#wiz I hope you like this
jusst-you-race · 16 days
oh re:pinned post you know im gonna ask for a carcar prompt... -wiz
if not vibing with that, dealer's choice with the word "mouth" maybe? lol
okay so I know you asked for carcar but I threw lando in there too because I couldn’t help myself… so here is a little borderline smutty carlandoscar thing
“Do you ever stop running your mouth?”
It’s something Oscar’s said to Lando before, but the soft, fond tone is gone when it’s directed at Carlos. It's icy cold, bordering on mean, sharp words only blunted where they’re muffled by Lando’s collarbones, where Oscar is currently biting.
Carlos scoffs from where he’s trying to work Lando’s pants off.
“You are liking me running my mouth.” He gestures at the obvious bulge tenting the front of Oscar’s shorts. “Don’t pretend otherwise.”
Oscar’s eyes turn flinty, but Lando runs a hand through his hair affectionately and he settles back into marking up every inch of skin hidden by clothing. Lando tries not to laugh at how much more possessive Oscar is with Carlos here. Carlos presses his hand to where Lando is so hard he’s almost leaking into his underwear and Lando can’t help but whine at the pressure. Carlos practically growls in response.
“You like that, no? You are so hard and eager for us, Lando.”
Lando pants as Carlos grinds the heel of his hand down.
“Carlos…” he breathes. Oscar bites him. Lando grins.
“We are going to ruin you Lando.” Carlos continues talking, clearly unaware of the little exchange. “But that is what you wanted, is it not? That is why you begged me to join you, no? One cock is not enough for you. You are greedy.”
Oscar rolls his eyes.
“You sound like a bad porno.”
Carlos’s head snaps up, nostrils flaring.
“I do not hear you coming up with anything better.”
Oscar smirks, the corners of his mouth curling up like a cat.
“I think you come up with enough for both of us.”
Carlos lunges, and for a second Lando worries they’re about to start fighting, but instead they collide in a kiss that looks like it’s all teeth. Oscar is caught off guard for a second, before he presses back into the kiss, winding his hands into Carlos’s thick hair and pulling. Carlos groans and draws away from the kiss, panting. For a moment they just look at each other, gazes burning. Lando doesn’t move. Then they both lean back in, bridging the gap between them where Lando is lying.
He watches them from below, and if he wasn’t already turned on to the point of leaking then he certainly is now. Carlos takes Oscar’s lip between his teeth and tugs, and Oscar grunts in response. It’s the hottest thing Lando has ever seen, and he’s almost embarrassed by the loud moan that spills from his lips.
Oscar and Carlos both startle as if they’ve forgotten he’s there. Oscar blinks, and then gives Lando a smile that’s somewhere between sheepish and indulgent. Carlos continues to look at Oscar, an intense expression on his face.
“Sorry,” Oscar murmurs, absently stroking his thumb across Lando’s skin. “We were ignoring you.”
Lando shakes his head.
“No, no it’s fine. It was uh… it was really hot actually.”
Oscar’s smile turns sharp.
“Yeah? You like seeing me and Carlos together?”
Lando huffs. Carlos is still watching Oscar.
“Why d’you think I suggested this? The angry sexual tension thing you two do kind of does it for me.”
Oscar’s eyebrows go up like he’d never considered this. His gaze flicks over Lando’s face, considering. Lando can feel his cheeks heat in response to being examined in that way that Oscar does. Carlos tracks the movement of Oscar’s mouth. Eventually Oscar speaks.
“Well. You just lie there and look pretty then, if you want.” Oscar looks back at Carlos, his cool gaze meeting Carlos’s blazing one. “I’m sure Chili and I can entertain ourselves.”
Carlos frowns at the nickname and Lando knows it’s exactly the response Oscar wanted. Oscar plants a painfully tender kiss on Lando’s forehead and leans down to whisper in his ear.
“Be good and watch me ruin him.”
Lando moans embarrassingly loudly again. He nods so aggressively he thinks he might give himself a headache.
Oscar turns back to Carlos.
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cherrybombrs · 10 months
do u have any wiz101 beginner tips!! i just started recently cause it's a very charming mmorpg but after the unicorn way quest it threw so much tutorial and gameplay mechanic at me and my little pea brain cannot keep up, any advice?
OK HIII for starters thank u for helping me realize i had asks turned off on da wiz blog... i've since fixed that so. that should be good now <3 ^_^
AS FOR BEGINNER TIPS... i played the very first arc YEARS ago like a year or two after wiz's first release. i played back in 2011 so everything is like a blur to me- and i do have like. TWO wizards that i made to start fresh with just to see like. how things changed and. YEAH. i see what u mean with how they just kind of throw u at the wolves once ur done with that section
unfortunately i dont have many tips in that regard just because the starting point of the game has changed SO much fundamentally from the time that i played, to now. but i could give u some small things that might make ur life a little easier???
find a friend who can trade u monstrous TC (treasure cards)!! they're additional spell cards you can add onto your deck that upon use get used up, but monstrous comes super in handy because they boost your damaging spells DMG by a big amount. it'll make the slough of early game much quicker.
WHILE UR DOING UR main scenario quests, look around at the side quest in the area!! i never did this growing up but it dawned on my now how crazy smart this is LOL a lot of side quests will be like "hey wizard go beat up these things for me pleaseeeee" and you can sync up ur quests along with ur sidequest and they'll both count. literally a win-win
the further u go on in the game, u should keep ur deck smaller- less spells means more likely to pull what u need in that moment means less prolonged battles that go on for longer than they need to. ALSO LEARN RESHUFFLE its a balance spell and you learn it in krokotopia. CORRECTION YOU LEARN IT IN COLOSSUS BLVD FROM MILDRED FARSEER (THANK YOU @/divine-deer!!!!) literally worlds most op spell in the game love it
there's some side content that the game throws at u randomly. iirc, theres grizzleheim starts at level 20 and then you keep getting called back there until u reach 45 (that's for wintertusk, highly recommend for that level!!) wysteria, lvl 25 i believe there's the underwater section in wizcity sewers in olde town aquilla (HIGHLY rec doing this for the sky iron hasta, that bad boy will carry you to lvl 100 LOL) and much much more. i know there's more but I'm literally forgetting because there's so many side worlds
when in doubt. just look up whatever you're dealing with and add reddit on the end. i don't like reddit but damnit those mfs have ALL the answers for literally anything
this is ALL i can rlly think of off the top of my head rn BUT if u ever have anymore questions my dms are always open as well as my ask box ^_^ i love wizzzzzz
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wizardo-yo · 2 years
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What I imagine a more realistically-sized school dorm room would look like based off of my own university dorm room experience. If you were given this room when you first moved into Ravenwood, how would you customize it?
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extravalgant · 2 years
i see some posts around in the tag about the wizard’s behavior in the heap (among other places) and how it was meant to show case how quick the wizard is to jump into a more physically aggressive approach compared to the one we are encouraged to take (i.e. talking it out etc)
i feel like.... the “you look disappointed” line hit a different chord to me. not of one where its like ‘the wizard was disappointed because they didnt get to fight’ but more of something like ‘i wish there had been a chance given to me to be able to talk it out’
because thats always the way ive read that line -- that because of the wizard’s rising status as ‘‘something to be reckoned with’‘, of course opposing forces are going to want to defeat them.
thats sort of the way that i interpreted that line -- because we had already seen the wizard give someone mercy in khrysalis. we spare the life of kaliklack in the beginning of khrysalis and he’s surprised at this fact; we allow him to change and depend on us even if the environment at the time was less than ideal. we were that at morganthe’s peak, nearing the end of the final showdown, and we were meant to act and do as a spy. it would mean losing literally everything if the wizard got found out early and lost to morganthe’s forces
but... we spare them. and they help us in return. we are quite literally incredibly lucky that zaltanna ended up being on our side because if she wasn’t, our act of mercy on the one we are supposed to kill would have been an immediate give away to the kind of person that we are.
i think, above all else, that the wizard is seen as a being of mercy. because we never actually see anything outright stated that the wizard is doing things out of malice (unless i’m forgetting something). we walk into traps that we know are obvious, and as far as i know - we never go too far.
we even spare grandfather spider - the biggest act of mercy of all! the entire deal with the end of arc 3 was raven and spider needing to talk things out and end up reconnecting because of it, and now it seems implied that the wizard would rather fight than talk things out?
like. we even befriended dasein and that was after sybil was like ‘‘you have nothing to fear’‘ LIKE ALRIGHT so like WHYYY is it different in the heap
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dollfat · 4 months
im enjoying having gale as a bard, especially because he can learn spells from other classes. next time im gonna make wyll one of the fighter bards. im defo gonna be a paladin
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eeper-jeeper · 10 months
I have so many thoughts on Novus so spoilers below !
