#witchcraft routine
coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Easy witchy morning routine
Quick tarot card pull for guidance
A short meditation session
Carry crystals that suit your intentions
Add some drinkable moon water to beverages or food
Stretch in the morning to center yourself
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https-witch · 18 days
Actual everyday "witchy" habits
I've seen some lists around the website, but they're too fancy for me. Here are things I actually do everyday.
🌱First thing, open all the blinds for the plants.
☕Put cinnamon in my coffee filter (not in the cup itself, it blends better this way).
📿Wear 2 charms currently. One for general soothing & protection, the second to find a new job.
🃏Bring some magical item with me, like cards, potion, crystals, herbs, book. Even if I don't use it, it keeps my mind at a better place.
🌳Take the path with the most trees. I try to take the path that will provide me with more nature & sunshine, to & from work.
📜Try to learn one thing. Either I scroll witchy media or read a page or two. It's usually one small new fact.
📔Easy journaling. Journal entries of only a few lines, multiple times a day. One thought, one entry.
No pressure. Also drink water 🥤
tip jar
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mentally-at-home · 7 months
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coqxettee · 2 months
Spring Night Routine
My current Spring night routine, that hopefully inspires you guys and gives you some structure and ideas on how you can plan out your seasonal night routine this Spring ༓ ☾.。*゚+
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6PM - I try to finish all *work* and projects for the day, I try not to go on my phone so much as the evening goes on ♡
6:30PM - I either have an evening shower and take off my makeup/do my skincare early so I can spend the rest of the evening doing wind-down activities and getting ready for the night. I put my pyjamas on and light a candle in my room so that it smells fresh and lovely when I go back in later ♡
7:00PM - I’ll have a late dinner and usually watch an episode of something comforting whilst I eat. Sometimes this can also be a movie, any Spring seasonal movie of an evening makes me so happy and reminds me it’s this time of year. This is also when I’ll either have a sweet treat or snack or something I’ve either bought from the bakery or baked myself in the day. I know it’s not good to eat late, especially sugar but I try to leave a good gap between the time I eat and the time I go to sleep ♡
8:00/8:30PM - I will go back into my bedroom and put some classical music on or lullaby instrumentals as I find they make me feel the most relaxed and sleepy. Then I give my room a once over tidy so it’s clean when I wake up in the morning. I pick out an outfit for the next day and either lay it out or hang it up ♡
9:00PM - I’ll brush my hair out one last time for the day and tie it back to sleep in. Then I’ll write my to-do list for the next day (usually at my desk with the candle until I blow it out) I also journal for around 15 minutes, just about how my day was ♡
9:30PM/10:00PM - I will either spend some time with my parents before I go into my own room, get into bed and watch an episode of something comforting (usually Anime) read until I feel sleepy, then I go to sleep ♡
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I hope you liked this Spring Night routine, I’ll upload my current Morning routine soon. Sending love and whimsical wishes to you all ☽
All my love…
Kellen ✨🌙
˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .。
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kitdiefly · 9 months
Things in my magickal morning ❤️🕯️🧙‍♀️
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Pick tarot card of the day
Doing shield magick
Meditating and setting my intentions for the day
Praying to Artemis (this is optional and it depends to the person and what type of witch they are)
Stirring your morning beverage in clockwise
Manifesting/if i have time shadow work
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everywitchway · 4 months
Routines and Rituals
Though our routines are usually only jokingly referred to as "daily rituals", I see no reason we can't make the colloquialism a reality. Injecting a little magic into our consistent actions can bring a deeper connection to one's craft- and own body and lifestyle!- through mindful repetition... And possibly create other benefits through simple cause and effect... or via magical focus. Is this not using will to shape reality? ;)
Beverages and Hydration
Anything that can be safely imbibed orally can be considered a potion. Any tea? Potion. Apple Juice? Sure, it's a potion, too. A Sparkling Water Beverage? People before carbonation's invention wouldn't know what to call that but a potion of some sort. I almost tried to justify in my mind that water or juice couldn't be potions alone, but potion ingredients... But each ingredient generally does have its own property on its own, and can be used alone, can it not? Water seems, to me, to be the great carrier, and somewhat analogous to clear quartz in application.
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," as they say... especially if it's one of the ways you start off on a magically mindful foot.
Lunch is the mid day respite from- or peak of- our daily energy. A good energy for magical lunch is usually one of recooperation and regeneration. It may also be a time for socialization if you go to school or work, so creating communicative and relative energies may assist in comfortable interactions with others.
Snacks are little blessings to our bodies throughout the day, and can be celebrated as such with small ritual actions. From small mental notes to full gestures and prayer, quick acts of magic can boost the impact of your snacks and pick-me-ups
Dinner is (usually) the largest meal, and (usually) the time we re-center after a long day. Grounding to the home is important, and I can't think of anything better for that than a hearty meal. If living with others, this is a great time to reconnect with your housemate(s), partner(s), family member(s), pet(s) etc. Many connections have been formed around a dining table, and this has helped humanity share with and get to know each other for as long as it has been.
