#~Side Muse: Gabriel~
ladylynse · 2 years
After hearing about Gabriel being arrested, Jake and Rose make a trip to Paris, in part so she and Adrien can commiserate about Terrible Parental Figures.
Jake would no doubt claim dragon business to head on that trip--whether or not the French Dragon has actually been replaced in the years since. (Time would presumably have passed if Rose is able to get away so easily to accompany him, so they'd probably be out of high school.)
Rose would be familiar with the pressures Adrien was under from her memories as Huntsgirl, but she spent considerably more time with the Huntsmaster than Adrien ever did with his father. It wasn't a good relationship, exactly, but that relationship existed, and it was far more tangible than the one Adrien had with Gabriel.
Rose also got a second chance with her birth family, something Adrien won't get--because there isn't a what-if where Gabriel wasn't Hawk Moth or Emilie wasn't lost to their family. There is no reality-changing wish (even though the possibility is there) or cosmic undo button on that scale. Even if Sass used his powers uncontained by the Miraculous, even if Adrien risked it, chances are good he doesn't have enough information to prevent everything, and if he could, how much is he willing to lose?
(He might be tempted to ask Bunnyx to help him do something. She won't entertain that idea, and Jake would back her up on it after the hourglass debacle. Some things are too risky.)
The visit would a nice distraction for Adrien, after everything, and it would no doubt be good to get out some bitter words about the whole thing, but there's too much to do in the immediate aftermath for him to spent much time with them right now. The world might not know he was Chat Noir, but they know he's Adrien Agreste, son of Gabriel Agreste, son of Hawk Moth, and that's already too much.
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
not me already so passionate about a muse i want to add but am unsure if anybody would be interested.... i’ve already got a drabble thing going/in my drafts because i have Thoughts and Feelings
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dalliancekay · 15 days
Heaven vs Hell
Which is worse? Can horrible be measured?
Should Aziraphale have Fallen to be with Crowley? Is he selfish for not choosing to Fall like Gabriel when Gabriel tried to be with Beez?
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Would they have a bigger chance to be together in Hell than being on 'opposite sides' on Earth?
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I doubt it. Even if Crowley earned some brownie points and maybe a dukedom for dragging an angel to Hell, how free would they actually be to be together? I bet that kind of behaviour would be frowned upon and deeply disliked by all other demons and we saw that many are happy to climb up however they can. Especially over others. Besides, Crowley never wanted power in Hell and definitely didn't want to spend time there if he didn't have to.
So, was Crowley simply considerate to Aziraphale's attachment to being an angel when he decided not to take him to Hell after Aziraphale lied to Gabriel about Job's kids? Did he not take him Down just cos the angel 'wouldn't like it'?
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"No more world. Just endless Heaven or, depending who won, endless Hell. Crowley didn't know which was worse. Well, Hell was worse, of course, by definition."
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I feel like when I see people saying Crowley is respecting Aziraphale's desire to be an angel and avoiding/being scared of Falling; which (they assume/insinuate) would make it easier for them to be together, that they don't really respect Aziraphale's decision the same way as Crowley does (if it even is one), but blame Az for being selfish and choosing God and his angel status over his love for Crowley. Blame Aziraphale for being patronising, thinking he's better than Crowley, thinking he's too good to Fall. But also that Crowley shouldn't be in Hell and should be an angel again as his Falling was unfair. I see many takes that this is what Aziraphale thinks, but where do we see that? We only see Crowley musing on his Fall. We don't see Aziraphale, right?
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We don't know why Crowley Fell.
We have only his vague words for it. Saying he didn't really mean to. We don't know if anyone Fell ever again after the War. It was very likely a threat used over the angels though. It didn't work for Gabriel. It must have been what he expected would happen. And that Beez would help him out. Other demons too scared of them to say anything. However, he was going to have his memory wiped instead. For basically a treason. Metatron, whether he suspected what was going on or not, outwitted him.
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After Eden, Aziraphale MUST have expected punishment for giving away of his weapon. If not outright Falling.
How long did he spend in anxiety over this? Over what will happen to him?
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And how long did Aziraphale sit here, wondering what Hell would be like and when it will arrive for him? For lying and deceiving like that.
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And ok he's worried about Hell but how BAD is Heaven exactly? Is Aziraphale blind to how bad it is? Is he staying with them because he's loyal? Because he believes they are the light? The truth?
How long has it been since Aziraphale knew Heaven was not Good?
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Apparently since before Angel!Crowley knew.
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"You'll be amazed at the kind of things they can do to you, down there," he said. "I imagine they're very similar to the sort of things they can do to one up there," said Aziraphale. "Come off it. Your lot get ineffable mercy," said Crowley sourly. "Yes? Did you ever visit Gomorrah?" "Sure," said the demon. "There was this great little tavern where you could get these terrific fermented date-palm cocktails with nutmeg and crushed lemongrass-" "I meant afterwards." "Oh."
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Crowley loves his beautiful, soft, good, brave angel.
An angel who lies to his bosses when he thinks he can get away with it, who indulges in 'gross matter' even if it's frowned upon.
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Crowley can't do good things openly. And we see him struggle with that.
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Why would he want this for his angel who cares about strangers shooting each other in a game, saves babies in pushchairs and doves that accidentally asphyxiated in his sleeve, who waves away months of rent.
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Yes, Heaven and Hell might both be awful places.
But that doesn't mean that good and bad things don't exist.
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Nobody would call Muriel evil, right? Not even Jim was bad in S2. The nature vs nurture debate has a clear winner in his case. I don't know if Free Will has rubbed off on Az and Crowley or they were always different. Made different perhaps.
Although, without Free Will, how did Lucifer make his decisions against God?
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Back to our Husbands.
Crowley hates Hell. He thinks it's an awful place and the demons are terrible. He's afraid of them and avoids them as much as he can.
Aziraphale is extremely uncomfortable in Heaven. He has disagreed with many things they do for literal aeons. Has warned Angel!Crowley immediately when they met and has trusted demon Crawley with his sword story as soon as he met him even thought he lies to literal God about the very same thing shortly after.
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Aziraphale lies to the Supreme Archangel and a bunch of others over Job. He's questioned them on those decisions as well. He wonders if God is really asking for what they are saying She's asking. Clearly he didn't have a way to ask Her directly back then.
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And he couldn't get through to Her when the world was ending either. And he felt that couldn't be right.
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Aziraphale and Crowley are nobodies in their respective jobs.
Worse, they are pitied if not worse, for having jobs stationed on Earth.
Neither angels not demons care for humans, apart from them making up their numbers of acquisitions. But our hereditary enemies are more than that from the moment they meet in Eden. And their bond only grows stronger.
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The bond that brings them so much joy and so much anxiety and fear.
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They stopped the Armageddon but it didn't give them the freedom they wanted, the one they deserve. They spent more time together, yes.
But. Heaven, who after all came up with the idea of Hell, found a way to separate them.
How much of this was their personal decision and how much enforced, we won't find out until S3.
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But Aziraphale didn't want Crowley to become an angel because he doesn't understand or see how bad Heaven is. He wanted him to come because he does.
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Yes. Of course. Aziraphale knows this. How could he not. But he also knows the boss of Heaven just told him he must return. Didn't seem like he was gonna take no for an answer. And Aziraphale tried.
Until Metatron brought Crowley into the conversation. Saying he knows about them. Their partnership. The thing Aziraphale feared more than anything else. Someone noticing just how deep their 'partnership' went.
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Crowley, I really don't think that would have worked. And I know you know it wouldn't either. Just as much as running to Alpha Centauri wouldn't. You know, and Aziraphale doesn't, that Second Coming is being planned. That this is why Gabriel was fired. And this you can't escape. There's nowhere to go.
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Their love is what makes Aziraphale and Crowley powerful. The love that no one, not even Gabriel and Beelzebub can understand. And it is this love that will save them in the end. What has always saved them.
Not Aziraphale's angelhood or Crowley's demon status.
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Aziraphale's home is the one he built for himself and Crowley.
It's not really a place though. It's a bookshop for a while, a moment in history, but his home is them, looking into each other's eyes forever.
Because no thing lasts forever. But they might. And they will.
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beatrice1979a · 5 months
The Small Print (Adrien and Claw Noir)
or Action Faust
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Family portrait detail
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Continuing with the darker side of the Reverse Paris world this winter... and a little redraw of the Agreste Family portrait.
Notice that only Emily is wearing the amok ring. Gabriel probably never used it. And Emily abused it (its' one of my headcanons). Our reverse Gabriel is such a creampuff. I choose to believe that in the multiverse serialized episodes (LOL), reverse Adrien will find out the truth about his mother in one season finale and finally forgive his father.
Either the voice of the Supreme or the voice inside Reverse Adrien's head. This song is one of my favs. I collect live Muse performances and this one I have yet to hear live. One day...
Song is inspired by Goethe's Faust. So yes it's The Devil singing but it has no religious views. One of Muse heavier tracks:
and I hope you've seen the light 'cause no one really cares They're just pretending
Sell, and I'll sell your memories [...]
But you can keep the bad days
Say, it'll make you insane And I'm bending the truth You're to blame For all the life that you'll lose ... and
You, watch your space And I'm going all the way And be my slave to the grave
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vidavalor · 6 months
Do you think Aziraphale has a raging praise kink in addition to his 'food' and 'Crowley watching him do stuff' kinks? *hands you a box of spiced apple muffins, along with the recipe: https://www.hairybikers.com/recipes/view/spiced-apple-muffins*
Hi @jotun-philosopher! A recipe!!! I'm so excited. The website you shared is quite interesting. I'll have to make these on the other side of my holiday food as they look delicious. Do I think Aziraphale has a raging praise kink? Oh, yeah. Raging might be an understatement lol.
Praise kink and trauma thoughts under the cut.
