#with pecans and almonds and dark/white chocolate chips
painful-pooch · 1 year
Hope your family stops being assholes. Here is a cookie :)
I hope so too. I'm just an Izzy trying to write whump, enjoy life, and have a good time. I don't have time for them and their BS. BUTTTTTTTTTT
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HOW I’VE BEEN SUCESSFULLY LOSING WEIGHT: Notes from a former binge eater ♥️
*this guide is to show how ~I~ do things and offer advice on how to do it MY way. I am in no way encouraging anyone to do themselves harm. First off,
That being said.. this is literally the longest I’ve ever gone without bingeing. It’s just,,, easy this time. Once you get a feel of what it’s like to be skinny you just don’t crave junk as much anymore bc you KNOW it’s not worth it. The trick is to eat clean 90% of the time and allow your favorite treats 10% do the time. Fit them into your calorie limit!!! Here’s some personal favorites that have helped me lose like 20lbs in the past 2 months.
I tend to do one higher- calorie drink during the day (protein shake, Starbucks, etc) and one healthy filling but low cal meal and a sweet snack at the end of the night.
Mediterranean salad (~150): mixed greens, chopped bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion. Little bit of feta cheese. Balsamic vinegar (not dressing or vinegarette!!!!) I don’t add meat but you could totally add chicken for low cal high protein choice. You could also add olives but I don’t fw them.
Chocolate Protein shakes from the gas station (loll). They’re 220 cal on average and a great treat. Strawberry one is good too.
SEAWEED SNACKS they’re literally 30-60 calories for a pack and kill my urge to eat chips!!! Please give them a try!
Soups. Soups that are already portioned and have the calorie amount posted. I add extra seasonings and spice to boost metabolism.
Coffee!! With almond milk and a little coffee creamer. It’s worth the calories if you want a coffee just make one it’s better than going to Starbucks.
Sushi: I’m vegetarian so I get an avocado and cucumber roll. It’s so good with fresh ginger and a little soy sauce. Sometimes I will be craving it allllllll day and have it as my OMAD so rewarding 🥹
Miso soup>>>>>> add tofu and seaweed and onions!! And mushrooms if you like them.
Monster Ultra energy drinks,,,, yeah I know they’re bad for you but I love them.
Fruits!!! I especially love strawberries, watermelon, cherries, blackberries, pineapple and mangoes.
Trail mix: dried cherries, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, cashews. High in calories but perfect for killing hunger. High protein keeps you full and muscles strong, high healthy fats will keep your hair and skin and nails beautiful.
Chocolates: SMALL PORTIONS. if you can’t eat just eat a piece without bingeing, do NOT buy a big bag. what I do is I buy a bar of whatever chocolate I’m craving for my bf and we share it piece by piece. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white, hazelnut, with coffee beans, with toffee, fruits, chocolate is the best thing ever 🍫
Starbucks! My fav drinks are matcha lattes (hot/iced), iced white chocolate mocha, caramel macchiato, and occasionally a pumpkin spice latte. Peppermint mochas on the holidays. Oat milk always
Baked goods. Same deal as the chocolate, ONLY BUY THE PORTION YOURE GOING TO EAT. If you have been craving a croissant, go get one. One. Don’t buy a whole dozen of them. You will end up bingeing trust me. My favs are cinnamon rolls <3
I’m going to the gym!!! Consistently for the first time in my life. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Spend 30 min on the treadmill alternating between incline walking and easy paced jogging. Put on a YouTube video. Wear pink and bring a cute water bottle. You have to make an experience out of it! I stick to cardio and full body stretches plus ocasional (light) strength workouts w my bf.
I don’t drink anymore. Just 🍃. Alc is so high in sugar and carbs and it’s literally poison bro. I know it’s hard to stop but once you do you’ll feel so much better.
I rarely weigh myself. I’m at my bfs house all the time so I only step on my scale maybe 3 times a month. It’s been a game changer!!!
I practice mindfulness and speak kindly to myself. Basically sweetspo + affirmations to myself all the time.
Taking more pride in your appearance will also help motivate you. You think you’ll still want to binge after you took a full body shower, clean PJ’s or outfit, painted your nails, skincare and makeup done, whitened your teeth and lit a candle? No thanks.
Limit stupid, negative, useless media consumption. Watch things that have to do with your hobbies/ interests and your social media algorithms begin to kinda clean themselves up over time. My pages are all about exercise, study blogs, beauty tips and sciencey stuff. No more drama or celebrity nonsense. Cut down your following!!
Remember you only have one life on earth. You’re young and hot once. Don’t you want to grab this chance while you have it? Unfortunately your beauty is your currency especially as a woman, so if there’s anything I can do to give myself a better life I will. Losing just a few pounds of fat will make the craziest difference in ways you’d never expect. Free and discounted stuff. More people smile at you and listen to what you have to say. Both literal and figurative doors will be opened for you.Clothes fit better bc they’re more flattering when your body is fit and healthy. While it feels good to get validation from other people, the best part of it is looking in the mirror and feeling proud instead of ashamed. The inner confidence that comes from successful transformation………….there’s no other feeling that compares. If you know, you know. I’m just saying,, the choice is yours 🤷🏼‍♀️
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A sandwich.
It contains ice cream, whipped cream, sponge cake, meat balls, broccoli, pineapple, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, rice, noodles, mac and cheese, bacon, beef jerky, dried fish, seaweed, one of every Pokemon berry, jam, olive oil, lotus, dragon fruit, ravioli, ramen, tempura, teriyaki chicken, macaroons, escargots, mint, pepper, salt, sugar, croquettes, pickles, apples, avocados, sausages, bell peppers, grapes, pizza, a donut, cheese, more cheese, even more cheese, mushrooms, mustard, olives, a fried egg, a scrambled egg, blueberries, a poached egg, chawanmushi, a red bean bun, mochi, bbq sauce, chicken nuggets, french fries, takoyaki, pancakes, mackerel, salmon, coffee beans, spinach, a tiny bit of corn cream soup, ramensanga, fettucine alfredo, a plain bagel, pretzels, chocolate chip cookies, sweet potato, yam, potato, scallions, scallops, squid, crab stick, fish balls, fish cakes, oyster sauce, silken tofu, barley, cereal, paprika, oysters, red snapper, sea bass, plums, bean sprouts, garlic, string cheese, camembert, swiss cheese, mozzarella, parmesan cheese, yogurt, brinjal, a macdonald’s happy meal (without the toy and the packaging of course), truffles, caviar, tapioca balls, fried chicken, century eggs, cake sprinkles, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, milk tea (just a tinge), coffee (also a tinge), pudding, pumpkin, honey, mutton, mashed potatoes, bananas, icelandic fermented shark that they bury in the ground for months, raisins, dried mangoes, a drop of water, jelly, nata de coco, prunes, roasted pork, rosemary, bee pollen, peas, deer meat, rabbit meat, fish maw, ham, turkey, m&ms, chub, fufu, watermelon, winter melon, rock melon, coffee jelly, cacao, carrots, blueberries, black tea, dumplings, carrot cake, beetroot, purple cabbage, corn, celery, edamame, red beans, black beans, green beans, kidney beans, cashews, peanuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, walnuts, chickpeas, almonds, daikon, MSG, tamales, anchovies, tabbouleh, lions mane mushroom, chicken of the woods, kelp, octopus, durian, kimchi, crème fraîche, popcorn, cotton candy, everything bagel seasoning, capers, pears, marinara sauce, bittercress, butter cream, every single iteration of galarian curry, sushi, sashimi, kale and a very very specific ramen bowl (without the actual bowl) from a very particular shop located in Iwatodai.
And the top and bottom buns are somehow made from 50 different kinds of bread in a checker box pattern.
It comes with a picture.
Ingredients: I am not typing all of that out again. What the fuck.
Smell: You’ve taken an entire food court’s worth of food and made it into a sandwich. This isn’t even possible. Why am I considering this. 3/5
Taste: How do you eat this. 2/5
Texture: You get like 5 different foods every bite. This is not balanced. There is no harmony. This sandwich is the embodiment of disorder and chaos. 1/5
Presentation: The fact that this even looks sandwich adjacent is a fucking miracle. You don’t get full points though. Because I don’t like you. 3/5
Would Chunk Eat It?: He would eat maybe 1/50th of it. So no. 1/5
Final Score: 2/5
Critic’s Notes: Why would you waste this much food. Just host a party. Donate it. Something fucking anything I am begging at this point.
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chaos-cousins · 5 months
Pelipper mail!
A sandwich.
It contains ice cream, whipped cream, sponge cake, meat balls, broccoli, pineapple, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, rice, noodles, mac and cheese, bacon, beef jerky, dried fish, seaweed, one of every Pokemon berry, jam, olive oil, lotus, dragon fruit, ravioli, ramen, tempura, teriyaki chicken, macaroons, escargots, mint, pepper, salt, sugar, croquettes, pickles, apples, avocados, sausages, bell peppers, grapes, pizza, a donut, cheese, more cheese, even more cheese, mushrooms, mustard, olives, a fried egg, a scrambled egg, blueberries, a poached egg, chawanmushi, a red bean bun, mochi, bbq sauce, chicken nuggets, french fries, takoyaki, pancakes, mackerel, salmon, coffee beans, spinach, a tiny bit of corn cream soup, ramensanga, fettucine alfredo, a plain bagel, pretzels, chocolate chip cookies, sweet potato, yam, potato, scallions, scallops, squid, crab stick, fish balls, fish cakes, oyster sauce, silken tofu, barley, cereal, paprika, oysters, red snapper, sea bass, plums, bean sprouts, garlic, string cheese, camembert, swiss cheese, mozzarella, parmesan cheese, yogurt, brinjal, a macdonald’s happy meal (without the toy and the packaging of course), truffles, caviar, tapioca balls, fried chicken, century eggs, cake sprinkles, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, milk tea (just a tinge), coffee (also a tinge), pudding, pumpkin, honey, mutton, mashed potatoes, bananas, icelandic fermented shark that they bury in the ground for months, raisins, dried mangoes, a drop of water, jelly, nata de coco, prunes, roasted pork, rosemary, bee pollen, peas, deer meat, rabbit meat, fish maw, ham, turkey, m&ms, chub, fufu, watermelon, winter melon, rock melon, coffee jelly, cacao, carrots, blueberries, black tea, dumplings, carrot cake, beetroot, purple cabbage, corn, celery, edamame, red beans, black beans, green beans, kidney beans, cashews, peanuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, walnuts, chickpeas, almonds, daikon, MSG, tamales, anchovies, tabbouleh, lions mane mushroom, chicken of the woods, kelp, octopus, durian, kimchi, crème fraîche, popcorn, cotton candy, everything bagel seasoning, capers, pears, marinara sauce, bittercress, butter cream, every single iteration of galarian curry, sushi, sashimi, kale and a very very specific ramen bowl (without the actual bowl) from a very particular shop located in Iwatodai.