Dessert is a great magical option for celebration and for special occasions. It can also be a reward for oneself after accomplishing a goal, magical or otherwise. Perhaps it's an act of self care and self love, a treat to lift the spirit.
Self Care
Brushing our teeth and washing our faces are cleansing activities, I think we would all agree. Cleansing with a shower or a simple wash of the hands can be a magical action of its own when done mindfully. Hand sanitizers come in a wide variety of scents and varieties, and these can be used with common magical correspondences quickly, on the go... maybe even on a keychain or in a spray or foam form! Face washes come with different bases and organic/botanical additives, and in various strengths and applications. (Be mindful to care for your skin, and if anything feels or looks not okay, see a dermatologist.) Body washes, bubble baths, bath bombs, and more can be viewed through the lenses of correspondences, too... the applications and possibilities are endless!
Moisturizers and Lotions are great applications for spells as invisible sigils, while coming in a variety of bases and scents and sorts that can be viewed with correspondences. If you're cleansing your face, be sure to do something to moisturize it as well!
Perfumes or scented oils can be utilized magically via scent correspondences, and crystals or herbs can sometimes be inside the jar or bottle. Some are even roll-on, and can be used to draw sigils or choose specific points to apply to. Dab-on perfumes and oils and such can be used perfectly just as well.
Make up can be a perfect way to apply some variety of glamour spell, even if one does not do much. Color correspondences are great for this, and the same magical approach can be used when painting one's nails or dying one's hair. Especially effective with nails are mindful choices: shapes, sigils, patterns, accents, etc that mean something. Hair styling can also imply a lot, energetically, and impact us just as well; as a hair stylist myself, I have a lot I want to say on the subject... but this is not the time nor place. This post is already quite long.
Anything you do regularly, big or small, can be made into a quick charm or spell with a bit of mindfulness. Walking a regular route daily can become a meditative experience with the right music and mindset... or perhaps a spell casting experience with the right incantation (internally or aloud) or charm. A regular drive can become a charging-up experience on your way to work or school with the right soundtrack and approach. Cleaning your room or taking out the trash is cleansing. You might wish to ground in the garden after dinner every night. You could do something less frequent, weekly visits to a nearby park to connect with nature... Something even less frequent, monthly outings with more purpose... Perhaps an annual big thing, if you like. The possibilities are endless.
The long and the short of it is: Anything can be made magical. Mindfulness can surround us with magic if we will it and live it. What do you already find yourself doing regularly? What don't do you do regularly that you should? Can a little magic help? If not, what blockages are you facing? It's okay to struggle, even when trying desperately to be mindful. The important thing is to start anew at every chance you can. The "I've blown it for the week/month" mindset that we(I?) get with planners or goal-work isn't an option; every day/moment is another chance to check in with ourselves, take a breath, forgive ourselves, and try again.
We all struggle, but I believe in you; thank you to anyone reading this who is still believing in me. I'm working every day to take a breath, do the same, and try again.
Love, Health, and Safety to Everyone!
EveryWitchWay (5Y2Y6Y)
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nayarainchapters · 9 months
The past few weeks were challenging for me. For most part, I felt really bad. I had reasons to celebrate but still... I feel like I am losing focus and have no energy to persevere. That is why I am going to create a devotional routine, so I can focus on this area of my life. With witchcraft I can shift and transform what I have now, so I am going to make myself believe in me again with the craft.
These are the things I am planning to do:
Right after waking up: write my dreams (if I remember any) and say my affirmations.
When I have time, during the week, I can study about witchcraft/paganism/the occult in general
Before bed: say my prayers and journal
Rituals: at least 2/week
What I need before starting:
Create a witchy schedule
Have my journal and lists of affirmations and prayers next to my bed
Plan my rituals (script every step and ingredient I need at least a day before)
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mamamoon92 · 1 year
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larapntw · 10 months
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thewitchesfortune · 10 months
I didn't want to derail the post I just reblogged with this, so I'm making a separate post
Cleansing is important, but honestly, if you're having trouble doing readings, it might not be the deck that needs to be cleaned. No, I don't think you have a full-on curse on you, but any place you go or even walk past might have some nasty energy that you might pick up without realizing
If you feel like something is of, more than likely, you need to cleanse yourself. It's important to have some kind of magical hygiene routine, Even if it's only one a month, as well as a routine to keep up on your wards around your home and any talismans you carry with you for this purpose
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prismoswag · 1 year
Yo I’ve got another spell. For anyone who has trouble with energizing in the morning, hope this helps :3
Forewarning, this is just my personalized spell that I created as an amateur witch, not a cure by any means. I can’t guarantee anything.
