#yes I binged CM all day
star-mum · 10 months
Criminal Minds 3x9 - Live Star Reaction
I’m so fucking angry, like this is NOT a fun live reaction
This is like Elle all over again ;-;
Okay maybe I’ll sound a little like idk insane (?) but I CANT WAIT to see Derek an absolute WRECK over this (i need him to suffer a bit)
And Morgan is the ONLY one who knew she was on a date tonight And HES NOT THERE
Like if Penelope was a “conventionally attractive” character THIS would be the episode where Derek at LEAST finally admits his feelings for her, THIS would be the turning point in their relationship
Oooh we found Kevin, is this the guy who she actually dates ?
An encrypted file ????
Like the potential for their relationship in this episode is CRAZY, the writers have so much to answer for
“I don’t believe in guns!” “Oh trust me they’re very real” KSKSKS THIS ISNT THE TIME FOR BANTER
“I feel safe with all of you” 🥺 AAAAAAAA *throws up and cries*
I do not care for these twos, they’re just trying to partner her up with the “boy version of her” and that is quite literally my LEAST FAVORITE TROPE I HATE IT SM
This scene tho of the other analysts helping them with info was INSANE !! Loved it
“You do whatever it takes to protect your family” 🥺🥺😩😩😩😩😩 ACTUAL TEARS, I LOVE THIS SHOW
“I think someone’s watching you” THAT SHOULDVE BEEN MORGAN, I HATE THIS SHOW
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hey dear! i need ur advice. ❤️‍🩹 my current weight is 82 kg (i know its horrible, i gained it on my antidepressants), height is 173 cm. my bmi is 28.
i usually eat 300-600 cal a day and then burn 500-1000 a day by running. i also exercise 10-20 mins a day. do u think i will be able to lose 15 kg in a month like this? or should i straight up fast?
also last couple of days my weight seems to be stuck on one point… idk how to get past that. i tried to burn more calories and eat less but today i woke up and it didnt help. i feel so bad,,,,,,
Hii, thank you for your message ♥ I'm so sorry to hear this. How are you doing now? Also sorry if I sound weird sometimes lol but english isn't my first language. I hope you're going to understand me anyway!
Based on the info you provided, you will lose between 10 and 15kg if you go like this for a month straight.
If it was fat loss only then it'd be around -10kg, but weight loss is never just fat loss. You lose muscle mass too and depending on how much of it you lose, the number of total weight lost is going to be higher accordingly (bc our bodies basically need to "burn" more muscle mass than fat for the same amount of energy).
Getting enough protein and working out was proven to minimize the loss of muscle mass when losing weight!
Now, fasting for a month straight would mean like -2kg extra (again, this number is most likely to be higher depending on how much muscle mass you lose in the process).
I understand that you want to lose weight asap, we all do. I don't know you personally, maybe you can go like this for a month straight. For most of us tho this is not achievable and will turn into binge eating pretty damn soon.
That's why I don't feel like recommending this approach to anyone really, no matter how hard their "this time is going to be different!!" mentality is lol. If you want to lose weight in a fast but relatively stable way, you can try to include like 2 days a week "off diet" when you eat like a normal human being (2-3k calories a day) and restrict/fast for the rest of the week. Yes, it's hard for us mentally, yes, it's going to make your weight loss a bit slower (like you'd lose ~8kg instead of ~10 for example), but a routine like this seems to be way more achievable for long periods of time. Btw. that's also what helped me to limit my binges and finally lose the weight I desperately wanted to lose. Way more effective than having uncontrollable periods of overeating, so I can recommend this approach.
If your weight seems to be stuck on one point, you can also try to eat 2-3k calories for a day or two. I know it's kinda counterintuitive, but actually helped me and many people that I know. Some even said that their weight surprisingly went down after a binge day, lol.
Whatever you do, please be patient. You need time to make big changes (unless you chop off your leg to lose weight or something lol) like everyone else. Take care! ♥
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lilfartbox1 · 19 days
Oh haha, now I feel special! Yeah I think we, collectively as a fandom need to lower our expectations lol Good moments don't mean canon status. Maybe the ultimate moment is just an online scrabble game haha. I also don't think they will address the weird distancing in s16 bc i don't think it was an intentional decision on the writers' part. But i agree, i love speculations, even if they're unlikely they are a lot of fun to discuss! What are your theories? One thing I didn't mention but im like 90% sure will happen is Emily assigning JJ as the official unit chief. Frankly im just really happy that they might openly interact like they did in the early seasons, because i miss that "i know you better than you know yourself" type dynamic they used to have.
and 90% sure about emily making jj unit chief is insanely high! but not impossible so very cool theory
also yes please i miss earlier seasons of them being so caring towards each other,
ALSO ALSO i will shamefully admit to the internet (just this once) THAT I AM NOT CAUGHT UP ON CM *insert me crying in the corner* ... (therefore i think my theories are invalid bc i dont have all the info)
OK GUYS ILL confess my sins! i am not caught up i think im on like season 14 episode ???/ 11 i believe
OKAY SO DONT JUDGE BEFORE I GET TO EXPLAIN but im watching w my beloved father and he can only watch a couple a night because he likes to get a normal amount of sleep (weird) and i would rather BINGE INTO THE NIGHT UNTIL ALL THE SEASONS ARE DONE BY THE TIME TO NEW ONE COMES OUT but i am having self control and trying VERY HARD not to watch it without him! so im internally fighting whether? (wether?) or not i watch everything a couple days prior to s17 arrival or not....
and you guys might be wondering (ur definitely not) .. "now little fart box how do you know about details of the future seasons if you haven't seen it..."
OK GUYS LIKE ANY OTHER PERSON (no one else on planet earth) i LOVE SPOILERS because i like to know what's going to happen so i can be prepared for it emotionally ( i know really smart definitely not bc youre probably autistic and want to plan ahead weirdo)
ok that was a lot, sorry in advance to any being that per chance happens to read the entirety of this sincerely, LFB1.
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brattyyleo · 3 months
About Brattyleo:
This is my second account my first one got TD on a random ass day, which just block me if you dislike my content honestly I use Tumblr to vent my thoughts emotions etc - just because you report me doesn't mean I won't just make another account. My old account was Bratty-le0. And yes I am harsh with myself, because that's all I know.
Anyway I've struggled with perfectionism since I was young. Being the youngest daughter in my family I was mostly ignored since I was quiet they thought they didn't need to take care of me etc. the only cared about my weight and grades. And that itself manifested into an Ed quite young. My mom was already restricting my food for me before I knew how to do it myself lol. And it basically created this image of perfection I have to reach along with an Obessesion and longing for it. Along with being bullied, going through abuse, being unlovable I happen to be fat. Instead of starving young I would binge because I needed to fill the void, the emptiness and loneliness I felt and I've always been inbetween gaining and losing. For months either I'm losing everything or gaining it all back as a cycle. It's only now that I'm older I can have a bit more control. I've spent enough time being the fat funny friend I wanna be the pretty friend for once. I write a more open gw list so instead of rushing everything I can lose as much as I can. And reward myself with something everytime I loss.
