#yandere bruabba
dark-side-blog3 · 9 months
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This is what it looks like inside the poly yandere Bruabba house.
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dilfartist · 2 years
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Paring: Yandere Bruno x surrogate reader x yandere Abbacchio.
TW; stalking, yandere tendencies, didn't know how to write a good ending, unedited.
“Congratulations, you’ve given birth to two beautiful baby girls!”
You sigh in relief; the pain was finally over. The nurses place the two infants in your arms. You stare blearily at the twins, unable to see them because of tears clouding your vision. You named them, Daniela and Dalia. You kissed the top of the girl's heads, then laid them in their cradles. Your exhaustion ruined the moment. You wanted to spend more time with your children, but unfortunately, you couldn't physically keep your eyes open. You closed your eyes and passed out. When you awoke in your hospital bed, it was early in the morning. You turned your body towards the cradle and smiled, the twins were sound asleep in their crib. You drowsily pulled the crib towards your hospital bed. You scooped them in your arms, admiring their features for the first time. The atmosphere was peaceful, it almost made you upset to give them away to their parents. Sadly, you were just a surrogate to these girls.
In the middle of your inner dialogue, the twins had awakened from their slumber. They opened their eyes to meet yours. You gasp in shock, your body slightly trembling.
“No...it can't be.”
Daniela had small strands of your hair color with hints of silver and golden eyes, she had your skin complexion. Dalia had raven strands of hair, blue eyes, and the same skin complexion as you. You carried two children for nine months, only to find out they belonged to the men who stalked you. You knew your stalker's names: Bruno and Abbacchio.
The stalking began on January 12, 2000. You were new to Naples; you had traveled for work purposes. Moving to a foreign country meant you had to learn Italian to get through your days. You learned Italian before you arrived in Naples. Sure, you weren't fluent in the language, however, you could hold a conversation. However, your lack of fluency did come back to bite you during a visit to a restaurant. Too tired from work to cook, you decided to eat at a restaurant. When the waitress came to take your order, all of your learning of the Italian language left your mind. You stumbled on your words as you tried your best to decipher the meals on the menu. The waitress only spoke Italian causing you more stress. A stranger soon came to your rescue, “Excuse me, Signorina.” a smooth male with a slight accent discontinues your panic, “you seemed to require assistance with your menu. Would you like some help?” the man wore an eccentric white suit with zippers, jet black hair, and sharp facial features. Beside the man stood a taller man with lengthy silver hair, his lips forming a frown. “Yes, please.”
The men helped you order your meal. During the wait, your small talk developed into a full conversation. You found yourself enjoying their company. You told them a bit about your personal life, of course, not too much. The men weren't very open about their personal lives. They shifted the conversation toward you instead whenever you asked them questions.
The restaurant wasn't your last encounter with the men. You had reoccurring meetings with the men, and each time you found it harder and harder to believe they were in the same place as you by coincidence. You began to feel very uncomfortable when interacting with the men. You learned the men's names; Bruno and Abbacchio. You avoid them the best you possibly could. However, this only made the men seek you.
You even attempted to avoid them by staying home, but even then you felt eyes watching you. Eventually, personal items went missing around your house. Minor items went missing and then developed into things you used every day. You alerted the police of the events occurring around you; the police told you, you had no evidence and to buzz off until you collected the proof they needed.
One day, you were online searching for side jobs for extra money. Unfortunately, you hadn't gotten any luck. Frustration took over your senses. You almost logged off until you noticed a notification on your email. The sender was anonymous. You opened the message and read it out loud, “become a surrogate today.” becoming a surrogate for a couple would give you a hefty sum of money. You thought about the topic for days on end. Finally, you decided to go through with the job.
A couple chose you almost immediately. Reading about surrogacy, you had expected to meet the couple. You were wrong. The Doctor explained the couple didn't want to meet their surrogate till the birth of the child or children. They paid a good amount of money to ensure this. The doctor gave you an envelope full of cash, a gift from the couple. From what you were given, you could tell the couple lived a life of luxury and were willing to provide a good amount of money to you. You carried the children for nine months until your water broke on December 12th, 2001.
You flinch hearing the door click open. The door slowly opens, creaking it does, your heart pounds in your chest considering the fact the person behind the door may be your stalker. “Ah, Mrs. L/n, awake already?” Your anxiety dies down. It was only a nurse. The nurse steps inside the hospital room, rolling in a tray of food, beverage, and pills. “I was planning to wake you from your sleep. It seems I don't need to.” The nurse continues to speak. You can't help but tune her out. “The children’s fathers, when are they coming to see them?” You blurt out, interrupting the nurse who is still talking your ear off. “Oh, yes, the children’s father called. He apologized for him and his partner not witnessing the birth; work held them up. He said he would be here in an hour or two.”
“Thank you.” with the given information, you had time to form a plan. “Of course, Mrs L/n. I should leave, I have a patient waiting for me.” she left the room shortly.
After eating your meal, you set your plan into action. Cries of pain left your throat as you forced yourself out of the hospital bed. Your whole body still hurt from last night. In this condition, you'd be limping when you walked. You took a deep breath in, then hoisted yourself up. It took you a couple of tries, but you managed to stand upright. You stumbled over towards the chair by your hospital bed. You put on the coat you had come into the hospital with and grabbed your purse. You walked over to the twins and settled the newborns in your arms, hushing them when they made a sound.
You crack the hospital door open. Peeking through the slit, surprisingly, there wasn't anyone except for a person at the front desk who drifted into a deep slumber. You knew it was early in the morning but you didn't think it had been that early. Pushed the door open painful slowly, You forced yourself out the door, ignoring the pain from your waist down. You tip-toed your way out of the room, sneaking past the person at the front desk. You entered the hospital elevator and pressed the down button.
When you reached the ground floor, you tucked your children into your coat. The receptionist didn't even glance your way when you left the building.
A bus stop wasn't far from the hospital. As you walked to the bus stop, you felt yourself growing weaker by the minute. You feared you’d drop the infants because of how fragile you were. Although the bus stop wasn't far away, you wanted to reach your destination quickly. Instead of going straight, you turn and enter an alleyway. The alleyway reeks of piss and throw-up. The smell is almost too much, much much that you nearly leave the alleyway. You remind yourself of the reasons you need to continue your trip down the abandon alleyway.
Nearly reaching the end of the alleyway, you suddenly feel uneasy. You feel eyes on you. You turn your back, praying you won't see someone behind you. No one was there. The sound of a zipper hissing echoed throughout the alleyway. The sound came from in front of you. “Why aren't you at the hospital?” you recognized that voice from anywhere. In front of you stood your stalker, Bruno. “What were you thinking leaving the hospital in such a state?! You’ll get yourself injured or worse our children!”
Your ears pick up the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. “Y/n, I understand you may have been frightened by the surprise but that doesn't mean you endanger yourself and the children. What would happen if Bruno and I hadn't found you?”
You ignore the question. “What are you planning on doing to me?”
“We’re taking you home.” You hear the sound of a zipper once again, this time it's much closer. It feels as if your legs have suddenly dissapred from existence. Abbacchio holds you in his arms before you crash to the floor. You reluctantly glance at your legs; they have been replaced by stubs. Before a shriek of fear can erupt from your throat, Abbacchio gently covers your mouth with one of his hands. Abbacchio and Bruno softly whisper sweet nothings to you as you leave the alleyway.
You would be the perfect little housewife.
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icerisotto · 2 months
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ about ⟢ me !
☆ i am kero, a huge fan of vento aureo!
★ although i like jojo in general, my heart lies with vento aureo characters, hence why i made this blog.
