#yeah yeah i’m almost out of high school shush
evablueblanket · 4 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog ! (you don’t need to answer if you don’t want to!)
1. I’m not really a dog person. I’ve had a few family dogs in my life and they’re just way more affectionate than I prefer. Never had a cat bc my dads allergic and also he just hates them for some reason
2. I conceptualize life as games. For example, education (the US eduction system at least) is a long game of memory. The test at the end is just to see how much you can retain/hoe good of a test taker you are, it’s nots an accurate depiction of how much knowledge one has. This is just a silly way for me to get through life, I don’t take it too seriously, I don’t wanna get into like philosophy debates or something
3. I plan on majoring in Music Education! I’ve talked briefly about how I play Bb Clarinet and Bass Clarinet and how band is like super important so that’s kinda where it came from. If I had a choice, I would be solely music performance, but job security says music ed is better. I solemnly swear I will not screw over the people I teach just because I would rather perform music than teach it though
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abiiors · 4 months
promises to keep // matty healy x reader
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valentine's week - day 4: promises to keep
a/n: four times he keeps his promises and the one time he doesn't. that's it, that's the fic. cw: a whole lot of teenage yearning, mentions of high school bullying. worm??? wc: 4.8k
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matty’s ten when she first barrels into his life like a little storm cloud. 
they’re both at his mum’s overly fancy christmas party—matty’s fuming the whole time, wrinkling his nose in disgust at everything because he’s ten and quite frankly a little shit. his mum wants him inside, being a good boy for the guests. 
his gran wants him to serenade them with old frank sinatra songs. 
and matty just wants to go outside and play in the snow. it’s a rare white christmas—the snow doesn’t usually stick until late january but this year it’s thick and powdery and so fluffy white that he constantly keeps running to the windows to press his little face against them. 
the party’s boring! everywhere he looks there are grown ups laughing at grown up jokes that he has no interest in, so matty takes his chance and sneaks away again, running to his preferred window. when he turns the corner, someone’s already there, pressing their face against the window just like he had. 
matty realises it’s a girl. she looks about his age, maybe a bit younger, but he’s never seen her before. on the one hand, she’s the first (and perhaps the only) person at the party who’s his age. on the other hand, she’s a girl. 
when his footsteps falter, she turns to look at him. 
“who are you?” she asks, nose turned up like she owns the place. matty’s eyes narrow. 
“who are you?” and then his eyes move to the palm of her hand that’s cupping something, something that looks suspiciously like a— “is that a snake?”
he screeches and she scrambles to shush him. 
“he’s not a snake! he’s a worm,” she snaps back quickly. “and can you not be so loud? i don’t need my mum to know.”
“why not?”
“oh,” her cheeks redden and she shields the worm away with her other hand, almost protective. matty wants to smile. “well, my mum says bug can’t come with us to parties.”
“bug? i thought you said he was a worm.”
she rolls her eyes like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. then she presents the wriggly thing in front of him, beaming and proud. “his name is bug, silly!”
“bug the worm?” matty drawls. he can’t tell if he’s impressed or not but the worm certainly looks interesting. 
“yeah!” she grins. matty notices her front two teeth are missing. “anyway mum says bug can’t come with us to parties but i didn’t wanna leave him alone at christmas. that’s just mean.”
matty nods. the logic checks out. before he can say anything though she sighs like all the burden of the world is on her shoulders. “i wish we could go outside though. i really wanna play in the snow.”
matty contemplates an idea—he wants to go out in the snow, and so does she. and now that there’s someone else to keep him company, someone who could maybe even be a partner-in-crime, his whole face lights up. 
“let’s go then!”
“can you sneak out or not?” 
she looks absolutely scandalised at the suggestion. the worm raises its head and matty wonders what it’s thinking, if it wants to go outside too. 
“come on!” he whines, “i’m sure bug will love the snow too.”
he can almost see the gears in her head turning then. she looks around them, neck craning to see if there are any adults in sight, ready to catch them and tattle on them. 
“i promise you won’t get in trouble,” he declares and extends his pinkie at her. he tries to look as serious and solemn as possible. she eyes him skeptically for a moment, narrowing her eyes and staring him down. then a mischievous glint enters her eyes, and with a determined nod, she hooks her pinkie around his.
they quietly slip away to the back door. matty leads the way, occasionally checking over his shoulder for any adults. behind him she grins with palpable excitement. the door opens with a little creek and cool air blows in. 
they both shiver and then burst into a fit of giggles. 
they scamper into the snowy yard, trying not to laugh so loud and alert their parents but matty can’t help but gloat about having successfully snuck out. his excitement is infectious though because she joins him too, making snow angels and throwing snowballs at the back of his head. 
she even sets bug down, and matty watches fascinated by the way the worm wriggles through the cold fluff. 
all in all they get five minutes of absolute bliss before he hears his mum’s voice, calling out for him. matty pales. 
“my mum!” he winces and instinctively steps in front of her. “go, go, go!” he almost snaps at her.
“go where?”
“i don’t know, hide or something!” his voice thins and matty almost pushes her behind a big tree in the yard. “i promised i won’t let you get into trouble, didn’t i!”
she’s about to say something but he shushes her again, pulling her to the tree so she’s hidden behind it. 
“i’ll keep the back door open for you,” he whispers and then makes a run for it. 
by the time his mum catches him, looking sheepish and suspiciously damp, matty’s already inside. the door’s almost closed behind him and he wilts unders his mum’s disapproving gaze. 
“matthew…” she sighs. “what did we talk about?”
“i know, i know…” he drags his feet and follows her inside with a grumpy pout on his face. minutes later the girl sneaks back inside, absolutely undetected. 
bug the worm scurries away into the night, makes a run for freedom, but like the snow, their friendship sticks. and so does the name “bug”.
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matty's thirteen when he finds her sniffling in the abandoned girl’s bathroom on the third floor. he’s technically not allowed there but that’s never stopped him before. besides, he knows that’s where she would be if he can’t find her anywhere else. 
“bug?” he calls out tentatively and waits for a response. she sniffles quietly and matty frowns. “you okay in there? can i come in?”
a beat goes by and then she responds with a wobbly “sure.”
when he finally finds her huddled in a cubicle, face red and splotchy, his frown deepens. 
“what’s wrong.”
she turns her face away and loudly blows her nose into some toilet paper. “you won’t get it.” 
matty makes a face at her. “is it about a boy?”
she whips her head at him and gives him an absolutely withering glare. matty tries not to squirm under it but she looks just about done with him and so he sighs and raises his hands in surrender. “i’m sorry, alright? will you please tell me what’s wrong?”
the apology softens her a little but she still looks as devastated as ever. her knees are bunched up to her chest, and she puts her head on them, mumbling something indecipherable. 
“what was that?” he asks and strains his ears more. 
“i got my period!” she snaps and matty’s mouth morphs into an ‘o’. as a teenager, the whole period topic is currently his least favourite. he remembers learning about it in biology, he remembers the mortification and the juvenile giggling and matty shudders. well, almost shudders because another withering glare shuts him right up. like she’s daring him to make another stupid comment. 
“yeah,” she sniffles and blows her nose once again. matty looks at her properly then, at her teary eyes and wobbling chin and all his disgust from a moment before fades into concern. 
“are you…okay?” he asks softly, “do you need something?”
reluctantly, she nods and takes a deep breath before launching into the story. 
“i though my stomach hurt because i ate something weird, you know? i didn’t-i didn’t know… i’ve never… it’s my first time,” she scrunches her eyes shut and matty pats her knee, kind of at a loss for words. “well i didn’t realise i’d stained my trousers until… until suzy chapman from year 8 pointed it out. she was so loud about it too.” her lips quiver again and she dissolves into a fresh round of tears. 
matty sighs. “have you been to the nurse yet? for…i don’t know, whatever you need.”
she shakes her head. “i don’t wanna go out like this, everyone’s going to laugh at me.”
matty’s chest aches at how small her voice sounds. with a fresh round of concern he realises she must be in more pain. he doesn’t know much about periods really, but he knows how his mum can’t really do much for the first day or so every month. so matty shuffles next to her, their knees touching and thighs pressed together. 
“how about i come with you?”
she shoots the idea down instantly. “i’m not leaving till school’s done for the day and everyone’s gone home.”
“bug, that’s four hours away!” his voice rises, tinged with incredulity but she just shakes her head and mumbles a “that’s fine.”
“no it’s not,” he declares. he’s never felt so much indignation in the thirteen years he’s been alive but matty is absolutely determined to make this right. “i promise you no one will make fun of you. they will have to deal with me first.”
she gives him a watery chuckle, more tears leaking that she wipes away quickly. “you’re a twig, matty. you can hardly fight.”
matty feels a warmth in his chest when he finally sees her crack a smile. “i’ll cover you,” he says, “come on, bug. it’s not that far away.”
she uhms and aahs a bit more, trying to make excuses but in the end matty manages to convince her. then he stands, brushes his trousers and extends his hand to her. it takes her another thirty seconds to swallow nervously, but in the end she takes his hand and pulls herself up. 
she’s a bit taller than him, much to his annoyance, but for once matty keeps his mouth shut and motions for her to go ahead, protectively hovering behind her, blocking the stain with his body. he fiercely glares at anyone who so much as looks at her for more than a second. many of the boys in their year whoop at him, some girls roll their eyes but matty pays attention to none of it. 
he sticks to following her around until they reach the nurse’s office. he’s actually quite proud of himself if he’s being honest. 
she hesitates at the door, and matty squeezes her hand reassuringly. “go,” he says. “i’ll be right outside.”
the smile she gives him then is one he’s never seen before—it’s warm and adoring. she looks at him like he really matters. she looks at him like he’s something special. irreplaceable. 
matty shakes his head, ignoring the silly thoughts, and stays put outside. just like he’s promised.
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matty’s sixteen when the list first comes out. it’s a vile little thing—something none of his friends interact with, but the entitled, rich twats pass it around like it’s a designer strain of weed. by now the paper’s quite crumpled, unfolded and refolded several times by grubby hands eager to soak up the gossip and find new targets to bully. 
the list makes its rounds and matty ignores it pointedly each time. 
but his heart sinks when he overhears her name, followed by snickers. his breath catches in his throat when the boys pat each other on the back and shake each other’s hands, cementing some kind of a bet or a deal. 
discomfort coils in his stomach and he pulls out his phone under the desk, shooting her a quick text. 
haven’t seen you today
where are you
he waits for her to respond or even just to read it but she does none of those things. matty shakes his leg restlesly, waiting for the lesson to be over so he can go find her and make sure she’s alright. he’s been on edge since he heard her name being whispered and now he can’t shake the bad feeling that grips. 
“oi!” someone behind him whispers, snapping him out of his thoughts. fingers tap on his shoulders and then he hears a rustle of paper. before he realises it, someone’s slides a piece of paper in his hands. 
it’s even more torn than it was the last time matty saw it—matty almost doesn’t open it, but something catches his eye. his stomach roils, the lesson drags on as usual, and with shaky fingers matty unfolds the list. 
his eyes skim it quickly—hottest arse, hottest tits, easiest fuck—all of it raises his disgust more and more, he’s about to crumple it into a ball and dump it in the bin when the last catagory catches his eye. 
most fuckable virgin. and right in front of it, scrawled in the ugliest handwriting he’s ever seen is her name. 
for a moment, everything falls silent. all he can hear is the sound of blood rushing in his ears, all he can focus on is the way his chest tightens and his vision tinges red. 
then he crumples the list in a ball and shoves everything in his bag. he can hear the teacher falter mid-sentence but matty cannot care less right now. instead he slings his bag on his shoulder and storms out the class, ignoring all the shouts and warnings from the teacher. he knows his mum will get a call but that’s the last thing on his mind right now. 
he pulls his phone out again once he’s far away enough. 
you saw it didn’t you
again, there’s no response. he can’t even go to the third floor bathroom anymore. it’s been long fixed up and put back in use. so matty does the only thing he can think of. he waits until the bell rings, then he pulls george from chemistry, and adam and ross from history. he knows they will have his back no matter what, especially if he’s going to go pick a fight with the entitled, rich fucks. 
i promise i’m going to take care of it
he sends one last text and turns his phone off. then he makes his way to the car park and waits for the bullies to come out. 
the next time matty sees her, she’s absolutely seething with rage. seriously, trembling with rage doesn’t even begin to cover it. 
“you could have been expelled!” she yells, pacing in his room, burning a path in his rug. 
“i know.”
“do you? does george? adam and ross? i cannot believe you got them involved in this matty, seriously?”
“i knowww,” he says again, a bit louder this time but absolutely wilts when she glares his way.
