#with this man 'til all are one' isn't just a saying it's a damn promise
villainsposting · 1 month
Defeated my attention span and started reading the MTMTE comic series. My first impression of Rodimus is "who tf let this absolute goofer command a ship of 200+ people??"
"Captain there is a soul-eating monstrosity on our ship"
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Look at our captain dawg we're going to die
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aprillikesthings · 2 months
It's Fridayyyyy
s1 ep11 Promise
oh shit I remember this one it's a heartbreaker
(good stuff for my fic though)
Hey remember when I swore up and down I wasn't going to liveblog my entire rewatch? Good times.
Part of me is like: I would get through these so much faster if I didn't insist on screenshotting them and commenting and making jokes
But the rest of me knows damn well I probably just wouldn't bother watching them?? This way feels a bit like watching it *with* someone, which I always prefer to watching things alone.
Also tbh if I did just marathon them while knitting or something I wouldn't remember anything!! Which would defeat the point!! So here I am.
If you're new to these posts: I am doing a rewatch of She-Ra with the specific purpose of taking notes for a fic I'm working on--but because this is me we're talking about, I also post a ton of screenshots with the purposes of commentary, squeeing at specific scenes, and making jokes. Because it's a rewatch, I don't comment on every plot point and I often mention things that happen later in the show--in other words, these might be confusing if you haven't seen the show yet.
EDIT: yeah this was another one where I hit the image limit, will have to reblog to finish it
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I know people have figured out the "alphabet" of the first ones what does this sayyyyy
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I mean wouldn't they all be portable in some sense? The one that recharges Glimmer could be taken down and moved somewhere, couldn't it? We know the one from Scorpia's kingdom was taken and moved to the Fright Zone, for instance.
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"Query not recognized."
Adora's frustration here is exactly why I don't use Siri, like, ever.
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Light Hope reminds me of a specific model? actress? from the 1980's but I can never remember who and it drives me CRAZY
*does some googling*
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Grace Jones also did disco music, TIL
back to cartoon lesbians
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yeah that couldn't have been important for anything no worries it's fine
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you didn't notice anyone else there until She-Ra destroyed something lolol
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Look I know it's the point of the whole show but I grin every time they're supposed to be on opposite sides and one saves the other's life (Does Adora do it more than Catra does? surely someone kept count)
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don't mind me
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little shit
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"how many times are you going to make that joke" well how many times does Catra say it lolll
"where are your friends?" "you mean the ones you KIDNAPPED and CURSED???" "uh, yeah?"
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I just like the art style here
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Okay so I can't screenshot audio, but that little moment of Catra saying "Adora? Adora???" where the tone goes from "hey look at this" to that almost-panic and then she turns around and it's kid!Catra is just so, SO well done.
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ugh these scenes are such a punch in the gut
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I'm not getting emotional at cartoon characters remembering the happier bits of their shitty traumatic childhood together, YOU ARE
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man this shot is just good, ugh, you can see so much of their characters on display: Adora's self-righteousness vs Catra's sullen defensiveness
anyway they should've made out
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they're 1:1 so far this episode
(even though this cliff probably isn't even real)
"Did you really think I'd just let Shadow Weaver erase your memory like that?" oh so she DID know
Adora: "I don't know, probably" I mean I thought she would
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I've been CALLED OUT lol
Adora: "Can you blame me? Catra: "*scoffs* Not really"
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John Cena.gif
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BABIES (okay a little older like maybe 13)
(still babies)
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I mean, true
gonna post and reblog
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philtstone · 10 months
45, Sam Wilson
#45 -- shining like fireworks lol this is way longer than it was supposed to be and also was crafted around the #25 prompt, because I can't read. but I made it work. zainab i know youve already written something like this but i wanted to try my hand at it too! my homage to the epistolatory fic...
"You made me a scrapbook for my birthday?"
Maybe he should rewind.
Sam won't lie and say it hasn't been a rough few months. So technically, the weight of the world doesn't need to be on his shoulders. He keeps thinking he oughta take a page out of that Spider-kid's book, and just be a friendly neighborhood Cap, or something. It's just between intercontinental warhead measuring competitions (something he can say around his nephews without Sarah raising both eyebrows), dickhead suits (come on, Sarah), flying green men, and regular old food shortages in his own damn home state ... well, it's hard not to feel it all, when you care.
He used to call Bucky and bitch about things, before. Or rather -- he'd call Bucky, and Bucky would start bitching about things, which gave Sam the opening to also start bitching about things. Funny how that worked out. But they weren't even living together then. They were miles apart! Since he and Bucky got that stupid bachelor pad apartment six months ago, they've barely spent more than three consecutive minutes in each others' presence. They've both been out of the apartment for such mutually overlapping long stretches of time that every time Sam checks the fridge, the brand new carton of milk he got on the last grocery run has gone lumpy. The worst of it is, he hasn't had any chance to talk to Bucky about it properly, and there's a weird, tireder-than-usual Sam part of his brain that worries maybe this isn't the best solution to Bucky's isolation issues. Wasn't that part of the reason they decided to move in together, anyway? A solution to loneliness? Humans weren't made to live all alone, grown assed men or not, Sam thinks.
All of this is making Sam in more of a bad mood than he needs to be, given that it's his birthday.
It is his fortieth birthday, so maybe that, too, is contributing.
By rights, he should be turning forty five. That part though, Sam refuses to think about at all.
"Yeah, yeah, complain about how old you are," Bucky says, leaned too far back in his own porch chair, long legs stretched all the way out against the rail, and nursing the twin of Sam's own cool beer. "Is it 'cause you need reading glasses now?"
"Bucky," Sam grits out, because he's not sure how to communicate, I am stupidly glad you, one of my dearest friends some-fucking-how, are here, I've missed you, I really didn't expect I would this much, but also I am five seconds away from drop kicking you into a small body of water, so help me God, in a non embarrassing, well-adjusted kinda way.
"Aw, it is," says the most annoying man alive, who at one hundred and seven has the general face and physique of a particularly genetically-blessed thirty-eight year old. The fact that technically, if you do the in-and-out-of-cryo math, Bucky clocks out at two years younger than Sam is possibly the single worst fact in the universe, right now.
"Both of you shut up and let Sam finish opening his presents," says a third voice, and Sam, miffed, turns to glare at his sister, while Bucky, the bastard, is grinning like a set of cheap fireworks.
Sarah had promised that they won't do nothing big til tomorrow, and that this afternoon was just for family. Sam should've expected that meant four neighbors and three of their childhood family friends and two cousins, also, but by four pm, most people have filed out and lunch is a demolished mess of scraped-clean plates and almost empty pots on the big fold out table on the backyard porch. He's already opened AJ and Cass's humble contribution: a baseball mitt, which Uncle Sam can use to teach them baseball, much to Bucky's endless amusement ("Didn't you say baseball was an old people sport? You played baseball in school, Samuel? When you were even younger?" Yeah, he's real close to Bucky-cide, today). He knows Sarah's got him an old record player of their dad's upstairs, which he'd been planning to get fixed up all those many years ago, before their lives were torn apart; the fact that it has survived, and they have survived, makes Sam feel a certain kind of way. What Sam wasn't expecting was the lumpy, large, rectangular package that emerges from under the porch table, wrapped in brown paper and presented to him by his nephews.
"And that one's from B," Sarah says. Sam's too busy staring at it incredulously to clock the amused twinkle in his sister's eye.
"You got me a birthday present? Forreal?" Sam doesn't know if he wants to laugh or be suspicious or tear up like an idiot. Jesus, it's not like he's Bucky, getting all misty at basic kind gestures. Bucky shrugs and takes a drag from his beer.
"What, you can get me stuff, but I'm banned?"
"You're not banned, oh my God. I'm just surprised."
"I get people presents!"
"I know you do!"
"So, it's your birthday, I got you a present."
"What is it?"
"Now he's making it weird!" Bucky says, helplessly, to Sarah. AJ and Cass have started giggling.
So Sam rips off the wrapping paper, muttering to himself.
Which brings him back to an immutable, inescapable fact.
Bucky Barnes made him a scrapbook for his birthday.
"It's not a scrapbook."
"It's literally a scrapbook. Holy shit, are those stickers from Joanne's?"
"Hobby Lobby," offers AJ solemnly.
"Look, okay, it was Sarah's idea! Just read the fuckin' -- I mean, uh --"
At this point, the boys' giggles are threatening to turn medical. Sarah mouths nope, all him, from behind Bucky's chair, while Sam gapes helplessly at the shockingly neat mess of .... post it notes?
No. No way.
"You put all the annoying sticky notes you left me about the fucking soured milk in a scrapbook?"
"Oh, guys, come on!" Sarah throws her hands up in the air. "That's two in half a minute! You want these boys to grow up cursin'?"
"Half of them are yours!" Bucky points. "Which, by the way, were also annoying!" He's not quite embarrassed, but there's an airy, funny kind of laugh bubbling up behind his words at the ridiculousness of it all. Sam's feeling it too. He reaches into his pocket and takes out his reading glasses.
Bucky cracks; he chokes on his laughter, stuffing it roughly behind one metal fist; AJ has plastered himself against Sam's side and Cass is literally slumped, hiccupping, on the floor. Even Sarah's having a hard time fighting it.
Primly, Sam begins reading at a random place in the middle of the book; the note is written on an overlarge, bright blue POST-IT.
Bucky, just got in. Leaving again tomorrow 0600. Hope Ross isn't being too much of a pain in the ass. Lactose free milk is a sexy modern invention, NOT weird. Its kind of gone bad tho. Did you not drink any of it???
Also, u dont have to sign post its. - Sam
I know who you are! Milks bad again. Jesus, i need a vacation. I didn't rip any senators new ones
Wanted to, tho. You keep switching burner phones so i cant text you this shit
Oh my God, you did not get a cat while I was gone
She tore up ALL THE CURTAINS. I LIKED THOSE CURTAINS. And do your own laundry instead of getting me milk!
You tried to drink it? What happened to its Sams milk?
Your cat peed in my shoe by the way!
It's always goin bad!! - STW
Hey B, heard about the op from Rhodey. Im in Delacroix tmrw, come down if you can. Take care of yourself, man.
At this point, Sam stops reading. That was a couple days ago. He looks up again, pulls his glasses off. As irritable as he was earlier, there is relief in seeing Bucky perfectly in-tact, effortlessly whole. Maybe a little tired around the eyes, but Sam thinks that's maybe a detail about him that's never really gonna go away at this point. He'd been worried, yeah. Annoyed, that they hadn't talked properly before parting ways. Missing his friend and pissed off about the milk. What was the point of living with a person if you never fucking interacted, and then they got blown up?
"I can't believe you kept all of this shit," Sam manages.
Rubbing at one eye, Bucky shrugs, looks down, then up, like he's not actually embarrassed about it at all. He says, "I had to prove to my therapist I was living successfully with a roommate somehow."
Sam snorts. After a beat, Bucky adds, "Hadn't had a roommate in years. It would've been weird to throw them out."
Yeah, Sam thinks. Yeah.
"Hey, man," Sam says, while Sarah (still chuckling), begins cleaning up the plates on the table with Cass's help. "I missed you too." Bucky smiles -- "You better tell me where you found that mangy stray cat, though."
At which point Bucky's mouth drops open in what is apparently mortal offense, and the rest of Sam's birthday is spent arguing over viable pet names for the tiny white demon kitten from hell.
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bellsyafterdark · 2 years
Please tell us more about Din's pregnancy cravings... I'm dying to know his mate's reactions. I feel like Paz would indulge his every need. Boba would do what he thought was best for Din rather than listen to him all the time, forcing healthy food down his throat and making him get up to stretch his legs every once and a while, even if this does make Din pouty. Fennec is not good with dealing with moody Din and tries to keep her distance, only to find that she misses him too much.
Oh my god why did I take so long to respond to this, you are right on the money. I think I've spoken previously about this so I hope I don't repeat myself, but also hopefully that 'cw pregnancy' tag is working for reference. I'm going to work backwards through this:
Fennec is the most uncomfortable with emotional intimacy and unfamiliar terrain. Further, she doesn't like being a learner at things, so rather than expose this insecurity, she goes for avoidance. It's not so obvious at first: when Din gets in a mood is a continuum of all sorts of things, Fennec initially asks one of the others to step in ("hold on, baby, let me get Boba"). This isn't too difficult, they're rarely far away. It gets harder when Din, not quite recognising she's uncomfortable, gets frustrated with her and/or starts crying-- Fennec is Not Good with tears. She goes into stoic mode which is also impatient, she can't help a lifetime of habit. This can make things worse. She doesn't want to make Din miserable, she loves him. She starts trying to make sure Boba or Paz is always around when she's with Din. This can mean she doesn't get home til late or leaves early in the morning. She gets nervous if Din asks her to lie in with him in the morning, just the two of them, finds herself making excuses. Din starts to worry, he can be dense at times but he is hypertuned to being ignored or avoided after The Miscommunication. Thankfully, so are the others. Boba is the one to approach Fennec first, he's also hyper vigilant; after all, he's still making amends in his own mind ("tell me if I'm imagining things: are you avoiding Din?") and Fennec almost crumbles immediately, she's missed him so much, and she knows, they all promised to do better, to talk but damn it, it's hard and she doesn't know what's wrong so she doesn't know what to say. Between her, Boba and Paz, they help her find the courage to share with Din.
Boba is the good/bad cop who is going to keep Din healthy whether he wants it or not. Din finds him a little tricky and eventually exasperating, despite knowing it's coming from a place of love. It's especially annoying how hard it is to be mad at Boba when he can be so damn charming, but it builds into a problem through Boba's priority of their baby over Din's explicit wishes for things ("the medic says if I stay sub-light in the fighter it's perfectly safe", "I can't eat that yam, I'm nauseous just thinking about it"). Din has a small outburst at him one day. Let the Manda witness, he's a grown ass man and he hasn't lost his capacity to make decisions just because he's now eating for two. But with his hormones going haywire and Din, we know, didn't really grow up with the most practice at expressing his feelings, the outburst is not so little. Then the inexplicable tears follow. Boba is horrified, somehow he's done it again, he's disregarded Din's capacity which he's been trying to make overt amends for but it's just damn hard when he can see on the other end of the spectrum--
Paz. He is a different breed of a problem. HE HAS WANTED A FAMILY FOR DECADES and he can, subconsciously, recognise that Boba is taking care of all the health regimens, so he feels it gives him permission to enjoy the fun parts of the pregnancy. He indulges Din, almost anything he wants or a close alternative to it, and he helped the midwives back in the covert, so he knows a lot of tips and tricks. But it creates a false impression of what Din could also ask for from Fennec (who then gets nervous and scuttles away) and sometimes directly contravenes what Boba tries to do ("he said he's tired, let him rest today"). With Paz's greater knowledge about supporting someone through a pregnancy, Boba and Fennec feel they need to defer to him more often, but Paz isn't always making objective decisions because he's dumb in love, while Boba is still more rational and resents being pushed into this role of the stern no-fun riduur.
BUT-- despite all this mess and minor drama, they have learned from last time. Din calls a family meeting 😂😂 everyone comes clean with what they've been thinking and feeling. They apologise to each other for the parts that hurt, and make some changes:
Paz promises to ally with Boba on the recommendations from the medic and share the responsibility of gently supporting Din
Boba promises to keep doing what he's doing but gentler and ultimately leave the decision up to Din
Fennec promises to stop avoiding Din but to also be upfront when she needs direction or is uncomfortable with a situation
Din promises to do his best to take better care of himself and remember that his partners all have different strengths and he can't expect them all to give him the same things
Sorry I completely forgot to talk about his actual cravings 😂😅
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
Criminal Minds 3x09:
So, I was told to watch the last couple minutes of the previous one. I am curious of about Derek's crisis of faith, but I was told to not watch the rest. Maybe I'll find out in the next one? Or I'll just ask.
Reactions/Commentary Below The Cut
With where Garcia got shot, isn't that at her heart? Oh I guess not, it looked like of it because of her jacket.
Hey, be less mean to the lady, she gave you Penelope's name!
Oh Reid got there first. And how did the team find out?
Reid wouldn't handle another loss well. Derek would be pissed at himself not being there.
Oh Joe Mantegna got top billing now. Just watched the team shot before.
Nicholas Brandon? He's in this one? I know he was in it for a while, but, I can't remember entirely what he did. Computers? Did he sub for Penelope in this ep?
Wait, it was night. Hotch and Rossi said they would go to the scene. The others would stay 'til morning. but Hotch and Rossi were at the scene in the morning? Did they mean they would all go home and then get sorted in the morning, or did stupid happen? I'm thinking stupid happened.
If that's his real name.
Hey! Don't hit that board it's important!
JJ, "She made me promise not to talk about her like a victims."
Immediately, Hotch, "Victimology." Snort.
"Stands out like a single woman." Rossi, sir, some people like women being their own damn selves and not conforming to society's idea of how to dress, thank you.
No, she was shot where I thought.
Oh smart girl holding your breath!
He returned to the scene of the crime to admire his work. Uh oh, learned she was alive.
Oh you should t have told him you worked for the FBI.
Yeah, I didn't think city attorney's would do murder stuff.
Nicholas Brandon! I was right, he's the temp tech. I feel so bad for him how his life went. That doesn't look like her office as we'd seen it before. Oh, they're on the side I guess.
They really took her home? When the guy might find out she's still alive and comeback? Well that cop is dead.
She could lift up that arm?
Glad Derek stayed. Cop is still probably going to-yup... Poor guy, tying to help.
"I don't believe in guns." "Trust me they are very real." HA
I will say Shemar definitely knows how to hold a weapon. Bent arms. It's all in the bent arms.
Come on Derek, announce yourself! Lucky she didn't shoot you!
He's still there? Insane much?
Also, nice on the cop guy for being like "I don't care what the FBI says, I'll definitely take your help."
He's military, right? I thought so when they were in the gun shop. Oh, agent? Bad slip up to buckle himself like that.
Oh Garcia, that's bad!
Oh this is cute.
Oh quick reset, smart.
He a hit man? Oh angel of death.
Oh what is Nicholas's character going to do?
Oh he's there and desperate.
Oh this is interesting. He's altering them! I love this so much! It's great that he found out what Penelope was doing so he could help. UGH I love this!
Hotch and Rossi are so not playing it cool.
Oh is this going to be another Good Shot by JJ episode?
It's going to be done by the time they get there.
NICE SHOT JJ! But I'm surprised that the glass wasn't bulletproof.
Oh was that JJ's first human kill?
And he wears interesting clothes like she does 🥺
0 notes
tastyykpop · 2 years
ɢᴏ sʜᴀᴡᴛʏ, ɪᴛ's ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ
pairings: stepdad!chanyeol x reader
genre: smut
warnings: softdom!chanyeol, sub!reader, dumbification, praising, a lil degradation, breeding, daddy kink, fingering at the dining table, begging, crying kink, attention whore oc
i cant stay loyal to baek when i make shit like this
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the house was full of noise. most of it coming from the music, the other of which were friends of mr. park who happened to be your stepdad.
today was his birthday and he just had to have a party.
you couldnt complain too much. there were some parts of it that were fun like drinking til your hearts content and teasing your beloved stepdad until he breaks.
except he didn't. he did everything but break.
mr. park found your attempts quite stupid, only smiling at your petty attempts like you were a cute animal pawing at his ankles. he couldn't help but smile at how dumb you looked trying to get your stepdad to bend you over, and fuck you on the table. you were just adorable.
adorably stupid.
so he decided to tease back. when you sat in his lap, he had casually wrapped an arm around your waist as a sly hand inched its way under your skirt, rubbing just in between your thighs. adding to the fact that he was doing it right in front of his friends, you both were lucky the table he sat at had a cloth over it.
now, it just looked like a 'father' and his 'daughter' happily sitting together.
it was far from that.
"arent you a bit desperate for some attention." mr. park half smiled, "you wanted daddy's attention, huh?"
you nodded with a smile, happy that mr. park was finally giving in to what you wanted the whole time. though at the table- you hoped no one saw. you prayed even harder that none of his friends walked by, especially when mr. park moved your panties to the side to slip a couple fingers in.
"be quiet and don't make a sound." he whispered, returning his attention back to the conversation he was in, acting as if he wasn't fingering you under the tablecloth.
your thighs squeezed his hand, trying your best to keep silent. you wanted to focus on the conversation going on around you, hoping it would avert your attention on what's going on. and when someone talked to your from across the table, you felt as if not moaning was simple. it wasn't not. more so- mr. park didn't want you to focus on anything else but himself. with a subtle curl of his fingers, your mouth fell open as your brows furrowed. a small sound escaping from your mouth as you averted your attention back to mr. park, glaring at the older man.
you had to pass it up as a cough, a way to cover it up.
"such a stupid girl. can't even keep her mouth shut for five minutes." he sighed in dissapointment, taking his fingers away from your dripping cunt as he wiped his fingers on his pants. like he wasn't the cause of your moan.
you attempted to grab his hand to stop him, but he only slapped your hand away, ignoring you completely.
"no please," you began, "I promise to stay quiet, daddy please." mr. park wasn't looking at you still talking to his friends as if you were nonexistent. "daddy." you continued to whine, but it didn't work. with a groan, you called out a bit louder, "chanyeol." making his jaw clentch before facing you "I need you. want you to fuck me."
he raised a brow, "isn't it supposed to be my day today? acting like such an attention whore in front of all my friends. do you want them to know how much of a slut you are for me?" chanyeol questioned. "youd probably love that."
you stayed silent, not knowing if you should speak or what. your desperation for him was through the roof, yet he was right. it is his day, you shouldn't be so greedy. so you tried to calm your hormones, tried not to seem like a complete whore for attention even as you soaked through your panties.
"I only wanna make you feel good. can I make you fell good, daddy?"
damn you sounded so pitiful. mr. park could only chuckle before picking you up, and walking to his shared bedroom after saying a polite 'sorry, shes not feeling so great' to excuse him and yourself.
he sat you on the bed. his tall form standing over you, making you feel smaller in comparison. "pretty baby." mr. park held your chin in his hand, admiring you, "you gonna be good for daddy and do everything he says?" you nodded in anticipation. "then suck me off like a big girl."
his dick sprang out as he pulled his pants down with his free hand. the one holding your jaw moved to your hair, making a makeshift ponytail. but without him having to push your head down onto his dick, you willingly lunged forward like a cock hungry maniac, gladly taking your stepdad in your mouth.
you wrapped your hand around the base as you kitten licked his tip, switching between sucking and licking as it seemed to make him moan and buck his hips in pleasure, causing you to gag at the intrusion on your gag reflex. mr. park couldnt help but do it again. and again. and again. thrusting his hips forward so you'd gag on his dick, drooling like a puppy as you made a complete mess of yourself.
he threw his head back, keeping his hand stiff in your hair so you couldn't back away from him as he pounded into the back of your throat. you were already whimpering and choking, trying your hardest to focus on breathing rather than the burning sensation happening in your throat.
you could hardly look up at him since your vision was blurry with tears, making it harder to see him clearly, but you knew the sight was beautiful. your stepdad, fucking your face full of his cock as he had his head tilted back showing off his pretty neck? yeah- that would make a nice picture.
"baby's doing so g-good." he said, "don't wanna cum like this though." with that being said, mr. park pulled you off his dick as drool dripped down from your lips and tears streamed down your face. "so messy, baby. a stupid, drooling mess just from my dick."
mr. park pushed you onto the bed, trapping you with his arms, hands in yours as he hovered over your lips with a smirk.
"wanna kiss daddy?" as you lifted your head to kiss him, he pulled back and snickered.
you knew he was treating you as if you were a child. teasing and babying you. it almost infuriated you as he kept making you feel like a dumb kid. you weren't. but mr. park loved seeing that frustration get to you.
"stop doing that." you frowned, "kiss me."
you wanted to move your hands and pull his head down for a kiss, but it was no use, he was just too strong as he tightened his hold on you.
"chanyeol, just kiss me." you whined in irritation, he only grinned, but he did kiss you. not where you wanted him to, he in fact kissed your cheek just to cause you more annoyance.
"stay still." he said, letting got of your hands so he could flip your skirt up and move your panties to the side. "these are cute." he played with the hem of your panties, pulling them back just to let it go and slap your pelvis area. "did you wear them just for me?"
you did in fact wear them for him. planning to show them off at some point in the night and now was a better time than any. "yes d-daddy."
"cute girl. always trying to please daddy." he gave you another smile before pushing his dick inside of you eliciting a quiet moan. you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to your body just to feel him. "oh? you like my cock that much? baby I just started."
an exasperated moan left your lips, trying to keep eye contact with him. his hand squeezed your hips, bringing them towards his body as he connected his hips with yours. chanyeol was reaching areas you didn't know were possible, rolling your eyes as you screamed in pleasure, not caring who heard you anymore.
"you tryna get us in trouble, stupid girl?" he covered your mouth with his hand, shaking his head even as you kept moaning through his hand like a bitch. but he didn't mind, at least you were somewhat quiet.
his returning smirk widened when you arched your back under him, his hand still on your mouth as you whimpered and moaned. tears were streaming down your cheeks as well, he couldn't say he hated the sight. it was absolutely stunning- truly breathtaking as he fucked you silly.
all he wanted for his birthday was exactly this.
"what a c-complete cock hungry mess you are, baby. you must really w-wanna milk me- milk daddy dry." chanyeol quirked an eyebrow, staring deep into your red eyes as you sobbed into his hand. pathetic. "t-tell me. c'mon, tell daddy you want his cum."
he removed his slightly drool covered hand, waiting for you to speak. "i-i want-" you gulped, "i want daddy's c-cum! please cum i-inside me."
chanyeols brain malfunctioned.
"in-inside you?! fill you up- breed you like a bitch? is that what you want?" you nodded impatiently, not caring anymore as you were lost in euphoria. the only thing on your mind was chanyeol and his cock, fucking you absolutely stupid.