☆ my ships are very... uncommon (in an unpopular way, of course). i have rare pairings and 90% of the jojotwt community doesn't know about these, so i decided to create a special place to keep in touch with anyone else who likes rare pairings!
★ if you're interested in knowing more about me, consider reading my carrd or visiting my twitter and ao3 profile!
☆ this blog is meant to be a way to communicate with other vento aureo fans, make fans and entertain myself with my writing hobby.
★ i have a brumis only blog with a friend of mine!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ likes !
☆ favorite characters: bucciarati, mista, abbacchio, risotto, ghiaccio and formaggio.
★ favorite pairs: brumisabba, brumis, misabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ characters i really enjoy: narancia, trish, pesci, prosciutto and polnareff.
★ shipps i really enjoy: brupros and formapros.
☆ characters i slightly enjoy: giorno, melone, illuso, fugo, tiziano, squalo, secco and cioccolata.
★ shipps i slightly enjoy: meloghia, formailluso, seccolata, ghiasecco, formaghia, brupros, and formapros.
☆ characters i don't care about: doppio, carne, zucchero, sale, scolippi, sorbet and gelato (at least not enough to write anything with them alive, sorry).
★ shipps i don't care about: every other ship (including those involving bucci gang members, risopros, bruabba, sorlato and risabba).
☆ characters i hate: diavolo.
★ shipps i hate: anything involving minors with adults or relatives.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ new ⟢ commissions !
☆ lately, i've been quite busy with uni and struggling with mental health issues, so writing has been heaven and hell to me.
★ that doesn't mean i'm not willing to write if i get any suggestions! my current issue is creativity, since i've been lacking of new ideas.
☆ so, if you checked my profile and felt like making a request, feel free! as long as you follow my rules, of course, which are:
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𖤐 ִֶָ no-go! 𓂃 🧷
☆ incest, rape, sexual harassment, pedophilia, zoophilia, racism, ableism, animal abuse, or any type of prejudice and sex-related crimes.
★ age regression, yandere, furry, vore, vomit or feces eating, knife or needle play, cuckold, wound fingering.
☆ extreme crackfic (example: risotto shoves a hydrant up his ass and dies), non-angst infidelity, arranged marriage, fake dating, self-insert (y/n or character x reader stuff).
★ stereotyped or fetishized trans people, mpreg, dead dove: do not eat.
☆ bruabba without mista, risopros without ghiaccio, mista + anyone aside my personal ships, any ship with giorno or trish, -18 with +18, any character who isn't from vento aureo, any ship with diavolo or doppio.
★ fics without risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno or leone.
☆ mom bruno, rapist melone, dumb narancia and any other unfunny, overused, offensive or inaccurate joke/stereotype.
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𖤐 ִֶָ maybe! 𓂃 🧷
☆ infidelity plot (angst/tragedy only).
★ sad ending (depends on my mood).
☆ what if settings (depends on the plot).
★ non-romantic oneshots.
☆ longfics (keep in mind that i have personal projects in production, so there's a slight chance i won't be able to do longfic requests </3 but you'll be contacted and/or credited if your idea gets used).
★ weird kinks (unless they don't fall on any of my previous no-go restrictions).
☆ random pairs (if they don't go against my personal tastes and look interesting to write about, i'll give it a try!).
★ age gap (+10 age gaps only if both parts are +24 adults).
☆ age changing (years passing? fine. characters with no canon ages getting a defined age? fine. turning minors into adults for pairing purposes? hell nah...).
★ solo/centric fics of anyone aside from risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno and leone (depends on the character).
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𖤐 ִֶָ yes! 𓂃 🧷
☆ smut.
★ gore and violence.
☆ fluff.
★ light crackfic.
☆ domestic settings.
★ polyamory.
☆ alternative realities (example: bucci gang as lawyers).
★ horror (ghosts, vampires, werewolves, serial killers, etc).
☆ la squadra headcannons (i'm in need of ideas!).
★ brumis, misabba, brumisabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ scenarioss, hc and opinion posts in here.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ schedule !
☆ i am a student with a busy household, so please understand that external factors may cause delays in my response to your requests. be patient.
★ oneshots may take a week or more to write, but scenarios or drabbles will be posted within 24 hours after you send me your request. <3
☆ if you need to contact me or have any questions, send me a message via inbox or twitter!
★ i always make update or divulgation posts whenever a request or original work has been written. follow me to check if your request has been posted; if not, contact me!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ good ⟢ bye !
☆ please like and reblog.
★ consider following me.
☆ i'll appreciate any feedback on my works, especially positive ones!
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megan-is-mia · 2 years
Hi Meg! Can I have a Abbacchio and Bruno with prompts 1. “Hurting you is the last thing I’d do, you know that.” And 11. “I really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? You’re so pretty when you smile.”?
Reader is dating Abbacchio and Bruno when a stand sends her to an alternate universe. In that universe Reader is dead, and this Abbacchio and Bruno aren’t going to let her go home and loose her again.
( here you go curls home you liek it enough)
1. “Hurting you is the last thing I’d do, you know that.”
11. “I really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? You’re so pretty when you smile.”
(Yandere! Poly! BruAbba x Fem! S/o)
“Mr. Bucciarati, when are you gonna send me home?” (Y/n) asked innocently as she paged through a book about the meanings of flowers. “When you’re better, and i told you mia cara to call me Bruno” Bruno replied as he fussed over her like a mother hen. “But I’m not your mia cara, she's dead. And you’re not my Bruno so it wouldnt be right to call you so casually” (Y/n) objected trying to shoo the man away so she could continue looking at the book in peace. 
“Shhh dont talk like that” Bruno chided sharply. He didnt like it when she pointed this truths out and especially didnt like when she asked when she could leave. While it was true that she was a (Y/n) from a different universe, she was still one of the loves of his life. The version of her that belonged originally to this universe had tragically passed away only two years prior and he was still processing the grief over it. (Y/n) was about to speak up and protest again when the front door opened with the return of his dear Leone. “I got your medicine Tesoro” Abbachio said, his words directed at (Y/n) who shifted in her seat uncomfortably at the pet name. The so called medicine was nothing of the sort, it was an assortment of drugs meant to keep the girl weak and dependant on them. “Thank you Mister Abbacchio” (Y/n) replied her words stiff and formal, holding none of the fond warmth her other self projected. It hurt him inside to hear her talk like this but it hurt even more to have her gone so he would take what he could get. The reason that this otherworldly version of their decreased love was even here was because of a mysterious stand. When this strange version of (Y/n) had landed in their world she had been injured and unable to come back the way she’d come. 
She’d reluctantly accepted their help in recovering, the only reason she’d even agreed to it was that she loved the versions of them that belonged to the world she’d come from. Abbachio and Bruno pitied those other version of themselves, for they’ d never see their (Y/n) again. “Personally” (Y/n) spoke and broke the veil of silence that had descended. “I think i’m well enough to go home! In fact i very much want to go home!” she said trying to emphasis her desperation properly. Without thinking about it Abbachio was up in her face and gripping her arms roughly with a begging look on his face. “Oww! Let go! You’re hurting me!” she protested trying to free her arms as her heart began to race with fear and tears began to stream down her face. “Hurting you is the last thing I’d do, you know that” Abbachio mumbled out reluctantly loosening his grip and stepping back. 
“Mia cara I really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? You’re so pretty when you smile” Bruno crooned approaching her and massaging her wrists where bruises were starting to appear. The tears streaming down her face only increased in quality as the despair she’d been trying to fight began to overwhelm her.  She wept, not only for herself and the awful situation she was in but for the men she loved far away in that other dimension where home resided…
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Mio Piccolo Angelo
Demon! Abbacchio x Reader x Demon! Bucciarati (Use of FEM pronouns)
Supernatural AU! Reader works at a bakery.