The fact Dasein and the Wizard are like two sides of the same coin but like people pleasing eventually leads Dasein to spiral (pun intended) I am just trying to think about what the Wizard said to him as he slowly grew more frustrated like I don't remember exact dialogue but like in the sense the wizard also does the same thing they try to help everyone and they have taken on so much trauma because of it and here they are watching their friend be torn apart but barely keep it together what was the wizard feeling during all this? I like to think the wizard doesn't even really know why they do the things they do anymore helping everyone is autopilot to them there is no other way for them at this point they've been on a world saving mission since they were like 15 this way has been their only way but its had devastating consequences before (Arc 2 and 3) but what choice did they have besides to keep doing what they've always done? I imagine they don't have an answer for Dasein because they don't even know for themselves
which on another note I am excited for Wallaru because if the wizard reaches him will they have an answer for him what is the point of being good if nobody else is?
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snekdood · 11 months
mfs cant even dress. fuckin. wearing basketball shorts and a nondescript t shirt and short ass hair and have the gall to make fun of other people for dressing different. okay background character
#ok least memorable guy in the room#oh? oh what josh? do you play sports? you real good at your sports ball?#you smoke weed after school n shit? listen to rap music?#and thats your entiiiiiiiiiiiiiire personality. lol. lmao.#oh and its mainstream rap too. like wiz khalifa or somethin. and you never listen deeply to the lyrics or what they say#you only listen to it to feel cool while you smoke your weed.#oh and i bet you make having a care a personality too since theres literally absolutely nothing else remarkable about your character#car*#do ya go fishing? maybe like guns? maybe you just got a dog recently. wow. a real step forward for you and your empty ass soulless life#do you ever volunteer for things? do you ever actually. give a fuck about things?#do you have a hobby outside of sports? do you spend literally any time alone introspecting?#do you cope with life by drinking and vaping with your pals to avoid having to ever have a thought or feel an ounce of regret for being a#piece of shit?#crazy how i can read you like the back of my hand tyler josh stevenson#and by golly do you never question the ethicality of owning a lawn either. thats never crossed your mind. because giving af about anything#has never crossed your mind besides yourself#wonder how dissapointed your mom is in you but never tells you outright#she prolly hoped you would become more. stay a nice sweet little boy. but naur#ya didn't. and now you're pinning after celebrities who wear designer brands. because your life is empty and soulless.#too mean? eh. he needs to hear it.
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toiletpotato · 1 year
the casting directors of The Wiz and Wicked have an opportunity to do the most thing imaginable
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Tributes I doodled ( read: struggled to!! ) for a couple SPN Fam attending the San Francisco Con next month. Due to the endlesspostponements, they sadly lost loved ones in the midst of The Great Wait TM.
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swordy-da-goat · 3 months
hi i saw your road wiz again and wanted to make a 3d model of them!
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i took some light creative liberties but i did my best to stick to the palette you used and to stay on model, hope you like it! :3
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Buddy, this is one of the coolest things I have ever received. See my rant in the tags.
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evilwizard · 5 months
The Lich Who Stole Christmas
Every tumblrina in tumblr liked Christmas a lot.
But the lich, who lived just north of Tumblr, did not!
The lich hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be his skull wasn’t screwed on quite right. It could be, perhaps, that his skin was too tight.
But I think that the likeliest reason of all… was his heart was encased by a strange lead-lined ball.
“Last year I made something that I thought in would usher
A new age of magic—my prized OrphanCrusher.
But my patents were stolen, and my sweet new invention
Is now being used… with good-ish intentions.
You see, Christmas wishes contain lots of magic;
And my device extracts it through methods so tragic
That I dare not mention them directly here
Though the name might clue in certain readers, I fear.
The Wizard Council, now that they possess this device,
Might use it, this year, to stamp out wizard vice.
Though the process might turn quite a few kids to carrion,
The Wiz Council’s ethics are utilitarian.
So what shall I do? What is to be done?
It seems rather clear that this Christmas can’t come.
But I’ve read a few books, and I know a few tricks
So this year I’ll steal Christmas, while dressed as Saint Nick!”
So the wizard of evil returned to his lair
Stitched a red suit, and did up his hair
Built a sleek sled—and—who among us,
Could hope for a much better Rudolph than Krongus?
They took to the skies, that next Christmas Eve,
And tailgated Santa, whom they hoped to deceive
At every house he left presents, they quickly descended,
And stole the decor and the gifts he’d intended.
And when the dark wizard’s sleigh was full-loaded with gifts,
He tugged at the reigns, and they made for The Rift!
A place where the veil between worlds was thin…
And a brilliant place to dump the gifts in!
“You see,” he told Krongus, as they approached that strange crack,
“Once something goes in, it can never come back!”
“Moreover, it’s perfect,” the wizard did sing,
“For The Rift destroys every part of that thing!”
“Every instance, every atom in all multiverses,
Will be undone as though by my special dark curses.
Not a gram, not a dust speck or mote shall remain,
And no one will even remember their name!”
“But sire,” muttered Krongus, “would it not be more precise,
If you simply put in the OrphanCrusher device?”
The evil wizard thought of this, parking his sleigh in the snow.
He’d made quite a trip, and this seemed quite a blow.
“I do have one here,” he told that weird devil.
“But destroying Christmas seems rather more evil!”
Then, far behind him, and the gifts he had pillaged,
He heard a small noise coming from Tumblr Village.
It was simply a song, of holiday spirit,
But the wizard was utterly shocked just to hear it.
“It came without ribbons! It came without tags!
It came without packages, boxes or bags!”
Then the lich thought of something he hadn’t before.
Could it be Christmas was some kind of contagion or spore?
What happened next? Well, in Tumblr, they say,
The lich’s dead heart exploded that day!
And the combustive force of that villainous blast,
Airlifted the sleigh, and brought it right back,
To the village, where Tumblrinas rejoiced!
Then continued to sing, and lift up their voice.
And back at the rift, the lich, with head in a spin,
At the edge of the rift dropped the OrphanCrusher in.
So Christmas was saved, by accident mostly,
Though performing a good deed turned the bad wizard ghostly.
“Come, Krongus—we must now return to my tower,
While I wait several months to return to full power.”
And at Wizard Council HQ, certain strategist seers,
Saw all this occur through the orbs that they peered.
They smiled, and high-fived, and struck up the band,
Pleased that these events had gone just as planned.
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xxtc-96xx · 1 month
The fact you get death threats over not finishing the Endertale comic is not surprising, but it truly saddens me to no end. Like gee wiz, I wonder why you don't want to work on it. I think you're doing amazing, and I hope the lil mews and twos can bring you more joy! Cause at the end of the day, you gotta do what makes YOU happy, and not anyone else! Keep up the awesome work TC, you're doing amazing.
Actually I got death threats for not finishing my lion king comic, death and torture threats lol
I got death threats and “do the deed yourself” threats for when I said that my version of frisk, my own version of frisk and not the official version, my version that does not dictate what the official frisk is…….was going to be “he/him”
Ironically they all stepped over my “they/them” chara to do it too lol and it still made me all the “phobes”
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: May 2024 Predictions
Hello beautiful people! Later on this week, I will have a Five Dollar Friday Sale where any topic can be talked about. Please refer to my guidelines if you are interested in booking with me! Today, I will be giving you all some predictions about the upcoming month. I hope that those who resonate will continue to support me. For those of you who have been supporting me, I thank you. Without further ado, please select the quote that resonates with you.
Left-to-Right: (1-3)
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Pile One: I am getting Taurus energy from this pile. I feel like you are going to be walking away from a situation that no longer serves you in May. It's going to hurt. But on the bright side, at least you are done with that chapter in your life. I feel like you are inviting new energy into your life though. It feels lively. I think that you need to be careful though if you go out to a hookah bar, or just go out into the nightlife in general. I am seeing that you will be going to a cookout. I am seeing the image of a thermometer's heat rising. I feel like you may have tension with someone that's super thick, lol. All in all, I feel that this month for you will determine the theme of this summer for you all. You got your wings, you've been promoted! It may be hard to focus on the positives because of your circumstances but you will survive. This month will feel weird because it’s like your on two ends of the spectrum. One part is good and the other is gone to shit, but all will work in your favor boo! See the good in life.
Cards Used: Page of Cups, Queen of Discs, Ace of Cups, 5 of Discs, The World, 10 of Swords, Justice.
extras: arrogance. cheap labor. pennyslvania. slabs. coney island. sweet! livelihood. perfume. body shapewear. antisocial club.
Pile Two: Idk why but your energy reminds me of Natalie Nunn lol. Not the messy parts but the part about her where she's unintentionally funny and fun to be around. Your energy feels very much party girl, I could easily get in this section if I wanted to type of vibe. Anyway, I think that you are going to be strengthening some platonic connections that you already have. But I also think that you're going to cut someone loose --- someone who has been around for a while. The name Harold comes to mind. Have you eaten Harold's Chicken as of recently, lol? I think that you're going to have sharper instincts as a result. You're going to see people for who they are. I am seeing the image of a butterfly flying on someone's nose. You will be growing up in the month of May. There is an emphasis on meditation. You're being called to devoting your time to staying in the present. You're being asked to go within and get more introspective. Also, cut back on the refined sugars. I think you'll be listening to Amaraae and Solange more often this month as well.
Cards Used: King of Cups, 3 of Cups, Strength, Death, King of Swords, The Hermit, Prince of Discs, 2 of Swords, The Lovers.
extras: big eyes. blonde hair. shapely. wiz khalifa. stunna shades. "i ain't going nowhere." "get comfy." gloomy. rainbow tips.