“and you got yourself hurt!”
“well?” she stops in front of him, hands on her hips, frown on her face and matty has no choice but to look up at her. he hates that her eyes are tinged pink, hates that they look puffy and that there are tear stains on her cheeks. 
he hates knowing that the stupid piece of paper made her cry. 
her eyes well up again and her lower lip wobbles. “your hands are bleeding,” she says softly and then marches to his bathroom to get the first aid kit out. 
matty follows her like a lost puppy, mostly because he just wants to be sure she’s okay. but a tiny part of him worries that he’s crossed a line this time. that maybe he should have talked to her first before jumping harry and his gang of bullies in the car park. 
if he’s being technical—they did win the fight. barely. and now he has a black eye, countless scratches and cuts, bleeding knuckles and a nasty, colourful bruise blooming on his ribs. it hurts every time he breathes but matty doesn’t pay it much mind. 
“sit,” she points at the closed toilet seat and he obeys instantly. 
he watches her put the kit down on the sink, wordlessly she grabs antiseptic, ointment, bandages and wipes and sets them out next to each other. she doesn't say anything for a moment, her focus solely on treating his injuries. matty can feel the thick, cloying tension in the room though and he’s too afraid to even clear his throat. 
“i just wanted to make it right…” he whispers. 
she shoots him a look that could cut glass, but she doesn't interrupt his feeble attempt at explanation.
“seriously, love. i didn’t think… i’m sorry.” her hand stills halfway through cleaning his knuckle and matty’s cheeks warm. love. that’s not something he’s called her before, definitely not when she’s standing right between his legs, holding his hand. 
“‘s fine,” she whispers quickly and gets started on the next cut. “i just…worry about you.”
he pointedly ignores the way his chest feels then, the way his skin tingles. instead, he manages a small smile. 
“so we’re good?”
“you’re an idiot,” she shakes her head and smiles. it’s barely there, just a twitch of her lips but matty feels his whole body light up in response. “yeah, matty. we’re good.”
“good,” he gives her a cheeky grin. “because you’re a bit of a shit nurse. bad bedside manners,” he teases and yelps when she pinches his arm.
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matty’s eighteen when his music first feels like a real, serious thing. serious enough to drop out of a levels and take up music as a full time thing. serious enough that he’s been travelling around more and more—hanging around solely with george, ross, and adam. it’s been weeks since he’s properly seen her. 
weeks since they’ve talked on the phone. 
of course, matty knows she’ll be busy studying for exams. she’s so much smarter than he is, has so much potential in her. but he misses her, misses having her around him and scolding him lightly every time he does something impulsive. 
mostly, he just misses hanging out with her. 
you free? he texts, not really expecting a reply but seconds later three dots dance on the screen.
hi matty! 
i will be in a bit. i’m out with mum rn. dress shopping for my birthday 
inwardly, he winces. of course, her birthday’s coming up. not that he’d forgotten about about it but the days have started blurring together recently and he could have sworn it was still about a month until her birthday. not… he checks the date and curses. he certainly didn’t think it would be a week away. 
the dots come back, dancing and dancing and dancing before they disappear. matty tries to think of something to say. 
so when’s the big party? he types and then instantly deletes it. it’s lame, she’s never been one to have a giant birthday party. mostly she just wants to have a nice hangout with her friends and maybe go out to dinner. but she’s turning eighteen in a week and he wonders if this is the year she finally does it—throws a giant rager that is. 
her text comes through a minute later he gets so excited he almost drops his phone. cursing at himself, matty straightens and waits for the second text to come through. 
we’re going out to dinner on saturday. nothing super fancy, just friends. i thought it’d be nice if you could come 
you don’t have to of course
ik how busy you are
it’s fine if you can’t
forget i asked
the last four texts come in rapid fire succession and his frown deepens with each one of them. is that what she thinks of him now? that he won’t even have time for her on such an important day. 
bug, he interrupts her text spree and smiles when the dots die down once again. i’ll be there. i promise
for the longest time, nothing happens—no dots, no texts. then almost like it took a lot of debating to send it, she sends two more texts. 
can’t wait to see you :)
his face splits into a grin as he reads them. and then he stares at the heart for far longer than he cares to admit. 
she squeals when she sees him that saturday, jumping up from her seat and engulfing him in a bear hug the moment he opens his arms. matty laughs and her scent fills his chest. they stay like that for a long time—until her friend’s are looking at them with varying degrees of interest, until he can gather his thoughts. until a server finally clears his throat and points out that they’re quite literally in the middle of the restaurant. 
she blushes and takes his hand, pulling him to their table, and matty settles next to her, mostly just happy to see her beaming and excited. 
“happy birthday, love,” he whispers the first chance he gets and her eyes widen slightly. she mumbles a quick thank you and then spears her pasta, avoiding his eyes. 
throughout dinner, he can't help but steal glances at her. he watches the way her eyes light up when she talks about her plans for the future, about the university courses she's considering. he laughs along with her friends too, and before they know it, they’re scarfing down desserts before her friends hand her birthday gifts one by one. 
matty waits patiently and saves his for last. instead he watches her open them with a look of pure adoration.
at last, he slides the neately wrapped gift in her direction and watches her look at it curiously. 
“go on, then,” he smiles, “open it.”
he laughs when she tries to open it as neately as possible, trying not to rip the paper in the slightest just like she has for all the previous birthdays he’s celebrated with her. 
the paper falls away and eyes widen about as much as the empty dessert plates in front of them. 
“matty!” she gapes, “this is–this–”
“yeah?” he giggles at her reaction and her friends look on in interest. 
“a camera! you got me a camera, holy shit!” 
“i know,” he grins, immensely enjoying how tongue tied she is.  
matty leans back in his chair, looking pleased with himself. “do you like it?”
her eyes shimmer with gratitude, and for a moment matty’s sure she’s gonna cry. then she launches herself at him again, this time wrapping him in a tight hug that lasts longer than before. and matty simply melts into her arms, buries her face into the crook of her neck and smiles at the warmth that spreads through his chest. 
“i love it,” she whispers, “thank you, matty. i mean it. i love it so so much!”
they don’t pull away until one of her friends clears their throat and even then it’s almost impossible for him to let her go. but matty settles back and watches her pull it out. he laughs when she immediately points it at him and the shutter snaps. 
“you’re cute,” she smiles and he wonders if it’s just a trick of the light or if her cheeks really do turn pink then.
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matty’s twenty-one the night he offers her a job. well, it’s more of a summer gig and it’s more because he misses her so much that he can’t get anything right. 
she’s busy with uni and he’s busy with music. but tonight’s a rare night, and they’re both a bit more than tipsy at some house party. that’s another surprise for him—the fact that she parties now. but he likes this side of her. she’s definitely gotten out of her shell more. become more confident in general and lately, every time he’s spoken to her, he’s felt this funny feeling in his chest for hours after. 
“as the band’s official photographer?” she slurs and then giggles. “this is a world tour, is it?” 
“shut up,” he flicks her nose and she scrunches it up adorably. “it’s eight cities in the uk. mostly as openers for other bands. come onnnnnn,” he whines and pouts hoping it would persuade her. 
she presses her finger to her chin and makes a show of thinking hard. matty giggles and smoothes the crease between her brow but she swats him away. 
“on one condition,” she giggles behind her hands. “since we will be around each other constantly for three weeks, sharing hotel rooms—” matty wags his eyebrows, “—and just be joined at the hip in general… you need to promise me something.”
“alright,” he leans forward, chin on his palm, looking at her with interest. the alcohol makes his head spin, her smile wipes it clean of any thoughts. 
“promise me we won’t fall in love like a cheesy rom-com,” she presses her lips together and matty wrinkles his nose. 
“if i was going to fall in love with you bug, it would have happened already.”
“uh-huh,” she arches an eyebrow and matty shakes his head. 
“fine. no cliche rom-com stuff. no falling in love. now say yes… please?”
“fineee,” she makes a show of rolling her eyes but smiles at him fondly. “yes. i’ll be your photographer.”
the first night they share a hotel room, matty feels a pangs in his chest and his brain reminds him of the promise over and over again—no silly little rom-com cliche. they’re better than that. he knows it. but the next morning she wakes up in his arms, limbs tangled together, her hair tickling his face and he can’t help the way his heart skips a beat. she smiles at him sweetly, all sleepy and warm and so precious she might as well be made of glass, and matty’s chest aches like it has never before. 
blink and two weeks melts away. he realises he’s been rather looking forward to coming “home” to her—to their shared hotel room that is. to warmth and music floating through her old laptop and her laughter. his whole body buzzes with an unfamiliar feeling whenever he looks at her—and lately that’s all he seems to be doing whenever she’s editing the day’s photos on her laptop, tongue poking out in concentration, eyebrows furrowed. 
“c’mere”, he pleads when she briefly sets the laptop aside. she looks at him curiously, at the way he just sits on the bed, waiting for her but in the end she gets up and walks up to him to stand between his legs—something she’s done a million times before. yet this time his hands tremble by his sides and he has to resist the urge to place them on her waist.
“you’re pretty,” he says as a matter of fact. it is a fact after all and it earns him a gorgeous grin.
“mm,” he hums and closes his eyes. to matty’s surprise, he feels fingers in his hair, combing through his curls, tugging gently at the ends. “and lately it’s been getting really difficult to not kiss you every time i look at you.”
it’s so bold that her fingers stop moving altogether and for a moment matty think’s he’s fucked up irrevocably, that there’s no going back now. but she’s so close, so enticing. and the next thing he knows, she lowering herself onto his lap, her face inches away from his. 
she smiles at him, and softly caresses his cheek. once or twice her eyes even dip to his lips but he doesn’t dare breathe, or move really. he’s far too scared that even a little movement will shatter the magic holding them together. 
“why haven’t you kissed me then?” she asks and that’s what breaks his restraint.  
her lips are soft on his, so fucking perfect. electricity zings through him at the contact. she kisses him with such reckless abandon that it steals his breath away, makes his heart hammer against his ribcage. and then her fingers tangle themselves into his hair and if matty were to die of shock right now, he couldn’t think of a better way to go. 
i love you he thinks to himself—something that just occurs to him then, hits him like a fucking train but he doesn’t pull back. if anything he kisses her harder and smiles when she gasps into his mouth. 
i love you he thinks again, over and over and over until the thought spreads throughout his whole body. until he can’t help but giggle a little. 
he’s utterly failed his promise, completely decimated it. but out of all the promises he’s kept, this is the one he doesn’t mind breaking. 
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855@beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy@sierraeslaprincesa@harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet@thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername@celestcies @sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @zzzhealy @mattymybeloved @fck-off @indiaamars @sofaritsalrightt @k4tie75 @wondersecret @humptyhoran @indierockgirrl @hanbiior @moreyoulove-moreyouknow @rossgirly @if-my-heart-bleeds @little-lovely-darling @abriefnirvana @renitypoem @sinarainbows @lady-may-targaryen @love4agesss @angrylittlebaldman @oneluckygirl @sinarainbows
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jamdoughnutmagician · 5 months
Cherry on Top (Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader) Fluff
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When the pining between Robin and the cute customer who comes into Scoops Ahoy becomes too much for Steve to bear, he hatches as plan to give them then gentle push they both so desperately need.
Word Count:1,184
Masterlist // Robin Buckley Masterlist
It was just a summer job Robin thought to herself. It's not forever.
Even so, working at Scoops Ahoy wasn't all that bad, sure the uniforms were silly, and slightly scratchy against her skin, the pay wasn't all that much, and sometimes customers were straight up rude. However, despite its ever-stacking list of cons, there were a few pros; such as staff discounts on ice cream, and working alongside Steve Harrington, who had surprisingly grown up a lot since high-school. Proving that he actually wasn't all that bad like she had been led to believe.
However Robin found herself unable to tear her eyes away from the cute customer who came in every Saturday, just to order the same thing she orders every time. One single scoop of chocolate, rainbow sprinkles with a cherry on top. 
Robin watched on from behind the crack in the serving window as the girl's eyes sparkled, and her smile beamed. No doubt laughing at Steve's attempt at flirtatious banter. 
Not that she’d ever tell him, but Robin was jealous of Steve. Jealous of the way the girl's eyes lit up when she looked at him, jealous of the way she laughed at every single one of his stupid jokes. How Steve seemed so effortlessly cool and calm, almost suave, around the girl that made Robin’s heart race annoyed her to no end.
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“Hey Steve!” you cheer as you skip into Scoops ahoy on a hot Saturday afternoon. It was oddly quiet in the parlour today, save for a few people sitting in the booths
“Hey y/n! Same as usual?” he chirps back with his boyish smile.
