lorelbunny 1 month
Literally me how am i battling fucking Anorexia and Obesity at the same time.
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lorelbunny 1 month
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Day 1:
- 90kg 162cm
- DIAGNOSED anaroxia/bulimia
- i do not like my height i want to be shorter
Day 3:
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Seeing this changed my brain chemistry. This is what i looked like before i recovered and now that I've relapsed this is all that i want. Im obsessed with looking petite again and they way i used to be treated when i was petite. I feel like i was loveable instead of fuckable but now im just fuckable.
Day 4: lose skin because of how much i gained in recovery
Day 5: kinda explaine in day 3
Day 6: no i just tend to purge
Day 7: no i dont live with them anymore but they helped cause my ed so probably not
Day 8: walk around 20k steps
Day 9: yes always family tho
Day 10: eating obviously duh
Day 11: n/a
Day 12:
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Day 13: unhealthy obviously this is a disorder not a silly liet diet
Day 14: 40kg probably by jan
Day 15: No.
Day 16: when i first became disordered at 12
Day 17: yes ana/mia
Day 18: fucking chocolate 馃挮
Day 19: two weeks ago, omad KFC
Day 20: omad 600-800kcals or 3 day diet coke fast + 1k rest of week
Day 21: L because i decided to recover 馃敨
Day 22: 41kg, forced and then voluntary recovery
Day 23: no mostly family influence
Day 24: i hate them. I am proana/mia for myself only but i wouldn't wish this on anyone, especially being at a higher weight or relapsing multiple times etc bc its all you think about. The fact that wheter i attempt depends on a NUMBER is sick 馃槶 even after you recover it never goes away.
Day 25: Yes i dont remember the first time i just remembered last time i almost choked and i haven't purged in like 3 weeks
Day 26: looking like what i used to look like. Exposed collarbones, being fucking tiny, my thigh gap most of all.
Day 27: fasting, diet coke, gum and only omading towards the end of the day otherwise i will binge
Day 28: yes i want my fucking thigh gap back so bad 馃槶
Day 29: petite, blush.
Day 30: 87.5kg 162 cm
Still dx
I love pink
I wish i could be a bunny
Im genderfluid & use she/her
Im sapphic
I am LITERALLY a princess
I am the embodiment of autism (fr)
I love the sea
There's a bug in my room rn please send help 鈽狅笍
Not fat or anything phobic if you are please leave me alone
Idk 馃槶
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lorelbunny 1 month
Today's intake
Eggs x3 = 216 kcals
Ramen noodles x2 = 546 kcals
Cornmeal porridge 212 kcals
I feel so bad cuz i thought each packet was 91 each as it said 100g= 91kcals but turns out it said 100ml and the water added ml 馃槶 i was so mad. Should've only been 600 today.
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