#yes mermaids can have tentacles
pinksugarscrub · 16 days
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Sun and Moon
Deep sea! Hobie x mermaid! reader
Scenario: Inspired by an ask by🪦anon on @the-kr8tor 's blog! When two fish nerds meet.
taglist: @theres-a-spider-in-my-pillowcase
Warnings: blood, gore
Parts: 1, ?
Bottles and vials clink together. It’s a sound you’ve come to love as you scribble in your notebook. Pearls coated in luminescent algae overhead so you can see your work. Held together by strings of silk or seaweed.
You sneak a glance at him. Watching as he mixes together a new concoction before quickly looking down and pretending to write when in all reality there’s an out of place squiggle on the page. You wait a few minutes before bringing your attention back to the man you love. A fishing net around his waist (a new addition) that holds together his black robe. Neck littered with random trinkets, shells, and pearls.
Sighing softly you rest your chin in your palm. The sketch of him long forgotten as you admire the real thing. This time you don’t shy away when he looks over his shoulder.
Hobie laughs softly, “caught you…” His eyes sparkling as he sets down his tools. Swimming over to your side he towers over you (quite easily I might add) as he reaches down. Gently, he rubs his thumb over your jaw. “What are you thinking about guppy? Me?”
Bubbles leave your lips as you laugh. Playfully pushing his hand away but it’s soon replaced by his own lips as he leans down. Peppering kisses to every inch of skin he can reach.
“Yes and-” You laugh louder as he changes to blowing raspberries against your neck. “-no! And if you don’t stop I won’t tell you anything!”
Hobie, of course, ignores this and wraps his tentacles around your waist. Bringing you closer until you’re effectively trapped. The only portion of you left uncovered are your fins. Flailing weakly against the water.
“I could just force it out of you my love,” he grins. The pearls in his hair shining under the dim light that managed to squeeze through a crack in the cave. You’ll never get tired of the way his eyes glow, even under the sunlight. Like gold rings of fire that you’ve seen on the mainland.
“You could,” you muse,“but are you going to?”
He stares.
You stare right back.
Then he clicks his tongue and loosens his grip but only enough to allow you to shift around to lay against him. The telltale sign being his hand placed over your naval.
You follow his motions without protest and eventually you both settle into the comfort of your bed full of kelp and sea sponge. His chin resting atop your head as he wraps his arms around your waist. Immediately tracing the outline of gold in your scales ever so gently.
“Alright, on with it. What did I do this time?”
Hobie relishes in your laugh. If he could, he would bottle up the sound and keep it tucked away for the days you’re away. He wishes he could finally convince you to stay but he wouldn’t think of ever getting in the way of your dream. For now, the daily visits would suffice.
“I was just thinking…about the day we met.”
“The day we met?” He repeats. Chuckling as he moves to bury his nose into the crook of your neck. “What about it lovie? Are you missing the days where my hair was longer?”
Your eyes glaze over the scar on your tail. The scales surrounding it are a bit discolored but iridescent nonetheless.
You reach for his hands wanting to seek the same feeling you felt all those months ago. Tending to you. Even the rings on his fingers are the same except for one on his left hand. The peridot matching the one around your neck. He glady intertwines your fingers.
“You did look quite rugged,” you tease.
His chest rumbles beneath your back. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
You inhale sharply.“Anyway-”
“No, no, we’re coming back to that.”
You shush him while petting one of his tentacles and he practically melts into jelly. Accepting defeat he moves another tentacle to caress your fin. You chuckle at the gesture. He might as well be a sea urchin.
“I was just wondering, what would have happened if you hadn’t found me.”
He pauses, taking his hand and lifting your chin so he can look into your eyes. “Why are you thinking about that?” You can practically feel him frowning. “Are you-”
“No,” you answer quickly. Smiling softly to reassure him. “I’m not. I feel safe with you.”
Hobie scans your face for any sign of a lie. Knowing how stubborn you can be when admitting to having nightmares again.
“I mean it love,” you laugh. Shaking your head as you poked his nose. “Don’t look so distressed. I’m referring to how much you’ve changed my life.”
He quirks a brow and you can’t help but laugh harder. Seems you have some convincing to do.
It’s not easy recalling some memories from the past but you can’t have light, without the darkness. Much like Hobie can’t be without his sun and you, can’t be without your moon.
Chapter one
Scavengers were the absolute bane of your existence. For weeks, weeks, you’ve been sourcing red seaweed. Rare red seaweed. Because greed and pollution seem to infect every corner of the sea now. It’s specifically ordered to be used as parchment for royal records and as the kingdom’s archivist it’s your duty to provide. You would lose your job in an instant if someone, anyone, found you unfit to continue guarding documents that are as old as the man who calls himself your superior.
You can’t lose the one chance you have to advance into a position you actually enjoy. So if it takes you another decade of stocking scrolls and collecting algae, so be it! But you can’t do that if you don’t figure out some way to get the remaining seaweed.
There isn’t much you can do except probe the regular patrons of the library for any leads. They seem to pity you with how their eyes follow you as you sift through maps that you already know like the back of your hand. You’re hoping a new path will magically appear on the page when you blink.
It’s hours before you finally stop and rest. You don’t think you’ve swam this much in months.
“A witch?” A voice whispers.
You sit up straighter on the bed of sponge you’re sitting on. Leaning over to see past the spiral staircase of stone. There’s a woman— scratch that—two women along with a small girl. The young mermaid sucking on her thumb as her eyes traced over the coral chandelier.
Witches weren’t…unheard of but it’s not like you believed in such stories. They were just tactics used to scare children into eating their clams and keeping them away from deeper water.
The stories claim witches have golden irises that can turn you into seafoam with just one glance. A voice so enchanting that they use it to lure sailors just as much as they would merfolk. The only positive thing you’ve heard over the years is their ability to heal but even that came at a price.
You sit back into your original position. Making bubble rings and watching them make their way to the surface.
The women are talking in hushed tones that you deem unnecessary with how vacant the library is. You close your eyes as you continue to listen in. Gossip is normally beneath you but you need a laugh after how long a day you had. Honestly, you’re only taking bits and pieces of information until you hear one word, apothecary. And it’s like it all clicks into place.
“An apothecary!” You laugh before promptly slapping your hand over your mouth.
How could you be so stupid? An apothecary! There were several of them strewn about. Most abandoned as the men and women who practiced lived inside the kingdom now. In the past however, they always grew their own stock to avoid having to pay merchants or hire a forager. If you can find just one, that should be enough to satisfy the king’s order. What’s even better is it’s entirely possible you’ll be able to regrow what was stolen. It’s the best solution you could have asked for.
By some miracle your ‘aha’ moment isn’t heard. Neither is the flick of your fins as you sneak past the trio. You really don’t want to try to justify your eavesdropping and you’re sure they don’t want to discuss the existence of something only known to be in folklore with a very skeptical scholar.
The water rushing by your ears blocks out the rest of their conversation. Only the statues bear witness about the abandoned apothecary the witch inhabits.
That night you gather a sickle, a ration pack, and a bag with plenty of room to stuff bundles of seaweed into. A map tucked into the outside pocket.
There were six apothecaries in total, all surrounding the castle at varying distances. There’s a chance the ones closest have already been raided so you decide to venture further out towards the ones in the south. You’re both excited and terrified to be venturing out on your own but maybe this will prove you are capable.
When the sun rises, you’re already out the door. Compass in hand as you swim around the castle gates.
You are in complete awe at everything you see. Tall stalks of coral the size of ships and fish so bright you have to stop and admire them. You try not to get too distracted but with the number of things you see you lose your way. Heading East, toward the dark sea.
After what feels like hours you arrive at the mouth of a cavern. So large it almost seems to come to life as the shadow cast from the sun moves low. Fish swimming in and out like it was sucking and spitting them out.
Flipping open the map you stare at pathways. Tilting your head to try to make sense of the markings. There is an obvious seal at the edge of the cave but the image is practically scratched off so you can’t identify it. Your compass, as it turns out, is left unusable as it spins in every direction. Obviously, this isn’t good news but did you really risk all of this just to return home empty handed?
You swallow thickly as you stare down into the cave. It can’t be…too far. Can it?
Circling the entrance you gnaw on your thumb. Turning away to face the already rising moon. You weren’t expecting to stay out all day but you have enough supplies to tide you over for the night. You’re not completely inexperienced.
A deep rumble echoes through the water and you pause. Eyes darting to the cave again and darkness stares right back but it dawns on you as you feel the current shift that it wasn’t coming from inside.
This was wrong. You shouldn’t be here.
The fish dart away to any available crevice along with the vibrant anemone that sink back into themselves. Another hum reaches your ears but you can’t bring yourself to look behind you.
Shaking you count to ten then twenty before a shadow is cast overhead. The sea is silent. Nothing moves, nothing breathes except…
A leviathan.
You choke back a sob. It reeks of death. Jaws stained with blood, fresh blood as it dissipates into the sea.
Stories filter through your mind at a mile a minute. You were told about great adventurers. Of their bravery and cunning against giants like the leviathan but you feel neither brave or prepared.
For the first time you hear your heartbeat. You weren’t even aware that, that was possible. Maybe it was a form of mercy, feeling your lifeforce before it was stripped from you.
It’s waiting. You can see it. Its eyes have never left yours. Its pupils so dark it reminds you of the sky. Above the surface of what you call home.
You make the mistake of looking away and everything happens in an instant.
You scream and it bellows as it strikes. Hot rushes of pain erupt with every flick of its head as it tries to swallow you whole. Jagged rocks digging into your skin as your hands bleed from smashing against its teeth. Your fear only doubles as it takes you deeper into the cave you were so hesitant to even look at. You can’t see, just feel and hear the monster that’s in front of you.
You wish you hadn’t tried to fight back. You wish you were home. You wish it had killed you quicker.
You’re so disoriented that the flashes of light that spark into your vision you mistake for the sun. The heat of each bang doing nothing to aid the tears in your body.
The leviathan roars and with each smash of glass it shrinks back until eventually it flees. Thick tail hitting the walls of stone and breaking just the surface.
You hear sounds above the calamity, words that you can’t make out because you think it’s finally over. You can rest now.
Gentle hands run over your body as you lose consciousness. Holding onto you like you were as precious as a pearl. Rings of gold are the last thing you see.
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swampstew · 7 months
Luffy, N-31 ~ Triple Penetration
Summary: You never believed in mermaids - until you saw one. Oh and he's unique af. What a smile he has, seems friendly. Surely nothing bad will happen.
Warnings: Spicy and delicious but marking Dead Dove because it is pure grade monsterfucking, tentacle porn which I've never dabbled in (im pretty sure) so be nice to me. Octupus Merman Luffy with female reader, consent very strongly implied and outright said but I'm high so if I forgot that's on me. Pretty sure. 99.99%. Title says it, triple penetration via lotsa tentacles, anal creampie, suctioning of erogenous zones, octopus anatomy heavily researched fight me. Word Count: 622
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Cecaelia are rare creatures indeed, often only found in small parts of the world. Like mermaid, this species of humanoid creature has the lower body of an octopus, utilizing it much like a real world octopus would. Its been said that they are either sadistic monsters, or playful fishfolk, there does not seem to be any in between. Due to its nature, Cecaelia are able to breathe in water and air, as well as contort their body into many shapes, sizes, and colors. It is unconfirmed if male merman become senescent after courtship like a traditional octopus, or if they lose their appendage.