“You know it!”
“Alright then, one scoop of chocolate, rainbow sprinkles and a cherry coming right up.” he smiles as he twirls his ice-cream scooper around with his fingers.
“So..Uh.. Steve, i-is Robin here today?” you ask him, your voice stuttering slightly with nerves.
“When are you just going to bite the bullet and ask her out already?” 
“Keep your voice down will ‘ya, Harrington, jeez” you whisper-shout as you shush him, looking around to see if anyone heard him.
“What? So you don’t want to take her out on a date and make out with her then?” he teases, as he hands you your ice-cream.
“I didn’t say that…” you drawl out, as you hand Steve over your money.
“Look, you think she’s cute, she thinks you’re cute, I don’t know what more you’re waiting for?” He softly laughs with a shake of his head.
“Wait…Robin thinks I’m cute? Did she say something to you?” you splutter at this revelation.
“Just leave it with me, alright? Think of me as your wing-man.” Steve says all too confidently. 
You eye him slightly, but ultimately decide that trusting him would be in your best interest, especially if it scored you a date with his best friend.
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“I’ve got two tickets to see Footloose, c’mon Rob, don’t you wanna go with me..” Steve pleads down the phone.
Robin rolled her eyes at her friend. She could just see his floppy hair and dumb puppy-dog face in her mind, begging her to go with him.
“You’re actually asking me to go with you to see a musical? Steve, I thought you hated musicals? You told me you hated how unrealistic it was, and that ‘nobody bursts into song like that in real life’.” Robin teases with her impression of Steve. 
“Yeah, I know but you love ‘em, besides I’ve heard good things about this one.”
Robin rolled her eyes at her friend, but she’d already made her mind up that she was going to go, Steve was her best friend, and she’d do anything to make him happy. 
“Alright, what time is the movie?”
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Robin Strolled up to the movie theatre, where Steve was already waiting for her outside.
“Hey! Robin!” Steve waves. “Over here!”
But as Robin got closer she could see the cute girl from the ice cream parlour.
“Hey look who I bumped into.” Steve smirked.
“Hi, Robin!” you wave cheerfully.
“Hey, yourself!” Robin replies, trying her best to play it cool. “So, what are you here to see?” 
“Oh I was just about to buy myself some tickets to see Footloose. Truth be told I have a soft spot for musicals.” you explain.
“Hey, why don’t you just take my ticket?” Steve offers, raising his eyebrows at you. This was his plan all along. He’d told you as much, explaining what was going to happen before he even phoned Robin. He was going to bail at the last minute to give you two some time alone together. It’s not that he didn’t love spending time with Robin, but the way she pined over you was beginning to become unbearable, so Steve took it upon himself, as your wing-man and Robin’s best friend to give you both the push you needed.
Robin looked at her friend like he had two heads. What was he doing leaving her alone with the girl she had been crushing on so badly that she’d barely spoken two whole sentences to her? 
“Oh Steve, you don’t have to do that!” you worry, before he assures that it’s no worries at all. 
“No, honestly, I insist. Dustin called me up earlier, said he needs me to pick him and the rest of the boys up from their little nerd club.”
“Well if you're absolutely sure” you say as you take the ticket Steve offers you.
“You girls go ahead and have fun without me!” He smiles triumphantly. 
Steve goes up to give Robin a hug before leaving, pulling her close enough to whisper in her ear.
“Enjoy your date, Dingus.” Steve whispers, pulling away from the hug with an affectionate smile.
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You and Robin both sit through the movie, a shared bag of hot buttery popcorn sits between you both. Your hands grazing against each other a few times as you both reach for the bag at the same time, with a couple of mumbled apologies whispered to each other in between the music coming from the big screen.
The film draws to a close and you both exit the theatre with match smiles on your faces.
“I-I had a great time hanging out with you today.” Robin mumbles, her eyes looking down at the floor, because if she dared to look you in the eyes she would not be able to speak to you without fumbling over her words.
You tilt her chin up under your fingers, wanting to look at her properly.
You lean in close to her before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek, your lips brushing against her flushed features.
“I had a great time too!” you smile. “Perhaps we can do this again sometime, like a proper date?”
Robin beams at your suggestion, elated that this had gone well enough that you were willing to go on another date with her.
“Yeah, I’d like that. I’d like that a lot, actually.”
Robin was going to have to give Steve the biggest thank you hug ever when she saw him next. 
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@sunnythespookyghost @penguinsandpotterheads @xxhellfirebunnyxx @onegirlmanytales @mrsjellymunson @reidsbtch
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bagofshinyrocks · 6 months
Rooftop Rendezvous
Prompt: Feeling kinda down, you stop by your boyfriend's place.
Featuring: Miles Morales (Earth-1610) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: reader is struggling with school/family stressors; shite white kid spanish (i took it in high school, so if there is a blaring inaccuracy or idiocy, please comment/message me, i beg you)
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Are you busy rn?
Nah, what’s up
Not feeling great. Can I come over? Don’t wanna be alone rn
Yeah of course. Couch or roof
Roof. Heading over now
Be safe. See you soon
Miles frowned at his phone and started getting ready for your visit. Some snacks, some drinks, and some beach towels to sit on. There should still be some lawn cushions up there, too, as the other folks in their building treated the roof as a communal area with communal items.
You visiting him was no rarity. You two hanging out on the roof wasn’t either. But it had been a hot minute since you had come over for a reason other than “i just missed you :(”
Instead of paper towels, he grabbed the box of tissues that sat on the coffee table.
A prickle at the back of his neck. The familiar sound of your footsteps on the stairwell.
“Hey, baby,” he called from the little sitting area he had prepared for you two.
You looked tired, but the tension seems to lift from your shoulders upon seeing him. You quickly make your way to him and fall into the cushions and beach towels with a big sigh.
“Hi, Miles. Missed you.”
He pulled you in and hugged you tightly. Your fingers dug into the clothes on his back and you both squeezed. Squeezing like if you squeezed hard enough you would become one person. 
Despite your best efforts, he heard you sniffling.
Your boyfriend pulled back and looked at your face. The tell-tale wobble of your lip. The welling in your eyes. The tension in your body. One tear betrayed you, then a whole flood of them as you crumpled up. Face shoved into your knees and hands clutching your head.
“Oh, babe,” he sighed, pulling you back into his arms.
“I’m sorry, Miles. I didn’t mean to-”
He shushed you and ran his hand up and down your back, slowly coaxing you into sitting upright and holding him back. Your head rested on his shoulder, tears wetting his jacket. Your fingers rested on his hips, fiddling with the hem of his shirt and gently touching the warm skin beneath. Reminding you that he was real. And right here with you.
“I’m sorry that you’re sad, cariño. Anything I can do to help?”
You hummed and shook your head. “No… just sitting here helps.” A beat of comfortable silence. “Thank you.”
“Por supuesto, bebé. Uh- Si hay alguna cosa que quieres, dime.”
Your eyes flicked up to him, and your tear-stained face crinkled up in a smile.
“Your mamá see your examen?”
He huffed quietly. “Sh- cállate. I just need to get back in the groove.”
“¿Necesitas practicar más?”
He shut you up with a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. Then to your cheek. Then a gentle thumb rubbed where he had kissed, either making sure it absorbed into your skin or trying to wipe off the tears.
“I love you,” you whispered, almost to yourself.
He smiled, that sweet expression that always made you smile back.
“A lot, mi venadito, my little deer. You’re a really good boyfriend.”
Miles puffed out his chest and made a bunch of self-congratulating sounds that faded into gibberish. He was really bad at taking compliments.
Your hand squeezed his face, forcing his lips to pucker and him to stop talking for a minute. He leaned in and gave your cheek a kinda gross kiss, which made you wrinkle your nose. You let go of his face and he gave you a better one on the other cheek.
“I love you, too, baby. And I’m trying to be a good boyfriend for you.”
His arms wrapped around you, and pulled you further into him. One hand rubbed up and down your back, the other sat assuredly on your flank. Nothing handsy, just keeping you close.
"You are a good boyfriend, Miles."
Things were nice and quiet. Gentle wind through the laundry lines. The humming of cars and air conditioning units. Music from a party below. Miles began to hum along, rocking you two back and forth. Whispering one third of the words, and mumbling nonsense for the others.
Breath was steady. Heart beats were calm and synced. Eyes comfortably shut.
“You wanna talk about it, cariño?”
“Mm.” You raised your head up and took a deep breath. “I’ve just got a lot on my plate right now. School, work, family, friends. Just… so much.”
Miles nodded.
“I just feel that – you know how I feel. Trying to do both things, you feel like you can’t do them both right. You half-ass both of them.”
“I know the feeling, baby.” 
He knew it so well. Usually, you were the one comforting him over this distress. Juggling them all, you’re told to let one or two of them drop. Drop the ones that aren’t as important, the rubber balls, so you can keep the prioritized ones, the glass balls, up in the air. But you can't drop anything when it seems that everything you juggle is a fabergé egg. It's not easy when you need to pick between being a good son to parents who love you and saving Brooklyn from the villain of the week. 
“And I feel that by failing at any of these, I fail the others. How can I be a good kid if I’m not getting good grades? How can I be a good friend if I’m stressed and venting to everyone and bringing down the mood? Ya know?” Your voice cracked and Miles squeezed you tight as the tears started again.
“I know, baby.”
“And there isn’t a lotta stuff I can do to fix it. I can’t take any of these off my plate. So like, there isn’t a way to fix this except to keep my head above water and keep treading. And just-”
“Wait for things to get better.”
You nodded, then burst into another set of tears. “But I can’t just sit around and wait. I need to actively work towards my future. I need to actively work towards bettering things.”
He gently shushed you, squeezing and rocking to calm you down.
“Breathe, breathe first, baby.”
You caught your breath and gulped down the water he offered you. Gentle hands blotted your face with tissues.
“Baby, you keep working yourself up.”
“I know, I know.”
“I know how you feel. Of all people, I know how you feel.” He kissed your temple. “And you are doing amazing.”
“I love you, Miles.”
“I love you, too, baby. Let’s just sit here for a while.”
You settled your head on his shoulder, the two of you looking out over the city. One of his arms were slung around you, holding you close and occasionally poking you in a ticklish spot, giving you a kiss as an apology. And the other hand held yours. Settled over his chest. Squeezing occasionally. And you two took turns kissing the others hand.
Burdens weren’t so oppressive, or all-consuming, when you’re with someone you love.
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Enjoy reading this? Here's a link to my other works! Thanks for reading :-)
Posted: 2023 Dec 13
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
nightmare - chad meeks-martin
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❤️🔪 no spoilers for scream 6 🔪❤️
warnings: angst, reader has a nightmare, ptsd?, mentions of death / almost dying, scream 5 spoilers, mentions of scars (not sh)
racing through the kitchen, you reached the patio door and hurried outside, running through the large, unfamiliar backyard before you stopped; chad was still inside. you couldn’t leave him behind, so you turned back and ran towards the door. as you pulled on the handle of the sliding glass door, you realized to your horror that it was locked. it was dark inside the house, and you peered through the glass, trying to see anything.
the lights flickered on, revealing ghostface standing at the other end of the room by the light switch. you screamed, backing away from the door slightly. just as you saw chad coming down the hallway, unable to see the killer around the corner, the light went out again. the music inside the house was loud enough to drown out you cries, screaming at the top of your lungs for chad to look out- that the killer was right there. the room stayed pitch black for a moment before the lights flickered back on to reveal the killer stood back by the light switch- wiping blood of their knife.
your eyes landed on chad, who lay on the floor, bleeding from what looked like a dozen stab wounds, and you screamed louder. tears streamed down your face as you punched and kicked the glass door trying to get to him, before you felt someone….grab your arms?
“hey, hey you’re okay, i’m here. wake up,” your eyes opened at the sound of chads voice, and you realized you had been dreaming. you were not in a backyard, you were in your bed, and chad was hovering over you, pinning your arms to your chest. “baby, you’re okay. was it another nightmare?” he asked, noticing the tears on your face. you broke down crying as you nodded, and he laid down next you, pulling you into his chest. his arms held you close to him as you cried.
“you.. you di- died,” you stuttered, hiccupping as your sobs caught in your throat, your tears leaving a wet mark on chads t-shirt.
“i’m right here, i’m okay.”