Height: 164,9 cm/5'5inches
Age: 19
Hw: 135kg
Gw0: 85kg🔐(A new Pencil)
Gw1:80kg🔐(A Journal)
Gw2:75kg🔐(A new lip gloss)
Gw3:70kg🔐(A new skin care product)
Gw4:65kg🔐(new shoes)
Gw5:60kg🔐(New phone
Gw6:55kg🔐(New clothes)
Gw7:50kg🔐(New makeover for my room)
Gw8:45kg🔐(New ring light)
Ugw:40kg🔐(New laptop)
I obviously can't afford these but I'll be saving money since I'm just a student and I'll get a job after exams are over.
💕🔐I will show everyone I'm the pretty friend no matter what it takes.
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ssamorganhotchner · 2 years
Hi Morgan!! Happy Sunday ♡ I'm dying to talk about Hotch's voice today for some reason. Its deep and captivating, his voice instantly demands authority and its somehow still the most comforting thing about him. Its even and has a soft and smooth quality (kind of like warm butter if that makes sense), in contrast to his moans we heard in S4E2 where I think a bullet grazed his ear IIRC, those sounds were raw, almost animalistic. Okay I'm done now 😇
hi friend <333 !! i’m so sorry i didn’t answer this sooner! i was at work all day yesterday (& unfortunately work today too 😩) 👀
it really is the hottest, most soothing thing i’ve ever heard. I am always down to talk about his voice 😩🦋🦋 i love how he’s demanding, dominate, and everyone automatically pays attention when he’s talking (especially when he’s angry at a detective).. but yet he does it without yelling?? he just talks and everyone’s like “😳😳 yes sir” but but but then he goes from that to talking to children & the victims & it makes me scream bc hakskfhskdkfh ITS SO HOT. he’s so gentle and talks so softly to them. he’s so supportive of them and i just- i don’t have the words.
you’re exactly right. his voice is smooth as butter and like liquid when he talks. honestly, it’s so soothing to me that ive been binge watching cm with @ssa-hotchnershoney & I’ve fallen asleep more times than i can count 🥲🤣 not on purpose, he’s just super comforting.
also there’s a video on YouTube of thomas gibson reading a script (it’s like 30min long) & i’ve also used that to fall asleep many times. ❤️ it’s so comforting and sexy all at the same time. i’ve never heard anything like it. AND WHEN HE LAUGHS??? 😭😭🥺 it’s so high pitched and so cute. i can’t explain it because both his laugh and his voice are the hottest yet sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard. 😭💕
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darethshirl · 1 year
Get to know the blogger
yes I’m doing a tumblr meme after approximately ten million years. tagged by @scribbledquillz, thank you!! 💜
Share your wallpaper:
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to no one’s surprise 😂 IGNORE the gazilion icons for the gazillion games!!! IGNORE THEM!!! I’ll get to them eventually okay
Last song you listened to:  It's All So Incredibly Loud by Glass Animals (I feel like I’ve answered a previous meme with this exact song before lmao if I have blame the spotify algorithm)
Currently reading: took a break from The Bel Jar (thanks adhd) to start White Oleander by Janet Finch. I’m liking it quite a bit so far, love the prose
Last movie: Aftersun! I REALLY enjoyed this one, I love slow naturalistic indie flicks like this 🥰 and Paul Mescal continues to be impressively good in his subtleness
Last show: I binge watched season 1 of the White Lotus in basically two days. Armand was the best part by far they do NOT deserve you honey
Craving: some alone time PLEASE! sadly I must (ugh) SOCIALISE 😤
What are you wearing right now: hoodie and sweatpants 😎 comfy chic
How tall are you: 155 cm (I think that’s 5′1 in american)
Piercings: nopeeeee not even my ears. my skin is Unmarked TM
Tattoos: nah, too much of a weenie to get one
Glasses? Contacts? glasses, pretty damn heavy ones, all the time
Last drink: water 😇
Last thing you ate: a really fancy omelette (my dad and I went to brunch lol)
Favorite color: purple, baby!! 💜💜💜
Current obsession: okay... bear with me....... it’s a webcomic from 2013 called Stand Still Stay Silent (which was pretty big on tumblr back then, if you were around at that time you’ll probably recognise the Language Tree, it’s how I found out about the comic in the first place! I really liked it at the time but forgot to keep up with updates)
anyway I heard it got finished last year so I INHALED the whole comic in like 4 days, then reread it three times(yes that’s three times. I know parts of it by heart), then wrote 2 fics for it in the span of like 2 weeks, and currently I’m still having the Blorbos rotating in my brain... so. yeah. bit of a hyperfixation there!! I’ll never forgive the author for her Betrayal TM and I still get upset when thinking about it but damn, when this comic was good it was really good 😢
Any pets: none :( I get to pet some strays kitties every now and then tho!!
Favorite fictional character: I mean. do you have to ask. do you really.
tagging back!!! @rosella-writes, @dreadfutures, @melisusthewee, @anneapocalypse, @ziskandra, @cleverblackcat, @bitterleafs​, @fadedsweater and anyone who’s reading this!!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
060 of 2023
eating disorder questions~
1. which eating disorder(s) do you have?
2. when did you develop your eating disorder?
In my mid-teens.
3. are you currently in recovery?
No, I’m not.
4. honestly, do you want to recover?
Life would be easier then.
5. how are you doing today?
Pretty okay, except for being a little bit drowsy.
6. 5 safe foods?
Rice, veggies, fruit, oatmeal, cereals.
7. 5 fear foods?
Red meat, sweets, foods high in fat, processed foods, fast foods.
8. do you count calories?
No, I don’t. This is why I got the EDNOS diagnosis.
9. what is your max calorie limit?
I don’t set limits, but I barely make it to 1000, I guess.
10. what is your height?
180 cm.
11. what is your ultimate goal weight?
50 kg.
12. are you trying to lose weight?
13. have you ever been called "fat"?
No, not really.
14. have you ever been called "too thin"?
On a daily basis.
15. what is your current goal weight?
55 kg, I made it to 60 already.
16. what was your highest weight?
85 kg.
17. what was your lowest weight?
55 kg.
18. do you wish you were back at your lowest weight?
Yeah. Pretty much.
19. does your family know about your eating disorder?
They don’t take it into consideration. In their opinion, it’s a “female disorder”.
20. do your friends know about your eating disorder?
I don’t think so. I don’t discuss it with them. Sometimes someone mentions my eating habits and that’s it.
21. do you wish you didn't have an eating disorder?