Pile Three: Someone in this pile is going to be reuniting with their family at a prom sendoff, at a graduation, a party. Either way, it will be a celebration. This pile will also be very grateful in the month of May. You are also going to have many opportunities to make quick money with the people that you love (not necessarily family but anyone that makes you feel safe). A love opportunity will be coming through for you as well. I don't see this as something you should take serious. I think you want to be independent right now, that person understands and they will give you your space for the time being. If you're trying to curate an event, don't worry too much about what people will think because it's going to be a big turnout regardless. I think some of you will be going to a wedding or will be getting married. So, congratulations to that! I also think that some of you will be meeting your future spouses in this pile (you won't know it yet though). Overall, I feel that this month is a great month for you to focus on community building.
Cards Used: The Emperor, The Hierophant, 9 of Swords, King of Wands, Justice, 3 of Discs, 8 of Wands, 4 of Wands, Ace of Cups.
extras: entrepreneurial spirit. aquamarine. blue butterflies. single father. "something cute, something for the summertime."
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Request: I have a request for Teenagers <33! So basically, Miguel comes home to reader / his adopted daughter, avoiding him. He thought because of their “fight” and him lying to her but in reality it’s because hobie gave her a nose and belly piercing. Thanks, I hope you do this 💕 requested by @mwrmaidluvz
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬... 𝐏𝐭 𝟗
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“Are you sure?” Hobie asked you again, for the 100th time. It was his suggestion, but he wanted to make sure you were cool with it.
“I’m sure.” You took a deep breath, he already did the nose piercing, all that was left was the belly piercing.
“All right…” he said, grabbing the needle and sticking it through, you sucked in a breath, and tears started to fall.
“All done.” He mumbled, smiling. “You look… fucking amazing.” He said, looking at you in your crop top and then at your face.
You looked in the mirror. “I think I look badass.”
“You do.” He said, putting up his stuff.
“Oh shit. My dads gonna kill me.” You realized. You hadn’t thought of that.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. Seems like he’s let go of you a bit more.”
You had realized it too.
“Yeah, I know.”
“You’ll be fine. Promise.” He said.
“You’re right. Alright, go to work, spider-man. I’ll see you later, alright?”
“Yeah, I love you.” He grabbed your cheek, and kissed you, before opening up a portal.
You were now home alone. You looked in the mirror and fiddled with both piercings. He told you how to clean and change them beforehand.
After a few days, Miguel noticed you hadn’t seen him. He noticed it before too, but it hurt him at this point.
Was it because of the argument?
No way. You both were over it. But maybe it still hurt, I mean he did lie to you your whole life. He didn’t know anymore.
He had to talk to you. He thought, heading to your room. He knocked on the door.
“Yeah?” You yelled from inside, anxiety running.
“Can we talk?”
“Uh- yeah, yeah, sure.” You said, he opened the door and you stumbled to get a jacket.
You covered your nose with your hands, he clearly noticed.
“What’s up?”
“Have you been.. avoiding me..?”
Oh shit he knew.
“Wha- avoiding you..? Nah. Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“If this about what happened-“
“It’s not.”
“Then what’s wrong..?”
“If anything happened.. you can tell me, you know?”
You sighed and uncovered your nose. His eyebrows raised. Then you pulled up your jacket.
“Oh. Well… it looks good on you. I thought you were mad at me.” He laughed nervously.
“No.. sorry I lied to you.”
“No- it’s fine. I like it. It looks… cool.”
“Thanks. Hobie did it for me.” You smiled, putting down your jacket.
“Of course he did.” Miguel mumbled.
“I hope you know I was in the doorway this whole time.” Hobie said, Miguel looked back at him as you jumped, not expecting him.
Miguel rolled his eyes, and left the room.
“Keep the door open!” He said.
“Yeah, I know.” You rolled your eyes.
You laughed as Hobie went on the bed next to you.
“I hate to say I told ya so.. but I told you so.”
“Oh shut up.” you threw your pillow at him.
“Oh, we’re doing pillow fights now?” He stood up, grabbing a pillow and hitting you with it as you laughed and screamed.
Taglist: @enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorrxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @I-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @artsykerfuffleplus @notbluees
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lindszeppelin · 2 years
Show Me Your Wild Side
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pairing: Austin Butler x Fem!Reader
summary: Austin has been your adoring boyfriend for quite some time now. On a rainy day spent inside, you two spend some much needed quality time together. pretty simple premise but will pack a punch...trust me.
rating: Mature, 18+. Minors, get yo self outta here! Avert your eyes.
warnings: oral (f receiving), fingering, handjob, dom and sub dynamic, edging/orgasm denial, thigh riding, over-sensitivity. maybe more i forgot to mention? 
word count: 10.2k. listen, i didn’t come to play around.
a/n: Hey loves!! This is my first go at writing fanfiction in years, so do forgive any grammatical errors and things like that. I hope you enjoy! 
tags: @elvisstyles​
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From the moment you first set your eyes on Austin Butler, you knew he was gonna be trouble -- but the best kind. He courted you properly like the gentleman he is, taking his time with you. Getting to know all the little details about you and making sure to remember important things you told him like names, dates, places you loved to visit, your favorite things. That sickeningly sweet honeymoon phase that usually fizzles out after a few months with most couples never went away with you two. In fact, your love story is still drenched in desire. The flame between you both never dying out, only getting stronger as time goes on. You were a perfect match.
Not long after he successfully wooed you into his life, he offered for you to live with him full time. He was bi-coastal, spending the majority of his time in California, but he had a little loft in Manhattan that complimented your already existing lifestyle. This was where the two of you would start to make a home that was yours. He didn’t complain when you took over half of the available bathroom sink space with your makeup and hair tools -- in fact, he bought you your own vanity table that you knew was far too expensive, but he wanted to show how much he appreciated you. 
Your perfectly imperfect lives intermingled like something out of a fairytale. Suddenly you were not just two people coexisting in the same space. You were one in the same. It was the little things about one another that made the love deepen with each day. A prime example -- When he would get sucked into a new script he was reading, he had a pen he would use to take notes that would find permanent residence in his mouth, the cap of it being chewed to smithereens by the time he was finished annotating. The little gnawing noises and hums he made was one of his quirks that might drive anyone else batshit insane. But you loved him for it.
Slowly but surely, you managed to fine a routine within your busy lives. The weekends specifically were centered around one on one time with each other. No one else, no distractions, just you and Austin. The day would typically start with a slow, passionate love making session in bed, followed by breakfast and maybe some light reading. You two also loved to play board games and had stacks upon stacks high up to the ceiling of old fashioned games and puzzles -- he was a master Monopoly player, and you a wiz at Scrabble. As the day turns into evening, you would make a homecooked meal together, which he loved to do with you. Cooking was one of his love languages. He couldn’t get enough of your reactions to his creations -- how you sighed in delight at a new recipe he was trying out. It made his heart soar. And to cap off the night, you two either found yourselves dancing to records or you put on a movie. Some of the times you actually watched the film, but it usually ended with clothes on the floor and you two fucking into the early morning hours. 
Today was one of these nights. You and Austin lay comfortably in your king sized bed, the blinds were open just enough so that the orange hues from the New York sunset were cascading over you. The pitter patter of rain landing delicately along the old rusty windows of your loft added to the relaxing ambiance. On the tv in front of you was A Street Car Named Desire, one of yours and Austin’s favorite films. You both had an affinity for classic films. 
This was your version of heaven on Earth. Nothing else mattered but you and him exactly like this -- his arm draped along your waist pulling you into his side, his fingers lightly dancing across your silk nightie. Your head rested on his chest, his heart beating a steady rhythm became one of your most favorite sounds. This was perfection, and you wanted to trap time in a bottle so it could never be forgotten.
At some point during the night, you had dozed off into a peaceful slumber in his embrace. He didn’t really notice right away, as he was paying attention to the film. But he turned his attention away from the movie for a split second and looked down at the sight before him -- you asleep in his arms. He smiled warmly, wondering if he should continue to let you rest or rouse you. He decided on the latter.
“Y/N?” He shook you gently. The hand that was glued to your waist found its way into your hair, stroking your head with such care as he turned and kissed you awake on your forehead.
“Hmm?” You stirred beneath him and slowly lifted your head up to meet his gaze. You could look deep into Austin’s crystalline blue eyes all day. They sparkled with nothing but pure love and adoration for you, his girl. 
“Sorry doll, I was just checking on you, You were silent for a long while.”
“Oh shit, did I miss the part where Stanley tries to win Stella back?”
He chuckled. His hand left your head and trailed it’s way slowly down your back, his fingers grazing your spine in a way that made you shiver at his touch. “ ‘fraid so baby. The movie’s almost over.”
“Damn, that’s my favorite part too.” You whined.
“I mean, between us both I think we’ve watched this film at least 1000 times. You didn’t really miss anything.” He reasoned.