Warnings: Stalking, Harassment, Murder, Graphic Descriptions of Corpses, Vulgar Language, Traumatizing Situations, Forced Polygamy
The day couldn’t have been longer or more irritating, but it was. Being sleep deprived did not help this scenario either. Finals were coming up and I had to get serious. I almost missed my shift today because I over slept from studying all hours of the night to the crack of dawn. The bustling Friday of dealing with pesky customers asking to place orders on such short notice. People asking what’s the best cupcake flavor for a kids party, mobile orders going off every other minute. It just wasn’t my day. My boss already loaded me with chores. As I passed the customer their pastries, my boss comes out with a long list in his hands. I quickly said my farewells to the customer and dreadfully faced my boss.
“(Last Name), here’s the to-do list for today. As you can see you have a lot of dishes that have to be done. We had a lot of fundraisers to pack yesterday, so we didn’t have time to help you lessen the load. Make sure you clean the pastry cases inside and out, along with counter tops. Sweeping, mopping, folding boxes, dipping cupcakes, updating the tablets, restock the coffee bar…”
I almost quit on the spot. Dipping cupcakes in ganache, that’s not even my job! The bakers are suppose to handle that, I’m just there for counter help and to take phone calls. And why don’t they hire a janitor?! I sigh dramatically and nod my head, lightly rolling my eyes as my boss walks back to his small office. My eyes drift over to the mountain of dishes. I hear my boss say a quick goodbye as he heads out for the day. My feet found their way in front of the sink and I scowl. The dishes were piled high, almost spilling over the sink. The old chocolate and vanilla batter was caked on the whisks and scoops. I rub my face in annoyance and let out an exasperated ‘ugh’.
“You couldn’t chip in a little bit?” I complained.
I dip my hands back into the stainless steel sink and cringe as I pull up a soggy sink sponge. I tackled the dishes and soaked them in hot water as I handled more customers and phone calls. Hours go by as it consisted of me traveling back and forth from the sink to the front counter. Once the sink was finally empty, I sigh and swipe the hair from my eyes. My fingers were as wrinkly as a dried up raisin in the sun. I look down at my clothes as I feel the wet discomfort. Wet patches were all over my shirt and pants from the scoops sputtering water on me. The shop bell goes off and I sigh. As I make my way back to the front, my wet sneakers squeak with every step. As I step out into the main area, there was no customer. My eyebrows were furrowed with visible confusion. I check the community bathroom to see if anyone was in there. I knock a couple of times before asking, “Hello? Is anyone in there?”
No response.
I jiggle the handle and the door opens to reveal no one. I sigh, “They really have to fix this damn bell already.” The shop bell has been acting up as of late. My boss chalked it up to the faulty wiring after a snow storm. I walk back behind the counter and check off some tasks.
I look at the small clock that was crookedly mounted on the tacky light blue walls. 5:45, it was almost closing time. There was no way I was going to get all these tasks done on such short notice. I did the essential tasks first and left a note for my boss tomorrow morning. I quickly cleaned the front and locked the entrance door. Once the closed sign was flipped around, I quickly counted the money in the register.
I shift on the aching balls of my feet and crack my neck. With a tired sigh, I swipe the bills from my fingers with half lidded eyes.
“30, 40, 50-“ my words were halted by the shop bell going off once more.
I turn around and see the empty store barely lit as the sun sets. I place the bills down making a mental note where I left off. Just to double check the door, I jiggled the handle to confirm it was locked. I go back over to the register and continue where I left off. Once the cash report was completed, I throw the extra cash into the safe and lock it up. As my hands gripped onto the counter to hoist myself up, I became rigid as husky breathing came from behind me. Goosebumps stood on my arms as the breath hit the shell of my ear. My legs found themselves sprinting to the back door as I snatch my belongings. As I swing the door shut, the glimpse of a dark billowing shadow stood still in the doorway where I once was. The door was slammed shut and I was careless to not lock the back.
Quickly readying the keys, I swing the drivers side door open and slam it shut. I swiftly lock all doors and turn the key in the ignition. The cars tires screech as I peeled out of the parking lot as a pair of onlooking eyes follow me. Not caring to look back or even stomaching the thought, I drive down the road looking straight ahead. Once my house appeared in the distance, a sense of serenity washes over me. Once the car came to a squeaking halt, I check my surroundings before switching the car off. I gathered my purse and made a dash to the house. Finding the door unlocked, I slam it shut. I quickly set the alarm and locked the doors.
“Ma! I’m home!” I call out.
I walk through the quiet house and flick the lights on. I check her room and see her bed still neatly made from the morning. No signs of her belongings appear to be anywhere. Now that I realize it, I tip-toe to the bay window and slightly move the blinds and feel my stomach leap as her car was stationary in the driveway. Where was she??
Basement! Maybe she didn’t hear me call out to her! That’s right, she could be cooking. As I head downstairs, I was met with eerie silence. Everything was empty, the stove was off and no food was made. I fish my phone from my pocket and dial my mom’s number. As it rings, I hear her ringtone go off. My eyes widen as a smile appears across my face. I sprint up the stairs and follow the sound to her room. I swing the door open again to see no one. I frown but quickly compose myself as the ringing was significantly louder. I step further into the room and my eyes land under the bed. I see the light of her iPhone shining through the bed skirt.
I reach my hand out and flip the fabric over. The color drains from my body as I become paralyzed with horror. My lip quivers as a broken blood curdling scream erupts from my throat. My eyes were locked onto my mothers irises as she was wide eyed. Her body was contorted in impossible angles as she was wedged underneath the bed. She was bloodied and mutilated as her jaw was hanging on by the hinges. Only being held together by barbed wire that was brutally wrapped around her body like thorns. The prick of the wires curling under her eyelids as it forced the flesh open. Her eyes were dull and drained of life. The only marks left behind was a strange symbol on her forehead.
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I fall onto my butt and scoot back from the horrid scene. A brutal sob rips through my vocal cords as I dial the emergency services. I violently shake and cover my mouth to weakly control my sobs. The operator finally answers, “911, What’s your emergency?”
As I spill out my pleas for help, my words were clashing together. I hold my forehead in distress as I continue to spiral.
“Please help! My mom…. She’s dead!” I scream through the phone.
As the operator begins to speak, an unknown force launches my phone across the room. A deep taunting chuckle was heard behind me. I snap my head to the doorway to see a tall muscular figure leaning against the door frame. The shadow of a man with a bob-like hair cut was blocking my exit. His hair sways back and forth as he shakes his head. His shoulders continue to shake as he bellows out, “Darling! Did you honestly think we’d let you get away?”
As the moonlight pours into the room, the light shadows cast onto the man’s chiseled face. My eyes land on the open window. My eyes dart back and forth from him to the window. I’ll just have to be quick enough, sprint while he’s least expecting it. The man catches on and raises an eyebrow. He steps into the room. I grab a broken piece of my phone and chuck it at his eye to distract him. The jagged phone collides with his eye. He seethed out an unnatural hiss as he holds his face in pain. I take the chance to run to the window in hopes of jumping out. It sounded like an elite plan until I was forcefully yanked backwards.
A pair of muscular arms tightly wrap around my frame. The same husky breathing meets my ear, “Tsk tsk tsk, behave little girl.~” The man says shaking his index finger in my face. I make an attempt to lurch forward and bite his digit. He quickly snatches his hand away before my teeth could sink into the flesh.