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In S2, we go from Lord Beezlebub paralleling Aziraphale, missing their Crowley (Gabriel) while in Hell, and musing that it'd be nice if someone ever told them they were doing a good job over to Aziraphale doing some difficult trauma work in Edinburgh and calling Crowley to talk to him about it. What goes a little undersung here, imo, is the way this is filmed and how Aziraphale can't stop talking about 1827 to a point that Crowley actually has to prompt him into telling him what he learned at the pub about Gabriel. This is because while Aziraphale-- who really didn't need to go to this cemetery at all for any reason related to figuring out what happened to Gabriel-- has been back to Edinburgh since 1827 (Crowley mentions him going to Edinburgh "for the festival" in 1.01), he's never been back to this spot since the night Crowley was yanked to Hell in front of him.
When we come in on Aziraphale at the cemetery, it's right off of that scene in the 1827 flashback and then we watch Aziraphale turn around again, now in the present, right? It's that he does have to turn around that's pretty significant. It says that he's not here because he thought maybe seeing Gabriel's statue again might give him some random insight as to what's happening to Gabriel in the present. He wasn't looking at the statue at first-- we come in on him looking at the spot where Crowley was taken.
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Crowley and Aziraphale are in a place between S1 and S2 where Armageddon: Round Two could theoretically happen at any time. They have no idea if it's happening in five years or next Thursday or in an hour, really, and that's made the fact that Aziraphale has really never gotten over 1827 worse for him, to a point that it now bothers him to be away from Crowley for any significant length of time, especially if they've been arguing, because he's always worried that something will happen while they're apart and he'll never see him again. He spent almost a month (estimated by the dates in his diary) in 1827 thinking that had happened. He does some work on that in Edinburgh by deciding to go to the spot again and, when he does, he has to magically get the nearest cell phone so he can talk to Crowley from the spot because he knows that hearing his voice will help.
By telling Crowley that he's looking at the statue of Gabriel, we get in his knowledge that Crowley will understand the significance of this (and in Crowley's response indicating that he does) that they've talked about this at some point. There are other suggestions of that in the season (like the "I'm coming back. I won't leave you on your own" moment) but this phone conversation says that Aziraphale has verbalized to Crowley at some point how much 1827 still bothers him and Crowley understands that Aziraphale is telling him that he's taking a step towards trying to deal with it more.
(This is also an example of Aziraphale having done something clever and needing to call Crowley to tell him about it before he pops lol, which he's apparently been doing a lot lately since he no longer can get a pat on the back from Heaven, not that he ever did much, which is part of the whole damn problem. One could then perhaps presume that Crowley's been doling out a lot of praise over the phone of late, in addition to in person.)
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So Crowley responds to Aziraphale telling him that he's in the cemetery in Edinburgh and looking at the Gabriel statue/trying to deal with 1827 by doing what they do sometimes-- cheer each other up from some depressing stuff about the past with a little of some of each other's favorite sexy chat.
This is basically a mirror in reverse of the scene in S1 in the car on the way to Tadfield where Crowley tells Aziraphale more about the antichrist baby swap and how it went wrong. Crowley was feeling depressed about the whole mess and how Armageddon was imminent now as a result of it and Aziraphale's response was to pivot to what was, effectively, dirty talking him in blasphemous Bible speak euphemisms in a dry-as-all-fuck, combination Pompous Angel/mildly soft dom tone because Crowley's sooooo weak for that lol. (I'm talking about the "seeds of destruction" scene, the dirtiness of which is probably a whole other meta, since we're mostly talking about Aziraphale here.)
Aziraphale's version of that is a massive praise kink. He looooves being told he's good at something or he did a good job or really just anything related to him and goodness, since Heaven's done a number on him and he struggles sometimes to fundamentally believe that he is good, which is lunacy but so are negative thought cycles in the first place. The praise thing with Crowley isn't unhealthy-- I'm not suggesting that. Aziraphale's negative thought cycle is unhealthy, obviously, but the praise kink thing with Crowley is actually not a terrible counter to it. It's obviously not the entire solution to dealing with Heaven's abuse of him but it is also doesn't hurt that Aziraphale believes Crowley and values what he thinks, which can help break up negative thoughts.
It exists both in and out of bed and Crowley was intentionally blending that over the phone in the Edinburgh scene by responding to Aziraphale being like I did the really hard trauma work thing we were talking about today and I'm still here go me with the kind of praise you'd give someone for doing something that was tough ("good job") but delivered low and with the little "mmrmm" before it, which was to associate it with, uh, other kinds of praise Aziraphale has elicited from Crowley before, by way of also invoking Aziraphale's Assorted Rumbly Crowley Sounds Kink as well.
Aziraphale undoubtedly heard it and replied around it, like he was doing with most of Crowley's flirting with him in S2, because driving Crowley slowly insane is also Aziraphale's favorite past time. It was made funnier by the fact that he left Crowley in London to get The Shop Lesbians together, explain The Vavoom to a memory-wiped Jimbriel, answer any questions about love for the Inspector Constable angel Heaven sent to spy on them, and fix Shax's "hot water boiler" so The Love Doctor was in and getting no love himself lol. Crowley's comment wasn't meant to go anywhere anyway, really-- Gabriel was literally five feet away at the time, which was probably also amusing Crowley-- but yeah, I think the conscious, intentional way Crowley phrased that is meant to suggest that Aziraphale not only likes positive reinforcement in life in general but has a bit of a raging praise kink in bed, with which Crowley is very familiar.
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Idea, with the negative reads on both Chloe & Adrien's parents, imagine a parent swap?
IE, Gabriel/Audrey & Emilie/Andre.
Its two massive egotistical perfectionists who ae incredibly callous and easily given to cruelty. They are a power couple in the most terrifying sense of the word and place basically no regard on those around them except how it serves their interests.
When things are good.
If there's ever a problem a mishap. a failure, oh boy can it become destructive & given Audrey is intensely independent and Gabriel is a massive control freak I can envision there being no shortage of room for conflict.
I imagine whichever kid they end up with is either a traumatized and nervous wreck, often used as ammo against the other parent & needing to navigate their endless expectations & drama. & or wound so tightly they're going to pop and kill someone.
They are on the surface loving and indulgent parents. Unfortunately they are also intensely selfish and toxic people who are just instinctively good at dressing up their behavior.
Andre is blatantly corrupt and considers this fine, he will oscillate between sycophant's and stern power house as needed. His relationships exist to make him feel good about himself & stop mattering the moment he's not in the mood.
Emilie is more on the surface moral, but will happily compromise any moral or belief if it gets her what she wants. What she wants is to be the apple of of someone's eye, their sun, their moon, their definition of love. Andre showers her with gifts & her to him affection.
Their child is someone they have insulated and isolated, they don't want to share, they don't want them to leave, they want them always around (When they are wanted) and always focused on how great they are. Its looks loving but it basically two parasites using their child for food.
I would have suggested Gabriel/Andre & Emilie/Audrey but that'd just canon with the genders swapped right? Huh... Maybe not?
If one were to touch on the sociological side of things, gosh being openly queer would potentially affect a lot. Especially whether some of them could even make it big. If nothing else their trajectory might change a bit.
If we ignore the sociological and treat their relationship as totally normalized culturally, so its just their personalities being kept in mind...
I think there is stuff to muse on definitely, but needing sleep I might be less than my best with this one XD
High flying famous stars, they go where their work is. For Emilie this means studios and locations, for Audrey its a mix of New York, Paris, Milan and so on.
Their child is likely used to being carted around as Emilie's luggage, essentially a mascot and emotional support dummy she says she loves cos she likes the idea of them adoring her.
Audrey is far more indifferent unless they impress her, but is more keyed into the marriage itself. Emilie is exceptional and while inclined to be swept up in Audrey's wake, can coax some tact from her.
She is still distant, harsh and near impossible to please however and neither think much of their Childs needs & tend to be very much enamored with one another when times are good & when not... There's work.
Likely a very unpredictable, isolating and unstable childhood with an affectionate but emotionally selfish parent and a callous impossible to please parent.
Definitely a bit more public than the hyper private Agreste of canon; Gabriel's penchant for isolation and antisocial behaviors, would still exist.
This would n many way ways suit Andre as it lets him be the socializer, the face, the mover and shaker the one who meets people and is protecting his dear husband by handling all this stuff in one way or another.
Gabriel's more aloof nature would beckon one like a moth to flame however and he likely thinks of himself as the protector in the same way the viziard who rules through the puppet prince is a protector.
Both are very much in favor of corraling their child in the home, Andre so he can always have a source of easy affection & praise & Gabriel because he wants everything under his control.
Andre is probably the "Fun parent" but provides nothing but superficial acts. While Gabriel does want to raise said child to be a success, he also doesn't care if they are happy or have opinions.
So in both cases rather similar to canon but also distinct I think?
Either way these kids are FUCKED
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
pairing: negan smith x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: forbidden love but that goes without saying, not very plot specific since it's been a while since I've watched it, negan isn't very canon specific either tbh
summary: falling for negan while he's still being kept in his cell in alexandria has you questioning your sanity
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You had to have lost your mind, somewhere in the process of constantly hovering between life and death, you lost your mind, your sanity, your ability to reason. It was the only logical, if not sensical, reason you could find for the feelings that very unwillingly swerved around your heart, the thoughts that floated about your mind filling you with a nauseating, overwhelming conclusion. You were falling for Negan, of all people, the monster you’d run from, the person you’d labeled quite fittingly as the bogey-man, the very man you’d spent nights wishing death upon had now taken over your very being which is why you were sure, there was not a single doubt in your mind that you had surely gone mad, absolutely insane, utterly ludicrous, completely crazy, and you had not the slightest idea what to do about it.
You were just barely aware of the people sitting down at your table, the soup in your bowl the last thing on your mind as you spooned it around thoughtlessly, once again allowing yourself a brief, all but fleeting, second to think about the small and meaningless gestures that led you to your current predicament. You’d asked Michonne to place you on Negan duty, dropping in a few times a day to give him food, make sure he was still robbing the group of their Alexandrian air, and you’d been doing exactly that- but how were you to know that you’d let yourself find more in the silly meetings than you were meant to.