“I know! But there’s something about that scene that I love. Sure, Stanley is an asshole. But it’s kinda romantic when he calls out for her, pleading with her to take him back. And she goes to him like she knew she would. Then he whisks her away in his arms.” You signed, somehow even getting more comfortable around Austin’s tall frame as you drape your leg over one of his. You always were a big hopeless romantic. And he was too, which made you somehow swoon over him even more than you ever thought was possible. Any book, song, or film to do with love was exactly what you were both into. And these classic films just knew how to paint the perfect picture of a love story that unfurls with such realism. It reminded you of what you cultivated with Austin -- an unbreakable, cherished bond. 
You snuggled deeper into him now, and placed a tiny kiss upon his chest before your ear found it’s way back home to his heartbeat. The corners of his lips upturned in a content smile. He appreciates your sentimentality for the classics like he does, and your idealistic way of looking at the world.
“Yeah, you’re right baby I like that moment too. When I first started getting into acting as a kid I studied that scene far too many times. Probably annoyed the hell outta my parents. Brando is just phenomenal.” Austin could ramble on for days about his extreme love of film, but he stops himself short, leaving it at that. You thought it was so cute when he would open up to you about his passion for the arts. It was such a turn on seeing your man’s face light up about the subject. You wouldn’t mind listening him drone on about it until his voice was hoarse. And some days you did just that.
“mmm.” You hummed peacefully. He let himself stare at you for a little while and tried to commit this to memory. It was unfortunate that his hectic work schedule left you two with not a lot of time during the week. On those particular moments of separation, he would dive deep into the recesses of his mind for all the delicious remembrances of you and get off on them. 
He made sure to remember your soft skin, your long hair cascading down your back that tickled his arm draped around your waist, the feminine floral scent of your perfume lingering all around him, sticking to his clothes. Your silk nightie riding up your thigh, showing him a bit of tantalizing skin. And of course, one of his favorite mental notes, the way your ass fit perfectly in the palms of his big masculine hands. It was intoxicating. 
Austin eventually came back down to reality after being lost in his own fantasies and brought his other hand up to his face, checking the time on the vintage watch that adorned his wrist. It was getting really late and the film was basically over at this point. He took the remote beside him and switched off the tv. The room was now filled with a comfortable silence, the sound of the rain, and your combined breathing. Total bliss.
“What do you think, you wanna get ready for bed?” He asked you, in a low rasp that reverberated within you, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up to attention.
“No not yet...not yet. i don’t wanna move ” You squeezed yourself even more impossibly tighter to his body, melting into him. You definitely were not planning on letting him go anytime soon. He was okay with that.
“Alright, i’ll allow you to keep using me as your personal pillow for a little while longer.” He joked. He definitely was not complaining either. Austin could stay in this position for the rest of his life. And he was the comfiest pillow you’ve ever had the pleasure of resting on. 
“Good, cause i like it here.”
“Me too.” He cooed.
Contentment. Pure, unadulterated contentment. You and Austin laid there in bed, happily enjoying each others company. As you allow yourself to just simply be with him in this moment, you fluttered your eyes closed and honed in on every sensation he was making you feel. Just as it was so intoxicating for him to be around you, he had you wrapped around his little finger. You were completely at his mercy. Even when he wasn’t trying to be sexy, he just naturally was. All the time. Never have you met a man that brought you to your knees as quickly as Austin. Just the faintest touch or a certain look from him could make you crack.
You focused intently on the way his finger tips were drawing lazy circles on your back. His calluses from many years of guitar playing were rough, but it elicited such an electrifying buzz, sending a chill of pleasure running throughout your body. This sensual act alone was enough to start the coil turning in your stomach. Your leg that was hung over his rose up just a little higher, daring to make contact with the part of him you craved. His jean clad thigh resting flush against your soft core stirred the fire within you. The lace panties you were wearing were sure to be drenched any moment, and yet again you’d have to toss them and buy yourself another pair. But what the hell, if that’s one of the prices you pay for being with this gorgeous man, then that was alright with you. 
You bit your lip to stifle the tiniest moan that wanted to escape your lips. You wanted to devour him whole and send him reeling down the path of aching desire for you -- moaning your name, spilling inside of you hot and fast while he peppered your body with wet kisses, milking him for every last drop of his come. This was now your sole mission for tonight. You needed him. 
Slowly peeling your upper body away from him, your large doe eye bore into his with intense lust. Your hand that was lovingly resting on his stomach was now making it’s way up to land in the crook of his neck. Your thumb tenderly stroked his jaw, and he flexed beneath your delicate hand. Austin didn’t even need you to utter a single word for him to understand what you wanted. 
He was no match for the sexual prowess you beguiled him with. Your cheeks were flush, hot and red for him. That was one of your telltale signs that you were yearning for him, he knew your body all too well. You may be the sweetest little thing, acting all innocent around other people. But when it’s just you and him in a room together, the sexual hunger is so intense it drives you both wild with passion. He loved that special side of you that no other man gets to see. Only he can make you come in a matter of seconds, and that knowledge is powerful. 
As he stared back at his beautiful girl gazing at him with an innate yearning for his touch, he too felt the embers inside of him start to unfurl. The energy in the room shifted, the primal desire to be inside of you was the only thing that mattered. Austin’s shaky hand reached out to cup your face tenderly. Adrenaline coursing through his veins. He needed you too, and now. 
As soon as his name left your lips, he was on you in a flash. Wasting no time in crashing his plush mouth onto yours. Your lips danced together in tandem, perfectly in sync with one another -- pushing and pulling exactly when warranted. It was so sensual and laced with want. He had one hand tangled in your soft hair, and the other one clutching onto your waist desperate for your curves against him. You shimmied a little higher up onto his leg, still not letting yourself get too close to his cock. You wanted to savor every bit of this feeling right now.
Each moment your lips met you relished in the way he worked his mouth against you. He was delicate, as if not wanting to break you, but yet pining inexplicably for you in every feasible way. His tongue probed your bottom lip, testing you to see if you would let him in. And you do, eagerly. Soon enough your sweet, wanton kisses turned hot and sloppy. The rich taste of bourbon from dinner was still lingering on his breath, and the seductive taste of his mouth on yours had you moaning into him. He happily swallowed every noise you made, and returned them right back to you. God you loved it when he let himself unravel into nothing but whimpers. Knowing that you were the one to elicit such delicious sounds from him made you instantly soaked. 
With your leg still tangled over his, you roll your hips into a position where your core was directly in contact against his upper thigh. You reluctantly pulled away from his flushed, pouting mouth to prop your hands on his chest for leverage, angling yourself in such a way that your clit was rubbing right against him. As you rolled your hips you let a slew of breathy moans fall from your lips, looking him square in the eye as you grind your wetness against his leg. His chest heaves, so turned on by you mewling and writhing on top of him. To think that this is how you react with just his leg has him dying to have his way with your pussy in the most sinful ways. 
“Fuck. So needy for me, baby.” He places his hands on your hips and grounds you even harder against his leg, picking up the pace just a tad. Your panties can no longer contain how turned on you are, and your juices starts to seep out into a giant wet spot on his jeans. He doesn’t care one bit. Seeing you fall apart in his hands makes him rock hard.
“Austin...I...” You have your head thrown back in euphoria. You could easily come like this in a matter of mere seconds. However, you definitely need more of him. You want every single inch of him all at once to fill you completely. But your brain is too fuzzy to relay any of this to him. Only his name repeated over and over again like a prayer is what you choose to latch on to. 
“Come on baby, use your words.” He eggs you on, biting his bottom lip. He digs his fingers a little more into your hips, sure that it would leave bruises on your delicate skin. You try your best to muster up something to say but you’re still on cloud 9.
“I need...I need you.”
Amused by how completely blissed out you are riding his thigh, he lets out a devilish chuckle. “That’s a start,” He lets go of your hips with one of his hands, placing his thumb and forefinger on your chin, tilting your head down to meet his striking blue eyes that have turned dark with carnal lust.  “How do you need me? Let it out.” He growled.
As much as you desperately need Austin to fuck you senseless into the bed and have you screaming, you still wanted to keep the sensuality going. Foreplay was his specialty, and he was a generous giver. He knew exactly how to use his fingers and mouth to have you crumbling beneath him. As you keep grinding down on him, your clit throbs at the image of his tongue lapping up your juices. This is what you needed. 
“I need you...to eat me out.” You finally answered back eagerly. You were not beneath begging for Austin to take you. The submissive side of you loved to be unashamed at how desperate for Austin you were. And to him, there was nothing hotter in this world than seeing you beg for him. 
His lips twitched into a smirk. He fucking loved how much you wanted him in every possible way. And if one thing was certain right now, it was that he was going to eat you out like he was a starved man in search of sustenance. 
He swallowed thickly. “Sit on my face babygirl.”
Your heart thumped hard in your chest at hearing those naughty words come out of his mouth. Wasting no time at all, you pry yourself away from his thigh, briefly looking down at your handywork where you noticed that spot on his jeans. What was also plain as day was the fact that he was already painfully hard. Your eyes widen as you sucked your bottom lip into your teeth, admiring the outline of his cock. 
