tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
The Lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch
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Tom Percival was on Sky News (UK) to talk about whether children's books are essential (let's skip the fact that it's such a boring dystopia where education and reading material for children is questioned whether it's essential in the first place)
Knowing he traces his art? And had the bollocks to go on national news to blatantly bs his way around is frustrating.
And what's worse is that Landy retweeted it, knowing the concerns we brought up.
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
Taking a ride in the woo woo wagon will not shorten your wait time at the hospital. You're not cheating the system. Regardless of whether you arrive at the hospital via ambulance, bus, car, etc. You will still be triaged, and your wait time will be dictated by that!
I'm not even a medical professional I've just had a lot of medical emergencies and I have seen enough Karens who get mad poor paramedics and nurses when this doesn't work out for em
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
Do you ever have a dream that's so beautiful and perfect, albeit mundane? But you still yearn for it to become a reality, while knowing that it's impossible...
I just woke up from a dream, a rather simple one really. I was working as a horticulturist alongside a coworker, repotting seedlings we'd planted earlier from their seed starters to proper pots. We were chatting and joking and generally enjoying ourselves. We had a contest that neither of us really cared about to see who had the most seeds germinate, whose seedlings were bigger, etc.
The golden afternoon sunlight poured in through the greenhouse windows, as the plants around us drank it up. Music played softly in the background from a device on a table a good few metres behind us.
We worked over two large, albeit not deep, translucent containers. We would take a seedling set, pull out the ones that made it, then put it in a pot that we'd already prepared, water it, then put it aside on a tray. Once a tray was full, he'd take it to another area (I'd bring over the seedlings, he'd take them away).
My coworker was black, wore his shoulder length dreadlocks tied up to keep them out of his face - and out of the soil that stained our floral print gloves and plain coloured aprons. My apron was solid green, his maroon. He wore a Hawaiian style shirt underneath though.
We were just talking about a new piece of gardening equipment he'd got that changed from green to orange with the temperature (he was demonstrating with cold water)... When my cat woke me up.
I got mad at my poor cat momentarily (just said his name angrily don't worry), I wanted to stay there! It was such a lovely dream... Yet, while horticulture is a real profession, and from what I've heard the people in it are quite nice....
I'm chronically ill. I struggle with basic things, like just... taking care of myself. In the dream I had no fatigue, no pain, no feeling sick or dizzy, no being out of breath... I was just able to function without issue.
And realizing that I yearned for something so basic, so... Well something so ordinary, not fantastical... As if it were fantastical, as it's just as impossible for me....
Made me very sad.
And yet.... I still want to go back. The dream was so bittersweet, in the beauty and peace it allowed me to experience, even just momentarily... Yet with the knowledge that I can never have anything like it.
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
It's one thing to have a shit artist for the first few books MAYBE, but after it got popular and Landy would have had more money/rep.... He should have hired a decent artist jfc. If nothing else the bad art was dragging his works down.
Like Skulduggery always looked cool, hell I first started reading the series solely bc of how cool the first book looked, but... the rest? Eh......
(As for maintaining style/aesthetics.... So like idk about other art programs, but just the one year PRE-Animation and Illustration program I took at college had a whole class just on how to emulate specific styles. Because like... That's a very necessary skill in the animation and illustration industries??)
The Lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch
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Tom Percival was on Sky News (UK) to talk about whether children's books are essential (let's skip the fact that it's such a boring dystopia where education and reading material for children is questioned whether it's essential in the first place)
Knowing he traces his art? And had the bollocks to go on national news to blatantly bs his way around is frustrating.
And what's worse is that Landy retweeted it, knowing the concerns we brought up.
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
daddy issues make u a people pleaser but mommy issues make u like. a sociopath
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
No listen I like cold weather bc I overheat easily + I like being able to snuggle up under blankets, drink tea, wear big thick hoodies, etc, etc.
Cold weather means comfy things can happen. Hot weather means I'm sweaty and sticky and just sprawl out in front of a fan trying not to die
People who love cold weather are fucking weird. You like to freeze? You like to shiver?? You like when you take a step outside and the air stings your skin???