And the top and bottom buns are somehow made from 50 different kinds of bread in a checker box pattern.
What the actual fuck.
It has whipped cream on it. Disgusting.
No it's just the first thing I saw that grossed me out and you know I hate whipped cream
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ziodyne-amax · 5 months
Pelipper mail! (To kotone)
A sandwich.
It contains ice cream, whipped cream, sponge cake, meat balls, broccoli, pineapple, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, rice, noodles, mac and cheese, bacon, beef jerky, dried fish, seaweed, one of every Pokemon berry, jam, olive oil, lotus, dragon fruit, ravioli, ramen, tempura, teriyaki chicken, macaroons, escargots, mint, pepper, salt, sugar, croquettes, pickles, apples, avocados, sausages, bell peppers, grapes, pizza, a donut, cheese, more cheese, even more cheese, mushrooms, mustard, olives, a fried egg, a scrambled egg, blueberries, a poached egg, chawanmushi, a red bean bun, mochi, bbq sauce, chicken nuggets, french fries, takoyaki, pancakes, mackerel, salmon, coffee beans, spinach, a tiny bit of corn cream soup, ramensanga, fettucine alfredo, a plain bagel, pretzels, chocolate chip cookies, sweet potato, yam, potato, scallions, scallops, squid, crab stick, fish balls, fish cakes, oyster sauce, silken tofu, barley, cereal, paprika, oysters, red snapper, sea bass, plums, bean sprouts, garlic, string cheese, camembert, swiss cheese, mozzarella, parmesan cheese, yogurt, brinjal, a macdonald’s happy meal (without the toy and the packaging of course), truffles, caviar, tapioca balls, fried chicken, century eggs, cake sprinkles, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, milk tea (just a tinge), coffee (also a tinge), pudding, pumpkin, honey, mutton, mashed potatoes, bananas, icelandic fermented shark that they bury in the ground for months, raisins, dried mangoes, a drop of water, jelly, nata de coco, prunes, roasted pork, rosemary, bee pollen, peas, deer meat, rabbit meat, fish maw, ham, turkey, m&ms, chub, fufu, watermelon, winter melon, rock melon, coffee jelly, cacao, carrots, blueberries, black tea, dumplings, carrot cake, beetroot, purple cabbage, corn, celery, edamame, red beans, black beans, green beans, kidney beans, cashews, peanuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, walnuts, chickpeas, almonds, daikon, MSG, tamales, anchovies, tabbouleh, lions mane mushroom, chicken of the woods, kelp, octopus, durian, kimchi, crème fraîche, popcorn, cotton candy, everything bagel seasoning, capers, pears, marinara sauce, bittercress, butter cream, every single iteration of galarian curry, sushi, sashimi, kale and a very very specific ramen bowl (without the actual bowl) from a very particular shop located in Iwatodai.
And the top and bottom buns are somehow made from 50 different kinds of bread in a checker box pattern.
I’m. I’m not even sure how you managed to fit all this. This is beautiful in its monstrosity…
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trislosherfan25 · 2 years
I hate you turkey bacon bravo. I hate you Chicken Chipotle and avocado sandwich. I hate you Roasted Turkey and Avocado BLT. I hate yo Deli Turkey Sandwich. I have you BBQ chicken sandwich. I hate you steak and white cheddar sandwich. I have you frontera chicken sandwich. I hate you tuna salad sandwich. I hate you Mediterranean veggie sandwich. I hate you Napa almond chicken salad sandwich. I hate you roasted steak and white cheddar sandwich. I hate you grilled cheese. I hate you grilled Mac n cheese. I hate you signature chicken sandwich. I hate you spicy buffalo chicken sandwich. I hate you bistro French onion. I hate you broccoli cheddar. I hate you chicken noodle. I hate you chicken and wild rice. I hate you Mexican street corn chowder. I hate you creamy tomato. I hate you Thai chicken. I hate you autumn squash. I hate you ten vegetable (even though you are no longer available in select stores). I hate you Greek (with or without chicken) salad. I hate you Asian sesame with chicken salad. I hate you citrus Asian crunch salad. I hate you Cesar (with or without chicken) salad. I hate you green goddess cobb salad. I hate you strawberry poppyseed salad. I hate you Fuji apple salad. I hate you BBQ chicken salad. I hate you salad with the black bean and corn salsa on it that we never have. I hate you seasonal greens salad. I hate you Mac n cheese. I hate you broccoli Mac n cheese. I hate you Mediterranean bowl (with or without chicken). I hate you Baja bowl (with or without chicken). I hate you Terriyaki chicken and broccoli bowl. I hate you cheese pizzza. I hate you margarita pizza. I hate you pepperoni pizza. I hate you chipotle chicken and bacon pizza. I hate you pizza with the sausage on it. I hate you passion papaya green tea. I hate you charged lemonade (mango, Fuji apple cranberry, and strawberry mint). I hate you lemonade. I hate you unsweetened iced tea. I hate you iced coffee. I hate you hot coffee (decaf, hazelnut, dark roast, and light roast). I hate you smoothies (green passion, mango, peach blueberry, strawberry, and strawberry banana). I hate you frozen strawberry lemonade. I hate you chai tea latte (iced or hot). I hate you all specialty coffees. I hate you candy cookie. I hate you chocolate chipper cookie. I hate you oatmeal raisin berry cookie. I hate you lemondrop cookie. I hate you flip flop cookie. I hate you kitchen sink cookie. I hate you pumpkin muffin. I hate you blueberry muffin. I hate you cranberry orange muffin. I hate you chocolate chip muffie. I hate you plain croissant. I hate you chocolate croissant. I hate you bear claw. I hate you vanilla cinnamon roll. I hate you pecan braid. I hate you blueberry scone. I hate you orange scone. I hate you brownie. I hate you pastry ring. I hate you mini scone variety pack. I hate you petit chocolate chip cookie pack. I hate you baguette. I hate you Asiago foccaja. I hate you black pepper focaccia. I hate you classic white miche. I hate you tomato basil miche. I hate you white whole grain loaf. I hate you country rustic sourdough loaf. I hate you classic sourdough load. I hate you sourdough bread bowl. I hate you cibbatta. I hate you plain bagel. I hate you everything bagel. I hate you Asiago bagel. I hate you cinnamon crunch bagel. I hate you cinnamon swirl and raisin bagel. I hate you chocolate chip bagel. I hate you blueberry bagel. I hate you sesame bagel. I hate you sprouted grain flat. I hate you bag of chips. I hate you fruit cup. I hate you yogurt. I hate you baguette chunk. I hate you apple. I hate you avocado and egg white sandwich. I hate you chipotle chicken wrap. I hate you tomato wrap. I hate you breakfast sandwich (on brioche or cibatta, egg scrambled or over easy, with cheese, cheese and bacon, or sausage and cheese). I hate you oatmeal. I hate you parfait. I hate you Panera menu items.
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smitheliana89 · 3 months
How To Elevate Your Vanilla Ice Cream Cup Game With Unique Toppings?
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Elevating your vanilla ice cream cup game is easy and fun with unique toppings that add delicious flavors and textures. Let's explore simple and creative ways to transform your vanilla ice cream into a delightful treat.
Colorful Sprinkles: Sprinkles are like tiny bursts of happiness for your ice cream. Choose a variety of colors to make your dessert visually appealing. The vibrant hues not only look joyful but also add a subtle crunch to each spoonful.
Caramel Drizzle: Elevate your vanilla ice cream by drizzling it with rich and gooey caramel. The sweet and buttery flavor of caramel complements the creaminess of the vanilla, creating a delightful contrast. It's a simple yet luxurious addition that takes your dessert to the next level.
Crushed Cookies: Cookies aren't just for dunking in milk—they make fantastic ice cream toppings too! Crush your favorite cookies and sprinkle them over your vanilla ice cream. Whether it's chocolate chip, oreo, or shortbread, the cookie crumbles add a satisfying crunch to every bite.
Fresh Berries: Add a burst of freshness to your vanilla ice cream by topping it with a handful of fresh berries. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or a mix of all three create a fruity explosion of flavors. The natural sweetness of the berries complements the vanilla, making each spoonful delightful.
Whipped Cream Wonderland: Take your vanilla ice cream to a cloud of delight by adding a generous dollop of whipped cream. The light and airy texture of the whipped cream adds an extra layer of indulgence. You can even top it with a cherry for a classic touch.
Chocolate Chips Galore: Chocolate and vanilla are a classic combination. Sprinkle a handful of chocolate chips over your vanilla ice cream for a delightful chocolatey crunch. You can use dark, milk, or white chocolate chips, depending on your preference.
Coconut Bliss: Transport your taste buds to a tropical paradise by adding coconut flakes to your vanilla ice cream. The sweet and nutty flavor of coconut enhances the overall experience, creating a deliciously exotic treat.
Nuts for Nutty Crunch: Whether it's almonds, walnuts, or pecans, chopped nuts add a satisfying crunch to your vanilla ice cream. Toasted nuts bring out their rich flavors, creating a delightful contrast to the smoothness of the ice cream.
Sprinkle of Sea Salt: For a sophisticated twist, try sprinkling a pinch of sea salt over your vanilla ice cream. The salt enhances the sweetness of the ice cream and adds a unique flavor profile that's both unexpected and delicious.
Fruity Sauce Swirl: Elevate your vanilla ice cream by swirling in a fruity sauce. Whether it's strawberry, raspberry, or mango, the fruity goodness adds a burst of flavor. You can use store-bought fruit sauces or make your own by blending fresh fruits with a touch of sugar.
Honey Drizzle: Drizzle a bit of honey over your vanilla ice cream for a natural and sweet touch. The golden syrupy goodness adds a distinct flavor and a touch of elegance to your dessert.
Minty Freshness: Add a refreshing twist to your vanilla ice cream with a sprinkle of finely chopped fresh mint leaves. The cool and minty flavor complements the sweetness of the ice cream, creating a delightful and palate-cleansing experience.