“My! What a whippersnapper she is!” He cackles. The other man fixes his posture and stands up to his full height. I thrash around as the man lurks closer, “Now now, you must behave, cara.”
“Get the fuck away from me! Why did you kill my mother?!” I scream out. I sink my nails into his arm and clawed at them.
“She was nothing but a pest who would only get in the way. Now, nothing and no one can come in between the three of us.~” The man cooed into my hair. I continue to cry helplessly as my knees gave out.
The shorter man cooed as he used this thumbs to swipe the tears away, “Fret nothing, mio piccolo angelo. For I, Bruno Bucciarati will give you nothing less than a luxurious and blissful life. That is my promise.” He says as he rubs his nose against mine. He lets out a animalistic purr as a smirk stretches across his face.
“The other demons are going to be sooooo jealous! Aren’t they Abbacchio? Seeing us stroll in with our darling little wife!” He babbles as he stares down at me longingly.
The other man growls, “They better keep their filthy hands to themselves, or else we’ll have a problem.” He says tightening his grip around me.
I whimper as Abbacchio nips at my neck. “Leone, where are your manners? Save some for later.~” His voice driped with lust. Leone grunts as he lifts me into his arms. He carries me out the room with Bruno following closely. His hellish bat wings emerge from his back alongside his husband’s. The last thing I saw before they whisked me away into the darkness, was red and blue flashing lights in the distance.
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Zipper Man Gives me the Moody Blues: Part 1
Hello lovelies~! I’m here with another commission! with poly BruAbba! If you’d like to commission me you can find the link right here or in my bio!
Notes: 18+ ONLY! This is part 1 on a 2 part commission! This is set a few years after the events of part 5 where Abbacchio has gotten his job back at the police station and even got a promotion thanks to his mafia friends.
Pairing: Poly Yandere!Bruno x Police Chief!Abbacchio x AFAB Reader
Warnings: Mention of murder, unhealthy relationships, Bruno is delusional and has a daddy kink, Abbacchio is manipulative and has a corruption kink, this one is pretty tame compared to part 2
Word count: 1,530
Description: Bruno unknowingly kills someone in front of reader and they run to Police Chief Abbacchio for help but doesn’t realize Abba is married to the very man they’re running from.
The horrible sound of body parts landing on the ground with a slosh still fills your mind as you run. Thankfully Bruno didn’t see you spying on him so you were able to slip away quietly and get some distance between you in case he realized he was being watched. You made your way to the police station, you had to tell someone about this but none of the cops would believe you or they could have been paid off by Passione. The very same mafia you expected your boyfriend to be a part of.
Hopefully, if you went straight to the Chief of Police, Leone Abbacchio, he would believe you. He had a great approval rating and he was seen as one of the only good officers in the whole city. Chief Abbacchio was part of the reason crime has been so low recently since he was elected, drug crimes were low and the streets have been much safer to walk at night, apart from Bruno’s killings Naples has been relatively safe.
If only you knew what waited for you after you had stepped through the doors at the police station, you had your mind made up, you didn’t even bother speaking a word to the receptionist as you walked past them and ignored their words of protest, Finally making your way to Chief Abbacchio’s office and pushing open the door with a determined face.
Leone was stunned to see you there so late at night but he quickly regained his composure and before he can get out a word you say “Sir, I’m sorry to barge into you so suddenly but I have some information on the murders that have been happening recently and-” Abbacchio cuts you off and asked bluntly “Well what can I do for you, you storm into my office like you own the place and now you’re telling me you have information on the Zipperman murders and you expect me to believe you?”
You feel like your heart is going to burst and call feel the tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes, if Chief Abbacchio won't believe you then you might just be killed by the very man you called your lover. “Sir I really am sorry to disturb you but this is a matter of life or death in my case…” you grimace at the thought of Bruno finding out you went to the police. Abbacchio sighs and finally specks “Frankly doll, you look like you’ve seen a ghost...tell me what you got and then we’ll decide if it really is life or death as you say.”
You feel a wave of relief wash over you and you start from the beginning, about how you had been suspicious of Bruno in Passione and how you decided to follow him tonight. How you witnessed him dismember someone without even touching them and how you’re now practically begging for Abbacchio to believe you. You also tell him how he’s the only person you could have gone to with this because you know that the cops have been being paid off by Passione.
Abbacchio sighs and smiles at you “Well I’m very impressed, it seems you’ve pieced everything together perfectly, I’m glad you came to me with this information Y/n. And with your testimony we’ll finally make the streets of Naples safe together, that is if you will testify against Bruno that is..” He sees your hesitation and how you seem to tense up, you hadn’t even thought of testifying against Bruno, the thought made you head swarm and you could feel a tightness in your chest.
“No no no! He’ll kill me you don’t understand! I can't!” you feel like you’re hyperventilating before Abbacchio puts his hand on your shoulder and tries to calm you down “Hey! Hey, it’s okay, I won't let him hurt you, I promise,” he thinks for a minute and looks you in the eye “I don’t think it’s safe here or for you to go back home, it would be best if you came back to my place so I can protect you.” You look up at him with a tear-stained face and nod and with that, he can’t help but feel his heartache for you.
Abbacchio takes you out of the back exit just in case anyone sees you leaving and ushers you into his car and within a few minutes you are at his house, it is situated in a really nice neighborhood and you can't help but think all the houses around look like miniature mansions, “I guess being Chief of Police pays pretty well huh…” you say absentmindedly you thoughts are cut off by Abbacchio’s laugh, “It does most days but it’s mostly long hours” He winks at you and you can feel yourself begin to blush. He soon guides you inside and gets you situated in the guest room.
“Are you hungry? Or thirsty? I’ll get you anything you want” You politely decline the offer of food but then ask “Actually if you have any I’d like a glass of wine, it helps me relax after a long day… or well night I guess” Abbacchio smiles and he is quick to return from the kitchen with a bottle and two wine glasses full of the red liquid. “I hope you don’t mind but I went ahead and poured myself a glass as well” you shake your head and insist that it's alright as he joins you on the bed.
“So...this is a little awkward but uh, I like your makeup Abbacchio, I don't really know a lot about gothic culture but it um...it looks nice on you!” you say cheerfully and Abbacchio smiles at you again. “You know Y/n, you can call me Leone, I have a feeling that we’ll be spending a lot of time together” He places his hand on your thigh and feel your heart racing and cheeks began to blush before you look down and can clearly see the wedding ring on his finger as you feel the color drain from your face.
“Is your wife going to be okay with me being here, Leone?” you ask quietly and he laughs again before answering “My husband actually, and I don't think he’s going to mind at all, you see we’re in an open relationship. I think he will be very pleased to have you here honestly” You can’t help but blush as you finish the last of your wine. “I’m glad he won't mind...so what music do you like?” you ask as he pours you more wine and you can see him ponder the question for a few seconds before he answers “I like a lot of different rock bands like The Moody Blues, The Cure, Joy Division, Type O Negative, and Depeche Mode... You know the basic goth stuff” He says with a laugh that makes your heart flutter a bit.
Oh, I really like Joy Division and The Cure too” you say cheerfully as you quickly finish your second glass and now begin to start on your third as you start to feel the effects of the wine starting to hit you. “You know, if it wasn’t for you Leone, I’d probably be dead by now…” he says nothing for a moment and then caresses your face and give you a sweet smile that could make any girl smile “You shouldn’t think about stuff like that Mimma, let's talk-”
You cut him off and quickly spit out “No its truuuue! If you hadn't listened to me I would be dead by now, Bruno would have killed meeee! Can you believe that ash hole, he’s been lying to me from the beginning! I can’t believe I gave that-that MONSTER my first kiss!! At least I didn't give him MY VIRGINITY” he watches you in your drunken rambling and quickly cups your chin and gives you a passionate kiss.