“You doing okay over there, Y/n?” Gabriel’s voice stole your attention, your eyes meeting his over the table as he sat down with his own bowl of watery soup, something cooked up from the last of your food resources. “Still on Negan duty?” he asked quite casually, no idea how much you dreaded the new topic of conversation. You groaned softly to yourself, hoping he’d think the frustration was due to having to be with Negan and not because you couldn’t, you pushed your bowl to the side deciding that you might as well give in and go see him instead of sitting here in your own torture.
You felt sort of awful leaving Gabriel without an explanation, not missing his confused smile when you stood up and left, following the familiar path to where Negan was held, smiling at the person keeping guard as he let you in, giving him your silent permission to leave you to yourself as you walked in to find Negan on the floor, looking up at the ceiling while reading a book you’d smuggled in for him.
“That you, doll?” he mused, knowing by the hastened footsteps and sort of relieved sigh that it was , the creak of the cell gate met with the little kick you delivered to his foot being further confirmation. “Good morning,” he breathed, accepting your hand to help him up, guiding him to sit down onto the makeshift bed with another sigh.
“Morning,” you hummed, hoping he wouldn’t point out the frown that had yet to leave your lips, not much being said when you took an illegal apple from your jersey pocket as you leaned back against the wall.
“What’s wrong?” he frowned as well, brows raised as he took you in, unsure what was the reason for your behaviour, unsure what could make you this glum even when visiting him was clearly the best part of your day- which was something he didn’t think with arrogance, it was something you’d said one night when you were too tired to realize what exactly you were saying, what you were admitting, but it felt good in the moment- felt good letting him in, even just slightly.
“Nothing,” you lied, annoyed that he was able to read you that well or rather that you were so comfortable letting him read you that well to be more specific. You didn’t realize how comfortable you were, leaning into his side, head fallen against his arm, no doubt shocking the man with the gesture.
“Is that so?” he scoffed at you, forcing you from your hiding place, rough hands acting far too gentle as he cupped your cheek to keep you in place, thumb brushing over a fresh scratch that was truly long forgotten on your behalf, at least, but it brought a new frown to Negan’s lips, forehead creasing at the sight of it. “What’s this?” he paused, knowing what you’d say before the thought even formed in your head. “I won’t accept the word “nothing” for an answer, so don’t even try,” he reprimanded, and your cheeks warmed under his touch, how very well dare he know you that well.
“I was stupid, got in the middle of a bunch of guys boosting their egos, it’s not as bad as it looks,” you promised, not sure why it was so important that he believed you, but he didn’t, of course, he didn’t.
“Looks pretty damn bad,” he noted and he’d smile at the way you melted in his touch, he’d absolutely relish in it if he weren’t on a mission. “Is that why you’re acting this way?”
“What way?” you demanded, contradicting yourself when you folded your fingers around his wrist, thumb brushing up and down the rugged skin, almost as if using him to ground you, keep you here when all you wanted was to get lost in him.
“Don’t do that,” he sighed, surprising you when he pulled you closer, robbing you of your moment of bliss where you could dwell in his intoxicating grip. “Don’t try and pull one over on me. You’re acting all strange and shit and it’s downright frightening.”
“I just needed to come to see you,” you admitted, quickly opening your eyes at the realization that you’d closed them, too caught up in him to notice how freely your body reacted to him without considering the consequences. “Is that okay?”
“More than okay, darling,” he scoffed, seeing the hesitance in your movement when you took his hand away from your face, looking down to your hands as they stayed tangled together for a minute, seeming so perfectly fitted to each other that it was sort of laughable. You knew what he was, knew what being entwined with him meant and you knew that it had to be some cruel twist of fate that you had to fall for a man who embodied everything you were against, but he made it so damn easy. “You’d tell me if it was something else, wouldn't you? If I needed to defend your honour or something, you’d let a man know before just sending the bastard in here?” he teased, beaming at the sound of your laugh as it filled the otherwise empty cell, echoing the room and sifting through his body in an electrifying, deadly way.
“You defending my honour?” you scoffed, letting your head fall back to its place, his shoulder stiffening under you briefly but melting just like you melted against him. “Didn’t think you’d allow yourself such gestures of weakness, Negan,” he hummed, wiping the apple that you’d given him against his shirt, looking out through the miniature window that laid across from him, his only view of the beauty it promised outside, or so he thought before he got to see you every day.
“Neither did I,” he agreed, shaking his head to himself, sort of disbelieving, considering his own sanity at the warmth filling his body purely from having you at his side, having you against him, close to him.
It was an unfair turn of events, torturous in its nature because how could he ever remain a man of such horrendous evil when your very presence had his soul begging to return to purity, to goodness, to what he once was but could never be. He was half annoyed that he’d spend this long letting the new reality destroy him, rebuild him into something he could not recognize yet here you were making him want to do it all over again- one thing was quite certain though, the world had gone crazy, had shifted straight off its axes and so had the two of you.
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madhattervanessa · 10 months
Kill You To Try (Chapter 3)
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Summary: Weeks go by and eventually, the numbness of grief forces you back to the ranch. You're caught between two chairs.
Warnings: self harm-ish things, isolation
Words: 2109
prev. Chapter - next Chapter
Series Masterlist
A/N: So sorry for the late chapter guys, I'm currently struggling with a uni project that got completely dismissed by my prof and some other life stuff - I might edit this chapter a little next week but I didn't want to leave you guys without anything :)
You must have fallen asleep,... again. The porch chair, despite its rotten-looking wood, offers a charming comfort. That, combined with the look out towards the water providing just enough ambient sounds, has continuously proven to make you drift off. 
It's not like you could actively remember the past few weeks.
The dust you had whirled up into the air more than a week ago now has settled again, nestling into the crooks of the wood and the dried lavender you had hung above the window of the kitchen. It had been a measly attempt at smoothing out the musky scent of the settling wood beams and the peaty soil underneath. 
Now that you've grown accustomed to it... the days are flying by. 
Mainly because you keep staring into the water, dozing off, and thinking about where it had all gone wrong. How you ended up here.
The faint gurgle of the water, the occasional hiccup and splash of the gentle stream kissing the mossy, slick stones brings you back and makes you open your eyes again. There's the faint chill biting on your cheeks, a testament to how much time you'd spent on the porch already.
Maybe you should leave the blanket inside when you come out in the morning.
You twist the artfully woven fabric mindlessly in your fingers, back and forth. The loose lint gets scraggly underneath the pressure, the fine fabric strings hooking into each other and balling up.
You frown at it, thinking about the few words you had managed to string together on your laptop since you had moved into the cabin.
A splash makes you look up from your musing. A lazy drift of your eyes, more like, still without coffee and food because the food you got from Gabriel every now and then had run out by now.
Your eyes wander over the river until you spot a brown bear.
Just barely in the first few gleams of the sun, it trudges deeper into the water, uncaring of your presence on the other side of the river.
You should probably take up cooking again.
Give yourself something to do; maybe you should cook something for Gabriel, at least once, in return.
A fish from the stream, perhaps.
You squint against the bright light, the reflections on the water, and find the bear, quite unsuccessfully, snapping at fish swimming past.
It has been a week since you've been down at the ranch.
Your fingers are itching for something to do.
Then again, meeting the judging, worried look from the Senior of the Dutton family has started to lose its appeal. It makes your skin crawl to see the gruff man level such a soft, understanding look at you without much prompting.
"Hey, sunshine."
"Hey yourself- you busy?" You set your tote bag with the empty Tupperware down at your usual spot at the kitchen island before glancing at Gabriel. He is chopping away at something, diligently working, even as you lean against the kitchen counter next to him. You watch his arm move, the way he fills the shirt up that he had chosen for today.
"A little. Working on supper preparations." He briefly turns and flashes a charming smile before he continues chopping some zucchini. "How was your week away from the ranch?"
"Insightful. I brought you something for all that food you made me. Just... a favor in return for a favor."
Perfectly cubed pieces of vegetable join the others in the big bowl next to him and you watch as he puts down the knife. When he dries his washed hands on the towel slung over his shoulder, he finally meets your eyes again. 
"That's awfully nice."
"I would have bought you a bottle of something good to drink but I don't really know what you like."
He chuckles with a slight nod before he risks a look towards the kitchen island where you have deposited the filled box.
"What's in it?"
"Special dinner. Didn't have time to make dessert, otherwise, I would have made you some of my homemade cinnamon buns."
"Mh, I've heard good things about those."
"Oh, is that so?"
You nudge him with your elbow before looking over the kitchen countertop more closely - the bowl is a rainbow of colors and you see a box of steak, deep in the mix of paprika orange and streaks of muted greens, a marinade that already looks promising. It's like you can smell the colors.
"Well, maybe we can make those together sometime soon, then." He nudges you back and you chuckle before hopping off the counter again.
"Yeah right. Every cook I know despises baking."
"Yeah because it's like chemistry-"
"-like chemistry", you say at the same time. You grin wolfishly before knocking on the countertop wood, twice.
"Well, I better go out to the barn. Check on the horses."
"Want me to walk you over?"
"What, do you think a wolf will get me?"
"Nah. I just... I could use the fresh air."
"Uhm, sure."
He throws a towel over the cubed veggies.
You don't say much when he follows you outside.
What are you even doing?
"Hardly noticed how nice the weather is today", Gabriel mutters, scratching his beard as you approach the barn. You hum and look out towards the mountains.
"Maybe you need to get out more often."
"Hey, I do get out." He smiles, despite the admonishment. You give him an unbelieving look.
"Yeah, right, Gator", you huff and turn into the barn. He stops right at the border of the first concrete tile and leans up against the wooden door.
"Well if you don't believe me, I'll just have to prove it. You free this weekend?"
You're mute.
He is still staring at you, waiting for an answer, unabashedly waiting out the awkward silence.
"I uhh- I'll have to look into my calendar, I guess."
"When you do, you know where to find me."
You're left with no further explanation, your eyes following Gabriel until he is back at the lodge.
You don't know if you want to answer him, today, though. 
You frown and hold your breath as you push your hand deeper into the cow - it lows as you do and you shush it as you carefully press further.
