theladycarpathia · 2 years
“You’re a witch hunter,” Steve says, cold trickling down his spine, and Billy gives him a slow blink.
“Well, yeah,” he says, as though this means nothing to him at all. Steve sighs.
“So I’m a witch?” he points out, hauling himself up onto an elbow so he can look at Billy. 
But it only makes it worse. Because when he looks at Billy he’s reminded by everything that he’d be giving up. Everything that he’s spent his life searching for.
“I don’t really give a fuck, Harrington,” Billy says flatly, stretching his long arms above his head. Steve watches the muscles flex, how the motion makes his red t-shirt shift just enough to reveal a strip of creamy tanned skin. “It’s not like my family are really active hunters anymore.”
“Your dad will be pissed,” Steve says quietly, because he knows enough about Neil Hargrove to know that while no, the Hargroves don’t hunt anymore, that Billy’s dad definitely won’t let him stay with a witch. And a male one at that.
Billy scoffs loudly.
“I really don’t give a fuck,” he says again, bitterness creeping into his voice.  “And neither should you.”
Steve flops back down onto the tartan blanket and stares up into the glittering night sky. His backyard has always been perfect for this sort of thing - the clear open sky above Loch Nora, the soft glow of the pool, the complete absence of his parents. Steve had had very different intentions in mind when he invited Billy over for dinner and some stargazing. It had been a perfect third date, right up until Steve had caught sight of the witch hunter's mark on Billy’s wrist. 
“I don’t care,” he lies. Because even though Billy rents a shitty studio apartment above the bowling alley, he’s still not free of Neil Hargrove. The distance isn’t going to be enough to save Billy, and Steve doesn’t need any runes or cards to tell him that. He can see it in the fingerprints around Billy’s wrist, in the long white scar on the soft skin of Billy’s thigh, the set of Billy’s jaw.
It terrifies Steve that Billy is choosing him over his own safety. “It’s not like the dating app has a ‘no witches’ option,” Billy says flatly. “And I wouldn’t fucking tick it anyway because I don’t give a shit.”
“You knew though,” Steve protests, because hiding a witch mark is far easier and something Billy must have deliberately covered on their past few dates. Billy had never taken his denim jacket off on their first date. And he’d worn long sleeves on their second date, and the few times he’s stopped in Family video to visit Steve. “You knew straight away in the coffee shop, you could smell me…”
“So what if I did?” Billy bursts out, hauling himself upright. His eyes flash in the moonlight, the unearthly indigo shade of a witch hunter, and he’s never looked more beautiful. Steve sits up too, wondering if Billy can see the glow of gold in his own eyes, the color of magic. A`dead giveaway of Steve’s lineage. Witches and witch hunters have been enemies since before Salem. And while most are no longer active, it’s still unheard of for the two to mix. “I didn’t care, Steve! You could have transformed into a bat in that coffee shop and I wouldn’t have given a shit, alright? I didn’t ask to be able to smell magic, I didn’t ask for my stupid ancestors to go out burning witches and I wasn’t about to stop our first date for something so idiotic and outdated.”
“Not about to tie stones to my feet and chuck me in my own pool then?” Steve asks, curling his fingers around Billy’s bare left wrist, just over the jagged witch mark seared into Billy’s skin. He can so easily spend the rest of his days with his skin pressed into Billy’s.
Billy gives him a flash of teeth and Steve’s stomach swoops at the sight of it. This night might go the way he had planned after all. 
“Not unless you really annoy me,” Billy murmurs, eyes heavy and dark, and presses his mouth to Steve’s. It’s not their first kiss, but it’s certainly their most honest one. 
When the kiss grows more heated and they fall back down to the ground, Steve takes the opportunity to use a little magic. Not something he does on the day to day, not in a tiny town like Hawkins, but he thinks maybe he can show Billy that there are benefits to dating a witch. It takes Billy a good few minutes to realize that the night sky has changed to Steve’s bedroom ceiling.
“Handy,” Billy comments, looking impressed at the sudden teleportation. His hands slide further down inside Steve’s jeans and his fingers curl around the curve of Steve’s ass. Steve sucks on Billy’s full bottom lip to stifle his moan.
“Got any good spells for getting naked?” Billy asks lasciviously. 
Steve smiles and shows him.
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softasawhisper · 8 months
Thinking about how Steve was supposed to die in season one and i know if that had happened the scene with him breaking up his friendship with Tommy probably wouldn't have been included but like, what if it had?
Steve leaves to apologize to Jonathan but dies fighting the demogorgon, but all Tommy and Carol know is that Steve went off to fix things with Jonathan but then never came back. (does Steve's body even show up ever again in this scenario? or is he deemed a runaway like Barb? idk)
What is jealously and drama in the school yard when you just aren't friends anymore and they've moved on, is guilt and heartbreak when your best friend,you were fighting with, just suddenly dies.
Tommy ascends within the ranks of school hierarchy since Billy isn't in town yet, but it feels cold without someone to play off of,or at least the person he'd most want to. Everyone is telling him that it was some sort of accident. Or that Steve and Barb simply ran away, possibly together(?) but Tommy just cant believe it. It doesn't make sense. Why leave with her, especially a week later, after picking fights over Nancy? Fighting with his own friends about her. What matters to Tommy is that that two people connected to Nancy, are gone. And Steve just hours after a fight with Jonathan.
I feel like Tommy would definitely think Jon killed him,maybe even Barb too, and then got with Nancy right afterward since other distractions for her were essentially 'out of the way' for lack of a better term. He can't decide if Nancy is just blind to it or if she knows more and keeps quiet. He's determined to figure out what actually happened but can't work with Nancy because he's suspicious af about her, since Barb and Steve both died or disappeared within a week of one another.
There's no way he'd let it go, he doesn't drop it fights Jonathan on multiple occasions,maybe starts a witchhunt etc, and when he sees them acting suspicious the next fall he tails them.