“you almost weren’t though,” you said, thinking back to how you had almost lost chad back in woodsboro; in fact you had both almost died. you had been stabbed in the back, and if the knife had gone an inch deeper, the doctors said it would’ve killed you. it had been 2 months since you graduated high school and moved out to new york for both you and chad to go to college with mindy, sam and tara, even sharing an apartment with the two sisters.
the events of those three days had brought the five of you closer than ever before. they had also left you with haunting nightmares, waking you up in the middle of the night at least once a week.
“i know. i know, baby.” he shushed you, kissing the top of your head. he was silent for a moment, before he spoke again. “it’s my fault you got hurt, i’m so sorry.” he mumbled, and you looked up at him in disbelief.
“don’t you dare say that, chad,” you said sternly. his brown eyes looked into yours.
“if you weren’t with me, you wouldn’t have been a target,” he said, his hand sliding under your shirt to let his fingers gently trace the scar on you back that the knife had left behind.
“stop,” you shook your head. “just because you knew amber first doesn’t mean it’s your fault she stabbed me; half the school was at that party, okay?” you asked, looking into his eyes as your gently held the side of his face.
“okay,” he sighed, leaning into your touch. you leaned down to place a soft kiss on his lips, before you settled back into his arms, your head on his chest. “you were kicking and punching like crazy- who were you fighting?” he asked playfully.
“a sliding glass door-“ you admitted.
“oh yeah? were you winning?” he teased. you appreciated that no matter the circumstances chad was always able to make you laugh, and you smiled, playfully hitting his chest. your smile dropped as you spoke again.
“no; i couldn’t get to you in time.” you admitted, and he squeezed you tighter. “i can’t lose you chad.” you slid you hand under his shirt to feel the scars on his abdomen where he had been stabbed 7 times. it was a miracle that he had survived. he shivered slightly at the feeling of your cold fingertips on his skin, but relaxed soon after.
“i’m not going anywhere, i promise.” chad replied, serious again. “you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon. we’re a team, remember?” you sighed in response, relaxing into his embrace.
“i love you,” you hummed.
“i love you more.” he challenged, kissing you gently. you smiled sleepily, feeling safe in his embrace as you drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
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ofstoriesandstardust · 7 months
right here, right now (b.r.b.)
or: Before they were Rebel and Rooster, they were just two best friends who had no idea how much was about to change.
like father, like daughter
warnings: bittersweet melancholy, they have an almost moment
word count: 1k
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“but in 2,123 hours a bend in the universe/is gonna make everything/in our whole world change”
He shushes you as you climb up the ladder, your laughter spilling out into the night anyways. 
“You’re gonna get us into trouble.” He whispers as you pull yourself up the ladder. “You know they hate it when we come up here.” 
You can’t help the laughter bubbling out of you as you look at him pull himself over the top of the ladder and over to where you’re seated. “Always talking about the weight limit and rickety wood, yeah, I know.” 
He offers you a smile as you kick your legs out to dangle over the edge of the treehouse. “Did you have a good time tonight?” 
You shrug, propping your arms up as you look out over the lawn. You can still hear the laughter of your uncles from inside the Bradshaw home, the warm yellow lights making the backyard glow. “Did you?” 
He nods, his head once, his dimples popping out as he thinks. “Would’ve been nice to win the big game, end my senior year on a high note but-” He cuts himself, shrugging. “It was just good to see everyone regardless.” 
You nod, letting your chin fall to rest on your arms. “You played good.” 
It falls silent between the two of you as you look out into the night, knowing that in just a few weeks, Bradley would graduate. 
The Naval Academy’s resounding No had been a rejection felt by all, a bitter sting Bradley carried with him everyday. 
Still, you knew he had a bright future, and you knew that when he left for UVA, he may go and never look back. 
You knew that tonight, all of your honorary uncles in town to watch Bradley for the big game, the dinner and party celebrating him and his graduation, was one of the last times your family would be together like this. 
“What’re you thinking about?” He asks softly. 
You shrug, not moving your head from where it’s watching the stars. “Just... taking it all in, you know? Before I have to say goodbye to you.”
He punches your shoulder lightly. “Hey, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.” 
You shrug. “I know.” 
You didn’t know. 
Bradley had been your best friend since diapers, an unbeatable team, but a nagging feeling had been growing in your stomach that everything was about to change in ways you didn’t even realize. 
“I’m just gonna miss you, you know? Don’t forget about wittle ol’ me, okay?” You joke, finally turning to look at him. 
“How could I?” He whispers, scooching impossibly closer to you so that your knees knock together. “I’m not going anywhere. Even if I'm not here, I’ll still be here.” 
You sigh, glancing away to the twinkling lights above. “I know. But I mean, I’m really going to miss you B. Like, who is supposed to hang out with me at school and who am I going to do homework with and go out to ice cream with all the time?” You look at him once more, even though his eyes never left yours. “You’re my best friend in the whole world, Bradley. We do everything together; we always have. What am I supposed to do without you?” 
His hand comes to rest on the back of your neck, moving some hair out of your face before he gently wipes a stray tear away. His hand is soft, warm, comforting. “Hey, hey, hey, please don’t cry. You can still call me whenever you want and- and you can even visit me at UVA for spring break if Mav’ll let you. I’ll be visiting every chance I get and who knows, maybe we’ll be here in a year celebrating your graduation and you’ll be joining me at UVA.” 
You can do nothing but give him a soft, albeit watery, smile. You want to cling to the hope that he has, that this will all turn out okay, but it’s hard to look past the gnawing feeling in your stomach that this might be the last time it was all like this. 
He’s watching you carefully, unable to look away before he lets out a breath, hand still resting on the back of your neck. “Hey, um, I- there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” 
“Yeah?” You raise your head slightly but not enough to displace Bradley’s hand. 
His eyes flicker down to your lips, a movement that makes you swallow hard. 
“Yeah, I’ve um- I’ve been thinking, about all of this and I um-”
“Hey, what are the two of you doing up there?” 
It’s Slider’s voice as the patio light flickers to life, your uncle stepping out onto the cement. 
Bradley’s hand falls from your neck in an instant, leaving you the degrees cooler than you had been just moments before. 
“The two of you aren’t supposed to be up there, you know this.” He walks over to the tree with his hands on his hips, squinting up at you. “That wood is extraordinarily old and could break with too much weight. I don’t particularly feel like going to the ER tonight and I don’t think you would either, so-” He waves a hand, motioning for the both of you to climb down. 
Bradley heaves a sigh before lifting himself up, moving to climb down. He’s gotten two rungs down before he glances back up at you. “You coming?” 
You swallow, glancing at him before looking back at the stars. 
“I’ll get your Dad, kid.” Slider threatens and when you make no move to climb down, he turns. “Pete!” 
Your Dad appears in your line of vision a few minutes later, Bradley and Slider both having gone back inside. 
He gives you an understanding smile before tipping his head to the sliding glass door. “Come on kid, come on in. We’re gonna have dessert here in a little.” 
“Five more minutes?” 
He sighs, sticking his hand in his pockets. “Kiddo-”
He sighs again, before bowing his head. That’s how you know you’ve won, because he’s never been able to say no to you. “Five minutes, no more. You hear me?” 
“Five minutes.” You confirm, before he goes back inside. 
You swallow around the lump in your throat that's been growing. 
You can’t help that hope that five more minutes between you and the stars, up here where it feels like nothing can touch you, might alleviate the heaviness in your heart, the fear of what’s to come. 
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Mr & Mrs (Kylian Mbappé x Reader)
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**Got my first Kyli request, how exciting! I was very lost with this one but then I kept getting recommended the Villa video with the two players that used to date and...that was my inspiration 🤗😅 Hope you like it! ❤️**
Word count: 1552
“I still don’t know why we’re doing this”.
“Oh my God, babe. Stop complaining!”
“It’s you that hates these things. I don’t get it”.
Kylian wasn’t wrong. You didn’t love the attention that your relationship got. Just because you both played for PSG, it didn’t mean anything. But people loved to make a huge deal out of it. Journalists asked you about each other all the time and it annoyed you. But then the club asked if you would like to do a couples video and you said yes without giving it much thought. Of course he was confused.
“Well, I know they won’t ask anything they know we will be uncomfortable with. And maybe if we give this to people, they’ll stop pestering us”.
“I guess…”.
“Let’s get ready!”
You took your boyfriend’s hands and started to drag him to the filming area, walking backwards and doing a silly dance. He was both amused and worried about all the things you would have stepped into had he not moved you out of the way just in time. It was always good to have a boyfriend with good reflexes.
Once you were both ready to film, you introduced each other and started getting questions asked by the crew.
“Ok guys, let’s start with an easy one. How did you meet?”
“Well, I signed for PSG and everywhere I went, a certain player from the men’s team was there”, you said.
“Yes, and then I told Marco to go away because I was going to ask her out”.
You laughed at his joke, remembering how jealous Kylian was of your friendship with Marco when you got to the team.
“Before anyone creates drama on social media, that was a joke”, you clarified.
“Out of the two of you, who’s the most romantic?”
You looked down, embarrassed while Kylian raised your hand to point at him. “Yeah, whatever”.
“What do you do to be romantic, then?”, asked the crew member.
“What do I not do? I’ve been buying fresh flowers for her every week since we started dating, I love cooking big meals for her, and I make sure to constantly remind her how much I love her…”.
“Yeah, I appreciate it but really, no need to tell me that you love me every time I leave to go to the bathroom”.
The whole crew laughs at that.
“We’ll guess he was the first one to say I love you then”.
Now it was your time to smirk, looking at Mister Romantic.
“It was me, actually”, you said.
“I was going to say it too but you beat me to it for like a second”.
“Is that why you looked so shocked when I did?”, you laughed. “Really? Really? You love me?”
He rolled his eyes and you leaned on his arm, laughing. “You’re so cute”.
Everyone was used to you two acting like lovesick teenagers around the club, so you felt comfortable behaving like this around them. Almost forgetting about the cameras.
“Right, next one. Who is the smartest?”
“Do you need to ask?”
“Yes, she’s smarter than me. I’m reminded of that every day”, said Kylian.
“By her?”
“By my mum”, he said, making you all laugh. “She tells everyone about how many languages she speaks, how good her grades were in school, how she’s getting a university degree while playing football…she’s prouder of her than of me”.
“Oh shush!”, he was making you blush.
“Don’t act like you aren’t proud of her too, Kylian”.
“She knows I am”, he adds, making you blush even more.
You were now hoping for a silly question so you could stop looking like a tomato in front of the millions of people who were surely going to watch the video.
“Who is the boss in the relationship?”
That did it. That made you laugh.
“She’s going to say she is the boss, I just know it”.
“I’m not going to because there is no boss. We are equals”, you said, high-fiving him. “But if there was a boss, it’d be me”.
Kylian shook his head, looking away from you and sighing dramatically.
“We’ll skip this one”.
“It’s who’s the better driver but obviously it doesn’t count”.
“No no no”, said Kylian, making you sigh now. “Let’s do that one too. Who’s the better driver, my love?”
“I still don’t have my license so you are”.
“Should we tell them about your driving lessons?”
If looks could kill…, "I haven’t taken any yet”.
“Right…how about when I tried to teach you? Thank God we went to a place where there was literally not one soul. You could have caused a massacre”.
You hit his arm. He was always bringing that up. “Maybe I had a terrible teacher”.
“I’m a fantastic driver”, he said, proudly.
“Doesn’t mean you have to be a good teacher. You made me nervous and I didn’t know what to do”.
“I feared for my life. I swear…”, you hit him again, making him laugh. “It’s ok, I love driving you around”.
“I want my own license and my own car to avoid being stuck with you and your terrible singing”.
The crew guy moved his cards quickly.
“Yeah, we got who’s the better singer”.
“I can tell you who’s the worst”, you said, looking at your boyfriend.
“I’m a great singer, stop lying”.
“You made my little niece cry when you tried to sing her a lullaby”.
“She needed a diaper change, that’s why she cried”.
“She didn’t”, you laughed. “Guys, imagine having a day off after all the training and playing, and when you try to sleep in…this one is in the shower singing”.
“Is that why you get into the shower with me? To stop me from singing?”, he said, winking at you.
“Shut up”, and there was the blush again. “We’re taking that out of the video”.
The crew members looked at each other and shook their heads.
“I hate you all”, you said, and Kylian hugged you and let you hide your flustered face in his neck.
“Ok ok, let’s change the subject. Who would you say takes the longest to get ready”.
“Kylian”, you said, trying to fix your hair after the hug. “He’s so high maintenance”.
“I actually am”, he shrugged. “But I also help you get ready so you can’t complain”.
“That’s true. I have the worst hair to detangle and get very frustrated when I wash it. So after hearing me throw the brush to the floor a bunch of times, Kylian decided that maybe he could help me and now he detangles my hair for me”.