“Shhh, it's okay Piccolo, you don’t have to worry about him hurting you. I promise” Leone reassures you but before you can say anything you both hear a knock on the door and he shouts for the person to come in. In your drunken state, you can barely make out the tall figure that must be Abbacchio’s husband who has an all too familiar face and white suit.
“Well, well, well...I certainly wasn’t expecting this, Leone would you mind explaining to me why Bambina here is drunk?” you can see the man shoots Abbacchio a glare. He tries to explain but decides it best if he just shuts up. The second man makes is way over to the bed and lowers himself down to you and you can’t help but feel the horror and dread building in you as the man brushes your hair behind your ear and you can finally make out the distant features of your former lovers face, then Bruno finally speaks “It’ll be so nice having you here with us baby girl, we’ll finally be a family” He kisses your forehead and you can help the chill that goes down your spine. Your fate was sealed as soon as you walked into Abbacchio’s Office.
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depravitymoon · 3 years
Yandere Bucci Gang Poly HCs
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A bit of a Sequel to this: LINK
Warning: Yandere scariness, aged up characters, polyamory, kidnapping, implied breeding kink, implied noncon, assumes AFAB at the end.
I’m going with the most popular yaoi pairings of the Bucci Gang. So if you don’t like those pairings, you have been warned. Also, this is an Everyone Lives Post-Canon AU.
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General idea
I see these two first starting out fighting for your love.... and then making love to each other. That’s right, fighting over you nearly tore their friendship apart but brought them closer than ever before. Then they joined forces to kidnap you and keep you as their darling.
Type of Darling
I’d say you’d be the darling that’s super smart but also super cute and super silly. Especially if you love to dance. 
Story Potential
You are Fugo’s childhood friend and Fugo was rekindling that friendship to something deeper, but then Narancia butts in using his little brother charm.
You’re dealing with the best Yandere (Narancia) and the worst Yandere (Fugo). They balance each other out nicely. Fugo’s too busy dealing with Narancia’s stupidity to worry about your flaws and Narancia’s not about to let Fugo harm you. Also, Narancia has Fugo to cling onto, so he’s not as clingy towards you. 
Fugo’s so happy you brought him and Narancia together as a couple. He knows  you’re their soulmate. Narancia’s happy Fugo’s there to take care of your needs better. Also, he’s happy you’re there to stop Fugo from calling him stupid. You’re a nicer tutor than Fugo is, anyways.
Don’t let the comedic trio routine fool you. They’re not letting you have a social life. Maybe on your best behavior, you can talk to the other members of Passione and their darlings, but that’s it. They’re all the social life you need.
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Not completely GioMis. Prior to capturing you, they’d hook up occasionally.  Giorno can’t handle a lover that has to be reminded of basic hygiene. They’re more like Friends-With-Benefits. 
Type of Darling
Mista’s the easiest to trigger his Yandere tendencies and while Giorno’s the hardest. I’d say Giorno’s childhood friend with a hot body is the perfect darling for them to share. Also, they’re willing to set their differences aside for a strong willed darling with a powerful fighting Stand. They CAN handle you individually, but it’s more convenient to handle you as a team.
Story Potential
For Mista, it was love at first sight. Giorno didn’t care much until he realized Mista’s darling was his childhood friend that moved away. Giorno’s not letting you fall into Mista’s hands. However, he cares too much about Mista to fuck him over and snatch you away. After all, without Mista, Giorno probably wouldn’t have found you again. So, sharing’s a good compromise. 
Mista helps Giorno keep you behaved. Your attempt to escape is punished with....”fun”. Meaning, they gangbang you. Your humiliated for hours and they film it for their own personal enjoyment (or force you to watch it).
When you’re own your best behavior, Giorno’s your sugar daddy. Mista’s also your Sugar Daddy (using Giorno’s money). They dress you up in all the cute and sexy outfits they find for you. They spoil you with all the finer things in life and anything your heart desires.
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((They get a bigger picture because they have a bigger Headcanon.))
This one’s the easiest! They’re a married couple, either before or after they found you. There’s going to be two versions of the Story and the Dynamic, depending on whose eye you caught first.
Type of Darling
You’re so cute brave and stupid that the Mafiosi couple had to keep you safe and locked away for themselves. Bruno adores how you handle children, and you remind Abbacchio of his partner.
Story Potential
Bruno’s Darling
You tried to report Bruno’s mafia activities to the police. Too bad Abbacchio runs the police at this point. You caught Bruno’s eye and convinced Abbacchio to share you. At first, Leone was upset that his husband wanted some side chick.... but after meeting you, he realized why Bruno loved you and began loving you as well.
Abbacchio’s Darling
Bruno helped Abbacchio kidnap and take care of you. The Capo was just helping a friend out, nothing romantic. After some time, Bruno developed feelings for you and manipulated Leone to share. Then, Bruno and Leone went from friends to lovers, thanks to you. 
Honestly, I see Bambina!Darling working well here. Sorry, but Mammina!Darling is just for a Monogamous Bruno. Since Abba’s the more merciful Yandere and Bruno has the cruelest punishments, they argue over how to deal with your resistance and escape attempts.
Bruno’s Darling
Abbacchio’s more tsundere towards you than he would be as a Monogamous!Yandere. Why? Because Bruno’s his first love. He does think you’re cute, but he is jealous that you caused Bruno to divert his attention away from him. So he uses you as a stress toy.
Be very careful pissing off Bruno. The more you piss him off, the more he infantilizes you. So unless you like Bruno becoming your “daddy”, I would suggest staying on Bruno’s good side. Dont even THINK about asking Leone for help, because he won’t.
On the plus side, Abbacchio will convince Bruno to not make you bear 6 to 8 children. You’ll only be bearing 2 to 4 kids, depending on your actions/preference. Abbacchio doesn’t mind kids, but he doesn’t want his home to be a daycare center.
Abbacchio’s Darling
Bruno’s using you as a surrogate. He does adore you and love you for who you are, but he’ll treat you like a kid and that you’re babysitting his kids instead of raising YOUR babies. If you “willingly” get pregnant every two years, then he’ll convince Abbacchio to let you out the house.
Abbacchio is so reluctant to be romantic with you because he feels so bad about kidnapping you, but Bruno’s the driving force of Abba’s actions, even before Bruno manipulated Abbacchio into sharing you.
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knifefather · 3 years
yandere poly bruabba hehe they kidnap their sweet bambina and take her to there pretty cottage in the middle of the countryside
they’re both deeply in love with her of course they’re doing this for her safety!! 🥺lol
omfg yandere poly bruabba makes me breathe heavy hhhh. under the cut!!
content warning: kidnapping, mentions of sex, yandere goodness!! 18+ only!
Of course, they’re doing this to protect her. It doesn’t matter how much she struggles, it’ll all make sense to her in the end. It didn’t take much for the two of them to restrain her, and they knocked her out in the most painless way that they could think of. Turns out their sweet bambina is way too trusting, and Bruno was able to use a tranquilizer on her with ease. Silly girl. This just proves that she needs to be watched at all times. Imagine what would happen if she were attacked by an enemy Stand user? Not like Bruno and Abbacchio would ever let that happen.
