#women are not objects
niiwa-angel · 12 days
Had dinner with some friends, all of whom identify as feminist, and we got on to the topic of the sex trade.
I brought up research I had done for a paper on sex trafficking and mentioned how lots of trafficking starts as consensual sex work, such as dancing or calming, and evolves into being pimped. I also brought up how when prostitution is legalized, human trafficking increases because men expect to be able to buy sex but women aren't willing to sell it so pimps turn to migrant women, the Indigenous, and other vulnerable women to meet the demand. I also brought up how dangerous sex work is because it's hard to stop a John in the act if he gets violent.
Their response.
"some women want to though"
Anger is not a strong enough word to describe how I felt. It was infuriating. And these are educated women! Liberal feminism truly is a disease. It rots the brain
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inezthefish · 4 months
What the actual fuck was the golden globes? The comedian was a fucking horrific misogynistic pig. Honest to God, my mouth was wide open the whole time. The Barbie joke? He proved the whole point of the Barbie movie. The Taylor swift joke? When are we gonna stop putting down successful women just because they’re successful? Also, everyone saying Taylor Swift overreacted, did we forget about Will Smith? A man can react, but a woman can only overreact, right? In todays world, we need people to uplift women and show little girls watching their TVs at home that they are allowed to be assertive and powerful without being bossy. That they are allowed to be defined as more than an object for men to look at and ogle at.
Women are not put on this earth for your pleasure or your viewing
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littlefemmecreature · 4 months
A 0km woman
I really don't know if this is just from my country or from LATAM or not but there's something called "a 0km woman" here. Who is a woman that has never had sex or her first kiss with a guy.
As a woman who can be considered like one, I would never date a boy who thinks I'm a car. Or a just a hole. I really respect if you as a man want to have a virgin wife who's only gonna be with you for the rest of her life. I respect it, but hopefully you see her as a human being.
If you are a virgin as well still waiting for your one, I invite you to never date a boy thinking you're a car, or a vase or maybe a plate. These are the typical ones who watch p0rn. Be careful
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sageexperience · 5 months
Very well said food for thought a good conversation
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witchy-batsquatch · 10 months
So I've been looking into my family history on my mom's side and the more I look the more generational trauma I find so much violence towards the women who came before me they've all been victims of a system that let sa and dv slide those women embody this song
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gender-be-gone · 2 years
It took a day for me to finally realize what has happened. This is gonna be a longer post, but bare with me. I am a Fucking Minor, yet I have less rights then firearms. The US doesn’t care about the people anymore. It hasn’t in a long time. If I were to be raped, I would be asked questions about what I was wearing, and why I didn’t keep my legs closed. I would be forced to carry a child that I don’t want against my own will. Even if I would die trying to have it. The US doesn’t care about its people. It cares about control. I don’t care the color of your skin, your religion, your sexuality, or your gender. What I do care about is if you support the government taking away our rights or not. If you support the overturning of Roe v Wade, get off my FUCKING page. You people are the reason this has to be said. Wake the fuck up and defend the victims. Not the abusers. Women are people, not slaves. To the people who don’t support the overturning of Roe v Wade or if you were just scrolling, thank you for reading this, and have a wonderful day.
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vavuska · 2 years
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Here we are, sisters, another cis het guy has the audacity to explain to women how we are supposed to be...
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This puts mansplaining into higher ground!
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Trans women* experience is canceled, they are not allowed to talk for themselves, the narrative is built on cis het people who doesn't know what they are talking about. Trans panic and bigot Mrs. Lovejoy-like statements like “Won’t somebody please think of the children!?” instead of an honest debate in which“ new” problems that haven't been properly solved and discussed by competent scientist and activists yet, find a easy way to the minds of biased viewers. And there aren't any mention of the psychological and physical violence trans people have to deal with every day, most of the times by their own families or care givers.
Matt Walsh is one of those defensors of (white) cis het women who fit on the gender stereotypes of weak, sensitive virgin (who, casually, are very good at doing houseworks and their only dream is being wifes and mothers) princesses that need to be rescued by men, and then owe them more than just gratitude.
The imaginary evil monster from which those modern-day princesses need to be rescued from are trans women, not those jurists and politicians who want to control women's body and cancel women's rights. And here, white cis het heroic knights like Walsh are ready to (metaphorically) kill LGBTQ+ persons who have even more problems than (white) cis het women by putting those two emarginazed groups one against the other in order to maintain the status quo, their power to control over women's bodies. This is the age-old policy of divide et impera, divide and rule.
(*as alway, trans men and non-binary people's existence is canceled from the public debate)
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Plus, the title is dehumanizing as well: using “what” instead of “who” links women to objects for personal use rather than real person. “What” is used for objects, and women are not objects. We are human being who are perfeclty able to talk for ourselves and can give our own definition of womenhood outside the gender stereotypes created and perpetrated by this society built on men-gaze and men pleasing.