You feel the blood rush to your chest and face, completely hot with need for his mouth on you. Remembering the task at hand, you swiftly stood up at the foot of the bed and took off your drenched panties, throwing them somewhere behind you, having no care in the world if you lose them later. Along with it, you shimmy your nightie off your shoulders as it pools to a heap at your feet. Austin sits up on his elbows, his eyes roams your body in an obscene way, admiring your beautiful naked form in front of him. His cock twitches in his pants.
Seeing him so hungry for you gave you a momentary flash of courage during a moment where you would otherwise be shy as a wallflower. “Like what you see?” You said dreamily, making sure to skim you hands down your shoulders and cup your perky breasts. His stifled moan was the answer to your question.
Austin made quick work of the t-shirt he was wearing, pulling it over his head and tossing it to the floor without a care. Your mouth went slack as you admired his gorgeously toned body. This man was to be the death of you.
Noticing your obvious staring, he smirked and raised a cocky eyebrow, giving you a taste of your own medicine. “Like what you see, darlin’?”. God, did you ever. He may have won that little innocent moment of power play, but the ball was now in your court to make a bolder move.
Like the sex kitten you know you are, you crawl your way onto the bed, giving him a show as you sway your hips like an enchantress. His hands roamed the peaks and valleys of your divine figure, shivering beneath his fingers. As you climb up the bed your let your breasts get tantalizingly close to his face, just to keep teasing him further. He absolutely was not about to let the opportunity go by though. So before you could get out of his reach he languidly let his tongue capture one of your nipples, rolling it into his mouth. He spent ample time lavishing your breast before moving to the other one.
“Baby...” you moaned. The sensation was delicious, sending a new wave of wetness pooling between your legs. He grazed his teeth against your nipple ever so gently before letting it pop out of his mouth. The breath hitched in your throat. He knew your breasts were extremely sensitive to his touch, but he loved teasing you in every conceivable way, making you squirm. “Austin!” You shuddered.
“Sorry sweetheart, I couldn’t resist.” His hands found their way to the backs of your thighs, giving them a firm squeeze. “Now get moving. I wanna taste you.” And with a gentle tap on your ass for encouragement, you were off. You didn’t need to be told twice.
You made quick work of moving your self up to the top of the bed. Once there, you swing your legs over and around Austin’s shoulders, getting yourself settled into this new position. 
His hands take hold of your hips, resuming their previous position and digging into your flesh once more. He slides down a little so his face is in direct alignment with your dripping core. You shake in suspense, anticipating his needy tongue on your folds at any moment.
He licks his lips, fully taking in the glorious sight above him. “That’s it, let me see that perfect pussy.” His voice oozing with sex. He’s so eager to have you smother him completely and drown in your juices. His hot breath underneath your wetness makes you quiver. As he places chaste kisses on your inner thighs, you grasp onto the wall Infront of you in preparation for the onslaught you’re about to receive.
Austin would and probably could swallow you whole right now. But he was holding back every urge in his body to resist making you come too fast. So he decided that he would take his time with you. 
You practically saw stars when you felt his tongue lick one long flat swipe across you and flick up to your clit. He was savoring your taste. Teasing you. Enraptured in how your luscious folds felt against his mouth. Your perfect swollen bud between his lips. He adored you completely. Your hearts were beating at rapid fire in your chests. The passion was palpable and hung thick in the air.
With no time to waste, Austin began a steady pace of broad, sensual strokes against your pussy, making sure to flick up the tip of his tongue on your clit before diving back down into your folds. Over and over and over again his firm tongue glided effortlessly through your slick. He greedily slurped up every single drop you had to give him. You were already like putty in his hands. 
“Ooh, Aus...your tongue feels so good.” You arched your back and started slowly riding his face. He moaned against you, encouraging you to use him however you want to get yourself off, the vibration sending shockwaves of extra pleasure straight to your aching clit. The stubble on his face was scratching against your thighs as he ate you out, making you hiss at the burning sensation. But it was overwhelmingly delicious. 
He couldn’t control his carnal urges anymore. In no time he worked his mouth faster against your sopping cunt, diving his tongue deep into your folds, licking and sucking every inch of you as you rode him. A few times he let a wandering hand travel to his erection as he palmed himself through his pants to relieve the pressure building inside of him. And occasionally, he dipped the entire length of his tongue right inside of you, exploring every single nook and cranny to drive you insane. Your walls instinctively clenched around him, sucking him as far as he could go. “Fuuuck yes baby...” You groaned. 
It was absolutely primal, you were being sent to the precipice with every swipe of his tongue. The obscene sloshing noises of your soaked pussy and his wet tongue was absolutely pornographic. It was music to both of your ears. You were in complete awe of the way he utterly worshiped your body. Austin always made sure to do right by you and treat you like a goddess. And it showed in the way his mouth engulfed your pussy in a fervor.
You couldn’t help yourself, you had to look down and see what this man was doing to make you feel so good. You moaned loudly as your eyes were locked with his in a soul snatching stare that set you ablaze. This turned you on like no other. As you ground yourself harder against his velvet lips you swear that you saw him wink at you.
He clung onto your hips, almost afraid that you would float away on this intense high. You gushed around his mouth and he hummed against you. After giving some generous attention to your folds, he had his sights set on your clit. You were a goner. He set a dizzying pace as he maneuvered against your sensitive bundle of nerves, sending you into a frenzy of needy moans. 
Austin new exactly how to pleasure you, and he took pride in doing so. He mixed his go-to techniques all at once to bring you to your peak. He first brought your clit into his mouth and shook his head back and forth vigorously, coating his face with your slick in the process. Then he went to flicking with just the tip of his tongue at warp speed. The last ingredient to this orgasmic recipe was deliberately switching things up by slowly lapping at your bud. This man has the most talented mouth on the planet. You felt like your heart would explode out of your chest if he kept this up. 
The coil in your stomach was impossibly tight, letting you know that your crashing orgasm was on it’s way. He just kept going to town on you ferociously, unrelenting. Ravishing you like you were his last meal. He brought your clit into his mouth and masterfully sucked away, his tongue lapping and collecting all of your juices in his mouth, groaning against your pussy...it was all swirling into a cacophony of otherworldly, indescribable sensations. 
“Fuuuuck, Austin...” You moaned, head thrown back in ecstasy.
One of your hands trailed it’s way down to his mop of dirty blonde locks between your legs. His curls were plastered to his face with sweat from exertion, and you gripped him for dear life as he devoured your sweet cunt. He loved this, because he gave your ass a smack in approval. You were so love drunk on him, and he on you. You didn’t know exactly how much time you had before you collapse on top of him, but you knew it wasn’t very much longer. Your walls began to flutter around his tongue.
“I’m gonna fucking come all over your face.” You squealed, feeling the wave of your climax attempting to pour out of you and suffocate him.
The high pitched moans that were cascading out of your mouth like a waterfall was his signal that you were close. He could play nice and let your juices drip down his chin as you rode out your orgasm. However, even though that idea sounded amazing, he had other plans for you this evening. And Austin certainly was not about to let you come so quickly. A part of him felt bad for doing this to you right now, but only a little. 
As you were in the throws of passion, chasing your high and your impending climax, Austin swiftly pulled his lips away from you. Your clit coming out of his mouth with a wet plop. You felt the wind knock out of you, like you were hit by a freight train at 100 miles an hour. Being on the edge of reality and crashlanding back down to your Manhattan loft was jarring to say the least. Trying to gain hold of your senses, you looked down at him. The look on your face flashed with multiple feelings - but mostly annoyance, horniness, and utter confusion. You literally were seconds away from coming.
Austin peppered kisses along your inner thighs and looked up at you through his long lashes. His breath was heavy and labored, eyes half-lidded and pupils completely blown out with with a raging fire behind them. Swallowing any remnants of your juices left in his mouth, he threw you a playful smile from below. 
“Sorry doll, but you’re not coming just yet.”
Seriously?! This man had you on the very brink of a powerful orgasm, and he took it away from you just as quickly as it came. Your mind was a jumbled up mess. How can he just..do that without warning?! You definitely heard what he said, but it went in one ear and out the other. All you were really focusing on is your throbbing clit begging for release, and the fact that you couldn’t have it.
“Austin, please! That’s not fair!” You whined.
“Well, life isn’t always fair baby. We’re playing by my rules tonight. Now hop off me.”
Exasperated, you refused to move. In fact, you really couldn’t move even if you tried. Your legs were like jelly beneath you. Your thighs clamped around his head for so long that the thought of moving now sent a harsh wave of pins and needles prickling down your lower extremities. A part of you wished that this was some kind of sick joke and that he would finish what he started. But alas, that wasn’t about to happen. He was for real.
Austin noticed your reluctance to do much of anything, and doubled down on his command. Something wicked inside of him was brewing, and you were now on the receiving end of his games. 
“Hey,” He says firmly, smacking your ass “Quit being a brat and get down here.”
As much as you strongly wanted to protest, you let out a loud sigh and followed his orders. Gathering up whatever strength you had left, your shaky legs gave way under you as you swung them off of Austin’s face. A string of his saliva trailed along with you as you rolled onto your back. As you collapsed onto the bed, you tried to gain some kind of composure. It seemed a little cruel that he would pull the rug from underneath you.