"You look beautiful today, Bones!"
You glare at the young farmhand calling out to you and manage to raise your middle finger at him.
"Aren't those boys happy about summer starting", you grumble. You finally manage to feel the organ you had been looking for. John chuckles, leveling an amused look at the guys working the herd in the other gutter.
"You know how they get."
"Wish they'd get more useful, sometimes", you mutter, still busy mapping out the reproductive system of the cow.
John hums, still leaning onto the metal cage the cow is fixated in, leaving you just enough room so you don’t feel uncomfortable but always close enough to peer over your shoulder.
“So, what’s going on?”
You draw your arm back after another minute with a short murmur to the cow.
“There’s some abnormalities around the ovaries and uterus. I’m going to suggest we keep her in while I do some tests. But most likely she’s going to be useless for breeding, John”, you sigh as you tug your plastic glove off. He notes it down in his notebook, nodding slightly.
You throw your dirty glove into your bucket and move over to the side to draw some blood from the neck of the cow where Rip is standing.
He smiles at you as you take a short moment to pat the cow’s neck.
His head whips up towards John’s voice, his legs already in motion. He pats your shoulder as he passes you. As you rummage for a needle in your case, you catch him looking at you while he listens to John.
A cheeky smile briefly breaks his serious grimace before he turns away from you again.
You busy yourself withdrawing some blood from the cow's neck, carefully filling up a few more vials that you stash in the cooled box next to your case.
"Alright," you call out as you straighten up, your eyes on the boys in the back. ", send me the next one in, guys! We still have two more left!"
You straighten your head and use your bandana to wipe off some sweat that had built on your forehead and neck.
It takes a few more hours to finish your work, carefully checking over all of the cows that would be used for breeding this year before you do the actual dirty work the next week.
“Got everything?”
You look up from your cooled box of blood vials, your pen hovering over your notebook pages with the cattle numbers. Rip has your travel mug in hand, the light clinking of the metal immediately giving away the contents.
"Well, now I do. When did you have time to make me an iced coffee?”
“Who said I made it”, he just retorts, pushing the cool container into your free hand. You squint at him before taking a sip and noting the last few comments down before you shut the book.
“Well I know damn well that nobody would willingly put oat milk in coffee in this part of the country”, you murmur- you chance a look towards the Dutton house and feel your cheeks flush as you see Gabriel leaning over the sill to wave at you.
Oh. So that’s where the coffee had come from.
You wave back and take another sip before you look back at Rip.
He’s looking out towards the ranch, checking on god knows what- maybe the farmhand busy doing the dirty work of the day.
“Do you need any help moving your stuff up?”
“The blood vial case is a bit heavy but I’ll be fine. After all, that is going on Milton’s back, not mine.” 
“Just askin’. I'm going into town to get groceries. Want to come along?"
"Oh- I am-" you stop and frown. "No, actually, I could use some groceries, now that you mention it."
"I'll pick you up at the cabin, later, then."
"That would be great, thanks, Rip." You lean your head against his shoulder for a brief moment before looking up at him. He is already looking at you - it makes you squirm, that look.
"I'll come pick you up in an hour."
You don't think you've ever seen Rip without at least two pieces of clothing that identify him as a cowboy: It's always a hat, the boots, the belt, and maybe one of the Dutton logos on his shirts.
You grin to yourself as you watch a younger man glancing at Rip nervously from the produce aisle. 
You gently squeeze the tomato in your hand before grabbing a few to put in your cart. Rip is frowning at some cucumbers next to you. 
"Stop frowning like that, you're scaring every teenager in the vicinity", you mutter and nudge him before picking one of the cucumbers for yourself.
"Just thinking."
"You want to talk about it?"
"It's nothing important, doll." 
You bite your lip instead of disagreeing. Instead, you focus on picking out some more produce, the faint 2000s summer playlist playing in the background. The AC is already blasting even though summer has barely started - you're almost freezing in your thinned-out sweatshirt. It's blissfully empty around this time in the grocery store- well, as empty as these giant stores can get.
Rip eventually catches up to you in the fruit juice aisle where you swear your teeth are chattering.
"I shouldn't buy this much- I can barely get all of this up to the cabin."
"I'll drive you back, you know that, right?"
He's close. Hovering. You two haven't been this close in months.
You miss the comfort of his hugs.
It's the only thing you can think about as you stare into the overfilled shelf.
"Pick some up so we can have those fancy little cocktails you like to make. Don't play shy about it."
"So what you're saying is you want me to make some cocktails again because you have been missing having those fancy fruity little drinks with me."
He doesn't say anything, just leans so close you can feel the warmth of his breath.
"If you tell on me, I'll tell the greenhorn you have a crush on him."
"Ohhh, I'm shaking in fear."
"Knew it wasn't just the cold."
Rip leans back again and you smile as you pick out a few juice bottles, despite the chill. 
He forces you to take his jacket when you get into the truck again and drives the two of you home.
You spend the next two days hugging yourself, wound up in it as you let your feet dangle into the cool water of the stream.
You do it until you feel your toes go numb. After going inside and warming them up, you do it again, your eyes steadily on the rush and splash of the water, the reflections playing with the lights.
The groceries stay untouched.
Taglist: @graniairish
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rachelsshowerthoughts · 2 months
Was musing on the Aware AU and how the trio internalize and process the abuse and otherwise contextualize or understand and communicate it or otherwise maybe fail to do so.
Because realizing a parent is unfair or doesn't care or is cruel is one thing. It can often be another to straight up be aware of and say you are an abuse victim.
Be it because they are young and thus even with the spread of therapy speak, being able to use it effectively on themselves is hard.
Or because abuse victims don't often look like they do, IE, aren't usually mega rich heirs to powerful names. Even if being a rich child can be rather akin to being an exotic talking pet given none of that money is theirs.
Sad money also makes getting empathy hard and feeling there is a way out even harder. They may not want the former or at least not desire it consciously. But its also a case of, "If we were even believed what could anyone do?"
But then there's also the more personal takes on things, such as how:
Adrien may not blame himself for his fathers inability to love him (Or at least love him in a not terrible way) but he sure as hell blames himself for "Fooling himself" for so long. He's known Gabriel his whole life, he is his son, if anyone should have figured out what he was like it was Adrien. But he didn't so he can't blame anyone else for not seeing it.
Then there's stuff like media where cold and controlling parents get redemption arcs by being soft once or the like. Adrien's just throwing popcorn at the screen, "He's lying to you, its a trick, he'll never change!"
Kagami genuinely loves fencing, she loves how skilled she is, she loves that she is a world renowned fencer. This makes it hard to deal with when abuse is woven into training, such as with overly violent spars, or with training sessions that see her hit the ground and then be forced up again and again.
She's used to her body hurting after training, the issue isn't the punishment, its how arbitrary and unfairly her mother applies them Compounded with the social isolation, control and emotional repression which she has a hard time naming. Meanwhile you have Marinette just wanting to scream because Tomoe is intentionally harming her daughter as punishment.
She'd likely need an outsider to highlight the punishment spars themselves are a bad idea that hinder rather than help her. That the pain itself was wrong, not just when or why it was applied. Kagami is proud of who she is and what she can do. So to some degree she sort of.. Needs the trauma. Because if it was unnecessary, if it isn't how she got so good, then it was just pain.
Chloe has the. other victims do not look like me jacked up to eleven. Most victims are not rich, most people who are aggressive (In her research) are physical and were harmed physically. Most don't have mayor fathers who bailed them out of trouble, though be it to make her reliant on them and feed his own self esteem, hence encouraging her acting out as it fed him.
But its also because she chose to imitate Audrey. She chose this path in order to win her parents love and it didn't even work. She chose this and now she is not choosing it but something else. She had agency in this god dammit and don't you dare tell her otherwise! She is not a victim! She is not weak!
Feeding into that is stuff like Andre actively and outright teaching her, "Extortion, intimidation, bribery, these are how you win a campaign." Because even as she restructures herself, part of her still defaults to these, part of her still sees them as pragmatic and useful. Part of her thinks they will be needed for her and the people they care about. So again, was it abuse or just Andre being bad at parenting?
Plus on the physical side of things, there is some stuff that can be bled into headcanon, among other things... But one thing I would note is that canon Chloe grabbing Zoe and inspecting her like livestock before giving her approval. How she gets so aggressively close and into people's space when she otherwise seems to try and be distant. This screams learned behavior and we can't even blame it all on Audrey cos she was more of a: Fly in tear my daughter apart and leave parent. With likely a mix of social media, calls and streams, or rejection from and via those to compound things. So she's getting this heavily from Andre. But its not overt, its not hitting, it can't be abuse then, because Chloe is too different to the victims she finds, too different to be seen as a victim.
All true! I don’t think any of the kids would apply the words "abuse victim" to themselves. Like, their parent suck. They suck SO BAD. Their parents are awful people who aren’t going to change. They know this. They accept this. But I'm not a VICTIM. I'm not ABUSED. I'm not what that looks like. It doesn’t apply to me(derogatory).
Funnily enough, they might apply it to EACH OTHER. Chloé absolutely thinks Gabriel is emotionally neglecting Adrien. Adrien thinks André and Audrey emotionally abuse Chloé. They both think Tomoe abuses Kagami. But it doesn’t apply to themselves, and they don’t bring it up or try to convince each other.
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lovysmtalks · 2 years
He Only Has Himself To Blame
Summary: Felix joins the akuma class, he's seeking revenge and wants to demask the sunshine persona Adrien has put on
Marinette is lost after getting her heart broken, bullied and dehumanised by her old friends, so she finds comfort in a certain blonde boy who joins her class
This will be a short series that I decided to make after reading soap_lady's "he can only blame himself" fanfic on ao3
The characters are in 11th grade meaning most of them are 17-18
Marinette has been MDC ever since she was 14 and Gabriel's business is going down due to him getting too into the villain act, I'm trying really hard to not make Mari seem too ooc or a Mary Sue
Chapter One.
To say Felix hated school, it would be an understatement.