"y-yes please please please-" you begged shakily right when his cock twitched inside you. throwing you head back, you took that as a sign that he was close. mr. park swore under his breath, a distinct groan coming from him as he painted your walls with his cum. lowering his head against your neck, he kept going, allowing yourself to let go as well- moaning and crying in his ear. more drops of tears pricked your eyes, becoming more sensitive even as he slowed his pace.
mr. park never pulled out- he was content in this position, adoring how your pussy quivered around his cock.
"pussy feels so good. wanna stay like this forever, baby." he finally kissed your lips softly- letting the taste of your lips linger on his.
"did you like your present, daddy?"
"I loved it, baby. thank you."
your mom was gonna kill you if she ever found out.
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bisaster-energy · 4 years
Among Us in Camelot
Can y'all imagine Among Us with the Round Table + Merlin, Gwen, Morgana like bruh
Leon would be unexpectedly really into like he'd host every game and everyone just lets him bc he's their trusted host
And every time someone calls a meeting cos "fuck theres a dead body" he just
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And Merlin is almost always Imposter but no one is willing to vote him out because look at him:
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And even tho he's obvious as fuck about venting no one really suspects him til it's too late so yeah needless to say he's good at faking tasks cos hello he does that all the damn time
And Arthur wants to know why there's no option to fight the imposter one on one cos "this isn't even a fair fight! I have no weapons!! I'm just minding my business then i get cut in half? Outrageous!!" He dies cos he refuses to try and escape b4 the imposter can get him lmao
Everyone votes Gwaine out cos that man is sus bc he's running around instead of doing tasks cos he's either lost or doesn't want to
He'll follow ppl around to make them uneasy on purpose and act all surprised when they all agree he's sus
Gwaine will call an emergency meeting and be like: I missed merlin sorry for the inconvenience and meanwhile Merlin was just sabotaging the O2 lmao
If he and merlin are imposters at the same time?? Lord Have Mercy.
No one ever knows when Percy is the imposter because he acts exactly the same whether he's a crewmate or not so no one sees that shit coming until their screens say defeat most of the time
Lance would feel bad about lying about being imposter so if someone straight up asked he'd be like "yeah I shut down the med bay sorry :(" and he'd just much rather be a crew mate okay!! Like don't get me wrong if he's paired up with Merlin/Gwaine they'll go all out but if it's just him his conscious will kick in
Elyan just wants to finish his damn tasks in peace and loses his shit when someone dies cos he'll be about to connect his last wire and some asshole will call an emergency meeting cos some idiot got themself killed like damn let him work
Gwen and Morgana destroy the boys whenever they play cos they're too fucking powerful idk what else to say honestly (the only thing is given the chance morgana will absolutely risk getting voted out for the chance to off arthur just to piss him off) they're chaotic but they're in a completely different league bc say what you will about Evil!Morgana and Posessed!Gwen but they suited each other and planned shit out so of they're both imposter they win every time
Leon: there's a traitor in our midst
Merlin, who was just fucking up the reactor: idk red seems kinda sus :/
Arthur: Merlin you bastard we haven't crossed paths once this whole time
Merlin: that's what makes you so sus
Gwaine: lmao
Elyan: can someone explain why the FUCK WE'RE HERE COS I HAVE A TO DO LIST DAMN IT
Percy: ?
Arthur: someone killed lance and no one was at the scene except me so being the model citizen i am I reported it
Lance: I still can't believe I was killed me I thought we were all bros ;_;
Merlin: no one finds it weird that arthur here was the only one there?? No one?
Gwaine: yeah that's pretty sus dude
Arthur: okay but you don't have all the facts
Percy: ??
Arthur: im literally the coolest one here so you can kill me off but the game would lose it's zeal
...Red was not the imposter...
And god forbid they let Mordred play because Merlin would set him up constantly skkakskaka
Mordred will literally be in the middle of a task in storage while someone dies in electrical and the first thing Merlin says will be: Green is sus :/ and Mordred, who was promised an alliance, just:
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So yeah that's my take on how it'd go
Additions are welcome please i want to laugh
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xplrsquad7137 · 4 years
How I Met Your Mother-
Colby Brock × Reader
Chapter Twelve is here...
Chapter Thirteen: Anniversary
Word Count 1,975
Warnings: Fluff and Smut
Today, it is Y/n and I's anniversary of the day that we first met. I have something special planned for her so I asked Sam to take our daughter for the day.
"Hey, beautiful! Are you excited to see uncle Sam today?!"
Our daughter "Yeah! Is uncle Corey and uncle Jake going to be there?"
"I'm not sure, babes..they might be."
Our daughter "Okay"
Y/n does our daughters hair and puts her in cute clothing before we take her to Sam's house (the traphouse). I am making sure the plans are still in order so that everything goes perfectly.
Y/n "Our little girl is ready!" She comes out of the room and I see my two girls all dolled up. O/D/N is in a pink dress with sandals on and her hair is curled and has a little pink bow. Y/n is in one of my favorite dresses that she owns: a long white, strapless dress. 
"Look at my girls!! You both look absolutely stunning."
Our daughter "Thank you daddy!"
Y/n "thanks babe, you look great too like damn!" I am in a fitted outfit that isn't quite a suite but it is very formal.
"Thank you, baby. O/D/N, go downstairs and get ready to go okay?"
Our daughter "Okay!" She walks downstairs and does as she is told. I look down at my wife who is beaming up at me. Her smile is so pure and filled with joy and love. I cup her cheeks and into my hands and I place a soft kiss to her lips.
"Are you ready for today, baby girl."
Y/n "mhm. What are we doing?"
"Don't you worry, you're going to love it. Let's go drop her off at Sam's so we can get this party started!" She laughs and takes my hand in hers.
As soon as we pull up to the house, O/D/N gets out of the car and runs to Sam who was waiting for her from the porch.
Sam "HEY!! There's my goddaughter!!"
Our daughter "UNCLE SAM!" She leaps and Sam catches her in his arms. Y/n and I get out of the car for a few moments to say hi and give him hugs.
"Thank you again brother for taking her."
Sam "No problem Colby, you look beautiful Y/n!"
Y/n "Thank you Sam!" 
Sam "You guys go have fun, I got her."
"Alright, love you."
Y/n "Love you Sam!"
Sam "I love you guys too, see you tonight."
Y/n hasn't stopped smiling all day, she woke up with a smile and she will have one all day. I don't let go of her thigh the entire ride.
Y/n "wait...is this.."
"The Vidcon stadium where we met? Yes it is, baby!" The stadium has twinkle lights all around and there is a huge projector for a movie tonight. 
Y/n "Aw babe are you serious!?" 
"Yeah, come on, let's go check it out." 
I take her hand in mine and we enter the stadium. The whole place is filled with photos of us throughout our eight years of being together. Some while we were dating, some with our friends and family. But my favorites are photos from our proposal and our wedding and then her maternity photoshoot. Y/n's eyes fill up with happy tears and so are mine. 
Y/n "I...I am speechless!"
"Wait til the end baby!" We walk until we get to where we bumped into each other and that is where I put the pictures of the day our daughter was born. She holds my hand tighter and starts to cry harder as do I. 
Y/n "Colbyy...she was so tiny!"
"I know...now she is so big."
Y/n "this...this is where we bumped into each other, isn't it?"
"Yeah babe." 
Y/n "I didn't think that you remembered that."
"Of course I remember it! Baby, the day I met you, I gained the world. How could I forget any detail of the day I met the love of my life?!" She jumps into my arms and kisses me passionately. I kiss her until I can't catch my breath and I put her down.
"I love you so much."
Y/n "I love you more Colby!"
"Come on, it's getting dark out, let's go see your second surprise." She takes my hand and I lead her out the door to the soundstage. There is a projector and it says Today Is The Day We All Knew…
Y/n "We?" I look down at her and smile. I push play and our friend's faces pop up on the screen.
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Sam "Hey Y/n! I asked Colby to be the first one out of our friend group to say how much you mean to all of us. I don't know if Colby has ever told you this but before we met you, he had the biggest crush on you! Like the biggest crush. When I told him that you were going to be at Vidcon, he got so nervous it was adorable! After he met you, he pulled me to the side and he was like….I think I just met my person. I knew personally that you two were going to click immediately and I am so glad that you guys did. When I met you, I remember thinking holy shit this girl is awesome!" He laughs in the video and we laugh along. "But in all seriousness, I love you so so much. You don't just mean the world to Colby, you mean the world to me as well so..I hope that you have enjoyed this little surprise so far. Love you guys!" Y/n looks up at me while I am holding her in my arms and she has tears in her eyes.
Y/n "Babeee that was so sweet!"
"It's not over."
Corey "Yooo...it's my favorite couple!! I know everything that Colby has in store for you today so I hope you are ready! I just wanted to say how amazing you are and how much I love you Y/n. You make one of my closest friends the happiest man in the entire world every single day and for that, I thank you. On this day, a year ago...my brother's life changed for the better well...all of our lives changed for the better because now we have you. Happy anniversary guys, I love you." All of our friends: Jake and Tara, Kat and Cassie, Kevin and Aryia, Mike etc did a video for my wife and I. It was very emotional and sweet and it truly meant the world to the both of us. By the end of it, we are both a crying mess.
Y/n "Well now that my makeup is ruined, what's next!" I laugh and kiss her whole face.
"Well...now we go outside."
Y/n "Outside?"
"Mhm…" I guide her outside and there is a picnic dinner on the grass in front of the main projector. There are twinkle lights all around and there are pillows and blankets. I see her jaw drop in amazement.
Y/n "Baby...it's beautiful!!"
"Not as beautiful as you baby girl." 
After we are done eating, I get ready to turn on the screen and her eyes light up. It is a compilation of all of the videos we have been in together since day one. Eight years full of footage of us dating, getting engaged, our wedding, everything in between, our announcement of being pregnant and our daughters birthing video and of course everything else leading up to our most recent uploads. 
Y/n "I thought that I was done crying but I thought wrong!" She laughed through the tears and I pulled her into my arms. We watch the whole footage and soak in every ounce of memory that we have together. 
"Did you love it, baby?"
Y/n "Of course I love it baby! That was so special, I...I am speechless!" 
"I am glad, we have been together for a long time.."
Y/n "A long time but we will be together forever!"
"Amen to that babe, forever and always!"
I took her back to our house for the last surprise. Once we got to the front door, I picked her up bridal style and lead her to the bedroom. There was rose peddles on the bed and candles just waiting to be lit.
Y/n "...how did you do this without me knowing?!"
"I did it quickly before we left. Remember when I said that I forgot my drink? Yeah well that's when I did the peddles."
Y/n "oooo you're clever." 
"Mhm.." I lean into her and she kisses my lips. She allows my tongue entrance and our tongues dance in perfect harmony. I can feel her need for me so I lift her up by her hips and place her on the bed. 
Y/n "Colby-"
"I know baby girl. I'm going to make you feel so good, I promise." Her head leans back into the pillows when I take off her underwear so that I have full entrance. "Oh baby you are soaked already." I don't give her enough time to answer me before I swipe my entire tongue over her whole pussy. Her taste is so sweet, like pure fucking honey. I moan the harder she grinds on my fance. 
Y/n "Fuck Colby please don't stop!"
"Mmm-never." After a few seconds, I add two fingers into her core. She likes it when I keep my rings on so of course, they stay on. I can feel her legs shake around my shoulders and her pussy starts to throb around my fingers. 
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Y/n "I-I'ma cum!"
"Cum on my face, baby girl." Not long after, she cums and I lick up every drop of her. She is a moaning mess when I hover over her and kiss her lips. She can taste herself on my lips and moans.
Y/n "Mmm I do taste good."
"See, I told you. You always taste so good for me baby." She tries to move so that she can pleasure me but I stop her, "uh uh, baby. Tonight is about you."
Y/n "It's also about you Colby…"
"I know but I just want it to be about you tonight, you pleasured me all day the other night. Now come here." I move her so that she is laying on her stomach. She cums quicker in this position. 
"Are you ready for me baby?"
Y/n "mhm..please.." I lunge into her in one quick motion, she is so wet for me that it went in so easily. The feeling of her tight pussy around my big cock is enough for me to cum in seconds.
"Fuck baby…. Your pussy feels so good."
Y/n "yeah? Is my pussy making your cock feel good baby?"
"Yeah-FUCK!" She starts to grind her hips into me, making me breathless. She screams my name and cums for the second time. I cum shortly after. 
She moves positions and is ready for round three. 
Round three was long and sexy. We both marked up each other's bodies with scratches and love bites. We were in desperate need for a shower but we have to pick up our daughter from Sam's. We throw on loose clothing because we are both fairly sore and head out the door.
"Did you enjoy our anniversary baby?"
Y/n "The best anniversary every babe. I loved every second of it. I love you so much, Colby."
"I love you more, angel. When we get home, shower and round four?"
She smirks at me, "You're on."
@moriartysringtone7137 @multistanimagines @cutiecolbsss @kid-that-likes-to-xplr @azurebrock @taradummy
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Off to the races
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Request: Yes or No
This is loosely based off an oc story. Also, since Tommy (Malachai's actor) is Venezuelan and speaks Spanish, does that mean Malachai can too? 👀
My old man is a bad man
But I can't deny the way he holds my hand
And he grabs me, he has me by my heart
He doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas past
He doesn't mind I have a L.A crass way about me
He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart
(Y/N) watched as Malachai and some of his buddies beat up a kid. He glanced at Jaime, crossing his arms. When a hot stranger offered him a ride, he didn't expect to hookup with him and later find out he was a gang leader. (Y/N) looked at Malachai when he backed up and walked over, knuckles bloody.
"Come on, baby." He said casually, grabbing his hand and holding it as he went back to his car.
Swimming pool
Glimmering darling
White bikini off with my red nail polish
Watch me in the swimming pool
Bright blue ripples, you
Sitting sipping on your Black Cristal, oh yeah
(Y/N) laughed when Jaime splashed him with water. The good moments when Ghoulies acted like normal people. (Y/N) liked those moments. He looked over at Malachai who watched him intently while sipping on his drink.
"Aw, cuties." Jaime cooed, making (Y/N) splash her.
Light of my life, fire in my loins
Be a good baby, do what I want
Light of my life, fire in my loins
Gimme them gold coins
Gimme them coins
(Y/N) bit down on the lollypop, chewing when it cracked and broke. He looked up when some rolled up money was tossed on the table. Malachai motioned to it.
"They're yours." He said. (Y/N) cocked a brow.
"Why?" He asked, picking it up. Malachai shrugged.
"Because you're my boyfriend and I want to give you money." (Y/N) raised his brows. Boyfriend? That was a first. He smiled, leaning forward.
"Well thank you, boyfriend."
And I'm off to the races, cases
Of Bacardi chasers
Chasing me all over town
'Cause he knows I'm wasted,
Facing time again at Riker's Island
And I won't get out
(Y/N) huffed, feeling someone grab his arm and pulled him back. He turned around, almost tripping from how intoxicated he was. He saw Malachai's face and grinned.
"Baby!" He cooed, wrapped his arms around him. (Y/N) heard Malachai sigh.
"Come on, let's head home." (Y/N) nodded happily. He knew going out and partying without Malachai's knowledge annoyed Malachai but he never stayed mad or annoyed. (Y/N) really needed to shake off that habit.
Because I'm crazy, baby
I need you to come here and save me
I'm your little scarlet starlet
Singing in the garden
Kiss me on my open mouth
Ready for you
(Y/N) laughed, falling back onto the bed.
"I already have to deal with those Serpents, I don't need to drive around town because you snuck off." Malachai said, helping him undress.
"Why don't you just kill them? Blow their brains out!" (Y/N) cracked up as Malachai rolled his eyes.
"You're crazy.." Malachai mumbled, leaning down and kissing him. (Y/N) happily kissed him back.
My old man is, a tough man
But he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam
And he shows me, he knows me, every inch of my tar black soul
He doesn't mind I have a flat broke down life
In fact he says he thinks it's what he might like about me, admires me
The way I roll like a rolling stone
(Y/N) woke up to soft kisses trailed around his face and neck. He grunted softly, bringing a hand up to his pounding head. Malachai chuckled, nudging him. (Y/N) opened his eyes, grabbing the painkillers and water. He sat up, glancing down at Malachai when he nipped at (Y/N)'s hip. Once (Y/N) took the painkiller, he lied back down and cuddled against Malachai.
Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom
Chateau Marmont
Slipping on my red dress, putting on my make up
Glass film, perfume, cognac, lilac
Fumes, says it feels like heaven to him
(Y/N) cracked open one eye, looking at Malachai. He smiled, sliding down so the water went up to his nose. Malachai watched him affectionately.
"Hey, little merman." He greeted. (Y/N) sat up, chuckling. Malachai approached him, crouching down and kissing him. (Y/N) pulled back, noting a smell.
"Are you using my cologne?" He asked. Malachai grinned, nodding.
Light of his life, fire of his loins
Keep me forever, tell me you want me
Light of your life, fire of your loins
Tell me you want me, gimme them coins
"I love you.." Malachai mumbled, pressing a kiss to (Y/N)'s shoulder. (Y/N) smiled, turning his head and looked at him.
"Who doesn't?" (Y/N) grinned. Malachai rolled his eyes, nipping his shoulder. (Y/N) laughed softly, turning around and wrapping his arms around him. He leaned in, kissing him softly.
"I love you too, Mal." He tangled his fingers into Malachai's soft curls.
And I'm off to the races, cases
Of Bacardi chasers
Chasing me all over town
(Y/N) tilted his head back, drinking the beer in one go. He placed the bottle down and looked at Malachai.
"You're gonna get liver problems." Malachai mumbled as he counted his money. (Y/N) cocked a brow, glancing at Malachai's beer bottles.
"Your one to talk." He replied. Malachai put him on house arrest after going out without his knowledge again.
Cause he knows I'm wasted, facing
Time again at Riker's
Island and I won't get out
(Y/N) stood up, going around the table and hugging Malachai from behind.
"Can I-"
"No." Malachai cut him off. (Y/N) pouted, resting his head ontop of Malachai's.
"Why not?" Malachai sighed, grabbing his arm and kissing it.
"I want you home. Safe. With me." Malachai replied. (Y/N) kissed the back of his head and hummed.
"Sorry for making you worry so much, Mal." (Y/N) apologized quietly.
Because I'm crazy, baby
I need you to come here and save me
I'm your little scarlet starlet
Singing in the garden
Kiss me on my open mouth
Malachai tilted his head back, meeting (Y/N) in a sweet kiss. (Y/N) pulled back and bumped their noses together before grabbing another bottle and opening it.
"You've had enough." Malachai grabbed it from him.
"Go take a shower, I'll join you in a minute." Malachai said. (Y/N) huffed but nodded, walking away.
Now I'm off to the races, laces
Leather on my waist is
Tight and I am falling down
I can see your faces, shameless
Cipriani's basement
Love you, but I'm going down
(Y/N) watched Malachai's car pull up, arms crossed. Malachai got out of his car, approaching him.
"I expected-" Malachai was cut off by his own grunt, holding his jaw as he stumbled back. (Y/N) shook his hand, knuckles hurting a bit.
"You promised you wouldn't get in trouble with the law and I have to find out through Jaime that you got arrested!"
"It isn't the first time-"
"And it'll be the last or else we're over."
God I'm so crazy, baby
I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving
I'm your little harlot starlet
King of Coney Island
Raising hell all over town
Sorry 'bout it
"You're fucking joking, right?"
"You have no fucking idea how worried I was, Malachai. Don't you understand how difficult it can be when you're locked up and the Serpents take advantage of it?" (Y/N) asked. Malachai sighed, eyes hard.
"Go ahead and try me if you think I'm joking." (Y/N) turned around, entering their home. Malachai groaned loudly, following his boyfriend inside.
"You need to calm down-"
"You're so fucking lucky I didn't go to that damn jail and beat your stupid ass. You've been dealing drugs for how long? Some rookie mistake and your ass is off to jail, God, you're so lucky that Peggy is a good lawyer." (Y/N) sneered. Malachai approached him, hands up. He slowly wrapped his arms around him.
"I'm sorry, baby." Malachai said softly. (Y/N) began to realx.
My old man is a thief
And I'm gonna stay and pray with him 'til the end
But I trust in the decision of the Lord
To watch over us
Take him when He may, if He may
(Y/N) played with his necklace, glancing at the clock. Malachai knew the cops were gonna be keeping an eye on him yet he had gone out to check on the drug run. (Y/N) was usually the one to make stupid and crazy decisions but Malachai was stepping it up. He heard the front door open and stood up, leaving the kitchen. Malachai shrugged off his jacket. He tossed some money onto the coffee table.
"Where'd you get that?"
"Some of the boys robbed a gas station." Malachai replied, yawning softly. Seemed like he was coming down from a high.
"Okay... I'm going to bed." (Y/N) said, walking to their bedroom.
"Babe? What's wrong?"
I'm not afraid to say that I'd die without him
Who else is gonna put up with me this way?
I need you, I breathe you, I'd never leave you
They would rue the day I was alone without you
"I'm just tired.." (Y/N) replied, glancing at him. Malachai leaned against the doorway, playing with his bracelet.
"I love you, you know that, right?"
"Yeah." (Y/N) lied down, taking off his necklace and putting it on the nightstand. Malachai headed into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and hopping into bed with (Y/N). Despite being annoyed with Malachai, (Y/N) wrapped his arms around him.
You're lying with your gold chain on
Cigar hanging from your lips
I said, "Hon', you never looked so beautiful
As you do now, my man"
Malachai was always a pretty sight to wake up to. A blunt hanging from his lips as sunlight poured into the room. (Y/N) took a moment to admire his man. He lifted himself up, kissing Malachai's arm. (Y/N) smiled up at him. Malachai leaned down, kissing him.
"Morning, babe." He mumbled. (Y/N) hummed, flopping down onto the pillow.
"Morning, Mal."
And we're off to the races, places
Ready, set, the gate is down and now we're goin' in
To Las Vegas, chaos, Casino Oasis
Honey, it is time to spin
(Y/N) felt the wind slip through his fingers as Malachai drove. It seemed like getting shot with an arrow brought Malachai back down to earth. (Y/N) was, of course, worried when he heard that his boyfriend got an arrow to the shoulder but couldn't help bursting out into a fit of laughter learning it was a teenager who had done it.
"Still can believe you laughed at me while I was bleeding out." Malachai mumbled.
"Oh, please. Penny and the others bandaged and stitched you up." (Y/N) smiled, looking at him.
"What do you think, Mimic?" (Y/N) asked, looking at the Rottweiler puppy sitting in his lap. Mimic barked in response.
"Right? Your other daddy is so dramatic." (Y/N) cooed. Malachai rolled his eyes. Their road trip was gonna be filled with lots of fun.
Boy, you're so crazy, baby
I love you forever, not maybe
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
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ma-gic-gay · 3 years
Just as Michael's about to answer their question, Jason's phone goes off. "Perfect timing," he mutters before going outside to take the call. "Jason Morgan."
"Mr. Morgan, it appears Mr. Renault is at the office demanding to speak with you. What should I do?" One of his employees informs him.
"Cyrus has my number. If he would like to schedule a meeting, tell him he can call me and we'll have one."
"I've already told him that and he won't agree to it."
Dammit. Peace in this town is fragile enough; the last thing they need is an angry Cyrus. He's been unstable as of late, not agreeing to this could lead to a gunfight. Well, that's actually to be expected. "We'll meet at the office in twenty minutes then. Tell him to call off his men, including Brando. Look around the perimeter and have the rest of the guards check to make sure that there's no one on the premises or within range of hitting someone."
"Yes sir," the employee agrees, hanging up the phone.
"Business stuff?" Willow asks cautiously. After all, this is the first time she's been in this situation.
"Yeah," Michael answers, sensing from the businesslike stance he's taken in their kitchen. "Let's go check on the kids."
They leave the room and instantly Carly asks, "What did he do?"
"Demanded we meet. I don't know why or what this is about, so please tell me you didn't do anything stupid that could cost the truce to be undone."
"I haven't done anything. I've considered it, but I haven't done anything yet," she tells him. "How long til the meeting?"
"I've gotta get going. You have to stay here, this doesn't concern you. Cyrus is looking for a fight and you'll give him one. He's looking for any reason to violate the truce and take me out," Jason informs her. "I mean it. No showing up."
"Is it a solo meeting?"
"You want me to sit here and list out the times he's tried to kill you this past year and a half? Jason, you can't got to a meeting alone. You'll get killed!" Carly exclaims.
"No I won't, Carly. I've got it handled, I told you," he says, glancing at his watch.
"Yes you will! You need to stop agreeing to these one on one meetings because one of these days he's going to get you killed and I won't be able to survive that!"
"I told you, I'm not getting killed!"
"Can you predict the future? No, you can't! I know you might want to go and have this meeting but you can't do it alone!"
"I'm going to the meeting, Carly. You are going to stay here with your kids, grandkids, and Willow," he says, voice unbudging. She's not going to win.
"Promise me you'll come back."
"Promise me, Jason, or you're not going!"
"I promise."
"Fine, you can go," she surrenders, hugging him. "But be safe."
"As safe as I can be, meeting with him," he agrees.
"Alright, well you better go now or you're not going to be able to say goodbye to the kids."
He bids them all goodbye, hugs Carly again, and leaves for the meeting. His gun is on him, as is his cell phone. Though the usefulness of a cell phone is to be questioned when it's a mob meeting he's having. Not like he can exactly call the police if anything happens, they'd arrest him.
Arriving at the office, he senses that today's going to be a long day.
"Hey Harry, is it clear?"
"Yes sir."
"Alright, thanks," he says before walking into the office. "Cyrus. What's so urgent?"
"Well, Sonny's been gone a year now. I was hoping we could revisit us joining together for a way to continue the peace in this town," Cyrus answers.
"Like I told you the day you found out he was missing, that isn't happening. You're not going to run your product through this town and ruin it. This was Sonny's territory and if he's not dead and comes back, it'll be his again. We both agreed no drugs. It's not happening. Is that all?" Jason asks, bored.