Bruno is driving and Abbacchio is in the passenger seat. Bambina is laying in the back seat, a pillow to support her head and a blanket to keep her warm. They both periodically gaze back at her through the rearview mirror, watching her sleep peacefully. Sure, they turned their back on the gang, and on the rest of Passione. On Giorno. But it was worth it to shield their little darling from all of the unpleasantness of life. Her true place was at home, in their arms, covered in their kisses, and stuffed full of their cocks. Bruno and Abbacchio both shared this thought, and they squeezed each other’s hands a bit tighter as they sat in silence. They’re doing this because they love her. More than anything.
The cottage is really out in the middle of nowhere. Bruno had to pull some strings to find a nice, liveable space in such a remote area, but he did it. Then, he went off the grid. Anyone who has information on them is aware of what will happen to them if they snitch, which Bruno and Abbacchio made very clear. They parked the car and gently extracted her from the backseat. She remained unconscious in Abbacchio’s arms while they walked up the quaint cobblestone path to the front porch. A few potted plants already hung on the porch, their flowers in full bloom. Bruno’s smile was giddy yet unhinged as he quietly unlocked the door to the cottage. Home sweet home. 
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 3 years
songs i associate with jojo characters/ships (platonic and romantic ships btw)
a/n: some of these characters ARE my comfort characters so technically i answered your ask anon i promise
this is just my opinion y'all don't have to agree with me but i would like to hear some songs you guys associate with jojo characters too
cut for length lol
transparent soul by WILLOW: Jolyne Cujoh
~I feel like Jolyne would really like this song and just listen to WILLOW in general (i can also see her, hermes and FF in a band and playing this so)
Lovely Rita by The Beatles: pre-golden wind BruAbba
~Literally it's a song abt a guy falling in love with a meter maid and i just want these two to live a good life together god damn it
E.T. by Katy Perry AND Alien by Mommy Long Legs: Mikitaka Hazekura
~songs abt aliens/songs w/ alien-centric lyrics will always make me think of my cool alien boyfriend next question
Get it Up by Mindless Self Indulgence: Melone
~just listen to the song and tell me it doesn't ooze melone vibes
Everlong by Foo Fighters: Risotto Nero
~yeah risotto def listened to this song after finding out Ghiaccio had died and yeah he cried his eyes out because now all of his team is dead
Just a Girl by No Doubt: Trish Una
~Trish is a feminist thank you for asking
My Hero by Foo Fighters: Pesci and Prosciutto
~we all know Pesci and Pros had a very close, brotherly relationship but i headcanon that Pesci also saw Prosciutto as a father figure/his hero so
Creep by Radiohead: Noriaki Kakyoin
~I want you to notice/ When I'm not around/ So fuckin' special/ I wish I was special/ But I'm a creep/ I'm a weirdo/ What the hell am I doin' here?/ I don't belong here literally those lyrics SCREAM "i've never had friends and don't feel accepted anywhere because of it"
Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus: Formaggio
~teenage reader x teenage formaggio next question
Maxwell's Silver Hammer by The Beatles: Cioccolata
~song abt a med student killin bitches it just fits guys
Ghosting by Mother Mother: Noriaki Kakyoin
~another song abt not being seen and feeling completely alone and yeah this and the other kak song are the songs i cry to shut up
My Type by Saint Motel: Prosciutto
~idk i just feel like he'd bump this in his car and sing along off key while he's alone
Kids by MGMT: Pannacotta Fugo
~yeah i cry to this song too and fugo definitely would the poor boy just wanted to be a kid guys come on
Breezeblock by Alt-J: Yandere La Squadra
~these men are all horribly fucked up and yeah they would probably threaten to give their darling some new concrete shoes if they misbehave
In a Week by Hozier: post-golden wind BruAbba
~they're both fucking dead and in love. that's it that's why. they should've died together or at least NOT FUCKING DIED AT ALL JFC
Just Take My Wallet by Jack Stauber: Platonic! Joseph x Caesar
~"what's the kindest way to say you took away my friend, my buddy? what's the kindest way to say the end?" that's the explanation
White Knuckle Jerk by Will Wood: Ghiaccio x Reader
~ghiaccio being angry at himself because reader makes him feel things lol
...well better than the alternative by Will Wood: Jotaro Kujo (parts 4-6)
~Jotaro has PTSD and misses his childhood but isn't entirely sure how to handle either of those things and he doesn't want Jolyne to end up like him so
[Cover This Song!] A Little Bit Mine by Will Wood: Sorlato if they ever broke up
-Literally if anything happened to split them up even for the shortest time they'd both realize how much they need and love the other and they would always end up getting back together
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purplecraze · 3 years
oh geez, maybe a bit of a morbid idea...
But yandere!Bucciarati zipping Abbacchio’s ringfinger off and reattaching it with a zipper to look like a ring.
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proshipping-edits · 4 years
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a bruabba ship moodboard with yandere themes
Requested by:anon
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abbacchiosbelt · 3 years
Team Bucciarati | Vento Aureo Mobile Masterlist Part 1 🐞
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Bruno Buccellati
Fluffy Text With a Sick S/O
Spicy Text with His S/O
Funny Text With his S/O
Android!Bruno Headcanons
Animal Crossing Headcanons
Body Hair Headcanons
Bruno Using Sticky Fingers to Unzip His Dick
S/O Who Can’t Sleep Without a Stuffed Animal
Fooling Around With His S/O In Front Other People
“You’re my perfect match.”
Bucci Gang In a Haunted Mansion
S/O With Endometriosis
Platonic Headcanons
What Underwear Bruno Wears
Poly BruAbba at an Amusement Park
Ideal Date
Playing The Sims
Consensual Gun Play - [Not SFW, Drabble]
Bruno With A Depressed S/O [Self Harm CW]
Discovering His S/O Dislikes the Mafia
Rollercoaster Headcanons [by my wife!]
Stay and Love Me - Poly BruAbba x F!Reader - [Not SFW, Fic, Commission]
Rainy Day In with S/O, Fluff and Smut
Crush Falling Asleep Next to Him
New Member w/Pokemon
S/O Who Laughs at Dumb Shit
Handsy Bruno NSFW Headcanons
Laugh Headcanons
“Head In The Clouds” S/O Headcanons
Welcoming His New Baby
Using Sticky Fingers Headcanons - Not SFW
What kind of roleplay does he like?
Phone Sex Challenge
Accidentally Calling Him ‘Daddy’ + Poly BruAbba
Poly BruRiz Headcanons
Small Boobed S/O
Fluff After A Bad Day - Drabble
Chubby GF Headcanons
What porn does he watch?
What body type does he like?
Going Down on His S/O
Walking In on His S/O Touching Themselves
NSFW Alphabet Part 1
NSFW Alphabet Part 2
NSFW Alphabet Part 3
NSFW Alphabet Part 4
Sexual Experience
What He Likes to Hear During Sex
Stolen - Diavolo!Bruno x F!Reader [Not SFW, Angst, Fic]
Always Forever  - Poly BruAbba x F!Reader [Not SFW]
Big Chungus Text
Bruno Confessions
Poly BruAbba Confessions
BruAbba Confessions
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Leone Abbacchio
Yandere Tarot Cards [Temperance]
Yandere Tarot Cards [The World]
Yandere Tarot Cards [The Emperor, The Lovers]
Tag Prompt Generator - Drabble
Body Hair Headcanons
Spanking Headcanons
Fooling Around With His S/O In Front Other People
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to you, got it?”
Hair Pulling Headcanons
“I was wondering how long you were going to keep making out like that until you realized you weren’t alone.”
“Hold my hand tight. I’ll protect you.”