He DESPISED school. The place is full of gold diggers left and right, people who would throw you out in a split second
Felix transferred to Françoise DuPont during his third year of high school. His mother was having a business trip to Paris for some time and since Felix didn’t have friends in New York, she signed him up for this school until he finishes his lycée
Once he set foot on the school, people looked at him weirdly, well...maybe it was his questionable clothes, they clearly showed rich boy and that he wasn’t from this school.
He could hear the annoyingly loud “whispers” as he walked to the principal’s office
‘He looks like a model, do you think he is one?’
‘He looks like he has money, maybe we should try and befriend him!’
‘He looks like Adrien, oh my gosh I’m going to faint if we have two handsome models at our school, it’s like we hit jackpot!’
He sighed as he finally reached the school’s principal’s office.
Around 45 minutes of not important information later
Felix finally walked upstairs to his class, his head hurting from the goody-two-shoes principal, his way of lecturing teen-agers was in such a way it felt like he was in kindergarten again. To be fair it kinda was the same, he was in a strange place full of people he could sense had bad intentions, so he just rubbed his temples and opened the door to see a very loud class split in two parts.
The front side, he spotted the other blonde guy the whispers were about, Adrien Agreste, his cousin.
Oh boy, did that not just make this whole thing even more irritating.
The front side had much more people in comparison with the back side, the back side was formed of five people.
A girl with a strong pink hair in some loose pig tails who was making a hand gesture to what the front side was listening to
Felix wanted to laugh at that, as he caught a split second of what the girl with brown hair on the front side was rambling about, it was something about how she’s his uncle’s muse or some crap like that, nothing more than a fairy tale she could only dream of.
He remained silent and analysed the other people in the small group
There was a guy with bright red hair who looked like he was barely containing himself from bursting out laughing at what the pink haired girl was doing
The second guy in the group wore a red sweater and had a washed out kinda blonde hair that was spiked up, he was giggling at what the pink haired girl was doing, while having a hand on her shoulder.
The third guy, wore a cap with some black glasses, he looked kind of sad at the front group but his sad frown moved to a half smile as he sat down next to the second girl-
‘What the actual – NO WAY THAT’S HER’ Felix panicked as he remembered who the second girl was.
‘The “I-love-you” girl, what a coincidence to be in the same class as you’ he thought, not noticing the fact that he was staring
But someone did notice him stare, it was the actual girl herself.
She had the same shock on her face as Felix did, probably was not expecting to see him ever again after the stunt at his cousin’s house two years ago.
‘Great, this couldn’t be more awkward’ he sighed as he moved to step in the class, hearing someone was close to the door.
“Oh! You must be the transferred student, come on! My class is probably dying to meet you.” The ginger teacher said loud enough for Felix to shiver at how loud she was
Oh, he was sure the class of idiots was dying to meet him.
He could practically see the hearts sparkling in the sausage haired girl's eyes who moved to the second line of seats, behind his cousin.
The girl with two shades of colours in her hair was staring at him as she was whispering something to her seatmate’s ear.
Him and the teacher walked in the class as she was basically dragging him to the front desk.
"Good morning class! This is Felix, Felix uh…-" the teacher looked at him for an answer about his last name
He sighed and said "Graham de Vanily. Felix Graham de Vanily."
"Ah, yes! Class, he is a transferred student from New York, treat him kindly and make him feel at home. You can go sit uhm…in the back! With Marinette." She put a hand on his shoulder, making him shiver at the contact
'Oh great.' he caught a glimpse at his cousin's face, it was priceless
He looked angry then disappointed then it went back to normal.
'Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all' Felix thought trying to retain the smirk his face desperately wanted to make.
He reached Marrinete's and his seat.
He could see that she was avoiding his gaze, so he had the genius idea to put his hand on hers
She shot him a deadly glare, in which Felix responded by "smiling" warmingly at her
"What are you doing?" she whispered angrily
"I wanted to get your attention since you were clearly avoiding my gaze. I know you most definitely think of me as a son of a bitch, but i want to get revenge on my cousin, I know you won't help me since I saw your confession on his phone back to a year ago, but it was worth a shot for me to ask for your help." He whispered, it wasn't exactly a lie, it was mostly to make his cousin jealous. But what he didn't think of nor plan, was his heart skipping a beat once her gaze finally met his.
Marinette's face had a confused look on it, probably processing what he just said
What he did not expect, was for her to giggle.
"Let me get this straight, angel, you want to hang out with me to piss lil' ol' Agreste off, because you want revenge, you still want revenge after two years ago, you pretended to be him, try and kiss a superhero, then blame it on getting akumatized." She covered her giggles with her hand to hide the snorts begging to come out.
Felix thought she looked so pretty for whatever reason. He bit back a smile, then it clicked.
'Kiss a hero? How does she know about that?!' he thought. Felix was 100+% sure that no one saw when he tried to do that.
'What a silly mistake you just did Mlle. Dupain-Cheng' he looked back at her to see she closed her eyes while trying not to laugh out loud.
He smiled. (Not gonna say someone's dying, but the world's at it's end if he smiles)
'You're such an idiot to not realize what you could have had, Agreste.' Assuming she was laughing was a sign her and Adrien weren't together, maybe if he was lucky, not on good terms either, seeing that she did call Adrien Agreste and not just Adrien
"Well yes. He's not the person who everyone sees him to be, that's the reason I did what I did last time. I tried to show everyone how he really was, he called it a prank, I call it wanting the truth to get out, I do however realize that there were other things I could have done to show that but can't change the past now, can't I?" He whispered
Marinette opened her eyes with a thoughtful look on her face
"I know Agreste isn't who he stands to be, I'm more than aware he isn't this sunshine price in shinning armour mostly everyone belives him to be." She said in a serious tone, with a blank expression on her face
Felix was in deep thought, millions of questions running through his mind.
He decided not to press forward and just nod at her statement.
After some minutes of pretty awkward silence for Felix at least, Marinette finally looked at their hands who were still connected, with her hand being underneath his
Her smile passed Felix's eyes as he was looking through some papers on his part of the table
Marinette put her other hand on his, getting closer to his ear then whispered
"I'm in, I'll help you get your revenge." She backed down from his personal space then dragged their hands Infront of her
Felix was processing what she just told him, he was about to say something but then noticed she was holding his hand tightly between hers as she had a petty smirk on her face
The boy's cheeks got warm, to a concerning state, he just took his hand and turned the other way, covering his mouth and cheeks with the other hand as he avoided Marinette's gaze
In response to the sudden outburst, Marinette just laughed and went back to paying attention to the class
What neither of the teens knew, was that Marinette's out of character (for most people) affection was caught on by Lila, who looked like she was fuming as she looked back at the two.
"Girl, you ok? Your face looks red and swallowed, are you having an allergic reaction?" A concerned Alya asked looking as her bestie
Lila swallowed HARD as she realized she was staring at the pair behind them
"A-ah…y-yes I am alright, just, don't you think Marinette would bully Felix too right?... She's been invalidating his personal space ever since he got to the back…" Lila said in a shaky tone, trying to make it sound as real as possible
'No way I'm letting Mari-brat take my key to success, Gabriel's business has been going down in fame since people are boycotting the brand for whatever reason. The Graham de Vanily family has a better reputation than the Agrestes ever could even dream of!' she thought angrily
"Lila, girl, you don't think she would, would she? I told you what Felix did last time he was here. If something he would be the one making fun of her, he's a bigger jerk than Marinette!" Alya whispered
'Oh, now you're taking her side?' Lila thought unfazed at her "friend's" stupidity
"Felix looks like a sweetheart! (Yea right) time changes people Alya, Marinette is a perfect example of that!" Lila whispered, trying to get her friend to understand what she meant.
"Hmm… you're right, after class we're confronting Marinette on her bullying, the poor boy just got here! How could she be so cruel…" Alya said angrily
"Oh Alya, I don't know…" Lila said, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder comfortingly
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mousy-nona · 4 months
All of God's Angels p. 2
I think you will like His newest creation, Gabriel mused. I’ve foreseen a challenge for you. An equal. A partner, tall and beautiful and terrible, and crowned in red. // Or Lucifer tries his damned best to ignore Gabriel's prophecy, then finds Alastor after Extermination Day.
All parts up on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53800450/chapters/136173307
Lucifer was Not Impressed by his supposed perfect match. 
As he watched Alastor toss a few grunts into his mouth with a glee that Lucifer could only describe as satanic, he broke his resolution to never pray again for the second time in a row and sent a quick message up to Heaven.
Dear Father, he beseeched – nay, begged – Dear Father, for the love of all that is unholy, please let it be someone else.  
Maybe he was wrong. Maybe it was another false alarm, like Lilith had been. Hell was full of red-faced bastards, and as much as he hated to admit it (and as Alastor had so smugly reminded him), most of them were taller than he was. Not Alastor tall, of course, but Gabriel had never specified ye verily, thy fated companion shall be approximately seven feet high, if thou art judging by the imperial system. 
(Curse that stuffy excuse for a messenger pigeon! If he hadn’t been so annoyingly vague, Lucifer wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place!) 
But there was something about the demon that made him think this time – this time would be the one that stuck. 
Maybe it was the way the demon seemed to have an uncanny sixth sense for knowing exactly how to get under his skin. He’d picked on his height, which was a low (ha!) blow, but then he’d honed in on his one true weakness with a swift, savage efficiency even Lucifer had to admire. Within less than a minute, he’d focused all his witty one liners on his relationship with Charlie – or lack thereof. 
Maybe it was the thrill that crept up his back as they fired insults at each other – “that’s why they call it the ‘Has-Been Hotel’!” “It was actually my idea!” – and Alastor didn’t once miss a beat. He returned each one of Lucifer’s barbs with a grace and silky condescension that made his own retorts look clumsy by comparison. He was excited in a way he hadn’t in years, filled with an electricity that could have been hate or delight or anything in between. 
Most importantly, he felt alive . Awake and alert. And when he placed his hand on the apple topping his staff, he felt it vibrate the way it had that first morning, and his mouth filled with the crisp, clean sparkle of potential.