You were pushed against the wooden door of your ship, tentacles holding your wrists flush against the wood as the creature’s extra tentacles felt you up. Exploring your body eagerly with curiosity. His flexible arms squeezed your flesh, your thighs, your breasts as the human side of the creature leaned in close to whisper in your ear, “I finally caught you my siren,” he cradled your face with slender fingers. “I loved our game of chase, but I’m ready to have you now. Would you have me?”
With a needy gasp, you nodded. You came across him as he sunbathed on some rocks as you sailed by the island he was on, and when you saw his upper torso – you were sure then and there you wanted to fuck him, and confidently cat-called him. Seeing that he was half fish was like going through the five stages of grief, but he had been friendly and funny, and you were secretly pining. With the way his suctions pulled at your skin and the way he softly cupped your body, it was not hard for you to succumb to your needs.
“Yes,” you whispered.
Your clothes were ripped off as his tentacles released you in exchange for the fabric. His strong muscular arms caught you before you could fall and he pressed his lips to yours in frenzied need. His fingers following suit to your cunt when you moaned at his kisses. His fingers plunged over and over inside you while a thin tentacle curved around your thigh, the tip of the tentacle wrapped around your mound and a single tentacle sat above your clit. And it started pulling. When you screamed in pleasure, he added two more tenacles, wrapped around your breasts with suctions over your nipples. Carnal pleasure ripped from you as his arms made you fall apart, squirting over his body, he bit your throat lightly as you came on him, body convulsing wildly but held firmly to the door.
“Can I have you have you?”
“You can have me any way you want, Luffy. I never want you to take your arms off me.”
Luffy pulled back, his tentacle arms moving to position you while gently rubbing against your core and ass - two held your arms together, two held your legs apart. The suction cups doing the most to loosen and lubricate you with your arousal and his own secretions. Then three tentacles rushed to plug your mouth, your pussy, and your asshole as the merman stroked his hectocotyli (cock head). Your moans muffled by the tip of his tentacle as it played with your tongue, your pussy quivered against the squirming muscles that was sucking on your inner walls, your g spot, and your clit.
As you came around his tentacle, Luffy pulled his arm from your ass to replace it with the head of his cock. He ripped his tentacle arm from your mouth to latch his mouth on it as he roared and bucked his body against your shaking one. Semi-clear fluids leaked from your holes as his arms gently pulsed.
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2 tiles to go, and since we've already made 60+ calls, the Halloween Scenario is going to be:
Halloween party/séance gone wrong scenario
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xgoldentempest · 1 month
nsfw merman au feydpaul thoughts
i am thinking CRITICAL thoughts about feydpaul mermaid au...either feyd as this otherworldly creature (could be merman, shark, octopus?), cast out of his pod because of his ferocious fighting nature and deemed too dangerous to keep around when he comes of age. paul, human, sailing on board the arrakeen, with his father (still the duke) on the way to meet his mother (and duncan/guerney) in a new ? location idk. their ship gets attacked in the middle of the night, paul sees his father die on another man's blade. they come for him next, the pretty little duke's son, put a gag in his mouth - but he wriggles free, kicks a man but earns a long cut with a blade against his side for his trouble. he jumps overboard, and swims, cold panic squeezing his lungs. feyd smells him, blood in the water, for the first time in his life he knows the smell of mate, and his lonely existence seems to narrow down on this scent as the new centre of his universe. he is gripped with fear, why is his mate bleeding? until he finds paul, close to fainting as the blood loss and cold water tries to pull him under - and drags him to cave. paul is in and out of consciousness by this point, but feyd gets him out of those cold human fabrics and wraps himself around his body to try and warm him up instead. he licks up paul's cut, relishing in his mate's lifeblood gift to him - more than enough of a courting gift for him, he bled so feyd could find him! ig his saliva has magical healing properties idk. paul wakes to find this creature wrapped around him, feyd lets go because he thinks paul is disappointed in the lack of a prepared nest for him, so he quickly gets to work bring in nest-materials, and food, and he brings paul new things everyday as courting gifts and is giddy when paul slowly starts to take them. paul just thinks it's better to not offend the creature feeding him.
(for enjoyers of monsterfucking one may imagine feyd deciding he needs to clean paul, every day, preferably with his tongue (healing saliva pops off here) and yes - every part of him. paul atriedes is getting tongue in his ass bro. preferably multiple times a day if feyd has anything to say about it. he's also fascinated with paul's balls cause while he has a breeding pouch/tentacle thingo he doesn't really have an equivalent. he may also make the mistake of thinking that paul is then in a constate state of knot and feyd pities him greatly for the pain this must cause him - knotted all the time but with no relief to soothe him? and wants to suck on his balls like 24/7 which drives paul absolutely mental because he's a virgin duke's son and masturbation had been perfunctory at best and ohmygodsosenstive. feyd sees it as perfectly routine to worship your mate however he can and actually worries he is unworthy of paul, for feyd has had little sexual experience too, and that he is not good enough to give his little mate the ecstasy he deserves. paul on the other hand could not disagree more.
for noncon enjoyers: one may imagine feyd uhhh sliding some tentacles/fingers into paul's ass during the night just to keep him nice and plugged and full because feyd is territorial af. bonus points if feyd thinks it will help soothe my mate's constant knot! by milking his prostate. paul notices but lets him keep doing it anyway because he realises somewhere along the line it felt weirder to not be plugged and also he might be a little bit in love with this creature anyway.
anyway as paul starts to heal, he's been grieving for his father but realises his mother may have come looking for him. in this version he doesn't want to be duke all that badly and alia is aged up so she's only a few years younger than him so when he finally meets up with them he's like damn i kinda like it here. alia want to take over?
also come mating season feyd really wants paul to incubate his clutch and gets really sad when paul freaks the fuck out and doesn't want eggs inside him.... until he relents...... look is it so wrong to want that boy's holes full ...
idk i just had an image of feyd with black eyes and spikes down his back and now we're here. i think he would be hella cool as an octopus tho. does anyone fw this or am i yelling into a void. if u think this is weird. you're right but i won't apologise.
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oxygen537art · 26 days
Hi, again! I’m too shy to shoot a personal message, so I’m leaving another ask! I’m 100% writing this now, as I develop my ideas after reading your personal little notes & headcanons!
Deciding whether I want it from Dabi or Shigaraki’s perspective is kicking my ass, so anything else you could provide on Shigaraki’s mermaid is lovely!! Is he an octopus hybrid? I’m guessing from the tentacles, but being wrong would be SOO embarrassing ... Anyhow, I am totally excited for this!
Yes, Tomura is an octopus. Honestly, I hadn't even considered taking references from existing sea creatures, but now I think it's a giant Pacific octopus.
My original idea was that Dabi and Shigaraki met when Dabi was 13-14 and living with his family. Tomura got stuck in a fishing net and was dragged to the pier, where Toya practiced his transformation. They became friends when Todoroki brought little merfolk home and nursed him back to health. The ring Tomura wears is made of black jade and was given to him by Toya.
Despite the fact that Dabi found Shiggy when he was the size of a tiny octopus, the age difference between them is 3 years.
Merfolk, such as Tomura, undergo a slow development until they reach 10-11 years of age, typically dwelling near the coastline. They spend this time concealing themselves from predators and subsisting on prey that corresponds to their body size. Upon reaching maturity, they venture into deeper waters to pursue larger prey. 
Tomura is also venomous. Depending on the concentration, his venom can induce either numbness or mild paralysis, accompanied by swelling in the affected area. This venom is contained within his saliva and the mucus secreted by his tentacles.
Shigaraki's body length from the top of his head to the tips of his tentacles is 3 meters. On the ground, he is usually 1.58 meters tall because he has no bones below his pelvis. Tomura can stay out of the water for no more than 4 hours, otherwise he is in danger of dehydration.
His scars came from hunting prey larger than his size, hostile interactions with humans, and territorial disputes and duels with other merfolk. Due to a mutation, his chromatophores are useless, so he is quite noticeable to enemies, but he does have advantages in speed, strength, and agility. His skin is pale and his octopus part is almost black, though you can see dark red shimmers in the light.
Tomura prefers a solitary existence within a den, which varies in sizes and substrate. He currently occupies a cave with interconnected underwater tunnels providing access to the ocean.
Although Shigaraki is a solitary individual, he maintains connections with the merfolk community, participating in fairs to acquire or exchange items. He is fluent in the underwater languages and proficient in certain regional dialects of his homeland.
He is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat, both in the water and on land, wielding a spear, sword, and harpoon. He applied for training to become a guardian or a hunter. He was not accepted into one academy because his clan was treated with caution due to past troubles, but was accepted into another where his clan was highly respected by the founder. Training under the AFO's auspices, Tomura gets to know the members of the League.
He graduated from the academy at 19 and met Dabi again two years later when he was checking out his old den.
I don't touch on events and conflicts from the manga as I don't know how to relate them to my ideas, since I only came up with something for three characters, lol
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2-dsimp · 2 years
If you’re requests are open, can you do Childe or Kaeya if they were mermaids- with a story like the little mermaid but of course with a darker Yandere twist. If you have time of course, I don’t want to pressure you into anything and you seem to very busy with the Yandere simulator au ( which is amazing and so cool we can choose options and it just so good and perfect )
The Little Merman (Pt 1!)
Yandere merman! Childe! x lifeguard reader
Cw: yandere tendencies, gore, ect
He was always watching you.
From the beginning you’ve managed to catch his eye, as he hadn’t witnessed such a thing before. Seeing a human perched on top of the high white tower, paired with a small tool that mimics bird chirps. Carrying a long board attached to the hip, using it whenever someone was floundering in the water.
Childe couldn’t help but to be curious as to who you were, and whatever you do is called. Normally he’d mind his business and work on what needed to be done with his pod, the Fatui. But he was known to indulge in his impulses wether it be a good bloody fight or something as pure as wonder.
You’ve sparked his interest in how it would feel to have two legs that could not only swim. But also manage to close the distance separating the two of you.
And with that in his mind 24/7 he began monitoring you getting closer every time you’d swam in his territory. One time he even managed to snag a little keepsake from you, while you were too busy saving a life from drowning.
Apparently it was important, so to his pleasant surprise you’d frequently step inside the water. Making him all the more eager to ogle you and observe your bodily anatomy. Just a mere few inches away from you, without you ever noticing the predatory stares he’d shoot you from beneath the deep waves.
The longing gaze in his azure eyes began getting murkier as time went by growing tired of this invisible barrier separating the two of you. So he began to search for any and all means to bring you to to his side. He went to the Sea witch, an powerful eldritch being, hidden amongst the deepest of treacherous sea trenches and wind currents.
“Little one, what you’re seeking leads to a path bordering among that of insanity. “
The Eldritch warned.
Their gigantic mass hidden beneath a shroud of darkness, which failed to cover up the huge tentacle’s curling idly in anticipation. The many eyes they had glowed dimly, reflected off of the cavern lights planted within the sea cave.
“Are you sure you want to be separated from the seas embrace and be born once anew as a mere human?”
The Sea witch asked their voice echoing off the cavern walls eerily.
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I wanna try having legs for a change instead of this huge tail haha”
Childe joked, making the ancient Eldritch look down on him in displeasure. Before continuing with the briefing on contract.
“I can give you what you need in your quest for love. However the sacrifices that’d be made should you fail to capture your Darlings heart cannot be undone. “
The Eldritch witch had been present for many centuries to come, to witness mainly tragedy and grief come from those who’ve failed to clear their unrealistic conditions. Nonetheless a request is a request, the Sea witch wished this time their client will achieve a happy ending.