Yeah, but oh well.
22. have any "free foods"?
Chewing gum, I guess.
23. how often do you weigh yourself?
I don’t. Only doctors do.
24. thinspo or bonespo?
I don’t care.
25. biggest problem area on your body?
26. favourite part of your body?
27. what kind of results do you want to see?
Bones sticking out, particularly hip bones. They already do, though.
28. do you purge?
No, I have emetophobia.
29. do you take laxatives?
I don’t. It would mess up with my medication.
30. how often do you purge?
31. do you binge?
32. how long have you fasted for?
Three days.
33. who's your biggest thinspiration?
No one, I couldn’t care less.
34. favourite eating disorder movie/show/documentary?
I don’t have any.
35. favourite thinspo picture?
I don’t care.
36. can you post a photo of yourself/your body?
Nope, no way.
37. how does your eating disorder affect your life?
I don’t think about it, but I realised I feel happier when I forget to eat.
38. what is your BMI?
20 or something. Or recently 18.5.
39. do you follow a diet?
No, not really. I just don’t eat things I don’t like.
40. least favourite part about your eating disorder?
Feeling tired all the time.
41. has your eating disorder ruined any relationships?
Yeah, with my first ex. He was disordered himself and often he would trigger me on purpose.
42. do you have a "guilty pleasure" food? what is it?
43. meanspo or sweetspo?
I don’t even know what these mean.
44. does anyone else in your life have an eating disorder?
My mother shows symptoms of BED, otherwise no.
45. ever been inpatient?
No, never.
46. ever been outpatient?
47. ever been in residential care?
48. ever been in a psych ward?
49. are you currently in therapy?
No, I’m not.
50. what did you eat today?
Rice pudding and a cereal yogurt.
51. are you scared about the holidays?
Not that much, I eat small amounts anyway.
52. are your family/friends supportive?
They barely know.
53. have any other mental illnesses?
Yes, GAD and OCD. Also ASD.
54. looking for ana buddies?
Nope, get out.
55. what is your current weight?
60 kg.
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Yes! I binge a lot! I used to suffer from like a mix of all the '3 big eds' kinda at once and all. I've always been a big binger, used to be a purger too but stopped because purging got to a point I had to fist my throat with fingers down my airways just to gag bc I was growing immune to it and now I cannot vomit at all without forcing it and it stays in my throat right under the last tiny cms to the mouth burning me over and over until fingers come to PHYSICALLY PRY OPEN MY THROAT and I also lost the ability to burp without extreme difficulty. SAYING THIS AS A WARNING TO OTHERS.
Now I binge and cry after not even workout 😅
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lorelbunny · 1 month
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Day 1:
- 90kg 162cm
- DIAGNOSED anaroxia/bulimia
- i do not like my height i want to be shorter
Day 3:
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Seeing this changed my brain chemistry. This is what i looked like before i recovered and now that I've relapsed this is all that i want. Im obsessed with looking petite again and they way i used to be treated when i was petite. I feel like i was loveable instead of fuckable but now im just fuckable.
Day 4: lose skin because of how much i gained in recovery
Day 5: kinda explaine in day 3
Day 6: no i just tend to purge
Day 7: no i dont live with them anymore but they helped cause my ed so probably not
Day 8: walk around 20k steps
Day 9: yes always family tho
Day 10: eating obviously duh
Day 11: n/a
Day 12:
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Day 13: unhealthy obviously this is a disorder not a silly liet diet
Day 14: 40kg probably by jan
Day 15: No.
Day 16: when i first became disordered at 12
Day 17: yes ana/mia
Day 18: fucking chocolate 💫
Day 19: two weeks ago, omad KFC
Day 20: omad 600-800kcals or 3 day diet coke fast + 1k rest of week
Day 21: L because i decided to recover 🔫
Day 22: 41kg, forced and then voluntary recovery
Day 23: no mostly family influence
Day 24: i hate them. I am proana/mia for myself only but i wouldn't wish this on anyone, especially being at a higher weight or relapsing multiple times etc bc its all you think about. The fact that wheter i attempt depends on a NUMBER is sick 😭 even after you recover it never goes away.
Day 25: Yes i dont remember the first time i just remembered last time i almost choked and i haven't purged in like 3 weeks
Day 26: looking like what i used to look like. Exposed collarbones, being fucking tiny, my thigh gap most of all.
Day 27: fasting, diet coke, gum and only omading towards the end of the day otherwise i will binge
Day 28: yes i want my fucking thigh gap back so bad 😭
Day 29: petite, blush.
Day 30: 87.5kg 162 cm
Still dx
I love pink
I wish i could be a bunny
Im genderfluid & use she/her
Im sapphic
I am LITERALLY a princess
I am the embodiment of autism (fr)
I love the sea
There's a bug in my room rn please send help ☠️
Not fat or anything phobic if you are please leave me alone
Idk 😭
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Okay idk how but there are people who allergic to fucking sun. I'm not not even messing around look it up its a actual thing. I wondered how the brothers would react to a MC who has this and thats why they wanted to stay in devildom cause they finally just go outside without covering ever cm of themself and be afraid the sun will burn them.
Ooooo Ive actually heard of this too. Its such a weird thing since humans need sunlight and all for our bodies to work properly. I think it comes from a genetic mutation.
I’m not sure how this is gonna go since I’m not the best writer out there but I’ll give it a go and see what I might get out of it.
The Brothers react to finding out MC has an allergy to the sun
Yes he was already well aware by time mc started the exchange program
I’d imagine he did a fair amount of research into the mc before they even got there- after all he had to make sure this exchange program went smoothly
While he had never met a human who had allergies to sunlight he had definitely heard of it being a thing
Honestly not surprised when he finds out mc wants to stay in the Devildom because of the lack of sunlight. I mean who wouldn’t consider this a paradise for humans like them.
Oi human why ya wearin’ so many layers when ya go out
MC has to explain that its a habit because of their allergy to sunlight and they’re just used to covering up every inch of skin so it doesn’t get burned
And he’s just like “weird but okay” files the information away and they move on with their day
Probably would fight the sun for them if he could
Probably would demand that they stay down in the Devildom after their year is up and more than pleased when they tell him they’d rather stay too.
Sees how used to staying in they are to just staying in and wonders if they’re not actually a normie but a shut in otaku like himself
When they explain it to him, he’s so fascinated by the concept. Its like the ultimate nerf- you’d be too powerful without it
When he finds out they’d rather stay in the Devildom because of their allergy, mans is ecstatic. That means you guys will get continue having to crazy gaming sessions or anime binges and he doesn’t have to lose his best friend.
“Its like that one movie! What was it called again?”
Another one who’s fascinated by MC’s allergy.
He asks them all kinds of questions about it
Only slightly surprised when MC says they want to stay here instead of going back to the human world but he figured it might come to this.