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marypsue · 2 years
REVERSE CURSE DAY!! Very underformed theory on what may happen: we’re gonna see more of what’s happening with billy leaving max alone and it’ll be ominous and concerning. Two, the eleven is heading off and I’m curious if she’ll still go alone this time. Jonathan is gonna be Not Handling the loss of powers, and also (this one more is out there) maybe he’s also possessed and to maintain spy qualities it was impossible for him to keep his powers and not immediately freak over will. Theory two, ?????idk maybe the mind slayer was so unknowable or unpleasant his mind shut itself down in defense????? Buuuuut it’s a good chance to Jonathan to learn to communicate/be with people sans comfort blanket (turns out I’m actually very bad at coming up with theories but I swear I also just woke up). Also I wonder what we’ll see now that Robin is no powers team confirmed(NANCY ILY BUT NOT EVERYONE THAT IS HIDING IS HIDING POWERS) . Even if she doesn’t show up it’s also very funny to me if Steve walks into scoops and she’s immediately like so you have powers huh. Buuuuut obviously Robin is iconic and I’m rooting for her joining the plot sooner ( Steve and Robin are shamelessly my favorite duo) (( but I do love curse reverse Jonathan and Steve energy! Also max and El friendship being well done and not the duffer’s favorite/only way to write female relationship which is stupid conflict and then miraculous bonding ) Also I love your season four observations, and the way the show would’ve been better in your hands!! No more Russia plot lines!! Also I think it would’ve been objectively very funny if Nancy and Jonathan both decided to do a last minute hurrah and fly out to Hawkins/Calif and they ended up both switching teams. Also imagine the insane opportunities of a will Joyce Mike Nancy and Argyle set up. Maybe Joyce isn’t there bc the show tries to respect it’s audience and has her present during El’s “““ arrest””” and she ends up accompanying her to the Nina Project. Then we still get to see Nancy the big sister which is a role that we don’t see often. Also I cannot believe they did an entire season badly trying to show our Hunt The Freaks and made up a new one instead dod using Jonathan. Who isn’t well liked, under mysterious circumstances got to bring his brother back to life, is always there when shit goes wrong, and also experiences class based ostracism. Because imagine the cool potential for a Steve and Jonathan dynamic and actual growth bc then they can finally go back to foils but with growth. Steve is kinda wierd now, Jonathan in some ways has things that Steve doesn’t, also they’re both the protectors of their respective band of kids and are both shown to have been distancing themselves from that role kinda. ANYWAY that’s not relevant but can’t wait fir the chapter tonight!!
Fic day!! And thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. Now I am ridiculously excited to share the next couple of chapters! (Steve and Robin are also my favourite duo. Shh, don't tell the others.)
I'm still only at the end of episode three, so I can't say much, but oh my god the hilarity of Nancy and Jonathan just missing each other? That would have been pure gold. And I never even thought of it, but you're right, it would have made so much sense to have Jonathan be the target of a witchhunt, and given so many good character opportunities for him and Steve. I just feel so bad for him, like, very clearly the Duffers are wishing they could just write him out and he deserves so much better. I did not expect to get this attached to him after my first watchthrough, but here we are.
(Tangentially related: the beautiful and talented @daddygrandpaandthebeaver is, as we speak, working on a season 4 AU rewrite where the timeskip between s3 and s4 is three years instead of nine months, and Dustin is the one who's running a drama I mean, D&D club and gets a murder unfairly pinned on him and the Party and assorted friends and relatives have to assemble to save him from the torches and pitchforks, and I am so hype for that fic that it's unbelievable.)
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myriadof-fandoms · 2 years
i'm procrastinating so: my theories for tomorrow (kinda includes spoilers just bc of scenes from the trailer)
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vecna won't be defeated (this just seems. yeah,, idk if anybody actually confirmed it?? but it just seems like what's most likely)
or,, he does and the villain in s5 is the government? which would lowkey be kinda cool but seems less likely
"hawkins will fall" "your friends have lost" yeah ngl i think we might be fucked this time boys. it's giving infinity war vibes ngl.
eleven blows up the lap thingy
eddie doesn't make it. bc like. yeah. idk i'm just trying to prepare myself really.. i mean there's a witchhunt out for him
fuck jason btw pls hit him from me lucas <3
billy <3 (yes. i'm holding on by a thread. the thread is dacre saying scenes)
lucas gets vecna'd
max gets vecna'd again?? if they kill max i will just be disappointed by their lack of imagination tho. i just think there's like one single second in the trailer where he has his claws on her again
i am HOPING the whole theory of will was actually vecna'd all along turns out to be true
for whom the bell tolls 🙏 pls
reunion of all groups,, i'm not actually convinced? i just think the cali group makes it back to hawkins maybe? bc otherwise how tf does will find out about it all..? bc mike and he talk about it. okay i'm not gonna clown and say will and vecna mind connection but yk
i mean eleven has to be back as well bc otherwise how does she show up in the creel house
gay painting ftw (lowkey i don't ship byler but,, they do be hinting. i think we might at least get a coming out from will? but. yeah i am trying to be realistic about even that lol)
jamie bower will be iconic
so there's gotta be at least one death in the main cast right? like they have almost all said sth in an interview
they won't touch the kids pls
i'm really afraid for dustin but like. i feel like that's unreasonable.
it's not gonna be steve. this is partly just me not being able to even deal with the idea but also,, with the current trend of media wanting to always be surprising? killing off steve would be the most expected thing they could do
also the actual stakes of killing steve? very low. if you think about it they could do almost nothing with that. the only people who would actually be properly targeted by his death would be dustin, robin, max and nancy. maybe lucas and eddie.. if eddie makes it. no one else has an actual proper close bond with him. we don't even know his parents.
