#young rhys
starfall-spirit · 1 year
Heavy Rests The Crown
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HRTC Masterlist
Summary: Respectively ruling land and sea, the newly appointed High Lord and young merqueen find themselves pressured to marry. Their solution-a union their advisors would never approve of. Not that they can do a thing about it now.
Word Count: 1,764
Chapter II: So, She Wants to Marry Her Mate
She didn’t feel it. How the fuck did she not feel it? It wasn’t like she was a human. Did the merfolk and fae mate? Water wraiths, possibly, but not high fae. Not even a half-breed. But it was, quite obviously, a possibility. The second he laid eyes on her that evening he suspected the bond. The second he took her hand he knew for certain. And the young queen hadn’t felt so much as a tingle, let alone that cord of gold. Unless she was just that good at hiding her emotions.
Alone on the house’ balcony, he could help but give that cord a little tug, summoning the female from his circle of friends. She glided up to the balcony, slowly swirling the red wine left in her glass. “Is that a little High Lord trick or something else?”
He chuckled. “I do like to keep an air of mystery, Feyre darling.” Her eyebrow quirked at the endearment, but she didn’t scold him for it. She merely waited for him to explain why he requested her presence. “I apologize for dragging you away from everyone. I was just hoping to get to know you better.”
“I’ve barely seen you in passing until tonight, yet you seem to spend a lot of time here. Now that I’m home, I want to know who all is involved with my family.” She nodded, biting her lip a bit awkwardly. “I’m sorry. With everyone around I didn’t know how to say it, but… I am so, so sorry to hear what happened to your family.” 
He couldn’t help but tense slightly as she rested a hand on his arm, her lilac and pear scent flooding his senses. “Thank you, Feyre. They’d mention you every time I did come home, you know. Avy saw you like the sister she never had.”
“She was easier to get along with than my own at times."
Rhys hummed. “I’m not certain we’re still talking about the same princess."
She snorted, leaning her hip against the balcony railing. “A thought for a thought, Feyre darling?”
Her soft smile fell. “I’m thinking…” Her hand fell from his arm, dipping into that pocket where her crown rested since she left the river. “I’m thinking I don’t know how to do these things they expect of me. It’s been a long time since illness killed a mer ruler and—and even Nesta is too young to deal with this. I have—” 
She stopped, straightening herself in an instant. How many people had already told her not to show vulnerability around another leader? “Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?” she feigned, her tone a bit too sharp.
“Don’t start locking away what matters to wear a mask of strength.”
“You don’t know what your talking about.”
“There was an envoy sent to the surface this morning to bring the shipment routes to your attention. I know how important trade is above land, but the larger ships coming in over the areas damaged by—”
She huffed a bit. “You haven’t been at this any longer than I have, so don’t tell me you know best. I’m trying—” 
“You’re trying to drive yourself straight into the ground.” 
She sucked in a sharp breath as his fingers curled around her wrist, his thumb just brushing her pulse point. When she drew that arm to her chest the movement lacked the certainty she seemed to possess before then. Oh, she felt something alright. “With all due respect, High Lord, I don’t think you know me well enough to decide what will drive me down.”
She turned to leave. “Forgive me.” She paused. “I’m only seventy-five, but I’ve already seen too many females ruined by politics.”
Her blue eyes flared with her temper again and he realized where his phrasing had put them. “How dare—”
“I do not insinuate you are incapable of leading,” he interrupted, undeniably backpedaling. “I warn you not to let yourself be off-kilter with your rising tasks. It would be a shame to see that vulnerability abused. To see you tread over by a male and his expectations in matrimony. Do not let someone make of you what traditionalists tried to make of my cousin and every female in her line before that.”
She was slightly flushed, caught somewhere between insulted, angry, and flat out affronted I’d be so bold in speaking of the fate her advisors may come to demand. After calming, she seemed merely perplexed. “Let’s just say, as long as your waters touch my land I want to be doing business with someone who uses the brain inside her head. Not whoever’s deemed your suitable match.”
He pushed down the feelings that reared up at the thought of her selecting another consort.
She settled back into her spot beside me. “Do your governors demand the same thing, Rhys? A pretty doll of a wife rather than your mate?”
Slowly—achingly slowly, her words registered, tumbling in his head five different ways. Their little fairy tale ending hadn’t snapped on her side, but she wanted it desperately. “It’s been suggested,” he admitted. “A marriage would be uplifting in a time of mourning, for Velaris and the other cities surrounding it. Honestly, I’ve been too preoccupied working against wing-clippings and the nonsense my father encouraged in the Hewn City to humor taking a wife. I too would prefer a bond to a wedding,” he confessed.
Before she could say her piece, Cassian stepped out onto the balcony, swaying slightly. “I’m headed out. Feyre, did you want me to fly you back to the docks?”