Experiment with these toppings to discover your favorite combination. Elevating your vanilla ice cream cup game is all about unleashing your creativity and enjoying the endless possibilities of flavors and textures. Whether you opt for a classic combination or a unique fusion, each bite promises a delightful adventure for your taste buds.
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heydaytravelcompany · 6 months
Foodie Guide to Holidays at Walt Disney World Resort 2023
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All throughout the Resort, enter a winter wonderland of flavor with tasty bites and sips that will light up everyone's taste buds. From the almost too cute to eat (almost) Mickey Winter Hat Dome Cake from Amorette's Patisserie to holiday festivities like the O' Ham N' Cheese Trees at Jock Lindsey’s Hangar Bar, and even the sweet sip of the returning Gingerbread Martini, guests will be unwrapping delights all holiday season long. It’s the most wonderful time of the year and that means … holiday goodies! One of the best parts of this season are the tasty delights and this year is no different. The culinary teams at Walt Disney World Resort have been hard at work making sure everyone gets a flavorful present all across property. And with the passion and creativity put to the plate this year, there’s no doubt all of these talented culinary experts are on the nice list. It’s time to get to the Walt Disney World Resort Holidays Foodie Guide! Disney Springs Amorette's Patisserie (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31; mobile order available) - Holiday Sweets Petit Cake: Layers of spice cake, cream cheese icing, and apricot jam with fresh apple compote and Italian buttercream (New) - Mickey Winter Hat Dome Cake: Layers of vanilla chiffon, chai tea mousse, cranberry-cherry pâte de fruit, almond crunch, and brown butter ganache (New) - Christmas Tree Cream Puff: Pistachio cream puff (New) - Hot Cocoa Crème Brûlée: Hot cocoa crème brûlée with toasted marshmallow cream (New) - Gingerbread Cheesecake (New) - Cookies and Milk Éclair (New) - Mickey and Minnie Gingerbread Cookies (New) - Santa Mickey Mousse: White chocolate mousse and dark chocolate mousse with crispy pearls Chef Art Smith's Homecomin' (Available Nov. 24 through Jan. 1) - Homecomin' Holiday Turkey Sandwich: Smoked turkey on toasted artisanal bread, dressed with signature cornbread stuffing and a sweet and sour cranberry aioli served with house-made potato chips Chicken Guy! (Available Nov. 6 through Dec. 31) - Holiday Cookie Shake: Hand-spun vanilla soft-serve, blended with sugar cookies and caramel drizzle topped with marshmallow whipped cream, mini chocolate candy pieces, holiday sprinkles, and a cookie - Frozen Peppermint Cocoa Shake: Hand-spun vanilla soft-serve, blended with hot cocoa mix, peppermint, and crushed candy cane pieces topped with marshmallow whipped cream, sprinkles, crushed candy cane, mini marshmallows, and chocolate drizzle  D-Luxe Burger (Available Nov. 9 through Jan. 7; mobile order available) - Caramel Apple Pie Shake: Vanilla Gelato blended with dark caramel sauce, Granny Smith apple syrup, cinnamon syrup, and graham cracker crumbs topped with whipped cream, caramel, and graham cracker crumbs (New) Dockside Margaritas (Available Nov. 9 through Jan. 15) - Spiced Cranberry Paloma: Lunazal Reposado Tequila, cranberry juice, grapefruit juice, lime juice, and spiced simple syrup eet by Maneet Chauhan (Available upon opening through Dec. 31) - Yule Chai Greeting: Signature spiced chai, whipped cinnamon cream, toasted marshmallow, Christmas sprinkles, and a candy cane Everglazed Donuts & Cold Brew (Available Dec. 1 through 31) - Holiday Donuts Frontera Cocina (Available Nov. 10 through Dec. 31) - Marzipan Delight: Centinela Blanco Tequila, Marzipan Cordial, tres leches home-made mix, and marzipan crumble rim The Ganachery - Gingerbread Mickey Chocolate Piñata: Milk chocolate piñata with crisp pearls and gingerbread toffee (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) - Gingerbread-Pecan Toffee: Spiced toffee enrobed with milk chocolate and encrusted with toasted pecans and gingerbread crumbs (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) - Mickey Chocolate-covered Gingerbread Cookies: Spiced gingerbread cookies enrobed in milk chocolate and dark 65% chocolate (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) - Chocolate Peppermint Bark: White and dark chocolate with crushed peppermint candy (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) - Olaf Hot Cocoa Surprise: Milk chocolate shell filled with The Ganachery hot cocoa mix and house-made marshmallows (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) Gideon's Bakehouse (Available Nov. 24 through Dec. 31) - Kris Kringle Cookie: White chocolate coffee bean cookie with coconut, caramel, and vanilla bean notes topped with coarse sugar crystals and edible glitter - Cookie Vom Krampus: Chocolate cookie with mint Jock Lindsey’s Hangar Bar - Jock's Famous Pigs in the Blanket: Debreziner sausage, puff pastry, and cranberry mustard sauce (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 30) - O' Ham N' Cheese Trees: Puff pastry, Pitt ham, cheddar cheese, garlic herb butter, and sugar plum jam (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 30) - Cranberry Barbeque Meatballs: All-beef meatball, cranberry barbecue sauce, orange goat cheese, granny smith apple, spiced walnuts, orange supremes, and crispy basil (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 30) - Naughty or Nice Deviled Eggs: Crispy Ham and Sweet Honey Glazed (Nice) or Spicy Honey Glazed (Naughty) - Here We Come A-Croquetting: Turkey croquettes, sweet potato purée, bacon-cranberry jam, turkey gravy, and herbed gremolata (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) - Post-flight "Milk" and Cookies with Coquito: Bourbon-eggnog snowflake cookie, gingerbread reindeer cookie filled with dulce de leche, chocolate-peppermint Christmas tree cookie and coquito with Bacardí Rum (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) - Hot Chocolate Grail Flight: Spiced Caramel with Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum, Cookies 'n Cream with white chocolate and Stoli Vanil Vodka, Peppermint with Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur and Bols Crème de Menthe White Liqueur (Available Nov. 9 through Jan. 13) - Eternal Snowfall: St. Augustine Cane Vodka, St. Augustine Gin, Tippler's Orange Liqueur, Siesta Key Silver Rum, chipotle pineapple syrup, and sour mix topped with a float of Bols Blue Curaçao Liqueur and garnished with a snowflake sugar piece and lemon wheel (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) - Jock's Holiday Martini: Frangelico Liqueur, Tito's Handmade Vodka, Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur, hazelnut syrup, and half and half sprinkled with cinnamon and garnished with star anise (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Jan. 13) - Merry Margarita: Lunazul Reposado Tequila, Domain de Canton Ginger Liqueur, lime and pear juices, cinnamon syrup, and hibiscus syrup garnished with a holiday sugar piece and lime wedge (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Jan. 13) - Holiday Cherry Cocktail: Stoli Vanil Vodka, Heering Cherry Liqueur, simple syrup, and red cranberry juice with edible glitter and garnished with a cherry (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Jan. 13) - Ginger Mule: Frangelico Liqueur and Stoli Vanil Vodka topped with Fever-Tree Ginger Beer and garnished with a cinnamon stick and cranberries (New) (Available Nov. 9 through Jan. 13) Marketplace Snacks (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) - Olaf Waffle Sundae: Bubble waffle filled with vanilla soft-serve, peppermint sauce, candy snowflakes, a chocolate edible image, and chocolate sticks Morimoto Asia (Available through Dec. 31) - Yokai: Morimoto Knob Creek Bourbon, Monin Caramel Apple Butter Syrup, Chambord, and prosecco - Kyuri and Spicy: Cucumber-Infused Espolon Blanco Tequila, jalapeño, ginger liqueur, Ancho Reyes, John D. Taylor’s Velvet Falernum Liqueur, lime, and agave - Toji Moon: Absolut Mandarin Vodka, sake, Monin Habanero-Lime Syrup, lemongrass, yuzu, and celery bitters - After Midnight: Courvoisier VS Cognac, Legent Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, ginger, orgeat, grapefruit, lemon, cinnamon syrup, and black walnut bitters - Forever Young: Aviation Gin, Aperol, Carpano Antica Formula Vermouth, blood orange liqueur, and mole bitters - Maker Mark Flight: Maker’s Mark Cask Strength, Maker’s Mark 46, Morimoto Maker’s Mark Private Select Paddlefish (Available Dec. 25 only) - Santa's Seafood Boil: Key West pink shrimp, Cedar Key little neck clams, Prince Edward Island mussels, corn bread, red potatoes, and sweet corn Planet Hollywood (Available Nov. 6 through Dec. 26) - Frosty the Snowman Shake: Mint chocolate chip ice cream with red and green Christmas candies, sprinkles, and holiday mints topped with homemade whipped cream and a marshmallow snowman pop The Polite Pig (Available Nov. 15 through Dec. 11) - Open-face Turkey Smash: Texas toast, mashed potatoes, cornbread stuffing, turkey gravy, and cranberry chutney Splitsville Luxury Lanes - Holiday Spice Old Fashioned: Michter’s American Whiskey US Kentucky Straight Rye, holiday spice syrup, and bitters garnished with a cinnamon stick and an orange twist (Available Nov. 1 through Jan. 6) - Mistletoe: Stoli Vodka, rosemary syrup, Barrow’s Intense Ginger Liqueur, lemon juice, and soda water with a rosemary sprig and sugared cranberries garnish (Available Dec. 1 through Jan. 6) Swirls on the Water (Available Nov. 9 through Dec. 31) - Christmas Tree Sundae: Pistachio soft-serve in a waffle cone bowl with whipped cream, sprinkles, and candy Christmas lights (New) - Frozen Hot Chocolate Float with Salted Caramel (Non-alcoholic Beverage) (Alcoholic version also available with Knob's Creek) Terralina Crafted Italian (Available Dec. 25 only) - Christmas Day Special: Grilled lamb chops with creamed spinach and artichokes, wild mushroom and parmesan risotto cake, mint, and basil sauce topped and crispy leeks - Poinsettia: Cranberry mimosa with sugar dusted cranberries Vivoli il Gelato - Italian Hot Chocolate: House-made from scratch made with dark coca, dark chocolate bar, milk, and sugar topped with whipped cream or marshmallows (Available Nov. 10 through Feb. 1) - Candied Yam Cannoli: Sweet cream of yams and ricotta topped with pecans (Available Nov. 10 through Jan. 7) - Santa's Crew: Elf Mint Chocolate Chip Shake, Reindeer Chocolate Shake, and