They also hoped that the little merman knew what he was getting into.
“Do you understand, young one?”
“Yes, ma’am “
Childe answered in all seriousness. Straightening up his posture to look up directly into the Sea witches many pupils, taking them aback from his unshakable will.
They say the eyes are the windows into one’s soul. And from the unnatural desire eating away from behind his blue eyes, The Eldritch could sense something dark festering inside his heart. With a knowing sigh they knew it was too late for this poor unfortunate soul, and were curious of who the human that caused such depravity in his being.
“I require a multitude of sacrifices, you must provide me 5 hearts, each having met their demise differently. “
The Eldritch sea witch outreaches her hand towards Childe, who looked on in concentration of the illustrations coming to life from traces of magic dancing in their huge clawed palms.
“The first heart must be drowned.”
A blue heart is shown to flicker out erratically as it’s heartbeat slowly trickles down to a stop.
“The second heart must be strangled.”
A purple heart is shown to be squeezed until it pops, it’s heartbeat deflated until there was only silence.
“The third heart must be chopped into pieces.”
A Yellow heart is shown to be on the chopping block writhing in agony from being thinly sliced into cubes. It’s heartbeat spiked with every chop going out with a screech.
“ The fourth heart must be eaten alive…”
A red heart is shown to be thrown out to the wolves, surrounding the defenseless prey. Before Bearing their teeth and pouncing onto the heart, devouring it savagely until it’s pulse was no more.
“Lastly the fifth heart has to be the sacrifice of whoever your Darling holds dear as they will become the catalyst for this ritual to work.”
A pink heart is shown to be the only survivor, Childe could hear their pulse beat loudly. He could only grow a manic smirk as he just pictured this as a bloody good trial to test his devotion. Taking note from his old friend Zhongli’s mistake, he wanted to make sure that he’d be the one to undergo the transformation.
Since he was confident that he’d be able to overcome anything keeping him from his darling…
Now from beyond the dark waters ocean view, twirling around a trinket he stole from your unsupervised beach spot. A little bracelet with a small dolphin bead attached, that floated within his webbed hands.
Childe was waiting for the right time to strike…
“I’ll come up there to meet you soon baby, so just wait for me won’t ya?”
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littlebluespoon · 7 months
back at it again with more Qs about our favorite octo lad ^_^
how many forms does he actually have, can he do any kind of half transformation where he's half man half octopus? how long can he stay out of water? can he juggle? does he give good massages? can I buy him a tiny drum kit and start the coolest indie two and a half person band the world has ever known? would he be cool with having a bunch of octopus plushies or other octo themed stuff around the house or is that overkill for him? can I take him to the aquarium and sneak him in and have him start an fishy fight club/revolution in there??
also not a question more so a funny image I have of someone hitting on Reader and König just launches himself at them from inside the readers shirt knocking them out and them sauntering back to him favorite spot, a tentacle leaving a single sucker mark on their cheek.
plz let me know if this gets annoying I'll stop fr but Octo!König has been all I think about for days now
Listen up! I love you and all your thoughts on everyone’s favourite little guy! You think of things I’d never even consider and it makes it so fun for me 💙💙 pls never stop cause you think I hate it, I don’t. I won’t. Also octo!König never leaves my head either, he just lurks in the background waiting for me to write more about him 😅
For the purposes of plot devices and for what I’ve already written… actually no. It could still work. Yeah, in fact it’s even better now. König can do a mermaid like transformation where his bottom half is just his tentacles and his upper half is human. But most people don’t see that form cause it’s considered a very private thing and only the people closest to a hybrid get to see their half forms (except in this story Soap is constantly in is half form)
As he’s human, he doesn’t require water even when in his full octo state. But it feels refreshing to him when he is. And he finds he sticks to ‘things’ better if he’s wet.
He cants juggle, too many arms to keep track off. Does not give good massages, in octo form he just slaps you and in human form he’s afraid of breaking you.
You can try buying him a drum kit but he might see it more as ammo to throw at people he doesn’t like so your dreams of travelling the world as the best two and a half person indie band might not work out.
Plushies, no. You have him. Other things… possibly. If he gifted you them then yes and if you say you got it cause it reminded you of him then also yes. But if you buy it because it’s cute then expect it to have an accident within the hour.
König is banned from aquariums for this very reason. He just sees a fish and wants to catch it. God forbid he goes somewhere with a fish tank. You’re not leaving until he’s caught and played and maybe eaten every fish in it.
This is a perfect image. It’s exactly what he’d do if it was a recruit or someone of lower rank hitting on you. He’s not above scaring and attack the rank and file soldiers but he will take more care with those of higher ranks. Hushed threats and sparring a little too roughly with them just to get his point across.
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rnakamura22 · 9 months
Yandere Azul x Reader
Prefect is Female! Her name is Yu! I read about possessive Azul and I did the best I could...
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Ah, the one and only Azul Ashengrotto...We all know how much of a stoic person he is and how he works hard everyday(some shady methods...Don't tell him I said that).
He never wants to go back to his former self when he was bullied, and he sets high demands for... almost every aspect including, Mostro Lounge, Academics, and being in great shape controlling his daily calories. (Not much for Flying on Brooms, but let's get that out of the way)
Ever since the incident with Ramshackle Dorm, Yu has definitely left QUITE an impression on Azul, no doubt. Whoever thought a tiny shrimp like you could go out of his tentacles and act up?
And even though you are from another world, you work hard to survive every day in NRC, which is something Azul can relate and admire you for that. Looking at you everyday in school, Azul MAY have looked at you for a minute too long, which is teased by Jade and Floyd like forever.
Azul is DEFINITELY the first to found out your little secret of being the only girl in an all boys school. WELL, WELL!! And the  two first years who always hung by you didn't have a clue!! Azul may have gotten the most valuable information for him.
He politely negotiates with you (AKA THREATENS you ). If you don't want to let the whole school know that you're a girl, go out with him.
Yu is baffled at first. But Azul promises that if you go out with him, (He stated "A chance to experience how dating is in the upper world, you can never miss a chance to learn something new right?") he will provide you with all needs such as fixing up the ramshackle dorm, puberty related merchandise, and so on. You reluctantly agreed.
Azul is not a bad boyfriend. Yes, he can be timid at times, he's shy! But he escorts you like a gentleman, give study advice for FREE!, and takes you out eating on Mostro Lounge, and so much more.
But you've come to realize that he is VERY possessive. I mean, from his schedule, you should've realized that sooner. He has the same demands for you, to be perfect in every way, and yet has the original YU. He is very good at giving punishment, and treating you so SICKENGLY sweet.
Take food for example. You are allowed to eat what Azul himself cooks or the menu he suggests. Eating other things?
Expect a good grip of his tentacles around you to choke out the BAD substance that might contaminate you.
Oh, not telling where you will be because you were too busy partying with the first years? Prepare yourself for a two day (or more) locking up of the hotel rooms in Mostro Lounge where absolute Hell begins.
Falling behind on your curriculums? Better prepare your ears because Azul can be HARSH when it comes to insulting you and making you feel like less than garbage. But these insults always come with a warm hug and patting on your head, and the final magic word.
"I'm doing this for you."
It's true that Azul doesn't have a good knowledge about dating in the upper world. But he truly believes he's doing this for you. By controlling every part of your life, in his mind, he is slowly becoming the only content that creates your life. Who needs others when you got only him? He can teach you everything, treat you like a princess, and punish you when you got out of line. He truly loves you. You were the light of his life.
Azul also HATES other people talking to you. Who gave them permission to talk to HIS little mermaid? When even one person talks to you, the person will see your neck covered in octopus tentacle marks. And let's just say that person will get a good payback from Azul.
He is already planning for the future by thinking about which building to buy for him and Yu. I mean, you've got nowhere to go, so might as well marry him! It's the one and only option right? He also daydreams about you becoming a mermaid, so both of you can live in his home under the sea. Just how dreamy your color of fin will be? Oh, how his fantasies just continue to grow. Oh, did I mention it's already been decided by Azul that you're ditching your legs for fins? Azul, a man full of surprises.
Oh, you insist on breaking up with him because he will graduate a year faster than you? No biggie! He already set up his supplies for you so you won't have to worry about after his graduation from NRC. And have you forgotten the contract between you and him? It may have been a marriage contract that have been written in the language you never learned... and Azul may have done a few stunts that builds your own certificate for family records but only active because you married with Azul. If you divorce him, you were left with no place to go.
Overall, Azul is a possessive yandere. If he falls in love, he will make sure you never go away from him. After all, like the Sea Witch he admires, he is very merciful. And if he can't rescue and protect one little mermaid, it would rub dirt on his name right? You are safe and sound as long as you're with him! As safe as being trapped in a cave by the name of love forever ...
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sundove88 · 12 days
MerMay Bonus Art- The Realm of White Apathy (PureCacao The Little Mermaid AU version)
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Considering that Mystic Flour Cookie’s update is officially out, I decided to make some art of her in my PureCacao The Little Mermaid AU! And yes, she’s Ursula in this AU. Plus, The Four Dumpling Gods + Cloud Haetae are the eels. Btw, Ignore how I drew the tentacles. TT-TT
And not just that, Resolute Amethyst (Cao’s Gem Merman name in the AU before he goes on land) swam all the way from New Tearcrown (Located off the coast of The Cookie Kingdom) to Old Tearcrown (Aka The Duskgloom Sea) just so he could become a land cookie.
And Mystic Flour is all like, “I can turn you into a land cookie if you give me that voice of yours. You have three days to get the love of that healer… or you can choose between these fates: You are either turned back into a merman and will belong to the Duskgloom Sea… forever. Or you fade away into bubbles.” Yep, she’s still got that apathetic tone.
And whatever you do, Cao… Do. Not. Ask. For. Eight. Legs. Also, the silhouette of him in the bubble of light created by Mystic Flour is basically being forced back into the merman form if you know what I mean.
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For all eternity.
I was terrified of Ursula as a child. I used to think she lived under the stairs in my basement.
Anyways I love Azul Ashengrotto with all my heart <3
(apologies if this post is a bit messy, first time writing with the tumblr app. May edit this later)
Warning(s): fem reader, yandere content, kidnapping
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“Heeeey, Azul, we’re baaaack...” One of a pair of twins called into the seemingly empty grotto.
“We saw (Y/N) today.” The other twin mentioned.
“Oh, did you? What a pleasant surprise.” The octopus merman residing within the dark cave responded. “How did she look?”
“Positively beautiful.”
“Y’know, Azul, I have no idea why you’re so interested in her... she’s just some ditzy mermaid, what’s so different about her compared to every other mermaid?”
“Don’t call her that, Floyd.” Azul angrily said. “She isn’t just some ‘ditzy mermaid’, ok?”
“Whatever.” Floyd rolled his eyes. “Anyways, if you’re so into her, why not just tell her already~?”
“We’ve discussed this before. I have a plan.”
“Ah, and speaking of that...” Jade began. “I noticed something today while observing (Y/N). She had a scar on her tail.”
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Azul asked... or, moreso demanded.
“Yes, (Y/N) had a scar on her tail. Quite a large one, might I add.” Jade explained.
“Oh yeeeeeeah...! Hehe, her love of humans got her pretty hurt, eh Jade~?”
“Yes, it did, Floyd.” Despite sounding somber, Jade had a smile on his face.