Another one who would fight the sun for them because how dare-
What kind of divine retribution-
Their poor skin. He can’t imagine what kind of hives and blisters they must’ve gotten in the past because of it.
Don’t worry! Asmo has tons of products that’ll help repair their skin. Just leave it all to him, hon.
Can I tell you the relief that washes over his face when MC says they want to stay in the Devildom. Asmo is more than happy for them to stay.
You’re doing him a concern MC. Why do have scars on your arms?
MC explains about their allergy to the sun and that the scars are from some really bad blisters they got as a kid and now he’s not as concerned but he still feels bad for them.
He remembers when he was an angel and how nice the sun in the celestial realm felt on his skin and he’s sad that MC never got to experience that feeling.
When MC says they want to stay in the Devildom because of the lack of sun, he’ll happily agree that its a good idea. Why would they want to go back when all that going to happen is that they’ll have to avoid the sun due to their allergy.
Wow that sucks. Humans are weird. why do they have an allergy to something their body literally needs to function properly?
Probably one of the least concerned of the brothers.
Like it comes up one day in conversation and Belphie’s just like “okay…. And??” Unlike a couple of his brothers, he’s not going to hound the MC with questions.
They tell him they want to stay and he’s like “yeah I sure hope you would. No sense in going back to the human would to stay shut inside all day. You’ll become the human version of Levi.”
Masterlist 2
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slytherinbangchan · 4 years
College Tutor! Hyunjin (Nerdy HJ- Requested)
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Blog's Masterlist
Warnings: Smut, corruption kink, sub Hyunjin.
Pairing: Hyunjin x Fem Reader.
Word count: 2.7k
You've been failing so much in college lately. Honestly you should just stop partying and focus on studying for a while but that's so boring and almost impossible for you to do. It's not like you haven't tried but you end up sleeping and mainly binge watching stuff til the next party.
And now here you are at the library looking for a seat. You sigh and look around before sitting right in front of Hyunjin. You know him from some classes where he's always there before anyone else in the mornings sitting in the front row. Someone told you a while ago he had a crush on you but he's probably over it by now.
You watch Hyunjin for a while as he takes notes. He looks nice today. You never paid that much attention to him before but doing anything but studying is good enough for you and in this case your attention is all over him right now.
You're biting on your pen when he looks up into your eyes and you smile. 'Did you need anything?' He ask with a sober tone and you chuckle softly. 'No, but I can't focus'. You say and he sighs. 'You just got here, it's impossible you're already tired'. He says as he keeps writing down stuff. 'I know, I can never focus no matter how hard I try'. You inform him and he scoffs as he smiles. 'But you're not dumb at all as some people say. Sounds like ADHD to me'. He says looking at you for a second before re-reading what he just wrote. You smirk. 'How do you know I'm not dumb? Maybe I am'. He looks up and fixes his glasses delicately with a finger. 'Well, some time ago right before an exam, you told one of your friends you didn't even take a look at what we had to study for the test and asked him to explain it to you. He had like 8 minutes to explain everything and still you got almost the highest score'. He says and you chuckle. 'Ah, right. Guess that's the only thing that works for me'. You say but he just keeps writing.
'Hyunjin'. You call him but he doesn't look at you this time. He knows what's coming next. 'Can you tutor me?' You ask and he scoffs as he smiles. 'You think I have time for that?' You frown. 'C'mooon. You're my last chance to survive the academic part of college'. You say then move to sit next to him. Your hand is on his thigh now as you whisper to him. 'Pretty please Hyunjinnie'. You pout. You squeeze his thigh and he suddenly blushes and closes all his books nervously. 'O-Okay'. He says. ‘Really??’ You ask and he nods. 'But you have to respect my schedule'. You smile and hug him happily. 'Of course. Whenever you’re free just text me okay?' You say and he blushes even more as he puts some books over his lap. ‘Yeah, just... Go now. I’ll see you later’. He says as he keeps putting stuff over his lap. You wonder what’s going on with him suddenly but decide not to think much of it.
Anyway you leave the library and head to the dorms. A bit later you receive a text from Hyunjin informing you that he's free tonight at 10pm. It's a bit late in your opinion but you promised you'd adapt to him since he's doing you a favour.
You sadly say bye to your roommate who's leaving for a party and take a quick shower before Hyunjin arrives.
He looks so tired when you open the door for him. His books fall from his arms over your desk as you watch him from bed. 'What are you doing there? Come here, you can't study in bed'. He says and you chuckle. 'Oh my, my...' You say as you stand up smiling then take your roommate's chair to sit next to him. 'Is this okay, professor?' You say and he blushes. 'Shut up and please take this seriously'. He says. You bite your lips as you feel some kind of electricity running through your body after hearing him. He looks so serious but you can tell he's clearly nervous around you. Just like this morning at the library.
He starts explaining and you try to focus and listen to him but soon you're lost in how his lips are moving, and how his hands hold the pen he's using to point at what he’s reading to you in the book.
He just looks so good and correct and pure and you just want to mess with every part of it.
'Hyunjin, do you have a girlfriend?' You ask out of nowhere and he sighs. 'What are you talking about now? Are you even listening to what I'm saying?' He asks and you smile. 'A boyfriend?' You ignore him and ask again making him blush. 'I'm not dating anyone. Why do you care anyway? You wanna joke about it later with your popular friends?' He asks still blushing and you smile as you softly comb his hair with your fingers, then you lean over him and wait for a moment just cms away from his lips before kissing him.
At first he's a bit clumsy and doesn't know what to do with his tongue so you pull away. 'Hyunjin, was that your first kiss?' You ask and he blushes. 'Y-Yes'. He says and you bite your lips trying to hide your excitement. 'Mm, I see. Should I kiss you again?' You ask and he nods. 'Okay follow my lead then'. You say and he nods again right before your lips collide a second time. He's moaning into the kiss after a while making your heart race at how whiny he is already.
You leave a trail of kisses and bites all the way from his lips to his collarbone then you take a look to his crotch. 'This must hurt huh?' You ask as you poke his hard cock over his pants and he blushes even more. 'Should we move to my bed?' You say as you stand up but he doesn't move. 'Are you okay?' You ask and he looks away a bit embarrassed. 'Sorry y/n. I don't think I'm ready for that yet'. He says and your heart skips a beat. You have practically heart eyes right now. He looks so cute and innocent. You have to bite your lips not to squeal. You want to take that innocence away and make him your dirty lil toy.
But for now you tilt your head as you smile. 'That's fine sweetie. Don't you want to keep kissing a bit longer though?' You ask and he looks at the books for a second feeling guilty about you missing your tutoring hour before shyly standing up and joining you in bed.