Abominable Snowman (Available Nov. 10 through Jan. 6) - Santa Waffle: Freshly-baked waffle topped with strawberries, bananas, whipped cream, and chocolate chips (Available Nov. 10 through Jan. 6) YeSake (Available Nov. 24 through Dec. 31) - Holiday Peppermint Chocolate Milk Boba Tea: Chocolate and peppermint tea latte made with boba pearls and whipped cream Outdoor Bar Locations (Available Nov. 9 through Jan. 13) - Holiday Rum Punch: Bols Blackberry Brandy, Bols Crème de Banana Liqueur, Tito's Handmade Vodka, orange tangerine syrup, and orange juice garnished with an orange wedge (New) Disney Resort Hotels Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort, Disney’s All-Star Music Resort, and Disney’s All-Star Sports Resort World Premiere Food Court, Intermission Food Court, and End Zone Food Court (Available Nov. 27 through Jan. 2; mobile order available) - Minnie Gingerbread Bundt Cake: Gingerbread Bundt cake with cream cheese icing (New)  Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge The Mara (Available Nov. 26 through Dec. 31) - Mickey Santa Hat Tart: Vanilla tart with pistachio cake, chai mousse, and caramel ganache  Jumbo House Lobby Pop-up Shop (Available Nov. 15 through Dec. 31) - Gingeraffe Cookie: Sugar cookie, gingerbread cookie, white chocolate, M&M’S chocolate candies, and a holiday wreath (New) Disney’s Art of Animation Resort and Disney’s Pop Century Resort   Landscape of Flavors and Everything POP Shopping & Dining (Available Nov. 27 through Dec. 31; mobile order available) - Deer Holly Day Cupcake: Chocolate cupcake filled with chocolate ganache and topped with a peanut butter-cream cheese buttercream Disney’s Beach Club Resort Beaches and Cream Soda Shop (Available Nov. 26 through Dec. 31) - Holiday Shake: Cookie butter milk shake with caramel drizzle and holiday sprinkles topped with a Christmas tree cupcake  Disney’s BoardWalk BoardWalk Deli (Mobile order available) - Frosted Croissant Roll: Rolled croissant dough filled with a hot chocolate-marshmallow filling (New) (Available Nov. 27 through Jan. 2) - Peppermint Brownie Cheesecake: Brownie base, peppermint cheesecake, and holiday sprinkles (Available Nov. 27 through Dec. 26) Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort Centertown Market (Mobile order available) - Snowman Blondie: Chocolate chip and peppermint blondie topped with brown butter-chocolate mousse, vanilla bean whipped cream, and white chocolate (Available Nov. 27 through Jan. 2) - Peppermint Brownie Cheesecake: Brownie base, peppermint cheesecake, and holiday sprinkles (Available Nov. 27 through Dec. 26) Disney’s Contemporary Resort   Contempo Café (Available Dec. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Holiday Cranberry Frangipane Cake: Almond frangipane with cranberry-cherry gel, white chocolate mousse, and salted honey whip (New) Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa   Gasparilla Island Grill (Available Dec. 1 through 31; mobile order available) - Present Peppermint Brownie Pop: Brownie filled with house-made peppermint patty enrobed in white chocolate (New) - Snowman Choux: Pâte à choux filled with spiced mousse and chocolate Bavarian cream Disney’s Old Key West Resort and Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa Good’s Food to Go and The Artist’s Palette (Available through Jan. 2; mobile order available at The Artist’s Palette only) - Holiday Ornament Cupcake: Christmas confetti cupcake, cream cheese mousse, and buttercream  Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort   Capt. Cook's and Kona Island (Available Dec. 17 through 31; mobile order available at Capt. Cook’s) - Tropical Holiday Cupcake: Chocolate cupcake, peppermint mousse, streusel, and chocolate décor  Pineapple Lanai (Available Dec. 1 through 31) - 'Olu Mel Holiday Float: DOLE Whip lime float with pineapple juice, ‘Olu Mel White chocolate piece, and strawberry popping candy  Trader Sam's Grog Grotto and Trader Sam's Tiki Terrace (Available Dec. 1 through Jan. 7) - Jingle Jammer: Cranberry, pineapple, cinnamon, falernum, and a splash of fresh lime juice (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Mele Kaliki Mai Tai: Plantation Original Dark Rum, Bacardí Superior Rum, St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram Liqueur, cranberry juice, orgeat, and cinnamon with a splash of fresh lime juice and a cinnamon stick - Tropical Snowstorm: Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey, Parrot Bay Coconut Rum, coconut cream with cinnamon, orgeat, and falernum topped with cinnamon and nutmeg  Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – French Quarter and Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory and Riverside Mill Food Court (Available Nov. 27 through Dec. 26; mobile order available)  - Peppermint Brownie Cheesecake: Brownie base, peppermint cheesecake, and holiday sprinkles Scat Cat’s Club – Café at Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – French Quarter   - Hot Cocoa Beignets: Trio of Mickey-shaped beignets with a dusting of hot cocoa powder, fudge drizzle, snowflake sprinkles, and a pipette of chocolate milk (New) (Available Dec. 1 through Jan. 31) Disney’s Riviera Resort Le Petit Café (Available Nov. 26 through Jan. 2) - Chocolate-Peppermint Santa Hat: Dark chocolate mousse, white chocolate-peppermint mousse, and a mint marshmallow - Gingerbread Cookie: European-style gingerbread, dark chocolate, and sugar glaze Disney’s Wilderness Lodge Roaring Fork (Mobile order available) - Peppermint Igloo: White chocolate igloo filled with white chocolate-peppermint mousse and dark chocolate cake (New) (Available Nov. 15 through Dec. 30) Available at Various Disney Resort Hotel Food Courts (Available Nov. 27 through Jan. 31; mobile order available) - Walking in a Plant-based Snow Land: Chocolate cupcake with vanilla buttercream and a flurry of snowflake sprinkles (Plant-based); Available at the following locations: - World Premiere Food Court at Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort - Intermission Food Court at Disney’s All-Star Music Resort - End Zone Food Court at Disney’s All-Star Sports Resort - Landscape of Flavors at Disney’s Art of Animation Resort - Centertown Market at Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort - Everything POP Shopping & Dining at Disney’s Pop Century Resort - Riverside Mill Food Court at Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside - Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – French Quarter Available at Various Table-Service Restaurants (Available through Jan. 7) - Gingerbread Martini: Grey Goose Vodka, RumChata Liqueur, and gingerbread spice featuring a rim of homemade gingerbread from the bakery teams Available at Select Deluxe & Specialty Resort Locations (Available Nov. 27 through Jan. 1) - Holiday Fruitcake Mule: Uncle Nearest 1884 Small Batch Whiskey, Hella Cocktail Co. apple blossom bitters, cranberry juice, and rosemary topped with ginger beer (New) - Holiday Fruitcake Old-Fashioned: Uncle Nearest 1884 Small Batch Whiskey, Hella Cocktail Co. apple blossom bitters, cranberry, lemon, and rosemary (New) Disney’s Hollywood Studios ABC Commissary (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 1; mobile order available) - Holiday Minnie Bundt Cake: Spice cake rolled in cinnamon-sugar with apple pie filling topped with spiced maple buttercream and salted caramel icing - Frozen Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa topped with mini marshmallows and chocolate sauce (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Frozen Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa with Cherry Bourbon topped with mini marshmallows and chocolate sauce Backlot Express (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 1; mobile order available) - Red Velvet Whoopie Pie: Red velvet cake, candy cane buttercream, and holiday sprinkles - Frozen Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa topped with mini marshmallows and chocolate sauce (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Frozen Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa with Cherry Bourbon topped with mini marshmallows and chocolate sauce Hollywood Scoops (Available through Jan. 1)   - Candy Cane Milk Shake: Chocolate cake doughnut, mint doughnut icing, and candy cane sprinkles PizzeRizzo (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 1; mobile order available) - Melted Snowman Sugar Cookie: Sugar cookie with red and green sugar, white chocolate, marshmallow, dark chocolate top hat, raspberry-chocolate twigs, orange sprinkle, and chocolate-covered cocoa nibs - Frozen Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa topped with mini marshmallows and chocolate sauce (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Frozen Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa with Cherry Bourbon topped with mini marshmallows and chocolate sauce Rosie's All-American Café (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 1; mobile order available) - Santa Mickey Cupcake: Chocolate cake filled with mocha fudge and topped with red almond buttercream, white chocolate, and dark chocolate Mickey ears - Frozen Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa topped with mini marshmallows and chocolate sauce (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Frozen Salted Caramel Hot Cocoa with Cherry Bourbon topped with mini marshmallows and chocolate sauce The Trolley Car Café (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 1) - Mickey Gingerbread Cookie - Red Velvet Whoopie Pie: Red velvet cake, candy cane buttercream, and holiday sprinkle Woody’s Lunch Box (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 31; mobile order available) - Hot Chocolate Lunch Box Tart: Chocolate fudge filling, hot chocolate-marshmallow fondant, and mini marshmallows  Dockside Diner and Outdoor Vending Carts Near Grand Avenue, the Tip Board, and the Main Entrance (Available through Jan. Read the full article
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emmysorganics · 8 months
4 Irresistible Cookie Flavors to Try This Fall
When you welcome the fall, it comes with your favorite seasonal flavors. Pumpkin spice, maple pecan, gingerbread, peppermint—they’re all on the scene, and some lend themselves to delicious coconut cookies. You can enjoy these cookies or classic chocolate chip coconut cookies with coffee or a seasonal drink. You can pack them in a lunch for school or work. You might even want to get individual packages of three cookies to hand out on Halloween! No matter how you enjoy cookies, look for these flavors during the fall.