But as quickly as your head hit the pillow he was on you in a heartbeat.
Austin straddled either side of you as he pressed his body against yours. You instinctively went to wrap your legs around his hips, pulling him close. But he was faster than you, forcing your legs apart at your sides, capturing the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs with the palms of his hands. 
You were no match for how strong he was, no matter how you tried to buck yourself free from the confines of his vice grip, it seems like a fruitless effort. He hovered over you, his breath hot on your neck.
“Uh uh, not so fast. I have...other plans for you.” He growled. You knew that he was going to have his way with you tonight according to how he saw fit. As badly as you wanted him and your own release, you came to the realization that fighting back would be useless. 
Relinquishing any power you had left in that moment, your thighs gave into the weight of his hands. He opened you up as far as you could go, exposing the heat of your core to the cold air. Your drenched pussy was on full display for him in an intensely erotic fashion.
“That’s my good girl. Now, you may not like my rules. But be forewarned. Disobey them and I won’t give you what you want. Follow my rules, and you’ll be rewarded. Understood?”  Your eyes widened at this display of dominance. It wasn’t all too often that you and Austin played this dom/sub dynamic. But you couldn’t deny how hard and fast he could make you come by simply taking what's his. As frustrating as it was that he was keeping you on the edge, it was also exhilarating. 
Finally understanding his game and playing along, you nodded in accordance to the guidelines he set. This pleased him, but he knew that you probably would break his rules and he’d have to find a way to punish you. But for now, he knew he had you under his spell. 
“Good.” He slowly released his grip on your inner thighs and got up off the bed. Standing in front of you, he places his hands on the fly of his jeans. He knew you wanted to see his massive cock spring free, but he purposefully pulled down the zipper at a snails pace. Your chest rose and fell sharply, the anticipation building. 
After what felt like an eternity, Austin allowed himself to push his pants and boxer briefs down his legs. He toed both garments off to the side and stood there intently watching your reaction. 
A soft moan fell from your lips as you took in the sight of his thick cock standing to attention. He was definitely the biggest you’ve ever had, compared to your previous lovers. And you were craving for him to stretch you and fill you completely. The fact that you knew you couldn’t have him right here and now was agonizing. And he knew this, which he used to his advantage. 
Looking down upon you with intense lust in his eyes like a predator watching their prey, he took his aching cock in his hand, smearing the bead of precum on his tip and spreading it over himself. He lazily pumped himself a few times, his eyes trailing up and down your body and eventually settling on your needy cunt. The sight of his saliva and your wetness smeared across your pussy and thighs, flushed red like the most beautiful rose, created a newfound thirst for you that needed to be quenched.
He licked his lips and pumped himself faster, flexing his toned biceps as he stroked himself. He was putting on a show for you, exactly like how you were moments ago for him. This was torture. “Fuck...” A staggered moan falling from his lips.
Watching him just stand there like the sexy man he was, touching himself and ogling at your pussy, was too much for your feeble willpower to handle. To relieve the pressure, you let one of your hands slide down your stomach, about to touch your clit. But he was quick to stop you.
“Don’t you fucking dare touch yourself, you hear me? That’s an order.” He snapped. That alone got you so wet. Him being aggressive like this turns you on so much. Although you so badly wanted to touch your needy clit, you figure that the sooner you followed his rules the sooner you could come. So you once again, you obeyed. Your hands left your stomach and idly fell on the bed. You were a good girl and you were gonna show him.
Satisfied with you actually listening to his order, he took his hand away from his throbbing cock and crawled back onto the bed. Instead of moving directly on top of you, he settled down next to you, propping himself up on his forearm. Your legs were still spread wide for him, and he ensured you stayed in this position by moving his leg over one of yours to hold you there with his weight.
He took his free hand and palmed your face, gripping just hard enough to accentuate his authority.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?”
You nodded.
“Are you sure?”
You nodded a little harder. He chuckled under his breath.
“You want me to touch you, don’t ya?”. That was obviously rhetorical.
You nodded even harder. 
 “I know darlin’, I know what you want...I always know what you want...”
And sure enough, he knows exactly what you want. He collides his lips with yours. It’s all teeth and tongue. Its raw, passionate, and needy. Desperate. You both moan into the kisses, starving for each other. The hand on your cheek travels down your throat, giving you a tentative squeeze, reminding you who was in control. Austin turns his attention to your breasts. He cupped them, the fullness of your tits sitting perfectly in his large hand. He let his thumb skim over your nipples, ghosting them with light circles making them instantly hard under his touch. Sighing in delight, you tangled your hand in his golden hair, bringing him closer to your crashing mouths.
You scream internally when he finally moves his hand, albeit agonizingly slow,  down your stomach. It was close but not close enough to where you want him. He takes his time in getting there inch by scorching inch to your core. Austin enjoys toying with you a little too much for your own liking, but he knew it riled you up in the best way.
His long middle finger skipped past your clit and went down to collect the wetness from your weeping hole before sliding it up your slit. This elicited a deep moan from the pit of your stomach. He spread your juices all over your folds, tenderly, knowing this was driving you wild. 
“Austin...” You whined into his kisses. 
Finally, he caved in and allowed himself to give you a taste of what you wanted. With your slick dragging along his fingers, he places circles on your clit. In a double whammy move, he also took your bottom lip in his mouth and bit down at the same time. Both of these sensations caused a strangled moan to erupt from within you.
Releasing your lip from his teeth, his tongue licked the shell of your ear. His breath sending shivers down your spine. “So fucking wet for me.” He mused. 
He trailed hot kisses down your neck, finding the area he knows is your weak spot and ravishing it with his mouth. Your legs splayed even further out from your sides, giving him more access to your pussy in a display of submission. He was playing you like a finely tuned instrument, the music being the beautiful sounds falling from your lips and your dripping core.
After a few teasing circles on your clit, he went back down to play with your pussy lips with more fingers. He probed your entrance with his middle finger, both of you hissing at this newfound sensation. 
“Goddamn baby, still so tight for me after all this time.”
He pushed his finger as far as it could go, brushing against your g-spot. Another strangled moan cascaded out of your mouth and into his ear, savoring every second. “Oh yes...”
He slowly began to leisurely pump his finger in and out of you, taking your pussy for a test ride before adding a second finger inside you. The feeling of your walls contracting and stretching around him was intoxicating. He wanted so badly to replace his fingers with his cock, but he had to show restraint. Not now...later.
“Aus!” Your head was thrown back against the pillow. He watched as his fingers slide in and out of you effortlessly, your tight walls hugging around him. He was power hungry off of watching you fall apart in his arms. 
Austin wasn’t about to ease up on you. He went faster, fingering you like his life depended on it. Slamming into you, applying just the right amount of pressure to your g-spot. Your pussy was making loud squelching noises in no time. 
“You like that baby, hmm? Being fucked mercilessly by my fingers?” He groaned in your ear.
“Yes!...just like that...” You screamed.
This man would be your undoing. Here you were, completely at his mercy, letting him use your body in however way he saw fit. As much as he was in the drivers seat right now, you wanted to show him how good you could be. You were playing a dangerous game, but your mind was already made up on the card you were going to deal right now. You were lost in the pleasure, and you needed more of him.
You couldn’t stop your hand from gliding over his toned chest and abs, earning a lustful sigh from Austin. Bolder yet, you instinctively went lower and lower until your fingertips brushed against the tip of his cock. His jaw flexed, tightly shutting his eyes, biting his tongue and swallowing back a moan. While he was having his way with your body he mostly neglected himself in favor of getting you off first. Your hand making contact with his hard cock drove him wild. 
As you dipped your toes in the water to see if this was acceptable to continue, he looked down at you. No longer could you see the icy blue eyes you so lovingly adored. They were completely black. If looks could kill, you’d be dead in this very moment. 
You knew what you were doing was okay when he rolled his hip in your hand, asking for you to go on, your fingers sliding along his shaft. He was pleading with his stare for you to touch him. His pulse quickened, waiting with baited breath for you to give him more. 
You knew better than to go any further with a dry hand, you weren’t a sadist. 
He huffed when you briefly pulled your hand away from his length, but his eyes widened when you went to spit generously into your palm. You felt him throb strongly against your leg. He knew he would be a done for as soon as your delicate hand milked his thick cock, but he also reminded himself that he was still in control -- his fingers were still buried to the hilt in your pussy after all. 
The guttural, loud groan that erupted from within him when your slippery hand wrapped around his pulsing shaft made your walls clench stronger around his fingers. You could have come just from hearing your man fall to pieces in your hand, literally. The pillars of power were now balanced. 
You started jerking him off, rotating your wrist expertly up and down his shaft and paying particular attention to circle the tip as you squeeze just the right amount of pressure.
Austin threw his head back and closed his eyes, blissed out on his cock finally being lavished with attention. “Goddamn it Y/N...my girl, my best girl.” He thrust his hips into your grip to get even more friction. 
All bets were off now. You may have gained the upper hand with how good you were stroking his cock, but you ignited something within him. He was about to turn animalistic on a dime. 