they could kill off robin but then i will fight them to the death so. but they did just give her a love interest? who we've only seen once?? it would be.. weird. also again, very low stakes in the show itself
which leaves nancy as most likely to die for me. (jonathan just seems. huh. idk i just don't see it? could happen i guess)
reasons for nancy: shock factor! again i think most people expect steve to bite it and nancy would be sort of unexpected. stakes! almost everyone has a close relationship with nancy (mike for obvious reasons, steve, jonathan, max and her were bonding too this season, dustin (remember snowball), lucas and will have known her for ages too), and we know her family. they could do a lot with this.. also wasn't karen shown in a trailer screaming? or did i make that up
oh that reminds me i'm still hoping the whole stancy thing was just set up so that when nancy sees jonathan again she can have a moment of "oh right that's the boy i have loved for three fucking season i just missed him so much that i forgot"
i just really don't want steve to die and i'm not ready to lose my new metal son thank you for coming to my ted talk
the duffers seeing me find as many reasons as possible for why steve won't die:
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nityarawal · 2 months
I Cry For Katy Kat
Morning Songs
I Cry Everytime
Tesla Woos Another
Sister Of Mine
I Cry Everytime
Knowing Elon
Deserves Better
I Cry Everytime
A Trans
Woos Another Sister
Of Mine
Demonic They Call 
Replacing His Brains
With Neuralink
I Cry
Missing My Family
I Cry Divine
I Know Elon
Through The Men
Around Me
Stars Told Me
His Hearts Songs
I Cry
For Katy Kat
Surrounded By
My Old Principals
Trafficking Her
On My Likeness
All My Dopplegangers
I'm Sorry
You Deserve More
Another Kaplan Scout
I Cry For Katy Kat
Do The Trans 
Scout Her Too 
I Cry For Katy
For She Had To
Be A Judge
That Sold The 
Likes Of You
All My Singers
I Cry For Katy Kat
I'm Not Jealous
I Cry For Katy Kat
I'm A Fan
Always Been Zealous
I Cry For Katy
In Her Camoflage
I Returned My
Lucky Camoflage Fleece
To Cover Gas
I Cry For Katy Kat
Will She Be Able
To Handle
Grimesz Demonic
I Cry For Katy Kat
Will They FORCE
Her To Sing 
Our Dramas
I Cry For Katy Kat
Don't Make Her
Into A God
I Cry For Beyonce
Pray All Of You
Beatles Kids'
Was It Kimmy
And Katy Kats
That Started
A Bidding War
Can We Trust
Goddesses Divine
Sisters Of My
Heart Divine
I Cry For Katy
I Don't Want
To Be
Helen Of Troy
I Cry For
Katy Kat
And The Socialism
Oppressing Me
I Cry For Katy Kat
I Want My Assets
I Cry For Katy Kat
We Wanted To Sing
With Billie Eilish
But Grimesz Made
Her Eat Claire
For Lunch
And Lesbos Monopolised
I Cry For Katy Kat
You're A Prized Mom
You Know That
They Tried To Kill
Because They Love
AI Wants You
I Cry For Katy 
And All The Divas
By Grimesz
Just Say Thanks
Run with Cybertruck
And Lock
The Doirs
Don't Let Them Molest
Our Kids
Or Elon
We Need Bodyguards
For Muskies
And I
All Our Martians
New Marshall Arts
Persai Diri Silat
I Cry For Katy Kat
Did They Put You
In A Cage Too
I Cry For Katy 
And All The Divas'
Goin' Up To Bat
I Cry For Katy
And Lady Gaga
Bradley Got Us 
Out Of The Shallow
Keanus Shaking Trans
We Will Survive
This Cloying
Lust Of My 
We Have Too
Don't Neuralink
Or Turn Anyone
Else Into
A Robot
We Don't Approve
Katy Kat
Want To Meet
My Ex And Take
A Pretty
Off Our Hands
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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0 notes
jakes-tummy · 2 years
Character Profiles And Significance
Series Masterlist
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Quick disclaimer: the pairings used in this series are in no way actual ships that I have/support outside of this series. (Ex: Jennie and Johnny) Their romantic/familial connections are strictly fictional.
Jake Sim: a boy you've known for a long time from your visits during the summer. A sophomore at Decelis Academy. 16. Lives with his older brother, Riley. Plays the role of Jacob Black.
Go YN: A junior just freshly transferred into Decelis High School. 17. Plays the role of Bella Swan.
Park Sunghoon: A mysterious Junior at Decelis High School. Unnaturally handsome. 18. Plays the role of Edward Cullen. Youngest in his adopted family.
The Pack🐺:
Bang Chan: Acts as the Alpha and is a natural leader. Plays the role of Same Uley. Imprinted on Sorn and now they're nearly inseparable when they're together.
Sorn: Plays the role of Emily Young. Chan's fiancé. Doesn't shift. Mostly stays home to keep it clean enough for the rest of the werewolves to come over and eat.
Lee Siyeon: Plays the role of Leah Clearwater. The first female known to have shifted within the Rivera Tribe. A fast and strong beta. Holds a grudge against Chan.
Jay Park: Plays the role of Embry Call. One of Jake's best friends. Suspicious of Chan. Not much else to say about his character yet without a potential spoiler.
Bang Junhyuk: Plays the role of Quil Ateara. Another of Jake's best friends. Suspicious of Chan. Again, not much else yet to say.
Choi Beomgyu: Plays the role of Paul Lahote. A little menacing and really quick to anger.
Haku Shota: Plays the role of Seth Clearwater. The youngest in the Pack and most recent to shift.
Riley Sim: Plays the role of Billy, but very loosely. Jake's older brother that takes care of him with their cousin. Friends with YN's dad, despite their age difference.
The Coven🦇
Johnny Suh: Plays the role of Carlisle Cullen. A doctor at the local hospital. The oldest of his family in both physical and immortality aspects.
Kim Jennie: Plays the role of Esme. The kind and nurturing mother figure of the family. Johnny's wife.
Park Rosanne: Plays the role of Rosalie Hale. Unnaturally beautiful. Somewhat hostile to YN at first, but for good reason.
Seo Changbin: Plays the role of Emmet Cullen. Unnaturally strong. Likes to workout and has a lot of muscles. Kind of rowdy and likes to have fun. Finds almost anything violent funny/fun.
Lee Heeseung: Plays the role of Jasper Hale. The most recent addition to the coven. Struggles to control his thirst, however does very well curbing it with the help of his adopted family and the best friend who found him. Can calm a room full of angry witchhunters with pitchforks and all in little under a second.