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Pumpkin Spice Coconut Cookie Pumpkin spice is the end-all-be-all of fall flavors. It’s got all those delicious, warm spices and a subtle, cinnamony sweetness. Even if you don’t like the syrupy taste of a pumpkin spice latte, you could still enjoy the not-too-sweet flavor of a pumpkin spice coconut cookie. With wholesome ingredients like coconut, agave, almond flour, and coconut oil, a lower-in-sugar, gluten-free coconut cookie is the perfect fall treat. Dark Cacao Coconut Cookie Something about dark chocolate makes it an excellent flavor for a fall cookie. Maybe it’s the rainy, cold weather or how good it tastes with a morning cup of coffee. In any case, a dark cacao cookie needs to be on hand during the fall and winter months. It may not have the classic seasonal flavors, but a dark cacao cookie with cocoa powder and coconut is a chewy, flavorful, and rich addition to the season. If you’re craving even more chocolate with a hint of mint, grab some double chocolate mint coconut cookies made with peppermint oil. Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookie Like a dark cacao cookie, chocolate chip cookies are not exactly a seasonal treat, but they’re still a deliciously sweet indulgence for any time of the year, and people of all ages love them. You can curl up with a cup of hot chocolate and gluten-free coconut cookies chocolate chip at the end of the day while you watch the rain fall, turn on your favorite holiday movie, or binge-watch some holiday specials. It will be the best combination of all of the classics. Gingerbread Coconut Cookie As you get deeper into the holiday season, decorating your home, celebrating with friends, and watching all the holiday movies, it’s the ideal time to bring out the gingerbread cookies. Even if you can’t have gluten, you can still enjoy a gluten-free gingerbread coconut cookie with all the delicious seasonal spices. There may also be a touch of molasses, a pinch of ginger, and even some white chocolate wrapped in that chewy, coconutty goodness. Cookies are a must-have for anyone with a little sweet tooth—they don’t even have to be that sweet. Gluten-free coconut cookies with limited ingredient lists can be lower in sugar and feature wholesome, organic ingredients for a guilt-free indulgence. They’re the perfect partner for your favorite seasonal fall beverages, packed lunches, small desserts, and anytime snacks. So, the next time you want a fall treat, grab a bag of cookies with one of these irresistible flavors. About Emmy’s Organics Eating gluten-free is a treat for the taste buds when you snack on sweets from Emmy’s Organics. The company’s popular coconut cookies are soft-baked to perfection with wholesome, organic ingredients that fuel your daily activities and satisfy your cravings. Emmy’s Organics offers a variety of flavors, including coconut cookies Chocolate Chip, Birthday Cake, and Dark Cacao. And don’t forget the seasonal treats! Emmy’s Organics is a certified B Corp with certifiably delicious goodies that are certified organic and certified gluten-free. Fill lunches, snack bags, hiking backpacks, and even center consoles with all of Emmy’s flavors, and make sure you save room for their Brownie Snaps, baking mixes, and Coconut Crunch’Ems, too. They’re the sweet snacks certified to make your taste buds smile. Find your favorite fall flavors in the delicious coconut cookies from https://emmysorganics.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3PKSzgq
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tsukachi · 10 months
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Recipe for Gluten Free Magic Cookie Bars Making a peanut butter base from three basic ingredients will enable you to make gluten-free magic cookie bars. For a decadent treat, layer with chocolate chips, nuts, and coconut. 2 large eggs, 2 cups white sugar, 1/2 cup chopped raw almonds, 2 cups peanut butter, 3/4 cup dark chocolate chips, 3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips, 1/2 cup chopped raw pecans, 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 1 cup flaked coconut
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skwonkk · 1 year
White bread baked in the heat of the eternal island under the eternal sky. Then meat and eggs. The flesh is firm, sweet and tender. Another delicious day with almond milk, honey and chocolate curry. The sea of green fields warms the eyes. There is no varnish or mayonnaise on this beautiful island. White bread is baked in an endless hot island oven under an eternal blue sky. Then beef and eggs. The flesh is firm, dark and moist. Another sunny flavor of almond milk, honey and chocolate chips. The sea of green warms the eyes. No varnish or mayonnaise on this beautiful island. The white bread is baked in an island oven and in an endlessly hot oven under an endless blue sky. Then beef and beans. Oatmeal is thick, brown and soft. The smell of almond milk, butterflies and chocolate, insects, wind and sun. Sea green warms the eyes. There is no varnish or mayonnaise on this beautiful island Amid endless blue skies, white bread bake, island oven and endless heater. Then beef and nuts. The oatmeal is thick, brown and soft. The almond, dove and chocolate milk cake smells of butterflies, moths, wind and sunshine. The sea emerald warms the eyes. There is no varnish or mayonnaise on this beautiful island that you cannot take away Endless blueberry skies under warm cylindrical ovens, white bread sun, island ovens, endless. Then I had pecan beef. Oats are thick, fluffy and light. Almonds, doves, and a little bit of sadness that almond coated oat cake gives off smells like doves, butterflies, wind, and sun. The sea of tears warms my eyes. There is no varnish or mayonnaise on this beautiful island that mousse cannot do. The endless blue sky below the warm column oven, the sun above the white shell of the island oven, endless. Then he can eat beef. Oats are compact, soft and light. The pecan pie is a little sad that the lingering oat smell of the pigeon oven has been replaced by pigeons with belly feathers for wind and sun. The eyes of the sea shed tears in the wide sea. There is no varnish or mayonnaise around this beautiful island that you can't make mousse with
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petnews2day · 2 years
Full Guide to 2022 Holiday Food & Drinks at Disneyland Resort
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/small-pet-news/full-guide-to-2022-holiday-food-drinks-at-disneyland-resort/
Full Guide to 2022 Holiday Food & Drinks at Disneyland Resort
Disneyland Resort has released the full guide of 2022 holiday food and beverages.
Disneyland Park 
Alien Pizza Planet (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Charcuterie Pizza Slice topped with pesto cream sauce, fig marmalade, prosciutto, capocollo, Spanish chorizo, caramelized onions, cornichons, cheese blend, and arugula (New) 
Holiday Green Alien Macaron filled with marshmallow creme and chocolate ganache
French Market Restaurant (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Haunted Mansion Cake: Purple sponge cake, raspberry mousse, raspberries, and cocoa nibs
Peppermint Hot Chocolate: Smooth, rich hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and crushed peppermint (New) 
Galactic Grill (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Cranberry BBQ Chicken Sandwich: A fried chicken sandwich with cranberry-flavored BBQ sauce, provolone, onion ring, arugula, and citrus bacon aïoli served on a toasted brioche bun (New) 
A Cup of Cheer: Orange cranberry cake with cream cheese icing topped with an orange cream-filled cream puff, dried cranberries, and holiday sprinkles (New) 
Christmas Punch: Pomegranate, cranberry, and orange juices with Sprite served over ice and garnished with fresh pomegranate seeds, cranberries, and a rosemary sprig (New) 
Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available) 
Peppermint Holiday Sundae: Two scoops of peppermint ice cream, whipped cream, crushed peppermint, and chocolate crème cookies (New) 
Cinnamon Brown Sugar Ice Cream (New) 
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich: Cinnamon brown sugar ice cream between oatmeal raisin cookies (New)
Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Thanks-mas Sandwich: Roasted turkey, stuffing, gravy, and cranberry sauce on rustic bread served with house-made chips
Turkey Pot Pie Soup
Sipping Chocolate with a Dipping Waffle: Thick and rich sipping chocolate with a sweet waffle for dipping 
Snowman Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake: Cinnamon roll-flavored cheesecake, cream cheese icing, milk chocolate nougatine arms, and snowman chocolate decoration (contains nuts) (New) 
Santa Hat Macaron: Almond macaron shells with white peppermint cream filling and rich chocolate ganache 
Christmas Brownie: Dark chocolate brownie with white chocolate mousse Santa hat, sprinkles, and chocolate ears (New) 
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Chimney Sweep Cold Brew: Cold brew coffee with hickory-smoked syrup, chocolate and caramel sauces, cream, and smoked salt-sugar sprinkle (New) 
Apple-Pecan Donut: Specialty donut with spiced icing, apple compote, candied pecans, and cream cheese frosting (New)
Peppermint Cookie Donut: Specialty donut with peppermint icing, crushed peppermint, chocolate crème-filled cookies, and whipped topping (New) 
Holiday Demitasse Ceramic Cup (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Market House (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Mint Julep Bar (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Maple Beignets rolled in maple-flavored sugar
Maple-bacon dipping sauce‌ (New)
Plaza Inn (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Gingerbread Bundt Cake: Gingerbread Bundt cake with apple cinnamon filling, vanilla glaze, and holiday sprinkles
Holiday Cake: Devil’s food cake with swirled white chocolate mousse filling, buttercream frosting, and holiday sprinkles
Vanilla Pear Honey Lemonade: Lemonade infused with honey and pear nectar (New) 
Pooh Corner and Candy Palace and Candy Kitchen (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Holiday Milk Wand: Three marshmallows dipped in caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and drizzled with green and red colored chocolate (New)
Peppermint Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse-shaped marshmallow dipped in dark chocolate and covered in peppermint crunch  
Mickey Mouse Holiday Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in milk chocolate, drizzled with green and red-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer (New) 
Snowflake Mickey Mouse Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in white chocolate, covered in blue sugar, and decorated with a white chocolate snowflake
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped crisped rice treat dipped in white colored chocolate, embellished with a dark chocolate face, and decorated with green and red white chocolate 
Mickey Mouse Holiday Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped cereal treat dipped in white-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Cake Pops: Round chocolate cake pop dipped in milk chocolate and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Minnie Mouse Cake Pop: Vanilla cake with marshmallow ears, dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and topped with a white chocolate Minnie Mouse bow
Rancho del Zocalo (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Caldo de Pollo: Savory soup with chicken, rice, and vegetables
Chile Verde: Slow-cooked pork with spicy tomatillo sauce served with Mexican rice and refried beans (New) 
Pan Dulce Ice Cream Sandwich: Colorful Mexican sweet bread with eggnog ice cream, hot buttered rum-flavored sauce, whipped topping, and chocolate skull (New) 
Hot Chocolate
Red Rose Taverne (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Holiday Flatbread: Pepperoni, sausage, and ham flatbread topped with arugula (New) 
Holiday Cold Brew: Cold brew coffee with eggnog flavor
Refreshment Corner (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Spicy Beef & Cheese Sandwich: Beef steak, cheese sauce, sautéed peppers and onions, and spicy pepper spread on artisan bread (New)
Caramel-Pecan Cream Cheese Pretzel: Cream cheese pretzel topped with caramel sauce and candied pecans (New)
Peppermint Cream Cheese Pretzel: Cream cheese pretzel topped with white chocolate and crushed candy canes (New)
Butterscotch Soda: Sparkling water with butterscotch syrup, caramel drizzle, and cream (New)
River Belle Terrace (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Pear Oat Cobbler: Spiced pears, oat streusel, and cranberry sorbet (New) (Plant-based)
Stage Door Café (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Peppermint Mocha Funnel Cake with cold brew sauce topped with chocolate sauce, peppermint dust, and whipped topping (New)
The Tropical Hideaway (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Holiday DOLE Whip Sundae: A swirl of DOLE Whip cherry and lime topped with festive decorations
Churro and Lemonade Cart in Critter Country (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Bride Churro: Elegantly dressed churro in a bouquet of vanilla and sugar
Churro Cart near “it’s a small world” Holiday (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Churro with holiday apple spice dipping sauce (New)
Churro Cart near Sleeping Beauty Castle (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Candy Cane Churro (New) 
Peppermint Bark Dipping Sauce: Chocolate fudge infused with peppermint and topped with crushed candy canes (New) 