You kiss him as soon as he's there and leave some love bites on his neck. Then your roommate appears. 'Oh, this is what you call studying y/n?' She laughs making Hyunjin blush again but you laugh it off too. 'Shut up. Why are you back? Go to that party'. You say and she chuckles. 'Yeah I'm just here to change my dress. Someone spilled a drink on it'. She says as she changes her dress right there. Hyunjin blushes even more as he looks away from your friend and you chuckle before kissing him. 'You're so cute'. You say and your friend says bye but you don't care. You're too focussed on Hyunjin. 'A-Am I?' He asks and you nod. 'Yes, yes you are love. Would you be my cute little toy? I want you to be mine so bad'. You say. 'Y-You do? But I'm a virgin... I have no experience at all...' He says and you kiss him. 'Mhm~ I'll teach you everything you need to know'. You say then peck his cheek. 'How does that sound, love? It's okay if you don't want to though' . You say as you softly caress his face and he kisses you before answering. 'Yes... I want to.. Please play with me all you want from now on'.
Days pass and you promised Hyunjin you would take your tutoring hours seriously after that night so you try your best to do so. You're more distracted than ever in classes though. Your eyes drift to him so many times without you even noticing. But he's so cute and handsome. Your mind goes wild thinking of all the ways you wanna mess with him in bed. You can't believe you never noticed him before.
And you're having so much fun with him. Pushing him inside empty classrooms just to make out, and he gets so blushy and needy. It makes your heart flutter.
The class ends and you go say hi to him. 'Will I see you tonight?' You ask and he nods. Then he holds your hand to take you to a quieter place. 'So... I was thinking. Maybe we could do it tonight?' He says. 'Yeah?' You smile and he simply nods. 'Sure'. You say and he sweetely smiles. 'Okay, do you mind if we do it in my room though? My roommate is leaving for the weekend so we'll be completely alone'. He says and you agree then he pecks your lips before leaving.
The rest of your day flies after those news and soon you're standing right in front of his room.
He opens the door and blushes lightly as soon as he sees you. 'You look so beautiful y/n'. He says and you peck his lips. 'You look hot'. You reply and he laughs. 'Thank you. I took off my glasses'. He says, pointing at his eyes. Making your heart flutter at how cute he is. He locks the door and you sit on his bed. 'Come here'. You call him and he sits right besides you. You can tell he's nervous so you smile and kiss him softly.
Your hands travel down to his crotch after a bit to palm him as you kiss. At first he gets a bit startled when he notices your hand cause he's shy but you quiet him down. 'It's okay, you don't have to be shy around me'. You say with a sweet tone and he keeps kissing you.
A bit later you unzip his pants and get your hand under his boxers to pump him. He's blushing so hard. His tip is leaking precum so you take a look at his blushing face before you start kissing and nibbling on his neck. His eyes are closed now as you do so then you take one of his hands and place it over his length. 'Show me how you do it'. You whisper on his ear and he looks at you with pleading eyes. 'B-But...it's embarrassing...' He says and your heart skips a beat. 'Yes, it is baby'. You say then lick his cheek before biting it lightly making him groan softly. Your hand over his so he would start moving it. 'C'mon, let me see how you like to be touched'. You whisper to him again and he closes his eyes as he does what you asked. His cheeks must feel so hot with all that blushing.
You climb his neck with your mouth and nib on his earlobe before whispering again. 'Jinnie~ When you act dirty my heart beats faster'. You say and he lets out a moan. You chuckle softly and kiss him. There’s a lot of sloppy kisses. He's so into everything that's happening right now he doesn't even notice your hand helping him out again at first. 'I-I'm gonna cum..' He says and you smile as you comb his hair with your fingers out of his beautiful face. His lips yearning for yours as he feels his release so close so you kiss him, then you feel the warmth of his seed over your hand as he moans on the kiss. You bite his lips as he keeps moaning then peck his cheek. 'So cute'. You say as you stroke his hair and peck his nose. His chest going up and down as he tries to catch his breath.
You sit astride him and take off your top, then you take his hands on yours and guide them to your boobs. He blushes again as soon as you place them there but you make him squeeze them and tell him to do whatever he feels like with them. And even when he started off shyly, soon enough your bra becomes a nuisance for him and he needs to get rid of it.
You chuckle softly as you unclasp it and throw it away from him. And he hugs you to bury his head between your tits. Nibbling all over. Making your heart race once more.
Soon you can feel his dick getting hard again so you guide his chin with your finger so he looks at you. 'Are you ready, love?' You ask and he nods so you peck his lips before standing for a moment to get rid of your panties. 'You have any condoms?' You ask and you can see the panic in his eyes for a second so you chuckle. 'It's fine, I brought some'. You say and look for them in your bag then go back to him. 'I think it's better you sit against the headboard'. You say and he moves instantly.
You climb on bed and sit astride Hyunjin again while you unwrap the condom then pump his cock a bit before placing it slowly. He shyly looks at you and you smile before kissing him as you grind a bit against his tip getting it wet with your juices. You stop kissing him only to see his face as his length stretches you out slowly. He feels the sweet pressure of your walls around his hard cock, making his eyes shine with expectation. 'S-So tight' He says and you smile. 'That's cause you're so big, baby'. You tell him and his dick twitches inside you.
He places his hands on your hips and you start moving up and down slowly at first but you pick up the pace as you find your sweet spot. 'Y/n... W-Wait...' He says. You moan in his ear and he throws his head back. 'F-Fuck...' He groans and you feel him getting soft after a bit so you stop. 'You came?' You ask and he nods embarrassed so you caress his face softly. 'It's okay. We can try again in a bit if you want'. You kiss him. 'Yes. I want to cum with you'. He says as he pouts and your heart flutters once again.
You've been kissing for a while now, both of you lying down. You took his hand and taught him some tricks to make you feel good down there and so far he's doing great but you want to cum with him so you stop Hyunjin from what he's doing and make him some room between your legs. 'Come here, it's time for the most vanilla position of all'. You say and he chuckles. You're both pretty aroused after all that touching so he slips inside you as soon as the condom is on. You moan softly as he moves faster. And it's so hot in that room... He's sweating so much.
You comb his long black hair back with both your hands to see his face better and he leans over you to kiss. It’s not like you were talking much before but now it's all grunts and pants and moans.
His head is resting on the crook of your neck now as he catches his breath for a bit. You peck his cheek and pat his butt softly. 'Let's change baby, I'm getting close'. You say, then you turn around and wiggle your butt at him as you smile.
He chuckles and stops your movements with his hands on your hips then he leaves a kiss on your lower back. 'C'moon'. You whine even if that was the cutest thing ever and he rubs his tip on your slit as he looks for your entrance.
