, the idea was to maybe hold the dance earlier in the day, since she'd initially said it'd be 5/530 but that is smack in the middle of dinner service. And then to have it in the dining room instead of the dinette downstairs, because the flooring is way better for dancing in dining, and we'd push some tables out from the center of the room to the edge and rearrange the chairs so residents can sit on the outside and the dance floor is in the middle.
Also, she asked my opinion on music, since she's having a difficult time nailing down a live band, and she didn't really seem to want to sing for the whole thing. So I was like just do recorded music then, I guess? Then she asked if I'd put together a playlist since I'd have a better idea of what would be good to dance to than she would.
So yeah! I've got to get a playlist made up in two weeks, convince a friend to be my dance partner, see if there's anyone else who wants to participate, hope that the higher-ups are agreeable to our ideas of having it in the dining room, and do all the regularly scheduled things. Oy vey.
Anyone have any suggestions for swing dance songs? I'd like to make a mix of older ones (songs the residents might know), modern ones that'd allow for a faster dance (to impress them lol), and cover versions are a-ok too!
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