Churro Cart in New Orleans Square (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Chocolate Cherry-Pistachio Churro: Classic churro rolled in chocolate cookie and pistachio dust, drizzled with cherry sauce, and topped with chopped pistachios (New)
Churro Cart in Town Square (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mint Chip Churro (New) 
Mint-Chocolate Dipping Sauce: Marshmallow creme infused with mint and topped with crushed chocolate cookies (New)
Pretzel Cart in Frontierland (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Holiday Cookie Pretzel: Ginger snap cookie-dusted pretzel with vanilla icing dipping sauce (New) 
Outdoor Vending Carts (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8) 
Christmas Cotton Candy: Apple flavor
Available at Various Locations throughout Disneyland Park (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last) 
Musical Rotating Popcorn Tin
Reindeer Parade Sipper
Disney California Adventure Park
Award Wieners (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Pastrami Reuben Dog: All-beef hot dog topped with thinly sliced pastrami, caramelized onions, pickled cabbage, Thousand Island dressing, spicy mustard, provolone, and pickle spears on a toasted baguette (New)
Bananas Foster Funnel Cake Fries topped with cinnamon-banana sugar, caramel sauce, whipped topping, and fried bananas (New)
Embolden Beer Co., Beyond Borders (New) 
Bing Bong’s Sweet Stuff and Trolley Treats (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Holiday Milk Wand: Three marshmallows dipped in caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and drizzled with green and red colored chocolate (New)
Peppermint Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse-shaped marshmallow dipped in dark chocolate and covered in peppermint crunch  
Mickey Mouse Holiday Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in milk chocolate, drizzled with green and red-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer (New) 
Snowflake Mickey Mouse Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in white chocolate, covered in blue sugar, and decorated with a white chocolate snowflake
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped crisped rice treat dipped in white-colored chocolate, embellished with a dark chocolate face, and decorated with green and red white chocolate 
Mickey Mouse Holiday Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped cereal treat dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Cake Pops: Round chocolate cake pop dipped in milk chocolate and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Minnie Mouse Cake Pop: Vanilla cake with marshmallow ears, dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and topped with a white chocolate Minnie Mouse bow
Boardwalk Pizza and Pasta (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Four-Meat Pizza: Tomato sauce with ham, Canadian bacon, sausage, and pepperoni topped with mozzarella 
Mexican Chocolate Cheesecake: Spiced chocolate cheesecake finished with white chocolate mousse and chocolate decoration (New)
Boudin Bread Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Snowman Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Candy Cane Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Christmas Tree Pull-Apart Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Clarabelle’s Hand-Scooped Ice Cream (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Chocolate-Peppermint Sundae: Chocolate and peppermint ice cream in a waffle cup topped with whipped cream and peppermint candy (New) 
Pomegranate Hard Float: Pomegranate hard cider with lemon sorbet topped with pomegranate arils (New)
Pomegranate Hard Cider (New)
Cocina Cucamonga (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Winter Margarita: Black cherry margarita (New)
Cozy Cone (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Luigi Chicken Pesto Cone: Creamy pesto alfredo pasta, marinated chicken, balsamic glaze, bruschetta tomatoes, and Romano cheese
Esquite Corn Fritters: Fried corn fritters tossed in chile-lime seasoning and topped with cilantro-lime dressing, cotija cheese, and pico de Gallo (New) 
Pumpkin Pie Churro: Churro rolled in pumpkin spice sugar with pumpkin pie dipping sauce (New) 
Christmas Tree Cone: Peppermint soft-serve decorated with holiday sprinkles
Stereo Tangerine Express IPA Michelada with chile-lime seasoning and lime (New) 
Stereo Tangerine Express IPA (New) 
Peanut Butter Whiskey Cocktail: Peanut butter whiskey, peanut butter syrup, vanilla ice cream, almond milk, and cinnamon sugar topped with whipped cream and peanut butter drizzle (New) 
For more information on booking your next trip with our official travel agent sponsor, the Vacationeer, visit wdwnt.travel.
Fairfax Market Fruit Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Seasonal Agua Fresca: Christmas punch (New)
Fiddler, Fifer & Practical Cafe (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Flo’s V-8 Café (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Gingerbread Shake with whipped topping and a gingerbread cake doughnut (New) 
New Motion, Blueberry Insight, Hard Sparkling Black Tea (New) 
Hollywood Lounge (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Churro Delight: Horchata garnished with mini churros (Non-alcoholic) (New)
Everything Spice: RumChata, horchata, spiced rum, and butterscotch liqueur garnished with mini churros and dusted with cinnamon (New)
Pineapple-Fresno Chile Michelada: Tomato-based michelada with pineapple-fresno chile lemonade and Modelo garnished with chile-lime seasoning and lime (New)
Gingerbread Mule: Cinnamon whiskey, ginger beer, lemon juice, and gingerbread syrup garnished with a maraschino cherry (New)
Harland Brewing Co., Winter IPA (New)
La Bodega Azteca Stout (New)
Calidad Hibiscus Watermelon Agua Fresca (New)
Smog City Brewing, From LA with Love (New)
Lamplight Lounge – Boardwalk Dining (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Braised Beef Poutine: Steak fries, braised beef, cheese curds, beef gravy, and tomatillo-serrano salsa garnished with Fresno chiles
Peppermint-Vanilla Vodka Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps and vanilla vodka topped with whipped cream and peppermint
Holiday Martini: A festive twist on a classic vanilla vodka paired with peppermint, chocolate liqueur, and Frangelico
Lamplight Lounge (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Braised Winter Beef: Slow braised beef with carrot risotto and pea tendrils (New) 
Peppermint Donuts: Hot cocoa-dusted donuts with toasted marshmallow crème and peppermint-chocolate dipping sauce
Peppermint-Vanilla Vodka Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps and vanilla vodka topped with whipped cream and peppermint
Holiday Martini: A festive twist on a classic vanilla vodka paired with peppermint, chocolate liqueur, and Frangelico
Pixar Ball Sipper (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Lucky Fortune Cookery (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Thai Iced Tea with sea salt cream and brown sugar boba
Mortimer’s Market (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Christmas Tree Pull-Apart Sourdough Bread (Plant-based)
Pacific Wharf Cappuccino Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Salted Caramel-Mocha Bundt Cake: Coffee Bundt cake filled with salted caramel, finished with ganache, sprinkles, and white chocolate mousse (New) 
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread: Soft gingerbread Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie (Limit 5 per guest per transaction)
Pym Test Kitchen (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Atomic Pretzel: Apple-Bacon Soft Pretzel with cinnamon-sugar salted pretzel with apple-bacon compote, cranberries, caramel sauce, cream cheese, and candied pepper bacon (New) 
Schmoozies! (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Dulce de Leche Mickey Mouse Shake topped with whipped topping, caramel sauce, and vanilla crème cookies (New) 
Chocolate-Cherry Yule Log Shake topped with a slice of hazelnut-chocolate yule log (New) 
Smokejumpers Grill (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8; mobile order available)
Maple-Bacon Shake: Maple-flavored shake topped with whipped cream, bacon bits, and maple drizzle (New) 
Pineapple Limeade: Limeade, pineapple juice, and sour green apple syrup with a red sugar rim (New) 
Holiday Punch Cocktail: Vodka with cranberry and orange juices garnished with fresh cranberries (New) 
Karl Strauss Brewing Co., Tangible IPA (New)
Anchor Brewing, Christmas Ale (New) 
Honest Abe Hard Apple Pie Cider (New) 
Churro Cart on Buena Vista Street (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Caramel Apple Churro: Churro topped with spiced apples, caramel sauce, and whipped topping (New) 
Churro Cart near Goofy’s Sky School (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Abuelita Hot Chocolate Churro with condensed milk dipping sauce
Churro Cart near Grizzly Peak (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Peppermint Churro: Churro coated with crushed candy canes and drizzled with chocolate and vanilla sauce 
Churro Cart in Hollywood Land (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Chocolate Cherry-Pistachio Churro: Classic churro rolled in chocolate cookie and pistachio dust, drizzled with cherry sauce and topped with chopped pistachios (New) 
Outdoor Vending (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8) 
Available at Various Locations throughout Disney California Adventure Park (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Light Up Holiday Swizzle Stick
Light Up Toy Story Christmas Tree Bucket 
Available at Various Locations throughout Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park (Available beginning Nov. 11 while supplies last)
Holiday Base Bucket
Holiday Travel Tumbler with lanyard
Holiday Stainless Steel Tumbler
Blue Mickey Mouse Jingle Bell Glow Cube
White Mickey Mouse Jingle Bell Glow Cube
Gingerbread Bottle Topper
Holiday Kermit Straw Clip
Wreath Mickey Mouse Ear Hat Bowl
Gingerbread Mickey Mouse Ear Hat Bowl
Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa
GCH Craftsman Grill 
Mickey Mouse Christmas Cookie
Holiday Minnie Mouse Donut
Holiday Mickey Mouse Donut
Snowman Donut (New)
Peppermint & Dark Chocolate Cupcake
GCH Holiday Cart (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread
Poinsettia Cookie
Snowman Cookie 
Christmas Cookie 
Hanukkah Cookie 
Holiday Cookie Box
Assorted Macarons (New) 
Kwanzaa Sweet Potato Loaf (New) 
New Year’s Cookie (New) 
Crisped Rice Treat
Hot Chocolate 
Hot Apple Cider (Available with Bailey’s Irish Cream, Captain Morgan, Grand Marnier, or Rumchata)
Waffle Shot (Available with milk, low-fat milk, chocolate milk, or eggnog) 
Waffle Shot (Available with Bailey’s Irish Cream, Captain Morgan, Grand Marnier, Rumchata, Amaretto, Butterscotch Schnapps, Rumple Minze, Crown Royal Apple, Screwball Whiskey, Fireball Whiskey, Louis the 13th) 
Downtown Disney District
California Churro (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Gingerbread Churro: Churro coated in gingerbread sugar, drizzled with white chocolate sauce, and covered in red and green chocolate candy pieces (New) 
Catal Restaurant and Uva Bar & Cafe (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Mistletoe Mule: Vodka, cranberry juice, lime juice, ginger beer, and sugared cranberry garnish (New) 
Chilly Chata: Cream liqueur rum, cinnamon whiskey, house-made horchata, whipped cream, and cinnamon stick garnish 
Home for the Holidays: Whiskey, bitter Italian aperitif, lemon juice, simple syrup, and rosemary garnish
Santa and the Beach: Tequila, triple sec, coconut milk, cream of coconut, lime juice, simple syrup, and rosemary garnish
Kayla’s Cake (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Peppermint Ganache Macaron with peppermint dark chocolate ganache
Gingerbread Macaron with gingerbread buttercream 
Snowman Macaron: Milk chocolate ganache with custard vanilla cream 
Naples Ristorante e Bar (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Arancini Dolce: A traditional Sicilian savory snack reimagined as a sweet treat for the season (New) 
Marceline’s Confectionery (Available Nov. 11 through Dec. 31)
Holiday Milk Wand: Three marshmallows dipped in caramel, enrobed in milk chocolate, and drizzled with green and red colored chocolate (New)
Peppermint Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse-shaped marshmallow dipped in dark chocolate and covered in peppermint crunch  
Mickey Mouse Holiday Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in milk chocolate, drizzled with green and red-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer (New) 
Snowflake Mickey Mouse Apple: Green Granny Smith apple dipped in caramel with marshmallow ears enrobed in white chocolate, covered in blue sugar, and decorated with a white chocolate snowflake
Mickey Mouse Gingerbread Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped crisped rice treat dipped in white-colored chocolate, embellished with a dark chocolate face, and decorated with green and red white chocolate 
Mickey Mouse Holiday Crisped Rice Treat: Mickey Mouse-shaped cereal treat dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Cake Pops: Round chocolate cake pop dipped in milk chocolate and sprinkled with holiday cheer décor 
Holiday Minnie Mouse Cake Pop: Vanilla cake with marshmallow ears, dipped in red-colored white chocolate, drizzled with green-colored white chocolate, and topped with a white chocolate Minnie Mouse bow
Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Maple & Bacon Glazed Beignets served with butter pecan ice cream and a marshmallow drizzle
Salt & Straw (Available Nov. 25 through Dec. 25) 
Enjoy various limited-time holiday flavors! 