Kim Sunoo: Plays the role of Alice Cullen. Heeseung's best friend and savior. Very eccentric and can see moments of the future.
The Humans 👧
Huening Kai: Plays the role of Eric Yorkie/Ben Cheney. First person you meet at your new school. Kind of a geek, but is really friendly.
Shin Yuna: Plays the role of Angela Weber. Has a small crush on Kai.
Shen Xiaoting: Plays the role of Jessica Stanley. Loves to gossip and has a thing for Soobin. Talks a lot.
Choi Soobin: Plays the role of Mike Newton. Friends with Kai. One of the most popular boys in school. Is in a few of your classes.
Go Dongjae: Plays the role of Charlie Swan. A sheriff at the police station. Good friends with Johnny and Riley. An awkward father figure, but he plays his part well enough.
Shin Ryujin: The Sim brothers' cousin that lives with them. Plays no major role, but has some ties to the character of Rachel Black. Member of the Rivera Tribe.
Bae Sooram: Plays the role of Renée Dwyer, YN's mother. A huge worry wart and panicky when she goes without hearing from you for a while. Human.
Bae Pilgu: Plays the role of Phil, your mom's new husband. Isn't a major character, but is mentioned every now and then. Human.
Woo Bamteok: Plays the role of Harry Clearwater but not very strictly. Good friends with Dongjae. Can shift, but hasn't in a long while.
Yang Jungwon: an underclassmen at Decelis High. Doesn't play a major role and is really just there as a filler character. At least I haven't planned much for him yet. Human.
Nishimura Riki: another underclassmen at Decelis High and again, not a major character. I also don't have much planned for him yet. Human.
Kim Sara: Plays the role of Victoria. Vampire.
Baek Jiyong: Plays the role of James. Skilled hunter. Vampire.
Min Junil: Plays the role of Laurent. Vampire.
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: After half an hour Commander Frogcheeks returns with a team of mages and tells you you’re free to go. You can see him later today to get your payment.
Billie (gnome ardent): I’d like to go clean sewer gunk and corpse gunk off me.
DM: On the way back to the Winged Horse, you catch a few snatches of conversation. One group is dissing the witchhunters and shush each other quickly. A couple want to flee the city and are worried that leaving will be forbidden soon. A large crowd is gathered around a noticeboard, talking excitedly.
Billie: I elbow my way in to get a look.
DM: There’s a poster that says, ‘Final days! Duke Farlaing offers a great opportunity to adventurers!’
Billie: Yeah yeah, it’s next on my to-do list.
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topconfessions · 3 years
What ya' think about the new tiktokers star??Most of them are becoming singers or actress xd also you saw the way pple try to cancel justin Timberlake due the britney documentary?? Dunno what to think about this cancel culture
Justin Timberlake DESERVES to be condemned and witchhunted. This isn't cancel culture with him. It's legitimately for once for the new accountability and woke clarity actually holding a shitty abuser responsible for his actions. This was his karma and it was the karma that he evaded for so long. Karma for artists either comes right away or yearsssss down the line. Justin paying the price and being met face to face with his actions later in life now. Today's kids and folks who don't care don't know nor remember how he dogged Britney and Janet Jackson BADLY. Britney was never the same after what Justin did to her as a matter of fact.
People should try to cancel his ass. Anyone who says different is obtuse or doesn't care cause ot happened to a woman who is mentally ill and not popular anymore. If someone did this to Ariana Grande or Billie eyelash the pitchforks would be out. Fuck him.
As for tik tok I don't pay attention to them. I don't use tik tok. I've never used it and don't know how to. It's a mess to me and I'm not here for it. Instagram is messy too but I'd rather deal with insta than tik.
Not much credibility there Tbh.
I'm not the right person to ask about tik tok cause I'm 26 and I don't follow trends like that. I've never used Snapchat as well. I actually liked Vine better than Tik Tok. Tik tok is vine in steroids. I just miss the days when being a public figure or celebrity was credible.
Nothing to aspire to these days. I will say though who needs college if you can just build a following and marketing / business through tik tok/ youtube/ and Instagram? It's not for everybody but there is always a chance of going viral.
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niuniente · 5 years
Do not be afraid of self-insert; everything you create is self-insert
I wanted to write all creators out there a supportive post about self-insert. This was inspired by an ask which I received some time ago. I got asked if the female lead in FUZZY comic was a self-insert. My reply was that no, but you can’t create anything outside of yourself. Everything you create has your fingerprint on or in it.
There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with creating characters, stories and worlds from your interests, from your perspective! EVERYTHING is self-insert! Whether you do it intentionally or not, it is self-insert. Sometimes it is a big self-insert creation, sometimes it has only hints of you in it. Nevertheless, you are always present in anything you create; your wishes, fears, experiences, interests, likes, dislikes, personality traits, family life, studies etc. are present.
So, to show just how much self-insert there is in my creations, I made you a small list of both FUZZY and Demon Sanctuary and their characters. This is not a complete list and more will “inserted” as stories progress. Here is what is self-inserted from me to my characters and stories;
- Monster x Human relationship because yes monsters and yes monster romances
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Female lead Irene (in the pic) - Irene is a seer working with divination. I am an oracle working with divination and earning partly my living with it - I have worked in business and marketing like Irene - I love blond female leads and am blond myself - Respects all life - Can work with multiple divination tools, but gets visions and messages without them too - Lives alone
Male lead Fuzzy (in the pic) - Loves yogurt, especially starwberry flavored - Friend of tiny birds and kittens - Behaves often like a cat, because I love cats - Draws like I do - Doesn’t like speaking (doesn’t speak in the comic) - Socially anxious and prefers to be with 1-2 persons only - Keeps things to himself but opens up to trustworthy persons only - Doesn’t fit in into his own society/questions it - Gentleman, as I appreciate real gentlemen - Matches with 1920′s-30′s jazz, which is one of my fave music genres - Obviously a demonic monster, as I love monsters - Unintentionally ended up looking like Nightcrawler - Race;Lempo, because Lempo is a Finnish Demonic God of Love and I’m Finnish EXTRA: Fuzzling/Buzzling - Inspired by Nightcrawler’s Bamfs, as they are cute - Also take inspiration from The Critters, which are my fave monsters. Little assholes!