“I’m very gentle. I’m worried she’ll throw the brush at my head if I hurt her”.
“It hurts”, you complained.
"I know, my love".
You could see the guy who was asking the question trying to separate the cards from the questions he had already asked to find a new one.
"Here. Who talks the most?"
When you looked at Kylian, you saw him pretending to look innocently at the camera. "We all know it's her".
"Because I have more to say. More to share with the world".
"You talk in your sleep".
"To keep you company when you can't sleep. You're welcome".
"Does she say anything funny?", asked the crew guy. And you hoped this wouldn't turn into another dirty joke. One was enough.
"Yeah, she talks about the matches".
"I do what?", he never told you that.
"I joke to her saying she's just saying my name but she gives directions to her teammates. Pass the ball, move to the left, …it's so funny".
"I don't remember dreaming about matches", you said, confused, and he just shrugged.
"Do you remember dreaming about me?"
"No, baby. I thankfully don't have nightmares".
He pushed your shoulder, faking being offended and only achieving more laughs.
"Biggest diva?"
"Ha! Guess!"
"I'm dating a bully", he said, pouting.
"And I'm dating a drama king. On and off the pitch".
"You can cook your own dinner tonight then".
"Noooo!", you said, hugging him tightly. "You're my favourite diva. And chef".
While you still hugged him, now really not giving a second thought to the cameras, you were asked the final question.
"Who is the better footballer?"
And you both pointed at the other at the same time.
"Cute", laughed the crew guy.
"You're better, Kylian. I have no problems admitting it. I mean, everything you've achieved already…".
"What about you? You always talk about my records of the youngest doing this or that but what about your records? You were literally a record signing for PSG".
He knew you sometimes struggled with being confident about your skills, so the fact that he said that on camera, knowing how many people were going to listen to it, meant the world to you.
"I have a good football teacher too. Don't forget that".
Noticing that you were sharing a moment, you were asked to finish the video so everyone could leave you two alone.
"You know how much I love you, right? Even if I don't tell you as often as you tell me".
"I do. But you can give me the kiss you've been wanting to give me for a while to reassure me even more of your love for me".
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
“Tell me you love me.”
A/N: This will be an angst themed multi part series.
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You and Jack met when you were both juniors in high school. You had just transferred from another state and were very shy, meaning you kept to yourself a lot of the time.
You often remembered the first day of art class, you sat in the back of the classroom. Better to not be seen or heard, it was always easier that way, or so you thought.
You we’re sitting alone at a giant table, meant for multiple people. You were alone until two boys walked into the classroom together. You silently groaned to yourself, internally whispering, that you hoped they would sit somewhere else, anywhere but with you. 
“Can we sit here?” One boy asked as the other had already threw his book bag down and taken a seat. “Yeah, go ahead” you said in a squeaky voice, noticing now how attractive the boy speaking to you was. He had curly hair that was parted in the middle and a big bright smile, that made it clear he had previously had braces.
“I’m Jack” he introduced himself quickly before being shushed by the teacher. You were quick to realize he was usually the class clown and it didn’t take long for the teacher to separate him from his friend leaving the two of you at the table alone.
You talked about where you were from, and how you weren’t familiar with anybody or anything to do with Kentucky. Jack was a good listener and instantly told you that he would be your official “Kentucky tour guide.” You laughed, not knowing that he really did mean it.  
The next two years you and Jack became inseparable. You had learned quickly that he was really talented and that his funny boy act was just the top layer of who he really is as a person. You went to every gig, met all his friends and hung out on the weekends. Neither one of you ever took it past the point of being platonic but you didn’t mind, you just wanted him in your life in some capacity. You never wanted to ruin things so you never expressed your feelings.
Graduation day came and went, the two of you crying a lot as you would be going off to college and Jack would be leaving to Atlanta. “You’re going to make it big, don’t forget me though” you whispered through tears, you were staining his sweater with your makeup, and neither one of you cared. His friend Urban was there, and you became close with him also, crying while you hugged him goodbye too.
At first, the two of you kept in touch quite frequently. Eventually, though, you both became very busy. You with school, and Jack with chasing his dream. Urban would check in more frequently which you were grateful for.
Eventually, four years had went by, and the occasional happy birthday text would come through, but nothing major. You spoke on holidays briefly and you’d try to stay in touch but it got harder and harder to keep up. You thought about Jack every day, and without you even knowing it he thought about you too. He was just so busy that he hadn’t had the time to catch his breath.
It wasn’t until you received a text from Urban that you realized how long it had really been.
Urban: “We are all throwing Jack a party for the release of his song. The label thinks this is going to be a big one and it would be nice if you came. It’s been too long.” 
You smiled at his text, realizing that the last time you had all seen each other in person was two years ago at a mutual friends wedding. Neither Jack or Urban stayed long, but the photo you three took together was still the background on your phone.
Truthfully, you have been struggling in college. You had already changed your major twice, and didn’t have a single degree to show for it. You had been debating, dropping out altogether, knowing school wasn’t really in the cards for you in the first place. You just felt lost without a career path and didn’t know what else to do. This could be the big break that you needed, so you agreed and Urban sent you flight information almost immediately.
It would be your first time flying to Atlanta. You were anxious but Urban seemed to have it all planned out so you tried to not stress about it.
The entire flight there though, you were nervous, you knew a lot had changed, and you weren’t entirely sure if everything was going to be the same as it was before.
You should’ve known better, the second you saw Urban at the airport, he embrace you with a big hug. “So, funny story” Urban laughed nervously and you looked at him confused.
“Jack doesn’t know you’re here” he laughed again, you couldn’t read his reaction.
“I’m a surprise?” You asked confused and Urban smiled “something like that.”
You weren’t entirely sure in the moment why Urban seemed so jittery, that was something you would learn later, but as of right now, you were just excited to be back with your friends.
Urban took you to the venue they were hosting the party in and you realized just how big of a deal this truly was. You turn to him immediately “how many people are going to be here?”
Urban was silent, but you knew that he had heard you. “Urban Wyatt” you said sternly and he laughed “Would you have still come if I told you a couple hundred?” You felt like all the color from your face disappeared, you could’ve passed out right there on the spot. “A couple what?!” Urban laughed, “Dont even worry about it, it’s all just industry people.”
Before you could respond you heard a familiar voice enter the room, you turned spotting Jacks tall frame immediately. He was talking to someone you hadn’t met yet, and judging by the fact that he didn’t have his glasses on, you knew that he had noticed you yet. You heard his laugh, it was always so loud and filled the entire room. Every feeling you had ever had for him came rushing back, immediately.
“Why does he have to have such a cute laugh?” You mentally facepalmed.
“Is that my Y/N?” Jack said as he approached you, running over to you and picking you up, spinning you around as he hugged you way too tight.
“JACKMAN!” You screamed as you couldn’t stop giggling “put me down!” He placed you back on the ground and that’s when you noticed an unfamiliar pair of eyes on you.
“This is Drama” Jack introduced you. “Oh so you’re the famous Y/N” Drama teased and Jack immediately blushed “Okay, Okay, not too much now.” Drama laughed before excusing himself leaving the three of you in the venue alone.
“Where are you glasses?” You teased, Jack laughed “you know I’ve always hated wearing them.” Which was true, he did hate them.
You were eager to hear about his music now that you were here in person.
“Are you nervous about this song dropping?” You realized you were still holding him by his waist. He smiled down at you “I was until you got here.” The bass in his voice made your heart flutter. It wasn’t until now you realized just how different he looked from two years ago to now. “I like your little mustache growing in” you giggled and without missing a beat he replied “I like yours too” the three of you bursting into laughter as you playfully slapped his arm.
“I can’t wait for you to meet everyone” Jack hummed. “I’m nervous but excited” you smiled.
“Tell me about school! Miss smarty pants” Jack teased as the three of you found a table to sit down at.
“Well I- I mean- I think I’m dropping out” you confessed avoiding eye contact from both Jack and Urban.
“It’s about time!” Urban laughed, causing him to earn a glare from Jack.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked defensively.
“Y/N, you looked miserable. Every post you made on social media about it screamed HELP ME” Jack admitted and you shrugged in agreement.
“I don’t know how I’m going to pay my student loans back though” you sighed.
“When I earn tons of money from this song, I’ll help you” Jack said smugly but you knew he meant it.
“You’re a dork and I’d never let you do that even when you become rich and famous and forget us all” you teased.
“I could never do that” Jack hummed.
Jacks phone chirped and he took it out of his pocket. He immediately stood up from the table to speak in private. “Hey babe!” He said as he walked away.
You turned to Urban and glared “did he just say babe?”
Jack was back within seconds, “sorry about that! You’ll get to meet her tonight too!”
“Her?” You swallowed hard bracing yourself for his response.
“Stacy! Urban didn’t tell you? I have a girlfriend now” he said proudly.
You glared at Urban “nope, he’s full of surprises today isn’t he?”
Jack assumed you meant Urban surprising him with you and he just laughed at your comment.
You however, weren’t laughing.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 7 months
Curiosity Killed the Cat
ectoberweek2023 day 31- It had been a decade since anyone last lived at Fenton Works. Or so people thought. TW- none summary- Sam isn't investigating. She isn't. She's just curious.
ao3 ectoberweek23 masterlist part 3 of AHINWTG
It had been over a decade since anyone last lived at Fenton Works. Or so people thought. 
After… the Incident, Sam had tried to go about her life normally, pushing aside any thoughts about ghosts and the Fentons and that cage and the body except it wasn’t just a body because it had looked at her and that planchet had been on the front lawn and what if he came back to haunt her and—
Yeah. It wasn’t really working out for her.
But the thing was, she had looked online. All she could find about the Fentons were their obituaries, which didn't mention a boy, just the daughter.
But Sam remembered the pictures. There had been a boy in that house. Why wasn’t he mentioned anywhere?
Was that who was in the basement? And why was the basement sealed off? The basement had looked like some kind of mad scientist lab. Had the Fentons put their own son there? But–
Sam was focusing on her schoolwork. Spooky stuff could wait until she was ready for it. Which would be never She was never going back to the Fenton house. Never.
She told herself this, even as she kept abandoning her homework to try and search up more information on the Fentons and Amity. But the internet had depressingly little.
Maybe… If the Fentons had lived in Amity, maybe their children had gone to Casper. It was the only high school in town, so unless they went to Elmerton then their records might be in the school’s little used file storage room. If they hadn’t been thrown away.
But she wouldn’t be able to sneak in alone.
Even though Casper had very little security, it still did have a couple cameras that she wouldn’t be able to avoid.
Which meant asking Tucker for help with this project that she was definitely not doing. Because she was putting ghosts behind her. 
So, when she asked Tucker about hacking the school cameras, it was for a totally unrelated reason.
“You want me to do what?!”
“Shhhh…” Sam looked around the library, but the only person who’d looked in their direction was another student who quickly got back to their own work. Not even the librarian had bothered to shush them. Then again, the librarian tended to only focus on her Match.com account which she thought no one knew about. Sam almost felt sorry for her sometimes.
“Sam,” Tucker whisper shouted, “why do you want me to ha–” Tucker cut off as Sam covered his mouth with her hand.
She glared at him, “You better not lick me.”
Tucker slumped. She removed her hand. “I need you to help me with a project.”
“What project?” he said morosely.
Score. That meant he was going to do it.
“I just want to look at the old records.”
“But why?”
Tucker frowned at her and crossed his arms.
“Fine. I have reason to believe that the spirit that haunted us a few weeks ago used to go to this school, and I want to find out more.”
Tucker stared at her, gaping. “Do you want to die!”
“No, Sam. I’m not helping you murder the both of us.”
“I just want to see if i can find who it was. That way we can help them move on or whatever it is spirits do after they leave the living realm.”
They stared at each other.
Finally, Tucker caved.
“Fine. But if you get me killed I’m haunting you for eternity.”
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starry-hughes · 2 months
luke wasn’t in michigan to save her. she was going to have to call mark. eloise didn’t want to call him. luke would have picked her up, told her to leave collin and then would drop the subject. mark wasn’t as reserved with the topic. he made it clear that he hated collin.
she was outside the fancy apartment complex. she could have begged an uber to drive her all the way back to ann arbor but she needed mark. her coat was wrapped around her and she was crying as the phone call went through.
“hello?” mark woke, it was 2 in the morning. “c-can you come get me?” she asked. “yeah? where are you?” “east lansing.”
eloise didn’t have a drivers license. she always took a bus to collin’s because he couldn’t have bothered to come pick her up even though he said he wanted her. the two went back a while. they started dating in high school and it was toxic. she had officially broke up with him but the second collin wanted a quick fuck she was there.