Somehow beyond your comprehension, he started brutally fucking you on his fingers even harder than before. His fingers were long, and your cervix was already feeling the beating it was getting by how sinfully hard he was thrusting into you. A thunderous growl erupted from his chest.
A strangled cry got caught in your throat. “Oh my god, Aus! Fuck!” You could have cried at how intense this feeling was. Your were riding off the back of your previously denied orgasm, and now you felt the familiar waves of another one lurking around the corner. He hasn’t even properly fucked you yet and he has you eating out of the palm of his hand. Both of you were caught up in the feeling of each other.
Now you were a woman on a mission. Not only were you going to get your climax, but you were going to have him chase his. The speed at which you were working his cock increased, making sure to give extra attention to his red tip. 
He tried his damndest to gain control of the situation, but you were jerking him off in a way he couldn’t help but give in to. For a split second his brain almost allowed himself to surrender, forgetting this game he started and take you right now, or come in your hand and be done for. He could honestly take either route right now. 
But he couldn’t faulter that easily. The gears in his brain started turning. As much as he wanted to focus on his pleasure, he flipped the situation back around to his favor. He started something he had to follow through with. 
“You’re my filthy little slut aren’t you?” He gritted through his teeth. You almost screamed in ecstasy when his thumb finally starting rubbing furious circles on your aching clit. “I know you wanna come baby...I know you’re close...so close”. Goddamn him, you both knew he was right. 
With his fingers sloshing around in your cunt, relentlessly pressing into your g-spot making your toes curl, and his thumb working your clit, it was only a matter of seconds before you collapsed around him with an earth-shattering orgasm. 
“P-Please...please” You pleaded, begging him with a string of loud squeals. Surely he wouldn’t let you go without another release. This had to be it this time. You gave his cock a harder squeeze, spurring him on, which earned you another deep, lustful groan he couldn’t suppress.
He bit his lip as he got off on watching his masterful hand bringing you to the edge all over again. The ungodly noises emanating from your mouth and your pussy was wicked. The ball was completely in his court, and unfortunately for you it was game over.
Austin’s fingers pumped into you once, twice, three times before he finally slid them out from you, your slick pouring out from your hole and getting the sheets underneath you drenched.
It seems like the universe was laughing at you in this moment.
Are. You. Kidding me? 
Your eyes sprang open and you peered down to your pussy where you saw Austin bring his fingers covered in your juices up to his mouth where he licked them clean. You fell back against the pillow, your chest heaving from having been denied a second orgasm. Frustrated didn’t even begin to describe how you felt right now.
He made sure you locked eyes with him as he slowly sucked on his fingers, a boyish smirk appearing on his face, well aware of the torture he was inflicting upon you. “You taste like fucking heaven.” He purred. At that point he was twisting the knife further in the wound. 
“I hate you so much right now.” You sighed in agony, defeated. You released your grip on his cock and ran your hands over your face. This felt like your own personal hell.
“You love it.” he said smugly.
As much as you didn’t want to admit to yourself that you were actually enjoying this, it was far too late for that. He was keeping you on edge for so long, denying the thing you so desperately ached for. But in the heat of the throws of passion, you were enjoying yourself. Yet again, he wasn’t wrong. There was an obvious pattern forming here. Your body was shaking at how badly you wanted to come, how close you were. Is it even possible to be this turned on?! Clearly, the answer was yes. But the real question was, when would he give you what you wanted? It surely wasn’t right now.
As you lay there pondering all of these questions, he moved onto his knees and placed himself in-between your legs. You could clearly see that your handjob did the trick -- he was leaking like a faucet about ready to burst. You were sure that Austin couldn’t contain himself for much longer either. The two of you were thoroughly enjoying this cat and mouse game.
He took hold of his cock with one hand and teasingly rubbed the tip through your slick folds, punctuating your clit with a few brisk taps. The moan that fell from your lips was almost blood curdling. He was so close yet so far from being done with you.
“Look at you, so strung out for my cock.”
As you writhed on the bed, clutching the bedsheets for purchase, he trailed hot kisses from your navel all the way up to your neck. Each and every touch of his mouth on your body reignites the already blazing inferno within you. His final destination lands him at your ear, where he takes your earlobe between his lips and gives a little nibble.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you wont even remember your own goddamn name.” You shiver at his hot words. He doesn’t let up on rubbing his cock against your pussy, he’s just getting started. “But first things first...”
Before you had time to react, he had his other hand wrapped around your throat. It wasn’t hard enough to choke you, but it was firm. 
“What’s my name?” He growled. 
Instinctively his name falls from your lips. “Aus-” but before you can finish, he applies more pressure to your neck, halting the air from entering your lungs.
“Wrong answer. Try again, darlin’.” The previous times you and Austin explored a more dominant and submissive role in the bedroom, you remembered the conversation where he specifically requested that you don’t refer to him by his name. He wanted a title. He liked exploring this illustrious form of power play with you, but obviously he would never take it to far extremes. Suddenly, the correct answer sprang back into your memory.
He flashed a crooked grin. “Atta girl”. As he released your neck from his grip, he got himself situated in the right position. He hovered over you, leaning his weight onto his forearm propped up by your head. Your heart beat loudly in your ears, you knew what was coming and your walls immediately clenched. 
Austin took hold of his cock and aligned himself perfectly with your weeping entrance. His brow furrowed, his jaw slack as he pushed the tip inside of you. The pair of you moaning loudly at the intense feeling of pleasure cascading over your bodies. And then slowly but surely, he filled you up completely to the brim. Your tight pussy eagerly swallowed him whole, taking every single delicious inch of his massive cock. 
There was a look in his eyes of pure ecstasy, of your dripping wet walls enveloping him to the hilt. The wild desire was evident on his face, but also he couldn’t hold back the unbridled love he had for you. He cherished the way your pussy enveloped him every single time he took you. 
He didn’t give you too much time to adjust to his size. You couldn’t hold back the loud moan you roared from the depths of your soul when Austin started slamming his cock into. Tonight was not a night for soft niceties. This was about burning, aching, primal fucking. His breath was hot on your face, never once looking away from how your beautiful features contorted with intense pleasure. 
“Oh F-Fuuuck!” You sobbed, head thrown back. Your nails dug into his biceps, trying to ground yourself in any possible way. He was fucking you so raw but so good. The feeling of your walls accommodating his girth was sinful for both of you. 
“That’s it baby, take my cock.” He groaned. Austin was pounding into you, unrelenting. He kept a rhythmic and steady pace, your juices coating him like a warm blanket and letting him back in every time he thrust into you.
Getting lost in the overwhelming feeling of you, Austin captured your lips in a zealous kiss. His tongue working against yours, exploring the crevices of your mouth. He cupped your face. and your hand tangled through his hair. He pined for your release, expertly working your pussy in a way that only he can do. 
Your legs wrapped tightly around his hips, trapping him even closer to you, pushing him deeper into the expanse of your heat. Austin suddenly pulled away from your flushed lips and sat back on his heels, grabbing hold of your hips as he elevated your ass off of the bed to meet his cock, snapping into you at a furious speed. 
This new angle had you spiraling, his cock was ramming into that sweet spot deep inside your pussy in a brand new way that had you gushing around him, gasping for air. Your tight walls giving him an encouraging squeeze.
“Oh my god! Yes! Just like that.” you scream. The pleasure was forming with tenacity in your stomach. If you felt like you were floating only moments ago, then you were sure that your soul was leaving your body at this very moment. As he was riding you hard into the mattress you admired how drop-dead sexy he was. You studied this adonis of a man fucking the life out of you -- sweat was dripping down his furrowed brow, blonde tendrils fell down the slope of his forehead, his plush lip sucked into his teeth. You felt tipsy on his visceral sexuality as his throbbing length macerated the juices in your pussy. It was absolutely dirty. 
You were sure that all of New York City could hear you two caught up in the feeling of each other's bodies. But you didn’t give a damn. 
Austin knew all too well that he would be on the brink to spilling into you if he didn’t control himself. So he flipped the switch yet again. He quickly pulled out of you, suddenly leaving you missing the feel of him. 
“Get on your knees. Face down, ass up. Now.” He said hard and fast, he needed to be back inside you as quickly as possible. Austin guided you along as his hands smoothly flipped you over onto your stomach. Your face was buried in the pillow, your arms tucked in by your side and your ass high in the air on full display for him, just like he wanted. You were a good listener when you wanted to be. 
He couldn’t help but smack your voluptuous ass before he took hold of his cock again, running the tip over your slit, before bottoming out in your pussy in one fluid motion. You both moaned at the sudden intrusion and his thick cock back where it belonged. You were truly dickmatized.
He tightly clutched your hips as he brutally fucked you. Somehow his dick reached the depths of your pussy that you never even knew needed his upmost attention. Eagerly, you matched his his thrusts, slamming your hips back against him. This earned you a deep groan from him.
“Goddamn, such a good girl riding my rock...”
Your strangled moans were trapped between the pillow, your knuckles went white from keeping a vice grip onto the bed sheets. If he kept this up you knew you were on your way to your third impending orgasm. You just simply couldn’t get enough of him. He filled you wholly in the most naughty way, knowing exactly how to hit your g-spot every single time. It got all too much for you to bear, and tears sprang to your eyes threatening to spill over. Your senses were on fire, overstimulated by everything this man had to give you. 