Azul was filled with rage at the thought. How DARE somebody do that to you?! Why did they think they had the right to hurt you- why did they think they had the right to touch you?!
“Floyd. Jade. Go find (Y/N).” Azul demanded. “Find her and bring her to me. It seems I will be enacting my plan sooner than I thought.”
You sat on a rock, crying. If only you weren’t a mermaid... if you were human, he would’ve loved you. If you were human, he wouldn’t have immediately called you a monster.
If only you weren’t a mermaid...
“Well isn’t this just sad~?”
“Indeed it is.”
“W-who’s there?!” You yelled out. Two eel mermen revealed themselves, both smiling creepily...
“There’s no need to be so hostile.”
“Yeah! We just wanna help you~!”
“Help me...? How can you help me...?”
“Oh no, not us. But we know someone who can.”
“Azul Ashengrotto~”
...you’d heard that name before. There were rumours of an octopus merman who went by that name. They say he could grant any wish you have... for a price.
“No, no... I-I can’t possibly...” You began to think of all the ways this could go wrong.
“No? Well it is what it is, I suppose.”
“It was just a suggestion...”
As the eel mermen slowly swam away from you, you began considering things. Yes, things could obviously go wrong, but... if he can grant any wish you have, then...
“Wait-!” You yelled out. The twins immediately stopped and turned back to look at you, an unsettling toothy grin on both their faces. “On second thought... please take me to him!”
“It would be our pleasure.”
They grabbed your hands and led you along.
When the three of you happened upon a cave, the two let go of you.
“Hey Azuuuuuul~! You have a visitor!” One of them said, pushing you inside the cave.
“Ah, greetings, (Y/N). I’ve been waiting for you.” A voice from deep within the cave called out to you.
You continued deeper into the cave, until-
You saw him. Azul. The octopus merman who granted wishes, not unlike the Sea Witch herself.
“I... I-I’m here for-” Before you could finish your sentence, a tentacle pressed itself against your lips, shushing you.
“Oh, I know what you’re here for.” Azul told you. “Poor, unfortunate souls such as yourself always come to me for one reason.” He placed a hand on his chest. “You need my help.”
“I do...” You admitted. “I... I want you to make me human!”
“...excuse me? You want to become human? You... don’t want to get back at those who hurt you?”
“If I was a human, then he’d love me... I’m sure of it.” You explained. “So all I want from you is to turn me into a human!”
“Well, Angelfish, that’s a bit of a tall ask...” Azul paused for a moment. “But just for you, I can find a way to make it happen!”
“Y-you can?!”
“Why of course! Though... I will need adequate payment.” He explained. “You can’t get something for nothing, you know!”
“Oh, but I don’t have any m-”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head off, (Y/N)! I’m not asking for money.” Azul got very close to you... a bit too close. He placed a hand on your chin. “I want your voice.”
“My voice...?”
“So, (Y/N), this is the deal.” Azul backed away from you, a magical golden contract scroll appearing above his hand. “I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. In that time, you are to get that human you like so much to fall in love with you, all without your voice, understand? If you can do that, then you’ll remain human permanently. But if not, well... you’ll turn back into a mermaid. And you will belong to me.”
“Can I really do that without talking to him...?”
“Why of course you can! I believe in you, (Y/N)!”
The part of the contract that stood out the most to you was the ominous “For all eternity.” at the bottom. Azul handed you a pen made of the skeleton of a small fish.
"Have we got a deal, (Y/N)~?"
Your eyes scanned the golden contract as Azul began preparing your potion, showing he fully expected you to agree to his deal. He hummed a tune to himself as he did.
You grabbed the fish pen tightly. All of your dreams can come true if only you sign the scroll...
Without hesitating any further, you wrote your name on the dotted line.
"You signed? Perfect! Then, It's a Deal!"
It felt so strange when the deal was completed. It felt like your voice was literally sucked out from your throat. And suddenly, you no longer had a tail. Instead, where it once was, there were a pair of legs.
And soon after that, you could no longer breathe the water.
"Jade, Floyd, bring her to the surface. We wouldn't want her drowning before she can attempt to finish the deal now, would we~?"
"Of course." "Will do~!"
The days are not unlike crashing waves. They come and go in a second; before you know it they're gone. An unfortunate truth for someone on a time limit.
Two days came and went. You had made no progress with the human you loved... there's no way you can complete your end of the bargain!
These past two days, you've noticed that the sea tends to calm you down when you're panicking. Makes sense, seeing as you were born there. So you were looking out at the sea, watching the sunset... watching the time draw ever nearer. As you panicked, you failed to notice someone walk up you you. A human man with silver hair and glasses...
"Excuse me, are you alright?" He asked. You shook your head no, starting to tear up. "Well, what's wrong?"
You tried talking, but no matter how loud you tried to scream, nothing came out.
"Oh, can you not speak? My apologies." He sat down beside you. "My name's Vance. I can accompany you, if you'd like." You nodded, and wiped your tears. "I've seen you around here recently. By the looks of things, you like that fisherman, yes? Unfortunately, he's already married."
He's married? That human you entered this contract for is married?
All of this has been for nothing.
"Huh? What's wrong, Angelfish?" Vance asked you. "There's no need to cry! Sure, you may not get to have that guy, but... you could always have me."
Vance gave you a tight hug... but something didn't seem quite right. "Angelfish"... hasn't someone called you that before...?
That was when you realized. You pushed him away from you, standing up and stumbling slightly backwards.
"Oh. So you noticed, did you?" He asked. "Well, it's a good thing we're near the sea, (Y/N)... your time is up!"
You watched as 'Vance' transformed into exactly who you thought he was.
Azul grabbed you, with his arms and tentacles, and pulled you into the water with him. You were worried you'd drown, but found yourself being able to breathe in the water, leading you to a horrible realization: your time really had run out.
"You and I will have a wonderful life together, (Y/N)." Your face was pressed tightly against Azul's chest, and with his multiple limbs holding you, there was no way you could get out of this hug. "We will love each other for all eternity... just as I had wanted."
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moonliched · 7 months
Yet more incorrect quote for you!
Moon: I understand why my spouse (tricked) won’t play with me. It is because they were hurt the last time we played, and so I have figured out the solution! I must request to play with them everyday, so they can become more accustomed to the idea! It is sad though, that my spouse (tricked) was introduced to playing with pain… I will have to show them that even though their prey instincts seem to be overwhelming, they will hopefully learn that I mean no harm.
Reader: I like it when my new (maybe) friend comes and sits with me so we can talk, and maybe one day I’ll play with them, but today is not that day!
Moon seeing reader remove their breather: HOLY SHIT!? CAN THEY TALK THEN!?!? CAN I GIVE THEM A LITTLE KISS!?!? LITTLE KISSES FOR SPOUSE(TRICKED)??????????
Headcanon based!
Reader, seemingly just drinking some water and humming in a small air pocket: lalalala
Moon: they’re singing???? They’re singing in my caves and home???? I must work to finish those rings for us, our wedding will have to happen soon if they’re so comfortable with our courting!!!
Eclipse: hmmm, I should go check in on moon soon, he tends to get up to no good if he’s left alone for too long.
Eclipse, swimming into moons den: hey moon-
Moon, hunched over two rings made of the most beautiful shells he could make, knife (taken from spouse(tricked)) in hand: hey eclipse, how are you? Do you think this is good enough for my (hopefully) spouse? They’re the one that likes to swim in the tunnels with two long tentacles on their head, and are seemingly completely pure white.
Eclipse, remembering the little human(?) who shouted at him for wrecking their den: moon-
spouse (tricked) is still sending me ahdjahgsjhdjs
i'm loving getting a taste of my own post-chapter povs, it's so nice seeing how my bbys come across to others... Moon seems so much more logical and level-headed, tho his hopefulness for mermarriage is jumping the gun😂
singing Reader!!! yes!!!! esp paired with mermaids singing in mythology!
Eclipse, remembering Rabid Reader Encounter:😰
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amaretigris · 3 months
The Sea Witch's Curse
Taglist: @luna2034 @notagreekgal28 @hopeisrising @mylittlemermaid221 @justagirlthatlovedtoread @daydreamerwithnohobbies
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Ch. 8 | 1.3k words | Angst & fluff
"What do you want?!"
You screamed with tears still streaming down your cheeks. Realization hit you in that moment.
"What- what did you do to him?"
Ursula's head and torso rose from the water.
"He could never be happy with you, (Y/N). Not really," she hissed.
"You just don't want his curse to be broken," you pointed an accusatory finger at the witch.
"We're so close, and it kills you," you sneered.
Ursula let a tentacle emerge to slap the water at this.
"Watch it, you little bitch. It doesn't matter what you do. He'll never be free from his curse. Unless...," the suckers of her tentacles undulated.
The sight made you shiver.
"Unless someone were to prove their undying love for the prince."
You narrowed your eyes at her ghastly face.
Ursula smirked. Time for the show. She lifted herself from the water completely, her tentacles dripping. She brought up her arms in rapture. Dark, menacing thunder clouds formed in the sky, and a gushing wind suddenly threatened your balance on the plank. You struggled to keep your eyes on her, your hair whipping in your face.
"Winds of the Caspian Sea,
Come forth to me.
Reveal a love that be,
Buried by depths of the sea," she sang.
You looked down at the water. She wanted you to go back? No, that couldn't be right. There has to be a catch. She wouldn't let you off that easy.
"All you have to do is walk the plank, my dear. Your fin is gone and you won't be able to breathe. You'll drown," she cooed.
You shivered at her words.
"I- I can't," you managed.
Your throat tightened.
"You can. Death is the easy part, love. You'll be free from this hurt; free from this pain. The prince will be happy with you while he's at sea, but, when he returns home? Forget about it. You'll be the last thing he wants. A constant reminder of his prison. What greater way to show your love than sacrificing yourself for his freedom?"
The gears turned in your mind. Even though you were a mermaid yourself, the witch's siren song, and sweet, sticky words were hard to ignore. You tried to shake the thoughts from your head, but they wouldn't leave. You could sacrifice yourself. It would be an ultimate act of love to break Eric's curse. What did you really think? That this would be a fairytale with a happy ending? Those weren't real. Not in this world. You've lived through enough harsh pain to know that.
"What would happen?"
You suddenly spoke, looking up at her dark form.
"Eric would be free?"
Ursula's cheshire grin almost split her cheeks.
"Yes. Yes, my child. The prince will be free from his curse. Free to return home."
You closed your eyes for a moment in all the chaos, your hair and dress continuously slapping in the wind. Was this how it ended? This had been a thrilling adventure that you never asked for. This experience had made you feel more alive than you had in years. Maybe it was meant to be this way. Maybe you were meant to sacrifice yourself.
Nodding your head, a decision came to the forefront of your mind. You kept your eyes closed, but opened your mouth slowly, letting your siren song peel from your throat. It would be the last time you would ever sing it. The beautiful tune carried through the island air, gracing everyone's ears. Everyone turned to look towards the sound in wonder - even Grimsby.
All but Eric. The moment that the melody hit his eardrums, flashes of his home played out before his very eyes. The Sardinian beaches he'd walked as a child. The market and vendors he knew like the back of his hand. His mother, the Queen, and his dog, Max. Everything was so crisp and clear. Then came the flood of you. Your bright smile and your beautiful hair. The image of your skin erupted with gooseflesh under Eric's fingers. You standing in the rain. All of a sudden, a huge wave of emotion slammed into Eric's chest. He almost doubled over from the sensation. He heard your words next, like they were whispered in his ear.