This “documentary” doesn't talk about any concrete and diffused problem in which biological or social differences between men and women matter, such as biased men-based general medicine and pharmacology, gender discrimination (transmisogyny too is an issue), sexualization (a problem that affect both trans and cis women), obstetrician and gynaecological violence or safe access to abortion (problems cis women shares with trans men and non-binary people, but they aren't mentioned here). Another issues is ignored are the genitalia mutilation practice that surgeons do to intersex children at birth, by forcing with an invasive procedure a gender on them without their consent, while TERFs love to make people believe that trans children shouldn't be able to took hormones or having access to other drugs to help them through their transition, because “aren't able to decide for themselves” and this would be a forced genitalia mutilation.
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But, more important? Who the f*ck are those “they”? It sounds a lot like some weird transphobic, sexist conspiracy theory!
(plus, I smell a huge part of general hate toward whole LGBTQ+ community as well)
(Matt Walsh is also a pro-life anti-abortionist guy, so... No surprise that he want to teach womanhood to women.)
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
I am somewhere between so furious I can't see straight & complete scream-sobbing-hair-pulling emotional breakdown.
At least now it should be clear to everyone that in the eyes of many people in power, women are not full human beings & we should have our constitutional rights stripped from us. This is only the beginning. They'll come for more. A national law is coming next. They are already talking about it. Then gay marriage, the morning after pill, right to contraception, interracial marriage, even the ability for women to hold their own bank accounts or own property without a male co-signer.
I will kill before I let myself become property. This is literally a subject I am willing to go to prison for. To women who won't be able to leave the country to get an abortion, I have a passport & I have no problem bringing medication back. I'm ready for this fight.
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redhoodedangel · 2 years
To the people protesting and who are enraged against the injustice that occurred two days ago, here is a Spotify playlist to help empower you and spread the message!
Mind you, some of the songs might not be to your taste. So, please recommend any songs about female empowerment and the strength of women and people in numbers.
Show this corrupt government that we will not yield!
We will not bow!
We will not surrender!
We will rise!
We will fight!
We will scream and shout!
We will call them on their bullshit!
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elementec · 2 years
It's 2022 this is not the world we're supposed to be living in
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rabidbatboy · 2 months
“girlcock” this, “girlcock” that. what if I want to watch the corner of her eyes crinkle when she talks about the tv show she likes. what if I want her to be able to confide in me the things she never felt safe enough to tell anyone else.
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nerdygingergremlin · 7 months
I told a guy in my friend group that the person someone else brought into the group was making my internal alarms go off, the ones that us women have from experience.
"Well, I get that he's a single guy in his 30s that looks like-"
The alarms I've had to set for myself are not based on appearance. They're based on actions, body language, tone of voice. Appearance has nothing to do with it.
"Well, he only socializes with us and his mother, who he lives with and takes care of."
It is basic decency to not try to subtly shove my partner to the side just to talk to me or to not stand at the end of the table and stare me down like I'm a goddamn piece of meat while I'm in a conversation with other people.
No. I don't need you to rationalize my hackles going up as me being sexist when this person has gone out of his way, intentionally or not, to make me so uncomfortable that I no longer hang out with the friend group.
Rationalizing someone's shitty behaviour is not okay. Trying to rationalize why someone's hackles go up around your friend and then argue them away and discounting their feelings is not okay. My priority will never be going against my gut feeling when my hackles go up.
How about you listen to the women in your life instead of trying to argue away or gaslight their concerns.
Because i shouldn't be worried he's going to be waiting for me outside the bathroom in a freaking pizza restaurant. Or follow me to my car. Or make me so uncomfortable that I'm literally hiding behind my husband.
(My husband listened to me the first time and stood his ground and helped me.)
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autosadist · 2 months
i don't talk too much about how trans women get treated in original posts because im not a trans woman and plenty of trans women on this site are sharing insights that i can just reblog but also sometimes i see other trans dudes talk about trans women in ways that make me want to step in 1 on 1 like "hey man, do you remember what it feels like to be a girl getting treated like a piece of meat by some guy you don't know then dismissed for standing up for yourself. because you're that guy now"
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if we really want equality, then why dont they make backless clothes, crop tops, shirts that barely reach over boobs, for men as well? why is there no clothes in stores designed for men that expose the waist, navel, or abdomen? why it is standard for woman but for man there is no option like that? why men cover their backs and have long shirts but in women section there are rarely options like that? Is there shortage of material in women clothing industry? who says men wouldnt want to walk around like that too? who says men dont want to wear crop tops too and flaunt their back sides in boxers that barely cover their asses. i dont get it and all of you woke mf never want to have this conversation. if we demand equality, then we demand men walk around like whores as well. only then we will have peace.
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53v3nfrn5 · 8 months
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‘Enchanted Objects’ by: Hanne Zaruma
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