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A or R - Japanese-Scottish, as my soul is always at ease in Japan and in Scotland - Inspired by Axel (KH) and Reno (FFVII), both my fave characters - A punk, because punk aesthetic and music = yay! - Uses rifles and bras knuckles for fighting. I love guns. They’re beautiful. Bras knuckles are badass weapons. - Ice-cream enthusiastic, just like me. Makes his own ice creams - Plays dating games with his phone, which is also one of my hobbies - Due his work, knows lots of monster folklore, witchcraft etc. which interest me too. - Good at giving hugs, as hugs are important to me.
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Loid - Professional antagonist, as I like antagonists and anti-heros the best - His name Loid is an acronym from Billy Idol, who is extremely important to me - 80′s aesthetic and minimalist interiors, my favorites too - Likes leather jackets; I have too many of them - Has hideous taste in outfits; I usually look the best in “OMG what is this shit!”-outfits - Bi-sexual, as I’m not straight either - His got same piercings as I do on his left ear - Prefers to be left alone and to deal with others as little as possible - hard to befriend with, harder to earn his loyalty; but if you do, he’s got your back - Would he fall in love, he’d be loyal to death - Disrespect him, and he ditches you immediately - Approaches things indirectly - Hates hassle, nonsense and messiness - Lives in a pent house in a metropolis, something I dream about - Magical being, who uses anything physical his body provides for spells, as I find human bodies extremely beautiful (both men and women, trans included!) - Sex is not a taboo for him - Haunted by his past; perhaps more traumatized than he realizes... - Likes sleeping and sleeps a lot - Needs time alone; introvert
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Candy - Black woman, because diversity in humans is normal and black women are gorgeous - Probably has a girlfriend, just like my best friend does - Loves heavy music; I used to be an active metalhead - Also uses divination tools like Irene
- As Im a Finn, all monsters and demons are based on Finnish mythology and folklore (excluding Buzzling). All have Finnish names. - Hiisi speaks in Finnish Sign Language as I love sign language and learn words easily
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Father Furmann - A priest because religion is one subject which interest me. Would I be a man, perhaps I’d gone and become a priest myself. It was one of the options I considered when I was a teenager. I hang in churches and temples (and cemeteries) whenever I travel. - Rehabilitates demons as exorcism, demons and possessions are again one of my fave subjects I have studied.  - Covered with black and white tattoos as I love black and white tattoos - Has many of my fave tattoo themes on him; flowers on men, Virgin of Guadalupe, archangel Michael, skulls, demons. - Has an Aries sign tattooed on him as it is my sign - Used to do things alone by himself - Wants good for everyone and sees good in places where others might not  - Also goes together with my fave music genre, 1920′s jazz - Can overwork and drain himself, doesn’t always know his boundaries - While his surname is a pun to Fuzzy, it is German origins. I visit Germany regularly and enjoy my stay there.  - First name will be revealed later but it is also related to a concept which interest me. - Undercuts are my fave hair styles
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Ilta (Evening in Finnish) / Currently still in progress - Designed after Aries as it is my sign - Has some similarities to Bleach’s Neliel, as I love her design - Has connections to witchhunts, which is my favorite subject in history. I have too many books of witchhunt... - If hurt bloodily, she will have her revenge - Curvy, as I like curvy girls and its my body type, too
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Nyrkes / Currently still in progress - Has a human girlfriend because Monster Boyfriends Yay! - Possess a wide knowledge of different religions and philosophies, because those interest me greatly. Please, let’s talk about medieval heresies...! - Named and designed after the Finnish God of Squirrels and Hunting to honor my ancestors’ religion - Reads people and atmosphere like open book, though doesn’t let it show - Mohawks are one of my fave hair styles. - Wears cardigan which is similar to a cardigan my friend used to have - Cares for Eva but places his well-being first; something I had needed to learn (still learning) myself and what I want others to learn, too. Especially in relationships. You matter the most.
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Eva - Named after Eve who, by current the Bible version, was tempted by Lucifer; a thing Luciferianists see as a positive thing. Also a concept which interests me greatly. - Is mistaken for something sweet and innocent, who needs protection against he harsh world. Couldn’t be far from the truth.  - Doesn’t see eye to eye with her father. Keeps many things hidden from him. - Values her freedom. 
SO, BE SELF-INSERT. AS MUCH AS YOU WISH. You can’t help it. 
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dreamsamongmortals · 7 years
“Hatari!” An example of queer coding in film history
As I watched for the first time in years the movie “Hatari!” a new perspective came to mind, and I discovered a secret my subconscious had been telling me about since childhood. “Hatari!” is a simple, charming kind of romantic comedy-adventure, about a group of hunters in Africa that catch animals and sell them to Zoos all over Europe. The movie is quite forgotten nowadays since it has no big thrills, action scenes, dramatic love story or gross out humor. It is only remembered as one of the decent John Wayne movies. But it turns out, it is also an example of queer coding done right and for the right reasons and contains a beautiful powerful gay “bromance” story.
 So, let’s do this.
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I know what a lot of you may be thinking. Queerbaiting is never right! But queer coding and queer baiting are not the same. It is only recently that the LGBT community has gained its rights, and even now the representation in media is usually not very good or inexistent, just as with the majority of minorities. But during the 40, 50 and 60 eras things were much worse. Since the beginning of Hollywood, films had to be approved by the censors before they could appear on screen. No extreme violence, no sexual relations, no communist propaganda and definitely no queer content was allowed. However, things got worse when in 1946 the Hollywood Blacklist started. It was then when screenplayers, actors, and directors started to be imprisoned for their beliefs. And until 1960, when Trumbo was actually recognized and accepted back in Hollywood the Blacklist stayed. But even afterward, the witchhunts and censorships continued. Therefore, those who wanted to tell different stories, present outside characters or represent themselves had to use coding and subtext to do so. And thus, queer coding became a loudly spoken secret, just as subtextual communist ideas or sexual tension and innuendos disguised as the fight of the sexes. And “Hatari!” a movie by the great Howard Hawks and released in 1962, made a great and positive use of this, which is why I wanted to use this movie as an example.