Energizing Spell (morning)
Sit in front of your altar, if you have one, and meditate until all is clear (abt 5 minutes if you want a measurement).
Hold [crystal] near [chakra] (horoscope might help if your having trouble deciding).
Put on daily lotions, oils, etc.
“Thank [season] for this energizing morning. Let vulnerability manifest in one’s favor and call upon sensitivity. Let this path give one the strength to continue and vine. Let one’s system be a cycle and disperse the dense. Let it rain for one’s poise. So mote it be.”
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pyjamacryptid · 7 months
Never thought I’d be the sort of person to need a warm drink before bed but here I am midnight sipping at my cinnamon honey milk
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mikimotopearl · 1 year
I don't think people realize how limited AI is, at least for now. It's a bit cringy. They keep tagging that explanation bot on twitter as if it's actually going to help😭. Unless you have actual reading comprehension issues and need a fucking 280 characters long tweet rephrased, it won't
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thesirensoracle · 1 year
Weekly Tarot!  Feb 06 - Feb 12, 2023
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Cards of the Week: 2 of Cups, 4 of Cups and 6 of Cups reversed ✧☾゜・。
This week’s theme is emotional integration.
⋆𓆩✧𓆪⋆ Maybe it’s just hard to see what’s right in front of you when you’re frantically searching for it. -Susane Colasanti. ⋆𓆩✧𓆪⋆
As the full moon still shines brightly in the sky as I write this, the cards show that it’s effects will still play out throughout the week, and the possibility of finding joy and happiness through connecting with other people will be the main theme this week. However, there seems to be disappointment along with this energy.
With the joyful and dreamy energy of last week’s reading, we may have committed the mistake of falling into our own illusions. Dreams are good for they are clear representations of our goals, and with their beauty they inspire us to chase them and ground them into reality, but losing ourselves in them by not appreciating our current reality is dangerous, for it can make us reject the beauty of what we already possess.
This week there’s a sense that certain job opportunities, love interests, and personal journeys are not going the way we’ve planned, leaving us with emotional turmoil, disillusionment and sadness. So we’re being asked to bring a positive outlook into our lives, and in the process reconnect with the beauty that it’s both within ourselves and in the world around us: by keeping a joyous gaze through life, we are able to turn a disappointing situation into a divine possibility.
Also, since this week there’s a big prevalence of the cups suit, there’s an emphasis on our emotions. Following your intuition and your heart is the correct way to navigate this week, as well as embodying generous and gentle energy with others and ourselves; and if you´ve been feeling sad or distressed, allow yourself to cry and feel everything you’ve been bottling up in your heart.
This week by loving and nurturing both ourselves and others, we’ll be able to see that there’s beauty in everything that surrounds us, liberating us from the chains of material pursuits and romanticized falsehoods and delivering us into emotional bliss.
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The week starts with moon in Magha. The moon at the development of the South Node, Ketu, makes today and the rest of the week especially good for magical practices, astral travel, ancestral veneration, and the creation of lasting routines that lead to blossoming success and power! This moon gives us the enough fire and power to attain whatever we desire, as long we don’t become too detached from our reality.
☾ Blessings: Gentleness and generosity that allow us to attain blessings! Even if we´re feeling down, by being kind to others, we’re able to heal ourselves and our surroundings, bringing enough harmony that attracts divine opportunities.
☾ Warnings: Beware of your own mind and emotions. This week we are our worst enemies, so try your best to not believe the lies that you tell yourself, especially if those lies belittle or diminish you in some way.
☾ Random messages/tips:
The path of the heart and emotions is the right path to follow this week.
If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little lost. And when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the “coulda”, “shoulda”, “woulda”, buckle up and just keep going. -Carrie Bradshaw
Stay away from any kind of escapism of reality, whether they are video games or drugs. Staying present in the moment is important this week.
Overthinking is your enemy, don’t let fear guide you.
Salvatore by Lana del Rey
Bring yourself into the present moment, and be open to receive generosity when it appears.
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nayarainchapters · 9 months
My first week following the routine was good. No big rituals, no hours of study, just kept everything simple.
I'm having problems to keep myself organized and feel productive, but I was able to stick to the plan the whole time since I've started. And I am very happy about it.
One thing I wish to implement for the next few days is meditation. I was doing it quite often, but I stopped and now I find very difficult to keep this habit for long. I feel so stressed, anxious and angry all the time. Life is tough... I need to relax a bit and focus on what matters and I know this practice will help, so I must try.
What I did last week
Wrote down the dreams I had first thing in the morning
Said my affirmations
Listened to podcasts about Freya, Hekate and Apollon during the week
Had a purification and beauty herbal bath
Before bed I said my prayers.
The idea is to build consistency, so for this new week I still need to keep it simple since life is crazy right now, but as time goes by, I am sure I will improve in my craft - that's my final goal.
Happy Sunday, folks!
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mamamoon92 · 1 year
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