"No, actually. I was wondering how Mrs. Corinthos is holding up. Given that this is the anniversary of losing her husband, I'd presume not well."
"None of your damn business."
"No need to get so defensive, I'm merely posing a question. Trying to make conversation."
"If you don't have anything related to business to discuss, my men will escort you out."
"Oh, but I doubt you will," Cyrus says, laughing evilly. "You'll be too dead to even have the chance to get me out of this room." He takes his gun from his pocket rather dramatically for Jason's taste and aims for him.
Drawing his gun himself, the now mob boss ducks, narrowly missing the bullet before firing his own, missing the other mobster by only a few inches. That was on purpose; a warning shot of sorts. "It never occurred to me," the ponytail clad man continues unaffected, "that you'd be so easy to take out. I mean, really. Your reputation is that you're businesslike and directly to the point, but then you've agreed to several meetings with me alone. I was planning on having some fairly difficult plans to kill you, but you've simply fallen into my lap. I do suppose I feel a bit bad, however, that Mrs. Corinthos will have to deal with you being dead as well."
There's a line you just don't cross in business, and that's been crossed. He remembers his promise to not die and snaps into action. "Fire that gun again and I hit you right between the eyes," Jason warns, setting himself up for his shot.
"I sense I've hit a nerve," Cyrus smiles, "mentioning her like that. Tell me, Mr. Morgan, has it ever occurred to you that you're the reason she even knows about this business? With you gone, I suppose she'll be taking it over. Though I don't doubt her, I do doubt her ability to properly run this business. It's doubtful that she'll even make it a few weeks before she's ki-"
Another warning shot goes from Jason's gun, this one only barely above his head. "Last warning, Cyrus. This isn't a game. She's barely involved in this business and you have no right to bring her up when this fight is between us. So drop the gun and get on the ground."
Chuckling as though he doesn't even really believe that he's about to be taken out, Cyrus stupidly continues, "I'll probably send one of my men to kill her, you know. Try to make it painless out of respect for her."
"Talking about me?" Carly asks, walking in with armed guards. She's got the worst timing.
"Yes I was, Mrs. Corinthos. How are you?"
"I'd be better if you were in a casket six feet under," she answers calmly. "Now, put your gun down before I kill you with my bare hands."
Where the fuck did she learn how to do that? He didn't teach her, neither did Sonny. Who did? Not the point, Carly isn't supposed to be here. She's now got the chance to be shot. That would kill him faster than the bullet wound he feels he could get.
"You heard her," Jason says. "Gun down, on the ground."
Turns out that's what needed to be done. The guards with guns pointed at his head doesn't hurt either, he's sure, but Cyrus finally gets on the ground and drops his gun.
"Good. Get Mrs. Corinthos out of here, now," he orders, to her complaints. "Carly, just go."
"I, personally, have nothing against her being here," Cyrus voices.
"You have no say." When Carly leaves, Jason calmly continues, "You mention her name again in front of me and I'll kill you. Talk about your plan to take me out again and you'll be dead. Nothing is changing. This is your last warning. Next time you try to kill me or someone I care about, you'll be dead quicker than you can even move from the scene. Get out."
Angrily, the ponytail clad man leaves, escorted by the guards. Jason then makes sure everyone knows to make sure there's no evidence of what happened, and that there's especially none Carly was ever there before he joins her in her car.
It's a quiet ride, with him firing off orders for his men and her pouting.
"I was right! He wanted you dead! You fell right into his trap!" She exclaimed when they walked into the living room of her house.
"No I didn't! Carly, I had it all under control!"
"Gun pointed at you, Jason! I walked in and there was a gun pointed at you!"
"I had mine pointed at him too! You can't walk into a gunfight!"
"Oh, but you can start one? You can get shot, I can't? Is that how this works?"
"The only reason you'd be shot in general is because of me, Carly! I introduced you to the business, I'm the reason you and Sonny got together, and I'm the reason you're still apart of it. I can deal with getting myself shot, I've survived other bullets before, but I can't deal with you getting shot!"
"I didn't!"
"Yeah, because I kicked you out of there!"
"I brought the guards, I was safe!"
"You walked into a gunfight when I told you it was the stupid thing to do! I told you not to go but you couldn't help yourself, could you, and you went to the meeting."
"You want me to tell you I was wrong and apologize? I'm not gonna do that! You could've been killed! God knows what Sonny's livelihood status is, but yours is alive. Alive, Jason! I'm not risking you dying, alright?"
"I've survived bullets before, I'd survive this one!"
"How do you know that? I need you to stay alive, so I don't care what your feelings are on the subject and I'm not apologizing! If I had to do it again and it was the only option, I'd go unarmed and alone. I would've been shot if it meant saving you from that! Cyrus wants you dead!"
"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died because of me! Your kids need their mother! Cyrus wants you dead too and I'll be damned if I let it happen."
"So what, Jason, you'll do the noble thing and die instead of me? That'll kill me. I couldn't breathe when we thought you were dead last time. Imagine how I'd be if I knew I was the one who caused it!"
"You're not dying!" He shouts back, but there's no edge to his tone anymore. He's less pissed. "Not when it's preventable. You're not getting shot either Carly. If I cause your death, I'll hate myself."
"And you think I won't hate myself if I cause yours?"
To be continued after midnight bc I have thing to add to my blog
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anime-x-reader69 · 4 years
Writing prompts
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1. "Knowing you're different is only the beginning. If you accept these differences, you'll be able to get past them and grow even closer." (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
2. "Sometimes, I do feel like I'm a failure. Like there's no hope for me. But even so, I'm not gonna give up. Ever!" (My Hero Academia)
3. "fifty bucks says I can."
4. " Can you remove your hand off my boob?"
5. " I dance fine, thank you, sir!"
6. "Protecting someone means giving them a place to belong. Giving them a place where they can be happy." (Log Horizon)
7. " You don't want her angry."
8. " You don't want him angry."
9. " Women are from Mars, and men are from Venus, I don't know about you, but I got one giant P###!" ( FLCL.)
10. " Don't hide who makes you, use it, its a power greater than your own."
11. "Even if we forget the faces of our friends, we will never forget the bonds that were carved into our souls." (Angel Beats)
12. "People with talent often have the wrong impression that things will go as they think." (Assassination Classroom)
13. "Remember the lesson, not the disappointment." (Spice And Wolf)
14. " If you don't take the risk, you can't create a future." ( One pice.)
15. "people's lives don't end when they die. It ends when they lose their faith." ( Naruto Shippuden.)
16. " Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember a person you ever met." ( Charlotte.)
17. " I never thought I would be able to see any of you again... but I did one more time. This, alone makes me happy." ( Fairy Tail.)
18. " Remember me when I'm gone." ( Coco.)
19. " So, ya in my earth, I'm the one and only Supergirl."
20. "Feelings of love are just a temporary lapse in judgment. Like some kind of mental illness." (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
21. "I'm not short! I'm fun-sized!" (Fullmetal Alchemist)
22. " How am I supposed to know he wasn't the guy?! He had a gun!!"
23. "Don't talk to me until I have my coffee."
24. " Wheres Wally?"
25. " No one is kissing me on the lips, ever!" ( Httyd.)
26. " Oh god, I feel we gone back to 2012."
27. " Today was about as much fun as a sandpaper di###." ( Deadpool.)
28. "Can we not talk about my nightly activities!"
29. " So, a lap dancer?"
30. "I'm a humanoid, not a robot."
31. "So, because I'm an omega, I'm supposed to me on my knees and beg!"
32. "You young lady are soo showing too much skin!"
33. " I'm a guy."
34. " Well, do I look like an Atlantean or what."
35. "I'm a humanoid, not a robot."
36. "Oh, your poor wife!" ( Deadpool.)
37. " You all be wondering why the red suit well that's so bad guys can't see me bleed, this guy got the right idea he wore the brown pants." ( Deadpool.)
38. " I never said this but don't swallow." ( Deadpool.)
39. " I'm supposed to be on the beach! With a tiny umbrella drink!" ( Flash.)
40. " My happiness comes from the kindness of those around me." (Fruits Basket)
41. " I'm not Superman. So I can't say anything big like I'll protect everyone on Earth. I'm not a modest guy who will say it's enough if I can protect as many people as my two hands can handle either. I want to protect... a mountain-load of people." ( Bleach)
42. "You're so adorable! I didn't even think you were a guy!"
43." Oh great, it's a kid! I thought I was rescuing a babe, a luscious damsel in distress, not some flat-chested little girl." (Slayers)
44. " Wake up my big strong alpha~"
45. "If humans don't want me, then why did they create me?." (Armitage III)
46. "I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together." (Julia Roberts)
47. "Our journey isn't perfect, but it's ours and I'll stick with you 'til the end." (The Fresh Quotes)
48. "I won't promise to be yours forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be yours for as long as I live." (The Fresh Quotes)
49. "If I get reincarnated.... I wanna become a clam." (One Piece)
50. "Stop complaining about fate and saying how it can't be changed!" (Naruto)
51. "The great question which I have not been able to answer is, "What does a woman want?" (Freud)
52. "I have a family, I have friends, but if you're gone...to me, ...it'll be the same as being alone!" (Naruto)
53. " Just because I'm an omega I suppose gey on my knees and beg!"
54. "Have you ever wondered what a human life is worth? That morning, my brother's was worth a pocket watch." (Ruta Sepetys)
55. "I wanted to kill someone and I wanted to die and I wanted to run as far and as fast as I could because she was never coming back. She had fallen off the face of the earth and she was never coming back." (Melissa Kantor)
56. "To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe." (Marilyn Vos Savant)
57. "Theatre is life. Cinema is art. Television is furniture." (TV Facts)
58. "Please don't tell people our bakery's motorbike ran you over." (FLCL (Fooly Cooly))
59. " Is this dress too much?"
60. "The world isn't perfect. But it's there for us, doing the best it can. And that's what makes it so damn beautiful." ( Fullmetal Alchemist)
61. "Would you like to see my daughter? I have some pictures right here!" ( Fullmetal Alchemist)
62. " I'm not a girl!
63. " Your skin is soo soft and smooth."
64. " Batman is god."
65. "Half the time when brothers wrestle, it's just an excuse to hug each other." (James Patterson)
66. "What strange creatures brothers are!" (Jane Austen)
67. " I don't get pay enough for this shit."
68. " If you even break her heart, I'll break your spine."
69. "Happiness – when your brothers act like your bodyguard." (The Fresh Quotes)
70. "It's National Siblings Day, so I just wanted to let you know you are lucky to have me as a sister." "What are you putting in your body?"(The Fresh Quotes)
71. "It's okay if you don't like me. Not everyone has good taste." (Your Tango)
72. "Not all girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice. I'm made of sarcasm, wine, and everything fine." (Your Tango)
73. "Oh~ someone excited."
74. "Nice pants can I test the zipper." (Quotes for Bros)
75. "I don't care if you have small boobs I still want to see them." (Quotes for Bros)
76. " Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute. Wanna workout." (Quotes for Bros)
77. "Excuse me, but are you by any chance the oddball in your family?" (Pokemon)
78. "Don't tell me he wants to conquer the world? Can't he come up with something more original?" (Slayers)
79. " What are you putting in your body?" (The Fresh Quotes)
80. "Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie." (fairy tail)
81. " Don't judge me unless you have looked through my eyes, experienced what I went through and cried as many tears as me. Until then back-off, cause you have no idea." (fairy tail)
82. " I want to become a man who treasures his friends." (fairy tail)
83. " Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something." (fairy tail)
84." Kiss me."
85. " I'm having one of those days where my middle finger is answering all my questions." (Emalie Newhall)
86. "When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a b*tch." (Bette Davis)
87." Be careful whose toes you step on today because they might be connected to the foot that kicks your *ss tomorrow!" (Big Hivemind)
88. " Your me!!"
89. " According to a new survey, women say they feel more comfortable undressing in front of men than they do undressing in front of other women. They say that women are too judgmental, where, of course, men are just grateful." (Robert De Niro)
90. " I'm having pups...I'm going to have pups babe!
91. " Don't stare you prev!"
92. " I cannot take any more; I'm so glad that I'll never fit in; that will never be me; outcasts and girls with ambition; That's what I wanna see." (Pink)
93. " You must look within yourself to save yourself from your other-self. Only then will your true self reveal itself." (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
94. " Is it your own destiny? Or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you?" (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
95. " I love you, I always have."
96. " I want to swim in a pool of noodles." (Patch Adams)
97. " Look at those abs, yummy~"
98. " Does this look weird on me?
99. " Dude, what happens to bros before hoes."
100." I'm s.l.u.t!"
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Lux & Dash
Lux: Hey 😊 Lux: wanna hang out today? Dash: Bummer! There's no way Dash: I promised Sapphire we'd hang Lux: Can't I come with? What are you doing? Dash: she wouldn't be down Dash: you get the picture, yeah? Lux: I don't think I know Sapphire...? Dash: she has a groovy Cleopatra vibe Lux: 🐍🐍🐍 love that Lux: you gonna be Marc or Julius? Dash: Who did she dig more? Lux: You're more of the Antony type Lux: they had their own drinking club called inimitable livers Lux: and they played pranks on people in disguise Dash: Right on! Lux: I hope your love affair doesn't end in such dire circumstances Dash: it'll be outta sight, don't sweat it Dash: she's made loads of her own promises back Lux: She's not the sister of anyone is she? Dash: Onyx but he's cool Lux: Hmm, actually, my point is moot regardless, if she's Cleopatra, it's Octavia's brother you need to worry about Lux: Cleo could 💀 her own Lux: never mind then, you should be fine 😁 Dash: you know how to lay a real trip, huh? Dash: I almost forgot Lux: forgot about Marcus Antonius?! Lux: don't wanna be doomed to repeat it, Dashiel, think on Dash: no doom in my 🔮 babe Lux: 🌈✨ good times Dash: that's more the shit to 🗨 into being Lux: I don't think you can blame the eventual fall of Rome on me being in your inbox when you'd rather I weren't 😄 Dash: No blame, I just gotta do my own thing Lux: do you think any of us can ever be unique Dash: Beats me, that's heavy 💭 Lux: I thought that's what you were getting at Lux: Bummer Lux: I'll ask around Dash: I'm not trying to get into anything with you Dash: later, maybe Lux: You aren't going to have an answer for me later Lux: Don't sweat it, Dash Dash: if you wanna go ahead & cut me some slack I'll have magic for you Dash: just not now Lux: It doesn't matter Lux: I want conversation and someone to hang with, you want neither, that's chill Dash: what you want isn't a bad scene but it's not mine Dash: I can turn you onto someone whose it is, you'll have a blast Lux: that's okay ✌ Lux: I'll make my own friends, continue to Dash: Cool Lux: godspeed 🚀 I will let you know my findings 🗳📋 Dash: you know where to find me to lay whatever you want on me Dash: 🍎🍏🌳 Lux: what do you like most about 🍎🍏🌳 there Dash: 👀 Lux: good answer Lux: the ☀ looks best through 🍃🌳🍂 Dash: & the sky looks 🍒 from that high Lux: 🍒🥧 sounds good Dash: I'm hip to that Lux: does that mean you're going to make one? Lux: I'll get the 🍨 a la mode or nothing baby Dash: you're the girl, why aren't you making it? Lux: ha, I wasn't raised one though, so that kind of nonsense does not work on me 😅 Lux: I like brown sugar and cinnamon on the top please Dash: I'll find a 🐤 who's not wise to it & pass that on Dash: but they won't be fitting an apron how you would ✨ Lux: I don't want deception pie Lux: it will taste all the bitter for it 😖😖😖 yuck yuck yuck Dash: I'll pick the 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑 for it Dash: keep it sweet & honest Lux: make me a basket Lux: that way you get to be sweet and I don't have to participate in any misogyny for baked goods Dash: What's with the goddess demands when you know I've got demands on my time? Lux: you're so busy, right? Dash: 🚀🪐💫 Dash: I can't be weaving you a basket like it's no biggie Lux: well that is not what I meant 😏 Lux: but if you can't handle it then I'm sure I'll manage just fine Dash: weave a 🐤 a basket and she's 💖 for a day, teach her to basket weave... Lux: how very like a man to claim mastery over a skill women for centuries just did because they had to Lux: you had your chance to be 👏 over your pastry making expertise but you declined Dash: how righteous of you to keep the faith on that belief but yo, can you do it? I can Dash: declining everything I can teach you is a bad trip to be on Dash: you said you weren't down to feast on bitter fruit, that's gotta include sour 🍇 baby Lux: It's a very wholesome past life you've painted for me if I somehow acquired that skill Lux: certainly a prettier picture than the truth alas Lux: I haven't declined any invitation Lux: that's you Dash: I haven't either Dash: There's a time & a place for us to reconnect Dash: after Sapphire's Dash: & Lotus' Lux: your schedule isn't going to dictate mine Lux: we'll see when that time is Lux: 🌍🌌💫 willing Dash: come & 👀 me then Dash: it'll be unreal again Lux: you want me to watch you from the nearest 🍎🍏🌳? Dash: or 🌌 til the 7th day of the 7th month if you still vibe with that story Lux: That's an interesting way to inquire about my faith Lux: you'd make an excellent youth pastor Lux: 🤭 Dash: you've heard me play 🎸 Lux: and your cool lingo Lux: yep, it is indeed your calling Lux: we'll start your bible study as soon as the 🌍 is ready Dash: sounds like a drag Dash: how are we gonna make it fun? Lux: 🍪🍪🥛 and fellow youths, duh Dash: if you're gonna teach me it needs to be visual Dash: that's my way Lux: really? Lux: well, I'm going to need all my creativity and crafting skills to recreate Noah's Ark Dash: Moses'll be easy, I'll weave a basket for real Dash: he's the one, yeah? 👶 Lux: that's him Lux: have a whole cast of 👶 to choose from Dash: & animals Lux: I'll just try to avoid being like Sarah and 👊 all the mothers in envy Lux: not a good look Dash: I can get you a baby 🐈 if it'll keep the peace Lux: 😄 it'd be a whole other story if that's what Abraham had done Dash: he coulda taken 5 & let me 🛹⚡️ to my nan's place Lux: a man who marries his sister and needs to populate the 🌍 ain't got no time to chill, Dashiel Dash: the more you tell me, the more he fits into my family 🌳 Lux: 🤨 🧐 Lux: you're holy too? Dash: last time we got together you seemed to 💭👀🗨 so Lux: false prophets hold a certain amount of appeal, of course Dash: what was false? Lux: well, it's not for me to say you weren't speaking the word of God, I suppose Lux: but it's also a big no-no to worship false idols, it's in the big 10, so Lux: very tricky, actually Dash: Do you want me to try & make amends or what's left of the other 9? Lux: How many of do you think you've broken today? Dash: tell me what they are Lux Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy Honour thy father and thy mother Thou shalt not murder Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour Thou shalt not covet Lux: score out of 10 please Dash: what's a graven image? Lux: that's the idol part Dash: right on, I don't have time to like carve a statue of you & worship it but the intent is there Dash: no adultery or murder either, but the rest Lux: well Lux: consider me appalled not shocked 😳 Dash: what's your score? Lux: 3, I think Dash: you covet the fruit for a pie & Lux: Yes 😘 Lux: and I am not honouring my father or mother and I've put myself before god so Lux: I think those are the only ones, though arguably referring to myself like that is taking it in vain but I wasn't the first one to say it Dash: that's the shit you should ask around about 🗳📋 /10 Lux: maybe I'll do weekly questionnaires Lux: no one else is as mad as you were to be compared to Mark Antony but A LOT of people think we're all ❄️ Dash: beauty enough for ❄ & false idols Lux: Sculpture isn't my forte but I'll do my best Lux: you'll have to stand still long enough for me to 👀 Dash: I don't think I can Dash: we're poetry in motion, I know you felt it Lux: I'm not in the business of denying what I feel Dash: you haven't grown a totally different head since I last 👀 you Lux: now that WOULD be impressive Lux: stuck with this one only Dash: stuck makes it sound like that's a bummer Dash: looking how you do could NEVER be a drag Lux: you've not lost your charm either Dash: every compliment I've given you before, I would give you today Lux: damn timing Dash: Meet me under the 🌙? Lux: I shan't turn into a 🎃 Dash: I won't turn into a 🐀 Lux: then I don't see why not Dash: Then I'll be waiting for you Lux: Patiently? Dash: you already know that's not one of my virtues Lux: 😇 takes a lot of hard work Dash: you're the 👼 Lux: I do like hearing it Dash: I'll write you another song Lux: you keep writing songs for everyone, no wonder you've got no time Dash: school's that much of a hassle, it's that or crash 💤 Lux: what don't you like about it? Dash: I don't like anything about it Dash: nothing radical ever happens Dash: & there's way more commandments than 10 Dash: I could be spending my time here on the farm, helping things run smooth Lux: Hmm Lux: Interesting Dash: I read, I know shit Dash: I can write and do maths Dash: understand people Lux: and you feel like that's all school has to offer you? Dash: I don't see why I have to do x or y number of years more in an institution Dash: there's nothing I can get there that I can't get in the 🌍 Lux: I'll add it to my survey ideas Dash: 🤯💭 Lux: 🐝🧠 or 🎨🧠 Lux: only time will tell Dash: I'm hip to it being about getting out of just being around the same 🐈 & 🐤 Dash: meeting people with different vibes who you probably won't dig Dash: but I've got my bro for that Lux: the footballer Lux: I remember Dash: my dad & his piece too, they're drags in the same way Lux: what do you bond with your dad over? Dash: I don't Lux: is it like school and you're not bothered though Lux: or is it a shame Dash: Do I 🌠 he 👀 me? Used to Dash: not a rush I need to chase now Lux: I get it Dash: He's got the ⚽🏆 son he wants & I've got a family here Lux: it's not a good enough replacement though, is it Lux: no matter how nice people are here, or wherever I end up next and after that Lux: I'm never going to hear the people I grew up with, who loved and raised me, call me by the right name Lux: or daughter, or sister Dash: You're not gonna stay? Lux: this place was made for moving out, right? Lux: it's transient Dash: they can love you, raise you, you don't have to split Lux: I've been raised but Lux: I get what you're saying Lux: when I put roots down again Lux: it needs to be for keeps Dash: this can be for keeps Dash: it is for me Lux: we had some travellers at my daddy's church for a while Lux: 'til they got moved on Lux: places like this Lux: it's never forever Dash: What's forever? Not my parents marriage or my dad's football career Dash: if we have to go we go together, all of us Dash: new buildings maybe but the same family Lux: I'm glad that you have that Dash: you can Dash: you're welcome & wanted Dash: nobody here is related to me by blood but we're still connected Lux: I know, everyone has been very welcoming Lux: on the whole Dash: you can get comfortable, this place has been here years Lux: alright Lux: anyway, didn't Cleopatra show yet? Dash: She'll be waiting for a mirror Lux: huh? Dash: she's not cool with coming to me before checking what she looks like Dash: as if I've never 👀 her Lux: doesn't it feel Lux: Abraham and Sarah vibes Dash: what do you mean? Lux: incestuous Lux: because you say they're your family Lux: but you sleep with them Dash: she won't stay Dash: a tourist Lux: and you only sleep with the ones that won't stay Dash: they sleep with me, it's part of the tour Dash: you remember Lux: Cool speech there then Dash: I don't always get it right, like Dash: I thought that was your vibe, it's not Lux: no, you were exactly right Dash: Lux, come on Lux: it's family to you Lux: you don't care about the endless stream of fucked up girls who can cross here off their nowhere left to go list Lux: what they might be searching for Lux: never mind you actually have a home, somewhere you could be Lux: I was beyond wrong about you Dash: Don't fucking frame it like that Lux: 'cos you did a brilliant job with your narrative Lux: part of the tour, give me a fucking break Lux: you know, you aren't superior because you choose to be here, it's the opposite Lux: what kind of person lords that over people who have no choice, nowhere else they can be Lux: what the fuck Dash: that's not what I'm doing, chill out Lux: just don't Lux: you have no justification, you have no reason Lux: and clearly whatever you are doing here is going unchecked so whatever Lux: I'll be gone soon, but just know, I fucking see you Dash: I told you before we started, you set the pace, everything we did we both wanted to do Dash: nothing I do needs to be checked Lux: so you're that guy Lux: it isn't only bad if it's some serial killer down an alley and the girl is screaming and crying no Dash: You're making this way heavier than it is Lux: You don't get to tell me what I'm making it Dash: I don't get why you're twisting everything Lux: I haven't twisted anything Dash: we had fun, you said you liked me Lux: this isn't a straight issue of consent Lux: it's the fact that I know you knew I was vulnerable, I told you things, why I was here Lux: and you think it's acceptable to fuck people who are in that position, and you can't deny it because you literally did it to me, because, you know, they won't be here long Lux: and to have the nerve to advertise this place, these people, yourself, as a fucking safe space Lux: family Lux: that is insanely fucked up, I don't know how no one has ever told you that Dash: you can back off this witch hunt, yeah? Dash: you're not the same as Sapphire or Amber or Lotus or whoever Dash: they don't tell me things, it's not the fucking same Lux: Well I'm definitely sorry I did Dash: that's all been shallow, this got deep, you know Lux: I don't think I know anything about you Lux: not really Dash: You're just flipping out, I flipped you out Dash: but I didn't mean to & you don't mean that Lux: I just need to not be here right now Dash: Lux Lux: It's fine Lux: I mean, it's not Lux: but I'm leaving the main house to go for a walk, so just don't let me see you, okay Dash: You're not gonna tell anyone, are you? Lux: excuse me? Dash: all that shit you said about how it's not a safe space Lux: who the hell do I have to tell? Lux: and that's the worst part Dash: There's loads of people you could, but it's not true Lux: for a second there, you almost sounded like you gave a shit Lux: places like this will always exist, I'm not under any illusion I can stamp them all out Dash: I do! Dash: maybe I fucked up but that's not the farm's fault Lux: I'm not going to the cops, I have nothing to tell Dash: my head didn't go there, there's loads of good people here, doing beautiful things Dash: if I'm not one of them, that'll be my karma Dash: you don't have to leave Lux: I'm not Lux: that's your karma Lux: someone needs to stick around so there's some sense of consequence for your actions Dash: you don't have to go full avenging 👼 on me Dash: I won't be going heavy on you Lux: It's not a joke, Dash Dash: I'm not 🤡ing Dash: nothing uncool needs to happen between us, I'll give you space or whatever Lux: You're afraid Lux: aren't you Lux: that if I tell what you're like, girls like Cleopatra won't go near you anymore Lux: Jesus Christ Dash: I don't need to be afraid of that, I told you, we're all having fun Dash: there's no big soap opera vibe Lux: Fuck off now Dash: Ask Amber, she was mad at me before you but not like that, you've got this wrong Lux: I haven't got anything wrong Lux: this is what you did, to me, that's the end of Lux: you can tell yourself what you like about the rest, that's no concern of mine Dash: Nah, we talked about it, how I've done shit before that's 💔 & you said you didn't care Dash: that I couldn't hurt you Dash: & that you could tell I wasn't a bad person Dash: Why are you just taking it all back like none of that fucking happened? Lux: Why did you prove me wrong in such spectacular fashion? Lux: there's a reason you prefer keeping things shallow, and this is it Lux: if the answer isn't a yes or it's cool, you don't want to know, you don't want to be checked Dash: The reason I keep things shallow is they're on a fly by, they don't want to stay & I don't wanna be connected to someone else that'll split on me Lux: you aren't the gatekeeper of this place Lux: and nothing's forever, by your own admission Dash: I am of myself & I do my own fucking checks, yeah? Maybe you don't have a heart left to break by your own admission but I'm protecting the one you don't believe I've got, like Lux: There's no world in which I'm feeling sorry for you right now, okay Lux: you do not vet every girl you fuck for her tragic backstory, cut the crap Dash: Gimme a break, I said talking isn't usually part of it, going both ways, wouldn't be very chill or shallow if it was Lux: Yeah, like I said, you don't care Lux: and that's your lookout Lux: but to give it that faux hippie bullshit about family and welcoming, when you mean only for yourself, fucking sucks Lux: don't bother pretending, just be honest Dash: it happened different with you, that's the honest truth Dash: search me why Lux: right Lux: I wasn't born yesterday Dash: I do care Lux: you should be a better friend Lux: to these people, the ones you care about Dash: yeah Lux: that's all I have to say Dash: I'll cool it too then Lux: I don't think you're evil Lux: but I don't think you're a good person now Dash: I can't change your mind? Lux: Of course you can Dash: by doing what? Lux: by being a good person or a bad Dash: Beats me how that's getting judged when everyone else already thinks I'm being a good person except you & my bro Lux: don't confuse people not caring either way for approval of your actions Dash: you want me to care more for people who don't, nothing confusing about that Lux: I said being good wasn't easy Dash: & responsibility isn't my bag, he takes all that on Lux: there we go then Lux: I'm not expecting anything Dash: like I said, I'm not giving you anything but space Lux: Whatever Lux: Goodbye Dash: I'm sorry we read each other wrong Dash: it hasn't happened before Lux: It's happened plenty before Lux: they leave Lux: your behaviour and attitude is bullshit and I won't be apologising to you Dash: chill, you've made your point Lux: it's not about making it, it's about you understanding Lux: but why the fuck should I care, actually Lux: you're right, way too confusing, way too hard, no point Dash: get out of here then Dash: I don't understand & you don't care Lux: I'm not leaving, remember Lux: and that's the fucking point, you'll have to get used to feeling uncomfortable with it Dash: you can split conversationally, was more the vibe Lux: no, Dash Lux: you don't control the conversation, the narrative, any of it, that's the 'vibe' Lux: if you're feeling some type of way, you should go, take some responsibility for yourself Dash: You're responsible for hassling me now Lux: Then leave Lux: you control you, I control me Lux: I'm not doing what you don't want to do for some notion of being the fucking 'chill' cool one here Dash: I don't understand this, that's why I don't want to Lux: I don't think you want to Lux: it's fun and it's easy to do fucked up things Lux: and if everyone else is doing them, or not calling you out for it, why not Dash: I didn't do a fucked up thing to you Lux: I've said you did Dash: but that's not the way it was Dash: I opened up to you to, I still am Lux: You tell me about the tour and then you tell me I'm different though Lux: How do you expect me to take you at your word when what you've described there is exactly what went down Dash: I showed you around & I've showed some of them around, that doesn't mean everything else that happened was the same Lux: you said it like you thought I'd think it was funny Dash: I don't know why I did that Lux: Be honest Lux: was it just to see how cool I was and how I could hang Lux: or was it because you forgot, and thought I was one of the boys Dash: that couldn't be further from how I see you Lux: okay Lux: that's something then Dash: I meant what I said when I told you you're like a song I can't get out of my head, how I wanted to live in all those moments cos of what they felt like Dash: it's only got worse since then Dash: I didn't wanna hurt you, I don't Lux: you didn't hurt me by what you did Lux: at least, not at the time Lux: it's what you said Lux: to have to put bad intentions to those moments, you must get how shitty that is, you at least feel that too Dash: I was trying to show you this is different Lux: my head hurts Dash: Yeah 🌪 Lux: make sure you have some water Dash: that's your magic 🔮✨💖 Lux: I don't think I have any right now Dash: You haven't lost it Lux: I just need to replenish Dash: Me too Lux: I'll wish you good luck on that then Dash: Later? Lux: Yeah Dash: 🚀🪐💫
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pokefanbri · 4 years
Fucking told him its a huge red flag if someone doesn't get rid of their apps. Multiple apps. Smh 😠 "oh yea i don't use them anymore" proceeds to use fb dating app" for real come on bro!