He thinks his view couldn't get any better as he sees his cock sliding in and out of you. And for you, he's hitting all the right places so you wouldn't complain either. You grasp on the bed sheets as he picks up the pace. You're feeling so good right now your moans won't even leave your mouth. 'I-I'm gonna cum y/n... S-Sorry'. He says just when you feel your high aproaching. 'Yes...' You moan out, as the only thing you manage to say, and he moves even faster releasing just a moment later. His sweet groans filling the room along with yours.
He lies on bed after getting rid of the condom and you lie next to him. He's out of breath but so are you. He smiles and you wipe the sweat off his cheeks and forehead with your thumb then kiss him softly. A bunch of sloppy kisses come after that but no words.
Just you and him and kisses.
Part 2
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suometar · 3 years
Indeed, we all have faced the issue of non-functional links. It's inconvenient in daily life, but it has more significant concequences than we ever thought of.
This article made me really understand for the first time how valuable printed information actually is and WHY we should get back into printing books as soon as possible.
Because as a ton of information is stored only online and no more in printed format, it is easy to get rid of it just by breaking the link that used to work. This happens in most cases simply by accident. But not always.
Views on this post are based on my experience as a professional web designer since early 2000's.
URL structures are renewed (and thus broken) usually when a website is renewed or updated to meet modern standards. It is very destructive especially when the whole content management system (CMS) is changed. Usually it means that the whole way the system handles the content changes and with it the url structure.
For example that the old url domain.com/articles might after the update be domain.com/blog instead. When this happens - poof - all your old urls are all gone - even though the content might still exist.
What makes url changes bad is that the old urls are still linked to from other websites. Thus all references from outside the website get broken and the information is no longer accessible from outside the website itself. This is unless the website owner makes sure the old urls are redirected to the new ones (when you type domain.com/articles to your browser you're redirected automatically to domain.com/blog)
In most cases the url change is an uninteted consequence the organisation doesn't recognise during the renewal process.
It can also be deliberate. This however isn't always just url changes but something far more malicious.
The most vunerable content of all is the information that keeps our societies together, allows its development and last but not least allows freedom of thought and speech. These would be for example legal documentation and scientific research and access to information that you can use to educate you and allows you to make educated conclusions of the world.
All of this is mostly influenced by the way we nowadays find it. Come in Google.
Google is deliberately using algorithms that chooses the content you find. In most cases it actually offers you the information that is current and fits your search terms.
Unless the search terms are somehow controversial. Suddenly the given results on the first pages at least are no longer impartial but instead the kind of content Google WANTS you to see. This is directly affected by Google being a business instead of impartial search engine devoted to sharing and finding the information you in fact are looking for.
That is one thing.
But another is that Google is deliberately removing information from its search index (the database they use to crawl and quickly retrieve online content to respond to the search terms). Yes, in most cases this is information that is right to be removed, such as child porn. Unfortunately they also remove content, such as legal and controversial scientific content, based on court orders.
And as we all know, everything that is online can be very easily forged. This opinion post on Washington Post tells about a case where court ordered an online service (Yelp) to remove a business review by a client. Unfortunately the lawsuit was apparently made by someone else than the business itself (though in their name).
While that case is not directly related to Google the Lumen project (which is dedicated in listing of online removal requests) lists several similar requests made directly to Google and to other online services. In 2016 a researcher found out that in fact a large number of the requests were outright Photoshop forgeries.
The online services have a hard time in knowing what is in fact real order and what is not. And THIS is what makes the removal based on requests problematic.
It gives the opportunity to forge a removal order to basically anyone who thinks some information should be removed for ANY reason. Google or Bing don't ask the court directly if the documentation is correct but instead they trust the filer of the request to be honest in their request.
We trust search engines to give us the correct information. That is basic trust people have developed towards search engines - because they USED TO BE trustworthy. They weren't maximazing profits but instead actually interested in helping information sharing.
Free and unlimited information sharing is the core on which the whole internet was built on.
If anyone can say that this or that content is solely in my opinion bad or unwanted and I want it removed from search engine, this severely disrupts information being freely available to those who seek it.
Thus it crumbles the whole basis of the internet.
With outdated and broken links:
Most likely the place where the broken link is covers a certain topic. Use the topic and any references you have on that place to the broken link source and search it with a search engine. Most likely the information IS still online - the old links to it just aren't working anymore.
Yes, it takes time and effort. But nothing worth doing is EASY. We just have unfortunately forgotten that.
To find the information you need a trustworthy search engine:
To do the research the most effective thing you can do is to either
Change your primary search engine to an independent and open sourced one - such as DuckDuckGo.com that doesn't decide for you what information you should find, OR
Start comparing the results of both Google AND of an independed search engine, - such as before mentioned - then read the results, and make up your mind about the subject.
As mentioned, none of this ia EASY to do. But we need to take responsibility on how we view the world AND that we stay educated.
Printed books have been the way to preserve and relay information throughout generations for thousands of years. The format is superior: as long as it's stored in a dry and cool place and printed/written on proper paper it is usable even after a very long time. To use it doesn't require anything else but the ablity to read the characters and some light to be able to see the text - or images.
But the books aren't valuable as itself unless you find the ones you're seeking for. You need a library system and caretakers for the information - librarians.
Both of these combined you have an equivalent to a search engine - but in physical format. In the format that information has been stored and shared until this day.
When the information is solely online it is constantly vulnerable to significant threats:
losing electricity
losing the links to the content
curation of information flow based on profit calculations
the whims of someone who thinks it's wrong information and shouldn't be available.
Simply a worldwide electricity disruption - caused for example by a powerful emp or a solar flare - can make finding information online impossible and at worst, destroy it.
Yes, printed books can be burned. But when enough books are distributed worldwide the information remains physically somewhere.
And that is where printed books are far superior to anything that is stored online.
The search for the information might be far more difficult with printed books but at least it's always somewhere and at least some of it remains. It is not undestructable but you can always copy them.
Saving the information and stories in physical format has been done since humans developed the skill to relay information by drawing and later by writing. A lot of it all is still available today.
If online sources are destroyed or made impossible to find we have nothing.
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I’ve always had tendencies I just started doing it properly mid 2020
Yes, i was dragged to a pediatrician and it was hell
Ana, I never had binge tendencies when i was properly starving 
Almond milk, cappuccinos, black coffee, (prefferably warm) watermelon 5 gum, Tea, low cal yoghurt, berries, cottage cheese. not much else 
I wanna get back down to 40 - 43 but for now i’m focusing on 45. currently sitting at 50 - 51
Forced recovery
Pasta, White breads, Walnuts, Sweets, Pizza, Tahini, Oil, Pastry’s, Pad Thai, Wraps, Any milk that’s not almond, Macadamia nuts, Trail mix, Bars, “Protein” or “Gym snacks”, Liquids over 50 cals - besides chocolate milk, obvi, that shits the nectar of the Gods
When we went into lock down my weight dropped and i changed my diet to eating a little in the morning and a little at night and it broke my plateau, so i guess variety helps keep things moving
BOSS coffee. It’s just a branded, canned iced coffee. I get the middle one cause it’s the perfect balance of sweet but still tastes like coffee, I have a literal shrine shelf that’s just crammed with empty cans.
last time i checked 159 cm
We were vegan for a bit then vegetarian now my parents are keto and its kinda annoying cause they dont shut up about diet, but i know they're just trying to educate me and include me and that its coming from a good place. Personally i don’t have meat often and if i do its a little chicken or mum does something with fish. She’s a great cook btw so it’s hard sometimes lmao
I don’t really count rn but im starting next week with a new diet
Either at school so i don't have to worry or i chew gum at an excessive amount cause it’s not really food, just taste and the action of chewing is calming.
