baconpal · 2 months
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If you do really well, there'll be some fanservice!
Good luck!
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violet-varley · 21 days
"kill them with kindness" WRONG! GLITTER BOMB!! 💣💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥✨
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cowgurrrl · 2 months
Okay wait but now I’m thinking about a sweet home alabama au with Joel
Like maybe you’re an up and coming star and you’ve fallen in love with one of your costars, an absolute beautiful (albeit a little bland) man everyone in the world seems to be fawning over, and you guys get engaged which is all good and well until you remember you have some…. unfinished business back in Texas. You go home for the first time in ten years, divorce papers in hand, and meet your soon to be ex husband Joel at the house you two shared once. Maybe he’s out working in the garage when you pull up in your rental car and he’s got a bandana sticking out of his back pocket, grease on his hands, and sweaty curls slicked out of his face. Maybe he looks you up and down when you get out of the car before he turns back to the faulty engine at hand. “You sure haven’t aged much.” He mumbles and you sigh. “‘S what happens when you get outta this shit hole. Life gets a whole lot better.” And maybe y’all get into an argument because he won’t sign the papers and you won’t take no for an answer and who ever thought this marriage would actually work out? You guys were just stupid kids making stupid choices. You make wise cracks at each other in the company of others and all but torment each other with years of unspoken tension and unresolved issues.
Although the longer you’re in Texas and trying to force him to sign the papers, the more you start to see what his life without you has looked like and how he’s changed. Maybe he takes you line dancing for the first time in ten years. Maybe y’all have a nice dinner where you don’t end up screaming at each other. Maybe you apologize for things you should’ve apologized for years ago. Maybe he finally signs the papers and a piece of your wannabe Yankee heart cracks just a little.
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silvercaptain24 · 2 years
sad boi baby, professional cow lifter
Everyone keeps sending me baby boi baby…
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crplpunkklavier · 10 months
im so mad i was in really terrible shoulder/neck pain yesterday, some deep muscle thing, and i tried everything from heat to cold to massages to stretches to combinations and nothing made a difference. and apparently the answer was to take one single ibuprofen. so here is my grumpy reminder to all my fibro bitches who have gotten a little too used to assuming all their pain is fibro and therefore immune to painkillers. sometimes it's still worth a shot. i fucking guess
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esoteric-dyke · 7 months
Who Hears The Tree Before It Falls
there sits a tree,
on a hill,
among others,
it is, like most things, ordinary
it’s branches curl like
a love letter to the sky above
twisted and mangled
and cruel and desperate
in its layers of bark 
overlapping its core
it is smiling.
a bird is sitting in its branches
not sure what kind
maybe a swallow or a robin
or a finch
one of those small ones
whos wings curve 
like a mother holding its child
and tomorrow 
oh tomorrow 
and tomorrow 
tomorrow tomorrow 
the bird is dead
on a fallen log on a hill
and today is not tomorrow
and a bird sits on a tree that
fell in love with the sky
like its a promise 
i hear you,
you are not singing
you don't have to.
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borrelia · 8 months
i was worried this macky cheese wouldnt be flavorful enough so i added some more pepper at the end but the mortar was wet so i couldnt grind them very find so theres BIG CHUNKSA PEPPER in here. oh well. it's not bad
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ghostpunkrock · 10 months
I hate hate hate having to ask clarification questions for every single task I’m given at this job because it makes me feel like I come across as really stupid when actually I am not stupid it’s just that the leads in this department are hilariously bad at giving instructions!!!!!
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roarinsaurus · 11 months
is in despair (packages haven't come in yet)
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dogcollarpunk · 1 year
Also got nothing done today, just got really excited about national parks and then early medieval clothing and then Got Hungry and then Got Tired and it’s now 5 pm
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staff: our april fools joke this year is a silly feature that doesn't really do anything but give you a button to boop other users! they have to opt-in first though :)
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wolfythewitch · 10 days
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jesus in the hades art style
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I love Matilda because it's a story about a child who sees injustice around her and gets mad about it and questions why things aren't fair, and instead of the ending being that she learns how the world works and that life isn't fair, she catapults one of the adults who abused her out of a building with her mind
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
If you put a pot of cold water with spaghetti in it in the oven will it work
If you what
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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sleepygaymerdisease · 3 months
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