Some comments of the post:
"If you have to be checking up on your Partner then you shouldn't be with that person.. Idk how people have time for all this .. love yourself and know your worth.."
"If you're in a serious committed exclusive relationship you should not be on tinder. That's how I met my fiance and as soon as we said we are gf and bf and exclusive we both deleted it. Honestly if I was her I would have broken up with him too"
"a person also has a right to trust their gut feeling and check things out if something's not feeling right. Knowledge is power"
I've already discussed this but this news clip further validates my point of the topic, nothing more. I could call him out on hs bs further with detail, but I won't....yet, out of respect even though he probably doesn't deserve it. Til he reaches me & apologizes for everything he's done, i can say whatever tf I want & i could make a whole damn list.
Its the events of this what happened that started our downfall to begin with cuz i didn't trust him & he didn't even try to gain it back just left it as is when I could've turned my back right then & there, no apology either. Didnt apologize much actually, not even when i last saw him. But from then we spiraled & he got bored of me. I wasn't giving him what he wanted in whatever way & he wanted to find more. Closed himself off from the beginning & that created his boredom 😒
Would've had a blast together like a normal fucking couple if he was less closed off, & wouldn't have felt the need to do shit behind my back.
I'll stop talking about it for now, I have the anger & urge to keep going but I wont...actually no Screw it im pissed 😡 but ill keep it light. Its just not fair, I did so much for him but I was disrespected in different aspects of the whole relationship. Fuck! I've talked about the positives alot cuz i do love him..but the negatives are such bs too.
I want a good ass sincere apology for all of it so I can forgive him & move on, ive already apologized myself even though I dont think I should have to 😒. Didnt even give me a straight answer for the breakup, it was always a different excuse when I know he just wanted to pursue other women without me around im not fucking stupid. His own toxicity was too much even for himself & I was in the line of fire, to where i was the toxic one? No fuck that its unacceptable, he always lied when it came to covering his own ass.
For all i know he's watching me squirm & taking pleasure in all the pain I'm going through over him cuz he likes the attention. But no I actually don't think so on that one he's still good & ill give him credit where its due. But I gave him all the attention he wanted/needed & still wanted more from someone else. Really dude fucking really!?
Man up & own up to your mistakes, speak to me where I can actually hear ur voice speaking back to me with sincerity. We'll apologize together. Yea ull be pissed about this, but after u get over it & calm down. Give in & call me, granted when ur ready, & open up for once in your damn reserved life. Itll help us both with more closure & may even take a weight off our shoulders if we just talk it out, no arguing...since we're done there's no point anyway..a friendly non judgment zone cuz idc, i won't think of u any less.
U confused me during & especially after the relationship cuz i didnt know who u really were, i know the good cuz that's what u allowed me to see, ive accepted the bad that I knew already & from what ive learned...i accepted u regardless.
I always forgave u & not cuz im passive, cuz forgiveness is what the Bible teaches.. ive forgiven u & myself the best i could especially with the last things ive showed u, (accept this part cuz im pissed rn & standing up for myself, ill delete eventually maybe if u ask cuz nobody wants to be seen any less of a person. but I can make it alot worse, calling me the mistake was the worst thing u ever said to me & pointing out your faults so u can be better throughout the relationship was my only toxicity to u) we actually never really fought except the 1 time, just argued a tiny bit rarely about little things.
Ive tried using every ounce of my courage to show u how much im sorry for any wrong ive done. but its up to u now to make things right. U know me, ive always said that u can talk to me about anything. I want to be able to trust again & move on whilst staying friends. What else do u have to lose, might even have a great heart to heart convo dude to dudet
Everything ive ever said up to this point lies all my Questions. But here's most of the list, we both were equally in control of the relationship. Maybe u didn't want me to? But doing everything I had to for myself & the household, what u & ur parents wanted of me & just me being me cuz i had to, u had your own part to play & did provide...but did u actually not want me to cater to u if it were a sign u were lazy or something? Like did u not feel worthy of me? What is it u think is my "addicting personality" that isn't fixable on the surface? What is it really that u didnt like about me? This is why i don't have closure, u left me like this, confused as well as wanting more since u held back so much. Was that on purpose to give me even more false hope & want me to pine over u? Did u ever or do u still, love me at all? What did u want from me & out of the relationship, what was the purpose of it from ur perspective & why do u think i couldn't give that to u? What did i lack that u felt compelled to not tell me so I could improve & vise versa so we both could improve? Why wouldn't u allow me to help u become a better man when (I shouldnt have to btw), its exactly what u wanted but maybe didnt see it? Do u realize your own faults even as u do them? Lol. Like i genuinely want to know as much as the good ive seen, cuz to be better the more open of a person u are the more u understand yourself too.
Unless claiming u want to be a better man is part of ur alluring charm in love bombing process to land a caring girl on purpose lol...god I hope not, that would just mean u rinse & repeat like a for real narcissist 🤔 seriously tho look into that im not even kidding, im asking cuz i care. Im pissed now but 1 thing is that im trying to not put ur behavior against u cuz maybe u can't help it, its just the way u are, all ive seen & experienced points to maybe 50% of u lol. Ive always suspected narcissism, a real psych problem that might be worth looking into. But yea 1 of the reasons especially why im so forgiving & trying not to put it against u, why i still care despite u being a dick lol. I chose to look past it, all the time & up to now cuz I understand what its like to have psychological ailments. The worst part about it is most dont realize it, so i encourage u to do some research & self reflection & admitting it to urself are the 1st steps. Okay? There's different kinds & levels to being 1 too, i found that fascinating. bryan is definitely a different type, ur more lighter than that...definitely not the worst which is the physical harm type. Trust me its worth finding out more about yourself, just dont use it to ur advantage in a bad way but i trust u to do right & grow. Not sure a discarded supply (ie me) has ever tried telling a narcy what they might be for the benefit of their own self awareness 🤔,idk if its ever been done, but theres a 1st for everything? U can find alot on it in quora digest alone but Google is also ur friend.
You always were worth every effort of mine to help u in any way to be happy, & i was most happy when u were. U mean alot to me still, its the effect u had on me, I was under ur spell lol its hard to rid myself of it still, not sure when it'll pass. I chose to see it as a gift rather than a curse, that ur effect on me is still so strong when I shouldn't give a damn. If u really are a narcy, then I understand & don't put alot against u cuz its just the way u are & i need to accept it, but if it somehow helps u to help yourself cuz of it, then whats the harm? But, even in doing this or having my socials public for u...maybe just feeds into what u want...i still dont care, I want u to see how bad or good im doing without u in my life, so u know im okay at least. U promised friendship, least I can do is allow u to keep tabs on me too we spoke of, on my end of things.
The 18th of June was the last time i saw u. It'll soon be a month ago in about a week & a 1/2 & your birthday would mark 2 months. Cant believe we couldn't even last through to that 😔
Mark my words playa I will be contacting u on that day lol. Can't ghost your homie forever sweetie
0 notes
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: [Twix sees Janis and runs to her excitedly so he's just standing around awkwardly acting like what his little brother is saying/doing is the most interesting thing ever] Janis: [Hasn't noticed them 'cos running mode, until Twix nearly trips her up and she's like oh my fucking God, gives her begrudging love for as long as she can before she clearly has to like drag her back and then she tries to go but Twix follows so she's just stood there like well] Jimmy: keep her Jimmy: 💕 Janis: would but Janis: reckon the kids might miss her a bit Jimmy: does he look bothered? Jimmy: [Bobby isn't lol] Janis: miss her when she's gone Janis: [throws a stick for Twix so she's got something to do] Jimmy: used to that though Jimmy: [realises what he's said and is like awks but can't smoke in front of his brother so is just hands in pockets like WELL] Janis: [gives Bobby a sad kinda look but apart from that tactfully ignores, though does a lowkey doubletake when she sneaks a glance at Jim too] Janis: How's Ian? Jimmy: #goals Jimmy: obviously Jimmy: [but like touches his face without realising he's doing it & okay I'm giving him a fat lip so if they kiss again cos I'm evil] Janis: [looks away so she can bites her lip really hard 'cos deserves it] Janis: never disappoints Jimmy: I'll tell him you miss him Jimmy: [puts Bobby on a swing so he can push him & have something to do but is also a bit further away from her] Janis: please do Janis: unrequited is easier, so I've heard Jimmy: 👍 Janis: can't fuck that up, already hates me, see the appeal Janis: [goes and sits down on a bench slightly further away too but still in sight and is still throwing the stick for Twix and teaching her tricks etc] Jimmy: I'd love to tell you you're special, girl but he hates a lot of women so Jimmy: different girlfriend same main course when the bruises heal Janis: what could be better Janis: ain't special so don't gimme expectations to not meet, init Janis: she's onto something with this one at least Jimmy: & how #goals for him that the only girl he really loves is his daughter Jimmy: don't need to tell the fans it's debatable Janis: 💕 Janis: what a man Janis: [shaking her head angrily which he may or may not see up to you] Jimmy: he ain't smacked her yet so must be real 💕 Jimmy: save it for the sweet 16 Ian Janis: girl when it counts, we can hope Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: fave when it counts Jimmy: least like his least fave ex is all it takes Janis: get it Janis: Elizabeth I to your Edward VI Jimmy: take your word for that 'cause I don't Jimmy: get it Janis: you were made king when you were 9 just 'cos you're a lad and then you die at 15 and Cass is still considered one of the best rulers we've had Janis: there's another sister in there but she burnt a lot of Protestants and I won't give Cass that rep, bit dangerous 'round here Jimmy: alright, nerd Jimmy: [is trying not to lol even though she far away] Janis: soz you had TB you sickly child 🤷 Jimmy: I get it, you want me dead Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: [Bobby has moved to a climbing frame moment so he moves far enough away that he can 🚬 but obvs still keep an eye] Janis: nah Janis: just saying, might not be the 🚬 and I'd like to know if you were contagious Jimmy: you'd know Jimmy: [gives her a low key saucy look] Janis: 😳 Janis: [is that emoji good thing he probably can't see] Jimmy: you having one or 🚭 now? Janis: you offering? Janis: or just letting me know you hate me enough to light it now Jimmy: what was the question if it weren't that Jimmy: [but shakes the pack at her like hello?! cos cheeky] Janis: and you can't train Twix because??? Janis: [hesitates but comes over] Jimmy: don't wanna Jimmy: [gives her his which bit rude cos he's already started it & lights a new one for his self] Janis: poor baby Janis: [shakes her head like okay boy but still takes it] Jimmy: 💔 all around Jimmy: what would you do if I took your job, rich girl Jimmy: be bored to 💀 Janis: be nice Janis: don't reckon you're gonna give me that out though so Janis: [shrugs] Jimmy: you want out? Jimmy: 🐶💔 Janis: nah, not what I meant Jimmy: then what? Janis: 💀 Janis: but not gonna take poor Twix for a long walk to Beachy Head, don't worry Jimmy: I didn't lure you over here to murder you, dickhead Jimmy: threat of cancer or nowt Janis: gutted Janis: 💔 all around, you're right Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: I get it, not looking for that slow death Jimmy: me either Janis: something like that Janis: how quick is quick, do you reckon Jimmy: I'll let you know Jimmy: 👻 chat Janis: You did promise me a demi moore moment Jimmy: did I? Janis: think so Janis: maybe you just meant you'd cheat on me 'cos you're young and hot and on mtv, idk Jimmy: you know what I meant & I better not break it & your 💔 then I suppose Jimmy: [another lowkey saucy look] Janis: yeah? Janis: [looks back] Jimmy: gotta 💀 first though Jimmy: hang on, I'll step in front of a bus, if our fave driver is on I can really spread the 💔 about Janis: nah, always less of a promise, more of a threat but Janis: [finger guns at his head but with feeling, bitch] Janis: heart* Jimmy: [Bobby chooses that moment to lowkey fall off the climbing thing & like not serious but he's a little soft boy so has to go back & give him love] Janis: [takes several moments, offers Bobby some of her sports drink 'cos kids that age love anything that ain't a fruitshoot or water so he's buzzing] Jimmy: [big brother mode is activated so it's just cute & soft] Janis: How's Cass anyway? Jimmy: decent Jimmy: she's weird enough to like school Jimmy: or the break from him anyway Jimmy: [nods at Bobby but also clearly means Ian like] Janis: Fair enough Janis: not just your Da I miss, like Jimmy: she's been asking after you Jimmy: so mutual Jimmy: be 💔 she weren't here Janis: or she's playing the long game and is gonna come in swingin' Jimmy: maybe Janis: again, fair Jimmy: I didn't tell her you fucked off and 💔 me so Jimmy: probably should Janis: could Janis: or Jimmy: ? Janis: or you could not and let us be 💕 Janis: selfish 'til the end, me Jimmy: I told you, you can keep the dog Jimmy: you ain't having my sister Janis: worth a shot? Jimmy: she is less like hardwork now she's got a mate Janis: 👍 nice Janis: glad someone is living their best life Jimmy: as long as he is just a mate and she ain't 😍 for the lad Janis: cynic Jimmy: it's your fault Jimmy: you were meant to be a romantic Jimmy: tweeted it & everything Janis: sorry Janis: that tweet was fake, though, in my defence Jimmy: so was the sext but it still turned you on Janis: piss off Janis: [😳 again] Jimmy: are you? Janis: am I what? Jimmy: sorry Janis: yes Janis: of course I am Janis: I was sorry before I even did it, was during, definitely am now Jimmy: alright Jimmy: then I won't tell her about our real break up Janis: you can Janis: can do what you like Janis: I just, idk Jimmy: I don't want to Jimmy: I want Janis: [is looking at him casually not breathing here like] Jimmy: [is looking at her like !!! cos we all know what he wants] Jimmy: I want it not to have happened Janis: I can't un do it but we could Janis: it's our story, we can tell it how we want Janis: you know I didn't leave because of you, didn't want to leave you Jimmy: how do you wanna tell it? Jimmy: what happened Janis: I'm like you, I don't care what any of them think but it was like this Janis: I said things to Grace that I can't take back but then she said some things about me, about you and me, and then did what she did and then I was really scared I would actually hurt her and I don't mean like a slap, I mean I was terrified I would, I genuinely HAD to leave and that killed me because I didn't want to do that to you because I knew what it would do, that it would Janis: I'm so sorry Jimmy but I don't want to be that person, I don't wanna be like your Dad, really Jimmy: [hugs her really tightly because damn she needs it & Bobby joins in with a leg hug even though he don't know why & Twix is being cute] Jimmy: You're not Jimmy: You're Janis: [try not to cry, bitch 'cos love she hasn't felt since when?] Janis: I said really disgusting things, how could I turn around and tell you, I didn't want you to think of me like you think of him, but I was and it was so, it's shit being a bad person and knowing it, just shit Jimmy: [is just stroking her hair & being comforting because it's okay babe] Jimmy: what do you always say, nowt is unfixable Jimmy: you ain't gone & neither is she Janis: I don't know, some shit runs too deep Jimmy: she loves you though, I heard her say it enough when she was pissed Jimmy: & she's looked like shit the whole time you were gone Jimmy: I know you reckon she always cries but Janis: [does casual little sob lol 'cos his tact always, so in love bye] Janis: she said she's done Jimmy: I told you to piss off too but Janis: but? Jimmy: [kisses her which ouch cos the lip but he don't care] Janis: [kisses him back 'cos forgets herself but touches it so gently after] Janis: I'm so sorry Jimmy: me too Jimmy: it weren't just you Jimmy: I got scared when you were leaving so I had to make you, alright Jimmy: but don't Janis: I really did try not to fuck you up with it but Janis: I know I still did Jimmy: I am fucked up, that ain't your fault Jimmy: was before Jimmy: I don't want it to ruin this, but sometimes Janis: me too Janis: x3 Jimmy: you know how important you are to me Jimmy: so let's just Janis: can we Jimmy: we have to Jimmy: I can't do this without you Jimmy: be here Jimmy: be this dickhead Janis: [kisses him but avoiding the split expertly this time] Janis: you know I still mean what I said, don't you Jimmy: If I believed you were a virgin I can believe that Janis: [actually lols and nudges him like oi] Jimmy: [joins the lol] Jimmy: everything's shit Jimmy: except you Jimmy: that's what I know Janis: it's a cheek to ask but Janis: stay Janis: please Jimmy: [kisses her again & lowkey forgets it'll hurt him again cos so much love sorry bout it] Janis: you gotta be careful, boy Jimmy: I just Janis: me too Jimmy: I thought about you every second Janis: I should've text you, I didn't know what to do for the best Janis: nothing would make it better, for real Jimmy: I did but I didn't send 'em Jimmy: I Jimmy: it's better that I didn't Janis: don't worry, I imagined all the things you could say Janis: it was worse punishment to get nothing Jimmy: it weren't like Jimmy: it was just more about me Jimmy: & we said we aren't going that far back, yeah Janis: we don't have to, we're doing whatever we want, that's all Jimmy: well right now I have to go to the shop 'cause I promised our kid some sweets Jimmy: but if you wanna come with me then Janis: someone'll have to watch Twix, yeah? Jimmy: she is very badly trained Jimmy: 💔 Janis: slander Janis: 💕 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: come on Jimmy: [Bobby & Twix are in front being cute so they can also be cute cos HANDHOLDING bitches] Janis: I missed you so much Jimmy: [kisses her again cos same but is more careful this time at least] Jimmy: I miss you Jimmy: I need Jimmy: more of this Janis: [nods like boy same] Janis: take it your house is a bit of a no-go for me though Jimmy: bit rude of me to ask but can we take these two to yours with us Jimmy: I know its overrun with cats but Jimmy: I don't know where the fuck he is or when he'll be back Janis: Yeah, 'course Janis: the cats will either run or give her a smack so she does but either way, it's cool Jimmy: I'll set Bob up with some drawing to do or whatever Jimmy: he'll be alright Janis: there's loads to do at mine, my sisters have got kids so there's toys and shit about, someone will keep an eye whilst we're Janis: busy Jimmy: It's bad that all I can think about is how much I want you, instead of worrying about him, isn't it? Jimmy: but Jimmy: I do Jimmy: want you so much Janis: nah, 'cos he's gonna be fine Janis: and Janis: I need that Janis: we both do Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: it just feels like forever Janis: I know Janis: especially since you kissed me Jimmy: you didn't forget about me, did you? Jimmy: 'cause if I have to remind you of everything I will but Jimmy: we're gonna need time Janis: How could I? Janis: as much as I really don't wanna turn that offer down Jimmy: I don't know just Jimmy: other lads Janis: oh Janis: guess that would make sense, where and how I'd been staying away, yeah? Jimmy: I'm not like Jimmy: It's alright Jimmy: we were broken up Janis: no, it's alright, fair assumption Janis: I didn't though Janis: just one lad who brought me home but I didn't sleep with him Jimmy: bit rude that you never asked but I didn't either Jimmy: no lads caught my eye Janis: know who your 💘 belongs to that's why Janis: should get the tat, very manly Jimmy: Obviously I drunk dialed Barry every night Jimmy: that's just Jimmy: what a man's gotta do Janis: [is loling] Janis: exactly Janis: who could blame you? not me Jimmy: nor my ex, she's well fuming with him basically every second so Jimmy: well rid Janis: you didn't get her on the line, did you Janis: not that I'm bothered but awkward Jimmy: only so I could teach her how to keep a man Janis: not 💔 at all, you savage Jimmy: she did message me for real the other day Jimmy: that was weird Janis: yeah? Janis: if she asked for hair she's probably not making a shrine, soz to burst your bubble, babe Jimmy: 😂 Janis: was it actually alright though, baby daddy drama aside Jimmy: she was Jimmy: her usual self Jimmy: that's all we need to say Janis: [does the ooh damn sound] Janis: can't wait 'til you start describing me like that Janis: 💀 Jimmy: you're not a mess Jimmy: & you didn't break up with me long enough ago to have a kid with someone else Janis: well Janis: to the best of my knowledge, nah Jimmy: if you're pregnant by that lad who gave you a lift I'm gonna be so mad Jimmy: just so you know Janis: 'less his spunk is dead hardy and survivng on those crusty sheets I had to sit on Jimmy: 🤢🤢🤢 Jimmy: there's the romantic I fell for Jimmy: welcome back Janis: ikr Janis: was magical Jimmy: #goals everywhere you go babe Janis: hard job but someone's gotta do it Janis: no way was I letting my brother pick me up, crying and having van flashbacks alone Jimmy: reminds me, are you gonna tell me who it is so I can beat the shit out of him or do I have to guess? Jimmy: you could've asked me Jimmy: I've offered to steal a car for you before, remember Janis: thankfully your paths will never cross 'cos he's that massive dickhead I told you about, remember Janis: also assumed being partners in crime was slightly out the window at the time so Jimmy: [makes the 😒 face IRL same Jimothy cos that lad's a delight, trust] Janis: don't look at me like that, I know Janis: needs must Jimmy: but did you really need to Jimmy: with that Janis: yeah, I'd ran out of cash, believe it or not Janis: can't use your card if you're serious Jimmy: [is pouty] Janis: Babe Janis: your lips are big enough right now, that's frankly obscence Janis: I told you, I didn't fuck him Jimmy: It's not that Jimmy: just Janis: I just weren't ready to see any of them Janis: to ask any of them for anything, that just ain't how I do Jimmy: I know Jimmy: It just scares me Jimmy: thinking about you being gone Jimmy: what could've happened Janis: [squeezes his hand tight] Janis: I'm well hard, despite what you've claimed, rudely, in the past Jimmy: if you have to go, take me with you, alright Jimmy: next time Janis: okay Janis: promise Jimmy: okay Jimmy: [nods his head in the direction of the approaching shop] Jimmy: want owt? Janis: aw get us some 🍬 too please Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [gives her a really good kiss before he goes cos who knows how long Bobby will keep him in there choosing] Janis: [says 'love you' instinctively but it's quiet 'cos soft and as he's going in so he could pretend to not hear] Jimmy: it's a fucking 🐘🐅🐆🐫 in here Jimmy: that's zoo in case you were Jimmy: know you can't pick emojis to save your life Janis: not all creatives like you babe 🙄 Janis: gimme a break Jimmy: you're having one with your 🐶💕 Janis: yes please shh we're having a lovely time Jimmy: she's been such a tiny dickhead Jimmy: tah for not taking her with you Janis: was that not what I was meant to be teaching her? 🤔 Janis: whoops Jimmy: 🥇 already Jimmy: at that Janis: nah, never beat the master, thank you very much Jimmy: so supportive babe 💕 Jimmy: nah she won't Jimmy: I'm 💪 Janis: awks when I meant me Janis: this type of misunderstanding is why safe words were invented Jimmy: I know what you meant Jimmy: always do, me Janis: oh yeah? Jimmy: yeah Janis: don't hate the idea of you getting me Jimmy: don't hate the idea of having you Jimmy: right now I really don't Janis: fuck Jimmy: tie the dog somewhere & come kiss me again before I 💀💀💀 Janis: [does 'cos whipped and when it's what's what you want it's what you want] Jimmy: shit Jimmy: I don't wanna stop Jimmy: can't actually Janis: you Janis: you've gotta Janis: might be a zoo but don't reckon they're down for that kinda 🙈 business Jimmy: just gimme Jimmy: a sec Jimmy: more Janis: [does oh lads] Jimmy: you feel so Jimmy: stop me Janis: but Janis: I don't wanna Jimmy: but actually walk out Jimmy: 'cause I want Jimmy: & I'll do it if you don't Janis: [has Twix losing her shit so she can 'cos 100% looking at him like challenge accepted, gurl no] Jimmy: please go Janis: [is gone] Jimmy: 💀💀💀 Jimmy: can anyone pick us up 'cause if it takes forever to get to your house I'll Janis: can but ask Janis: won't go with the selfie approach this time, you'll be glad to know Jimmy: I'd rather you asked your hippie brother so we can go with that approach but Janis: I will Jimmy: 💕 Janis: he's about, also good with kids so a sound choice for babysitter Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: Bob's was alright with him so must be Jimmy: he don't like anyone Janis: wonder where he gets that from Jimmy: not the 🐶 Jimmy: right slag she is Janis: 😱 Janis: it's called being friendly Jimmy: I can be friendly Jimmy: I'll show you Janis: did I tell you how much I missed you? Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: but say it again Janis: I missed you so bad, Jimmy Jimmy: you're gonna show me too, yeah Janis: 'course I am Janis: so much to make up for Jimmy: go with the selfie approach right now Jimmy: I'm gonna be in this shop forever Janis: poor boy Janis: dunno know sexy you think I can be just outside but Janis: 💪 okay Jimmy: it's not a challenge if anyone can do it Jimmy: impress me Janis: you're being really Janis: inspiring, right now Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Jimmy: so come on Janis: [selfies] Jimmy: It's Jimmy: but you only win if I'm begging you to come back in Janis: 😖 Janis: hold on then Jimmy: ready when you are Janis: [has gone somewhere less public for a sec so she can go harder] Janis: better? Jimmy: I Janis: 😩 Janis: you're playing so hard to get today Jimmy: I just really want you to win Janis: give me a clue, please Janis: wwhat do you really want Jimmy: you don't need any clues to that Jimmy: you can do this Jimmy: you're my muse, remember Jimmy: you tell me what I want Janis: okay babe Janis: [sends him short video playing and saying how bad she wants him and missed him etc 'cos go hard or go home] Jimmy: that sent a fucking shiver through me Jimmy: your brother better be on his way or you better come back Jimmy: 'cause you win Jimmy: I'm Janis: 😍 good Janis: I'm happy Janis: so tell the kid to get a wriggle on 'cos he's about to pull up Jimmy: okay baby Jimmy: I'm happy to do anything you say right now Jimmy: fuck Janis: I don't know if I can handle waiting much longer so Jimmy: you don't have to Jimmy: [they come out] Janis: [get in this van kids] Jimmy: [puts the kid and the dog in the front with Iggy for distraction so they can be alone in the back] Janis: it's been way too long since we were alone Jimmy: I know Janis: it's been so fucking hard seeing you at School and not even being able to talk to you never mind Janis: e with you Janis: be* Jimmy: I promised to fuck you at school Jimmy: I will Janis: God, yeah? Janis: [gets on his lap] Jimmy: first thing Monday Jimmy: I swear Janis: [is kissing him all over] Jimmy: why did I wear so much Janis: you didn't know you'd be seeing me Janis: or we'd end up here Janis: we can make it happen Jimmy: but I was thinking about it Jimmy: I told you, I haven't stopped thinking about you Janis: [takes off his then her outerwear to make it a bit easier without being suspect] Janis: tell me again Janis: but more Jimmy: [whispers it in her ear & her name with it cos like obvs] Janis: [can't even help the sounds she just made] Jimmy: [kisses her so he don't also 'cause you don't need to get rumbled before you've begun kids] Janis: do you want me to go down or you or do you wanna just fuck, I can't decide Janis: I'm so Jimmy: I want everything Jimmy: but I want to be inside you more than anything else Jimmy: you're just Janis: we've got nothing but time Janis: we'll do everything but Janis: just fuck me right now, hard and fast Jimmy: just cum for me hard & fast Jimmy: I need to feel that Janis: how does it feel when I cum around you Janis: I know how good it is when you cum inside me but Ive always wondered Jimmy: like Jimmy: you love me Janis: I do love you Jimmy: it kills me every time you say that Janis: in a good way? Jimmy: in a way that I can't even describe Jimmy: I'm dying but I've never been more alive at the same time Jimmy: maybe Janis: I'll keep telling you, you're so fucking good with words Jimmy: or like I've got everything to lose but nowt 'cause I've got you & you're literally telling me I do Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: just Janis: [kisses him so hard so she isn't just screaming ILY in his face] Jimmy: I really Jimmy: feel it too you know Janis: I know baby Jimmy: you're all I want Janis: you've got me Janis: I'm completely yours Jimmy: [is doing his thing where he's trying to pull her closer the whole time but there's no closer to get. I love this clingy boy] Janis: [hops on that dick 'cos here's how you can get closer] Jimmy: oh my god Jimmy: [puts music on but a different song cos we're making new mems here kids] Janis: good idea 'cos Janis: wow Janis: you feel so Janis: right Janis: inside me Jimmy: I literally don't wanna ever do this with anyone else Jimmy: that's what you feel like Janis: good Janis: just me Janis: [makes him look at her by holding his chin] Jimmy: [sexy eye contact ftw cos when you're not me you can do that] Janis: the way you look at me Jimmy: how do more people not? Jimmy: seriously Jimmy: you're so fucking beautiful I Janis: I don't want them to Janis: no one else could make me feel so much with just a look Jimmy: I don't want them to either Jimmy: 'cause you're my girlfriend Janis: [starts exaggerating every move she makes, making it deeper as well as being in time to the song] Janis: I am Jimmy: baby Jimmy: [has to bite his lip 'cause damn so be careful boy] Janis: no Janis: bite me instead Jimmy: [does because who could refuse] Janis: I do like it when you call me baby, how did you call that Jimmy: you liked it when I fake said it Jimmy: I could tell Janis: there's a lot of things I liked that we fake did Jimmy: me too Jimmy: but this is Janis: real Jimmy: & better Janis: so fucking good Jimmy: [is just being extra on any of her exposed skin casually] Janis: how does that feel Janis: it's that perfect spot between pain and fucking Janis: whatever you make me feel is called Jimmy: how do you taste so Jimmy: all of you Jimmy: anywhere Janis: I don't know all I know is I want you to fucking devour me so maybe that helps Jimmy: everyone's gonna know we're back together Jimmy: I've really Janis: good Janis: do more, I'm your girlfriend Jimmy: [does & harder cos dutiful boyfriend] Janis: Jimmy that feels Jimmy: say it Janis: like fucking heaven Jimmy: [keeps going cos what more do you need to hear honestly] Janis: [going harder, takes one of his hands and puts it where she needs it] Janis: make me cum for you Jimmy: [hopefully does or else awkward] Janis: [takes his fingers away when she's just about to and put them in her mouth to suck on so she doesn't scream when she cums on his cock] Jimmy: shit Jimmy: you should do that more Janis: which part Jimmy: the bit where nobody knew how loud you wanted to be Jimmy: it's gonna be really helpful at school Janis: okay, something to occupy my mouth Janis: noted Jimmy: me though Jimmy: I liked it Jimmy: don't just be putting random school supplies in there Janis: [lols which appaz feels really good js] Janis: okay, also noted Janis: 🤓 so studious Jimmy: also I really fucking like you Jimmy: note that down, nerd Janis: 😏 Janis: write it all over my schoolbooks, obvs Jimmy: my name better be on there Jimmy: are we #goals or not Janis: 'course Janis: anything artsier than that you'll have to do yourself Jimmy: I've already drawn you all over mine Jimmy: but if I can find the space, I'll draw you like you just were Jimmy: 'cause you're that nerd Janis: think you might get in some trouble for that Jimmy: I'm ready to get in trouble for you Jimmy: you know that Janis: I'm ready to do this for as long as we can Jimmy: I'm not stopping unless you beg me to Jimmy: & then its a maybe Janis: fuck me Jimmy: you heard me, I'm gonna Jimmy: if you don't need me to carry you into your house what are we even doing Janis: how are you so Janis: actually feel it almost again already it's not fair how good you are Jimmy: nah, how are you so Jimmy: I want you all the time Janis: it made me wanna die thinking we'd never again Janis: because not only do I love you but I still wanted you so bad too it was Jimmy: don't think about that, baby Jimmy: you don't have to Jimmy: [puts in the work so she won't] Janis: how does he not hear I Janis: even if I'm really good I'm so wet it's so loud Jimmy: I reckon we're gonna owe your brother more than petrol money again, girl Jimmy: at least he's really good at distracting mine Jimmy: not a chat I need to have right now Jimmy: when brother's & their girlfriend's really love each other Janis: [hides her face like she's embarrassed but really just dying] Janis: don't Jimmy: hey, look at me Jimmy: I love you Janis: [cums again whilst making all the eye contact 'cos] Jimmy: [whispers that he loves her again cos can't be tamed now apparently excuse you boy did I consent] Janis: [saying it back again and again 'til it lowkey doesn't make any sense] Jimmy: [and then all the snuggles after cos they are the softest & I can't deal with it] Janis: knew we'd be here too soon Jimmy: don't you want me to carry you in & get you out of all those clothes? Jimmy: properly Janis: were you always this Jimmy: what compliment are you trying to backhand, sweetheart Jimmy: bit rude Janis: shh Janis: i just really want that and i really missed you, is all Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: 'cause same, alright Janis: come on then Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: [does carry her in which makes Twix highkey] Janis: don't trip she's always doing that Jimmy: [has a really cute concentration face on] Janis: 🤤 Janis: baby Jimmy: ? Janis: you're so fucking  cute Janis: continue Jimmy: [continues but then has to put her down cos I ain't letting him carry her all through the house thank you boy you'll hurt yourself] Jimmy: Let me just sort Bob's out & I'll be back with you Janis: 👍 Janis: you know where to find me Jimmy: don't be taking everything off though Jimmy: I said I'd do it Janis: I 🤞 Janis: I want you to Jimmy: I totally read that as 🖕 for a sec Jimmy: bit rude Janis: 😂 Janis: i'm being good, honest Jimmy: easy to say Jimmy: 😈 you Janis: depends how long you have to be Jimmy: time me Jimmy: then you can decide Janis: if you're longer than Janis: 5 minutes Janis: i can be 😈? Jimmy: if that's the #mood Jimmy: not gonna argue Jimmy: can't with a # Janis: so goals always you Jimmy: you're so #blessed Janis: feel it Janis: still Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: [actually is longer than 5 mins tho getting that shy kiddo sorted out but then appears leaning on her door frame like a nerd] Janis: [can't help but lol] Janis: hey handsome Jimmy: pissing yourself laughing ain't the reaction I expected Jimmy: did you get drunk in those few minutes, lightweight? Janis: maybe Janis: but only the fun kind Jimmy: without me Jimmy: bit rude Janis: you were longer than five, technically Janis: so can be as rude as I wanna Jimmy: so you had like a shot a minute? Jimmy: what a lad Janis: you wish Jimmy: not what I'm wishing Jimmy: but go on Janis: are you coming in to tell me all about it or what, nerd Jimmy: [comes in & kisses her] Jimmy: or what, I suppose Janis: [smiles happy af] Janis: I like it Jimmy: [is heart eyes cos her smile is rude] Janis: I really like having you as my boyfriend, you know Jimmy: I really like having you as my girlfriend, you know Jimmy: [takes off the first layer of whatever she's wearing & kisses her all over there so soft] Janis: [is playing with his hair and making all the contented noises she wants] Jimmy: [repeat for every layer, with the kisses getting less soft as we go, until there are none] Janis: [takes off his clothes a lot less soft and considered 'cos damn, her hands roaming all over his body again 'cos damn] Jimmy: [hot naked make out session they finally deserve for a while cos clothes are always a damn issue] Janis: why do you have to wear clothes Janis: it's rude Jimmy: so that you don't 💀💀💀 Janis: so considerate Janis: 💕 Janis: the rest of the world is probably mad at me but Jimmy: nah, I told you, selfish Jimmy: more use to me alive Jimmy: so I want you to stay like it Janis: always good to get it out there that you ain't a necrophile Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: that ain't all I want you for Jimmy: mostly but there's also the 🐶 Janis: 😂 soz Janis: your intentions are so pure Jimmy: they really ain't Jimmy: not right now Janis: should hope not Janis: [gestures at self] Janis: bit rude, like Jimmy was timed out 2 days ago Jimmy joined the chat 2 days ago Jimmy: [does a lil lol oh these nerds] Janis: you're so Janis: [can't even so is just letting her hands explain] Jimmy: [likewise cos likewise can't even] Janis: we're gonna do this for a while Janis: me and you Janis: right Jimmy: unless you're planning on kicking me out Jimmy: bit rude though Janis: really not what I've got in mind Jimmy: [is doing everything deliberately slowly in like a sexy lingering way cos same & they've got time bitch] Janis: [is enjoying] Janis: stay forever Jimmy: [is also obvs & promises out loud cos he's always doing that] Janis: [kisses and saying missed you again and again 'cos true] Jimmy: [all the kisses everywhere all the time because too in love & too cute] Janis: [use your imagination for however long they're allowed] Jimmy: [I'm giving them time they deserve it & also saying that Grace met Twix and Bobby during & it was cute when she came back to get/do whatever but is now gone again cos we don't need that awks rn] Janis: Miss you alreay Jimmy: [kisses her 'cause misses doing that already extra boy] Jimmy: but not to become your dad's 🥇 I'm so hungry though Janis: 😏 Janis: you actually want something though? Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: gotta stay alive, don't we Janis: [takes his hand and takes him upstairs] Jimmy: [nearly gets tripped over by Twix as standard] Janis: awh, she's missed you too Janis: [gives Twix love 'cos obvs shameless fave] Jimmy: nah she wants me out of the way 🔪 Jimmy: 💀💀💀 Janis: plot of a shit movie that Janis: me like soz I don't see it, she's my bestie Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: don't reckon your brother'll be rushing to make it for the #clout Janis: made weirder Janis: and she has that #starquality Janis: 'gram fame gone to her head, thinks she's an actress Jimmy: & MOST importantly, I've got this face Jimmy: [grins] Janis: [fakes snapping pics like a nerd] Janis: so beautiful Jimmy: [actually does snap a pic of her though 'cause she is] Jimmy: I know Janis: [blush blush] Janis: think he's at work so you'll have to put up with me 💔 Janis: always leftovers though Janis: [gestures at fridge like go for it] Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: [gets his plate of food & is eating it but also gestures that she comes & sits on his lap cos fave thing] Janis: [does even though she's making faux complaints like 'you know it'd be easier to eat otherwise, yeah?' etc] Janis: 👍? Jimmy: [kisses her cos shh but also love you] Jimmy: what the fuck is it though? Jimmy: I can basically remember who you are Jimmy: 👍 Janis: Empadão Janis: 'cos you're predictable and Northern Janis: chicken pie but make it extra [shrugs] Jimmy: [shakes his head but lols a little] Jimmy: say it for me then 'cause you ain't Jimmy: & I'm not learning any paddy lingo am I Janis: [does and any sides he probably has] Jimmy: [is shamelessly heart eyes about it not sorry it's hot thanks for coming through for your kids like that Caleb] Janis: [rolls her eyes but gives him a forehead kiss] Jimmy: [feeds her some of the food cos we all gotta eat babe] Janis: [someone walks in and then out again and she's so moody] Janis: wish I had my own place Jimmy: me too Jimmy: me or you Janis: and a car Jimmy: 👌 I'll steal my dad's stop begging 😏 Janis: as much fun as it'd be to leave it burnt out under some underpass Janis: don't wanna see ian on the bus soz Jimmy: [as if evoked by the mention of his name he rings wanting to know where Bobby is & Jimmy's like with me bitch cos you don't need details thank you] Janis: ✞ Janis: that was sinister Jimmy: have a word with your god please Jimmy: I should probably check on the boy though Jimmy: hold on Janis: yeah, see if they've fed him or what Janis: 👍 Jimmy: [is a while establishing his little bro is living his best life in the Cali gaff] Janis: [is seeing what kid appropriate shit they have anyway 'cos reckons he's probably picky] Jimmy: [brings this little legend into the kitchen & he's chatting SO MUCH ABOUT EVERYTHING like who is he cos normally so shy & quiet] Janis: [is just smiling 'cos nice to see and gets him food he'd like and some shit to try] Jimmy: [Jimothy is also smiling cos he's eating it & not being a baby diva which he normally would] Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: first my 🐶 then my sister & now him, yeah? Jimmy: #yourinfluencebabe Janis: 💁 Janis: take my credit and praise now please and thanks Jimmy: good 'cause you ain't getting no cash from me, rich girl Jimmy: jobless & closer to penniless every sec like Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: 😢 Janis: poor boy Janis: can't even make the most of it now school Jimmy: my own fault Jimmy: I really fucked that interview Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: I didn't exactly help so Janis: you'll get the next one Jimmy: [kisses her cos shhh] Janis: back doing what you 💕 in no time Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I get it, you really want a smoothie Jimmy: calm down Janis: just don't want Doris to die on hunger strike, like Janis: needs a pot of tea and victoria sponge stat Jimmy: 💕👵 Jimmy: [actually starts making her a smoothie though cos in this kitchen I think so bitch] Janis: can forcibly remove the boy from the CG Janis: 😏 Jimmy: I can forcibly remove you from my work space if you're gonna kick off, girl Jimmy: 💪 Janis: 😂 Janis: not how I remember it but go off Jimmy: [playfight cos it's been so long] Janis: [so domestic 'scuse you fam] Jimmy: [turns into kisses cos he is so in love rn soz but not everybody] Janis: I love you Jimmy: it's gonna be a bit awkward now if you don't Jimmy: [but carries on making the smoothie cos love you too babe] Janis: anything to save from an awkward moment Jimmy: [touches one of the many lovebites he gave her earlier] Jimmy: yeah Janis: you Janis: [blushing, mad about it] Jimmy: me Jimmy: what? Janis: dickhead Janis: [but kisses] Jimmy: I love you too Janis: [has to go sit 'cos can't even deal] Jimmy: what are we doing tonight then Jimmy: out to flaunt it or it to make 'em wish we would Jimmy: in* Janis: we can go out as long as we don't go to any party they could be at Jimmy: easy Jimmy: you're gonna talk to Grace though? Janis: shh Jimmy: I'll set the 🐶 on you Jimmy: or the kid Janis: they both love me rn Janis: do your worst Jimmy: [beckons Bobby over & whispers to him like 'tell her she's gotta do what I say' but when he goes over to Janis he says 'you've gotta do what I say' cos cheeky] Janis: [lols and goes around doing whatever things a six year old can think of] Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: miss you already Janis: mr steal your girl Jimmy: [brings her her smoothie in a bit cos let's say they are in the garden with Twix playing] Jimmy: [but was a while cos he would have cleaned up & everything cos how he living] Jimmy: let's just find a pub we aren't banned from Jimmy: parties are bollocks Janis: [nods 'cos yeah] Janis: sounds good to me Jimmy: 👍 Janis: how do you do this Janis: actually knackering Jimmy: you've met my dad Jimmy: Bobby's a holiday compared to Ian Jimmy: [is giving the dog some 'begrudging' love we see you boy] Jimmy: you can just admit I wore you out, it's alright Janis: fair Janis: he's cute Janis: not Ian Janis: before you start Janis: 😒 because I will admit no such thing either, thank you Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: drink your energy, baby Jimmy: 💕 Janis: [does 'cos loves a smoothie moment] Janis: tah Jimmy: alright? Janis: wasted on the old ladies, babe Jimmy: 👵💔 Jimmy: tweet it, girl Jimmy: Doris'll square up Janis: not afraid Janis: 🥊 Janis: get onboard or leave, bitch Jimmy: protect me then Janis: nah, she'll pine from a distance 💔 Janis: same bitch Jimmy: [kisses her cos shh but soft] Janis: how's it feel being so #wanted, babe? Jimmy: hang on Jimmy: [asks her cos he's a nerd] Janis: [pushes him down so she can lay her head on his stomach and lay in the grass together] Jimmy: you're so Jimmy: hate you a bit Janis: well I need a pillow so hush Janis: just that worn out, yeah? Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: I'm multi-talented Janis: [tickles his belly like shh but love] Jimmy: [is like oi & throws some grass at her like we all used to do at school but loves it really] Janis: [grass fight lmao mature] Jimmy: [but then he gets to play with her hair after cos grass in it so 😍 even though he lost] Janis: gonna be finding that forever now Jimmy: I'll get it 🏆 Jimmy: [blatant excuse to just keep playing with her hair for ages] Janis: 🐒 you Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: [doesn't stop though] Janis: like it Janis: [does] Jimmy: I know Jimmy: you like me Jimmy: always going on about it, you Jimmy: [but kisses her again cos same] Janis: you piss off Janis: 😶 Janis: never say it  now Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: [whispers 'baby please' in a saucy way cos cheeky] Janis: [gives him a stop it look 'cos kills her and sassily turns and gives Twix love] Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: 💀💀💀 Jimmy: [kisses her neck and shoulder so much cos she turned away & he's being annoying] Janis: [can only stay strong for so long before turning back and giving him a long-ass kiss] Janis: kiss of life, you're welcome Jimmy: say it for me Janis: [does but whispers in his ear 'cos being extra enough poor Bobs lol] Jimmy: let's Jimmy: go back to your room Jimmy: for a bit Janis: okay Janis: just Jimmy: help me up Janis: [helps this soft boy] Janis: 💪 Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: [actually is looking at her like that lowkey though] Janis: know just how to make me feel #wanted Jimmy: hang on, I ain't started yet Janis: 😏 Janis: promises promises Jimmy: well it weren't gonna be a warning Jimmy: told you, not trying to lure & murder you Jimmy: 💕 Janis: make me not 💔 about that, babe Jimmy: come on Janis: [skip ahead so they're in her room again don't need to be starting before ty] Jimmy: I've got no words left Jimmy: I just Janis: [takes her top off and is maintaining eye contact how they do] Jimmy: [is just looking at her like !! I can't even] Janis: [walks over to him deliberately slowly enjoy boy] Janis: take yours off Jimmy: [does & is also deliberately unf about it] Janis: [kissing down his body 'til she on her knees in front of him like hey] Jimmy: [you know this boy just dying okay damn] Janis: [painfully slow about unbuttoning etc] Jimmy: [is giving her a LOOK like he's so sassy but at the same time has literally stopped breathing so what's the truth Jimothy] Janis: [stops and looks up at him challengingly like 'you want me to stop?'] Jimmy: [looks back at her like girl you better not] Janis: [smirks like 'thought so' and finally, but suddenly, takes him fully into her mouth, moaning with it 'cos wants this as much] Jimmy: [thank god it's only Diego on this floor 'cause obvs he's also being loud & ridiculous about it] Janis: [back to teasing him 'cos gotta, just circling her tongue 'round and 'round and licking up and down like nbd] Jimmy: [is trying to be mad about but can't] Janis: you look really good from this angle Janis: just so you know Jimmy: 📷 me Jimmy: it's been ages since my last social media ban Janis: [lols but does 'cos he do and she wanna keep it so] Jimmy: [is obviously into the fact that she's gonna have that pic of him & makes it known whether he meant to or not] Janis: Get it Janis: nice to be the muse sometimes, yeah? Janis: [goes harder again 'cos poor boy] Jimmy: [says his 'yeah' out loud cos honestly] Janis: [is encouraged] Jimmy: [says her name a lot cos it'll encourage her more] Janis: [says similarly encouraging things back 'cos feeling it and imma let you finish boy] Jimmy: [is very much feeling it as we can imagine] Janis: we don't have time to Janis: do we? Jimmy: we'll make time Jimmy: 🥇 aren't we Janis: you Jimmy: you Jimmy: seriously Janis: [takes whatever she's got on her bottom off too and stands up] Janis: please then Jimmy: [never needs to be told twice so go off kids] Janis: [after snuggling wherever they landed 'cos we know lol] Jimmy: [his dad calls again cos that prick & he don't answer cos busy thank you but like he'd just keep ringing so eventually does] Jimmy: I gotta take this kid back Janis: 👍 Janis: want me to think of somewhere decent and meet you there or am I picking you up at 8 like the gentleman I am Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: do you want me to get lost? Jimmy: 'cause if not you gotta come find me Janis: 👌 Janis: true Janis: can't have a repeat of the cow incident Janis: tell Ian to put the shotgun away then Jimmy: meet me 'round the corner so I don't have to chat to him Jimmy: I reckon I can find my way that far alone Janis: believe in you, babe Janis: [kiss for 🍀] Jimmy: [another really long kiss for bye] Janis: [says ily 'cos she can bitch] Jimmy: [is 😳 & 😍] Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: actually 8 or was that a full