It almost tasted like static. 
It was all too much for one day and Lucifer – the Prince of Darkness, the Morning Star, the Light Bringer – retreated. In front of a former human. 
Time flowed differently for a being that had existed since before the creation of the world. A blink of an eye could last a decade, or it could last a heartbeat of a second. He’d forced himself to get better at keeping track after Charlie’s birth, knowing time didn’t misbehave for her like it did for him. Being a father meant not wanting to miss a single moment – a lesson he’d learned the hard way. 
It was a mark of how badly Alastor had shaken him that he forgot all of his self-imposed rituals. He didn’t set the alarm at night. He didn’t mark off the days on the calendar. He didn’t even bother to darken and brighten the room to match the cycles of Hell. In the half-submerged gloom of his circus tent, surrounded on all sides by mountains of fire-breathing duckies, he could freak out in peace and quiet as the hours slid by like endless grains of sand.
That was why he didn’t realize what day it was until it was almost too late. 
If it wasn’t for the half-dead angel that crashed through the main hall, he might have missed the whole thing altogether. For the first time in days, his mind was strong and clear as he stared at the cherubim twitching on his floor. 
Extermination Day.
It was as if he’d mainlined a lightning bolt straight into his veins. He didn’t bother with a portal. He didn’t even bother to think. His six great wings unfurled and carried him towards the hotel faster than sound itself. And perhaps he hadn’t fallen out of favor after all, because he got there just in time to whisk Charlie out of harm’s way. Adam’s beady little eyes widened when he saw who it was.
Lucifer was so giddy with relief that he couldn’t resist a few jabs as he flew circles around the First Man. Adam fought to keep up, stuttering and spitting out profanities as he struggled to come up with a single clever comeback. 
“You’ve really let yourself go since Eden,” Lucifer couldn’t help but remark, rather sadly. What a shame – even after a millennia, Adam still possessed the conversational skills of a rock. What the Hell were they teaching the humans up there? Less than a few minutes had passed, and he was already growing bored of this exchange. He found his attention drifting to a far more enjoyable battle of wits from a few days ago…
Speaking of which, where was Alastor? 
He was distracted by Charlie, always Charlie, who transformed into a form he’d never seen before to stop Adam’s charge with one hand. An almighty rage that had lain dormant in him since the Fall reared its ugly head, and for a moment, all other thoughts were wiped from his mind. 
He dares? This pathetic, empty excuse for a human being dares threaten my Charlie? 
It was only later, after the battle, when there was time to talk and mourn for the fallen, that he heard Alastor hadn’t been seen since his battle with Adam. 
Alastor…fallen to Adam? It made logical sense, of course – as powerful as Alastor was, he was only an Overlord, and a young one to boot. Adam had had the entirety of human history to strengthen his power, and the angels had afforded him special abilities due to his status as the first human to enter Heaven. But still his mind struggled to comprehend it. It was like trying to understand how a Neanderthal had beaten an elegant war machine. 
A Neanderthal with a huge angelic blaster gun, he groused as he magicked a wall of timber into being. It was a good thing he hadn’t seen Alastor fall — he didn’t think he would have been able to stop himself from gutting Adam with his two bare hands if he had.
But at the same time, his limbs were suffused with a strange sense of relief. If Alastor had been taken out so easily, there was no way he was his fated companion. This was a good thing. A blessed turn of events. His equal match was still out there somewhere, and with any luck they would be free of unsightly defects like pointy teeth and cannibalistic tastes and a predilection for sadism. He was free! 
(So why was his chest aching so much?)
Then Alastor deigned to show his face, his smile as sharp as ever, his suit impeccably pressed, and Lucifer felt his heart beat again. Charlie and the rest of the hotel (except for Husk – strange, that) pressed in to touch him, to hug him, to bask in his strange enigmatic presence. To the untrained eye, he looked as good as new, as if he’d risen from a restful nap instead of a grueling battle. 
But Lucifer had spent the past few days agonizing over this demon. Going over every last detail in his mind until his features were firmly etched into his memory. And he knew, he knew something was wrong. There wasn’t any outward sign that gave it away – Alastor was even better at hiding pain than handing it out – but there was something in the careful way he slipped out of Charlie’s overenthusiastic embrace, the millisecond twitch of his shadow, the grin that was a shade too large that set Lucifer’s teeth on edge.
He’d ignored signs before. He’d tinkered on ducks and stupid useless things as Lilith had disappeared into the ether. He’d missed half of Charlie’s teenage years on projects that he couldn’t even remember. He wasn’t going to repeat the same mistakes again.
He ushered Charlie and Vaggie up to bed, insisting they take the master, brushing away their worried suggestions – “but we should help you get unpacked!” and “are you sure you’ll be able to find your room okay?”
He slipped Cherri a twenty to make herself scarce, and he made pointed suggestions to Husk and Angel Dust about where they could find some of the truly good booze back at his palace. His heart warmed a little as he watched Angel Dust slip a not-so-sneaky arm around Husk’s shoulders and bring him in close. Husk’s hard facade cracked a bit, his lips quirking up a bit as he pretended not to notice it. 
He couldn’t find Niffty or figure out where the odd creature slept at nights (did she even have a room?), but he figured she knew Alastor well enough by this point to leave him alone. 
Preparations complete, Lucifer ascended the staircase. At the top floor, instead of going left, towards his rooms, he took a deep breath and turned right. The hall got progressively darker as he closed in on the menacing radio tower. The shadows were deep here. They breathed and pulsed, as if he’d stepped into the maw of some giant beast. The air was humid, heavy with old mud and the ghostly aroma of a thousand dead bodies. 
It felt like Alastor was all around him, pressing against his bare skin, invading his lungs. A thrill went down his back as he raised his hand and knocked, just once. It sounded muffled in the damp and the dark. 
“Yes?” The radio static was so heavy he could hardly hear Alastor under it. He got as close to the door as possible.
“It’s me.” He didn’t say who it was. Alastor knew. 
There was a pause. “And what does the King of Hell want with a lowly facility manager at this late hour?”
Again, the tone of his voice crackled and popped, as if it was going in and out of signal. It sounded…weaker this time. Suddenly gripped with concern, Lucifer wrapped his hand around the knob and –
The high frequency static ripped through the air like a sonic blast. He winced as a ringing in his ears momentarily knocked him off balance. Something wet dripped onto his shoulder. He swept his finger across it, surprised when it came up red. Alastor had burst his eardrums. 
That nasty, annoying, hard headed–!
“Okay, no more Mr. Nice Demon,” he muttered under his breath. Louder, so Alastor could hear him, he announced, “I’m coming in!”
He threw the door open. Or tried to, at least. Neon green threads made it impossible to open it more than a crack. He could slice them open, of course, but he didn’t really want to strain Alastor any further. 
“Are you serious?” He exclaimed, just a few seconds away from stomping his foot like a little kid. He wouldn’t let Alastor get the satisfaction of pushing him to such depths. “Something’s going on with you, don’t try to deny it. I can help. So let me in.” 
“Why?” The static had abated a bit, enough so that Lucifer could hear Alastor’s true voice. It sounded tired, as if their little exchange had exhausted him.
Because I might have been waiting for you since Creation Day. Ha! That would scare him off for good. Besides, it wasn’t like he was sure Gabriel had been talking about Alastor. No reason irritating them both before he was sure of it. 
“For Charlie,” he said simply. It was half-true. He might have been willing to help the irritating demon for his daughter’s sake even without this accursed prophecy. Maybe. 
To his surprise, the glowing green threads fell away, and the door swung open. The room was darker even than the hallway. He couldn’t see a thing. He stepped inside, flinching when the static washed over him again, as sharp as a slap. 
“Stop there.” 
“How am I supposed to do anything from here?” He asked, frustrated at the unbending wall of darkness in front of him. 
“Look. But do not touch.” 
A swarm of fireflies blinked into being, and Lucifer raged. 
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monstersinthecosmos · 4 months
Daddy Kink in Gallows Bird
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[read on AO3]
CW: Incest, noncon, TVA stuff !
Okay so. I’m in the middle of writing another meta about Daddy Kink in VC/TVA/B&G so please forgive me if this post or the other winds up being redundant, but in the middle of all the deep thinking I’ve been doing about that topic in canon, I also had some interesting convo in the comments of this fic, so I wanted to park this somewhere as well. I’ll try not to be too repetitive and I’m going to try to keep the convo focused a little more on the fic than on canon (to the best of my ability since they overlap so much!) because I wanted to talk specifically about the train of thought that informed the fic, and just take it with a grain of salt because it does veer into headcanon territory at times when I’m filling in gaps from canon.
Anyway so I brought Daddy Kink/father themes up a few times in this fic, here’s some examples (this might be all of them actually, I forget lol):
During Amadeo’s dream about being raped, that the smell of wine subliminally reminds him of his father, even though he can’t quite put it together.
Matteo commenting that Marius is Amadeo’s father (during sex, and implying that Marius fucks him).
The man at the party towards the end who is thinking about his own son while he eats Amadeo out.
Marius telling the men in the final scene that he and Amadeo are named Ivan and Andrei.
BONUS POINT, less obvious: Marius musing about Rome, the fatherland, and Roman storytelling trying to paint forefathers in a better light.
I admit that on some level this is not that deep lol it was just being horny and indulging in daddy kink, but like I do want my fics to make sense when it comes to meta and I did want it to be plausible with canon.
So off the bat we have to say like, VC vampires exist above social constructs anyway. Marius isn’t someone who’s going to get grossed out by crossing a boundary like this, in the same vein as Louis and Claudia or Lestat and Gabrielle. As vampires they do not exist inside familial structures anymore. So I think this is extremely present in the Venice portions of the books, that there’s this blurry line around father/mentor/maker/lover.
I also think about this part of B&G every day of my life:
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And I, with all my power, and all my blandishments, could not replace Amadeo’s father in Amadeo’s mind. Why was I so jealous? Why did this knowledge sting me so much?
BONUS LINE IN NEXT PARAGRAPH: I loved Amadeo as I had loved Pandora.