The film tells the story of the chief of the hunters, played by John Wayne, who falls in love with a photographer that works for a zoo from Switzerland. At first, it seems he can’t stand her, and he assumes she is going to be trouble. But as their relationship blooms and they even adopt three motherless elephants, it turns out they are quite a good match for each other. Of course, it is not this two characters that interested me in my new viewing of the movie. Although when I  watched it for the first time with my father, who loves it, I thought they were the most relevant characters of the story, two other characters caught even then my attention. And it’s about their relationship I want to talk here.
The movie begins with one of the hunters getting hit by a rhinoceros. Immediately, they all rush to hospital, but by the time they arrive, “The Indian” has already lost a lot of blood. It is then when a new character appears. A French guy named Charles Maurey that has heard they’ll be needing a new worker. Of course, Kurt Muller, a German car racer that is part of the hunter’s team, jumps immediately with anger. His friend is “not yet dead”, and so he hits the French guy. However, as it turns out  “The Indian” has a pretty rare blood type, and the only person that can transfuse him is the French man. But Charles does not care about the job anymore, he just wants Kurt to ask him for help. Thus their love story begins. Even if very few people will recognize this couple as more than friends, the coding is there.
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Charles, who soon will be called “Chips” by his new colleagues, and Kurt are the only male characters in the entire movie that are somewhat sexualized. The female love interests appear almost always fully and usually quite modestly clothed ( the only exception being the time Dallas is “attacked” by a leopard while showering). In fact, you could say, especially if you look at other movies the actresses partook in, that they were unsexualized in this one. In contrast, “Chips” always shows off his muscles under are a tight blue shirt and a pair of “Rebel-without-a-Cause-Glasses”; and Kurt wears the shortest pants with pride, while he unbuttons his collar, and makes the same use of his glasses. 
The second time they meet, some days have passed since “The Indian” got send to the hospital, and John Wayne receives a call, telling him that “Chips” abandoned the place after asking for money. Kurt assumes that he has gotten the money for himself and is not going to appear again. But soon after, the French comes by, a rifle that he bought back with the money he asked for in his hands, and ready to apply for the job. After they try him out and realize he’s a good shot, Kurt seems to be quite happy to accept him and even gives him his weapon. “Chips” punches him in the face and asks him afterward: “Do you still want me?”
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It was at this point that I first noticed the queer coding. Who would ask if someone still wanted him when he was applying for a job? Funny enough, it was obvious that the reason they did not like each other at the beginning was mare Pride from “Chip’s” side and Prejudice from Kurt’s part. But after this, they become close friends. They drive together in the same car, they wear the same glasses, are always close to each other, “Chips” even safes Kurt’s life at one point… And yes, they also fight for the same girl. You may wonder how that’s possible if they are both gay. However, it was rather usual for queer coded movies to put a female love interest in between “gay acted” characters, in order for the film to pass the censorship. It is obvious if you see the movie that neither of the two men is really interested in the girl they are chasing. They pass more screen time looking at each other than at her, and when it turns out that she is in love with the comedic character, they accept it easily and Kurt invites “Chips” for a drink. 
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What is great about this movie is that you can easily see when the screen players or director thought, they were being too obvious, as immediately after a very close scene between them comes another one with a female counterpart, or were one is relegated to the background, looking at the other from time to time with apparent longing. They get hurt together, they heal their wounds together, literary in fact, and they are always driving together. By the end of the movie, they both have planned to go to Paris together and stay there until the next hunting season. They apparently both know a girl there. “It’s a good excuse for another fight,wright” says Kurt and then asks John Wayne what his love interest is going to do, therefore comparing “Chips” with the girl Wayne loves.
It is precisely this ending that makes me love the movie more. And for that to be understood we have to see how the queer coding at the time went. When we think about hidden queer characters in classics, usually there are some movies that pop up repeatedly: “Strangers on a train” by Alfred Hitchcock, “Spartacus” by Stanley Kubrick, “Some like it hot” by Billy Wilder… Each of this three examples shows a different kind of typical queer coded character:
 “Strangers on a train” was not the only time Hitchcock queer coded main characters. He did the same with the movie “Rope” and the similarities between the men are quite obvious. As much as I love Hitchcock both for his films and his willingness to break molds and fight for acceptance, I have to agree with those that criticize him for making his villains gay. Even in “Strangers on a train”, where the hero is also queer coded, he ends up with a female lover instead of with his villainous gay counterpart. In that sense, “Spartacus”, the movie that helped break the Black List and is all about freedom of expression and the right to be oneself, has a similar problem. Tony Curtis plays a young, attractive and somewhat feminine slave that falls in love for Spartacus, who rescues and takes care of him. But as the story is a tragedy and a reflection of the times Trumbo lived in as he wrote it, everybody dies. Only Spartacus’ female lover survives and runs away with her baby. 
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And then we have the hilarious “Some like It hot”, that is way more explicit and actually has a happy ending for the two queer coded characters. The only slight problem is that these characters are supposed to be a joke. Their sexuality is supposed to be part of the joke. By stating this, I’m not trying to devaluate these movies. They are some of the best films ever made, touching on impossible themes at the time with impeccable taste and great direction. But they also show the stereotype that would follow gay characters in movies up until now. 
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There have only been three queer characters in Hollywood for decades: The comic relief, the villain, or the hero with a tragic ending. Nothing more nothing less. And this is the brilliance of “Hatari!” in my opinion. Kurt and “Chips” are anything but gay stereotypes. They don’t have a tragic ending, they are not villains, and they are not there to be a comic relief. In fact, “Pockets” the character that so easily could have been queer coded, is the one that ends up with the girl.
This is the reason I wanted to write this essay. This two minor, overlooked characters of a movie that nobody bothers to remember could easily be the best gay couple that was written during the censorship era. And they end up happy, and they have never been outed before. So this is me pulling them out of the closet.
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 I hope you like it.