All day then i eat dinner
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cobertaddict · 3 years
Tagged by the lovely @bella-caecilia & the amazing @levinson-mannion thank ya loves 💕
Nickname(s): I don’t really have one, I'm not into nicknames really. Occasionally my friends call me Kar Kar (relating to my first name), but only jokingly or to annoy me lol
Zodiac: Pisces! :)
Height: 5′ 2.5 / 158.75 cm *yes, that 0.5 matters to me because I’m short lol
Last movie I watched: The Incredibles, I’m currently on a Disney movie binge to relive my childhood... Edna Mode is such a ✨icon✨
Last thing I googled: turpitude definition *it means wickedness for those who are curious lol
Favorite musician(s): I haven’t really got into a single artist per se, I’m more into bands I suppose. I do enjoy Alex Turner’s lyrical writing tho, and of course I love Arctic Monkeys. Another band I love is Alt-J, which just released a new song today, so I guess I’ll be listening to that all day :)
Song stuck in my head: U&Me by Alt-J 😂, especially the lyrics at the end of the song
Other blogs: I do have two other blogs out there, but unfortunately I do not remember the names of them. I created them when I was younger (one in middle school & the other when I was a freshman in high school), they’re were just blogs of my general interests
Blogs following: 37
Amount of Sleep: On average, about 7 hours
Lucky number: 5
What I’m wearing: a navy polo shirt with khaki shorts
Dream job: History professor... but I might change it to something that includes more writing, I got into creative writing (nonfiction) recently & have a professor mentoring me a bit in that department. I guess we’ll have to wait and see :)
Dream trip: hmm... perhaps London. I think it be fun to visit and see its historical sites/ monuments & such, plus I wouldn’t mind the cold weather :)
Languages: English, very little Spanish & German. I am a bit better at speaking German tho, but still nowhere near proficient or fluent
Favorite food: a good ol’ medium rare steak :)
Do I play an instrument: nope. I’m talentless 🙃
Favorite song: currently it’s Piledriver Waltz by Alex Turner 
Random Fact: I know a lot about JFK 🙈. I’m talking about general information, family history, useless facts, random fun facts, his achievements, his flaws (there’s a lot, trust me I’m aware he’s no saint lol)... almost everything there is to know about the guy 😂. Why JFK you may ask? Well, it’s a long and weird story that only a small handful of people in my private life know, and I intend on keeping it that way lol. I’ve been reading/ researching about him since I was about 12 years old and I am now 20. There’s very seldom things I’m confident about myself, but one thing I am confident in is my knowledge about JFK 😂. I bet if I went to the JFK Presidential Library, I could get a job on the spot as a tour guide because how much I know lol. I don’t exactly look up to him, but I can definitely see how many consider him an icon. In a way, I guess you can say I fell for that Kennedy charm 😂
Tagging: @downton-bridgerton, @dreamsalones, @ohtobealady *no pressure if you don’t want to :)
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xxsiro · 3 years
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cant sleep nd no one will rlly see it here so
1) 44.3kg / 160 cm
2) i wish i was atleast 165 it would give me a longer torso and legs </3
3) thigh gap arms waist ribs everything
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4) ig hair loss? or getting tubed nd binging? i wouldn’t mind passing out or jot gettjng my period idc let me rot to death
5) i could go on about this forever. i want to feel my bones move hnder my skin i want ppl to think she looks deadly i want my bones to hurt i want to look in the mirror and think i am my own thinspo
6) ive been tryjng to stop binging and only binged 2-3 times this month and ik i binge because i lose all control and its the most shitty thing in the world
7) my mom dad and brother have all called me skinny and said i lost a lot of weight. my mom keeps telling me i need to eat more and tells me her seeing me this skinny makes her sad. i dont think they know i have an ed but ig theyre sus? ive always been a normal skinny so its not too consering.
8) god i bearly work out but i try to jump on my trampoline for atleast 5 min. do arm workouts w weights. then sit ups, squats, crunches, russian twists, hip thusts, leg lifts. it depends how im feeling that day and its unsally no more then probably 10 min a day.
9) my mom hugs my waist and tells me there is nothing left of me but thats a compliment to me lol
10) sweets!!! i have such a big sweet tooth and i bake A Lot so its rlly hard to resist
11) kpopthinspo acct on twt just because they put stats sometimes
12) a lot of lettuce and cucumbers but other then that it changes a lot because we eat family meals and its hard to control what im eating that day.
13) fasting binging and eatinf less then 700 cals is not healthy so no
14) 39kgs but i might lower it to 35kgs and hopefully sometime in february
15) i rlly want to go vegiterian so ive been slowly cutting some meat out of my diet. and yes its helped becausebi cab skip meals w the excuse of being vegetarian
16) ive always been self conscious and had a bad relationship w food but i rlly started counting my calories and trying to lose weight around fall
17) not diagnosed but probably ednos if i lose my period i would say ana
18) home cooked meals and sweets
19) i think over two months ago i don’t remember
20) dont have one i just restrict
21) xs-xl ill wear anything
22) at my lowest weight rn
23) troll/gore/sh twt rlly introduced me to thinspo so ya
24) i think all of us r a little pro but its just because we’re so disordered so i dont rlly like them ig?
25) i used to purge like crazy two years ago but i cant rlly anymore. last time i did successfully was in november i just get claustrophobic and cant for some reason :/
26) being so skinny it makes ppl turn heads , feeling light
27) i cook a lot so im pretty good especially when im fasting but when i work (i work at a icecream shop) its terrible because we have so many sweets i usually binge
28) yes bc it looks pretty
29) its non linear nd it rlly depends
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xcziel · 3 years
get to know me
tagged by @vishcount (thank you!!) and i'll follow her format bc making two posts seems a little much - i'm not that interesting!!
(hilariously, this post shows up as blocked for me bc of the tag 'joker' which? tumblr?????)