There’s just so much going on here!
Anyway so in TVA I think like, not knowing Marius’s POV at that point, Marius is having lots of mood swings, he can be hot and cold, at times sends Amadeo mixed signals. But in B&G when we get the insight, we learn how often he struggled with whether or not to turn Amadeo as he began to love him. (I think also a lot about when he tells Armand at the end of TVA that he sees Armand loves B+S more respectfully than Marius ever loved Armand!!)
And I want to like, balance this against Marius’s inherent selfishness with how he treated Amadeo, how he treated him like a pet or like a project. I don't think (in canon) he saw Amadeo as a full person, and it's why he interrupts Amadeo so much in the fic. Amadeo at this point in canon exists for Marius's own needs.
(Sidenote, when I was working on this fic and kept struggling with like, the POV of a Marius who doesn’t actually see Amadeo as a complete person, I kept using how I feel about my cats as a reference lol. Like I love them to death, I would die for them, but they don’t have a single fucking thought in their brains, they are little babies that I take care of bc they’re cute and I like having them around.)
I talk a lot about how I love Marius because he’s a flawed person; I find his flaws and missteps to be so human and relatable, like I too do my best to be reasonable and kind and patient and yet I do have a petty side. I can hold grudges. I think all of us are capable of acting selfishly.
Because like, his love of Amadeo is conditional, it’s like having a pet. In the book he keeps changing his mind if he should turn Amadeo or let him free to have a real life and we don’t know what his ultimate decision would have been because Harlech forces his hand. The question is: Would he have ever let Amadeo go?
He specifically chooses Amadeo because it’s someone he sees as a blank slate, A FUNERAL SPIRIT, someone on borrowed time. Marius considers Amadeo’s life over already, so this is all bonus for him. There’s never a question of rescuing him out of goodness and returning him to his home. Marius specifically chooses him to groom as a fledgling because he’s lonely, and he doesn't see Amadeo as a human with a potential life anyway.
So in the fic I tried to make this clear, all the times Marius wonders if he can keep Amadeo, even begging Akasha for a clue, and by the end he realizes he has to keep Amadeo because this experience has ruined him. He’s never going to be able to live a normal life now, and Marius knows it*. AS FAR AS THE FIC UNIVERSE GOES, we could ask the same, like, will Marius still turn him in this fic timeline if Harlech doesn’t show up, but I think he would.
*also as an aside, I wrote this fic to be like backwards engineered Devil's Minion, so I bring this theme up a lot in my Armand/Daniel fics, and the entire thesis of The Lotus Eater is that Armand was careless with Daniel and broke him, which is what Marius does to Amadeo.
Anywhoo, back to the daddy stuff.
Like sure yeah it’s just there to be horny because I think Daddy Kink is absolutely present in canon, but Marius is enjoying this game they’re playing, too, even if he’s a little too proper to admit it. He likes taking Amadeo out and getting to protect him. He likes indulging in the kill when Amadeo is fucking wrecked, like it’s a sex act they can share. He likes that their victims think he’s Amadeo’s father. It makes him feel powerful.
And towards the end, when they’re talking about stoicism and whether or not you can simply turn your emotions off, it also leads into whether or not Amadeo can make the choice to remember where he comes from.
Canon doesn’t explicitly say this so this is where fic headcanon comes in, but I wanted to make it that Marius can see into Amadeo’s dreams, and I implied that he knows perfectly well exactly where Amadeo is from. He knows about the monastery, he knows about Andrei’s home life and his parents, he knows their names! So every day that passes in Venice where Marius doesn’t offer this information, or bring him home, is another day he’s chosen to keep Amadeo, and is ultimately selfish.
On the other hand, especially once the fic starts and Amadeo’s memories start coming back to him, Amadeo knows that Marius knows, and he never asks.
This is of course like, dubcon territory of like, SHOULD AMADEO HAVE TO ASK? Is Amadeo’s fragile mental state a clue that he cannot consent or make informed decisions? Is Marius behaving badly by allowing this wounded child to make his own decisions, or as the adult/immortal, even as the mentor/father/lover, should he guide Amadeo to do what’s right? And what exactly is the right decision?
But from the moment Amadeo realizes that Marius knows more about him than he reveals, Amadeo never asks, which means he’s making a decision to stay in Venice. And like, the morally correct thing is not really relevant here when Marius’s moral compass is so far removed from human sensibility, but it also affirms his desire to be wanted. He’s happy that Amadeo wants to stay and wants to be his pupil and his baby boy, so he’s not going to challenge it.
And that’s why he drops the names Ivan and Andrei in the final sex scene, as a climax to all of this. It’s serves both as one final way to challenge Amadeo, to ask if he TRULY doesn’t remember, but also serves to take on the ROLE of Ivan. He wants to be Amadeo’s Daddy. And even though the men in the room are teasing him about how he’s not actually going to sell Amadeo, how Amadeo must be his favorite, how he must be a freak, etc, he still owns Amadeo in this sense, and it allows him another level of release along with Amadeo’s sexual release.
WELL. I hope that makes sense!!! It made sense to me at the time when I was writing it. I love these two dweebs, please talk to me about them any time!
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hiddenpxpercuts · 3 months
Since I am coming off hiatus and a lot of my muses need stuff, plus I dropped some folks, here is a new starter call for all my muses! Please react to your heart's content, I could use stuff for EVERY SINGLE MUSE!!!!
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Kronk (Emperor's New Groove)
Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Peter (mischiefxmuses)
Lydia (spellbcok)
Jake Wheeler (Chucky)
Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)
Reggie Peters (JATP)
Kiara (wvsteria) 
Ivan Carvalho (Elite)
Prince Henry (RWRB)
Max (mischiefxmuses)
Riley Matthews (GMW)
Isabel (wvsteria) 
Edwina Sharma (Bridgerton)
Zed Necrodopolis (ZOMBIES)
Astarion (coreofgold)
Veronica Fisher (Shameless)
Jesse St. James (Glee)
Beth Corcoran (Glee)
Olaf (Disney)
Gir (coreofgold) 
10th Doctor (Doctor Who)
Luca (Luca)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Daryl Dixon (coreofgold)
Gretchen Wieners (Mean Girls)
Blair (spellbcok) 
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Stolas (coreofgold)
Bee (mischiefxmuses) 
Katherine Pierce (TVD)
Enzo (wvsteria) 
Blaine Anderson (Glee)
Maria Vasquez (West Side Story)
Gabriel Boutin (Half Bad)
Chishiya Shuntaro (Alice in Borderland)
Lillian Deville (Rugrats)
Mercutio Alice (Romeo and Juliet)
Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers)
Beel (coreofgold)
Lorelai (spellbcok)
Enid Sinclair (Wednesday)
Sidney (wvsteria) 
Sabrina (spellbcok) 
Ambrose Spellman (CAOS)
Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Dohee (spellbcok)
Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
T.J Kippen (Andi Mack)
Harry Hook (Descendants)
Gil (coreofgold)
Marco Del Rossi (Degrassi)
Max Baker (Ginny and Georgia)
Matthew Murdock (Marvel)
Peter Parker (wvsteria) 
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Ruyi (spellbcok) 
Emily Fitch (Skins UK)
Nick Nelson (Heartstopper)
Simon Spier (Love, Simon)
Evan Buckley (911)
T.K Strand (911 Lone Star)
Richie Tozier (IT)
Alexander Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Markl (coreofgold)
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generalluxun · 1 month
Thanks for the reblog on Chrysididae. I think I may edit and publish it to AO3 later, just gotta make sure I don't start expanding it into an Author tract or the like XD
No pressure to reply to this if you don't want.
(Gosh I had so much to say about her issues communicating & parents but was like, no, Chrysididae is a hero with a job to do and very limited memories, perspective or understanding of Chloe. Focus!)
Though not quite on that front, I do legit muse on how Ladybug & Chat would feel after having that outlined and proven true as far as Gabriel's identity goes t least.
Cos like, I think they'd realize it, especially given he had the spellbook and was 'weird' around Ladybug during Simon Says as well so they technically know have slightly more information than Chrysididae.
I figure Adrien would mostly focus on the civilian side of things and the "Oh god my dad did this" angle. Mostly cos as Chat he didn't ever really put a foot wrong save maybe not being firm enough on getting LB to tell her about not being Queen Bee.
Marinette would focus on the hero side: "If I had not given her X, or if I had given her Y, none of this would have happened." I think the fact the only reason she didn't choose Chloe for Heart Hunter was to break up Adrien & Kagami's date would haunt her.
On one hand, part of me would kind of want a sort of "Can this be fixed?" ending. But I feel it'd not work and be more interesting if that were the case.
Cos like, you know those stories where a villain gets turned back into an infant or another person and the show is like. "Hooray, they have a chance to be better now!"
This is like an inversion of that.
A "Bad" child essentially committed suicide and used herself as raw materials to make a "Good" person (Her idealized self) to replace her. Meaning rather than hoe Chrysididae's entire existence represents the loss of hope and is defined by a life tragically cut short.
Sorry for the ramble, I hope it was interesting.
Very interesting. I have a slightly more hopeful spin, even in this. You see- what defines a person? What defines change?
People say 'just change!' is this now the most extreme case of that? Asking someone to completely rewire who they are on a dime. A whole collection of new thoughts, ideas, and behaviors with access to the memories of the oast, but unaffected by them.
Where does a person 'cease to be' when changing?
If someone is an alcoholic for ten years, then quits. Are they the same person, or is the alcoholic dead? Did the alcoholic kill the person before?
Chrysididae is the person Chloé felt she could not be while carrying everything. Yet, it's still what she desired to be. Is that Chloé? Is it not?
I think it at the very least can be spun more as food for thought than pure tragedy. Though it has tragic elements in any event.
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hello! this blog is a blessing, it has helped me quite a lot haha could you please rec me some fics with gabriel as an ex or a bad boyfriend? with crowley certainly putting him in his place as a treat hehe
Hi! We have some fics featuring an abusive relationship between Aziraphale and Gabriel here. Here are some fics which feature Aziraphale in a not-great relationship with Gabriel before he gets together with Crowley...