Somehow reading your mind, Austin balled your hair in his fist, making a makeshift ponytail, and pulled, jerking your head back towards him. You gasped for air as you finally could breathe properly without the pillow suffocating you. 
“Who does this pussy belong to?” he groaned.
“You. F-Fuck, it belongs to you. My pussy is yours, Sir.”
“That’s right baby. It’s mine. All mine...”
“All mine.”
“Mine.” He snarled like a ferocious animal marking their territory. Your pussy was like the most addictive drug. He shuddered at how greedily your walls were milking his cock. He could have you like this for the rest of eternity. 
He let his tongue lick a hot stripe up the side of your neck before releasing your hair from his grip, your head falling forward like a ragdoll completely at his whim. As you turned your head to allow yourself to watch Austin railing your pussy, you bounced yourself back against his cock. 
The waves of pleasure were starting to roll stronger with each stroke. You hoped that you had acted like his good girl - no, his best girl, to get rewarded. One solitary tear fell down your cheek, his cock was expertly sending you to the path of no return. 
“Please...I-I can’t...I’m so close”. You pleaded with strangled moans. In all honesty, he was dangerously close too. He sputtered inside of you, his fingers digging even harder into your flesh.
“I know, baby”. He mused. As much as he loves tormenting you, keeping you at the precipice, he desperately yearns for both of your releases. He needs to feel you explode on his cock, your wetness spilling out onto him. And he needed to paint your walls with his come. 
His thrusts became sloppy, his hips snapping with a violent force, grazing your cervix in a deliciously painful way. Austin would at long last give you what you craved. In a devastating finishing move, he took two of his fingers into his mouth, coating them generously with his spit, and strummed your clit with determined ferocity. 
“You wanna come, baby?”
You screamed at the sudden contact to your throbbing clit. “Y-yes!! Please, sir, please let me come...”. You were hell-bent on coming if it was the last thing you’d do. As he was playing with your clit you bounced yourself harder on his cock, trying to coax both of your climaxes.  
“Do it. Now. Come all over my cock.” He howled through his clenched jaw.
Finally, you saw the finish line that was so far out of your reach the entire night. You let out a string of strangled crying moans, forcefully coming all over him. Your walls fluttered around him, engulfing his cock with your wetness. You came so hard you swear that you practically squirted. Your vison went white and you nearly passed out from the magnanimous orgasm he gave you. And he was in heaven. Watching you come undone was his kryptonite.
“God, Y/N! I’m gonna fucking come...” He roared loudly, head thrown back in bliss. 
Mustering the last bit of strength you have in you, you coo to him seductively. 
“Fill me up, Austin. Come inside me.” 
And with that, he chases his orgasm right after you, snapping his hips one final time and coming so hard he sees stars. He groans an enchanting mix of profanities and your name until he collapses on top of you, unable to hold himself up anymore. He was dead weight, but the feeling of his body brought you a sense of comfort. 
You both lay there for a while, a pile of sweaty limbs entangled on the bed, until he musters up some strength to lift himself off of you. Austin takes hold of his cock and slowly pulls out, watching his come seep out of you. He gathers what he can and pushes it back in, wanting every part of him to stay trapped inside your pussy for as long as possible. You moan at the intrusion from his fingers.
This was surely the most intense sexcapade you two have had to date. How the hell can sex with Austin keep being so fucking mindblowing?! This was one for the books. You sighed at the loss from his cock, your empty pussy still craving him inside of you. But you knew that you’d be feeling helplessly sore for days to come. 
Austin rolls over to his back, running his hands through his hair and trying to catch his breath. Making love to you was the only exercise he ever needed. A massive, stupidly beautiful grin was plastered on his face. The alpha male energy that took over him has now subsided, and the gentle Austin was back. 
As you turn over on your side to be drawn back into his loving arms, you rest your head on his chest. He brought your lips to meet his in a tender kiss, marking the end of the best sex you’ve both ever had. 
“I didn’t hurt you at all did I? I probably over did it at times. Sorry, baby. You just get me so worked up.” He spoke softly.
“No not at all Aus. Honestly, being manhandled by you is such a turn on.” You nuzzled into him. He chuckled contentedly, placing another chaste kiss on your lips. 
“Will keep that in mind for next time.”
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milllersfae · 11 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷   butch!abby headcanons
content warning: dom!abby, strap referred to as a dick, ooey-gooey lesbianism, femme!reader, sfw and nsfw content. (please tell me if i missed anything!) minors do not interact.
a/n: this is completely self indulgent. i’m a simp okay? hopes this holds someone over while i write this bodyguard! fic <3
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୨୧ hands are full of rings. she trades them out throughout the week to make sure all of them have been worn. she wears a special one you bought for her on her right index finger.
୨୧ she’s very simplistic in her dress. classic masc attire that’s a drawer full of wife-pleasers and hanes tees. when she likes to change it up she wears a vintage band tee or layer with a button up. she prefers sleeveless the most (for cocky reasons of course).
୨୧ she wears her hair down a lot more after you told her she looks pretty when her hair’s unbraided. she mostly wears it down in private with you, but takes her time fixing the braid when going out.
୨୧ when you go to the nail salon, she’s not the hugest fan of getting acrylic nails. “i’ll just wait with you, i’m sorry to disappoint.” abby furrows her brows, face pink with a tinge of guilt. “no no no—baby please get something, it’ll be fun!” she shrugs and opts in and gets a simple coat of yellow polish. “does it look good? you like it?” she asks, holding up her fingers to your face. you nod, smirk filling your face. “they look so pretty against your eyes!” you exclaim, holding your hands in hers.
୨୧ she likes going out with you places, eager to show you off. at parties, the both of you lock eyes and abby waves you over. you smile, coming over and find space to sit on her knee. she points the beer bottle in her hand to you. “have you guys met my gorgeous girlfriend yet?” your face goes warm as she boasts about you to others.
୨୧ she’s skilled at anything technical. from broken microwaves to poorly signaled tv’s, she’s a wiz. she likes sitting down and explaining to you how to fix things when she’s gone. “remember to screw all the plates back properly in place okay?” she points at a silver screw inside the tv server before twirling the screwdriver in the hole. “practice makes perfect.”
୨୧ she likes to do more docile tasks for you too. helping you with dinner drives her wild. she taps you for a knife, lovingly kissing your shoulder as you hand her the one on table, a toothy grin spouting from her lips. she diced onions and garlic on the cutting board, separating them neatly before bringing back to you.
୨୧ abby is a great driver. she’s even done uber a couple times (wasn’t really a fan, but always got good reviews). she’s so gentle with it you’ve fallen asleep in the car more times you can count.
୨୧ shes not entirely stone butch, but definitely prefers servicing you. she’ll pat her lap, inviting you on. you abidingly sit, eager in her presence. she reached under your skirt, pressing two fingers to your damp core. “what does my sweet girl want today?” she whispers into your ear, watching her voice send a shiver down your spine. “i wanna ride your thigh, abs.” your voice runs low and shy as she holds you around her by your waist. “that’s cute. show me how bad you want it.”
୨୧ abby loves when your ass is hiked up in the air, lined up just right for her strap. the sight of your face pressed close to a pillow, arched waiting for her brings out something carnal. “you‘ve been waiting for this, ain’t that right? waiting for me to fuck you stupid.” she teases, rubbing the silicone against your slit. you squirm at the touch, grinding your opening into her. she puts a hand to your back, other circling your clit with her thumb. “you can’t stop coming back, can’t you?”
୨୧ she’s obsessed with eating you out. she gets so pussy drunk she lazily stares at you, your orgasm-ridden face barley focusing on her gaze. she could eat you for hours, often stuck between your legs, warmth of your thighs on her cheeks. you find yourself getting so overstimulated, trying to wiggle free from her grasp. she gently pinches her thumbs into your hips. she unlatches, soft lips grossed over in your fluid. her lidded eyes wavered over you with a furrow in her brow. “don’t run from it…fucking in love with this pussy…” she sucks at your clit as you clench with her between your legs, fingers cinched between her blonde strands.
୨୧ she’ll hear you showering, wanting to surprise you by coming in. she quickly sheds her clothes. knocking on the bathroom door. responding with a water-muffled ‘come in!’ she enters, slightly parting the shower curtain. she steps in and examines you for a moment, soapy bubbles sliding down the curves of your body. abby rinses you well, sweet wafts of glycerin coating your skin against her nose. she rubs soap into her hands before groping your breasts. you raise your arms in response, eyes fixed on her thick fingers slipping against the slick of your nipples. “don’t worry, i’ll get’ya clean.” she teases, placing wetted kisses along your back.
୨୧ she doesn’t care if she can’t feel it, your lips pursed on her strap makes her insanely wet. she places a hand on the back of your head, completely fixated on the look of your eyes glossy and hypnotized on the loom of her over you. “what a good girl, just so fucking cute.” she pushes in, watching your throat stretch against the girth of her dick.
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