“are you in his apartment?” mark immediately spewed. “he kicked me out.”
eloise hadn’t even gotten her clothes back on before collin was kicking her out. she needed after care too and he refused. she felt sick to her stomach. “are you outside eloise?!”
“can you please come?”
she made herself comfortable on the bench for the hour drive that mark got down to 40 minutes. she was a shell of a person when he pulled in. and of course, collin wanted her back as soon as mark got there. “c’mon el, god you’re freezing,” mark jumped out of the car. “eloise, are you leaving?” collin asked as he exited the building. “yeah she’s fucking leaving.”
mark ushered eloise back into the warm car and shut the door. when mark turned back to collin, he was standing right in front of mark. “c’mon man, she can come back up to my place.”
“you kicked her out into the cold knowing she couldn’t get home easily.”
“she’s fine. c’mon babe, let’s go back to bed.” collin went to grab the car door handle but mark grabbed his wrist. “go back inside collin and never talk to eloise again.”
collin scoffed. “she won’t sleep with you, she’s only ever slept with me.”
mark ignored the comment, walking back to the drivers side of the car before speeding off. eloise quickly wiped the tear from her cheek. “are you okay?”
“no,” she said, “can you hold my hand?” he frowned and offered his hand, “did he really not even let you calm down after?”
she sniffled. “h-he doesnt do aftercare. i’m silly for needing it, he’s just a little hard and rough. always has been.” mark sighed. “are you not taking me to my apartment?” she asked as they pulled into the driveway of the hockey house. “no. keeping you here.”
he got her into his room at almost 4 am. as soon as she was in there, she threw up in his bathroom, shaking from everything that happened. mark was picking up the pieces. he had been doing it since luke left for jersey.
“i’m done with him mark,” eloise whispered as he got her into his bed and curled an arm tightly around her. without thinking, mark started praising her softly, he rubbed a thumb on her arm and gave her the aftercare she deserved. “i- what are you doing?”
“this is aftercare eloise. this is what you deserve.” she lets out a cry and he shushes her. “i don’t know why i love him.”
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toomanyfandomsorkinafs · 10 months
This is for you Bunny(I KNOW YOU SEE THIS, DONT LIE)
I have been collecting incorrect quotes from IRL, things online or my own self. Have at it. I have to many and I really want to share :D
“You know, I used to think that ** was a bad influence on you.”
*arm stuck in somewhere it shouldn’t be*“Oh?”
“Now I realize that you both influence each other to do equally stupid things.”
“What has the world come to?!”
“You can't make everyone like you; you're not **.”
“What? Not everyone likes **.”
“Who doesn't like **?!”
***, gripping *'s shoulders with the intensity of a thousand burning suns “Names, *, now. GIVE ME THEIR NAMES”
**(female) struggling to to open something so asks ****(male) to help but **** can’t open it so they ask ***(female) to help and they open it
“See ****, you have to become more feminine”
“Cause even with barely any nails or with long nails the girls can open it better then you!”
“What do we say to the universe when we’re having a bad day?”
“How dare you seek to inconvenience me. I have been through things that you can’t fathom.”
“Why does it feel like the world fights me in every turn!?”
“Eat good food, happy thoughts come soon”
“Where is **?!”
“At very time and moment that is illegal to share-“
Honestly doesn’t take much to confuse me. I’m just a simple lad.
“YOU'RE A MONSTER! I'm so proud.”
“WHAT is wrong with you. It is so attractive”
"We're not dating, but we're devoted toeach other, and get jealous if someone hits on the other, but we are just friends"
“i'll cut your throat open, that'll shut you up!"
"you're beautiful...”
“Seems like I touch a nerve”*touches their own broken nerve* “AAAAH-“
"** brought emotional trauma to a knife fight”
“How much longer are we going to wait?”
“Just... give it a few more minutes.”
*  ** continues to forcefully push at a door that says pull on it*
“I just drove thru a rainbow” -*
“am I gay now?” -*
“a gay drive-thru?”-**
“To what?”
“To my most beautiful and amazing boyfriend/girlfriend!”
“Huh? What? Do you have another one?”
“By the power invested in me.. gay”
“This is the best financial decision I’ve ever made”
“What colour you want? Red or white?”
“Thats blue and gold.”
“OH- thats a mistake!”
“What colour are the balloons?”
“Red(white), green(gold), purple(blue)”
“I thought you were blind but turns out your blind and colourblind”
“I literally just ask what was next.”
“Oh so you’re deaf, blind, stupid and colourblind!” 
“Oh i forgot your deaf, blind, stupid and colourblind! What don’t you have?!”
“**, what don’t you have?”
“What is this?! Vomit green!?”
“It’s olive..”
“It a mistake, that’s what it is.”
“Are you excited for (school name)?”
“Why would I ever be excited about school?”
“In my defence, I was left unsupervised!”
“I think I’ll die actually. Let’s try it!”
“You have to upgrade from a bystander and become-“
“A bully!”
“What you got there?”
*Very dangerous person behind them* “A smoothie?”
“Ah, yeah, I’ve heard about that! Rates are crazy in the States, right?”
“I’m from Canada.”
“** you don’t have to talk. I have to talk.”
“If you push me, I can push you back.”
“No. You can’t.”
*in the other room*“Can I come out?”
“You’re gay?!”
“No! I can out like that last year!”
“I am a mosaic of every person I have ever loved”
“You Know other men/woman/gays and didn’t tell me?!”
“So, how did you two meet?"
“...You know, we actually legally can't answer that."
“As a members of the high gay council, he is gay.”
“Shout out to (person), gotta be one of my favourite genders”
“We'll blow up that bridge when we come to it."
"Nothing is getting blown up, **."
"The bridge is!" 
“Not with that attitude”
“Remember guys, pain is just weakness leaving the body”
“When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade, make life take them back.”
“Aw, he’s cute and stupid. I’m keeping him.”
“He- he almost killed like half of us with that shit!”
“Hey ** do you know about the autistic monkeys?”
“Wha- *laughs* N-nO”
*laughs* “that’s so funny, the autistic monkeys”
“I said Arctic Monkeys”
“Oh- *laughs* Y-yEah, I know the band”
“What- I mean monkeys that live in the arctic”
“Oh- we were not on the same page for this entire conversation”
“In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you”
“I- thanks?”
“Who needs hygiene when you got cake?”
“Your horrible and I love you”
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yoditopascal · 1 year
Where The Sky And Ocean Meet Part 2
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CHAPTER 2 Chapter 1//Chapter 3
That was almost a year ago and to this day she couldn't get the thought of those deep brown eyes out of her head. She was practically obsessed with finding him, so much so she was kicked from the foreign exchange program and almost removed from her studies altogether, but that never stopped her from looking for him. In fact, she often sought out her best friend from Chicago to help her which was how she found herself hurrying to Riri's room to share the latest news she had found on the man.
Rushing to get in Kailani hits the door as she forgot to check to see if it was locked. With a sigh, she rummages around in her jacket pockets before pulling out a key and finally entering the room before she’s pushed in from behind. Pulling out her pepper spray ready to mace the person who had bum-rushed her into Riri’s room she turned to find her face to face with the Princess of Wakanda herself. 
“You’re the prin-” Kailani starts but was shushed as the princess closed the door behind her. “What the hell are you doing here?” she asked peeking out the dorm window before closing the blinds as if the people on the terrace below them could see up into the room
“I’m here about the vibranium detector,” Shuri started closing the distance between the two. 
“You're in grave danger.”
“We dont have time to-”
“Is this about the kid in Belize cuz I already told the GE office everything!”
“Riri listen-”
“Hold up, I'm not Riri.”
Just then, the dorm door opened again, but this time, the girl Kailani was looking for walked in. “Kai I told you to stop just dropping in outta- the girl started her back to the women in the room just as she turned to face them her keys hit the floor as she started at them awestruck “Oh shit its the Princess.”
“Am I being recruited?” Riri asks excitedly as she comes further into the room, coming to stand by her friend on the opposite side of Shuri. 
“No” Shuri answered as she shook her head and looked on incredulously, Riri shrank back a little with a sad frown.
“Wait a minute what were you saying about danger? Is Riri in trouble?!” Kai began to panic.
“Bro what the fuck did you do?!”
“I didn't do shit!” Riri shouted back, starting to become equally as panicked as her friend.
“Ladies we don’t have time for this!” Shuri shouted causing the two to stop their arguing 
“Sorry, your highness.” Kai apologized as she looked down at the floor feeling like a child that had just been scolded
“Please just call me Shuri.”
“Can you please just tell us what’s going on?” Riri asked as she closed the distance between herself and the Princess.
“Like I was telling your friend here, I'm here about the vibranium detector you built for the CIA”
“Nah I ain't build no detector for the CIA, I made that for my metallurgy class.”
“A school project?”
“Yeah,” she started, “My professor said I’d never be able to do it. To be young gifted and black though right?” She smiled at the princess who chuckled back, Shuri liked her.
“I’m sorry can we get back to the dangerous part of this, please? Who’d Riri piss off?” Kailani asked snapping the two back to the situation at hand.
“Wait, was it Wakanda? D-did I piss off Wakanda?” Riri stuttered nervously, she wanted more than anything to impress the princess and hope she wasn’t there because she had fucked up somehow.
“Not just us, this place is no longer safe for you Riri, gather your things and come with me”
“I-I got Differential Equations class in like 15 minutes”
“Riri really?! There’s someone after you! We gotta go like now!” Kai warns unable to believe her friend’s excuse as to why she couldn’t leave.
“Yes, we! The fuck you think I’m gonna let you go by yourself with somebody we don’t know, no offense Princess,”
”None taken” Shuri waved her hand dismissively 
“I told you we ride or die together. I’m not letting you go on the run by yourself!”
“Okay, Okay J-just uh gimme a minute you guys wait here,” Riri says as she goes to pack a bag just as she leaves for the next room a tall lithe figure stalks into the room startling both Riri and Kai in the process. “I had it under control Okoye” Shuri sighs
“I said five minutes. I gave you six.”
“Get out of my dorm!” Riri shouts as she picks up a speaker and holds it over her head ready to throw it at the mysterious woman at any moment. 
“Oooh see how they teach the American children to treat their guests?” She tsked as she continued to approach Riri. Just then Riri hurls the speaker aiming to hit the woman in the face, but just before impact a spear martialized in her hand cutting the speaker in half before returning to its smaller pocket size.
“You bought a spear in here?!”
“Oh shit, she’s got a spear!”
“Listen,” the woman began, “Small small girl. You have two options for how you will come to Wakanda. Conscious, or unconscious.”
“Whoooa hold up that's not really neces-”
“You need to be conscious of how you look, walking around with all of that ash on your head!”
“Oh my god Riri”
“See! I Told you!”
“You look fine Okoye!”
“You know what? We’ll head out. And you can deal with the merman with winged ankles who wants to kill you by yourself. I’m sure your math class will be real helpful with that.” Shuri and Okoye turn to head out before they're stopped by Kailani grabbing onto Shuri’s hand softly. “Wait, please” she pleaded holding up her hands between the three women as if to calm everyone down. In truth, the mentions of a merman had frazzled her down to her bones as if she had some sort of idea of who it could be but she swallowed her nerves and continued on for Riri’s sake. “Please, don't leave her.”
“Then come with us.”
After much convincing, mainly on Kai’s part, they finally got Riri to agree to go with the princess and her general, the three wait till dark approaches before they set off toward Riri’s secret off-campus lab to check out the equipment she used to create the detector.
After arriving the group watches Riri enter an impossibly long code before they’re able to enter the space, once inside it looks like just an average run-of-the-mill truck garage with a few modern tech-looking upgrades here and there.
“What exactly is this place?” the general who the girls had learned was Okoye asked as she looked on in disgust, clearly she was not impressed by what she saw, next to her Kailani could not contain her awe as she looked around. Behind them both Shuri flicks through some blueprints of Riri’s latest experiments.
“I fix up a few trucks for sanitation here, so they let me use this place.”
“This is impressive” Shuri smiles over her shoulder at Riri causing the girl to shyly look away only peeking at the princess from under her lashes as she blushed at the compliment. 
“I just have to grab my laptop then we can go,” Riri said moving papers around on her desk until she uncovered a laptop and stuffed it into her bag. “You just leave it lying around here?” Kai asks visibly cocking her head to the side in confusion, anyone could break in her and take it. “I got 2065 byte encryption on this thing! Once I got locked out it took me a whole semester the break back in.” Riri boasts proudly as if Kailani knew what that meant.
“Damn indeed.”