She bit her lip, nervous at the sight of him. “Cassian, are you even in any state to fly yourself home?”
“No, he isn’t and we don’t need any unnecessary damages, to people or property,” Rhys answered for his brother. “Take your room here for the night. I’ll get Feyre home.”
“Fine. Goodnight, you  two.” He leaned down to kiss Feyre’s cheek and a possessive snarl ripped out of Rhys, making them both freeze and causing Cassian to retreat, hands raised in surrender, even as a grin spread over his face. 
“I—Fuck.” This was not how he wanted Feyre to piece everything together. He told himself he’d be better than other males he’d seen when his time with his mate came, but it seemed he was no different. One more look to his brother and the smug Illyrian excused himself, no doubt going to crow to the rest of the family what had just happened.
“I’d really rather not have this conversation around such a nosy group, Rhys.”
He nodded stiffly. He trusted his family with his life and shared next to everything with them. Even if they all knew and loved Feyre already, this was… complicated. He was mated to a female incapable of surviving longterm on land. Without some rather tricky enchantments, breathing underwater is impossible for anyone other than water wraiths and mer. But he would make it work.
As long as she agreed. 
If she wanted this, they would make it work. “I know you aren’t a fan of flying, but I need to get you out of the ward radius before we can winnow down to the street. Or the townhouse if you’d prefer a quiet place to talk.”
“I think so,” she murmured, stepping closer as he stretched his wings. "I think the townhouse would be best, I mean.”
“Okay.” She braced quivering hands on his shoulders and he took that as permission to sweep her off the ground, launching into the air. As promised, he only took as long as it took to pass the wards before sweeping them into shadows and setting down in the townhouse. “So?” he ventured, settling into a chair built to accommodate his wings.
“So, Rhysand, I need to know this will be worth it.” 
He tensed. “Worth it?”
“You and your brothers have made yourselves a reputation. Even beneath the waves we hear such things.”
He clenched his jaw. “You think I’d be unfaithful to my mate?”
“I don’t know a thing about you, beyond common facts and gossip. And no matter how much I want a mate, I first want someone I know and trust.” 
He should have expected his boyhood fun to fall back on him. Hell, he’d bet good gold at least one of his brothers was straying from his own bed tonight, half-drunk or not. Slowly, he stood again, approaching Feyre. “From this day forward I will be true to you and only you. No matter the trials and complications. I swear it on my life.”
“Before Cassian came over… Before I realized…”
“I’m not so backwards in my thinking as some. You are not a possession. If you chose to walk away even now, I wouldn’t take that choice from you. If you’d prefer a husband of your own kind, I understand.”
“I won’t reject the bond over something so discriminatory.”
Relief flooded him. Despite the casual interaction between the merfolk and fae, he knew very little about mer laws and what precisely could be demanded of her marriage. While some would undoubtedly be skeptical of their union, no faerie was stupid enough to contradict a mating bond. When they were mated—their scents bound—there would be no push back. 
He took a step closer, reaching to trail a knuckle down the side of her face, tracing what remained of her silvery scales there. “Take the time to get to know me, Feyre. Then we’ll look at marriage and mating.” Her blush told him she had yet to consider the frenzy, no matter how well known it may be. 
“I’m five months from my next birthday,” she murmured.
“You’ll fall for me in three.”
“You’re too confident for your own good.”
He chuckled. “I realize you can’t stay on land for more than a few days.”
She shook her head slightly, starting to lean into his touch, much to his delight. “Not to mention my daily duties. I am a queen, you know.”
“In the evenings you’re available, allow me the time to court you on the surface. There are guest rooms here and in the Moonstone Palace. Of course you’re always welcome to my bed—” She swatted his shoulder. “Our courtship period will protect us from other arrangements, so long as there’s proof of it.”
“Alright. Five months of nightly courtship, Rhys.”
“It’s a deal, then.” 
She cursed him soundly as dark ink scrolled over her arm. Not that much could be done about it now.
Tag List: Reach out to be added or removed.
@shallyne // @s-uppertime // @the-lonelybarricade // @faeriequeensuriel // @reverie-tales // @pandavelaris // @goddess-aelin // @acourtofwips // @jealousveronya
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The three young bastards
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genderslayer · 9 months
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i just know they would be the best of friends and the shit they would talk would be insane
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highladyofterrasen7 · 6 months
Ana huang: writes any man
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the-lonelybarricade · 10 days
I saw a tiktok that said men who kiss their wives goodbye before they leave for work are more likely to live longer lives and I think modern day Rhys would have loved that excuse
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Jealous Rhysand
Mean!Rhysand x Reader - Angst - Smut
Rhys wants you but you want Az and that won’t do.
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Warnings: sexual content, unsolicited sexual images, immature Rhys using his powers irresponsibly, language, alcohol.