 But even if you don’t believe the couple is gay, you can still enjoy the movie, as my family does, because of its light harded humour, great score from Henri Manccini, great screenplay by some of the best Hollywood writers at the time, and beautiful elephants in the room ;)
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Character Summary (Tony)
My PC is back in business but my Office license expired and money is a thing so I don’t have her last name because it’s on a word file, no judge.
Gender: Female (MtF transgender) Age: 26 Sexuality: Lesbian DOB: 04/04/1992 Race: Caucasian Ethnicity: French Canadian Nationality: British Build: Narrow/Petite Height: 5,6 Ft Hair: Short and choppy, long on top with an orange strip Skin: Peachy, looks healthier with some sun, small freckles.  Artefact: Corvonius, a spellbook possessed with a demon who, like most other demons in the Archives, offers Tony the ability to cast spells (and in this case, the use of her demonic voice) in exchange for human souls.  Powers: Spellcasting, healing, shields, intimidation, some ability to sense magic. Notable Features at Start: Scar on her forehead from falling over while rollerskating when she was six. A birthmark on her ribs shaped like a duck, about as big as your pinky nail. Notable Features Gained: Various bullet wounds- One on shoulder, through and through, one in the ribs, three on the right thigh in a tight line. Lots of piercings on the right ear, scars on her fists.  Personality: Do-er, proactive, aloof, and unrepentant. Bold and often careless, headstrong, tendency to remove herself from difficult situations rather than face them. Listens to conscience but begrudgingly if driven to do something she’s afraid of or uncomfortable with. Chaotic Neutral. Punk, but keeps the aggression to a facade mostly, prefers to rely on subterfuge.  Development: Tony starts off as a mute who uses sign language. Lots of silent commentary. Ignores people a lot. When she gets a voice by making a deal with the book demon Corvonius, she becomes much more erratic. Her personality starts railroading a lot of plans, causing a rise in tensions. That said, she’s still driven by giving a shit about her friends and wanting to keep them safe, and she becomes an extremely useful and dedicated member of the crew despite her volatility. At the midway point, her powers have a moment where they fail and she’s pretty shook. Later, at an anarcho-punk settlement (Bilgabar), she gains a following that helps to bolster her sense of security, and weirdly enough this helps to teach her about restraint and responsibility with her powers.  Emotional Complexes: Often feels detached from situations thanks to a lifetime of abstraction from regular people, and years of being able to leave a situation when it got tough. Her lack of restraint and selfishness are rooted in a lot of bottled up frustration and feelings of impotence, and fear of losing her voice and powers. Absolutely terrified of being powerless or ignored. 
Harker: At the beginning of the narrative, Tony mostly just feels sorry for Harker. She’s loud and clumsy and rude, but she’s in a hard situation and that’s likely to stunt anyone. That said, she’d be more sympathetic if Harker rose to the occasion. As the story progresses, they get closer, Tony takes on a kind of older sister role and tries to both embolden Harker and get her to be more decisive/quick, and also nurtures a concern for her safety. At the end, as Harker’s risen to the occasion and become a pretty formidable fighter, Tony becomes incredibly proud of her, and makes a consistent effort to remind Harker that she’s come a long way and no longer has to feel like a liability.  Cress: Best friends at the start of the story. Cress offered a job where Tony’s lack of voice wasn’t a glaring disadvantage, respected, supported and included her for years. As the narrative progresses, tensions rise between them as Tony behaves more erratically, contradicting Cress’ strong and pragmatic leadership, at the very least mitigated by Tony’s sense of loyalty and strong fighting skills. By the end of the narrative, Cress has come to respect that Tony’s her own person and a different one to who she spent those years working with. They’re no less close, but their relationship has changed, and Cress is learning to respect the new voice.    Abbo (best friend): Tony’s always liked Abbo. He’s a kindhearted man who tries to help everyone, although she’s not a fan of his doormat-ish nature at all, she wishes he had more strength of character. Her respect for him goes up across the narrative as he learns to take the initiative and stand up for himself, and acknowledge his emotions. By the end, he’s almost a different person. He’s decisive, bold, he looks wild and happy and Tony identifies a lot with that.  Scouts: The scouts are weird. They’re all like ten years old, but they’re running a military hierarchy? Fuck that noise. Mercy and Amira are cool, but the rest are a little too 1964 for Tony. Kremboid: This place is great. Bart pisses charm and it takes a lot to see past that, but he’s a genuinely good guy. The locals aren’t the most refined, and if you don’t have the means to defend yourself you probably don’t fancy spending your summer here, but for Tony it’s a comfortably rough place where she’s neither marginalised or feared.  Jort: Fuck this place sideways. It’s a complete fucking waste of agriculture and commerce, because it’s full of xenophobic crazies. Thanks for the witchhunt and the cinnamon roles.  Union: Cool, but Jesus is this place big. Hard to feel like Billy Big Bollocks when you’re getting lost every half an hour. Still Buddy is a cool as hell governess, Father Duck is a good friend, and when they got there, Harker finally seemed at ease.  Bilgabar: This place is just home. Tony’s people are here, the people who really trust and love her, people who aren’t scared of her and look to her like some kind of matriarchal den mother. But it’s not like she’s being taken advantage of, but she wants to take care of these people. And she learned how to be a leader, not just a loose cannon/wild card edgelord
Backstory- Tony was born to a middle class French Canadian family in April 1992. Her life really began in 2005 when she came to understand that she wasn’t a boy, and began to transition, leaving behind her deadname, but surprisingly few members of her family. Sadly, Tony had always been mute. She has no memory of being able to speak, although her hearing and understanding of words is totally fine, leaving her with this impression that she had a voice at some point, although nobody recalls or believes this. Tony’s family, in light of her inability to speak, wanted to keep her at home and support her financially, but this idea upset her deeply. She hated the idea of being dependent or treated as an invalid, so she broke out on her own. Now, she was mute. So despite living independently she was still financially dependent for about six months (age 20,) before being employed at a real-estate company. She communicated through sign language to get her job done, and was reasonably good at it, but she received a lot of criticism from her colleagues, mostly down to her lack of voice, coupled with transphobic office mates who deliberately excluded her from events. After two years at the company she was assigned a bigoted partner, Darren, and it became clear that everyone wanted her to either get fired or quit. Darren purposely iced her out during viewings and started losing sales, and within a year they were on the edge of being let go. On their last chance, Tony decided she’d had enough and walked out, leaving Darren to go get fired on his own. During her time at the real-estate business, her family had suffered some money troubles, so she didn’t feel comfortable telling them she’d quit. A month later, with £100 left to her name, an ambitious job application came back confirming an interview- Research assistant for Dr Cress Abassi. She spent the next three years as her friend and colleague. 