Sprinkles (Available Nov. 28 through Dec. 25)
Christmas Cookie Cupcake: Vanilla cake studded with sprinkles and lined with a green sugar cookie crust topped with vanilla buttercream frosting, red and green sprinkles, and a homemade sugar cookie coated in even more sprinkles 
Gingerbread: Spiced ginger cake topped with cream cheese frosting, dusted with cinnamon sugar, and topped with a gingerbread man 
Chocolate Peppermint: Belgian dark chocolate cake topped with bittersweet chocolate-peppermint frosting and sprinkled with crushed peppermint candies 
Snow Cute Vanilla: Vanilla cake topped with vanilla frosting and rolled in snow sprinkles
Santa Baby Red Velvet: Sprinkles iconic red velvet rolled in Santa sprinkles  
Tortilla Jo’s (Available Nov. 11 through Jan. 8)
Candy Cane-Rita: Tequila, peppermint schnapps, and organic margarita mix with a splash of grenadine and garnished with rosemary and cranberries (New) 
Purple Mistletoe: Tequila rose, tequila blue, agave nectar, and organic margarita mix with a splash of lemonade and garnished with rosemary and cranberries
For more Disneyland Resort news and info, follow Disneyland News Today on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. For Disney Parks news worldwide, visit WDWNT.
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grimoire2020aa · 4 years
Ingredient Correspondences
All-Purpose Flour - Consistency 
Almonds - Luck, Prosperity
Arrowroot Powder - Luck, Good Fortune
Baking Soda - Banish negative energy
Basil Leaves - Love, Trust, Abundance, Prosperity
Bay Leaves - Success, Protection
Black tea (chai): banishes boredom, courage, money spells, mind stimulus
Blueberries - Protection, Warding, Banishment
Brown Sugar - Desirable outcomes, Self-Love, Comfort, Luck
Butter - Spirituality, Tenacity, and to attract soothing relationships.
Buttermilk - Goddess energy, Fertility, Maternal instincts
Carrot - Healing, Dispels Illusion
Celery - Mental and Psychic Strength
Chamomile - Known to reduce stress, and to calm the mind: Sleep, Calming, Stress Relief
Cherries - Love, Psychic Strength
Cherry Juice - Sleep; scientifically proven to increase levels of melatonin, helping improve the quality of sleep
Chicken - Health, Vitality, Protection, Cleansing
Chocolate - Comfort
Chopped Pecans - Wealth, Prosperity
Cinnamon - Protection, Positive Energy, Success
Cocoa Powder - Lifting Emotions
Cool Whip - Prosperity
Cumin - Protection
Dark Brown Sugar - Sweetness, Comfort, Love
Diced Tomatoes - Protection, Love
Dried Lavender - Love, Protection, Healing, Sleep, Purification, and Peace.
Dry Yeast - Grounding, Purification, Attraction, Manifestation
Earl Grey -  Represents Winter, the energy is masculine. Offers courage, rids of boredom and enhances a conscious mind.
Eggs - Protection and Strength; finding true love
Egg Whites - Creativity, Cleansing, Psychic Power, Binding
Egg Yolks - Goddess energy, Fertility, Glamour
Espresso Powder - Energize, Strength, Happiness
Firm Tofu - Fortune, Protection, Love, Manifestation
Fresh Oregano - Happiness, Tranquility, Good Luck, Health, Warding, Inducing prophetic dreams
Fresh Parsley - Protection, Strength, Vitality, Passion, Dispel Negativity
Fresh Rosemary - Truth, Knowledge
Garlic Cloves - Protection, Healing
Garlic Powder - Warding, Banishing, Anti-Negative Energy, Dispel Bad People
Ginger - Health
Ginseng - Has Love, Beauty, and Lust Properties.
Grapefruit Jam - Anti-Negative Energy, Happiness, Gentleness, Confidence, Protection
Green Tea - Health, Energy, and Cleansing.
Heavy Cream - Nurturing; or so it sits right
Honey - Happiness, Healing, Prosperity
Honeysuckle - Strengthens psychic powers.
Hot Cocoa Powder - Prosperity, Love, Romance, Attracting New Love
Jasmine - Associated with goddesses, its attributes are seduction, physical and spiritual love.
Kale - Abundance, Strength, Protection, Healing
Kiwi - Love, Abundance, Manifestation
Lavender - promotes sleep, eases depression, and general harmony.
Lavender Buds - Sleep, Soothing, Calming, Sweet Dreams
Lemon - Love, Purification, Beauty
Lemon Balm - used in love charms to attract a partner.
Lemongrass - clears psychic channels.
Lemon Zest - Warding, Purifying, Cleansing, Healing
Lentils - Prosperity, Abundance, Balance, Protection
Lovage - attracts one and is believed to make one more attractive.
Mango - Love, Happiness, Protection, Mental Clarity
Medjool Dates - Fortune, Love, Friendship, Protection, Health
Milk - Love and Nurturing; Nurturing, Rrotection, Revitalizing
Milk Chocolate Chips - Friendship, Self-Love, Love, Balance
Mint - Energize, Motivate, Dispels Negativity, Stimulates Brain Function
Mugwort - for clairvoyance, and said to help induce lucid dreams.
Nectarines - Protection, Warding, Love, Longevity
Nutella - Love, Self-Love, Heart-Healing, Wisdom, Prosperity
Nutmeg - Love, Strength, Passion, Love
Onion - Prosperity, Stability, Protection, Healing
Orange Extract - Happiness, Luck, Prosperity
Orange Marmalade - Prosperity, Divination, Creativity, Inspiration
Paprika - Increases power of other ingredients
Passion Flower - promotes peace and fights stress.
Peaches - Protection, Warding, Love, Longevity
Peppermint - ensures a peaceful sleep.
Pineapple Juice - Stress Relief, Luck, Prosperity, Happiness
Potato - Grounding, Abundance, Healing
Powdered Sugar - to make life sweeter
Raw Walnuts - Abundance, Healing, Mental Clarity
Raspberry Jam - Love, Fertility, and Courage
Rice - Prosperity, Protection, Healing
Rinsed Strawberries - Solving Problems, Luck
Rolled Oats - Abundance, Love, Good Fortune
Roses - Psychic Powers, Clairvoyance, Divination, Protection, Blessing, Consecrating, Luck, Inspiration, Memory, Beauty, Compassion, Love/Romance, Sex/Lust, Marriage/Handfasting, Peace/Harmony, Healing/Health, Happiness/Positivity, and Longevity
Rose Petals - traditionally associated with Passion, Lovers, and Romance.
Rose Water - Love, Happiness, Beauty, Luck
Sea Salt or Salt - Banish Negative energy
Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips - Love, Grounding, Prosperity
Soy Sauce - Warding, Protection, Cleansing
Spinach - Abundance, Strength, Love, Healing
Strawberries - Abundance, Love, Fortune
Strawberry Juice - Love, Luck, and Admiration
Sriracha Sauce - Cleansing, Warding, Hex Breaker
Sweetened Condensed Milk - Sweetens new beginnings, Love, and Comfort
Thyme - Courage, Prosperity
Tomato -  Health, Protection, Relationships
Tomato Paste - Healing, Protection
Vanilla Extract - Love, Lust, and Luck
Violet - calms nerves and stimulates tranquility.
White Sugar - Romance and Love
White Chocolate - Friendship, Self-Love, Fun
Winter Squash (Pumpkin, Kabocha Squash, etc.) - Protection, Banishing, Prosperity, Abundance
Worcestershire Sauce - Protection
Source: every ducking kitchen witch blog I follow
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viridicoox · 2 years
It's chocolate time, babeyyy!
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I finished making all the holiday presents for this year, for once way ahead of schedule (instead of Christmas eve like two years ago...)