"Go on and be free,
For me, my love, for me.
As your fingers graze the sand,
Envision my heart, and my hand.
I love yo-."
Ursula's tentacle slapped over your mouth before you finished your last word.
Eric felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand tall.
He immediately took off towards his ship.
"No! You wretched little wench. What did you do?!"
Ursula screamed at you before letting all her tentacles coil around your body, plummetting you into the water. She propelled you down, further and further, until your back smacked the solid ocean floor. There was no give. You tasted blood in your mouth. Ursula's tentacles came to wrap around your neck, squeezing tightly. You thrashed for a moment before trying to urge your muscles to relax. It was so hard when your lungs were screaming for air. Black spots appeared in your vision. You opened your mouth, letting the water seep in. You were slipping into unconsciousness.
Eric ran up on the deck, almost throwing himself over the side in search of you. He ran back and forth to both ends of the ship watching the water. He saw shadows, a mix of purple and green, but they were everywhere. He couldn't pinpoint where exactly they came from. Eric didn't know what to do, so he dove in. He couldn't lose the one person he'd connected with after all these years. He couldn't lose you.
Back below the water, Ursula watched the life leaving your eyes. A wicked cackle ripped through her. It wasn't until a trident pierced her abdomen that Ursula stopped laughing. Loosening her tentacles around you, she stared down at the blades sticking out of her flesh. Your lifeless form slunk to the side on the ground. She turned slightly, angling her head.
"Brother," she hissed. "I should have known. Only you would do something so cowardly."
Your father's face was as hard as steel.
"You don't mess with my daughters and live to tell the tale, Ursula," he bellowed.
Ursula's eyes held Triton's with as much hate as she could muster before rolling back in her head. Her mouth fell open and her body went rigid. Leaving his trident for now, your father swam to you. Picking you up from the ocean floor and smoothing your hair out of your face, Triton's eyes tried to tear. Placing his hand on your heart, Triton closed his eyes and concentrated. There may still be hope that you weren't completely gone. After a heartbeat of silence in the water, your legs morphed back to your fin.
Eric swam as hard as he could. He dove under multiple times, holding his breath until his lungs felt like they would burst and he had to resurface. Shaking the water from his hair, Eric yelled out in desperation. He couldn't find you. He couldn't find you anywhere. It was too dark to see down there and although the colored smoke had stopped, the water remained incredibly cloudy. There were some points where Eric couldn't see his limbs in front of him. He tried to persevere. He tried to keep going, to no avail.
Grimsby had snapped out of his trance and rushed back to the ship as well. Spotting Eric diving off the side of the ship, Grimsby ran to the starboard side, yelling his concerns. Eric ignored them until he couldn't anymore. Grimsby threw Eric a life raft, which he reluctantly accepted. The thoughts clawing inside his mind wouldn't let up.
He'd failed you. You sacrificed yourself for him - to break his curse. Eric never wanted it to be this way. He never wanted to lose you. It turns out that you could find home in another person. He had envisioned returning to his real home again with you by his side. The thought of returning to it now felt empty.
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adhduck · 1 month
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“—and we still need to get the towels, in case someone forgets. The beach ones, please, not the nice ones—”
“Yes, love, I know not to use the nice ones,” Ed says, patient with a thread of laughter in his voice. Stede ignores him and checks his hair in the bedroom mirror again, even though it may be for naught as soon as they get started.
“They know it’s at 4:30, right? Not 4?”
“I would hope so, considering 4:30 is the only time we ever gave them,” Ed says.
“But they know not to come early?”
“Stede,” he says, which is not an answer, so Stede turns to glare at him only to be met with an infuriatingly soft expression, not a hint of urgency in his boyfriend’s eyes at all. “Sweetheart. It’s gonna be fine, okay?”
“I know that,” says Stede, who does not know that and is, in fact, more sure of the opposite. “Now please, can we finish getting ready, they’re gonna be here in less than an hour and you know some of them are going to be more on time just for the drama of it—”
“Stede.” Ed grabs his shoulders, drags him gently to their bed. Stede sits with a huff, though his legs instantly thank him for the reprieve—he’d set his forearm crutches down at some point, wanting to get the cleaning done faster. Ed plops next to him. “Your friends love you. They are going to support you.”
“Us,” Stede says, though he’d been thinking mostly of himself the last few hectic hours.
“Us,” Ed agrees. “And when we tell them what we are, they are gonna love us just as much. Lucius will make some sort of hentai joke, Wee John will say he knew mermaids were real, and then we’re going to have a very fun pool party with all our friends. Okay?”
“But what if—”
“Nuh uh, no what ifs. It’s going to go great, okay? Hell, Buttons is probably one of us. Like a—penguin or something.”
Stede frowns. “Are penguin people a thing?”
Ed shrugs. “Fuck if I know. But I do know he won’t blink fucking twice at a few fins and tentacles.”
Logically, Stede knows he’s right. But he’s never told more than one person at a time before—hell, he’s never told more than one person period. And never somebody who isn’t sort of like him.
“I just—” He takes a long, heavy breath and leans into Ed’s side, head tucked on his shoulder. “They’re practically my family, Ed. I don’t wanna lose them. Or—or have them look at me like I’m an alien.”
“Hey, aliens are fucking cool.”
“You know what I mean. I don’t want them to look at me differently. Other than—you know. The obvious stuff.”
“I know,” Ed murmurs. “And I can’t promise they won’t be a little…surprised, at first. But it’s not because of us, yeah? It’s just a lot to take in. And they’re all so fucking weird, I’m sure they’ll be used to us in ten minutes flat.”
“I hope so.” Stede touches his foot to Ed’s, marveling for the millionth time that their bodies can be so different and yet create something so similar to walk on land. “I hope so.”
Read on ao3! (ch1 up now, ch2 up by around april 28)
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
Yk about the azul with shark!s/o (I really love it).
May i request a headcanon and a small scenario if you can squeeze it in with young azul and young shark reader on how they met. and became friends and then lovers?
Like shark!reader met young azul when he got bullied, and the bullies saw shark!reader come over and before they came, the bullies already ran away. While azul was sobbing the reader poked his chubby cute check (let's say is their first time seeing a octopus alive,and was thinking of dinner), when azul eyes met readers..let's say he sobbed even harder because they were literally grinning (really really wide),showing their sharp teeth.
They meant to harm and tried to wipe azul's tears (still grinning),then the bells ring and reader had to go to class and they didnt see azul for the rest of the day again.
When they saw azul the next day, they went up to him by shouting inky (in a friendly way) and hung out with him the rest day (is up to you what they do now). Inky is what the reader calls him ,forever .
also you can make reader beat up his bullies <3
i would like to think that reader has a habit of poking azul and a small habit of light biting him as a joke hihihihi
Ahh, besides azul, reader isn't so friendly with others
I hope is understandable
OH MY GOD YES ! thank you so much for requesting it honestly when I saw you're request I fell in love immediately. LET'S DO IT !
Pairing(s) : azul ashengrotto x great white shark!reader
Author's note : this ended up being a scenario which I am planning on turning into a two part fic or even three. Do not worry I am working on it. And also this is an au where instead of the leech brothers, reader is his first friend. They come after but you were first in line.
The love story of a shark and an octopus :
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You never had many friends, nor did you want any for that matter. Anyone who would try to approach you swam away in fear of getting eaten and luckily you knew how to use it as your advantage. No one dared to bother the 'great white' making you have peace and quiet whenever you wished for it.
One day, as you were swimming around by yourself per usual, you noticed a group of mermaids who were laughing and snickering. Curious to know what they were looking at, you quickly swam you way up to them.
However, the group quickly noticed you and one of them yelled out, "It's [name] ! SWIM AWAY !" All had gone into different directions hopelessly trying to find somewhere to hide from you.
Once you were close enough, it wasn't long for you to roll your eyes when you realized they had swam away from you just like everybody.
You turned around planning on leaving until a strange sound caught your attention. A small octopus was sobbing and spitting drops of ink everywhere, it had silver hair and it's skin seemed grayish while his tentacle were black and had purple suckers.
You looked at the small merfolk and nervously took glances around you not knowing how to comfort anyone. You pitied him looking so miserable and you felt obligated to do something about it so you put on your best smile as you swam towards him, you then realized how...edible squishy he looked.
By instinct you poked his cheek wondering if he would react in any way. You didn't know if he just didn't notice your presence or if he wasn't scared of you, although you doubt the answer was the second option.
You're thoughts were soon interrupted by the octopus merfolk who cried even harder when he noticed you, spitting out more ink. You had made others cry before but they were only babies and making someone feel better wasn't your best skills. You kept on smiling out of sheer awkwardness and then wiped his tears away with your hands trying to calm him down.
The school bell suddenly chimed forcing you to head out to your own classes not seeing the young octopus for the rest of your day.
The next Morning, you spotted him swimming down the hallway. Determined to get to meet him you shouted out to get his attention with the first thought that came to mind, "INKYYYYYYYYY !!!" he spanned around himself to see who was yelling out this way only to see the shark mermaid/man/folk he encountered yesterday.
He looked around searching for someone else you possibly looking for until he pointed at himself, you nodded eagerly as a sign of affirmation happy to find out he got the message and swam towards him. "I-I'm inky ?" the silver haired boy questioned as he slightly backed away from you in which you responded with, "Yeah ! We met yesterday but not in the best way though- What's your name ?" you took a small interest with him as he was the first octopus merman you ever encountered.
He seemed to hesitate before answering but was able to murmur a few words out, "..M-my name is Azul Ashengrotto..", well this certainly felt weird how do you interact with someone again ? He isn't running away so should you just say who you are ? yeah just do that, "I'm [name] [last name] ! Do you wanna be friends with me ?"
Azul was shocked at your proposal, there was no denying the fact that it rendered him completely speechless. "W-why are so nice to me ?" his question left you puzzled as you looked down and back at him, he noticed that the small grin you had a minute ago faded as fast as it came, "am I not supposed to ?" Azul truly didn't expect to see someone so confused and disappointed just to be friends with him.
The reason why he was so suspicious of you're actions was because he thought you were trying to make fun of him and then bully him like everyone else. "N-no it's just I didn't think you wanted to be friends with me.."
"Is it because you're scared of me ?" You realized that just because you interacted with him once wouldn't mean he wasn't going to fear you. "N-not at all ! I mean you are a bit scary but....Don't you find me disgusting ?" you looked at him and giggled slightly. He was about to leave thinking it was just a way to mess with him after all but then your answer made him think otherwise : "You ? Disgusting ? What a joke ! The last thing I would consider you is delicious but alright !"
Great. now he looked threatened and horrified. "Well...I just thought that maybe we could- hang out ? I don't know how friendships work since I don't have any. Friends." your face slowly lost its enthusiasm remembering this particular fact about yourself. Azul then thought to himself, he looked at you fear visible in his eyes yet a small determination sparkled, "o-ok then...We can be friends i-if you want to."
He certainly didn't expect for you to jump at him in joy, "REALLY ?! Why am I so happy ?! Is this really why people want friends all the time ?! I can't stop smiling !" Although he was stunned from noticing your sharp canines the boy felt somehow amused by your happiness and complete innocent confusion.
Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all...
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Find part 2 here
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triflesandparsnips · 8 months
So hey, Rule of Three fam--
1. Mermaid-vision Stede (not real)
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2. Mermaid-costume Wee John (real but not, like, real)
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3. And with one episode left, mermaid... actual???