“Great, now let's get out of here.” Okoye rushed not wanting to spend any more time than they needed too. Just as the group was getting ready to leave an AI voice interrupted them.
“Princess, American law enforcement has arrived at your location.”
“Shit” Shuri swore as she began to mess with her kimoyo beads on her wrist
“Who was that?” Riri asked looking around as if the owner of the voice would materialize in thin air.
“My AI GRIOT.” Shuri answered pulling off a bead and sending it flying out the window closest to her, it morphs into a fly and started to survey the area before attaching itself to one of the cars outside.
“They are surrounding us” Okoye announces grimly as she shows their movements on a projection from her own kimoyo beads
Peaking out of an opened window Riri cursed under her breath at the black cars surrounding the building. “I thought you said a merman was after me. That's the feds!” She quickly sweeps papers off of her desk and into an empty oil drum.
“I don’t believe this shit right now!”
Kai is oddly silent as she is trying to process what exactly is going on. Why were the feds here? Were they after Riri too or the princess? Should they turn themselves in? If the feds were here, who else was here? This was all too much at once and her mind was racing. A hand resting on her shoulder broke Kai out of her trance. Shuri stared at her worriedly before turning her attention back to Riri who was storming around tearing down papers and blueprints before tossing them into the oil drum and setting them on fire.
“I think I might take my chances with the merman because he never brought the FBI to my garage!”
“Namor sank an entire ship of CIA operatives because of your little machine so those popo out there are the very least of your worries.” Okoye scoffed ready to leave the young girl to fend for herself at this point.
 “Listen we need to work together to get out of here.” Shuri tried to defuse the situation as the FBI warned them to come out with their hands up outside. 
“No I need yall to get Kai out of here, she ain’t got shit to do with this!”
“Bullshit! I’m not leaving you Riri!”  The girl screamed back, she must have been outta her mind to think she’d abandoned her, especially now. 
“You really think the feds won’t come for her if they can’t find you Riri? She’s in this now. We all are” Shuri spoke with authority in her voice telling the girls she meant exactly what she said. 
“General, should we split up?” Shuri asked as she began to calculate the group’s best move to ensure everyone’s safety. 
“Out of the question. Does this vehicle work?” Okoye asked as she walked around a tarp-covered car inspecting it. 
“…no” Riri answered hesitantly but everyone could tell she was lying. 
“Everything in this lab works, including this bike” Shuri hinted at subtlety but Okoye already knew what she was thinking and shut her down as she pulled the tarp off of the car pushing Kailani into the back seat as she goes into the front.
“Don’t even think about it, besides there are four of us the car will do just fine.” 
“Three of y’all I’m taking this” Riri said as she began to lower some kind of metal suit from the ceiling just as the power had been cut enveloping the four in total darkness. Peep the subtle Shuri/Riri moments &lt;;3 @namorslit @mariaxxxxx @h34rtsformilli @lavnderluv
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iliaclwrites · 2 years
You really don’t have to, but I would LOVE to read it. I’m a huge fan of the librarian reader series (maybe because it’s closer to my personality and it makes me giddy) but I would really love to see a one shot of Eddie and librarian! Reader in their high school years, just cuts of the multiple times Eddie tried asking her out. And maybe her brother being protecting of her…. Not like hating Eddie, but just giving him that like “Don’t hurt her” kinda talk. Or a short of her brother visiting town and getting to tell the kids how much fun it was to watch Eddie crush over his sister for so long until she finally accepted! Again, you don’t have to, I just think it would be really cute to see one of those or both either separately or in one story. You’re writing is really good! And it brings me a lot of joy! Thank you!
Your brother settled down at the table in your little living room, taking in the Hellfire gang that had settled around him. He'd agreed to play a one-shot when he was over this Christmas, christening your spare room as your first adult overnight guest. You smiled at him brilliantly, and adjusted your notes, Eddie's fingers finding you knee under the table.
"Now," Greg said, looking over at all of you before he looked down at the rule sheet. "Some ground rules. One, no shouting over each other. Two, please don't be weird and gross, there are children here," he said, nodding at Erica.
"I'm eleven, baldy," she snapped, before pausing. "But I appreciate it, thank you."
"No worries," Greg said, and looked back at all of you. "And third, the cardinal rule, the one that's been in place since the Year Of Our Lord 1979--" Eddie froze his ministrations under the table. "Please, Edward Munson, don't make googly eyes at my sister. Forever and ever, amen."
You groaned. "Is that still really a rule?" you demanded, looking over at the sheet. "You laminated this? You bastard."
He shrugged. "I had to keep pointing at it. That kid was fucking relentless."
Eddie buried his head in his hands. "Well, she's my girlfriend now, can we just move on with it?"
"Uh, no," Greg said, crossing his arms. "I was traumatised, Munson. You asked her out so many times in-character it was almost harassment. Your bard wrote her a song."
Dustin grinned, and leaned forward on the table. "Do tell."
You buried your head in your hands as your brother scoffed. "Which time?"
"The first?"
"Kill me," Eddie whispered. "Swiftly, with that chair leg. Please."
Greg coughed, and shifted in his seat. "Well--"
You were twelve. Your brother ruffled your hair as he sat you down in the auditorium, pulling out his own folding chair as he shushed everyone at Hellfire club. "Now, now. So, Tony and Marta are off sick," he said, rifling through his papers, "I did my duty and pulled my sister to sub, as per, but Shawn? Your second is...?"
Shawn nodded, and glanced at the door. "On his way. Yeah. He lives near me in the trailer park. He said he's always wanted to play."
You grinned. You loved rookies. It wasn't often that Greg let you sub in, citing the violence and the generally... rambunctiousness of the Hellfire crowd. But, when they were low on numbers and desperate, you could always count on your brother bringing Tinuviel into the story somehow.
The door slammed open. "Sorry I'm late," came a voice, as a lanky figure sprinted into the auditorium. "Sorry, sorry, I was being yelled at by Mr. Clarke about tests, and--"
"You!" you cried, rising up in your seat.
Eddie Munson gaped at you.
Greg quickly stood up. "This that kid that's messin' with you?" he demanded immediately, drawing himself to his full height. "The one on the football team?"
Eddie fumbled. "Wha- ah, no!" he said quickly, holding his hands up. "That's Patrick Burns! He's a dick! I'm not him! She's the girl who socked me in the eye last week."
Your brother looked at you. You nodded. He pulled you to the side. "You punched him?" he muttered, knitting his eyebrows together. "He lyin'?"
You shook your head vehemently. "He's telling the truth," you mumbled. "He had the only copy of Fellowship in the library. It was overdue by two months."
"Seven weeks," Eddie corrected, and you whipped around. He ducked slightly. "Sorry, sorry."
"Hmm," your brother said, and gestured for Eddie to sit. "Take a seat next to fair Tinuviel, Munson. We were just about to enter Rahasia."
"You punch well," Eddie muttered to you in the middle of the campaign. "For a girl."
You smiled at him, all teeth. "And you cry pretty," you sneered. "For a boy."
Eddie's heart jumped. Fuck.
"And it just went on and on," Greg complained, sipping at his water and staring down at his rapt audience. You were busying yourself with stacking some of the dice up, face bright red. Eddie was pointedly turned away from you.
"Hey, Tinuviel," Eddie said, pressing a book into your hand. "I, uh. I saw that the library copy of Two Towers had coffee all over it. And annotations. I know you hate those. So uh. I found this in my trailer."
You beamed at him. "Eddie! Thank you!"
Greg glanced down at the library copy of Two Towers inside his own backpack. What the fuck?
Or the time that you had your first boyfriend, some blue eyed blonde haired track star kid named Scott, and Eddie hadn't shown up to Hellfire for two weeks straight. You and Greg had to turn up to his trailer begging him to come back, and Greg realised that the boy hadn't even looked at him once, just leaning out of the trailer window like some winsome Juliet at you, his kid sister.
Or the time you DMed a campaign, Scott's letterman jacket slung around your shoulders, and Eddie's ranger flirted with every NPC you threw his way.
Or the time you showed up to school in a skirt for the first time, short and pleated and paired with knee high socks. Eddie's ranger was oddly silent that campaign. Greg didn't even want to think about that one.
Or the time he walked in on you and Eddie at the park, you asleep on your best friend's chest as he read aloud to you from the Smith of Wootton Major. Greg crept away.
"The lamest bit," your brother said, stealing a handful of chips from the middle of the table as Eddie curled up into a little ball of humiliation, "is that they actually tried to keep dating a secret from me. From me."
You groaned, and Eddie threw his arms around you, looking up at the ceiling. "Haven't I suffered enough?" he demanded the heavens. "Lord, please."
You huffed in agreement. "Greg, come on."
"Nah," Lucas said. "Shut up. I wanna hear this."
Greg grinned.
"I'm not blind, you know," Greg said, watching Eddie Munson crawl down the drainpipe.
"Jesus cocksucking Christ!" Eddie shrieked, leaping backward into your mother's gardenias. Greg sighed, and took a long drag of his cigarette. "How long've you -- I-- You--" He sighed. "I'm assuming you won't believe me if I said I was just gardening?"
Greg laughed drily. "Rather late to be trimming the verge, Samwise Gamgee," he said, and raised his eyebrows. "You ever gonna come clean about it?"
Eddie rubbed the back of his neck. "Tinuviel wanted to keep it a secret," he admitted, fishing around for his own packet of cigarettes. "She thinks your mom would freak."
Greg snorted. "Our mom loves you, Eds," he said, lighting the tip of Eddie's cigarette for him, nodding at Eddie's grunted thanks. "She's waiting for you to ask."
Eddie's mouth opened and closed as Greg smoked. "I have asked," he said finally. "Loads of times!"
"In quite so many words? Hey, Tinuviel, be my girlfriend?" he asked, and Eddie frowned. "Mm. You've asked her out in-game. Hell, you guys were married in that one campaign--"
"We were fourteen!"
"Why won't you ask her properly, then?" he asked, and turned to look at Eddie properly. "Look, Eds, you're my brother, you know that. And I know you're not gonna ever be the one hurting her. This isn't that kinda talk. So why are you two sneaking around like this a pair of level five rogues in Saltmarsh?"
Eddie said nothing for the longest time. "I just," he started, looking out into the night. "If I have her," he said slowly, "that means I can lose her."
Greg blinked.
"Like. She's not mine right now. We're not dating. She could go off and kiss someone else at a party and I won't have to get mad because that won't matter, right? Like, we're going to prom together as friends because that meant she wouldn't have to turn me down as more than friends. There's no losses. This isn't gonna be, I dunno, the biggest heartbreak of my life when she finally goes off to college and marries some investment banker that lives somewhere in New York. We're just friends. So we can stay friends. And I won't have to be the idiot guy that fell in love with the prettiest goddamn elf dancing in the glade."
Greg swallowed slowly. "That was lame," he said finally.
"Fuck you, man," Eddie laughed, and grinned at Greg. "You know what I mean."
Greg shrugged. "She's worth it," was all he said. "You know she is."
Eddie sighed. "I'll ask her after grad," he said finally. "So she can leave easy after the summer, and I won't have to see her when she eventually says no."
Greg shook his head. "She won't, you know."
"Nah. I don't."
Eddie fiddled nervously with his rings as Greg excused himself from the Hellfire table for a smoke break, following the older man out. "This is familiar," Greg said, glancing at Eddie on the porch.
Eddie smiled nervously. "I mean. I guess," he said weakly, glancing inside at where you were herding the kids around the table for lunch. He watched as your ringed hands danced through Dustin's hair, pulling plates of roast chicken toward the boys. "I mean, I finally nutted up and did it."
Greg snorted. "I mean, sure." He paused for a moment, and watched as Eddie attempted to say something. "Dude. Whatever it is you're gonna say, you have my blessing."
Eddie froze. "What?"
"I'm not stupid," Greg murmured. "Never have been."
"No, I know--"
"So ask her," he said, rocking back on his heels. "Go and get her, Beren."
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kobedivision · 8 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Kaiji Sano
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~~ October 27th ~~
“If you were mine, if you were only mine, I'd bring you so much further down and twist your mind until the end of time.”
Login Lines:
“Hey cuties! It’s your favorite adorable cosplayer, Jinx here!…Ahaha! Wow, all of you are coming in fast, I can barely keep up! Oh! Thank you for the donation JinxLuver76! Let’s see here…’Happy Birthday Jinx!’”
“Oh that’s right! Haha! I can’t believe I forgot my own birthday, thank you soooo much everyone! I guess we can make this an impromptu birthday live! Let’s make this something to remember, okay?”