pisstake? Janis: whenever you're ready, I'm still her avoiding hoes too so Janis: sooner the better Jimmy: once I get home won't be long Jimmy: just need to shower Jimmy: & make sure Cass is back Jimmy: 'cause he don't give a shit if she's alright or owt 🙄 Janis: 🙄 Janis: and here I was thinking you were father of the year Janis: tragic Jimmy: sort it out Ian Jimmy: you've let yourself down, Leprechaun town down & most importantly your son's missus Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: fully #teambobby now Janis: 🤷 Jimmy: reckoned you were only team 🐶 Janis: I'm very mysterious Janis: gotta keep you 🤔 Jimmy: I already know you chat shit Jimmy: it's alright Janis: 😒 Jimmy: 🤞 I get our fave bus bloke & can keep him 🤔 Janis: gonna know that kid ain't mine for sure Jimmy: got your freckles though Jimmy: #whatsthetruth Janis: 😂 Janis: you're a nerd Jimmy: I'm saying I don't know where else they came from, girl Jimmy: take the credit Janis: maybe if that didn't mean Janis: 🤢🤢 Ian Jimmy: I get it, but he might not be his dad Jimmy: my mum ain't around to ask Janis: you two look alike though Janis: either her DNA 💪 or he sadly is Jimmy: if you tell me I look like my dad I'm dumping you Janis: if you did, you wouldn't ave anyone to dump Jimmy: touche Janis: 👍 Janis: fancy Jimmy: sometimes we use big words in the north Janis: I know Janis: 🍀 to have heard your way with words, boy Jimmy: don't be trying to make me 😳 at the bus stop Janis: but you wanna look cute for your man Jimmy: but he thinks I'm so 😎💪 Jimmy: let me have this one thing, girl, come on Janis: I'm selfish though Janis: don't act like you didn't know Jimmy: I like it Jimmy: don't act like you didn't know Janis: now who's trying to make who 😳 Jimmy: not trying but if you do 📷 it Janis: get you 😎💪 Janis: I'm so busy and important rn soz I can't Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Jimmy: I'll just be busy missing you so much then Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: teach my sister a thing or two about a guilt trip, babe Janis: much better at it Jimmy: hang on, I'll hit her up Jimmy: since you're so busy Jimmy: 👍 Janis: shut up 🙄 Jimmy: alright Jimmy: 🎨 to do anyways can't let Bob outshine me 🏆 Janis: you are gonna have to up your game 'cos 🥇 that Jimmy: 😱😱😱 Jimmy: #sheusedtosaythataboutme Jimmy: #storytime Janis: 😏 Janis: collab with gracieguru but i never did 'bout her so lies, babes Jimmy: actually 💔 me that Jimmy: Grace come & console me, girl Janis: you're the worst Jimmy: 🥇 to the worst in how many minutes? Jimmy: 💪🏆 Jimmy: #goals Janis: i'm ingorning you and pretending i need to get ready Janis: good day Jimmy: now that's a collab with your sister Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: it don't take that long to stick on some lashes I ain't having it Jimmy: I'll hit my ex up for the #truth, Gracie, come on Janis: 🤢 Janis: she'd probably hit you with a #dontwastegoodlashesonabadguy but i ain't gonna waste my breath on that, no tah Jimmy: 😂 Janis: probably should shower though, only fair if you are Janis: #polite Jimmy: I don't care if you don't wanna Jimmy: It's the one place I can't hear my dad having a go at me though so I'm committed Janis: 👍 Janis: I feel it Janis: have to lock the door and some of these fuckers might still be banging to be let in but Janis: piss in the garden or hold it 😘 Jimmy: how many bathrooms have you got, rich girl? Jimmy: I know it ain't just the one Janis: 5 Janis: but at the worst, we had over double that in people so it's not as luxurious as it could be Janis: plus they just got boundary issues, you can tell Jimmy: I've met Grace, yeah Jimmy: tried to be sick on me one convo deep Janis: exactly Janis: and you didn't share a womb with her so Jimmy: but we're still a bathroom for 4 so I don't feel sorry for you Jimmy: 5 if my dad's feeling 💕 Janis: 🤷 Janis: damn Janis: all I needed you for Janis: bye, like Jimmy: stick some classic FM on babe, you'll be alright Jimmy: maybe go say hi to Pete Jimmy: I miss him so much 💔 Janis: same 💔 Janis: I need to know what he's doing with his life Janis: so many unanswered questions Jimmy: OMG you should invite him out tonight, honey Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: #getyourman Janis: 😖 what if he don't remember me Janis: I'll straight up DIE Jimmy: babe you know you're unforgettable Janis: 🙈🙈🙈 Janis: such a good friend Jimmy: duh Janis: 💖 Janis: wanna get matching tattoos Jimmy: obvs! Jimmy: what do you wanna get? Jimmy: 🦋 or infinity symbol Janis: 🤔 Janis: such a hard decision Janis: all I know is I'm getting it on my ass Jimmy: I'm getting it on my wrist Jimmy: gotta Janis: 😬 Janis: #whenyourbestieisabasicbitch Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: soz babes but someone had to say it Janis: saving you from how much everyone would drag you Jimmy: 👌 I love you again Jimmy: tah babes Jimmy: 💖💖💖 Janis: 😘 wanna have a sleepover? Jimmy: I don't have to fake that enthusiasm Jimmy: I really do Janis: duh Janis: me too Janis: can't be too mad, no church and no school tomorrow so 👍😇 Jimmy: did you have a word with your god yet? Jimmy: maybe wait for a bit Janis: I ain't putting my sunday best on for you either Janis: be more blatant that you wanna change me Janis: 😭 Jimmy: as long as you've got your skirt on for Monday, I forgive you Jimmy: be that nice to me Jimmy: please Janis: I wanna because you're gonna be even nicer to me, yeah? Jimmy: yeah Janis: 🤤 brb Jimmy: 😘 Janis: School's been so fucking shit without you Janis: more than normal Jimmy: you ain't even been there since the start Jimmy: it was Jimmy: it is but Janis: yeah that must've been Janis: sorry Jimmy: just Jimmy: if you're sick or something let me know Jimmy: 'cause I ain't going Janis: deal Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 💪 immune system but don't tell the teachers 'cos love a sickie Jimmy: gimme an invite & I'll shut up Jimmy: maybe Janis: dunno if I wanna hang w a grass, boy Janis: 'less you gonna look after me Jimmy: you know it Janis: pretend i took more convincing Jimmy: that's what we'll say Jimmy: promise Janis: 👌 Janis: you're the best, actual Jimmy: you Janis: you you you Jimmy: you're gonna make me 😳 for real Jimmy: stop Janis: soz, being annoying and I know it but Janis: I just Janis: I'm glad you're back Janis: I'm back, I guess Jimmy: it's not annoying Jimmy: you're Jimmy: doing your job as muse right now, I suppose Jimmy: & I'm glad Jimmy: but also Jimmy: you could be closer Jimmy: so I just Janis: I will be Janis: tonight Janis: whenever you want, I'm not going anywhere Jimmy: good Jimmy: stay Janis: you too Jimmy: alright Janis: alright that you will, yeah? Jimmy: I will Janis: good Janis: me too Jimmy: so where we going Jimmy: you sorted that yet Janis: keen 😉 Janis: sure Janis: I know lots of places Jimmy: you're keen Jimmy: I'm just asking Janis: obvs Janis: pisshead, ain't I? Janis: not about you, mate Jimmy: I got that Jimmy: could be anyone, me Janis: mhmm Janis: #thathoelife Janis: how many lads did I fit into a week again? Jimmy: 100s Janis: that high, best to be vague Jimmy: sounds more impressive than 101 or 2 Jimmy: just a weird number that Janis: oh now it's not good enough Janis: get back out there asap Jimmy: nowt's as impressive as me having Mia round for a quiet night in Jimmy: ain't my fault Janis: know that ain't true Janis: be having 👻 chat rn Jimmy: it is, she's just a really horny mute & I'm that 💪 Janis: 🖕 Janis: go get eaten, Taylor Jimmy: can't, one night with me & she's a changed lass Janis: 🙄 Janis: made her all bark no bite? Janis: boring Jimmy: her being boring's nowt to do with me Janis: 👌 Janis: convenient Jimmy: nah really inconvenient Jimmy: hoping for a 🐍 & got a 🐛 Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: not sorry for you, babe Jimmy: come on Jimmy: be 💔 for me Janis: 🤖 Jimmy: gimme at least 1 🎻 Janis: 🎺 Janis: how buzzin' I am you had a shit time Jimmy was timed out 36 hours ago Jimmy joined the chat 36 hours ago Jimmy: add a 🍆 & you've got it Jimmy: 💔💔 Janis: 😑 you aren't funny Jimmy: a bit Janis: a lot of a dickhead though Janis: have that Jimmy: don't matter Jimmy: you like it Janis: perhaps Jimmy: I won't say owt to anybody don't worry Jimmy: this 🎨 will do the job Janis: yeah? cool but save your words for me, romeo Jimmy: I love you, alright Janis: eurgh 😉 Janis: shut up love you too Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: shutting up now Janis: you on the bus yeah Janis: already bored without you Jimmy: [sends a selfie of him & Bob's with Twix sitting in his backpack] Janis: 😍 Jimmy: tried to shove the boy in too but he wouldn't go Jimmy: getting too big 🙄 Janis: 💔 Janis: get one for that Jimmy: gimme a 🎻 though Jimmy: we're dancing here Janis: 'course, nerds Janis: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: he needs to hurry up & grow so he can just come to the pub with us Jimmy: then a shower with you & I'd have been good to go Janis: really worried you were suggesting he get in the shower too but I'm with you Jimmy: make it weird, girl Jimmy: it's been a bit Jimmy: since you were Janis: 'scuse me, when was I weird? Jimmy: how far back we going on it babe Janis: 😱 Janis: just today, can't handle any more than that tah, so fragile Jimmy: today 🤔🤔? Jimmy: that'd be every second then Jimmy: 💕 Janis: so rude Janis: if I wasn't you would have had a way more boring time so appreciate, thanks 💕 Jimmy: I am Jimmy: take the compliment, dickhead Janis: 😏 Janis: next job you get can they also give you boyfriend training Jimmy: I get it, trying to get outta that like you do with the 🐶 Janis: I think you'll find it's called delegating Jimmy: that sounds like a paddy excuse Jimmy: in the north we call it pissing about Janis: hmm, what makes you sure I'm up to the job with you if you also reckon I'm crap with the 🐶? Jimmy: if I answer that you're gonna 😳 again Jimmy: & anyway don't do that with questions, do I Janis: True enough Janis: gutting though it is Jimmy: you want me to chat or shut up? Jimmy: make your mind up like Janis: can't I have it both ways? #UGH #BOYS Jimmy: nightmare you Janis: I know 😘 Jimmy: what are you even doing right, layabout Jimmy: sort it out Jimmy: now* Janis: thinking 'bout you, dickhead Janis: my god given right think you'll find Jimmy: don't say that if you're only taking the piss Jimmy: 'cause now I'm thinking about you thinking about me Jimmy: & Janis: I ain't Janis: you had to leave too soon Janis: I think about you a lot Jimmy: I'm about to take over this bus like I'm in a shit action flick & turn it around Jimmy: I Jimmy: I want you a lot Janis: hot 😂 Janis: your GTA fetish becomes more and more obvious Janis: but I still want you more so Jimmy: I told you, Ian hates women Jimmy: & he's such a hands on parent Jimmy: ain't my fault I been raised on those mean streets Janis: s'cool Janis: we can kill hookers together Jimmy: #truelove Jimmy: muscle him out of the father son bonding activity 🏆💪 love that Janis: just that bitch 🤷 Janis: nice of him to take on that one motherly role, usually the woman like you ain't good enough for my baby boy Janis: 10/10 Ian Jimmy: so clingy you Jimmy: well it's his fault I ain't got one, only fair Janis: can you blame me? look at you Janis: exactly Jimmy: 😍😍😍 I get it Jimmy: I told you, I'm a good boyfriend Janis: too good Jimmy: you need to deal with that Jimmy: 'cause I ain't stopping Janis: yeah, you want me to? Janis: challenge accepted Jimmy: get used to me, girl Jimmy: I know I'm really 😎💪 but don't be intimidated Jimmy: you're alright too, for a girl Janis: never Janis: like how new you are Janis: know that's your #appeal Jimmy: fine I'll leave & come back so I'm the new boy again Jimmy: no need to beg Janis: you've already left, babe Janis: like the first time Jimmy: but maybe I gotta leave Leprechaun land Jimmy: bump up my #appeal Janis: no Jimmy: gotta get off this bus though Janis: I'll allow that Jimmy: 👌 Janis: any further than that you gotta gimme more warning so I can Jimmy: you can come with me Jimmy: you know Janis: where are we going? Jimmy: it don't matter Jimmy: you can come with me wherever Janis: you aren't bullshitting me Janis: swear Jimmy: I'm not Janis: Good Janis: we'll do it Jimmy: where do you wanna go? Janis: I don't care Jimmy: easy then Janis: anywhere a long way from here Janis: got family in london and nyc though so certain neighbourhoods we'd have to avoid Jimmy: fine by me Janis: 👍 Jimmy: how long do dogs live 'cause it's been enough bollocks having her on this bus for a bit Janis: she could go for another 10-15 easy Janis: you gonna show up when I'm boring and married and be like pack your bags is it Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: see if you've forgot about me Jimmy: but if you've got kids they ain't coming Janis: soz darlings, deal's a deal Jimmy: just don't marry that lift lad, alright Janis: do my best Janis: obvs wanna be mrs pete but who knows what'll happen, babe Jimmy: I told you, I saw him first Janis: well he 👀s me Janis: 🥊 you for him Jimmy: any time any place Janis: my imaginary children's lives depend on it so Janis: stand no chance, boy Jimmy: you ain't having any you said Janis: who am I to deny the world how cute pete's offspring would be Janis: anyway, in this pretend scenario also married and boring, both of which ain't ever happening either so roll with it Jimmy: you could just let him have them with the one he's with now Jimmy: be smart about it Janis: doubt she's as cute as me Jimmy: but come on Jimmy: that body Jimmy: you're gonna ruin it Janis: have you seen my ma Janis: #geneticallyblessed Janis: he don't need to have 10 either Jimmy: give him twins Jimmy: you'd be about that Janis: 😑 Janis: horror movie where the ptsd kicks in and i have to murder one like not again Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: your brother would make that Janis: 🤞ask grace to be in it, lad Janis: she'll 😭 Jimmy: can she cry on cue or what the fuck is it Janis: nothing useful like that Janis: it's just her natural state of being Jimmy: I get it, she's allergic to Mia Jimmy: #same Janis: allergic to her own bullshit more like Janis: or her expensive mascara, awks Jimmy: can I use the excuse that I'm allergic to my dad's Jimmy: either his girlfriend's mascara or his bullshit, don't matter Jimmy: just gotta quarantine myself Janis: can I visit? Jimmy: you have to Jimmy: can't nurse myself Janis: not that I'm amazing at it Janis: kept forgetting about your poor lip Jimmy: who the fuck has entered this chat Jimmy: 'cause you ain't never admitted to being less than 🥇 at owt ever Janis: 😏 shh Janis: not my fault you looked 🥇 Jimmy: & I forget about it any time you touch me so Janis: I really missed you Janis: not done showing you Jimmy: I miss you now Jimmy: so don't be Janis: ain't Janis: between that and how sorry I am, got so much to show you Jimmy: you're so sorry, aren't you? Jimmy: me too Janis: yes Janis: why are you sorry, babe Jimmy: it was my fault too Jimmy: I've gotta do my bit to make it up to you Janis: nah Janis: not gonna complain about that though Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you'r Janis: e Jimmy: what do you wanna say, baby? Janis: fuck Janis: just Janis: tell me when you're home, I wanna shower with you Jimmy: not far now Janis: okay Jimmy: I finished my masterpiece for you Janis: do I get a preview? Jimmy: do you want one? Janis: yes Jimmy: [gets what she wants of course] Janis: oh Janis: that's Janis: dead good Jimmy: you can have it Jimmy: in case you feel like you can't stay Janis: I'm gonna, promise Janis: but thanks Janis: I want it Jimmy: if you do stick around maybe you'll inspire me to draw you how you look Jimmy: 'cause I can't Jimmy: you're just Janis: but I can feel how it felt Janis: idk Janis: don't come for me, not an art critic Jimmy: but you're the only one who I give a shit about Janis: it's good, you're good Janis: trust me Jimmy: you are Jimmy: & I do Janis: ruining my rep tho Janis: got me feeling some type of way Jimmy: that rep should be ruined Jimmy: it's bollocks Janis: go hard then, babe Janis: doing a pretty 💪 job, like Jimmy: & I'm home Jimmy: so let's do more Janis: thought you'd never ask Janis: felt like the longest bus journey ever Jimmy: it was Jimmy: let me just check Cass ain't been impregnated by her boy mate Jimmy: hang on Janis: eurgh babe Jimmy: I'm not gonna do a physical one Jimmy: calm down Jimmy: simple yeah or nah Janis: such a dad Janis: poor cass Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: I weren't fucking when I was 12 Jimmy: won't kill her Janis: obviously but having this convo with you might Jimmy: I'll leave it for Ian, then she'll kill him Jimmy: job done Janis: exactly Janis: that's what parents, even shit ones, are for Jimmy: get in the shower Janis: damn Janis: not saying please now Jimmy: alright Jimmy: get in the shower please Janis: 👌 Janis: was going before you asked nicely Jimmy: & now I have what are you gonna do? Janis: wanna facetime Jimmy: do you? Janis: yes Janis: obviously Jimmy: then yeah, obviously Jimmy: go on Janis: [calls 'cos like my boo said phones are defs waterproof] Jimmy: [I'm just imagining his dad banging on the door cos in there forever lol] Janis: [suck it Ian, also later] Janis: lurking 'round your ends Janis: hurry up Jimmy: since you asked nicely Jimmy: [comes out with unlit 🚬 already in his mouth cos been with Bobby for an age but doesn't light up until he gets to where she is in case she wants one #whipped] Janis: [gives him a saucy 'that good?' look 'cos you know] Jimmy: [lols but is giving her a LOOK cos yes we know it was] Janis: [puts hands out like Oliver for a 🚬 'cos dork] Jimmy: [takes it out of his mouth & puts it in hers, lights it for her cos nice like that] Janis: [takes a drag then kisses him on the cheek] Jimmy: what's that for? Janis: 🚬 Janis: obvs Janis: and you know Jimmy: 💕 Janis: [fake cuffs him on the chin like shut up] Jimmy: [is all like oi & fake fighting her back like a cute nerd] Janis: don't get us kicked out 'fore we're even in, boy Janis: behave Jimmy: I'll screenshot that later when you're begging me not to Jimmy: even if it gets us kicked out Janis: psh Janis: please Jimmy: starting already look Janis: pisstake, you Janis: [walks faster but only a bit don't need that drama already] Jimmy: [pulls her back and kisses her cos he's that extra & hot & they can't kiss on facetime so] Jimmy: I'm what Jimmy: try again Janis: [casually can't breathe like boy] Janis: you're sucha pisstake, babe Jimmy joined the chat 31 hours ago Jimmy: [looks at her like 'excuse you, what' & then goes even harder kissing her again] Janis: [when you gotta stop but you don't wanna stop] Janis: okay, I like it though, you caught me Jimmy: okay Jimmy: [is smirking like] Janis: [nudges] Janis: bighead Jimmy: [nudges her back] Jimmy: you like it too though Jimmy: 😍 you Janis: err not a get out of jail free card to be the biggest dickhead you can be Janis: [is smiling tho] Jimmy: that sounds like a challenge to me, babe Jimmy: [is doing a cheeky grin back] Janis: what doesn't to you, boy Janis: tryna come for my 🥇 Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Jimmy: always saying it, me Janis: are you? 🤔 Janis: hold on think I've got the wrong lad here Jimmy: [kisses her like its a goodbye vibe cos nerd] Jimmy: on you go then Janis: 😖 Janis: but Janis: maybe I wanna stay Jimmy: [gives her a look like 'only maybe?' and a little make out session ensues] Janis: [says definitely 'cos] Jimmy: [says ILY out loud cos] Janis: [druuuuuuuuuunk in love says it back and more smooching you know focus lads] Jimmy: [let them just have some moments of being able to kiss and be alone but like then imagine someone walks past like aaaayyyy! how people do] Janis: 😒 Jimmy: 🥊 Janis: weren't me Janis: not a ventriloquist Jimmy: not an idiot Jimmy: I meant beat the shit of him for us Jimmy: you and emojis Janis: risk this face? Janis: yours is already battered so Jimmy: don't you wanna twin with me? Jimmy: gutted 💔 Janis: don't ever use the T word ever again Jimmy: or what? Jimmy: you gonna smack me, girl Janis: don't be a twat Jimmy: how? Jimmy: I am what I am Janis: have to keep training you won't I Janis: [pats his head] Jimmy: good thing I ain't going nowhere then Jimmy: with your track record it'll take ages Jimmy: if ever Janis: actually rude Janis: gonna have her dancing on your grave like a showdog Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: pissing up the stone more like Jimmy: & she could do that now Janis: could she write FUCK U though Janis: I think not Janis: wait and see 👻 boy Jimmy: better hold my breath Jimmy: if you want me 💀 Janis: [puts her hand over his mouth then does that thing where you kiss it] Janis: 💕 rip Jimmy: what am I on about? don't need to do nowt me Jimmy: you kill me Jimmy: you're Janis: [looks at him all smug and smiley] Janis: you too Jimmy: [kisses her on that smug little face] Janis: now Janis: I got 2 plans Janis: depends if you really wanna see bus driver again or if you'd rather walk, promising I won't fuck off later and lose ya Jimmy: if you want me to get on that bus again you better have a fucking good plan Jimmy: for when we are & where we're going Janis: 😂 Janis: not as much hassle as a puppy and a six year old, so bit rude Janis: but we'll go with plan b Janis: keep walking, boyo Jimmy: 👍 Janis: don't lemme get as pissed tonight, tah Jimmy: you? nah Jimmy: never have been since I've known you like Janis: funny Janis: should quit school become a full-time 🤡 you Jimmy: I'll get your sister's mates to do my makeup Jimmy: it's alright, pisshead Jimmy: I'll look after you Janis: need that 💰 obvs Jimmy: 🤑 Janis: can't be downgrading Janis: how am I gony pay for my ponies Jimmy: more importantly, how you gonna brag on the 'gram Janis: honestly Janis: keep it fresh and #goals Janis: though can ride the seclusion wave for a bit, I reckon Jimmy: yeah? Janis: yeah Janis: keep getting random bitches coming up to me telling me how 🍀 I am Janis: welcome for the ego boost Jimmy: bit rude that they ain't been since I asked you out Jimmy: sort it out, lasses Janis: 😂 oh soz, sure the fan club meets weekly Janis: dickhead Jimmy: you know you feel it Jimmy: come on Jimmy: [gives her another REALLY good kiss] Janis: 👑 of the club, me, yeah 😏 Janis: could say something nice about me, not telling you how to do your job or nothing but Jimmy: [whispers some nice things about her in her ear & does the lobe thing cos we just gotta] Janis: [😳 emoji] Jimmy: job done? Janis: not even close Janis: [more smooching] Jimmy: so is plan b just this? Jimmy: only asking, not complaining Janis: you wish Janis: keep walking, boy Jimmy: maybe I do, girl Jimmy: [keeps walking though] Janis: later Janis: sleepover, remember Jimmy: won't forget, don't worry Janis: good Janis: didn't buy face masks for nothing, bitch Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: keep it #goals Janis: they'd love that 🙄 Janis: so woke of you to drop all that manly man toxic masculinity, like Jimmy: I'll pick it up later when the fans need me to be jealous & fight a lad or whatever it's alright Jimmy: do & have it all, me Janis: is that so Jimmy: you don't reckon? Jimmy: bit rude Janis: just saying Janis: keep being a knobhead and only thing you'll be doing is yourself Janis: [winks and sashshays away] Jimmy: tah for letting me know Jimmy: you gonna wingman me at the pub to find a new girl to chat shit to Jimmy: or am I proper on my own to try my luck Janis: not a miracle worker, babe Janis: bore the pants off some bitch in your own time t Jimmy: 👌 got loads while I'm unemployed Janis: 😒 Janis: remember who helped get you fired Jimmy: how could I forget? Jimmy: I hope I get fired for that kinda conduct every time Janis: probably not the rep you want on your CV but Jimmy: 🤞 whatever girl I find tonight ain't too boring Jimmy: 'cause I'm gonna get a new job soon Janis: shut up Jimmy: make me Janis: I'm not kissing you Janis: [overacting faux huffy but is also lowkey jealous 'cos always] Jimmy: what are you gonna do then? Jimmy: make a 😒 face 'til we get there? Jimmy: [lights another 🚬 'cause overacting that he ain't bothered] Janis: make a 😒 face all the way home Janis: see where night takes me Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: you know where the night's taking you Jimmy: [pulls her into his arms like, 'right here is where'] Janis: ['truce?'] Jimmy: [snuggles & then offers her the 🚬 cos that is a truce mood] Janis: [kissing and passing the 🚬 back and forth 'til it's finished 'cos kinda hot] Jimmy: [#goals actually am I right lads? then handholding cos they gotta keep walking or they'll never get there] Janis: oh fyi though Janis: can't bang me in this pub alright Jimmy: now you tell me Jimmy: 💔 Janis: I know Janis: false pretenses much Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: poor boy Jimmy: we're not in there yet Jimmy: how long have I got Janis: 😂 shh Jimmy: not an answer that Janis: be 😇 baby Janis: this walk should not take this long as is Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: me too baby me too Janis: maybe in the bathroom if you're quiet Janis: which you never are 😏 Jimmy: which is your fault Janis: not my fault you're so Jimmy: you're so Jimmy: that is your fault Janis: [back at it again] Jimmy: [is loud rn as proof that it's your fault for being the #dream Janis] Janis: how are we ever gonna get anything done Janis: so distracting Jimmy: I don't wanna do anything else Jimmy: I don't care Janis: yeah Janis: feel it Janis: do you reckon those old couples that you think are dead boring 'cos they just stay in all the time are just like fucking 24/7 Janis: maybe that's the truth Jimmy: let me know when it's you & Pete 💕 Janis: 😂 Janis: if I can find the time Jimmy: yeah don't call me while he's still going at you Jimmy: bit rude Janis: 💔 or 🤤 Janis: 👀 you, perv Jimmy: 😂 Janis: so like you Janis: after all this time just to steal my man Jimmy: I reckoned you were gonna say how like me not to answer Janis: I mean, valid Janis: but your thirst for pete doesn't need to be explained Janis: so blatant Jimmy: don't say thirst when I met him at the CG Janis: mhmm, there's a fanfic title in there somewhere Janis: been easier to fake date him to put the girls off but the 💕 was too real Jimmy: why didn't I think of that? Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: 🎻🎻💔🎻 Jimmy: girl you gotta go, soz Jimmy: in my way Janis: 🥊 you for him duh Janis: or you want me to let you win again? 😉 Jimmy: if it means I get Pete Jimmy: go on Janis: no Janis: down to stand in the way of true love soz not soz Jimmy: like I said, nightmare you Janis: your worst, babe Jimmy: gotta be 🥇 always Jimmy: I get it Janis: mhmm Janis: just getting over how mad I am at Grace for popping out 1st Janis: if you wanna be my therapist about it Jimmy: how much you gonna pay me, rich girl? Janis: tell me something I DON'T know already and I might give you something Jimmy: about you? Janis: that's what therapy is Janis: not a pub quiz 🤓 Jimmy: you're so in touch with yourself though Jimmy: don't reckon I can Janis: that's why I don't go motherfuckers Janis: no life-fixing realizations no dough Jimmy: just no cash my end Jimmy: gotta stay a mess Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 💔 Janis: selfishly works for me Janis: don't go spending that first new paycheck on sorting your life alright Jimmy: alright Janis: stay fucked with me for a while Jimmy: [promises out loud cos always a thing now] Janis: [skip them there 'cos honestly] Jimmy: what you drinking then, lightweight? Janis: that thing we had first time Janis: forgot the name, not already pissed Jimmy: 👌 hang on Jimmy: [goes to get 'em] Janis: [checking out the booty also checking Fearghal won't embarrass her lmao] Jimmy: stop staring at me Jimmy: I can feel it Janis: but you 👌 Jimmy: am I okay or I look okay what are you chatting? Janis: 😂 Janis: you look it Janis: but I meant more than okay 'fore you get pouty Jimmy: how good did you mean Janis: got caught staring didn't I? Jimmy: 'bout the 🍺 that though Janis: 💉💉 need my fix Janis: you stupid, good thing you cute too Jimmy: should I have dropped 💊 in it Jimmy: soz Janis: 🤔 reckon you ain't meant to let the girl in on that, babe Jimmy: that's what I've been doing wrong Jimmy: tah babe Janis: keep it between you and the barman, like #ladsladslads Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: he's giving me the eye too Jimmy: where you brought me, girl? Janis: 😂 you mean you aren't used to it, with your mass-appeal? Jimmy: I didn't say I weren't about it Jimmy: 👴💕 Janis: [is lowkey trying to not actually lol at the table] Jimmy: [brings the drinks over & kisses her on the cheek like she did to him earlier] Janis: [wipes it away like a child 'cos you know granddad be looking lmao] Janis: gimme gimme Jimmy was timed out 10 hours ago Jimmy joined the chat 10 hours ago Jimmy: [looks at as if to say 'bit rude' cos she wiped the kiss away but doesn't say anything actually] Jimmy: just don't down this one, like Janis: 👍 alright, dad Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: you told me not to let you get as drunk Janis: [footsie] Janis: you cute Jimmy: you Janis: when's your next interview then Jimmy: week away Janis: you'll get that one Jimmy: I gotta Janis: your da losing his shit yeah Janis: [touches his lip] Jimmy: [nods but then shrugs cos can't show how much you give a shit even though she knows how soft you are] Janis: ['prick' in reference to Ian obvs and dranks her drank letting him be quiet for a bit] Jimmy: [clinks his glass against hers cos he agrees & then likewise just having a little drink moment] Janis: and don't lie, you're missing making all those specific as fuck orders for all the basics Jimmy: busted Jimmy: you got me, girl Jimmy: 💔 bout the lack of frappes in my life right now me Janis: knew it Janis: can make me one if you like Janis: bit of roleplaying Jimmy: #truelove Janis: keeping the romance alive 'fore you really have to seek Mia out Janis: more chance of me drinking the shit we all see you, babe Jimmy: it'd be a way to get rid of her when I touch her & she crumbles to dust but Janis: know you're down to take that bullet for us all but no tah Janis: can't have her dying happy Jimmy: she'd only die happy if you took that honor for the team, babe Jimmy: 💕 Janis: [is loling so Indie can walk in like WHAT YOU LAUGHING BOUT] Jimmy: [& he's heart eyes cos she so cute when she's happy so Indie would also notice that like] Jimmy: [also we need to take a moment to appreciate how fucking good Indie would look cos would've come on a proper motorbike now she's old enough & has that same Janis style mood & is happy cos Drew not about & she's more grown etc so it'd be a mood & Jimmy would totally think she was fit] Janis: [after they've chatted for a bit 'cos don't outstay your welcome babe] Jimmy: [okay but imagine Jimmy actually chatting to Indie and Janis is like !!?? cos he's an antisocial sod who don't like nobody] Janis: ooh Janis: social 🦋 Janis: decided the tat for you Jimmy: what are you on about? Janis: you know Janis: so chatty Janis: can't take you anywhere 😏 Jimmy: she's your mate Jimmy: not gonna be a dickhead Janis: Suuuure Jimmy: [kicks her playfully cos she did footsie before] Jimmy: shut up Janis: see, don't wanna chat to me Janis: see myself out Janis: [kicks back also playful obvs] Jimmy: see yourself to the bar & get us more drinks Janis: such a charmer how could I refuse? Janis: [gets up] Janis: btw tho, can't ask her out or your breaking girl code, soz Jimmy: [blows her a kiss once she's up cos he's silly] Jimmy: I'm a lad, can do what I like 👌 Janis: [does fake daggers from the bar] Janis: nope Janis: she's basically my sister, not being grace about it Jimmy: It ain't my fault you've got loads of hot sisters Janis: 🖕 Janis: too bad you fucked up Janis: don't get to go for the set Jimmy: she can tell me I can't Jimmy: or that lad she's with could try Jimmy: maybe Janis: not gonna be a dickhead he says Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: to her Jimmy: you love it Janis: 😑 Janis: do I Jimmy: [gets up, walks over to her & kisses her cos yeah you do babe so excuse me granddad] Janis: [dies of 😳] Janis: you wanna be wearing this drink instead, like Jimmy: do you wanna get me out of these clothes Jimmy: 'cause you can just ask Jimmy: keep the 🍺 for drinking Janis: shut up Janis: god Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [back with the drinks] Janis: you're just Jimmy: [is just looking at her with an eyebrow raised like what? cos he ain't gonna reply cos she said shh & he's a nerd] Janis: you're testing me boy Janis: drink your drink Jimmy: [takes a sassy sip] Janis: Iggy said Bobby's welcome back any time, btw Jimmy: he'll be chuffed to bits Janis: think he had a good time, yeah? Jimmy: he ain't shut up about it Janis: awh Janis: takes after you Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: I'm doing my best horny mute impression right now for you Janis: had noticed Janis: just savouring the moment Janis: [hehehe lizard] Jimmy: go on Jimmy: [drinks] Janis: [lets it continue for a bit] Janis: k miss you now Jimmy: okay, do something about it Janis: [kisses 'cos happened now hasn't it] Jimmy: so you love me again Jimmy: now what? Janis: you love me again Janis: then maybe 🚬 'cos they're being annoying Jimmy: [kisses her again much to Indie's delight] Janis: [drags him outside which doesn't look suspect at all lol k] Janis: soz Janis: she's a lot Jimmy: Grace is a lot Jimmy: she's Jimmy: 😎 Janis: [😒] Jimmy: what's that face for? Jimmy: I'm saying don't worry about it Jimmy: it's alright Jimmy: she's alright, like Janis: you gonna light up or nah Jimmy: you gonna be nice or nah Jimmy: [but does] Janis: [does shh finger to lips and takes it] Jimmy: make your mind up, girl Jimmy: you wanted me to shut up, then nah, now you do again Jimmy: bit rude Janis: told you was keeping it fresh Janis: [holds 🚬 out] Jimmy: [let them pass it between them for a bit] Janis: maybe we'll go somewhere else Jimmy: she's getting to you that much Jimmy: we can stay out here, you know Janis: nah it's just Janis: it don't matter Jimmy: if it does matter Jimmy: you can say it to me Janis: you'll reckon it's stupid and I already know it is Jimmy: [puts his arms around her cos love while shaking his head] Janis: it's just Janis: people reckoning they know me all the time Janis: gets on my nerves Jimmy: but you said she's basically your sister, yeah Jimmy: don't she know you a bit Jimmy: ? Janis: what's that count for Janis: grace is my actual sister and she don't know me fuck all Jimmy: but Grace is a one off in the opposite way that you're a one off, babe Janis: [shakes her head] Janis: nah Jimmy: none of 'em know you then Jimmy: that's what you're saying Janis: yeah Janis: you think your dad knows you? Jimmy: I don't care Jimmy: I don't want him to know me Janis: exactly Jimmy: you wanna go? Janis: dunno Janis: just give me a sec Jimmy: alright Janis: you go in Jimmy: but Jimmy: you're coming back Janis: I'm not gonna just fuck off Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: [goes in] Janis: [has moment outside Jimmy: [is playing pool with Indie cos she would've asked him when he's standing around like a spare part] Janis: [comes back in like she's unphased now even though obvs not an issue we're resolving today is it lads, makes herself busy and gets drinks and goes loo etc] Jimmy: come take my shot Jimmy: she's beating me Janis: 👌 Janis: [does so lowkey buzzin he's not forgotten about her like oh girl] Jimmy: keep it 🥇 babe Jimmy: it's your fault I'm 🥈 right now Jimmy: distracting me by walking in like that Janis: we can pretend that's what it was, babe Janis: show me up too if not 😉 Jimmy: I'm pretending nowt Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: bit rude of you to look so fucking Janis: now who's being distracting Janis: tryna line up my shot here Janis: ['cos that is hot] Jimmy: falling on the sword ready for when you fuck it up Jimmy: #truelove Jimmy: 💕 Janis: you wish any girl here was making your efforts look better baby 💕 Jimmy: you wish I needed that Jimmy: 🏆💪 me Janis: 👑🍀 me Jimmy: prove it Janis: [duh] Jimmy: [is actually 😍😍😍 now cos looking hot & being impressive] Janis: [does bow 'cos nerd] Jimmy: [gestures that he wants her to take the next one as well cos loving it] Janis: know you gotta at least put my name on the 🏆 now too, right? Jimmy: you know that anyone can have 1 🍀 shot Jimmy: impress me first Janis: babe my 🍀y days were over when I met you, running on pure 💪 now Janis: [makes shot] Jimmy: [gives her a really hot kiss cos that says it all] Janis: you really like winning, yeah? Jimmy: I really like you Janis: feeling's mutual Janis: [kisses back 'cos soz fam deal] Jimmy: [takes & makes his shot easy cos feels great lbr] Janis: [does golf 👏 but actually like go baby] Jimmy: alright nerd Jimmy: calm it down Jimmy: [but is really happy obvs] Janis: make me, dork Jimmy: I don't wanna Jimmy: not when I can get you worked up instead Janis: okay, you aren't THAT good at pool, babe 😂 Jimmy: pool's nearly done with Jimmy: I ain't started with you yet though Janis: Jimmy Janis: [can't meet eyes 'cos distracted af help] Jimmy: Janis Jimmy: [cos we know what saying her name does] Janis: when Janis: where Jimmy: gimme a sec to beat your fake sister at pool Jimmy: but then Jimmy: anywhere Janis: if I really must Jimmy: think about where you're gonna take me Jimmy: have a plan Janis: okay Janis: kinda hard to think now but Jimmy: [finishes up the game but is giving her SO MANY sexy and lingering looks like damn] Jimmy: now Jimmy: where Janis: [outside somehwere idk does not matter as long as relatively secluded lol they've done worse] Janis: here Janis: here is fine Jimmy: here is perfect Janis: ['you'] Jimmy: [says it back how they do & then the most glorious of long kisses] Janis: sorr I was weird earlier Jimmy: you weren't Janis: bit Janis: but you didn't let me ruin it Jimmy: you're always a bit Jimmy: & I ain't ever letting you ruin nowt Jimmy: sorry if I was a massive dickhead Janis: you weren't Janis: seriously Janis: [more smooching] Jimmy: bit but Janis: i love it Jimmy: I love you Janis: that's never gonna not get me Jimmy: good Jimmy: I want it to feel like Jimmy: [hot & heavy make out session] Janis: good Janis: 'cos it feels exactly like Janis: [more] Jimmy: I just really want it to feel like Jimmy: [gets on his knees in the outdoors we all know why but boy HOW EXTRA like you just gonna do this here okay] Janis: fucking hell you're really gonna Janis: fuck Jimmy: [is gonna be that bitch & does] Janis: How does it feel better than the last time even I Jimmy: 'cause I want you even more than last time Jimmy: how do you Janis: this is all you, babe Janis: making me feel so Jimmy: you feel Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: you're just Janis: it's for you Janis: you've looked so good all evening it's so hard to stop myself Jimmy: don't stop Jimmy: I don't ever want you to Jimmy: [likewise doesn't stop what he's doing & is v dedicated rn] Janis: [you know it's getting loud] Janis: had to, remember I told you you couldn't fuck me in that pub Jimmy: 💔 that Jimmy: I've wanted to do this since you showed up by my house Janis: I can really fucking tell Jimmy: [goes harder just because] Janis: please don't stop Janis: ever Jimmy: [doesn't & actually keeps stepping it up cos there's the unspoken promise babe] Janis: [saying his name so much] Janis: don't care if people can hear Jimmy: [being loud his damn self cos hot] Janis: you like eating my pussy out, don't you? Janis: best boyfriend ever Jimmy: [says his yeahs & how much he does out loud cos honestly highkey about all of it] Janis: I wanna cum for you again Janis: lost track of how many times I've came for you today Jimmy: [does all his best moves to make her] Janis: baby? Jimmy: ? Janis: can I have a picture of you from this angle too? Janis: you look Jimmy: you don't need to ask Jimmy: take as many as you want Janis: [does 'cos damn] Jimmy: can you cum for me at least once more when I fuck you up against this wall until I cum inside you or are you gonna have to try & fake it? Janis: [the noise she makes] Janis: you know nothing about us is fake Janis: I want that so bad Janis: do it Jimmy: I want you so bad Jimmy: [does because doesn't even need to be told at this point] Janis: [puts hands flat on wall so her backs to him and her face is pressed against the bricks] Janis: hold my hands there so I can't stop Jimmy: [the noise he makes but obviously will] Janis: I really fucking love you Jimmy: I know Jimmy: & I Janis: I know Jimmy: [is just saying her name so much now oh how the tables have been flipped] Janis: I'm all yours, Jimmy, yours, fuck me right here Jimmy: [go off kids live your best life] Jimmy: keep being mine, okay Janis: I will, I am Janis: I mean it Janis: only you Jimmy: [is dying because who has ever been here for him this hard NOBODY BITCH] Janis: Oh God oh God, baby Jimmy: shit Jimmy: plan b was the best plan Janis: no chance of doing this in town Janis: or getting me to be so loud for you Jimmy: that's why I'd go anywhere with you Jimmy: this is Jimmy: you're Janis: I don't care where we are or what we're doing as long as you're there Janis: though obviously this is my favourite thing to do Jimmy: I'm gonna be there Jimmy: I have to Jimmy: I can't leave you Jimmy: won't fucking do it Janis: [turns her head to kiss him 'cos dead] Janis: I need you Jimmy: [kissing her back hardcore cos feelings bitch & also it just feels really epic so] Jimmy: I need you too Jimmy: I really fucking need you Janis: you've got me Janis: fill me up with your cum and see exactly how you've got me Jimmy: [amazing responses and sounds there 'cause damn, sorry anyone if you can hear any of this right now] Janis: You sound so hot, everyone must be so fucking jealous right now Jimmy: you do Jimmy: & they are Janis: I Janis: I can't get enough of you, ever Jimmy: baby I Jimmy: you're gonna make me Janis: [pushes back harder against his thrusts] Janis: I want it, baby Janis: I want your cum inside my pussy so bad Jimmy: say it Janis: [does, no pretending you didn't hear that passersby] Jimmy: [well that's the end of him 'cause how fucking goals do you wanna be good day] Janis: [turns 'round fully to give him a proper kiss] Jimmy: [hold him up girl he needs a moment after all that] Janis: [as soft as you can be standing against a wall in public] Jimmy: [stop 🚬 so much boy] Janis: [finds somewhere comfortable to sit him down and sit on his lap 'cos standard, arms around his neck and all the little kisses] Janis: you're the best Jimmy: you though Jimmy: I mean it Janis: I know Janis: I do too Jimmy: [snuggles & gentle kisses & hair loving upon for a bit cos soft mood] Janis: are you even real Janis: how do I get to Janis: with you Jimmy: well I ain't fake Jimmy: but I don't know Jimmy: we just Janis: just Janis: yeah Janis: [smiles] Jimmy: [takes a 📷 of her 'cause he can't even with how she looks right now or ever] Jimmy: look how beautiful you are Jimmy: bit rude to be honest Janis: you're just a very good photographer Janis: I think Jimmy: it's only 'cause I got a decent muse & subject Jimmy: look again Janis: [😳] Jimmy: [tells her how beautiful she is again, out loud this time with kisses in between each word like] Janis: you're making me weak for you again already Janis: give yourself the break, babe Jimmy: I don't want a break from you Jimmy: not again Janis: ['I promise'] Jimmy: [more soft kisses damn this boy gonna cry if he don't calm down] Janis: You're all for me, right? Jimmy: [nods & is 😍] Janis: Mine Janis: My baby Janis: [posessive smooching] Jimmy: I don't want anyone else Jimmy: you know Janis: you better not Janis: no one else can do what I can Jimmy: whatever any other girl is or has Jimmy: you are & do Jimmy: but more Jimmy: I knew that before I knew you Jimmy: it's why I noticed you Janis: [hiding in his chest 'cos overwhelmed] Jimmy: I wanted to see if it was real Jimmy: & it is Janis: [whispers 'I love you'] Jimmy: nobody sees this bit of you, do they Janis: [shakes her head] Jimmy: it keeps me together though Jimmy: which is weird 'cause it's the bit that's gentle & whispers & 😳 but Jimmy: I don't know, it's the strongest bit maybe Jimmy: I forgot I had it Janis: me too Janis: if you'd have asked me, I'd have thought I'd have hated you for it Janis: making me remember Janis: but I don't, I just love you so much Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: I didn't want it Jimmy: sometimes I still don't want it in there Janis: yeah Janis: it's Janis: hard Janis: especially with other people around Jimmy: it just really fucking hurts being Jimmy: sometimes Jimmy: knowing things & not knowing things Janis: yeah Janis: having no way of asking Jimmy: can we even still get what we want if there's no Jimmy: it feels like only pieces of things Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: but then you're here & everything Jimmy: so I don't know Jimmy: was I just looking in the wrong fucking place or Janis: I don't know either Janis: but this Janis: us Janis: feels better than nothing Janis: that I do know Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: me too Janis: so can it be enough Janis: for now Jimmy: tell me we can get away from here Jimmy: all this shit Jimmy: & that's enough for ever Janis: we will Janis: we have to Jimmy: this right now Jimmy: that's more of an escape than I reckoned I'd get Jimmy: til 18 anyway Janis: I never did it properly Janis: leaving Janis: but now Janis: I do with you Janis: you're escape Jimmy: whatever else happens, I'll always give you that, alright Janis: alright Jimmy: there's so much I don't know how to say Jimmy: or if I should Jimmy: about before Janis: same so Janis: only if and when we want to Janis: not 'cos we have to or 'cos someone else says it or Janis: our rules Jimmy: [agrees out loud] Jimmy: Ian's a fucking bellend but he has a point about trying to move the fuck on, I suppose Jimmy: I don't want that shit to define me, I never asked for that Jimmy: for them to do it to me & make it all anyone knows about me Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: I'm just Jimmy: It's like you said earlier about people reckoning they know you Jimmy: thinking about that Janis: That's like Janis: exactly what I meant Janis: you know ME better for not knowing that shit Janis: it just ruins everything Jimmy: I'm happy I know you Jimmy: give a shit about that bollocks Jimmy: getting in the way Janis: then that's all that matters Janis: yeah? Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: it don't even matter that we're too sober for chatting like this Janis: I wont tell if you don't Jimmy: who would I? the 🐶 Janis: maybe Janis: she will bite your face off if you try and brag about what we just did though Jimmy: maybe she'd like me if I told her your secrets though the gossipy bitch Janis: 😱 turn her against me Jimmy: can I brag to Pete about my part of what we just did though? Jimmy: I really miss my man Janis: awh 💔 Janis: 'course Jimmy: I'll leave your name out Jimmy: Juliet who Janis: you would you sneaky bitch Janis: want all the glory Jimmy: 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇 Janis: race you to CG to 💪 Jimmy: he don't live there, babe Jimmy: only the baby I abandoned in the back Jimmy: check his feed find out where he really is Janis: yes he does Janis: like teachers Jimmy: don't remind me of school Jimmy: i'm just gonna fuck you all day, alright Janis: please Janis: or I'll have to leave at lunch time Janis: not doing double maths Jimmy: soz if you get sore but less painful than the headache of sitting there learning that shit Janis: 🤤 I don't mind Janis: do what you gotta do Jimmy: don't say that & look at me like that Jimmy: fuck Janis: you know I mean it Jimmy: stop Jimmy: I'll 💀💀💀 Janis: don't worry Janis: save it for Monday Janis: day of rest tomorrow 😴 Jimmy: at mine or yours? Janis: where do you wanna be Janis: I mean, lesser of two evils, doesn't really matter to me so Jimmy: do you need 🐶💕 more or less than you need Ian knocking about? Janis: less than I want him knocking you about, obvs Janis: I should probably keep my distance for a bit Jimmy: we'll stay at yours then Janis: if you wanna be back a decent time I can wake you Janis: should go for a run anyways Jimmy: I don't wanna Jimmy: but Janis: surely he has sundays off anyway, right Jimmy: the only time basically Janis: not like you need bonding time Janis: so maybe Janis: stay Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: you gonna make me go for a run with you if I do Janis: you think you can keep up? Janis: cute 😉 Jimmy: girl come on 💪🏆 Janis: okay then Janis: I am gonna make you Jimmy: challenge accepted, babe Janis: definitely an early night for you then, boy Jimmy: you better mean sleeping Jimmy: trying to tire me out before the run Jimmy: bit sneaky Janis: 😇 Janis: sleep on the sofa if you're that concerned Jimmy: no Janis: didn't think so Jimmy: mentally trying to psyche me out too, I get it Jimmy: but I'll sleep better with you Jimmy: so if you're gonna train me you gotta let me Janis: [so cute dies] Janis: okay Janis: see the logic Jimmy: 👍 Janis: do you wanna keep going though or go home or what forreal Jimmy: do you? Janis: you can't 'do you' when I gave you options Jimmy: why Jimmy: you know what I'm on about Janis: 'cos I wanna know what you wanna do Janis: why I asked you first Jimmy: calm down Jimmy: what time are you waking me up? Janis: not that early Janis: 6 Janis: maybe 7 Jimmy: let's go back in for a bit then Janis: 👍
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Indie & Rio