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IN FACT-- if you wanna play with parallels too--
Ed threw his leathers overboard, weighted as he was in his vision.
In his vision, he was met by mermaid-Stede.
We know that Ed has leathers again by some point in the finale, battling his way along a beach.
So what if
My man is in his fishing boat, seeing that Stede's in trouble--
--and oh fuck, oh no, what does he do, what can he do, he threw away all his stuff, he doesn't have what he needs, he needs, he needs--
--and that is when, from the waters, something rises up. Something rises up from that place that has always saved him in the past.
Something dark, and coiling.
He stares down, and he knows this thing, it's the kraken, oh christ, oh no, it's the kraken it's his monstrousness his violence his grim arithmetic, it's everything he wanted to leave behind and he can't escape it, look, look it's here again...
...and then, down in the water, among all that twisting, mythological horror... a bearded face with big doe eyes blinks up at him.
A chimera, like Lucius's drawings. A kraken's tentacles but, but--
--also a man.
A man who looks just like Ed, but with coils of tentacles where the rest of his body should be. The kraken, yes, but Edward too.
(A mermaid is a beautiful thing until you remember that they're just another kind of monster.)
The creature beneath the waters, come to rescue Ed because it's needed, he called and it answered... it's Ed, accepting that he has skills and a history he can use instead of being used by it--
--and the merkraken? krakenmaid? Blackbeard--
--gives Ed back his leathers.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 7 months
Idk if you’ve gotten this but maybe mermaids or sirens?
Pairing: ShigaDabi
Content: Quirk Kink, Tentacle Sex, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Dry Orgasm, Wet & Messy, Anal sex, Double Penetration, Triple Penetration, Subspace, Dacryphilia, Praise Kink, Humiliation Kink, I fucked around with octopus biology and might have also given a more eel trait or two to help with lubrication… anyway. Tomura accidentally doses Dabi with a neurotoxin, no ill-effects are had and everyone is fine, but I thought I should warn just in case.
The lieutenants’ meeting wraps up without much fanfare and the former members of the MLA file out swiftly, leaving the lot of them alone in the room. As soon as they are, the others are glancing at each other but it ends up being Compress who decides to try, 
"Uh, Tomura?"
Duster doesn't even look up from the reports that they'd all given to update him on things he's missed while away with the doctor. "What?" And his voice is definitely shorter than it usually is. Doesn't usually have that tone with any of them anymore, not since the earliest days back in Kamino. 
Spinner tries next, "Are you good, man?" And even the gecko sounds nervous and he's usually pretty secure in the fact that he's Tomura's favorite, after himself, so Dabi ends up taking pity on them. 
"He's just cranky because he spent all night waterboarding himself in the bathtub."
And that gets the rest of the League looking at him like he's grown another head and his lover glaring at him. "I was not waterboarding myself." He sets aside the papers and runs a hand through his hair, wearing his gloves today because he really is so tired and cranky that his control might not be perfect. "I awakened a new quirk during the last round of treatments that allows me to breathe underwater." He explains tersely. "However, I only can activate it when I'm close to drowning. I was trying to figure out how to turn it on and off more voluntarily so that it won't interfere with my treatments when I go into suspended animation." 
"So you... spent the night drowning yourself?" 
"Yes." Tomura glares at him. "Cranky." And Dabi is kind of delighting in that. Normally he's the cranky one and Duster delights in teasing him constantly, had definitely been feeling cranky last night when Duster refused to show him his new quirk until he could get it under control, but now he's feeling a little smug. Tomura usually has such meticulous and perfect control, and since this one isn't life threatening, it is kind of funny how annoyed he is about it. 
The others are less amused though and there's a beat as they try to come up with solutions of their own to the problem. "Is it a mutation quirk?"
"Yes, heteromorphic." 
 "Maybe you would be able to use it if you stayed in the water for longer and relaxed?" Compress offers carefully. 
"I tried that." 
"Huh," Spinner sounds like he's got the best grip on this situation given his own quirk, "Maybe it's because the water isn't deep enough, or because the tub is too sterile. Fish don't like being in little tanks, right? Maybe you can't turn without being stressed because your instincts know that isn't safe."
"Oh!" And Toga sounds excited. "What if we took you somewhere with like a big pool?"
"When did this become a group activity?" Tomura sounds more tired than annoyed now, seeming to resign himself to trying whatever the others offer which means he is very, very frustrated with the outcome of last night's activities. 
"We don't have any more meetings this weekend, please?" 
Shig sighs, "Fine." 
Toga is out of her chair like a shot, racing from the room the room in the next second. They all scatter for the time being, seeing to their own work before she inevitably comes back with whatever solution she's come up with. 
It's only a half an hour until she finds each of them, demanding they pack their bags for the weekend. 
Ending up at a hot spring resort was not what he expected when Toga had run off, didn't even know the PLF owned a resort like this, let alone could clear it out for a weekend for their use exclusively, but what the fucking hell? His life can't get any weirder. The resort has large public pools as well as, he's happy to note, private ones too attached to the nicest rooms, and of course their simpering lackies gave the Grand Commander the best room, which means Dabi gets the best room too. Duster still looks vaguely exasperated with the entire situation, but he also does want to test their theory about the new quirk so after they've all gotten a tour of the facilities, he breaks away to go to the private pool to see if he can manage the change while the rest of them get into swimsuits and head to some of the co-ed public ones. 
Dabi is pretty fucking sure Toga was just waiting for an excuse to get them all here because she had readily provided them all with bathing suits. He hates the fact that she'd given Twice a speedo, which the other man was embarrassed about in one breath and boasting about in the next, but unfortunately, her amusement had not wavered or shown mercy and it was that or nothing for the blond man. Whatever, it doesn't end up mattering much once they're all submerged in the dark, steaming water, the mineral scent of it floating from the surface and swirling around them. He's very glad that his seams have healed so much with the Doc's treatments and that he hasn't needed to overwork his quirk in a few months, because his seams are fully closed at the moment which means he can actually enjoy soaking in the pools with them. 
They shoot the shit and relax for maybe an hour before Dabi decides to go check on Shig. Just wants to be sure his lover hasn't accidentally boiled the fish parts or drowned himself due to his own stubbornness. The hallways are eerily quiet as he makes his way through them, made for the hushed hum of many guests behind closed doors and for plenty more to be walking through them. But there's none of that now, making the space seem unnaturally still. It sets his nerves slightly on edge as he goes back to their room. He opens the door and doesn't find Shig inside, which means he must be out in the private pool. 
This pool, while nowhere near as expansive as the one he'd left the others in, is still large enough that Dabi guesses that all six of them, and probably a few extras, could fit comfortably inside. Surrounded by bamboo and natural rocks to keep it feeling closed in and secure, it's a nice, quiet oasis-- that his lover is also not in. Dabi's about to start trying to figure out where else he could have gone when he sees the water ripple slightly. Hesitantly he moves over to the side of the water, kneeling down. The water is too deep and dark for him to see through, but Dabi tries anyway for a moment before he dips his hand into the pool up to his wrist. 
"You down there, Shig?" 
There's no reply for a moment. Then there are four fingers trailing lightly over the back of his hand. He flinches slightly, even though he’d been half-expecting it, not being able to see where the touch was coming from is still a little creepy. Gets a gentle, soothing stroke across the back of his knuckles before the fingers curl around his wrist and give a soft, but insistent, tug. Was just supposed to be checking in, maybe bullying Shig to come see the others, but he is curious and if anyone gets to see Duster's new quirk first it should definitely be him. 
So he eases into this pool and the hand retreats. Dabi settles against the edge, waiting for his lover to appear. And he doesn't. 
"Seriously? You're not like a shark or something, are you?" His breath catches in the back of his throat when Tomura's hands wrap around his thighs, spreading them wider as he pushes the leg of his swim trunks higher, before sharp teeth nip at the inside of his thigh. Dabi lets out a little gasp as a shudder runs through him. Expected he would be getting fucked in this pool as soon as Duster figured out his new quirk, but he didn't think it would be so soon. Really must have been the tub being too small if he'd figured it out in an hour. 
Dabi melts against the rocks at his back, spreading his legs a little wider, "Come on, Duster, I want to see." 
Doesn't get to immediately. Instead he gets that mouth pressing kisses to his thighs, up over his stomach, head coming high enough that he can sort of see Tomura's white hair drifting beneath the surface of the water. Really, really not expecting for something slick, smooth, and strong to curl around one of his ankles, slithering upwards along his leg too. Tomura keeps him still, which must mean--
"No, you are not a fucking octopus--!" He lets out an extremely unbecoming squeak as a few more of the thick appendages start to move across his body, two more replacing the hands on his thighs, one wrapping around his waist, and one, Dabi whimpers, curling over the front of his swim trunks and doing something. It's like a rippling, squeezing motion as the appendage presses against him, putting a gentle, teasing pressure all along him from root to tip, extending to around his balls as the tentacle presses even more insistently against his crotch. A strange, good sensation that has his breath leaving him in a harsh pant. 
Dabi fumbles, reaching beneath the water and managing to find Tomura's hair, tangling a hand in the long locks and giving a little tug. Duster obliges him this time, the movements of all his extra limbs going softer as he brings his head above the water and crowds into Dabi's space. His lover's appearance, from what he can see so far, is mostly unchanged, same pale hair and skin, same scars. The only changes he sees immediately are the gills running up the side of his neck, thin slits that are flushed a darker red on the inside, and slightly mottled with black pigmentation along the edges, and his pupils are now rectangular and horizontal across his iris. Doesn't see his sharper teeth until he opens his mouth,  
"And what if I am?" Expression and voice amused and teasing. The tentacles beneath the water stroke, and coil, and curl, moving all across his body, a few of the slick black limbs moving just enough so that the curves of them break the surface of the pool for just long enough for Dabi to catch little flashes of them. Tomura presses in even closer, lips brushing the side of his neck as he murmurs, one hand moving up across his chest as the other curves around the small of his back just above where one of his other appendages is holding him tight. "Would that really make you any less eager for me to touch you, pretty boy?" The tentacle against his crotch shifts and squeezes him again and Dabi lets out another little whimper as his cock starts to harden. 
"Tomura," his voice a breathy whine as his lover drags sharp teeth along the side of his throat. Tightens his grip in his hair, other hand curving over his shoulder because he has a feeling he is absolutely going to need something to hold on to if the tentacle prodding at his waistband is any indication of what's to come. 
"Do you want to stop, firefly?" 
His cheeks go hot. He is pretty fucking sure that he was not this adventurous or this much of a pervert before he started fucking Duster. Unfortunately for his dignity, there's no way he's going to be able to stop thinking bout this possibility if he chickens out now. "Are you going to put me in a schoolgirl outfit and keep fucking me while I cry and beg you to stop?" 
"Mm, didn't bring any of your skirts this time, princess," and Dabi walked right into that, face blushing hotly. "But I can make you cry and beg." The tentacles start to ease his trunks off, the one that had been stroking him though the fabric insistently curling around his naked skin. "Work you over until you can't move, and when the others come looking for us, I'll have to tell them you overheated again so you don't embarrass yourself when you can't stand." Dabi's cock twitches and is then engulfed by the tentacle, coiling completely around his length and pressing up beneath him, muscles tightening in a rhythmic pulse that has him moaning loudly and his hips twitching. Which sends fresh pleasure washing through him as grinding down on the bulge of prehensile muscle puts pressure everywhere he wants it. It has him gasping in an instant, cock completely hardening and any apprehension quickly banished from beneath his skin. "You want that, sweet thing?" 