Voice Lines:
“Damn, 22 years old and I still look like I just graduated high school, not that I’m complaining, I mean who wouldn’t want to look young and beautiful? I wouldn’t trade it for anything, even if I have to deal with having to get carded at every bar and club I go to, how infuriating.”
“I’ve gotten to many messages and gifts from my fans, it just warms my heart! There’s nothing like the feeling of being pampered, I tell you and I especially deserved to be celebrated after all the shit I’ve gone through.”
“Yes mom, thank you and for the 14th time, I’m okay, Nagisa’s okay too, we’re both fine, you don’t have to come over, we know your busy with the boutique….fine, I’ll pop in just to say hi but I’m really busy today so I don’t have much time. Yeah, I love you too, tell Dad I said hi or whatever.”
“God, having 4 older brothers fucking suck. You’d think that being one of the younger members in the family, you’d get more attention and don’t get me wrong, I do, just not the attention I would like. Henri only gave me a list of various rehab clinics, Izana gave me a guide to healthy relationships book, Mikiya gave me five fucking dollars, and I haven’t heard jack shit from Claude! At least Nagisa was considerate enough to get me something that I can actually use! Sometimes I have to wonder just why my parents decided to have so many fucking kids…”
“ReeeeenReeeeen!!! Aw, I was hoping to see you! After all, how could you forget your best and most cutest friend ever? Hey, it’s MY day today! I can be as selfish as I want! Ha! That’s right, and this monarch demands gifts and I know you got some so hand it over, my loyal knight!”
“Dude, holy shit! These are so fucking pretty!! Way better than the ones I have! Awww, Ayano really knows her stuff! Good to know that at least one of you has a decent sense of fashion…Dude, I swear I see you wear the same leather and chains combo almost every day, it’s so overdone. Hehe, I’m right and you know it but seriously man, thanks for the gift.”
“GAH!! Oh goddamnit-MAX! Don’t fucking appear out of nowhere like that! You scared the shit out of me!…We both know you’re not sorry you little shit, I can see you smirking! Yes you are! Ugh, I swear, it’s like talking to a fucking wall-Huh? Oh…wow…thanks..?”
“Max…these are fucking rocks…hold on, you got these from a river?! I didn’t think there were rivers in Kobe…er, whatever, huh…well, look at you finally socializing and making friends, never thought I’d see the day. Jeez, okay! Okay!…Look, thank you Max, I know we don’t talk much but I want you to know that you mean a lot to me, y’know? You’re like another brother to me, one that I actually like, haha!”
Ren Lines:
“Hey Kai, happy birthday! *snorts* Yeah, okay. I know it’s your birthday and all but try not to get too big of a head. Fine, fine, whatever you say, your majesty. *chuckles* Damn, guess I’m not as subtle as I thought, yeah, you got me, here you go.”
“I know you already have some finger jewelry but I figured you could always have more, Ayano actually helped me choose which ones to give you, she’s surprisingly got a good eye for accessorizing…hey, what the hell’s that supposed to mean? I’m totally fashionable! *sighs* Fine, whatever, you’re lucky we’re friends, dude.”
Max Lines:
“….Kaiji…Sorry…Didn’t mean to scare you…*smirks*…No, I’m not….Shush…here you go…a gift…it’s your birthday, yeah?…Happy Birthday, I hope you like it….I spent a long time getting them…”
“Yeah….they’re rocks…I got them while in the river…and I had someone make necklaces out of them…*scoffs*…just shut up and take them…Thanks Kaiji…you and Ren…the both of you…you guys make me really…happy…brothers…yeah, we’re brothers…and we’ll always stick together.”
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
Thinking about doctorau Robin having to call Eddie because Steve (and only Steve could pull this off) managed to slam his head into the counter from a harsh sneeze on his day off. Even when not working, he’s still at the doctors 😭💀
Okay literally one of my friends almost did this in high school and it totally has Steve energy coded into it! Thanks for the prompt bestie! ((PRE-STEDDIE, pining only))
It’s a Saturday when Eddie gets a call from Robin. The office is closed and it’s too early in the weekend for it to be work related.
“Hey Birdie!” He answers casually, figuring it’s personal over professional.
“Hey Eddie sorry to bother ya on our weekend but I have a bit of a situation…”
There’s some sort of commotion in the background of the call but he can’t quite place what it is. There’s definitely another voice there.
“Sure, hit me with it.”
“So Steve’s here and - shhhh I’m handling it! - and you know how he is with his allergies. Well he sort of… full body sneezed and slammed his head into my cabinet???”
There’s murmuring in the background along with more shushing.
“Is he bleeding?” Eddie asks cautiously.
“No bleeding but he’s got…quite the goose egg.”
“Sheesh, must’ve been a powerful one…” Eddie thinks out loud accidentally.
“Yeah well. You know how he gets.”
There’s more commotion, Steve shoves Robin, embarrassed at everyone talking about him.
“Stop it Dingus I’m trying to help you! You know what? You just freaking talk to him. Doctor Rockstar, he’s all yours.”
Robin huffs and he heard the handoff of the cell phone as Steve’s voice replaces hers.
“Eddie? Hey sorry. I told her not to call you-”
“It’s fine,” Eddie laughs, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah she’s overreacting. It’s just a bump. A little sore is all.”
“Well you probably know what I’m going to say,” the older man starts, “Ice on that bump, go sit down. Take some allergy meds and stay away from Birdie’s cabinets, yeah? Don’t want to be stitching you up on Monday morning.”
“Sure thing doc, thanks.”
“Anytime Stevie, anytime.”
The nickname slips out before he can catch himself, but they hang up shortly after, so he thinks maybe Steve didn’t notice.
He definitely noticed.
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itsgodthemself · 2 years
“I think I'm struggling in every subject."
Hi everyone, here’s some random oc x eddie thing I wrote a few days ago. I wanted to share it with you guys, :) This fanfic includes my oc Kimberly Coleman, she’s just a random nerd and he’s just a random metalhead. Cute couple am I right?
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Kimberly brought her hand up to her face, rubbing her temples as she sat in the Hawkins High Library. Tutoring may seem time consuming and boring, and it was a right assumption it completely was and is. Kimberly could admit it was annoying, but still she loved helping her peers understand hard subjects. Plus tutoring looked good on her school record, colleges and universities ate it up. Usually she’d find whoever she was tutoring waiting for her in the library, but this time she found no one. Some kids didn’t show up at all, but the ones that did were usually early or right on time, this was a sign Kimberly should pack up and go home. She couldn’t bring herself to do it, she’d feel bad if she left and the kid was just a little late. 
Kimberly waited for another 5 minutes, sighing softly as she began to pack up her things and put them in her bookbag. As soon as she stood up someone busted into the library, screaming “Wait!” The loud noise was followed by a very aggressive shushing noise and then a few sorries, the boy who burst in quickly walked over to Kimberly. He had long hair down to his shoulders, it was curly. He wore a t-shirt, it read hellfire with symbols on it. “Are you?” Kimberly started, trailing off as she reached into her pocket to pull out a crumpled piece of paper that read ‘Eddie Munson, after school - biology’ “Eddie Munson?” She asked, tilting her head.
The boy smiled and nodded happily, still catching his breath. “Yes, yes that’s me.” He said, pulling out a chair at the table and almost toppling over. “I'm sorry I was late,” Eddie whispered, not wanting to anger the librarian anymore than he already did. Kimberly smiled to herself and sat down, she was glad he showed up, even if he was around 20 minutes late. It showed even if he wasn’t on time, he cared about his academics, Kimberly could admire that. “The note the teacher gave me said you’re struggling with biology?” She asked, trying to clarify, sitting down in a chair next to him. Eddie chuckled and nodded, “I think I'm struggling in every subject, but if that's what the paper says then sure.” He looked down and played with his rings, twirling them around his fingers. Kim pulled her biology notebook out of her bag and placed it on the desk, she moved her chair closer to Eddie and flipped to a page with notes all over it. “Can you tell me some of the concepts you’re struggling with?” Kimberly asked, rereading some of her notes waiting for Eddie to answer. When she realized he was taking a bit to answer she looked at him, Eddie seemed to be staring off into space. “Eddie.” Kimberly said, snapping him back to reality. He shook his head slightly, as if he had to shake the thoughts he was having out of his mind to focus.
Eddie’s eyes met hers and he smiled, trying to remember what she said. “Yeah?” He said, after a few seconds of intense eye contact. Kimberly smiled out of pity and rubbed her temples again, “What concepts are you struggling with in biology?” She asked again, tilting her head at him. Eddie nodded and furrowed his brows as he pretended to think for a few seconds, “Yeah, uhm. All of them basically.” Eddie answered, truthfully. Kimberly’s face fell as she realized this wouldn’t be just one tutoring session, this would be multiple. “Before we start, how about I get to know you, I think we’ll be seeing each other a lot.” Kim said, trying to hint that he’d need more tutoring. He didn’t find her comment rude at all, Eddie knew he’d be seeing her a lot, all of his teachers recommended tutoring, except for his music teacher. Eddie smiled and thought about what he’d want to tell her, “Well I like music, if you couldn’t tell.” He pointed to the different pins and patches on his vest, showing her each one and telling her all about the bands. Kimberly seemed surprisingly interested in the music, Eddie loved telling her about his interests, he seemed so much more focused then when they were discussing biology. Finally it was time for Kimberly to share about herself, “Well, my name's Kimberly. If you didn’t already gather that information from my notebook,” She looked down to her notebook, a sticker on the front reading ‘Kimberly Henderson’. Eddie did not notice that was her name, he also did not plan to ask for it. It simply just crossed his mind, he looked down at the notebook and read her name, even if she just told him it.
“You seem to have trouble focusing, is that why you need tutoring?” Kim asked, trying not to come off as rude. Eddie thought about it for a minute, she was right, he had so much trouble focusing unless the topic was something he was interested in. He could talk about music for hours, every concept of it and every song he knew, he could recite millions upon millions of lyrics, play all the chords along with it too. But his brain just couldn’t handle biology. “Yeah, you’re right, curls.” Eddie responded after a little bit of thinking, “Curls?” Kimberly questioned, confused by the nickname. He gestured to her curly hair with his hand, he then twirled one of his curls around his finger. “We almost have the same hairstyle, good choice.” He joked, “it suits you, makes you seem all friendly. That wasn’t what I was really going for, but you pull it off.” Eddie told her, smiling while he spoke, admiring her features. “Why do you tutor kids like me?” He asked Kim, almost immediately after his last comment, he seemed a bit embarrassed about complimenting her. Kimberly thought about it for a second, why was she a tutor? Why did she waste her afternoons doing this? Why did she spend her time trying to wrangle kids like Eddie Munson? “I don’t know actually, I just thought I could. I'm smart and I learned better when my mom helped me than when a teacher explained things, so, I thought maybe it's the teachers that are explaining everything wrong.” She felt bad talking about her teachers like that but she was right, not everyone learnt the same way. Eddie agreed with her, he struggled with learning unless it was one on one, unless he had someone to help him focus. “Thank you for being here, y'know, tutoring. You’re giving me a better chance at graduating this year.” Eddie said softly, smiling to himself as he leant on his arm, he found himself staring at her again. The two began to pack up, Kimberly putting her notebooks away and starting to walk away after waving at Eddie. He noticed her wave and tripped over his chair, apologizing to the librarian and rushing after her. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to keep talking to her. Eddie followed Kimberly through the hallway, “Hey! Hey, Kim!” He yelled, waiting for her to turn around. Kimberly stopped in the hall and slowly turned, yet again Eddie was out of breath. He walked up to her and smiled, she seemed to wait for him to start the conversation but he didn’t. He just stared at her, she stared back for a little bit before saying, “Yes?” Eddie looked up and thought for a second, “Do you wanna hangout for a bit, before I have Hellfire?” He asked, “I can walk you home, or something?” He offered, Kimberly thought about it.
This boy had just met her about an hour ago, was late for his tutoring appointment and he probably didn't even know what biology was! He reeked of weed, listened to hardcore metal and he was certainly unapologetically himself. Something about him was oh so interesting, like a taste you couldn’t get off your tongue, Kimberly wanted to know more. Every kid around Hawkins High talked about Eddie Munson, the freak. Kimberly never understood the gossip, maybe he just seemed weird to others. But as he was standing in front of her right now, chunky rings on his fingers and his smile as wide as ever. She thought, ‘fuck it.’ “You can walk me home, Munson.” Kimberly said, turning on her heel and walking towards the front doors. Eddie followed after her like a puppy, happy to be involved. That was the beginning of their friendship, Eddie and Kim, an unlikely duo.
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