Bucci Gang In a Haunted Mansion
Platonic Headcanons
What Underwear Abbacchio Wears
Poly BruAbba at an Amusement Park
Happy to Say - Abbacchio x F!Reader [Not SFW, Daddy Kink, Commission]
Shower Sex
Say You Will - Siren!Abbacchio x GN!Reader - [Not sfw, Fic]
Accidentally Calling Him ‘Daddy’ + Poly BruAbba
Ideal Date
Playing The Sims
Bodyguard to Bruno’s S/O
Discovering His S/O Dislikes the Mafia/Police
Rollercoaster Headcanons [by my wife!]
Stay and Love Me - Poly BruAbba x F!Reader - [Not SFW, Fic, Commission]
What does he smell like?
Dad Headcanons
Opinions on Booty
Rainy Day In with S/O, Fluff and Smut
Feels Right - Abbacchio x Reader [Fluff, Fic]
New Member w/Pokemon
S/O Who Laughs at Dumb Shit
Moonlight - Abbacchio x F!Reader [Not Sfw, Consensual Somno, Fic]
Laugh Headcanons
S/O Turned on By His Voice
“Head In The Clouds” S/O Headcanons
Welcoming His New Baby
What kind of roleplay does he like?
Phone Sex Challenge
Food Play Headcanons
Accidentally Calling Him ‘Daddy’ + Poly BruAbba
Submissive S/O
Meeting Polnareff
Chubby GF Headcanons
What porn does he watch?
Going Down on His S/O
NSFW Alphabet Part 1
Fluff Alphabet Part 1
What He Likes to Hear During Sex
Always Forever  - Poly BruAbba x F!Reader [Not SFW]
Big Chungus Text
Abbacchio Confessions
Poly BruAbba Confessions
BruAbba Confessions
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Guido Mista
Duty - Alpha!Mista x Omega!S/O - [Not sfw, A/B/O]
Yandere Tarot Cards [Death]
Body Hair Headcanons
Mista Cheering Up His S/O
Pegging Headcanons
Fooling Around With His S/O In Front Other People
S/O Who Likes Being Choked and Spanked
"Say my name, I love hearing you moan."
Bucci Gang In a Haunted Mansion
S/O With Endometriosis
Platonic Headcanons
What Underwear Mista Wears
Mista With a Trans Man Crush
Try - Mista x GN!Reader [Not sfw, Fic]
Shy S/O Blurting Out a Love Confession
Ideal Date
Lights Out - Mista x F!Reader - [Not sfw, Fic, Consensual Somno, Commission]
Playing The Sims
Accidentally Calling Him ‘Daddy’
Opinions on Booty
General NSFW Headcanons
Rollercoaster Headcanons [by my wife!]
Rainy Day In with S/O, Fluff and Smut
New Member w/Pokemon
S/O Who Laughs at Dumb Shit
S/O Worried About Mista Dying
Laugh Headcanons
“Head In The Clouds” S/O Headcanons
Dad Headcanons
What kind of roleplay does he like?
Phone Sex Challenge
Food Play Headcanons
Chubby GF Headcanons
What porn does he watch?
Going Down on His S/O
NSFW Alphabet Part 1
Sexual Experience
What He Likes to Hear During Sex
Paradise Isn't Far - Mista x F!Reader - [Not sfw, fic]
Big Chungus Text
Mista Confessions
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Pannacotta Fugo
Cute Texts to His S/O
Fugo Sharing a Bed With His Crush Headcanons [SFW]
When do you think help will come?” “Not for a while, I guess we’re stranded here alone for the time being.”
Bucci Gang In a Haunted Mansion
Platonic Headcanons
Ideal Date
Playing The Sims
Rollercoaster Headcanons [by my wife!]
Hard-Boiled - Fugo x Reader - [Fluff, Fic]
New Member w/Pokemon
Laugh Headcanons
S/O Who Laughs at Dumb Shit
“Head In The Clouds” S/O Headcanons
Dad Headcanons
General Fluff Headcanons
Meeting Polnareff
Fugo Confessions
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Narancia Ghirga
S/O Who Spoils Him
Bucci Gang In a Haunted Mansion
Ideal Date
Playing The Sims
Platonic Headcanons
Rollercoaster Headcanons [by my wife!]
New Member w/Pokemon
S/O Who Laughs at Dumb Shit
Laugh Headcanons
“Head In The Clouds” S/O Headcanons
Dad Headcanons
Fluff Alphabet
Stray Cats Headcanons
Narancia Confessions
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Giorno Giovanna
Thoughts on Giorno
Bucci Gang In a Haunted Mansion
Platonic Headcanons
Ideal Date
Playing The Sims
BF Joining Passione
Rollercoaster Headcanons [by my wife!]
New Member w/Pokemon
S/O Who Laughs at Dumb Shit
Giorno Spoiling His S/O
Laugh Headcanons
“Head In The Clouds” S/O Headcanons
Dad Headcanons
Cuddling With Giorno - Reader x Giorno [Fluff, Drabble]
Fluffy Headcanons
First Date Headcanons
More Fluffy Headcanons
Giorno Confessions
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Trish Una
Wedding Headcanons
Bucci Gang In a Haunted Mansion
Ideal Date
Playing The Sims
New Member w/Pokemon
S/O Who Laughs at Dumb Shit
Laugh Headcanons
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megan-is-mia · 4 years
Smothering 11 and Delusional 3, 20 for poly yan bruabba, where they kinda just killed s/o's bf? If it's not too much to ask could you do it NSFW? Thanks!!! I love your blog btw 💟✨💟✨
(Thanks for all the love! Sorry it took so long to get this out)
11. “I really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? 3. “It’ll be the family we always wanted! The one we’ve been trying for!” 20. “You could rip my heart from my chest, and I’d still adore you.” (Yandere Poly! BruAbba x Fem S/o) (WARNING NSFW AND NON-CON AHEAD) (Y/n) was curled tight into a ball in the back of her closet. Her clothes were been soaked with her boyfriend’s blood. She’d come home to his body on the kitchen floor bleeding out onto the tiles. She’d hugged him close, the warmth of life draining from his skin as the minutes ticked by. She would have stayed like that all night if not for the sound of other people moving about her apartment. Without another thought, she’d broken into a run to her room and drove into the closet to hide. (Y/n) prayed that whoever had broken in and killed her beloved would find what they were looking for. Then hopefully they’d leave and she’d have a chance to call the police. “It seems we’re not alone anymore Leone” Bruno said eying the bloody footprints, freshly made leading from the kitchen to the bedroom. He gave his partner a look before following the trail and closing the door behind him. “I know you’re in here mia cara” the dark-haired man said sitting on the bed. “And I’m sure you’re feeling a bit frightened. But know this, I mean you no harm. You could rip my heart from my chest, and I’d still adore you” he continued gazing into the crack of the slightly open closet. “We was hoping to have everything cleaned up before you got home from work. This wasn’t the sort of first impression we were hoping to make” Bruno went on getting to his feet from the bed and walking to the closet. “Why don’t you come out mia cara? I won’t bite” the dark-haired man said opening the closet door all the way and reaching in to grab (Y/n) from her hiding place at the back. The girl pressed herself into the farthest corner trying to keep away from him. Her efforts were for naught as the man grabbed hold of her middle and dragged her out of the darkened closet into the light of the bedroom proper. Bruno held her flat against his chest and forced her to be still as he sat back down on the bed. “I found the documents, he was hiding them in the couch cushions the bastard” Abbacchio commented entering the room and locking the door behind him. He set a manila envelope on the nightstand before sinking down on the bed beside his husband. (Y/n)’s eyes filled with tears, her mind starting to put together the facts. “I really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright?  