In total I made 61 big (80g) and 43 small (45g) chocolate bars, with great ingredients and molds from Pati-Versand.de
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Naturally flavored strawberry chocolate
Strawberry crisps, cacao nibs and chocolate crisp pearls
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White chocolate, naturally flavored passion fruit chocolate (underside)
White chocolate curls, Orange and Lemon crisps
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Dark chocolate, naturally flavored raspberry chocolate (underside)
Strawberry crisps, cherry crisps, raspberry crisp pearls, powdered currants
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Strawberry flavored white chocolate, chili flavored milk chocolate (underside)
Dark and milk chocolate curls, chocolate drops, powdered currants
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Extra dark and extra milky chocolate with Cappuccino flavor
Chocolate coffee beans, Cappuccino crisps, dark chocolate curls and drops
Salty Caramel
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Dark chocolate and caramel chocolate (underside)
Caramel crisps, toffee chunks, mini lye bretzels, coarse salt
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Dark chocolate (85%) with nougat filling
Roasted hazelnuts and hazelnut brittle
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Milk chocolate
Roasted almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecan, peanut, walnut, hazelnut brittle, dried banana & cranberries
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Milk chocolate
Butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies, caramel chocolate drops, cacao nibs
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sew-much-to-do · 4 years
Would you be able to make a list of recipes for baking that are gluten/dairy free? I have a hard time finding recipes from scratch for things like bread, muffins, pies, or cakes.
Hi there! Thank you for submitting an ask!
This one was a fun one to do for me as I scour the internet for recipes...was a bit of a two birds one stone for me since I love baking for my friends and many of them have the same dietary restrictions. 
So, a heavy post incoming. I tried to include both simple and involved recipes for variety. I like minimalist recipes, but I do prefer ‘fancier’ treats for birthdays and holidays. 
🍰 DIY Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Baking 🍪
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DIY SunButter Chocolate Coconut Macaroons
egg whites
honey or maple syrup
unsweetened shredded coconut
No Sugar Added Sunbutter
vanilla extract
fine sea salt
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DIY Strawberry Muffins
almond flour
pecan flour
organic crystalline fructose or coconut sugar
gluten free baking powder
dairy free butter
vegetable milk (eg. almond milk)
vanilla bean paste
dark chocolate chips
fresh strawberries
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DIY Keto Raspberry Lemon Bars
Shortbread crust:
superfine almond flour
coconut flour
coconut oil
llinea monk fruit (sweetener)
vanilla extract
ground cinnamon
Raspberry jelly layer:
fresh raspberries
llinea monk fruit (sweetener)
xanthan gum (or coconut flour)
Lemon filling
lemon zest 
lemon juice
llinea monk fruit
vanilla extract
superfine almond flour
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DIY Oatmeal Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies
old-fashioned rolled oats gluten free
sea salt
dairy-free dark chocolate chips (aim for 75% or higher)
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DIY Banana Cake with Strawberry Sauce
Strawberry sauce:
lemon juice
maple syrup
tapioca starch
Banana cake:
coconut oil
almond milk
vanilla extract
1 package Simple Mills Vanilla Cake Mix
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DIY Peanut Butter Slice
peanut butter (crunchy, unsweetened)
coconut oil 
brown sugar
almond meal/flour
coconut flour
baking powder (gluten-free)
2 squares, 90% Lindt chocolate broken into pieces or dark chocolate buttons
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DIY Vegan Custard Tart
dairy-free milk (cashew or soy) or shaken canned full-fat coconut milk
maple syrup
corn starch
vanilla extract
pie crust (homemade using this recipe or store-bought)
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DIY Gluten-Free Cinnamon Coffee Cake
white vinegar
unsweetened almond milk, cashew, or coconut milk
all-purpose gluten-free flour with xanthan gum (eg. Pillsbury gluten-free) 
baking powder
granulated sugar
light brown sugar
pure vanilla extract
butter, dairy-free (eg. Smart Balance butter)
ground cinnamon
light brown sugar
light brown sugar
granulated sugar
ground cinnamon
butter, dairy-free (eg. Smart Balance butter)
all-purpose gluten-free flour with xanthan gum
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DIY Grain-Free & Gluten-Free Snickerdoodles
blanched almond flour
coconut sugar
coconut flour
cream of tartar
baking soda
fine sea salt
unsalted butter, ghee, or coconut oil
pure vanilla extract
coconut sugar
ground cinnamon
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DIY Healthy Vegan Gluten Free Blueberry Muffins
oat flour
vegan buttermilk
vegan butter or coconut oil
coconut sugar
ground flaxseed 
baking powder
baking soda
vanilla extract
fresh blueberries
Oat crumble:
oat flour
coconut oil
maple syrup
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DIY Pear Custard Pie
coconut oil
almond milk (or any dairy-free milk)
gluten-free all-purpose flour
vanilla extract
finely shredded coconut, for topping
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DIY Vegan Berry Sponge Cake 
For the cake:
ground flaxseed
coconut oil
maple syrup, coconut nectar or agave syrup
applesauce (unsweetened)
almond or coconut milk (unsweetened)
coconut sugar
sea salt
baking soda
ground almonds
brown rice flour
vanilla essence or powder
For the jam:
raspberries (frozen or fresh)
chia seeds
maple syrup, coconut nectar or agave syrup
For the cream:
coconut milk
maple syrup
vanilla essence or powder
mixed berries, to decorate
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DIY Ultimate Healthy Biscotti
gluten-free flour
baking powder
almond extract
coconut sugar
sliced almonds
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DIY Flourless Vegan Pumpkin Cookies
peanut butter, creamy
coconut sugar
vanilla extract
pumpkin puree
pumpkin pie spice
Chocolate drizzle:
dark chocolate chips
coconut oil
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DIY Paleo Caramel Cashew Bars
Shortbread crust:
almond flour
coconut flour
coconut oil
maple syrup
Caramel layer:
cashew butter
maple syrup
coconut oil
unsalted cashews
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DIY Gluten-Free Lemon Poppy Seed Bread
gluten-free baking flour
baking soda
granulated sugar
flax egg (2 tbsp milled flax seed + 4 tbsp water)
poppy seeds
lemon zest
lemon juice
vanilla extract
unsweetened non-dairy milk
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DIY Matcha Frosted Sugar Cookies
Gluten free sugar cookies:
vegan butter 
white sugar
vanilla (seeds from vanilla bean will also do)
gluten-freeflour (eg. Bob’s Redmill 1 to 1)
baking powder
Matcha frosting:
matcha powder 
confectioners sugar
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DIY Healthy Strawberry Crumble Bars
For the topping:
instant oats (gluten-free if necessary and measured like this)
ground cinnamon
pure maple syrup
coconut oil
For the filling:
For the crust:
gluten-free flour
baking powder
coconut oil
unsweetened cashew milk
almond extract
liquid stevia
pure maple syrup
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DIY Gluten-Free Almond Cookies
almond meal 
caster/superfine sugar
almond essence
egg whites
flaked almonds
icing sugar to dust, optional
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DIY Healthy Double Chocolate Biscotti
gluten-free flour
unsweetened cocoa powder
baking powder
vanilla extract
coconut sugar
finely diced dark chocolate
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DIY 1-Bowl Grain-Free Sunbutter Cookies
unsweetened sunbutter (eg. sunflower seed butter)
raw honey
pure vanilla extract
apple cider vinegar
coconut flour
baking soda
coarse salt 1 cup peanut butter, creamy
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DIY Olive Oil and Orange Cake
fruity extra virgin olive oil
caster sugar
ground almonds
baking powder
icing sugar to dust
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DIY Mixed Berry Almond Crumb Bars
Base and crumb:
almond flour
tapioca flour
coconut oil
maple syrup or honey
fresh or frozen berries of choice (I used a blend of frozen berries)
maple syrup, to taste
tapioca flour
Need help with finding tutorials or recipes? Let me know! 
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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coffinsandcauldrons · 4 years
Foods for Mabon:
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A Mabon feast is a time of giving recognition to the earth, showing gratitude, praising both light and dark, and celebrating abundance.
Through feasting with whatever we may have, we are able to represent this years bounty, draw in abundance for the upcoming winter, and show that we are thankful for what we currently have. Fall foods that represent the second harvest are typically appropriate so that we are able to celebrate and acknowledge the season.
Brussels Sprout
Acorn Squash
Butternut Squash
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American Beautyberry
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Herbs and Spices:
Pumpkin Spice
Rose Hips
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Apple Cider
Grape Juice
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Cranberry Juice
Pomegranate Juice
Apple Juice
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Dried Fruit
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Blueberry & Apple Cider-
Side Items:
Pumpkin Mashed Potatoes-
Caramalized Sweet Potato and Kale Fried Rice-
Pumpkin Cornbread-
Sweet Potato Pomegranate Salad-
Pomegranate Baked Brie-
Pomegranate Almond Cheese Ball-
Balsamic and Pomegranate Chicken-
Roasted Vegan Mabon (Thanksgiving) Bowl-
Rosemary and Orange Slow-Roasted Duck-
Fall Sheet Pan Pork Tenderloin with Honey Balsamic Roasted Vegetables-
Roasted Butternut Squash (Three Ways)-
Tuscan White Bean Soup-
Butternut Lasagna with Mushrooms and Sage-
Mushroom Wellington with Rosemary and Pecans-
Fall Shepherds Pie-
Autumn Chicken Dinner-
Chicken & Leek Soup-
Cream of Tomato Soup-
Acorn Squash and Apple Soup-
Stuffed Acorn Squash-
Harvest Ratatouille-
Roast Fillet of Beef-
Pumpkin Beef Stew-
Roasted Stuffed Pumpkin-
Vegan Turkey-
Beef Barley Vegetable Soup-
Acorn Squash and Carrot Soup-
Pumpkin Chili-
Spicy Pumpkin Soup-
Tuscan Pumpkin Pasta Sauce-
Harvest Stew with Smoked Sausage-
Pomegranate Glazed Salmon-
Roasted Pumpkin Caramelized Onion Walnut Pizza-
Apple Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes-
Apple Spice Cake-
Fig Bread Pudding-
Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies-
Cinnamon Baked Peaches-
Vegan Pumpkin Pie-
Fresh Apple Pound Cake-
Chocolate Pumpkin Cupcakes With Cinnamon Pumpkin Cream Cheese Icing-
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies-
Pumpkin Chai Cake-
Carrot Honey Cake-
Pumpkin Apple Muffins-
38 notes · View notes