He nods, pulling at Tomura's hair, getting his lover to press in for a kiss as his trunks slip completely from his legs. Tomura readily kisses him back, mouth as hot and hungry as his own and filled with sharp, sharp teeth that he's pretty fucking sure octopuses don't have, but Dabi won't complain about that if it means he doesn't have a beak elsewhere. Two of the appendages move to cup his ass and curl up over his back, supporting his weight and lifting him so that he's half out of the water, so that he can see the others as two more slither up his thighs. They are definitely slicker than he even thought they were with the water submerging his body, each one goes from nearly as thick around as his thigh to a tapered point of about two fingers. The underside of each lined with suckers. Dabi cries out when the one around his cock twists, shifting to put those along his length and they start to tighten and release in soft flutters that makes it feel like he has a dozen mouths kissing and sucking along his length. 
His lover gives a pleased hum and starts to move that one again, mouth sinking back to his throat as his fingers move to tease at the barbells through his nipples. More tentacles-- he must only have eight, right? How can eight be enough to make it feel like they're sliding over every part of him?-- moving to catch his wrists and hold them tight so that all he can do is writhe as his lover does what he wants to him with his new appendages. 
The one around his cock moves slowly, but insistently, and Dabi watches as a little further down the length of shiny black muscle, it coils and twists, that bulge working up and along the length until it's meeting where the first loop goes around his cock. Thinks his brain might short circuit slightly as that knot smooths out and in its wake there is a thick pool of slick, viscus liquid that spills over the rest of the tentacle and is quickly worked down over his cock so that every slide, suck, and movement against him is so much messier and feels so much better. Fucking, trust Duster to have a new quirk for an hour and already have figured out how to use it for sex. Should have known breathing would only be one step higher on his list than figuring out how to produce his own fucking lube. And Dabi wants to be annoyed about that, he really does, but the problem is that it feels so good that instead of mocking him or bitching, all he's doing is gasping and moaning, rocking back up into every tight, heady stroke of the tentacle around his cock. 
Tomura chuckles against his throat, which must mean he sounds like a desperate whore as he's touched, but he really can't bring himself to care. Must be being loud though because that's usually when his lover pushes fingers into his mouth to muffle his sounds. Doesn't use his fingers today, though. Dabi doesn't even hesitate when the soft black skin rubs against his lower lip, opens his mouth eagerly, and Tomura fills it. The tentacle pushes inside, pushing all the way to the back of his throat roughly enough that it makes even his nearly-dead gag reflex twitch for a second before Dabi is moaning and swallowing. The skin is soft and smooth, filling his mouth completely, the suckers teasing at his tongue like his lover is toying with it, and it tastes... strange. Not bad, not quite like how he expects his Tomura's skin to taste. It has the mineral earthiness of the hot springs that has been a heavy smell in his nose, but there's a different kind of... tang almost. A flavor that he can't quite describe but that has his stretched lips tingling alongside his tongue and every part of his mouth where the tentacle is pressing. Not bad, strange, kind of reminds him of a tingling lube with the coolness of menthol. Numbs his throat and lips just enough for him to not have any qualms about swallowing hard around the appendage until Duster is feeding in another few inches, going deeper into his throat than even his oversized cock usually does, making Dabi's eyes roll back and flutter shut. Oh, he didn't know his throat could feel any fuller than that, but this is good, this is making his head float enough that he's not sure if it's the sensation or the lack of oxygen that's getting to him. 
Tomura fucks the tentacle in and out of his throat very gently as his other myriad limbs stroke every place across his skin that feels good, suckers kissing him everywhere. It doesn't matter that every movement against him is slow, everything is so much, and so overwhelming that it has his cock aching for release. Duster doesn't make him wait though, keeps the movements constant, shifting so one of the larger suckers is positioned directly over his head and suckling at it while more kiss along the length of his piercings, the whole tangle of the limb never stopping its serpentine, undulating movements along his shaft, until--
His moan is completely smothered by the tentacle in his mouth as his hips twitch jerkily in his lover's grasp as his balls draw tight and his orgasm overtakes him. Feels like Tomura drags out the waves of pleasure going through him as all of that sensation doesn't stop throughout it, and by the time he's blinking his eyes back open, he only gets a moment to be embarrassed at how obscene his spend looks seeping out of the tight coil of muscle around his cock, before the one in his mouth is kinking a few inches below where it meets his lips. He whimpers around the appendage when he meets Tomura's eyes as the kink works its way higher, but his lover just murmurs, 
"I know how much you like to swallow, precious, open wide." As if his mouth could be pressed any wider without tearing him open at the seams. But for as sinister as the words sounded, his lover doesn't force that bulge past his lips, instead just pressing the puddle of slick to his mouth. Fat drops fall down his chin and splash against his chest, but more of it does sneak past his teeth and Dabi sucks and swallows, the fluid thicker and more viscus than any cum he's ever had in his mouth and settling in his stomach with the same tingling sensation as was pressing all along his mouth. When he swallows everything that actually made it to his lips, Duster coos softly at him, pulling the limb from his mouth and gathering him close as he presses kisses to his cheek and temple. "Good boy. Do you still want me to make you cry, baby?" Strokes his hair softly, eyes so sweet and adoring on him. Makes him feel even better and more floaty in the wake of his orgasm. 
His tongue feels a little numb, but he manages a nod. Tomura presses another kiss to his cheek before he's moving them through the water. He has enough limbs that he quickly enough has a few of the thick fluffy towels laid out over the carved stones that lead to the lip of the pool, and then he uses his too many limbs to coax Dabi back against those too, lifting himself out of the water once he's settled on his back dazedly. Tomura's body is mostly the same across his torso, though there is another set of gills cut across his sides. The real changes start where his belly button used to be, the skin transitioning into black and staying solid to where the top of his pelvis is before changing into the branching, too many tentacles that are all over him again once he's settled. Two pushing his legs wide, one still playing with his soft, oversensitive cock, another stroking at his seams, his hands running over his skin as well. It's overwhelming and when he tries to reach for Tomura, his wrists are easily bound and pressed back against the ground. Wants him helpless today and for the first time in a long time Dabi feels it as his lover brings one of the tentacles between his legs and starts to prod at his hole. 
He lets out a shaky breath as it teases and toys, slick, but not as wet as his fingers usually are-- at least, not at first. Dabi watches as he squeezes the muscles of that tentacle around themselves again, gathering more of his slick and pressing a thick glob of it against his hole, enough that it's dripping down his skin and making him squirm a little as his face goes hotter. The slick makes his hole tingly and sensitive like it did his throat and Dabi can't bite back the little moan that slips out as even just the very tip of the tentacle breaches his rim and pushes a little inside him too. It's smooth and tapered, the suction cups soft enough that all they offer is a slight bumpy texture as Tomura teases him open. He works slowly, eyes dark with his lust, and dragging over every part of him. Loves to work him up, and to make him fall apart over and over again. 
He toys and teases at his hole until Dabi is whining and moaning, his cock starting to harden again, and his hips trying to twitch back on the appendage to get it deeper. But as soon as he makes that movement, Dabi knows it was a mistake. Because Tomura's eyes spark, a smile curling slowly over his lips. It's such a pretty smile, soft and sweet. It's the kind of smile that would make anyone else doubt he's a villain. But Dabi knows that smile. Knows its soft, and affectionate, and filled with his joy because he's about to take some fresh sadistic pleasure from his body. He whimpers and that's all the sign that Sir needs before he's pressing the tentacle in, and in, and in. 
His hole stretches around it, the taper and viscosity of the slick making it much easier for him to feed it inside of his body. His muscles stretch open around it as it goes deeper, the base much wider than Tomura's cock, and so much longer. He thinks Sir gives him three or four more inches than he usually gets, and that is so deep that Dabi doesn't think he could push any further without carving open a spot all for himself inside of his insides. And he doesn't start to thrust the appendage when he does eventually figure out how to breathe and not tense. Realizes Sir must have wanted him to cum before so he would be too relaxed to be nervous or think about the fact that Tomura probably doesn't have a dick in this form. Maybe. He doesn't know what octopus biology is like. Those thoughts are delirious and fleeting as they flit across his mind, lost quickly enough when Tomura starts to undulate and twist the tentacle inside of him. He feels his hole flutter around him as his insides try to clench down on him as pleasure sparks across his nerves, his cock hardening the rest of the way. Tomura must feel that against him, draws the one inside him out just an inch or two before pushing it so deeply inside again and rubbing more. 
Dabi is panting and moaning constantly as his lover sets a rhythm to his movements that slowly has less and less of the tentacle returning to push along his insides on each slow, writhing thrust. Makes him feel so much emptier than when they started and soon enough he's trying to rock his hips back to make him give him more. Forgot the lesson he just learned about trying to get more that Tomura was ready to give him, and is punished for it when the tentacle draws all the way out until only the very tip is rubbing circles around his hole again. 
"Not enough, baby boy? You could have just said that you need more in your greedy hole. You know I'll give you anything you want, sweetheart." Knows he's in over his head when there's a second tip pushing against his rim then, and a fresh pulse of slick over and inside his stretched hole. A high wine fills his head as Tomura starts to press both inside, does it even more slowly, slick gushing inside of him and against him to ease the way as he goes, but he pushes them in, and in, and in, until they hit that spot inside of him again where they can't push any further. It takes a really long time for Dabi to realize that whining is coming from him. Takes even longer to notice that his cock hurts because it's so sensitive and softening rapidly in the wake of his second orgasm he didn't even notice approaching, body so lost in the sensation of being this full for the first time in his life, that the pleasure came and went with only the aftershocks making an impression. Tomura keeps his cock encased in his warm, tight muscles, wet from the pool, his slick, and Dabi's cum, but he doesn't torture him, doesn't stroke him or suck at him. Warms his cock the same way Dabi likes to do for him on occasion. 
He works the two tentacles inside him even slower and more carefully than he did the first, and Dabi can only lay there, lost in the sensation as his lover touches him everywhere else too as he presses kisses to his cheeks and lips, and strokes his hair. 
"You're doing such a good job, precious. You're taking me so deep, so proud of you, baby boy." 
Dabi embarrasses himself by mewling, his insides trembling at the words. Always wants to be good for Sir. Wants to make Tomura proud. 
"Do you think you can do even better? Do you want to take my cock too, firefly?" 
He whimpers, thought that Sir might not have his cock in this form. Doesn't know how he could possibly take anything else, he's so full already but... but he wants to be good. Wants to make sure that Tomura feels good too. His whole body is shaking but he still manages a little nod. Tomura gives him a soft kiss. 
"You know what to do if it's too much?" Another little nod, "Show me." And even with his wrists held in place, he can still snap his fingers. "Perfect, sweetheart." Then his focus shifts, the tentacles pulling slowly out of him, but the tips are more insistent around his rim, keeping him open, stretched. Dabi's face goes so hot when he feels how far he's spread and how the cooler air feels against his gaping hole as the tips of his tentacles tease him and keep him open. 
He expects to get Tomura's cock, doesn't expect a new tentacle to come slithering out from beneath the tangle of the others, this one stark white and shaped a little differently than the others, the suckers starting a few inches down from the almost spoon-like spaded head. But it's just as mobile as the others as it crawls up his thigh as the two that were already inside him ooze a little more of their slick into and around his hole, before Sir's cock is pressing inside. Dabi moans, voice raw with the sound, as Tomura immediately pushes in and reaches, crooking to rub against his prostate, the strange shape of his had almost cupping it as it rubs and presses and makes his whole body loose and tingly with fresh pleasure. 