Part I
name: i'm an internet old, so i never use my real name online, mainly because it's spelled in a very unique way (thanks mom & dad) - i mean like, if you googled it you could find my home address in a few seconds kind of unique - but also, though i do enjoy the spelling, i actually don't like it very much when it's said out loud? (is it weird that my name written down is 'me', but my name aloud has never felt like 'me'?) always wanted a nickname but never acquired one :/
at any rate, i've had the username xcziel forever and i go by that 😊 (pronounced ex-SEE-zee-el, similar to etc. or ex-SET-er-ah! thanks @xia-xueyi for pointing out that it can be confusing to guess!)
rest behind a cut because it got long!
pronouns: she/her
star sign: i don't ... really *do* astrology? but technically saggitarius
height: 5'4" (162.5cm for the intl folks)
time: 5:43pm but these thing take me forever to type out so ... ???
birthday: playing the 'internet old' card again .. but it floats around american Thanksgiving depending on the year
nationality: american
fave bands/groups/solo artists: lumping these together because i just .. don't really do music much anymore. if you had asked me this back in my 20s i'm sure i would have had all kinds of opinions and things to share, but these days i actually mostly prefer to listen music from when i was a kid. part of it is also that as an old, i prefer to buy my music, even digitally, and i don't really use spotify - which does so much to enable diverse music exploration i admit! but i mostly have earplugs in all the time and music does not work for me as background noise, so...
so i guess my answer would be 70s disco and classic rock and 80s new wave artists? i've never liked any artist's entire discography and prefer greatest hits-type compilations, but i guess duran duran and def leppard and depeche mode would be considered formative? i love new order but specifically late 80s new order, NOT joy division. the only concert t-shirt i've ever worn was the cult? i loved sonic temple but i can't listen to most of it anymore though i still adore love removal machine. i think maybe if you get old enough, for some of us there's TOO MUCH good music and we can't pare it down anymore
song stuck in your head: jamiroquai's canned heat
last movie you watched: re: the above, i re-watched center stage, the 2000 one with zoe saldana and the mandy moore soundtrack, bc it's a happy comfort movie and i just got a digital version
last show you binged: i can't really "binge" very often bc after a couple of hours i need a break, so i guess i'd say the tgcf donghua on netflix since it was short enough to get through all in one go
when you created your blog: in 2012 i stopped lurking so i could post about the avengers movie
the last thing you googled: 5'4" in cm? lol before that it was chinese wrapped street food
other blogs: everything is here! i discovered i compartmentalize about as well as i tag reliably (😓) but i do have several automated ao3feed-tag style sideblogs. and i did, very briefly, have a *winces* hockey sideblog too
why i chose my url: ooh i know i've done this before, sorry if it's repetitive, basically it was the username i picked back when my family first got aol: short, unique combo of letters - 14-year-old me really thought about it! and then it wouldn't let me use anything other than my name. thirty-some-odd years later, trying to come up with a livejournal username that wasn't already taken and getting fed up, i plugged it in and went: good enough!
how many people are you following: like 760-something last i checked? although many, many, many of them are deactivated
how many followers do you have: idk i don't like looking at that stuff, but way fewer than i am following
average hours of sleep: it varies too much day by day, my sleep schedule is too wonky, i have no idea what the average would be
lucky numbers: 7? cliché i know, and again not really buying into it, but somewhere in my hindbrain i like it that my first, middle, and last names all have seven letters
instruments: none. i like singing
what i'm currently wearing: giant black t-shirt and baggy black drawstring shorts, standard sitting around the house gear
dream job: don't have one. if i did it would give me something to be working towards *sigh* this is how you end up in retail for decades, kids! but also, to quote a random post i saw in true tumblr fashion "i simply do not dream of labor"
dream trip: covered this one before but: back to the uk and some railway daytrips, or a really fancy northern cruise, atlantic/pacific either one
fave food: uhhh, don't really have a favorite but i'm almost always in the mood for pizza
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: none really, if i had to still be me..maybe some kind of actually utopian future? but the pandemic has confirmed for me that i do NOT like living in interesting times, so most fictional story universes are RIGHT out. my favorites to read about like discworld or diana wynne jones' worlds would be way to chaotic for my comfort. possibly diane duane's young wizards universe would be safe enough to be okay?
Part II
last song: watching center stage made me think of my dance playlist so sunrise by simply red
last movielast stream: i don't watch streams or youtube often, so it was the same as you, vish! liu chang's birthday stream was SO enjoyable i screenrecorded the entire thing just so i could play it back (and maybe gif sometime if i ever get the drive to actually do it)
currently reading: well i just finished the translated quan qiu gao kao or global university entrance exam novel, which was sparked purely from catching a single rec post here on tumblr and basically just *falling* into this 166 chapter epic that is *amazing* and not coming up for air until i got to the end, which is typical novel-reading behavior for me (yes i was the kid who read through lunch period and got hassled by people who kept pestering me with "what're you reading" questions and yes i realize probably a lot of you on tumblr were too) plus, the new murderbot novel is out tomorrow!!!!! so that'll be where i end up next!
currently watching: the entire dmbj verse (that i can get my hands on) but ... sporadically and stopping at random different parts because the thing is ... this type of show is not really the kind i enjoy so much? so since it's more for "research" and learning character arcs (and let's be honest: shots of liu sang), etc. it's easy to get distracted by other stuff. i'm also watching the sleuth of the ming dynasty, mr queen, bromance, the expanse, re-watching farscape and stargate sg-1, just finished the falcon and the winter soldier, and then anytime something new and short gets introduced it jumps the queue. there are just. so. many. things. to. watch! (now i have to look into anti-fraud league too!? you all are cruel ...)
what is antipoetry to you: i ... don't really think much about poetry? i know what i prefer is usually the more basic rhymed kind like lewis carroll, emily dickinson, poe, coleridge, etc. so i suppose i don't have much use for classifying non-rhyming verse? i can appreciate stuff like rupi kaur which i guess would qualify? or that william carlos williams plums poem? but it doesn't really stick with me the way lyric-like verse does
currently craving: i never know what exactly this is meant to be in reference to ... hmmm, i would love a new high-concept, high production-quality movie like say, pacific rim, to be released, just for that massive, excited energy that comes with something new that hasn't already got tons of disappointing or conflicting history behind it - that would be so fun!!
other than that, right now, i mostly kinda want some fried fish? but that will have to wait until i go to get my second vaccine shot on wednesday since it's on the way there. i'd also like my internal body parts to settle down and fly right but it's been more than a month and they don't seem inclined :(((( maybe once i'm fully vaxxed i'll think about consulting somebody about it
tagging @foxofninetales @xia-xueyi @momosandlemonsoda @memorydragon @thewindsofsong @elvencantation @mylastbraincql @hesayshesgotboyfriend @aurawolfgirl2000 @smaragdine-galaxy and anyone who wants to! but never feel obligated and if you don't get around to it for like half a year that's totally fine, i am still interested!!!
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