You’re so pretty when you smile” Leone said cupping (Y/n)’s chin in one hand and wiping away the tears trickling down her cheeks. He pressed a kiss against her chin leaving a waxy, black stain on her face. “That asshole kept you out of the loop didn’t he? Poor baby” Bruno said nuzzling (Y/n)’s shoulder. “Your so-called boyfriend borrowed a lot of money from the mob, and not only did he not pay it back. Oh no not just that, he also stole some important documents from our organization” he explained softly. “That’s why we had to take him out and retrieve the papers he took. Your presence however, made accomplishing that a bit difficult to do. And your relationship to him despite how minor still makes you responsible to pay back the money he took” Abbacchio said with a half-smirk. “In light of this we’ve decided to give you a way out of this mess by becoming our baby mama” Bruno said. “All you have to do is willing bear our children and you won’t have to worry about anything again” the man went on planting a kiss on (Y/n)’s neck. The young woman’s eyes bugged out and her mouth opened wide to protest when her lips suddenly clamped shut like they’d been zipped shut. Next the feeling in her arms and legs went along with her clothes. Just as she’d managed to process what had happened there was a dark-haired head between her legs licking furiously and a albino one sucking on one of her breasts. (Y/n) tried to scream through her sealed lips. Soon the tongue in her cunt was joined by fingers and her other breast was being pinched fiercely between two digits. After a few minutes of loosening the girl up, Bruno pulled away and freed his cock to grind it against (Y/n)’s pussy. He pulled her up into his lap again getting her into position as his husband made himself ready as well. “Try to relax mia cara, we’ll try to be gentle with you but you must try not to tense up” Bruno said pressing the head of his cock against the girl’s dripping entrance. He gently pushed (Y/n)’s hips down forcing her to take both his shaft and Leone’s at once. The two men pounded into the girl’s body managing to somehow hit her sweet spot with each inward motion they made. It didn’t take long for them to finish inside her. Of course they didn’t stop after one round, no they kept going until night had become dawn. Every so often changing position as (Y/n) drifted in and out of wakefulness. Finally they let her rest, sprawled on the sheets with cum dripping out of her cunt. Her arms and legs under her control again, useless as they were to her in her current condition. “You’ll make an excellent mother (Y/n). It’ll be the family we always wanted, the one we’ve been trying for” Bruno cooed guiding the girl’s head to rest against his chest. On the young woman’s other side Leone made himself comfortable with his arms wrapped around (Y/n)’s hips and his nose nuzzled against her nape. Wearily the girl fell into slumber, unable to process how her situation had been forced to change in only a span of a few hours... THE END
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❝ About Me
┊ ➶ My main blog is @reclusiveunicorn, and I can only follow you and reply from that one.
┊ ➶ I'm 33, agender, bisexual and use they/them pronouns.
┊ ➶ This is a side blog for me to be thirsty about Risotto Nero (my main f/o) and other Jojo characters in relative peace. I'm mostly a La Squadra whore right now. I have other f/o's but I'm not sure I'm comfortable talking about them right now because I'm bad a juggling obsessions for multiple characters and gushing about one is already a lot for me.
┊ ➶ I do mostly self-shipping and sometimes canon character multi-shipping on this blog. I enjoy a lot of the standard ships in the jojo fandom but also really like poly La Squadra, Rispro, RisMelo & RisForma, basically if it has Risotto involved I'm probably all for it lmao. Other ships I like are Bruabba, Giomis, and Brumis.
┊ ➶ I am 100% okay with sharing my f/o's! In fact I ENCOURAGE you to message me so we can gush about them together!
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➷ No minors, this blog is 18+. Other than that I don’t really have a DNI because literally no one wants to respect it even when I put banners up on my fic. I’ll block bigots and blank blogs though.
≫≫≫≫ I'm pro minding my own fucking business. I have more important things to care about than how other people play with fictional characters. I don't agree with people who bully/harass/dox others for what they write, draw, ship, or their kinks. Yes, that includes all the ships and kinks that YOU personally hate. I don't care.
≫≫≫≫ Block what you don't like. Don't send hate or harass people who do things differently than you with fictional characters. I believe that is a common courtesy that should be given to EVERYONE in fandom. If you think having that bare minimum of respect for real people makes me a 'pro-shipper' just block me right now. If you think you're morally superior over those who ship "illegal" ships, or think fiction has a 1:1 affect on reality without nuance, block me. You're not mature enough to be reading this blog.
≫≫≫≫ This is the only place I will discuss this, messages/asks trying to put words in my mouth or make assumptions about me over this will be ignored or posted to be publicly laughed at unless you're a mutual/friend wanting more clarification. Again, I do not care.
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❝ About My Writing
✎ I like to write reader/risotto fics along with other ships! When it's applicable I prefer to write a top/dom gender neutral reader. Most of the time they will be afab or their genitals won't be very specified.
✎ I will do my best to tag things around here but if you need something tagged don't hesitate to let me know, especially if it's for a trigger!
✎ Kinks you might find on this blog:
Dom AFAB Reader, and other forms of BDSM ranging from cock and ball torture, pet play, Mommy/Daddy Dom, and more.
Inappropriate use of stands
Yandere and all the dark things that can come with that
Non/Dub-con: Consensual non-consent, explicit rape roleplay, somnophilia
➷ Please google and do your research if you're unfamiliar with these sexual topics as I'm not going to explain them to you. Sorry but I'm a busy gal and google is right there.
➷ It should be obvious, but the darker content you find on this blog is not condoned by me in real life. Have some common sense before asking me about this kind of stuff, please.
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thesituation · 3 years
i think it’s funny when people think bruabba would confess their love and then be like “so we’re boyfriends now😳” as if they wouldn’t just hook up for months and then the concept of being exclusive comes up ONLY after bruno (yandere) pulls a knife on a girl abbacchio is trying to take home at a bar or something
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knifefather · 3 years
https://knifefather.tumblr.com/post/644927466182443008/yandere-poly-bruabba-hehe-they-kidnap-their-sweet ugh this post is like heaven to me. I know that yandere typically entails a reluctant darling but guh I'd love to be their pregnant little pet and just stay safe and owned by them. Their precious little doll
Honestly I loved writing that post!! I could see Bruno being a good yandere on his own, but coupled with Leone? Hot and dangerous! 🔥 They often play off of each other’s energy, so it doesn’t take long for their possessiveness over their darling to evolve into an obsession. And they honestly see nothing wrong with it. They encourage each other, help convince each other that stealing her away from the rest of the world is truthfully the best thing for her. If she loves them, then she should have no problem with them taking matters into their own hands. 
Under the cut for more yandere goodness!  ⁎✲゚。⋆♡ 18+ only!
I love their little darling just being too daft to even understand that her boyfriends are kidnapping her! To her, being drugged felt like she was just falling asleep in Bruno’s arms like she’s done many times before. When Bruno and Leone are loading her up in the back of the car, complete with pillows and a blanket, she has no clue that they will be the only two people that she’ll be allowed to see from then on. Of course, that will change when she gets pregnant by them! Without the distraction of silly things like friends and a career, she’ll have plenty of time to care for their young! Always by their side, just as a good mother should be. 
And Bruno and Leone love to see it: After she’s put the children down for their midday naps, the two men guide their darling into the quiet garden in the back of the house. They take her off the path of the garden and into a soft patch of wildflowers, far enough away from the house that they won’t be heard, but not too far from the children. Bruno and Leone reach for her, one set of hands undoing her apron and the other hiking up her blouse. “You’ve worked so hard taking care of the kids while we’ve been away, darling,” Leone says from behind her, his hands snaking higher up her shirt to cup her breast. She shivers under their touches, especially when Bruno kisses a trail down her bare tummy and to the hem of her pants. “Let us take care of you, bambina. Forever.” 
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