Indie: can we chat? Rio: 'Course we can Indie: you still mad tho? Rio: No Rio: Serious Indie: me either Indie: my heart b heavy but not w that Rio: What's wrong, babe? Indie: all things Indie: its bad here Rio: How bad? Indie: dred like i dont wanna drag you back in but i cant cope w it Rio: Don't worry about me Rio: I'll have to sort some stuff here but how soon do you need me back Rio: and what can I do 'til then, like Indie: let me be w you i wont 2s mckenna or no thing Indie: but i gotta be out Indie: theres too many fucking situations Rio: alright Rio: of course Rio: i'll sort the uber now, where am I sending it Rio: is it the things i know or has something else, or multiple something else's happened? Indie: [sends random ass location because honestly where the fuck she wanna be rn] Indie: theres more and worse Indie: how you want it? Rio: First tell me you're safe Rio: then tell me however's easiest for you Indie: I'm proper high rn are they gonna let me come to london? Rio: Yeah, obviously don't bring anything but if it's gone it's gone Rio: You'll be fine Indie: safe Indie: i got none left to bring Indie: it been like that Rio: Damn Rio: Say no more, but do Indie: i get why my ma werent trying to do nothing but this Indie: cept its there still when you come thru Rio: That's the problem Indie: cant keep it goin innit cant keep no thing goin Indie: cant keep drew from wildin acting like a younger bringin feds to my door and my boy on my back cos hes fave target Indie: neither chatting to me like i done this Indie: did i? idk Rio: Nah, you didn't Rio: I can't even expand on it because just no, how could it be you Indie: thats how the boy treating me like i livin for the drama Indie: but the feds want drew in the pen & thats how he want it cos theres nothing left for him to fuck up in these ends Indie: i cant stop it none Rio: That ain't you though Rio: and who would be about this shit, it's the worst Rio: As for Drew Rio: I'm sorry Rio: We've been here before, there's no talking to him when he's in that space Rio: and that isn't on you Indie: every day we on this he be spitting angry at me throwing shit around but acting like im the one creating Indie: its too hard Indie: and yeah then theres drew back on his bullshit Indie: w the only apology yours to hold cos he aint offering Indie: i want him gone & i put that out into the universe so mayb i did it Indie: this is proper gone tho & that baby gonna be born soon Rio: Oh babe Rio: He don't know you like that, he shouldn't be treating you like that, standard Rio: even if you were the biggest drama queen in the world but you ain't and he got you so fucked up on that Rio: Nah, he's doing it all himself, even if you thought you wanted it or still do if not this way Rio: you can't make him do the dirt he do, or make him not Rio: The baby will be good, it'll have it's Ma and Bea is staying with her still and everyone else, you know it'll be okay Rio: what about you though baby Indie: how i let him chat to me that way? who am i rn? wtf Indie: i just want our yard back and you back and things to be what they were Indie: but its not Indie: cos even if we there what kinda ma she trying to be for real? im spinning out but like where in the universe is she @ Indie: & none of this is gonna hurt you most Indie: thats the last thing i aint chatted Rio: We've all put up with shit we shouldn't have Rio: 'cos we thought it'd pay off Rio: You ain't alone in that, nor does it make you less you even if it makes you feel less altogether Rio: I can try to talk to Drew, about the flat, idk if I can make that happen but if he goes jail he loses his lease, he only kept it in the past 'cos his boss' would pay it if he dealt inside, like but he ain't got the clout he used to have Rio: accept it or nah, no doubt we could chat about me taking it on if it comes to that but i ain't making promises Rio: I know but, you gotta trust we will all be there for damage control Rio: we're all alright ish, yeah? Rio: Go ahead, babe, I can handle it Indie: i got caught up cos i wanted someone to be for me & about me one time & everyone else has somewhere to lean Indie: you and mckenna being goals in my face Indie: everything else was a mess but i just added Indie: and now she has Indie: cos what i gotta tell you is bills told me edie be gone Indie: hardcore packed up and run out Rio: i know there's nothing i can say to make you feel less shit about it but i swear to you babe, we've all been there Rio: you know i have Rio: it doesn't make it better for you but it ain't your fuckup, it's one we all go through to grow through, yeah? no bullshit Rio: she did talk to buster but Rio: i didn't think it'd be anything more than normal Rio: i'll tell ma Indie: i reckoned bills was gonna cry she was carrying that much worry Indie: i aint no what to tell her Rio: I'll talk to her too Rio: I don't know what I'll say but Rio: it'll be alright, we can sort this Indie: i been swerving dem all hard as you Indie: more than she got detention for how hard she was trying to hit me up she said Indie: doing everyone the dirtiest ever why i gotta leave Rio: I can't blame you Rio: This shit is hard Rio: and painful Rio: I'm sorry I left you alone Indie: he aint try and fuck me i got no excuses Indie: [sends selfie] am I 😢 I can't feel it so what you seeing? Indie: not trying to be out here in the wild 💔😭 Rio: Baby calm down okay, you're good Rio: Your flight is booked and the uber is en-route Rio: I sent all your deets to you, all you gotta do is get here Rio: we're gonna sort all this okay and the shit we can't we gonna make bearable at least Indie: i dont have anything tho cant b living in mckennas garms after the last Indie: he gon b mad enough im rolling up likely Rio: No he won't Rio: I got plenty of shit you can borrow don't stress on that Rio: Nance has got a mental wardrobe here too Indie: o yeah other mckenna Indie: always sleeping on her living there too Indie: she aint but she do Rio: Exactly, I've had to borrow her bed loads of times before and you know they living that en-suite life Rio: you can stay for as long as you need Indie: innit what school gon do put drew in prison? 😂 Rio: Tbh Rio: In the grand scheme of things, that doesn't matter rn, soz teachers Indie: ill screenshot them words like my ma says Rio: I missed you Indie: safe cos imma be in your face soon Rio: wish it was under better circumstances, like Rio: but we'll get there Indie: @ the age to have a breakdown once a wk soz bout it 😂 Rio: that i can handle Rio: nothing that a pint of ben & jerry's and some chill time can't Indie: warn mckenna to lock up his squad & we all good Rio: 😏 Will do Rio: he's not really rolling with them rn so temptation should be outta the way Indie: 😍💍 be like Indie: i feel it Rio: Erm I ain't that hoe 😣😂 Indie: theres how you say & how you do bitch 😏💘😂 Indie: 👀 you from the front row in a few Rio: 🙄😔 am I really that bad Indie: nah nah Indie: mckenna be amp as Indie: its a good link Rio: Yeah but I mean Rio: do you feel like I've been ignoring you Rio: pre you know, that bullshit Indie: allow it babe Indie: you never done nobody that way Rio: Promise Rio: 'cos that ever what I was trying to be Indie: you always on the clock & your game Indie: trust Rio: Alright, 'nuff about me Rio: is there anything else you need, either now or for when you get here? Indie: gon need to grab my shit while 👻ing this boy Indie: standard juggle Indie: if hes been holding that long & not dashed it out ill break in Rio: You're gonna take some mates with you, yeah? Indie: bitch please i dont need the lads knoing my business that hard Rio: is it a good idea tho, even if he got his own van u kno they all got each other's backs, like Rio: be careful, all i'm saying Indie: they aint gonna call the feds on me man Indie: ill leave it til im back need a clearer head than this for a lock pick Rio: Yeah, don't worry 'bout it now Rio: anything replaceable we can sort now Indie: im not tryin to lose my head over things rn Indie: if imma be in london i got what i need Rio: That's the main thing Rio: and I ain't gonna come at you with 20 questions either, like Rio: space can include from me, just lemme know what you're feeling Indie: i been had enough space from you girl Indie: i miss you Rio: was hoping you'd say that Indie: i love you more than Indie: thats the mood Rio: i love you too Rio: no outs Indie: dont lets lose each other again Indie: 💖💖 Rio: never 🧡 Indie: how long this uber tryna be im 😫😫😫 Indie: imma b sleepin on this wall like i kicking it nursery rhyme vibes Rio: it's saying it's nearly there on the app Rio: if you gonna crash at the airport make sure you near the gate tho Indie: safe Indie: o sick idea Indie: the plane not trying to be up long enough for that shit tho innit Rio: legit its as quick as the bus into town like Rio: be here in no time Indie: its a madness Rio: yeah, see, it's not that far really Indie: feels like Indie: but mayb thats just how i want it so i can 👻 this town harder than afore Rio: it's far enough for that Rio: ain't letting drew out the country are they Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: not less they start deporting crooks old school like when 🐨 country just one big pen Rio: He wishes Rio: always got his top off like we living that life here Indie: fr like he needs a tan to appear more peng nah nah Rio: if we wanna get a new wifey Rio: least if she out there we unlikely to be related to her so go off Indie: true true Indie: unless he tryna head to spain for my nan we all good Rio: 😬 Rio: yikes, not a mental image we need Indie: idk i hear she keeps things tight & fresh Indie: hes done worse Rio: Stop 😩 Rio: 'less you gonna bring me one of them sick bags Indie: get you a straw donkey when he drag me out there for the 💒 Indie: i got you Rio: when u don't wanna be nan but u down to be ma Indie: least she too old to put a 👶 in Indie: & it aint like being down to be ma is top of his list for how he want his wifeys Indie: that ones just for you like Indie: ro not trying to mother me no mind the one she growing rn Rio: Fair Rio: Willing to put up with his shit and mother him is clearly more vital Rio: 'low it with the mommy issues like he's the only one going without Rio: twat Indie: o snap Indie: just cos yours aint want you boy dont mean you gotta kill mine tho Rio: o snapped too soon Rio: but he ain't get snapped on enough for that Indie: when he offering you dem same goodies ☠ Indie: thanks dad Indie: you a real one Rio: waste Rio: he's so fucked Indie: i was 👍 Indie: down & out Indie: what that make me? Rio: you a kid Rio: not chatting down to you, but you allowed to be is what I mean Rio: he's grown and he caused your shit, he should know and do better so you could Rio: literally his job Indie: idc now if he show up for astrid thatd do man Indie: grown past him still Rio: Yeah Rio: we'll have to wait n see if he can be arsed to prove himself Rio: idk if he's been allowed near since you know Indie: not from what ive 👂 Indie: coulda changed since he stopped chatting at me tho Indie: or he coulda just been chattin it so it dont look his fault he swervin Rio: wouldn't blame them from keeping him away rn, your hormones are fucked and she's never had much sense when it came to him Rio: but i don't know if it's a forever deal or what Indie: i can see her lawin it cos he burned her so hard w this Indie: proper owned Indie: she aint tryin to let you come thru & you fam so Rio: well you know Indie: cant call her out that hard when it aint that different from how my ma tryin to be when Indie: they all 🤡 for him Rio: yeah Rio: i don't get it Rio: whatever, he's good looking Indie: so your da he aint a wasteman w it Rio: it's easier to be treated like shit sometimes though than accept the love init Indie: call out 🔫 at me bitch Rio: not what i was going for Rio: just saying he ain't special with it, we all do it Indie: 👀 you Rio: 😏 shh Indie: 😂 Rio: neway Rio: he's out, yeah? Indie: innit Rio: 👍 Indie: how you livin Indie: gimme dat 411 Rio: yeah good tbh, the place where i work is cool Rio: i'm just doing promo stuff 'cos i don't wanna get too into anything obvs but it's fun, not dry like the angel was getting Indie: sick! they gonna let me in or ⛔ Rio: see what i can do Rio: sure we get u made up no one gonna be too amp Indie: dont 🤡 me Indie: keep it 💋 Rio: oi don't be doubting my skillz Rio: you ever seen me out like that 😂 rude Indie: doubtin my ability to carry all that Indie: you ever seen me in 👠 bitch Rio: you don't need 'em when you out with me Rio: only just be touching your height in mine so Indie: 😂😂😂 Rio: 😣 be looking stupid short 'round here Indie: you will stand w mckenna Rio: what i'm sayin Indie: 😍 gotta travel far 💖💖 baby Indie: good thing he extra too Rio: 😂 Indie: hows the love Rio: I don't wanna be extra about it at you Rio: but it is good Rio: and no one totally flipped shit on it so Indie: im not that 💔💔💔 you cant speak on it Indie: boy dont get to do me dirty and keep me pining long Rio: That's my girl Rio: 💪 Indie: throw shit @ me again he gon catch these hands Rio: serious, what a cunt Rio: he ain't gonna have the chance Indie: do me a solid & dont tell the fam yeah? your ma only just calmin after wanting to merk drew Rio: 'course Rio: you got it handled Rio: they don't need to know every little thing Indie: i did nearly run there the other thinkin i was gonna be baby'd up same time as my step ma near Indie: but nah 🍀 Rio: remind me to take you drs yeah Rio: 😰 Indie: its chill i not letting any lads near me in the 24 or out of Rio: still, with your memory, i don't think the pill is the one we'll get you the implant maybe Rio: or the coil, they last time Indie: sexy Indie: he was wrapped but it got fucked up idk was wild Indie: get them posho london drs to sort me 😂😂😂 Rio: nah you wanna be the one in control of that shit babe trust Indie: 👑👑👑 Indie: i feel that Rio: boys be mad dumb that shit could be old or ripped there's no telling Indie: fr 😒😒🙄🙄 Indie: he only got a year on me too idc how many girls he tryna chat he been w he dont kno that much Rio: You can defs take off at least 20% of whatever he chatting Rio: Trust Indie: serious? Rio: Probably Rio: or think about how many of them were like Rio: 5 minute fumbles at parties and shit Rio: doesn't really do much for your game even if its a numbers booster Indie: tell me mckennas i wont say shit to him swear down Rio: 😂 i would but idk Rio: i ain't asked Indie: girl WHAT Indie: bitch imma do it for you Indie: we taking off like 90% for him 'cause how he like to chat or nah? Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: I can imagine like, I don't need confirmation Rio: Poor baby 😂 Indie: do he kno your numbers? Rio: Nope Rio: 'less he tryna keep track like that which I doubt lmao Indie: its jam we can keep em on 🔒 Rio: Idc I'd tell you Rio: but he ain't wanna know trust Indie: boy too jel Indie: how they all be Rio: you know Indie: drew be tellin me how to do w my body like he something to me so we can let mckenna stand Rio: yeah that's a whole nother thing Rio: that ain't cute or wanted Indie: he aint 😂😂😂 Rio: truth hurts 😂 Indie: innit tho Rio: ur uber says its there so pull up Indie: i be waving to someone Indie: gotta b Rio: kinda excited even though it's cos everything is shit Indie: it me you gotta be hype 💖💖💖 Rio: That's alright then 😘 Indie: what mckenna say bout it? Rio: He's cool, gonna talk to his Dad so we don't have to Rio: getting food too to show he can, like Indie: trying to flex o boy Rio: ever since you dissed him Rio: gotta get good Indie: he need be told 👌 Indie: bring 🍔 🍕🍟 any of Indie: it aint hard if you smart Rio: idk if he taking orders but i'll let him know 😏 Indie: hit him w a screenshot and add 🥊 or 💪 Indie: 💍💍💍 life be like Rio: You have no idea babe Rio: getting it from both of yous again now 😜 Indie: is it? he wearin the 👖 thats how you 😍😍 Indie: i been knew Indie: 💘💘💘 Rio: Shut up 😩 Rio: That just how it be in the bedroom don't get it twisted Indie: 😏😏 when he such a daddy you let him wear the 👑 out 😏😏😏 Rio: yeah you lucky you still a flight away Rio: 🥊 'fore 💋 forreal Indie: 😂😂😂😂
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Rio & Buster
Rio: You got no business looking that good Rio: This is a religious holiday Buster: Don't look at me like that Buster: You're being unholy yourself, like Rio: Ha, try and make me stop Rio: we're fine, everyone's too busy with their lamb, thanks da Buster: You might be fine but I'm eventually gonna have to get up from this table Rio: You want me to pass you some water, babe? Buster: Don't you dare Rio: Salt? The peas? Buster: Behave Rio: But I'm bored Rio: and you're hot Buster: Well, bored isn't the word for how you're making me feel Buster: And don't start me on how you fucking look Rio: But I need to know what you're thinking Buster: But I thought you knew everything, babe Buster: Losing your touch already, like Rio: You want me to show you I ain't here and now? Rio: Well, okay Buster: Okay Buster: Go on Rio: Damn, been a while since I had to play footsie Buster: If you aren't up to it, like Rio: Please Rio: You know I could get you off from here if I wanted to Buster: You promising or warning me? Rio: Neither Rio: 😇 naturally Rio: wish it was though Buster: I wish you were on my lap right now Rio: Baby 😩 Rio: Play nice Buster: 😇 Buster: Get me a drink, yeah? I wanna see more of you Rio: What you want? Buster: Surprise me Rio: Stick to your usual Rio: Raising enough eyebrows being civil, never mind if I get you a 🍸 Buster: 😂 Buster: I can throw it back in your face if you like Buster: Be very uncivil Rio: 😂 Rio: I know you want me on you but you want it that bad you'll settle for a fat lip Buster: I'll take it if you call me later to make up Rio: Face that cute? I could never Rio: Though makeup sex is always worth it Buster: Never say never, babe Rio: You planning to get me that mad already? Buster: Like you said, we're raising eyebrows otherwise Rio: Hmpf Buster: Don't look at me like that either Rio: I can't help it Rio: I want you Rio: I hate pretending otherwise Rio: even though we gotta, obvs Buster: I know, babe Buster: There's gotta be something this fam is running low on so I can be a gent and take you to buy more Rio: Not fucking eggs that's for sure, think they've forgotten we ain't kids anymore Rio: the haul Jay's gonna walk away with will last her 'til she's at least 2 Buster: Maybe if I leave them here Buster: Chlo ain't got the willpower or memo that she ain't a kid herself Buster: I'd offer to keep drinking so we run out but I already don't trust myself around you Rio: Wouldn't be a proper function if someone didn't get wasted and disgrace themselves Rio: Put you to bed before you properly drag us both down, don't worry babe Buster: Don't, I need you to take me to bed Buster: or anywhere else Rio: I know Rio: I'll think of something Buster: Couldn't you have worn a church look or whatever Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: This is my church look Rio: turning it out for Jesus 💁 Buster: 'Course Buster: Ready to pray, yeah? Rio: Think pretending I dropped something only works in the porn but I'm game to see if you are Buster: I'm game for everything Rio: I know Rio: Thank fuck 🙌🙏 Buster: Am I a bad person if I use my kid as an excuse to leave? Rio: Hmm Rio: Probably but church portion of the day well out the way so even the big man can't be judging Buster: Fuck I can't though, can I? She's loving all this Rio: Yeah, bless her Buster: Least she's too young to know that her mum didn't contribute to the easter basket or even wish her a happy one Buster: Too busy flirting with me, like Rio: 😒 Rio: Bitch Buster: I told her me and Erin broke up 'cause there was someone else but she only heard the first part, obviously Buster: Not even any of her business what I do but that's a whole other story Rio: That'll be fun then, thinking she's got more of a chance than she usually does Rio: How does she not die of shame, like Buster: She'll outlive everyone Buster: Just to fuck me off Rio: 😂 Rio: all those spa trips Rio: going to the fucking fountain of youth Buster: Honestly Buster: I'm gonna need a buy myself a spa if she goes through with her plan to come here and pick Jay up Rio: 😬 Rio: least I get to see her best attempt at a seduce 'em 'fit Rio: see what I'm up against, like Buster: 😂 Buster: Indie's got more game and she's a kid Rio: pass on the compliment Rio: full of the joys of spring, babe Buster: She'll love that. I've seen her looking at me when I'm trying not to look at you Rio: Can't blame her Rio: You look especially good rn Buster: Still not on your level, babe Buster: You're so fucking beautiful Rio: Don't Rio: gonna make me blush Buster: I have to Buster: You need to know Rio: Baby Rio: Come find me in 5 idc Rio: I've got to see you properly Buster: Where? Rio: The studio upstairs Rio: there's old toys and shit in there that we can be trying to find Buster: and good lighting Buster: 'cause you know I wanna see you properly too Rio: Exactly Rio: you can appreciate fully Buster: I'm really appreciating how loud this fam is right now Rio: Got their uses Buster: If Jay gets much more hype there ain't nothing I couldn't do that they'd pick up on Rio: She's stealing your thunder, it true Rio: everyone too 😍 to notice us Buster: Good Buster: I only want you to notice me anyway Buster: No offense Indie Rio: Trust, I've not been able to focus on anything else Buster: I'm not sorry Rio: Me either but still gonna make you 😏 Buster: Go Buster: I'll see you in 5 Rio: 👋 Buster: I can't believe we actually got away with that Buster: Again Rio: We're just that good Rio: or they're just really deaf Buster: I like option 1 Buster: You're so good, Rio Rio: You too baby Rio: No matter how many times you make me cum, never enough, like Rio: mad Buster: What are you doing later? Buster: Come over and I won't stop Rio: Got a shift but can probably pop 'round after and Indie won't be home yet to clock I'm not Rio: thinks I got a mans anyway so Buster: As long as you don't wake Jay you can come over when you want Buster: Yeah? What did you tell her Rio: Of course Rio: 😶😇 Rio: Oh, that I've been fucking you, obviously Buster: Cheers for making me choke on my drink like a soft cunt, babe Buster: Hilarious Buster: Grandad's looking at me like I killed a bloke Rio: 😂 sacrilege to not be able to handle your drink in this fam Rio: just can't handle my bants, soz babe Buster: He'd rather I did someone over with my glass, I know Rio: Questionable ethics for a easter egg hunt for kiddos but go off, old man Buster: 😂 Buster: Gotta keep that competitive edge Rio: Don't, this lot need a referee Rio: putting Indie and Jan on time out Buster: I volunteer Grace Buster: Imagine like Rio: Definition of lamb to the slaughter Rio: appropriate for today but poor girl 😂 Buster: I'll cut her some slack, she's good with my kid Rio: Yeah Rio: who doesn't love a cute new baby Rio: programmed to in this fam Buster: True Buster: Only reason I ain't disinherited Rio: Weren't you're 'rents basically your age anyway? Rio: Can't judge when you make the same mistakes, just be very, very disappointed on the low 😜 Buster: Different story that we're all sick of hearing though, ain't it? Buster: My dad was in love with my mum when he was like 7 Rio: 'bout to say that's a madness but did mine really mature much in those 8 years like? Rio: 🙄 mental, all of 'em Buster: This fucking fam 🙄🙄 Buster: I'd rather be like Chlo who Rio: As much as she is that forgettable, defs not gonna happen on her watch is it Buster: She's still flirting Buster: Give it up, babe Buster: But like don't Rio: Pretend to be your new crazy gf if you wanna Rio: losing her mind searching for socials that don't exist Buster: Please Rio: Easy Rio: Comforted enough of my friends when they're in the wrong to know how to go off Buster: Come through for me then Rio: Fun Rio: Lemme hit up Grace for her straighteners Buster: She'll be buzzing Rio: Forreal, always trying to come for my hair Buster: 😒 Rio: Probably does look a mess now no thanks to you Rio: like bitch, you been dragged through a hedge backwards what's good Buster: Shut up Buster: You know you look good Rio: You might've mentioned a few times 😋 Buster: I'll show you a few more times if you need me to Buster: Just say the word, like Rio: Trying to get me to say the p word Rio: Gonna have to do better Buster: If I was trying you'd have already said it Rio: Promises, promises Rio: Can have that one for free Buster: Well, can't exactly promise to bend you over the table, much as I might wanna Rio: Buster Rio: Why put that in my head when I'm here having to wash up with the mas Buster: It's been in mine since I got here Rio: ugh Rio: either come help or go away Rio: can't have you near me if you're not gonna be near enough Buster: I like you but I don't like you that much Buster: I'll go do some daddy duties like Rio: 😂 Rio: fucking cheek Rio: good luck getting her away from your ma, that manicures too expensive for our dishwater, like Buster: It's not all you, I ain't about to leave my watch lying around this lot either Rio: have your hand off for it like Rio: didn't you know you were coming to the 24 Buster: I had tunnel vision, didn't I? Rio: Good Rio: how I like it Buster: I know Rio: What else do you know Buster: I know I want to be alone with you Rio: Tonight Buster: Yeah Buster: Unless you've got a better offer all of a sudden, that is Rio: You what? Buster: What I said Rio: Yeah but Rio: No, not since you last checked in like, 10 minutes ago, we're still on babe 😂 Buster: Says you but your phone been blowing up since then Buster: So whatever Rio: It's literally Indie Rio: Told you she's Sherlocking me Rio: Was you jealous? Buster: Fuck off Buster: 'Course not Rio: Awww Rio: How cute Buster: Shut up no Rio: Yeah you were Rio: s'okay, you know you got no reason to be now and i can't tell no one anyway Buster: I always knew I had no reason to be, babe, I ain't no proper competition Buster: That's why I wasn't Rio: Oh, really? Rio: Well then, I won't make an extra special effort to show you how much you do not need to be jealous Rio: Cool with me Buster: Behave Buster: No need to go that far, babe Buster: You can still show me something Rio: Idk now Rio: catch me going through my contacts like 🤔🤔🤔 Rio: got me thinkin' Buster: Yeah you do Buster: You know you won't get better than this right here Rio: Yeah Rio: so you still gonna let me have it or are you too pouty now? Buster: Yeah 'cause you obviously need me to remind you how good you got it with me Rio: Don't but want it so Rio: Please Buster: Let's go then Buster: I'll get Jay ready and follow you out Rio: Can't yet Rio: In fact, brb for a sec Buster: Seriously? Rio: [Suitable amount of time to have a smoke later] Rio: Back Rio: Indie needed some TLC Buster: I reckon you meant THC Rio: That too Buster: You wanna go now? Rio: Reckon this party's pretty much over Rio: got the 🍫 let's ride Buster: I can say I'm giving you a ride yeah? That's just gentlemanly Buster: Otherwise you'll freeze to death waiting around the corner Rio: I appreciate you resisting the urge to make a joke about me working the corner this time, like Rio: much obliged 👍 Rio: yeah, that seems normal and not suspicious Buster: Well, don't actually want that fat lip you threatened me with earlier Buster: Even if you would kiss it better Rio: For a whitey, your lips aren't bad Rio: so I'll leave you how you are 😘 Buster: Cheers Rio: Please tell me there's no family functions for a while? Rio: Hard work not being able to be on you Buster: Christ knows with this fam that I can't make that promise Buster: But I swear you'll never have to wait long for me to come find you whenever there is Rio: Now, THAT'S a promise Buster: And you can hold me to it, babe Rio: I will
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