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
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Recently acquired a new assistant! Meet the respectable Dr. Wom
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
Also sometimes it's something from another condition, and the spreading of information saying it's from condition A can cause people to not persue an assessment for condition B.
Sometimes it's a genuine misinterpretation, mix up, incorrect wording, etc... But it can still lead to people going without the correct diagnosis.
(yea so I ended up with a bunch of misdiagnoses (which does happen, especially if you're late diagnosed autistic like me!) and took forever before persuing an autism assessment (correct diagnosis) due to seeing all kinds of stuff propping up the incorrect diagnoses from psychiatrists who didn't spend more than 5-20min talking to me before throwing a label at me. Once I had a proper full assessment for everything I lost like. 5 different diagnoses I'd had it was ridiculous.
Wasn't until I started seeing a new psychiatrist who looked at my LONG diagnosis and medication list and was like "Uh... Something's up." That I started double checking shit and realized things weren't adding up.)
So yea; seriously PLEASE double check things!!
guys again please please please please please please please think critically about those posts that are like “i didn’t realize [really common or nonspecific thing] was an adhd thing and doesn’t apply to neurotypicals/anyone else at all!!” bc a lot of the time they are completely unfounded (sometimes frankly insane) and give people really messed up ideas about the differences between nd and nt people and how those differences work. and that shit doesn’t help anybody in any way! you don’t have to pathologize and essentialize everything you do, and you shouldn’t build up firm definitional barriers between neurotypes that don’t really exist. i’m talking about that friendship post specifically rn which is a prime example (come on, you can’t characterize how all people of a certain neurotype manage something as infinitely complex as human friendship), but it applies to SO many other things i’ve seen floating around i feel like i make this post every other day. the mental math thing comes readily to mind too.. honestly just think about these things before u spread them like true information, check the sources or go find sources at least.. please
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
My dumbass reading this post: VALERIE STARTS WITH A V! OF COURSE!!
v for vendetta is a film with a female protagonist that criticises capitalism, condemns pedophilia, encourages the viewers to question their governments, has a central plot about how LGBT people are condemned in right wing societies (more than three LGBT characters are in it) and was directed by a trans woman and her brother.
why has this become a fuckboy classic
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
i’m watching an art theft documentary and they’re interviewing this art history professor from new york who was asked to go with the fbi to authenticate a rubens that had been stolen but it was a sting operation so they had to pretend like they weren’t the fbi, that they were some private buyer about to pay $3.5 million for it, and the fbi was like “this is a VERY delicate operation because you never know how they will react to what you have to say so let the agent do all of the talking, don’t say a word to anyone just nod if it’s the rubens, the last operation we did the guy in your position got shot because things went wrong in a second” and then it cuts to the professor’s interview and he says “i wasn’t going to fly down to miami to be a part of an undercover fbi sting operation to handle what could be rubens’s aurora and just NOT say anything. i was gonna have to ad lib a little” and then he tells the interviewer that when he & the fbi agent got to the hotel while he was examining the painting he started lecturing the other people, first on how badly they had wrapped it, and then about like how it had been painted, the history of it, what the subject was and what she was doing, etc etc, and he was like “i hadn’t taught a class on rubens in 15 years, so for me it was like being back in the classroom except my students couldn’t leave” 
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
So indentured servitude. Just... Literally indentured servitude.
So, Elon Musk is talking about how to colonise Mars, and suggesting that, for those who couldn’t afford the fortune it would normally cost to make a space voyage, loans could be offered… and people could, y’know, just pay them back with labour upon their arrival…
… all at the same time that the viral hit song is a sea shanty about being a worker transported to an inhospitable place to work for a big corporation, which then pays you shit so you can never afford the passage home.
It’s like, sometimes our past speaks to us.  And sometimes it jumps up and down, screaming and waving lit sparklers.
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
call me ignorant but i genuinely don’t understand why sports have to be split up by gender.
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
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daily reminder that there is absolutely nothing normal about being expected to waste a majority of your life at a corporation to survive instead of indulging in better life experiences ✨
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 3 years
Headset kitty
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