What a wonderful caricature of intimacy by noahproblem (G)
“Your fiancé--I’ve seen him,” Crowley mused, sounding a bit disgusted, examining his well taken care of nails. “He is tall and handsome, with a manor by the sea?”
“Yes,” Aziraphale muttered, feeling as though he was being scolded.
“He is beloved by many,” Crowley continued, resting his head in his palm as if holding it up himself was too much of a chore, his long curly orange locks like a curtain around him, his golden eyes piercing Aziraphale once more. “Chosen specifically for you by your parents?”
“Yes…” Shifting uncomfortably, Aziraphale wrapped his arms around himself, feeling a weight in the pit of his stomach.
“Then surely,” Crowley’s tone was full of venom and his S’s rolled into a hiss. “There can be no objection to such a man?”
“No, but,” Aziraphale started, clinging to himself harder, remembering violet eyes but always from the side. “Not once, in all the times he’s visited me,” He looked up finally, finding those scary, wonderful eyes upon him still. “Has he ever looked at me.”
seven days was all she wrote by phinnia (M)
A wedding is going to happen, and Crowley has to stop it.
First step: get exceedingly, utterly, three-sheets-to-the-passing windstorm pissed.
A Simple Plan and a Cappucino by mozbee (T)
“The thing is, I don’t really wanna be with a fat old guy.”
Crowley wishes he was the type of person who still read newspapers, so he could be hiding behind one right now. His sunglasses do a piss-poor job of hiding his expression at the best of times, and this is most decidedly not a best of times. - - - When Crowley (and the rest of the cafe) overhears Aziraphale being dumped brutally, he takes it upon himself to track the other man down. Just in the name of solidarity, see. It's not because Crowley's been in love with Aziraphale since the first time he saw him.
That would be ridiculous.
Scam Boyfriend by ElderlySardine (E)
Crowley has loved Aziraphale for as long as he can remember - since they were small boys in short trousers, walking to primary school together in sleepy Tadfield. And Aziraphale loves him, too - they are still the best of friends, even 44 years later. And if Crowley secretly wishes that they could be more than friends... well, that's his problem, and he's dealing with it. He loves things just the way they are.
But then the unthinkable happens, and a new love interest enters Aziraphale's life. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Crowley soon begins to fear that Gabriel may not be all he seems...
Saudade by tenandi (M)
Anthony Crowley, London’s most provocative horror writer, is married to his craft. Rumor has it that he’d eloped with Baron Lighbringer’s son before an unforeseen tragedy tore them apart. After relocating to the Oxfordshire countryside he becomes captivated with the man who reawakens his ability to love again: Pastor Gabriel’s neglected husband Aziraphale.
“Are you an angel sent here to set me to rights?” the writer sighed. “I'd see you soar above all others. I would cradle you more dearly than the ghost I've borne.” Crowley’s features shifted, moving from an expression of wonder to unrepressed desire. He stroked down the blonde’s cheek with the back of his hand. “Hello Aziraphale,” the name was a prayer on his lips.
Saudade (Portuguese): the love and longing that remains after someone is gone
Come Set Me Free by Slow_Burn_Sally (E)
Aziraphale, a humble, inexperienced bookstore owner, marries Gabriel, an up and coming spiritual and relationship guru, author of a wildly popular series of books on maintaining a happy marriage in the new age. They move together to New York state to help support Gabriel's flourishing career, and Aziraphale finds himself a kept man in a stilted marriage.
Gabriel inherits a sprawling Victorian manor house up in the Catskills and a faded greenhouse when his father passes away. They hire Crowley, a talented horticulturist with a shady past to bring the greenhouse back to life, and Aziraphale is instantly smitten. He's also dedicated to his marriage, even though he is coming to terms with the fact that it's unraveling. Anyway, it's a moot point, Crowley is straight... or so Aziraphale and Gabriel assume...
- Mod D
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The ✨Sparkliest Bard Lineup✨!!
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Here is our sparkly, bardly, lineup!
Polls are live! Vote today!!
Oh, and don't forget to keep everything civil! This is just a little game for fun, and we're all here to have a good time :D
Feel free to submit pictures and propaganda for your bards (see this post for more info)! The more, the merrier!
(Full Bracket with fandom names & poll links under the cut.)
1 - Jareth the Goblin King (Labyrinth) vs David Bowie (Real Life) 2 - Thom Merrilin (Wheel of Time) vs Gurney Halleck (Dune) 3 - The Bard/Kiwi (Wandersong) vs Daeron (The Silmarillion) 4 - Callie Cuttlefish (Splatoon) vs Finrod (The Silmarillion) 5 - Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos (The Trials of Apollo) vs Apollo (Greek Mythology) 6 - Bill Cypher (Gravity Falls) vs Chong (Avatar: The Last Airbender) 7 - Max Rebo (Star Wars) vs Edgin Darvis (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves) 8 - Dimentio (Super Paper Mario) vs Will Scarlet (Robin Hood)
9 - Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem (The Muppets) vs Link (The Legend of Zelda) 10 - Katalina (Tabletop Time) vs Starling Birdsong (Realm of Elderlings) 11 - Orpheus (Greek Mythology) vs “Weird Al” Yankovic (Real Life) 12 - Dave BruBot/The Major Player (Toontown: Corporate Clash) vs Carrie Wilson (Julie and the Phantoms) 13 - Kvothe (The Kingkiller Chronicle) vs Elan (Order of the Stick) 14 - Raz'ul, Son of Daz'ul (BomBARDed) vs Edward Chris von Muir (Final Fantasy IV) 15 - Binary Bard (Poptropica) vs Christian (Moulin Rouge) 16 - The Bard (Shovel Knight) vs Fflewddur Fflam (The Chronicles of Prydain)
17 - Man with the Harmonica (Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Kyoami/The Fool (Ran/King Lear) 18 - Diedrich Knickerbocker (Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story) vs Hannah Montana (Hannah Montana) 19 - Bard the Bowman (The Hobbit) vs Leliana (Dragon Age) 20 - Sprig Plantar (Amphibia) vs Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer) 21 - Neil Banging Out the Tunes (Tumblr) vs The Muses (Disney Hercules) 22 - Robinton (Pern) vs Thistle/Sissel (Delicious in Dungeon) 23 - Loquatius Seelie (Critical Role) vs Cicero (Skyrim) 24 - Michael Jackson (Real Life) vs Oli/TheOrionSound (Empires SMP)
25 - Megamind (Megamind) vs The Onceler (The Lorax) 26 - Mettaton (Undertale) vs Gamzee Makara (Homestuck) 27 - William Shakespeare (Real Life) vs William Shakespeare (Something Rotten) 28 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Classicaloid) vs William Shamspeare (Ace Attorney) 29 - Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time) vs Brook (One Piece) 30 - Gerard Way (Real Life) vs Sea Hawk (She-Ra and the Princess of Power) 31 - Snufkin (Moomin) vs Frank Sinatra (Real Life) 32 - Lias "Cliff" Bluestone (Discworld) vs Rick Astley (Real Life)
33 - Alan-a-Dale (Robin Hood) vs Essi Daven (The Witcher) 34 - Lúthien Tinúviel (The Silmarillion) vs Stefen (The Heralds of Valdemar) 35 - Roman Sanders (Sanders Sides) vs Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides) 36 - Bard (Crypt of the Necrodancer) vs Kass (Legend of Zelda/Breath of the Wild) 37 - Steven Universe (Steven Universe) vs Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies) 38 - Miss Piggy (The Muppets) vs Nydas Okiro (Critical Role) 39 - Charlie Pace (Lost) vs Dob the Half-Orc Bard (Oxventure) 40 - Kitagra (Kings of the Wyld) vs Kaylie Shorthalt (Critical Role)
41 - Father Gabriel (The Mission) vs Gabrielle the Battling Bard (Xena: The Warrior Princess) 42 - Haer'Dalis (Baldur's Gate) vs Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!) 43 - Tom Bombadil (The Lord of the Rings) vs Sylvando (Dragon Quest 11) 44 - Steve McKenzie/Jester (Galavant) vs Gieve (The Heroic Legend of Arslan) 45 - Jaskier/Dandelion (The Witcher) vs Kubo (Kubo and the Two Strings) 46 - Guiliastes/Gui (1/2 Prince) vs Rocky (Lackadaisy) 47 - Asmodean (Wheel of Time) vs Neil Ciciregea/Lemon Demon (Real Life) 48 - Kermit the Bard (Tales of Tinkerdee) vs The Pied Piper (The Pied Piper of Hamelin)
49 - Venti (Genshin Impact) vs Sir Robin's Minstrels (Monty Python and the Holy Grail) 50 - Oscar Wilde (Rusty Quill Gaming) vs Franz Liszt (Classicaloid) 51 - Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) vs Puss in Boots (Shrek) 52 - Freddie Mercury (Real Life) vs Hoid/Wit (Cosmere) 53 - Noise (Roleslaying with Roman) vs The Amazing Devil (Real Life) 54 - Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) vs Rickety Stitch (Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo) 55 - Ron Stampler (Dungeons & Daddies) vs Thancred Waters (Final Fantasy XIV) 56 - Raine Whispers (The Owl House) vs Jack Black (Real Life)
57 - Scanlan Shorthalt (Critical Role) vs Éile (The Witcher: Blood Origin) 58 - Hap Gladheart (Realm of Elderlings) vs Alastair Nobledrifter (Saving Throw - DnD Podcast) 59 - Maglor (The Silmarillion) vs Bill & Ted (Bill & Ted) 60 - DJ Cadence (Club Penguin) vs Imp Y Celyn (Discworld) 61 - Bard Otter (The Last Dragonlord) vs Yara of Nowhere, the Wandering Bard (A Practical Guide to Evil) 62 - Dorian Storm (Critical Role) vs Maria von Trapp (The Sound of Music) 63 - Demyx (Kingdom Hearts) vs Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan (Tales of Arcadia: Wizards) 64 - Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit) vs BMO (Adventure Time)
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