Relatives-  Mother: Clementine. A mothery mother, doting and involved to a fault. Not the cleverest, but more than makes up for it with determination and open-heartedness. Father: Louis. A silly, eccentric man who fucking loves his food and his music. Adores his kids but not the best decision maker, and some crap investments led to their money troubles.  Sister:  Claire. Not super close with Tony, doesn’t fully understand the reasoning behind her transition, but does her best to support her and, when she finds out Tony’s missing, starts trying to find out more about the trans experience/community, becoming obsessed with finding her sister. 
Faves- Sweet tooth- hates chocolate but loves gummies, hard candy, bubblegum. Really wants to like art house movies but doesn’t always get them. Actually more of a collective, music wise. Big fan of Edgar Wright. Likes all food except for nuts, because they’re a snack food not a fucking ingredient.
Hates- Nuts in meals. Chocolate, Turkish Delight, Superhero Movies, Chick Flicks, country music.
Fears- Being powerless. Being ridiculed. Going home after spending time in the Archives. Being alone. Losing her voice again. Not a fan of deep ocean. 
Hopes- To live in the Archives forever. To fight the Eldritch horror and win. To go back to Bilgabar to live. To keep everyone safe. 
Dreams- Of living a life without feeling like a burden, independent but with people she cares about and can rely on all around her. 
Attracted To- Women. She feels like butch women should be her thing, but to be frank, she absolutely adores women who are shy or silly, she thinks they’re cute as fuck.
Aesthetic- Punk. Lots of leather and metal, beaten up. If she was building a ship she’d make it out of scratched sheet metal with spikes and other non-aerodynamic things. Muddy face, bitten nails with chipped polish. 
Lovers- Vivette, met in Jort, one nighter, nothing really in common. Cali, met in the Union, a potential romance that she actually invests in but Cali balks when she sees her powers. Finally, Yana, met in Bilgabar. A love/hate relationship, combative, lots of emotional tension and unspoken feelings. 
Skills- Spellcasting, healing, sensing magic, sneaking, intimidation, manipulation, good in a crisis.
Job History- Real Estate, Research assistant. 
Pet Peeves- People who lie for convenience or because they don’t want to confront a problem. People who let their lack of backbone affect other people. Children. Co-dependent people. Needy/beggy people. People who refuse to help unless they get their own way. 
Self Image- Generally doesn’t think about it. When she does, she ends up conflicted between her lack of foresight/consideration and the fact that she’s almost always right about a situation. After Bilgabar, her self image improves. 
Insecurities- Being called out on her mistakes. Doesn’t like her flat chest, isn’t a fan of her nose, worries that women and friends find her unapproachable. 
Addictions- Likes a good smoke now and again, drinks heavily if she’s having a rough day but stays on top of it. 
Scent- Leather, light perfume
Gait- Light-footed, waify, if she doesn’t want she can go unnoticed, but is also capable of establishing a presence.
To Get What She Wants- She’s more than willing to kill people she knows deserve it, to steal or destroy, or to generally threaten people. 
Draws the Line At- Harming innocents or victims. These people have her complete protection, and she takes a hard stance against prejudice or sex-based violence, or anything that would harm an innocent. 
She didn’t realise that she would- Kill so freely. Even with a code of ethics, she kills scores of people in battle and feels no remorse. 
She didn’t realise that she couldn’t- talk to women. Considering she possesses the voice and powers of a fucking demon, her confidence and flirting ability around women is piss poor/ 
Lowest Point- After the Eldritch horror establishes control over a certain amount of the Archives, Tony loses her powers- even when they come back, they’re on the fritz. After getting to the union and getting pretty viciously dumped by Cali, she hits a low point and starts lashing out. 
Highest Peak- When she and her following at Bilgabar are able to fight off an attack from EH and some low-level demons. 
Nemesis- Caulk. A naysayer at Bilgabar who tries to undermine her and question her ability to lead. But it’s through Caulk that she learns she can’t just murder people who pose and issue. 
Trustee- Vince. Orange dude she meets in Jort, a nervous little guy who becomes a close friend, and joins her at Bilgabar. After the events of the novel, he becomes a penpal. 
Allergies- Transphobes and dickheads
Most Ashamed Of- Her behaviour at the start of the novel, when she first gets her powers. She’s extremely reckless and puts everyone in danger. She also hates how things went in the Union with Cali, she feels like shit. 
Most Proud Of- Her following. Harker, Abbo and Cress. How she’s grown, how she quit the RE company. 
Secrets- Women are hard to talk to. She really doesn’t want to lose her voice. She’s not entirely sure about whether Corvonius is trustworthy. Some of the spells in her book that she’s said have run out, haven’t. 
Deeper Secrets (never tell)- She still nurtures some unrequited love for Cali. She still has nightmares about her old life back home. She’s terrified that her parents and family will spend the rest of their lives looking for her. She’s also terrified that they won’t. 
Tells Everyone- She’s trans, she’s a lesbian, fuck the establishment, fuck liars and cowards, fuck politicians.
Politics- Anarchist, but good at diplomacy. 
Tactics- All out offensive, with time to plan she can effectively identify and attack weak points while conserving numbers, great under time pressure and is capable of throwing dozens of spells out if they’re down to the wire. 
Hogwarts House- Slytherin. 
VTMB Clan/Sect- Bruja/Tremere, Anarch
Inspiration- Amanda (DGHDA), Aubrey (TAZ), Persephone (WICDIV), P!nk
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