Only gets that for a few strokes before the tips of both the other tentacles are sneaking in alongside his cock. Pull out almost all the way each time, but they do push in a little further each time they re-enter him, and soon Dabi is whimpering and trying not to squirm, as he becomes so full that he's surprised there's even room for air in his lungs. He has never been this full before. Pressure across every single nerve ending inside his hole, at his stretched rim, warm, slick, tight pressure around his cock. It's all so much. It's too much. Dabi doesn't know how he can even survive every sensation that is wracking his body. 
"Fuck, you feel so good baby," Tomura's praise makes him float even higher. "Didn't know you could be any cuter, but you're so pretty all blissed out of your mind. Have I finally found something that's enough for my needy size queen?" 
"Sir," his voice is so thin, and it was so hard to even get just that one word out of him, that Dabi doesn't even bother to try for another. 
"Stuffed you so full, haven't I?" Rhetorical, as he starts to move the members inside of him. Dabi's vision bursts with black and spots of white as that whining starts again. But if it was rhetorical, why is one of the other tentacles lifting his wrist from the stones. Tomura catches his hand with one of his own and brings it to his lower stomach, "There, precious, can you feel that?" 
Dabi's brain short-circuits. He has a flat stomach, never been able to put on much weight with his quirk, hadn't noticed anything strange before, but he can feel it now. That there's a pressure here too. Can't feel the tentacles moving from the outside, can't see them. But he's so full that just putting his hand here is such a strong sensation of added pressure that it has his breath catching in the back of his throat. Tomura chooses that moment to press a sucker to his prostate, and his breath breaks on the hitch of a sob. Oh. Tomura promised to make him cry. The tears fall fat and heavy as new pleasure overwhelms his body. He sobs and moans as Sir fucks him so slowly, and strangely, on his new appendages, the one around his cock squeezing and coaxing until he's hard again even though his body doesn't feel like it has anything else to give. 
"Oh, firefly, you feel so good," Tomura moans softly against his neck, the tentacles around his limbs tightening as he starts to move a little faster. Dabi's insides twitch and flutter around him, his muscles liquid from how stretched they gone. "Fuck, baby," and he laces together some of their fingers where he's holding Dabi's hand against his stomach. Dabi has no idea how long Tomura has even been inside of him, but he knows that, knows that means that he's close and there's no way that he'll be able to take any more. 
No sound comes out of him even as his mouth opens around a keen when Tomura starts to cum. His insides are even fuller, even wetter, as he does, because he's cumming in the same thick spurts as he was able to gather his slick. And he doesn't stop, Even his lover seems a little surprised, making a soft sound in the back of his throat as he rubs his tentacles inside of him as he keeps cumming. When they both realize that he's still got the same control over his cock as he did before even as he pumps Dabi fuller and fuller. He keeps moving them the way he was before, each one only serving to send more and more of his cum pouring out of Dabi's stretched, puffy hole. 
He thinks he might completely lose his mind then, just floats so high as his lover keeps using his body, that he can't even tell up from down, that he doesn't even know when Tomura stops cumming. All he knows when his other hand eventually touches his cheek and that he's so sticky with his bloody tears. Dabi blinks deliriously up at him and Sir's eyes are so warm, and a little alien with their strange pupils. 
"There you are, darling, thought you passed out for a bit." He might have, he really, really might have because the sky past Tomura's shoulder seems darker than it did when he first laid him down. 
The tentacle around his cock tightens and strokes him again, the suckers starting to toy with his ladder and Dabi manages to cry out then. Makes everything more when that also has him tightening his muscles, which tells him he is still full and soaked around the appendages inside him. He shakes his head desperately, tongue too heavy to find his words. 
"You can do it, sweetheart, just one more time for me." Words gentle and encouraging as the coils shift so that he can stroke along Dabi's cock like he would with his hand. Lets him see his flushed head peeking through the coils as he moves and moves, Tomura's cock shifting so that the strange head can cup his prostate again and rub and stroke there too. Dabi feels more of his cum ooze out of his hole and whimpers. Those warm eyes spark a little, and Tomura smiles that dangerous smile again. The two other tentacles draw a little further back too, making the stretch a little less, "Won't it feel so good to just let go, baby boy?" And then Tomura presses their joined hands a little harder against his lower abdomen. 
Dabi doesn't know if he's ever felt more humiliated than he does at the way he moans when the external pressure has Sir's cum pouring out of him, so wet that he feels it absolutely soaking his thighs, the towel, making a puddle beneath him and it still doesn't stop. He gives another hard sob as his cock twitches, somehow his body betraying him even more when his orgasm washes through him again, but is dry. Barely manages a single drop of cum and Tomura coos at him. 
"Oh, precious," Before leaning in to kiss him and lick away the blood on his cheeks as he pulls his tentacles all the way out of him and pushes a little harder on his stomach. 
Dabi might actually pass out as the cum spills out of his gaping hole. 
Absolutely fucking passed out, he realizes when he wakes up an unknown amount of time later clean, dressed in his pajamas, and tucked into the lavish too-big bed. His stomach twists a little, his mouth feels dry, and his limbs are very heavy, but not hurting. Might not be hurting though because Dabi's practically numb from the hips to his knees. Feels the echoes of an ache, like how it does when he has Tomura fuck him with his cock and a strap at the same time, but the tentacles were a lot more than that. He should really be hurting more he thinks. He tries to push himself up a little and he immediately hears movement in the dim room. 
"There you are, firefly." Tomura sits on the edge of the bed, turning the lamp light up to a higher setting. "How are you feeling?" 
His throat is thick and a little raw, "Like you fucked me six ways from Sunday. Fuck, what time is it?" 
"Late, baby." Tomura reaches for a pill bottle and a glass of water by the nightstand. Dabi doesn't need to be told, takes the offered pills and gulps down the water. Duster refills the glass for him and when Dabi has finished that one and set it aside he catches his lover's sleeve and pulls at him. Tomura doesn't protest, climbing into bed with him and wrapping him up in his arms. Dabi tucks his face against his chest, still exhausted. "Did such a good job pretty boy, so perfect for me, so proud of you." Words pressed to the crown of his head alongside soft kisses as Tomura strokes along his back. Turns him back into a puddle immediately. "Love you so much, firefly." 
"Love you," but his words are slurred and sleepy already. Barely manages to stay awake long enough to realize that his lover's libs are back to normal before he's out again. 
He is, decidedly, a lot more sore when he wakes up the next morning. 
"Yeah, the neurotoxin must have worn off, here, you can have another dose of pain killers." 
"It's just a mild one, Ujiko tested it, I didn't think it did anything unless it was more concentrated, but you said you couldn't feel your lips last night." He doesn't even remember that conversation. Doesn't know if he's ever been that high in his subspace. "Do you feel alright otherwise?" 
He considers, "Yeah, I'm fine, Shig." Though his stomach protests with a loud growl. Makes his lover smile at him indulgently, and Dabi flicks him off. "Shut up." 
But they put on their robes and slippers and go to the private dining room that they were told would be set up for the League's use. He does not limp, no matter what that smug look his lover keeps giving him might say. They can hear the others through the door and they are all very pleasant when they greet them. Small talk, food, some work stuff, and Toga demanding that Tomura show them his new quirk if he's gotten it working. Shig agrees easily enough, and by the time they're done eating, have put their bathing suits back on, and reconvened back at the co-ed pool, Dabi is feeling mostly normal, though he's still a little sore and definitely not ever going to be able to look at takoyaki the same way again. 
Tomura gets into the pool and disappears beneath the water for a moment. When his head pops back out of the water he's blinking, his pupils horizontal once more and the gills on his neck twitching, opening wide before he gives one soft cough before he's turning his attention back to them. He moves a few of the tentacles out of the water and Dabi doesn't think he or Tomura were expecting for Twice, Toga, and Spinner to all burst into laughter. 
"Oh my fucking god, you were right! How did you know?" Toga is wheezing she's laughing so hard.
Spinner is trying to gasp for breath as he chokes out, "Only blow us off for sex. It either it worked and made them insanely horny or it didn't and sex was the consolation prize." 
"But tentacles? How scandalous!" 
"What other sea creature do you think Dabi would fuck?"
"I am going to burn you alive!" Means it too, his hands lighting up as he lunges for them, his face burning with his shame. Barely gets a step towards them though before slick coils of tentacles are catching him around his legs and his middle. And then gravity is gone as he's pulled from his feet. The hot spring water rushes over him as Tomura pulls him into the pool, dragging him in close so that his back is locked against the other man's chest, holding him in place with an arm as his extra limbs dart out to catch Toga, Twice, and Spinner before they can run out of his range. He drags the three of them in as well, making three loud splashes.
Dabi swears that he hears Compress mutter, "Children," as he gets into the pool more leisurely. He doesn't give a shit about being mature, he has a lizard to drown.  
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rosanna-writer · 3 months
Ok, but in this scenario is there a boating accident in which mermaid!Feyre has to rescue the idiot prince from drowning? Has she secretly been in love with him for years from afar and longs to walk among the other Fae of Velaris? Can mermaids even shift form to the appropriate parts needed for sex!?
Ok. So.
Do I have any plans to write mermaid!Feyre? No. Have I thought about this too much? Yes.
Putting this under a cut because I think it'll get long.
You CANNOT convince me there isn't weird shit living in the Sidra. River that passes through a magical city??? There's no way it's just some normal fish and plants in there. And since we know the Spring Court has water-wraiths living in at least one of their lakes, I think it stands to reason that there are some river mermaids living there. (Love at First Sight's for Suckers almost had Feyre as a Sidra water-wraith instead of a shadow-wraith!)
SIDRA. RIVER. BOAT. RACES. ARE. CANON. (In ACOFAS Rhys says, "I’d grown up in these houses, attending the parties and feasts that lasted long into the night, spending bright summer days lazing on the sloping lawns, cheering the summer boat races on the Sidra."). Drunken party boy prince falling off a boat and into Feyre's arms??? It's a perfect meet cute. There's even potential for a childhood-friends-to-lovers story if Feyre's a Sidra mermaid (just the thought of her being the first person Rhys seeks out every time he gets a chance to visit Velaris during breaks in his training in Illyria......it's so cute)
Look at the boathouses of Philadelphia and tell me they don't give you Velaris vibes:
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But if you're a mermaid purist and insist that Feyre needs to live in the sea? As @thesistersarcheron would remind you, the Night Court is bordered by the sea on three sides. There is a LOT of untapped potential with things like pre-High Lord Rhys serving in the Night Court navy during the war, mermaid!Rhys and NightCourtSailor!Feyre, and the general aesthetic of the cold, icy sea in the far north Night Court.
Mermaid sex just requires some imagination:
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I think a dude from Crescent City also has a pouch that opens up??? I'm not really a Crescent City fan so idk for sure, don't quote me on that. But in general, I think the concept of a hidden pouch (with or without a dick inside and regardless of gender, mermaid!Feyre penetrating Rhys would be hot, for example) more or less solves the mermaid sex conundrum.
And finally, we can't talk about Feysand and the sea without a mention of MB's lovely tentacle sea monster Rhys Feysand fic: High Tide Came And Brought You In (and in addition, if you're interested in a non-oceanic Feysand story about lesser fae Feyre secretly being in love with Night Court prince Rhys, Bejeweled is one of my favorites)
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