-Jealous, young Illyrian warrior, Rhys who can’t stand seeing you fawn over Azriel.
-He wants you so bad but you only have eyes for his brother.
-And yet, you just watch the Shadowsinger from afar. Never taking the friendship to the next level.
-Jealous Rhys who is kind of mean to you.
-They say boys are mean to girls they like but you think he truly hates you.
-Jealous Rhys who interfered when he read your thoughts, the plan you had to finally make your move on Azriel at a party in Windhaven.
-You should really work on those shields, darling. Rhys could train you in his bedroom preferably
- Violet eyes find yours across a crowd, “Hey Y/N, Azriel had to bail tonight. He was sent to spy on a rival camp.”
-Fuck, you’d dressed so pretty for him too. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the way your dress hugged your curves, refracting sparkles onto the black of your wings like a starry night sky.
-Rhys almost felt guilty for his lie when he saw the sadness that flashed in your eyes.
-“Are you cold, darling? That dress is lovely but it’s rather chilly. Here, take my jacket and we can go somewhere warmer.”
-He just wanted to spend time with you.
-“I should really go home. I had just hoped to see Azriel.”
-Rhys just wanted you to see him.
-Jealous Rhys who had too much to drink. Who knew Azriel wasn’t busy and would be at the fire.
-Azriel who was so fucking oblivious to your affections and took another female home.
-Jealous Rhys who sent you memories of Azriel fucking the female into the couch, her pretty moans, the breathy cries of his name.
-He could fuck you better than that, certainly some place better than a couch.
-You who were heartbroken by the images, that Rhys would be so cruel.
-You who dreamed of being taken by Azriel the way he’d taken that female.
-You who would never have the nerve to make your move now.
-Jealous Rhys who ruined everything.
-Sweet, sexy, Cassian who kissed away all your hurt and got a taste of just what his brothers missed out on - and left flowers on your nightstand.
A/N: I refuse to believe that even at a young age, Rhys would have done this, but it came to mind and I wrote it anyway.
General ACOTAR tag list: @lilah-asteria
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bookishpedia · 1 year
Ava: Alex left his multi billion company for me.
Jules: Josh begged me for my forgiveness for days.
Stella: Christian wrote a letter every day we were apart.
Vivian: Dante knelt in the middle of the park and apologized.
Alessandra: *aggressively taking notes*
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pink-mask-06 · 4 months
Dominic: wait you and Isabella don't fight?
Kai: nope, she tells me to stfu and I do.
Josh: Oh pLeAsE-
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bookishlover23 · 1 year
All the men of Ana Huang books are united by their mutual hatred for Asher Donovan.
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ana huang's book couples
as taylor swift songsssss
Twisted series
Alex and Ava: I Knew You Were Trouble
Rhys and Bridget: Call It What You Want
Josh and Jules: Back To December
Christian and Stella: False God
King of Sins Series
Dante and Vivienne: Wildest Dreams
Kai and Isabella: Enchanted
Dominic and Alessandra: The Last Time
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Kai losing his mind over brushing hands with Isabella is so goddamn funny. Poor boy went back to regency era😭
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lighthousepigeons · 1 year
Isabella: What's he on about?
Vivian, smirking: Oh, nothing.
Dante: Four months you watched me water those fake plants!
Vivian and Isabella: *start laughing*
Kai: He didn't know those were fake?
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kishmis · 2 months
Okay. Just imagine the new book of ana Huang "The striker" in which Asher Donovan a famous football player is playing and all the twisted series girls and king of sins girls go to watch his match as a girls day out and cheering for him because he is a hot football player and their celebrity crush calling him hot and stuff.
Meanwhile all the mens of girls sulking, being jealous and plotting his demise.
Christian Harper: Hacked Asher Donovan social media and losing his all million followers while also posting some ridiculous shit about Asher
Rhys Larsen: Made his security team lose so fans can attack his personal space
Josh Chen: As a doctor of his team walked to the ground very slowly for him to suffer in pain a little longer
Dante: Got his manager and trying to brieb him to shift him in another sports who no one watches
Kai: Destroyed his reputation in media through his company magzines and news saying he is worst looking celebrity of all time
Dominic : Got his investments into failure
Xavier Castillo: telling people he is a bigger celebrity than him and kai helping him by writing about it in his magzine
Alex Volkov: Threatening him to disappear
Meanwhile Girls: I-
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Are ana huang’s books literary masterpieces? No. Will I devour each one when they come out? Yes.
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highladyofterrasen7 · 7 months
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Idk what happens in the if love series tho
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mariesstudying · 9 months
Theres 2 types of people who read Anna Huangs books: People who like the Rhys/Kai types and those who like the Alex/Christian types
I like the Rhys/Kai types (unproblematic kings)
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